A few years ago my brother rented his house to a Nigerian couple – he was told they were a lawyer and a teacher. After a few weeks of the rent not being paid, it transpired that she was a prostitute and he was living off her earnings !! They know every trick in the book, is it any wonder that we get accused of racism !
Immigrants magically make countries richer
Times : Rome has UN of gangsters : Nigerians run vice rings, Georgians take care of burglaries, Filipinos deal drugs and the Chinese handle counterfeiting, a report has said.
Guest – thanks for the link – I often dip in. Our friends over at isthebbcbiased are kinder than me on the dead beeboid ‘funny man ‘ – my memory is long and I remember many of the disgraceful things he came out with as he was building his BBC credentials . Let him burn .
Even more pathetic is the juvenile failure in all the previews to acknowledge that the game was on ITV – although an exciting and in-depth commentary was on Radio5Live, for those diehard BBCRemainers who prefer to imagine their rugby.
“”Nissan ‘U-turn’ expected on new X-Trail SUV in Sunderland””
“”BBC business reporter Rob Young said: “The reasons for the investment cancellation are not known, but the industry as a whole has been warning Brexit uncertainty might hit investment.””
“”Labour Sunderland Central MP Julie Elliott suggested there was an “inevitable role that Brexit plays here…. None of it is conductive to encouraging business investment in this country”.””
“”Work on the Qashqai – which makes up the majority of Nissan Sunderland’s work and is the best-selling crossover vehicle in Europe – is not expected to be affected by the move.””
“”The Japanese company refused to shed light on the situation. A spokesman said: “Nissan does not comment on rumour or speculation.”
“”Last April, Nissan said it was to cut hundreds of jobs at Sunderland, amid a decline in diesel sales.””
The X-Trail has never been built outside Japan. It’s a diesel SUV, a sector in sales freefall (ask Land Rover). It’s a tiny volume model. No existing UK jobs are lost. It’s another #Brexit scare story being hyped by Sky News, rapidly becoming a parody of a news broadcaster
Bloody vegans God spare us from their ever open gobs, just try googling the word. another intolerant and tiny minority that never stop forcing their views on others, remind you of anyone ? Inshalla
You want to live on dolphin friendly garlic muesli fine, just shut the F”’ up about it
Its the latest fad Ann. Last week it was the Fitbit, last month it was being a Trans, last year it was suffering with bi-polar, 5 years ago it was being gluten free.
I have to laugh when so many things like tables, shoes, cups and saucers (yawn) are now described as ‘vegan’.
I remember first coming across the term vegan 40 years ago. It was at green party conference where on the enrolment form we were asked if we had special needs. The two examples they gave were smoker and vegan. I knew what a smoker was but vegan had me stumped. I turned to a friend and asked what time could we expect the delegation from the planet Vega.
It would have been nice to have some extraterrestrial input, especially from little green men. But looking back I think a lot of the views we had were off the planet anyway.
Yasser/Ann stumped ? walking around the supermarket I saw there was a food display with a PLANT sign across the top. Plant based food – TBH it took me a few minutes to realise that it was vegan food !
It took years and years to see a few shelves appear for the gluten free and Linda McCartney’s range of vegetarian has been in the freezers for decades, but now with the recent publicity for vegans, businesses have leapt into action with the speed of light with pound signs in their eyes.
I wish they were as quick to put mother and baby parking at the far end of the car parks ! They are fit and able to walk the distance to the shop entrance with their prams, while the elderly and not so able have to struggle – I’m talking here of those who are not disabled enough to warrant a blue badge. I’ve lost count of the number of times I see yummy mummies or trendy daddies park at the front door and stride into the shop, while those with arthritic problems have to walk from the far side of the car park. Not Fair !
Our romanian beeg eeshue seller is still there today, 10 years now begging on our high street, Euro freedom of movement working well to allow this and we can expect the Turks next, lock up your daughters, (and sisters, wives , grandmothers etc. ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Turkey
Further information: Women in Turkey § Crime against women
According to a study, some commonly-expressed views on rape were given to individuals from various professions, who were asked to agree or disagree; results recorded that 33% of the police officers agreed that “some women deserve rape”, 66% of police officers, as well as nearly 50% of other professional groups except the psychologists about 18% and 27% of psychiatrists, suggested that “the physical appearance and behaviors of women tempt men to rape.”[2]
In 2015, Turkish university student Özgecan Aslan was murdered as she resisted a rape attempt[3] on a minibus in Mersin. Her burnt body was discovered on 13 February. The murder was committed by Turkish minibus driver Ahmet Suphi Altındöken, his father Necmettin Altındöken and his friend Fatih Gökçe.[4] According to Turkish Daily Sabah, Özgcan Aslan became a symbol for Turkish women who are the victims of violence.[5]
A June 2008 report by the Turkish Prime Ministry’s Human Rights Directorate said that in Istanbul alone there was one honor killing every week, and reported over 1,000 during the previous five years. It added that metropolitan cities were the location of many of these, due to growing immigration to these cities from the East.[7]
In 2009 a Turkish news agency reported that a 2-day-old boy who was born out of wedlock had been killed for honor. The maternal grandmother of the infant, along with six other persons, including a doctor who had reportedly accepted a bribe to not report the birth, were arrested. The grandmother is suspected of fatally suffocating the infant. The child’s mother, 25, was also arrested; she stated that her family had made the decision to kill the child.[8]
In 2010 a 16-year-old Kurdish girl was buried alive by relatives for befriending boys in Southeast Turkey; her corpse was found 40 days after she went missing.[9] Ahmet Yildiz, 26, a Turkish-Kurdish physics student who represented his country at an international gay conference in the United States in 2008, was shot dead leaving a cafe in Istanbul. It is believed Yildiz was the victim of the country’s first gay honor killing.[10][11]
In 2013, The Guardian reported that ‘the rape and torture of Kurdish prisoners in Turkey are disturbingly commonplace’. According to a report from Amnesty International in 2003, Hamdiye Aslan, who accused of supporting the Kurdish separatist group had been detained in Mardin Prison, south-east Turkey, for almost three months in which she was reportedly blindfolded, anally raped with a truncheon, threatened and mocked by officers.[6]
I’m sorry this is not a national debate. The BBC agreed to this If it’s so terrible they shouldn’t have done so. It is their problem. https://t.co/tUGEae1iE7
More wall-to-wall lefty propaganda over on BBC 4: a trailer for A Very British History extolls immigration; then some black guy in dreadlocks and a wheelchair (3 ticks, 4 if he’s gay) tells us how great Africa is, though I’m guessing he won’t be moving there anytime soon. (Imagine all the extra logistics – and cost, you license payers – of humping a wheelchair plus handlers around the dark continent, not renowned for its wheelchair access! And for what? For no reason whatsoever other than virtue signalling.)
Then some ‘drama’ about boat-people asylum seekers to Australia, and on and on.Wiki says this of Safe Harbour: “Although critically acclaimed, the series did not perform well in the ratings, peaking at just 146,000 viewers.”
In other words it’s the sort of didactic pc crap that right-on ‘critics’ love, but real people switch off in droves.
May it bomb on the beeb as badly as in Oz.
There is something here that the rabbinical court profoundly understands but secular, Westernised, self-centred Jews like this woman don’t. The future of Israel as a Jewish state depends on their strict marriage laws. Without realising it, Israel could easily cease to be Jewish, the same way London has ceased to be English or San Francisco has ceased to be clean. Either you are serious about your national identity or you aren’t.
Wales is multicultural and I am pleased to see support for World Colander Day for members of the recognized religion – The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – whose followers have fought for the right to wear the colander, which is their religious headgear.
Cefnogwch Eglwys yr Monster Spaghetti Deg trwy wisgo’r colander
LP – 2537 people are talking about this
Most of them anti EU and anti Micron.
European elections soon, I expect parties committed to a referendum on leaving the EU will do very well.
Does Britain not have any farms of her own? If we were THAT dependant on Europe for food, things should be changed. Another overwhelmingly good reason to leave IMO.
I rent 30 acres of farm land just for my dogs, at a price cheaper than it would cost me to park my van in a council ran country park. The farmer has no use for it because of regulations. The land is rich and could be used for crops. The land is increasing in value. One day he will sell the land to the developers and will live in luxury.
Brilliant I’m still laughing and laughing at the fact that the bBC cannot see how stupid they are and that everyone sees through them – well almost everyone.
Project Fear – Queen to be evacuated from London when ReichEU start blitz version 2 .
PM adopts new negotiationing strategy with ReichEU . It’s called “ battling for Britain” a wholly news scheme which doesn’t involved giving into every thing the Brussels drunks want -plus free money .
Sounds like the Peugeot Nissan story is going to be run all week until some frog formally announces that they are not making a French car in Blighty .
The EU sells us three times as many (top end, expensive) RHD cars as we sell them LHD cars.
I’ve posted before, UK car manufacturers can switch to more RHD production to pick up the slack. By charging, and keeping, the EU’s 10% tariff on cars and offering incentives to U.K. built cars registered here from those tariff monies we can provide a shot in the arm to U.K. car production. Nissan will be falling over itself to satisfy U.K. demand.
Every time BBC journalists use the loaded term 'crashing out' to describe leaving the EU as agreed in Article 50, under WTO rules, they demonstrate their bias & undermine any pretence to the impartiality required by the BBC's Charter: @EvanHD is among the worst of many offenders.
— Simon Richards ???????? ????????????????????????????#StandUp4Brexit (@simplysimontfa) February 2, 2019
Bbc ‘journalists’ (My quotes) are also known for not using certain terms when they don’t suit. Like political affiliations when editorial integrity has no space.
They should make a companion piece with some thug of sub-Saharan origin saying things like “We are readily identifiable. We are black. We wear garish trainers. We carry massive blades that are definitely illegal. We ARE dangerous. But many people, especially in the BBC, don’t seem to be aware of us or our traditions of territorial disputation.”
“Knowing the difference between a knife and a ceremonial sword”.
But knowing the difference between an Asian carrying it?…………
Memories of islamic terrorists escaping in burkas anyone…………..
Assolandy Marr effectively inciting Sinn Fein’s President to have their elected MPs take their place at Westminster; presumably they would be expected to vote down Brexit.
Encouraging Sinn Fein to take up their seats to fight Brexit is extremely odd from Marr. But it's the BBC and at least we know what kind of crap we are dealing with. https://t.co/4mr2qxdCQ6
The Traitor in Chief is on her own.
Everyone in the ROI and the EUSSR is reported as saying “no can do”.
Translation, they will perform some acrobatics to stop Brexit.
The last time I heard May acknowledge there were many other issues with “her” deal was before the Big Bang.
My MP replied to my email of ten days ago apologising for the delay, due to being busy in the House of Traitors.
The email nearly stated that the May Brexit is not Brexit. But they hope they got away with it.
I didn’t see ‘CRASH-OUT’ on the Referendum voting slip back in 2016.
The BBC needs to get it’s terminology right. But it won’t, of course.
I suspect that the EU is happy for us to leave. They fully believe the BBC’s anti-Brexit propaganda and anticipate that we’ll come crawling back after six months, at which point they would hope to cripple us.
The Black Broadcasting Corporation bias will increase.
“I suspect that the EU is happy for us to leave”
No, in public they may appear calm.
In private they are terrified that their beloved “project” will collapse.
Their new treaty will not include the possibility of leaving the EU.
I read that the Gilets Jaune are demanding FREXIT, welcome to free France.
“When will the BBC start prioritising that narrative ….”. It won’t, anymore than alter it’s hippy liberal, foreign inspired approach which it infects all that it encounters.
Coming up on LBC with Maajid Nawaz
#3 item so probably 1pm or 1:30pm
Police chief who had to apologise for her role in failing to prosecute grooming gangs has been PROMOTED to head antislavery
“Why has no police or official been prosecuted for grooming gangs ?”
#2 Vegan vs Green energy so 12:30 or 1pm
: All green energy firms are not vegan as they all use biofuel power from animal bio-products
#1 Item is toxic
cos he’s doing Brexit shouting “crashing out” , but says term “projectFear should be banned”
Oh I got #2 and #3 the wrong way around
I guess the vegan thing is coming up
the grooming gang item was done at 1pm Twitter thread
A police chief who apologised for her role in one of the worst child sex slavery scandals in British history is going to be appointed the government’s new anti-slavery head. @MaajidNawaz asks: Why has no official responsible for this been disciplined? pic.twitter.com/FqW9JQOPi9
Depends what she got her medal for ..could be legit
BTW MN said the police didn’t convict cos they were too busy signalling they weren’t racist
..he himself then thought it necessary to signal he doesn’t like Tommy
“We are not talking about TR who was quite rightly convicted of taking photos outside the court”
… Actually TR hold no conviction for taking photos outside a court
His Leeds conviction was overturned
..and his Kent conviction was for taking a photo “inside a court step”
.. (which I don’t think is actually sound ..It was a stitch up where the court chose to interpret the case differently for the sake of a couple of feet.)
The vegan electricity item was Maajid basically giving his mates Ecotricity a free advert
“The Vegan Society recognise only Ecotricity as vgan electricity”
.. well I wonder if they have a financial link ?
The Vegan Soc website says “sign up from here Ecotricity will donate £30 to The Vegan Society”
Maajid is not bright enough to recognise what Anaerobic Digesters are or that Ecotricity claim everyone else’s AD’s use animal waste whilst their own fleet only uses cut grass “grass to gas”.
… Of course even vegan farming has impact on wild animals and all leccy sources impact animals and the enviroment by taking up space and mining for materials etc.
#1 Ecotricity’s vegan customers don’t get special electrons, they get the same as everyone else
#2 Even vegans like it that vets have 24 hour electricity
They wouldn’t take their pet to one that switches off when the wind drops
Just seen a rubbish episode of Sunday politics.
The north east version with richard Moss as the supposed impartial host.
It turned into the Catherine McKinnel show.
The brexit hating labour mp was given the lions share of the commenting, never interrupted. She also got the obligatory ‘crashing out’ catchphrase in a few times.
The conservative councillor was continuously interrupted by moss and incessantly talked over by McKinnel.
When the conservative councillor brought up, regarding Nissan, that diesel sales are 60% down, Moss didn’t like that and stopped him saying “we’ll come back to that” (but of course he did not)
They had ‘normal’ people interviewed in Darlington (voted leave) yet most of these people interviewed were remainers.
This following on the bbbc radio where a chaplain was interviewed who blamed Brexit for Nissan with an outside broadcast airing 6 selected ‘random people off the street’ who were all remainers. This in Sunderland who voted 2 to 1 for leaving.
And now, I’ve just seen Julie Elliott, one of the 3 Sunderland MPs (who were voted in on a brexit promise yet are all remainers doing all they can to trash Brexit) saying this Nissan decision will cost tens of thousands of jobs.
This is because Nissan are now not going to build the suv diesel sometime in the future.
No jobs are being lost.
Nissan are making the sensible decision not to build diesel cars because they are now seen as bad for the environment as opposed to a few years ago when they were seen as good for the environment. EU decisions caused this change.
Would a company like Siemens go ahead with a new factory to build tv tubes or CDs now that demand is disappearing? Same with Nissan.
Do any of you bother watching the BBC’s The Big Questions?
I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, I’m only having a quick squint before I head off and chop some wood for my highly polluting log burner.
They’re discussing “feminism”. Oh God, what a dreary, predictable bunch. The audience, as per u, are made up of ghastly Guardianistas, lesbians, lots of self loathing middle class types and angry blokes dressed up as women.
So, a typical bunch of Brits according to BBC standards.
We’ve had cropped haired lesbians lecturing us about the patriarchy, a black girl waffling about white male privilege and most bizarrely a geezer dressed up to look like Mrs Brown telling us women in the workplace are being sexually abused.
However, it’s not the female feminists that get up my beak nearly as much as their male counterparts who feel the need to loathe their own gender and empathise with the supposed female predicament.
If virtue signalling ever becomes an Olympic event we have a couple of potential medalists in this audience.
They really irritate me. I felt like shouting “FFS, grow a pair”.
Though perhaps not to the bloke dressed like Mrs Brown…
QT is in my constituency shortly after our supposed flight from Egypt date. I’ve applied, giving my real name, political/Brexit leaning etc. I’ll be astounded if I’m invited to attend.
Peter Grimes – Don’t give up hope. I applied to QT a few years ago. I told the researcher on the phone that I normally vote Conservative but at the next election I intended to vote UKIP. Naturally I thought I had spoiled my chance by telling such awful truths. But I WAS invited. I was surrounded by lefties and didn’t get to speak but I was in the audience. So it can happen. Best of luck. Give a wave to all your bBBC pals.
Jeff – I used to watch it all the time but I got sick of listening to all those lefty weirdoes. Like you I particularly loathe those weak-minded male feminists. The only edition I remember enjoying was when Milo was on getting stuck into Kate Smurthwaite.
Very few blacks in North America choose to move to Africa. I wonder why.
Africa, where Africans have severed their chains and created the first recognised paradise on Earth. A paradise created with no help whatsoever, apart from £££££££££££££££, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€.
“They really irritate me. I felt like shouting “FFS, grow a pair”.”
That’s why that Campbell fella produces them! You should listen to him weekdays on BBC Radio5live 6:30 AM till 9 AM. Gloves are really off with this fella! Hate! Bile, you can practically smell his foul breath over the airwaves.
“Yep..heard the classic self-flagellation last week as they discussed the apparent, and horrific, dearth of black opera singers in Britain.”
Well if they’re not interested in joining the audience from time to time, they’re hardly going to be motivated enough to spend years training to become opera singers, are they?
This stuff always amuses me, it happens in lots of things – opera, theatre generally, orchestras, country houses, traditions, anything historically or culturally European. Even visiting the countryside. They try to correct a perceived imbalance with some futile attempt to attract those least likely to take part, as if the most and the least cancel each other out like double entry bookkeeping. Some of it can be explained by simple class differences, although nobody seems to care when white, working class people are under-represented in something. The Labour party used to care, but hasn’t done so for years.
If you want to increase participation in something, it’s generally best to target those who are most likely to take part, but that wouldn’t produce the required result.
“”Secondly, I would like to take my hat off to the group of men who intervened, stopped the attack, then gave chase so police were able to make an arrest.” Says a police officer. He went on to say (my fiction!): “Some of that group of men have been charged with GBH against the suspect while the remainder of the public spirited group will be charged for affray and aiding and abetting in the principal crime”………………….
A, “Manchester man”?…………..
Excellent post. But the BBC is under pressure. I see in the Express today that the corporation is trying to get the MPs to force the over 75s to pay the LF. In the news the other day it was reported that people under 35 were watching less and less BBC and more and more on their computers , so hopefully not paying the LF. So dear old auntie is trying to force those older folks who may still watch its leftist tripe to pay up. Leaving aside their ability to find the money out of their pensions , it seems that the BBC is now determined to attack one of the few age groups who still watch their dismal programmes. Smacks of desperation to me.
The BBC generation have already died out. The over 75s don’t watch the BBC either. My parents watch Yesterday, Talking Pictures, ITV3, Drama, Film4, True Entertainment or Movies4Men, as well as a choice of 295 episodes of Last of the Summer Wine on DVD such as “Deep in the Heart of Yorkshire”, “The White Mans Grave”, “Keeping Britain Tidy”, “The Really Masculine Purse”, “The Frenchies are coming” and “Set the People Free” including an Anti-EU rant by Nora Batty in “Bicycle Bonanza”.
Granddaughters and Nieces watch the Youtubes, and would rather watch a Tom and Jerry cartoon or a Laurel and Hardy film than BBC News.
Nobody wants to watch the BBC anymore, anything interesting is now effectively censored. The most interesting people, scientists and competent journalists are banned or rarely appear on the BBC. Writers of books, especially those who write about the BBC, EU governance or Climate science, are not even mentioned as existing.
No the future is a 21st Century Global Britain. The 19th Century was the Century of the British Empire. The 20th Century started as the Century of the British Commonwealth and ended as the European Union in decline. The 21st Century is the Century of the Royal Commonwealth. At over ten and a third million square miles, the Royal Commonwealth is the largest sovereign Union under the rule of a single person in the world today. Sixteen Realms comprising exactly one hundred separate territories loyal to Her Majesty the Queen. Thirty territories with Union Jacks in their Flags and the Queens Head on the Coins of 17 of the Worlds Currencies.
I find it extraordinarily incomprehensible that the Government/legislators plough on with ensuring that sensible, prepared members of the public are unable to defend themselves.
Whereas, they must know that those to which the legislation will really apply to, have no regard to honouring the law. For others, who will remain unnamed here, they as a separate group, do not even accept the laws of the kaffir and neither will they.
One’s thing for sure, eventually when the public have had enough, they will join the factions above irrespective of, ‘The Law’. By the way, ‘Bring back hanging for Treason’ I say. First candidate? the PM who amended the law to halt hanging for that offence. Guess who?
Maajid has his deported Ghanaian convicted & deported mate on
..”Ooh on Tuesday 32 Jamaicans are going to be deported and that will leave 23 British children without fathers”
…. tell that to their victims mate.
On Wednesday the Stansted 15 anti-deportation “terrorists”* are to be sentenced.
(They have a terrorism conviction)
“the blacks” don’t do anything, cos like any group, they are not a mass, but rather individuals so they’ll be plenty of good fathers , but a certain portion of individuals DO “desert the women ASAP.” just as a proportion of white individuals do.
Thomas Sowell says that bad outcomes in American black families is often linked to absence of fathers
I think that the argument is that US white couples had less absent fathers, but they did exist eg in the war etc. but society more often had a stronger system of support mainly from grandparents etc.
That’s how Obama did OK with his white mother, when his father cleared off.
Thanks to Guest Who for posting the latest on the isthebbcbiased blog. Here’s how I responded on that blog to the info that Andrew Marr was going to host Ash Sarkar of Novara Media:
Hmm… Ash Sarkar from Novara Media talking to the BBC alongside journalists from serious publications – the Times and the Spectator?
Novara Media is a far-left subversive outfit with a YouTube subscription of about 13 people (OK I’m minimizing that a bit) and the Ash creature is, by her own admission, a communist:
What on earth is she doing on the BBC?
The only thing Sarkar has going for her is that she is a typical whinging subversive. Here she is on an Intelligence Squared panel ‘debating’ whether Corbyn is fit to be PM:
She begins her ‘contribution’ to the debate by asking the rhetorical question: What the %#&@ are we doing here?
Funny how people are proud to declare themselves communists, whereas to say you’re a fascist would put you beyond the pale, would get you non-personned on the beeb and most msm, and possibly prosecuted.
And yet there’s barely a rizla thin difference between the two, and in terms of millions murdered, tortured, imprisoned and starved, communism has far more blood on its hands.
But I guess our little trAsh hasn’t read too much history, or just doesn’t care, so long as she can virtue signal and feel all righteous and indignant.
PS. The couch candy airhead next to Piers is pretty obnoxious too.
No doubt she is the pride of mum and dad now she’s on the grown up teli . I’ve written here before that we must be aware that dusky people who want to rubbish the West need to find a niche to get on the BBC panel show s like QT and ‘ now’ thing .
Then she can do baking and dancing and write a book or column about nasty Blighty .
Once that’s understood – such a vacuous waste of life can be ignored ….
@TT Novara Media “29,246 subscribers”
400 of those are probably BBC accounts
typical view count is 8K a recent high was a video saying BBC was biased against FlAbbott on QT got 48K
Maxi would argue that they are mainstream whereas PJW and Tommy with a million subscribers each and videos of a million views are “the extremists” who should not be awarded any platform by the BBC
The PM gets the Eurostar to the ReichEU this week to be told the sell out can’t be changed . All those amendments and traitorous manoeuvres by Greave and the rest will be for naught . Another week done and down to 40 days .
I think once we pass the month mark real panic will set in and the likes of cooper balls and soubry will go into full melt down as the End of the World approaches . So much popcorn to be eaten .
If all else fails is there not some heinous crime that we as a nation can commit that would ensure our expulsion from this mouldy, decaying organization. Maybe the EU doesn’t do expulsion (too expensive) but relies on punishment. I think we can probably look forward to plenty of that. Our name is on ze list.
Interesting idea Lefty – maybe we could try these to get ourselves kicked out :
We could declare that we’ve had enough of illegal asylum seekers turning up on our shores and they will be instantly dropped back off in France.
We could declare a huge crackdown on illegals already here, and if any are found will be put in giant holding camps with minimal comforts until we can return them to their original countries.
We could declare we will no longer be part of the ECHR, ECJ or the UN as they are no longer fit for purpose – and if that doesn’t suit the EU then tough. Those bodies interfere with our ability to govern ourselves as we wish.
We could reintroduce the death penalty.
We could state that henceforward we will trade with who we damn well please, without reference to the EU, and if they don’t like it, come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough. Might as well be bold!
Unfortunately none of our politicians would countenance any of the above, in fact they’d be horrified. And that’s why 90+ % of MPs need to be mercilessly swept away at the next election. The country cannot afford such people pretending to represent their constituents.
An impressive list there but I don’t think the EU Commission would consider any of that to constitute a sackable offense. They would merely instruct our traitors within to do the usual hatchet job using the MSM, although I doubt that an instruction would be needed – just a sly, knowing wink would suffice and the useful idiots would do their stuff. It’s a bit like the Mafioso – if you don’t meet our demands we’ll send the boys round. So I think it’s just walk away time and let the chips fall where they may.
Just watched the Talking Pictures channel, and the excellent Robert Donat as The Young Mr Pitt. The dialogue could have been written today, and despite being set in the late 18th Century when the young William Pitt was PM, the problems with Europe were as relevant then as they are today.
Every Member of Parliament need to sit down and watch this film, particularly as the narrative spoken in parliament was authentic.
It’s funny as the excellent Talking Pictures got told off because some snowflake complained about a bit of 1970s language … now a clever sign is put up warning people that out of fashion racial descriptions might be heard …. oh the humanity …
G. Nope ! and no alien names either in the credits at the end. AND I didn’t need the sub titles on, because every word spoken was beautifully enunciated, a clear indication of real actors who knew their craft.
Another indication of the era, in the list of credits at the end, whereas normally there are accreditations for hair and make-up, I did a double take when I saw the word ‘ cosmetician’. l must remember that one.
The twitter highlights JRM making the beeboid Mardell sound stupid – because of brexit today on the 1pm news .
I don’t listen to Mardell or much BBC so called ‘ news’ much anymore but the 5 minutes of JRM finally declaring the continuous bias of Mardell and the BBC is worth it .
Let’s face it – people are confused about what sort of engine to get if buying a new car. The emir or Londonistan is bringing his 12 quid a day for Londoners using diesels and others and the rest of the country will find an excuse .
I need a nearly new car but holding off. I care less about global warming and air quality in London. It’s bound to be bad because there are 8 million plus people here .
Funny how white people don’t go on about historic child abuse of children used as slaves to climb chim chimneys . Or Americans engaging is cultural appropriation – or dick van dykes cockney accent which some might say is a ‘crime against humanity – or a crime against cock en ee’ .
So that explains why coal mines were systematically closed down from Harold Wilson onwards – it was to combat abject working class racism in places like S Yorkshire and S Wales.
Someone should have pointed that out to Arthur Scargill, I’m sure he would have understood – good cause ‘n all.
I hope there are no racist black people working in American salt mines.
I think the racist incident involves a retired Admiral on top of a house firing rockets at what he thinks are Hottentots, but are in fact chimney sweeps who just happen to be dancing on top of neighbouring roofs. Compounding the racism is also the fact that one of the chimney sweeps happens to be a Dutch American actor trying to speak English with a cockney accent.
“The literature professor”
That surprised me, it is usually sociologists.
Most of them are not real academics.
When I attended Grammar School about 10% of students attended University.
In the generation who taught me c7% attended university.
Some university placements were due to family influence, but the majority were the cream of the crop.
Fewer post graduate opportunities, so many very good graduates entered teaching.
In my small rural school.
The French Mistress graduated magna cum laude from a French University.
The Physics Master had a PHD, his post graduate studies were interrupted by WW2, during which he received serious head wounds and felt unable to return to university.
The Mathematics Master had an MSc from London university.
There were more but it was a long time ago.
Any pupil who showed real potential would be offered free, advanced tuition, by a member of staff, outside school hours. We had one pupil so good the Master felt he could not teach her any more. More advanced, still free, tuition was provided for her by staff from the nearest university.
The standard of teaching declined coevally with the standard of pupil behaviour and enrichment.
You’re right, sociology is heavily infected with Marxism and cultural Marxism, which obsesses with finding racism under every stone.
But like a cancer the disease has long spread to most Arts subjects, history of course, but also literature, and most of the others.
If it’s an ology you’re a scientist? Sadly not; you’re probably a Marxist.
Haven’t they tried that twice before when they were shrinking beyond recognition? First we had the SDP formed by the gang of four and the fabulously young David Owen then the Lib Dems with the fabulously young Paddy Ashdown. So the fabulously young Chuka will be next? Same result. A toothless talking shop for people who only want the salaries with no responsibility.
Darn I missed the start of the transgender children 5 minute item on Radio Humberside https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06ygxbf
So I would back the player to 16:27pm ..it’s the same Elaine Dunkley item that was used on Look North
But an interesting thing is the BBC prog’s page thinks its Spotifiy
The music tracks are all lined up on the screen with a play now button
Since the tracks play instantly that suggests to me that my browser is preloading the audio , this is a massive use of internet resources .. a waste of money and energy that causes the Global Warming BBC is so worried about.
..Ah the tracks seem to fade out after about 40 seconds, i don’t see the point in that
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
“Inevitably, I’ve made a few informed suppositions”.
That means it’s all true, except for all the stuff he made up. So, it’s fiction.
Times “University lecturer likely to face jail for assaulting landlord in eviction row”
…Hm Orji is a strange surname ..is there more to this story ?
A few years ago my brother rented his house to a Nigerian couple – he was told they were a lawyer and a teacher. After a few weeks of the rent not being paid, it transpired that she was a prostitute and he was living off her earnings !! They know every trick in the book, is it any wonder that we get accused of racism !
shop worker from was spared jail after producing the highest recorded reading of alcohol in breath by Nottinghamshire Police for six years.
Is there a special reason for being lax on Kanagasingham Chellamuththu ?
Hindu name I guess
Is there a special reason for being lax on Kanagasingham Chellamuththu ?
They couldn’t spell his name right on the charge sheet?
Technically he was charged and convicted, but git light punishment…needs car for family you see.
He’s an alcoholic..what if he kills someone ?
Immigrants magically make countries richer
Times : Rome has UN of gangsters : Nigerians run vice rings, Georgians take care of burglaries, Filipinos deal drugs and the Chinese handle counterfeiting, a report has said.
Not the BBC but one of those ‘Yer just gotta larf’ moments on the front page of the Times.
Top right v main photo v centre right photo + text.
And shes wearing gloves because…? Ok, she might have delicate hands.
The sheer quantity of butt-sniffing here would impress even my hounds.
Much to savour (if with a well charged tumbler of single malt to hand) on the excellent complement to this site that is ITTB.
But if there is one post to start with, I would go with this one:
Then laugh right in Tony Hall’s face.
Guest – thanks for the link – I often dip in. Our friends over at isthebbcbiased are kinder than me on the dead beeboid ‘funny man ‘ – my memory is long and I remember many of the disgraceful things he came out with as he was building his BBC credentials . Let him burn .
No mention on England THRASHING the Irish in the 6 Nations. Oh Sorry, that’s only when England are beaten
Even more pathetic is the juvenile failure in all the previews to acknowledge that the game was on ITV – although an exciting and in-depth commentary was on Radio5Live, for those diehard BBCRemainers who prefer to imagine their rugby.
Brexit next month. Just thought I’d mention it 🙂 🙂
And England beat Ireland at rugby in Dublin today, despite Brexit.
Where’s the Back-Stop when Ireland needs it?
LOL x 6¾ 🙂
BBC Online News:
“”Nissan ‘U-turn’ expected on new X-Trail SUV in Sunderland””
“”BBC business reporter Rob Young said: “The reasons for the investment cancellation are not known, but the industry as a whole has been warning Brexit uncertainty might hit investment.””
“”Labour Sunderland Central MP Julie Elliott suggested there was an “inevitable role that Brexit plays here…. None of it is conductive to encouraging business investment in this country”.””
“”Work on the Qashqai – which makes up the majority of Nissan Sunderland’s work and is the best-selling crossover vehicle in Europe – is not expected to be affected by the move.””
“”The Japanese company refused to shed light on the situation. A spokesman said: “Nissan does not comment on rumour or speculation.”
“”Last April, Nissan said it was to cut hundreds of jobs at Sunderland, amid a decline in diesel sales.””
So, there you have it. Another BBC contrived anti-Brexit feature. No change there, then.
Nissan is largely owned by the French government isn’t it ?
bbc should be pleased as they urge us to become, none car driving, vegan, socialist, euro trans-genders.
Bloody vegans God spare us from their ever open gobs, just try googling the word. another intolerant and tiny minority that never stop forcing their views on others, remind you of anyone ? Inshalla
You want to live on dolphin friendly garlic muesli fine, just shut the F”’ up about it
Its the latest fad Ann. Last week it was the Fitbit, last month it was being a Trans, last year it was suffering with bi-polar, 5 years ago it was being gluten free.
I have to laugh when so many things like tables, shoes, cups and saucers (yawn) are now described as ‘vegan’.
I remember first coming across the term vegan 40 years ago. It was at green party conference where on the enrolment form we were asked if we had special needs. The two examples they gave were smoker and vegan. I knew what a smoker was but vegan had me stumped. I turned to a friend and asked what time could we expect the delegation from the planet Vega.
It would have been nice to have some extraterrestrial input, especially from little green men. But looking back I think a lot of the views we had were off the planet anyway.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m2tRbqZ-Us&w=560&h=315%5D
Yasser, you must have seen this, but it’s also for anyone else of course…
Scroblene, that should be required viewing for all BBC hacks since mostly what they do daily is fart fake news out at the public.
Thank you True! I still collapse in a huge giggle when I watch it! And what about the waitress’ hat then! Pure BBC canteen stuff!
I actually came back to see if I had got the YouTube starter page up as well! I know there is a way to embed, but am damned If I can make it work!
Yasser/Ann stumped ? walking around the supermarket I saw there was a food display with a PLANT sign across the top. Plant based food – TBH it took me a few minutes to realise that it was vegan food !
It took years and years to see a few shelves appear for the gluten free and Linda McCartney’s range of vegetarian has been in the freezers for decades, but now with the recent publicity for vegans, businesses have leapt into action with the speed of light with pound signs in their eyes.
I wish they were as quick to put mother and baby parking at the far end of the car parks ! They are fit and able to walk the distance to the shop entrance with their prams, while the elderly and not so able have to struggle – I’m talking here of those who are not disabled enough to warrant a blue badge. I’ve lost count of the number of times I see yummy mummies or trendy daddies park at the front door and stride into the shop, while those with arthritic problems have to walk from the far side of the car park. Not Fair !
I still have sleepless nights over those stupid “Nicam Stereo” TV adds.
I realise that they were not on the BBC but of late I’ve become an enemy of independent TV because of their bias coverage of Brexit.
I first understood about crazes when the world went mad for hoola hoops.
Compare and Contrast:
Sky News in their first line state that he’s a Democrat.
BBC hide it for all they’re worth.
Our romanian beeg eeshue seller is still there today, 10 years now begging on our high street, Euro freedom of movement working well to allow this and we can expect the Turks next, lock up your daughters, (and sisters, wives , grandmothers etc. )
Further information: Women in Turkey § Crime against women
According to a study, some commonly-expressed views on rape were given to individuals from various professions, who were asked to agree or disagree; results recorded that 33% of the police officers agreed that “some women deserve rape”, 66% of police officers, as well as nearly 50% of other professional groups except the psychologists about 18% and 27% of psychiatrists, suggested that “the physical appearance and behaviors of women tempt men to rape.”[2]
In 2015, Turkish university student Özgecan Aslan was murdered as she resisted a rape attempt[3] on a minibus in Mersin. Her burnt body was discovered on 13 February. The murder was committed by Turkish minibus driver Ahmet Suphi Altındöken, his father Necmettin Altındöken and his friend Fatih Gökçe.[4] According to Turkish Daily Sabah, Özgcan Aslan became a symbol for Turkish women who are the victims of violence.[5]
A June 2008 report by the Turkish Prime Ministry’s Human Rights Directorate said that in Istanbul alone there was one honor killing every week, and reported over 1,000 during the previous five years. It added that metropolitan cities were the location of many of these, due to growing immigration to these cities from the East.[7]
In 2009 a Turkish news agency reported that a 2-day-old boy who was born out of wedlock had been killed for honor. The maternal grandmother of the infant, along with six other persons, including a doctor who had reportedly accepted a bribe to not report the birth, were arrested. The grandmother is suspected of fatally suffocating the infant. The child’s mother, 25, was also arrested; she stated that her family had made the decision to kill the child.[8]
In 2010 a 16-year-old Kurdish girl was buried alive by relatives for befriending boys in Southeast Turkey; her corpse was found 40 days after she went missing.[9] Ahmet Yildiz, 26, a Turkish-Kurdish physics student who represented his country at an international gay conference in the United States in 2008, was shot dead leaving a cafe in Istanbul. It is believed Yildiz was the victim of the country’s first gay honor killing.[10][11]
In 2013, The Guardian reported that ‘the rape and torture of Kurdish prisoners in Turkey are disturbingly commonplace’. According to a report from Amnesty International in 2003, Hamdiye Aslan, who accused of supporting the Kurdish separatist group had been detained in Mardin Prison, south-east Turkey, for almost three months in which she was reportedly blindfolded, anally raped with a truncheon, threatened and mocked by officers.[6]
Sky is in a league of their own when it comes to Brexit today.
Even the BBC has realised the X-Trail story was crashing and burning yesterday, but Sophy had Vince wheeled on to try and revive it.
Then, by way of boosting trust and credibility… Shami.
More wall-to-wall lefty propaganda over on BBC 4: a trailer for A Very British History extolls immigration; then some black guy in dreadlocks and a wheelchair (3 ticks, 4 if he’s gay) tells us how great Africa is, though I’m guessing he won’t be moving there anytime soon. (Imagine all the extra logistics – and cost, you license payers – of humping a wheelchair plus handlers around the dark continent, not renowned for its wheelchair access! And for what? For no reason whatsoever other than virtue signalling.)
Then some ‘drama’ about boat-people asylum seekers to Australia, and on and on.Wiki says this of Safe Harbour: “Although critically acclaimed, the series did not perform well in the ratings, peaking at just 146,000 viewers.”
In other words it’s the sort of didactic pc crap that right-on ‘critics’ love, but real people switch off in droves.
May it bomb on the beeb as badly as in Oz.
They really go the extra mile.
There is something here that the rabbinical court profoundly understands but secular, Westernised, self-centred Jews like this woman don’t. The future of Israel as a Jewish state depends on their strict marriage laws. Without realising it, Israel could easily cease to be Jewish, the same way London has ceased to be English or San Francisco has ceased to be clean. Either you are serious about your national identity or you aren’t.
I haven’t seen any BBC this weekend. Can anyone tell me if No Hijab Day is being covered at all?
Its all over the internet.
What, and admit that all muslimas are not delighted to wear the symbol of oppression of their favourite religion?
Don’t be silly.
Lucy, Vlad,
Wales is multicultural and I am pleased to see support for World Colander Day for members of the recognized religion – The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster – whose followers have fought for the right to wear the colander, which is their religious headgear.
Cefnogwch Eglwys yr Monster Spaghetti Deg trwy wisgo’r colander
Did he say anything else about the Colander on his head – like, was it male or female?
Must get the sex right or else Peter Tatchell will be on his back! Literally.
Please note – Not Me !
The EUrocrats worst nightmare: the spread of Brexit, Frexit, Italexit…
LP – 2537 people are talking about this
Most of them anti EU and anti Micron.
European elections soon, I expect parties committed to a referendum on leaving the EU will do very well.
A doodle on the Russia story
There are lies, damn lies, and then there is the BBC…
Does Britain not have any farms of her own? If we were THAT dependant on Europe for food, things should be changed. Another overwhelmingly good reason to leave IMO.
Lucy Pevensey
I rent 30 acres of farm land just for my dogs, at a price cheaper than it would cost me to park my van in a council ran country park. The farmer has no use for it because of regulations. The land is rich and could be used for crops. The land is increasing in value. One day he will sell the land to the developers and will live in luxury.
Brilliant I’m still laughing and laughing at the fact that the bBC cannot see how stupid they are and that everyone sees through them – well almost everyone.
Thank you Jip!
Really, the entire BBC and Sky and Ch 4 editorial should be put together in a room and, well, just leave it at that.
Stew Green,
Top of the morning to you. I replied, belatedly to you re transcripts on YouTube, bottom of previous page.
Bbc news watch
Project Fear – Queen to be evacuated from London when ReichEU start blitz version 2 .
PM adopts new negotiationing strategy with ReichEU . It’s called “ battling for Britain” a wholly news scheme which doesn’t involved giving into every thing the Brussels drunks want -plus free money .
Sounds like the Peugeot Nissan story is going to be run all week until some frog formally announces that they are not making a French car in Blighty .
The EU sells us three times as many (top end, expensive) RHD cars as we sell them LHD cars.
I’ve posted before, UK car manufacturers can switch to more RHD production to pick up the slack. By charging, and keeping, the EU’s 10% tariff on cars and offering incentives to U.K. built cars registered here from those tariff monies we can provide a shot in the arm to U.K. car production. Nissan will be falling over itself to satisfy U.K. demand.
Just a bit of fun from Sesame Street.
For the remoaning government and all remoaners who are [2.5 years] too stupid to understand what EXIT means. 🙂
Someone tells Evan Davis
Bbc ‘journalists’ (My quotes) are also known for not using certain terms when they don’t suit. Like political affiliations when editorial integrity has no space.
C’mon… this is top comedy.
They should make a companion piece with some thug of sub-Saharan origin saying things like “We are readily identifiable. We are black. We wear garish trainers. We carry massive blades that are definitely illegal. We ARE dangerous. But many people, especially in the BBC, don’t seem to be aware of us or our traditions of territorial disputation.”
“Knowing the difference between a knife and a ceremonial sword”.
But knowing the difference between an Asian carrying it?…………
Memories of islamic terrorists escaping in burkas anyone…………..
Our favourite subject!! –
“‘Netflix effect’ sees nearly a MILLION Britons cancel their TV licence in last year as viewers ditch BBC in favour of streaming services”.
It’s, “doomed I tell ye, doomed”…………
Not doomed. Just ask the government to approve of an increase in the licence fee.
Assolandy Marr effectively inciting Sinn Fein’s President to have their elected MPs take their place at Westminster; presumably they would be expected to vote down Brexit.
Sorry! Beat me to it.
He seems agitated. Hope he doesn’t suffer gropyhandism again.
Brexit: Theresa May ‘determined’ to leave EU in March
The Traitor in Chief is on her own.
Everyone in the ROI and the EUSSR is reported as saying “no can do”.
Translation, they will perform some acrobatics to stop Brexit.
The last time I heard May acknowledge there were many other issues with “her” deal was before the Big Bang.
My MP replied to my email of ten days ago apologising for the delay, due to being busy in the House of Traitors.
The email nearly stated that the May Brexit is not Brexit. But they hope they got away with it.
We LEAVE next month.
I didn’t see ‘CRASH-OUT’ on the Referendum voting slip back in 2016.
The BBC needs to get it’s terminology right. But it won’t, of course.
I suspect that the EU is happy for us to leave. They fully believe the BBC’s anti-Brexit propaganda and anticipate that we’ll come crawling back after six months, at which point they would hope to cripple us.
The Black Broadcasting Corporation bias will increase.
“I suspect that the EU is happy for us to leave”
No, in public they may appear calm.
In private they are terrified that their beloved “project” will collapse.
Their new treaty will not include the possibility of leaving the EU.
I read that the Gilets Jaune are demanding FREXIT, welcome to free France.
So the French are revolting?
Tumbleweed passes. I blame too much Carry On exposure at a delicate age.
“When will the BBC start prioritising that narrative ….”. It won’t, anymore than alter it’s hippy liberal, foreign inspired approach which it infects all that it encounters.
Coming up on LBC with Maajid Nawaz
#3 item so probably 1pm or 1:30pm
Police chief who had to apologise for her role in failing to prosecute grooming gangs has been PROMOTED to head antislavery
“Why has no police or official been prosecuted for grooming gangs ?”
#2 Vegan vs Green energy so 12:30 or 1pm
: All green energy firms are not vegan as they all use biofuel power from animal bio-products
#1 Item is toxic
cos he’s doing Brexit shouting “crashing out” , but says term “projectFear should be banned”
Oh I got #2 and #3 the wrong way around
I guess the vegan thing is coming up
the grooming gang item was done at 1pm Twitter thread
What a hero. Medal an all……..
Depends what she got her medal for ..could be legit
BTW MN said the police didn’t convict cos they were too busy signalling they weren’t racist
..he himself then thought it necessary to signal he doesn’t like Tommy
“We are not talking about TR who was quite rightly convicted of taking photos outside the court”
… Actually TR hold no conviction for taking photos outside a court
His Leeds conviction was overturned
..and his Kent conviction was for taking a photo “inside a court step”
.. (which I don’t think is actually sound ..It was a stitch up where the court chose to interpret the case differently for the sake of a couple of feet.)
The vegan electricity item was Maajid basically giving his mates Ecotricity a free advert
“The Vegan Society recognise only Ecotricity as vgan electricity”
.. well I wonder if they have a financial link ?
The Vegan Soc website says “sign up from here Ecotricity will donate £30 to The Vegan Society”
Maajid is not bright enough to recognise what Anaerobic Digesters are or that Ecotricity claim everyone else’s AD’s use animal waste whilst their own fleet only uses cut grass “grass to gas”.
… Of course even vegan farming has impact on wild animals and all leccy sources impact animals and the enviroment by taking up space and mining for materials etc.
#1 Ecotricity’s vegan customers don’t get special electrons, they get the same as everyone else
#2 Even vegans like it that vets have 24 hour electricity
They wouldn’t take their pet to one that switches off when the wind drops
Just seen a rubbish episode of Sunday politics.
The north east version with richard Moss as the supposed impartial host.
It turned into the Catherine McKinnel show.
The brexit hating labour mp was given the lions share of the commenting, never interrupted. She also got the obligatory ‘crashing out’ catchphrase in a few times.
The conservative councillor was continuously interrupted by moss and incessantly talked over by McKinnel.
When the conservative councillor brought up, regarding Nissan, that diesel sales are 60% down, Moss didn’t like that and stopped him saying “we’ll come back to that” (but of course he did not)
They had ‘normal’ people interviewed in Darlington (voted leave) yet most of these people interviewed were remainers.
This following on the bbbc radio where a chaplain was interviewed who blamed Brexit for Nissan with an outside broadcast airing 6 selected ‘random people off the street’ who were all remainers. This in Sunderland who voted 2 to 1 for leaving.
And now, I’ve just seen Julie Elliott, one of the 3 Sunderland MPs (who were voted in on a brexit promise yet are all remainers doing all they can to trash Brexit) saying this Nissan decision will cost tens of thousands of jobs.
This is because Nissan are now not going to build the suv diesel sometime in the future.
No jobs are being lost.
Nissan are making the sensible decision not to build diesel cars because they are now seen as bad for the environment as opposed to a few years ago when they were seen as good for the environment. EU decisions caused this change.
Would a company like Siemens go ahead with a new factory to build tv tubes or CDs now that demand is disappearing? Same with Nissan.
Remember, not 1 job will be lost.
Do any of you bother watching the BBC’s The Big Questions?
I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, I’m only having a quick squint before I head off and chop some wood for my highly polluting log burner.
They’re discussing “feminism”. Oh God, what a dreary, predictable bunch. The audience, as per u, are made up of ghastly Guardianistas, lesbians, lots of self loathing middle class types and angry blokes dressed up as women.
So, a typical bunch of Brits according to BBC standards.
We’ve had cropped haired lesbians lecturing us about the patriarchy, a black girl waffling about white male privilege and most bizarrely a geezer dressed up to look like Mrs Brown telling us women in the workplace are being sexually abused.
However, it’s not the female feminists that get up my beak nearly as much as their male counterparts who feel the need to loathe their own gender and empathise with the supposed female predicament.
If virtue signalling ever becomes an Olympic event we have a couple of potential medalists in this audience.
They really irritate me. I felt like shouting “FFS, grow a pair”.
Though perhaps not to the bloke dressed like Mrs Brown…
Meanwhile, for QT, maintaining bbc ‘balance’ is a no-brainier.
Sky is from Venus, the BBC from Marr. Neither on this planet.
QT is in my constituency shortly after our supposed flight from Egypt date. I’ve applied, giving my real name, political/Brexit leaning etc. I’ll be astounded if I’m invited to attend.
Peter Grimes – Don’t give up hope. I applied to QT a few years ago. I told the researcher on the phone that I normally vote Conservative but at the next election I intended to vote UKIP. Naturally I thought I had spoiled my chance by telling such awful truths. But I WAS invited. I was surrounded by lefties and didn’t get to speak but I was in the audience. So it can happen. Best of luck. Give a wave to all your bBBC pals.
Jeff – I used to watch it all the time but I got sick of listening to all those lefty weirdoes. Like you I particularly loathe those weak-minded male feminists. The only edition I remember enjoying was when Milo was on getting stuck into Kate Smurthwaite.
Very few blacks in North America choose to move to Africa. I wonder why.
Africa, where Africans have severed their chains and created the first recognised paradise on Earth. A paradise created with no help whatsoever, apart from £££££££££££££££, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€.
“They really irritate me. I felt like shouting “FFS, grow a pair”.”
That’s why that Campbell fella produces them! You should listen to him weekdays on BBC Radio5live 6:30 AM till 9 AM. Gloves are really off with this fella! Hate! Bile, you can practically smell his foul breath over the airwaves.
“Yep..heard the classic self-flagellation last week as they discussed the apparent, and horrific, dearth of black opera singers in Britain.”
Well if they’re not interested in joining the audience from time to time, they’re hardly going to be motivated enough to spend years training to become opera singers, are they?
This stuff always amuses me, it happens in lots of things – opera, theatre generally, orchestras, country houses, traditions, anything historically or culturally European. Even visiting the countryside. They try to correct a perceived imbalance with some futile attempt to attract those least likely to take part, as if the most and the least cancel each other out like double entry bookkeeping. Some of it can be explained by simple class differences, although nobody seems to care when white, working class people are under-represented in something. The Labour party used to care, but hasn’t done so for years.
If you want to increase participation in something, it’s generally best to target those who are most likely to take part, but that wouldn’t produce the required result.
Femi can carry a tune. Apparently.
If he isn’t opening the RSO season it will be obvious racism.
Men hold down a man who tried to rape a teenager until cops come.
Not on BBC yet. But on numerous other sites who give no information about the man.
I wonder who the man is, or where he is from? No details.
“”Secondly, I would like to take my hat off to the group of men who intervened, stopped the attack, then gave chase so police were able to make an arrest.” Says a police officer. He went on to say (my fiction!): “Some of that group of men have been charged with GBH against the suspect while the remainder of the public spirited group will be charged for affray and aiding and abetting in the principal crime”………………….
A, “Manchester man”?…………..
Always love it when the geriatric old white Beeboids start bonding.
Wheel in John Simpson and Jeremy Bowen and you have a whinge of bitter old farts.
GW – Love it, whinge.
Whynge (spell it differently to differentiate it from the usual term). Collective noun.
Definition : A group of Socialists bewailing the imminent death of their nasty beliefs.
Should be in the OED as new English word of 2019.
Whynge Whynge Whynge Whynge
Whynge Whynge Whynge Whynge
Whynge Whynge Whynge Whynge
Whynge Whynge Whynge Whynge
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Whynge Whynge Whynge Whynge
So Sykes is saying (or sarcastically implying that other people say)
.. that having a head covering (like a nun etc.) makes you an ISIS terrorist.
Excellent post. But the BBC is under pressure. I see in the Express today that the corporation is trying to get the MPs to force the over 75s to pay the LF. In the news the other day it was reported that people under 35 were watching less and less BBC and more and more on their computers , so hopefully not paying the LF. So dear old auntie is trying to force those older folks who may still watch its leftist tripe to pay up. Leaving aside their ability to find the money out of their pensions , it seems that the BBC is now determined to attack one of the few age groups who still watch their dismal programmes. Smacks of desperation to me.
For the first time I’ve skimmed the 54-page AGE-RELATED TV LICENCE POLICY Public Consultation document
Click to access consultation.pdf
Apparently there are three ‘remain-type’ choices (copying, restoring, reforming) – but not the obvious and much-needed one (i.e. scrapping entirely).
And they have their own ‘transition period’ (p. 47).
The BBC generation have already died out. The over 75s don’t watch the BBC either. My parents watch Yesterday, Talking Pictures, ITV3, Drama, Film4, True Entertainment or Movies4Men, as well as a choice of 295 episodes of Last of the Summer Wine on DVD such as “Deep in the Heart of Yorkshire”, “The White Mans Grave”, “Keeping Britain Tidy”, “The Really Masculine Purse”, “The Frenchies are coming” and “Set the People Free” including an Anti-EU rant by Nora Batty in “Bicycle Bonanza”.
Granddaughters and Nieces watch the Youtubes, and would rather watch a Tom and Jerry cartoon or a Laurel and Hardy film than BBC News.
Nobody wants to watch the BBC anymore, anything interesting is now effectively censored. The most interesting people, scientists and competent journalists are banned or rarely appear on the BBC. Writers of books, especially those who write about the BBC, EU governance or Climate science, are not even mentioned as existing.
No the future is a 21st Century Global Britain. The 19th Century was the Century of the British Empire. The 20th Century started as the Century of the British Commonwealth and ended as the European Union in decline. The 21st Century is the Century of the Royal Commonwealth. At over ten and a third million square miles, the Royal Commonwealth is the largest sovereign Union under the rule of a single person in the world today. Sixteen Realms comprising exactly one hundred separate territories loyal to Her Majesty the Queen. Thirty territories with Union Jacks in their Flags and the Queens Head on the Coins of 17 of the Worlds Currencies.
I find it extraordinarily incomprehensible that the Government/legislators plough on with ensuring that sensible, prepared members of the public are unable to defend themselves.
Click to access 2018-06-20_Overarching_Fact_Sheet_v0.1.pdf
Whereas, they must know that those to which the legislation will really apply to, have no regard to honouring the law. For others, who will remain unnamed here, they as a separate group, do not even accept the laws of the kaffir and neither will they.
One’s thing for sure, eventually when the public have had enough, they will join the factions above irrespective of, ‘The Law’. By the way, ‘Bring back hanging for Treason’ I say. First candidate? the PM who amended the law to halt hanging for that offence. Guess who?
Maajid has his deported Ghanaian convicted & deported mate on
..”Ooh on Tuesday 32 Jamaicans are going to be deported and that will leave 23 British children without fathers”
…. tell that to their victims mate.
On Wednesday the Stansted 15 anti-deportation “terrorists”* are to be sentenced.
(They have a terrorism conviction)
SG “without fathers”
All the statistics show that the blacks desert the women ASAP.
The “single parent” is used by the Black Broadcasting Corporation every day as an excuse for the criminal behaviour of young blacks.
These “fathers” would mostly be absent anyway.
“the blacks” don’t do anything, cos like any group, they are not a mass, but rather individuals so they’ll be plenty of good fathers , but a certain portion of individuals DO “desert the women ASAP.” just as a proportion of white individuals do.
Thomas Sowell says that bad outcomes in American black families is often linked to absence of fathers
I think that the argument is that US white couples had less absent fathers, but they did exist eg in the war etc. but society more often had a stronger system of support mainly from grandparents etc.
That’s how Obama did OK with his white mother, when his father cleared off.
Jan 13th Rod Liddle;s Times column was
“Half of black children do not live with their father. And we wonder why they’re dying”
Thanks to Guest Who for posting the latest on the isthebbcbiased blog. Here’s how I responded on that blog to the info that Andrew Marr was going to host Ash Sarkar of Novara Media:
Hmm… Ash Sarkar from Novara Media talking to the BBC alongside journalists from serious publications – the Times and the Spectator?
Novara Media is a far-left subversive outfit with a YouTube subscription of about 13 people (OK I’m minimizing that a bit) and the Ash creature is, by her own admission, a communist:
What on earth is she doing on the BBC?
The only thing Sarkar has going for her is that she is a typical whinging subversive. Here she is on an Intelligence Squared panel ‘debating’ whether Corbyn is fit to be PM:
She begins her ‘contribution’ to the debate by asking the rhetorical question: What the %#&@ are we doing here?
Funny how people are proud to declare themselves communists, whereas to say you’re a fascist would put you beyond the pale, would get you non-personned on the beeb and most msm, and possibly prosecuted.
And yet there’s barely a rizla thin difference between the two, and in terms of millions murdered, tortured, imprisoned and starved, communism has far more blood on its hands.
But I guess our little trAsh hasn’t read too much history, or just doesn’t care, so long as she can virtue signal and feel all righteous and indignant.
PS. The couch candy airhead next to Piers is pretty obnoxious too.
Don’t mock the Communists. At least Jacob Rees-Mogg read that they were “Sound on Europe”.
No doubt she is the pride of mum and dad now she’s on the grown up teli . I’ve written here before that we must be aware that dusky people who want to rubbish the West need to find a niche to get on the BBC panel show s like QT and ‘ now’ thing .
Then she can do baking and dancing and write a book or column about nasty Blighty .
Once that’s understood – such a vacuous waste of life can be ignored ….
“Ash Sarkar ”
Tis true! Nowt worse than a poacher [female version] turned gamekeeper. Mad Muslim to atheism. Their silliness still betrays them.
@TT Novara Media “29,246 subscribers”
400 of those are probably BBC accounts
typical view count is 8K a recent high was a video saying BBC was biased against FlAbbott on QT got 48K
Maxi would argue that they are mainstream whereas PJW and Tommy with a million subscribers each and videos of a million views are “the extremists” who should not be awarded any platform by the BBC
The PM gets the Eurostar to the ReichEU this week to be told the sell out can’t be changed . All those amendments and traitorous manoeuvres by Greave and the rest will be for naught . Another week done and down to 40 days .
I think once we pass the month mark real panic will set in and the likes of cooper balls and soubry will go into full melt down as the End of the World approaches . So much popcorn to be eaten .
If all else fails is there not some heinous crime that we as a nation can commit that would ensure our expulsion from this mouldy, decaying organization. Maybe the EU doesn’t do expulsion (too expensive) but relies on punishment. I think we can probably look forward to plenty of that. Our name is on ze list.
Interesting idea Lefty – maybe we could try these to get ourselves kicked out :
We could declare that we’ve had enough of illegal asylum seekers turning up on our shores and they will be instantly dropped back off in France.
We could declare a huge crackdown on illegals already here, and if any are found will be put in giant holding camps with minimal comforts until we can return them to their original countries.
We could declare we will no longer be part of the ECHR, ECJ or the UN as they are no longer fit for purpose – and if that doesn’t suit the EU then tough. Those bodies interfere with our ability to govern ourselves as we wish.
We could reintroduce the death penalty.
We could state that henceforward we will trade with who we damn well please, without reference to the EU, and if they don’t like it, come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough. Might as well be bold!
Unfortunately none of our politicians would countenance any of the above, in fact they’d be horrified. And that’s why 90+ % of MPs need to be mercilessly swept away at the next election. The country cannot afford such people pretending to represent their constituents.
An impressive list there but I don’t think the EU Commission would consider any of that to constitute a sackable offense. They would merely instruct our traitors within to do the usual hatchet job using the MSM, although I doubt that an instruction would be needed – just a sly, knowing wink would suffice and the useful idiots would do their stuff. It’s a bit like the Mafioso – if you don’t meet our demands we’ll send the boys round. So I think it’s just walk away time and let the chips fall where they may.
Pug AC DC grayling was blubbing about people have to wear yellow stars after brexit which was pretty offensive and I reported to twitter .
He is obviously an approved snowflake
Just watched the Talking Pictures channel, and the excellent Robert Donat as The Young Mr Pitt. The dialogue could have been written today, and despite being set in the late 18th Century when the young William Pitt was PM, the problems with Europe were as relevant then as they are today.
Every Member of Parliament need to sit down and watch this film, particularly as the narrative spoken in parliament was authentic.
Any black/LGBT actors?
It’s funny as the excellent Talking Pictures got told off because some snowflake complained about a bit of 1970s language … now a clever sign is put up warning people that out of fashion racial descriptions might be heard …. oh the humanity …
G. Nope ! and no alien names either in the credits at the end. AND I didn’t need the sub titles on, because every word spoken was beautifully enunciated, a clear indication of real actors who knew their craft.
Another indication of the era, in the list of credits at the end, whereas normally there are accreditations for hair and make-up, I did a double take when I saw the word ‘ cosmetician’. l must remember that one.
The twitter highlights JRM making the beeboid Mardell sound stupid – because of brexit today on the 1pm news .
I don’t listen to Mardell or much BBC so called ‘ news’ much anymore but the 5 minutes of JRM finally declaring the continuous bias of Mardell and the BBC is worth it .
Panic in the air methinks
Let’s face it – people are confused about what sort of engine to get if buying a new car. The emir or Londonistan is bringing his 12 quid a day for Londoners using diesels and others and the rest of the country will find an excuse .
I need a nearly new car but holding off. I care less about global warming and air quality in London. It’s bound to be bad because there are 8 million plus people here .
Not directly bbc related, but germane in that they share the same racism-obsessed mindset:
Mary Poppins is branded ‘racist’ over scene where she’s covered in soot.
Which shows that US ‘academics’ are at least as mad as ours.
Funny how white people don’t go on about historic child abuse of children used as slaves to climb chim chimneys . Or Americans engaging is cultural appropriation – or dick van dykes cockney accent which some might say is a ‘crime against humanity – or a crime against cock en ee’ .
Some dark people have no sense of anything ….
So that explains why coal mines were systematically closed down from Harold Wilson onwards – it was to combat abject working class racism in places like S Yorkshire and S Wales.
Someone should have pointed that out to Arthur Scargill, I’m sure he would have understood – good cause ‘n all.
I hope there are no racist black people working in American salt mines.
I think the racist incident involves a retired Admiral on top of a house firing rockets at what he thinks are Hottentots, but are in fact chimney sweeps who just happen to be dancing on top of neighbouring roofs. Compounding the racism is also the fact that one of the chimney sweeps happens to be a Dutch American actor trying to speak English with a cockney accent.
“The literature professor”
That surprised me, it is usually sociologists.
Most of them are not real academics.
When I attended Grammar School about 10% of students attended University.
In the generation who taught me c7% attended university.
Some university placements were due to family influence, but the majority were the cream of the crop.
Fewer post graduate opportunities, so many very good graduates entered teaching.
In my small rural school.
The French Mistress graduated magna cum laude from a French University.
The Physics Master had a PHD, his post graduate studies were interrupted by WW2, during which he received serious head wounds and felt unable to return to university.
The Mathematics Master had an MSc from London university.
There were more but it was a long time ago.
Any pupil who showed real potential would be offered free, advanced tuition, by a member of staff, outside school hours. We had one pupil so good the Master felt he could not teach her any more. More advanced, still free, tuition was provided for her by staff from the nearest university.
The standard of teaching declined coevally with the standard of pupil behaviour and enrichment.
You’re right, sociology is heavily infected with Marxism and cultural Marxism, which obsesses with finding racism under every stone.
But like a cancer the disease has long spread to most Arts subjects, history of course, but also literature, and most of the others.
If it’s an ology you’re a scientist? Sadly not; you’re probably a Marxist.
Last week it was SO cold……….
How cold was it?
It was so cold even socialists had their hands in their own pockets.
Something to warm comrades up – David Vance on Twitter states that BBC is losing licence renewals at a rate of 2700 a day … come on get it to 3000….
Haven’t they tried that twice before when they were shrinking beyond recognition? First we had the SDP formed by the gang of four and the fabulously young David Owen then the Lib Dems with the fabulously young Paddy Ashdown. So the fabulously young Chuka will be next? Same result. A toothless talking shop for people who only want the salaries with no responsibility.
Darn I missed the start of the transgender children 5 minute item on Radio Humberside
So I would back the player to 16:27pm ..it’s the same Elaine Dunkley item that was used on Look North
But an interesting thing is the BBC prog’s page thinks its Spotifiy
The music tracks are all lined up on the screen with a play now button
Since the tracks play instantly that suggests to me that my browser is preloading the audio , this is a massive use of internet resources .. a waste of money and energy that causes the Global Warming BBC is so worried about.
..Ah the tracks seem to fade out after about 40 seconds, i don’t see the point in that