Another week of Biased BBC Project Fear to stop democracy . They must be starting repeats soon as theyre running out of ideas .Why not just ‘crash out’over the ‘cliff edge’ and have a ‘ hard brexit ‘ just like not one single beeboid wants..
Meanwhile up goes the TV licence tax . No justification. No explanation from the Far Left State Broadcaster . In a ‘ normal ‘ country we’d have seen a headline saying “ what’s gone wrong with the BBC ?’ But there again- the swampy bubble runs the show ….
Me ?
You always were behind before but now you’re first, at last.
At last! ????
???? where’s maxincony?
Probably tucked up in bed with his Children in Need teddy wearing his Doctor Who pyjamas.
A few threads ago someone here ‘named’ a person as maxicony . I wondered if that might have had an effect . ?
May I say a few words about the Just In Time ( jit) method of manufacturing .
I used to , am still am , driving a lorry using this method and was doing it before the single market from Germany and after from a country then outside , Austria .
Perhaps it should be called instead , sensible stock holding .
Something we all do . How many of us keep three years of baked beans in our houses , and obviously you wouldn’t do that with lettuces . *
Another reason you reduce your stock to the essentials is money – why buy all at once for something you pay to store ?
So how much just in time is timed , is it to the second , the minute , the hour or the day ?
Well the most expensive way of sending goods is via airfreight , and every consignment has to wait before being loaded for ~~ twelve hours , not coincidental the clock face of an alarm clock , which is why a lot of airfreight actually went by road .
Also there is the difference between an accompanied trailer , where the driver(s) load , drive , board the ferry , disembark , continue their journey and deliver , and unaccompanied trailers , where one haulage company and driver(s) loads the trailer , takes it to the port , drops it , it’s loaded by a dock shunter , it travels ( unaccompanied ) over the water , another dock shunter takes it off the ferry and then another haulage company ( and driver) takes it to its destination .
You would think that the first way , driver accompanied , is the fastest way , but not necessarily , don’t forget drivers hours rules , where he has to have a minimum of nine hours rest per
night . He has to have the rest , the trailer doesn’t .
And did you know that Switzerland , that bastion of efficiency , has a lorry driving ban at ten o clock at night ? That’s ten sharp , park up before then , no excuses , no “but I’m five yards from the border ” , no nothing . Best to get your parking space about six o clock .
And Germany , France , Spain , Italy and others have an HGV weekend driving ban . Medical and ship stores exempted , JIT car parts are not .
If the government was really serious about JIT deliveries , and not just from the continent , it would do something about the M25 and M6 .
Good post, Nibor. Thanks.
Nibor as JRM said yesterday – JIT delivery is not just from the ReichEU and is just another project Fear device .
As the clock ticks down I’m starting to enjoy the desperation . It’s about time it is not about the terms of leaving because The FrogKraut axis wants us out so that they can effect full control on the other dumb states still members .
If we do leave and I am still doubtful that we will, it will be in large part because Leavers have stuck to their guns and the MPs who massively favour Remain are scared to sabotage the referendum result because they knew that they would lose their seats or be deselected if they did. FPTP has much to commend it. It keeps the link between MP and their constituents which a PR system does not. If the referendum result is sabotaged then there needs to be a purge of all MPs, regardless of party, who voted to do it. My view is that they are still trying to find a way , which they can pass off as democratic, of stopping Brexit. They will try any number of tricks and deceits to claim democratic legitimacy and with the help of the MSM try to hide behind them. Show no mercy purge the lot.
Interesting article in the Daily Telegrout, about how the BBC sports commentating is well below par.
On ITV, we had the real ‘heavyweights’ of rugby union, with Sir Clive Woodward, Brian O’Driscoll and Jonny Wilkinson! Who could have wanted a more dedicated, informed and articulate trio to discuss a crucial game?
The BBC still wheel out the rickety old hands from way back, getting excited and making errors by the minute (Wales v France).
The adverts on ITV give one a welcome break from armchair gripping, triumphant yelps and also a few minutes to top one’s glass up!
Wimmin commentating on bbc football ugh . Mute .
I don’t mind all women commentating, it depends on the pitch of the voice. Commentators do not have to be expert footballers, I doubt John Motson had ever played in his life. What I do complain about is female expert commentators in both rugby and football, you may as well have a 15 year old boy because in both sports a good 15 year old will be a far superior player than any woman. Finally what is this penchant for putting up the number of caps the female has won when she talks?
None of my friends EVER watch female sport, with the exception of Wimbledon and the Olympics. So the Beeb are banging their heads against a brick wall in televising it. Even more so if they hope that women sports presenters in general will promote more females to watch sport – no chance.
As a normal red-blooded retired rugby player, having turned out for the firsts, the thirds and the seconds for my club, when rugby balls were nearly round and always soaking wet, and the last few minutes were played by the lights of passing traffic, I can safely say that after such a game played in the pouring rain, the last thing I’d have wanted was a pretty lady in a long scarf and floppy hat, asking me why I’d missed the kick from as far as the next village, and keeping me from a shower, several pints and a packet of Gold Leaf!
It just doesn’t work, this ‘equality’ lark!
Yes, I’d probably liked to have got into the changing rooms of all the lady hockey teams for an interview, only to be told to ‘f*** off’, and quite rightly, but I’d have at least tried to understand the reasons and the deep sentiments as to why the game is played first! Rugby football is a bloke’s game! End of!
As Beltane says next, Eddie Butler has the worst record of reporting rugby, although he was once a player. I can’t remember a single game where he’s got any facts right, and he continues to deliver his inanities in a sort of funny growl reminiscent of the Scottish version of the Irish production of a small village musical extravaganza of ‘How Green was My Valley’, in pidgin Cornish with German sub-titles.
I’d much rather go and watch the Extra ‘B’ (twelve men, the scrum-half had a puncture and the other two had been on the Guinness since 11:00am) play against a local pub side on the unflooded side of the pitch, than listen to the BBC version of yelling and shrieking, along with the squeals of delight when a foobull player gets a squillion quid for just turning up in his yellow Tesla and waves his scribbled tattoos at anybody who bothers to show interest!
Agreed !
Taff, I refer to you as an expert, to some of the comments from Michael Green’s books, or a certain article in the South Wales Press, about a Merthyr game being watched by several, and a try was scored by the light of a passing bus…
Some things you never forget!
Your game was magnificent – well played!
Plus, of course, when England play on the BBC without fail we get the impartial Eddie Butler – who, provided you’re not English, gives an in-depth and unbiased commentary to enjoy.
It seems as if it’s compulsory for every sporting event that the bBBC deems to be major, fewer and fewer though they are, has to have some meandering monologue from him beforehand. They all sound the same, contrived and cliched, and much like the SPOTY intros, are far, far too long.
It has got to the stage where I and most of the people I know check what time ko is to avoid Butler and all the other build-up bs. In the case of Football Focus and MotD most of us have found better things to do and ignore them altogether.
I want to make a point here. I am an England rugby fan and so I am biased. Do others find that referees seem to biased against England no matter who they play? On Saturday the Irish were allowed several not straight line outs and at least two neck tackles. England meanwhile were penalised for not rolling away when the culprit had two lumpen Irish forwards holding him down. I estimate that this bias affects all results by at leat 7 points per game.
Unfortunately the history of England means that most of the countries have reasons to, if not hate then, dislike us. The Kiwis are probably the only ones who are pair to us and it doesn’t normally matter because they are usually much better than we are at Rugby. I remember an Irish friend of mine meeting the brother of South African referee Jonathan Kaplan. After a few beers the brother said that Kaplan hated the English so Ireland had nothing to worry about.
We all have memories of foreign referees. Some of you will remember the Max Boyce poem “I am an Entertainer”:
I am an entertainer,
and I sing for charity.
For Oxfam and for Shelter,
for those worse off than me.
Bangladesh, Barnardos Homes,
and though I don’t get paid,
It does one good to do some work
for things like Christan Aid.
But of all the concerts that I’ve done
for the homeless overseas,
The one I did that pleased me most
was not for refugees.
Was for a home in Ireland
that stands amongst the trees –
The Sunshine Home in Dublin
for blind Irish referees!
I woke up this morning to Radio Devon telling me the Patriots had beaten the Rams. Turned it off. If you open the BBC Sport page it has a list ….
Gossip column
Premier League
FA Cup Scores
American Football (!)
I can see the first item being called Soccer any day soon.
” Why not just ‘crash out’over the ‘cliff edge’ and have a ‘ hard brexit ‘” . I don’t know why but the constant beeb fear mongering reminds me of a couple of verses from an old ww2 song popular with the US and British air crews. It shows the attitude to fear,two fingers.
“Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
Though there’s one motor gone
We can still carry on
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer
With our full crew on board
And our trust in the Lord
We’re comin’ in on a wing and a prayer”
Do you ever notice how little coverage or criticism is applied to Brussels by the BBC over Brexit -whereas all things British are rubbished ?
It’s as though the BBC us part of the ReichEU and not – er- British .
Compare the coverage with the detailed misreporting of President Trump .
So true. I doubt there has ever been even a murmur of criticism from the BBC of the EU in all the decades since its establishment in the guise of a common market. The BBC is in a state of slavish devotion to the EU.
George Orwell said that the elite of Britain were the only ones who hated their own country.
‘The day I went to prison, I got my life back’
BBC morning email.
As she sat in the dock, waiting for the judge to send her to prison, Lilly Lewis found to her surprise that she couldn’t stop laughing. She didn’t understand why. It wasn’t nerves, exactly, and there wasn’t anything remotely funny about her situation. Lilly’s lawyer had warned she was looking at an eight-year sentence.
But somehow the entire court case had seemed unreal to her, like a huge, elaborate joke.
Read full article >
Jon Kelly
BBC Stories
BBC is the new Shawshank? Only with loads more giggles.
By coincidence, many pensioners are seeing it as a career option. Especially as the tvl is free. Be ironic if one was banged up for not paying it to give Jon his shot at a Pulitzer.
Guest – yeah and you might even meet a Labour MP…or get killed for eating a bacon sandwich .
Least she will be quids in and queen of the diverse block, so likely good for some freelance work on a Grouty dispensation basis.
You forgot to mention the long list of reasons why women should not be jailed, that the BBC appends to every article of this type.
Only men should be jailed. Sexism, but it’s men so it does not matter.
Not bbc but the news that Ryanair made a 4th quarter loss warmed my heart . I had to use it last week and – yes-got treated like cattle – when this is avoidable .
A lot of the time Ryanair is not cheap
A Grammy nominated American rapper called 21 savage had been arrested in America because it turns out he is British and really called “Sha Yaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, “and overstayed his visa by something like 10 years .
Strangely the BBC hasn’t picked this up …,
They have got a story on the rapper. I was looking for something else when I saw it:
Of course, it’s a really sympathetic article, minimizing his negative side and showering him with compliments.
Truetoo-so glad – President trump will be bought into this nonsense .
True, Trump is a man of action, only held back by the sleaze surrounding him , both Democrats and Republicans.
If anyone can kick this rapper out, Trump will – or at least he will facilitate the kicking out thereof.
And where do you think he is going to kick him out to ? !!!!!!!!!
Radio4 tweeted the story 90 mins after FedUp2 Spoke
BTW @TrueToo I replied to your Fiona Bruce comment from Saturday, see bottom of that page.
They’re sending him the papers to apply for benefits right now…..
Oh, I dunno – I would presume (/sarc) that, given his UK citizenship, our government is also, via HMRC, sending him a vast tax bill at the same time.
…..we wish !
He’s being extradited. Great, we need another sex-drugs-guns-and-violence racist rapper like we need a bucket of cold vomit.
Just read your input there re Bruce, thanks.
I take your point that she should be facilitating the debate, and not going for ‘gotcha’ moments. But Dimbleby did that a lot (and not exclusively against his political opponents) so maybe she’s just carrying on a tradition. Dimbleby didn’t seem to like Corbyn at all, and often challenged his supporters on QT.
Interesting that Fiona Bruce was tweeted before the show re potential questions to put to the lefty Labour shmuck.
Social media rules, OK.
I’m getting this in before the rouges within the BBC get wind of it and report me to Lilly’s 5 lawyers..
Re: Atlanta/Scunthorpe rapper.
No doubt will soon be seen walking hand-in-hand in the west end with Lilly Allen and fellow cry baby Sir Geldof-of-the-foul-mouth-species.
Rumours are that plans are in place for a “how do they know we can’t sing a blinking note in africa?” Or, Atlanta, or, Islington…you get what I mean. Oh, forgot to mention: Lilly will be in the middle wearing the rainbow t-shirt with the motif “Tears for the starving children and their obese mothers?” Why is that Lilly? The kids are always skeletons yet their mothers are always seen to be obese, why is that Bob?
Utterly disgusting BIAS on BBC Breakfast this morning. The Tefal headed Dan Walker gleefully telling us yet again that Nissan have puled out of making the new model in Sunderland ….due to BREXIT concerns. No other reason given in the headline news, just BREXIT concerns.
However, skip forward 20 minutes and in fairness to the snow shovel headed giant Steph, she gave several other reasons for the decision. Commercial reasons mainly, like the 40% drop in demand for new diesel vehicles, the new EU REGULATIONS, YES , THATS THE NEW EU REGUALTIONS on diesel emissions making it much more expensive to build the said car than they envisaged. So, BBC, not JUST all about Brexit like you like to portray in all your headlines.
Its just plain wrong, disgusting, downright BIAS there for us all to see and yet again they wonder why they are hemorraging viewers / listeners left , right and centre. What a corrupt piece of work they really are. Why oh why does the National Broadcaster despise its own country so blatantly ….amazing isnt it.
Don’t sound too shocked Doobs. That’s why this site exists and most threads fill so quickly!
As predicted in my post on here last night at 7. 14
BBC Newcastle Look North had this story as its lead. Still biased as ever.
Not to be outdone, Radio Newcastle followed up with just about every remoaner in Sunderland going unchallenged and being given airtime to spout their bile, including some clueless priest.
Anyone with a different opinion, stating the real reasons for this reversal being challenged with ridiculous questions such as give us some examples of project fear.
The presenters obviously showing their bias.. disgraceful…
Another from the no problem old white Male BBC ‘views my own’ sector…
Just another idiot selectively quoting what suits them..and the difference is minimal according to the pollsters themselves – so if they actually put their confidence levels on these percentages it would mean F All of F All.
When you look at the poll as a whole it’s asking people to give views on things they probably don’t know about because they most likely haven’t read the documents , but just listened to the doom mongers like good old BeeB
Sadly, the folk inside the BBC do control narrative, guests, topics, the mic, the edit and what gets broadcast.
Similar to the reckless narrative the bBBC are allowing and encouraging around the backstop and the Good Friday Agreement.
The dog on the street knows that Brexit and the backstop have sweet fa to do with the GFA but the bBBC are deliberately allowing both the Irish govt. and Sinn Fein to make mischief.
A mouthpiece for the greediest and least principled …
The Belfast Telegraph is a pro-EU, Eire-owned rag which, like the new Daily Mail, relies on a habitual readership that haven’t get noticed that it’s pretending to be something it’s not. Awful paper.
I use the phrase ‘You cannot buck the markets’ on here quite a bit. In some ways it is the economics equivalent of realpolitik.
Realpolitik hit Vince Cable last night on R4’s TWH (10pm on) and the old Remoaner & Remainer was forced to defend SUVs (a.k.a. 4x4s), a vehicle formerly HATED by the Alt-Left including Vince Cable.
A mad Mayor of London (no, not the current one, one of his mad predecessors – when will London get a sane Mayor?), refered to them as ‘Chelsea Tractors’ and wanted to ban them from London. Gordon Brown was content to milk them for extra taxes via their ‘deemed’ carbon emissions. Ironically, the London Borough containing Vince Cable’s present constituency, IIRC, taxed them further if they were parked on the road anywhere within the Borough.
Mind you, as soon as it snowed heavily, that same Borough, with others, was quickly appealing for residents with ‘those evil, planet-killing, 4x4s’ to help deliver supplies and Meals on Wheels to the elderly.
Realpolitik & ‘You cannot buck the markets’ again joined together last weekend with Nissan’s announcement about the investment for their Juke car to be produced in their Sunderland factory.
For thirty years, the propaganda and brainwashing, increasingly for the young, has been about Global Warming and Climate Change. It is now affecting the market for private cars as those who have heard ‘the message’ since youth, reach peak affluence. Mind you, I know some people hitting 70 who believe it all without much intellectual rigour, even when in possession of Uni degrees. There are significant numbers of young adults & middle-aged adults who do believe everything they are told about Global Warming and Climate Change and have stopped buying cars.
Add in the economic effect of overpriced housing and something is going to suffer in the spending of the 20-50 year olds. Add to that the political decisions being made in countries around the world to ban the manufacture of new oil-fuelled cars from 2030/2040/2050 (year varies by country) and you realise that enthusiasm for Global Warming & Climate Change among politicians is going to have inevitable consequences as is their fiscal treatment of the people whether on motoring or in other areas of life.
Consequences that are being felt by Nissan and leading to their announcement at the weekend relating to the UK. Consequences being felt in the High Street. Consequences for the airline industries. This morning, there is gloomy news from that industry. Over-capacity and a lack of of customers for over-inflated cost flights (due to over-taxing) is, inevitably, hitting demand
You cannot buck the markets.
When will the BBC wake up that fact? They have been responsible for much of the propaganda and brainwashing. They are even affected in their own markets with their over-priced offerings. You cannot buck the markets, BBC.
And Up
I disagree because the State Broadcaster , because of annual ‘ free money ‘ can do and say just about what it wants .
There is no fair competition – no real market – local newspapers fail because people just look at the shallow ‘ local news’ . Investigations stop – local council corruption and incompetence goes unexamined and revealed .
The whole Main Stream Media is complicit in this because of their incestuous relationships -which extend to politicians unwilling or unable to take on the BBC because they know there will be ‘ consequences ‘ particularly when elections come round .
I don’t know the remedy apart from ‘ goes around comes around ‘ such as unemployed snowflake journos in a saturated market …
Observations welcome
Fed Up,
I spoke to a young lady last week who was looking for work. I thought I might be able to help her get on the bottom rung at least with my employer. She told me she has been unsuccessful finding anything to fit her ‘degree’ I asked what her degree was. – “Media Studies”
Reminds me of the fashion a few years ago to take law at degree level – get a 2:2 from a former poor poly and expect the doors of success to open .
I often think one of the great educational failures is careers advice . Does any one who gets media studies land up with a media job -? Unless ‘personally ‘ connected …
That’s about colleges making money by offering soft degrees. A while back they offered a degree in BBC Eastenders Studies. They still offer degrees to attract the misguided and get their hands on their cash.
A while back, when Silent witness was current one could get an NVQ in Forensic Pathology.
How many people doing creative writing become actual authors ?
I know of someone who got his degree in Egyptology (yep !) and found work in an Accountants. I suppose there is some correlation between hieroglyphics and the scribbling of an accountant !
I have had both graduates and ungraduates work for me . I couldn’t see any Consistancy . Some ungraduates were good – others bad – same with grads .
I know they say university makes the mind challenge , analyse , consider – but I’ve experience of plenty of graduates who couldn’t find their house keys yet alone a thought …..
My degrees were done PT whilst I worked full time btw…
Maybe they should run a “Creative Journalism” course. Gauranteed fast track to a BBC career
They sign on to these studies to avoid signing-on the dole. Something about the poor souls having to find work?
Fed, you are missing the fact that ‘the market’ has filled young lives with mobile phones on which another ‘market’ enables them to watch movies and/or listen to music at prices which to them appear to be ‘free’. They are of course not free, the data space has to be paid for and the phone is bundled in, then there may be a sub for the music streaming & video viewing.
Three markets there all affecting the BBC who then expect the young to pay the BBC’s traditional tax to permit viewing in front of a box tied to the wall. Got it now?
There’s been a massive paradigm shift.
It is counter-intuitive, but if the BBC want to keep the Licence Fee the best thing they can do is to slash it, year on year, not put it up to ever greater unaffordable levels.
You cannot buck the markets.
Up2 – I’m a full on capitalist and not rich . But with capitalism you can go to your local Asda and buy a can of beans with sausages for 50p. Despite brexit .
Fed, that 50p can of beans with sausages happens because there is a competitive market for it.
Otherwise you would be paying £154.50 for it ……
“You cannot buck the markets.”
£154.50 for a can of beans with sausages — someone must shop at Waitrose (smiley thingy)
I don’t know why all the furore over the Ben Fogle / Nihal Arthanayke / Staffie storm-in-a-teacup non-story. Is it a hate crime not to like a certain dog breed now?
But the top comments under the article in The Sun are heart-warming, and suggest the great British public are waking up to the evil beeb:
“Ben must realise that as a white male in the BBC or any public sector body, he is always in the wrong. Therefore when facing off against an Indian man, he was always going to be guilty without there needing to be a trial.”
“Silly man. The only way of recovering this situation for him was to c’uck himself and say sorry like a little poodle dog, even though he wasnt in the wrong.”
“I wonder when Ben will realise that as a white male he does not stand a chance at the BBC against anyone. He should just count himself lucky it wasn’t a BBC woman involved in the war on men.”
“Ben, it’s the BBC and you’re up against a fella called Nihal. Surely you must know how it works by now ? You don’t stand a chance.”
From The Northern Star 1842:
Sounds familiar?
Obviously post Brexit, European countries will not want to sell us anything and will do their damnedest not to get our money in exchange for their goods.
Rather flummoxed a few Adonis and AliCam and FemiFiles lately by fully conceding that the government is an absolute shower and its handling of Brexit has been a disgrace.
However, following a brief moment of comradely empathy they have been less happy that I follow this by pointing out this only makes me more determined to Leave.
Getting back to a shambles of a Remain Parliament, Remain Civil Service and Remain media estate comfortably setting back into the good old ways, overseen by a EU cabal even less accountable that a BBC ECU committee, is really not on the radar.
If there is to be a purge, and pain, so be it.
The whole rotten edifice is crumbling under its corruption and ineptitude, and should be allowed to fall to dust before rebuilding elsewhere on actually reliable foundations.
2019-02-04 BBC Culture
The left, everything they touch, they taint, they pervert, they infect, they destroy.
They re-interpret in unbelievable ways.
From the Marxian inevitability of their version of the totality of history, downwards, always downwards.
Venezuela is taking the bbc attention at the moment. What with ‘Evil’ Trump AND the EU supporting the people over the incumbent – the bbc is in a bit of a quandary.
That and illegal UK rapper who entered the US age twelve and pretended to be American. His early career was in dealing crack but now a reformed character and worth 8M. Again, a bit of a quandary – poor, oppressed black, ‘refugee’ from the UK makes good illegally and ‘Evil’ Trump has arrested him!
As Nissan are not going ahead with adding the large Diesel engine suv model to the Sunderland plant which may mean a couple of hundred jobs sometime in the future may not happen, can the bbbc, who have been telling everybody that this is down to Brexit (sometimes adding in a small voice that other things such as a downturn in diesel sales could also have an effect) tell us which EU country the new plant will be built in.
If not then maybe it’s not uncertainty over Brexit.
Ive heard from a Nissan employee that last year they were making 150 diesel cars per hour, now it’s 10 per hour.
Just maybe, building a brand new factory to build cars that nobody wants is not a sound business proposition, brexit or no Brexit.
Bbbc Radio Newcastle wheeling out all their remainers telling us it’s because of brexit but on the streets they couldn’t find anybody to support the bbc pro eu politics so they had to play comments from the ‘man in the street’, all pro leave, which they must have hated.
They asked for emails and phone-ins and an hour or two later we’re begging for remainers to phone in because everybody contacting them was supporting leave. They also admitted that they had had a huge response (all leavers)
They had one of our 3 remainer MPs on, you know the type, “I respect the referendum result but …….”
All 3 promised to leave the eu and all 3 are devoting all their time to trashing brexit here in Sunderland where we voted 2:1 to leave.
I done my bit, voting UKIP.
All agreed but I will add that the Japanese are good at applying the principle of, ‘Charity starts at home’. In a falling market, better to build at home than pay for foreign labour/property in another country.
And the Japanese economy is in very poor shape. Hats off to them for looking after their own unlike ours whose mantra is, close it, sell it, strip it.
I’ve just heard some MP for Sunderland on Talk Radio trying to blame Brexit and using it as an excuse to call once again for a losers vote. The bbbc ought to take some of the blame for this decision through their alarmist bullsh1t climate change crap and their demonising of the nasty dirty diesel vehicles we were all told were cleaner!
A lot of us with diesel cars we can’t afford to change. Some of the £39 BILLION could go towards a scrapage scheme.
Dyst & Gax,
Well said and all about to become much more relevant and insidious.
The next steaming great whopper is already afoot and busily entrenching itself within society. The drive, some would say push toward EV’s will continue despite clear and obvious failure. And no, I don’t mean unfortunate souls that are unable to plug in because of domestic or geographical restrictions.
Nobody seems to have either broadcast or been permitted to state the fairly obvious reality that the current cost (no pun intended) of charging your Zero emissions, silicon based, no-fun-wagon will fairly quickly change from £3.74p to a far less palatable amount..Why?
Quite simply, our Government and I guess everyone else’s, will not and never intended to, walk away from the 82% tax duty paid to exercise your right to personal liberty and dare I say it, enjoyment. Your recently fitted (soon to be mandatory) Snoopsmart meter will see to that.
What’s worse is the absolute reality that your EV will never be your own because you simply won’t want to own technology that’s going to be so outdated so quickly . . . ‘Yes Sir, Madam, Non-Binary, I’ve been ordered to make you buy the VW Obscelecence. See you again next year. If you can afford it!’
So of course you’ll have to lease it at an ever increasing cost under their control. Used variants will not exist, be allowed to exist or simply be way too expensive to repair once out of warranty. Currently 85% of the total car market is NOT sold as new.
It’s NOT and NEVER will be, about ‘Greenliness’. It’s about revenue and control
Now I wonder who has a vested interest in reversing that trend?
Watch this space . . .
The BBC displays its typical ignorance, and assumes we are equally ill informed.
“When we think of evolution, we think of Charles Darwin. Yet on a tiny, volcanic, Indonesian island, a little-known naturalist formulated a theory that would shape the world of science.”
The naturalist is Alfred Russel Wallace who all on BBBC know about.
“Places That Changed the World is a BBC Travel series looking into how a destination has made a significant impact on the entire planet.”
This is simply a lie, the Darwin/Wallace evolutionary history could have been investigated without moving from Broadcasting House. Just another excuse for holidays at the licence payers expense where they can show as many non Europeans as possible.
2019-02-04 11:30 BBC NEWS World
“Venezuela crisis: European states recognise Guaidó as president”
Not reported by the BBC, or at least I could not find it.
Socialism sure is wonderful.
Q) A Socialist, a Communist and a Democrat walk into a bar.
Who pays for the drinks ?
A) You do.
Something we won’t hear on the BBC:
Lauren Southern outlines her findings on ‘the migration problem’ at the European Parliament building.
She finds that both the natives and the migrants suffer just so that the ‘compassionate’ feel good. Who benefits? The people traffickers and their NGO partners, aided and abetted by the EU.
Well worth a viewing.
Changing My Mind On Immigration
Bet Vine will resist the temptation to do anti-Brexit stirring by banging on about Nissan Sunderland.
…. Not
Moving the goal posts fallacy
Twitter is awash with Soubry types saying “ah but many people didn’t vote so it’s wrong to say that Brexit has a mandate”
FFS the rule was “side who gets the most votes wins” stop trying to move the goalposts after the game.
..And BTW if we are going to count people who didn’t vote, then people like you Soubry are saying you don’t have a mandate to sit in parliament anyway
Stew – pretty desperate – if I recall the turnout in the referendum was up in the 70% s and the highest national turn out …. ever ..
I think even people to luckily don’t notice politics much are noticing the frankly insulting Project Fear nonsense day after day …
Stew, not only did Leave receive the most votes across the UK, it is always reckoned that the winning side accrues, either totally or at least in proportion to their votes, the votes of those who did not mark a ballot.
Not only are strident Remainers & Remoaners trying to overturn democracy and Brexit, they are also trying to turn the fundamentals of voting on its head.
That could really bite them back badly at some point in the future.
They would be well-advised this week to let it all go. To give up gracefully and accept their loss and make the best of the future along with everyone else in the UK.
“They would be well-advised this week to let it all go. To give up gracefully and accept their loss and make the best of the future along with everyone else in the UK.”
That would mean no more brown envelopes from Soros. I don’t want the BBC to let it go. I want them to be one of the businesses that are so upset that they move to the EU – to their new building in Brussels. And good riddence.
BBC1 tonight at 8.30: ‘Brexit – Who’s to Blame, with Adrian Chiles’.
A question that answers itself, evidently.
Beltane – even the title betrays the bias .. And Chilew will use his ‘my dad was from Eastern Europe “ crap to make snowflake Britons feel bad about leaving a corrupt power mad mafia .
” ‘my dad was from Eastern Europe “ crap ”
Follow the money trail re who finances all these TV/Radio adds and I wouldn’t mind betting that Soros, Blair, Heseltine, and a host of Lords of the Realm will be involved! Especially Soros. He hates the Judeo-Christian influence for good especially the wonderful Jewish influence. Without the Jews the world would still be in the stone age.
Ves – I wrote that because I have heard Chiles do the ‘parent ‘ act before ( I think it’s his mum ) but for a journo to do that is beyond the pale to get personal human sympathy for a far more important national issue .
And if brexit goes bad we ll be in the ReichEU in 10 years time ….learning German…..
Beltane, Adrian Chiles?
Wow! That man is powerful. Who were the others?
The Commons Brexit Committee are in Brussels today.
does this mean what I think it means?
is Treasoner Mayhem now refusing to do what parliament has actually instructed her to do
I was watching a recording of Antony Gormley’s “How Art Began” the other night and I noticed something rather curious. AG was looking at cave paintings and, in order to provide the viewer with a better feel for the time scale between the creation of these paintings and today, a graphic time line was used. Starting at today and running backwards the graphic ran through significant events on the timeline (In a manner like a train running down the track from the view in the cab). We traveled quickly down the line starting with the invention of the internet, then photography to the Mona Lisa, Fire of London backwards to Battle of Hastings; then the next “significant event” was “Qur’an Written”. We then whistle down the years and the next event was the construction of the Parthenon. It struck me that I didn’t notice the birth of Jesus which, when I was at school, was considered a fairly notable event. So I went back through the programmme to check and sure enough on the time line at about the time of the birth of arguably the most influential man since written history started there was only the words “2000 years ago”. Now, why would someone consider the writing of the Quran important enough to include and not the birth of Jesus? Surely, in this country, in which a branch of Christianity is the established religion, more people would relate to Jesus’s birth than to the writing of the Qur’an and, if the intention is to provide context why go with the latter and not the former. I genuinely cannot think of a reason for this.
Just that goebells like incideous propagandathe bbc wahabis put in To BBC product when ever they can . There must be a price ..
Ye, but if the aim is to normalise Islam in British culture then a better way of doing this would be to give it equivalence with Christianity by listing it along side not replace it completely. That just seems designed to annoy people like me. Maybe that’s the real reason!
Part of the strategy is to suppress Christianity – highlight failings such as sexual abuse and run a narrative that people don’t go to church any more . Which is not true . My church is full each week and numbers are going up .
You could be right, perhaps I was looking for subtlety where there isn’t any.
“Highlight failings such as sexual abuse”
Dyst – oh yes I’m aware that the failings of the Christian churches will be more than mirrored by corrupt Islam .
Old Essex Man,
It’s the way the left works – diminish Christianity and elevate Islam.
The BBC does this a lot, using historical revisionism to achieve the purpose. Of course, though the alignment of the far left with radical Islam is undisputed, the reason for the alliance is unclear.
Does the left not realize that they are regarded as worth nothing to the devotees of Islam, and are only being used to further Islam’s goal to take over and subjugate the West?
Wasn’t there something on here recently which actually suggests that the Q’uran predates Mohammed and throws the whole “religion” into question?
Yes, research suggests that an Islam from Mecca may have been a later invention to try to legitimise Arab supremacy. It’s obvious to non-Muslim readers the Koran is a forgery on many levels. It’s not a new thing, some scholars have been studying it from that angle since the 1970’s.
Nothing was written about Muhammad and Mecca while he was alive.
The BBC style question might be-
Did Islam create the Arab Empire or did an Arab empire create Islam?
Try this for a start. It aired on Channel 4 in (I think) 2012 but they were never able to repeat it due to Muslim complaints.
The Suppressed & Hidden History of Islam
That doesn’t surprise me one bit.
Wouldn’t mind betting that if said programme makers followed that line in reverse order down past the birth of Christ then past the time of the Baptist then through the 420 years of silence to the end of the OT book of Malachi; they would probably have dropped into that slot – of 420 yrs of silence re their not being any “vision” from the God of the Israel – up to the ending of the OT book of Malachi they would most likely have cheated and made some reference to Ishmael being Gods chosen one and said nowt about Isaac who was the chosen beloved of God. Still! A liar can never seem to stop lying. Its in their blood.
“First UK FGM conviction” – But BBC World Service reporting:
Hidden away. Why not a prominent piece of news on the BBC UK news channel? I wonder why.
Only other search result, a low-key item –
Imagine the furore if T Robinson (‘Yaxley-Lennon’ to you) or Nigel Farage had been responsible for FGM?
Come to think of it BBC, that’s a good idea, can’t you find some angle and then massage the information to fit?
I saw this report on the BBC and I was amazed to hear the reporter saying that the Muslim clerics/Imams who do this surgery do it:
“so that they get no enjoyment when they have sex”
She was talking about a 3 month old baby – I believe.
“in order that the female does not enjoy sex when she has it”
I will have to watch it again later on this evening! I’m sure the reporter said words to that effect?
Just checked my FB feed. And these two were first up:
The Today Programme
Labour’s Dame Margaret Beckett says she’s getting “increasingly nervous” that Theresa May will take the country to the end of March and present Parliament with her deal or no deal. “That would be a betrayal.”
About this website
Reality Check: What would ‘no deal’ look like?
So ‘checking reality’ at the BBC involves going to a person ensured to provide the BBC’s preferred quote?
The Today Programme
A no deal Brexit is a “bit like disconnecting from the internet, you can do it, but why would you?” – Unipart’s CEO John Neill.
New product safety mark for ‘no deal’
Because if you are being charged for spam, you opt out.
The Today Programme
“Unicorn” solutions on Brexit should be “slayed” – Cabinet Minister David Gauke confirms he said privately. He tells Today: “If we want to stop no deal from happening, we need to get a deal.”
BBC do like the “quotes” the BBc likes, don’t it?
I am always puzzled as to what this “deal” that they all crave would contain. Is it purely organisational stuff on future intergovernmental relationships? Or is it an actual trade deal? If it is the latter, they haven’t been listening to the EU when they say that they cannot (and will not) negotiate one until we exit. If it is the former, the Withdrawal Agreement is a suicide note for the UK, that the BBC would heartily endorse.
So BBC do you proportionately represent the diversity of the UK in terms of both thought and physical characteristics ?
No ..don’t be daft ..right of centre people are not allowed.
This is what on air across the BBC radio right now
You know what , I’m not producing a new diesel car either . It must be due to Brexit .
That’s funny. Neither am I, any more. It’s not due to Brexit. it’s due to early retirement.
#BiasedBBC R4 are unashamedly going all to stop no deal after they lost the people’s vote
Just before 8am they had some ‘clown’, who turned out to be a people’s vote supporter, ranting about how disastrous no deal would be backed up with selected quotes from The Guardian and Vince Cable lol.
At 12 noon they had “Brexit for the Perplexed” portraying so-called ordinary sensible people and explaining how misguided the who Brexit affair is and comparing leaving with loss of Empire blah blah blah.
The next referendum should be on the the stupid BBC
Did I really hear Stella Greasy casually assert on Politics Live that “Brexit is breaking our democracy”?
A wee look in the mirror maybe Stella?
I’ve asked my wife to cancel her direct debit for the licence fee, I’m tired of these people. Ffs, it’s women’s rugby now. That’s it, bBBC, I’m out.
Well done – rich – welcome to a growing club – 2700 cancellations a day ….
Sky could make bbc channels a ‘pay per view’ on Sky boxes but as the license, as I understand, is for owning or viewing a tv set ?
It’s for watching live tv.
I can do without it, in the same way that I cancelled my Sky subscription s couple of years ago. We have Netflix, Amazon Prime and Kodi. My wife enjoys thrillers, dramas and box sets on her tablet at night in bed and my daughters, 14,12 and 10 watch no bBBC at all. They’ve even given up on Strictly.
The bBBC won’t be missed in our house.
Isn’t Creasy HORRIBLE! She would not shut up for a second, and a supercilious smirk is never off her face. The combination of her yattering and Jo Swinson’s monotonous Scotch nagging was intolerable.
That said, most sensible folk knew this a while back.
9am R4 Marr this morning “We Marxists, have a big conspiracy theory about them over there Google and Facebook”
FFS spit propaganda in our faces day in day out ..and now you are saying “hey look over there”
There is a thing, whereby when you half know about a topic you can put on a manner of confidence and act the role of a complete expert.
I can do this myself, but it’s wrong and dangerous , cos the public end up so disinformed.
The chief guest egged on by Marr was like that
#1 Now Google/Facebook do have these clever algorithms that target advertising at you
But I bet you have hardly ever bought anything off such an advert
… The con is more about conning the advertising buyer than you.
The expert made a claim that Google Street cars hoover up YOUR data.
That’s not true, the car does hoover up some OPEN data
… like the names of wifi-networks and protocol labels
…. However they DO NOT hoover up regular data packets like you email, or the address of the porn site you happen to be looking at on your PC
However a typical BBC staffer picked it up and got hysterical
Ellen Husain of BBC Wildlife moved into dramagreen mode
(bet she does the same in her programmes)
(It’s like the way that in a public street, you can take a photo of anything you can see in a public space with your eyes, but you can’t go taking photos down someones top or up their skirt.)
“Jeeves, more popcorn, chop chop!”
Just when you think the anti-Brexit hysteria can’t get any worse, they never fail to surprise you, do they?
Not BBC admittedly, but I don’t suppose they’ll be far behind.
your warning courtesy of EX-MP Lynda Waltho
or should that be Labour MEP Lynda Waltho (soon to be out of at least 1 job)
I bet she’s on the way to House of Lords.
Sounds like the plot of, “The Day The Earth Stood Still”.
Really ? The comments on that E&S story say it all.
8:30pm BBC1 : \\ Filming with voters in Yorkshire and Kent, Adrian Chiles finds people’s opinions are more entrenched and divided about Brexit than ever. But most seem to agree on one thing – politicians are failing to get the country out of the mess its in. Adrian follows MPs through a historic fortnight in Westminster to find out who is in charge of Britain’s future with the European Union
and whether they’re putting party politics before the best interests of the country. //
… are the Stopbrexit people about party politics ? No
So that is a weird framing by the BBC
Oh that Adrian Chiles prog is Panorama
9pm BBC4 83-year-old photographer Don McCullin
He must be a lefty cos he’s a BBC favourite, so I expect a propaganda show
\\ …visits East End of London, Bradford, Consett, Eastbourne and Scarborough, encountering an array of characters along the way. //
I heard a couple of minutes of him on Radio 4 yesterday. He was talking about photographing the Vietnem War. I only lasted a few minutes because it was about how the horrible Americans and South Vietnamese were killing the communists.
RJ- he seems a haunted man with a planet sized ego – guilty for making a living off of the suffering of others for the entertainment of people who buy the sort of magazines which paid him.
I recently switched from Amazon Prime back to Netflix. I’m now in the middle of Ken Burns 10 episode series on the Vietnam War. I believe it was on the Beeb but of course I couldn’t watch it back then without a licence.
Although Burns is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, and I’m not sure how ‘progressive’ his politics are – but his documentaries always seem to be pretty balanced.
In fact I’d recommend watching any of his work (especially The Civil War, The War(WW2), The West) if anyone hasn’t come across them before.
There is a leftist slant, but everything is well put together and you don’t get the impression that he hates his country, unlike that godawful Michael Moore.
PBS show Ken Burns work on a regular basis . It’s the kind of quality the BBC used to produce before it before it became a Snowflake propaganda machine .
Now it’s dumbed down stuff which has to have a black / female ‘character ‘ jetting around the world gurning at the camera …
Tx for that. If Netflix can be criticised it is there is so much stuff in there you can miss some real gems.
The Civil War was excellent.
I hope his treatment of a more politicised era is on par.
It’s easy to find Remainers being hatey on twitter
“London became majority nonwhite in 2010, according to the 2011 census, and the clear link between the slide into a majority Third World population and the staggering increase in crime is obvious to all but the willingly blind.”
Well, well, fancy that…………
Similar topic R4 8:30pm will address the issue of whether single parent families fail
..though they choose to mix the issue with families who cohabit but don’t get married.
Likely they’ll cherrypick data to suit their agenda.
Dutch woman just tweeted that she gets BBC1 and 2 in Holland so i asked how she pays
AlBeeb very happy to broadcast their Propaganda into Europe FOC. As a result the Dutch think that the antics on College Green represent the views of the entire population; that we are murdering eastern europeans and that Farage has absconded. Mind yo,u as the BBC never ever show his speeches in the Euro Parliament, but always show G vHofstadt unabridged, I can understand why ….
Here’s one bright little bunny that should be interviewed by the state funded broadcaster.
Stew perhaps you could post the actual video- never works for me!!
Change “mobile” to www
11pm R4 tonight Sarah Dunant has her monthly HISTORY prog that she uses as a vehicle to mock Trump and the Tories .. alleging they are like this character from the past
Funny though how the well heeled, scribblers, actors and crooners are such pretend socialists.
Cop a load of Cortez, a young elected Democrat who believes wealth is evil and proposes a 90% wealth tax – super eh Sarah etc. ?
8pm R4 “Fatwa” is the clickbait word used to get you
… actually the Muslim guy wants a cleric to rule that organ transplants are OK by Islam, so other people don’t have to go suffer so many years like he did
Tired of Brexit for the moment – bbc runs with, “Global Warming Will Turn the Sea a Different Colour”. That’s some seas a different blue and not the colour of blood for instance.
Meanwhile the Democrat Governor who may have once dressed up black or as a KKK in his college year book. After apologizing he now says it wasn’t him. The response from the Democrats is to call Trump a racist. The Left – so mature, so honest – not.
And now on, Nick Clegg, employed to spin and waffle and lie as Facebook’s bitch.
There’s an open HYS there
It’s a weekday so all the activist NGO people have piled in
The most intelligent commented are listed under “LOWEST rated”
On now ‘Hard Talk’ with a satirist who hates Trump – wow.
If you want to shame the BBC about its news website, you’re best off publically tweeting @suttonnick
This video by someone called The Dane is available on YouTube for free. It’s a very professional video, about an hour and a half long but we’ll worth the time. It documents the erosion of free speech in the USA and references the EU as the template for how the lefties have planned to, yes, kill free speech.
What amazes me is the number of lefties there are who see nothing wrong with what they are doing. It also exposes just how many are ignorant, retarded or full of visceral hatred; but most likely all three; and they are infesting all Western countries.
Anyway, I hope some of you find the time to watch it and perhaps recommend it to others:
The great achievements of what we might call western civilisation has been based on the creation of various forums, these range from the boxing ring, the football pitch through to the law courts and parliaments.
What they all have in common are a set of rules that are neutral, they apply to everyone.
Incredibly we see people in the West now eager to give up these neutral rules, no more freedom of thought or freedom or expression, all the questions have been ‘settled’. Jordan Peterson makes a good argument that as the environment changes it is important to avoid the hazards on either side of the path and the only way to do that is to have the flexibility to adjust the direction of travel. It is because we have had all these neutral forums in the past that we have been so successful, without them we will hit the ‘rocks’.
Very much ein volk ein reich ein morons these days.
The bbc is the template and flagship – one perverted view, one perverted mind, one perverted world.