Another week of Biased BBC Project Fear to stop democracy . They must be starting repeats soon as theyre running out of ideas .Why not just ‘crash out’over the ‘cliff edge’ and have a ‘ hard brexit ‘ just like not one single beeboid wants..
Meanwhile up goes the TV licence tax . No justification. No explanation from the Far Left State Broadcaster . In a ‘ normal ‘ country we’d have seen a headline saying “ what’s gone wrong with the BBC ?’ But there again- the swampy bubble runs the show ….
bbc home page
Nissan gets £61m despite cutting uk car production
then the page
Nissan £61m in doubt after investment U-turn
but where is this production figure cut?? no numbers, no mention , no nothing
Rob Burley might be in need of help.
However when they are only challenging some guests, and not others.
However when they are only asking leading questions to some guests, and not others.
However when they are only interrupting some guests, and not others.
However when they are only encouraging, with helpful remarks from their script, some guests, and not others.
It is lefty bias.
Rob clearly embracing the Daily Mail trend of putting stuff in capitals that clearly MAKES IT EXTRA TRUE.
If this were a commercial station,
A) Her repeat fees would put her kids through college, and
B) Media buyers for brands selling hair straighteners would be out of a job.
You know that this will upset, Indians, Arabs, and Chinese ? Or does someone think none whites can’t be just a tad racist ?
Maybe all media ad’s etc., should simply feature people with a cardboard box on their head ? One would assume that advertisers intend people to identify with those featured in ad’s and they only intend their goods and services for black and coloured people ?
I should ask, but is this a montage from one page, or day? If so, their diversity badge will be personally pinned on by Di Abbott once she calls off her boycott.
gaxvil / GW: sorry I pulled that post yesterday — I felt it might have been a bit too close to the race-baiting that we criticise the BBC for.
The images were over a longer period, there is a pattern there but maybe I’ll find a better way to post it
In which Adam Barrage Balloon digs a hole. A very big hole.
Adam is having one of those let them eat cake moments.
Whenever I see him Monty Python’s meaning of life and Creosote comes into my head.
I notice he didn’t deny that Sky is full of propaganda. Surely his job is to defend his paymasters not some far-left rival.
Now here’s a funny thing:-
Record US sales for JLR.
You need to understand that the November pay negotiations were suspended due to … you guessed it! ‘Brexit uncertainty’. JLR normally pleads poverty when these come around every 2 years or so. The jobs being lost are production temps, for enhanced launch builds, and a lot of duplication of technical staff when the 2 marques merged. Hence, the well-publicised cost reduction initiatives.
I’ve heard that post Brexit we’ll have congested, pot-holed roads, crime ridden streets and no police presence, over stretched social and medical services, the highest taxes in Europe and be paying through the nose for everything.
Oh sorry, my mistake – that’s now.
33 More of those ‘Men’ arrested in West Yorkshire. Its becoming Industrial now. Nowt on Al Beeb yet but perhaps they will catch up ?
Any Yorkshire posters know more about this ?
While we are asking for information, anyone from Glasgow?
The trial of the 16 year old accused of raping and murdering 6 year old Alesha MacPhail was due to start today in Glasgow High Court.
I can find nothing about it.
you find nothing, you take a guess , the odds are you are correct, quite how long they will keep it under wraps ??? if it wasnt what we all think I suspect the info would have “found” its way out by now
Fascinating – Yorkshire post puts a story about the police trying to identify the owners of 5 bikes they recovered -above the 30 arrests for child sex abuse .
But is it is so common now it’s ‘every day’ I suppose it wouldn’t feature much ….. smelling the coming ‘reporting restrictions ‘ – a cynical device to hide the truth ….
The reporting all says it’s cos ONE woman made a complaint
“truly heinous crimes”
Given plod’s usual retinence it’s highly unusual to pull in 33 blokes over one complaint
I read the print edition of the YP this morning
and didn’t notice the story
BBC \\ Police have arrested 33 *men” following an investigation into historic sex abuse in Halifax
– all the men have been released under investigation:
YP : \\ Detectives arrest 33 *men* in connection with non-recent child sex abuse allegations in Halifax //
\\ Addresses in Calderdale, Bradford and Kirklees were searched.//
Next weeks news;
“All the men are thought to have fled to Pakistan”
Give them 20 yrs or so, then they’ll be back in the UK in time to receive their UK pensions and cold weather payments. Error: they will probably be able to receive those enormous benefits while living in their slum villages in Pakistan etc. Dual passports don’t you just love em.
Presumably if they have dual passports the revocation of their British citizenship could/should be straightforward and immediate?
Who’ll inform the authorities? Most Muslim adults go to their mother land at least once a year, visit family, build their second holiday home, etc? If they are unemployed they have it made. Throw on a burqua or long dark robe and even the security officer on the door of their local job centre won’t be able to say whether the person under the burqua/hijab – even if its a guy standing in for a female member of their family/village tribe – as they won’t be able to get a glimpse of how big or small their feet are as their black evening gowns always brush against the ground. They could be wearing steel-capped welding boots and they would never know.
And if its a guy whose claiming for his mother all he needs do is claim a sore throat so when he’s asked (how many wives is it now? 6?) by dopey texting job centre assistant he won’t need to speak to her so she won’t be able to hear his deep voice and obvious lisp, all he needs do then is walk out and jobs a good un, as they say in E. Powel St, east Pakistan. Inc, Copy!
This Nissan business is becoming really boring now.
The bbbc are determined to blame it all on Brexit and ignore the truth which is that Nissan have decided not to build a car which they cannot sell because people will not buy it. A big Diesel engine car.
They say Nissan car sales are 10% down.
They do not say that ALL other car sales are also down.
fook nissan buy a triumph motorbike
The BBC politics twitter put out a segment of parliamentary proceeding of the speaker slagging off the Home Secretary for not turning up.
I’m no fan of either – but to me bercow has gone beyond neutrality in his role and must be replaced by some one a bit more sane . In this case I’d have the same opinion if it was a Labour Home Sec… he really has discredited his office . Frisky missis though …
7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out
– how immigrants are cheating the citizenship test.
– a Devon community has given home to a refugee family from Syria.
– how street art is coming to the Cornwall coast.
Yorkshire and Lincolnshire edition
FFS – “homeless Polish man whose only option seems to be to return to his home country with the help of charity workers in Lincoln.”
– And the legendary panto dame finally hanging up his frocks after 40 years at the Theatre Royal in York.
– Factory built houses
Nortwest edition
“Serious concerns were raised over the finances of one of the UK’s leading carnivals”
FFS problems geting money
you mean the Manchester’s Caribbean Carnival
..where 20 people were shot
due to diversity aware light touch policing
The BBC webnews story doesn’t mention that.
Hey, it’s just a quaint cultural thing and it would be extremely racist to say otherwise.
Inside Out is a typical platform for for BBC box ticking ?
There are plenty of good/bad people of whatever skin colour
but what I am concerned about is the BBC habit of distortion cos it looks for positive stories about migrants to tick boxes.
Other stuff today included
West area : Support worker helping heavily autistic Zak and his mum Nura Aabe (Somali) She is burqa’d
He loves feeding the pigs
There is no mention of father
West Midlands edition : about prostitution actually meant Handsworth.
We got a minute about a largely Muslim : Handsworth Street Watch who patrol streets in hi-vis to deter prostitutes
and at end suggested they might be open to Leeds style toleration zone
In other Twitter photos the volunteers seem more mixed.
Southeast edition had a Pestilotsi Home for refugee children in Sussex
..closing as charity is selling the 170 acre site and moving to fund
(Well children belong
with parents NOT in institutions
and in home country or nearby NOT in the UK )
BBC 2 Now Reality TV show about people recreating Victorian time , Sheffield metal worker
..contrived guy and white girl art student ..bashing the anvil etc.
On BBC 1 we have BBC luvvies Ben Elton and Kenneth Branaugh
“black guy and white girl art student ..bashing the anvil”
SG, is that a euphemism?
Could it be the same as bashing the bishop or whipping the lizard?
Wonder boy KGM posts a thought.
Does not go well.
Answer: Because they left the British Empire.
KGM’s a sarky little creep.
Cannot find this on the BBC yet.
In all the papers.
David Trimble to take UK Government to court over GFA.
The only thing I know about the GFA is the day it was signed.
Any information regarding the significance of the Trimble action today welcomed.
go on its Ireland tell me it wasnt on a friday
(please dont report me for a hate crime)
You’re quite correct Pug. The BBC commits hate crimes against white people every day through it’s broadcasting and web sites. Take this for example. I do like drama and used to like listening to it on the wireless. Turned on Radio 4 today at 2.15pm and heard the usual multicultural bilge I’ve now come to expect but it was this BBC link that really annoyed me. The whole drama series is based on the life of this chap…
Although prejudiced – I switched on to catch a bit of C4 news where a snowflake reporter – Cathy Newman? Interviewed some black yoof about stabbings in Londonistan .
In the 2 minutes it was high comedy listing all the reasons black kids are not responsible for killing other black kids . As to be expected – the black yoof had swallowed the ‘ rights ‘ dictionary but still managed to be thick and – daft . On goes the stabbing .
we currently have/talk about/insist on “rights” but we seem to be lacking “responsibility”
Kaiser – I remember when Blair / Brown tried to bring in communitarianism because even they became aware that there was a huge imbalance between duty and rights ….
The idea soon went away as there weren’t votes in it .
I used to regularly listen to R4 drama – used to be 1 hour long or even 90 minutes . Now it’s brainless predictable box ticking . So predictable I stopped bothering …..
I’m guessing al beeb wouldn’t do a ‘ Romeo and Juliet ‘ with a Shia and a Sunni getting it on …. they’d be happier with a comedy set in a chicken shop where the ‘ men’ compete to pick up 14 year old whites girls … the name of Allah and mo the mouthpiece
There is double dipping
If you are ethnically South Asian ,,you can watch :
#1 all the South Asian satellite channels
#2 BBC “Asian” Network
but also you get #3 BBC mainstrean TV and Radio stuffing in South Asian segments as well
Hence we end up with them as Orwell says “More Equal than”
Stew-We also have the Londonistan Programme with Riz Lateef
and Asad Ahmad the main presenters. To be honest it’s
a fine programme for the ethnic community from the capitol.
Us 20% to 25% indigenous Londoners that still remain must
understand that when it comes to diversity and positive
discrimination at the BBC, this doesn’t apply to the few of us
indigenous folk in London.
does not all this crap , in your darker moments not make your mind wonder whether the likes of richard spencer are correct.
and it would easier for everyone to just segregate.
frankly the more I listen to the bbc the more I come to his point of view.
Im not sure if that is really what they are trying to achieve but that appears to be where they are pushing me.
I come from DIRT poor working class roots, nobody has given any on my family a leg up,
Many of my relations worked multiple jobs to get by and they havent built anything on the back of anyone else, many of them still have F* all, and I dont expect they ever will
To me it isn’t the fact that we MUST not allow people from foreign lands and cultures to settle here. There are numbers from abroad that we could take in to do jobs that (for whatever reason) we cannot fill with British citizens. What numbers? – I’d say maybe keep the doors open for 10-20,000 a year. And we have to keep an eye open for those overstaying when their work is finished.
But here I am talking about ‘real’ engineers, doctors and other professionals. And if we have a seasonal need for agricultural pickers then that’s ok too.
If the organisations that employ them want to keep them on permanently, and they play by the rules and integrate – fine.
But we have zero need for the millions, that have been either been invited in, or who we’ve been forced to live amongst because of our lax controls. Those who if they are in a job need top-up benefits or who have no intention of working at all. And there are some cultures that really don’t fit very well with us at all. They will never pay for their upkeep and use up resources that we and our parents/grandparents grafted and paid for to give us a better life.
I’ve said it before on here but it seems to me the net ‘benefits’ from mass immigration is a huge increase in crime and a huge increase in the welfare bill. Oh, plus curry & kebabs. All in the futile pursuit of ‘diversity’.
Any country worth living in would have a sensible immigration policy because they would like to attract the brightest & hardworking people. What we seem to do is poach a few third world doctors & nurses etc who’d be better off staying put to improve their own benighted lands, while waving in hordes of the frankly useless and undesirable from the arse end of the planet (including bits of Europe).
It’s not as if we don’t have our own immovable set of long-term unemployed to deal with anyway, but that’s a question of education, wages, economic policy – whatever, they’ve been left to quietly rot.
I’ve had a few beers now so that might sound like a rant!
“I’ve had a few beers now so that might sound like a rant!”
Makes perfect sense to me. Not a rant. It’s probably what most sane people are thinking but dare not say.
No no we must celebrate the enrichment of our heritage by the ‘ difference ‘ multiculturalism gives Britain .
I mean there are so many benefits … like …. er …. nope can’t think of any . I don’t eat take always and do not wish to listen to loud foreigners who think they own the place – and are actually just ‘ guest workers ‘ who might be invited to leave at at the Right time ….
Sounds entirely reasonable to me, open another bottle.
However, “reasonableness” doesn’t enter into it when we’re up against people who have an ideological belief in open borders. To them, irritating little problems like crime and unemployment must be tolerated for the sake of a greater, long term good. It’s dangerous.
Just watching University Challange there is a bloke on called Basu …..seen him on here twice he has yet to answer a question….but he is BME so it’s good he is on….
FFS he answers one question and it’s the tie break answer…..q applause all round set up or what !!!
What was going on with Jeremy Vine’s item on blood tests today? Apparently the hypochondriac Vine had paid for a comprehensive set of blood tests but didn’t know what the results meant. (Pretty standard for anyone who has had a blood test, the doctor reels out some numbers that mean nothing to a non-doctor and which are forgotten by the time the door is reached).
So along pops one of those over-worked GPs, Dr. Sarah Jarvis*, so busy that she can fit in Vine and The One Show, to give him a private consultation! What possible use was that item for anyone else?
*Isn’t it time that she was replaced by a Muslim Latvian Lesbian, just to rub it in how dependent we are on EU doctors?
So true Jim, we’ve a national shortage of GP’s, but open any newspaper/magazine and there’s a plethora of medics willing to give advice or opinion on everything from heart transplants to ingrowing toe nails, – so why aren’t they seeing real patients, y’know those that have to queue to see them ??
“…Vine had paid for a comprehensive set of blood tests but didn’t know what the results meant.”
Pretty well explains how they cannot research for themselves and confirms much of their public output is suspect. It does, however, suggest that it may not be intentional to manipulate the news, merely incompetence.
BBC News and the MSM accusing Liam Neeson of being a racist.
Well he certainly has gone down in my estimation. For someone who’s catchphrase is, “I have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career.”, yet he could not find any black men leaving a pub in London?
Poundshop Clint Eastwood.
The BBC and MSM ought to wake up and realise that most of this country are racist, – whether its black on white, or white on black, the victim’s family will always feel murderous towards the attacker. No different if its black on black or white on white.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Customs checks to be simplified in no-deal situation””
“”Lorries will be able to drive straight off ferries and Channel Tunnel trains without making customs declarations in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the government has announced.””
And the Back-Stop too ??
Sky News’ Alex Crawford inviting us to sympathise with 2 ‘British’ men and 1 ‘Irish’ man who worked for ISIS in Syria and now want to come home. One said, he ‘misses England’. Another demanded to know why Britain isn’t helping him.
It is a shame Sky didn’t trouble themselves to challenge the sheer bollox that was inflicted on their viewers. Were these the only 3 men in the entire world who didn’t know how evil ISIS were? They really didn’t know about the sexual slavery of teenage girls, those who refused being burnt alive in the most horrific ways imaginable. The crucifixions, the amputations, the wanton torture?
What does Sky think ISIS would do once it has finished torturing to death Syrians and Iraqis? Set up a nature reserve? Build respite care homes for the old? Organise an anti-Brexit group?
Anyone who joins such an appalling fascist state can never be allowed back in to this country. Not ever.
Silent Witness tonight didn’t let us down. All diversity boxes ticked, with 4 scientific colleagues ‘in the frame’, 1 Asian (dead), 1 Oriental, 1 Black and 1 White, and the odds of that happening in real life are…. ????
tell me the White did it
Apparently ‘kids’ are behind half of all knife crime.
Kids eh?
And the police will embed undercover officers in the worst-hit ‘communities’.
Communities eh?
“Kids eh?” Police ’embedding’
Wot like this?
Sure looks like the way I see the average Bobby………..
Twin treats on BBC 10 o’clock news, Orla Doom-Laden Guerin and Lyse Vowel-Strangler Doucet, both turgidly empathising with the oppressed on our behalf, and at our expense too. Lucky us.
I think the Doucet fella dreams of being a pretend Muslim woman. What amuses me about the two BBC reporters is: Why don’t they go the whole way and wear their Islamic gear with only their eyes visible? Too oppressive I’ll bet.
If I had to live with either Orla or Lysette, having to listen to either of them I’d lose the will to live.
This important news on BREXIT – David Trimble is taking the government to court to prevent the “Backstop” on the grounds that it violates the Good Friday Agreement. Reported by Guido – – and Reuters –
Not mentioned anywhere on the Biased BBC, as it is clear that this is a death-blow for the Treason May’s “withdrawal agreement”.
Regarding listening to Lyse Doucet. I spend most of my time trying to pin down which one of the Muppets she sounds like.
There’s definitely some Kermit plus one other character.
Perhaps a touch of Swedish Chef ?
Anne – it’s the Chef !
Imagine going to a party with those two as well as Harrabin , the doomy one who does the food programme and the near suicidal Scottish chap who does the social stuff .
Then chuck in a dead snowflake beeboid ‘comedian’ or two…
Could you make space for Fergal Keane? Or Tom Heap?
It would be interesting to see if that crowd could wipe the smile off Clare Runacre’s voice!
“Regarding listening to Lyse Doucet. I spend most of my time trying to pin down which one of the Muppets she sounds like.”
If she and Adam Boulton got together both of their places of work might lose viewers. Boulton looks like he wishes he was somewhere else when he’s speaking to camera. And Doucet sounds like she’s grinding her jaws but her dentures get in the way.
The sujet du jour on LBC and Talkradio is Liam Neeson. Is it also the same on far-left bbc?
So, how come at least two national radio stations are pushing the same story on the same day? Why are we being fed this news? Is there collusion between supposedly independent radio stations?
The big man is toast.
They will hunt him down. They will find him…
His ‘taken ‘ film is listed to be on in a couple of days ….
….. I guess he won’t be getting on Oscar any time soon -not even if he does “ Oscar Schindler 2”….
jic – Common Purpose.
Brexit to blame for Nissan move.
The steel industry too then I guess?
and shipbuilding, fisheries and the car industry too no doubt…..
A fire in a tower block in Paris gives the BBC more ammunition to re run it’s agenda over the London towrblock which was full of foreigners and – it seems – fraudsters .
I can guarantee that the French response will be much better than the british
‘Survivors’ Were treated better
Everything was better so stay in the ReichEU…
Once again the end.. envy of the world broadcaster leads with the ne… by asking the key qu…. the usual:
Do children in two-parent families do better?
Family life is more richly varied than ever before. A growing proportion of parents in the UK choose to live together, rather than getting married. And during the past 20 years about one in five children has been growing up in a lone-parent family. This reflects big social shifts in attitudes and opportunities, some of which started in the 1960s, when women began to gain more control over when to have children.
Two large studies in the UK and the US have been following children growing up since about the year 2000. They are beginning to provide some evidence suggesting there is a measurable difference in how well children fare on average in single-parent families.
Read full article >
Branwen Jeffreys
Education editor
Best to tease, then.
Here is the link, and guess what?
More money needed.
“a high proportion were Black or Hispanic”
“This was important because of the challenges these fathers face with the police and justice systems, with about 40% of the unmarried fathers spending some time in prison.”
The real challenge should have been not committing crimes.
Darwin must be pissing himself laughing.
What’s with all the yellow and black daubings?
Don’t Getty Images have any single, black, lesbian, differently-abled, Muslim, trans-gendered mothers in their catalogue? [No results found, try fewer filter terms].
A while ago and on bbc radio – a programme featuring children of same sex parents and the depression and confusion such children suffer.
How they feel they can only associate with others of the like and how they feel abnormal.
You won’t here anything like that again because ALL the research affirms that it’s far better to have same sex parents.
Plus Will Young to read to them after Tom and Lance have tucked them in.
Compare/contrast the BBC worldview:
• Breaking from established structures (political): “cliff edge; apocalyptic”
• Breaking from established structures (familial): “richly varied”
The progressive’s dictionary is a real lucky dip
Not the BBC this one but my local Granada News yesterday evening. Report on a Jamaican man living in the North West who had lived her since he was 4 yrs old , mother or grandmother (cant remember which) was part of the Windrush generation (insert deep sigh).
Anyhow, this chappy had been sent to stay for a while at Her Majesty’s Pleasure due to a serious offence. His time in the party pad was up and he was facing deportation back to Jamaica. All present and correct, following the laws of the land. However, this reporter was clearly not happy with this and allowed the criminal to air his unhappiness about the situation from his detention centre.
So, now the snowflakes are involved, there’s another criminal staying here being funded by us no doubt. I will monitor the case but i cant see him being deported now the liberal left are on his side. Why bother having laws in this country ????
We ll see the same Wednesday when the Stansted 15 are sentenced ….to community service .
I still favour my solution.
Take off with them chained to the plane.
I believe he was in clink for GBH on a woman, possibly his partner, (must have been a fairly hefty assault to end up in prison)
So obviously the sisterhood will be campaigning for him to stay, cos he’s black
Toady watch
Awful news – a private individual has chosen to gift £100 million to Cambridge University . Humph grilled a fella from Cambridge in order to make it sound bad . A truly socialist interview and so very very BBC
As an aside – the Mail online – apart from pictures of girls ‘flawntng their gym toned ‘something or other – carries a story about the financial sins of the BBC . It’s a pretty impressive rap sheet of misuse of taxpayers cash . I’m pleased it wasn’t mine .
This one?
And Gemma Walrus being beach body ready is comedic gold.
The local lovelies round here with a DM under their arms clearly identify.
Yes that’s the one – I’ve noticed there is never a picture of a gym toned fedup frolicking on a beach in the winter sun . Can’t think why?
As an aside – do you ever notice that the people whose beach pictures are published on the mail online never complain about “ intrusion “?
Their PR teams and paps might react poorly.
No lose on Geordie’s shores:
Some dimwits on the link criticising Saint Donald.
Trump was rich before he went into politics.
Trump paid some of his election expenses.
Trump is not paid for being POTUS.
Trump is totally unlike these snoughts in the trough thieves.
Trump behaves differently, and shows the others up.
Trump for UK PM.
Cambridge have been naughty in other areas. Apparently they set aside an hour a day/week (not sure) for Transitioning /Transgenders to use the gym but have banned men from that time! Somebody took offence at being banned and crossed out ‘Transgender’ from poster and replaced it with ‘everyone..’ Furore!!!
I have been in France (they let me in despite Brexit) for a week and it was good not to have any BBC….you get back and realise how biased it really is.
They also educated Diane Abbott, you know.
Just realised that that lovely girl that dominates all bbc imagery is studying there, sitting on a Van der Graf generator.
Maybe the £100 million donation can go to setting up a ‘meeja studies ‘ college – call it Dimbleby College ‘ will do great on University Challenge.
Oh, there’s plenty of BBC here in France, too, if you want it. I choose NOT to want it, so I don’t bother!
Orla Doom-Laden Guerin and Lyse Vowel-Strangler Doucet
Thanks for the chuckle. Those two would be hard to listen to even if they were genuine journalists rather than far-left, PeeCee propagandists. Doucet speaks as if she has a hot potato in her mouth and Guerin has that awful, grim monotone.
They also both loath Israel and are deeply in love with the Palestinians. Guerin apparently is married to one. When the next war breaks out between Gaza and Israel we can expect them to rush to Gaza to become part of the Hamas propaganda machine in the guise of the BBC.
Of course the bbc being the arbiter of all morality and truth, when they have spokesman for Israel it’s always, ‘Now, as evil Israel, why have you done this bad thing and when are you going to stop doing bad things?
It’s predictable, it’s embarrassing.
Hats off to interviewees for such composure when faced with such blatant bias.
Surely the bbc fore-fills the criteria for a ban on the grounds of disseminating views counter to the, ‘common good’.
your comment took me back to the 2006 Israel-Lebanon war and some BBC shmuck (I think it was Paul Reynolds) ‘reporting’ from the border that he was “staring down the barrel of an Israeli gun” – or words to that effect.
The main problem these BBC hacks have is they consider themselves to be noble warriors speaking truth to power when in fact they are really cowards wrapped in PeeCee cotton wool and unwilling to confront real evil (as in Hezbollah, for example) when it rears its ugly head.
It’s so much easier to berate Israeli spokesmen since there’s no danger of being shoved in a dank cell and the key thrown away – or worse.
BBC types always seem to be standing next to types firing Katushkas, seldom anywhere near where they land.
Lucky the Israeli military is mostly more accurate than those the BBC embed with.
Guest Who,
I believe that in over seventy years of journalists eagerly following the Arab-Israeli conflict, only two have been killed by Israeli fire.
That’s remarkable when you consider that, as you said, they so often embed themselves with the Arabs.
I don’t know if any stats are available for journalists killed by Palestinians. Probably not.
I know a Shakespeare character said “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”, but for a western soldier it must be tempting to go with “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the journalists”.
Tempting indeed.
Anybody noticed how supermarket prices have been rising – dramatically – over the last year or so. 25% for a box of tissues? Bit higher than inflation so, what’s the reason? Couldn’t be that the retailers spot an opportunity to force prices up concealed by ‘Brexit’ could it? Peoples minds on other things and all that.
I’m sure we can all think of ways to economise and cut down on tissue use G. Some say it can also improve eyesight.
You’ll have to speak up.
I think we should be prepared to see more rich-people’s tantrums if we do get out of the EU on no deal. I reckon there are those who will deliberately try to manufacture problems simply so they can claim brexit has been bad for us.
At least the modern moppet is no longer in any danger of seeing that nasty Jeremy and all his bad habits.
Fallacy of attacking the messenger not the message
Here the messenger : multiple prize winning investigative journalist David Rose
His message : evidence that head of the HOC Climate Committee has a biz which took £600K in payments from firms which benefit from climate policies instigated by the HOCCC
– Sourcewatch : a smear site, which smears rightwing sources, but never lists BBC journalists etc.
Truth From Rose’s LinkedIn page:
News Reporter of the Year British Press awards 2015 (Shortlisted on five previous occasions, highly commended in 2012)
Bar Council legal reporter of the year,
Royal Institute of International Affairs Watt memorial prize,
Howard League award.
Mohammed Amin: It is time to abandon the word “Islamophobia” | Conservative Home
SG – Good idea, replace it with Islamonausea.
I’ve never accepted that term as legitimate and still don’t.
“phobia” is irrational fear.
“Islamophobia” makes as much sense as would “Naziphobia”.
We need to win this battle in the war on words.
This really boils my Irish bacon! Grrr!
I’m anti-Islam perhaps.
An Islam-resistor would be more accurate.
But we need to dump the made-up “phobia” word.
Muslims are more given to irrational fears about everything & everyone non-Muslim than those who want to block the encroachment of Islam on their own lives & culture.
“Muslims are more given to irrational fears about everything & everyone non-Muslim…..”. And, importantly, irrational violence.
Does anyone, anywhere have a list of any genuine disadvantages of not being in the EU.
I mean anyone ?
As someone born before we joined I am curious to know just how we survived back then.
“I’m a civil servant. Trust me, we’re nowhere near ready for no-deal Brexit Anonymous”
Blames the Government.
Not one word about the treasonous Robbins and Co trying to sabotage Brexit with May and Co.
Fascinating that all the various chess moves to achieve some sort of ‘deal’ / sell out – are based on the premise that the ReichEU will ‘ blink’ and develop some kind of legally enforceable backstop provision which won’t be worth squat
The ReichEU ( francogerman axis) want us gone so that they can get on with running their 1000 year ReichEU .
I’m waiting for Brussels to be moved to Berlin to finalise inevitable German rule . The iron and coal treaty back in 1953? Will have done its job .
This could be so significant that #BiasedBBC are ignoring it for now
Well, there’s at least one brave Roman Catholic bishop who’s willing to speak out against abortion:
In their relentless attempt to roll barrels under Brexit, this morning the Bee Bee are focusing on Ireland (Scarey Border issues) . Particularly what the UK might lose because of the “High Tech” stuff going on there. As an example they chose to broadcast an extended interview with the founders of a Company who make….. Bicycle Lights…. Probably thought it best to avoid all the USA offshoots there!
I caught a bit of that on BBC Hospital Radio, (Radio 5). If the ‘code’ that the Sicilian ‘software engineer’ writes is as rambling as his speech each light will need 1Tb of memory. Do programmers actually need to work at the same place as the hardware is made?
I loved it when a called asked what they were doing working at that time in the morning and the reporter had to admit that it was all a set-up!
Let the vetting commence:
Did university challenge get a question wrong last night.
What is the first prime number which is also a prime number if the digits are reversed.
The answer given was 13 but it also works for 11 (despite Brexit of course)
Clearly the bbc know something about the blonde that was kept quiet.
Jeremy Vine getting upset about people too ill to work.
If only there were jobs that involved sitting down for just three hours a day, I’m sure some of them could manage that..
..and £700k p.a.!