Another week of Biased BBC Project Fear to stop democracy . They must be starting repeats soon as theyre running out of ideas .Why not just ‘crash out’over the ‘cliff edge’ and have a ‘ hard brexit ‘ just like not one single beeboid wants..
Meanwhile up goes the TV licence tax . No justification. No explanation from the Far Left State Broadcaster . In a ‘ normal ‘ country we’d have seen a headline saying “ what’s gone wrong with the BBC ?’ But there again- the swampy bubble runs the show ….
So are all deaf babies fluent in sign language?
My wife learned to sign – it was nowhere near £6,000.
Lord knows where they got that price? Fake news.
It is of course a real shame.
However, interesting the first thought of our smiling couple was to head for the nearest BBC PR as News drop-off point to spin a tale that will not be questioned, rather than for instance learning sign language with junior off the internet for free, taking ‘baby steps’ with each action as arising.
Just be careful with ‘potato’, ‘tomato’ and ‘Doctor Who is who?’
Nice to see the Bbc on the wrong end of an ‘accused of’.
Hope this is followed up by a BBC denial and BBC defends.
Be interesting if the brands in question were BBC approved.
Ask Chris Packham about product placement
..and Jim Al Khalii was plugging his novel on R4 the other day
That bloke is a certified freak AND well suited to the bbc.
Eating live tadpoles FFS.
Today’s BBC fashion
12:15pm today’s You & Yours’ phone in on @BBC Radio 4 is discussing “Are you sticking to a vegan diet?”
“Are you sticking to a vegan diet?”
What do vegans taste like?
Asking for a friend.
Bland, slightly musty with a definite pulse which is best disregarded. Tripe available in generous quantities and can be tasty but windows must be open during prep. Lower extremities will prove chewy if sandals not removed.
So, as I understand it, you can’t go vegan without having to take supplements to make up for a balanced diet?
And I read that I can buy vegan drum and banjo skins to replace traditional animal skins. What next, lentil firing guns for vegan terrorists?
Do you mean pea-shooters?
Pulse rifles?
Unfair aren’t you all ?
Vegans come from another planet . To discuss eating them before they land and say We Come In Peace is not hospitable , and I’m sure they don’t say that on planet Veg .
If you know of ant Vegans be awRe they might have had a rough journey to our Earth . Offer them chicken broth to keep their strength up .
Liam Neeson….what a fuss about nothing – does R4 Twato really need to have it as a discussion point?
BBC failing to put it into context, just doing their usual snippets – Neeson said he was hoping a black man would approach/aggravate him so he could kill him aftre a close friend got raped by a Black man – not he wanted to go out and just kill a blackman. It was 30 years ago he says he was /is ashamed of how he felt…
I’m off to see his new film…
As an aside didn’t the leader of South African party recently say he wanted to kill white people, not for any reason other than they were white? – But I guess that’s ok because the MSM made no fuss and R4 didn’t blink
Neeson seems like a decent bloke. His crime was to be honest in ear shot of low life, scurrilous shits.
We all have dark thoughts at times which we would not want the world to hear.
An interesting point of view from John Barnes.
Yes, Jon Barnes spoke eloquently (but speedily) on a Sky interview, and had nothing but praise for Neeson and his honesty. Its just the Twitter Turds who probably weren’t born 30 years ago who are getting their arses in a lather.
I believe that everyone on the planet is racist ! See how a white person is viewed when ‘straying’ into a black/Asian enclave – so it works both ways. I also wonder how many times the Twitter Turds have been cut up by a black motorist and muttered ‘you black bastard’, its not conditioning, its a fact of life, and it will never change.
Brissles – Yes, I once felt like that when a black motorist cut me up. I was driving my Neeson Microaggression at the time.
your Neeson Micra-ggression
or your Neeson Qash Qow ?
or Neeson Leaf-it-alone
White victims are of little interest to the MSM, especially if the perpetrators are not white. Noticeably, outrage at Neeson’s confession was high, the actual rape of no interest.
You mention South Africa. President Ramaphosa opened the ANCs election campaign recently, with the observation that ‘gender violence’ had reached epidemic proportions, and asked men in the stadium to rise to their feet and promise to be good. Not many white faces around.
So while Neeson was foolish, one can understand the feelings he had, given the context. This ANC event too, was of no interest to the UK media. Surprise. But we have to keep out people like Lauren Southern, who exposed the massive murder and torture spree against whites in that country, mustn’t we. Can’t let her into the UK, bad for community relations. But Liam Neeson…
Mention the ANC, and beeb will be focusing on their hero and ‘icon’, Nelson Mandela. Now, if they did a little digging, they might be a wee bit more reticent about the hero worship. But, mustn’t get in the way of the narrative…..
Breaking News!!! 😉
They certainly know how to ham it up when the cameras are rolling.
Don’t lard it over them .
This item only gets BBC coverage at a post code level
Police have arrested 33 men following an investigation into historic sex abuse in Halifax.
The operation began after one woman said she had been sexually abused as a child between 2002 and 2005
They don’t have a facebook or twitter link for that page either. Some might say they don’t want the story to get out.
Sure enough, the evil beeb bury the story where you won’t find it.
What’s the betting those 33 ‘men’ are not called Smith, Brown and Johnson, judging by previous convictions in the area, below?
And how am I supposed to get a taxi now ??
In today’s printed Yorkshire Post the 33 story is a tiny paragraph buried at foot of page2
Released on bail – wonder if their passports were taken away ?
Miss Shouty Montague, Lady Brooke interviewing Jonathan Powell, the liar Blair’s former Chief of Staff just before 2pm on TWATO. He, as you would expect, pointed out the need for no hard border to preserve the peace and the Good Friday Agreement in the event of a WTO Brexit.
Powell’s snivelling boss may have signed the GFA but its architects were Major (probably the one thing to his credit apart from the strong stomach needed to shag Edwina) and Lord Trimble.
Nary a word, as you might expect, of Trimble’s assertion that Treasoner May’s WA is the biggest threat to peace and the GFA which is why he is suing the UK Government.
Peter, funny that – it was the Montacutie who last week or the week before interviewed Baroness Eliza Re-Mainingham-Buller, former Head of MI5, and asked her about the GFA and the border to which the reply was “Oh, that never worked.”
The other coincidence was that Lady Brooke cut off the Trade Expert on the prog today (an academic – Brit? immaculate spoken English – with a foreign name) just as he was about to say something sensible about how trade could be facilitated with N.Ireland and rUK out of the EU and Eire still part of the EU. Shame that. Would have liked to have heard what he had to say.
Mind you, it might have done Remainers & Remoaners no good at all.
I heard him – what an up his own bottom person. He has sneer in in voice and basically said I don’t believe you can do it so there..
But just listened to R4 Fatwa – what a pile of crap – it fails to really address the underlying issue…not a bit of criticism of Islam
How many listeners have they lost so far this year?
2pm R2 Steve Wright will have racebaiter June Sarpong and Piers Morgan
.. bet you can’t wait.
Shame about June Sarpong’s strange take on Brexit, otherwise she’s very easy on the eye in my view.
Which wig do you like best TS ?
Women’s Hour was whinging about female footballers wanting to be paid the same as men. Beyond parody.
When demand to watch your sport is so high that people pack out stadia and tv companies pay billions to screen if the pay of players increases commensurably. If nobody wants to pay for your product then why on earth should you be paid the same? Indeed, HOW can you be? It is like me selling excrement filled sandwiches then robbing Nando’s because I feel aggrieved they have more money than me. The demand for equal pay for unequal work is no different from stealing in my eyes.
Simple solution, no unisex sports.
Start with tennis.
Serena Williams would be ranked 65003 in the world and would earn $54.34 per annum from tournament play.
The girls would soon be begging for female only events.
Well stated.
This is all to do with Lewes FC, where the men’s and women’s teams are paid the same, and their complaints that the pale, male and stale F are not putting enough money into women’s football.
Lewes, which I think is just next door to Brighton, is the first club in the world to do this and the bBBC are happy to give them all the free publicity they crave as long as their misandry quota is met. It also handily deflects from the fact that they’re feeding on the tv sports crumbs left behind by Sky and BT and others.
of course equal pay is fine if your wages are petrol money and a round of sandwiches after the game in a just-above-pub-level league but I’m not sure Sterling would appreciate getting the same wages as Steph. Who? Exactly. Both play for Man City and England so that’s the same to the bBBC and the wimmin sour.
It’s just ridiculous now.
It’s far from ridiculous . It’s very important . Why are there separate leagues for men and wimmin . ? Why can’t clubs choose players who are best irrespective of gender ?
I’m sure watch Man City take apart a ladies team woukd be great watching with Gary on Match of The Day .
On a more serious note . Footy used to be the last bastion of unrestricted male hate .
Having gone to many games in various leagues hate features front and centre . Often it’s hate for the other team of any colour , then the ref and if not them – your own team for failing to win .
Now that is being extracted by having ‘ family sections’ and executive tickets rendering grounds dead …. “ is this a library “ .
Sober rant over – but BBC is leading the lady football charge . I
Williams says it is sexist for her not to be paid the same at Wimbledon even though women play less and bring fewer money through tv money and spectators, though the disparity is nowhere near as extreme as with football.
By her logic the wheelchair players should be paid the same as the women.
And juniors.
And last on the bill in the folk tent at Glastonbury gets the same as Beyonce.
And the BBC cleaners get the same as Gary Linekar. Even though they deserve more.
Let Williams play the exact same tournament as the men. ie against them. She wouldn’t get anywhere near the main draw.
Let football teams be open to all. See how many wimmins get to play professionally.
I hope you are not implying that women shouldn’t attend football matches, because I find that quite offensive to be honest.
I’m a huge football fan, and I watch it on Sky and occasionally the bbc, (btw bbc, why did you have to change to bbc2 for the last few minutes of the mighty West Brom vs Brighton Cup replay? ) if it had been Man Utd, Chelsea or Liverpool it would’ve stayed on bbc1.
I have attended WBA matches since I was in my early teens and have always been treated well by the men in the crowd, they don’t moderate their language and I don’t expect them to, I swear just as much as they do.
In fact it’s Valentine’s Day next week, my husband asked me what I would like to do, I replied tickets for the WBA vs Nottingham Forest match and a meal before.
I think you are being quite unfair towards a lot of women who enjoy football, watch football and are knowledgeable about the game and tbh I find it quite offensive and sexist.
Blackcountry watch – I don’t know if you’re comment is aimed at me but I care less whether considered ‘sexist ‘ . My point is that I have seen what the effect of ‘family friendly’ football is . It kills the ground . Mum and dad taking their 6 year olds to a championship game and having a pick nick . I’m old school . I think seats kill the game – as does tickets aimed at selfie tourists ..
Anyway – it’s irrelevant as I gave up football but might go to Leyton orient instead …
I love football and it so infuriates me how the BBC is giving more coverage to women’s football, despite the fact that surely 99.9999% of football fans have no interest whatsoever. Do they really think with more encouragement women will like football as much as men? The arguments I have had with girls over wanting to watch football. I can assure them that no level of promotion will ever make women like football like men do.
Equality means treating everyone with profound decency and respect, not sameness. We all know men and women differ enormously in their interests and skill sets. SO WHAT? Accept men and women are different though and the whole ‘equalities’ gravy train stops.
The BBC continues to give an uncritical airing to the frankly thick saint baroness Doreen Lawrence of Victimhood in relation to knife crime .
Apparently criminalising black kids with knives is a bad thing to do . Instead I think she want ‘ peers’ to counsel them . Probably means which is the most effective knife to use for harming or killing .
Yes, we now have, ‘Knife Crime Prevention Orders’ which is nonsense because it won’t. I predict it involves sending the little darlings on holiday and throwing money at what passes for their parents.
I find Khan’s ‘youth club’ solution hilarious. Yeah – a few games of ping pong a week will curb those homicidal urges and eradicate the multiple causes of their criminality. Surely you could just meet more gang members or get in more fights at the youth clubs? If you are the kind of person who stabs people to death losing at table tennis might make you even more angry and stabby.
4:30pm Kamal Ahmed on book prog
seems to get on R4, you have to be in a special victimhood group OR a friend of the media metrolibs ..or both
About the only book our Kamal can recommend, surely, is the quaran……….
Why are the Beeb taking so long to name a replacement for our Kamal as Economics Ed? It has been some months now.
Beeb could do a lot worse than to tempt Linda Yueh back to the BBC as a Steffie-a-like. She rates quite highly as an economist and brain as far as I’m concerned, and the certain coolness from an interviewer (Mardell? – sorry cannot remember who) t’other day as she refused to ‘diss’ Brexit enhanced her standing even more. 🙂
BBC Radio 4
“I tick a lot of boxes. Sometimes I sit on panels and I am the only woman of ethnicity. I am the only woman. I am the only mother.” Chloë Davies, the Executive Officer at UK Black Pride.
Many a lip being bitten. Well, outside W1A.
One to keep handy the next time Rob Burley tries to reduce BBC impartiality to how many times they are rude to a Leave guest in trying to appease the remain mob.
I’d say worthy of passing to OFCOM and dcms but, really, the lights may be on but there is no one home.
But what about the Queen and Royal Family on their way into hiding?
Well said, Lucy! If the EU is so concerned about it’s borders, what’s it’s reasoning for letting 100,000s of African and middle eastern Muslim invaders cross it’s borders and set up camps in France with the intention of invading a current EU country, the UK?
Happens to be contrary to asylum laws – first safe country – not the country of your choice being the most lax with the most free stuff.
100,000s of African and middle eastern Muslim invaders or chlorinated chicken hmmm which is worse
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Reality bites.
After months and months of EU solidarity with Eire, demanding that the UK abides by the ‘Good Friday Agreement (GFA)’ and that any withdrawal agreement (except ‘No Deal’) must have a back-stop which guarantees that ………… when push comes to shove, and the EU is not allowed to trample all over the UK, what do they do ? If the UK doesn’t agree to knuckle down under EU diktat, the EU intends to force Eire to break the GFA to protect their own external border.
Mr Varadker must feel well pleased with himself and all of his tantrums and demands on the UK, but when he turns round to rally the EU troops behind him – they’ve gone !
And if the UK now demands that Eire stands by the GFA, then if it does so, it risks being effectively hoofed out of the EU.
Obviously, the GFA is only important to the EU if it can be used as a weapon against the UK – if not, it can just be abandoned at a whim.
If it wasn’t all so pathetic, it’d be delicious.
I mentioned here a while ago that Brussels could become a target for a new ira if they force Eire to put in place a border . Also that it might be an idea to bribe Eire to leave the EU . Fantasy at the time but reality is creeping in . Imagine if the beaurocrats responsible for imposing a border became targets .
I really don’t think they get Eire and the whole border issue at all . It’s not just about bloody trade . It’s about blood .
I think it now safe to say that we have well and truly fell out with the EU. Even if Brexit were reversed I could not envisage a way back.
gaxvil, I sure hope not. “He who puts his hand to the plough, etc., etc.. ”
The Hard-Remainers and Far-Right-Remoaners do not seem to appreciate that all their worst pre-Referendum nightmares would come to haunt them if they got their way: EU Army, further tax harmonisation including widening scope of VAT, cross-Mediterranean migrants being shared proportionately among EU member States and pressure on the UK to shore up, er …. I mean ‘join’ the Euro.
Most of them would probably try to flee to the USA or Canada to escape being lynched by the decent people they persuaded to vote Remain the first time.
We will still need a miracle or three to get us out. The Hard-Remainers and Far-Right-Remoaners with the BBC’s help are chucking everything they have against a No-Deal Departure on 29th March.
I disagree – I’m sure UK could rejoin the ReichEU – as I’ve said here before . It means swallowing the ‘ ever closer union ‘ hook line and sinker .
The cost would be eternal loss of sovereignty – the euro – driving on the wrong side of the road – importing even more guest workers from anywhere the krauts choose – and of course the EU defences forces, unified taxation , a federal constitution and the end of the Common Law -what’s not to like ?
Being nasty unsubtle foreigners and helped by the likes of bbc project fear hasn’t gone down too well but that’s their chosen path. A bit of charm and reform a la Macron just might have swung it – as it is though?
It would, as you say, mean us rejoining on even worse terms with unimaginable ass licking from our side and if that were to happen we would be deserving whatever we got.
Maybe, Fed, maybe not. There would be suspicion about the UK, though, all the time the present crew from J-C J down, were running the EU.
What nobody seems to have worked out yet is that if we Leave, lock, stock & barrel, on 29th March – early hiccoughs and normal economic downturns would possibly, probably come …. and go, and then everything would settle down and everyone would, in time, I think be very happy outside the EU. A clear and total departure at the end of March 2019 is probably the best way to unite the nation. I suspect that the UK is nowhere near as equally divided on Remain:Leave as some at the BBC and elsewhere in the MSM like to believe and present to us.
However, should Brexit be cancelled or turned into Brino there will always be a group pressing for independence. And should those standard economic woes linger or the closer integration that we both outline, in our posts above, become onerous, then the Independence Cause would gradually attract more and more people as it has done post-Maastricht and post-Lisbon.
Eventually the dam would break with possible Minas Gerais-like consequences for the EU. The whole EU could be swept away.
Their best bet is to stop playing hardball and have a re-think on their reforms that are needed after we leave.
I don’t think the ReichEU can reform – unless the new German management isn’t the clone drone of Merkel as currently portrayed .
The frankly mad language about unified military to enforce EU foreign policy points to that continuous federalism British voters are opting out of .
I think one of the Great sadnesses of the presence of a biased state broadcaster and polarity of the in / out camps is that such subjects are not aired or discussed without added propaganda .
As to our leaving – if people see tangible benefits from to returning to whole WTO terms then project Fear will shrivel . But in the short term it’s likely to be – in my view – swings and roundabouts .
It would be something , however , if Blighty lands up sourcing fruit and veg from Israel or Africa or America cheaper than French Spanish or Italian ….
‘Theresa May defends Brexit strategy on Northern Ireland visit’
Defends? Why not ‘explains’ ,’outlines’ or similar???
Obvious why not really. It’s because the BBC is biased. Furthermore, the comments section is unusually unbalanced in favour of remain. One poster even claimed that at least the Russian trolls weren’t posting in favour of ‘leave’. What planet do these people live on?
chancy, good spot on the language used. 😉
I get the impression that not only have lots of new accounts been created to push Remain-type views on BBC HYSs but that the regular posters who have been around a while, pull back at times because they check the early posts to see if the are ‘newbs’ merely campaigning for Remain and then collectively stay away, ‘keeping their powder dry’ for later.
Even a HardLeft EU fanatic like John_from_Hendon appears to be squeezed out by all the new posters on his side. Or maybe he’s the one who is running all these accounts? Was said from long ago to be an IT expert.
Admittedly it’s been a while since I had a watercooler moment chatting about last night’s telly, but where are the people talking about this TV outside of a 5m² patch at W1A?
Must be a coincidence they’re losing 3000 licence payers a day I guess
Be interesting how social media addicts like the BBC ‘analyse’ this:
Seems a rum cove. Katty Kay seems to like him a lot.
Does CNN have any staff who are not deranged?
Derangement is all consuming and there’s no way back I fear.
Got a fifty year old photo of you as a kid with a dirty face?
Right then, you are guilty of cultural appropriation and racism – done.
Couldn’t resist it.
Let the BBC know we are laughing at them
Brilliant – and so very true.
These days I have to limit my R4 listening to short bursts due to concern for my blood pressure.
I listened to a bit of the “World at One” today with the oh so smug and superior Sarah Montague. She was interviewing some dial a quote CofE “anti racism spokesman about Liam Nelson admitting he once hoped he was attacked so he could kill a “black man”
After all Sarahs shock/ horror died down she said something which I I think the profound truthfulness of her statement (regarding the BBC and her metrosexual liberal friends) completely escaped her.
She said – “The world where we are honest about our prejudices is a terrifying place”
Interesting I thought – and says it all about the BBC.
Hate to break it to Sarah, but the world in some places has always been, is and will be terrifying.
Often, legitimate prejudices are all that stand between you and an unhappy ending.
But sure, pretend away, love.
I expect the two Scandinavian girls who were raped and beheaded in Morocco could have done with some “terriffying prejudice” before they planned their trip.
7pm BBC1 One Show
Susan Calma and Muslim guy Ashley Banjo (Dancing on Ice ?)
Will Al Beeb be as impartial as it claims to be and publish this video?
LBC ……………
\\Video has surfaced of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn attacking the EU, branding it a “military Frankenstein”.//
As above……………….
Gregory Campbell of the DUP and “curry my yoghurt” fame might have even more problems with the bBBC newspeak than he does with Irish. Providing he gets an answer of course.
Hope Nolan is pulled about this, it would be nice to see him get a little comeuppance. I’m tired of aggressive agitators like him. Exploiting and bullying the weak by posing as a devil’s advocate and a moral crusader simply to promote and to profit himself, of faking empathy with the vulnerable, using them to feed his ego and to try to dictate government policy through media manipulation and misrepresentation. All while doing all he can to keep his purported piccadillos private.
A smarmy, sweaty big slabber.
“UK economy ‘stalls’ over Brexit and global economy fears”
HYS is taking another slapping again.
Bit of bbc ‘editorial integrity’ in progress?
C4 News – the wonderful Cathy Newman – of Prof Peterson car crash interview fame ( 14 million views ) came dangerously close to repeating her feat of looking and sounding like a …fool when interviewing former footballer – John Barnes – who has defended Liam Neeson over the race thing from 40 ( forty years ) ago.
Our Cathy just wanted John ( great player ) to say nasty things about Liam . But John said “ listen to what Liam neeson actually said “ . But she wouldn’t have it . Neeson has to be condemned , and it went like that .
A lot of hot air and print about a story to promote a film ( death wish 2019 ?) which went bandy .. but the sign says our Cathy didn’t learn the first time ….
Yesterday I contributed a link to some Guardian nonsense about a 4 day week for teachers.
The day before yesterday I contributed a link to some Guardian nonsense about a 4 day week for teachers.
Still today,
Beeb salivating over their favourite game: outing racists.
In the case of Liam Neeson it was handed them on a plate.
What WAS he thinking?
A publicity stunt for his latest revenge-movie, maybe.
Anyway it’s good fun watching him trying to squirm his way out of the hole he dug for himself. It’s gonna take a very particular set of skills, and a lot of grovelling, before the biens-pensants in la la land and the beeb forgive him his most unpardonable sin.
Albeeb doing some nonsense about the greatest ‘person’ ‘icon ‘ of the 20th century …
Define ‘greatest ‘
If it is ‘who changed the century more than anyone else then surely it is Kaiser Willhelm … not the place for a history debate but pound to a penny Nelson Mandela wins it in BBC world …. I prefer BT sport footy rather than listening to Tourette’s Robinson and some woman who does shampoo adverts …