The public consultation on ending free TV licences for over 75s concludes on 12 February . I have put the link here ;
now I know ‘ many’ think consultations are a waste of time because the high and mighty will do what they want any way – but anything which undermines the biased far left state broadcaster could be worth it.
But Lucy, you’re the first woman.
From Olduvai Gorge?
EG – Not even the same country.
Doesn’t that entitle me to my own telly program where I talk extensively about the evil white man? And a huge amount of free cash? (rubs hands together)
Funny. I thought that was Eve.
Wasn’t paying attention as I scrolled and reported one of these comments sorry.
“Islamophobia” in the Philippines
Philippines: Christians Slaughtered, Churches Bombed
by Raymond Ibrahim
February 5, 2019 at 4:00 am
The new terrorism in the Philippines is not merely inspired by political or territorial grievances, real or imagined, but rather is imbued with intrinsic hate for the “other” — for the “infidel.”
In May 2017, in the city of Marawi, a civilian bus was stopped by jihadis; when 9 passengers were discovered to be Christian — apparently because they were not able to quote the Koran — they were tied together and shot dead, execution style. The jihadis who took over Marawi during the uprising forced women into sex-slavery and ordered Christian men embrace Islam or be used as human shields against the Philippine Army.
January’s deadly church-bombing, which claimed 20 lives and wounded more than 100, is the latest reminder that, as with other nations that have a sizeable Muslim minority, the Philippines is embroiled in the jihad. While the ostensible reason behind it may be political or territorial, the sadistic hate that accompanies attacks on Christians and their churches suggests that ideology is the ultimate cause.
Same story all over the world.
It’s as clear as daylight… except to a beeboid.
And of course these horror stories are rarely mentioned on the beeb – or buried deep – and the murderers are rarely called muslims or islamists, but the rather more dainty ‘separatists’, sort of like freedom fighters – think French Resistance, Allo Allo. (Same in Thailand and other countries.)
Can’t wait for when current bbc staff chip in.
Sure the bBBC have done this already with W1A haven’t they?
MSM are obsessed with talking about themselves.
Sounds like he had a general anaesthetic then.
He could have had a local i.e. injection in his knee, and watched it ‘live’.
It’s only a 20-minute procedure for God’s sake.
In accepting my award for being first, I’d like to thank Fedup2, my fellow posters, members of the academy and of course, my mom and dad.
My vote is for a catastrophic crash out with the hope that BBC becomes a subscription service and then goes belly up.
A boy can dream.
Will, congrats on making it to the top.
Before you crash, I think we can manage a No-Deal Brexit, especially if the PM is astute enough to whip that £39bn back into her handbag as she leaves Brussels for the last time before 29 March.
ON TOADY Prog (R4 7.30-8am) we had more Project Fear no.something or other, v.latest one today, fired up at The Potteries. (Pauses for joke to take effect, laughter and loud applause – “Eeeeuughh – not a sossynge!” – looks at audience. ‘Thinks: Glazed eyes looking back at me.’ T’heeeee heeee!)
They wheeled on two economists; Aussie or Kiwi bloke (Doris from Bristol: “Oh, no! Not again!”) and British woman to talk about how a UK Zero Import Tariff imposed on 30th March might effect our houseware & collector ceramics producers.
The woman talked mostly rubbish – am guessing she was a Remainer – the bloke was rather more balanced and a proper economist. It would have been great to have had Linda Yueh on [am ‘bigging you up’ again for second day in a row, Linda 😉 ] to explain the realities of international trade with the Far East, transport costs, other charges and product placement on the Niche Production Scale from mass market to high end.
But the BBC do not want economic reality and truth to shed light on the EU and its relationship with itself, us and the world. That might make even more decent members of the public who respect democracy but who voted Remain think: ‘Well, maybe it will not be anything like as bad as they claim. I’ll give it a go after 29th March 2019.’
The BBC will keep on attacking Brexit, and No-Deal especially, right up until (maybe beyond?) 2 April 2019. Vile BBC.
I think the fatal flaw in your argument Up2 is the assumption that Treesa knows what astute means, let alone use the talent to our advantage. Olly would probably advise that a stute is an upper class weasel.
Is Olly Robbins still on the job? I thought that he’d been squeezed aside by the PM to let a Parliamentary colleague have a go. Is it not the latest Brexit Sec, Steve Baker, who is a keen Brexiteer (in contrast to what is said of our Olly) who is now doing the heavy lifting along with the PM.
Olly: “Doh! That’s a fine mess that I’d gotten you into and now you’ve repaired it!”
Will -thank you that and well done against some tough competition – when can I expect your cheque ? [ smiley thingy ]
Fed, always good to see new faces at the top. Strength in depth on B-BBC. 😉
Liam Nielsen didn’t say sorry said the BBC reporter Nick Bryant on the 10pm news for saying he wanted to go after a blackman when somebody he knew was raped by a Blackman. This was reported as a criticism but seemed that he was not responding to a yell from the press pack. But who should Liam have said sorry to?
BBC Apology Editors are amongst the lowest.
It’s going to be hugely entertaining watching the furore over Neeson’s comments, and watching him contort himself to explain that just because he wanted to kill blacks didn’t make him a racist.
I expect him to come up with a version of ‘some of my best friends are black’ any time soon, if he hasn’t already.
I have nothing against the man, but any Hollywood luvvie getting hoist by his tribe’s own liberal petard is going to be fun.
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Deborah – The reaction to the Liam Neeson story is absurd. Do the press want him to say sorry for having those feelings forty years ago – or for daring to describe those feelings now? Either way it won’t do Neeson any good to say sorry. Once your card is marked by the progressives, they don’t forgive and forget. Not that he has anything to apologise for anyway – his remarks were brave and honest and he did say he felt ashamed of those thoughts and feelings which were nevertheless quite understandable given the ordeal of his friend. All of us have murderous feelings at times. But since most of us are highly socialised, civilised people who have learned to control our impulses, these rarely manifest themselves in actions. But the progressive Left are hypocrites. They will not acknowledge that they share the same human nature as everyone else. They assume they are morally superior over the rest of us. Hate and in-group preference are not part of their make-up – oh, no! – as they hurl abuse at Brexiteers and Christians and Gammons and make up phobias and isms with which to classify and traduce their ideological opponents. You don’t even have to commit a crime to become their victim. It is enough to utter a proscribed word or confess to a feeling they don’t like for these idiots and fanatics to hound you out of a job, destroy your reputation or get you sent to jail. We really are up against evil people.
Z I referred to them in the last Thread as Twitter Turds who will never admit to ever having an evil thought.
“…feelings which were nevertheless quite understandable given the ordeal of his friend.”
Erm, no. Going out with the intent to murder a random person for no other reason than they had the same approximate skin tone as a rapist; is not “quite understandable”.
“All of us have murderous feelings at times”.
Erm, no. “All of us” most certainly do not.
“…most of us are highly socialised, civilised people who have learned to control our impulses…”
Erm, no. Highly socialised, civilised people don’t have murderous impulses in the first place; so don’t have to “control” anything.
“But the progressive Left are hypocrites. They will not acknowledge that they share the same human nature as everyone else.”
Ahh… “it’s human nature”; the last excuse of the bigot.
Your “nature” is not “human nature”. it’s not the same as, “everyone else”.
It’s just you.
Maxi says “Highly socialised, civilised people don’t have murderous impulses in the first place; so don’t have to control anything”
What an insight this is into the mind of flake. Is it ideology or idiocy one might well ask, but one thing is for sure is that it is complete fantasy. Are we to believe that there are a super race of these beings living and working among us. Shades of Erich von Daniken!
At least his super beings lived on another planet.
Maxi’s dead giveaway line is where he dislikes the term ‘Human Nature’. Leftists abhor this idea. For them the human mind is a blank sheet at birth (tabula rasa) and is conditioned by hostile forces such as home, family, church, capitalism etc to think in a certain way detrimental to the good of society. That’s why the Left are always keen to control thought and speech of others. They really believe that this is the way of the future paradise on Earth.
‘Human nature doesn’t exist’ is a strongly held dogma of the Loony Left and it is why I call them reality deniers.
I would love to dwell among highly socialised and civilised people who never have a bad thought in their life. But methinks such a high society, even if it could come into existence, would soon fall victim to lesser, non-civilised beings by such as those who in their thousands calling for the execution of the likes of Asia Bibi, unless they retained at least some of their more basic instincts.
T’was ever thus.
There’s always plenty of anger on this site . Nothing wrong with that in my opinion . But the difference between decent angry posters and the likeof resident troll maxi – is that most don’t go for easy name calling such as use of the term ‘bigot ‘.
Now types like maxi are bound to exhibit more stress and anger when the prospect of the dream of the end of Britain – subsumed into a safe national socialist ReichEU – is diminishing by the day .
Maxi -it you want to call out people as the simplistic ‘bigot’ -you must do better – you are sounding bit sad .
“Maxi says “Highly socialised, civilised people don’t have murderous impulses in the first place; so don’t have to control anything””.
Telling, very. Infantile actually.
Try killing my cat and see what happens to this, ‘highly socialised, civilised person’…..
Dear Maxi
A poster from your lefty comrades who run Class War and whose leader harasses Rees Mogg’s children.
No hint of violence here .
Super post. Yasser. Very well put.
maxi? Over to you.
“Highly socialised, civilised people don’t have murderous impulses in the first place”
Please tell us the names of groups that fit your definition.
In numerical order, largest first.
To forgive is human, to Erm divinely BBC.
Does Mishal or, better yet, Editorial Guidelines have a priority list of such introductory declamations for use by Nightcrawlers either side of the Atlantic? Over there it is more ‘OMG’, but Emily has trialled the ‘Boom!’.
And a welcome precedent gets set, now speaking for others is subject to qualification. Dark looks over the shandies for dropping editorial right in it Maxi, unless the curious ability to forget what doesn’t suit, or ‘BBC integrity’ can apply here too?
hi maxi, are you an atheist? Or a more humanist version of an atheist?
For some reason I envisage Maxi eagerly “contributing” to this site in the early morning lulls he enjoys between passing Rizlas and microwave burgers to pissheads and peelers through a petrol station window-hatch.
Eagerly typing away whilst sitting having a pee or heating a Vegan-friendly Ginsters, picking at posts while offering nothing of relevance to this site, frustrated by his failure to use his Media Studies diploma further and his unfinished Black Mirror rip-off. Still it keeps him away from the top shelf.
I know that some of you think he works for the bBBC but I don’t think that the quality of his posts reflect this at all. Although as I don’t value his opinion enough to read most of them, maybe they do.
The only explanation that satisfies me is that Maxi is really one of our other conributors affecting this supercilious and infuriating personality simply to stir things up. Erm.
Maxi ………. Ahh… “it’s human nature”; the last excuse of the bigot. Your “nature” is not “human nature”. it’s not the same as, “everyone else”. It’s just you.
Sorry Maxi, ITS ME AS WELL !! ( ME TOO hashtag lol !) AND yes I have festered on an issue long enough to have felt murderous thoughts towards the person who has upset me – who hasn’t ? and if that makes me a bigot, fair enough, so be it. Am I bovvered ? nope. I don’t believe that you are the sainted person you perceive to be.
I would also say that my Dad would have done the same as Liam Neeson, had me, his daughter been violated by an assaulting rape, and it wouldn’t matter what colour of skin the perpetrator had. In fact, any man worth his salt would be of the same mind.
What about you Maxi ? you cant tell me you wouldn’t feel murderous if a female relative of yours had been violated. Or would you really say, “oh dear never mind”.
Lytton Strachey, on being asked what he would do if he found a German soldier violating his sister, replied: ‘I would try to force my way between the two of them…..’
Doesn’t know when to stop digging the hole does he?
“Presenter Robin Roberts asked if he would have reacted the same if the culprit was from a different demographic, Neeson said: “Oh definitely, if she said Irish, Scot, Brit or Lithuanian, I know I would have felt the same effect.”
So Mr Neeson, what exactly does a Scot,Brit or Lithuanian look like? the hate crimes just keep mounting.
So he’s now hated by blacks, Irish, Scots and Lithuanians. He forgot the Welsh but perhaps he can alienate them too in his next foot-in-mouth interview. Wimmin are up in arms too, for some reason – I think because he made it all about him and his feelings, instead of the rape victim. But i’m not sure, I can’t always follow feminists’ latest grievance thinking.
If it was all a big publicity stunt, it’s half working: plenty of publicity, mostly bad. And the red carpet premiere of Cold Pursuit has been cancelled, so mixed results on that front too.
Here’s a tip Liam: next time, say you wanted to kill a white bastard who voted Brexit and you’ll become an instant hero on the beeb, feted by all and sundry.
“He forgot the Welsh…” The Welsh are reputedly no threat to women.
Sheep! Baaa…
He makes Rob Burley seem not defensive at all.
It’s work going back to Paul’s story from 4 weeks back about how all tentacles of the Greenblob act together
.. Harra, Gummer, Bab Ward Monbiot, Juniper, Prince Charles etc. are all part of the monster.
“19 year old stabbed to death on Battersea – lack of youth clubs to blame says Emir “
shite there are no youth clubs in any of the villages round here, should I keep my 18yr old in?
The Emir’s right. Without youth clubs where’s a bro going to deal his drugs and bang some bitches, maybe do some postcode killings, eh?
No youth club Kaiser? You could ask Liam Neeson if he’s still got his: unused, one careful owner…..
And so Alan Turing is the bBBC Greatest Person of the 20th Century as voted by the public.
Now that really is extracting the urine.
I wouldn’t mind seeing those voting figures. I’m sure that phoning from one extension to another in Broadcasting House won’t have raised the much-needed funds to pay the companies of hosts Winkleman and Robinson or for the ceremony held at the Millenium Dome, a vacuous echo-chamber much like the bBBC itself.
Rich – When Einstein and Churchill don’t make it to the final but David Bowie does…
I’m so glad I didn’t watch it.
David Bowie was gender-fluid, Alan Turing gay, while Einstein and Churchill were hideously straight. So no contest.
I didn’t bother to watch, as I read that the list was pre-conceived by BBC employees, so it was bound to be biased.
I caught a few minutes of behind the scenes at Sky news, and if its the same at the BBC, then we have all assumed correctly that it really is manned by long haired pasty faced yuni types.
Sky News inadvertently confirms what rules in News.
Gamal Fahnbulleh,
Straight outta Taunton.
It’ll be interesting to see who will be the first to incorrectly associate Neeson with the DUP as both he and DUP founder Ian Paisley are from my hometown. Neeson was given the Freedom of the Borough a few years ago but was stopped from being given the honour for years because he said that as a Catholic he felt “second class” in Ballymena and was afraid to go out doors during the Twelfth of July celebrations and the Unioist council was this as an undeserved sleight. Maybe he did feel this way, but it didn’t and doesn’t stop many acquaintances I share with him enjoying a drink together on that day, regardless of their religion.
The fact that they are at opposite ends of the political spectrum will not hinder someone with links to the bBBC-Guardian-SKY attempting to associate them through an imagined and shared bigotry.
Sorry about the state of that post.
Afraid to go outdoors. The Unionist led council saw this criticism as being an undeserved sleight on the town.
Liam Neeson was brought up in mixed council housing, went to a state secondary school, drank in mixed pubs, and had the same access to education, housing, healthcare and employment as everyone else in Ballymena, regardless of their religion. Much like Gamal in Taunton, although unlike Gamal, unable to afford a place at a fee-paying independent school.
Neesons’ partner for a long period of time, Helen Mirren, also made some derogatory remarks, very much in line with the superior political insight that a career based on getting your breasts out at every opportunity affords you.
Ah, Helen. Was she not the one described ‘having ensured the plot demanded it and the direction would be sensitive, the star has graciously agreed to keep her kit on for this one’?
However, easy on the eye back in the day, which helps when on screen.
Whenever screening ‘Dune’ it is a toss up 😉 with the young Whos between her and Francesca Annis on the Mrs. Robinson front, but Sean Young tends to win out.
My first thought on the Neeson story was that he’s getting on a bit. Yes, I know you need to look past the botox, and the inch thick foundation, and the Just for Men ‘Aged Bronze’, but did I read he’s 67 now?
Why is that relevant? Well, observing my parents (mid 70s) and other older relations, I’ve noticed that with age comes wisdom, and a certain ‘relaxing’ of pretensions, the uptightness of middle age and trying to say the ‘right thing’ and not upset the apple cart, at work, parents evenings, and in social situations (which I know well) gives way to a certain, basic honesty of expression. People seem to stop pretending to be something they’re not and just say what they honestly feel… and the result of this is not always pretty… or very PC.
Bearing this in mind, I think it could be fascinating to be a fly on the wall chez Attenborough… now there’s a thought for a new BBC documentary.
BBC well said, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I’ve just turned 70, but there came a point in my mid 60s, when I thought f….k it, I’m going to tell it how it is. What can anyone do ? put me in prison ?
I never go out of my way to upset anyone intentionally, but equally if my opinions are not PC, than that’s someone else’s problem, not mine. Life is getting shorter for me, and I don’t intend to pussyfoot or walk on eggshells for anyone.
BBC, I’ve given more thought to the above.
Its also worth remembering that my generation – teenagers in the 60’s, were brought up with a much different mindset to now. Morally we were little different to our parents generation who lived through the war years (all that ‘free’ love only happened in London 🙂 ), but we were taught manners and respect, – particularly to the elderly and disabled, which we still hold dear. PC meant Police Constable, so we laughed, nay roared at the comedy on the tv – the difference was there was no malice intent.
Fast forward to now, and social media has spawned an ‘angry’ generation who lack manners, respect and most of all humour. Free speech has all but gone for fear of breaking the PC code.
I fear for the schoolchildren of today, because its hard to imagine the sort of UK they will be living in in 30 years time.
I’m glad I’m the age I am, I had a safe childhood environment where stranger danger was a rarity, so we walked to school and learnt independence. I had a fabulous teenage life, yes sex was a rarity – nice girls just ‘didn’t’, but it didn’t matter as the guys were just as nervous anyway. I didn’t go to Yuni, but like many others, we grew up quickly as we had jobs and responsibility as young as 20. Now I’m part of the generation who knows we had the best of times.
Your last sentence is so true. After the war the 30s picked up from where they had left off and carried on. For children growing up it was a golden age.
Brissles, Agree entirely, as for my kids, I naively thought they might be independent by the age of 25, how wrong I was lol. Having said that, we ‘Baby Boomers’ were blessed compared to the generation before us. WW1, the austerity between wars and WW2, those were rough times.
Well, if he didn’t, he does now.
Maybe his people can call Sky and the BBC’s people and tell them to take a long hike down a short pier?
I love the way that the MSM are compelled to stand up for racial minorities, if such an incident occurs. It’s as if they feel that such groups are incapable of speaking up for themselves. Maybe, dare I say it, they consider them too dumb or not perceptive enough to respond.
I managed to watch Sky’s behind the scenes but came away so dizzy as the glimpse of said piece was so blooming fast and confusing that I thought I had clicked onto NDTV News.
the deaf old bat that claims to be the PM
what the f00k is she thinking
quite what does it take to make these people align with the electorate
May is clearly stalling. That is very worrying.
If she manages to get us past the chains of the EU on time I promise to send her a box of grade 8 tripe and a bag of soggy chips. Fries for our American viewers.
I thought I must have fallen asleep at the laptop and dreamed that the BBC showed a video of Trump being given a standing ovation by Democrat women, egged on by Nancy Pelosi – who rose from her seat on the podium behind the president, hands outstretched.
So I shook my head to wake up, but the video was still there. And those women, dressed in white, rose again, all smiles, to join in the chant of USA, USA!
A gracious summary indeed:
“The US president earns a chant of ‘USA, USA’ from supporters but a disapproving stare from Nancy Pelosi.
Read more about President Trump’s State of the Union address and Anthony Zurcher’s five key takeaways.”
Guessing Anthony will err mostly on kebab outlets rather than chippies?
Speaking of questionable media, and what does not make the cut:
“We should be asking questions of the media like this all the time. We wondered whether.. readers would like to help, with their suggestions of stories that have likewise ‘disappeared’ over here and the unanswered questions they raise. If after some checking you find stories for some inexplicable reason have gone cold, please post in the comments below the line.”
The BBC already doing well or, perhaps, could be doing better. And a great quote… ‘quoted’.
Guest Who,
Yes, I saw Anthony Zurcher’s name appended to that story, but the illusion of a fair and impartial BBC was so pleasant I thought I’d entertain it for a while and not read whatever he had to say.
Now you have obliged me so to do, so I’d better get to work.
Then did you hear the Pontification of Sopel on R4 this morning about the Presidents address? He had nothing of any good to say about the address which of course would have contrary to the satanic views of the BBC who seemingly are against everybody and everything. Pomposity in all directions, a reason why so many now take very little notice of what the BBC announces about whatever. Well now those that run the infidel machine want more money from the licence payers!!!! Can you believe it? I feel numb.
Years ago, when I first started to confront the BBC, the bias was so bad I don’t think I ever imagined it could get worse. But it certainly has, as the ‘progressive’ shmucks who work for it compete with one another to see who can be more hostile towards Trump, Brexit, Christians, Israel, etc, etc and who can show more loving approval of Democrats, the EU, Islam, Palestinians and so on.
What the hell is going on with Pelosi’s mouth?
Is it Junkie Jaw?
Pelosi does that a lot. Maybe she’s just checking that she has no lipstick on her teeth. Or maybe it’s a kind of grimace at what the honourable Donald J Trump is saying.
Overdid the embalming fluid?
Bbc failures are extensive, however on the matter of antisemitism, its favoured guests and preferred interviewers to ‘hold power to account’ might just have a bearing.
Guest Who,
They do such invaluable work at BBC Watch and isthebbcbiased that I find myself often wondering why they are not inundated with supportive comments.
Their research and factual detail puts the bbc to shame. With approximately 19997 fewer staff and £5,000,000,000 less funding.
But in complement to this site, and cross referencing, an invaluable, potent spotlight triangulation gives the bbc little scope to escape scrutiny as they used to.
In the case of isthebbcbiased, perhaps because it’s a bugger to comment on!
Tru dat.
A hyperlink is like getting an image on here.
We have an advantage here that things auto-embed here
like : hyperlinks, youtube vids, tweets, facebook links etc.
So we are more image rich
On ITTB to make a clickable link use the html
eg for
(a href=””) BBC News (/a)
instead of normal brackets use less than ,more than symbols >
“In the case of isthebbcbiased, perhaps because it’s a bugger to comment on!”
So you can’t tell the difference between a reCAPTCHA sun screen and a shop front or decide if a hill is a mountain and is that yellow blob ten miles away in the distance a taxi too?
Fortunately most comments there keep to the ‘rules’:
“Good-natured and thoughtful comments are always welcome. We’d rather you didn’t rant though. Please feel free to agree or disagree with us. And please don’t swear! “
and probably most readers don’t feel the need to comment because Craig and Sue have done the work and said it all.
Apologies if this has been posted before.
May is still lying through her teeth.
The EU is still lying through its teeth.
The EU hates 17.4 million of us.
The EU is our enemy.
John Humphrys says he’ll probably leave Radio 4’s Toady in 2019. Applicants with a scrotum need not apply for the position when it is advertised.
Unless they’re women, in which case they’d probably be at the front of the queue.
I think naga will be ideal and suitably dusky . Or maybe the Rasta chap in the wheel chair .
The Rasta would be wasted in sound broadcasting.
On second thoughts I suppose they’ll put that amyl nitrate or whatever he’s called – sounds like a dodgy car dealer – be ideal for the Humph seat can do an ethnic double with meeesshhaaaalll the work experience one …..
Bbc picture editing at full diversity again.
They speak for the nation you know.
I wonder what kind of “regulation” they want. I think we all know- they would like viewpoints like those expressed here to be erased from the internet.
“Profanity, name-calling, and yelling in ALL CAPS can dominate the discussion and pull focus from thoughtful dialogue.”
OMG! Do Katty and Emily know? Boom.
White Europeans attacked again.
2019-01-06 06:00 Guardian Opinion
The EU is under attack from the far right. Here’s how I learned to defend it
Schams El Ghoneimi
“I quit my job in Brussels at the European parliament”
“[I] respectfully confronted his arguments with facts such as there is no connection between race and crime”
“If Islamophobia is on the rise, we should fight it with just as much energy as we do antisemitism” [Sic]
Schams El Ghoneimi is a French-Egyptian pro-EU activist based in Paris; he has worked for the European parliament and founded Syrians Got Talent, a Syrian refugee musical group
No comments.
Again we see that Anthony Zurcher cannot write an article on Trump without demonstrating his hostility towards the president:
“He boasted of ongoing negotiations with North Korea.”
“When it comes to domestic policy, his proposals are effectively dead in the water.”
Maybe, maybe not. But if so, why not lay the blame on Democrats for obstructing those policies, driven by their loathing of Trump.
“They were filler in the speech, delivered without enthusiasm.”
Could be, I haven’t listened to it. Obviously Zurcher would never describe Obama in those terms. And he would never say Obama had “boasted.”
The Democrats would be mostly to blame for Trump’s perceived or actual lack of enthusiasm re domestic matters. Fox News has played clips of Obama and others putting forward identical Trump proposals before Trump became president. They will backtrack and lie and deceive and do anything but support him.
Zurcher knows this, or should know it. But, pickled as he is in his bias, he will never acknowledge it.
The manufactured hysteria following Liam Neeson’s recent admissions about irrational feelings he had forty odd years ago rumble on. Apparently (and I don’t watch this crap) it was covered by Loose Women yesterday afternoon.
A couple of these delightful women, Janet Street Porter and some bint I’ve never heard, of said they would now boycott his films. He must be gutted.
It jogged my memory about an incident, maybe a decade ago, when Ms Porter found herself in a little race row of her own, following a dust up with neighbour. She was accused of calling the woman “a black bitch.” but denied it. “We’d been arguing” she said, “it was my sister’s funeral and I was stressed and I did swear at her, but I didn’t racially abuse her.” Oh yeh, I’ll believe you.
Meanwhile in merry old south London there was another stabbing last night. Another “youth” is dead while the media seem to say “oh well” and concentrate on an event that didn’t happen four decades ago.
The PC mob are going through their regular, frenzied two minutes of hate.
Liam will be dragged before the cameras to be roundly condemned. The great and the good will be fighting to get on television to say how utterly horrified they are. No doubt we’ll hear from the saintly Mrs Lawrence.
Liam will apologise and grovel, but his career will probably be over.
Meanwhile in merry old south London…
Street-Porter denies racism claim [The Guardian 17 Jan 2007]
JimS. it might be worth tweeting that to her, just in case she has forgotten, but will show that the rest of us hasn’t.
I see that John Humphrys is going to quit BBC’S Today Programme.
Which women would you chose to replace him? Riz Lateef from
the Londonistan Programme would make a good choice. How about Naga Munchetty ?
On another “diverse” subject . It was suggested this morning
that Alan Turing wasn’t quite diverse enough to win greatest icon
of the 20th century award.Dan Walker talked like his job depended
on saying the right thing. Maybe it does.
“which woman would you chose to replace him?”
I haven’t been watching any of this garbage. The minute I saw Mandela was in it, I took it for granted he would win.
I recall the beeb stopped their programmes on his death and launched numerous programmes of commemoration in his honour. Quite embarrasing actually, Her Maj won’t do better when she goes.
Beeb forgot that, despite pretending to be a reconciler who created the ‘Rainbow Nation’ thing, he was actually a terrorist in every sense of the word.
Before 1990, his objective was to make his country ‘ungovernable’. this could be achieved by everything from planting bombs in public places to the orgy of ‘necklacing’ that went on against fellow blacks who were thought to be out of line.
He wanted power. He got it.
Well, he must be delighted in the way things are going in South Africa now.
I wonder how much of our money the BBC is paying this Muslim actor?
It’s a shame he isn’t named -presumably he is on the bbc payroll . Clearest example of the ‘ fix’ which many go on about -including me – but is in denial actual evidence of BBC false narrative .
My read is they consider themselves so good at planting their message that they get sloppy -like this .
No doubt the Iranian TV channels plant white Christians in their TV studio audiences in support of Jesus Christ. Or is that just a figment of my imagination?
Lucy Alexander is on local radio
…I see on twitter she calls Trump a “buffoon” and like to retweet Obama
.. FFS since her speciality is “property porn” she has no right to claim the moral high ground
She has a new series coming up on BBC1
John McDonnell banging his head against a brick wall?
Or some form of self-flagellation the shite socialists have learned from their Shiite comrades?
I remember when to get onto the bbc you had to speak good English, with no heavy accent and no impediment.
Anyhow, a camp sounding replacement for Humphreys would be able to do outrage really well or maybe two?
” Hello I’m Julian and this my friend Sandy and this is Today ooohhh!”
A long sympathetic BBC piece on the plight of the blind with guide dogs, being refused by taxi drivers, almost always “mini cabs” which these days are often Uber. The crux of the matter seems to be that many of these drivers do not like taking dogs, either pretending they have an allergy or just taking one look and driving off. Why should this be? Well, the BBC is not going to tell us. And we know why. And that is because the vast proportion of minicab and Uber drivers , especially in the cities are, how shall I say this, of a faith that abhors the dog as unclean. So here we have a BBC story that dares not speak its theme. Such cowardice, such hypocrisy.
@KJ the actual video is buried down the page
.. but the guy’s accent and skin colour through the blurring does seem to support the idea that he is a Muslim
..and probably not a native English speaker.
A Dec 26 tweet
\\ There’s a growing number of Muslim taxi drivers getting medical exemption certificates claiming that they are allergic to the dogs not that they do not like dogs Muslim taxi driver refuses to take disabled passenger with guide dog //
Leicestershire Live did report in April 2018, but they waited until there was a case of Muslim blind man vs Muslim taxi driver
The growth of dog fighting is under reported in the UK, probably for the same reasons grooming gangs are under reported. Traditionally the dog fighting gangs were white working class. But evidence suggests they are Muslim gangs although efforts are taken to conceal the M word in reports and prosecutions.
How are dog fighting gangs who hold weekly fights relevant to Muslim taxi drivers whose faith does not allow dogs as passengers?
The dogs are frequently ferried to and from the fights in taxis. I need to check this further. Help appreciated.
Keith Jeremy,
It’s a case of the blind leading the blind. But while blind people have a genuine disability they can’t do anything about, the BBC is sighted and therefore has no excuse for pretending not to see relevant facts. The hacks who work for the BBC are indeed cowards, cowed by Islam.
Only six items relating to food – not including the Instagram egg – on the BBC web-site’s Home Page @ 9am approx. this morning.
Obesity crisis? What obesity crisis?
Tuesday Morning “Global Warming ..chips shorter”
shouts BBC local radio
I think “FFS almost certainly PR not news” and move on
Then today Paul Homewood comes out with his debunk
eg1 The report made claims like “the fourth smallest harvest since 1960”
Yeh but in 1960 the potato land area was 300K hectares
these days we grow the same amount of potatoes on 150K
If we were using 300K today then the 2018 harvest would have been double the 1960s
info #2 The other big news is about proof of the troughing of the head of the House of Commons Climate Committee , that drives all our climate policy
… Well guess who has just been appointed to this Committee also
….. The writer of the potato doom report
There are no words for how much i despise the EU and this encapsulates exactly what they think the likes of us. DISGUSTING. How anyone would want to remain in one of the most corrupt institutions out there is beyond me … NO DEAL all the way !!!!!
I “self Identify” (BBC Termanology) as a BREXITER How dare DT condem me to Hell ……Imagine the uproar if other “self identifying” groups where condemed in such a way by another DT.
The European dream is over and you need to get over it Mr T !!
#Tusk #Projection
The BBC and Ch 4 running a ‘Good Don, Bad Don’ effort.
The mask has slipped again, more evidence just how much the Stalinist leaders at the totalitarian EU hate us.
I reciprocate, here is nothing I would not do to kill the EU.
Then I would do a May impression by dancing on its grave.
From a comment in the Guido link.
“If anyone ever tells you that a provision in an agreement will never be used then say “well, let’s take it out then”. If they object they were lying.
This really is basic stuff in the real world, which tells you all you need to know about the government “negotiators”.”
I could not agree more. Its along the lines of wanting a ‘peoples vote’ when all they really want is the opportunity to cancel Brexit. Who said words will never hurt you!
“for those who promoted #Brexit,”
But I also promoted Brexit every time I spoke to others about why I voted Leave. Does this mean I’d better get me coat?
No doubt the BBC was delighted to plonk a video clip of EU dictator Donald Tusk on its website, if only because the foul dictator thinks there is “a special place in hell’ reserved for Brexit voters.
Apparently the foul one is insisting on the backstop, along with his foul colleagues involved in the ‘negotiations.’
On the one hand I’m encouraged by this as it seems to indicate that May will not be able to bring a ‘revised’ deal back to parliament and that it will therefore be voted against again and the UK will then leave with no deal. On the other hand, I fear the EU has more tricks up its sleeve to deny Brexit before the end of March.
[Edit: I see my eminent colleagues got there before me re Tusk!]
And the unconvincing Varadkar standing shoulder to shoulder with him, more mincing than menacing.
R – I am convinced by Verrucca’s mincing.
If I’m watching this whole saga with mounting anxiety from thousands of miles away I can only imagine what you guys are going though as the traitors conspire to try to deny Brexit.
I can only wish you all the very best of luck.
I know and I’m in Northern Ireland.
The misrepresentation of fact, the omission of detail and lack of alternative viewpoints as well as continued false assertion and assumption are incredibly frustrating, especially as the bBBC have jumped nakedly into bed with the EU, the Irish Government and Sinn Fein. The reckless and hysterical exploitation of people’s fear of violence by those parties and the bBBC really is pathetic and is being deliberately blown out of all proportion by the previously uninterested We’ve had years of Sinn Fein propaganda and have experienced real terrorism, not so many of us here are buying this nonsense.
What annoys me most is the arrogance of these people and the amount of respect being given to the Irish government, as if we somehow should have consulted them before our referendum. I just don’t understand how these people think that I would allow the EU and a foreign government to threaten my identity and culture to avoid someone who lives in Donegal having 10 minutes added to their travel time to their job in a shop in Derry. My way of life, values and principles being sacrificed to make It easier for someone from Dundalk to go shopping in Newry.
It would be insulting it it wasn’t so laughable.
Rich – I just work on the numbers . Population of Eire @ 4 million inc 1 million guest workers from the Reich . Best not to dictate to a population. With 60 plus million .
Bit like the SNP dictating on the basis of 1.6 million remain voters .
The BBC pretty good at failing to challenge remainers MPs whose constituency voted Leave – or those who claimed the Tory whip but lied about accepting the manifesto .
If Neeson’s film career is over, reckon he could be hired to deliver our leaving address.
BTW any sign of German car franchises having closing down sales?
Remember when in the movie T.E. Lawrence was served dusty water – the waiter said, ‘It’s the war sir.’
People I speak to keep saying, ironically, sarcastically and inappropriately ‘ That’ll be due to Brexit then’.
When our cat poos on the floor that is undoubtedly due to Brexit.
I think that was The Cruel Sea but it doesn’t change what you’re saying .
The bit after they lost the Compass Rose and got promoted …
Darn it, you’re right. Jack Hawkins and Donald Sinden I think.
Gav – I’ve seen both of those great films so many times …. I think you crossed over the officers mess scene in ‘lawrence ‘ when he asks for ‘two glasses of lemonade’….. remember ?
Not not the end ‘bar scene ‘ with Jonnie mills and the crew with their ice cold carlsberg in Alex ….
Ah yes, all coming back to me now. Sunday afternoons, black and white telly!
So, Barratt Developments has today issued a superb set of results announcing over a 19% increase in profits, with increased dividends to boot. The number of houses it built in the last calendar year was the second most it has ever built in a year.
If you go to the BBC pages you will be able to read all about it.
Ok, I lied about the last bit. You won’t find a jot of information on the BBC. Not one crumb. That’s because all housebuilders are going to perish via a locust attack. Everyone knows it. You must be a bigot if you don’t believe that squire!
The entire bbc ‘news’ squad are surely headed to camp, literally, outside Liam’s house, so such things are going to be missed.
I wish bloody Barratt’s would build more surgeries and provide more doctors for all the sodding houses they’re building !
Sshh. You’ll be giving Al Beeb another headline; ‘Housebuilders in desperate struggle to make profit prior to Brexit crash-out, deny work opportunities for NHS doctors!!!’
If Donald Tusk had a shred of decency he would change his surname, linked as it is with those most noble and intelligent creatures of the wild.
On the other hand TT, by retaining the name, CITES will ensure that he becomes illegal in the very near future.
We all know how fanatically pro eu the bbbc is but Sky news are doing their bit.
Every advert break we are treated to a full screen(coloured in eu blue and yellow) with the words BREXIT CRISIS.
No subliminal project fear message there then.
On Liam Neeson.
I heard a part of the interview that is being kept out of the reporting where he said if it were an Irishman who had raped his friend he would have gone after an Irishman. If it had been a Brit he would have went for a Brit. The fact that it happened to be a Black man was incidental. He would have went after someone of the same type as the rapist.
Not racism, it was revenge. Or vigilantism.
40 years ago.
And he didn’t do anything to anybody.
Remind me, how long ago was Corbyn’s anti eu rant currently doing the YouTube rounds?
If a BAME makes a clearly FALSE generalisation
“Whites are racist”
“The police are racist”
.. are they too pilloried for it ..or does the MSM move on ?
If a friend or relative was raped I reckon death would be appropriate.
Same if someone breaks into your house.
Wishing to exact natural justice is, after all, only natural.
3pm R4 Universal Basic Income
..a BBC pet issue
“UBI does it work ?”
… (well it’s not worked in any scheme so far , cos receipients often sit on their behind)
Liam Neeson & The Meedja.
Methinks a large part of the on-going OTT hullabaloo has to do with the horror the libmob ghetto feel at the suggestion that a “white” fellow might think to defend females from ethnic minority rapists.
We simply can’t have these white men discovering their backbones and suggesting they might do what comes naturally to men. Not after we have worked so hard to guilt them into submission.
Rochdale was such a success! We can’t have an upstart Paddy actor giving people ideas about fighting back.
Boat long sailed.
Stansted 15 have each been given a mansion, free Ferrari, a record contract and free chocolate for life.
… community service for some
suspended sentence for others
despite their terrorism convictions.
Please god ban them from flying – ever – and civil action on the cost of a closed airport to bankrupt them .
It struck me as strange how many of these people live either near each other or apparently with each other,
Im also amazed how old they are I presumed they would be students
ages and addresses in article
One of the 15 was on Talk Radio earlier saying they plan to appeal. She was complaining that this conviction might affect their ability to travel. Well it certainly affected everyone at the airports ability to travel didn’t it!
She was very proud of the fact that one of the people who was meant to be deported was able to see their baby being born as a result of their “protest”. Apparently 12 people are still in the country who wouldn’t have been otherwise.
I wonder, if one of these people commits an atrocity, will they be so proud then?
Surely they should have been charged with something other than ‘endangering the safety of an aerodrome’. Were they not also perverting the course of justice by stopping sentences of deportation from being carried out. Why couldn’t the criminals have been put on another plane the next day?
I would drop this 15 over deepest Somalia.
Have we got any judges who are prepared to properly jail – like for 5 years – these marxist middle class idiots? Marxist middle-class idiots need to spend time with rough, menacing diverse people. If they are ever going to be cured.
I vaguely remember one bloke going in for a few weeks recently (probably about fracking or something). But then I guess his mummy intervened and said it was so unfair, so he was let out.
Tuned into LBC and listened to Sheila Fogerty pleading on behalf of the Jamaican criminals being deported and how unjust it is. To reinforce her argument, she had an African on the phone from Nigeria who was deported for fiddling HMRC out of £250 K. She also had the usual SJW from some obscure organisation who championed the rights of foreign criminals as well. I sat there just about to switch station when an amazing woman phoned. She said she was white and the victim of an attempted rape by a ‘man’ from Sierra Leone. The man was apprehended but went through several appeals against being deported over many years. Fogerty tried to convince the caller to think about his human rights but the woman stuck to her guns and argued she was the victim and she had human rights. She went on say she only got closure was when the lowlife got deported. I’ve never heard St Sheila as cowed as she was. Call ended and Fogerty went straight to the next caller, a blackman who left the UK to live in Holland to escape the racism.
I don’t think you could get a better demonstration of the gulf between people who live in the media / political bubble and the rest of us who leave in the real world.
The thick buffoon Lammy called on the government not to deport members of his race in parliament yesterday – the criminals due for deportation. Included a rich heritage of killers, rapists robbers and non tv licence payers .
It is a requirement under the 2007 immigration act to deport them . Lammy wanted the law broken because of skin colour .
It’s what we get when politicians are just tick boxes .
Fed, do you remember when Lammy accused the BBC of being racist when a news report speculated if the smoke from the Sistine Chapel would be black or white?
“David Lammy has apologised after accusing the BBC of racial innuendo in reporting the black and white smoke used at the Papal conclave.
The Labour MP for Tottenham was browsing Twitter during a Commons debate and saw a BBC news item about the chimney erected over the Sistine Chapel with the caption: “Will smoke be black or white?” Within seconds he tweeted: “This tweet from the BBC is crass and unnecessary. Do we really need silly innuendo about the race of the next Pope?”
The gobshite, like Abbott, is a professional race hustler par excellence.
Thereby proving himself to be both a race hustler and a moron.
The article ends with ‘When the MP appeared on Celebrity Mastermind he answered Henry VII when asked who succeeded Henry VIII in 1547.’
No doubt he did better in his chosen subject on the history of Rap.
Cassandra – yes that one was in the ‘how dumb can someone be awards ?’ – Diane does her ‘I don’t do numbers /I ve got diabetes ‘ routine but apart from colour they do have a certain density in common . …
The non tv licence payers should be pardoned immediately and given awards for service to the community.
I just had to turn LBC off because they had Yasmin Alibai Brown AND Polly Toynbee on at the same time. I couldn’t take it.
Bbc headline: “Holby City star’s daughter ‘wanted drugs trip on YouTube’.”
So YouTube is the main focus of the beeb’s version, not the fact that her on-off boyfriend filmed her tripping and dying, and did nothing to seek help because he feared breaching a suspended jail sentence, and being re-arrested.
Why so deferential to the accused, beeb?
Oh, I see.
(But where’s Liam when you need him?)
The small ‘box’ headline is now “Woman ‘wanted drugs trip on YouTube”.
That’s right beeb, a nice bland headline, no reference to Holby City, and the main story under Dorset, so no-one notices.
Its accusation so far, he hasn’t been judged yet.
Times “man” 51 arrested over Catholic church bomb threats
.. it’s just a small para, and nothing is on the internet
Is that a mistake or D-notice ?
“oi this is Suffolk Police , step away from you blog”
#transgenders are more than equal
I take it that a formal complaint was made about the Suffolk Thought Police … they’ll have put the Granny on a ‘list’ of ‘suspects’ to be rounded up for ‘preventive detention ‘ for ‘community safety ‘ when their great day comes ….plenty of room for re education camps in Suffolk …
Well, Newsnight ‘teamed up’ with Nick Clegg, so hardly a surprise.
Brendan’s Hatey No Hopers will gearing up to stop Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk from visiting UK universities
So, calls for Neeson to be digitally removed from new, Men in Black Movie. I guess they’d like him dead and expunged from the record.
Odd isn’t how we are constantly urged to become tolerant and show empathy. I guess they mean the fascist kind of tolerance and empathy.
shame the beeb didnt have such worries about employing actual murderers
Just delete the whole franchise. With a title like Men in Black I’m amazed it hasn’t already been flagged up as suspicious by the Department of Cultural Rectitude
Priceless from Humphrey’s saying he should have left Toady years ago – being paid £650k s year might have had something to do with his longevity . I really hope he is replaced by a suitably light weight diverse female to devalue that propaganda programme further .
‘Warwick university students protest over rape chat probe.’
What losers. They should be getting drunk or reading.
It was a private chat in which statements were made which were obviously jokes; I found the one about emulating Soviet invaders somewhat amusing. Who actually intends to carry out a re-enactment of one of the worst mass rapes in history ffs? And on a Warwick university campus? A specific, credible threat (perhaps even said in public rather than privately) or an actual physical approach is concerning but this is patently absurd.
Read between the lines and there is clearly an ulterior motive here. Perhaps one gentleman jilted one of the complainants. To try and ruin someone’s life like this over a drunken text message is the really appalling thing here. It also sets the most chilling precedent, one which is obviously cheered by the abhorrent Beeb.
We used to joke about much worse stuff at university and it was incredibly funny. Men have always bonded through humour like this; it probably evolved from all that dying on the battlefield etc. So much SJW garbage these days is just attacking masculinity.
There is never any fun or humour with progressives: it is all about as enjoyable as having your penis hacked off. As well as being so wrong about everything, this is a huge reason why they are losing the culture war. I would much rather be getting drunk making jokes about war crimes than protesting about jokes – what a sorry bunch of joyless losers.
Another night of BBC bullshit on the six o’clock news tonight.
More climate change project fear.
Met reports saying “could, might, projections, may”
All due to human greenhouse gas emissions.
Report finishes off with film of a load of power station water coolers and chimneys belching out — steam……
Oh, before I get flamed, I am aware water vapour is a greenhouse gas, … but, excess water vapour released into the atmosphere by the cooling tower/fossil fuel burning is around 0.005% of that released and precipitated yearly during the natural evaporative water cycle each year.
in other worlds insignificant
I really don’t know why they bother. We all know it’s steam, and we all know that CO2 is a good thing, and we could do with more of it.
More importantly, we ALL know that the BBC pumps out vacuous bullshit, 24/7, all year, every year. Fewer and fewer of their dwindling audience takes any notice, any more.
Problem is, OG, that young kids and young adults already believe it all and it has affected their spending choices. High Street shops and car makers are suffering. Meat producers will be next.
There is now no way to get that global warming & climate genie back in the bottle apart from a large scale world war.
In fifty years time, those young kids and young adults of today will realise they have been lied to and I would not want to be in the shoes of any AGW/CC alarmist who has or is still preaching ‘the message’, not that I will be around then – highly unlikely anyway, oldest in Britain – to witness it.
Here’s a thought. Never mind PPI, how much carbon tax have we all paid so far? Ten, twenty years down the line, will we be seeing adverts for claiming it all back? Would be quite a sum.
Met Office so ashamed of its failed Climate Change forecast
that it doctors the record
By Paul Matthews
Long night in the edit suite ahead at W1A.
Every so often this site pulls a rabbit out…
The response will be interesting.
They need investigating and NOT by Ofcom.
I’ve never seen evidence of genuine bbc accountability. Even with Saville it was seriously brushed under the carpet. For a taxpayer financed organisation they carry on like they were some covert, black bag outfit.
The indomitable Katie Hopkins telling it like it is.
Watch and weep.
(Or join the resistance.)
I’m a bit late to the Liam Neeson story, but I was looking around for this quote, which I vaguely remembered, for comparison.
Admittedly, Spike Lee is a bit of an easy target – he has plenty of form for this sort of thing – but in the 90s after visiting South Africa, he told The Guardian: “I seriously wanted to pick up a gun and shoot whites. The only way to resolve matters is by bloodshed.”
Lee is nominated at this year’s Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director for his film BlacKkKlansman.
By that standard, surely there’s still hope for Neeson’s career?
Touché, Trick. That quote needs to be more widely circulated.
Perhaps you could inform the bbc and the Guardian?
PS. And look what a wonderful job the blacks in SA are doing of a) killing whites and b) running their country.
Perhaps maxincony will comment on that one ? He’s been seen out of his ‘safe space’ already .
Did you find a link for that? I tried but failed.