The public consultation on ending free TV licences for over 75s concludes on 12 February . I have put the link here ;
now I know ‘ many’ think consultations are a waste of time because the high and mighty will do what they want any way – but anything which undermines the biased far left state broadcaster could be worth it.
Jonaya English has up a video saying that her original Facebook account has now been blanked by Facebook
She said that the last thing she did was on the day James Goddard got arrested and there were face offs between Yellow Vests UK and Remain protesters and people tried to ambush Owen Jones, provoking some of his supporters to hit out.
The next the thing she knows she’s got a request from Facebook saying a complaint has been made against her account and that she must submit her real ID to Facebook
She says that sometimes cos of her surname people think her account is a White supremacist account, but she says English is the surname she has always used as that is from her adoptive family.
She says that she wouldn’t trust Facebook with her ID, so she is going to have to let her original account go.
Meanwhile Tim Pool’s latest video says the DC antifa leader has been arrested about the beating up of two marines.
“She says that sometimes cos of her surname people think her account is a White supremacist account”
Her surname is English. Why would anyone automatically conflate ‘English’ with white supremacism? I’d call that Anglophobia. And I’m mostly Irish.
I am trying to think of what the next SJW outrage is going to be after the black face hoo-ha dies down. Maybe outrage at someone, who as a child, went to a kid’s fancy dress party dressed as an Arab sporting a burnt cork beard. The beeb could keep that going as a cover for any good news about Brexit.
Sopel did a piece about the Democrats in Virginia blacking up and the rest . He managed to avoid the kind of vitriol he regularly pours on President Trump and manages to blur the issue in a compare and contrast the kind of treatment republicans get when badness is Alleged against them.
Can’t expect more
As an aside
Has the exploding batley bomb factory been confirmed yet? Are Norwegians or local men involved ? Or indeed “ men with tans “
I left out of my comment – if people think wearing black / white make up or putting on a dumb outfit such as kkk , nazi and the rest – is offensive – just grow up and get a life .
We must be free – which includes free to offend and be offended .
Someone argue this with me – not you max – as you’ll just do a tedious 2am cut and paste job .
I’ve come to the conclusion that what these people need in their lives is real problems. Then they might differentiate between what matters and what is confected outrage by those with nothing to really be worried about.
Fed / Roland, no argument from me. In my bit of north London I have regular contact with people deep in ‘the bubble’. As a personal exercise I observe those who have undergone at least one (real) trauma in their lives and how passionately they pick up the SJW mantle. Anecdotal, of course, but I think there’s a strong inverse relationship there
Roland. Top comment.
Maybe a photo of a baby with chocolate spread on his face?
Shabi ? How are Jews in your Labour Party doing ?
I hear Luciana and the Liverpool Branch is having a love In Friday night ….
Vice Fuhrer McDonnell has directed that the Liverpool National Socialist Branch should withdraw the ‘ no confidence ‘ motion on the ‘ Zionist ‘ Berger ( their term ).
And the Liverpool national socialists obeyed . Until the next time ….
And that’s safeguarding their ‘Labour’ force how?
Maybe America will send us aid when we become twinned with Venezuela?
Not sure that is too likely, gaxvil. Did you hear John McDonnell talk on TOADY at 8.10am about Corbyn’s letter to the PM about a cross-Party deal? McDonnell was going heavy on ‘preserving peoples’ jobs and prosperity’.
If that was the deal eventually forced on the UK by Parliament and you had a future election in 2022, if that ‘deal’ had not preserved peoples’ jobs and prosperity then the chance of Labour winning that GE would, I think, be substantially reduced.
The voting public have a longer and better memory than they are given credit for. Corbyn & McDonnell have not really thought that one through. Better start praying guys that the PM files that letter in the waste paper basket.
Hmm … requesting cross party talks? Pah! He thumbed his nose at those. As you say they’re having a rethink. We know they’ll offer the dole folks loads of free stuff but again, as you say, what about the workers?
gax, I’m represented by a Labour MP and it is interesting to read their responses to my e-mails before significant votes. My MP is right on-message and just parrots the Leader’s & McDonnell’s words to me.
If there is a world recession this year, the rate of employment growth in the UK is likely to stall and may reverse. Labour in Government from 1997-2010 were both unable and unwilling to reduce unemployment below today’s figure of c.1.35m despite ‘the unprecedented longest period of continuous economic growth’ in the UK during their time in Government.
As soon as they were in No.10 & No.11 Downing Street in mid-’97, all the Labour complaints about the situation of the unemployed disappeared, never to be heard again.
It is a little late and a little strange to be concerned about the unemployed only since the EU Referendum result became known.
Up 2 – a recession must come – it’s just when . I’m guessing after President Trump gets his second term but it’s either one of those unexpected events or fools talking economies down .
Life in Blighty big cities will get fruity judging by the numbers begging and sleeping in supermarket car parks where I am ….
Up2 – I heard him – I’ve got to the stage of switching on for 810 bit and not bothering with the rest.
The Tusk criticism of Comrade Corbyn went largely unnoticed because of the unforgivable” hell “ comment .
But labour are going on about a customs union again which is a non starter .
I do not see why politicians of all types try a bit of dignity , realise the ReichEU want us gone and get on with planning for revenge post brexit – such as supporting countries like Italy and Hungary which have also had enough of francogerman rule .
Set a target for splitting the EU or encouraging other countries to leave too .
It’s sad to write this here because for the MSM it woukd be a snowflake nightmare .
I did not know there was a Panjabi community.
Is it true that when Victoria Bateman got her Masters the bbc offered her Editorship of the Gardening Programme?
News just in ……..
Cleavage alone worth a like !!!! (sorry).
Yes but why the dead octopus on her head?
On last nights question time I wish someone from the audience had asked a question something like this:
“I would like to ask this weeks four remainers on the question time panel if they had won would we be having a hard/soft/norway or whatever type, of Brexit”
R2 Vine now on about people transitioning late on in life
A man Vine refers to as Anne
Vine appeals “Are you a late transitioner , do phone us we want to hear”
Great listening ….. Vine cant work out if this fella / women combo is a transgender or a transvestite !!! Quality.
Vine and Chiles are two of the BBC’s top actors
.. experts in the role of acting thick twits.
Caller Louise “yes when I started my transitioning I was working for BBC local radio”
Interesting contrast
#1 Self harming – Big media campaign to have images removed from social media
..”Ooh children are facing a lot of pressure and more exposure leads to them to be drawn into it.
#2 Transitioning children .. the same media seems to determined to push images into children’s faces
That would be in contrast to the past where hard discussion was left for when after kids had grown up.
BTW now R4 is dealing with problems in the recent youth suicide rates.
the outrage bus was driven by Sunday Times picking low suicide rate of 2010
“the trends are so wobbly cos they are so small” 207 per year
2/3 of which are boys
Sometimes a much broader interpretation of youth is used eg people under 29
I’m sure I heard a school headteacher being interviewed about young children being told about homosexuality – lunchtime R4 Friday .
He sounded like he needed locking up with the rest of the ‘ boys’ in the special Rolf Saville wing
Kids should be sheltered from sexuality for as long as possible . Early exposure is screwing them up – common sense
Not a surprise that Birmingham should prove to be a bit of a testbed for some of the liberal progressive’s favourite competing dogmas: Assistant head ‘threatened’ in LGBT teaching row.
Couple of weeks old but a few more details have emerged… those threats include one that warned he “wouldn’t last long”. The Mail quotes local mum Fatima Shah: “we are as British as they come. We respect the British values… but the problem is, he is not respecting our ethos as a community.”
Add to this the recent threats against 15 churches around Sheffield, warning of both petrol bombing and congregation members being stabbed one by one (no one charged yet). Perhaps it will turn out that the author of these is also as British as they come, but felt similarly that the churches did not respect the ethos of his community.
Last week Oxford City Council became the latest to adopt the APPG definition of islamophobia, which includes the point “denying Muslim populations, the right to self-determination”. The example given is of international flavour (Palestine, Kashmir) — deceptively worded to keep the issue nicely at arm’s length; some abstract problem thousands of miles away. See how quickly this ‘right’ begins to creep closer to home.
It’s all showing up the utter inadequacy of those flimsy concepts ‘communities’, ‘rights’ and ‘respect’. We’re fast moving into a heady brew of conflicting social and religious ideologies, otherwise known as a total clusterfuck. Will the BBC or the progressives start to join a few dots?
World at one
The bbc editorial seems to dictate that Sinn Fein IRA is no longer linked to the IRA . During the years of IRA terrorism the BBC always took the Nationaist side and looked at allegations against the British Army RUC without balance .
It seems to be campaigning for a United Ireland again out of Brexit . The BBC and remainers have decided that Brexit will be bad for the UK . That is the narrative ratcheting up in preparation from our departure from the Reich .
As an aside Chris Leslie MP – a Labour remainer snow flake – was on to hint at leaving the Labour Party . This is obviously excellent news because a breakdown in the party system in parliament post brexit can only be a good thing because at the moment there is very little evidence of Right Wing thinking outside’ extremist ‘ brexiters like JRM .
Friday night , apparently , the outgoing PM is going to Eire to meet with their PM again . Why waste time and effort ?
Now the Muslims know what it’s like to have something alien and inappropriate taught to their young children. British parents have had no say in their children being taught about Islam in the National Curriculum for twenty-five years.
Yes, and it’s a very sanitised version of islam they’re taught, with all the bad bits airbrushed out.
But many sensible parents have been pulling their children from those lessons.
Indeed, I wouldn’t let my children be taught lies about Islam. I would have them learn the truth about it or nothing at all.
Sadly when those kids learn the truth, it’s too late.
A lefty blog does make a point that the audience questioner in last night’s QT audience has been on the show before.
… but then goes onto a series of “2+2=5 thinking” statements
“left-wing bookshop Bookmarks was attacked by UKIP members ”
.. No a bunch of London activists including RedCap Boy decided on the spur of the moment to do a stunt inside the bookshop, a couple of them were in UKIP was not a UKIP protest.
Inspirational. But could have gone so differently.
Smile and the BBC smiles with you. Cry an ism and you will never be alone.
Agreeable Nick must be wishing he ticked the BBC ‘good’ boxes.
Hmm do I spot the dreaded smirk going on there or does that only apply to a different demographic?
I’m not sure when I’m supposed to launch the righteous indignation missile
Just to wind them up because they can’t let the bus thingy go………
The looney naked lecturer gets ’em out in a BBC interview where she presents her sixth form level attack on Brexit.
A sign of desperation when the lady has to be interviewed with her tits out
What a total and utter snowflake that lecturer is. And she’s at Cambridge university??!!
If she’s the cream…God help the skimmed milk.
A Newton she is not, should stick to home economics,
I believe there may be a market for naked housecleaners, albeit attractive ones generally without the cellulite, but, with her talent for self promotion, who knows
And don’t forget…the boy Jones [Owen..of course ] is a product of Oxford,,,my, my….how standards have plummeted….Diane Abbott,,yes.. the arithmetically challenged anti-white racist thug was a product of Cambridge.My guess is she must have shagged her way to a degree…Uni’s all had their quota of evil ‘ Howard Kirks ‘ back then…still more now…
lower second class degree, not much of a shag..
When the revelation first broke more than 10 days ago that the MP, who had criticised both Tony Blair and Harriet Harman over their choice of schools, was sending her child to the £10,000 per year City of London school, Ms Abbott initially refused to comment.
Since then she has admitted her decision was “indefensible” but attacked the state of the education system in her Hackney constituency – one of the most deprived areas in the country.
So she defends the indefensible, hmmm lower second indeed
“The first plan was not to tell anybody. The second plan was to scourge herself with tongues, and the third plan is to actually rubbish Hackney’s schools,” he said.
“You cannot understand the hurt and harm she has caused to local people in Hackney who can’t make that choice.
“To the kids, she has said you’ll never make it, school is not for you.
“To the parents, she has said, if you haven’t got £10,000 a year don’t bother, and to the teachers she has virtually said, you are rubbish.”
As pointed out, Di is another famous alumnus of Cambridge.
From the city of the stupid punt, the phrase ‘dodged a bullet’ does not suffice.
I recall David Walliams did go there.
Her lecture on Brexit
G.W.F. please put a warning in future signed Fedup . Ed
A free open and tolerant society ? well we tolerate racist rape gangs across the country without too much fuss, and of course our romanian pick pockets and beeg eeshue sellers threatening the genuine homeless away from their organised sales patches
Romanias finest, so much for freedom of movement:
Marius Mereson, 40, of no fixed address, Razvan Dorosin, 33, of Longbridge Road, Dagenham and Carmen Feraru, 47, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to conspiring with others to steal bank cards, cash and other items between July 31 and November 7 last year.
The criminal trio carried out their crimes across Hertfordshire and Essex.
They had travelled to the UK for the purpose of stealing and the court heard they targeted 16 people with a total loss of £19,790.
The following areas in Hertfordshire were targeted by the gang; Waltham Cross, Buntingford, Bishop’s Stortford, Hoddesdon, Hatfield, St Albans, Harpenden, Watford, Berkhamsted and Hemel Hempstead.
At St Albans Crown Court yesterday (Thursday), Judge Nigel Lithman QC jailed Mereson for 32 months and Dorosin and Feraru for 27 months each.
Detective Constable Simon Smith said: “These three individuals came to the UK from Romania with the sole intention of committing crime.
“They worked together to prey on the elderly and vulnerable who they saw as easy targets.
“Their eldest victim was a 98-year-old man.
Actually, the lasses from Femen have on occasion rekindled my interest in typography.
If not topiary, but they tend to keep their strides on.
Apologies. I wanted to show the entire lecture, snigger.
I have taught courses at Cambridge, but there were no naked Professors. But we taught veterinary surgeons, who had to be shown how to conduct an internal examination of a cow by sticking their entire arm up the animal’s bum.
I promise not to show pictures of that activity here.
Being curious – l clicked on it and wasn’t ready for the horror within . The lady definitely has issues – poor girl
No need for apologies – just the ‘health ‘ warning !
Ben Pile : Drama queening stunts are not proper debate
..but rather a kind of bullying
My son tells me that a woman on Twitch (Social Media site for mostly kids and gamers) has been banned for saying that there are only two sexes.
GWF et al
Re naked Brextit Prof..
She is the sort of ‘Professor’ (she doesn’t actually seem to be a Professor and as I guessed she is feminist) that just makes you want to weep at the demise of intellect….she sounded like a demented mickey mouse with nothing new to say and what she did say was tripe…Cambridge you have done well and BBC well done for letting her promote anti Brexit views..
A PhD, I believe. Professorships only get accorded the Stormy Daniels level loons.
But yes, have not seen the bbc quite so excited in a while.
Even some of the men.
I naturally decided to look into the matter more closely, and read in the DM “Dr Victoria Bateman, a fellow in economics at Gonville and Caius College, who regularly delivers lectures in the nude…”
??? Where???
Anyway, the way her photo has been cropped, the mad ‘Doctor’ may be inadvertently promoting Brexit.
She had to sell her book somehow – suppose her agent came up with the nude gimmick knowing the BBC would lervv or luv it .
I have learned from sources close to the bbc that after the show she went to put her coat on, but Andrew Marr has locked her in the green room until she promises to reconsider.
Have you ever seen a poll ask the question,
‘the people of this country voted by a majority to leave the EU. Do you think that the result should be honoured’?
‘do you think that the referendum result to leave the EU should be annulled’?
Look at any poll you like and the results are gamed by the type of question asked which in many cases are covert and obscure and avoids the hard ask.
The all time favourite is asking how people would vote in a referendum today – after two and a half years of a barrage of relentless wall to wall anti leave propaganda on nearly every MSM outlet, with absolutely no reference back to the only true peoples vote.
And yes, they are definitely out to get me.
Its called brainwashing honestus ! Relentless negativities bombarded 24 hours a day through all mediums, for over 2 years is bound to make an impression with the ‘waverers’ , which is what Blair and his ilk want. The same thing happens with the imprisoned victims of cults.
2018 knife homicide death stats
285 total vs 268 in 2008
179 white ie 66%
70 black 25% highest ever (about 9 times their proportion in population)
(total of all homicide inc guns etc was 726)
At least the knifers are meeting, and even exceeding their equality and diversity targets, well done !
we expect to hear congrats from the BBC ??
Bill Carmichael: Why #BBC should review its funding model rather than stripping of pensioners of free TV licence
Has anyone noticed how the BBC have turned the Jeff Bezos story into a hate Trump campaign…as far as I know Trump has nothing to do with this story except he knows the owner of the paper but if you listen to BBC reports everytime the mention Trump…
The Graun is currently obsessed with sleeze in the age of Trump.
Ignoring most is by Democrats, based on an impressive history they have also papered over.
RE naked “professor”
“Talking about the response online, Dr Victoria Bateman, said: “Over the last couple of days, I’ve received a lot of comments on social media labelling me ‘trashy’ and ‘stupid’ for removing my clothes to demonstrate against Brexit.
The Cambride University fellow uses her body to makes important points
“I think such comments serve to show the way in which the degree of respect we show women hangs precariously on a thread – on the extent to which we cover up.
“That way of judging women is something I’m more than happy to stand up against – naked and unashamed – with the message that behind every naked woman is a real thinking being.”
She does not think too much , maybe take your protest to some of our less tolerant members of society that you and the BBC rush to defend, and protest about women forced to cover their faces ??? ” hmm tumbleweed moment….maybe a naked walk in a few muslim ghettos and see how that goes down ? bring a couple of men dressed as women holding hands and kissing, lets see how tolerant our diverse society actually is
The naked professor
Julia Hartley-Brewer
3h3 hours ago
More Julia Hartley-Brewer Retweeted BBC Radio 4 Today
I’m less bothered by the fact that she’s naked than I am by her decision to wear her hair like an 18th century milkmaid in Lithuania.
Let me know how it goes.
Comments so far suggest… could be better.
The Electoral Commission have officially recognised The Brexit Party.
It will fight the European elections if Article 50 is extended.
It will be extended. Treezer is running around to make it appear that an extension is needed to give her time to make a deal
Britain’s Electoral Commission has officially recognised the Brexit Party as an official and legal political party in the United Kingdom, which Brexit leader Nigel Farage has said is a force to fight back against the betrayal of the 2016 referendum..
2019-02-08 10:00 BBC SPORT athletics.
Triple jumper, comedian, YouTuber, mentor – the endless talents of Naomi Ogbeta
Also has a brother with “endless talents” as a mathematician. Or is it a footballer? Sorry, he is a footballer.
BBC has nocturnal emission over black runners/jumpers/whatever. Again.
She looks like the recently jailed MP.
Black jumpers with IQs lower than their temperature are ten a penny, we have millions.
Whose contribution is minimal.
BBC never broadcasts anything about Chinese scientists in the UK. Scientists who we actually need.