As we count down the days until UK leave the EU we now have another countdown – that of the showing of Tommy Robinsons’ Film about the BBC . How will the BBC prepare for it? How damaging will it be to them ? Will it have long term consequences ? Can but hope …
Start the Week Open Thread 11 February 2019
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Working title: Tommy Takedown.
Why not re-brand the whole BBC? BTC: Britain Takedown Corporation.
It’s a more accurate summing up of their purpose.
Comments are open.
So far… could be going better…
There are many businesses going out of business at the moment. There always is. But, if we do finally get Brexit, they will blame it for what goes on all the time.
I’m still offended by the terrorist flag R4 has on it’s twitter header.
Meanwhile at the Guardian the NoBrainers are still blaming the NHS Bus.
THE most biased report I have ever seen. Form your own opinion.
Dear Guardian lover.
Nobody at Biased BBC is in the least surprised by the “People’s vote”.
Some of us were surprised that the latest version of EU cheating took so long.
Or perhaps I should have said EEC cheating because that is what the UK joined.
We were not looking in the other direction when the EU imported tens of millions of our most implacable enemies to vote for more EU.
We were not looking in the other direction when the EU had repeat referenda every time there was an inconvient vote.
Many of us made the decision to leave, years, or even decades, ago.
We grabbed the opportunity when offered.
We are leaving.
If a few hundred treasonous MPs and several million traitors at large are collateral damage in the leaving process that will be just fine by me.
Pink is the ne… still the only game in town…
With a dash of Gray.
Ah well – another day – another time zone .
Apparently TR is to begin showing extracts from his documentary on the Far Left Biased BBC every 72 hours from Tuesday night .
The extract of him confronting a Panorama Producer and the chief reported “John Sweeney” ends with stunned silence from the two of them . I think the silence speaks for itself as it were .
I’m surprised the BBC hasn’t put together some pre emotive hatchet job using people TR has had disagreements in the past .
They’ll pay handsomely to bribe for lies at the moment if they have gone over what they have said during the planning of their work against TR
International coverage of this is needed to protect him from sudden ‘illnesses’ ‘prosecutions ‘ of ‘car accidents ‘.
Jezza is on it.
Wait for Simpo’s next broadside.
Talk about the blind leading the blind.
lies have consequences , the media could do well to remember that.
or just the lack of a bit of qualification when it suits?
BBC report on the El Paso incident says “He has claimed journalists are “the enemy of the people” and slammed the “fake news” for reports he deems unfavourable.
I think that enemies would only be the purveyors of fake news
“So children, the word of today is ‘Attaaaaaaaack!!!!’”
BBC News
Donald Trump saw the attack and confirmed the cameraman wasn’t seriously hurt with a thumbs up.
Make that… ‘at all’.
Bbc again going full flounce, and copping deserved mockery. Never go full flounce, bbc.
My Twitter feed is swamped with BBC hacks making capital out of it. Like all their Christmases arrived together. Shocked, they are. To the core.
Has the internet identified the perpetrator yet? There’s an assumption by all that it was a Trump supporter, but no one I’ve seen has provided any evidence one way or the other. It’s perfectly possible it was an agent provocateur and I’m surprised not to have seen him named yet.
“Collectively, the press following Senators have become large and aggressive. We are concerned someone may get hurt.”
Did not a BBC hack get in a shoving much recently with another outlet?
Note how – as a result of the cameraman being bumped, we actually get to see the size and scale of the crowd – which the FakeNews including BBC and CNN always refuse to show, as Trump taunts them with his massive rally, filling football stadiums, compared to Billary’s events that never had more than a couple of hundred people jammed into a small room….
Does anyone hear actually expect them to stop all their antics once we leave?
The media/Labour/SNP/etc will continue to work to undermine the country just to prove their point.
It’s like being on an an aeroplane and hoping it crashes.
Gordon Banks: World Cup winning goalkeeper dies aged 81
I’m surprised the BBC included a colour photo of the England ’66 world cup team in this article. Hideously white the whole lot of ’em!
Give it another year of 2 then the liberals will be demanding how we shouldn’t ever mention England winning in ’66 due to the lack of diversity in the team.
Wont be long before the terms ‘cricketing/tennis whites’ and working at the ‘coal face’ will be outlawed. Speaking of coal face, interestingly, I wonder how many people of colour actually worked down a coal mine in this country. My dad worked night shifts for over a decade, and never once mentioned working with anyone other than white.
Honestly ? as an aside, if that form of employment were available today, I cant see any of our man-boys queuing up to do it. The ‘toughness’ of the male species has been knocked out of them over the past few decades, and replaced by what I call Papoose man !
Looking at BBC News channel. Theresa the Appeaser is speaking with forked tongue as usual and right at the bottom of the screen the Breaking News ‘ticker tape’ keeps repeating a quote from Raheem Stirling saying Gordan Banks’ legacy will live on. Am I being cynical or is the BBC spinning the multi culti angle?
Am I being even more cynical in saying that Raheem Stirling may not have heard of Gordon Banks until now, – and ask him to name the rest of the World Cup Squad of ’66.
And- didn’t he stop a black player from scoring with a great save?
How racist was that then?
Professionally offended strike again …. will it ever end ?
Supporters of the BBC, who presumably see the working class as cannibals, are organizing their protest against TR’s video in Manchester. Support for the BBC is coming from the TUC and Unions, the multiculty people of al Burnham’s Manchester, Stand up to Racism, not forgetting the UAF, whose founder member is David Yaxley Cameron former Tory Prime Minister. Just remember links with these Trot thugs and a former leader of the Tory Party.
Remember Tory leaders and the BBC support this lot.
I wonder which side Donald Tusk – former football hooligan – will be on .
Sorry , I wonder which side Donald Tusk – EU president – will be on .
One could do the same poster replacing the name TR with Brendan Cox and the accusations against him.
I’d be astonished if TR has not foreseen exactly that reaction. His plans probably count on it.
Roland Deschain
He has. From his FB site
These far left globalists are obsessed with me. Look at these posters plastered all around Manchester with some kind of pathetic meeting to ‘know your enemy’ at on the 13th Feb.
They could have just invited me to their little far-left fascist gathering and we could have had a little chat. Instead, all of the little wet wipes will turn up with their faces covered all dressed in black thinking they have superpowers. They will sit in the meeting house shouting NAZI for two hours, go home and tweet Nazi for two more hours, then go to bed and have wet dreams.
#1 Someone organises a protest
#2 Some other group make a big plan to overwhelm the first protest and stop it.
.. To this aim they “bear false witness” against the first guy, misusing extremely emotive language “Fascist” “Nazi”which should be kept for its true purpose so not to devalue it
Also they make a number of false claims, eg he is not saying that journalists shouldn’t criticise him.
It should be obvious that the second group are the ones likely to cause a breach of the peace.
They could just let the first protest take place and there would be no breach of the peace. If mayor Andy Burnham facilitates them, then he is implicit.
‘Sow division’ or report accurately?
Big problems for the BBC when one entails the other.
I gathered from the TR documentary that the police are well aware that the “anti” “fascists” with their faces covered and carrying offensive weapons are the troublemakers, and not TR’s supporters.
Those dimwits sure are frightened on the truth of Blighty being destroyed by an enemy within arnt they ?
I wonder if TR will launch it on multiple locations ..
If there is any “National socialist” organisation, it would be UNITE, not Tommy Robinson!!
Tonight on BBC1 – “Stacey Dooley travels to California to meet Survivors, one of America’s most extreme anti-abortion groups…. can they persuade Stacey to join their controversial campaign?
Does the BBC consider the post birth abortion currently indicated by legislation (proposed/passed?) in Virginia & New York states as “controversial”?
Not ever having been affected by abortion, I didn’t really have an opinion on it, however, hearing that Democrat describe that after the child being ‘born’ and ‘made comfortable’ the mother and health officials could make a live or die decision???????
But like most things, if the lefties are mad for it, it’s bad.
Vine “yeh electro-sensitivity is definitely a thing, some people need to be away from phone masts for their health”
… Don’t think so.. if you could demonstrate that to be true, you’d win the James Randi $million prize
. waves at a distance can’t harm your health
.. Engineers working right up a high power mast can be affected by waves , but at any distance the inverse square law means the energy is practically zero.
Stew the inverse square law applies but there are studies of the effects of base towers radiation showing harmful effects going back even to 1G. Cumulative effects are still not acknowledged by the industry.
Also if they start bringing in 5G, this requires far more of the new masts which will be much closer to homes
TM in science you need to have two things
– A measured effect
– A physical mechanism for the cause
In the real world for EMF there seem to be neither
There is no large scale measured effect on people who live near towers
An old time physist once explained there is no physical mechanism for EMF damage.
So when someone says “I got cancer and I lived near a phone tower,” then that means sure you got cancer, but it’s almost certain to other factors and that you would have still got it even if the tower had never been switched on.
Measured effect: well there is a lot of evidence of non-thermal effects of EMFs now. Of course for an old time physicist the mechanism may not be fully understood but in evidence based medicine (EBM) the effect against various outcomes is the critical matter. E.g. drugs get approved without understanding the pharmacological pathways and also acupuncture which shows some favourable results in clinical trials even though the ‘physical mechanism’ is very much in dispute.
We might have to agree to disagree on this one!
Leftwing think tank IPPR has done #ProjectClimateFear report
.. The Global Warming industry PR man Roger Harra has cutNpasted it into a BBC page to raise the alarm
it has open comments
One commenter chose the pen-name “Old McDonnell Taxed My Farm”
..a reference to Labour’s chancellor
bBBC News.
“Two Bonsai enthusiasts have launched an emotional plea to thieves who stole seven trees from them, offering care instructions for their ‘children’.”
Aggravated burglary in Taunton? Business targeted in Tayside?
No. Pinched from a garden in Tokyo. Main news page on the webshite, one of the Asian headlines.
Not news and of no real interest or relevance to anyone outside the family affected. Pages to fill and fluff to fill it as real stories and issues that should be being reported are wilfully and routinely ignored because they don’t suit the narrative.
BBC reporter bubbleworld
had Ruby Wax and some others on to discuss how much they watch BBC – hilarious it didn’t go to plan..Wax and other don’t watch BBC prefer Netflix and Prime…so switch conversation to Radio.That didnt go too well either…so BBC says well should we stop free licence for over 75s or cut other programmes…no other way of making savings then? It really didn’t go their way…just reinforced that fewer people are watching BBC ….but they never ask themselves why.
Next on R4.. their series Fatwa…..FFS…not any real criticism of giving a death sentence because somebody writes something they don’t like…this is why people are switching off
Meanwhile in Paris……………
There was an item on the Today programme this morning about private schools. This is not a subject I know a lot about or am terribly interested in but one thing puzzles me. The shared assumption between interviewer and guests was that old Etonian politicians like Boris Johnson can never empathise with or understand the concerns of ordinary people because they didn’t go to school with them. So we should get rid of private schools or at least open them up to bright poor kids so that our future leaders can meet and get under the skin of human beings who don’t have a farmhouse in Tuscany to repair to during the vacations. This will be beneficial for our politics, they seem to be saying.
I am sceptical. First, it assumes that human beings have no imaginative sympathy or curiosity and are limited by personal experience. False. Most people, and especially those with a good education, have learned to put themselves in the shoes of other, often quite alien, people. The study of literature, I always think, is quite good at imbuing us with this skill. Second, it assumes that an acquaintance with poor people during childhood would result in the mature politician abandoning conservative principles and adopting socialist policies of higher taxes and an expanding welfare system. Why would it? Conservatives, whether they’ve met the poor or not, believe self-reliance is better for everyone than welfare dependency. Third, almost all of these politicians and BBC lefties who bleat on about inequality and the unfairness of the private education system seem to send their own children to private schools for some reason.
FGM to hard to prosecute
some other things not so much
FGM Hard to prosecute. Even when successfully prosecuted we have the comrades at Spiked complaining that it was a miscarriage of justice.- as in the recent case
I am becoming rather suspicious of Spiked, and became so after numerous weekly attacks on Trump,
When you look at the history of Spiked it’s less of mystery. I remember reading years ago that they were some kind of repackaged Marxist magazine.
Their championing of free speech and anti-PC stance is all well and good, but I guess deep down they are left-libertarian at best, or worse – Trotskyist international socialists.
So The BBCs printed arm The Guardian – cries out about the reception a couple of beeboids got at a President Trump rally . They seem surprised that people didn’t do the expected bowing and scraping which is expected when people working for the BBC.
If they looked in the mirror and saw what they are doing promoting solidly anti President Trump bias they might realise the reception they are getting . There must be a price to be paid for lieing .
BBC World Service report on the incentives being offered to Hungarians to have several children, as a way of reducing population decline rather than taking down the fences. It was of course a “bad thing”. The BBC reporter was casting round for reasons why it was wrong, apparently the wrong mothers (middle class?) would choose to breed. But the beeboid’s best shot was that the initiative would fail because the maternity services in Hungarian hospitals are less than ideal & women would not want the experience more than once.
Really? A decision on having a family will be determined by wanting to avoid 3 hours hard labour?
BBC news at 10, is to be cut so the whole lot finishes at 10:35 not 10:45
For kids Crackerjack is booked to have 10 new episodes
Arts Council is set to enforce bodies to meet diversity targets or no funding.
Apparently it’s cos staff refuse to fill in the forms
…. hmm bet it doesn’t work the other way
ie orgs will be allowed to be 100% gay etc.
“Apparently it’s cos staff refuse to fill in the forms”
The solution is simple – just tell the staff to put in any old rubbish – 50% male/25% female/25% Gnu or whatever.
Data protection? Who can argue?
Bute child sex abuse travel
– teenager accused has said that “it was that woman that raped and murdered the child, not me”
\\ been hearing evidence from crime-scene officers.
One confirmed a knife found on a beach was similar to a set photographed in the kitchen of the house where the accused //
BBC have a page
Noted Martha Kearney couldn’t shut up and listen to Boris Johnson, as he tried to answer some Brexit comments of hers.
She seemed to have no questions, only objections.
But the bit that annoyed me was her quoting of Donald Tusks abuse re ” hell”.
Then asking him if he was ” feeling the heat” yet?
Outrageous to pin some EU numpty and his nasty comment , to Boris and her oh so clever link to ” heat”.
How do Today’s ranters get away with this. None of them believe in God, the Muslims would shut her Yap if she ever dared to rope in Islamic terms in this way.
Cultural appropriation, not that Frank Welby would know what he’ll was.
Yorkshire Post has a whole page over to Jo Cox’s sister and promotion of their June 22, Great Together street party day.
YP letters
\\ Free TV licences for over 75s was a gimmick by Gordon Brown
… He wanted to be in with the pensioners
..but instead of increasing pensions he came up with free TV licences.
..same for free bus passes//
The first amendment is the right to free expression
yet ” journalists are very concerned at the erosion of our First Amendment …want .. T-Shirt BANNED”
… so they in fact are the ones interfering with first amendment rights
…. #Projection is a libmob characteristic
now R4 History prog opens with a reference to “foodbanks and austerity”
… yeh cos 2019 is so much poorer than the past
Never mind all this stuff. Imagine my horror when I awoke to a R4 Xtra drama in which a bloke was telling someone how he’d defiled a youth, because he just had to, and turned him into a druggy alcoholic wreck.
Charming waking to that and do they not know or care that children hear radio.
@Pug, Eleanor’s Tweet has thousands of replies
So it would not be reasonable to expect her to have read all of them
That is why she didn’t block those guys.
No, on my screen they are not near the top
Twitter is selecting them for you but not for me
Ill try desktop mode.
Yes bit different that red meme board tweet now appears 9th on the list
Such meme boards are probably produced by PR operations,
I never ‘like’ such meme-boards so it is possibly why Twitter doesn’t show me them
I just have to keep asking:- Where is the evidence that Trump is a bigot, racist or misogynist ?
It is, as they say, Trump Derangement Syndrome and that’s it.
@Pug The bolshy man was not white, does the BBC mention that ?
The bbc et al should face a Banning Order for ‘Disseminating material counter to the public good and liable to engender civil disorder’.
Reckon the bbc are confidant that their ‘antifa’ drones, the Police and our Parliament can beat TR ?
R4 presenter “the only thing I eat on toast is avocado”
FFS we don’t sell many avocados around here.
Stew – that must have been a white working class beeboid because a decent member of the beeboids would choose free range organic responsibility sourced fair trade avocados complete with ‘ green’ certification and picture of the farmer and picker …
Apologies if so someone has already covered this:
Isn’t it interesting that our spies ( therefore with government approval if not government orders) can smuggle an Iranian defector into the UK, ignoring any consequences from a viciously belligerent islamic state but they couldn’t bring in a Christian lady and her family ( in the face of real threats to their lives) in case a few uppity paklanders, who are living here in self constructed ghettos, get upset and do a bit of muslim rioting.
It’s not just double standards, it’s cynical disregard for people who would live here and cause absolutely no trouble for anyone in our country.
The MSM failed to champion Asia Bibi’s cause, which is not at all surprising given she’s ‘only’ a Christian, but the craven cowardice of MPs makes me sick.
‘Carney warns of NoDealBrexit economic shock.’
Cheers Mark, with your valued and precognitive record that’s all the confirmation we need. No Deal it is then.
Carney ‘crying wolf’ again ?
Why is that foreigner still in that job?
I might be wrong but 1. where is evidence camera man was personally attacked and not just pushed in a mele or pooed his pants and dropped his camera. I await proper footage – 2. I may be wrong but was the chap afro-american? BBC don’t seem to mention that bit especially as Trump and supporters are racists..What a load of British Bull Crap reporting
EU rules on employment seem like BBC rules on employment seem like the BBC’s accountability on anything.
Al Beeb “Brexit: Theresa May promises meaningful vote after more talks with EU”
The top HYS has suddenly flipped from the usual Pro Brexit score?
Have they been ‘massaging’ the figures?
Jon’s righteous indignation is noted.
Meanwhile, I await details of this attacker whose name appears, as far as I can find out, unbeknownst to anyone yet his affiliation certain.
Isn’t it a shame that Mr Sopel wasn’t there to witness the results of his smug anti President Trump vitriol ?
I find myself using the word ‘ vitriol’ quite a bit here but with reference to the nasty attitude of all beeboids it seems the most suitable – you can cut and paste that one Max it’s there to amuse you .
Sopel is one of the bbc’s many orifices – not a mouth one though.
So they’re working so hard to equate MAGA with Nazism but why would a sane person do that?
Next step a rope and lamppost, hopefully.
Now on every possible BBC channel.
It is, just, slightly possible such hysterical OTT hyperbole may backfire as much as all other BBC OTT hysterical hyperbole.
They really have lost it.
An octogenarian member of the public is hauled out of a Labour conference here and it’s just part and parcel of the rough and tumble of politics. A bloke wearing the wrong colour of gilet gets his hand blown off by a BBC favoured President and it is mostly his fault for leaving his fingers out, and both get quietly shelved.
But a BBC… yes… a BBC drone gets man-handled at a rally they have gone to misreport, and suddenly it’s like all their Kristallnachts have come at once and they gear up for full flounce for the week ahead.
That’s a lovely last paragraph.
Sopel – It sounds like a report from a six year old school girl, ‘Please Miss, Donny’s fwend pushed me in the playground boo-hoo, boo-hoo.’
Don’t be surprised if a tearful Sopel turns up at a press conference saying he was raped by Trump (in a MAGA hat, of course).
BBC asks White House for security review after Trump rally attack
The request to review security came after a BBC cameraman was shoved at an Trump rally in El Paso
Shoved, aaah, poor dear.
Save some money BBC, you lie about Trump events all the time.
Stop attending Trump events, you are not welcome.
Incidentally, how is the BBC pension scheme doing?
I read that, due to millions in the UK refusing to pay for your poisonous bias, the BBC pension scheme will collapse in three years.
I can’t wait for the party to start.
“Brexit: No-deal plan for Channel Tunnel operations”
If the EU mess about with this service they will be the losers.
Amazing how we managed before the tunnel.
And amazing how we managed being at war with France etc for years and years and years. We somehow managed to get stuff from the four corners.
The other week at work a bit of politics came up in the team about Brexit. A young co-worker said he was in favour of get us out, no deal, sod Europe etc. Whether that has blighted his future career I’ll never know. The international company I’m working for is chock full of Europeans and other overseas workers although we only have one ethnic minority on our team.
Anyway there were murmurings of approval from some, but others seemed too embarrassed to commit because a senior manager happened to be present. Nobody actively spoke up for Remain.
As I’m only a temp due to finish next month I followed it up with – not only should we Brexit off the cliff and keep our £39 billion quid but I’d also declare war on France and Germany just for a laugh.
It broke the ice at least!
The BBC’s hero, George Soros, is worried that the EU will break up as the plebs don’t have enough pro-EU parties to vote for, (like 40 plus years of Blue Labour, Yellow Labour, Green Labour and Good Old Red Labour!). Amazing what UKIP did without even a single proper MP!
And the Dutch Belgium Verhofstadt things brexiteers could be guilotined if someone can’t get sun dried tomatoes because of brexit
Please someone remind him
1 the guilotine is French
2 Blighty is a bit tougher that the non country he comes from
3 George Soros saying that populismcould destroy the EU is a Good Thing – and actually might make for a far healthier Europe – without added third worlders
Too true – all those things we take for positive they believe are negative. Well that’s polarization for you.
Really, how could anyone object to, MAGA as an aspiration?
What might their inspirational phrase be ???
The EUFilth are coming apart at the seams.
Just like their beloved Project.
Exposing how disgusting they, and their beliefs, are.
The real pity is May is also part of the EUFilth.
With a real Brexit leader they would have done the decent thing, and killed themselves, by now.
Die EU, just die, we need a really good laugh.
Could this be a massive boost to our efforts here?
Any thoughts?
10 minutes too long . 30 seconds was enough for me and the appearance of this character disqualified any reasoned argument he might have .
Nice effort though .
Not a good build up. If I were deciding whether to drive up to Manchester for this event, this would not persuade me.
I didn’t realise how anti TR some people here are. The point was, TR asserts he will expose the BBC Panorama as fake. What’s the problem with that. I thought that was the whole meaning of this site?
Only the BBC could describe two fleeing criminals driving down the wrong side of a main road in their desperation to get away as “young newlyweds”:
Two people killed in a car crash following a police pursuit in London are believed to have been young newlyweds.
Patrick McDonagh, 19, and his 18-year-old pregnant wife, Shauna, have been named in hundreds of tributes.
A car veered to the wrong side of the A40 near East Acton at about 21:00 GMT on Sunday before hitting a coach and killing a man and woman inside.
The car was being followed after reports of an armed burglary in Harrow.
Any betting that these two are from our much-admired travelling community?
Yes I thought that one as well . I feel sorry for the fella they drove into . My thoughts are with him . Truly .
Every one should watch these. BBC and politicians should be tied down and forced to watch.
Sad news of Gordon Banks and the BBC were quick to pay tribute and show his magic ‘best ever’ save against Pele’s certain goal. Shame, with all that cash and technical resource, they couldn’t do a slo-mo replay to let us see just how brilliant his reaction was.
ITV managed it though.
The default position on Climate Alarmist reports
is that if you sit and wait it will turn out to BS
Yes for sure it’s the, ” You can have this shop soiled one now OR I can try to get one for you but it may take months even if I can get one at all,” ploy.
Typo there Peston
UK*EU* chief Brexit negotiator Olly Robbins warns MPs the choice is May’s deal or extension”… Olly works for EU MetroLiberal establishment interests, not the British voters.
I’m hanging on for,” You can have Brexit but your first born will have to be put to the sword.”
The bbc.
Positive Trump support in Texas yesterday. Not the way BBC portrays things is it? Jon Sopel must loathe the normal people of the USA with an irrational passion.
He does. Here’s all his tweets today about it. And that doesn’t include retweets on the subject.
Conversely, here’s what the entire BBC has to say about the EU Ombudsman’s verdict on the appointment of Martin Selmayr: “Selmayr’s appointment did not follow EU law, in letter or spirit, and did not follow the Commission’s own rules”. Or Olly Robbins’s warning to MPs that they either accept May’s deal or extend Article 50.
Derangement and obsession taken to new depths.
You would almost think that Sopel didn’t like Trump.