As we count down the days until UK leave the EU we now have another countdown – that of the showing of Tommy Robinsons’ Film about the BBC . How will the BBC prepare for it? How damaging will it be to them ? Will it have long term consequences ? Can but hope …
Start the Week Open Thread 11 February 2019
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Nick chips in. They are still trying to build an unsustainable narrative around this,
I’m sure it’s a line from Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part 2:
“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the journalists”.
Sad to think that while Sopel has devoted his professional life for the past year and more to fully justifying and earning a smack in the mouth – he then metaphorically dodges to let his cameraman suffer. What a grindingly dreadful little person.
Mark Steyn in 2017
Remeber what Sopel calls a violent attack was described on the BBC website as “shoved and sworn “at.
Watching the crime drama Shetland now. Looks like whitey is treating the innocent noble black community in those far off isles (neither did I) very badly. On the bright side, the BBC is continuing to meet it’s ethnic actor quota targets.
For the Trump opposition it would have to be a,MALICE hat – that’s Make America Like it’s Caracas Evermore.
Wake me up when someone posts some proper footage of the Trump rally press zone incident.
I think this is it.