Looks like America is getting too dangerous for staff of the Far Left BBC . I think if Americans had any idea about that BBC reporters say about their President , Head of State and Commander in Chief the reception of BBC would be far less folksy …
Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019
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ITV 9:54pm Martin Clunes
” Out here in the waters of Louisiana it hard to believe that anyone would doubt the REALITY of climate change”
old timer “yeh all that out there used to be water”
MC “Louisiana is losing 75 SqKm of land each year”
…..hmm as usual it won’t be that simple story
Question for Wednesday’s geography class
#1 Clunes has shown us unequivocal large scale land loss LOCAL to Louisiana
#2 Does that prove that there has been extraordinary GLOBAL sea level rise due to GLOBAL warming ?
#3 Is in fact global sea level in the same slow rise pattern its been for the last 2,000 years ?
So could there be a LOCAL factors in Louisiana land level loss ?
Like could the land be sinking/subsiding ?
There is a USGS report that mentions this
Was it OK of Martin Clunes not to mention local land subsidence ?
Local land loss or gain can heavily influenced by local factors
…There are reasons why Skegness beach gets further away from Skegness town each century.
Funny enough the bBBC programme, “How Earth Made Us”, was about water yesterday, one of a series on BBC2 on all this week. Today, I think at about 16.15, it’s about wind.
I honestly didn’t realise that the Sahara was once such a green and pleasant land and that the pre-Season peoples, modern man not upright apes, prospered because of the abundant plant life and game and plentiful water. Then the climate began to change, all the rivers dried up and the majority of the areas inhabitants moved east from the area now covered in sand.
This was about 5,500 years ago. 3,500 BC. Although relatively speaking very and surprisingly recent, I think it’s safe to say that the drastic change in climate wasn’t anything to do with fossil fuels. Man can’t have played a hand in this at all. So perhaps we don’t have as much affect on the climate as we are led to believe, climate change has occurred naturally globally for millennia. Which contradicts almost everything else about climate change that the bBBC implies.
I wish the bBBC would make their bloody minds up. How can we know what to think if they themselves can’t decide what is the right thing to think so that we can think what they want us to think? Which is what I think they want.
“I wish the bBBC would make their bloody minds up. How can we know what to think if they themselves can’t decide what is the right thing to think so that we can think what they want us to think? Which is what I think they want.”
I couldn’t have put it better myself, Rich!
As they take fake news, and give their opinions, then the fake stuff is cast in stone and presented as fact when the next journo comes along to give her opinion.
I’ve just dragged myself through ‘Origins’ by Dan Brown, and finished it last evening. It’s alright I suppose, a bit turgid, but on being forced (by night boredom) to listen to the World Service this morning, there was a prolonged noise of lots and lots of US astrophysics bods explaining something they haven’t actually got a clue about, and were doing exactly what the book did – confuse me even more…
So there we have it; as Alan Greenspan says “I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant”…
…and that’s why I’m here with a mug of Yorkshire Gold, and just the small JRT for company!
Astronomy has produced all the answers for Climate Change by using the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus to prove the Hoax, and then prove that its actually caused by changes in cloud albedo. The Earths bond albedo radically changes over time, causing Climate to change. But the last time there was a television documentary about Climate science on British television which included lots of Astronomers was in 2007, called ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ by Martin Durkin, and that program was on Channel 4. Developments since then have been many.
Guess luvies never heard of Longshore Drift. It occurs in Louisiana and has done for centuries. Main causes are currents and storms which have also occurred for as long as sand and other movable rocks have existed with water and wind. I wouldn’t be surprised to find further along the coast deposits of sand and silt causing problems for harbours and bays as the drift loses momentum. One of the most documented is Chandeleur where erosion was mapped from the 1850s. Causes have been storms prevailing currents and climate change (note the time period).
An example https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378383917303666
wrong artlicle : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0025322706001083
gb123, You’ll never see the BiasedBBC ever refer to a real scientific paper, and definitely none as well sourced as those. The stupid BBC only recycles secondhand opinion, because their articles are by know nothing hacks.
Clunes premise was that if you look at this one area of the world and see the land loss and don’t believe this is proof of GLOBAL Catastrophic climate change, then you are stupid.
Now sea level rise is just about the same all around the world, so if there is some place where land is being lost so much faster, that suggests that is not so much the sea rising but something to do with the land. It should have raised the question in Clunes mind ..”hey could something local be causing the land loss ?”
..and sure enough land subsidence comes up in the science reports.
Now I wouldn’t rule out mankind’s interference in local ecology as some part in that subsidence eg dams restricting the natural silt build up at the coast etc. ..among other things.
Man made climate change? My arse.
Second !
Wake me up when someone posts some proper footage of the Trump rally press zone incident.
… Third as well BTW
Backlinks – The last thread finished on page 3 which started at 10am Tuesday
Why the bBc has to go. Just seen SHETLAND, the first and last episode of the series for me. The story is so badly contrived to get ethnics in place as to be moronic. The PC bBC establishment, I can see goose stepping to the common purpose controllers meetings to produce this utter tripe.
Lord Hall Hall and the rest of them are beyond any redemption. The bBC must go, after a successful Brexit they are the next target.
A lot of anomalies in the story anyway. Police raid on an isolated pub, yet suddenly the ‘mother’ turns up and very cross – yet no sign of a taxi; what did she do, walk there ?? lol !
Al Beeb ………………….”Brexit: PM could delay final vote on Brexit”
Apart from promising the EU £35 Billion, in over two years what exactly has Mrs Chamberlain negotiated in Great Britain’s favour ?
London Underground staff to wear red jackets instead of yellow ones:
Won’t this trigger new visitors?
Or is it just doors? Or matadors?
I wonder if the corridors of the BBC will be strewn with empty champagne bottles on March 30 th.
From the vibes I am getting off the internet, things could change on the 23 February ?
The BBC helpfully has put a 22 page guide to claiming expenses on the internet .
On page 13 it specifies that claiming for the purchase of Champagne is forbidden . Perhaps Chief Reporter John Sweeney gets round it by claiming for ‘ Kia Royale’ Or heaven forbid – pays for it out of his own large pockets .
I’m sure some degree of retrospection is allowed should a beeboid accidentally claim expenses for purchasing of fizz so that they can buy booze with their own money than directly using taxpayers cash – particularly those over 75 experiencing fuel ‘ poverty ‘.
Taffman, what is happening on 23rd Feb?
Sorry I’ve been busy of late so not up to speed with this site at the moment
Sorry not Taffman, @Nibor. What is significant about 23rd February
My apology, just add ‘Robinson’ to the date and enter it in a search engine .
Thanks Taffman all is clear now.
I note the first search results are “socialist worker” and “UAF” calling Tommy a nazi. Funny how it’s outrageous and unacceptable to call Anna Sourface..sorry Soubry a nazi though. One rule for leftys and one for the rest eh!
Dystopian , nope don’t get that when I Google
..Could it be that when you are not looking someone else in your house is busy on your computer looking at UAF and SW webpages ?
..so Google elevates them in your search results
The UAF have long called TR a Nazi and their organization, Stand up to Racism has the support of the TUC and unions pluss the NUS who are organizing buses for people to go and prevent TR’s video from being heard.
Worth noting that for months the UAF posted a picture of TR next to Anders Brevik,
And all this time retained the support of Prime Minister, Cameron who never withdrew his status as a founder member
If they are, and anyone falls over one, they claim easily blame Trump.
No reason. It’s what they do.
Nibor, There will be if commie Robbins gets his way.
I’m sure that Esther McVey said, in a recent interview on LBC that there are moves to get rid of commie Robbins from the Brexit team. I hope she’s not mistaken.
j-i-c, I thought he had gone or at least been pushed back into a more minor role by the PM a while back, but apparently not.
Yesterday’s barroom chat – is it a sackable offence?
Hmmmmmnnn ……
I hope so.
The claim from some since resigned, Leave-inclined, Ministers with Brexit responsibilities was given an airing recently and they said (sorry, cannot remember where it was reported) something to the effect ‘At every turn, we were over-ruled in negotiations by Downing Street.’.
The implication was that it was the PM doing the over-ruling. That’s possible. It could have been a Civil Servant. That’s possible, too. It could have been more than one Civil Servant. That is also possible.
You cant get rid of Robbins. Removing him from the ‘team’ means nothing. He’ll still be pulling all the strings.
Even if we made him governor of Rockall?
\\Farm leaders: UK brand on food exports ‘is disadvantage’//
‘Much ado about nothing’ . More project fear .
You really could not make it up.
The Beeb was loving being ‘assaulted’ by a Trump supporter. It is almost as if spewing relentless lies, hatred and abuse about someone’s leader and those who voted for him might upset people.
In the wake of the umpteenth ROPer mass murder or ‘grooming’ conviction, the BBC ensure us these individuals in no way represent the community as a whole; sinister warnings against a ‘backlash’ are issued i.e. thought criminals will be severely punished. Of course this rule will not apply to a Trump supporter: they will seek to use this single mild scuffle (the result of extreme provocation from the vicious BBC) to smear all Trump supporters as violent Nazis. When it comes to mass murder of children in Manchester, however – and so many other places – we must have nothing but respect and compassion for the noble creed that inspires such barbarity.
One young Brit even tried to assassinate Trump. Where could he possibly have got his inspiration? If we had a chance to travel back in time and murder Hitler we certainly would. When a production of Julius Caesar played at Central Park with a Trump-like Caesar the BBC gleefully reported on it, having a hearty chuckle at the prospect of Trump suffering a similar fate. Honestly how low can they go?
How dare they attend a Trump rally after their behaviour. It was probably purely in an attempt to incite something like this – I bet there were some dirty tricks played to get the assailant angry. Luckily anyone with half a brain cell can see through their nonsense and knows who the real bad guys are.
The Sopel co-conspirator, the cameraman, was probably spotted by a supporter focussing on some isolated negative scene to exploit later as the, normal behaviour at Trump rallies. After all, that’s what our, ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ does. Utterly dishonest to the extent that I, personally, always instinctively take their ‘opponents’ side. So many lies and fake news, what else can you do?
Yeah it is so bad that in many cases I assume the opposite of what the BBC says is true. “Not terror-related” means the opposite.
The colossal problem is the things that they refuse to report on. Nixon was forever ruined by Watergate yet Obama was caught red-handed spying on Trump in the most obscene abuse of power – Watergate X 100. The media just pretend it never happened. They would probably have done just the same themselves given the chance.
One dreads to think how many other narrative-busting events have gone straight down the memory hole.
BB – Good point. I vividly remember Watergate, which seemed to go on forever, with the media giving us endless, detailed, blow-by-blow accounts of every single event. Books were written, careers made, etc etc.
Watergate dominated the news, often for months on end, in a unique way. It became a world-changing event. Want to point to a scandal? Just add ‘-gate’ to whatever you think is disgusting, and there you have it.
But Obama has been untouched. For one thing, the NYT and the WP wouldn’t touch ‘the first black president’, a Democrat as well. Ditto, CNN etc.
Hypocrisy? You betcha. On a massive, unimaginable scale.
And now they have a new narrative. If they disliked Nixon, well: they positively HATE Trump. That would include the bbc.
It turned out that Nixon was no match for the relentless ‘liberal’ media/establishment. Maybe Trump is made of sterner stuff?
Trump also has a huge ability to fight back via the internet which Nixon did not have. His wealth and Jupiter-sized balls help as well.
They turn the emotion and detail up to eleven when it is a narrative that fits their agenda; those that do not are reported in a perfunctory way if at all, along with spin and excuses. With the bombshell revelations about Obama’s spying the slimeball BBC even tried to spin it as Republicans abusing power!
I learned a long time ago that it is not sensible to insult the President. Americans do not like it. The BBC and the Guardian have been relentless in attacking him. What goes round comes around.
The murder of the young lady in Hull is undergoing selective reporting on the BBC on the main page no reports of man’s name….I wonder why not ?????
From the BBC
Humberside Police said: “Our priority remains to find Libby and support her family at this incredibly distressing time.”
A 24-year-old man arrested on suspicion of abduction remains a person of interest, police said.
The force has also written to local residents to ask if anyone heard “anything unusual” on the night of her disappearance.
From other sources
A man arrested in connection with the disappearance of student Libby Squire has appeared in court charged with unrelated offences.
Pawel Relowicz, 24, of Raglan Street, Hull, appeared at Hull Magistrates’ Court accused of voyeurism, outraging public decency and burglary.
Blatant biased unbelievable, it doesn’t suit thier agenda so don’t report that a man of polish heritage has been detained.
This is a job for Winston Smith: history needs to be rewritten to fit the agenda.
The murder of the young lady in Hull is undergoing selective reporting on the BBC on the main page no reports of man’s name….I wonder why not ?????
From the BBC
Humberside Police said: “Our priority remains to find Libby and support her family at this incredibly distressing time.”
A 24-year-old man arrested on suspicion of abduction remains a person of interest, police said.
The force has also written to local residents to ask if anyone heard “anything unusual” on the night of her disappearance.
From other sources
A man arrested in connection with the disappearance of student Libby Squire has appeared in court charged with unrelated offences.
Pawel Relowicz, 24, of Raglan Street, Hull, appeared at Hull Magistrates’ Court accused of voyeurism, outraging public decency and burglary.
Blatant biased unbelievable, it doesn’t suit thier agenda so don’t report that a man of polish heritage has been detained.
‘…it doesn’t suit their agenda so don’t report…’
BBC news audience suspicions ought to have been raised by the subtle little aside that police appeals for information were put out “in four languages”
Only four?
I can add a few more…
1) BS
2) PC dribble
3) Pidgin Somali
4) Patois
5) BBBC speak
After more than 2 years, the Senate committee admitts they have found no collusion between Trump and Russia. The BBC does not consider that is worthy of reporting, even after they reported hundreds of times that there was “a suspicion” and there was an ongoing investigation, so here is a link to the news :
I used to adore radio 4 but Trump’s election was the beginning of the end for me. How much fake news about Trump have we had to endure? They did not even bother to make it fun or believable – just unhinged, vicious hatred. What a spectacular achievement to defeat both political parties, the entire media and the internet giants. He deserves so much credit but the liberal elite are such bitter losers.
It has been so glorious seeing Trump batter the lying parasites in the MSM. How the BBC must rue crossing him! All his opponents end up destroyed and humiliated. We can never remotely trust the media again and thank God for Trump who has opened everyone’s eyes to this shocking reality.
You can just imagine the undermanagers in W1A calling Sopel and Katters into their offices, giving Sopers a cushion to sit on to raise him above the desk and Katters a spitoon, and telling them they were going to America!
‘These are your instructions’, they were told…
And from then on they mucked it up, got worse, failed miserably, let the side down and now get fed a few old and outdated snippets when real journalists do their work properly and thoroughly!
Being over seas I thought I’d give the BBC a bit of a rest – but made the mistake of turning on the radio only to hear poor Michael Beurke having to say that his programme -.The Moral Maze has a debate about black / Wimmin and other non white “thinking “.
The off switch has hit so fast . The anti white anti male propaganda just rains down .
I’m just so pleased I don’t pay for it any more and hope more and more do the same
Twitter is full of Priyamvada Gopal’s rant
Basically saying
‘I was invited on this prog , but I’m not going to come cos it’s waycist !’
Tonight’s actual prog is ‘Decolonising’ the Curriculum’
She said
The producer replied
(He simply identifies the people she was implying, the 4 person panel is known and Melanie is the righty and Giles the lefty)
she replied
Her followers as she knew to expect , then piled in saying such stuff as
‘it’s not libellous to call Melanie Phillips a racist, cos she is a racist’
.. accompanied by quotes from Mel
I conclude that Priyamvada is a dramaqueen who bullies by seeking to play the victim.
Do you notice how BBC news changes it tune when it finds out something ‘ inconvenient’ about someone it initially chose to support ?
Take the 14 year old black kid stabbed to death in Londonistan a couple of weeks ago. Initially it ran with the normal ‘ tragedy – something must be done – crying parent – normal kid ‘ routine .
Then it came to pass that he was riding a stolen moped ( mugger?) and had been expelled from school for drug dealing and ‘ showing his cash’ in pictures on his social media account .
The bbc tune changed then . They stuck him on the ‘ forget ‘ list along with the rest .
Innocent teenager to feral young criminal in a blink .
Do they ever consider rethinking the whole all cultures are equal religion?
The Cult of Coexist I call it.
In years gone past i would have watched something like Shetland but would’nt bother attempting to now along with beeb news, soaps etc.
White middle age man/ men will be slimy/ racist/ greedy/ thick etc.
All women and ethnics will be clever/ understanding and most definately won’t be the murderer. Getting a little predictable now don’t you think?
I’m also giving upon many current tv programs.
Something like Silent Witness or Grantchester for example where lots of BLT etc are shoehorned in to make it appear that the U.K. is a multi culti/gay/disabled etc paradise and of course the white man is always the ‘baddie’
As soon as the first BLT lot appear I recognise that the program will be following the bbbc procedure and you can usually guess the plot.
Off switch.
On another site somebody raised an interesting question: why does a BBC drama never include a character called Mohammed?
Another fine example on Wednesday’s Today programme of why John Humphries is worth more than Mishal, although both are being paid far too much.
This morning Mishal was interviewing a Brexit minister, I think. She was sulky and petulant when asking him detailed questions more suited to in depth replies than could be given in 30 seconds in an interview. She then allowed uninterrupted speaking until the minister was giving the nib of his reply, then she cut him off. That happened at least twice. Any wonder people are switching off in their droves.
Good post, Deborah. Well spotted.
I thought she was trying to ape The Humph without the experience and ability. Even The Humph gets it wrong at times, eg. the classic morning after the night before interview with new Party Leader, David Cameron. Am afraid Mishal and Martha are far too lightweight to step up to the top job.
A great chance for the BBC to save half a million £ toward free TV Licences for the over 75s.
If they level off all four Presenters at salaries of £150K, equality and all that doncha know, that will save even more. Sack Sarah Sands and that will be another substantial saving.
They wouldn’t need to sack many in order to pay off the National Debt.
BBC journalists routinely question and give voice to criticism of government policies. On Brexit, for instance, one can’t help but notice a daily barrage of what I’m sure the BBC would term ‘holding the government to account’.
So when a BBC news report sychophantically approves of some ministerial intiative we should prick up our ears and take notice. These are the moments when the pet items of the BBC’s own agenda become most transparent.
This morning bearded-hipster BBC man Jim Connolly https://twitter.com/gyme7 plays ideas bag-carrier for the Tory Home Secretary Sajid Javid. Knife crime is at an all-time high since World War Two. The Minister and the BBC put the blame squarely on Social Media which needs to be more tightly regulated. It’s Drill Music wot done it. Of course the BBC hates all rival media platforms which it recognises as existential threats to its dominent position. And the government is desperate to be seen to be doing something plus every Tory at least since since Cameron loves a good write up from the BBC.
Wasn’t there some moral panic about Bill Haley in the 50s?
We’ve had teen culture and teen music since then so what has really changed in Britain since? Perhaps it is the teenagers who are different?
“It’s just one of them things: you wake up, you have your breakfast, you stab someone.”
məˈʃaːʕɪl ħʊˈseɪn was on form on Toady today .
A master class in not allowing questions to be answered , failing to listen and just the regular anti brexit bias . She even still refights the referendum debate .
Sorry – I used her real name məˈʃaːʕɪl ħʊˈseɪn instead of the English version Mishal Hussain .
On wiki it seems to say she attended the ‘ European University ‘ in nowhere land . As has been said – a citizen of the world’
Are you promoting a sort of, ‘Yaxley-Lennon’ here?
Should we henceforth refer to, ‘Mishal Hussain aka, məˈʃaːʕɪl ħʊˈseɪn’ or perhaps, ‘məˈʃaːʕɪl ħʊˈseɪn trading as, Mishal Hussain’? Either of which suggests some sort of, ‘double-dealing’.
No -far from it – but what I am promoting is ‘know your enemy ‘ there is obviously a weakness in that because intiernet sources are not always reliable – in this case it is her wiki citation .
Since the MSM is so fond of referring to TR by a former name perhaps all bbc types and luvvies should get the same treatment – to be fair . Because as we all know -the BBC immerses itself in fairness doesn’t it – and as the Great John Sweeney says “ Kia royale anyone “ ?
Ratty Katty and Soapy Sopel aren’t wearing well, are they?
Wot, no rugs? And no mugs of tea? Those OAPs need to learn a trick or two!
Can you not just photocopy your tv licence and tell Crapita it’s a repeat?
These OAP’s must have cash to burn… they don’t have scarves, gloves or blankets… and they don’t have body contact to conserve heat either, scroungers.
I say triple the TV licence for them…. they watch more TV anyway, and look at that white bloke hes sneering…. probably he’s being racist.
What the worst that could happen?, maybe they could die of cold?… they should be euthanased anyway like these sensible white folks:
In fact why are they here anyway?, if they would have been aborted in the third trimester we would not have to put up with this white supremacy:
GO BBC!!!! Show us those whites being euthanized and aborted… great stuff!!!
The Graun has a solution.
I did not say it was necessarily good one.
They are coating Frankie Howerd in rubber as we speak. Apparently. Though Botney’s private lift is surely already available.
In solidarity with the lady who needs a burqua – I am writing this in my natural state . I am unashamed of my nakedness and as long as I don’t catch a glimpse in a mirror the day will be okay .
As for some fruit loon who has a need to expose her parts to the British pubic for reasons I cannot guess – I pity her – that she has to build an image to sell her book? On self exposure .
She must be destined for great things? Mastermind – Graeme norton – baking on ice ….
BREAKING: BBC tools in yet another self-created dilemma:
Tits up, as Mrs. Maisel says, marvellously.
Pity the law wasn’t in place 2 weeks ago when the Japanese : Victoria Station guy was convicted.
..That makes it look like that convictions can be made without the special law.
How many grown men or women do you think this law will impact? NONE..up to a few…what a PC load of crap. I would like to have law that stops people debating anything naked…it can be quite offensive
The dopy Prof certainly has the body for radio. Though now we really are reaching new depths of inanity .
Does anyone think for a second that a male professor who protested by walking around with his dick and fat stomach hanging out would be indulged by the BBC in the same way?
My first reaction would have been to turn the microphone off and either walk out on her or have her removed.
Good comment here
You didn’t quite finish your last sentence. Please allow me – – have her removed to the nearest funny farm.
Lucy what made me laugh is that she opened her interview stating she had three points to make …I only saw two…
If this woman’s students had any sense, they’d change courses and stay as far away from this exhibitionist as is humanly possible.
Could the gentleman who posted this picture, please report to the BBC where he can air his important message concerning Brexit.
Clearly a ‘blondie’ , had his appendix out, and young – not had time to develop a beer belly !!!!
(Sherlock would be proud of me)
I think we can guess the reply.
I think that this BBC racist will be the first in line to write the script:
“The “editorial director” of BBC News Kamal Ahmed revealed in a leaked email: ram it home to those thick-as-mince leaver losers just how hellish their lives are going to be if we get out (the person who first wrote this piece paraphrased his email to staff). Every piece of good economic news prefaced with “In spite of Brexit . . .” and given caveats, every bad piece of news leading the bulletins.
Kamal Ahmed
Speaking of thick as mince…
Looks like the BBC has decamped to the Americas to fight the good fight, South and North.
Maybe they can persuade the French to join in?
They do seem well armed.
The opposite of common sense and decency, and the BBC is there.
Why do so many dictators have moustaches? (speaks a man with a beard).
Thinking of submitting this: ‘How many times has the BBC submitted an FOI knowing it will be refused by exemption, just to get a point across making it, and another when the reasons for refusal are seen by all?’
Transparency is a bitch.
Olly Robbins popped up again on the bbc today programme as the ‘chief Brexit negotiator’.
Why is a civil servant, obsessed with his own opinions, instead of advancing government policy, allowed to lead the team in such a critical situation? (We are assuming here the bbc is being truthful, which is -admittedly- a very big assumption to make). It should be done by somebody elected, possibly even at ministerial level, if the civil servants are unable to resist imposing personal views…
It is outrageous that we keep hearing the Robbins’ nuances, providing his little personal twists to the UK negotiating position.
Or are they? May seems to do nothing to put him right. Deliberate?
She seems to be quite happy. And he seems to think he’s been elected to lead. This has been going on for rather a long time.
Someone should put them right. Civil servants who get too big for their boots and forget that they are SERVANTS and not policy-makers need to be sacked.
It’s interesting to study how the BBC covers stories. Oily Robbins’s remarks, which just happened to be overheard by a journalist, were known about yesterday afternoon. Yet there was not a peep about it on last night’s news at 10.
But today it’s all different. It’s all over the airwaves. So what has happened overnight to turn it from “move along, nothing to see here” territory to “OMG, did you hear what he said”?
Meanwhile, deathly silence continues to reign at the Beeb regarding the EU Ombudsman ruling that the appointment of Martin Selmayr as Secretary General to the EU Commission was contrary to all EU rules.
‘Why is a civil servant….allowed to lead the team….?’
Because that’s what the EU wanted, and very probably demanded, some time after June 2016. Our compliant and duplicitous politicians have embraced the system ever since, to our evident cost and frustration.
On the plus side, new and exciting business opportunities will shortly arise for tumbril manufacturers, UK and European companies should apply for grants from China and other similarly interested economies.
They had to put the civil servants in their place in 1940 . Defeatists and incompetents. That was according to my father.
When a civil servant becomes the story, he should go.
Laugh, I could not help it. BBC reports on cops being stressed through overwork and lack of resources.
One complained about being stabbed in the arm. Poor man would have problems scanning Twitter for wayscist and transphobic tweets.
It’s on bbc social media too.
#CCBGB for the cops and their PR as News front.
I posted this on Breitbart, earlier…
“…But, but, the poor dears are frightened! They have to go out on the streets – alone! They need more funding, and more personnel, apparently.
When you consider the minimum requirements, now, for recruitment, all they attract are snowflakes and SJWs. There’s no requirement for intellect, physical stature, self-discipline and initiative, any more.
When I was in the job, I patrolled alone, on the street (and in a vehicle) more often than not.
Mind you, in those days, there weren’t a lot of tinted invaders after my blood.
The public have been badly let down of late, with the police misbehaving, dressing up in rainbow uniform accoutrements, driving gaily coloured vehicles, and supporting obscure sexually diverse organisations, to the detriment of everybody else, and wasting time “policing” people’s personal internet communications.
The police used to be a “force”, then a “service”, – now they are just unfit for purpose, so it’s about time the Federation ceased whingeing, and encouraged their members to get their respective fingers out, and do some real work, for a change….”
I know a long retired sergeant. A tall impressive man still. He told me he patrolled and dealt with what came at night in a tough town . He said he never ever backed down to anyone. Probably would get dismissed today for using excessive force to deal with trouble. But he kept the streets safe and the citizens too.
Top post, OG.
Off to walk the hounds in the spring sun.
But sailed through bbc fact checking. Ironically. Nuts.
There is a 10 tweet long thread
‘dishonourable BBC’ did a stealth-correction
Material edit “since 1950” with no correction note
H/T to Paul Homewood’s ‘Not A Lot of People Know That’ but it appears my suspicions were correct: https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/02/11/gwpf-call-for-insect-decline-paper-to-be-withdrawn
Looks like TOADY were ‘spoofed’ or, at least, very careless at Editor in Chief level.
Same with regard to that “All insects will die out because temps are going up” guff.
My first reaction was how come there are no insects flying around in my garden at the moment (winter) but in summer there are loads? Then I thought of visits to Scotland – millions of midges in July/August, same with mosquitos in northern Finland. Insects aren’t warm blooded are they? They need sun and warmth to survive so what difference would a fraction of a degree increase make? Increase numbers?
Then saw that research was carried out in Puerto Rico – a rise in temp of a fraction of a degree has caused insects to decline to such an extent that they predict no insects on earth in 100 years?
So, had a look at Paul Homewood’s site.
Turns out that temps in Puerto Rico have actually declined by a fraction of a degree not increased! So what’s causing the decline in insects (if there is one?) Certainly not man-made climate change!
Why don’t BBBC actually check facts? Or even think a little?
Wasn’t the BBC talking about encouraging human kind to eat insects instead of proper food like meat and fish ?
And good news – we ll be getting our own fish back soon and stopping foreign owners from buying british trawlers to get around quota rules ….
Oops, sorry – thought I had deleted that first comment ‘cos it just repeats yours!
Quite right.
Must admit that my (totally unscientific) thoughts after reading that “insect populations were threatened with extinction” because of a slight increase in temp (turned out temps had actually decreased!) were that how come there are no insects flying around in my garden now (winter) but in summer there are loads? Could it be that insects prefer nice warm temps? So how could an increase of a fraction of a degree in Puerto Rico threaten every insect on earth???
Secondly, who does the “fact checking” for the BBC? Are they incapable of doing a few seconds check on Tinternet? Or is it that they are so wrapped up in their “man made climate change causes every problem” attitude?
For anyone who says the BBC doesn’t do co way any more – the run up to PMQs/lies had a debate on ‘media hostility’- on the awful shouty Jo Coburn Show
Isnt it terrible ? People being nasty to journos? Nowhere in the debate was a discussion of the cause – the bias – the constant far left propaganda which causes people to get angry – particularly when being lied to by a state broadcaster which requires payment .
Being thousands of miles from Blighty at the moment – distance doesn’t change the poison coming out of the BBC . The hostility is shared with politicians if they fail the majority with the current brexit count down – and afterward…..
Mark Carney , the Governor of the BoE , is reported in Breitbart as having made a speech at the Financial Times in which he says that Brexit could demonstrate the benefits of openness and enhanced democratic accountability . Well blow me down, this is exactly why most people voted to Leave , but something which Remainers have previously seemed to set little store by.. So has the chief architect of Project Fear finally grasped what Brexit is all about? Is he actually admitting the blindingly obvious fact that the EU has an enormous democratic deficit , infact as Brexit shows the EU is hardly a democracy at all? Somehow it seems to good to be true. I suspect it is merely a manoeuvre to try and sell us a Leavers a poor deal but one that Remainers can live with. I’m afraid that the appalling disregard for democracy shown by the political leadership of our country has increased my cynicism and suspicion to new highs.
Carney is not British so can probably see things our establishment cannot. Also the establishment is beginning to realise that if they are seen to defraud the voters then there will definitely be unrest. It has taken them a long time to come to this conclusion . A bit of historical understanding about the way we think and do things here would have helped. Also a bit of talking to us instead of down to us. The so called educated middle class has blown it . With honourable exceptions of course.
“Carney is not British…” He is Canadian, therefore British. Do you think the inhabitants of these islands have a monopoly of the term?
Yeah – Carney is a joke but he is ‘ of us’ as opposed to a cheese eating surrender monkey from the unfortunate French part of the great Canada .
Could you imagine a French Governor of the Bank of England. ? It would be even worse than having a foreign manager of a premiership team …
Update on the More or Less item on the anti-Semitism survey
I found it I interesting that the number of people in the UK who think the Holocaust never happened correlates closely with the Muslim population of the UK.
No doubt the BBC would never make that connection in its wildest nightmares.
Compare & contrast:
(and that’s just kids)
But consider:
And assess whether there is any truth to the adage: ‘The Devil finds work for idle hands’.
IPPR lies promoted by BBC and Guardian
Harrabin and Kearney regurgitating fake claims about climate change from ‘progressive’ think tank.
The BBC Defence League or ‘No Hopers’ are out in force in social media, as the national disgrace soils itself hourly.
One posted this, which I had missed, to show what they have covered.
Sadly for it, all I saw was yet another bizarre bbc headline trying to avoid human reality.
Awesome. Thick, and credulous.
Let’s face it – journos need to learn a bit about the consequences of what they say and do – same with their producers and editors and the like .
They have spent over two years fighting those in the majority who voted to leave and so now I hope they will be on the receiving end of appropriate treatment .
Same with the anti President Trump mob . But they have the advantage of a least some ‘ diversity’ of broadcasting instead of the monotheism in UK
So Kay B is is telling an elected politician to restrict her honest and legal free speech.
Kay is free to say that, but it is an outrageous thing to say
and BTW SkyNews doco about TR was not fair or balanced yet there were no consequences for Sky ..so the law is not working.
Kay says UK news is fair and balanced
.. cos otherwise “the strict laws” would have got their licence being revoked.
It is like a club. They really do not like free speech unless it is on their terms.
They really are ramping it up.
Any Leave advocate better watch out of they see a Mondeo curb-crawling nearby.
Let’s face it – American Ford moved its plants East for cheaper labour years ago – courtesy of the ReichEU . It’s a business . It will dump the people working for it without blinking if the bean counters say there’s more profit elsewhere .
Or maybe the State can start building Austin allegros again…
When will politicians come clean over the fact that if you rely on overseas companies to build and support the UK, they will leave as soon as it suits them and often retrench to support their home base…nothing to do with Brexit..more to do with the UK govt making diesel cars and petrol engines he evil monsters…same with Nuclear power and Nissan..Japanese retrenching..it’s business. Unfortunately most of our MPs are lawyers and social science grads so have no idea.. the BBC are the same – numpties,despite BREXIT
If I remember Ford had 12000 taxpayers working for them in UK which is far fewer than past decades . The Green lobby is committed to destroying personal ownership of just about anything
– I even heard a hilarious thing on Al beeb about communal car ownership and no further individual ownership .
In a couple of years the emir of Londonistan is going to bring in a scheme which will cost me £12.00 a day to drive my car …
Bye bye diesel cars . I actually preferred petrol but the government encouraged me to get a diesel .
“In a couple of years the emir of Londonistan is going to bring in a scheme which will cost me £12.00 a day to drive my car …”
Is this a different scheme to the ultra low emissions zone which is to be introduced in April 2019 and costs £100 a day?
Yes .
Diesel cars below say 1500 cc or preferably 2000 are a pain. They were mis sold to the public. Diesel is far more efficient on long runs or continuous use than petrol. I use my car almost exclusively that way. The engine gets very hot and everything runs as it should. There should be a real effort at petrol engine technology . There are a few good ones around and the move to electric cars reversed,. It is all possible but as usual the politicians and the greenies mess things up.
Sorry but, and that’a a big BUT – it’s the Euro car makers who need to worry, they’re the ones heading for ‘catastrophic’ if anyone is – which again is highly debatable.
The Spanish seem to have had enough of a Lefty Government and another general election is due there . According to Katie Hopkins the date is likely to be 14 April .
It’s a shame they couldn’t squeeze it in before we leave because it’s likely that a proper government representing people as opposed the the ReichEU will be elected to stop more third worlders arriving to build more damned mosques in Europe –
As happened recently in Italy ….
The BBC would call it populism – I’d just call it Common Sense and delivering what ordinary taxpayers want as opposed to what politicians want .
Dr. Turley thinks so, too:
And apparently the muslim clothing is made by the ford motor company: you can have any colour you want, as long as it’s black.
The Ford Niqab factory is threatening to move their operations to Europe in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Exeter court : random benefits man aged 55 fined £170 for series of threat calls to Soubry’s office.
“Tell Anna Soubry, she will die”
… Is that likely to be anything other than someone who’s a bit mentally ill ? And actually no physical threat at all ?
Is it a good use of police/court time
Are people who call Farage similarly prosecuted ?
Meanwhile in Cheshire a 72 year old Uni lecture has been fined £1,600 cos Uni lecturer neighbour from Germany has said he twice said things that made her cry.. and the court accepted her word (racist hate crime)
“You’re that German, why are you still here, go back”.
2 months later
” Are you still here ?”
That is not the incredible thing.
but rather this tweet from Denis MacShane, MP who served jail time for fraud
says it’s “Brexit that has decivilised us”
Watched a old BW TV movie the other day called “freedom Radio” and in the film was a little old woman listening to mozart on some foreign radio station and her beloved nasty neighbour, because the old lady wouldn’t lend her some lard, reported her to the gestapo and was soon arrested by the Gestapo and never heard of again. I think? My mind wanders? Where am I? Hee hee.
Tis similar to the UK re the gay foot soldiers, who report/are informed by their sympathisers although we call them “The Gaystapo”. Same spirit though! He inspires them both though distanced from each other by 70 yrs or so.
Just goes to show the pathetic nature of university lecturers, recent past and present….
“…Anna Soubry, she will die.”
There’s no denying that.
BBC brainbox Brian seems to have dipped his impartial foot in it again.
Does Kay Burley know?
Anyone got a page grab as I have access to few bbc twitter accounts as they like to protect views that are their own by blocking any they and their followers should not see.
Cool; I forgot by posting here it has been unblocked. Sorry, Bri. But one can appreciate why you would prefer that kept in house.
Is there a suggestion in the Brian Cox tweet that he may have been out on the lash with John Sweeney ?
Who mentioned on the lash?
EU Economic Decline:
Just days after the European Commission slashed the Eurozone’s growth forecasts for 2019, the Eurozone’s economic prospects took another blow with the latest industrial production data showing even sharper declines than predicted. Eurostat’s December data found a 0.9% month-on-month decline in industrial output for the Eurozone. Economists had only predicted a 0.4% fall…
This translates to a whopping 4.2% year-on-year decline, significantly worse than the 3.2% predicted.
Yet Remainers are still desperate to shackle the UK to an economic bloc with severe structural flaws and in long-term decline…
“German think tank calls for EU to make Brexit concessions”
There is a HYS running on this . It makes interesting reading.
That idea is old – sensible Europeans and people that actually have real jobs have been on that tack from the beginning but like us they have idiots to represent them.
The #BiasedBBC garbage about #climatechange is political scaremongering…
Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, recycle nutrients and provide us with food. They provide raw materials and resources for medicines and other purposes. They are at the foundation of all civilisation and sustain our economies.
However, bad science should called out and so should ideologues such as the BBC who run with every daft Climate Change related report that is published. The reality is that global warming has been politicised to the left who seek political power by evoking mass hysteria. History warns against the inherent dangers –
“The First International Congress of Eugenics in 1912 was supported by many prominent persons, including: its president Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles Darwin. Nazis based their Eugenics program on the United States’ programs of forced sterilization, especially on the eugenics laws that had been enacted in California.
Does Guido read here?
“…don’t we already have a dedicated body, with billions in public funds, dedicated to public-interest news? It is called the BBC.
Why do we need another public body? Isn’t the BBC actually part of the reason independent local journalism is dying?”
Times article : tries to say that France’s yellow vest protesters are linked to anti-Semitism.
dunno but such anti-right articles are usually written by NUJ HnH bigots.
This clown writes for the publication the BBC most reveres
The BBC delights in depravity, as usual. Jeremy Vine and his BBC colleague Adrian Goldberg give a very favourable hearing to those who would mutilate other peoples’ bodies. Clearly they think that ‘Dr Evil’ shouldn’t have been convicted and that the local authority shouldn’t have pressed for prosecution ‘because the victims consented’.
Vine conveniently ignores the fact that ‘Dr Evil’ was carrying out surgery without being qualified and under non-sterile conditions.
What’s next? BBC Back Street Abortions? Five Live FGM?
After Birth Abortions, Killing the child after delivery.
Somewhere on this website recently.
I think that when a media reflects a society that weeps buckets and virtue signals over one dead child on a beach but cheerfully and ‘righteously’ fights to be able to murder babies is beyond hope.
Speaking clowns, another BBC Kir Royale conniseur decides to flounce further.
Is there an actual impartial report on this?
Best I can judge so far is this all started from an eye-witness ‘report’ by an editor by any measure ill equipped to provide one at all, much less impartially.
A bbc cameraman was ‘attacked’ for no reason. Apparently. No words spoken? Not part of a bbc crew embedded in a sea of MAGA hats with the aim of creating a narrative? No provocation of any kind? Just… of all dire MSM in the USA, a random bloke decided to jostle… the BBC, and Gary saw it all?
And from this point on the BBC flounce machine has kicked into overdrive. An ‘attack’ that resulted in no apparent injury. A perpetrator still shrouded in mystery, though restrained by MAGA hatted fellow attendees. Yet the BBC goes mental enough to drag in all troops everywhere. Even Bill Turnbull at Cassis FM, and Kay Burley at Sky. Demands for better security. Cancelling rallies, etc.
Nothing is actually known but it, and it does not seem much, is laid at the door of DT as the next stage of Kristallnacht… by the self same bozos who placed a target on a 17 yo simply for wearing the wrong team colours and… smiling in face of a bonkers, baying mob.
Quite the metaphor for the MSM of today.
Oh my aren’t we trying to equate Trump rallies with those in Nuremberg ?
The bbc seems to think they can feed us excrement and tell us it’s chocolate.
The article was toned down later calling it an incident !!! The report also quoted the President as saying the media is the enemy of the people. No, he tweeted that Fake News media is the enemy of the people.
White Man jailed 8 yrs for sending death threat powder letters to Swedish ministers.
Same story was reported in November, I guess sentencing only just confirmed.
They’ll be a lot more before the film is released …..
They;l go after his family sooner or later in order to get a reaction . I can’t believe people still buy newspapers ….
Texas : 220 baptist church leaders convicted of sexual misconduct so far in widespread sex scandal.
The Times made no mention of ethnicity.
France 30 top media men admit sexist trolling.
Tuesdays Times 16 page advertorial pullout on “Future Energy”
all BS
Never heard of any of the advertisers except EDF ..full back page.
oops posted that in the wrong blog, it’s agreen-energy topic
You’re not trying to trigger us, are you Stew? 🙂