Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019

Looks like America is getting too dangerous for staff of the Far Left BBC . I think if Americans had any idea about that BBC reporters say about their President , Head of State and Commander in Chief the reception of BBC would be far less folksy …

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612 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019

  1. gaxvil says:

    Begum? Have we heard from any ‘British’ Muslim organization yet?
    Ooh tumbleweed.


    • Kaiser says:

      yeah the BBC , shes the host of the new programme warzone bake off

      and will be leading a team in a special celebrity its a knock out , playing the joker during the chuck heads in the barrel game.


  2. StewGreen says:

    BBC Newsbeat : “More than half of England’s universities have fewer than 5% poor white students”


    • Guest Who says:

      All I saw was ‘Too few poor white university students’, and assumed this was rare honesty from the bbc about their man John’s intended impact within months of becoming Chancellor.


      • Scroblene says:

        The bbbc don’t like encouraging ‘white van man’, Guest.

        The sort of guy who gets out to your house to fix a leak at five o’clock on a Friday evening, and charges an exorbitant ‘forty quid’ is way below the value of a snowflake, trying to bother about getting out of bed at noon to ‘study’ organic vegan and gender theorems.

        As for firms like Pimlico Plumbers, they do the work you need, not supply the drivel of a starry-eyed meedja studies ‘student’, wondering how to save the starving millions while considering that they’ll never ever have to pay back the tax-payers’ money to keep them off the unemployment lists – a legacy of Bliar and his bloody group of hangers-on like Campbell and the idiot Brown.

        Obviously, Bliar has a huge file on the lies he told the bbbc and they have to sit and accept it, well, wouldn’t you, on a tax-funded bung of £4bn?


  3. BRISSLES says:

    Prince Philip will not face any police charges. There’s a surprise.


    • Lobster says:

      I know, I can’t tell you how flabbergasted I am – so I won’t …..


      • Lefty Wright says:

        As the late Frankie Howard would have put it ” My flabber has never been so gasted”


    • Guest Who says:

      Why would he be?

      When I was a kid a car I was in was sideswiped by a bloke out of his tree.

      For a court case it required my Mum to testify but she was too shocked. So he walked. Left to the insurance companies. It was a different time.

      Beyond being old and stupid, how was Phil’s accident any more prosecutable than any other?


      • BRISSLES says:

        Driving without due care and attention for starters.


        • les whittaker says:

          According to the RAC, driving without due care and attention includes:

          Fiddling with the radio or infotainment
          Setting the sat nav
          Reading a map (or anything else)
          Eating or drinking at the wheel
          Adjusting your seating position
          Allowing yourself to be distracted by passengers in the car
          Examples of disregard for other road users may include:
          Driving aggressively
          Overtaking on the left-hand side
          Not giving way where appropriate
          Swerving across lanes
          Using the wrong lane at a roundabout

          If every case were prosecuted, that would probably fill every court in the country for the next 100 years.


          • BRISSLES says:

            Hmmmmm, I’ll have to try driving onto a main busy road from a side junction, into the path of other vehicles, uptipping my car and injuring others, and see whether I get prosecuted then.


            • Guest Who says:

              Would not recommend this.

              It would be deliberate, and hence not an accident.


              • Scroblene says:

                I bet that if Tommy Robinson had been the driver, we’d have had enough BS and hatred to fill more columns in the bbbc under-managers’ plush offices, than the Parthenon – or what’s left of it…


    • Dave S says:

      He has given up his licence and presumably the costs of everything will be paid by him or his insurers. There is no public gain in prosecuting him at all.


  4. vesnadog says:

    “I can see that before long Shamina Begum from Bethnal
    Green will be given a spot on The Londonistan Proramme
    as a presenter or reporter .when she returns from Syria”

    No doubt her first breaking news (overseas) interview will be with that poor Asian Christian lady who the UK still refuses to bring to England to save her life. Can’t remember her name just now?


    • gaxvil says:

      Struggling with this – if she’s ethnic and a supporter of Jihadism why the fuck does she want to live here and not some Islamic state ?


      • Lobster says:

        I think that the prospect of some taxpayer funded freebies overrules any religious considerations.


        • gaxvil says:

          Do you think when she opted for ISIS she, ‘didn’t understand what she was voting for?’


      • Banania says:

        @Gaxvil There are a lot of people of whom that question could have been asked, and many of them are happily ensconced here causing trouble, or at the very lease refusing to fit in.


    • Despairada says:

      That’s Asia Bibi.
      Has she got out of Pakistan yet?

      I was surprised that the Begum item was first topic on most of the R4 Today programme’s news summaries.
      It shouldn’t be more than a footnote in terms of current importance.
      Yes, as I write, first mention on News at One.

      Why am I surprised? I shouldn’t be.


      • vesnadog says:


        “That’s Asia Bibi.”

        Kind regards for that Des, I will try to keep a track on how she will be treated by the BBC/Government. Sadly, not very well going off recent form.


  5. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Shamima Begum: Ex-Bethnal Green schoolgirl who joined IS ‘wants to come home'””


    The BBC have posted a full face photo of her looking as meek and westernised as possible.

    Why not a photo of a severed head in a bucket that she spoke of and and which didn’t faze her?

    The BBC have decided that she should return. This will run and run.


    • Englands Dreaming says:

      On 5 Live there was a nice piece with a reporter interviewing some old salt of the earth Bethnal Green residents, loved there “left wing BBC” comments. But credit to the Beeb that they didnt edit it out.


    • Kaiser says:


      so the beeb not running a HYS on the Bethnal Green schoolgirl

      I wonder why not

      I wonder how they decide which subjects have an HYS and which dont?


    • Dystopian says:

      Did anyone notice on the interview with her sister-when her sister used her mobile phone it had a photograph of an IS fighter’s silhouette in the sunset with his index finger in the air? Isn’t this the sign for Alluha Akbaar (1 god)?
      That’s the family in this country. Unbelievable!


    • Celtic_Mist says:

      Just remember that the beauty doesn’t give a toss about this individual, because she is just being used to further an orchestrated divisive agenda.


  6. David R says:

    Last evening at a friend’s house the BBC weather forecast in News at Six was on and the autocue reader talked of warm air from the continent raising our day time temperature.

    Are the BBC Fear Department aware that neither of the major threats to our existence was mentioned? The forecaster neither pointed out the this was clear evidence of climate change nor pointed out that the EU will not allow this if we Brexit with or without a deal.


  7. JimS says:

    Twice now Jeremy Vine has sought to indicate how unpopular Winston Churchill was by telling us that he lost the general election in 1945.

    No mention that he won the general election in 1951.


    • Dover Sentry says:

      ….and won a war.


      • gaxvil says:

        Ah but he did have an opinion on Islam.


      • Fedup2 says:

        …with the greatest Labour PM – Clem Attlee as his number 2 – and who – as James Cleverly MP mentioned today – acted as a pallbearer at Winston Churchills’ Funeral .

        McDonnell is a serious man who has been told to ‘lighten up’ – saying bad things about Winston Churchill is his version of being ‘light’ . God help us is he makes PM over the body of Corbyn


    • Payne by name says:

      And no mention of the stupidity of voters in voting against Churchill for a foolish pipe dream of free healthcare that although sounded great, seriously stunted out post war development.

      While the rest of the world raced ahead with rebuilding, we squandered our victory and had to endure at least 6/7 more years of rations whilst funding a silly vanity project.

      Great work – we managed to snatch long term defeat from the jaws of victory.


  8. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Valentines day so bacon roses!



  9. digg says:

    Anyone else noticed that TR managed to get links to the first 2 Panorama videos in search results before the “faceless” managed to put a lid on it. His third video showing the lunchtime expenses-booze video appeared for about an hour and then vanished from search engines. Also can’t help but notice that the a certain left wing newspaper managed to “obtain” a disparaging video of Tommy on holiday and Lo and Behold, it’s not only gone straight in at number one on google but is in “sponsored” position. No doubt in my mind now that all, including big “G” are in it together pulling the blinds down. So its very clear what the “independent” national news media are up to!


    • gaxvil says:

      Like severed heads in a barrel for some – we’re not fazed by anything the lefty liberals do or say in that they have now become the number one existential threat to Western democracy.


      • Guest Who says:

        BBC not letting her stay away a minute longer than required. Is she related to several staff?

        They will succeed, as the buck stops with Treezer, and she who know who needs to be kept out and who needs to be whisked in by the first military flight, if necessary quickly enough to catch the next Ariana Grande concert.

        However, so far, #CCBGB outside the W1minster bubble.


    • StewGreen says:

      If someone did “sponsor it” by placing Google Ads yes that would make it more prominent on the search page.

      You say the Sweeney bar video was hidden from search results
      I checked ..as soon as I try
      : Sweeney “Tommy Robinson”
      I get 10 results taking me to the Sweeney bar video


  10. Guest Who says:


    She really is the gift that keeps on giving.

    BBC brokering a cosy chat with her and John McDonnell soon?


  11. gaxvil says:

    Oh crap! And they think Trump is the worst they could get?
    I have a vision of a little lamb being led on a piece of rope.
    Is he going to see his mom or do a bit of grazing perhaps?
    Don’t think so.


  12. Lucy Pevensey says:


    Open Letter to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.
    Tuesday, 12 February 2019


  13. Roland Deschain says:

    Cutting edge retweet from BBC News:

    Why is it that in Diversityland it’s always the lady in mixed couples who is white? Could it be, as suggested by one wag in the comments, that it’s because the BBC doesn’t know any straight white men?


    • G says:

      “Why is it that in Diversityland it’s always the lady in mixed couples who is white?”
      No, I think its more to do with working to demean white males. It works on the principle that the black always prevails over white in the attracting female competition. That is the subliminal suggestion.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Why is it that in Diversityland it’s always the lady in mixed couples who is white?”

        Perhaps attempting to dispel the decades held belief and ideology , that no nice white girl goes with a black man ? this stems back from an era when courting couples didn’t live together, single mothers had their babies adopted, and white girls who dated black men were categorised as ‘easy’. We’ve moved on from the first two, but these days when seeing a single mother with mixed raced toddlers it immediately springs to mind that the father is black.

        I cant ever remember seeing a single black father or a single white father with his mixed raced children – although I assume there are some.


        • Guest Who says:

          “ these days when seeing a single mother with mixed raced toddlers it immediately springs to mind that the father is black”.

          If the mother is not black, this seems a reasonable assumption.


          • BRISSLES says:

            GW , the pedantic answer clearly means I didn’t explain myself too well. And I cant be bothered anymore to elaborate and keep this up.


        • Dave S says:

          Plenty in the real world. Just not in BBC land.


      • Lefty Wright says:

        I think it’s to do with the latest fad being pushed by the whole of the mass media which sends the message to our gullible young ladies that to be in the very vanguard of high fashion you need to have two things on your arm. No.1 an ugly tattoo and No.2 an even uglier black beau.


      • vesnadog says:


        “Why is it”

        One word: Guilt.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Maybe because all the boats full of rocket scientists and brain surgeons are full of fighting age men bravely running away from their homeland, leaving their women and children there.
      We get all the men so with all these extra men but almost no women we end up with them marrying white women.


    • StewGreen says:

      Yesterday’s on R4 (Moral Maze) someone described Meghan Markle as a “black woman”

      A black woman with a white man , might be giving the message that his “white privilege” brings him a “black slave”.

      In poor people making a marriage with rich white expat (male or female) there can be a strange power dynamic.
      Foreign men in Cuba are known as “rice tickets” … so you’d have be careful if a Cuban woman said she loved you.


    • Banania says:



    • taffman says:

      Roland Deschain
      They must be students from an acting or drama school hoping to get a break with Al Beeb?
      What do you think maxi?


    • Dystopian says:

      Funnily enough there’s nothing that appeals to me about sucking on a condom either….or a penis for that matter.

      “And he was like..and I was like and he was like”, like like like.


  14. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Just been watching Peston from last night.
    They should rename it The Remain Show.
    As in today’s Politics Live with JRM the only leaver and everyone else remainers.

    I thought political shows should have two people, remain v leave, but the current format is two remainers debating how to trash Brexit.

    Why do they never bring up that 60% of labour constituencies voted leave instead of always saying “the vast majority of labour
    MPs are remainers”


    • Banania says:

      That is because only MPs count. The views of their constituents are worth nothing. This whole Brexit business is ALL about MPs.


  15. BigBrotherCorporation says:

    RE: Return of ISIS ‘schoolgirl bride’ Shamima Begum

    There’s a common plot device in children’s fiction, in which the children are aware that someone is really an evil baddy pretending to be something they’re not. However, the adults in the story are always completely taken in, and end up going along with the baddy’s scheme, until the children manage to save them from their own stupidity… again.

    “But, Auntie Beeb!” says little Susan tearfully “Please don’t leave me with her, that’s Shamima Begum, the Butcher of Basra!”

    “Oh, you are turning into such a silly, little, far right, xenophobe” chides Auntie Beeb “You mustn’t talk like that, it’s upsetting for your new Nanny Shamima, such a sweet, young lady, … and she comes soooo cheap too, you know your last nanny had to go back to Poland because of that dreadful Brexit business.”

    “Don’t worry Mr… I mean, Mrs Beeb, you won’t need to worry ever again when that bomb in your handbag goes boom… and as for you, you little Kaffir Bitch, you’ll be the first I deal with…”

    “Such a charming accent Shamima, shame I don’t understand a word you’re saying. Now, I’ll be leaving you in charge while I just pop along to get my hair done… my this bag is awful heavy. Toodle pip.”

    Anyone else feel they’re being treated like a ‘naughty’ child, by some moronic ‘grown ups’?


    • JimS says:

      They were telling us on Jeremy Vine that there was only a one in three-hundred chance that she would go rogue, ‘evidence-based’ apparently.

      Not bad when Vine usually wets his pants when some new diet research suggests his cancer risk has increased by 0.001%!

      Why exactly did the powers that be import Muslims anyway? Let them do their own thing in Pakistan or Afghanistan and let us do ours. Since when was committing cultural suicide a ‘British value’?


      • Terminal Moraine says:

        1/300… I’d love to see the evidence base behind that.

        Are Opta doing league tables for beheadings now?


        • Guest Who says:

          Mishal undoubtedly does, and is likely annoyed at the poor rates being achieved by the ‘community’.


    • Flashman says:

      Begum would have had a better case to return to UK if she had made her bid to return before her beloved ISIS had been defeated.
      If/when she does return, I wonder what the punishment will be. As a yardstick, the recent case of a (white) mother that named her baby after Hitler and was sentenced to 5 years for being a member of a proscribed group which AFAIK has not harmed or blown-up anything or anyone. I guess ISIS is another proscribed group but it has certainly got blood on its hands.


      • Guest Who says:

        I am awaiting further investigation (maybe John Schweenish, once he has woken up in his puddle of wee), on the circumstances surrounding these baskets of heads in her daily regime that did not trouble her much.

        Was she by chance… involved, given she and the gels were there to serve the Johns from da hood?

        Anyway, clearly the state needs to step in when family is, golly, still around. Sky thinks so, but like most impartial MSM professionals, have appeared to take a call from a fixer without checking anything else. Again.



        • gaxvil says:

          Yes, forgiven like the ones who ended with their severed heads in a barrel or maybe the pilot in the cage? Maybe they can get busy forgiving others like ooh let’s think, so many to choose?


        • StewGreen says:

          Oh SkyNews didn’t like image of the father, sitting below their own tweet so they deleted their own tweet.

          … and then reposted it.. and if you look people are posting the Daily Mail photo underneath again.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Why can Begum go to Belgium and be hosted by the EU hippy guy – or better still – Germany – plenty of ISIS there already – what’s another one and one on the way .

        Apparently the begum girls ‘ dad want her back to Britain – I won’t use the term ‘home ‘. I thought – why doesn’t her dad go to her .and stay there ….


      • tarien says:

        Whichever way one looks at it, this woman is a traitor, and should be treated as one. No matter that she may hold a British Passport, which should have been taken away from her long ago and definitely should be now-this government has to take a strong line with this issue no matter interference from the Media et al. Why did not her Muslim parents go and bring their daughter home three years ago? Likely that Isis/Daesh through its European tenticles were on the look out for new brides for their fighters to breed new Muslims to fight against us-if the UK Government allows her to come back into this country then apart from setting a precident for all others, it will be a costly affair we can be sure with Lawers fees, and so on, all of which the UK cannot afford. It is quite intolerable that this traitor has been given so much unnecessary publicity, which the followers of Islam are so grateful for.


  16. StewGreen says:

    \\ Yesterday’s BBC. PM programme had a Brexit story.
    The only opinion broadcast was Kenneth Clark. Only his own personal pro-EU remainer spin, no balance at all. //


  17. StewGreen says:

    So did Vine provide a platform for his eco-terrorist mates to promote tomorrow’s stunt, where they get kids to do a “Climate strike” ?

    ….. Do bears **** in the woods ?


  18. Halifax says:

    Following on from my previous post about the disappearance of the young lady in Hull and the BBC failing to point out that the “person” of interest was from Poland, we now have a similar bias report failing to identify that the person convicted was from Poland. Quite ok to mention the victim is but not the perpetrator.

    the day of the bag-snatch, Waszkiewicz needed an “easy target” to steal from so he could meet a drug dealer and buy heroin.

    After spotting Polish-born Mrs Kaczan, he knocked her to the floor, took her handbag and left her to bleed in the middle of the road.

    Total total bias and it must stop they are trying to protect THIER one world remain views to the detriment of the facts. It’s thier job to report facts.


  19. StewGreen says:

    I guess we all read Guido and we all know the haters of Brexit/Trump/Tommy will cheat like hell and use Alinsky tactics
    but this is worth reading
    An extraordinary claim
    .. which this time is backed by extraordinary evidence


  20. Guest Who says:

    Excellent analysis.


  21. Guest Who says:

    I attach this not because the satire is much good, but because they clearly were struggling to come up with a cult and antics that were any worse than our betters feel is a commitment to diversity this country needs to be part and parcel of. With a whole internet and gaming universe to sample.


    Why was it thought wise to import this cultural mindset in the first place, and why is almost all the establishment still trying to shore up the notion that the positive contributions compensate for the carnage?


  22. Greisingel says:

    Who are these menace children skipping school to make a nuisance of themselves climate waffling?


    • taffman says:

      “Who are these menace children skipping school to make a nuisance of themselves climate waffling”
      A bunch of spoilt brats that have been brainwashed by liberal minded teachers. One day these chickens are going to ‘come home to roost’.


      • vesnadog says:

        I wouldn’t mind but the girl on BBC news lived in the highlands of Scotland with a huge loch at her back? Since when do young girls like her see the streets of inner-BBCstan? Bet she has no idea what a wheelie bin is never mind looks like. Clearly, she was simply spouting something some nerd told her online and because her nerd friend had tattoos – which of course made highland girl swoon – she thought that rebel nerd with tattoos must be telling her the truth.


  23. Fedup2 says:

    About time the clown ( crowd) funding started to get the terrorist ‘home ‘ eh ? Bet there’s a file with a picture of her either executing someone for a laugh or filming it …..


    • taffman says:

      To the Liblabtards, they are ‘only Teenagers’, but when it suits them they call for ‘Teenagers to get the vote’.


  24. taffman says:

    “PM defeated over Brexit strategy”
    Go for a no deal that’s what we democratically voted for in 2016, over two years ago.Mrs Chamberlain and Al Beeb need to get into their minds . Both have got to go .
    Why are we waiting for ?


  25. Thoughtful says:

    Wow Anna Soubry has just been interviewed on Radio 4 PM and I didn’t catch her name at the start, I thought they were interviewing an opposition MP so virulent were her attacks on Theresa May.

    Although I can’t disagree with the fact that May is utterly inept and a Marxist, it is something of a surprise to hear a government minister – someone who is supposed to share collective responsibility for decisions made, attacking her own leader and by definition also herself.
    If she feels as strongly as this then she should do the honourable thing and resign, but then this is Anna Soubry we’re talking about so there is no sense of honour.


    • taffman says:

      The European Parliament is laughing at us. They may be laughing now but they won’t be laughing when we are gone and Mr Chamberlain is gone.
      Now’s your chance Rees-Mogg. Put your money where your mouth is .


    • taffman says:

      Has Anna Sour Berry got a vested interest in the EU?
      Does the maxim or the adage “follow the money” apply ?


      • taffman says:

        Who would believe that the present government is a Tory Government ?
        A real Tory Government would have got rid of the EU and Al Beeb.
        But do we have a Tory Government?


        • G.W.F. says:


          Have you seen the video of John Sweeney yelling at the bloke from scientology. Can you imagine a Tory Minister or MP standing up to that without cringing on his/her knees.


          • StewGreen says:

            The irony is the Church of Scientology
            ..and the Church if Anti-Tommy-rology aka HnH
            …are very similar ..hysterical, paranoid, controlling etc.


    • maxincony says:


      Although I can’t disagree with the fact that May is utterly inept and a Marxist…

      Theresa May is a Marxist. Yeah right.

      …it is something of a surprise to hear a government minister…

      Anna Soubry isn’t a government minister.

      …someone who is supposed to share collective responsibility for decisions made…

      *Cabinet members* are supposed to share collective responsibility.

      Anna Soubry isn’t a member of the Cabinet.



      • taffman says:

        maxincony/Gollum Davis you old troll, give us an example of Al Beeb’s Bias.
        Give the readers a good reason for paying the Telly Tax. A tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
        Your trolling does not help Al Beeb, nor your good-self. Viewing figures are falling like a lead balloon.


        • maxincony says:


          Your trolling does not help Al Beeb, nor your good-self.

          Thanks for the advice. Keep on going with the name-calling, it’s obvious you’ve got nothing else.


    • tarien says:

      Complete moronic individual, who up until recently was never given air time, so her pent up energy to let fire at anything and everything just could not be prevented. She is someone who knows everything about nothing and nothing about anything, so why don’t they just shut her off? Labour don’t want her.


  26. gaxvil says:

    Nadia – skin lightening cream and foundation.
    You have to smile at these people. If Beyonce goes any further she’ll look like Marilyn Monroe.


  27. StewGreen says:

    6:10pm ITV Calendar “and now we have a special. report from a transgender child support unit”
    Reporter to 10 year old “boy” Sarah “How does it feel to be a child trapped in the wrong body ?”

    Is that a question you can ask you a prepubescent child ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m not doing BBC at the moment so I can only guess the glee of Sopel reporting that the temp head of the FBI conspired with others to see if they could depose President Trump under the 25th amendment.
      McCabe was sacked 2 days before he was due to retire and has got his book out . Methinks payback for the Democratic Party FBI will come soon after re election .


  28. vesnadog says:

    I’ve been waiting since yesterday morning to see if anyone mentioned The Victoria Derbyshire show? I don’t think so.

    Anyway. The show began with a shot of two gay men (yeah, I know) passing a young boy (son? ) I didn’t go on to watch it as it would be too horrible for [decent] words. You should have seen VD face. She was aglow with admiration seeing the gays kiss and massage their child. Yet another misuse of our licence fee. BBC think this will never stop. Afraid it will. Like Brexit the licence payers will tolerate the BBC lies/propaganda for so log. People always head directly for the TV/Radio stations when ever a Coup is planned then they are always overrun by the crowds/rioters. Tis human nature.


    • taffman says:

      “Yet another misuse of our licence fee”
      Don’t pay it . Simples


    • Fedup2 says:

      My condolences for you having watch the Victoria Derbyshire show . Not something I’ve ever seen or ever will .

      I’m fairly new to this site and wonder what the ‘old sweats / veterans ‘ think but I feel the anti BBC sentiment strengthening – particularly the ‘not watching’ aspect ….


      • tipple says:

        Fedup2, this is from a decade ago. Different people, same sentiment.

        General BBC-related comment thread!

        People vent their frustration here but does it really make a difference? Not really. The BBC are sadly even more emboldened than they were then.

        Fourteen years in the observation turret.


      • vesnadog says:


        My condolences for you having watch the Victoria Derbyshire show . Not something I’ve ever seen or ever will ”

        Its an horrendous piece of work. The place (BBC) is awash with Deviants and people who deny biology, logic, science, along with TV presenters, Pop stars, who are managing to corrupt the innocent minds of children by those whose life’s ambition is to be alone/near children. So far; their agenda will only be satisfied when they get sex with children lawful and anyone who objects will find themselves in prison as many innocent people are being put in prison just because Christians refused to promote Homosexuality.


  29. Fedup2 says:

    Not BBC – not about broadcasting ….

    The government is putting up the cost of a Death Certificate from -wait for this – £4 to £11 quid .

    What sort of government does that ?

    I’ve had to apply for Death Certificates in the past but won’t be doing it in the future due to personal circumstances so I will not be personally affected by this – but god what a terrible thing to do


  30. taffman says:

    Meanwhile Hidden away ………………….
    “German economy narrowly avoids recession”
    Notice how they are very quick to tell us when the “Pound Slides” but very shy when the pound rallies .


  31. gaxvil says:

    Foreigners – we’ve never been too keen. Lately we’ve been reminded why that might be.


  32. Banania says:

    Aren’t you sick of hearing about “Moosslims”?


  33. StewGreen says:

    Vine. ..is it news or is it PR ?

    3️⃣ "They're destroying my future" ???? Schoolchildren are walking out of school tomorrow to protest against what they see as the government’s lack of action on climate change. https://t.co/EpWgIYyHh6— BBC Radio 2 (@BBCRadio2) February 14, 2019


    See how long that BBC article is


    • Dave S says:

      But parents are fined and prosecuted if they take their children out of school. The school should be prosecuted for allowing it to go unpunished.


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Has anyone heard of a teacher who is not a believer in Climate Change?


        • Eddie Booth says:

          how would they get past the interview stage ?


        • Richard Pinder says:

          I think all the Teachers of Horticulture who have said “The Plants love Carbon Dioxide” would have been sacked. Science Teachers who understood Thermodynamics would have all retired or emigrated to Australia or America. Those science Teachers remaining would have been sent for Greenpeace and Teachers Union approved Environmentalist training by the progressive PT, Arts, Leisure, Media & Social studies Teachers. While only the Teachers of Astronomy could survive by hiding in the “Secret School Annex”, coming out at night to teach the boarders about Astronomy’s pivotal roll in uncovering the Carbon Dioxide Hoax, using the Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere of Venus.


    • vesnadog says:


      “See how long that BBC article is”

      Until Bono, or, Geldof comes up with another one.

      Great scriptwriters/news inventors at the BBC.


  34. Lucy Pevensey says:

    3 OAPs murdered this week in Exeter. Serious head injuries, battered bodies.


    • StewGreen says:

      Police given an extra 36 hours to question a 27-year-old arrested on suspicion of murder.
      ITV (link: https://bit.ly/) bit.ly

      \\ “Police have not been able to ‘Interview *Directly*’ the “ 27 yr old suspect in custody”
      Does that mean it’s via an interpreter (of rare language)? //
      Times : \\ Officers said they had been unable to interview the arrested man until this morning, despite him being held since Tuesday afternoon.//
      No comments are allowed ..strange cos it is not sub justice until a perp has been charged


  35. Lucy Pevensey says:

    A couple of the papers have put in a bit about the neighbour lady saying she saw a scruffy-looking white man hanging around. They don’t say if he is the same man who was arrested though.


  36. G.W.F. says:

    Now Boris Johnson’s sister exposes her breasts in support of Brexit.


    I see a diversity problem here. One white woman with dark hair and one white woman with fair hair.

    We need a bit of inclusivity – a black woman stripping on TV.

    Diane Abbot and Alibaba Brown are TV regulars, just a thought.


  37. Guest Who says:

    They seem… chipper. John swung by with a few bottles?


  38. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Lord Ahmed ‘took advantage’ of vulnerable women””


    At least he wasn’t a mini-cab driver…


  39. Dystopian says:

    Not the BBC but same agenda…has anyone seen “Skint Britain” on Channel4-7?
    Trying to portray these people on benefits as being so ”skint that they are forced to hunt rabbits to eat!
    Strangely they all seem to be able to afford cigarettes and alcohol as well as mobile phones. They can also manage to feed their pets.
    Anti government propaganda in the guise of a documentary.


  40. StewGreen says:

    Question Tim gone back to their normal Remain rigged audience and
    planted Remain audience members
    …one woman just pulled out all the Emotional blackmail
    .. but well played by JRM
    ..”You say doom yet On the otherhand the head of the UK largest chemical corp has said it’s the EU that is the problem” .. so lets be free of it and prosper

    nutter “just said “we have 12 years left to green our growth”
    she’s Grace Blakely economist (a Corbyn proxy)


    • maxincony says:


      How interesting that you dismiss (at a stroke) the opinion of someone who runs Chemical Company in Aylesbury as; “emotional blackmail”.

      Meanwhile, the chairman of “Ineos” (as quoted by JRM) wants the UK to scrap both environmental and employment laws so he can be free to pollute more and pay his workers less.

      Billionaire industrialists such as Jim Ratcliffe and bankers such us JRM will indeed be free to prosper. Unfortunately it will be the rest of us who pay the price.

      ’nutter’ just said…

      I believe that’s called; “p r o j e c t I o n”, Stew.


      • StewGreen says:

        I said “one woman just pulled out all the Emotional blackmail”
        Maxi said that is “you dismiss (at a stroke) the opinion of someone”

        Pointing out that someone used emotional blackmail ..is not dismissing them

        Maxi says “the chairman of “Ineos”wants the UK to scrap both environmental and employment laws so he can be free to pollute more and pay his workers less.
        … that of course is misrepresentation and emotional blackmail.
        He of course does NOT want to see a poor environment or poor workers.

        Maxi then says that me expressing my opinion that someone is a “nutter” is projection.
        Nope it’s not ..but Maxi doesn’t understand what projection is.


  41. taffman says:

    Not Al Beeb yet but IMHO Sour Berry has lost her seat by her comments tonight.
    Her constituents are not happy .


  42. taffman says:

    Al Beeb ………………..
    “A member of the House of Lords has been accused of exploiting his position to pursue sex with vulnerable women who asked him for help, Newsnight reveals.”
    Time to get rid of the House of Lords .
    Seriously, a waste of money that could be better spent training doctors and nurses.


  43. Halifax says:

    BBC worried that Trump is obese.
    US President Donald Trump has put on weight since his last medical check-up, but remains in “very good health”, his official doctor Sean Conley says.

    Mr Trump was receiving a higher dose of medicine to lower his cholesterol levels, his memo said.

    Mr Trump weighed 243lb (110kg) in last week’s examination, which is up from 239lb in early 2018.

    Other doctors noted that his Body Mass Index (BMI) now fell in excess of 30, which is considered clinically obese

    By the way how is Michelle Obama these days ?


    • vlad says:

      Still fat and ugly. But on Planet Beeb it’s only white, male, Republicans who get obese.


  44. taffman says:

    RBS annual profit doubles – despite Brexit.
    Why are we still in the EU? The people voted out despite Al Beeb.


    • Doobster78 says:

      Yep .. always nice of RBS to warn us of the the potential issues of Brexit …. cos they have such a great track record of looking after us and all those pensioners who savings were wiped out and their much needed dividends cut to zero …. yeah ….. will definately listen carefully to them … NOT !!!



  45. JamesArthur says:

    Is it me or is the BBC conflating Climate change with pollution that doesn’t necessarily change the climate but the environment…I am not sure a link between plastic has been made to climate change..and I am fed up with people (BBC) saying us ‘oldies’ are the problem with pollution – no evidence for this at all.
    The BBC seem able just to state something as though it’s a fact with no real substance…
    The pollution index puts the UK at 82/106 with third world countries the worst and overall Co2 the UK represents 1% of total world output so even if we reduce it by 50% it still won’t make a dent in world levels…


    • Swelter says:

      J A.. This is a developing narrative that older people are the problem. This has been gathering pace since Brexit . A long game is now being played. The likes of us will be gone within 20 years or so . They realise like all totalitarians that indoctrinating the children will provide a nice pliable populace in the future.
      The green crap is only a vehicle to gain control and power .Older people were generally taught to question and think for themselves that is certainly not happening in general education now. and it is now very necessary to neutralise older peoples opinions and views .


    • StewGreen says:

      Yes @JamesArthur the NPC behaviour seems like this
      …anoint something as “Green and Holy”
      then proclaim that any behaviour contrary to that is “BAD”

      In fact yesterday 2 examples came up about mixing things up

      #1 In the Times ..journo Edward Lucas who sees his main job as promoting Electric cars
      wrote article is about congestion ..and road rationing to reduce that
      He then assumes pollution and congestion is the same thing.

      But that’ not true , You can get roads crowded for a few hours
      vs a road that has a steady flowing traffic that thus generates more 24 hour pollution.


      The Times has a robot Emily G that copies Green NGO PR … and then reformats it as newspaper reports
      On Feb 4th it wrote
      \\ carbon dioxide, a *harmful* greenhouse gas that causes global warming //

      That is saying 3 things are the same .. Greemhouse gas .. Global warming .. and harmful

      #1 CO2 is a common gas emitted by nature, that benefits plants
      but is one of the greenhouse gases, the most important of which is water vapour

      #2 Global Warming whereby a planet’s temperature gently increases as it comes out of an ice-age

      #3 Greenhouse gases are said to be a good thing that keep the planet from getting too cold, but there is a theory that an increase can cause harm and cause the natural global warming to accelerate too fast
      … as of now Climate Change appears on no ones death certificate ..It’s a theory about future deaths.

      …So CO2 is a secondary greenhouse gas, there is global warming, but the word “harmful” applies only in a theoretical future way ..


  46. tarien says:

    Agree- but the Muslims are radicalised from birth into the most prolific, subjugating, opressive, extremist polictical ideology in the world. The West and USA, in particular have allowed, nay almost encouraged the infiltration of Islam into their Christian nations-we only have to look at Sweden, Germany, Italy and France to know that this creeping parasite with its 1450 yr old ideology is reaping and indeed raping its way through, at present and not for long, the Free nations of the world. The opportunity of change has now passd by, the National Socialism of the EU has blocked any chance of escape-unless the dogs of war enter the fray. We are in a dangerous time, make no mistake-led by political bafoons throughout Europe, who are then controlled by the very big money, to whose surrender we gave them in WW1.


  47. Sluff says:

    Lord Haw Haw was executed in 1946 for treason. For those unaware, he broadcast Nazi propaganda in English during WW2.
    Treason is the crime committed when you aid and abet your enemy.
    Why is Al Beeb continuously (Toady again this morning) propogating the ‘underage, radicalised and brainwashed innocents who deserve our sympathy’ agenda for Shamima Begun, when there is a perfectly good alternative available, as above?


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Let the trials begin.


    • JamesArthur says:

      It seems to be only the BBC that feel this sympathy…why don’t they just drop the story..and stop saying ..she’s 9 months pregnant..I don’t give a flying fig and nor does any other right minded person as far as I can hear/see…she left of her own will, she is unrepentant and I am sure if ISIS were not being pummeled into the ground she would still be there..cheering them on and maybe she should have thought about getting pregnant again before deciding she wants a nice quiet life in the UK at our expense.


  48. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    Black children are twice as likely to be identified as having social, emotional and mental health needs as white British pupils.


    When bbc subbing digs its own segregated hole.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The BBC has announced that the very very late politics show “The Week” presented by Brillo is to end .
      So Brillo will no long regularly be on the BBC . The last free thinking journalist . Politicians must be pleased -as well as the lobby fodder party HQs sent to be fried by him .

      It was inevitable . He got told off for some twitter comment and one knew he d be gone .

      Quite an achievement – thousands of journalists employed by the BBC all chanting the same biased editorial line .
      Britain bad EU good
      Whitee bad darkie good
      Christian bad Mussie good
      trump bad Clinton good
      Tory bad labour good

      You can add your own ….


  49. theisland says:

    42 days to go.

    “the meaning of life, the universe, and everything”


    • JimS says:

      I don’t understand how ‘no deal’ can ‘be taken off the table’.

      A ‘deal’ requires the agreement of two parties, the EU and the UK government. Parliament might be able to tie the hands of the UK government but it has no control over what the EU does, the EU is under no obligation to offer a ‘deal’.

      Of course the real motivation is to get the Brexit cancelled or Mrs May’s locked in the EU forever, so-called Withdrawal Agreement.


  50. Peter Sausages says:

    Why is albeeb obsessed with that ugly raghead terrorist teenager ? Isn’t Brexit more important