Looks like America is getting too dangerous for staff of the Far Left BBC . I think if Americans had any idea about that BBC reporters say about their President , Head of State and Commander in Chief the reception of BBC would be far less folksy …
Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019
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9:20 am BBC1 Oh look Jenny Eclair and her mate are plugging their podcast,
.. just like they were on Clive Anderson’s Radio4 show on Saturday
…BBC-medialand is so up itself
Local radio : ex-science teacher is telling us “Yes of course we need this school Climate strike, it took a 15 year old CHILD Greta Thunberg to motivate adults on climate”
..The underinformed BBC local jock is not going to reply that
.. No, you can read that was ADULTS at a PR firm that USED a 15 year old CHILD
… empty hall, clever editing etc.
Andrew Montford and John Shade describe how environmentalism has come to permeate school curricula across the UK, featuring in an astonishing variety of subjects, from geography to religious education to modern languages.
5pm Radio Lincs came up with a ruse
they reported police horses were called to the London pupil demo
and then played a longer clip of that ex-science teacher Geoff Stratford calling for kids to rise up.
I bet he turns out to be doing PR for them.
Yep that guy has done 6 tweets promoting the kids climate Strike
Did I mention that
Alistair Campbell’s new dossier says that proper Brexit will result in the release of WMD
.. so must be stopped ?
BBC’s This Week to end as host Andrew Neil steps down
Last night the Labour regular Alan Johnson, was rubbishing Trump for caving in
..that is contradicted by today’s news
Toady watch
Our Justin’ interviewed ‘ a former brexit minister and it was a quality piece of interruption which even the placid politician commented on .
Ask a rambling question and don’t allow the answer . The beeboids must be conditioned to a sound in their earpiece to interupt .
As the days pass their collective hysteria over a full brexit- no ifs no buts – is mounting . I never thought I’d write it but thank God for the DUP holding the line against the ReichEU and the Bubble/ swamp
Fed, I thought Stephen Barclay held up well. Andrea Leadsom is also putting in increasingly solid performances on the Beeb.
Steve Baker. I have never heard him not to give a good account of himself. Would there were more such!
R4 Drama now, the Muslim taxi driver “I have a degree in chemical engineering”
..He helps the woman as she delivers her baby
… Oh it has the cord around its neck
… the taxi driver has now saved the baby’s life
…. Then the presenter days “sorry we seem to have accidentally REPLAYED yesterday’s episode, the correct episode will be aired tonight at 7:45pm”
FFS £4.4bn pa worth of resources
Muslim, Muslim,Muslim,Muslim,Muslim,Muslim,Muslim,Muslim,Muslim.
Don’t Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists etc., etc., ever do anything worthy of mention?
Ah yes, black,black,black,black,black, ……………………………………………………
Doesn’t all this moslem stuff convey the impression that the establishment are scared stiff of upsetting them, and with good reason?
Since 9/11 they’ve been prostrating themselves.
Stop the press, 62 year old black writer has died
R4 11am news had Lenny Henry eulogising.
No doubt will hear countless times from BBC presenters this weekend how she was such a “favourite” of theirs !! BBC tweet dept already got in the buzzword “Windrush” ….. yawn
Who? I am sure was very nice and sympathy for her family but who was she?
Never heard of her.
But she’ll have the whole retrospective stuff the BBC does when some black nobody dies . Book of the week . Repeated lecture. Book at bedtime . Lammy and Abbot Eulogy . Slavery . Bad whitee .
I have heard of her but my aged brain keeps getting her mixed up with Jewish writers called Levy.
Poor old BBC must desperate for people not to notice an increase in retail sales and decrease in inflation whilst average wages rise a bit .
Despite brexit and Soros funded Project Fear
Bottom of the article –
Duncan Brewer, from consultants Oliver Wyman, said there could be an element of Brexit-influenced buying: “After a slow December, retail sales have bounced back after Black Friday in November.
“It appears that shoppers are shopping before Brexit hits, either to stockpile products they worry won’t be available, or in fear of big price increases post-29 March.”
Excellent anti-scare podcast with two economists on Spiked. Listen and be reassured. https://soundcloud.com/spikedonline/the-economics-of-no-deal
You have to wonder at the bbc. Their fat salaries, pensions and lifestyles won’t be affected by Brexit. In fact, I’m sure they can use it for bigger, better license hikes ‘…… because of BREXIT’.
Don’t forget Gates and Obama…still failed to halt British democracy even with the likes of Blair, Clegg, Clarke, BofE, Celebrities-a-plenty, Branson, BBC high earner Gary Linker, etc, etc, etc…who probably still hate their parents for bringing them up on a council estate when the only ambition they had was to be seen on Graham Norton with the rest of his lesbian guests who do their worst to help the “corruption of a minor into accepting gay sex” or to win X-Factor, and fulfil their dream of being seen on those wonderful glossy photos on the online version of The Daily Mail, and to be seen getting out of taxis asking the photographer to get a good shot of her and her girlfriend kissing, as they just love to shock their hard working parents whose job it is now to calm granny for the shame she feels, asking her daughter “and she was such a good girl really”
These days todays in-the-money-pop stars only want to gripe, complain, insult, anyone who thinks we should be set apart from that sinking ship AKA The EU. Suddenly these kind of teens are into politics in a big way. They love Momentum, hate two parent families now that they are pregnant and could afford a nanny but choose to bleed the Benefit system as most of my adult hating squatters as that way they can state: I had a terrible child hood, my parents abused me, mocked me, stopped my pocket money just because I used to like scratching the expensive vehicles in our street and throwing eggs at their windows late at night that way by the time the house holders get up the eggs had dried rock hard (that really made me hate old people) Who are they to come to our house and complain?
Gripe over.
Poor little Snowflakes …. what a shower of wet blankets we are raising now … there is no hope ….none at all …..
Future Vegan, Feminist, Human Rights, Gender equality champion right here
Richards got the idea
A:- Very, very doubtful. They can try going up against the China and India and America – the worlds greatest polluters but I don’t fancy their chances.
gaxvil, you forgot Australasia. They were, at the turn of the century, the biggest polluters of all. (Source: The Guardian, no less.)
I could have respect for these kids if they were to walk our shores and pick up the plastic waste.
But as for these childish drama and media studies performances?
I don’t think so.
What’s the BBC rule on calling “school children/pupils” ..”students” ?
I’m sure there is ‘no pressure’ to take part!
Hilarious. A few years ago I looked at the essay plans for my son who was taking courses in several languages. Each one had a requirement to write a letter in the appropriate language to the local authority outlining plans to save global warming.
Before WW2 German schools had maths questions like this: ‘How many housing units for working German families can be built for the same cost as it takes to maintain mental patients for one year?’
school strike cartoon from Josh
It looks like early training for college life. What is a Western University anymore other than a centre for political activism & protest?
Pop Stars I would think. Bono, gay activists, squatters inc, anarchy UK ltd, SNP, momentum-are-us, etc.
I wonder how many of the parents of the striking schoolchildren will be fined for failing to ensure their children attended school today.
Apologies if this has been commented on earlier but, ref Isis Begum, what a good time for the BBC to bury bad news:
NNN, memory now hazy … was that the one with photos of immaculate blue painted cylinders lying in a wrecked basement?
Hi Up2
See above. This was a BBC ‘What we know’ piece on Assad’s Douma ‘chemical attack’. The BBC made other TV and online reports about the same incident but the one above is a ‘masterpiece’ of inverted commas, posed photographs of ‘gassed’ children, reports from the ‘white hats’, the WHO and its its ‘health cluster partners’ etc.etc. much or at very least most of it now seems to have been manufactured fake news. Personally, I can’t vouch for the truth or otherwise of reports from ‘war zones’ but I didn’t believe this one at the time and I certainly won’t be relying on anything the BBC tells me in the future. There were other news sources available and they were reporting what is now found to be the truth. There’s no honesty in the BBC news departments any more, only agenda and propaganda.
Top rated HYS good reading.
8. Posted by Will on
1 hour ago
The reason London and the City didn’t see Brexit coming is because life was plenty good for those folk.
It’s the same reason Macron didn’t see the yellow vests as a major issue and Hillary thought Trump was a joke.
They all live in a bubble and deride people who disagree with them as extremists. Problem is the ‘fringe’ is now 40-50% of the population.
: 277 Rate comment number 8 negatively Number of negative ratings for comment 8: 36
Another comment
\\ Ooh, another “Remain” supporting institution has warned of the dire risks Brexit poses to life the universe and beyond.
Of course, RBS are a fine institution
– with a fabulous track record on propriety, honour
– and, of course, the ability to predict the future with absolute precision…not. //
Pedro Sanchez has just called a snap Spanish General Election for 28th April.
The EU will be holding its breath again
It’s great that the ReichEU is now fighting a war on a number of fronts .
The Spanish have had enough of importing the third world – as have the Italians . The Hungarians and poles won’t play . The Scandinavians are realising the error of their ways and the French are exporting them to UK knowing that UK is lost .
So we leave on 29 March
Spain votes 28 April
ReichEU elections 25 May .
With a bit of luck these 3 events will push the ReichEU into either decline or termination . Don’t get me wrong . I’m not anti Europe – every country has its own interests .
I’m anti the ReichEU which has its own agenda divorced from the people who pay for the corrupt bloated monster …
Good in theory Kaiser, but don’t forget how the EU play the election game to suit the agenda. Wilders? Le Pen?
Surely there is a woman whom the BBC can use to replace
Andrew Neil when he leaves ” This Week?” Mishail
Hussain,Riz Lateef even Jo Coburn would make excellent
replacements. There are a plethora of women at the BBC to replace
one of the very few indigenous male political presenters .
How is BBC TV news going to become a
100% women’s media outlet if Andrew Neil is not replaced
by a woman?
Since wimmin seem to be eager to strip off for some reason I don’t understand – mental health issues ? Maybe the female journos could go on a nude BBC talent show where you phone in at 90 p a minute – peak Saturday night viewing .
Severe plot loss
Like Polly Toynbee?
I think it could be Melanie Phillips or Katie H or JHB ..which one will the BBC pick ?
Not an image to ever imagine ….
Jo Coburn has done quite enough replacing of Andrew Neil already.
The now extra handsomely remunerated Carrie Gracie graces our screens oncemore as anchor for the BBC News Channel.
My main complaint is her annoying delivery. Specifically her over-pronunciation coupled with those intermittent, almost whispered, drops in tone – so characteristic of BBC women such as Fiona Bruce. Overall her diction is exaggerated and stilted in its over-practiced artfulness. I would guess she’s been put on a BBC in-house news presention crash course.
Sounds like a non-specific female Peston. Not a happy concept.
BBC buzzword bingo article …. everything the BEEB loves … stick in a Muslim and i would have been calling “HOUSE”
Special Needs
Black Caribbean
Oxford University
Mental Health
Socio economic background
From the article:
It’s got to be racism, hasn’t it? It never seems to occur that these pupils might have some predisposition towards it, and it would be heretical even to look.
Dindu’s, as in Dindu Nuffink.
There is also the matter of IQ.
Woman’s Hour on Friday morning. Jenny Murray interviewing two female barristers – at least one of them – naturally was black. I listened to the radio – so it had to be because it was relevant that the barrister had to tell us her colour. To me, colour should be irrelevant – but not the BBC.
There was talk about how ‘women supported women’ in the Law. Could you imagine if a man had been so unwise as to suggest that ‘men support men’?
At the end of the interview Jenny asked what could be done to help women barristers. An example was given of a female barrister breastfeeding her new baby during a trial. Well I can just imagine that her mind was fully on the case. But both women being interviewed agreed that the courts should be more accommodating of mothers in the timing of trials eg finishing early so the barristers could collect their children from school, anticipating the time when court is sitting for a trail so they can arrange child care etc. So these highly paid young women want the courts to finish early so they can get their children from school. Not sure how far away from the courts the schools are – but court houses are expensive to run, heating, lighting, the Clerks, etc and these women want part time courts to enable them to fetch children from school? Also mentioned were cases where the date of the case is within limits, flexible, so that presumably they are slotted in if another case finishes early? They want those stopped too because it is inconvenient for them. All in all, like the NHS, they want the criminal justice system arranged to their convenience – and never mind the cost.
“There was talk about how ‘women supported women’”. What like a female judge turning a blind eye to the evidence of guilt of a male defendant because he was defended by a female barrister……………….
Today’s BWH
Yesterday’s BWH
Yesterdays LateNight BWH
And the day before that
Really struggling to see a pattern there !!!! LOL.
“…at least one of them – naturally was black.”
Everybody knows that most barristers are black.
It makes me wonder if the media are laughing at us behind the scenes. Perhaps it’s a game to see how far they can push us into welcoming our own demise.
The free Metro rag this morning had a full page cover photo of that pregnant Jihad girl. Why is the MSM giving her so much publicity? If you’ll pardon the expression I do hope this experiment what ever it’s purpose, blows-up in their faces.
What has happened to this country? Lord Haw-Haw was hanged for treason yet here we are now being subjected, on MSM, to a discussion about whether or not a treacherous scumbag should be allowed back into the UK. This matter should not be up for discussion at all.
Martin Lewis money saving expert on This Morning ITV today telling us if we need a TV license or not. When we need to have one and when we don’t require one. Should be interesting
Lucy i believe the media is creating its own demise. As their narrative goes ever more extreme it only makes it more obvious to more people that the media is warped.
Bring it on i say, show us some more craziness as it only confirms what we suspected some time ago.
Vine : “Yeh Trump is supposed to fit, but look he’s obese 17 stone at 6ft 4”
The other day Vine said “so fourteen millimetres , that’s as big as a CD”
..only ten times out
It’s just a constant drip, drip, drip from the BBC. Which is now turning into a torrent.
I wish the BBC were cut short.
Headline – Millennium & Copthorne struggles to recruit EU staff
First line in BOLD – Hotel group Millennium & Copthorne has said Brexit uncertainty is making it difficult for its London hotels to recruit EU workers.
4 lines down – The company also blamed the US-China trade war, minimum wage levels and competition from Airbnb for its woes
But hey, get BREXIT in FIRST as the main driver. Just never ending. And they say at the BBC there is NO BIAS …. staggering.
For those who follow Spiked as a defender of free speech it is interesting that this worthy publication offers two positions on the British lass who wants to come home to the Blighty she hates.
Brendan O’Neil tells her not to come back, but the argument for forgiveness and her redemption is also presented in another article by .Luke Gittos
‘What exactly we could do with her once she is back is an open question. It would be a huge challenge to rehabilitate her. But I am not convinced that the difficulties outweigh our duty to her as a British citizen. On balance, I say let her come home.’
Not strictly BBC-related, though I’m sure this recently-elected Democrat politician will soon become a firm favourite at Broadcasting House.
Just so we know what we’re dealing with.
Although I have just noticed it dates back to 2012.
R4 Drama now the protaganist is about to set off on the trip to Mars
..first she watches the video of her grandma telling of her big trip from the Caribbean to London
\\ just as her grandmother did when she moved from Jamaica to London and her father’s ancestors leaving a famine-riddled Ireland for America, Laura has to choose what to take and what to leave behind. //
Lead actress
Lead actor
Spot on Robert …nailed it.
Just like all those women on the Anti Trump march who had no idea at all what they were actually protesting about. You ask these kids for any facts, guaranteed most of em will know the square root of jack shit.
“Just like all those women on the Anti Trump march”
You can bet your bottom dollar that those women who march for the unborn infant knew why they were marching.
Not BBC I realise but auntie will disagree with any pro-life march any day of the week. And we will always hear about it. BBC misses nothing that’s anti-Jewish in any way.
You know that a few days ago left wing thinktank IPPR produced a BS climate report ..full of basic errors
but the the BBC trumpeted it anyway
and they had to stealth edit their page
Then on Question time a new panelist was a young Corbyn associate Grace Blakeley ..first described a “economist”..then changed to “economic commentator”
…Well guess where she works ??
UK and USA sign agreement to continue existing arrangements for goods trade between the two nations
Mutual Recognition Agreement between US and UK signed yesterday
Sometimes it gets a little tiring, doing the BBC job’s for them. This is especially true when they get a statutory licence fee, and we have to rely on voluntary contributions.
We hope that readers are as pleased as we are with the news above. It’s not a free trade deal (the Government still insists it can’t negotiate one, even though we have repeatedly published proof that it can), but it’s the clearest demonstration yet that the US is fully behind a post-Brexit Britain.
45 minute interview with the head of Panorama.
45 mins of ‘upholding integrity..seeking out the truth..amazing team..John Sweeney is so professional..the audience trusts us..the BBC is so trusted by the public…’
Not one mention of the upcoming Panodrama, Tommy or the John Sweeney undercover footage..
Don’t waste 45 mins listening to it, it’s utter, utter drivel and is likely to make you vomit.
But goes to shows how, even today, the head of Panorama will totally ignore anything they wish
Supposedly the next clip from Tommy will show John Sweeney shouting homophobic abuse. Given the Beebs record of championing LGBQBZT rights, it will be interesting to see how far they go to ignore it all and bury their heads in the sand.
Not sure Anthony Lloyd and his photographer did Shamima Begum any favours, whatsoever, in photographing her in a full chador – and a black one at that – and then allowing newspapers to plaster the photo on newspaper front pages.
Pretty much guaranteed to not win public opinion to their cause.
Feb 13 : hundreds of Guardian tweets: James Goddard charged with assault and public order offence following protest in Manchester city centre
Weird that assault seems to be psychological, as no physical contact.
“I’ve warned you, I swear to God when there’s no police around here, I’m going to take your head off your shoulders.”
His apology
Breaking news ?
Trump will increase trade “very substantially” with the UK.
I doubt that Al Beeb will use those terms ?
Sheffield 2 Zimbabwean students were detained
One Victor Mujakachi came as a student and has argued that it’s too dangerous for him yo go back.
A lefty campaign has got him released
They look like a couple of Macron’s boyz, to me…
So Andrew Yaxley Lennon aka Brillo praises Churchill but does not dare mention his views on Mohamidanism
That’s the same Frank Gardner who thought his BBC pass woukd let him go to a mussie country and not get shot . Who’d rely on what he spouts .
Is this Great Brexit news on Al Beeb yet ?
Its on Al Beeb now. They use “agree to preserve trading arrangements. “
Al Beeb focusing on Trump and his wall. “Walls Work”.
A reminder to Al Beeb, we build one in Calais .
ITV local news “coming up our second report from trans children’s centre”
and they’re even less politically biased than the BBC
Next week PR for Sheffield’s wacky mayor
Do YOU want to work for ITV? Do YOU want to be part of our team? Well tune into this live Q and A to get some top tips on joining the ITV News Traineeship. Get your questions in to Katherine Walker and Amani Khan now!
(link: https://www.facebook.com/calendarnews/videos/2011248205658907/
“all about trans. Check out this”
BBC won’t like the following article article.
The tide must turn and indeed is turning:
The following link is a piece done by the very First non-binary man on earth who has returned to his old self and says its all “mental illness”.
BBC won’t like the article. Nor will they point the viewer to it
BBC local news , did PR about migrants instead of PR for the Climate Strike or trans kids
BUT “now we do Good News Friday so over to Shirley, an exhibition about MIGRANTS in Grimsby ”
guest “It’s time to celebrate migrants”
Note how the report was actually sponsored by this NGO
Well if they are in Grimsby I suspect they will want to go back home.
It’s 6 pm and time for a game of BBC 1 6 pm news ‘Compare and Contrast’
The Begum extremist (age 19) is yet again prioritised, and the clear editorial line is that we should show some humanity as she was ‘young and vulnerable’ and thus her radical views can be in some way be excused and thus dismissed.
The BBC then shows a voxpop of children aged 9,11, and 14, out on climate change demos, strongly implying they are mature enough to be listened to, and certainly not ‘young and vulnerable’.
The fact they should be at school appears not to have been considered
Re the kids and Climate Change, did you notice the lack of BAMEs? There couldn’t have been any there because you know how the Beeb searches them out and puts them front and centre. I wonder why they’re not interested in saving the planet.
She’s a victim. Cathy nods sympathetically.
These same people say that kids can make their minds up about politics at age 15 ..and then vote at age 16
The Donald is absolutely nailing it tonight . The liberals are in complete MELTDOWN !!. Twitter on fire with outraged lefties. Thank you Mr President. Thank you !
Not having TV news today I guess that the children protesting were doing so using the new fashion of nudeness .
Otherwise who notices any more .
I hasten to add . I have no wish to see children nood. And apparently I was one too .
Hey – whatabout that ? The head of the MI6 says that the return of ISIS terrorists is a threat to the security of Blighty .
I wonder if that means we ll be hearing traffic reports of delays in Tower Hamlets caused by recent drone strikes on terrorist targets …
Leadsom hasn’t got any principles which I a job requirement for recent PMs so she should make a good candidate …
BBC Online News:
“”What’s It Like To Be Attacked At A Trump Rally?””
“”The story behind the assault on a BBC cameraman.””
“”That felt like another crazy moment in the Presidency of Donald Trump. We seem to get them all the time””
“”…..we didn’t have journalists attacked at political events, even a few years ago””.
The above were the first words. I couldn’t stomach more bias.
Amazon, a home grown, company pulls out of NY due to the loony Left, ‘We can’t work in this atmosphere.’
How bad is that ?
Brexit does seem to be gaining a real momentum despite the fact that encouraging news for us and bad news for Europe is censored.
It is inevitable that trade will happen – it always has since back neolithic times.
Germany, France, Italy and Spain are in some real trouble and the thousand year Reich is stumbling.
Absolutely agree – the amazing thing is the daily horror the BBC paints is not enough for good things to be happening for UK .
Imagine if the BBC was fair and objective . And so many people are realising what it has become . Which is a shame because when I was growing up it was worth something
Very little reporting on EU problems, but so much bad news is across the channel:
Yellow Vests continuing
Spain calling early general election as Catalan problem not gone away
France recalls its ambassador from Italy, this hasnt happened since WWII
German economy flat-lining
Meanwhile we get served a daily diet of project fear about the how we will plunge into the Dark Ages unless we stay on board this sinking ship .
“…will we have to make Andrew Neil Prime MInister?”
I apologize if I have misunderstood you, but Neil cannot be relied upon on the subject of Islam.
Trouble in paradise.
That picture is surely a scene from “The Last of the Summer Wine”.
“Can’t win.” It sounds more like “can’t lose”.