Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019

Looks like America is getting too dangerous for staff of the Far Left BBC . I think if Americans had any idea about that BBC reporters say about their President , Head of State and Commander in Chief the reception of BBC would be far less folksy …

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612 Responses to Midweek Open Thread 13 February 2019

  1. Despairada says:

    Radio 4 Any Questions just listening.
    First item the jihadi bride dilemma.
    From start to finish of the discussion of this item, no one mentioned the M word or the I word.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I’m guessing the reason M and I weren’t mentioned because they were saying “she s an evil murdering terrorist who should be dead already “….


  2. StewGreen says:

    If Brexit stops the trucks coming in , then how are the illegals going to smuggle themselves in with our fruit/veg imports ??


  3. taffman says:

    Has Al Beeb shown this yet ?

    What did Obama say , “back of the queue” ?


  4. StewGreen says:

    Nihal’s real opinion
    Apartheid fizzled and there’s been black government for 25 years
    but Nihal says white people born since then who have been raped/killed have “benefited from Apartheid” so that’s OK


    • StewGreen says:

      That first guy is replying to the question “Why is so hard to talk to white people about racism”

      And actually I disagree with him as well cos most non-white people in South Africa are NOT racist against whites
      ..rather the bad guys who are usually non-white will simply rob from any colour.. It’s the radical wing of the ANC who are racist


  5. gaxvil says:

    Just watched Don in the Rose Garden – REFRESHING !!!
    And I just keep coming back to it – those who damn Trump, just how do they think America would be under Clinton ? She would be much richer. Other than that a kind of Obama 2.0. with knobs on.


  6. Up2snuff says:

    Just in case you are wondering: Any Questions – worth listening to the Saturday Repeat?



    • StewGreen says:

      \\We are in north west Wales //
      Dimbleby let remainiac special friend waffle on endlessly,
      .. but the articulate powerful #brexit arguments from the Telegraph’s @LiamHalligan got interrupted constantly by Dimbleby
      @carolynharris Welsh Labour Deputy Leader
      @adamprice Paid Cymru leader


  7. Zelazek says:

    I was going to make the point about the Beeb’s juxtaposition of the climate change kids and the Isis schoolgirl but Pug and Sluff are quicker on the draw than this ageing gunfighter. Watching the news tonight and listening to some self-assured, 9 year old climate experts, I was irresistibly reminded of the Children’s Crusade in 1212.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    I was gonna put up a new thread now but comments are still cooking so I’ll wait til later .

    Don in the Rose garden is the high spot of the week. Soubry and grieve will cry …when I put up the new thread can someone repost ‘ the don in the rose garden ‘clip please ? I guess the Obama back- of – the – queue – Project Fear – routine was just so much hot air from a better speech maker than President . As history will show .


  9. Scroblene says:

    Why does the BBC now crap on the values of the people that mostly believed what they reported way back when journalism was interesting?

    In my circle of locals, nobody thinks they’re any good at all, and the bbc are disregarded as a failed bunch of unimportant lefties, and not worth bothering about!

    Except, we mostly pay for the rubbish they’re doing…