The consultation on the over 75 licence fee proposed changes closes Tuesday 12 February . It takes about 10 minutes to complete and there is a ‘free comments ‘ section .
The consultation on the over 75 licence fee proposed changes closes Tuesday 12 February . It takes about 10 minutes to complete and there is a ‘free comments ‘ section .
I assume all those who have been called uneducated racists bigots for the past 2 years by the BBC are exempt from the license fee as they are unable to comprehend such complex and nuanced programming that the BBC produces
As you might have seen the consultation document is not exactly simple – which seems to have been done on purpose .
It’s tricky for anyone – such as me – who doesn’t want the BBC to exist in its current form so any recommendation in the consultation should be aimed at destroying or limiting the BBC . In my case – free licences for the over 65s .
And then privatisation of the whole monster
‘BBC cameraman shoved at Trump rally’.
Can’t think why as the beeb are universely known as impartial surely.
BBC cameraman shoved at Trump rally?
I wonder what the BBC is going to regard as newsworthy next – BBC reporter gets hostile glare from Trump supporter?
An important measure of a civilised society is the respect and concern it has for it’s elderly.
By wanting to add the over seventy-fives to the millions of the public it already leeches off, the BBC is proving it’s grasping, greedy and uncivilised nature.
What’s the retirement age for men and women in the UK? Nobody should be paying the BBC a farthing – and especially not after retirement age.
Whilst we’re all digesting the matters of how the BBC now wishes to tax pensioners for their repugnant output, let’s admire how John Sweeney wastes a licence fee and a third on his “lunch” putting it on “expenses” at a cost to we the tax paying mugs…
Pink Floyd song about the Sun newspaper’s contempt for the truth
Does it apply to 2019 BBC ?
*Not now John (Sweeney) *
We’ve got to get on with the film show
Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow
Who cares what it’s about
As long as the kids go?
Not now John we’ve
Got to get on with the show
Hang on John I’ve got to get on with this
I don’t know what it is
But it fits on here like
Come at the end of the shift
We’ll go and get *pissed*
Not now John
I’ve got to get on with this
Make ’em laugh, Make ’em cry
Make ’em dance in the aisles
Make ’em *pay*, Make ’em stay
Make ’em feel okay
*Not now John (Sweeney) *
TR couldn’t have put it better . I wonder if Mr Sweeney was within the BBC expenses rules during these little drinks ? Or whether he might have committed a fraud with regard to the bills ?
Can you imagine the effort BBC management must be putting into working out what material TR has and how it might be countered ?
The BBC moaning over cost of over 75 yet are making a bid to buy rest of UKTV why not sell that worth £500!million and why are BBC withholding my money
I think it’s a great idea, YES charge the oldies to watch BBC !
it’s like adding a huge tax on tobacco, to stop the unhealthy habit
Google just told me that the average life expectancy of man aged 65 between 2014 and 2016 is 83,5 years and a woman 85,9 years. And life expectancy will apparently increase.
So those aged 75 will on average be able to look forward to ten more years of being leeched off by the BBC.
Isn’t the BBC proud that it’s over seventy years old ?