You need to put a date on this or it is meaningless. Cameron was just another Western poorly paid politician who ended up in the Saudi pocket. Another ex PM who has refused his entitlement to a peerage because to do so would have meant having to reveal where his enormous enrichment was coming from.
As for the BBC I’m afraid you have to look to the heart of the swamp, our universities which are all funded by Saudi and other Middle Eastern oil rich countries with the intention of the furtherance of Islam. Because the BBC presenters have been through this indoctrination camp they have all been infected by it.
I don’t believe a word of the story about the Begum teenager.
The very thought that the Times sent a reporter out to the Middle East to search for her and was successful is absolute fantasy.
Only last week the MSM were reporting how dangerous it was for their reporters as they were deliberately targeted and yet we are now to believe that one of them had unrestricted access to the ISIS camps and everyone was really helpful in helping find our lost girl?
Since when do we believe that she has already had two children that have died due to the “appalling conditions” in the camp? The mother looked like she had eaten three Big Mac meals a day since she arrived and where did she get all that western make-up on her face?
How did the children die? Children don’t die for no reason. Where is the proof she’s actually telling the truth?
What chance that the Times reporter managed to find her when she is nine months pregnant and about to give birth. What a remarkable coincidence.
What actually happened is that she has been in constant touch with her lying, manipulative family who have then approached the Times and informed them of her location so that they can run this fake news story and pass it off as their own version of outstanding journalism. It’s nothing more than fake news by a complicit media who really are the enemy of the people.
If this murder-supporting little slag does return to the UK, will she be prosecuted for being complicit in murder? Will she be prosecuted for having underage sex? Will the UK authorities move heaven and earth to pursue the father for child maintenance?
What a load of lying, deceptive cheats the media are. I hope she and her ISIS supporting family receive the fate they deserve.
In summary, I am reminded of the ‘mad’ media mogul (Elliot Carver) in the James Bond film, ‘Tommorow Never Dies” who sets out to create circumstances where a war is innitiated between the UK and China.
In the current BBC scenario, it is the BBC who is fanning the flames of disquiet and discontent between their fan base, islam and the far, far Marxist left and the ‘Normals’.
I have never understood what this idea, ‘the rise of the far-right’, means.
It creates an image of legions of Nazi stormtroopers rising out of their (British?) graves, like the skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts, whereas these are just ordinary people who have been living ordinary lives here with their families for generation.
If there is any ‘rise’ at all it is the large influx of ‘new Britons’ , imported brides, and the taxpayer-supported four-plus children per family. Depending where one lives this isn’t a minor thing either. My secondary school, 99% ‘white’, 1% Caribbean, is now 100% of Pakistani heritage. Invasion or colonisation are the words that come to my, clearly far-right, mind. Or simple observation of fact, BBC.
The rise of the so called ‘far right’ is quite easy to explain. It involves the left as usual moving the definitions of words to include almost everyone, so now as Tommy Robinson found you are far right if you oppose Islamification of the UK or further Islamic immigration – I have thie in writing from the BBC.
So seeing as the vast majority of the population oppose Islam and immigration it is easy to see where the rise in numbers comes from.
I have to confess that I’m one of those who joined the Conservative Party solely for the purpose of re-jigging the leadership voting. I’m, along with thousands of others, waiting patiently for my chance.
The foreigners wishing to take over the UK have used our laws to assist them. We, on the other hand, have numbers. We should use both the law and our numbers to make change. Whilst the numbers still count…………….
OOh, ah. Tried and I cant link it. I’m not familiar with anything Twitter/Facebook so I apologise. Simply don’t know how to put that right. Suggestions?
I have to confess that three of my dogs joined the Labour Party to vote for Corbyn in my mistaken belief that Labour would be decimated in a General Election.
Alas, Treezer has virtually handed him the keys to Number 10.
Someone said the EU is a 1945 construct in a 2020 world . I always saw it as a left wing socialist model with a strong touch of RC attached to it .
Apart being undemocratic I think its chief fault is free movement of labour . Fine idea but wrong in practice when it is far easier to communicate and move than when first thought up .
And fails as the insanity one state just letting a million aliens in without agreement of the EU because the country – Germany – thinks it is the EU . A view with which I agree.
I just hope that when we are out of it others will give serious consideration to leaving too . And subsequently destroy the EU as currently configured and replace it with the ‘ never closer’ association of States
“Aboard his yacht Grille at Kiel he told (the minister) in May of his vision of a United States of Europe under German leadership. ‘Years, perhaps even decades of work toward that end,’ commented the minister in his diary. ‘But what an end!’”
Q: Who had this vision, and who was the minister?
(Hint: The man with the vision had only one ball, and the poor minister had none at all. )
So yes, an idea born out of socialist totalitarianism.
The Isis terrorist girl has given birth to a Mohammed – according to the remainer mail . She seems to have survived the birth – unfortunately
Am I being too harsh ? No – but she and her friends would have chopped my head off as a non believer —and yours too in the ISIS State
I’m waiting for some lefty to start screaming ‘ moral panic ‘
At least that’s one ‘ excuse’ for bringing her to the UK . I’m sure – as we speak – her parents are on their way to the girl for a family reunion . Then ban them from coming back .
There is a hilarious segment on the internet of the current NI Secretary ( who?) announcing that the said air line will be continuing its route from Derry Derry Londonderryderry ( take yer pic) – an announcement said politician made last Thursday .
Peter Shilton comes out as fully behind Nigel Farage
..”Yes Gary Lineker is a good friend, but I disagree completely with him on Brexit”
Move slider to 1h29m
What's Twitter pushing at me today #1 Marx Religion ..that few people are interested in #2 #Marr cos Twitterati are interested in it …real people not
Is Trump losing the plot?
He wants the Isis killers to return and face trial. Is he unaware that with our lefty judiciary, backed by media and fellow travellers, these returning Isis fighters – in the unlikely event they will be put on trial – will get light sentences, early release and enjoy life on benefits and free housing at the taxpayer’s expence.
We give large amounts of aid to many Islamic countries. Just one phone call – hey take these Isis people and give them citizenship and do what you want with them, or we cut your aid.
Every time I think he’s losing the plot it turns out he’s playing a higher dimension of chess than most of us can see. I can only think he wants the powers-that-be to demonstrate their inability or unwillingness to deal with these matters and stoke up anti-establishment (for want of a better phrase) feeling.
Whatever happens in the USA, one can be assured the BBc North America team will:
A) Back a horse, when they should not. And,
B) Back the wrong one.
The mystery MAGA mobster and the attempted execution by shoving of Jon Sopel’s personal groomer has now joined this as ‘that which was HUGE, but now is maybe best left aside’:
… OK lets dip into the food prog
Title : “Should I boycott palm oil?” …Oh FFS
Presenter Sheila Dillon “so 10 years ago you really should have boycotted palm oil, but now the trees have ben cut down , what ?
..Famous Indian chef man, you used to be a big supporter of palm oil”
Chef man “although the plantation I visited was great the nearby ones could have been bad
.. so now we don’t use much palm , we stopped using ghee mostly
.. We get rapeseed from BBC Adam Henson’s farm in the Corswolds”
13:54pm Now on R4 Adrian Goldberg is plugging an eco-train
runs on LPG and flywheel
..The track into Stourbridge is just 1.3Km
It’s been running for 10 years
1.3Km is pointless ..I’d always just walk
The UKs shortest train on the shortest line; class 139 railcar on the Stourbridge Junction to Stourbridge Town branch. The journey is 1.3 km and takes just under 3 minutes.
Not sure come the next GE I’ll have anyone to vote for now that our three traditional parties have made themselves – yes they’ve done it to themselves – utterly unelectable.
The country is crying out for leadership and change.
Come the next election the BBC and the rest of the media will continue to broadcast the pretence that the three (four in Scotland) main parties are arguing about any substantial differences.
More and more people can see that you’ll get broadly the same whichever of those parties is elected. If we want to make a difference we must agree a common strategy on who to vote for outside those parties, even where we may not fully agree with the agenda. Nothing will change for the better until the current parties are humbled, and we must risk unpredictable outcomes unless we would rather head in the same inexorable direction as at present.
Why do they bother? It can only be about power – just as the Democrats have conspired to carry out a coup against Trump.
The bbc is attempting a coup against the people of this country by attempting to usurp a democratic vote.
Is that not criminal?
Will they attempt to overturn the next General Election result?
And yet the bbc are not even a political party, they are just a media organisation. It’s simply not good enough how those with the power simply keep turning a blind eye.
The first duty of any British Government is to defend the nation and its people. ‘The chickens are coming home to roost’ and they knew this well over two years ago…………………..
Has H.M Government done anything about protecting us?
Will they do anything to protect us?
“”Ch Insp Bennett added: “At this stage of the investigation there is nothing to suggest that this is a hate crime but we are keeping an open mind on the motive at this time.” “”
Now its threats from Porsche . Brexitphobia couldn’t get more absurd! ………………
Right that’s it, that’s the last Porsche I am going to buy, its Aston Martin for me next! 😀
Isn’t it strange that Volkswagen haven’t joined in yet ?
Are these people real?
I see that Ford are getting worried as well
Perhaps they shouldn’t have moved their production out of the UK then!
Looks like sales of Andrex might be increasing in the EU …….
“Do they want to sell us cars, or what ?”
That’s the point isn’t it – do they want our money ?
If not they’ll have to go suck on their collective exhaust pipes.
LBC this week 10am regular presenter James O’Brien is on holiday.
Thank God a break from the bigot
… Nope a wall of Remainer Metro-Liberal bigotry has been lined up
Monday: David Lammy
Tuesday: Emily Thornberry
Wednesday: Tom Watson
Thursday: Anna Soubry
Friday: Jess Phillips
“There can be no changes to the Irish “backstop”, an arrangement to avoid a hard border between European Union member Ireland and British-ruled Northern Ireland after Brexit.
Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid told Reuters.”
Well heck! If the President of Estonia says – that’s it then.
And THE top story on BBC news webshite as at 1705 on Sunday 17 Feb. is that some woman terrorist apologist and supporter in Syria has given birth.
I just couldn’t give a f***, are you listening Al Beeb ?
Mind you, what’s the betting the SWP are already planning their ‘Jutice4Shamima’ campaign’?
Which the LeftMob and their buddies at the world’s finest impartial Islamic broadcaster will no doubt be eager to feature.
Car thief crushed by pursuing police. Well done. Next time crush the life out of the vermin. But what gets me is BBCs trigger warning: “contains some violence and upsetting scenes.” Well, f***** man up. The world isn’t a big liberal idealist cotton wool booboo land for wieners. Vermin like that deserve instant annihilation. Some Abdul, brother of two murdering camel jockeys, got knifed to death in Brighton. I wept for a long while and felt the awfulness of a lost life. He’s human too isn’t he? He deserves a life and a chance in spite of the Koran’s message of hatred? We must welcome back that poor Islamist girl and her issue. It was all a terrible mistake. She didn’t know what she was doing. She’d been radicalised. Like the bbc does for the progressive movement. Let us hug a car thieving hoodie and while we’re at it, cuddle a scimitar wielding mullah. Bollocks
Spot on Greisingel. Also, I have to say that I had to read the news article around three times before I could work out what al beeb was trying to avoid saying. I couldn’t work out (and still cant to be honest) how the missing driver of the vehicle managed to stab this poor unfortunate innocent in the back while driving and how this made him crash the car. It was like like an Eric Morecambe, “I’ve written all the words down about the incident….but not necessarily in the right order”
“Theresa May urges Tory MPs to unite and back deal”
Message to Al Beeb……………
Mrs Chamberlain doesn’t really want to leave the EU. The deal is not really independence for Great Britain.
Well over two years ago we voted for independence. Why are we waiting so long ?
The clock is still ticking towards crash out time. I realise that our PM is ostensibly a remainer but as long as she does nothing to stop the clock then she has my support. The voters want out and just maybe Mrs May will deliver. Fingers, legs and eyes crossed.
Lefty , you have more faith in her than I.
The delay and uncertainty for the last two years has damaged many companies . We should have left soon after the referendum.
She has achieved nothing in her negotiations with the EU . Nothing!
I don’t consider a “no deal” outcome as nothing. Who knows, come 29th March we may all stand shoulder to shoulder, pint in hand, singing Theresa jolly good fellow. I certainly hope so. Stranger things have happened.
The seismicboy returns
I see in my absence the bbc has not changed much with its pathetic liberal values.
“IS teenage bride Shamima Begum gives birth to boy”
aka a terrorist whore. She doesn’t mind seeing people’s heads chopped off in a bin. WTF?
Not the Beeb – I avoid it wherever possible – but Sky is just as bad (though it’s Freeview so I don’t pay for it). Interviewing Dolly Parton the interviewer says “you’re the queen of songwriting, are you ever, like this country, what with Brexit coming up…” I didn’t hear any more as I shouted WTF and woke the wife up from her snooze. But honestly, WTF!
After Arek Jozwik's death @BBCDanielS said "fear is that this was a frenzied racist attack triggered by the Brexit referendum" @BBCJohnsweeneyroar: "a story of the ugly mood in our country post-Brexit" All bullshit. Sanford & Sweeney are the #JussieSmollett's of BBC journalism
I’m sure that we thank everyone who helped in WW2 wherever they came from
So yes fine with the 9pm BBC Four show
: Fighting for King and Empire: Britain’s Caribbean Heroes
.about \\Thousands of Caribbean men and women volunteered to come to Britain during World War Two //
but I don’t agree
with their next statement
\\ but their contribution has largely been forgotten //
AND see this tweet
Can someone at @BBCFOUR explain why it has commissioned and is showing a programme featuring (and produced by) @Marcwads, who was expelled by @UKLabour last year following highly-publicised racist remarks made to Jewish MP @RuthSmeeth?
What is going on?@JewishLabour@BBCPolitics
Euan Philipps (@EuanPhilipps) February 17, 2019
Can we assume that this Begum tart would not be making headlines if her Dutch husband had not been imprisoned, and would continue to be happily married in her chosen Islamic state ?
Just a chuckle, but just watching Dolly Parton on the red carpet to see 9 to 5 the Musical, but standing behind her are SIX burley bodyguards scanning the crowd and rooftops !!!! I ask you, this is an aged Country singer with more ‘security’ than Trump, and considering she has a huge gay following, what IS the problem ??? I’m still laughing.
Around German 750,000 German jobs are dependent on exports to the UK.
Heard it on the bbc WS from a German so, unless it was said to elicit sympathy and change the minds of us leavers – it must be true.
The protesters were demanding a no-deal Brexit, an end to immigration, and an end to what they see as mainstream fake news and justice for three teenage boys killed by a drink-driver in London in 2018.
Fed, I think we do have to be careful on here, especially at the present time. Not just to respect our democracy and paid Representatives but also because the pro-Remainers and sympathetic media will make a big thing out of any perceived slight or hurt done by Brexiteers. See:
Can anyone help me ? Has the Emir of Londonistan or the local Labour PM or the Corbyn or the Shadow Home Secretary … had anything to say about the ISIS terrorist who wants to come to an enemy country …?
He must be cursing that the house of expenses isn’t on its planned holiday … or maybe actually it might cause a bit of discomfort ..which is nice …
wwfcMar 10, 11:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five charged with murder over shooting in street Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Harry Potter and Doctor Who star dies aged 63 as tributes pour in for the beloved actor” Surprised the…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 11:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun Far Right, Far Right As we know the bbc isn’t biased…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #2 – BBC getting over-excited by the news from Canada? Mark Carney, former Canadian Governor of the Bank…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 10:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC getting excited over the new globalist apointee Mark Carney. “Canada’s next PM Mark Carney vows to win trade war…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
You need to put a date on this or it is meaningless. Cameron was just another Western poorly paid politician who ended up in the Saudi pocket. Another ex PM who has refused his entitlement to a peerage because to do so would have meant having to reveal where his enormous enrichment was coming from.
As for the BBC I’m afraid you have to look to the heart of the swamp, our universities which are all funded by Saudi and other Middle Eastern oil rich countries with the intention of the furtherance of Islam. Because the BBC presenters have been through this indoctrination camp they have all been infected by it.
You wouldn’t mind, but the BBC are more than aware of the money coming into this countries edication system from these sources:
Even Prince Andrew has been affected by the filthy lucre:
And we know that Donald Trump has sucumbed to the glittering gold of the Arabs in his support for the crown prince over the Khassoggi murder.
ISIS is a Saudi creation, and Cameron did his level best to preserve it by attacking Assads troops from the air until outraged MPs stopped him.
The old adage ‘follow the money’ is as true today as it was then. Open your eyes and see the light
I don’t believe a word of the story about the Begum teenager.
The very thought that the Times sent a reporter out to the Middle East to search for her and was successful is absolute fantasy.
Only last week the MSM were reporting how dangerous it was for their reporters as they were deliberately targeted and yet we are now to believe that one of them had unrestricted access to the ISIS camps and everyone was really helpful in helping find our lost girl?
Since when do we believe that she has already had two children that have died due to the “appalling conditions” in the camp? The mother looked like she had eaten three Big Mac meals a day since she arrived and where did she get all that western make-up on her face?
How did the children die? Children don’t die for no reason. Where is the proof she’s actually telling the truth?
What chance that the Times reporter managed to find her when she is nine months pregnant and about to give birth. What a remarkable coincidence.
What actually happened is that she has been in constant touch with her lying, manipulative family who have then approached the Times and informed them of her location so that they can run this fake news story and pass it off as their own version of outstanding journalism. It’s nothing more than fake news by a complicit media who really are the enemy of the people.
If this murder-supporting little slag does return to the UK, will she be prosecuted for being complicit in murder? Will she be prosecuted for having underage sex? Will the UK authorities move heaven and earth to pursue the father for child maintenance?
What a load of lying, deceptive cheats the media are. I hope she and her ISIS supporting family receive the fate they deserve.
third – ‘…fake news by a complicit media who are really the enemy of the people.’
Says it all, really, in a nutshell.
In summary, I am reminded of the ‘mad’ media mogul (Elliot Carver) in the James Bond film, ‘Tommorow Never Dies” who sets out to create circumstances where a war is innitiated between the UK and China.
In the current BBC scenario, it is the BBC who is fanning the flames of disquiet and discontent between their fan base, islam and the far, far Marxist left and the ‘Normals’.
I have never understood what this idea, ‘the rise of the far-right’, means.
It creates an image of legions of Nazi stormtroopers rising out of their (British?) graves, like the skeletons in Jason and the Argonauts, whereas these are just ordinary people who have been living ordinary lives here with their families for generation.
If there is any ‘rise’ at all it is the large influx of ‘new Britons’ , imported brides, and the taxpayer-supported four-plus children per family. Depending where one lives this isn’t a minor thing either. My secondary school, 99% ‘white’, 1% Caribbean, is now 100% of Pakistani heritage. Invasion or colonisation are the words that come to my, clearly far-right, mind. Or simple observation of fact, BBC.
The rise of the so called ‘far right’ is quite easy to explain. It involves the left as usual moving the definitions of words to include almost everyone, so now as Tommy Robinson found you are far right if you oppose Islamification of the UK or further Islamic immigration – I have thie in writing from the BBC.
So seeing as the vast majority of the population oppose Islam and immigration it is easy to see where the rise in numbers comes from.
I have to confess that I’m one of those who joined the Conservative Party solely for the purpose of re-jigging the leadership voting. I’m, along with thousands of others, waiting patiently for my chance.
The foreigners wishing to take over the UK have used our laws to assist them. We, on the other hand, have numbers. We should use both the law and our numbers to make change. Whilst the numbers still count…………….
There could be a long queue of ex Tory MPs waiting for a job with the BBC …
@G I guess you meant to put a Twitte/Youtube link but it came out wrong
OOh, ah. Tried and I cant link it. I’m not familiar with anything Twitter/Facebook so I apologise. Simply don’t know how to put that right. Suggestions?
Try this:
I have to confess that three of my dogs joined the Labour Party to vote for Corbyn in my mistaken belief that Labour would be decimated in a General Election.
Alas, Treezer has virtually handed him the keys to Number 10.
OK @G finding that link on Twitter
and posting the URL of the Tweet gives us a preview of that webpage
Deselection Campaign Takes Off
Someone said the EU is a 1945 construct in a 2020 world . I always saw it as a left wing socialist model with a strong touch of RC attached to it .
Apart being undemocratic I think its chief fault is free movement of labour . Fine idea but wrong in practice when it is far easier to communicate and move than when first thought up .
And fails as the insanity one state just letting a million aliens in without agreement of the EU because the country – Germany – thinks it is the EU . A view with which I agree.
I just hope that when we are out of it others will give serious consideration to leaving too . And subsequently destroy the EU as currently configured and replace it with the ‘ never closer’ association of States
If the BBC favours it – it must be Far Left…
Sunday Quiz
“Aboard his yacht Grille at Kiel he told (the minister) in May of his vision of a United States of Europe under German leadership. ‘Years, perhaps even decades of work toward that end,’ commented the minister in his diary. ‘But what an end!’”
Q: Who had this vision, and who was the minister?
(Hint: The man with the vision had only one ball, and the poor minister had none at all. )
So yes, an idea born out of socialist totalitarianism.
The Isis terrorist girl has given birth to a Mohammed – according to the remainer mail . She seems to have survived the birth – unfortunately
Am I being too harsh ? No – but she and her friends would have chopped my head off as a non believer —and yours too in the ISIS State
I’m waiting for some lefty to start screaming ‘ moral panic ‘
At least that’s one ‘ excuse’ for bringing her to the UK . I’m sure – as we speak – her parents are on their way to the girl for a family reunion . Then ban them from coming back .
Today’s Project Fear winner is …
An airline which has failed ‘ because of Brexit ‘
There is a hilarious segment on the internet of the current NI Secretary ( who?) announcing that the said air line will be continuing its route from Derry Derry Londonderryderry ( take yer pic) – an announcement said politician made last Thursday .
So many thick MPs eh?
Statement from her lawyers say both in good health.
So, what are we supposed to do? — Hand out cigars
Do you suppose a compromise might be exploding cigars?
the only way to stop these type of things is the deport the entire extended family
Peter Shilton comes out as fully behind Nigel Farage
..”Yes Gary Lineker is a good friend, but I disagree completely with him on Brexit”
Move slider to 1h29m
The Begum woman has had her baby
..It will be half British, half Dutch cos the father is Dutch
… Why is no one considering them going to Holland ?
Rest of the 2 hours was a waste of time ..banging on about Begum ..A Distraction not news
She seems to have won the hearts of many a hardened MSM editor, many of whom seem, by sheer chance, to have been knocking about for the shower.
The entire rest of the population here, bar the odd Graun subscriber… not so much.
So Twitter what are you pushing at me today ?
Is Trump losing the plot?
He wants the Isis killers to return and face trial. Is he unaware that with our lefty judiciary, backed by media and fellow travellers, these returning Isis fighters – in the unlikely event they will be put on trial – will get light sentences, early release and enjoy life on benefits and free housing at the taxpayer’s expence.
Maybe he imagines our prisons to be like american supermaxes and life to mean life.
More likely he doesn’t think america should have to pay to keep them all in gitmo
Anything is better than bringing them back here.
Ex-military agree with us.
We give large amounts of aid to many Islamic countries. Just one phone call – hey take these Isis people and give them citizenship and do what you want with them, or we cut your aid.
Every time I think he’s losing the plot it turns out he’s playing a higher dimension of chess than most of us can see. I can only think he wants the powers-that-be to demonstrate their inability or unwillingness to deal with these matters and stoke up anti-establishment (for want of a better phrase) feeling.
I m thinking of putting a bet on which day next week the terrorist and baby terrorist lands in the UK, gets off the plane and says she’s a remainer….
Whatever happens in the USA, one can be assured the BBc North America team will:
A) Back a horse, when they should not. And,
B) Back the wrong one.
The mystery MAGA mobster and the attempted execution by shoving of Jon Sopel’s personal groomer has now joined this as ‘that which was HUGE, but now is maybe best left aside’:
… OK lets dip into the food prog
Title : “Should I boycott palm oil?” …Oh FFS
Presenter Sheila Dillon “so 10 years ago you really should have boycotted palm oil, but now the trees have ben cut down , what ?
..Famous Indian chef man, you used to be a big supporter of palm oil”
Chef man “although the plantation I visited was great the nearby ones could have been bad
.. so now we don’t use much palm , we stopped using ghee mostly
.. We get rapeseed from BBC Adam Henson’s farm in the Corswolds”
If only we could apply the same tactics to the BBC.
when even lefties think the russia conspiracy theorists have gone off the deep end
13:54pm Now on R4 Adrian Goldberg is plugging an eco-train
runs on LPG and flywheel
..The track into Stourbridge is just 1.3Km
It’s been running for 10 years
1.3Km is pointless ..I’d always just walk
a neighbour just recommended two Daily Express columnists
Wednesdays : Ann Widdecombe
Friday’s : Frederick Forsyth
Oh Weekends there’s NIck Ferrari
So with a heavy heart I tuned in to Question Time. My verdict?
Jacob Rees Mogg:
Soft on Islam. Soft on the causes of ‘radical’ Islam.
Not good enough, Jacob.
Absolutely, couldn’t agree more. The description, “a Dandy” springs to mind.
Not sure come the next GE I’ll have anyone to vote for now that our three traditional parties have made themselves – yes they’ve done it to themselves – utterly unelectable.
The country is crying out for leadership and change.
Come the next election the BBC and the rest of the media will continue to broadcast the pretence that the three (four in Scotland) main parties are arguing about any substantial differences.
More and more people can see that you’ll get broadly the same whichever of those parties is elected. If we want to make a difference we must agree a common strategy on who to vote for outside those parties, even where we may not fully agree with the agenda. Nothing will change for the better until the current parties are humbled, and we must risk unpredictable outcomes unless we would rather head in the same inexorable direction as at present.
My thinking so far is to ‘spoil’ my slip. “None of the above”. Perhaps.
they wont care , so long as you dont vote for ukip they will be happy
The only alternative is to vote or support UKIP and the new Brexit Party.
A grand coalition party to get us out of the EU.
Yes all, I’m hoping against hope that the Brexit Party amounts to something but I did that with UKIP and that didn’t go so well in the end.
The Brexit Party has nearly more members than the Tory Party.
Add that number to the number of UKIP members.
That equals a lot of very worried Tory MPs.
If the Government doesn’t get us out on WTO, the Tory Party is finished.
Why do they bother? It can only be about power – just as the Democrats have conspired to carry out a coup against Trump.
The bbc is attempting a coup against the people of this country by attempting to usurp a democratic vote.
Is that not criminal?
Will they attempt to overturn the next General Election result?
And yet the bbc are not even a political party, they are just a media organisation. It’s simply not good enough how those with the power simply keep turning a blind eye.
The first duty of any British Government is to defend the nation and its people. ‘The chickens are coming home to roost’ and they knew this well over two years ago…………………..
Has H.M Government done anything about protecting us?
Will they do anything to protect us?
another stabbing not to mourn
But this is what a Police manager had to say:
“”Ch Insp Bennett added: “At this stage of the investigation there is nothing to suggest that this is a hate crime but we are keeping an open mind on the motive at this time.” “”
Get Insp Clouseau on the case.
Now its threats from Porsche . Brexitphobia couldn’t get more absurd! ………………
Right that’s it, that’s the last Porsche I am going to buy, its Aston Martin for me next! 😀
Isn’t it strange that Volkswagen haven’t joined in yet ?
Are these people real?
Said it before – anyone seen any German car dealerships having closing down sales?
I see that Ford are getting worried as well
Perhaps they shouldn’t have moved their production out of the UK then!
Looks like sales of Andrex might be increasing in the EU …….
Well, we are hurting for sure – had our choices down between Ford or a Porsche. Now what!
(Ford only make some of their engines in the UK)
gaxvil, buy a Morgan! 🙂
Do they want to sell us cars, or what ?
question should really be ,
do we want the disloyal bastards to sell us cars, and how much should they pay for the privilege
“Looks like sales of Andrex might be increasing in the EU”.
That’s Blown it.
“Do they want to sell us cars, or what ?”
That’s the point isn’t it – do they want our money ?
If not they’ll have to go suck on their collective exhaust pipes.
LBC this week 10am regular presenter James O’Brien is on holiday.
Thank God a break from the bigot
… Nope a wall of Remainer Metro-Liberal bigotry has been lined up
Monday: David Lammy
Tuesday: Emily Thornberry
Wednesday: Tom Watson
Thursday: Anna Soubry
Friday: Jess Phillips
“There can be no changes to the Irish “backstop”, an arrangement to avoid a hard border between European Union member Ireland and British-ruled Northern Ireland after Brexit.
Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid told Reuters.”
Well heck! If the President of Estonia says – that’s it then.
So lets have a “hard” border! I don’t really see the problem.
And THE top story on BBC news webshite as at 1705 on Sunday 17 Feb. is that some woman terrorist apologist and supporter in Syria has given birth.
I just couldn’t give a f***, are you listening Al Beeb ?
Mind you, what’s the betting the SWP are already planning their ‘Jutice4Shamima’ campaign’?
Which the LeftMob and their buddies at the world’s finest impartial Islamic broadcaster will no doubt be eager to feature.
Sky seems to have been awarded the main contract.
I just noticed they have a ‘Why You Can Trust Us’ sticker, just like the BBC. Leads to:
Which no one sane would trust ever again. Just like the BBC.
I caught a bit of that on Sky ( I watched it on You Tube as I’ve disconnected the box, no more bBBC tv) and just found it abhorrent.
“It was nice at first, just like the videos”.
John Sparks and Sky News should hang their heads in shame.
A deal with the devil has been made.
Hopefully the result will work out as such deals tend to do.
Car thief crushed by pursuing police. Well done. Next time crush the life out of the vermin. But what gets me is BBCs trigger warning: “contains some violence and upsetting scenes.” Well, f***** man up. The world isn’t a big liberal idealist cotton wool booboo land for wieners. Vermin like that deserve instant annihilation. Some Abdul, brother of two murdering camel jockeys, got knifed to death in Brighton. I wept for a long while and felt the awfulness of a lost life. He’s human too isn’t he? He deserves a life and a chance in spite of the Koran’s message of hatred? We must welcome back that poor Islamist girl and her issue. It was all a terrible mistake. She didn’t know what she was doing. She’d been radicalised. Like the bbc does for the progressive movement. Let us hug a car thieving hoodie and while we’re at it, cuddle a scimitar wielding mullah. Bollocks
Spot on Greisingel. Also, I have to say that I had to read the news article around three times before I could work out what al beeb was trying to avoid saying. I couldn’t work out (and still cant to be honest) how the missing driver of the vehicle managed to stab this poor unfortunate innocent in the back while driving and how this made him crash the car. It was like like an Eric Morecambe, “I’ve written all the words down about the incident….but not necessarily in the right order”
“Theresa May urges Tory MPs to unite and back deal”
Message to Al Beeb……………
Mrs Chamberlain doesn’t really want to leave the EU. The deal is not really independence for Great Britain.
Well over two years ago we voted for independence. Why are we waiting so long ?
The clock is still ticking towards crash out time. I realise that our PM is ostensibly a remainer but as long as she does nothing to stop the clock then she has my support. The voters want out and just maybe Mrs May will deliver. Fingers, legs and eyes crossed.
Lefty , you have more faith in her than I.
The delay and uncertainty for the last two years has damaged many companies . We should have left soon after the referendum.
She has achieved nothing in her negotiations with the EU . Nothing!
I don’t consider a “no deal” outcome as nothing. Who knows, come 29th March we may all stand shoulder to shoulder, pint in hand, singing Theresa jolly good fellow. I certainly hope so. Stranger things have happened.
The seismicboy returns
I see in my absence the bbc has not changed much with its pathetic liberal values.
“IS teenage bride Shamima Begum gives birth to boy”
aka a terrorist whore. She doesn’t mind seeing people’s heads chopped off in a bin. WTF?
Hello seisicboy – welcome back.
Not the Beeb – I avoid it wherever possible – but Sky is just as bad (though it’s Freeview so I don’t pay for it). Interviewing Dolly Parton the interviewer says “you’re the queen of songwriting, are you ever, like this country, what with Brexit coming up…” I didn’t hear any more as I shouted WTF and woke the wife up from her snooze. But honestly, WTF!
Popeyes – “so what you’re really saying is “….that the BBC is coming around that the UK is actually leaving the ReichEU….
At last …
Had there not been the witnesses and cameras, I reckon Sopel would have done a Smollett. Both spineless, pathetic, nonentities.
I’m sure that we thank everyone who helped in WW2 wherever they came from
So yes fine with the 9pm BBC Four show
: Fighting for King and Empire: Britain’s Caribbean Heroes
.about \\Thousands of Caribbean men and women volunteered to come to Britain during World War Two //
but I don’t agree
with their next statement
\\ but their contribution has largely been forgotten //
AND see this tweet
The problem is that the BBC goes over the top
cos next thing is 90 mins is about Caribbean too
..and is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as well
Can we assume that this Begum tart would not be making headlines if her Dutch husband had not been imprisoned, and would continue to be happily married in her chosen Islamic state ?
I’m pretty sure the ‘husband ‘ isn’t Dutch – he s a citizen of ISIS
Just a chuckle, but just watching Dolly Parton on the red carpet to see 9 to 5 the Musical, but standing behind her are SIX burley bodyguards scanning the crowd and rooftops !!!! I ask you, this is an aged Country singer with more ‘security’ than Trump, and considering she has a huge gay following, what IS the problem ??? I’m still laughing.
11th Feb BBC news announce : Search for Shackleton’s lost ship Endurance begins.
14th Feb BBC news announces : Search for Shackleton’s lost Endurance ship called off
A little bit vague, but further investigation shows it to be too much sea ice.
Obviously not what fits the agenda…
Paul H has a debunk
\\ Although the BBC story is a bit vague, the expedition website makes absolutely clear that the ship got out because of the real risk of being trapped in sea ice //
\\ Indeed, the ship was already surrounded by sea ice before leaving //
What type of Remainer ?

Ha ha – I tried to put up the ‘remainer calendar ‘ floating around twitter but failed … it’s worth a look … particularly for Evette cooper -balls €€€…
Around German 750,000 German jobs are dependent on exports to the UK.
Heard it on the bbc WS from a German so, unless it was said to elicit sympathy and change the minds of us leavers – it must be true.
Yellow vests charged because I assume they fought back.
All named.
A result for the Met. Yay!
The protesters were demanding a no-deal Brexit, an end to immigration, and an end to what they see as mainstream fake news and justice for three teenage boys killed by a drink-driver in London in 2018.
Strange that they don’t report alleged Muslim paedophiles charged with rape and similar charges with the same prominence isn’t it . Reform the BBC
Language, mind the language. 😉
Ok Up2 – I’ve reported myself and warned myself and changed the word from ‘kill’ to ‘reform’ …. happy imogee.
Fed, I think we do have to be careful on here, especially at the present time. Not just to respect our democracy and paid Representatives but also because the pro-Remainers and sympathetic media will make a big thing out of any perceived slight or hurt done by Brexiteers. See:
“Wise as serpents, harmless as doves.” 😉 😉
Yesterday their own vids said
‘look at the police manhandling this pregnant woman’ etc.
Can anyone help me ? Has the Emir of Londonistan or the local Labour PM or the Corbyn or the Shadow Home Secretary … had anything to say about the ISIS terrorist who wants to come to an enemy country …?
Fed, I’m hoping that our present Home Sec will ask himself in this difficult matter not ‘What would Jesus do?’ but ‘What would Margaret Thatcher* do?’
(* Sajid Javid’s Uni ‘Pin up Girl’)
He must be cursing that the house of expenses isn’t on its planned holiday … or maybe actually it might cause a bit of discomfort ..which is nice …
Yep definately .