Yes, but what a stink by the human rights idiots and her friends and family. BBC reports “A friend of Ms Begum’s family, Dal Babu, said the Home Office’s decision was “bizarre”. And her defence lawyer will explore options, which means they will hire an Amal Clooney or Cherie Blair type to undermine our security and find a bagman, liberal judge.
Frankly, I believe all moslems would be happier in their land of origin. It is after all a middle eastern religion and they are those lands’ people. Christianity, 600 years earlier, graduated from it’s own middle eastern origins to the west with St Peter, the moslem thing stayed east. You know how El Cid felt when that plague came west. I needn’t remind you what he achieved for Europe 900 years ago.
For once the UK is showing it has some mettle. And the BBC knows it must approach it’s Islamic propaganda with caution, easing the pro-Begum message upon Britain, aware of the ire it risks receiving.
One thing I have learnt. The arab spring, bbc’s pet project, was a cataclysm creating political vacuums into which terrorism flowed. We must learn to leave nations that are backward in their fundamentalist religious attitude alone; perhaps better led by the Saddams, Assads, Gadaffis etc. Imagine if the middle east did not have oil. It would still be like Africa – tribal, internecine, poor, and not in our face.
That pompous useless twat Cameron thought it would be a great idea
to overthrow Gaddafi ,as you say creating a perfect vacuum for Islamic
nutters to fill.
madandbad, you are naive if you think it was that simple.
Cameron like all Western leaders was bought by the Saudis long before he became PM. Saudi wanted Gaddafi removed because he posed a threat to them in attempted to produce an African equivalent to the Arab League – headed by Saudi, of African oil producing countries.
Every action taken by Western leaders with regard to the Middle East is undertaken in the interest and at the direction of Saudi and their allies, and they pay handsomly for it.
Why do you think that not a single Prime Minister since Major has taken up their entitlement to a peerage? It’s because if they did they would have to disclose their source of income, and they don’t want us knowing!
Quite correct. The interference by the west in arab affairs has indeed always been orchestrated by Saudi wealth (itself, made vastly rich by US petrodollars in the last 100 years – the irony). Good post.
Greisingel : Frankly, I believe all moslems would be happier in their land of origin. It is after all a middle eastern religion and they are those lands’ people. Christianity, 600 years earlier, graduated from it’s own middle eastern origins to the west with St Peter, the moslem thing stayed east. You know how El Cid felt when that plague came west. I needn’t remind you what he achieved for Europe 900 years ago.
Couldn’t agree more. Sooner or later the West will have to fight to stay Western against not just Muslims but all the lefty idiots.
Let’s hope this is the template for the rest of the muslim killers. And that it is extended to muslims who are living here, not just those who want to return.
yes, it seems finally someone has drawn a line. Anyone who admits not being bothered by seeing human heads in a dustbin can stay away. We do have some standards left in the UK thankfully.
We are told on the BBC that Shamima Begum lost her first two babies because of malnutrition and disease. In the nicest possible way, judging by her face which looks plump , Shamima doesn’t look as though that is a risk with her third baby. Her clothes appear clean and we have seen her in different black outfits – it just makes me wonder what conditions she is living under and what is her real motivation for wanting to return to the UK.
Stop Press ? a politican leaving the labour party is enought to start a new thread ? when the biggest story that has erupted the whole country about an Islamistand is being actively misrepresnted by the BBC is still going on ? Hmm
Oh Annunaki
The thread got long and it was time to start a new one . At the same time the news came through of another splitter so l thought I’d mention it .
At the risk of repeating myself, I repeat myself as a quote from the USA:
slamic Takeover: Why Mass Immigration Signals ‘the End of Britain’
Dale Hurd
LONDON – Last week’s terror attack by a British-born Muslim proves again that a radical community exists within Britain. Its goal: create an Islamic nation. And there is a quieter force at work that will likely achieve that desire long before guns, bombs and violence.
This is not Karachi. It’s London.
Britain’s policy of mass immigration has brought what one expert calls “demographic upheaval” to the United Kingdom that could change almost everything.
American Killed in London Terrorist Attack that Mowed Down Dozens of Victims
‘Easy Meat.’ Britain’s Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up
Is Great Britain Next ISIS Target?
“Finis Britanniae” – The End of Britain
It’s now a demographic certainty. Someday the white native English will be a minority in their own country, including the native Welsh and the Scots.
It’s just a matter of when.
Professor David Coleman is a supernumerary fellow in human sciences and university professor in demography at Oxford. He’s has written that uncontrolled immigration could lead to “finis Britanniae.”
“Which simply means the end of Britain, and by that, I mean the end of Britain as we know it,” Coleman said.
“The point I was making is the change in the number of people and particularly the change in the origins of people, in their religion, in their cultural background, would make Britain unrecognizable compared with the present time,” he said.
Immigration can strengthen a nation. But several western nations, including the United States, are debating the wisdom of large-scale immigration from the Islamic world. And experts wonder what will happen as Muslim numbers continue to grow in officially Christian Britain.
In the dystopian masterpiece Children of Men, ethnic division and civil war wracks Britain in 2027. Armed Muslim gangs fight a government that is hunting down and deporting immigrants while trying to maintain order.
Britain’s future is not likely to be this violent, but it may not be peaceful either.
When the Christian activist group Britain First took large crosses through Luton’s Bury Park last year, angry Muslims confronted them.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s our country.
WHITE MAN: It’s your country, is it, yeah?
MUSLIM MAN: Yeah mate, it’s our country.
WHITE WOMAN It’s a Christian country.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country.
WHITE WOMAN Yes it is.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country, mate….You’re jealous. You’re jealous that we’re taking over.
MUSLIM WOMAN: The Muslims will take over. Watch.
Urban areas are becoming increasingly Islamic whereas rural area are becoming increasingly English, and there’s a retreat away from these two populations. That’s the future.
Policy analyst George Igler says he does believe it will take 40 or 50 years before the native British are a minority.
“This is a nonsense. It’s going to be much sooner. And more importantly, when you look at places like Luton. When you look at the experience of women in Cologne. We already have a window into what this future will be like. It’s going to violence and sexual violence against non-Muslims. It’s going to be insistence on Sharia Law,” Igler said.
Drastic Changes on the Horizon
Professor Coleman, who stressed he is not anti-Muslim but is simply looking at statistics, nevertheless said the changes could be drastic.
“There are strong currents in Muslim society which wish to see Muslim approaches to diet, to marriage and would like to see Sharia Law incorporated formally into British Law or in respect to some extremist groups would like to see Sharia Law replace British Law,” he said.
More than a half million non-British citizens immigrated to the United Kingdom in 2016. European Union rules prevented Britain from stopping migration from within Europe, but that brought European migrants.
Coleman says Brexit, Britain’s exit from the E.U., will not necessarily stop the influx of immigrants from non-European Islamic nations.
‘England Is Not Going to be England Anymore’
Great Britain was a factory for Muslim terrorists long before last week’s attack on Westminister Bridge by a British-born Muslim. At least 850 British citizens have left the U.K. to join ISIS.
“Look, we have around 100 Sharia courts in this country. We’re the only western country with a functioning network of Sharia tribunals and councils. They’re dealing with marriages, divorce, even with criminal matters. They’re marrying children,” said Anne Marie Waters, from Sharia Watch.
If demographic trends continue, British schools will change when most of the pupils are from non-British backgrounds, as will British foreign policy and military alliances.
“England is not going to be England anymore,” Igler says.
In its street protests against the Islamization of Britain, the English Defence League used to sing ‘we want our country back.’ If current demographic trends continue, it may be too late for that.
Last night on the BBC1 10pm news there was a brief report about the lack of BME recruits into the Metropolitan police – only about 15% if I remember the numbers correctly. The report was saying how many years it will take to get recruitment to reflect the actual population and just briefly the figure of 40% popped up. This figure is disturbing enough – but with anything like this one can assume an underestimate. London is the UK’s capital city and even by these figures nearly half its people are probably recent immigrants. I know I shouldn’t be surprised (I do travel by tube) but I had thought a capital city should reflect its country.
I find it difficult to imagine that a Muslim PC is going to be fair with non-Muslims, particularly Jews. And if he wasnt, the Establishment will do everything to hide that fact, and suppress the evidence.
If you were to exclude all those who indulge in criminal activity and have had the unlikely misfortune to have been apprehended, that figure will fall dramatically.
“Salmon farms raided as part of EU competition probe”
“A spokesperson for Scottish Sea Farms said: “We can confirm that we, like other Norwegian-owned companies in Scotland, have been visited by EC officials and are co-operating fully.”
Will the EU “probe” the other nations with the same alacrity as they probe the Scottish ones?
Is the EU is beginning to turn the screws on the UK?
“Thousands protest against anti-Semitism in France”
What’s really the root cause of this ?
And, breaking now……… Another MP leaves Labour, anti-Semitism .
What’s the common cause in both countries, anyone?
Now where does all this Jew hatred in France emanate from? The BBC and MSM do not tell us. The National Socialist party of Britain too is full of Jew hatred. Where does it come from?
The fact that no one mentions it, is a clear indication who/what is the source of this new Jew hatred.
We are entering a phase of history where Britain, France and even Germany, mainly EU nations, will be in the same cultural position as Nazi Germany.
We know that Jews cannot wear a kippah in cities like Birmingham or London. Too Christian vicars have been advised not to wear dog collars in major cities of Britain. Ditto in Paris and other major cities in France.
There is no easy solution to this except an exchange of populations. Muslims back to Pakistan and Bangladesh, and we accept the persecuted Christians in these countries. Else we are looking at a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. Innocents on both sides will, quite unnecessarily, suffer greatly.
Brexit and Yellow Jackets is just the first phase. The Globalists and Left realise that too.
Do we really want the USA and Russia to become allies, and set out to free European nations once again from neo-Nazism.
Churches are being attacked all over France. Too, Christian and Jewish cemeteries.
What is happening is the removal of all traces of a Judeao-Christian French heritage , so Muslims can claim that France has always been Muslim, or all French converted to Islam.
This is exactly what happened in all countries where Muslims became rulers. All Muslim countries do this. Even Jordan when it was occupying Jerusalem.
The most extreme of this MO is in Afghanistan. But India too, where the only ancient temples are in the south.
So that means a welfare state that no one from anywhere else in the world can draw on but only British people .
Same for the NHS .
All illegals to be deported without huge expense . A thorough investigation of all NI numbers given to those born overseas .
All senior civil servants to have a pay cut and the retirement age raised to 65 , seventy five within three years . Their pensions taxed as unearned income at eighty percent .
Foreign aid and the Foreign Office to be cut back by 75% . No more stomping the world stage for Blairite politicians .
No more bad policies that hurt any Britons , our industries or businesses just so that bloated headed politicians can claim we are the worlds leaders in combatting climate change or whatever other fad the BBC pushes . Reopen coal mines .
All our rubbish to be collected weekly and sorted into recyclables or not by prisoners , those that get the most recycled stuff earn parole .
All rates in town centres for shops to be reduced 50% , ditto for any pubs .
All money earned in the UK , taxed in the UK , spent in the UK .
The snowflake, bleeding heart liberals won’t like that. Our National Health Service has become an international health service, paid for by us the British People.
No recruiting of known communists into the Civil Service, background checks on applicants before being employed into the Civil Service and rooting out and firing all communists and their sympathisers currently in the Civil Service.
The problem of Islamisation will not go away, as Muslims know that sooner or later, they will enforce Sharia quitelegally via parliament.
Then will start the burning of churches, and the persecution and murder of Atheists, Hindus, Jews and Christians, as is the normal MO. Atheists first as they are the worst, being in denial of Allah. Hindus next as they are idolaters. Jews and Christians last, as they are designated people of the Book.
British citizenship revoked from Begum because her mother is Bangladeshi, which in turn gives Begum a second nationality so is theoretically not stateless.
Now the bleeding hearts are saying her innocent baby is by birth a British citizen, so there shouldn’t be a reason to deny its entry into the UK. The baby’s father is Dutch (isn’t he ?), so surely the baby would also have dual nationality – therefore why should only Britain be responsible for its welfare, could not the Netherlands be involved too ?
Or just send the whole ghastly brood back to Pakistan where she could marry a 90 year old goat farmer and shagger, and hopefully never to be heard of again.
It is odds on that the family will appeal against the revocation of citizenship , helped by some human rights lawyer, and that the court of appeal will accept the appeal and this woman will be allowed back into the country. Even if the UK Supreme Court holds firm the case will end up at the ECJ or some other supranational court and the result will be the same.
It becomes clearer with each passing month that the tentacles of the liberal Globalist left reach ever further. I think that there is now a strong case to say that right across the West democracy has been defeated , or at least seriously undermined, by a Globalist elite who have placemen and women in all our institutions to ensure that no matter the people want , or who they vote for , they have no ability to overturn the rule of the elite by democratic means. If the people wake up and realise this and start to protest they will be suppressed exactly as are the yellow vests in France.
@Taffman You are right
Maxi had left me an open goal
but he’s not here to debate , he is just here to waste our time
.. that’s why he never answers our simple questions.
One cannot reason , with someone who is no reasonable.
But that ADL graph is an informative exercise
Maxi pops up and essentially says
‘See here’s a graph that shows right wingers commit all the ideological murders’
– Our first question should be : Is it news or PR ?
..It looks that way at first glance
and then after we’ve been down the rabbit hole of checking’s all confirmed
..But we learn that the lib-propagandists are just so blatant.
ADL has been hijacked by Obama man Greenblatt, into a vehicle for pushing left-wing Democratic politics
(Strong support for BLM Black Lives Matter, even tho BLM elements been anti-Semitic)
You can see from the graph’s title that like Chris Mooney’s book The Republican Brain all they are trying to do create an NPC meme
: “Republican man bad, terrorist ” …. “Lefty man good, peaceful”
To that end they had to torture the data , to get the picture they wanted
..hence a normal murder by a Right winger is classed as an ideological crime
…………. .and then the BBC R4 science guy interprets that as *terrorism* FFS !
OK Some guy punched Maajid Nawaz on Monday
He seems OK, but I am surprised that it hasn’t been all over the media
I guess it was some nutter 90%,
…but antifa are also so screwed up, I guess , they’d do weird false flag stuff.. so maybe 10% chance of that.
Tonight I was racially attacked while alone outside Soho theatre, from behind, as I bent down to pick up my phone. The white male assailant called me a “fucking Paki” as he hit me in the face with maybe a signet ring & ran away like a coward. He took nothing. He was just a racist
Why isn’t Mr Nawaz referred to as a former muslim terrorist when he’s mentioned in the MSM? Tommy Robinson is always awarded the epithet ‘ former EDL leader ‘?
What’s good for the goose….
Unlike the normal libmob Nawaz has asked for no outrage bus
..Lack of media hype perhaps explained by his own plea not to politicise the event.
.. He himself mildly politicises it, by saying ‘look there isn’t much prejudice cos all these white/non-muslim people helped me.
But he’s certainly not milking it.
(As ever I say one should just keep an open mind , instead of rushing to conclusions .. the magnitude is quite small compared to stabbings etc.
There was a punch, there was a racist shout, we don’t know the motivation of the attacker)
Hundreds of child victims of these crimes and lifes ruined with no acknowlegement by the racist BBC of the impact, unless a paki or Syrian kid gets pushed around at school and its headline news and they wonder why the UK 85% popluation gets pissed off ? go figure
Toady watch
The beekeeper had an early morning interview with the latest Labour Party splitter who wanted to talk . Instead Martha did a standard BBC interruption job to prevent adverse comments about Comrade Corbyn .
Then the humph interviewed an apologist for the female Isis supporter . The apologist was an ex copper called Babu . I thought it shows what the police have come to when an enemy of the UK is defended by a copper .
muslim “council of britian” and their weasel words:
“Ms Begum should be allowed to return home to face the consequences of her actions, where we can determine any security threat she may pose, and exactly what physical and psychological impact her experience has had. We also should not neglect her (British) unborn child and ensure s/he does not suffer the same fate as Ms Begum’s first two children.
Britain’s response to this case should demonstrate our commitment to justice and the rule of law – qualities that are sorely missing in the death and destruction of Daesh. A transparent process is something guaranteed to every British citizen, regardless of their actions. There is nothing more that Daesh would want than for us to turn to retribution in response to their actions. Let us not afford them the luxury.”
just goes to show where their true interest lies and their obsession with their own at the expense of this countries’ culture, opinions and of course security, why oh why did we import these snakes into our country and allow them UK passports
For a refreshing change the BBC is bleating about the ‘gender pay gap’ actually going up in some organisations!
Do they not consider that perhaps this shows that there is no problem to be solved in the first place? If such a song and dance were made over a real problem that needed to be fixed (and could be fixed) it is inconceivable that it could actually get worse. Clearly the only problem is women not making the free choices SJWs want them to. Are we really supposed to believe that in this current climate businesses are actually getting more sexist?
They must have watched Jordan Peterson’s interview with Cathy Newman where he debunks it. They just pretend they have never heard his key points and plough on regardless, causing so much hassle, tyranny and annoyance. A key symptom of the SJW illness seems to be imperviousness to evidence.
They used a sample size of 10% as 90%, yes, 90% of firms have not submitted the data yet. They have until April.
So, if that sample size had shown the gap had reduced , would they have run the story given only 10% of data is in. NO.
Quick look round our office, 15 women, 10 on reduced hours / part time. Enough said.
Massive box tick for the BBC earlier tho, to discuss this they had a black women on …..a black women talking about the gender pay gap …. thats porn to the BBC that is !!!
No maternity leave ? which the employer has to pay for then pay for a temporary worker to fill the gap if they can find one willing to work up to a week before the pregnant one decides whether to return or not
I wanted to do a sketch of BBC commissioning a show.
First a white man comes in and pitches a brilliant idea but they talk over him then tell him to f**k off.
Another white man comes in with another great idea but they ignore him and tell him to f*ck off.
Then a black women comes in and they all jump from their seats to shake hands and embrace her. She says she is from a Muslim background and the two men start feeling their crotches. She says one word of her pitch:
“We love it! We want to do eight series of it.”
“But you have not even heard the idea?”
“We want to give you your own show as well. Here’s a suitcase full of cash.”
Sajid Javid’s revoking of Shamima Begum’s citizenship ‘RACIST and DANGEROUS’ says academic
THE decision to withdraw Shamima Begum’s British citizenship has been branded “racist” by a leading academic.
suffice to say I sincerely doubt he can trace his lineage back too far in this country, maybe some 3rd word hell hole he or his forbears ran from to here and he turns like a rabid dog onto this country and the opinions of the natives
Suffice to say, the British citizenship of all those in any way associated (now or retrospectively) with proscribed terror groups should similarly be revoked immediately, so that any suggestion of inconsistency cannot be used as a legal argument to reverse the Begum decision.
I’m sure the majority hold, or are entitled to, dual nationality/citizenship.
Annunaki, Begum loved this country so much that she left it to sleep with an unknown jihadi and produce more little jihadis. Come to Tipton in the West Midlands and see one of the Tipton Taliban driving around in a high spec Range Rover (I kid you not) that he bought with some of his one million pound compensation.
‘Fraid not, Annunaki. I’ve just had to Google to find out what the Peakoil Wars is. Truth be told, I’m Maxicony’s evil twin sister but let’s keep that just between us, shall we?
PEAKOIL, A Luton jihadist infesting various Luton press comments pages, demanding speshul schools for his kids as we are, apparently, decadent, a point he failed to make on his immigraton application for some unfathomable reason, but happy to endlessly make once he got his hands on a UK passport, Cassandra was helpful in responding to his racist sexist and homophobic posts…and even the Johnston press had to act against him in the end which says a lot
So, what has ole Justin have to say about this clearly still front page event?
By Justin Parkinson
Shamima Begum: IS teenager’s family consider legal action
Shamima Begum
Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, has been told she is to lose her UK citizenship. It is possible to strip the 19-year-old of her British nationality as she is eligible for citizenship in another country – Bangladesh – according to Whitehall sources.
But Ms Begum’s family’s lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, has promised to use “all legal avenues” to challenge the decision. He said: “Our position is that to all practical purposes she has been made stateless.”
Ms Begum, from east London, was found in a Syrian refugee camp last week and gave birth to a son at the weekend. She told the BBC she wanted to come back to the UK to raise her child and did not want to be an IS “poster girl”.
She is believed to be of Bangladeshi heritage but, when asked by the BBC, she said did not have a Bangladesh passport and had never been to the country. BBC Reality Check looks at how countries deal with people returning from IS.
east is East, and West is West, but legal aid is always best.
Luckily for her, in addition to Justin and the entire cubicle gardens of the BBC, BBC Reality Check is on it.
At 15 she was old enough to go to the ME (without speaking Arabic) so at 19 she is quite capable of going to Bangladesh. Or Holland to her ‘husband’s’ country but we had better quit the EU soon or she will get here anyway.
One would have thought they would show some kind of loyalty and drive around in an Iranian made car, or Syrian or Iraqi or…hmm hang on a minute, there is a pattern here, what about mobile phones ? or designer gear or even the bloody guns they are so fond of, anything really what do they contribute to the world ? answers on a postcard
The handwringers are out in force this morning, defending Shamima Begum’s right to return to the UK. Ken Clarke says she should return even though “she’s clearly a security risk” as he put it.
If we are forced to take this thing back then she should be locked up for life, no remission, and kept on a diet of pork and beer for the rest of her miserable life.
Ah but the US has never done Socialism but some are awfully keen to try it. Sanders maybe a less rabid version of Corbyn and is offering to make heaven on Earth – with lots of free stuff, of course.
Toady just started the BBC’s campaign to bring the Jihadi bride/mother back ‘home’. Two interviewees (one an immigrant foreigner – solicitor, needless to say) both agree. Expect to hear more about the BBC’s campaign in the future.
I have no doubt that contributors here will see through our muslim Home Secretary’s efforts to prove that he is tough on those who most of the public shun for good reason. He, as a muslim, is showing how he deals with such issues: temporarily sacrificing Begum to ultimately benefit the larger number of his cult perhaps even if they don’t see it that way at present. How our courts will deal with the issue is anyone’s guess. But I have an idea……
After all, there are many thousands of those who would wish to return. In other arenas our own military display PTSD why not jihadi returnees? The State will be shoring up the claim that, “he was suffering from a mental health issue”. To be medically provable.
A legal precedent has to be set and our muslim Home Secretary will have the legalities taken out of his hands: “Not me, but your own legal system allowed her back”.
Expect even more ‘toughness’ to show simply to prove to the 86% of the population his stalwart ‘Britishness’ credentials and attempt to demonstrate that he sides with the home side. At prayer time, I would hope he ponders on why many of the unconvinced will never trust his motives and taqiyya.
Sarah Brett on R5 this morning… one caller challenged the narrative that she was radicalised online, pointing out that she may have been radicalised by her family. Sarah was very careful to cut him short and not say anything ‘we’ aren’t sure about; a vague sense of legal foreboding wafting over the airwaves.
If that was the benchmark for trust and impartiality, the BBC’s output would dwindle to practically zero
Now an effeminate man is on BBC ‘news’ promoting his gender neutral hair products. It never stops.
I wish all the equalities professionals could stop working on not enough female astronomers, football teams wearing rainbow shirts etc and instead focus exclusively on reducing the murder rate among certain groups; maybe even throw their weight around stopping the racist child rapists who are still wreaking havoc? Sorry – how ‘far right’ of me for thinking rape and murder are more pressing issues than gender neutral shampoo.
The annoying thing is that there are countries, like most of the Islamic world, where homosexuals are in real danger on a continual basis, but the liberal handwringers don’t seem to care so much about that. They just want to have a go at elderly British people who run bed and breakfasts in the middle of nowhere and who insist on rooms being shared by men and women, and so on.
I have learnt to stay clear of attempts to defend gays and LBGTers from RoPers. Too many gays have made it clear that I should keep quiet, even the Gays Against Sharia lot complained .
When they start rounding them up in our cities I will stay at home.
Is that Peter Tatchel on the right ? I thought he was a common sense sort of person nowadays . Back to doublethink now is it ? Two contradictory thoughts at the same time .
We are now reaping the benefits of the Blair years: ejucashun they are emerging from their socialist indoctrination into the world, with their twisted ideologies, many infesting the BBC and the result is plain to see for those that have eyes
Did not ask that of Cliff Richard, not black enough maybe and maybe they should be asking whether they can separate Jim’ll Fix It from good ole Jimmy ? some reruns of that on primetime TV ? thought not…
Last night on BBC R4’s TWT (10pm) there was a wonderful ‘I’m sorry, I’ll read that again’ moment. In the News Bulletin, the newsreader, if my ears did not deceive me, said something like –
“Jeremy Corbyn has been speaking about the MPs who have left the Labour Party and said that he will have to take people with him.”
Er, what?
(Gromit puts paw in left ear and agitates paw vigorously.)
I’m sure they don’t use a pic of a Muslim woman for every episode, but 2 days later they did again
…. And note the Solar Trade Association are chuffed with the PR the programme ran for them.
Did you hear the #solar piece on @BBCRadio4's The World Tonight last night? Featuring fantastic interviewees including the STA's @LeonieGreene, West Sussex CC Leader Louise Goldsmith, and solar researchers from @lborouniversity.
Tuesday @BBCWorldTonight used a pic of swastika daubed at a Strasbourg Jewish cemetery
Friday : pic of angry Indian crowd burning Pak flag after Kashmir bomb
Thursday : Trump & wall
Wednesday : Muslim jihadi girl
Tuesday : El Chapo : Mexican drug lord
Monday : The Happy Hijabbed women : part of the crowd celebrating 40 years of the Islamic Republic in Iran
…. Generally they choose stuff according to libmob agenda lots of bad photos of Trump and May, and positive photos of BME etc.
Pretty as those ladies are, Stew, Beeb News is very Westminster-centric. The mental image of Gromit, paw in ear, (& Wallace) is a welcome diversion, too.
11am R4 prog about illegals crossing the Channel
\\ Dangerous Crossings follows three families willing to risk everything as they pay smugglers and prepare to cross the Channel to reach the UK.
They are contemplating very different crossings and share their plans with aid worker, Rob Lawrie, who has been providing food and support to refugees at the makeshift Dunkirk camp. He has got to know the families and they are open about their hopes for a life in Britain and the lengths they will go to in order to turn their dreams into reality //
long blurb
Apparently we’ve got it all wrong
The BBC has found a charity worker that warns them not to go
(which means that real charity workers actually aid and abet the smuggling)
The refugees the BBC has found are all women and children, who HAVE to go to England cos they have relatives there.
And they are Christian
(Not hordes of single Muslim men looking for easy money and easy sex)
The UK policy is to watch the migrant boats let them land and intercept there catch people smugglers
Rather that intercept at sea, cos then the migrants jump in the sea and it turns into a big timewasting event.
Ah one Iranian man tells how they got rescued by British coastguard and brought back to France
So this aid worker is aiding and abetting an illegal act !
Imagine putting someone up in a safe house , knowing he was going to commit a crime .
Imagine giving succour to someone who was going to try to assassinate Theresa May .
He should be arrested and charged .
What we need from the beeb is an interview with that great thinker of our time, our glorious shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott about this Begum case. I’m sure she would see that this is just another case of racism and islamaphobia from the disgusting British people.
Mind you, on that note i’m still waiting for sikhaphobia and hinduaphobia to kick in in this country, it can’t be long surely.
According to Farrage the issue about removing passports is not resolved. Suppose the next few hundred returning murderers don’t have dual nationality and we are stuck with them?
As for the call to try her here and give her a long sentence if guilty. We need to ask two questions:
1. How much will the judge be paid to give her a lenient sentence?
2. In the event of a severe sentence will it be possible to provide around the clock protection for the judge from the many hundreds of her comrades already here?
The jury was told that the speech, which took place in the garden of a suburban home in Luton, was made to an audience that included men who are accused of encouraging support for Islamic State.
The unidentified speaker, referred to only as “Mohammed” from west London, also criticised the Gay Pride parade held in London every summer.
Introduce the death penalty for terrorist offences commutable to deportation and revocation of British citizenship if the perpetrator is eligible/would have been eligible at the time of the offence for dual nationality (even if they don’t actually physically possess another passport).
Planet WomansHour … “ooh sexism in nursing jobs
..MEN hold 20% of the management jobs !
In Northern Ireland it’s 30%”
Jenny Murray “So how big is the gender pay gap, are men doing the SAME job getting higher pay”
… doh there are 41,000 nursing vacancies if it’s such a gret deal for men,why all these vacancies
It is home to a large Kashmiri community, and as such is strongly Islamic; clothes shops have well-covered mannequins, newsagents periodically close for prayer, pubs do not sell alcohol.
But among this traditionalist infrastructure, elements of modernity have begun to bloom, from internet cafes to betting agents. The district now exists in a cultural limbo, somewhere between east and west, theocracy and secularism, past and present.
The contradictions are readily apparent: the adhan (call to prayer) echoes from minarets, mingling with the screams of Lady Gaga from passing hatchbacks. Women walk by in burqas while carrying Hilfiger bags. Islamic charity banks sit on roadsides for locals to deposit garments, next to weapon-banks for twitchy youths to deposit knives.
An example of Luton’s contradictions.
It wasn’t long before I encountered a shifty group at a stall on Leagrave Road. They were twenty-something British Kashmiris dressed in thawbs, distributing leaflets about the Syrian Civil War.
I decided to approach them. One of them handed me a leaflet, which showed corpses of children killed by bombs, their flesh scorched to flakes, their lips peeled away into vicious grins. Noticing my shock, the activist told me, “This is happening to Muslims in Syria and across the world. You wanna know why? Blame our so-called governments.”
I asked the man what he thought of the West’s last intervention, in Iraq.
Another member of the group stepped forward. He had a wild-eyed stare and a thick straggly beard like a frozen explosion. “Where you from?” He asked, eyeing me with paranoid saccades. “Are you even Muslim?”
I am an atheist of Punjabi Sikh origin — the worst possible combination for the Kashmiri jihadis of Bury Park. To prevent a potential cold shoulder (or worse), I lied that I was indeed Muslim.
They didn’t seem convinced. I tried to deflect attention to themselves, but they were only interested in talking about how evil the rafidah (Shia) and the kuffar (infidel) West were.
I asked if I could take a photo, and was curtly denied. “If you don’t care about the brothers and sisters in Syria, you ain’t a Muslim.”
Ctd, as these are our “moderate muslims” to the outside world, the parents and relatives of the vicous ISIS slags View at
As I later learned, the rickety little stall was a front for an international terrorist organisation responsible for more attacks in the UK than any other group. The organisation became nameless in 2010 for legal reasons, but in this report I’ll refer to it by its original name, al-Muhajiroun (“The Exiles”, or “The Emigrants”).
I wanted to know more about them. I approached those I thought would be most privy to town gossip, the taxi drivers, and asked them.
Inside, Luton Islamic Centre is sparsely decorated, lacking the filigreed ink patterns prevalent in other mosques. This is befitting of its Salafism, which seeks to return society to a simpler, “purer” form of existence.
While undercover at the mosque, I found the people there friendly, if a little homophobic, antisemitic, and anti-Western. I overheard one worshipper tell another that someone was “worse than a Jew”. Meanwhile, the mosque’s chairman, Abdul Qadeer Baksh, called homosexuality an “abomination”.
However, I had expected this kind of thinking, as it is common in Bury Park.
One taxi driver, Ishi, said “They live in their own world. They think there’s a holy war, here, outside the supermarket.”
I asked him if they were dangerous. “I wouldn’t mess with them,” said Ishi.
I asked how they had been radicalised. Ishi told me that certain mosques in the town preached highly intolerant versions of Islam. He named one specific mosque, the Luton Islamic Centre.
Inside, Luton Islamic Centre is sparsely decorated, lacking the filigreed ink patterns prevalent in other mosques. This is befitting of its Salafism, which seeks to return society to a simpler, “purer” form of existence.
While undercover at the mosque, I found the people there friendly, if a little homophobic, antisemitic, and anti-Western. I overheard one worshipper tell another that someone was “worse than a Jew”. Meanwhile, the mosque’s chairman, Abdul Qadeer Baksh, called homosexuality an “abomination”.
However, I had expected this kind of thinking, as it is common in Bury Park.
Since the BBC is full to the brim of fair-minded, impartial, objective, intrepid and courageous media workers, we look forward to them exploring all aspects of the Begun case rather than simply wringing their hands and insisting that the poor dear be allowed to return to live in serenity and comfort in the UK.
No doubt a few of the intrepid ones will hop eagerly over to Syria to explore Syrian law ( if such a phenomenon exists) regarding marriage and offspring. Perhaps Begun will be declared a child refugee who fled intolerable and dangerous conditions in the UK and who, since she got married and bore a child in Syria, is now a Syrian citizen along with her husband and entitled to housing and other benefits from the state.
Norman Smith on Victoria Derbyshire looks like he’s close to orgasm at the prospect of ‘Tories jumping ship’. If people like Soubry are conservatives i’m a pineapple.
Mind you , for once, i don’t mind saying, that i much prefer Joanne Gosling to that whining Derbyshire woman and most of the other beeb leftys.
Love to think you were right Panda, but I fear Soubry is far too fond of being a ‘major spokesperson’ and a BBC favourite. If she were to leave her cosy sinecure and become simply another defector, especially playing second fiddle to Chukka, I’m sure we all know which way her ‘loyalties’ would take her.
Very, very happy to have been proved wrong. The gin-and-bitters gob has done the decent thing – though only pre-empting the deselecting push from her constituents.
It’s strange media don’t used the word Labexit nor Conexit
… If they did that would alert us that
: The MP’s are leaving their parties, that refuse to reform
: Just as we voted to leave an EU, that refuses to reform
Those MP’s should have referendum about leaving their parties
..and if 52% vote to leave
….. then we should shout No, No, No you can’t leave… you were dumb and misinformed
None of it seems to bear any resemblance to the Scotland I once knew. They appear to have gone just as mad as the rest of the Former UK. Perhaps it’s the water.
Scotland prides itself on its democratic character, its internationalist outlook and the welcome it gives to people of other races. I often used to hear that heart-warming song of inclusiveness, “I’d Rather Be a Darkey Than a Pape” ringing out from the terraces of Ibrox and Tynecastle.
FFS lets get one thing straight here, London may be full of them, and other certain cities but, the rest of the country? never, 85% white British is a certifiable fact which the racist BBC is ignoring, and the 85% should withdraw their funding and see where they go from there and my reason for this is rant is, our culture and heritage is being actively ignored and marginalised for the sake of black people bt the BBC, black people who I have no problem with per se unless they start whingeing on about “cultural appropriation” yet, when Henry VI has now had to have a black african wife on the BBC version of his life I despair, shall we have a white british male play Nelson Mandela ? just imagine the millenial twats at the bbc going on about that
"Reformed Extremist" and now "Terror Expert" @ShirazMaher pushes the bogus argument that jihad is really complicated and every ISIS terrorist fights jihad for different reasons. There is only ever 1 reason for Jihad warfare, which is to impose Sharia law. Great experts we have!
Tourette’s Robinson in his beeboid element – the poor mans John Sweeney doing PMQs and frothing over the 3 girls remainers sitting in the opposition side behind the SNP .
The PM then goes to Brussels – hopefully for the last time as a EU Reich citizen – in order to be insulted by unelected malignant foreigners .
Remember Shamina Begum ?
Not the latest one , but the one who won her court case in 2005 when she was 15 , overruling her school’s ban on wearing the Hijab .now she’s a human rights lawyer .
Lovely people , we must pander to them it gets us to places .
most of them are better off with their face hidden, just saying, no wonder so many of their ilk want to rape white women, ISIS obviously lacking dentists, maybe one reason why the vicious bitch wants to get here
Something fundamentally wrong with the immigration system that has allowed so many into this country that ghettoise themselves and proceed to attack our country, how short sighted are these civil servants ? trojan horse..,.
On the other hand you could say that the policy devised by such shining lights of democratic probity as Wedgewood-Benn, Crosland, Bevan and others in the late 1940s, and continued shamelessly by Blair – whose aims were the destruction of the establishment and the monarchy – has come to precisely the fruition they hoped and schemed to achieve.
Fascinating just how Teflon the BBC now feels it is under @ofcom @dcms and any government.
What do the Democrats need to do to beat Donald Trump in the next US election? ???????? We speak to Mayor of Chicago and former chief of staff for Barack Obama, @RahmEmanuel. Listen to the full interview:
Fatastic news that Anna Sourberry has left the Tories, not that she ever was a conservative, and was certainly in the wrong party. She is joined by a couple of other misfits Heidi Allen and Sarah Wollaston.
So come the next election they can collect their severance and we will never have to hear from them again !
Good riddance to bad rubbish, sniping from the sidelines and giving succour to all those who have been actively working to undermine our negotiating position with the EU.
I wonder if the beebeestan isn’t triggering the law of unintended consequences with its endless pleading on behalf of the repulsive Shamima Beggin’. If every time they show the ghastly creature another million Brits go a little more islamophobic.
It is home to a large Kashmiri community, and as such is strongly Islamic; clothes shops have well-covered mannequins, newsagents periodically close for prayer, pubs do not sell alcohol.
But among this traditionalist infrastructure, elements of modernity have begun to bloom, from internet cafes to betting agents. The district now exists in a cultural limbo, somewhere between east and west, theocracy and secularism, past and present.
The contradictions are readily apparent: the adhan (call to prayer) echoes from minarets, mingling with the screams of Lady Gaga from passing hatchbacks. Women walk by in burqas while carrying Hilfiger bags. Islamic charity banks sit on roadsides for locals to deposit garments, next to weapon-banks for twitchy youths to deposit knives.
An example of Luton’s contradictions.
It wasn’t long before I encountered a shifty group at a stall on Leagrave Road. They were twenty-something British Kashmiris dressed in thawbs, distributing leaflets about the Syrian Civil War.
I decided to approach them. One of them handed me a leaflet, which showed corpses of children killed by bombs, their flesh scorched to flakes, their lips peeled away into vicious grins. Noticing my shock, the activist told me, “This is happening to Muslims in Syria and across the world. You wanna know why? Blame our so-called governments.”
I asked the man what he thought of the West’s last intervention, in Iraq.
Another member of the group stepped forward. He had a wild-eyed stare and a thick straggly beard like a frozen explosion. “Where you from?” He asked, eyeing me with paranoid saccades. “Are you even Muslim?”
I am an atheist of Punjabi Sikh origin — the worst possible combination for the Kashmiri jihadis of Bury Park. To prevent a potential cold shoulder (or worse), I lied that I was indeed Muslim.
They didn’t seem convinced. I tried to deflect attention to themselves, but they were only interested in talking about how evil the rafidah (Shia) and the kuffar (infidel) West were.
I asked if I could take a photo, and was curtly denied. “If you don’t care about the brothers and sisters in Syria, you ain’t a Muslim.”
If the Left’s new darling, Shamima, is able to get a Bangla Deshi passport, and given that the father of one of the other three girls is barely able to speak English, the question I’d like to hear answered is….why the hell were any of them here in the first place?
I suspect their combined nett contribution to the UK economy may leave a lot to be desired.
Still, a Labour vote is a Labour vote.
Incomprehensible Annunaki-may I ask what nationality your wife was before. There was an earlier piece your wrote Feb 19th, which was excellent, if only you were able to get that printed in as National Newspaper !- Yes I have read much of Professor Coleman, most enlightening. I have studied over 10 yrs the rise of the teachings of Islam as it has encroached upon our blind society who will believe and obey any order given no matter the consequences.
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
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harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
MarcoMar 10, 07:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney Wef candidate and green scam artist ,he ticks all the globalist boxes including the BBC but the good…
pugnaziousMar 10, 07:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It is possible to stop the flow….you just have to want to…and Labour, the Tories and France just don’t want…
tomoMar 10, 07:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 With all the Democrat funded “news” operations losing USAID money there’s a lot of “talent” looking for a safe harbour.…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe Remember partygate, well…
FlotsamMar 10, 06:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I thought the decision to appoint a foreigner to be Governor of our central bank to be a shockingly bad…
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
Coooooooooooeeeeee !
Shamima Begum’s British citizenship has been revoked.
What a shame.
Yes, but what a stink by the human rights idiots and her friends and family. BBC reports “A friend of Ms Begum’s family, Dal Babu, said the Home Office’s decision was “bizarre”. And her defence lawyer will explore options, which means they will hire an Amal Clooney or Cherie Blair type to undermine our security and find a bagman, liberal judge.
Frankly, I believe all moslems would be happier in their land of origin. It is after all a middle eastern religion and they are those lands’ people. Christianity, 600 years earlier, graduated from it’s own middle eastern origins to the west with St Peter, the moslem thing stayed east. You know how El Cid felt when that plague came west. I needn’t remind you what he achieved for Europe 900 years ago.
For once the UK is showing it has some mettle. And the BBC knows it must approach it’s Islamic propaganda with caution, easing the pro-Begum message upon Britain, aware of the ire it risks receiving.
One thing I have learnt. The arab spring, bbc’s pet project, was a cataclysm creating political vacuums into which terrorism flowed. We must learn to leave nations that are backward in their fundamentalist religious attitude alone; perhaps better led by the Saddams, Assads, Gadaffis etc. Imagine if the middle east did not have oil. It would still be like Africa – tribal, internecine, poor, and not in our face.
That pompous useless twat Cameron thought it would be a great idea
to overthrow Gaddafi ,as you say creating a perfect vacuum for Islamic
nutters to fill.
madandbad, you are naive if you think it was that simple.
Cameron like all Western leaders was bought by the Saudis long before he became PM. Saudi wanted Gaddafi removed because he posed a threat to them in attempted to produce an African equivalent to the Arab League – headed by Saudi, of African oil producing countries.
Every action taken by Western leaders with regard to the Middle East is undertaken in the interest and at the direction of Saudi and their allies, and they pay handsomly for it.
Why do you think that not a single Prime Minister since Major has taken up their entitlement to a peerage? It’s because if they did they would have to disclose their source of income, and they don’t want us knowing!
Quite correct. The interference by the west in arab affairs has indeed always been orchestrated by Saudi wealth (itself, made vastly rich by US petrodollars in the last 100 years – the irony). Good post.
Greisingel : Frankly, I believe all moslems would be happier in their land of origin. It is after all a middle eastern religion and they are those lands’ people. Christianity, 600 years earlier, graduated from it’s own middle eastern origins to the west with St Peter, the moslem thing stayed east. You know how El Cid felt when that plague came west. I needn’t remind you what he achieved for Europe 900 years ago.
Couldn’t agree more. Sooner or later the West will have to fight to stay Western against not just Muslims but all the lefty idiots.
Let’s hope this is the template for the rest of the muslim killers. And that it is extended to muslims who are living here, not just those who want to return.
yes, it seems finally someone has drawn a line. Anyone who admits not being bothered by seeing human heads in a dustbin can stay away. We do have some standards left in the UK thankfully.
We are told on the BBC that Shamima Begum lost her first two babies because of malnutrition and disease. In the nicest possible way, judging by her face which looks plump , Shamima doesn’t look as though that is a risk with her third baby. Her clothes appear clean and we have seen her in different black outfits – it just makes me wonder what conditions she is living under and what is her real motivation for wanting to return to the UK.
The real motivation is the same as for most of Indo-Pakistani-Bangladeshi origin…the UK’s over-generous, mostly non-contributory benefits system.
Stop Press ? a politican leaving the labour party is enought to start a new thread ? when the biggest story that has erupted the whole country about an Islamistand is being actively misrepresnted by the BBC is still going on ? Hmm
indeed hmm
Oh Annunaki
The thread got long and it was time to start a new one . At the same time the news came through of another splitter so l thought I’d mention it .
furry nuff xx
Ha! My mate used to say ‘furry muff’ at school. Infantile but still tickles me.
At the risk of repeating myself, I repeat myself as a quote from the USA:
slamic Takeover: Why Mass Immigration Signals ‘the End of Britain’
Dale Hurd
LONDON – Last week’s terror attack by a British-born Muslim proves again that a radical community exists within Britain. Its goal: create an Islamic nation. And there is a quieter force at work that will likely achieve that desire long before guns, bombs and violence.
This is not Karachi. It’s London.
Britain’s policy of mass immigration has brought what one expert calls “demographic upheaval” to the United Kingdom that could change almost everything.
American Killed in London Terrorist Attack that Mowed Down Dozens of Victims
‘Easy Meat.’ Britain’s Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up
Is Great Britain Next ISIS Target?
“Finis Britanniae” – The End of Britain
It’s now a demographic certainty. Someday the white native English will be a minority in their own country, including the native Welsh and the Scots.
It’s just a matter of when.
Professor David Coleman is a supernumerary fellow in human sciences and university professor in demography at Oxford. He’s has written that uncontrolled immigration could lead to “finis Britanniae.”
“Which simply means the end of Britain, and by that, I mean the end of Britain as we know it,” Coleman said.
“The point I was making is the change in the number of people and particularly the change in the origins of people, in their religion, in their cultural background, would make Britain unrecognizable compared with the present time,” he said.
Immigration can strengthen a nation. But several western nations, including the United States, are debating the wisdom of large-scale immigration from the Islamic world. And experts wonder what will happen as Muslim numbers continue to grow in officially Christian Britain.
In the dystopian masterpiece Children of Men, ethnic division and civil war wracks Britain in 2027. Armed Muslim gangs fight a government that is hunting down and deporting immigrants while trying to maintain order.
Britain’s future is not likely to be this violent, but it may not be peaceful either.
When the Christian activist group Britain First took large crosses through Luton’s Bury Park last year, angry Muslims confronted them.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s our country.
WHITE MAN: It’s your country, is it, yeah?
MUSLIM MAN: Yeah mate, it’s our country.
WHITE WOMAN It’s a Christian country.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country.
WHITE WOMAN Yes it is.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country, mate….You’re jealous. You’re jealous that we’re taking over.
MUSLIM WOMAN: The Muslims will take over. Watch.
Urban areas are becoming increasingly Islamic whereas rural area are becoming increasingly English, and there’s a retreat away from these two populations. That’s the future.
Policy analyst George Igler says he does believe it will take 40 or 50 years before the native British are a minority.
“This is a nonsense. It’s going to be much sooner. And more importantly, when you look at places like Luton. When you look at the experience of women in Cologne. We already have a window into what this future will be like. It’s going to violence and sexual violence against non-Muslims. It’s going to be insistence on Sharia Law,” Igler said.
Drastic Changes on the Horizon
Professor Coleman, who stressed he is not anti-Muslim but is simply looking at statistics, nevertheless said the changes could be drastic.
“There are strong currents in Muslim society which wish to see Muslim approaches to diet, to marriage and would like to see Sharia Law incorporated formally into British Law or in respect to some extremist groups would like to see Sharia Law replace British Law,” he said.
More than a half million non-British citizens immigrated to the United Kingdom in 2016. European Union rules prevented Britain from stopping migration from within Europe, but that brought European migrants.
Coleman says Brexit, Britain’s exit from the E.U., will not necessarily stop the influx of immigrants from non-European Islamic nations.
‘England Is Not Going to be England Anymore’
Great Britain was a factory for Muslim terrorists long before last week’s attack on Westminister Bridge by a British-born Muslim. At least 850 British citizens have left the U.K. to join ISIS.
“Look, we have around 100 Sharia courts in this country. We’re the only western country with a functioning network of Sharia tribunals and councils. They’re dealing with marriages, divorce, even with criminal matters. They’re marrying children,” said Anne Marie Waters, from Sharia Watch.
If demographic trends continue, British schools will change when most of the pupils are from non-British backgrounds, as will British foreign policy and military alliances.
“England is not going to be England anymore,” Igler says.
In its street protests against the Islamization of Britain, the English Defence League used to sing ‘we want our country back.’ If current demographic trends continue, it may be too late for that.
Or, to put it more succinctly: we’re f*cked.
The Lion and the Dragon haven’t woken up yet.
They will, they certainly will.
The art of precis in a nutshell LOL
Last night on the BBC1 10pm news there was a brief report about the lack of BME recruits into the Metropolitan police – only about 15% if I remember the numbers correctly. The report was saying how many years it will take to get recruitment to reflect the actual population and just briefly the figure of 40% popped up. This figure is disturbing enough – but with anything like this one can assume an underestimate. London is the UK’s capital city and even by these figures nearly half its people are probably recent immigrants. I know I shouldn’t be surprised (I do travel by tube) but I had thought a capital city should reflect its country.
I find it difficult to imagine that a Muslim PC is going to be fair with non-Muslims, particularly Jews. And if he wasnt, the Establishment will do everything to hide that fact, and suppress the evidence.
Same in the NHS.
If you were to exclude all those who indulge in criminal activity and have had the unlikely misfortune to have been apprehended, that figure will fall dramatically.
“Salmon farms raided as part of EU competition probe”
“A spokesperson for Scottish Sea Farms said: “We can confirm that we, like other Norwegian-owned companies in Scotland, have been visited by EC officials and are co-operating fully.”
Will the EU “probe” the other nations with the same alacrity as they probe the Scottish ones?
Is the EU is beginning to turn the screws on the UK?
Just leaving this one here…
BBC News
The guidance gives black people the right to wear hairstyles previously deemed “unprofessional”.
New York City bans hair discrimination.
However, if you happen to be white and wear dreadlocks it is called “cultural appropriation”.
As ever racism can only be one way.
“Thousands protest against anti-Semitism in France”
What’s really the root cause of this ?
And, breaking now……… Another MP leaves Labour, anti-Semitism .
What’s the common cause in both countries, anyone?
Now where does all this Jew hatred in France emanate from? The BBC and MSM do not tell us. The National Socialist party of Britain too is full of Jew hatred. Where does it come from?
The fact that no one mentions it, is a clear indication who/what is the source of this new Jew hatred.
We are entering a phase of history where Britain, France and even Germany, mainly EU nations, will be in the same cultural position as Nazi Germany.
We know that Jews cannot wear a kippah in cities like Birmingham or London. Too Christian vicars have been advised not to wear dog collars in major cities of Britain. Ditto in Paris and other major cities in France.
There is no easy solution to this except an exchange of populations. Muslims back to Pakistan and Bangladesh, and we accept the persecuted Christians in these countries. Else we are looking at a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. Innocents on both sides will, quite unnecessarily, suffer greatly.
Brexit and Yellow Jackets is just the first phase. The Globalists and Left realise that too.
Do we really want the USA and Russia to become allies, and set out to free European nations once again from neo-Nazism.
“We are entering a phase of history where Britain, France and even Germany, mainly EU nations, will be in the same cultural position as Nazi Germany.”
Does anyone else see a parallel between events in today’s (National )Labour (Socialist) Party and the National Socialists of 1930s Germany?
Churches are being attacked all over France. Too, Christian and Jewish cemeteries.
What is happening is the removal of all traces of a Judeao-Christian French heritage , so Muslims can claim that France has always been Muslim, or all French converted to Islam.
This is exactly what happened in all countries where Muslims became rulers. All Muslim countries do this. Even Jordan when it was occupying Jerusalem.
The most extreme of this MO is in Afghanistan. But India too, where the only ancient temples are in the south.
Ok maybe we need some real austerity .
Not from us but from the government .
So that means a welfare state that no one from anywhere else in the world can draw on but only British people .
Same for the NHS .
All illegals to be deported without huge expense . A thorough investigation of all NI numbers given to those born overseas .
All senior civil servants to have a pay cut and the retirement age raised to 65 , seventy five within three years . Their pensions taxed as unearned income at eighty percent .
Foreign aid and the Foreign Office to be cut back by 75% . No more stomping the world stage for Blairite politicians .
No more bad policies that hurt any Britons , our industries or businesses just so that bloated headed politicians can claim we are the worlds leaders in combatting climate change or whatever other fad the BBC pushes . Reopen coal mines .
All our rubbish to be collected weekly and sorted into recyclables or not by prisoners , those that get the most recycled stuff earn parole .
All rates in town centres for shops to be reduced 50% , ditto for any pubs .
All money earned in the UK , taxed in the UK , spent in the UK .
The snowflake, bleeding heart liberals won’t like that. Our National Health Service has become an international health service, paid for by us the British People.
No recruiting of known communists into the Civil Service, background checks on applicants before being employed into the Civil Service and rooting out and firing all communists and their sympathisers currently in the Civil Service.
Nibor & John in Cheshire
The problem of Islamisation will not go away, as Muslims know that sooner or later, they will enforce Sharia quitelegally via parliament.
Then will start the burning of churches, and the persecution and murder of Atheists, Hindus, Jews and Christians, as is the normal MO. Atheists first as they are the worst, being in denial of Allah. Hindus next as they are idolaters. Jews and Christians last, as they are designated people of the Book.
British citizenship revoked from Begum because her mother is Bangladeshi, which in turn gives Begum a second nationality so is theoretically not stateless.
Now the bleeding hearts are saying her innocent baby is by birth a British citizen, so there shouldn’t be a reason to deny its entry into the UK. The baby’s father is Dutch (isn’t he ?), so surely the baby would also have dual nationality – therefore why should only Britain be responsible for its welfare, could not the Netherlands be involved too ?
Or just send the whole ghastly brood back to Pakistan where she could marry a 90 year old goat farmer and shagger, and hopefully never to be heard of again.
You know very well that we are in a war. And that war employs demography as its main weapon, for the reason that it cant beat us militarily.
To counter the demographic weapon we have to employ a strategy that neutralizes the demographic weapon. We really cant allow us to be defeated.
It is odds on that the family will appeal against the revocation of citizenship , helped by some human rights lawyer, and that the court of appeal will accept the appeal and this woman will be allowed back into the country. Even if the UK Supreme Court holds firm the case will end up at the ECJ or some other supranational court and the result will be the same.
It becomes clearer with each passing month that the tentacles of the liberal Globalist left reach ever further. I think that there is now a strong case to say that right across the West democracy has been defeated , or at least seriously undermined, by a Globalist elite who have placemen and women in all our institutions to ensure that no matter the people want , or who they vote for , they have no ability to overturn the rule of the elite by democratic means. If the people wake up and realise this and start to protest they will be suppressed exactly as are the yellow vests in France.
background info
@Taffman You are right
Maxi had left me an open goal
but he’s not here to debate , he is just here to waste our time
.. that’s why he never answers our simple questions.
One cannot reason , with someone who is no reasonable.
But that ADL graph is an informative exercise
Maxi pops up and essentially says
‘See here’s a graph that shows right wingers commit all the ideological murders’
– Our first question should be : Is it news or PR ?
..It looks that way at first glance
and then after we’ve been down the rabbit hole of checking’s all confirmed
..But we learn that the lib-propagandists are just so blatant.
ADL has been hijacked by Obama man Greenblatt, into a vehicle for pushing left-wing Democratic politics
(Strong support for BLM Black Lives Matter, even tho BLM elements been anti-Semitic)
You can see from the graph’s title that like Chris Mooney’s book The Republican Brain all they are trying to do create an NPC meme
: “Republican man bad, terrorist ” …. “Lefty man good, peaceful”
To that end they had to torture the data , to get the picture they wanted
..hence a normal murder by a Right winger is classed as an ideological crime
…………. .and then the BBC R4 science guy interprets that as *terrorism* FFS !
They put a weird Y-axis ?.. you assume “deaths”
It’s actually “incidents” thus big Islamist attacks get counted as “1” , just the same as one normal murder
… All PR trickery, Alinsky mould.
Clearer info on how ADL is a lefty propaganda outfit
OK Some guy punched Maajid Nawaz on Monday
He seems OK, but I am surprised that it hasn’t been all over the media
I guess it was some nutter 90%,
…but antifa are also so screwed up, I guess , they’d do weird false flag stuff.. so maybe 10% chance of that.
Why isn’t Mr Nawaz referred to as a former muslim terrorist when he’s mentioned in the MSM? Tommy Robinson is always awarded the epithet ‘ former EDL leader ‘?
What’s good for the goose….
Unlike the normal libmob Nawaz has asked for no outrage bus

..Lack of media hype perhaps explained by his own plea not to politicise the event.
.. He himself mildly politicises it, by saying ‘look there isn’t much prejudice cos all these white/non-muslim people helped me.
But he’s certainly not milking it.
(As ever I say one should just keep an open mind , instead of rushing to conclusions .. the magnitude is quite small compared to stabbings etc.
There was a punch, there was a racist shout, we don’t know the motivation of the attacker)
did his teenage daughter get repeatedly gang raped and racially abused by a bunch of pakis ?
Hundreds of child victims of these crimes and lifes ruined with no acknowlegement by the racist BBC of the impact, unless a paki or Syrian kid gets pushed around at school and its headline news and they wonder why the UK 85% popluation gets pissed off ? go figure
Toady watch
The beekeeper had an early morning interview with the latest Labour Party splitter who wanted to talk . Instead Martha did a standard BBC interruption job to prevent adverse comments about Comrade Corbyn .
Then the humph interviewed an apologist for the female Isis supporter . The apologist was an ex copper called Babu . I thought it shows what the police have come to when an enemy of the UK is defended by a copper .
muslim “council of britian” and their weasel words:
“Ms Begum should be allowed to return home to face the consequences of her actions, where we can determine any security threat she may pose, and exactly what physical and psychological impact her experience has had. We also should not neglect her (British) unborn child and ensure s/he does not suffer the same fate as Ms Begum’s first two children.
Britain’s response to this case should demonstrate our commitment to justice and the rule of law – qualities that are sorely missing in the death and destruction of Daesh. A transparent process is something guaranteed to every British citizen, regardless of their actions. There is nothing more that Daesh would want than for us to turn to retribution in response to their actions. Let us not afford them the luxury.”
just goes to show where their true interest lies and their obsession with their own at the expense of this countries’ culture, opinions and of course security, why oh why did we import these snakes into our country and allow them UK passports
For a refreshing change the BBC is bleating about the ‘gender pay gap’ actually going up in some organisations!
Do they not consider that perhaps this shows that there is no problem to be solved in the first place? If such a song and dance were made over a real problem that needed to be fixed (and could be fixed) it is inconceivable that it could actually get worse. Clearly the only problem is women not making the free choices SJWs want them to. Are we really supposed to believe that in this current climate businesses are actually getting more sexist?
They must have watched Jordan Peterson’s interview with Cathy Newman where he debunks it. They just pretend they have never heard his key points and plough on regardless, causing so much hassle, tyranny and annoyance. A key symptom of the SJW illness seems to be imperviousness to evidence.
They used a sample size of 10% as 90%, yes, 90% of firms have not submitted the data yet. They have until April.
So, if that sample size had shown the gap had reduced , would they have run the story given only 10% of data is in. NO.
Quick look round our office, 15 women, 10 on reduced hours / part time. Enough said.
Massive box tick for the BBC earlier tho, to discuss this they had a black women on …..a black women talking about the gender pay gap …. thats porn to the BBC that is !!!
No maternity leave ? which the employer has to pay for then pay for a temporary worker to fill the gap if they can find one willing to work up to a week before the pregnant one decides whether to return or not
I wanted to do a sketch of BBC commissioning a show.
First a white man comes in and pitches a brilliant idea but they talk over him then tell him to f**k off.
Another white man comes in with another great idea but they ignore him and tell him to f*ck off.
Then a black women comes in and they all jump from their seats to shake hands and embrace her. She says she is from a Muslim background and the two men start feeling their crotches. She says one word of her pitch:
“We love it! We want to do eight series of it.”
“But you have not even heard the idea?”
“We want to give you your own show as well. Here’s a suitcase full of cash.”
Sajid Javid’s revoking of Shamima Begum’s citizenship ‘RACIST and DANGEROUS’ says academic
THE decision to withdraw Shamima Begum’s British citizenship has been branded “racist” by a leading academic.
suffice to say I sincerely doubt he can trace his lineage back too far in this country, maybe some 3rd word hell hole he or his forbears ran from to here and he turns like a rabid dog onto this country and the opinions of the natives
Suffice to say, the British citizenship of all those in any way associated (now or retrospectively) with proscribed terror groups should similarly be revoked immediately, so that any suggestion of inconsistency cannot be used as a legal argument to reverse the Begum decision.
I’m sure the majority hold, or are entitled to, dual nationality/citizenship.
If a friend brings a dog into your house, you feed and nurture it and it craps on your carpet, you don’t invite it back.
Some pretty shitty carpets in inner city Britain nowadays
Annunaki, Begum loved this country so much that she left it to sleep with an unknown jihadi and produce more little jihadis. Come to Tipton in the West Midlands and see one of the Tipton Taliban driving around in a high spec Range Rover (I kid you not) that he bought with some of his one million pound compensation.
just wondering if you are the same Cassandra from the Peakoil wars ?
‘Fraid not, Annunaki. I’ve just had to Google to find out what the Peakoil Wars is. Truth be told, I’m Maxicony’s evil twin sister but let’s keep that just between us, shall we?
PEAKOIL, A Luton jihadist infesting various Luton press comments pages, demanding speshul schools for his kids as we are, apparently, decadent, a point he failed to make on his immigraton application for some unfathomable reason, but happy to endlessly make once he got his hands on a UK passport, Cassandra was helpful in responding to his racist sexist and homophobic posts…and even the Johnston press had to act against him in the end which says a lot
So, what has ole Justin have to say about this clearly still front page event?
By Justin Parkinson
Shamima Begum: IS teenager’s family consider legal action
Shamima Begum
Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria aged 15, has been told she is to lose her UK citizenship. It is possible to strip the 19-year-old of her British nationality as she is eligible for citizenship in another country – Bangladesh – according to Whitehall sources.
But Ms Begum’s family’s lawyer, Tasnime Akunjee, has promised to use “all legal avenues” to challenge the decision. He said: “Our position is that to all practical purposes she has been made stateless.”
Ms Begum, from east London, was found in a Syrian refugee camp last week and gave birth to a son at the weekend. She told the BBC she wanted to come back to the UK to raise her child and did not want to be an IS “poster girl”.
She is believed to be of Bangladeshi heritage but, when asked by the BBC, she said did not have a Bangladesh passport and had never been to the country. BBC Reality Check looks at how countries deal with people returning from IS.
east is East, and West is West, but legal aid is always best.
Luckily for her, in addition to Justin and the entire cubicle gardens of the BBC, BBC Reality Check is on it.
At 15 she was old enough to go to the ME (without speaking Arabic) so at 19 she is quite capable of going to Bangladesh. Or Holland to her ‘husband’s’ country but we had better quit the EU soon or she will get here anyway.
Does anyone know if her (violent protestor) father in E London works, or do we pay for him and his family?
One would have thought they would show some kind of loyalty and drive around in an Iranian made car, or Syrian or Iraqi or…hmm hang on a minute, there is a pattern here, what about mobile phones ? or designer gear or even the bloody guns they are so fond of, anything really what do they contribute to the world ? answers on a postcard
Stamp, surely!
The handwringers are out in force this morning, defending Shamima Begum’s right to return to the UK. Ken Clarke says she should return even though “she’s clearly a security risk” as he put it.
He would, of course, stump up the thousands of pounds to pay the surveillance?
If we are forced to take this thing back then she should be locked up for life, no remission, and kept on a diet of pork and beer for the rest of her miserable life.
Shame for Begum …. sure she was looking forward to staying with Gary Lineker during the week and Lilly Allen at weekends.
Whilst we are on the subject of massive snowflakes, how many of those “celebs” did actually move to Canada when Trump won the election ???
They’re holding out for a Bernie Sanders victory in 2020.
Ah but the US has never done Socialism but some are awfully keen to try it. Sanders maybe a less rabid version of Corbyn and is offering to make heaven on Earth – with lots of free stuff, of course.
Free buckets of chicken from his takeaways?
Toady just started the BBC’s campaign to bring the Jihadi bride/mother back ‘home’. Two interviewees (one an immigrant foreigner – solicitor, needless to say) both agree. Expect to hear more about the BBC’s campaign in the future.
I have no doubt that contributors here will see through our muslim Home Secretary’s efforts to prove that he is tough on those who most of the public shun for good reason. He, as a muslim, is showing how he deals with such issues: temporarily sacrificing Begum to ultimately benefit the larger number of his cult perhaps even if they don’t see it that way at present. How our courts will deal with the issue is anyone’s guess. But I have an idea……
After all, there are many thousands of those who would wish to return. In other arenas our own military display PTSD why not jihadi returnees? The State will be shoring up the claim that, “he was suffering from a mental health issue”. To be medically provable.
A legal precedent has to be set and our muslim Home Secretary will have the legalities taken out of his hands: “Not me, but your own legal system allowed her back”.
Expect even more ‘toughness’ to show simply to prove to the 86% of the population his stalwart ‘Britishness’ credentials and attempt to demonstrate that he sides with the home side. At prayer time, I would hope he ponders on why many of the unconvinced will never trust his motives and taqiyya.
“BBC’s campaign to bring the Jihadi bride/mother back ‘home’.”
Home is where the heart lies.
In the case of this little Jihadi, that’s clearly in some Islamic hellhole.
Why deprive the little b*tch?
Sarah Brett on R5 this morning… one caller challenged the narrative that she was radicalised online, pointing out that she may have been radicalised by her family. Sarah was very careful to cut him short and not say anything ‘we’ aren’t sure about; a vague sense of legal foreboding wafting over the airwaves.
If that was the benchmark for trust and impartiality, the BBC’s output would dwindle to practically zero
Now an effeminate man is on BBC ‘news’ promoting his gender neutral hair products. It never stops.
I wish all the equalities professionals could stop working on not enough female astronomers, football teams wearing rainbow shirts etc and instead focus exclusively on reducing the murder rate among certain groups; maybe even throw their weight around stopping the racist child rapists who are still wreaking havoc? Sorry – how ‘far right’ of me for thinking rape and murder are more pressing issues than gender neutral shampoo.
The annoying thing is that there are countries, like most of the Islamic world, where homosexuals are in real danger on a continual basis, but the liberal handwringers don’t seem to care so much about that. They just want to have a go at elderly British people who run bed and breakfasts in the middle of nowhere and who insist on rooms being shared by men and women, and so on.
I have learnt to stay clear of attempts to defend gays and LBGTers from RoPers. Too many gays have made it clear that I should keep quiet, even the Gays Against Sharia lot complained .
When they start rounding them up in our cities I will stay at home.
Is that Peter Tatchel on the right ? I thought he was a common sense sort of person nowadays . Back to doublethink now is it ? Two contradictory thoughts at the same time .
We are now reaping the benefits of the Blair years: ejucashun they are emerging from their socialist indoctrination into the world, with their twisted ideologies, many infesting the BBC and the result is plain to see for those that have eyes
Bbc clearly have short memories or still not realise that because they say they are unique, they really are not.
Did not ask that of Cliff Richard, not black enough maybe and maybe they should be asking whether they can separate Jim’ll Fix It from good ole Jimmy ? some reruns of that on primetime TV ? thought not…
Last night on BBC R4’s TWT (10pm) there was a wonderful ‘I’m sorry, I’ll read that again’ moment. In the News Bulletin, the newsreader, if my ears did not deceive me, said something like –
“Jeremy Corbyn has been speaking about the MPs who have left the Labour Party and said that he will have to take people with him.”
Er, what?
(Gromit puts paw in left ear and agitates paw vigorously.)
@Upto this tweet shows a pic TWT used as the header for a show last week
Is it a photo of the production staff ?
I’m sure they don’t use a pic of a Muslim woman for every episode, but 2 days later they did again
…. And note the Solar Trade Association are chuffed with the PR the programme ran for them.
On my smartphone it reads: “The World Tonight. In-depth reporting and anal”
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Cubicle garden office outing.
No Gromit?
Tuesday @BBCWorldTonight used a pic of swastika daubed at a Strasbourg Jewish cemetery
Friday : pic of angry Indian crowd burning Pak flag after Kashmir bomb
Thursday : Trump & wall
Wednesday : Muslim jihadi girl
Tuesday : El Chapo : Mexican drug lord
Monday : The Happy Hijabbed women : part of the crowd celebrating 40 years of the Islamic Republic in Iran
…. Generally they choose stuff according to libmob agenda lots of bad photos of Trump and May, and positive photos of BME etc.
Pretty as those ladies are, Stew, Beeb News is very Westminster-centric. The mental image of Gromit, paw in ear, (& Wallace) is a welcome diversion, too.
@Up2snuff I just found that Corbyn quote
not “LeaVing the party means you have to take people with you ”
It was “LeaDing the party… ” ..
Corbyn : “I recognise that leading the party means you have to take people with you, and I’m determined to do that.”
Maybe BBC Newsreading/Continuity needs Gromit’s paw in their ear?
11am R4 prog about illegals crossing the Channel
\\ Dangerous Crossings follows three families willing to risk everything as they pay smugglers and prepare to cross the Channel to reach the UK.
They are contemplating very different crossings and share their plans with aid worker, Rob Lawrie, who has been providing food and support to refugees at the makeshift Dunkirk camp. He has got to know the families and they are open about their hopes for a life in Britain and the lengths they will go to in order to turn their dreams into reality //
long blurb
Perhaps more dangerous to us than them.
Apparently we’ve got it all wrong
The BBC has found a charity worker that warns them not to go
(which means that real charity workers actually aid and abet the smuggling)
The refugees the BBC has found are all women and children, who HAVE to go to England cos they have relatives there.
And they are Christian
(Not hordes of single Muslim men looking for easy money and easy sex)
The UK policy is to watch the migrant boats let them land and intercept there catch people smugglers
Rather that intercept at sea, cos then the migrants jump in the sea and it turns into a big timewasting event.
Ah one Iranian man tells how they got rescued by British coastguard and brought back to France
Now same guy or other is phoning from Dover , they got in by lorry and ran off
… prog ends
So this aid worker is aiding and abetting an illegal act !
Imagine putting someone up in a safe house , knowing he was going to commit a crime .
Imagine giving succour to someone who was going to try to assassinate Theresa May .
He should be arrested and charged .
What we need from the beeb is an interview with that great thinker of our time, our glorious shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott about this Begum case. I’m sure she would see that this is just another case of racism and islamaphobia from the disgusting British people.
Mind you, on that note i’m still waiting for sikhaphobia and hinduaphobia to kick in in this country, it can’t be long surely.
When you are struggling to find the words, Lulu nails it !!
According to Farrage the issue about removing passports is not resolved. Suppose the next few hundred returning murderers don’t have dual nationality and we are stuck with them?
As for the call to try her here and give her a long sentence if guilty. We need to ask two questions:
1. How much will the judge be paid to give her a lenient sentence?
2. In the event of a severe sentence will it be possible to provide around the clock protection for the judge from the many hundreds of her comrades already here?
An undercover recording of a speech made by Muslim extremists in a marquee in Luton called for gay people to be thrown from the highest building, the Old Bailey has been told.
The jury was told that the speech, which took place in the garden of a suburban home in Luton, was made to an audience that included men who are accused of encouraging support for Islamic State.
The unidentified speaker, referred to only as “Mohammed” from west London, also criticised the Gay Pride parade held in London every summer.
“The unidentified speaker, referred to only as “Mohammed” from west London…”
Well that narrows it down – by not much at all.
Introduce the death penalty for terrorist offences commutable to deportation and revocation of British citizenship if the perpetrator is eligible/would have been eligible at the time of the offence for dual nationality (even if they don’t actually physically possess another passport).
Where there’s a will …
…where the sun will shine bright on their verandah.
Got to love the BBC.
No, really. Soon you will be forced to love them too.
Not in a creepy, camper in the car park way, obvs.
So the money is on soubry Wollaston and a third to go ‘independent’ and demand another vote on their legitimacy to represent their constituency .
Actually – forget the last bit .
Planet WomansHour … “ooh sexism in nursing jobs
..MEN hold 20% of the management jobs !
In Northern Ireland it’s 30%”
Jenny Murray “So how big is the gender pay gap, are men doing the SAME job getting higher pay”
… doh there are 41,000 nursing vacancies if it’s such a gret deal for men,why all these vacancies
Now Jenny and a woman who wrote a play called “Brown Girls” are doing the ritual of saying
.. “Orange man bad”
.. “Islamophobia is everywhere”
The BBC wants to talk about Shamima Begum, obsessively so. Everyone else wants to talk about things like anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, etc.
…and nobody in any branch of the media wants to make any reference, acceptance or admission of the direct links between the two. after settling into Luton, I ventured out into the town’s most infamous neighbourhood, Bury Park.
It is home to a large Kashmiri community, and as such is strongly Islamic; clothes shops have well-covered mannequins, newsagents periodically close for prayer, pubs do not sell alcohol.
But among this traditionalist infrastructure, elements of modernity have begun to bloom, from internet cafes to betting agents. The district now exists in a cultural limbo, somewhere between east and west, theocracy and secularism, past and present.
The contradictions are readily apparent: the adhan (call to prayer) echoes from minarets, mingling with the screams of Lady Gaga from passing hatchbacks. Women walk by in burqas while carrying Hilfiger bags. Islamic charity banks sit on roadsides for locals to deposit garments, next to weapon-banks for twitchy youths to deposit knives.
An example of Luton’s contradictions.
It wasn’t long before I encountered a shifty group at a stall on Leagrave Road. They were twenty-something British Kashmiris dressed in thawbs, distributing leaflets about the Syrian Civil War.
I decided to approach them. One of them handed me a leaflet, which showed corpses of children killed by bombs, their flesh scorched to flakes, their lips peeled away into vicious grins. Noticing my shock, the activist told me, “This is happening to Muslims in Syria and across the world. You wanna know why? Blame our so-called governments.”
I asked the man what he thought of the West’s last intervention, in Iraq.
Another member of the group stepped forward. He had a wild-eyed stare and a thick straggly beard like a frozen explosion. “Where you from?” He asked, eyeing me with paranoid saccades. “Are you even Muslim?”
I am an atheist of Punjabi Sikh origin — the worst possible combination for the Kashmiri jihadis of Bury Park. To prevent a potential cold shoulder (or worse), I lied that I was indeed Muslim.
They didn’t seem convinced. I tried to deflect attention to themselves, but they were only interested in talking about how evil the rafidah (Shia) and the kuffar (infidel) West were.
I asked if I could take a photo, and was curtly denied. “If you don’t care about the brothers and sisters in Syria, you ain’t a Muslim.”
Ctd, as these are our “moderate muslims” to the outside world, the parents and relatives of the vicous ISIS slags
View at
As I later learned, the rickety little stall was a front for an international terrorist organisation responsible for more attacks in the UK than any other group. The organisation became nameless in 2010 for legal reasons, but in this report I’ll refer to it by its original name, al-Muhajiroun (“The Exiles”, or “The Emigrants”).
I wanted to know more about them. I approached those I thought would be most privy to town gossip, the taxi drivers, and asked them.
Inside, Luton Islamic Centre is sparsely decorated, lacking the filigreed ink patterns prevalent in other mosques. This is befitting of its Salafism, which seeks to return society to a simpler, “purer” form of existence.
While undercover at the mosque, I found the people there friendly, if a little homophobic, antisemitic, and anti-Western. I overheard one worshipper tell another that someone was “worse than a Jew”. Meanwhile, the mosque’s chairman, Abdul Qadeer Baksh, called homosexuality an “abomination”.
However, I had expected this kind of thinking, as it is common in Bury Park.
One taxi driver, Ishi, said “They live in their own world. They think there’s a holy war, here, outside the supermarket.”
I asked him if they were dangerous. “I wouldn’t mess with them,” said Ishi.
I asked how they had been radicalised. Ishi told me that certain mosques in the town preached highly intolerant versions of Islam. He named one specific mosque, the Luton Islamic Centre.
Inside, Luton Islamic Centre is sparsely decorated, lacking the filigreed ink patterns prevalent in other mosques. This is befitting of its Salafism, which seeks to return society to a simpler, “purer” form of existence.
While undercover at the mosque, I found the people there friendly, if a little homophobic, antisemitic, and anti-Western. I overheard one worshipper tell another that someone was “worse than a Jew”. Meanwhile, the mosque’s chairman, Abdul Qadeer Baksh, called homosexuality an “abomination”.
However, I had expected this kind of thinking, as it is common in Bury Park.
Since the BBC is full to the brim of fair-minded, impartial, objective, intrepid and courageous media workers, we look forward to them exploring all aspects of the Begun case rather than simply wringing their hands and insisting that the poor dear be allowed to return to live in serenity and comfort in the UK.
No doubt a few of the intrepid ones will hop eagerly over to Syria to explore Syrian law ( if such a phenomenon exists) regarding marriage and offspring. Perhaps Begun will be declared a child refugee who fled intolerable and dangerous conditions in the UK and who, since she got married and bore a child in Syria, is now a Syrian citizen along with her husband and entitled to housing and other benefits from the state.
Norman Smith on Victoria Derbyshire looks like he’s close to orgasm at the prospect of ‘Tories jumping ship’. If people like Soubry are conservatives i’m a pineapple.
Mind you , for once, i don’t mind saying, that i much prefer Joanne Gosling to that whining Derbyshire woman and most of the other beeb leftys.
Love to think you were right Panda, but I fear Soubry is far too fond of being a ‘major spokesperson’ and a BBC favourite. If she were to leave her cosy sinecure and become simply another defector, especially playing second fiddle to Chukka, I’m sure we all know which way her ‘loyalties’ would take her.
With a bit of luck the ego s will neutralise themselves .
Saying that – if bet a pound on at least one ‘ independent ‘ to be on the ‘ flagboat ‘ question programmes this week .
Very, very happy to have been proved wrong. The gin-and-bitters gob has done the decent thing – though only pre-empting the deselecting push from her constituents.
Half a million people have signed the petition to keep out Isis scum it’s quite clear Jeremy vine and Kevin Maguire didnt bother to sign #scumwithin
Heidi Allen
Have gone independent aka oblivion . Wonder if they’ll sit on the opposition bench where they belong .
But do you notice the Grieve hasn’t had the courage to go ?
Great news for democracy . Not so much for remainers / BBC
Some might say this shower have actually finally become ‘leavers ‘
It’s strange media don’t used the word Labexit nor Conexit
… If they did that would alert us that
: The MP’s are leaving their parties, that refuse to reform
: Just as we voted to leave an EU, that refuses to reform
Those MP’s should have referendum about leaving their parties
..and if 52% vote to leave
….. then we should shout No, No, No you can’t leave… you were dumb and misinformed
Yet nothing about this on MSM including the racist BBC
BBC website: “Scottish life and culture”
Terminal – maybe they can ship East Londonistan to Edinburgh with they like them that much .
None of it seems to bear any resemblance to the Scotland I once knew. They appear to have gone just as mad as the rest of the Former UK. Perhaps it’s the water.
Scotland prides itself on its democratic character, its internationalist outlook and the welcome it gives to people of other races. I often used to hear that heart-warming song of inclusiveness, “I’d Rather Be a Darkey Than a Pape” ringing out from the terraces of Ibrox and Tynecastle.
Z, “the welcome it gives to people of other races” as long as they are not English. I have heard tales of discrimination against Sassenach incomers.
FFS lets get one thing straight here, London may be full of them, and other certain cities but, the rest of the country? never, 85% white British is a certifiable fact which the racist BBC is ignoring, and the 85% should withdraw their funding and see where they go from there and my reason for this is rant is, our culture and heritage is being actively ignored and marginalised for the sake of black people bt the BBC, black people who I have no problem with per se unless they start whingeing on about “cultural appropriation” yet, when Henry VI has now had to have a black african wife on the BBC version of his life I despair, shall we have a white british male play Nelson Mandela ? just imagine the millenial twats at the bbc going on about that
Tourette’s Robinson in his beeboid element – the poor mans John Sweeney doing PMQs and frothing over the 3 girls remainers sitting in the opposition side behind the SNP .
The PM then goes to Brussels – hopefully for the last time as a EU Reich citizen – in order to be insulted by unelected malignant foreigners .
Remember Shamina Begum ?
Not the latest one , but the one who won her court case in 2005 when she was 15 , overruling her school’s ban on wearing the Hijab .now she’s a human rights lawyer .
Lovely people , we must pander to them it gets us to places .
most of them are better off with their face hidden, just saying, no wonder so many of their ilk want to rape white women, ISIS obviously lacking dentists, maybe one reason why the vicious bitch wants to get here
Something fundamentally wrong with the immigration system that has allowed so many into this country that ghettoise themselves and proceed to attack our country, how short sighted are these civil servants ? trojan horse..,.
On the other hand you could say that the policy devised by such shining lights of democratic probity as Wedgewood-Benn, Crosland, Bevan and others in the late 1940s, and continued shamelessly by Blair – whose aims were the destruction of the establishment and the monarchy – has come to precisely the fruition they hoped and schemed to achieve.
Fascinating just how Teflon the BBC now feels it is under @ofcom @dcms and any government.
Surely it’s obvious they use postive photos for their friends
..and then pick unflattering ones for non-favoured like Trump/Farage/Tommy etc. ?
Seems such blatant bias
‘Well, whad’ya think?’
‘Honest answer? I’d say they’re both about the same size….’
This is Thomas Sowell’s evaluation of Obama “even worse than Jimmy Carter”
Fatastic news that Anna Sourberry has left the Tories, not that she ever was a conservative, and was certainly in the wrong party. She is joined by a couple of other misfits Heidi Allen and Sarah Wollaston.
So come the next election they can collect their severance and we will never have to hear from them again !
I still think Mrs Anna I’m not a nazi Soubry is Gary Glitter.
Good riddance to bad rubbish, sniping from the sidelines and giving succour to all those who have been actively working to undermine our negotiating position with the EU.
I wonder if the beebeestan isn’t triggering the law of unintended consequences with its endless pleading on behalf of the repulsive Shamima Beggin’. If every time they show the ghastly creature another million Brits go a little more islamophobic.
A phobia is an irrational fear go figure…..look at 9 11 and whatever other shit visited upon the west
repeat again: after settling into Luton, I ventured out into the town’s most infamous neighbourhood, Bury Park.
It is home to a large Kashmiri community, and as such is strongly Islamic; clothes shops have well-covered mannequins, newsagents periodically close for prayer, pubs do not sell alcohol.
But among this traditionalist infrastructure, elements of modernity have begun to bloom, from internet cafes to betting agents. The district now exists in a cultural limbo, somewhere between east and west, theocracy and secularism, past and present.
The contradictions are readily apparent: the adhan (call to prayer) echoes from minarets, mingling with the screams of Lady Gaga from passing hatchbacks. Women walk by in burqas while carrying Hilfiger bags. Islamic charity banks sit on roadsides for locals to deposit garments, next to weapon-banks for twitchy youths to deposit knives.
An example of Luton’s contradictions.
It wasn’t long before I encountered a shifty group at a stall on Leagrave Road. They were twenty-something British Kashmiris dressed in thawbs, distributing leaflets about the Syrian Civil War.
I decided to approach them. One of them handed me a leaflet, which showed corpses of children killed by bombs, their flesh scorched to flakes, their lips peeled away into vicious grins. Noticing my shock, the activist told me, “This is happening to Muslims in Syria and across the world. You wanna know why? Blame our so-called governments.”
I asked the man what he thought of the West’s last intervention, in Iraq.
Another member of the group stepped forward. He had a wild-eyed stare and a thick straggly beard like a frozen explosion. “Where you from?” He asked, eyeing me with paranoid saccades. “Are you even Muslim?”
I am an atheist of Punjabi Sikh origin — the worst possible combination for the Kashmiri jihadis of Bury Park. To prevent a potential cold shoulder (or worse), I lied that I was indeed Muslim.
They didn’t seem convinced. I tried to deflect attention to themselves, but they were only interested in talking about how evil the rafidah (Shia) and the kuffar (infidel) West were.
I asked if I could take a photo, and was curtly denied. “If you don’t care about the brothers and sisters in Syria, you ain’t a Muslim.”
Is the secret strategy to push for an election
..and then a Labour / Independent /Lib/SNP REMAIN coalition government ?
Don’t we already have a Remain government? If not, what has the performance of the last 2.5 years been about?
If the Left’s new darling, Shamima, is able to get a Bangla Deshi passport, and given that the father of one of the other three girls is barely able to speak English, the question I’d like to hear answered is….why the hell were any of them here in the first place?
I suspect their combined nett contribution to the UK economy may leave a lot to be desired.
Still, a Labour vote is a Labour vote.
To get my wife a british passport :
Paid so far:
Fiance visa : £950
Marriage visa : £1260
after 2 and a half years again: £1658 + £75 surcharge for Saturday attendance + £500 for accessing national health
December 2018 charrge for re applying (she took the wrong english exam) : £1060 + £60 for sending documents
now charge £500 again for the national health charge
where is the justice in this that a paki murderer has more rights than my wife who loves this country ?
Incomprehensible Annunaki-may I ask what nationality your wife was before. There was an earlier piece your wrote Feb 19th, which was excellent, if only you were able to get that printed in as National Newspaper !- Yes I have read much of Professor Coleman, most enlightening. I have studied over 10 yrs the rise of the teachings of Islam as it has encroached upon our blind society who will believe and obey any order given no matter the consequences.