Just had ‘Doctors’ on in the background. A even worse dose of Social Justice Warrior bullshit than usual. A hapless woman gets into debt (not because of her feckless behaviour of course; it must have been an act of God) so the bailiff comes to repossess her car. Since he is a representative of Evil Capitalism he is white, and very nasty. Nothing is said about the unlucky person who has lost money thanks to this woman and has been driven to go to court to recover it.
Cut to the surgery. A really nasty snobbish rich (white) woman shouts at the really nice caring compassionate (black) nurse and says she’s going to report her and the really nice caring compassionate (black) doctor. (‘Rich’ = bad of course; unless you got that way by being overpaid by the BBC.)
There follows a totally unbelievable heart-to-heart between the nurse and the rich woman. The latter is miraculously converted to practical socialism and gives the nurse a fat wad of cash so she can pay off the poor woman’s debt and thus keep her car.
Although it was trite, simplistic, and badly written, this would have been a harmless little fairy story, were it not for the fact that every good person in it was black and every bad person in it was white. Of course that could have been chance, except that it’s the same every damned time. It’s sooo predictable! It reminds me of the cowboy films we used to watch in the fleapit when I was a kid, except the colours are the other way round. Then, the good cowboys had white hats; the bad cowboys had black ones.
I despair of our once great BBC. They degrade their drama by crowbarring their agenda into every item. Why do they do it? If they think they are promoting racial harmony they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s almost as if they are trying to encourage the racists by irritating the shit out of everybody.
Fred, Everything from the beauty becomes unwatchable once one becomes aware of it’s biased behaviour. There should be a ‘raising awareness’ campaign modeled on say Me Too. However, I doubt the MSM would would give it the same or any publicity.
What the BBC forget to mention is that Western nations are the only ones that allow Blacks and Asians to migrate to the West. And Western nations are the only ones that allow it, and even pass laws for fair treatment.
It doesn’t happen in Africa, Asia or Latin America.
Jersey, Guernsey they seem to get away with it. Japan your 100% correct. Saudi, Dubia they take none of their co religionist’s, well maybe only as slave labour. It must be our weather that’s the attraction.
Starting the weekend with a talk by Katie Hopkins at Exeter Yoonie. Lefties have been gathering to stop the audience from hearing her, lest she damages their minds. And now she has been presented with a form she must sign before being allowed to speak. She is actually holding the form standing in front of the audience.
Time to defund some of the yoonies.
Exeter is a particularly useless middle class finishing school. I hope Katie walked out. It is noteworthy only for the alacrity it voted for BDS and it’s pernicious attitude to Israel. Apart from this nothing would so become the place as it’s closure.
I think she did the right thing to sign this idiotic document and then just go ahead and give the talk in all its glory.
She’s already exposed these pathetic PC snowflakes.
Give it to them both barrels!
The University of Exeter is as notorious as the University of Bristol, University of Reading and the University of East Anglia when it comes the man-made Climate Change fraud. Peter Stott works with Peter Cox at the University of Exeter. They produce computer generated dogma for the man-made Climate Change fraud which sparked a complaint from Mensa members to the BBC about the Climate Change program “Hot Planet” transmitted in December of 2009. The BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a “fact” the IPCC using an assumption says “very likely” and the BBC which claims to be impartial said “fact”. The members found out that the BBC statement “Fact” came from the University of Exeter. The senior scientific advisor for the BBC documentary “Hot Planet” was a computer modeller called Professor Peter Cox of Exeter University.
Cox also produced the notorious failed predictions of Barbecue Summers and a Mild Winters using his computer models. The computer models produced by the University of Exeter use a formula that Astronomers can produce much more cheaply using a pen, paper and a scientific calculator with logarithms. But producing results using computers is much more impressive to morons, such as those at the BBC. The “Facts” used for the calculations are guesses or assumptions roughly based on (0.76 to 1) Kelvin for 100 ppm of carbon dioxide. Ignorance of correlations with the length solar cycle are also necessary for Professor Cox keeping his job as a computer modeller with the University of Exeter.
This ignorance goes right through Exeter Uni. I was told by the father of one student “My daughter is —- Helgasdottir and we are Iclandic. I know we do this differently in Iceland but I was surprised to get a letter addressed to Mr. Helgasdottir!”
It’s just like forms you have to sign to enter Saudi Arabia……it clearly states that your are not to engage in any acts of “Jugling” ……please don’t think I’m joking.
Its a trickle that’s becoming a flood with these loony yunies. The same was done to a comedian who had to sign a paper saying what he could joke about and what he couldn’t, so he didn’t bother to turn up. Our august seats of learning have killed free speech, but the protagonists are too thick to realise they are affecting their own future too.
Ross / Russ Atkins who fronts BBC outside source was the driving force behind getting a 50/50 gender balance of guests . He is a MASSIVE snowflake. A liberal softy of the highest order.
Here a tweet from BBC outside source , basically saying, look, a precedent has been set. Allow this ISIS bride back, she can be rehabilitated. Bollocks. She shows no remorse.
The question contains a fallacy in the way it uses the word “extreme”
..If there is a child on the road … gently applying the brakes might be the moderate action
..slamming the breaks on ..might see extreme
..it is extreme
.. but it is the right thing to do
There is probably a name for “the middle way is best” fallacy
Argument to moderation
(Latin: argumentum ad temperantiam)
—also known as false equivalence, false compromise, [argument from] middle ground, equidistance fallacy, and the golden mean fallacy—is an informal fallacy which asserts that the truth must be found as a compromise between two opposite positions.
Well according to the BBC an extremist in the Tory Party is someone who supports Brexit, and an extremist in the Labour Party is an anti-Semite.
So if you add Brexiteers (52%) to the anti-Semites in the Labour Party, BNP, Islamic community and as the Balen report said, the BBC. Then because most people in Britain are extremists, only 14 percent are moderate enough to support the Independent Group. So because Independent Group MP’s don’t like By-elections and support undemocratic white European rule from Brussels, and the embarrassment of the House of Lords surviving into the 21st Century. Then the Independent Group is proof that the political system will remain broken until the next General Election.
Therefore according to the “Independent Group” a moderate is someone who opposes democracy because it is extreme.
Five reasons that I think the “Independent Group” thinks why democracy is extreme.
(1) Democracy is Populist.
(2) Democracy with more than one political party is extreme.
(3) Opponents of the undemocratic European Union are extremists.
(4) Opponents of the undemocratic House of Lords are extremists.
(5) Opponents of the undemocratic Independent Group are extremists.
Guest, isn’t it amazing? The first few commenters (sorry, Tweeters) all say the problem is the two main Parties, the power exercised by one Party or another or all political Parties and want proportional representation instead of FPtP elections.
Do they realise what PR does to the power of political Parties?
It gives them even greater say in who gets elected.
In a funny way we are seeing a preview of PR going on now in the handling of the Brexit arrangements. Horsetrading among various groups deciding what is best for us poor ignorant voters; when THEY have reached a conclusion, that is what we must have. “Representation” doesn’t come into it. The game is played in Westminster and is nothing to do with us. Once you are elected you can slip the surly bonds of earth and forget the boring people who got you there.
On a more serious note, the bbc’s coverage of the original story could have got someone killed. It took me half an hour on google to know this was a hoax. A bit like blaming brexit and Nigel Farage for the death of a hard working Polish immigrant who contributed so much to our great nation by getting pissed on a bench and abusing the locals.
Yes but the BBC doesn’t care. It is certainly true that the story will not have been verified before being broadcast , it may even be true that the BBC knew it to be false when it was broadcast, but it serves a greater truth in their eyes, get Trump. Whether it is true or not doesn’t matter. This is the depth to which the BBC and most of the rest of the MSM have sunk.
Here’s a little vignette to show how open door mass immigration cripples ordinary people.
On BBC London.
A woman is successfully campaigning against low pay.
It appears she has won £75,000 in compensation.
The odd thing is……she speaks no English !!!!!
In fact the bBBC spoke to her through an interpreter.
But at no time did they query this.
I don’t support exploitation, and the law is the law, but the way ordinary British people continually have the piss taken out of them really gets up my nose.
“Here’s a little vignette to show how open door mass immigration cripples ordinary people.”
“The odd thing is……she speaks no English !!!!!”
“…the way ordinary British people continually have the piss taken out of them really gets up my nose.”
Erm, the fact that Susana Benavides (an immigrant worker) felt able to express herself more clearly in Spanish during a TV interview doesn’t mean; “she speaks no English”.
She lead a protest for all the cleaners at Topshop for better pay and conditions after the subcontractor re-wrote their contracts; leaving them worse off. For that she was deliberately punished by her employers and eventually sacked.
Please explain how, from this, you have come to the conclusion that; “immigration cripples ordinary people”?
One crippled my nose yesterday- What a pong !
Think it was one of those North African things.
Anyway a better question: why do immigrants always SHOUT?
An illegal Communist from South America intent on destroying Europe.
Who had been in the UK for ten years, took the advice of Lawyers For Maximum Profit, pretended not to understand the local language, because “sympathy” and “£”.
Just like the unapologetic de-headist-jihadist-ess.
Just drop her in the Thames, with all her mates.
“Please explain how, from this, you have come to the conclusion that; “immigration cripples ordinary people”?”
They are at a disadvantage because the newcomers are not immigrants.
Invasion is not immigration.
Our Ancestors were able, mostly, to deal with this, we should follow their example.
Please explain why you defend an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
Please offer some evidence of Al Beeb’s pro Brexit right wing propaganda.
Funny isn’t it ? When the troll does the ‘ cut and paste ‘ routine now I just move on to a more thoughtful post by someone with a positive opinion as opposed to the trolls’ snowflaky virtue kidult stuff .
Do you know when I heard they were letting convoys of ISIS vehicles out of the battle zone I thought just kill them all and let their false god look after them . Yes I know there were hostages and western security in there ( hopefully ) but a think mercy was overdone . It also gave them hope .
Lucy If ever there was a reason not to allow this Begum woman back into the UK the photo of Lee Rigby with his son in his arms, should be reason enough. The filth that slaughtered this young soldier are languishing in one of our prisons paid for by the tax payer-could consideration for Capital Punishment be more than just a case for thought?
Every Muslim is taught from birth to follow the teachings of Islam, and nothing will alter that-radicalisation is there from birth, the ideology of Islam is put before all else, that is why in most cases they will not integrate easily into another culture, and until it is understood by those that are supposed to understand such things, nothing will change and we and indeed all of Europe will continue to be faced with the utter disregard for Western values. For a while I worked in West Africa and saw first hand the strength that Islam inflicts upon its followers- so far behind western culture in many ways.
We face a very freightening future-immigration from Arab/Asian/African countries will continue to attack our shores-how can we stop it? Not with the present policies on immigration that is for sure. Look at the web site Migration Watch, most informative& interesting.
If my social media timelines are any guide, rather clearly a bbc internal memo has gone out to all staff to get two favoured words into every, single ‘report’:
BBC News
It’s the first time the ministers have said publicly that delaying Brexit is better than “crashing out” of the EU.
"No self respecting Tory government should ever deliberately inflict an act of self-harm upon the people we represent"
Robert Buckland
Current Wikipedia article highlights an outstanding record of snout in trough.
Legal snout in trough, so that is OK.
Naturally educated at Lawyer’s Snouts Permanently in Trough University.
Another for the list.
Time to change the criterion for “the list”.
To guilty unless I say so.
Currently guiltless JRM, Bill Cash, Steve Baker, + any other suggestions from my learned friends on Biased BBC.
I am going to bed now. I hope to dream about Britain becoming as rich as America by crashing out of the EU like America crashed out of the British Empire, and giving the £39 Billion to Brexit supporters. All the Remainers inflicting self-harm by deliberately falling off a cliff at Beachy Head, and dreaming about leprechauns building walls financed by Donald Trump.
Bbc called out again for that famous selective Alzheimer’s that pervades from the top floor down.
BBC looks into political researchers’ funding, but forgets to mention EU strategic funding for many UK think-tanks, particularly those in defence and security. That’s explained here:https://t.co/oppEUZCGFNhttps://t.co/MZRDEXbe7p
The above links to an August 2018 article by Dr Lee Rotherham:
… The EU funding of British organisations that are lobbying for the UK to take part in these EU defence projects may well go some way towards explaining why Theresa May’s administration supports these EU military schemes.
Of particular concern is the EU’s influence over the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). This has recently received more than €8 million from Brussels.
Other organisations that have also lobbied for the EU and have received money from Brussels include;
– The Royal Institute of International Affairs, otherwise known as Chatham House.
– International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
– The Centre for European Reform (CER)
– The Foreign Policy Centre
– The Fabian Society.
Those who should be putting Britain’s security and defence industry first are acting as proxies for a Brussels takeover. They are taking funds from the EU and pushing its agenda at the heart of government in the UK – essentially taking British taxpayers’ money, and using it to subvert Britain’s independent defence and foreign policy.
May has already signed us up to all of the EU Defence Union structures except PESCO.
The Malthouse Plan by backbench Tory MPs requests an amendment to the backstop, but NOT these defence union plans. MPs don’t understand this because they’re over-thinking it. They should know it’s a straight-forward con which key ministers cooked up with the EU in 2016 and 2017.
Not difficult to find out who funds them ‘the think tanks’, mostly large organisations who want to influence various issues in their industries.
Definitions of think tanks are invariably vague. “A body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems,” is a typical attempt. They provide little indication as to what think tanks actually are or do. And when you consider the incredible diversity of these organisations, the picture becomes even more confusing.
The UK’s think tanks come in many shapes and sizes. The larger ones, like the Overseas Development Institute, can have more than 200 staff. The smallest, like the local government think tank Localis, just a handful of researchers. Some have a long heritage, like the Bow Group (a conservative think tank founded in 1951 to counter socialism); others are much more recently formed. Some, like Demos, cover many different policy areas. Others have a specific niche, such as the Centre for Social Justice with its focus on social breakdown and poverty.
Some try to influence international bodies such as the European Union (e.g. the Centre for European Reform), others national or local government. Some have a regional focus (e.g. Centre for London, IPPR North). Others, like Chatham House, cover global issues. Some are ideologically left wing (e.g. the Fabian Society), others right wing (e.g. the Centre for Policy Studies).
The majority focus on research with the aim of influencing other organisations – mostly government – to act.
It’s probably just me but i can’t seem to find any mention of TR and Panodrama on the beeb webshite.
That in itself indicates bias and censorship of ‘inconvenient’ news.
Let’s see if they continue the Soviet style blackout if and when it kicks off today, and how they frame it and spin it.
BBC breakfast around 8.25am. Flicked on for quite literally seconds. Black women talking about how much HIStory there is and not enough HERstory !!!!! I kid you.not. It’s relentless this gender crap. Relentless.
Doobster-Shame you switched off. You missed the riveting
feature on girls rugby. It amazes me how the BBC continue
with Football’s ” Match of the Day” when it could be so easily be
replaced with the more diverse Women’s Rugby or Netball ” Match
of the Day.
I saw a nauseating trailer for a BBC programme where they travel all around the world. Must be great to be able to fund such fantastic holidays through extortion rather than having to work for it. They love to rub our noses in it as well.
If BBC executives could just move to ‘diverse’ areas such as Hounslow – which they ensure as are idyllic – rather than live in monoculture life areas where property is much more expensive they would be able to fund the holidays themselves. Save millions plus live in a multicultural paradise, it seems like a no-brainer? They must absolutely hate all that peace and quiet where they actually live.
Whenever the next general election happens I hope that the Brexit party that win it will also change the voting system to a proper proportional system (PR) where every vote counts.
This should end the two party system.
As a bonus, both labour and Tory would hate it. Just imagine their little faces…boo hoo hoo.
Emmanuel, you are right that PR would end the two party system as at present. We would in fact become effectively a one-party state where the government is a permanent coalition of Labour and Conservative or, worse, Labour and “Liberal” “Democrat”. It would be almost impossible to change the government for something else without violence. See Austria as an example, who without violence took over 60 years to change their government.
The handful of UKIP MPs elected would have less influence than the SNP does now in Westminster. It would mean UKIP disappearing completely within 10 years.
Yes, it would be superficially more democratic to have parties represented proportionately, but coalitions are not on the ballot paper so the democratic mandate ends there.
UKIP have more power now than they would have and we can still get rid of bad governments, and then get rid of their replacement if they’re also bad.
Listened to Robinson, Bridge and Boles on Toady. R. trying his best to stir. Bridge putting up a solid case for implementing the referendum result, even if it means ‘no deal’ (which is the way to go). Boles full of why parliament is more important than the people, etc.
As for Amber Rudd, wish she would resign (for the second time). Can’t wait to see the back of her (for the second time). What is it with May that she has this love-affair with the leftist Rudd, who would be much happier in the Labour Party or out there with Chukka?
She can take Gauke and Clarke with her.
What a fiasco this has been! Give the No1 project – to leave the EU- to a remainer PM, with a largely remainer parliament, sensing they can snatch decision-making from government, because it is so WEAK, and this is what you end up with…
What have the voters of this country done to deserve such a bunch of anti-democratic, puffed-up, lily-livered cowards in parliament?
As for the ‘independents’, they would be a wee bit impressive if they had resigned their seats, to demonstrate that the ‘people’s vote’ they profess to love so much (a dishonest label if ever there was one) works in their constituencies. But in truth -they don’t trust ‘the people’ at all, cos they know they’d be flung out on their ears. Cowards and hypocrites, the lot of them! Politicians at their worst! Smooth, lying, little Chukka leads on that score! Sees himself as a great new leader, no doubt, aspirations for No 10 perhaps, in the long-term…
God forbid.
“”Police force ‘discriminated against white heterosexual male’ “”
“”A police force which rejected a “well prepared” potential recruit because he is a white, heterosexual male has been found guilty of discrimination.””
Institutionally racist, Macpherson would have said.
Should heads not roll?
Once merit goes out the window and quotas come in to replace that principle, we are in sh..!
I watched convulsing with laughter as Saliha and her two fellow judges were served a dishes that contained a huge rasher of bacon, and a sauce that contained whiskey. The camera panned around the two white judges eating the food and lingered fleetingly on Saliha’s plate for a couple of seconds. Saliha’s plate had the scallops on with a bit of salad and well, nothing else, no bacon and no balsamic whisky sauce. I think this Daily Mail poster explained it quite accurately …
“Is no one going to mention the fact that two dishes contained pork / alcohol so the “judge” Saliha ate just scallop on one dish and on the other just a puree with an onion / leek ???? It was a joke, she couldn’t have correctly judged the dishes as a whole. Well done BBC. Pointless.”
The Menu
The meal as presented to the non-muslim judges
Saliha’s Plate (without bacon and whisky sauce)
Here are the judges eating a chicken stuffed with sausage meat meal, well two judges are, Saliha’s plate only contains the leeks and the cauliflower puree it was served with.
You deserve an award for showing us such a demonstrably brilliant example of the biased BBC at work.
The disengenuity. The hypocrisy.
All on show from our ‘most trusted’ broadcaster, who are not slow to use the words Fake News when it suits them.
Listening to The Week in Westminster one wonders what went wrong with the Conservative Party that it now seems bad that ( hopefully ) it’s moving to the Right .
So this means that there has been. No home for people like me who are of the right
FE2 – I honestly dont think it is fixable. It has become like the BBC full of progressive jobsworths and to be perfectly honest even if it did somehow manage to become “conservative” again – I can no longer trust it.
Like the BBC the Conservative party to me has now become synonymous with corruption, dishonesty and a total lack of courage.
Eddy – Not on YT as yet, anyway.
But I did end up watching her shocking and heartbreaking film on the farm murders in SA. Thought that, to date, only Lauren Southern had done one (Farmlands).
UK media silence on this issue of violent, barbaric, racism absolutely deafening. Wonder why? And no sign of the usual demonstrators of old in front of SA House? Wonder why? Surely no hypocrisy there? What about it, ‘Lord’ Hain?Even ISIS would get a run for their money in the barbarism (mixed richly with cowardice) stakes…
And we do hear quite a bit about ISIS.
Beeb worried it might undermine the status of their iconic hero, NM? Or simply that the victims don’t matter, because…well, we know, don’t we?
Several years ago John Simpson did something so uncharacteristic of the BBC it had me staring at the screen in astonishment. It was a documentary on the state of SA, particularly central Johannesburg, where high-rise buildings stood vacant because of horrendous crime levels.
The ANC reacted with fury, accusing the BBC of racism against black South Africans. Funny that. The BBC was of course devoted to the Anti-Apartheid Struggle and deeply in love with Nelson Mandela. It only had to step out of line once with Simpson’s documentary to feel the wrath of the ungrateful and unforgiving ANC.
I guess the BBC will not be making that mistake ever again. So we can look forward to its usual timid reporting and shying away from the dismal state of the country, as it continues to mislead its audience.
After 3 years of ‘negotiating’ with the eu we are hearing from the likes of Rudd and her mini gang that we need an extension, 2 or 3 months, and in that time, everything we’ve been stuck on such as the Irish border, will all suddenly be sorted out.
If it’s so easy, why not do it now?
Removing the no deal option (the option which we voted for) means we must accept whatever deal the eu impose on us. I’m sure it will be such a good deal so that other eu members will want to leave with the same deal, unless the eu want to prevent others leaving and give us an awful deal.
Has there ever been a U.K. government so out of touch with the people of the U.K. The sooner the majority of them are flushed away the sooner we get politicians who represent us.
This shower of shit is finished with only a few who deserve to be returned when we get our say (or revenge?)
Redwood, Dorries, Bone, Bridgen and the like are welcome but the vast majority, 450+ can piss off.
The comedy moment today was the Week at Westminster but with MPs panicking about not being able to get legislation through before the 29th
There was no one to say “ that’s what you are paid for “ “ where have you been for 3 years?”
The other good bit was at the current rate the MPs only have 20 working days for the brexit Act to be stopped and democracy overthrown .
They are thinking about re introducing the Treason Act which Bliar abolished. Perhaps these MPs will be on the receiving end of their own legislative process .
Cass, excellent observation ! I watched that episode, but that incident passed me by.
On another tac, we are often told how migration has benefitted this country, and yes, we have when we welcomed those genuinely fleeing persecution in the early parts of the 20th century.
In the more recent decades rather than how we have benefitted but how much migration has cost us ! Aside from the usual benefits welfare, housing, education and health, we spend untold millions on printing educational /informative booklets in various languages, the costs of translators, our police and security services spend billions on dealing with black/Asian/eastern European crime, and fighting terrorism.
I watched The Pledge last night, and Maajid Nazwa gave his reaction on the mugging he received earlier in the week. Of course, no human being should be subjected to that, but this is an indication of how we cannot live together in a melting pot of faiths. We have generations who claim dual identity with their root culture despite being born here; British Pakistani, British Muslim, British Asian. Are there any Brits who have emigrated to Canada and identify as a British Canadian ? (perhaps they’re are). No, there has been a huge financial cost to opening the flood gates to new peoples, and once we draw up the drawbridge and cut all ties with Europe we can only benefit in the long run.
I don’t watch the news now, Brissles. It’s like watching the story of The Emporer’s New Clothes being played out for real. Some examples I would include (and I welcome any other observations, are:
Gang violence is a euphemism for black youths committing acts of violence and murder on each other and anyone else.
Grooming by Asian men is a euphemism for rape and corruption of under age white girls by Pakistani men.
Honour Killing is a euphemism for the killing of female Asians by male Asian family members.
Undocumented migrants s a euphemism for illegal immigrants.
Trafficking is a euphemism for the buying and selling of people as slave by immigrants.
Islamist is a euphemism for a Muslim who wants to kill non-Muslims.
Right Winger / Fascist is a euphemism for an indigenous member of the population who is dubious about the benefits of uncontrolled mass immigration and the negative consequences it has on his / her society.
See https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/269
I see and hear black, Asians and Muslims proclaim that they are the innocents, yet they are overrepresented in the crime statistics and prison population. For example in 2016 it was found that 12% of people in London are black. 54% of street crime, 59% of robberies and 67% of gun crime coming to court has black defendants, Lord knows what it is now. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/7856787/Violent-inner-city-crime-the-figures-and-a-question-of-race.html
Racism within the criminal justice system does not explain this.
I could go on. I have seen the country change beyond recognition, and not for the better, in the last thirty or forty years and I feel angry, frustrated and great sadness.
Cass, you’ve hit the nail on the head in your comments. Sadly no-one is forwarded thinking enough when allowing hoards of migrants to settle here, as the repercussions aren’t necessary felt until 20 years later when their children are old enough to need benefits themselves or clog up our prison systems, and so it will continue. We are already outnumbered by British ??? whatever in some cities, and by the end of this century I can see this country having a parliament where the non-whites will be in the majority, simply by dint of a decreasing white population. African governments are the most corrupt in the world, and the same will happen here.
It would be so easy for ONS to produce a map showing tax received v. benefits paid by post code and we all know that this is not going to happen. The devious lefties will try to obfuscate by saying that pensioners are the biggest drain and I am quite happy to include pensions in the data though the vast majority of pensioners have more than paid for their pittance through a lifetime of work. What about the other beneficiaries of our benevolent society then?
I guess it’s a throwback to the middle ages? when all art seemed to be religiously themed.
Or Nazi germany where ‘wrong view’ art was banned.
On a purely critical level- if it’s so photo realistic that people think it is a photo — err why bother,
why not just show photos?
I guess it’s a throwback to the middle ages? when all art seemed to be religiously themed.
Or Nazi germany where ‘wrong view’ art was banned.
On a purely critical level- if it’s so photo realistic that people think it is a photo — err why bother,
why not just show photos?
A few of the headlines on the “Northern” Ireland page of the bBBC website today tell us;
That the SDLP leader is to address members of his Nationalist sister party in the south, Fianna Fail, at their conference in Dublin,
Lincoln FC are looking for an Irish language tutor so that Irish footballers at the club can complete the Irish Leaving Certificate there if they desire,
Irish police are looking for an Icelandic man missing in Dublin,
An emergency Brexit plan has been announced by the Irish government in case there is no-deal,
Apparently we can all be reassured that EU-Irish solidarity will not diminish,
The Irish Republics UK driving licence holders must switch to Irish licences before Brexit,
A Dublin family have scooped €175 million in the Euro lottery,
A drone temporarily stops flights at Dublin Airport,
and finally, a parrot coincidentally found there has been reunited with its owner.
All of these might possibly be of interest, and I stress possibly, to bBBC licence fee payers in the Republic of Ireland but, well, there are none.
A Northern Ireland Homepage dominated with articles aimed at an audience in a foreign country, aimed to suggest and to normalise the idea of a united island of Ireland, of no real significance to most of the Northern Irish population increasingly being seen by the bBBC as a contemptuous ircomptemptuous.
Many of you across the water will be asking who or where or what or even so, if you read these articles, my reaction to most of them as well to be honest. However it seems that stories that may actually be of interest or significance to people who live in Northern Ireland definitely don’t elicit the same response from bBBC NI. It seems as though they’re not interested in news specifically related to Northern Ireland such as this one at all for some reason.
I think that medical story is being repeated all over the British isles . It seems like the medical ‘ professsion ‘ collides in covering for people on false or poor qualifications ‘ winging it’ before they kill or seriously injure someone – and then it gets covered up again.
Relatives get silence . Medics disappear from wards and they pray that the distressed relative will ‘ go away’ .
My days of having much regard for medics is long gone – particularly the huge amount of taxes thrown at it.
Just returned from a few days in my City of birth. Last time I drove around it was over three years ago……..
Reminiscences of the Middle East. Dacca or Islamabad. Filthy. Disgusting.
I’ve revised my thinking. I had always thought that to put a ‘proper’ leader in place in the UK, may have halted this unending terminal downward spiral but, reality prevails: it won’t happen and there will be no halting followed by reversal. Simply too many to contemplate. They’ve transformed my home City to one where they feel comfortable and, as is said, ‘home is where the heart is’. At least I’ll go out with a smile on my face, knowing what those remaining and those responsible will have to contend with. The back of the indigenous people is irretrievably well broken.
Dear God G,
That’s heartbreaking. To have one’s culture dismantled & replaced with the anti-culture that is Islam is surely a crime on a grand scale. On the part of our collective, corrupt leadership I mean.
Yep, this country is being hollowed out by an invading horde set on transforming our culture into the same shit one that they came from whilst a ruling elite and a bevy of self absorbed luvvies safely ensconsed in their little mansions are telling us we are so bad for acknowledging it.
The BBC always gave the Republic terrorists support /bias during those years of murder ( I don’t like ‘ troubles’ – kind of disregards victims ) so it’s unlikely that they’d change .
There is a piece of research I have seen from the US looking at transgender suicide rates.
Now these are high by normal standards but it turns out the more you transition, the higher the suicide rate.
So advocates of the transgender process are in effect advocating higher suicide rates.
The bBBC somehow seem to not have noticed this
Just listened to the opening question in AQ. Roger Scruton playing a straight bat so no applause whatsoever. Buckland going on about citizenship. Dumblebum quotes Bangladeshi law which says a child born to Bangladeshi parents, which our star turn’s parents are, we are told, IS a Bangladeshi citizen.
Stopped listening when the Liar Chucky started spouting off.
With luck the addicted self publicists of the TIG Party will spend so much time on the BBC in the next month that by the time they realise the date we ll be free of the ReichEU
As an aside I see that MSM is starting to put out stories about what happens on brexit plus one …
I wonder how Luciana Berger feels about the independent group, splitting from labour because of anti semitism, which has been taken over by various traitors purely to go against the people’s democratic instruction to leave the eu.
The anti semitism is now only occasionally tagged on to this group when the news person remembers (or if it can damage anyone with different politics to theirs, that is, anyone on the right ((or as they label it, far right, far far right, nazi, far right extremists etc)))
From a brief look at YouTube videos of the Tommy Robinson exposé of the far-left bbc collective plan to destroy him, the turnout today in front of their hive in Salford appears to be very impressive.
The Ratner School of Marketing is certainly churning out its product now!
An advert on ITV3 had a well-dressed man of colour eating at an American-owned ‘restaurant’, (fries wiv’ da’?), then being led into the office of a power-dressed white woman, presumably being interviewd for a job as Director of Diversity.
If the minorities were never able to ‘do things’ because they never saw themselves represented on TV why do they expect the majority to go out and buy stuff now that they never see themselves on TV?
If you live in the London area you might have seen posters advertising “Waitress,” a musical which opened at the Adelphi Theatre this month.
(Background: It sounded familiar and sure enough turns out to be an adaptation of the 2007 U.S. film written and directed by the late Adrienne Shelly, who I was aware of from her work as an actress in two of Hal Hartley’s early films. The film was released posthumously after Shelly was killed in November 2006.)
Now, I can find mention of the musical on the BBC website and that a “construction worker . . . pleaded guilty to her manslaughter,” and they even note that Shelly’s real name was Adrienne Levine. However, nowhere on the BBC can I find mention that her killer, (who strangled her and faked her suicide) is called Diego Pillco, or that he was an illegal immigrant from Ecuador.
Gosh, why would they omit these details? Help me out. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-45645653 http://murderpedia.org/male.P/p/pillco-diego.htm
It’s very much the theme which Cassandra set out earlier in this thread .
To counter the bias by omission – a key point is – if no description or name is mentioned in a crime you can assume it is a ‘diverse’ individual .
If a ‘ diverse ‘ character is the victim you’ll hear the whole sob story as in the two ‘ mo s’ stabbed to death in separate incidents in Brum this week .
TC, now that plea: “Gosh, why would they omit these details? Help me out.” should have maxincony rushing in to help you. After all, he is a theatre-type person.
Just out of interest, can we get expect that those investigative journalists at the BBC will be door-stepping Jeremy Corbyn soon to ask him for his views on the current state of affairs in Venezuela?
Nope, I thought not.
I wouldn’t exactly call it impartial. At least two mentions that Tommy Robinson isn’t his real name. I don’t know if the Panodrama video has yet been shown, or indeed if it lives up to its promise, but there’s certainly no indication that it even exists.
We do have this:
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) said they “roundly condemn Tommy Robinson… and his fellow, far-right thugs who intend to intimidate staff at the corporation, particularly those working on Panorama”.
“BBC staff should be free to do their jobs without these threats,” the NUJ spokesperson added.
“Intimidation, threats and violence carried out by far-right protesters systematically targeting the media, especially photojournalists, are becoming more frequent and we will always call out this behaviour and report criminal activity to the police.”
No evidence of what intimidation or threats are purported to have been carried out, but much on “Mr Yaxley-Lennon’s” jailing for contempt and that “the ruling still stands”.
Apparently there are 3,000 there. Which likely means there are 10,000.
At about 16:20 today on BBC News Channel they mentioned this.
Two points of bias stood out when they said “500 anti fascists also attended”.
At no point did they mention how many are attending for Tommy Robinson and labelling the 500 as “anti fascists” is making the false link that the other larger group must be fascists.
Agree with the letting the protesters get away with the loaded ”anti fascists” tag.
Imagine a gay shame parade, with thousands of attendees mincing down the high street, and the BBC letting some protesters call themselves ”Anti Paedophiles” without being called out on it.
Even though there will certainly be way more pedos in that crowd, than fascists in a Tommy Robinson event,,
I was there from about 12:30. The expose didn’t start until after 3 pm.
That picture must be from way before things got going. Before I got there I took a walk past the ‘counter protest’ corral (nowhere near the big screen) – lots of hammer and sickle flags and Unite union sponsored placards with people chanting crap to no-one but themselves.
In front of the #Panodrama screen there were men and women and children of all ages. I heard no swearing, I saw hardly any beer bottles/cans in fact everyone was impeccably behaved. The volunteer stewards were going around collecting any litter left behind so as not to leave any mess.
It seemed as if the police were expecting WWIII judging by the number of them on duty. They had spotters on top of and in buildings overlooking the venue plus as drone and for what? As W.C. Fields once said -“there’s nothing a vulture hates than a glass eye”
The Panodrama video will be published online later tonight so you can make your own mind up about it but my impression is that J.S. is an extremely volatile person who doesn’t take kindly to having the tables turned on him.
Think what you like about T.R. but the man has balls of steel.
Larry Dart
I would think that the police would know the score and they would be sympathetic to to the TR crowd.
Was the Panodrama video all it was cracked up to be ?
Is it something that us posters should watch watch ?
Where do we find it ?
Was our resident troll, maxincony there ?
I don’t know what the police think about other than their pensions.
The video showed that the intention of the documentary was to ‘take down tommy’ and nothing else.
You’ll probably find it on TR’s f/b (unless its taken down).
Watch it if you want, don’t if you don’t.
I have no idea what maxi looks like or if he was there. If I had to guess I would say no because he had already read the BBC memo so wouldn’t have to form his own view.
Well done for going Larry – like you say the lad has balls of steel unlike the BBC. I am beginning to think that we are at a sea change moment where people are starting to catch onto what is really happening with our corrupt media and politicians. This current thing with TR and all of the recent shenanigans with that Jihadi lowlife has really made lots of people start questioning about what is really going on.
It was easy for me. I used my old fogey’s travel pass to go more or less ‘door to door’ on the Metrolink.
I went there not only to show support but to witness first hand what occurred so I could compare reality with MSM accounts.
Thinking about it though, does the BBC need any other comedians when they already have John Sweeney?
I’m not sure if Mr Sweeney has modelled himself on Jean-Claude Juncker or vice versa. Either way, to paraphrase words from the Monty Python philosopher song, they’re both a bugger for the bottle. But neither of them is too bright; maybe the contents of all of those bottles have marinated their intellects.
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andyjsnapeMar 10, 06:58 Start the Week 10th March 2025 bbc to go on and on about this… Lawyer probing Reform UK row contradicts MP Lowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c7430zw4zqyo Remember partygate, well…
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JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0q1pl1eldno Just look at the length of the article the…
me again ??????? whooopeeee !
Just had ‘Doctors’ on in the background. A even worse dose of Social Justice Warrior bullshit than usual. A hapless woman gets into debt (not because of her feckless behaviour of course; it must have been an act of God) so the bailiff comes to repossess her car. Since he is a representative of Evil Capitalism he is white, and very nasty. Nothing is said about the unlucky person who has lost money thanks to this woman and has been driven to go to court to recover it.
Cut to the surgery. A really nasty snobbish rich (white) woman shouts at the really nice caring compassionate (black) nurse and says she’s going to report her and the really nice caring compassionate (black) doctor. (‘Rich’ = bad of course; unless you got that way by being overpaid by the BBC.)
There follows a totally unbelievable heart-to-heart between the nurse and the rich woman. The latter is miraculously converted to practical socialism and gives the nurse a fat wad of cash so she can pay off the poor woman’s debt and thus keep her car.
Although it was trite, simplistic, and badly written, this would have been a harmless little fairy story, were it not for the fact that every good person in it was black and every bad person in it was white. Of course that could have been chance, except that it’s the same every damned time. It’s sooo predictable! It reminds me of the cowboy films we used to watch in the fleapit when I was a kid, except the colours are the other way round. Then, the good cowboys had white hats; the bad cowboys had black ones.
I despair of our once great BBC. They degrade their drama by crowbarring their agenda into every item. Why do they do it? If they think they are promoting racial harmony they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s almost as if they are trying to encourage the racists by irritating the shit out of everybody.
Fred, Everything from the beauty becomes unwatchable once one becomes aware of it’s biased behaviour. There should be a ‘raising awareness’ campaign modeled on say Me Too. However, I doubt the MSM would would give it the same or any publicity.
13c must have been missing from the production teams copy Fred.
What the BBC forget to mention is that Western nations are the only ones that allow Blacks and Asians to migrate to the West. And Western nations are the only ones that allow it, and even pass laws for fair treatment.
It doesn’t happen in Africa, Asia or Latin America.
I’d actually walk over hot coals than consider emigrating to Africa, Asia, Latin America or India. Though Japan would be the exception.
Jersey, Guernsey they seem to get away with it. Japan your 100% correct. Saudi, Dubia they take none of their co religionist’s, well maybe only as slave labour. It must be our weather that’s the attraction.
Brissles, it could be 2nd Referendum time: taffman and you in a straight battle for three in a row. 😉
The two of you had better get ready for Sunday evening.
Damn – I thought I’d fixed it for Taffman again . But – hey – lets have diversity eh ?
Work, work, work gets in the way .
But hey , we came first at Cardiff today 21-13 .
Starting the weekend with a talk by Katie Hopkins at Exeter Yoonie. Lefties have been gathering to stop the audience from hearing her, lest she damages their minds. And now she has been presented with a form she must sign before being allowed to speak. She is actually holding the form standing in front of the audience.
Time to defund some of the yoonies.
Unfair contracts are not valid
The rule of VC Vi Coactus , is about signing contracts under duress
I so hope you waived article 10 of the Human Rights Act at them and then told them to f*** off.
Exeter is a particularly useless middle class finishing school. I hope Katie walked out. It is noteworthy only for the alacrity it voted for BDS and it’s pernicious attitude to Israel. Apart from this nothing would so become the place as it’s closure.
I see she signed. A big mistake in my opinion. I thought Katie had more about her. She needed to walk away and tell the world why.
I think she did the right thing to sign this idiotic document and then just go ahead and give the talk in all its glory.
She’s already exposed these pathetic PC snowflakes.
Give it to them both barrels!
I completely agree with you Dave S
I see she signed. A big mistake in my opinion. I thought Katie had more about her. She needed to walk away and tell the world why.
I totally disagree with you Dave S
The University of Exeter is as notorious as the University of Bristol, University of Reading and the University of East Anglia when it comes the man-made Climate Change fraud. Peter Stott works with Peter Cox at the University of Exeter. They produce computer generated dogma for the man-made Climate Change fraud which sparked a complaint from Mensa members to the BBC about the Climate Change program “Hot Planet” transmitted in December of 2009. The BBC said that “Anthropogenic Global Warming is a “fact” the IPCC using an assumption says “very likely” and the BBC which claims to be impartial said “fact”. The members found out that the BBC statement “Fact” came from the University of Exeter. The senior scientific advisor for the BBC documentary “Hot Planet” was a computer modeller called Professor Peter Cox of Exeter University.
Cox also produced the notorious failed predictions of Barbecue Summers and a Mild Winters using his computer models. The computer models produced by the University of Exeter use a formula that Astronomers can produce much more cheaply using a pen, paper and a scientific calculator with logarithms. But producing results using computers is much more impressive to morons, such as those at the BBC. The “Facts” used for the calculations are guesses or assumptions roughly based on (0.76 to 1) Kelvin for 100 ppm of carbon dioxide. Ignorance of correlations with the length solar cycle are also necessary for Professor Cox keeping his job as a computer modeller with the University of Exeter.
Sunspot Cycle currently:
According to NASA. But what would they know about the subject?………..
This ignorance goes right through Exeter Uni. I was told by the father of one student “My daughter is —- Helgasdottir and we are Iclandic. I know we do this differently in Iceland but I was surprised to get a letter addressed to Mr. Helgasdottir!”
Interesting place to have on your CV.
It’s just like forms you have to sign to enter Saudi Arabia……it clearly states that your are not to engage in any acts of “Jugling” ……please don’t think I’m joking.
Its a trickle that’s becoming a flood with these loony yunies. The same was done to a comedian who had to sign a paper saying what he could joke about and what he couldn’t, so he didn’t bother to turn up. Our august seats of learning have killed free speech, but the protagonists are too thick to realise they are affecting their own future too.
Did they tell us who it was in order to tell us who it wasn’t?
Nicely put.
Ross / Russ Atkins who fronts BBC outside source was the driving force behind getting a 50/50 gender balance of guests . He is a MASSIVE snowflake. A liberal softy of the highest order.
Here a tweet from BBC outside source , basically saying, look, a precedent has been set. Allow this ISIS bride back, she can be rehabilitated. Bollocks. She shows no remorse.
The bbc ‘may’ use what you comment. Or not.
As metaphors go…
The question contains a fallacy in the way it uses the word “extreme”
..If there is a child on the road … gently applying the brakes might be the moderate action
..slamming the breaks on ..might see extreme
..it is extreme
.. but it is the right thing to do
There is probably a name for “the middle way is best” fallacy
“The question contains a fallacy in the way it uses the word ‘extreme’”
The question doesn’t use the word ‘extreme’. Duh.
Defender of the faith.
The Al Beeb faith of left wing propaganda.
Please tell us what motivates you?
Ah the tradition of the Friday night /Saturday Troll- like a british institution .
Hi Maxi:
The BBC’s question is clearly framed by “Ted of Tewkebury’s” use of the word “extremes”.
You have let yourself down Maxi. I am starting to think you may be a … troll. The shock.
There are two variants on a theme neither of which represent the best interests of the British people.
Well according to the BBC an extremist in the Tory Party is someone who supports Brexit, and an extremist in the Labour Party is an anti-Semite.
So if you add Brexiteers (52%) to the anti-Semites in the Labour Party, BNP, Islamic community and as the Balen report said, the BBC. Then because most people in Britain are extremists, only 14 percent are moderate enough to support the Independent Group. So because Independent Group MP’s don’t like By-elections and support undemocratic white European rule from Brussels, and the embarrassment of the House of Lords surviving into the 21st Century. Then the Independent Group is proof that the political system will remain broken until the next General Election.
Therefore according to the “Independent Group” a moderate is someone who opposes democracy because it is extreme.
Five reasons that I think the “Independent Group” thinks why democracy is extreme.
(1) Democracy is Populist.
(2) Democracy with more than one political party is extreme.
(3) Opponents of the undemocratic European Union are extremists.
(4) Opponents of the undemocratic House of Lords are extremists.
(5) Opponents of the undemocratic Independent Group are extremists.
Guest, isn’t it amazing? The first few commenters (sorry, Tweeters) all say the problem is the two main Parties, the power exercised by one Party or another or all political Parties and want proportional representation instead of FPtP elections.
Do they realise what PR does to the power of political Parties?
It gives them even greater say in who gets elected.
In a funny way we are seeing a preview of PR going on now in the handling of the Brexit arrangements. Horsetrading among various groups deciding what is best for us poor ignorant voters; when THEY have reached a conclusion, that is what we must have. “Representation” doesn’t come into it. The game is played in Westminster and is nothing to do with us. Once you are elected you can slip the surly bonds of earth and forget the boring people who got you there.
David lammy has been called as a witness in the smollett case. He said he couldn’t see much cos of all the racist smoke in his eyes.
Diane Abbott was also called up, the Chicago PD are now looking for eleventy twelve racist white men.
On a more serious note, the bbc’s coverage of the original story could have got someone killed. It took me half an hour on google to know this was a hoax. A bit like blaming brexit and Nigel Farage for the death of a hard working Polish immigrant who contributed so much to our great nation by getting pissed on a bench and abusing the locals.
Yes but the BBC doesn’t care. It is certainly true that the story will not have been verified before being broadcast , it may even be true that the BBC knew it to be false when it was broadcast, but it serves a greater truth in their eyes, get Trump. Whether it is true or not doesn’t matter. This is the depth to which the BBC and most of the rest of the MSM have sunk.
Here’s a little vignette to show how open door mass immigration cripples ordinary people.
On BBC London.
A woman is successfully campaigning against low pay.
It appears she has won £75,000 in compensation.
The odd thing is……she speaks no English !!!!!
In fact the bBBC spoke to her through an interpreter.
But at no time did they query this.
I don’t support exploitation, and the law is the law, but the way ordinary British people continually have the piss taken out of them really gets up my nose.
“Here’s a little vignette to show how open door mass immigration cripples ordinary people.”
“The odd thing is……she speaks no English !!!!!”
“…the way ordinary British people continually have the piss taken out of them really gets up my nose.”
Erm, the fact that Susana Benavides (an immigrant worker) felt able to express herself more clearly in Spanish during a TV interview doesn’t mean; “she speaks no English”.
She lead a protest for all the cleaners at Topshop for better pay and conditions after the subcontractor re-wrote their contracts; leaving them worse off. For that she was deliberately punished by her employers and eventually sacked.
Please explain how, from this, you have come to the conclusion that; “immigration cripples ordinary people”?
One crippled my nose yesterday- What a pong !
Think it was one of those North African things.
Anyway a better question: why do immigrants always SHOUT?
An illegal Communist from South America intent on destroying Europe.
Who had been in the UK for ten years, took the advice of Lawyers For Maximum Profit, pretended not to understand the local language, because “sympathy” and “£”.
Just like the unapologetic de-headist-jihadist-ess.
Just drop her in the Thames, with all her mates.
“Please explain how, from this, you have come to the conclusion that; “immigration cripples ordinary people”?”
They are at a disadvantage because the newcomers are not immigrants.
Invasion is not immigration.
Our Ancestors were able, mostly, to deal with this, we should follow their example.
Please explain why you defend an organisation that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
Please offer some evidence of Al Beeb’s pro Brexit right wing propaganda.
Easy Maxi , immigration lowers our wages . I know that truth from experience . Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or a liar .
Funny isn’t it ? When the troll does the ‘ cut and paste ‘ routine now I just move on to a more thoughtful post by someone with a positive opinion as opposed to the trolls’ snowflaky virtue kidult stuff .
one crippled a lot of people in manchester
Do you know when I heard they were letting convoys of ISIS vehicles out of the battle zone I thought just kill them all and let their false god look after them . Yes I know there were hostages and western security in there ( hopefully ) but a think mercy was overdone . It also gave them hope .
Where is a Predator.
Lucy If ever there was a reason not to allow this Begum woman back into the UK the photo of Lee Rigby with his son in his arms, should be reason enough. The filth that slaughtered this young soldier are languishing in one of our prisons paid for by the tax payer-could consideration for Capital Punishment be more than just a case for thought?
Jihadi Jack, the Briton accused of fighting for Isil: ‘I miss my mum, pasties and Doctor Who – I want to go home’
How my heart pumps urine for the poor soul.
A fair minded person would let Jihadi Jack know that Dr Who is shit and not worth watching.
A cruel person would actually make him watch it. That should cure him of any notion of returning to the UK.
Every Muslim is taught from birth to follow the teachings of Islam, and nothing will alter that-radicalisation is there from birth, the ideology of Islam is put before all else, that is why in most cases they will not integrate easily into another culture, and until it is understood by those that are supposed to understand such things, nothing will change and we and indeed all of Europe will continue to be faced with the utter disregard for Western values. For a while I worked in West Africa and saw first hand the strength that Islam inflicts upon its followers- so far behind western culture in many ways.
We face a very freightening future-immigration from Arab/Asian/African countries will continue to attack our shores-how can we stop it? Not with the present policies on immigration that is for sure. Look at the web site Migration Watch, most informative& interesting.
If my social media timelines are any guide, rather clearly a bbc internal memo has gone out to all staff to get two favoured words into every, single ‘report’:
BBC News
It’s the first time the ministers have said publicly that delaying Brexit is better than “crashing out” of the EU.
Robert Buckland
Current Wikipedia article highlights an outstanding record of snout in trough.
Legal snout in trough, so that is OK.
Naturally educated at Lawyer’s Snouts Permanently in Trough University.
Another for the list.
Time to change the criterion for “the list”.
To guilty unless I say so.
Currently guiltless JRM, Bill Cash, Steve Baker, + any other suggestions from my learned friends on Biased BBC.
I am going to bed now. I hope to dream about Britain becoming as rich as America by crashing out of the EU like America crashed out of the British Empire, and giving the £39 Billion to Brexit supporters. All the Remainers inflicting self-harm by deliberately falling off a cliff at Beachy Head, and dreaming about leprechauns building walls financed by Donald Trump.
Given bbc subs now convey ‘news’ mainly by avatar, interesting.
And a giant turd can symbolise ‘The Times’
Bbc called out again for that famous selective Alzheimer’s that pervades from the top floor down.
The above links to an August 2018 article by Dr Lee Rotherham:
… The EU funding of British organisations that are lobbying for the UK to take part in these EU defence projects may well go some way towards explaining why Theresa May’s administration supports these EU military schemes.
Of particular concern is the EU’s influence over the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). This has recently received more than €8 million from Brussels.
Other organisations that have also lobbied for the EU and have received money from Brussels include;
– The Royal Institute of International Affairs, otherwise known as Chatham House.
– International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
– The Centre for European Reform (CER)
– The Foreign Policy Centre
– The Fabian Society.
Those who should be putting Britain’s security and defence industry first are acting as proxies for a Brussels takeover. They are taking funds from the EU and pushing its agenda at the heart of government in the UK – essentially taking British taxpayers’ money, and using it to subvert Britain’s independent defence and foreign policy.
May has already signed us up to all of the EU Defence Union structures except PESCO.
Not difficult to find out who funds them ‘the think tanks’, mostly large organisations who want to influence various issues in their industries.
Definitions of think tanks are invariably vague. “A body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems,” is a typical attempt. They provide little indication as to what think tanks actually are or do. And when you consider the incredible diversity of these organisations, the picture becomes even more confusing.
The UK’s think tanks come in many shapes and sizes. The larger ones, like the Overseas Development Institute, can have more than 200 staff. The smallest, like the local government think tank Localis, just a handful of researchers. Some have a long heritage, like the Bow Group (a conservative think tank founded in 1951 to counter socialism); others are much more recently formed. Some, like Demos, cover many different policy areas. Others have a specific niche, such as the Centre for Social Justice with its focus on social breakdown and poverty.
Some try to influence international bodies such as the European Union (e.g. the Centre for European Reform), others national or local government. Some have a regional focus (e.g. Centre for London, IPPR North). Others, like Chatham House, cover global issues. Some are ideologically left wing (e.g. the Fabian Society), others right wing (e.g. the Centre for Policy Studies).
The majority focus on research with the aim of influencing other organisations – mostly government – to act.
Let’s keep encouraging people to sign this petition. Maybe it can hit a million signatures before too long.
Yes, good luck Tommy, and may the revelations live up to the hype and cause massive embarrassment to the evil empire.
Go Tommy go go, Tommy be good!
My attempt at making light on this Shamima Begum nonsense
It’s probably just me but i can’t seem to find any mention of TR and Panodrama on the beeb webshite.
That in itself indicates bias and censorship of ‘inconvenient’ news.
Let’s see if they continue the Soviet style blackout if and when it kicks off today, and how they frame it and spin it.
BBC breakfast around 8.25am. Flicked on for quite literally seconds. Black women talking about how much HIStory there is and not enough HERstory !!!!! I kid you.not. It’s relentless this gender crap. Relentless.
Relentless and etymologically stupid as the word comes from Latin historia and of course has nothing to do with English possessive adjectives.
Doobster-Shame you switched off. You missed the riveting
feature on girls rugby. It amazes me how the BBC continue
with Football’s ” Match of the Day” when it could be so easily be
replaced with the more diverse Women’s Rugby or Netball ” Match
of the Day.
I’d love to watch disabled rugby. That would really be rivetting…..
Can’t our Marxist State Broadcaster start another campaign to promote same?
And we wonder why the only ‘crimes’ they want to investigate and prosecute are ‘hate crimes’!
Yet that peroxide sink numptie the bbc are touting as the new Dick is advocating just that elesewhere.
The thin grasp of reality.
I saw a nauseating trailer for a BBC programme where they travel all around the world. Must be great to be able to fund such fantastic holidays through extortion rather than having to work for it. They love to rub our noses in it as well.
If BBC executives could just move to ‘diverse’ areas such as Hounslow – which they ensure as are idyllic – rather than live in monoculture life areas where property is much more expensive they would be able to fund the holidays themselves. Save millions plus live in a multicultural paradise, it seems like a no-brainer? They must absolutely hate all that peace and quiet where they actually live.
Want to confirm your position as an “islamaphobe”? If yes, come join me and please sign the petition:
Whenever the next general election happens I hope that the Brexit party that win it will also change the voting system to a proper proportional system (PR) where every vote counts.
This should end the two party system.
As a bonus, both labour and Tory would hate it. Just imagine their little faces…boo hoo hoo.
I think our Nige should call his new party the ‘Farange’.
(You read it here first!)
Emmanuel, you are right that PR would end the two party system as at present. We would in fact become effectively a one-party state where the government is a permanent coalition of Labour and Conservative or, worse, Labour and “Liberal” “Democrat”. It would be almost impossible to change the government for something else without violence. See Austria as an example, who without violence took over 60 years to change their government.
The handful of UKIP MPs elected would have less influence than the SNP does now in Westminster. It would mean UKIP disappearing completely within 10 years.
Yes, it would be superficially more democratic to have parties represented proportionately, but coalitions are not on the ballot paper so the democratic mandate ends there.
UKIP have more power now than they would have and we can still get rid of bad governments, and then get rid of their replacement if they’re also bad.
Further thoughts to this – if we had had PR we would never have had the Brexit vote. Absolutely certain of that.
One has to wonder at what point no money is enough to write such guff.
Listened to Robinson, Bridge and Boles on Toady. R. trying his best to stir. Bridge putting up a solid case for implementing the referendum result, even if it means ‘no deal’ (which is the way to go). Boles full of why parliament is more important than the people, etc.
As for Amber Rudd, wish she would resign (for the second time). Can’t wait to see the back of her (for the second time). What is it with May that she has this love-affair with the leftist Rudd, who would be much happier in the Labour Party or out there with Chukka?
She can take Gauke and Clarke with her.
What a fiasco this has been! Give the No1 project – to leave the EU- to a remainer PM, with a largely remainer parliament, sensing they can snatch decision-making from government, because it is so WEAK, and this is what you end up with…
What have the voters of this country done to deserve such a bunch of anti-democratic, puffed-up, lily-livered cowards in parliament?
As for the ‘independents’, they would be a wee bit impressive if they had resigned their seats, to demonstrate that the ‘people’s vote’ they profess to love so much (a dishonest label if ever there was one) works in their constituencies. But in truth -they don’t trust ‘the people’ at all, cos they know they’d be flung out on their ears. Cowards and hypocrites, the lot of them! Politicians at their worst! Smooth, lying, little Chukka leads on that score! Sees himself as a great new leader, no doubt, aspirations for No 10 perhaps, in the long-term…
God forbid.
BBC Online News:
“”Police force ‘discriminated against white heterosexual male’ “”
“”A police force which rejected a “well prepared” potential recruit because he is a white, heterosexual male has been found guilty of discrimination.””
Will Cheshire police now accept him?? I doubt it.
Racist police force eh?
Institutionally racist, Macpherson would have said.
Should heads not roll?
Once merit goes out the window and quotas come in to replace that principle, we are in sh..!
we are already in the shit , why stop now
And train to violate the human rights of genuine English people, using the law as a weapon.
Anyone watch Masterchef this week? One episode had former Masterchef champion Saliha Mahmood Ahmed return to judge some contestants
I watched convulsing with laughter as Saliha and her two fellow judges were served a dishes that contained a huge rasher of bacon, and a sauce that contained whiskey. The camera panned around the two white judges eating the food and lingered fleetingly on Saliha’s plate for a couple of seconds. Saliha’s plate had the scallops on with a bit of salad and well, nothing else, no bacon and no balsamic whisky sauce. I think this Daily Mail poster explained it quite accurately …

“Is no one going to mention the fact that two dishes contained pork / alcohol so the “judge” Saliha ate just scallop on one dish and on the other just a puree with an onion / leek ???? It was a joke, she couldn’t have correctly judged the dishes as a whole. Well done BBC. Pointless.”
The Menu
The meal as presented to the non-muslim judges

Saliha’s Plate (without bacon and whisky sauce)

Here are the judges eating a chicken stuffed with sausage meat meal, well two judges are, Saliha’s plate only contains the leeks and the cauliflower puree it was served with.

Here is the link to the show, watch from 34m 29s.
… and… ‘she’s luvvin’ it!’
You deserve an award for showing us such a demonstrably brilliant example of the biased BBC at work.
The disengenuity. The hypocrisy.
All on show from our ‘most trusted’ broadcaster, who are not slow to use the words Fake News when it suits them.
Listening to The Week in Westminster one wonders what went wrong with the Conservative Party that it now seems bad that ( hopefully ) it’s moving to the Right .
So this means that there has been. No home for people like me who are of the right
FE2 – I honestly dont think it is fixable. It has become like the BBC full of progressive jobsworths and to be perfectly honest even if it did somehow manage to become “conservative” again – I can no longer trust it.
Like the BBC the Conservative party to me has now become synonymous with corruption, dishonesty and a total lack of courage.
It has now become part of the problem.
Regarding Katie Hopkins
where’s the video/ report of the exeter uni debate?
or was it private , or somthing ..
Eddy – Not on YT as yet, anyway.
But I did end up watching her shocking and heartbreaking film on the farm murders in SA. Thought that, to date, only Lauren Southern had done one (Farmlands).
UK media silence on this issue of violent, barbaric, racism absolutely deafening. Wonder why? And no sign of the usual demonstrators of old in front of SA House? Wonder why? Surely no hypocrisy there? What about it, ‘Lord’ Hain?Even ISIS would get a run for their money in the barbarism (mixed richly with cowardice) stakes…
And we do hear quite a bit about ISIS.
Beeb worried it might undermine the status of their iconic hero, NM? Or simply that the victims don’t matter, because…well, we know, don’t we?
Stop me if I’ve mentioned this before:
Several years ago John Simpson did something so uncharacteristic of the BBC it had me staring at the screen in astonishment. It was a documentary on the state of SA, particularly central Johannesburg, where high-rise buildings stood vacant because of horrendous crime levels.
The ANC reacted with fury, accusing the BBC of racism against black South Africans. Funny that. The BBC was of course devoted to the Anti-Apartheid Struggle and deeply in love with Nelson Mandela. It only had to step out of line once with Simpson’s documentary to feel the wrath of the ungrateful and unforgiving ANC.
I guess the BBC will not be making that mistake ever again. So we can look forward to its usual timid reporting and shying away from the dismal state of the country, as it continues to mislead its audience.
After 3 years of ‘negotiating’ with the eu we are hearing from the likes of Rudd and her mini gang that we need an extension, 2 or 3 months, and in that time, everything we’ve been stuck on such as the Irish border, will all suddenly be sorted out.
If it’s so easy, why not do it now?
Removing the no deal option (the option which we voted for) means we must accept whatever deal the eu impose on us. I’m sure it will be such a good deal so that other eu members will want to leave with the same deal, unless the eu want to prevent others leaving and give us an awful deal.
Has there ever been a U.K. government so out of touch with the people of the U.K. The sooner the majority of them are flushed away the sooner we get politicians who represent us.
This shower of shit is finished with only a few who deserve to be returned when we get our say (or revenge?)
Redwood, Dorries, Bone, Bridgen and the like are welcome but the vast majority, 450+ can piss off.
The comedy moment today was the Week at Westminster but with MPs panicking about not being able to get legislation through before the 29th
There was no one to say “ that’s what you are paid for “ “ where have you been for 3 years?”
The other good bit was at the current rate the MPs only have 20 working days for the brexit Act to be stopped and democracy overthrown .
They are thinking about re introducing the Treason Act which Bliar abolished. Perhaps these MPs will be on the receiving end of their own legislative process .
when your a rich hetrosexual woman married to a handsome bearded man and you feel excluded from the celebrity clique
just make some bollox up
and the bbc will be sure to publish your drivel
‘Pansexual’, eh? Anything to be noticed.
Pizza Hut are doing a Deep Pan vegan one.
The coat has been sent for.
Cheesy crust anyone?
Cass, excellent observation ! I watched that episode, but that incident passed me by.
On another tac, we are often told how migration has benefitted this country, and yes, we have when we welcomed those genuinely fleeing persecution in the early parts of the 20th century.
In the more recent decades rather than how we have benefitted but how much migration has cost us ! Aside from the usual benefits welfare, housing, education and health, we spend untold millions on printing educational /informative booklets in various languages, the costs of translators, our police and security services spend billions on dealing with black/Asian/eastern European crime, and fighting terrorism.
I watched The Pledge last night, and Maajid Nazwa gave his reaction on the mugging he received earlier in the week. Of course, no human being should be subjected to that, but this is an indication of how we cannot live together in a melting pot of faiths. We have generations who claim dual identity with their root culture despite being born here; British Pakistani, British Muslim, British Asian. Are there any Brits who have emigrated to Canada and identify as a British Canadian ? (perhaps they’re are). No, there has been a huge financial cost to opening the flood gates to new peoples, and once we draw up the drawbridge and cut all ties with Europe we can only benefit in the long run.
I don’t watch the news now, Brissles. It’s like watching the story of The Emporer’s New Clothes being played out for real. Some examples I would include (and I welcome any other observations, are:
Gang violence is a euphemism for black youths committing acts of violence and murder on each other and anyone else.
Grooming by Asian men is a euphemism for rape and corruption of under age white girls by Pakistani men.
Honour Killing is a euphemism for the killing of female Asians by male Asian family members.
Undocumented migrants s a euphemism for illegal immigrants.
Trafficking is a euphemism for the buying and selling of people as slave by immigrants.
Islamist is a euphemism for a Muslim who wants to kill non-Muslims.
Right Winger / Fascist is a euphemism for an indigenous member of the population who is dubious about the benefits of uncontrolled mass immigration and the negative consequences it has on his / her society.
See https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/269
I see and hear black, Asians and Muslims proclaim that they are the innocents, yet they are overrepresented in the crime statistics and prison population. For example in 2016 it was found that 12% of people in London are black. 54% of street crime, 59% of robberies and 67% of gun crime coming to court has black defendants, Lord knows what it is now.
Racism within the criminal justice system does not explain this.
I could go on. I have seen the country change beyond recognition, and not for the better, in the last thirty or forty years and I feel angry, frustrated and great sadness.
Cass, you’ve hit the nail on the head in your comments. Sadly no-one is forwarded thinking enough when allowing hoards of migrants to settle here, as the repercussions aren’t necessary felt until 20 years later when their children are old enough to need benefits themselves or clog up our prison systems, and so it will continue. We are already outnumbered by British ??? whatever in some cities, and by the end of this century I can see this country having a parliament where the non-whites will be in the majority, simply by dint of a decreasing white population. African governments are the most corrupt in the world, and the same will happen here.
Yes it’s like a perverse game for the brain to reform the language with a kind of ‘truth’ translator .
I used to be a news junky sourcing information from state TV . Now I avoid it . How people watch the breakfast news for 5 year olds is beyond me .
“African governments are the most corrupt in the world, and the same will happen here”
which considering the greedy pile of troughers in both houses of parliament and associated quangos and ngo’s is really saying something
It would be so easy for ONS to produce a map showing tax received v. benefits paid by post code and we all know that this is not going to happen. The devious lefties will try to obfuscate by saying that pensioners are the biggest drain and I am quite happy to include pensions in the data though the vast majority of pensioners have more than paid for their pittance through a lifetime of work. What about the other beneficiaries of our benevolent society then?
Blatant propaganda.
Support our Lefty could add that to his list.
Like the crafty ‘hitched a ride with NASA’ so totes covered on the contrails.
Dick Branson is insisting on an artist in residence for Virgin Exhaust Tower 2.
Billy Bragg is being considered. Apparently.
His first work will be via the medium of hypocrisy: “We’re on top of the world looking down on you peons”.
Next, Lily, then SurBob, then…
I guess it’s a throwback to the middle ages? when all art seemed to be religiously themed.
Or Nazi germany where ‘wrong view’ art was banned.
On a purely critical level- if it’s so photo realistic that people think it is a photo — err why bother,
why not just show photos?
I guess it’s a throwback to the middle ages? when all art seemed to be religiously themed.
Or Nazi germany where ‘wrong view’ art was banned.
On a purely critical level- if it’s so photo realistic that people think it is a photo — err why bother,
why not just show photos?
Border? What border?
A few of the headlines on the “Northern” Ireland page of the bBBC website today tell us;
That the SDLP leader is to address members of his Nationalist sister party in the south, Fianna Fail, at their conference in Dublin,
Lincoln FC are looking for an Irish language tutor so that Irish footballers at the club can complete the Irish Leaving Certificate there if they desire,
Irish police are looking for an Icelandic man missing in Dublin,
An emergency Brexit plan has been announced by the Irish government in case there is no-deal,
Apparently we can all be reassured that EU-Irish solidarity will not diminish,
The Irish Republics UK driving licence holders must switch to Irish licences before Brexit,
A Dublin family have scooped €175 million in the Euro lottery,
A drone temporarily stops flights at Dublin Airport,
and finally, a parrot coincidentally found there has been reunited with its owner.
All of these might possibly be of interest, and I stress possibly, to bBBC licence fee payers in the Republic of Ireland but, well, there are none.
A Northern Ireland Homepage dominated with articles aimed at an audience in a foreign country, aimed to suggest and to normalise the idea of a united island of Ireland, of no real significance to most of the Northern Irish population increasingly being seen by the bBBC as a contemptuous ircomptemptuous.
Many of you across the water will be asking who or where or what or even so, if you read these articles, my reaction to most of them as well to be honest. However it seems that stories that may actually be of interest or significance to people who live in Northern Ireland definitely don’t elicit the same response from bBBC NI. It seems as though they’re not interested in news specifically related to Northern Ireland such as this one at all for some reason.
Dangerously incompetent Muslim locum in Antrim or a disorientated African grey in Dublin?
The bBBC, rotten to the core.
I think that medical story is being repeated all over the British isles . It seems like the medical ‘ professsion ‘ collides in covering for people on false or poor qualifications ‘ winging it’ before they kill or seriously injure someone – and then it gets covered up again.
Relatives get silence . Medics disappear from wards and they pray that the distressed relative will ‘ go away’ .
My days of having much regard for medics is long gone – particularly the huge amount of taxes thrown at it.
Just returned from a few days in my City of birth. Last time I drove around it was over three years ago……..
Reminiscences of the Middle East. Dacca or Islamabad. Filthy. Disgusting.
I’ve revised my thinking. I had always thought that to put a ‘proper’ leader in place in the UK, may have halted this unending terminal downward spiral but, reality prevails: it won’t happen and there will be no halting followed by reversal. Simply too many to contemplate. They’ve transformed my home City to one where they feel comfortable and, as is said, ‘home is where the heart is’. At least I’ll go out with a smile on my face, knowing what those remaining and those responsible will have to contend with. The back of the indigenous people is irretrievably well broken.
Dear God G,
That’s heartbreaking. To have one’s culture dismantled & replaced with the anti-culture that is Islam is surely a crime on a grand scale. On the part of our collective, corrupt leadership I mean.
Yep, this country is being hollowed out by an invading horde set on transforming our culture into the same shit one that they came from whilst a ruling elite and a bevy of self absorbed luvvies safely ensconsed in their little mansions are telling us we are so bad for acknowledging it.
Of course I meant “a contemptuous irrelevance”.
Which is what I wish I could say about the sentiment suggested in this piece on the same page.
A sentiment seemingly shared by a growing number of staff at a bBBC becoming ever more sympathetic to Irish Nationalism.
The BBC always gave the Republic terrorists support /bias during those years of murder ( I don’t like ‘ troubles’ – kind of disregards victims ) so it’s unlikely that they’d change .
DADDY DRAGON: LIVE at Tommy Robinson’s #PANODRAMA pre-show
Live stream from Salford:
Seems to have stopped streaming, back later?
Try this:
I wonder what ‘ technical problems’ the State will use to kill off any meaningful live broadcast ?
The, “Trans” issue unmasked:
What about it BBC? Perhaps for, “balanced reporting” (I’d call it pure honesty) you should highlight the dowsides.
There is a piece of research I have seen from the US looking at transgender suicide rates.
Now these are high by normal standards but it turns out the more you transition, the higher the suicide rate.
So advocates of the transgender process are in effect advocating higher suicide rates.
The bBBC somehow seem to not have noticed this
Just listened to the opening question in AQ. Roger Scruton playing a straight bat so no applause whatsoever. Buckland going on about citizenship. Dumblebum quotes Bangladeshi law which says a child born to Bangladeshi parents, which our star turn’s parents are, we are told, IS a Bangladeshi citizen.
Stopped listening when the Liar Chucky started spouting off.
With luck the addicted self publicists of the TIG Party will spend so much time on the BBC in the next month that by the time they realise the date we ll be free of the ReichEU
As an aside I see that MSM is starting to put out stories about what happens on brexit plus one …
I wonder how Luciana Berger feels about the independent group, splitting from labour because of anti semitism, which has been taken over by various traitors purely to go against the people’s democratic instruction to leave the eu.
The anti semitism is now only occasionally tagged on to this group when the news person remembers (or if it can damage anyone with different politics to theirs, that is, anyone on the right ((or as they label it, far right, far far right, nazi, far right extremists etc)))
How long before BBC pick up on the Burnley team…..
BritsBC ‘News’
With her UK citizenship revoked, where should Brits like Shamima go next?
Clearly in sync still with the nation they think they speak for.
Scottish rugby team.
Just noticed how hideously white they all are.
Obviously diversity doesn’t count in Scottish rugby.
Any comments BBC?
Probably could do a better job of interviewing than Emily, Kirsty or Cathy too.
Politicians out of touch with the real world !!! Never !!!! They just haven’t got a bloody clue what the public actually think of them !!!
From a brief look at YouTube videos of the Tommy Robinson exposé of the far-left bbc collective plan to destroy him, the turnout today in front of their hive in Salford appears to be very impressive.
The Ratner School of Marketing is certainly churning out its product now!
An advert on ITV3 had a well-dressed man of colour eating at an American-owned ‘restaurant’, (fries wiv’ da’?), then being led into the office of a power-dressed white woman, presumably being interviewd for a job as Director of Diversity.
If the minorities were never able to ‘do things’ because they never saw themselves represented on TV why do they expect the majority to go out and buy stuff now that they never see themselves on TV?
If you live in the London area you might have seen posters advertising “Waitress,” a musical which opened at the Adelphi Theatre this month.
(Background: It sounded familiar and sure enough turns out to be an adaptation of the 2007 U.S. film written and directed by the late Adrienne Shelly, who I was aware of from her work as an actress in two of Hal Hartley’s early films. The film was released posthumously after Shelly was killed in November 2006.)
Now, I can find mention of the musical on the BBC website and that a “construction worker . . . pleaded guilty to her manslaughter,” and they even note that Shelly’s real name was Adrienne Levine. However, nowhere on the BBC can I find mention that her killer, (who strangled her and faked her suicide) is called Diego Pillco, or that he was an illegal immigrant from Ecuador.
Gosh, why would they omit these details? Help me out.
It’s very much the theme which Cassandra set out earlier in this thread .
To counter the bias by omission – a key point is – if no description or name is mentioned in a crime you can assume it is a ‘diverse’ individual .
If a ‘ diverse ‘ character is the victim you’ll hear the whole sob story as in the two ‘ mo s’ stabbed to death in separate incidents in Brum this week .
TC, now that plea: “Gosh, why would they omit these details? Help me out.” should have maxincony rushing in to help you. After all, he is a theatre-type person.
Just out of interest, can we get expect that those investigative journalists at the BBC will be door-stepping Jeremy Corbyn soon to ask him for his views on the current state of affairs in Venezuela?
Nope, I thought not.
😉 Some people still have a sense of humour.
The BBC has actually reported TR’s protest.
I wouldn’t exactly call it impartial. At least two mentions that Tommy Robinson isn’t his real name. I don’t know if the Panodrama video has yet been shown, or indeed if it lives up to its promise, but there’s certainly no indication that it even exists.
We do have this:
No evidence of what intimidation or threats are purported to have been carried out, but much on “Mr Yaxley-Lennon’s” jailing for contempt and that “the ruling still stands”.
Apparently there are 3,000 there. Which likely means there are 10,000.
At about 16:20 today on BBC News Channel they mentioned this.
Two points of bias stood out when they said “500 anti fascists also attended”.
At no point did they mention how many are attending for Tommy Robinson and labelling the 500 as “anti fascists” is making the false link that the other larger group must be fascists.
ITV use the same terminology . Has to be a price to pay for such bias but yet to happen .
Saw the BBc report on TR’s video. And its Yaxley this and Yaxley that, with at least two mentions that his name is Yaxley Lennon.
Agree with the letting the protesters get away with the loaded ”anti fascists” tag.
Imagine a gay shame parade, with thousands of attendees mincing down the high street, and the BBC letting some protesters call themselves ”Anti Paedophiles” without being called out on it.
Even though there will certainly be way more pedos in that crowd, than fascists in a Tommy Robinson event,,
I was there from about 12:30. The expose didn’t start until after 3 pm.
That picture must be from way before things got going. Before I got there I took a walk past the ‘counter protest’ corral (nowhere near the big screen) – lots of hammer and sickle flags and Unite union sponsored placards with people chanting crap to no-one but themselves.
In front of the #Panodrama screen there were men and women and children of all ages. I heard no swearing, I saw hardly any beer bottles/cans in fact everyone was impeccably behaved. The volunteer stewards were going around collecting any litter left behind so as not to leave any mess.
It seemed as if the police were expecting WWIII judging by the number of them on duty. They had spotters on top of and in buildings overlooking the venue plus as drone and for what? As W.C. Fields once said -“there’s nothing a vulture hates than a glass eye”
The Panodrama video will be published online later tonight so you can make your own mind up about it but my impression is that J.S. is an extremely volatile person who doesn’t take kindly to having the tables turned on him.
Think what you like about T.R. but the man has balls of steel.
Larry Dart
I would think that the police would know the score and they would be sympathetic to to the TR crowd.
Was the Panodrama video all it was cracked up to be ?
Is it something that us posters should watch watch ?
Where do we find it ?
Was our resident troll, maxincony there ?
I don’t know what the police think about other than their pensions.
The video showed that the intention of the documentary was to ‘take down tommy’ and nothing else.
You’ll probably find it on TR’s f/b (unless its taken down).
Watch it if you want, don’t if you don’t.
I have no idea what maxi looks like or if he was there. If I had to guess I would say no because he had already read the BBC memo so wouldn’t have to form his own view.
Well done for going Larry – like you say the lad has balls of steel unlike the BBC. I am beginning to think that we are at a sea change moment where people are starting to catch onto what is really happening with our corrupt media and politicians. This current thing with TR and all of the recent shenanigans with that Jihadi lowlife has really made lots of people start questioning about what is really going on.
It was easy for me. I used my old fogey’s travel pass to go more or less ‘door to door’ on the Metrolink.
I went there not only to show support but to witness first hand what occurred so I could compare reality with MSM accounts.
Thinking about it though, does the BBC need any other comedians when they already have John Sweeney?
I’m not sure if Mr Sweeney has modelled himself on Jean-Claude Juncker or vice versa. Either way, to paraphrase words from the Monty Python philosopher song, they’re both a bugger for the bottle. But neither of them is too bright; maybe the contents of all of those bottles have marinated their intellects.