I don’t know about you but Brexit is exhausting me and the Far Left BBC bias is making it worse so over to you …
PS – for those starting their Lent journey – good luck over the next 40 days to Easter …
I don’t know about you but Brexit is exhausting me and the Far Left BBC bias is making it worse so over to you …
PS – for those starting their Lent journey – good luck over the next 40 days to Easter …
Brexit is now like a Mexican standoff. Everyone is bluffing everyone else. But no one has the balls to pull the trigger.
Come the 29th the rope will have burnt all the way through…unless those back stabbing MPs blow out the flames and postpone Brexit.
I can’t believe there are odds 9/2 Brexit is reversed before April 1st. Odds from Oddschecker
The reason why no one has the guts to pull the trigger, is because its a circular firing squad.
Achoo, Achoo, they all fall down.
All the politicians in the EU are now keenly aware, that giving power to the people via a referendum will lead to the end of their very comfortable life.
So this
Macron Attacks Brexit, Calls for ‘European Federalism’ in Pre-Election War Cry
Globalist French President Emmanuel Macron has made a direct address to the over 500 million people who live in the European Union, calling on them to support his vision of a more centralised and powerful “project” European Union which, he believes, could even entice the United Kingdom into cancelling Brexit.
Yellow Jackets in France are demanding a referendum. But the EU nomenklatura elite have learnt a salutary “Brexit” lesson – no more referendums in the EU. They will now fight to the death to stop it in France. And so will Yellow Jackrets.
This from Tommy posted tonight
I don’t know if others have discussed it here but on Monday night ITV put out a pee poor documentary with some ex BBC clone journo who had taken the serious £££ going on about apparent influence on the brexit vote ( apols for long sentence )
Anyway on it went about Russia and twitter and far right and blah blah but it never said that the government used Tax Payers Money – mine and yours – £9 million quids worth of reasons to stay in and still people voted OUT with a 75% ? Turn out ? .
Luckily ITV realised the documentary was so poor that they buried it on a Monday night at 1045 .., and it achieved nothing .
I think the turnout in the 2016 EU Referendum was 72.2%, with 51.9% of those who voted choosing the Leave option.
I believe the program was centred on Anna Soubry and the Independent Group of traitors who were complaining about nasty tweets saying that they were traitors. The good news was that the ITV journalist John Ware blamed Russians not Brexiteers for the tweets. But John Ware depicted Brexxiteers as the enemy, black flashes indicating heavy editing of what they said. The conclusion of the ITV documentary was that the EU or the Government should regulate the internet to stop nasty tweets from Russia and other people who do not respect Members of Parliament and Lords.
At no point did John Ware ask Nigel Farage or any one else on the winning side of Brexit whether they had got any nasty tweets from Remainers or whether the government should investigate whether nasty tweets from Belgium are a threat to democracy.
Richard Pinder,
Disappointing to hear (and also a bit hard to believe) that John Ware has become a propagandist for Remain while working for ITV.
He worked on Panorama for some years and he is an excellent journalist and a man with impeccable moral fibre. This has me wondering what happened.
Could be that editors edited his documentary beyond recognition. That’s the only explanation I can think of.
I suppose every has a price for which they’ll sell their Soul. Particularly where better pay with Commercial TV is concerned .
Sad yes – but not surprising – a journalist after all . I don’t equate them being very strong on Moral Fibre .
One of the amazing things about Putin/ Russia is that it able to change the outcome of elections in the USA, Germany and Brexit, but quite unable to affect an election in Ukraine – a once republic in the USSR.
And the ‘Russians’ did none too well, NCBBC, ‘influencing’ things in Venezuela where they already had something of an ‘in’ with Hugo Chavez.
If Putin arranged the election of President Trump, the result of Brexit and the 2017 GE here, then I assume it’s safe to assume that Emmanuel Macron is their placeman in France and should be treated by us (ie. ignored) accordingly?
Lucy I’m trying to watch it outside UK but it doesn’t play .,, I’ll look elsewhere though .
It does play here
but some weird stuff .. the top comment on the page had 130 likes
I hit the button to check it was set on most liked order
the page then reordered so that an old comment of 22 likes was at the top
.. Maybe the system is overloaded or something.
I see some comments from America and India so it must be available abroad.
This new TR video is very sincere , very moving
83K likes so far and you can add up more from the 9 versions so far on Youtube
But it is too be expected that last nights doorstepping would be entirely misrepresented by the libmob , they run with narrative rather than truth.
New video Australian Sky TV does allow Senator Pauline Hansen to argue against the Australian ban on Milo and Tommy R
“They are not advocating violence, so they should be allowed in”
That’s remarkable – Sky News in Australia actually coming out strongly in favour of free speech and visas for the likes of Milo and against visas for hate-preaching imams?
Sky in the UK should hang its collective head in shame.
TR is becoming a case study in the attitude of The State as well as the Online Far Left . It’s very worrying about the attitude of the Police / State and has to be shared internationally .
Only interest from other countries – America – Canada – Australia – will restrain the fascists on the Far Left from killing TR.
They have a problem the Dales of this world. They just have never mixed with people like Tommy. AS far as I can see he was reacting to what he saw as danger to his family in the way he thought best. That is a direct man to man confrontation. The old way if you like and one I understand having lived that way myself from time to time. The key is that talking is the aim .
It is not easy but sometimes the only way to deal with things before real dangerous trouble starts. Not the way the middle class lives. Actually it is very English and probably centuries of living that way has made it effective.
They have a problem the Dales of this world. They just have never mixed with people like Tommy. AS far as I can see he was reacting to what he saw as danger to his family in the way he thought best. That is a direct man to man confrontation. The old way if you like and one I understand having lived that way myself from time to time. The key is that talking is the aim .
It is not easy but sometimes the only way to deal with things before real dangerous trouble starts. Not the way the middle class lives. Actually it is very English and probably centuries of living that way has made it effective.
Dale’s tweet is not retio’d
It’s got 900 likes vs 450 replies disagreeing with it
SO more people believe the Stuchbery false narrative than the truth
Batten’s reply has 1,300 likes vs 130 replies
We’ve seen it Before that Conservative Party members like Dale would rather push a lie against UKIP,
cos they don’t want to help UKIP in anyway
Dale clearly thinks this is how to stay in with the in crowd.
But getting ‘likes’ from the bubble may not reflect reality.
He’s like Rob Burley only tackling what he knows he can win and garner applause from the groupies.
But ignore what does not suit at your peril.
Sweeney needs to be targeted….
Has the far-left bbc collective fired him yet?
@GR don’t be daft, no one “needs to be targeted”
..that’s how wacky violent Antifa talk
Thanks for posting that, Lucy Pevensey. The gloves really are off.
Interesting that the left can only fight Tommy with criminal, Mafia tactics like going for his family. Well, I guess they’ve got nothing else.
And John Sweeney was seen with that far-left pig Mike Shmuckbery, who was behind the intimidation of Tommy’s family? Well, that really does indicate what kind of ‘documentary’ Panorama would have been. It also indicates that Sweeney got it wrong when he said that Tommy was putting the worst possible interpretation on Sweeney’s drunken comments. There’ll probably be even worse to come.
Another worrying activity of our seeming totally state controlled media is this:
The EUs attempt to destroy the internet through draconian ill conceived legislation called article 13.
There are protests all over European cities about this, and yet this is perhaps the first you have heard of it.
March 23rd is save our internet day – which again thanks to a seeming news blackout you probably didn’t know of either.
Many believe it’s just a front for the EU to introduce censorship and control of the internet, but it most certainly is worth reading about, because you aren’t going to find it in the MSM.
like GDPR that suddenly snuck out of the EU and is costing a fortune, except this is a direct attack on the internet and an attempt to bring all publishing back under the control of the dying and compliant MSM
let be honest because we all know its true
if the pali’s laid down their arms the would be no violence
if the isrealis laid down their arms there would be no jews
warsi is an islamist and a transparent taqiyya artist who should not have been given a platform in british public life by the f00kin tories
I lived for 25 years in heavily jewish populated areas prestwich/whitefield and barely noticed them apart from well dressed people walking to the synagogue
wish I could say they same for 10 years in Bury living with sharia patrols , violence, threats, intimidation, and public indecency
I know which group I would rather live with
I was waiting in a garage this afternoon where the tv on the wall was set on BBC News. A brief mention by Norman Smith of the antiSemitism in the Labour Party followed by a long item where the Baroness was attacking the Tori’s. By the 6pm news on BBC1 no mention at all about Labour but B. Warsi certainly was given time.
Kaiser, did you see the programme on BBC2 last night ? about some of the Hacidic jews from Stamford Hill relocating to Canvey Island in Essex. Very interesting.
In terms of numbers, the orthodox jews have large families, but jews in total are only around quarter of a million, whilst we are talking in millions for the muslim population.
ive seen it before
The ones in north manchester tended inhabit sedgley park and lower broughton next to prestwich
They always struck me as a bit strange in my younger days but they kept themselves to themselves were completely harmless , never seemed to demand anything.
The black bread from the bakery was to absolutely die for.
Let’s face it Cameron needed a brown faced Muslim to show that the Party was modern and he was too dumb to realise she’d go off the reservation once she got a peerage .
Just another reason to flush the Lords down the toilet and stop corrupt patronage by Prime Ministers who are to corrupt themselves to disclose the finances – as shown by major , Cameron and Blair . All – probably funded by soros cash ….
One minor step in supporting that cause is to stop using their titles. Mrs Warsi, Mr Adonis et al. They’re not legitimate because we, their paymasters, never voted for them and given half a chance would not only kick them out of the HoP but out of the country too.
John I think that is a good point and I will do my best not to refer to these tax leeches by that jumped up devalued title .
As is said – drain the swamp
However the reverse does seem to have a wonderful effect on Lady Nugee aka Emily Thornberry I believe it has her shouting in anger.
Any truth to this document on Brexit talks?
Dunno but on Twitter Keith Bartlam is investigating
On his own account make sure you click Tweets and replies to see his latest posts
It looks like The Bruges Group are standing by the article/memo which claims documented proof of collusion between May and Merkel.
If true it’s hardly a surprise.
John is saved.
Seems strange seeing John Kia Sweeney somewhere near sober . He must be a right hand ful when he’s has too many Kia royales …. with cheese .
I won’t believe a word that comes out of that gobshites mouth (John Sweeney)
Ha that Panorama film is 3 years old
and allows no comments
Oldie but a goldie.
If a bit desperate.
Applies to the piece and him.
As far as I can make out bBBC doesn’t take any comments on it’s website? That would be in line with other left wing propagandists such as the Guardian. I haven’t researched this thoroughly but many other media publications encourage reader comments, you can’t miss them.
If I am correct then it is no wonder that they are so out of touch with ‘grass roots’ aka the ‘man on the Clapham omnibus’
Brexite : Dominic Frisby vid, via Guido
🙂 “Benedict Cumbertwat”
Allegedly rapes were carried out by Asians, Pakistanis, etc.
Rotherham peer Lord Ahmed charged with two counts of attempted rape.
I have just been banned from Wikipedia for adding this detail and noting that there was exactly one reference to Muslims in their NPOV article.
Maybe time to start an alternative
Wikipakia ?
The truth about genital mutilation, forced underage marriages, organised racially aggravated child rape, homophobic attacks, attacks on Jews, illegal sexist racist homophobic special schools in the UK, attacks and threats upon OFSTED officials regarding these “schools” , attacks and threats upon UK teachers and headteachers regarding the UK education curriculum and school uniform requirements, refusals to carry blind people with guide dogs in taxis, etc etc.
Wikipedia crap
On Monday it was Labour day in West Australia
I have lived in the US and Oz I know what Labor/Labour day is
It’s at the end of summer
I check on Wikipedia
It has two different pages
#1 Labor Day #2 Labour Day
Two different definitions.
The Labour Day writer thinks May 1 is the date in most countries
…Nope that’s May Day or Worker’s Day ..Labour Day is at the end of summer
A great explanation of why the BBC is racist:
BBC faces probe over ‘biased reports and pointless stories’ after both political sides claim it’s not impartial
The Ofcom probe comes amid fears that serious news coverage is ‘in retreat’
Allegations from rival news providers say the BBC uses too much ‘clickbait’
The BBC said it takes ‘providing impartial and accurate news seriously’
It also comes amid growing fears that serious news coverage is ‘in retreat’ and allegations from rival news providers that the BBC uses too much ‘clickbait’ – celebrity or frivolous stories with little public service value – to lure online readers.
‘Tokenism’ accusations at the BBC
The BBC is facing accusations of ‘tokenism’ after a radio station said it will mark International Women’s Day on Friday by taking male presenters off air. BBC Radio Newcastle will also restrict some playlists to female-only artists. The BBC said no staff had complained about the move.
Um, are there any male presenters LEFT to take off air ??
Ctd : “In the last year, articles published on the publicly-funded broadcaster’s website included ‘How to win at rock, paper, scissors’ and ‘Does your name match your face?’.
Ofcom will also test whether the BBC is serving all licence fee payers, especially those that ‘typically engage with it less’.
The watchdog has criticised the BBC for appealing to London-based viewers at the expense of those elsewhere, and of older women.”
Is a Pancake Day quiz REALLY news?
BBC News UK tweeted a short video yesterday titled ‘How to get on with someone you hate at work’.
A charity’s appeal for used mascara brushes to groom injured baby animals appeared in a story on BBC News Scotland’s website on Monday.
A quiz on ‘What do you know about Pancake Day?’ was shared on the BBC News UK Twitter feed yesterday.
Do you live in a social bubble? was the title of a story posted on the BBC World webpage on Monday. The article also encouraged readers to take a quiz to see if they have similar backgrounds and outlooks to their friends.
A video posted on the BBC News World webpage yesterday focused on young Iraqis practising their karate moves in the snow in Iraqi Kurdistan.
BBC headline:
Knife crime: Javid in strategy talks with police chiefs
And hey ho we have our first picture of a white male for a while…holding a knife FFS
wot no black man in the BBC picture library all of a sudden ?
This one?
No knife I can see, but suddenly in Beebworld not a soul who would buy a sofa or get a mortgage.
Maybe the story evolved.
Bbc picture editorial integrity.
At 6am the front page had a white hand holding a knife next to the story title, and I have sent an official complaint regarding the FACT that the vast majority of knife crime is not committed by white males, the front page picture has since been changed.
I also asked why, in an 85% white british population, we are assailed with picures of black people on their website falsely representing our demography… until it comes to crimes that are in fact, largely commited by black individuals and they then choose to use a picture of a white person
I consider this perverse and twisted, if not downright racist
Hope you took a grab.
In dubious complement:
‘Drop knowledge’?
iss no’ our fault we stab people innit
It is amazing how when it suits they can say it’s not a black and ethnic problem but societal..well I’d say in the areas of London that most of the crimes are committed the society is black and ethnic..
So it’s okay to say bad things are due to white colonialism or white privilege but not that anything bad is due to being black or ethnic? BBC centre of hypocrisy and double standards..
To get to the News story I went via the home page, which I have not seen for a while.
Interesting selection collection.
Quite a lot of football with mental men and she believing women.
A promo for that new lady Marvel superheroine that most other reviews cite as disappointing. Must be a blonde thing. Certainly the star going feminist on the core audience might not of helped. Except at the bbc, who are paid no matter what.
There’s a ‘here’s what you need to know’ which with the bbc should set alarm bells ringing in anyone rational.
Of course some obligatory nekkid people, as the bbc likes that, plus oodles of pap trivia.
And an even more obligatory trans moppet, as really this is all that happens in U.K. households these days.
Thatcha-bash, natch, and endless… and I mean endless self-promo of stuff they could not pay me enough to watch.
Yet many still do. Funny old world.
BBC news watch
They’ve really upped the ante today as there are multiple Project Fear lies including NHS radiologists guessing things will be bad and a so-called civil servant saying Northern Ireland will be bad if there’s a full British Brexit – you know – the one people voted for .
Seems like the pattern for the next 25 days will be at least 2 Project Fear lies a day .
It’s an excuse to justify not hitting radiology targets as far as I can see…
R4 there was a whole story on Cologne carnival with all doom and gloom about Brexit – everyone there thinks Brexit is bad and wrong…well the ones the BBC gave voice to did and the BBC reporter did..so it must be true
and apparently a model of a ‘British man’ fat with a bald head and red face punching himself in the face over Brexit…now if we had a picture of a fat German in leather pants eating a sausage and drinking beer slapping a Nazi- how long would somebody accuse us of racism or xenophobia?
Get ready for Project Fear’s younger brother Project Armageddon…
Seems the bbc is in top form this grey day.
Looks like they will be be marking this as does Katty and Ko the 100 Days over several years.
See what they did here.
Since when is the above news? It isn’t even interesting – but we all know why it’s on there…As Roland says. Tick, Tick and Gay India Tick Tick
We pay for this….oh I don’t at the moment..:-)
Would that it were a ticking time bomb, we can all wish….
Does the bbc have an embedded team with them too?
Or did their people get in touch with the bbc people in the ‘Ticks All Boxes’ Editorial dept?
Seems that word gets used a lot at Sack of Rats central.
Of course most offices have the obligatory Chinese woman, black artistic guy combo.
Theres an easy answer to the above:
don’t work at the BBC
The Moral Maize ( spelling ) is looking at the nature of art if the artist lacks accepted morality – such as the current Mickey Jackson business .
As I was listening to the trailer I had an image of a BBC favourite – mr Rolf Harris – standing in front of an easel surrounded by young children – ‘can you see what it is yet ?”.
I’m guess we will never see these programmes again – same with ‘Jim ‘ll fix it” . So the Moral Maze – to which I am not a listener – has already answered its question . So why bother ?
Inews carries a comment by the great Kate Hoey MP about how the Far Left BBC has introduced the term “Hardline “ into descriptions of people supporting Brexit but not to those suppprting Remain .
I know this is not new news but it’s nice to see it as a web comment . Naturally it’s not mentioned in BBC news reviews …
@fedup RE the Peter Pan of pop (watch out Wendy theres a hand up your fairy dress) in other word he’s getting a much fairer crack at the whip than white perverts for some reason, and front page video of R Kelly allowed to defend himself for all to see.
Smirking at soft justice Britain: Thug, 18, poses for a selfie outside court after dodging prison for a SECOND knife offence amid mounting concerns over soft justice
Kyle Davis, 18, received suspended sentence at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court
Teenager pleaded guilty to possession of a knife and possession of cocaine
Davis had previously received a police caution for possessing a knife aged 14
Anti-knife crime campaigners expressed outrage after Davis avoided prison
BTW he is not white https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6775041/Knife-thug-18-receives-suspended-jail-term-admitting-blade-offence.html
Sean Evans is less useful than a chocolate teapot. At a time when knife crime has become a crisis issue he lets the smirking, selfie-taking knife carrier off the hook! What message goes out from that? Especially given the race of the miscreant and the fact that knife crime overwhelmingly originates from his peers, and the selfie will have immediately been circulated? What is the point of all the preaching about knife crime when ‘justice’ fails society like this?
This would have been the moment to slap the maximum penalty on this scumbag, instead of telling him what wonderful potential he has. Police have a hopeless task, when our justice system is so negligent.
Roll on the next stabbing fatality.
Annunaki – the problem is that if you ban every ‘artist’ – such as Gary glitter ( always thought he was weird in the 1970s ) then where does it stop.? The likes of David Bowie was no saint when it came to young groupies it seems …does he get banned ?
‘The Groupie “ has always been part of the music industry but is this another term for paedophilia , sexual assault and rape ?
Those carefully edited re jigs of Top Of The Pops pumped out on BBC4 could get more limited .
As for Michael Jackson – the BBC put out a whole day of hero worship apparently – with echoes of the tribute to Jimmy Saville the BBC put out even though they knew he was a regular kiddie fiddler ..guys and gals ….
Sad news – Michael Bloomberg isn’t going to run against President Trump in 2020 and even worst nor is Bill Clinton’s current wife …
But on the upside the Comrade Corbyn Wannabe – colonel Sanders – is – so that should nicely split the democrat vote – which is nice
Bernie hasn’t exactly come up with the best slogan.
Agreed, but my point remains, we see few, if any attempts at excusing white perverts on the BBC on artistic merit trumping their crimes, for example Harvey Weinstein ?
He and his brother Bob Weinstein co-founded the entertainment company Miramax, which produced several successful independent films, including Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989), The Crying Game (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Heavenly Creatures (1994), Flirting with Disaster (1996), and Shakespeare in Love (1998).[1] Weinstein won an Academy Award for producing Shakespeare in Love, and garnered seven Tony Awards for a variety of plays and musicals, including The Producers, Billy Elliot the Musical, and August: Osage County.[2
Toady watch
Humph interviewing Sara Thornton a top cop who sounds like a politician ( what an insult) . Subject knife crime .
While I was listening to her ramble on about what a great job plod is doing I went to You Tube and typed in “how to use a knife “ I thought the search would come back ‘none found ‘ . Instead there are 100s of references .
Why do I write this ? Well it’s because of The Labour Deputy – Tom Watson – attempting to bully Youtube and TR off the internet .,,, priorities priorities ..I haven’t heard of anyone writing to You tube asking for ‘how to use a knife ‘ to be taken down. …
Is that the new peroxide-addled PCPC they are touting?
Good luck with that.
Is there any public service that has not yet been completely taken over by wimmin?
a disturbing memory for Fedup2 ? 🙂
Ha ha Annu – yes – I was a teenager in the 70s and I thought he was a weirdo then . Thanks for the memory …
Where the Graun leads…
Bias by omission
The mail online has the shocking story of the killing of a pregnant Muslim visiting her terrorist husband in prison and then launching an attack on prison guards .
The woman was shot dead by police .
Now to me that is serious news and deserves reporting on the BBC – after all – if a black kid is shot dead by police in America the story gets the full treatment . I guess the BBC avoids negative stories ( the truth ) about Muslims ..
The Muslim terrorist was in prison because he murdered an 89 year old survivor of Dachau . Enough said . A true horror story not heard on the B.B.C.
Muslim Council of Britain:
“A free media is vital, but for people to retain trust and confidence in the media, they must respect and adhere to reporting objectively, fairly and accurately. For Muslims, negative portrayal directly feeds into the growing Islamophobia and therefore has real security costs for citizens of our country.
The Muslim Council of Britain has been challenging the media and taking them to account for misrepresentations of Muslims and Islam via the newly established Centre for Media Monitoring.”
BTW they also run courses on how to complain and harangue the media, if negative portrayal = news, what then ? one reason maybe why rape gangs are disappeared off the headlines within hours
I guess the MCB doesn’t read The Daily Mail .
Yep BBC hidden this one well away iat the bottom of world news :
Pregnant wife of Islamic terrorist inmate is shot dead by police after smuggling knife into his jail during conjugal visit so he could stab two guards in France
Inmate at Conde-sur-Sarthe prison in Normandy stabbed two guards Tuesday
Michael Chiolo, 27, who had been radicalised in prison, shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’
He then locked himself in a ‘family facility’ with his wife, ‘who smuggled knife’
Police raided room after a ten-hour standoff, shooting and injuring them both
Chiolo’s unnamed pregnant wife was fatally injured in the raid and died
Despite being described by a judge as a ‘psychopath’ before being handed a 30-year-sentence in 2014 for murdering a Holocaust survivor, Chiolo had been granted regular family visits.
Describing today’s original drama, French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said: ‘The terrorist nature of this attack isn’t in doubt.
‘The anti-terrorist section of the public prosecutor’s office of Paris is involved in the incident, which is ongoing.’
Ms Belloubet said the inmate’s wife ‘feigned illness’ at around 9.45am, leading to two prison officers arriving in a room in the family unit, which is designed to give couples privacy during visiting hours.
Chiolo slashed out with his knife, wounding one man in the chest, and the other in the back and face. Both have since been treated, and neither is in a life-threatening condition.
‘It was truly a murder attempt. There was blood everywhere. The family-visiting unit was a battle scene,’ said prison staff representative Alassanne Sall, from the Force Ouvriere trade union, told AFP.
When the going gets tough, the bbc hires more PR…
Guest – I suppose they’ll pay wealthy luvvies to smile at the camera encouraging poor people to pay their wages by getting a TV licence . Not me.
How many Muslim enclaves do the TVL police visit I wonder?
0 is my guess.
And how many Muslims nationwide get away without paying?
It’s that, “man” again! Gets around doesn’t he?
“A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of a 17-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in a park in east London.
Jodie Chesney was attacked while playing music in a park with friends in Harold Hill on Friday.
A Met Police spokesman said the man had been arrested in Leicester and remains in custody.”
Compare and contrast: “John Murphy, 31, from Barnet, has been charged with assault by beating, the Metropolitan Police said.”
Someone has already mentioned that delightful chap, Labour peer, Lord Ahmed, recently accused of historical rape of an underage girl.
The more I’ve looked into this bloke the more obnoxious he seems. This is the fellow who said that if Geert Wilders, who had been invited to speak at The House of Lords mind you, was allowed in he’d bring tens of thousands of Muslims onto the streets. Our gutless political class, instead of telling the jumped up bigoted little bully to “stuff it” immediately banned Wilders from the country. It’s so craven and cowardly it’s pathetic. And perhaps the worst part is that these spineless wimps wrap themselves in virtue as they give in to this thug’s demands. “In the national interest”. “Social cohesion.” Bollocks!
I think it was Jackie Smith who was Home Secretary at the time, a woman who’s now only remembered because of her husbands porn habit…
Later Ahmed was involved in a fatal car crash and blamed his prison sentence for dangerous driving on a Jewish conspiracy. It’s the first port of call for these fanatics, if in doubt blame the Jews. Somebody else used to do that if I recall rightly.
He also kicked off when Salman Rushdie was given a knighthood. I’ve never read, or even attempted a Rushdie book, but we’ve all heard of The Satanic Verses, the book that these nasty, narrow minded religeous Nazis wanted banned and burnt. Once again I’m reminded of a certain brutal intolerant political philosophy from the 1930s…
And now, eventually, decades too late (but I suppose better late than never) he’s arrested over sex assaults on underage girls.
Of course Lord Ahmed, who denies all the charges, could be entirely innocent…
I tried to read The Satanic Verses but gave up on it. I found it too complex and boring, as I remember. I don’t think many people have finished it, or even started it. I doubt if any of the Muslims who burned the book actually read it. Same goes for the free speech advocates defending it. Which is kind of funny when you think about it.
Satanic verses? Perhaps the single most ridiculous book I ever had the misfortune to try to read. I only managed to struggle through a chapter or two before giving up on it. It really was not worthwhile to speed read it to get to the part or parts that had practically the entire Muslim world screaming for his head – 99,99999% of which had no doubt also never read it.
So you’re right – all this fuss about an unreadable, self-indulgent fantasy does have a funny side to it – though I’m sure not for Rushdie himself.
The banned tube ad

It’s one thing to say that food shown must be healthy
..another that eggs ARE healthy
but the food is so small it’s not the biggest thing in the ad
Look at the size of that jam jar , how would you know it’s not sugar-free jam ?
Oh more bacon discrimination.
I see the wine beer and peanut butter are fine though , how odd
momentum fined
The Electoral Commission never reply to my evidence that left/lab gamed the Facebook group system, by creating dozens of fake goups, to use them as de facto adverts
another example
– Even BBC trending wrotes about these “hundreds of pages and groups”
Electoral Commission
This is the first time that Momentum has been investigated. It has resulted in the highest fine issued to a non-party campaigner for not submitting an accurate spending return.
Our press release has more details
Didn’t young Brexit campaigner @darrengrimes_get a bigger fine than Jeremy Corbyn’s backers Momentum?
Gave the new C4 comedy a go last night about a illegal immigrant. Turned off halfway. You could clearly see where it was going. He was a lovely guy, family man who had come to the UK for a better life, proper C4 mentality , but they also threw in a narrative that all leave voters were thick and stupid , don’t know why I expected anything else from C4.
Fast forward to this morning and crimewatch roadshow, terrible burglary, 78 year old woman tied up in her own home, culprit had eastern European accent.
Next up, another burglary, suspect looked eastern European as per police and cctv.
Finally, we need your help finding these 4 ……1 uk, 2 black and 1 polish !!!!
But it’s leavers who are stupid !!!!!!!
Tell them what you think.
Isn’t the official reason that Crimewatch was axed was because of poor ratings? Two, three million. Not enough viewers to be of any real help to the police. So why is there now a daytime show called Crimewatch Roadshow? Who is going to be watching at 9.15 a.m. apart from Illegal immigrants, benefits cheats and people who don’t pay income tax. H’m. Of course. The target audience. All the law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working decent citizens who don’t move in criminal circles are at work.
This is interesting — an article about BBC bias in a left-wing magazine, the first time I’ve seen this happen. (There’s a first time for everything I suppose).
“How Brexit broke the BBC
The inside story of how our national broadcaster has tried—and sometimes failed—to cover the political crisis of our time
by Mark Damazer”
I thought that (unusual) name was familiar…
Tommy Robinson’s video on the harassment of his family, live-streamed 15 hours ago, has already been viewed over 180 000 times with close to 18 000 likes, 500 dislikes and 6 000 comments.
The repeat of the live chat on the right hand side moves so fast that I have to keep pausing the video to read it.
True Too
The response to TR’s video of the harassment of his family is discussed by the comrades in the UAF, It seems they want his wife to be killed.
David Cameron, former Tory PM, is a founder member of this organization and shows no indication with regard to renouncing them.
Farook Patel I just signed this petition to get Tommy Robinson off YouTube: https://actions.sumofus.org/a/youtube-drop-tommy-robinson…
Breaking: Facebook and Instagram ban Tommy Robinson
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5 Replies · 1 hr
Dave Mortin
Dave Mortin There are extremely few people in this world I wish fatal harm to, but Mrs Robinson Waxey Stephlennon is one of them.
The world would be a little bit better.
If only this bunch of crooks and traitors could be replaced.
This is like having a beautiful dream but waking up to an awful reality.
Chilling info. And no doubt the ‘justice’ system will do nothing about death threats to Tommy’s wife.
Interesting though, that the criminal, far-left fascists and Islamists haven’t managed to get YouTube to ban Tommy Robinson.
Even more interesting since Google has bought YouTube.
I guess there must be a few top people left in silicon valley with a bit of old-fashioned guts and moral fibre.
Or it could simply be that YouTube doesn’t want to get brought before Congress again to explain why it is censoring views that oppose the left.
Knife crime in London?
Reduce the massive numbers of women police officers and replace them with men. Nearly 30% of police officers are female.
All senior ranks should spend two days a week or more on the streets.
Legalise drugs. All gangs would then dissolve away.
Might need tweaking a little, but I’m sure you get my drift…
It’s the same with GPs in the NHS. About half GPS are women. Many of them work part time only. They cost a fortune to train and then we only get 50% output from them. I suspect that at medical school women are given preference over men which in the long run means that we are getting fewer GP hours out of those we pay to train.
If we have to vote in the eu elections on May 23 then surely there must be time allowed for electioneering by the various parties before the vote.
4 weeks would be reasonable.
That would take us to April 25.
This is only 27 days after the decision to leave is due to be implemented.
If May wants an extension it doesn’t give much time if she does her usual no decisions ever behaviour.
The eu have already reallocated most of our seats anyway.
It looks like we will have no representation.
It will suit May and the eu as it would be a brexit supporting party landslide.
You would think an extension should be off the table. What can she do in a few weeks that she couldn’t do in years.
I was thinking, just imagine if the government, the press, the media such as the bbc and sky had all embraced Brexit and were positive about the referendum result and all the fantastic possibilities, where would we be now.
In a far far better place for sure.
One thing for us brexiteers to be happy about. The Brexit genie is out of the bottle, it will definitely happen, it just may take a bit longer but we will have our Brexit eventually, 100% sure of that.
Hey Emmanuel,
I really do hope we do get a full Brexit, non of this half in half out bullshit.
I want our country back!
safe to say as well, we need a parliamentary clean out after Brexit.
as Brexit is identifying so many MP’s that don’t have the People’s interests at heart just there own.
“safe to say as well, we need a parliamentary clean out after Brexit.”
And its safe to say – that the first lot of leeches to go – MUST be the bent Civil Servants.
I saw that current MEPs were being giving boxes for when they exit their offices last week £€£€.
My read is that little will be done with a 2 month extension .and the ReichEU doesn’t want Blighty hanging around like a bad smell for a couple of years so I reckon – unless there is a dramatic collapse by the EU negotiators we will be out as planned –
The only other barrier being the Commons
Which now has 25 days to repeal the ‘ leave’ legislation .
There are enough of the traitors going to Brussels to sell us out that the EU drunks must be spoilt for choice of useful idiots looking for personal financial advantage .
As I no longer watch Al Beeb’s ‘News’ I eagerly awaited fat twat Adam Boulting to mention CanadianCarney’s revision of his Doomwatch Predictions, which are favourable but also still likely to be over-pessimistic. Zilch, nil, nada, rien, nothing, but a 15 minute long party political broadcast, uninterrupted by Fatty Boulton of course, from Chucky.
Out of morbid curiosity I looked at Al Beeb’s website expection Carney’s better (still wrong) forecast to be on the front page. SFA as far as I could see.
Wonder why?
13.15 and whilst TWATO can include a piece about Andy ‘Jimmy’ Murray’s ability to compete in Wimbledon 2019, f all about CanadaCarney revising his Doomwatch ‘predictions’ for a no-EU surrender deal!
Modern McCarthyism & blacklisting
Smearlabel someone with the boo-word label like “far-right” and then blacklist them
Banning people off social media in 2019 is just the same as blacklisting actors from work in the 1950’s
There’s more click the tweets timestamp to open up the thread
Not sure if this has been discussed on here without trawling through to catch up.
It was discussed by JHB on Talk Radio this morning.
I bet it has not been reported by the biased bbc.
Veterans of the BBC/OFCOM system will be hardly surprised, but this is an epic thread to show why it is unfit for purpose:
Al Beeb’s news current front page picture of a gentleman who has already or about to stab an elderly lady, equipped with a stab vest… a little waysist isn’t it?
Lots of chiefs and very few injuns. And it an injun does his job the mussie mafia of Great Britain will be there to get him fired .
Maybe now that decent people are being affect rather than feral diverse street types something positive might be done . Actually I think not …
I couldn’t find that picture from your link. Perhaps someone at the BBC saw your comment and took it down.
It’s still there – in fact it’s a picture begging for a caption competition .
Have you ever read such a load of bollocks over a main
feature on the BBC Website, than the furore over Will
Smith playing the part of Richard Williams the father
of Serena and Venus in a film ?
Apparently Will Smith is not black enough for the diversity
mob. Idris Elba was being considered to be the new James
Bond , but maybe he wasn’t black enough to get the part
of James Bond.
Who would you have star in a film about Tunde Ogundesan head of
Diversity at the BBC ?
Diane Flabbott.
surely a bit of makeup could fix that
Ha ha yellow card ? Is that George Clooney ?
I’ve still got the money-box.
Looks like Newsnight has at last cornered a Gucci spokesma… person.
“Who would you have star in a film about Tunde Ogundesan head of Diversity at the BBC ?”
Julian Clarey
I think Carney and the OECD and LeGarde and the IFS and the rest have now become a bad smell which just hangs around which no one can get rid of .
Where is the basis for any predictions they make ? How many other countries have left the EU ?
So they corrupt their predictions on the basis of what they – as individuals and organisations wish for – to frighten us into becoming remainers .
Drain the swamp
Speaking to a House of Lords committee yesterday, Carney said:
“If you took the scenarios that we had for a No Deal and you referenced the disruptive and the disorderly, and it depends what your counterfactual is – so what are we comparing it to – if we compare those as we did in November to our forecast of the economy at the time which presumed something broadly consistent with the Prime Minister’s deal…the potential hit to GDP was just under 5% in the disruptive and just under 8% in the disorderly.
and if you can make any sense of that your a better man than I
I wonder why the GERMAN IFO disagree so strongly with CanadianCarno?
Which is more likely to be proven right, I wonder?
now on BBC Humberside
“Here we are with 2 BBC World Service journalists who are here in Hull making a programme about people’s attitude to Brexit
One of them is Ali who came to Hull as refugee ..and has now moved back to Afghanistan to work for the BBC”
Martin Vennard : “we’ll be talking to Polish people in Hull… people can contact me”
I read a very worrying article on the BBC website this morning about the decline in the use of cash. It seems that by the early 2020s the only people who will still be using cash are the homeless, who have no bank accounts, and the physically and mentally disadvantaged and those living in remote rural areas.
I am deeply disturbed about this and feel I am being left behind. Yesterday I had occasion to walk round my office soliciting contributions to a leaving gift for a colleague who starts a new job next week. I now realise that I should have availed myself of a hand-held electronic card-reader and a tablet with a spreadsheet program open upon it. I failed to do so. Instead, I went round with an “envelope”: this is a paper contrivance with a sealable flap into which, many years ago, “letters” used to be inserted before being consigned to a system known as the “post”, an old, slow and unreliable method of delivering communications between people and businesses which somehow continued to function even when “systems were down”. Into this “envelope” colleagues placed round metal objects rather like those occasionally unearthed by archaeologists excavating Roman burial sites; one generous lady even provided a gaily-coloured piece of paper which I understand is referred to as a “note”.
I recorded contributions not on a spreadsheet on the tablet I had so signally failed to avail myself of, but instead inscribed them on the rear of the “envelope” using what is called a “pen” – a tubular apparatus which emits a liquid substance called “ink” onto paper to form characters. Some contributors to this site, of similar vintage to myself, may remember this ancient technology.
I am very concerned that I have become an irredeemable Luddite. Should I refer myself to a competent psychiatric authority for this condition to be investigated? Please advise.
You are not alone . I count the collection at my local church and there are plenty of things called “ coins” and “ notes “ . Unfortunately the collection isn’t very big after I’ve taken my 20% expenses , 20 % admin charge , 20% management fee , 20% good will and 15% compliance fee ….
Load of rubbish! They are clearly ignorant of the Pakistani & Bangladeshi’s whose culture uses cash exclusively – how else are they going to launder the drug money which we see so many reports about?
This article is the sort of reason why I’m so concerned about the decline of cash. It means the powers that be can control everything that we do, as they are doing in China right now: