I don’t know about you but Brexit is exhausting me and the Far Left BBC bias is making it worse so over to you …
PS – for those starting their Lent journey – good luck over the next 40 days to Easter …
I don’t know about you but Brexit is exhausting me and the Far Left BBC bias is making it worse so over to you …
PS – for those starting their Lent journey – good luck over the next 40 days to Easter …
ITV follow in the shitty footsteps of the BBC:
Emmerdale fans threaten to BOYCOTT International Women’s Day Special… as they brand the show’s all-female cast and crew ‘sexist’
She joked: ‘What they don’t realise is that we’ll be giving some of the men the traditional female roles for the day so we’ll all be bringing our kids in for them to look after. We’re really excited to be doing it, to be recognising IWD and do our bit for it.’
Piers Morgan:
‘I’m having a male only Coronation Street campaign, a male only Good Morning Britain campaign. Watch the feminazi go berserk. You watch it erupt.’
By “She” you mean producer Kate Brookes, recently engaged to Emmerdale actress Michelle Hardwick, herself quite recently divorced from her first wife.
Not quite sure if she or they have kids or how much experience she or they have of relationships with men or what actual knowledge of the male psyche they could possibly have but in their small and ignorant world of false assumption and indulged assertion the oppression is real, isn’t it?
Thankfully, in spite of the constant coverage and celebration, this hollow signalling is becoming more and more irrelevant daily.
Why no asylum for this one ? next time you hear someone whingeing about islamophobia:
Fears grow for ‘very unwell’ Christian mother Asia Bibi, 53, who was freed from a blasphemy death sentence in Pakistan and remains in protective custody
Asia Bibi, 53 was convicted of blasphemy in 2010 but has now been acquitted
Mrs Bibi remains in protective custody sheltering from lynch mobs in Pakistan
Her health is failing and she is being denied access to medical care, sources say
She was convicted in 2010 of offending the Prophet Mohammed under Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws following a trivial argument with Muslim farm colleagues over a cup of water.
Britain was urged to offer the devoted Christian sanctuary, but never did – and was accused of ‘pulling up the drawbridge’.
Christians not welcome here in Britainistan – only muslims need apply.
Because we have cowards in government and in the media.
Because the swamp is infested with Christian-haters:
Probably more chance of being attacked here.
Let us all note very well:
This is the level of tolerance they afford minorities when they are in charge, NOTE WELL
If the BBC does not go overboard on this there is no justice… league.
‘Excluded pupils sucked into knife crime.’
1. Note the passive language: ‘Sucked into.’ You get sucked into a natural disaster like a tornado. The idea you have no control over whether or not you choose to stab someone to death is preposterous.
2. Why did they get excluded in the first place? Disruptive kids make life hell for other pupils and of course teachers. This is a massive factor in fewer kids from these schools applying to Oxbridge, a subject so dear to the BBC’s heart. Sort out the rotten attitudes of certain kids and the number of Oxbridge applications from these schools could go through the roof.
3. Exclusion is only used as a last resort. The problem is with rotten attitudes, not ‘da system.’ If the system is so racist how comes Indian and Chinese kids thrive in it, easily outperforming the white kids who supposedly profit from the ‘institutionally racist’ system?
@3 maybe because they do not spend all their time blaming everyone else, like any african hell hole country also does
“It’s not my fault I stabbed him to death it’s the school’s fault for excluding me.”
It is beyond parody now. Frequently BBC/Guardian headlines read like something from the Onion.
“Murderer blames geeky, 50 year old virgin history for dead bodies.”
Anyone feel a studio to studio bbc book review in the offing?
That shabby man of no real stature, the Mayor of Londonistan, was interviewed on Toady earlier. His solution to knife murders, he told our far left Marxist State Broadcaster, was, inter alia, to keep them in school. The Law of Unitended Consequences came to mind. But there, the Mayor does not possess the brain to think further than an effort to get himself off the hook.
No mention of race in the stabbings? Such a blind spot: I would not want Mayor Khan to manage any business for me – you could go bust before he would recognise there was anything wrong with the business.
My 8 year old was running a cake stall after school and I genuinely would not trust Khan to help with it. Yet he is actually running London.
He’d ban your childs’ Cake stall and blame obesity as well as campaign for the law to be changed so that unregulated businesses run by 8 year olds can be issued FPNs? By camera equipped street wardens – soon to be known as ‘ religion police ‘
I didn’t do Toady as I’m cutting down but – from my knowledge of my local school – the main reason kids get excluded is because of their violent nature as a threat to decent kids and staff. So the Emir is looking for an answer which isn’t there
The real issue is parenting – or the lack of it – which is perpetuated by a third world under class of social parasites living off the taxes of others and living as ‘ victims’ .
You might guess what the next paragraph might say
By the way – the 19th victim was informally names overnight . The location wasn’t too far from when’re the 14 year old drug dealer on a stolen moped met his maker
And – yes – killing number 5 in my borough in Londonistan
Was not his darker going to magically empower all the minorities? That was the BBC line?
Plus all those darker-skinned Police officers we have now – was that not key to gaining ‘trust’ from ‘communities’?
Utter horse sh*t yet these ideas are evidence as strong as holy writ within the BBC.
Yes on the dusky coppers but it appears they are busily sue ing their employer because they didn’t get a promotion or similar .
Also – remember how CCTV was gonna be great – ? Great for YouTube but not much else .
Apparently the fella in Leyton last night was stabbed at his home and ran into the street before bleeding out ..
I know it’s East Londonistan which is a backwater for the BBC but the lack of interest points toward a victim “ with a past “ but I might be reading a bit much into it .
Judging the way the MSM dumped interest in the 14 year old once facts came out – there’s a pattern
I thought there might be an ‘ outcry ‘ ( journo word ) because the RAF has only killed 4000 ISIS killers ( or as the BBC say – “ fighters “ – which imbues a nobility far from reality ) .
Why weren’t more sent to Allah ? They were after all in a death cult so why not facilitate their exit from kaffir world ?
The BBC used the term ‘ admitted ‘ in relation to the RAF having killed a ‘ by stander’ . My thoughts are with the pilot for wasting ammunition .
TOADY WATCH # all-in-one version
Listened since 6am to most of it and there are some notable points:
1. The BBC are campaigning against Brexit for all they are worth.
2. The new Economics Editor, Dharshini David, put her ‘head above the parapet’ at long last but did not add value.
3. The BBC are campaigning against Brexit for all they are worth.
4. The poor old PM has an immense job, negotiating Brexit with one arm tied behind her back and her writing arm continually being nudged at the elbow by all and sundry.
5. The BBC are campaigning against Brexit for all they are worth, especially a No-Deal Brexit.
6. The French Government EU Minister seemed quite keen on a No-Deal Brexit.
7. The BBC are still campaigning against Brexit for all they are worth.
8. I think I should stop using this phrase: ‘for all they are worth’ in conjunction with the BBC. Definitely not worth £150+.
9. The Met have said despite a vast number of Officers working on the Grenfell investigation, consideration of possible criminal charges will not start for over two years and may then take another year or so and may result in no charges and no Court cases. Perhaps they should hand over the investigation to that team of eleven or twelve at Bellingcat?
10. The BBC are still campaigning against Brexit.
11. Poor old London Mayor, now he’s hiding behind school Headteachers and blaming them for excluding persistently badly behaved children from their schools. First the Government for not funding the Metropolitan Police more, that’s your job Mr Mayor, and now it is how schools in London (‘including special units’) are run. Hey, guess what, Mr Mayor, that’s another devolved competency, is it not? Maybe ‘dissolved competency’ is a better turn of phrase?
12. The BBC are still campaigning against Brexit.
Thanks for the summary – I just can’t listen to it that much any more .
I’m a bit disappointed that there isn’t much of a Project Fear story today . There must be some horror the Soros gang must be telling us about .
I did like the one from yesterday about queues at the Eurostar in frogland . Anything which makes it more difficult for ReichEU types to get to Blighty can only be a good thing .,
As for what you said about “ badly behaved children in schools ‘ it actually translates into kids who have tried to kill someone …which might be a reason for not teaching them
6. The French Government EU Minister seemed quite keen on a No-Deal Brexit.
Is that who is meeting with Grieve today to discuss an extension of Article 50? (according to The Telegraph and Express).
Nathalie the Bird Loiseau is meeting the Brexit Secretary, Stephen Barclay, not the Brexit Saboteur, Dominic Grieve.
2 Days old but the vindictive hatred in the sneering comments from the ill-informed losers is reaching a disgusting crescendo.
Including this “beauty”.
“The hardliner Brexiters are like Britain’s version of Islamic State.”
Anyone else tired of being pestered and harassed about an electricity smartmeter installation?
RE smart meter: tell them there is asbestos in your walls, works a treat they will run a mile
Yes on the smartmeter but I used the kind of industrial language which doesn’t appear too often on this site . The calls stopped ….
I am being harassed continually on Classic FM by advertisements for smart meters, where they are pushed like mad in every commercial break – even telling us that by having a smart meter installed, 60,000 cars could be displaced from the roads and won’t that be wonderful for the planet, unless of course, that includes your car…
Most people are wise to the smart meter scam, and don’t believe the hype, any more than they believe the climate change alarmism.
But, eventually, we all know they’ll be compulsory, and when found to be of no benefit at all, we’ll be stuck with them for ever.
It’s a waste of time. It probably won’t work as a smart meter if you switch supplier. Which doesn’t strike me as very smart.
Despite the unique way The BBC steals money from us they never manage to get a camera in the right place to report on peace-loving Palestinians.
Shame the drone didn’t get them..,
I don’t know how many of you, if any, are fans of the TV station Talking Pictures. Due to the plethora of PC garbage pumped out by the mainstream channels I’ve become a regular viewer. It shows some classic films and television shows from the 50s, 60s and occasionally the 70s. It also interviews some of the forgotten stars from those days. Now here’s the rub…
They’ve been showing the old Dick Barton series that was originally filmed over 40 years ago, but based on the radio series that was popular in the 40s. It was done in a slightly tongue in cheek fashion, with the characters laying on their Britishness with a trowel. “By George!” and “I say old boy.” and “Come on chaps.” It’s accompanied by highly strung music, in the best traditions of Saturday morning pictures. I think Tuesday’s was the last episode, but what startled me was the voice that introduced the show warning me that I might be offended by some of the language and opinions expressed, but that these unfashionable views were prevalent when it was filmed.
Blimey, I thought, what’s old Dick been up to? Has he been referring to his enemies as “Wops” or “Krauts” or maybe “Spics”? Nope! Has he suggested that the beautiful, distressed heroine accompanies him into the broom cupboard for a quick “knee trembler”? Thankfully no!
I’ve watched it through twice (they’re only 15 minute episodes) and discovered the “offensive” language must be a little talk Dick gave to his two pals, Snowy and Jock, when a traitorous baddie was about to be extinguished by a group of gangsters. “We can’t let this happen chaps. It isn’t the British way. Britain stands for fair play, decency and democracy…and quite a few more things that begin with D.” So even his patriotic speech was slightly self mocking. All totally harmless, Boys Own stuff, that I’d have thought everyone would watch with a smile. But no, even when patriotism is wrapped in self deprecating humour it has to be apologised for.
Meanwhile on the BBC, to whoops and squeals of approval, Frankie Boyle referred to a Tory MP as a cxxx.
No warnings, no apologies.
Give me Dick Barton any day…
Jeff, old Dick would have had an attack of the vapours last night then, to see a real life dick on display, offensive language and even a black prime minister, in the latest drama on BBC2.
Last year Talking Pictures was in serious trouble with Ofcom because it refused to censor the language used in some of its films and TV programmes. Family at War was considered beyond the pale because there was one complaint about it. Talking Pictures took the view that they shouldn’t babysit their audience. The compromise was that the programmes wouldn’t be censored, but would be preceded by an anouncement that the permanently offended would be offended – but not quite in those words.
Perhaps the announcement should go something like this.
“To all the wilting violets out there, if you do not wish to be offended please use your off switch now and please do not tune in again.” But of course, as always, these people are not offended by what THEY might see, they are offended by what they fear the rest of us adults might be viewing.
By the way I subscribe to Talking Pictures and ignore most of the rest, because I find them personally offensive. There are in my view however, one or two notable exceptions but not one of them is shown by the BBC who are a national disgrace and should not be publicly funded.
Love Talking Pictures. Highly recommended .
Have recorded and now watched twice ” Send for Paul Temple” . I think I have all the Paul Temples on cassettes and CD; so it was great to see how the film differed from my imagination!
By Timothy it was worth watching.
Right now Rebecca 1940, Vesta Tlley later and tonight Norman Wisdom.
Tomorrow, The Huggets 1948; Laurel & Hardy 1930; Spiral Staircase and Ghost Ship from 1952
One reason for buying the Daily Mail on Saturday is the TV guide, best of the lot.
Why the long face, Jenny?
In Cologne ..#tactless
Listening to James O’Brien and his chum, London Mayor Sadiq Khan having a friendly chin wag. Do you remember when Alan Partridge a lifetime ago got his mate to ring up saying Partridge deserved a television show? All the selected callers have been lined up give Khan a very easy ride. Apart from Khan calling Nick Ferrari a part time broadcaster and citing this as the reason he won’t appear on his show it’s all very predictable so far. Somehow, I don’t think JOB is going to come out of this very well, I hope not anyway. I’d like to be a fly on the wall when JOB’s and Nick Ferrari’s paths cross next time.
I watch with interest the story of ‘state capture’ in South Africa -which no mention is ever made of by the baying hordes of the beeb, who couldn’t stop talking about Apartheid, presumably as SA doesn’t fit their agenda any more.
The cost of ‘state capture’ (by the ANC, much beloved of the beeb) is running at R1.5 Trillion over the second term of the Zuma administration, just short of the R1.8 Trillion 2019 budget. Thus it has wiped out a third of the country’s R4,9 Trillion GDP.
The consequences of this tale of corruption are widespread and devastating for the ordinary citizen. This new form of suffering imposed on the people of SA would make for an interesting story for the bbc to tell, but I very much doubt we will hear or see anything about ‘state capture’ there.
Doesn’t fit the narrative, you see. Bad ole whitey has, in effect, been disposed of. Mission completed for the bbc propagandists. End of story. Must find new places where bad ole whitey is active, and work on them.
Beeboids and libtards never cared for the blacks in SA, they only cared about virtue signalling and kicking whitey.
” Must find new places where bad ole whitey is active, and work on them.” “….and work to destroy them.”?
Science is sexist now…couldn’t make this up
and the biased bbc so proud that it was them who first reported it.
Hope I am not re-inventing the wheel here but i just downloaded this excellent read. Nothing I didn’t know already but excellent nevertheless.
Yes, read it a little while ago, and have been plugging it ever since. Excellent book.
Barbie has released its latest collection of global female role model dolls.
This year, the inspiring women include tennis player Naomi Osaka, actress Yara Shahidi and model Adwoa Aboah.
No mention if there is a Barbie Begum one.
There looks like there is a white one, in a wheelchair.
“There looks like there is a white one, in a wheelchair.”
Is that because she made the mistake of going to the pop concert that Barbie Begum blew up?
P.S. Apologies that I couldn’t fit a BBC angle in to this one.
Given their ongoing coverage, it is inherent.
I see they have decided to be frugal with the plastics by not having Serena as their tennis player
If anyone has fifty minutes to spare – the latest in a series of excellent videos by Tony Heller, this time about the imaginary climate climate crisis.
Apparently Comrade Ken Livingstone is saying he might leave Blighty when we leave the ReichEU . Anyone wanna have a whip and buy him a cheaply Ryanair single ticket ( no bags or seat choice ) to the furthest airport they go too … maybe Gaza international …
“Comrade Ken Livingstone is saying he might leave Blighty when we leave the ”
The Cheek! He told me he was going to do that anyway. Something about a new 8 bedroomed villa in Spain where he can entertain his erm, still working MPs, friends.
I’m assuming that the reason is quite simple – they don’t want to assimilate.
For what it’s worth.
BBC BIAS under REVIEW as Ofcom regulator concerned over impartiality
Indeed – worthless – since Ofcom is infested by BBC pensioners and other quango dwellers .
Regulator? The boys all all friendly together no doubt telling stories of the BBC in earlier days to one another. A number of the OFCOM people are ex BBC I understand. I doubt whether OFCOM will, ‘find’ anything to complain about or investigate.
The problem is, with these so-called, ‘Regulators’ they often all hear music playing and they know when the music stops, they all have to try and find a seat to sit on. They are all confirmed ‘Regulators’. Good for nothing else. Perhaps there’s now a Guild with some fancy collective name for them?
The anti-semitism and racism within the Labour party is so serious and widespread that the Equalities and Human Rights Commission are considering investigating.
Meanwhile, the unelected Baroness Shamista Chakrabarti, having concluded, after an extensive investigation, that there was no anti-semitism within Labour, still sits in the House of Lords, receiving £300 per day expenses plus a salary from the Labour party as part of their front bench.
“Wonder when someone will start asking the right questions and demanding the Palestinian leadership start acting like a government instead of a terrorist organisation.”
Ask Mr Corbyn, I’m sure he will have a close handle on the subject…..
I was brought up in the West of Scotland when the code “of Honour” was you do not abuse, mistreat , or hurt girls/women….all these other in between things didn’t exist then .
Fast forward and the murder of the young girl in the park is getting aired on bBc/Sky etc.
I asked myself this, what sort of completely alien culture have we allowed to develop in this country which could produce the sub-human who committed this crime , not only against her family but to us all who try to uphold the law and British values.
BTW BBC he is not white, quelle surprise….
Perhaps the court needs to catch up on current affairs!’ Police fury after thug, 18, avoids jail despite being caught carrying a ‘fearsome’ knife
Devante Omer, 18, admitted knife possession but was spared jail by a judge
He was handed a six month suspended sentence sparking furious reaction
Police in Barnet blasted ruling saying court should ‘catch up on current affairs’
that’s WORRYING – I’m from the Midlands! I’ll be back there tomorrow actually.
when will people open their eyes to what’s going on.
And my niece lives in New Zealand.
Well, they’re there as well.
And my daughter is in Barnet. How worrying when she gets off the tube and has to walk home.
BTW BBC he is not white:
Bloodbath Britain: Man repeatedly stabs another in the chest while he lies on the ground in sickening mass braw
a female bystander giggles as she films a man get repeatedly stabbed in the chest as he lays on the ground during the violent fight.
Man repeatedly stabs victim in the chest after 2am brawl outside a pub
The brutal stabbing in Tipton, West Midlands, was filmed by a laughing woman
The victim is ‘stable’ after the horror attack which took place over the weekend
did the BBC mention the Danish rape crisis the other day
here the bit they forgot to mention
Shamima Begum ‘on her way’ BACK to the UK after escaping refugee camp, terror expert says
SHAMIMA Begum could be making her way back to the UK after escaping from her refugee camp, a terror expert has claimed
“From a logistical but tactical move, she would travel towards Iraq where the UK has a consulate service and seek for assistance.
“Even if there is no immediate help for her due to the ongoing controversy surrounding the revoke of her nationality by the British Home Office, the UK government has publicly expressed a willingness to recognise and care for her new-born.
“the UK government has publicly expressed a willingness to recognise and care for her new-born.”
The BBC keep telling us that anyone born in Britain is British and must be treated as such. The baby was born in Syria (or Iraq) and so the BBC, being consistent, must be campaigning for it to be treated as Syrian.
“Shamima Begum ‘on her way’ BACK to the UK”
Oh, look, its John Simpson liberating Iraq (I mean, Begum)
WTO agreement made for No Deal Brexit – 1.3 trillion pounds
Has the BEEB said anything about this? or have the anti brexit Media failed in its duty to keep the public updated.
Feck i just noticed my TRILLION typo – Sorry guys
Yes did wonder …
Im amazing at managing MONEY LOL!
Dont ever let the brat child in, murderous bitch will be claiming right to family life then with the full backing of the EU
There’s a #BBCYoungReporter competition, here are the finalists:
— 15-year-old Annabelle is going through an early menopause and on HRT
— Isabella’s story is about what life is like a foster sister
— Lottie’s dad was knocked off his bike; it had a massive impact on the whole family
— Rhys is a boxer with six disabilities
— Jake is a DJ who uses sign language
— Black, Muslim female footballer Salma wants to challenge stereotypes
— Jovita and her parents are deaf and use British Sign Language
— Eghosa lives in a one bedroom flat with his mum and his sister and wants the council to move them
— Fatima wants to inform people about the hijab because it can incite negative comments and prejudice
—Tia’s story is about living with a parent who is an addict
— Francesca says how social media has made her view her disability differently
— When Tayla’s mum died she helped the lives of four strangers
The BBC are infatuated with this kind of social realism, it’s bread and butter for their dystopian view of the UK in which the noble underclass are scrabbling around, eking out a Mike Leigh existence brought on by the failure of government and everyone being racist and voting for Brexit.
But what effect does a non-stop cycle of hardship porn have on young people? The BBC and the rest of the MSM will show their virtue by much hand-wringing over the crisis of mental health; they’ll have countless writers and journalists in to sell another soul-searching memoir about being anxious and depressed, but they never stop to think in their endless promotion of misery lit that they themselves might be complicit.
Just saw a cracker on Facebook –
‘Isn’t it funny how everything in the Channel is British except the fish’
You Tube refuse to remove Tommy Robinson .
The Government ask You Tube to remove him
‘Today, the Culture Minister said he hopes YouTube will “reconsider their judgement” in continuing to allow Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to use the platform to intimidate journalists.’
He has promised to knock on journalist’s doors as they have knocked on his door to intimidate his family.
Just in case anyone is unaware. Tommy Robinson is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
Looks like the Establishment want to put Tommy Back in jail. Attorney General , Geoffrey Yaxley Cox, rules against Tommy. So he faces a contempt of court case.
That should stop him revealing facts about the state media.
Yes, he’s going to be in court to face the same charges again. The swamp dwellers are beyond description in the depths of depravity they will sink to in their persecution of someone who has the temerity to tell the truth about islam and pakland rape gangs.
Tommy Robinson is going to need financial support to hire the best legal team he can find. Although, no doubt the court procedures have already been rigged to get their desired result.
Mr Cox, is a key swamp dweller in this matter but Mrs May and Mr Javid must also have had starring roles. They are a disgusting trio.
Unfortunately Mr Yaxley Cox – the AG – has a fair size majority but UKIP didn’t stand last time .sad day when I’d wish for a so called conservative to lose his seat and and take his seat in the gods’ waiting room which is the over staffed Peers .
Wonder which lodge he is a member of ?
The more the establishment/elite try to destroy TR, the greater TR will grow.
God’s speed.
I think they want him inside jail and dead, and believe they can recover from any outrage with a 100% supportive media.
Yep when TR is dead, challenging of the establishment on the matters he focuses on will all go away
.. And everyone will agree that the metroliberal worldview that has so often let victims down ..is really the only way
… #Floodgates
I’ve had a thought. Could it be that the swamp dwellers are going to use Tommy Robinson as a distraction up to the 29th. March, to stop us focusing on their treasonous plans regarding Brexit?
Maybe they don’t really care whether he is find guilty or not ( though a guilty verdict would be the icing on the pile of ordure they’re concocting) but the trial will probably overwhelm the MSM so that the swamp dwellers hope we the People lose sight of how they are selling out our country to the EU. If I’m correct, I have no doubt the far-left bbc collective will flood their programmes with Tommy Robinson trial stories.
Maybe we’re not too stupid to be able to oppose two issues at the same time.
John – same thinking – if you see my comment …. and would make sense in the timing of the announcement .
they have also added on an extra charge
one of causing distress to the gang raping pedos, which im guessing they will claim is a hate crime
Im so angry about this. The establishment filth want him silenced once and for all. What absolute scum they are, i woulnt p***s on them if they were on fire. If he is guilty then the BBC journalist who did the same thing and whose trial came up the other week should have been found guilty also. But there again he works for the establishment so thats ok. If tommy gets send down the crowds who marched last year will be out again but the numbers will be greater and maybe they wont be as well behaved as they were then. They really are scum.
Since the AG has taken 4 ? Months to make a decision about a case with pretty straight forward circumstances it will be interesting if an ‘ abuse of process ‘ might be claimed – particularly since TRs reputation and the circumstances of his campaigning are becoming more widely known .
Apart from the prospect of putting him back in prison so that Muslim prisoners or chosen prison officers can kill him off – the cost of the legal challenge to a vindictive state and its political trial will be considerable . I could guess at the type of judge who will be appointed to the trial…..
I really hope this receives coverage in countries with some residue of free speech such as America as well as those remaining nations which have not been corrupted by the needs of ‘ minorities ‘ and others hostile to the British way of life .
Shame on the AG – but let’s face it – a diminished office – much like a so called conservative government .
Thinking about it a bit more – I suppose the attempt to silence TR again is linked to the Elites ‘ fear that the plebs might play up if brexit doesn’t happen as currently planned .
They must also be concerned about the strain being placed on the police by having to wander round pretending to stop Londonistan killings as well as planning for things which might happen with the ReichEU declares economic war on Blighty should we be lucky enough to escape on WTO – as well – maybe as having to police a forthcoming general election as the current government drowns in its own lies and incompetence …
Thoughts ?
looking at the TR wiki entry
I learnt 2 things
1 never trust WIKIPEDIA
2 An online petition for his release had more than 500,000 signatures.[111] Anti-fascist advocacy group Hope not Hate said its analysis showed that 68.1% of the signatures were from the UK, with 9.7% from Australia, and 9.3% from the US. Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland accounted for the remainder.
Mortified’ Amber Rudd is forced to apologise after she calls Diane Abbott a ‘coloured woman’ while discussing RACISM on BBC Radio
Ms Rudd was on Jeremy Vine Show ahead of International Women’s Day
DWP Secretary said abuse ‘is worst of all if you are a colored woman’
Then said ‘I know that Diane Abbott gets a huge amount of abuse’
Abbot is not a coloured woman, she is a woman of colour. That is, unless she re-identifies as a man which will make her a man of colour.
And if as a man she decides to be a rap artist she can call herself a n++++er
“woman of colour”
is that a WOC ?
And Amber Rudd is like Medusa’s ugly sister, which is such a poetic description.
Not sure how true this is…but another boost for the hopes of a no deal.
The Far Left Londonistan Evening Snowflake Standard , edited by George Osborne ( real name Viscount ) has a headline
“ amber Rudd calls Diane Abbot a ‘coloured woman’ in BBC interview”
This is obviously a case of resignation and sacrifice of her first born – if amber has brats . How could Amber make such a mistake ?
What have we become ? Meanwhile back to coloured people stabbing each other …
By the way elsewhere in the free rag is another Londonistan murder – a shallow grave job with a French lady blogger in it .
Undertakers keeping busy at the moment
“By the way elsewhere in the free rag is another Londonistan murder – a shallow grave job with a French lady blogger in it .”
Ya mean they’re even bringing their women “with them” from France – what next – roomier lorries I assume?
I was being overly flippant which is wrong . But I recall the current ( outgoing ?) commissioner making speeches at the end of last year that the police had ‘ got things under control’ – because if I recall – the number of killings reduced for a couple of weeks .
Betcha she won’t be mouthing off such false reassurances any time soon . ….
Democrat lawmaker reveals plan to begin impeachment proceedings
A DEMOCRAT congresswoman has announced plans to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.
Rashida Tlaib, who was elected to the House of Representatives in November’s midterm elections, said she will soon file the necessary paperwork to attempt to remove the US leader from the White House. The freshman congresswoman caused controversy just hours after being sworn into office when she delivered a profanity-laced vow to impeach President Trump
I think she might need to improve her personal security … wonder who s funding her ?
Shes rather dusky oops so so sorry
bBBC leading with spineless Bradley and Rudd grovelling apologies..
at least its not the openly anti-semtic somali who married her own brother
this one almost has some credibility for now
A BBC audience member (Jock) claimed the “simple” solution to the Brexit deadlock would be for England to leave the United Kingdom to persuade it’s own departure from the European Union.
Of course, we get to keep our tax revenue and spend it in England only ?
im sure TAFFMAN would like a word with Jock
It is long past time to mobilise all who remember what this country once was, and show disgust at the current state of it, standing on the streets, standing up to be counted (in the millions it should be) disgust as shown on here so very often, day after day, week after week, when an ISIS bitch gets sympathetic treatment by the BBC with interviews allowed to explain herself, and the above individual is vilified, when racist immigrant rape gangs are only shown for one hour in the headlines when jailed then covered up, while the above individual is endlessly hounded.
There’s a delicious little race row going on at the moment following an interview the hapless Amber Rudd gave to Jeremy Vine. God she’s another painfully right on Tory who loves to virtue signal.
Today they were both guffawing over the “trolls” who have a go at her on Twitter. “Some pathetic bloke living in his mum’s basement” sniggered Jezza. “I just ignore them” admitted Ms Rudd. It was when she attempted to give full flow to her PC credentials by saying how badly some of the ethnic minority MPs have been treated that she came unstuck. “Some of the things they say about Diane Abbott” she wittered “are clearly racist.” Brownie points for Ms Rudd. Not only showing her anti racist credentials but also standing shoulder to shoulder with a “sister.”
However, it was then that she committed her colossal faux-pas and called the delightful Diane “coloured.”
I was at the gym at the time (honing my already impressive physique to new levels of perfection) and listening on headphones and very nearly fell off my static bike. Nobody at the time seemed to notice but the perennially offended Twitter mob are in a state of near apoplexy and Diane, being her usual gracious self, has said “The remarks are revealing…”
The pathetic Amber has apologised profusely and I don’t doubt the Beeb and The Guardian will have a field day.
Serves her bloody well right!
I can’t stand Vine, he’s one of the reasons I no longer listen to the radio when at work. He seems to think he is so lovably uncool and self-deprecating, he really is a knob.
Shouldn’t he have said, “Some pathetic bloke living in his mom’s basement”? Surely that is an American idiom – AFAIK the majority of British houses are built without basements.
The next time a public figure gets abuse from more “diverse” sources, do you think there’s any chance Vine will say the offenders are “Some pathetic blokes living in a filthy, overcrowded HMO with soiled mattresses dumped outside”?
George Orwell 1984
In the novel, Great Britain (“Airstrip One”) has become a province of a superstate named Oceania. Oceania is ruled by the “Party”, who employ the “Thought Police” to persecute individualism and independent thinking.
“Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”
“Big Brother is Watching You.”
In the novel, from what I recall the Outer Party are watched and monitored by the Inner Party (or the other way round)..
…….in other words the ‘intelligensia’/’middle classes’ are the ones being watched and controlled, which is always the case in authoritarian regimes.
The proles (or the ‘plebs’) which make up a huge proportion of the population, are generally left to their own devices to sing songs and drink cheap alcohol in underground bars etc………
Talking of Yorkshire courts
and the underreporting of some things
small article page 6 of today’s Yorkshire Post
Another stabbing . Its almost daily now . Imagine the cost to the NHS.
My estimate for Londonistan hitting 150 after 135 last year is looking conservative ,
This does not appear to be a ‘blip’ . I suppose the publicity is reaching the Ferals so they are all tooling up .
Be interesting to see whether Far Left BBC news considers the amber Rudd coloured comment more important than the blood of another dead one .
taffman, Fedup2
Treat stabbing as a disease says Javid Savid (peace be upon him)
Suggest washing hands after using a knife to protect against disease and purify the body and spirit.
Wuḍūʾ (Arabic: الوضوء al-wuḍūʼ [wʊˈdˤuːʔ]) is the Islamic procedure for wiping parts of the body, a type of ritual purification, or ablution. Wudu involves washing the hands, mouth, nostrils, arms, head and feet with water and is an important part of ritual purity in Islam.
Teenage rape victim stated they stank of curry when raping, racially abusing and whipping her at age of 14, maybe some breath spray during next paedophilic racially aggravated rape session ?
“Wudu involves washing the hands, mouth, nostrils, arms, head and feet with water and is an important part of ritual purity in Islam.”
Matrons Note: avoid washing in the Ganges.
BBC Online News:
“”Tommy Robinson faces new contempt hearing””
“”The first hearing in the case is due to take place at the High Court in London on 22 March.””
The hearing will be one week before Brexit is due on the 29th.
Interesting times…
Yeah but what’s his real name again, and again, and again ……
Dianne Abbott again I see !!! Always the victim but as she is black and far left she can say what the f**k she wants !!!