ITV local news
“Theresa May is in Grimsby giving her speech in front of wind farm workers .. yesterday the government signed a big agreement with the offshore wind industry”
.. Really I don’t think any NEW agreement was signed
Then the reporter went to a vox pop. You’d expect almost everyone in Grimsby to be a “get on with it” Brexiteer, but not really she finished up in a cafe “Well what a surprise to find a table full of Remainers”
..em they were all Polish women
.. wouldn’t surprise me if it was a Polish cafe.
Privately-educated lawyer Tasnime Akunjee has represented the families of the three girls from Tower Hamlets, east London, who fled the UK to join Islamic State, including Shamima Begum, since 2015.
Since she was found in a Syrian refugee camp in mid-February, Mr Akunjee has caused controversy by comparing the 19-year-old ISIS bride to a First World War soldier and said she had been treated worse than Nazi war criminals. Mr Akunjee has been spearheading the campaign to get Ms Begum repatriated to the UK.
Previous clients of the criminal defence lawyer include one of Lee Rigby’s killers. He once blamed British authorities for ‘creating’ Fusilier Rigby’s killer, suggested Theresa May has ‘Nazi blood’ for trying to root out extremists and urged Muslims not to cooperate with police.
Twice married Mr Akunjee, 41, has worked for a series of law firms since 2008, while also working as a legal adviser to the East London Mosque.
It is believed he may have met the families of the runaway Tower Hamlets girls as part of this role.
Mr Akunjee said he is handling the Begum case ‘pro bono’, meaning free of charge. It is unclear whether that would continue if the case came before the British courts in future.
According to his LinkedIn page, Mr Akunjee, the son of a Bangladeshi doctor, studied at the £18,000-a-year City of London School for Boys.
He went on to study law at the Universities of Sussex and then Westminster.
You’ve seen the vid of him handing the papers to Mike Stuckbery’s loony team man on Sunday so they could doorstep TR’s wife and children.
..Even though TRs folks had already received a copy of the docs by recorded delivery.
Should of course be stripped at the Bar, or whatever it is they do to traiterous duplicitous Lawyers. Really I’m so sick of hearing about the dammed Begum woman-the UK Governments employee the Home Secretary has made a judgement on sound grounds to take away her Citizenship, which as this Begum’s family history now unfolds should never have been granted rights to a British Citizenship-Bangladesh is her true home nation and that’s where she can go for all I care and no doubt millions of other Brits would agree. The BBC et al are stirring up big trouble in nearly every section of society and especially it appears against their own-mind you with so many coloured faces( not allowed to say Black) now starring at us from the screen one questions who are their own!
I’d put it down to lazy nurses and doctors killing off elderly and inconvenient patients who interfere with their working days . And if you are a medic reading this ‘tought’.
“Life expectancy falls by six months in biggest drop in UK forecasts…”
A continuation of a trend which began in 2011. 2018 was the first time in 36 years that average life expectancy went into reverse. This year it’s just got much, much worse.
But never fear, the top brains here at BiasedBBC have got together, studied all the evidence, and decided it’s all the fault of:
There is no need for my comment, an immigrant with a british visa or hopefully not a passport, Go figure yourselves the state of the Police and dealing with this vociferous scum….
Tho thorry thir but the English male woth taken to the vet yearth ago by the Thociaitht Prime Minithter Mithter Bliar.
Jutht take a look around you and you will thee what I mean.
Thorry about that thir. Perhapth you could conthult Katie Hopkinth to thee how she acquired her gigantic pair of bollockth
I have massive respect for @ChrisGPackham, but I think he's taking a major wrong turn here, in claiming that #ClimateBreakdown is survivable, but human population growth is not. Population growth is peaking, climate breakdown isn't.
Population growth if continuing at its present rate will become unsustainable, however with a flourishing middle class in China for example, the expectant rate of birth, will drop, as it will elsewhere in the world, however certain areas across the world including Africa, parts of South America as long as the Catholic Church retains its hold on disallowing contraception will mostly likely remain boyant. Further those who live under Islam will continue to be encouraged to have as many children as they can, with possibility for a man to have more than one wife. With the exception of some, mainly the white northern Europeans cannot afford or indeed want numbers of children. The UK has a real population of 70 million plus, not noted by the authorities, not wanting to alarm the populace. But surely we can all see and indeed experience that present population figures irrespective are almost unsustainable. We have apparently 46 million vehicles on our UK roads, and those who travel daily about their business most certainly will testify to it being very dangerous and yet car manufacturers are still pushing new models onto the roads-of course many thousands of jobs are tied up in that scenario, stopping any new vehicles being produced would have catastrophic
results throughout Europe. Situation locked in, no way out?
“Brexit: One more push needed to get deal through, says May”
Message to Parliament and Mrs Chamberlain……………
We voted to leave, we did not vote for a for a ‘deal’.
Britain’s economy has been at a standstill for almost three years waiting for this rubbish.
Parliament has killed democracy.
Time to change parliament .
Vote and support UKIP.
It is against international law to make someone stateless, and now an innocent child has died as a result of a British woman being stripped of her citizenship. This is callous and inhumane
any comment about TR children after lefty journalists banging on his door ? or is it just black and muslim murderous brats that get your racist sympathy ?
If that was over here peoples minds would naturally google: other female child murderers in the UK?
These babies she said are dead must have died under very suspicious circumstances – which no UK copper could – if indeed they wanted to investigate them.
The BBC seem to think the leavers didn’t understand what they were voting for, but we did, it was to defend our sovereignty and to get immigration under control.Why do they only report the fiscal consequences of a “hard brexit”?
sjs, a 5% increase in the schools’ budget to £42.something billion for England alone can only result in a fall in spending per pupil if the number of pupils greatly increases. Unless, of course, the DfE, the LEAs and Mayors are also taking an increased cut from ‘more money’ when it passes through their hands.
All have so much time in their lives to undermine the culture of the country they once begged, bowed and scraped to get into from the absolute hell hole countries they ran from. as natural cowards they failed to fight for their countries unlike us, and what do they do? turn our peaceful contry into the same hell hole they came from and because why ? they were not strong enough to kill and rape in their own hell holes but we will look after them while they kill. stab and rape and accuse their prosecutors of racism
Mark Francois MP has been busy . He gave a mini interview on twitter about how after asking our beloved AG a tricky question about brexit in the House of Commons – he was ‘approached ‘ by the AGs PPS ( ‘bitch’) suggesting he not ask difficult questions that embarrass his boss .
Mr Francois said he reported this breach of the constitution to The Speaker but being mindful of the biased character of the outgoing Speaker we can be prejudiced about the outcome .
Guest Who
Oh! to be a BBC news editor. What a difference I could make. No bullshit. Just unadulterated fact. Well, except where facts didn’t interfere with the BBC Marxist agenda which ensures my job and my very generous pension. Anyway the morons at the other end of the tube will soak up and absorb as truth whatever I choose to tell them. So se la vie.
Ex bbc go-to cattle overseer Mehdi discusses ‘bad faith’:
So when bad faith GOP politicians & bad faith conservative media outlets and journos attack the left, Muslims, Palestinians, etc, for alleged anti-Semitism, what's the best way of showing how cynical and hypocritical their attacks are?
Coke addict Wilf Self
“Brexit voters aren’t all racists, but all the racists voted Brexit”
As a proud British Indian who campaigned to Leave – I have a long queue of racist Remainers telling me to either "go back home to India" or labelling me "Uncle Tom" or calling me "Tory House Negro"
Britain is far bigger than a handful of bigots *across* the political spectrum.
— Amandeep Singh Bhogal (@AmandeepBhogal) March 8, 2019
Stew – I know I’m sick but it’s great seeing unstable remainer beeboids like
‘Self’ becoming unhinged . Self – real name – William Woodard Self shows The arrogance of those who are able to interpret the motivation of 17 million people and reduce it to ‘racism’ . Score big on the ‘offence ‘ or even ‘hate’ speech doesn’t it ?
What Will Self was saying is factually incorrect, because we’re learning at the moment that there are an awful lot of racists in the Labour Party and the majority of them probably voted Remain.
pug, I found myself thinking this morning when someone on TOADY repeated the meme ‘interfered in Elections and EU Referendum’ that the medium used to interfere was new media, esp. Facebook & Twitter.
These are used predominantly by the young. The young, we are told, predominantly voted Remain.
Therefore, the only invalidity in the EU Referendum result is that the Leave vote should have been much greater, possibly Leave in all four home nations and certainly much more than 52%.
Am not surprised, with that sort of case, that two Courts chucked it out.
Ezra Levant speaks on his blog this weekend about the TR political trial. When you hear a foreigner remind us of what the British State has been doing to a non compliant British Citizen it is hard to believe that it is happening in the UK .
Don’t get me wrong – I am not a great ‘fan’ of TR – but I hope I can stand back and see what is incredibly going on and how he represents the ‘soul’ of what is quickly becoming a foreign EU substate .
Mr Levant doesn’t mention the beeboid Daniel Sanford apparent breach of the Contempt of Court Act or whether it has been reported to the police or forthcoming Trial Judge …
But let’s face it – on or more laws for TR and no law for others ..
Yes I’ve got Ezra’s recent livestream open in the other tab
<a href=" to 45 min to hear Nicki Campbell interview try to use Ezra Levant as a foil for a gotcha against Tommy
“but TR said Muslim rape gangs ..that is highly offensive to normal Muslims”
Going live to talk about the insane new prosecution of Tommy Robinson. I'm shocked but not surprised:
Oh that link works even tho I screwed it up
The Nicky Yaxle-Campbell clip was from Aug 2018
Ezra at that time put it up a series of tweets explaining
Look down that thread, Campbell gets a kicking and he/flunky must have read it , cos he answers one question
2. There was huge news about Tommy yesterday: the Lord Chief Justice, on the court of appeal, freed Tommy from prison and vindicated Tommy's complaints. What did @NickyAACampbell want to talk about instead? Something Tommy said in 2011. Nicky's a good government journalist!
BTW Yes I can see that entire Alastair Ben article : The Tories have a problem with anti-Muslim prejudice without being logged in
BTW- Even if the page is faded , it’s fairly easy to see
– If a page has closed comments
#1 check the orgs facebook page
Here Speccie FB page doesn’t mention Islam.. but see the story about Woke NGOs
#2 Do a Twitter search , pick up the url cut off the beginning https:// or search under the name of the author
Here there isn’t that much discussion on Twitter just this
I think a lot of Conservative outlets are being put under a lot of pressure either by trolls or Government agencies re “Hate Crime”
I have stopped posting on Con Woman after last week a couple (I think) of my comments were deleted on a post concerning the arrest of the preacher, whilst the ROP never seems to be hassled.
Any of you who have been here for a while (I hope ) would agree that my comments are generally well thought out, maybe a little sharp, sometimes overlong, but generally relevant. The way I see it – I will no longer waste time with sites that have rolled over and surrendered. But as I am sure, you all know, since TR s “Panodrama” the left (including this supposedly “Tory” government). seem to be on a “general free speech offensive”
Yeah you’re pretty mellow with your comments in my valueless opinion .
If you view sites which I consider to be the enemy – such as the guardian – you can work out where comment isn’t free because there isn’t any … it’s normally where Lammy or Abbot are concerned ..or similar types .
I worry that sites like this one could be culled in the run up to a brexit ‘in the interest of community safety ‘ – which has a French Revolutionary whiff to it …
I think you are right FE2 . the lunatic has truly taken over the asylum (for now). I think it is worth everybody here registering with TR on line and/or Gab Dissenter or similair. The days of free discussion of ideas (in the short term at least ) are coming to an end.
And who would have thought it – Orwells 1984 used as an instruction manual for good Goverment from a so called “Tory” Government.
The roll of a future Parliamentary “Committee of Public Safety” would be to control the internet and silence opposition to the establishment. The creation of a General Police Bureau reporting to the Committee of Public Safety would increase its power. The introduction of a “Law of Denunciation” will silence Tommy Robinson and many other public enemies, make mandatory their denunciation and severely limit the legal recourse available to those accused. The punishment for all crimes under a “Law of Denunciation” is usually death by Guillotine.
This is intended to make the public safe from those spoken and written words (such as this posting) not approved by the establishment.
It usually ends in a derangment syndrome were the participants start to shake with hysterical anger, leading to the delusional hatred of Jews, Russians and then finally each other, which then leads to fear and despair and then finally insanity, which then causes the liberals to kill each other with knives, etc.
At present the ‘system’ overall is operated through fear of losing one’s livelihood, pension etc. Up until now this has been working quite well for them.
However, if that fails (e.g. as in Tommy’s case), various methods of violence or torture are employed.
Very sorry to hear what happened to you, but I wish you would give CW another chance. There are some really tiresome people commenting there now and we can’t afford to lose such as you. (I have another name when I am there, for historical reasons.)
Thanks Banania , it means quite a lot to hear that. I have just posted on it, we shall see how it goes – But to be honest I do spend quite a long time thinking about what I say on posts, I dont know if I have the energy to waste anymore – if they have surrendered.
Avoiding al beeb (on international fedup day ) I’m guessing they’re carrying the death of the ISIS baby high in the running list .
It’s sad and everything – but on the upside it removes any reason for this terrorist to be brought back to her former country . She can go to Bangladesh – Home of her forefathers or even worse – Holland – with her terrorist husband where they can peacefully plot the downfall of the West…
If she goes to Holland to be with her husband and we don’t leave the EU in three weeks, will she be able to come here under the EU’s freedom of movement rules?
The BBC has a duty to inform so should tell us the answers to such questions
Imagine you are a captured hardened Jihadi determined to escape your prison camp. Is it possible you would simply INVENT a story about being pregnant and then having a baby? Here's a theory… Please read and RT!
Does Barrister Matthew Scott ever appear on the BBC ?
Disagreeing with someone politically is one thing but to make fun of their mental condition after months of living on a can of tuna a day while in solitary for contempt of court? Utterly shameful and an indication of how lawyers will go along with totalitarian measures.
The ‘person’ who was involved in attempting to intimidate TR’s family – but was stopped by police – is a racist with neo-nazi tendencies. A crackhead who lives in a squat-like home and has a long history of actual abuse – unlike Mr Robinson who has at worst warned against the growing dominance of Islam and the impact that is having mostly upon the working class.
Remember, the EDL formed as a reaction to what happened In March 2009, when an Islamic extremist group called Al-Muhajiroun staged a demonstration as 200 soldiers paraded through the town of Luton after returning from Iraq.
@PeterGrimes thanks
why would Matthew Scott cruelly mock TR who exposes the UNDER REPORTING of grooming raping gangs ?
Well what’s his job at Pump Court ?
“A specialist criminal advocate with considerable expertise in DEFENDING allegations of rape and child cruelty.”
.. that answers Q1
Do you realise that some of your preferred sexual activities would get you treated for insanity in some countries and thrown off high buildings in the countries you admire. I should say that whilst I have no problems with gay activities, I do think your fisting activities are a bit loony
@Maxi, Stew Green did say “Mike Stuckbery’s loony team man”
That’snot making fun of the Mike Stuckbery’s team’s mental state
cos I presume at least 3 of the 6 who walked to TR’s kids house are probably sane as they are national journalists
Of course Dick the red mohican man has issues, and Stuckbery himself I suspect he’s strongly autistic.. and I do have sympathy with them
I always wondered who sold me my inflatable Amber Rudd doll. When she deflates the little valve says “coloured” in that private school kind of a way . Her mum and dad called her ‘ amber ‘? And not ‘diamond geezer ‘? Another swamp dweller waiting to be drained …
Actually she was Christened ‘Fossilised Sap’- known as Amber for short until she outgrew the label.
A point worth noting: the change to contact lenses from hornrims in an attempt to soften and popularise the pretence of an upwardly mobile image has proved singularly unsuccessful.
Thanks FE2 – That image of the Amber Rudd inflatable doll is going to give me nightmares tonight! If I wake up in a cold sweat – expect to hear from my lawyers!
By the way does the Amber model have “real” hair and does she apologise for nothing on demand?
On BBC news , Dover docks want to dredge an area that contains concerns for enviromentalists and relatives of British airmen that went down in the area during WW2 .
The main #Panodrama has 1.3m views on YT
That is on top of the million plus on Facebook before it was taken down
There might be another half million on the other channels
But actually I think the viewing totals are quiet low since a normal TR vid gets a million views, less than 3 million is still not the whole world
@TT that comment has been disappeared so I added one
\\ Viewing stats : “1,409,514 views 85K likes, 3.5K downs ”
Previous commenters have been mentioning rigging of the view count
a comment from Friday has been disappeared //
BTW views are sometimes flaky ..cos 10 people might watch on one PC together, and one guy might watch on 10PCs
BBC website – ‘The baby son of Shamima Begum – who fled London ’….
C4 news – ‘The baby son of Shamima Begum, the teenager who fled London’…
Definition of ‘to flee’ – ‘verb. To run away from a place or situation of danger.’
Utterly disgusting how they use language like this to make out Shamima was a victim and was fleeing somewhere. The term flee is used to describe shoppers fleeing a bomb in terror, people fleeing a war zone, victims trying to escape a life threatening situation.
This is how the BBC and C4, LBC , Manchester evening news, are currently using to describe Shamima Begum.
sure she did not flee whilst people were being stoned, whipped thrown from buildings, beheaded and burnt alive, the vicious, we can all hope similar happens to her and her brood, but UK pakis are so keen to have her back God help this country with these paki snakes around us
I noticed that. It’s a deliberate use of the word “flee” to imply that there was something intolerable about living in Britain, so Begum had to seek comfort in the arms of ISIS terro…sorry I meant “fighters.”
There seems to be a competition among BBC hacks to see who can be more traitorous to the country that shelters and sustains them with cushy jobs for life at huge salaries and then huge pensions.
Ms Begum fled London to join the Islamic State group aged 15. Mr Javid revoked her British citizenship when the pregnant teenager asked to return.
A family friend said the UK had failed to safeguard the child while Labour said his death was the result of a “callous and inhumane” decision.
That is the final nail in the coffin for any chance of Labour ever representing this country ever again. family friend should be whipped in public as this scum seem so keen to do.
Any videos available showing the death as this scum seem so keen to show ?
Oxford University suspends jihad-supporting student, 21, for trying to recruit for an extreme Islamist group
Danial Farooq, 21, is facing an investigation after expressing support for jihad
He said he is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir which aims to establish an Islamic state
Claimed he is ‘close’ to gaining other supporters from Oxford University
Mr Farooq, from Brent in north London, studies at Wadham College, Oxford Uni
He says he is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir which seeks to establish an Islamic state under Sharia law and is banned in more than a dozen countries worldwide – though not in the UK.
Mr Farooq said: ‘That bit is talking about punishment and jihad. I need to be careful. There’s a lot of people here. We’ll call it J. We don’t see it as an aggressive thing.’
The 137-page leaflet goes on to say it’s permissible for Muslims to kill those who leave the faith ‘even if they numbered millions’.
The #ShamimaBegum decision & everything that led to it is really troubling for anyone who wants to be part of a civilised society that takes its responsibilities seriously – to its own people and in the world. I explain my reasoning (from 10’15”) #r4today
Cassandra – and the leading 0800 news item is an attack on the HomecSec for banning this terrorist from coming to her former country . They’ve got to be kidding -right ? I’m still upset that this ‘teenager ‘ her ‘husband ‘ and the rest of them didn’t get a complementary missile visit from a reaper drone .
Sometimes I actually believe that we are being goaded into a civil war,
you can travel around this country and see the peaceful lovely villages in East Anglia, Cornwall, Devon, the Lake District, Yorkshire, Cumbria, in Scotland and Wales all living in harmony and not see an idiot in a full face veil, then you wander into Luton, London and Rotherham Bradford etc. and see the ghettoes and the hatred of our country and culture on display and all with a British passport in their grubby hands
BBC Breakfast on the News Channel at 8.10am where a charity spokeswoman is given a completely unchallenged free hit to tell us that the now infamous Islamic State woman recently discovered by a British journalist and her latest offspring ought to have been accepted back into Britain.
Our Steph McGovern conducts the interview – I say interview but in fact Wah-Steph simply provided an intruction and a few prompts for the so-called charity woman – in fact this person acted more like a political campaign activist in her criticism of UK government policy – and was enabled to put her case absolutely unchallenged on any point of fact or context.
No alternative interpretation of the situation was given on the so-called balanced BBC. My sense is that a high percentage of Licence Payers who are oblidged to fund the BBC will hold views diametrically opposed to this charity and our views have just been comprehensively ignored by the BBC.
Mind you, I previously caught the back end of BBC Newswatch when I am regularly reassured the BBC always gets it about right. Seems BBC in-house thinking is increasingly divoced from reality.
And following on from that show (and as if to confirm my impression of BBC bad judgement) watching a promo for BBC shows I’m amazed to discover some bastardised version of Top Gear is still running (or should that be limping) on the BBC – why?
Guido reports s car crash court decision for Jessica Simor QC who tried to get brexit stopped on the grounds that the referendum was corrupted by illegal brexiter funding . There were other Judicial Review grounds – but all rubbished. Looking at the judgement it shows that the QC badge is becoming as downgraded as the AG tag following the TR decision .
Anyway – I report this here because the BBC ignored it . Can’t think why ….
Oh yeh it was a bus with a sign on it that made all the difference, nothing to do with Romanian homeless beggars shitting on out streets and bullying british homeless big issue sellers to take over and ruin their chances of getting off the streets of course, and nothing to do with eastern european shoplifters and pickpockets sent back then immediately came back over here again and again to infest our cities ? and of course we have the wonderful prospect of Turkish sex criminals next with free reign to wonder over here and enjoy themselves, paki taxi drivers must be worrying about their monopoly
Some 18,492 people are currently in jail after being convicted of sex offences in Turkey, Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül has said.
In 2006, the number of rulings regarding sexual abuse was 5,243, but this number rose to 13,347 in 2016.
In 2006, some 3,778 rulings were issued over child sexual abuse, but this number drastically increased to 21,189 in 2016. Some 58.8 percent of suspects in the cases in which a ruling was issued were convicted in 2016.
Overall, some 5.7 percent of the adult population have been subjected to investigations in Turkey. While the number of files was nearly 2.74 million in 2006, it rose to 7.4 million in 2016. The number of cases handled in criminal courts was 2.41 million.
Yep, weaker and weaker are the hopes of the UK-EU loving supporters. Soon, very soon their suffering will be over and any hope of them having a good nights sleep will be gone forever.
Which I could see the faces of Blair, Miller, and their cohorts the morning after
How on earth can the BBC justify using “criticism” of Sajid Javid over the death of a jihadist’s baby thousands of miles away it’s main headline?
It is grossly irresponsible to select that angle to that particular story, and then blast it across the airwaves and across the top of its website. Irresponsible but certainly predictable.
FFS yesterday I watched smug so called “commentator” Will Self given a BBC platform to say that “every” racist and anti semite in the country voted for Brexit.
Well, my experience is that the most anti Semitic comments I’ve heard directly in the last two years have come from people who are ardent Remainers. Not hard left types, just old school believers in the age old tropes.
The BBC should be made to apologise for allowing Self to make such an absurd mass slander.
Do we have any proof that whatever she was pictured carrying, or hiding under her burqa was actually her child? Or that she ever had any previously? Or are we now just taking the word of people like her?
Update on Shamima Begum's baby, Jarrah. The BBC has spoken to a medical source working in the camp who says that the child died at 1330 local time yesterday.
Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are the three fictional superstates in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
How the world evolved into the three states is vague. They appear to have emerged from nuclear warfare and civil dissolution over 20 years between 1945, the end of World War II, and 1965. Eurasia was likely formed first, followed closely afterwards by Oceania, with Eastasia emerging a decade later, possibly in the 1960s.
Try leaving Oceania and see what happens…
“Guido reports s car crash court decision for Jessica Simor QC who tried to get brexit stopped on the grounds that the referendum was corrupted by illegal brexiter funding .”
Thee BBC replied to my enquiry about when Panorama’s episode about Tommy with this email
“…I actually raised it with our scheduling team. They have got back to us, however there has been no broadcast date decided as of this writing.” 8 March 2019
Unsurprising Tommy’s been nicked again, he will have seriously pissed off the BBC and liberal establishment with this one. The working class neanderthal from Luton DARES to make all those arrogant wankers at the BBC and the Guardian look stupid. Love it!
The BBC responds to emails from the public? Who knew.
Anyway, let the BBC frantically cast around for some way to save face after Tommy Robinson exposed them for what they are.
There’s no way for them to do damage control after Panodrama.
BBC 23 Feb 2019: Local news of course: (I suppose Panorama only airs in Manchester ?)
Tommy Robinson BBC Panorama protest: Salford rally draws 4,000
An estimated 4,000 supporters of the former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson protested outside the BBC’s offices in Salford over a forthcoming Panorama investigation about him.
Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also criticised reporter John Sweeney.
Earlier, hundreds of anti-fascist demonstrators staged a counter-protest nearby at MediaCityUK.
There were at least 10 000 people there. I saw several videos of the crowd – packed into a large area like proverbial sardines. The eminent StewGreen was there and that was also his estimate.
I have no doubt about that, I was at Hyde Park last year thousands of families yet… “far right thugs” reported, the only thugs we encountered were the self styled “anti fascist” nazis shouting abuse at families with children whilst attempting to prevent people from a peaceful protest, the same people that congregated at Hyde park with children all sharing food and drinks with children enjoying the sunshine and playing and running around.
They (the nazis) were sufficiently violent to require the police to prevent their movement we, however were allowed free movement as we posed no threat to anyone
I have never felt safer than within that community, the thousands, who demonstrated no hate whatsoever, just a reasonable demand for free speech, despite an attempt by hateful people (Nazis) to disrupt at Piccadily thankfully held back by the Police as they exhibited open hate toward other human beings
The police themselves must surely know, from repeated experience, that it is “antifa” & co. who are the real thugs, and the real likely source of danger to the public.
“at MediaCityUK” doh their rally was inside a herras fencing at the front of the building from 12-1pm
Our was a mere 30 yards through an ally at the back of the building scheduled to start at 2pm , people where there at 12:20pm
That main ally was blocked so the smiling police met women who said “Tommy rally” ..”Yes just walk around this side ally there”
We were in the back garden and basically unpoliced, the odd officer stood way back.
It was like a Tammy Wynette concert, you could move around the crowd freely ..I was in the middle mostly, but towards the end after the film I went through right to the front behind the mobility scooters.
It’s all on video
but beware video which malicious cuts between the two rallies ..ours was the peaceful one, where people picked up their litter afterwards.
BBC staff must not be intimidated by Tommy Robinson
15 February 2019
Joint unions statement on Tommy Robinson demonstration at Media City, Salford
The National Union of Journalists and BECTU, unions which represent BBC staff at Media City, Salford, roundly condemn Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, and his fellow, far-right thugs who intend to intimidate staff at the corporation, particularly those working on Panorama, with a demonstration at Salford Quay on Saturday 23 February. He is the subject of a Panorama investigation and on his Facebook page has videoed a tirade against the corporation. The NUJ and BECTU say BBC staff should be free to do their jobs without these threats. Intimidation, threats and violence carried out by far-right protesters systematically targeting the media, especially photojournalists, are becoming more frequent and we will always call out this behaviour and report criminal activity to the police. We support our members who will be joining the Manchester Trades Council, Stand Up to Racism and other unions in signing a statement condemning Robinson’s plans to rally at Media City and his attack on BBC workers, and those who will be taking part or covering the counter demonstration.
Yes BBC security was well paranoid
Masses of tax payer money was wasted on herras fencing, around the “anti-fascist side of the building where every plaza area and building wall was fenced off
and temporary agency guards mostly or ethnic guys answeing TR supporters questions as to where toilets were.
All that unnecessary cos TR supporters are well behaved
At the TR side of the buildings there was just TR’s own low key security. The only heavy security is TRs close protection team.
Now I could point out people in the crowd who were quite possibly undercover BBC.
Muslims parents lead protest outside school ‘promoting LGBT rights’
HUNDREDS of parents and children have protested outside a primary school about lessons on homosexuality and gender.
By Joe Duggan
More than 300 demonstrators, many of them Muslim, massed outside Parkfield Community School in Birmingham, with parents claiming they would prefer their children to stop attending school than hear the lessons. School assistant head Andrew Moffat set up the “No Outsiders” classes to teach children about Equality Act and British values. Mr Moffat is currently on the shortlist for a “world’s best teacher” award.
HONESTLY ? Int. Womens Day is a day to make academics, activists, politicians, the media in particular, celebrities, feel good and high and mighty about themselves. Go on the street or any ‘normal’ workplace and ask a woman if she knows what day it is. She wont have a clue. So its all bullcrap.
Did I correctly pick up on a note of joy in Martha Kearney’s voice toward the end of the programme when she told us that gin and tonic has the EU’s stamp of approval. Our TOADY Party Girl no doubt slid out of her seat at 9.00am in the TOADY Studio and was off to the BBC Canteen.
“Sorry Luv, gin’s gorn off – beyond its use by date.”
“Nah, Spam’s off as well.”
“Eggs is orff an’ all – I blame the American Ambassador”
“You can have some tonic on yer Weetabix, Luv, orl right?”
“No deal is better than a bad deal” has now become (according to Treezer’s Grimsby speech) the catchy “leaving with a good deal is much better than leaving with no deal.”
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Up2 It’s a bit like the democrats is the US arguing against ‘common sense ‘ policies . People in Britain…
Fedup2Mar 10, 10:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 EG Yes – that’s why I think TTK will incorporate the cost of the State Broadcaster into State taxes -…
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
ITV local news
“Theresa May is in Grimsby giving her speech in front of wind farm workers .. yesterday the government signed a big agreement with the offshore wind industry”
.. Really I don’t think any NEW agreement was signed
Then the reporter went to a vox pop. You’d expect almost everyone in Grimsby to be a “get on with it” Brexiteer, but not really she finished up in a cafe “Well what a surprise to find a table full of Remainers”
..em they were all Polish women
.. wouldn’t surprise me if it was a Polish cafe.
A few of their reports were IWD, but not devoted to it like BBC Look North is
I await their celebration of International Men’s Day on Tuesday, 19 November. I also expect to be disappointed at it’s non-arrival.
Who is Shamima Begum’s lawyer?
Privately-educated lawyer Tasnime Akunjee has represented the families of the three girls from Tower Hamlets, east London, who fled the UK to join Islamic State, including Shamima Begum, since 2015.
Since she was found in a Syrian refugee camp in mid-February, Mr Akunjee has caused controversy by comparing the 19-year-old ISIS bride to a First World War soldier and said she had been treated worse than Nazi war criminals. Mr Akunjee has been spearheading the campaign to get Ms Begum repatriated to the UK.
Previous clients of the criminal defence lawyer include one of Lee Rigby’s killers. He once blamed British authorities for ‘creating’ Fusilier Rigby’s killer, suggested Theresa May has ‘Nazi blood’ for trying to root out extremists and urged Muslims not to cooperate with police.
Twice married Mr Akunjee, 41, has worked for a series of law firms since 2008, while also working as a legal adviser to the East London Mosque.
It is believed he may have met the families of the runaway Tower Hamlets girls as part of this role.
Mr Akunjee said he is handling the Begum case ‘pro bono’, meaning free of charge. It is unclear whether that would continue if the case came before the British courts in future.
According to his LinkedIn page, Mr Akunjee, the son of a Bangladeshi doctor, studied at the £18,000-a-year City of London School for Boys.
He went on to study law at the Universities of Sussex and then Westminster.
You’ve seen the vid of him handing the papers to Mike Stuckbery’s loony team man on Sunday so they could doorstep TR’s wife and children.
..Even though TRs folks had already received a copy of the docs by recorded delivery.
And we wonder about the Shakespeare quote with regard to lawyers – and other ambulance chasers …
Should of course be stripped at the Bar, or whatever it is they do to traiterous duplicitous Lawyers. Really I’m so sick of hearing about the dammed Begum woman-the UK Governments employee the Home Secretary has made a judgement on sound grounds to take away her Citizenship, which as this Begum’s family history now unfolds should never have been granted rights to a British Citizenship-Bangladesh is her true home nation and that’s where she can go for all I care and no doubt millions of other Brits would agree. The BBC et al are stirring up big trouble in nearly every section of society and especially it appears against their own-mind you with so many coloured faces( not allowed to say Black) now starring at us from the screen one questions who are their own!
Look North starts … ah normal solo male presenter is missing
..ah yes ..women only edition today.
Too busy attacking Christian minorities and stoning adulterers
“Life expectancy falls by six months in biggest drop in UK forecasts
Decline in longevity in England and Wales ‘a trend as opposed to a blip’, experts say”
Is that for gays in muslim ghettos ?
I’d put it down to lazy nurses and doctors killing off elderly and inconvenient patients who interfere with their working days . And if you are a medic reading this ‘tought’.
“Life expectancy falls by six months in biggest drop in UK forecasts…”
A continuation of a trend which began in 2011. 2018 was the first time in 36 years that average life expectancy went into reverse. This year it’s just got much, much worse.
But never fear, the top brains here at BiasedBBC have got together, studied all the evidence, and decided it’s all the fault of:
a) Muslims
b) Lazy nurses
Oo, look, Paul Mason is back with the old gang.
They still seem to like having him on even if he often tells them they don’t have him often enough.
He is gay after all.
There is no need for my comment, an immigrant with a british visa or hopefully not a passport, Go figure yourselves the state of the Police and dealing with this vociferous scum….
When will the English grow some balls and start deporting this scum?
Tho thorry thir but the English male woth taken to the vet yearth ago by the Thociaitht Prime Minithter Mithter Bliar.
Jutht take a look around you and you will thee what I mean.
Thorry about that thir. Perhapth you could conthult Katie Hopkinth to thee how she acquired her gigantic pair of bollockth
Guest Who
Thorry mate but jutht who ith thith Chrith Packham. Ith he thome thort of uphill gardener. Perthonally I’ve never heard of him.
Population growth if continuing at its present rate will become unsustainable, however with a flourishing middle class in China for example, the expectant rate of birth, will drop, as it will elsewhere in the world, however certain areas across the world including Africa, parts of South America as long as the Catholic Church retains its hold on disallowing contraception will mostly likely remain boyant. Further those who live under Islam will continue to be encouraged to have as many children as they can, with possibility for a man to have more than one wife. With the exception of some, mainly the white northern Europeans cannot afford or indeed want numbers of children. The UK has a real population of 70 million plus, not noted by the authorities, not wanting to alarm the populace. But surely we can all see and indeed experience that present population figures irrespective are almost unsustainable. We have apparently 46 million vehicles on our UK roads, and those who travel daily about their business most certainly will testify to it being very dangerous and yet car manufacturers are still pushing new models onto the roads-of course many thousands of jobs are tied up in that scenario, stopping any new vehicles being produced would have catastrophic
results throughout Europe. Situation locked in, no way out?
“Brexit: One more push needed to get deal through, says May”
Message to Parliament and Mrs Chamberlain……………
We voted to leave, we did not vote for a for a ‘deal’.
Britain’s economy has been at a standstill for almost three years waiting for this rubbish.
Parliament has killed democracy.
Time to change parliament .
Vote and support UKIP.
A relgious discusion: in th UK which would norrmally discussed in privately with a piest:
Sandford is maybe not having a good day
Desperate, Dan; desperate.
BBC claims yes baby is dead
There is a comment from the UK’s top prophet PBUH
Would someone please strip Flabbott of her citizenship. Please.
any comment about TR children after lefty journalists banging on his door ? or is it just black and muslim murderous brats that get your racist sympathy ?
“innocent child has died ”
If that was over here peoples minds would naturally google: other female child murderers in the UK?
These babies she said are dead must have died under very suspicious circumstances – which no UK copper could – if indeed they wanted to investigate them.
The BBC seem to think the leavers didn’t understand what they were voting for, but we did, it was to defend our sovereignty and to get immigration under control.Why do they only report the fiscal consequences of a “hard brexit”?
I’ll give you just one guess, which I’m sure you don’t need.
sjs, a 5% increase in the schools’ budget to £42.something billion for England alone can only result in a fall in spending per pupil if the number of pupils greatly increases. Unless, of course, the DfE, the LEAs and Mayors are also taking an increased cut from ‘more money’ when it passes through their hands.
All have so much time in their lives to undermine the culture of the country they once begged, bowed and scraped to get into from the absolute hell hole countries they ran from. as natural cowards they failed to fight for their countries unlike us, and what do they do? turn our peaceful contry into the same hell hole they came from and because why ? they were not strong enough to kill and rape in their own hell holes but we will look after them while they kill. stab and rape and accuse their prosecutors of racism
Bullseye again.
Supported by the likes of Owen Jones, the BBC , channel 4 news, and others, all getting nose bleeds way up there on their high moral ground.
“I think you should apologise.”
“To who? Racists and anti-Semites?”
That stare. ???? Conservative MP Mark Francois and author Will Self fail to see eye-to-eye on Brexit. (via BBC Politics)
Interesting what the bbc edits in.
Mark Francois MP has been busy . He gave a mini interview on twitter about how after asking our beloved AG a tricky question about brexit in the House of Commons – he was ‘approached ‘ by the AGs PPS ( ‘bitch’) suggesting he not ask difficult questions that embarrass his boss .
Mr Francois said he reported this breach of the constitution to The Speaker but being mindful of the biased character of the outgoing Speaker we can be prejudiced about the outcome .
Guest Who
Oh! to be a BBC news editor. What a difference I could make. No bullshit. Just unadulterated fact. Well, except where facts didn’t interfere with the BBC Marxist agenda which ensures my job and my very generous pension. Anyway the morons at the other end of the tube will soak up and absorb as truth whatever I choose to tell them. So se la vie.
Racist and anti semite ? lets get this clear : it is simply racism
In which the bbc is absolutely unconcerned about the topic, just the barney.
Ex bbc go-to cattle overseer Mehdi discusses ‘bad faith’:
Coke addict Wilf Self
“Brexit voters aren’t all racists, but all the racists voted Brexit”
Stew – I know I’m sick but it’s great seeing unstable remainer beeboids like
‘Self’ becoming unhinged . Self – real name – William Woodard Self shows The arrogance of those who are able to interpret the motivation of 17 million people and reduce it to ‘racism’ . Score big on the ‘offence ‘ or even ‘hate’ speech doesn’t it ?
What Will Self was saying is factually incorrect, because we’re learning at the moment that there are an awful lot of racists in the Labour Party and the majority of them probably voted Remain.
pug, I found myself thinking this morning when someone on TOADY repeated the meme ‘interfered in Elections and EU Referendum’ that the medium used to interfere was new media, esp. Facebook & Twitter.
These are used predominantly by the young. The young, we are told, predominantly voted Remain.
Therefore, the only invalidity in the EU Referendum result is that the Leave vote should have been much greater, possibly Leave in all four home nations and certainly much more than 52%.
Am not surprised, with that sort of case, that two Courts chucked it out.
Worth sharing ?
There really is a word for “guy’ isn’t there? And it’s banned on this site ….. and no need to do rhyming slang or similar for it eh ?
Ezra Levant speaks on his blog this weekend about the TR political trial. When you hear a foreigner remind us of what the British State has been doing to a non compliant British Citizen it is hard to believe that it is happening in the UK .
Don’t get me wrong – I am not a great ‘fan’ of TR – but I hope I can stand back and see what is incredibly going on and how he represents the ‘soul’ of what is quickly becoming a foreign EU substate .
Mr Levant doesn’t mention the beeboid Daniel Sanford apparent breach of the Contempt of Court Act or whether it has been reported to the police or forthcoming Trial Judge …
But let’s face it – on or more laws for TR and no law for others ..
Yes I’ve got Ezra’s recent livestream open in the other tab
<a href=" to 45 min to hear Nicki Campbell
interviewtry to use Ezra Levant as a foil for a gotcha against Tommy“but TR said Muslim rape gangs ..that is highly offensive to normal Muslims”
Oh that link works even tho I screwed it up
The Nicky Yaxle-Campbell clip was from Aug 2018
Ezra at that time put it up a series of tweets explaining
Look down that thread, Campbell gets a kicking and he/flunky must have read it , cos he answers one question
God – the bbc “America added just 20000 jobs in January “ ….
Could you make good news sound bad much more than that ?
For those of us fretting about islamisation of our country, well according to Alastair Benn writing in the Spectator, there is nothing to worry about.
However, it’s interesting that no comments are allowed.
(Relevant to accusations of Conservative party ‘islamophobia’)
The coding of the page seems to have a ‘comment button’ within it
However unless you are a full subscriber you can’t see Speccie comments.
No, but you can usually see the beginning of the comments in a fade out format, and you can sometimes get in the back door through disqus.
Yep there a similar thread which does have open comments
The Douglas Murray artocle
The false equivalence between ‘Islamophobia’ and anti-Semitism
BTW Yes I can see that entire Alastair Ben article : The Tories have a problem with anti-Muslim prejudice without being logged in
BTW- Even if the page is faded , it’s fairly easy to see
– If a page has closed comments
#1 check the orgs facebook page
Here Speccie FB page doesn’t mention Islam.. but see the story about Woke NGOs
#2 Do a Twitter search , pick up the url cut off the beginning https:// or search under the name of the author
Here there isn’t that much discussion on Twitter just this
BTW To get around a blocking script which hides half the page
try saving the page and then opening up that saved page
I am an actual subscriber and can assure you there was no way of adding comments to that article. A very bad sign.
I think a lot of Conservative outlets are being put under a lot of pressure either by trolls or Government agencies re “Hate Crime”
I have stopped posting on Con Woman after last week a couple (I think) of my comments were deleted on a post concerning the arrest of the preacher, whilst the ROP never seems to be hassled.
Any of you who have been here for a while (I hope ) would agree that my comments are generally well thought out, maybe a little sharp, sometimes overlong, but generally relevant. The way I see it – I will no longer waste time with sites that have rolled over and surrendered. But as I am sure, you all know, since TR s “Panodrama” the left (including this supposedly “Tory” government). seem to be on a “general free speech offensive”
And we better all be ready.
Yeah you’re pretty mellow with your comments in my valueless opinion .
If you view sites which I consider to be the enemy – such as the guardian – you can work out where comment isn’t free because there isn’t any … it’s normally where Lammy or Abbot are concerned ..or similar types .
I worry that sites like this one could be culled in the run up to a brexit ‘in the interest of community safety ‘ – which has a French Revolutionary whiff to it …
I think you are right FE2 . the lunatic has truly taken over the asylum (for now). I think it is worth everybody here registering with TR on line and/or Gab Dissenter or similair. The days of free discussion of ideas (in the short term at least ) are coming to an end.
And who would have thought it – Orwells 1984 used as an instruction manual for good Goverment from a so called “Tory” Government.
The roll of a future Parliamentary “Committee of Public Safety” would be to control the internet and silence opposition to the establishment. The creation of a General Police Bureau reporting to the Committee of Public Safety would increase its power. The introduction of a “Law of Denunciation” will silence Tommy Robinson and many other public enemies, make mandatory their denunciation and severely limit the legal recourse available to those accused. The punishment for all crimes under a “Law of Denunciation” is usually death by Guillotine.
This is intended to make the public safe from those spoken and written words (such as this posting) not approved by the establishment.
It usually ends in a derangment syndrome were the participants start to shake with hysterical anger, leading to the delusional hatred of Jews, Russians and then finally each other, which then leads to fear and despair and then finally insanity, which then causes the liberals to kill each other with knives, etc.
At present the ‘system’ overall is operated through fear of losing one’s livelihood, pension etc. Up until now this has been working quite well for them.
However, if that fails (e.g. as in Tommy’s case), various methods of violence or torture are employed.
Very sorry to hear what happened to you, but I wish you would give CW another chance. There are some really tiresome people commenting there now and we can’t afford to lose such as you. (I have another name when I am there, for historical reasons.)
Thanks Banania , it means quite a lot to hear that. I have just posted on it, we shall see how it goes – But to be honest I do spend quite a long time thinking about what I say on posts, I dont know if I have the energy to waste anymore – if they have surrendered.
Forgive my tardiness but it’s only just been drawn to my attention that today is International Women’s Day.
Permit me to show my appreciation for the ladies in a way that only fellow incorrigibles of advancing years are likely to deem appropriate .
Avoiding al beeb (on international fedup day ) I’m guessing they’re carrying the death of the ISIS baby high in the running list .
It’s sad and everything – but on the upside it removes any reason for this terrorist to be brought back to her former country . She can go to Bangladesh – Home of her forefathers or even worse – Holland – with her terrorist husband where they can peacefully plot the downfall of the West…
If she goes to Holland to be with her husband and we don’t leave the EU in three weeks, will she be able to come here under the EU’s freedom of movement rules?
The BBC has a duty to inform so should tell us the answers to such questions
Maybe family reunion. Lets just hope daddy doesnt cut Teddies head off until after the photo shoot.
Fancy still wanting to come here when it was Sajid who killed the child, according to Diane Abbott.
Does Barrister Matthew Scott ever appear on the BBC ?
StewGreen, 10:11 pm: quotes Chris Tomlinson,
“Disagreeing with someone politically is one thing but to make fun of their mental condition… Utterly shameful”
Meanwhile… StewGreen, 6:36 pm:
“Mike Stuckbery’s loony team man”
The ‘person’ who was involved in attempting to intimidate TR’s family – but was stopped by police – is a racist with neo-nazi tendencies. A crackhead who lives in a squat-like home and has a long history of actual abuse – unlike Mr Robinson who has at worst warned against the growing dominance of Islam and the impact that is having mostly upon the working class.
Remember, the EDL formed as a reaction to what happened In March 2009, when an Islamic extremist group called Al-Muhajiroun staged a demonstration as 200 soldiers paraded through the town of Luton after returning from Iraq.
And I would posit, you yourself are a couple of minarets short of a full mosque
Did he defend in any of the Rotherham/Bradford….hell anywhere really child rape/grooming cases by men of mostly Muslim religion?
“A specialist criminal advocate with considerable expertise in defending allegations of rape and child cruelty.”
Only asking.
@PeterGrimes thanks

why would Matthew Scott cruelly mock TR who exposes the UNDER REPORTING of grooming raping gangs ?
Well what’s his job at Pump Court ?
“A specialist criminal advocate with considerable expertise in DEFENDING allegations of rape and child cruelty.”
.. that answers Q1
Oh come on max you must be able to better than that. Pitiful trolling – you’re an embarrassment maxi.
Only to itself.
Scott of the Frantic.
Do you realise that some of your preferred sexual activities would get you treated for insanity in some countries and thrown off high buildings in the countries you admire. I should say that whilst I have no problems with gay activities, I do think your fisting activities are a bit loony
@Maxi, Stew Green did say “Mike Stuckbery’s loony team man”
That’snot making fun of the Mike Stuckbery’s team’s mental state
cos I presume at least 3 of the 6 who walked to TR’s kids house are probably sane as they are national journalists
Of course Dick the red mohican man has issues, and Stuckbery himself I suspect he’s strongly autistic.. and I do have sympathy with them
Gosh, he’s just as bad as the Secret Barrister (and do we know who that is yet?).
I often buy and sell on ebay, both nationally and internationally.
Ebay have expressed no concern about Brexit.
The BBC needs to open it’s eyes and see the the world beyond it’s blinkered cloisters.
I always wondered who sold me my inflatable Amber Rudd doll. When she deflates the little valve says “coloured” in that private school kind of a way . Her mum and dad called her ‘ amber ‘? And not ‘diamond geezer ‘? Another swamp dweller waiting to be drained …
Actually she was Christened ‘Fossilised Sap’- known as Amber for short until she outgrew the label.
A point worth noting: the change to contact lenses from hornrims in an attempt to soften and popularise the pretence of an upwardly mobile image has proved singularly unsuccessful.
Thanks FE2 – That image of the Amber Rudd inflatable doll is going to give me nightmares tonight! If I wake up in a cold sweat – expect to hear from my lawyers!
By the way does the Amber model have “real” hair and does she apologise for nothing on demand?
The colourfully named Amber Rudd, a white woman with coloured personal names, who apologises for calling people coloured.
First name: Amber, a brownish-yellow-orange colour.
Surname: Rudd, from the Old English for a Red colour.
Amber Rudd: A ruddy fool.
On BBC news , Dover docks want to dredge an area that contains concerns for enviromentalists and relatives of British airmen that went down in the area during WW2 .
It’s to allow bigger ships into Western Docks .
But what about Brexit ?
The main #Panodrama has 1.3m views on YT
That is on top of the million plus on Facebook before it was taken down
There might be another half million on the other channels
But actually I think the viewing totals are quiet low since a normal TR vid gets a million views, less than 3 million is still not the whole world
Hmmm, just saw this comment from yesterday on #Panodrama:
viewing numbers being altered this was views BEFORE i refreshed page = 1,354,538 views
Now showing – 1, 2,273,119… = 81,419 views LESS
(Now on 1 407 174 views)
@TT that comment has been disappeared so I added one
\\ Viewing stats : “1,409,514 views 85K likes, 3.5K downs ”
Previous commenters have been mentioning rigging of the view count
a comment from Friday has been disappeared //
BTW views are sometimes flaky ..cos 10 people might watch on one PC together, and one guy might watch on 10PCs
BBC website – ‘The baby son of Shamima Begum – who fled London ’….
C4 news – ‘The baby son of Shamima Begum, the teenager who fled London’…
Definition of ‘to flee’ – ‘verb. To run away from a place or situation of danger.’
Utterly disgusting how they use language like this to make out Shamima was a victim and was fleeing somewhere. The term flee is used to describe shoppers fleeing a bomb in terror, people fleeing a war zone, victims trying to escape a life threatening situation.
This is how the BBC and C4, LBC , Manchester evening news, are currently using to describe Shamima Begum.
sure she did not flee whilst people were being stoned, whipped thrown from buildings, beheaded and burnt alive, the vicious, we can all hope similar happens to her and her brood, but UK pakis are so keen to have her back God help this country with these paki snakes around us
Time they had the same done to them
I noticed that. It’s a deliberate use of the word “flee” to imply that there was something intolerable about living in Britain, so Begum had to seek comfort in the arms of ISIS terro…sorry I meant “fighters.”
There seems to be a competition among BBC hacks to see who can be more traitorous to the country that shelters and sustains them with cushy jobs for life at huge salaries and then huge pensions.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid is facing criticism after the baby son of Shamima Begum died in a Syrian camp.
Ms Begum fled London to join the Islamic State group aged 15. Mr Javid revoked her British citizenship when the pregnant teenager asked to return.
A family friend said the UK had failed to safeguard the child while Labour said his death was the result of a “callous and inhumane” decision.
That is the final nail in the coffin for any chance of Labour ever representing this country ever again. family friend should be whipped in public as this scum seem so keen to do.
Any videos available showing the death as this scum seem so keen to show ?
Oxford University suspends jihad-supporting student, 21, for trying to recruit for an extreme Islamist group
Danial Farooq, 21, is facing an investigation after expressing support for jihad
He said he is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir which aims to establish an Islamic state
Claimed he is ‘close’ to gaining other supporters from Oxford University
Mr Farooq, from Brent in north London, studies at Wadham College, Oxford Uni
He says he is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir which seeks to establish an Islamic state under Sharia law and is banned in more than a dozen countries worldwide – though not in the UK.
From Brent, eh.
Perhaps we can understand how one Ken Livingstone became MP for Brent North.
Mr Farooq said: ‘That bit is talking about punishment and jihad. I need to be careful. There’s a lot of people here. We’ll call it J. We don’t see it as an aggressive thing.’
The 137-page leaflet goes on to say it’s permissible for Muslims to kill those who leave the faith ‘even if they numbered millions’.
Best comment regarding the above, quote:
“Police Inspector Plod said ‘we are currently running an operation in ‘Greggs’ and once the sausage rolls have cooled we’ll be round’
Around 7.15am on Radio 4s Toady this morning, a British Conservative politician sent his condolences to Shamima Begum.
Name and shame ? then all hit the streets dancing like monkeys with signs saying hang him/ her as pakis seem so adept at
@Cassandra This Bracknell MP ?
Cassandra – and the leading 0800 news item is an attack on the HomecSec for banning this terrorist from coming to her former country . They’ve got to be kidding -right ? I’m still upset that this ‘teenager ‘ her ‘husband ‘ and the rest of them didn’t get a complementary missile visit from a reaper drone .
Just how out of touch can the BBC get ?
Sometimes I actually believe that we are being goaded into a civil war,
you can travel around this country and see the peaceful lovely villages in East Anglia, Cornwall, Devon, the Lake District, Yorkshire, Cumbria, in Scotland and Wales all living in harmony and not see an idiot in a full face veil, then you wander into Luton, London and Rotherham Bradford etc. and see the ghettoes and the hatred of our country and culture on display and all with a British passport in their grubby hands
Look who is back.
And some other chubby nutter trying to stir up a bun fight.
BBC Breakfast on the News Channel at 8.10am where a charity spokeswoman is given a completely unchallenged free hit to tell us that the now infamous Islamic State woman recently discovered by a British journalist and her latest offspring ought to have been accepted back into Britain.
Our Steph McGovern conducts the interview – I say interview but in fact Wah-Steph simply provided an intruction and a few prompts for the so-called charity woman – in fact this person acted more like a political campaign activist in her criticism of UK government policy – and was enabled to put her case absolutely unchallenged on any point of fact or context.
No alternative interpretation of the situation was given on the so-called balanced BBC. My sense is that a high percentage of Licence Payers who are oblidged to fund the BBC will hold views diametrically opposed to this charity and our views have just been comprehensively ignored by the BBC.
Mind you, I previously caught the back end of BBC Newswatch when I am regularly reassured the BBC always gets it about right. Seems BBC in-house thinking is increasingly divoced from reality.
And following on from that show (and as if to confirm my impression of BBC bad judgement) watching a promo for BBC shows I’m amazed to discover some bastardised version of Top Gear is still running (or should that be limping) on the BBC – why?
Bias by omission .
Guido reports s car crash court decision for Jessica Simor QC who tried to get brexit stopped on the grounds that the referendum was corrupted by illegal brexiter funding . There were other Judicial Review grounds – but all rubbished. Looking at the judgement it shows that the QC badge is becoming as downgraded as the AG tag following the TR decision .
Anyway – I report this here because the BBC ignored it . Can’t think why ….
BBC editorial integrity means only rolling out the quality control fanfare when they are on message and not humiliating ‘the project’.
Oh yeh it was a bus with a sign on it that made all the difference, nothing to do with Romanian homeless beggars shitting on out streets and bullying british homeless big issue sellers to take over and ruin their chances of getting off the streets of course, and nothing to do with eastern european shoplifters and pickpockets sent back then immediately came back over here again and again to infest our cities ? and of course we have the wonderful prospect of Turkish sex criminals next with free reign to wonder over here and enjoy themselves, paki taxi drivers must be worrying about their monopoly
Some 18,492 people are currently in jail after being convicted of sex offences in Turkey, Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül has said.
Speaking in the Central Anatolian province of Konya, Gül said new “preventive and punitive” measures against child molesters are on the agenda of six ministries working on the issue collaboratively.
In 2006, the number of rulings regarding sexual abuse was 5,243, but this number rose to 13,347 in 2016.
In 2006, some 3,778 rulings were issued over child sexual abuse, but this number drastically increased to 21,189 in 2016. Some 58.8 percent of suspects in the cases in which a ruling was issued were convicted in 2016.
Overall, some 5.7 percent of the adult population have been subjected to investigations in Turkey. While the number of files was nearly 2.74 million in 2006, it rose to 7.4 million in 2016. The number of cases handled in criminal courts was 2.41 million.
Yep, weaker and weaker are the hopes of the UK-EU loving supporters. Soon, very soon their suffering will be over and any hope of them having a good nights sleep will be gone forever.
Which I could see the faces of Blair, Miller, and their cohorts the morning after
How on earth can the BBC justify using “criticism” of Sajid Javid over the death of a jihadist’s baby thousands of miles away it’s main headline?
It is grossly irresponsible to select that angle to that particular story, and then blast it across the airwaves and across the top of its website. Irresponsible but certainly predictable.
FFS yesterday I watched smug so called “commentator” Will Self given a BBC platform to say that “every” racist and anti semite in the country voted for Brexit.
Well, my experience is that the most anti Semitic comments I’ve heard directly in the last two years have come from people who are ardent Remainers. Not hard left types, just old school believers in the age old tropes.
The BBC should be made to apologise for allowing Self to make such an absurd mass slander.
Do we have any proof that whatever she was pictured carrying, or hiding under her burqa was actually her child? Or that she ever had any previously? Or are we now just taking the word of people like her?
It’s OK, Dom is so on it.
She’s quite ugly; don’t we already have a surfeit of ugly people in our country.
quite ugly?
One too many words there John.
Dom coming across a bit too close.
Time to go ‘one degree of seperation’ with that famous ‘we’ that speaks for a nation:
After Shamima Begum’s baby died of pneumonia, a family friend says, “We’ve failed, as a country, to safeguard the child.”
Love her or loathe her, I think Katie Hopkins says what the majority of the British public is thinking.

Would a murderer lie? Come on! Murder yes, but lie?
Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are the three fictional superstates in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
How the world evolved into the three states is vague. They appear to have emerged from nuclear warfare and civil dissolution over 20 years between 1945, the end of World War II, and 1965. Eurasia was likely formed first, followed closely afterwards by Oceania, with Eastasia emerging a decade later, possibly in the 1960s.
Try leaving Oceania and see what happens…
“Guido reports s car crash court decision for Jessica Simor QC who tried to get brexit stopped on the grounds that the referendum was corrupted by illegal brexiter funding .”
Precisley, Cassandra, as usual
Comment a half an hour ago on Panodrama:
Thee BBC replied to my enquiry about when Panorama’s episode about Tommy with this email
“…I actually raised it with our scheduling team. They have got back to us, however there has been no broadcast date decided as of this writing.” 8 March 2019
Unsurprising Tommy’s been nicked again, he will have seriously pissed off the BBC and liberal establishment with this one. The working class neanderthal from Luton DARES to make all those arrogant wankers at the BBC and the Guardian look stupid. Love it!
The BBC responds to emails from the public? Who knew.
Anyway, let the BBC frantically cast around for some way to save face after Tommy Robinson exposed them for what they are.
There’s no way for them to do damage control after Panodrama.
BBC 23 Feb 2019: Local news of course: (I suppose Panorama only airs in Manchester ?)
Tommy Robinson BBC Panorama protest: Salford rally draws 4,000
An estimated 4,000 supporters of the former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson protested outside the BBC’s offices in Salford over a forthcoming Panorama investigation about him.
Mr Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also criticised reporter John Sweeney.
Earlier, hundreds of anti-fascist demonstrators staged a counter-protest nearby at MediaCityUK.
There were at least 10 000 people there. I saw several videos of the crowd – packed into a large area like proverbial sardines. The eminent StewGreen was there and that was also his estimate.
I have no doubt about that, I was at Hyde Park last year thousands of families yet… “far right thugs” reported, the only thugs we encountered were the self styled “anti fascist” nazis shouting abuse at families with children whilst attempting to prevent people from a peaceful protest, the same people that congregated at Hyde park with children all sharing food and drinks with children enjoying the sunshine and playing and running around.
They (the nazis) were sufficiently violent to require the police to prevent their movement we, however were allowed free movement as we posed no threat to anyone
I have never felt safer than within that community, the thousands, who demonstrated no hate whatsoever, just a reasonable demand for free speech, despite an attempt by hateful people (Nazis) to disrupt at Piccadily thankfully held back by the Police as they exhibited open hate toward other human beings
Annunaki, I’m surprised the police didn’t move the thousands of peaceful people away and allow the ‘anti-fascist’ thugs free movement.
The police themselves must surely know, from repeated experience, that it is “antifa” & co. who are the real thugs, and the real likely source of danger to the public.
Annunaki, in a spirit of equality – it’s all the rage, you know – what’s John Sweeney’s real name?
In a spirit of equality. how the F should I know ? and why should I or anyone else care ?
“at MediaCityUK” doh their rally was inside a herras fencing at the front of the building from 12-1pm
Our was a mere 30 yards through an ally at the back of the building scheduled to start at 2pm , people where there at 12:20pm
That main ally was blocked so the smiling police met women who said “Tommy rally” ..”Yes just walk around this side ally there”
We were in the back garden and basically unpoliced, the odd officer stood way back.
It was like a Tammy Wynette concert, you could move around the crowd freely ..I was in the middle mostly, but towards the end after the film I went through right to the front behind the mobility scooters.
It’s all on video
but beware video which malicious cuts between the two rallies ..ours was the peaceful one, where people picked up their litter afterwards.
The fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists
Winston Churchill
BBC staff must not be intimidated by Tommy Robinson
15 February 2019
Joint unions statement on Tommy Robinson demonstration at Media City, Salford
The National Union of Journalists and BECTU, unions which represent BBC staff at Media City, Salford, roundly condemn Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, and his fellow, far-right thugs who intend to intimidate staff at the corporation, particularly those working on Panorama, with a demonstration at Salford Quay on Saturday 23 February. He is the subject of a Panorama investigation and on his Facebook page has videoed a tirade against the corporation. The NUJ and BECTU say BBC staff should be free to do their jobs without these threats. Intimidation, threats and violence carried out by far-right protesters systematically targeting the media, especially photojournalists, are becoming more frequent and we will always call out this behaviour and report criminal activity to the police. We support our members who will be joining the Manchester Trades Council, Stand Up to Racism and other unions in signing a statement condemning Robinson’s plans to rally at Media City and his attack on BBC workers, and those who will be taking part or covering the counter demonstration.
Has the far-left bbc collective sacked John Sweeney yet?
Yes BBC security was well paranoid
Masses of tax payer money was wasted on herras fencing, around the “anti-fascist side of the building where every plaza area and building wall was fenced off
and temporary agency guards mostly or ethnic guys answeing TR supporters questions as to where toilets were.
All that unnecessary cos TR supporters are well behaved
At the TR side of the buildings there was just TR’s own low key security. The only heavy security is TRs close protection team.
Now I could point out people in the crowd who were quite possibly undercover BBC.
“Gina Miller”
Compare and contrast:
Muslims parents lead protest outside school ‘promoting LGBT rights’
HUNDREDS of parents and children have protested outside a primary school about lessons on homosexuality and gender.
By Joe Duggan
More than 300 demonstrators, many of them Muslim, massed outside Parkfield Community School in Birmingham, with parents claiming they would prefer their children to stop attending school than hear the lessons. School assistant head Andrew Moffat set up the “No Outsiders” classes to teach children about Equality Act and British values. Mr Moffat is currently on the shortlist for a “world’s best teacher” award.
What the BBC WON’T be telling you about International Womens Day – that women are just as bad as men when it comes to porn !
Surprising results here, even I was shocked
HONESTLY ? Int. Womens Day is a day to make academics, activists, politicians, the media in particular, celebrities, feel good and high and mighty about themselves. Go on the street or any ‘normal’ workplace and ask a woman if she knows what day it is. She wont have a clue. So its all bullcrap.
A primary school teacher says he has received threats from parents amid protests over teachings about LGBT rights and homophobia.
Demonstrations against the classes have been held outside Parkfield Community School in Alum Rock, Birmingham.
Assistant head Andrew Moffat, who is gay, said he had received “nasty emails” and threats, including one which warned he “wouldn’t last long”.
A bit silly to put a gay person in charge of a moslem school.
TOADY Watch #1 and only –
– and a light hearted one at that.
Did I correctly pick up on a note of joy in Martha Kearney’s voice toward the end of the programme when she told us that gin and tonic has the EU’s stamp of approval. Our TOADY Party Girl no doubt slid out of her seat at 9.00am in the TOADY Studio and was off to the BBC Canteen.
“Sorry Luv, gin’s gorn off – beyond its use by date.”
“Nah, Spam’s off as well.”
“Eggs is orff an’ all – I blame the American Ambassador”
“You can have some tonic on yer Weetabix, Luv, orl right?”
“No deal is better than a bad deal” has now become (according to Treezer’s Grimsby speech) the catchy “leaving with a good deal is much better than leaving with no deal.”
Yes we really are that stupid.