Gerard Batten, UKIP leader, speaking in Durham a few days ago. I wonder if this caused Dancing Terry to visit the North East?
Mr Batten had a large audience for the meeting which, from a comment by him in his speech, also included Sargon of Akkad.
This video is about 49 minutes long. I’ve posted it here in the hope that some of the far-left bbc collective are lurking and are curious to know what Mr Batten had to say. In fact he repeats the UKIP policy that they will abolish the TV tax.
The subject of crowd numbers often comes up, especially as organisers and the BBC place great importance upon them when in lockstep, and the bbc no importance at all if they don’t like the organisers.
Slightly OT, but if any have 50’ free I’d love any thoughts on this dour lass and her manifesto and message.
It’s like Wolfie Smiff meets TK Maxx and would be funny if not ultimately dangerous.
Came across this charmer as her outfit had captured our local media recently. If you skip the initial selective eco excess in the first twenty minutes you will see why, and it is chilling.
Almost all she lays out indeed came to pass. Played the local press and BBC like a fiddle.
She had a council chamber rammed with truant kids and as a consequence swung a unanimous vote from a collection of councillors who, if not already activist loons, knew what was good for them.
No worries. There are many who she relies upon not to look further, like our new ‘journalist profession’. She got uncritical media support to get a ton of kids to bunk off and scream from the balcony, to sway a council into knee jerk herd policy. Nothing to see there, carry on….
My kids would laugh at it, but I know some who took it seriously.
And in the spirit of Yaxley-Rise Up I am preparing a Fisk to send to pols, media and, if suddenly they go full censor, social media.
GW, only skimmed the intro but Eschatological Theologians might be puzzled or even have to stifle a smirk at the thought of The Messiah turning up here and finding no humans alive.
You are right. It is chilling to think that her views are gaining credence and ground in Western society.
It would appear that the Spirit of AntiChrist is working flat out on Planet Earth.
It is so bad I would normally have persevered as far as you guys but this was on my doorstep, and all the Machiavellian dodges she drones out as if they were jam recipes have been borne out.
Just now our regional paper wrote a glowing review of how hundreds of school kids had swayed a small council into ignoring silly stuff like schools, roads and stuff, but needs to send representatives to the next climate conference.
I have decided to at least offer other thoughts. Parapet time!
The first three rent-a-quotes in their article: a) Diane Abbott b) David Milliband and c) by chance a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent and friend of Ms Begum’s family. The latter said: “We’ve failed, as a country, to safeguard the child […] this was an entirely avoidable death of a British citizen.”
That former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent is Dal Babu, who resigned from the Met Police after being rejected for promotion to chief officer rank.
The Guardian calls him a prominent and eloquent spokesman for Muslim police officers. He has previously said the force’s counter-terrorism command was “virtually all white” and called the Prevent programme a “toxic brand”.
Was there anything like as much coverage from the BBC after the Manchester Arena bomb about the failure, as a country, to safeguard 23 dead people and 139 wounded?
Are these the same muslim police officers not fit for duty when on ramadam ?
Dear Bedfordshire Police,
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
One of the country’s most senior Muslim police officers has admitted gross misconduct after instructing a member of staff to pass topics to a candidate ahead of a promotion interview.
Naveed Malik, who is Assistant Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police, admitted gross misconduct by breaching the Standards of Professional Behaviour through Discreditable Conduct.
Mr Malik, whose father was one of the first Muslim police officers in the UK having been appointed as a constable in 1967, told a misconduct hearing at Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre in Wyboston, Bedfordshire, that he accepted the charge.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
They missed the TV in the corner then, or the f@cking camera in the back of the car as I saw it on natonal TV then youtube and all of a sudden it was deleted, investigation ability of a bilnd, deaf racist it seems God help us
I’m looking forward to the current ineffective Londonistan police chief trumpeting about
‘Londonistan getting safer “ after the overwhelming success of “Operation Search White People for knives “ . . I wonder if they’ll plant one inTRs pocket just to add to the State suppression . ?
I wrote one of the most facetious comments on this web page
about Shamima Begum. BUT I expect I will be attacked with
vitriol over what I am about to write. The BABY , if it was at
all possible should of been protected by HMG.
I do hope that WE on this website do not despise Muslims
because they are Muslims. That baby was an innocent British Muslim baby who was given no support . Maybe it was impossible
to help him, and maybe it was. Now attack me, if you want to.I hope
I am wrong ,but I expect this will be my last comment.Because for
me the website is about noting BBC bias. Not condemning a
three week old BRITISH baby!
The death of this baby is a subject for this site because the BBC has been leading with it throughout Saturday morning .
I admire your compassion but I’m afraid I’m too hard hearted about our enemies to care . The baby wasn’t British – as far as I’m concerned and as I said yesterday – it makes it easier for the 19 year old terrorist to go to somewhere which is not UK .
I care more about the suffering of victims of her and her husband and their “friends “ in the name of their perverted religion .
You have your view – I have mine – until it’s banned ..
While I agree with Foscari up to a point, I would add that I think – I certainly hope – that Sajid Javid is intelligent enough to ask his contacts at the F&CO and MoD about what would have been required & the risks to all involved to get Shamima Begum (9 months pregnant at the time) out of the camp. Same again after the baby was born.
IIRC, the Home Sec is on record on the BBC and in the House as stating it would have required putting the lives of diplomats, and I also assume military personnel PLUS the life of Shamima Begum and her newborn, at risk just to reach her, let alone get her out of the country.
Sajid Javid, again IIRC, stated he had reviewed the situation and refused to put other lives at risk.
Have we seen any actual evidence that any of these babies ever existed?
I will believe it when we have DNA evidence, not before.
If the baby does exist you may rely on the fact that it will remain innoncent for the minimum time possible.
Because it will be force fed Jihad etc 24/7.
You may also rely on the fact that Muslims despise you because you are not one.
This “loving thine enemy” and “turning the other cheek” whilst waiting for “the meek to inherit the earth” or even “divine intervention” is a strategy which will fail.
I would have had no problem with the baby, if it even existed, being sent back here without the mother. Provided it was not adopted into the same sort of community that allowed its mother to consider beheadings perfectly normal.
None of these was an option.
I don’t accept it’s a Muslim. Being Muslim is a belief, not a race and it would be far too young to have any belief.
However, I don’t believe there was ever a baby. Or two previous. We’re being taken for mugs, with the active connivance of the BBC and the rest of the MSM.
I have no doubt the silly b*tch will land up back here. In truth, what option do we have when by all accepted law she’s British? Why should we dump our problem on someone else? My real issue is that she won’t be dealt with properly on her return and will be treated as some sort of celebrity.
Not sure about the rest. But if I was in Home Sec’s shoes I would be wanting all sorts of evidence plus the pathology report – examined by experts – in my hands before addressing the House on the matter.
Don’t go, man. I enjoy your posts. You are clearly a decent, humane person. Nobody is going to come down on you like a ton of bricks for having compassion for an innocent baby.
Shamima Begum’s child reminds me of a moral dilemma in the film “Gone Baby Gone”. Have you seen it? I think it is difficult to know what the right course of action is in some cases.
I accept your position and would agree that the baby is innocent and deserves protection from someone, certainly from the community that produced its mother.
But, I have something to add which brings us back to BBC Bias. 1. Was there a baby? Did it exist or was it fakery, part of our Government and the state media’s attempt to reduce the righteous anger regarding those killers who may have been carrying out the Government’s anti Assad policy?
2. If there was a baby, and she had lost two before that, then how close together were these pregnancies, and what chance did these close pregnancies have given the unhygienic shitholes these people inhabit?
Sadly, there are no journalists around who would care to investigate this story.
The baby, if it existed, was a prop in a psyop by a jihadi who would kill you in the name of allah without a second thought.
If the baby could have been rescued, would its mother have been willing to part with it, or would she have insisted on accompanying it? Can you imagine the scenes on TV (because it would all have been filmed) of Special Forces snatching a baby from the arms of a muslim mother? Talk about a piece of agitprop for the jihadis.
In reality, the rescue of this baby (if it existed) was never on. No British politician could justify the risk to British life to rescue a traitor and her alleged child. I would never volunteer for such a mad mission, so I have no right to expect a British soldier to risk his life to help a traitor. She rejected our country, and pledged allegiance to the islamic state. So be it. She is welcome to stay there for the rest of her life, however short that may be.
That awful beeboid Stephen Sakker went to Hungary to give the heroic Victor Orbsn a blast of snowflake BBC assassination .
Sakker got nowhere . No one would talk to him – he says he even got thrown out of a cafe in Mr Orbans ‘village when he started asking questions .
Hungarians are obviously ahead of their time because they refuse the BBC . Why talk to them ? Why interact ? There will only be one version reported and it won’t be the truth .
I’m sad that they let Sakker in the country at all as he turns up with that colonial attitude the BBC brings with its sneer to other countries it considers inferior .
Be interesting if, on behalf of the nation for whom it speaks, the BBC does a hit job on an entire other nation it does not approve of because they don’t put up with their BS.
“Hungarians are obviously ahead of their time because they refuse the BBC . Why talk to them ? Why interact ? There will only be one version reported and it won’t be the truth .”
Earlier this week I watched a rerun of The Winslow Boy on Talking Pictures. Near the end there is a line that always makes me think of the BBC, even though the film is set in 1912.
The press are clamouring for a statement by Arthur Winslow and he asks Sir Robert Morton what he should say. Morton’s reply is: “Why I hardly think it matters, whatever you say will have very little bearing on what they write”.
BBC reporting that man has been charged with the murder of Jodie Chesney. The BBC (report below) fails to mention he is a Croation. Now why would they fail to mention that ????
A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a 17-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in a park in east London.
Jodie Chesney was knifed in the back near a children’s playground in Harold Hill, Romford, last Friday.
Manuel Petrovic, 20, was remanded in custody after appearing at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court.
Mr Petrovic, of Highfield Road, Romford, will next appear at the Old Bailey on Monday.
Saw your comment on the sidebar here re the disappearing of the Panodrama comment from YouTube – so I went there and it’s indeed gone. Saw your comment reproducing the disappeared one.
Perhaps they deleted it because he called the BBC and Guardian “wankers.” (Or perhaps he deleted it himself, if possible.)
Dunno, there’s a lot worse all the time in YouTube comments
I can’t find your comment on this page or under my comment on page 2, so I’m responding here.
Mail online header: “Fury as Diane Abbott blames death of ISIS bride Shamima Begum’s baby on British government”
BBC online header: “Javid criticised as IS bride’s baby dies”.
Different takes. Blatant BBC bias.
Of course this is the same Geoffrey Cox MP who back in 2016 failed to declare £400,000 pounds of outside earnings… in that case of course a prosecution was not in the public interest… it was just an accident, because i’m sure you all know how it is for £400,000, to slip your mind.
Of course if TR was of a different faith it would not be in the public for him to stand trial because his coreligionists would riot in most of our ( well they were ours once) cities. But we don’t that sort of thing.
But all i see is a bunch of solicitors… But who were the actual clients of these solicitors?, Is it Saudi islamo-oil interests? Big finance who escape prison even after bankrupting the country?, Big Business with their lustful desire for cheap labour?
Who’s interests does Mr Cox actually serve when over 80% of his income comes from unknown clients with unknown vested interests?
I’m glad someone else is looking at this dodgy QC AG MP .
I also looked up his PPS ‘bitch’ who watches his back when brexiters ask embarrassing questions .
From my limited viewing Cox doing his ‘booming voice ‘ routine – he is just another entitled Tory in a nice safe seat just waiting to dump sheep constituents and have a rest in the House of Lords with the rest of the wasters
Subject electricity smartmeters not BBC bias.
Update to my post recently.
This is about my supplier, NPower.
But I would not be surprised to discover other suppliers have the same policies.
I have contacted NPower, several times, to advise them I will never have a smartmeter.
Twice they emailed me confirming that I had been removed from their smart meter customer list.
Yet after a couple of months I get another email advising me of my appointment when they will fit my smartmeter!
This time I approached the problem from a different direction, one which works with most organisations, and with which I expect many of you are familiar.
I told them I was moving to another supplier, instant reaction.
Why do I want to move?
Because I am sick of being pestered and harassed about a smartmeter I have repeatedly told them I will not have fitted.
NPower will investigate and ‘phone me back shortly (heard this before).
NPower phone back promptly, as promised.
It’s the fault of the computer, every eight weeks it generates a list of customers who have not had a smartmeter fitted and sends them an email. Those British Computers with Norwegian names.
But this time NPower really, really, have permanently deleted me from the list, and will not contact me again about smartmeters.
In eight weeks I expect to receive another appointment.
If it helps, there is an electricity supplier called Affect Energy and I am aware that they are not in a position to support smart meters at this time. Therefore they are not pushing them.
Times : Corbyn’s Labour gets a kicking in a double page spread
A Jeremy Corbyn aide praised UK's worst woman traitor: "She took advantage of the position she was in to give her side a bit of help in the international class struggle." Andrew Murray says under no circumstances would he condone a Melita Norwood today.
Hitler ‘is the most-hated because he killed whites’
Sadly labour is now rotten to its core with Marxists, anti-Semites and pro-Islamist fundamentalists. Such a collection of hate ideologies should have no place in this country.
“She took advantage of the position she was in to give her side a bit of help in the international class struggle.”
Well not quite, she infiltrated into a position chosen specifically because it would enable the traitor to assist
the mass murdering Communist machine. Never showed any remorse.
This planned infiltration still occurs, as a mere glance at the numerous rotten institutions in the UK proves.
On our way out of the EU we need to carry out a lefty cull.
Out of interest, what is meant by the word aspiring? Is it used like the term far right to mean anything and nothing?
I mean, for example, was he studying law, had he shown an aptitude for the law, did his best mate tell him he should be a lawyer?
Or is it yet another example of MSM fakery?
I suppose we’re all aspiring to be something even fake news creators, working for the far-left bbc collective
Invoking Jo Cox to poison the well of Aaron Banks
‘yer know he sent an email the morning after Jo Cox died’
.. and that was supposed to a campaiging suspended day’
FFS…an email
Retract this rubbish. I was in the hq and the halt order was issued pdq. In fact before anyone else. And I saw Remain campaigns still issuing campaign output days later.
Times half page TearFund charity ad
shows Headscarfed woman with child
… UK government will double your donation before May 17th”
How about a tear fund for the 320,000 British homeless? How about a tear fund for the terrible poverty areas of England? Absolutely shameful sending money to Pakistan. Once again, Politicians in a bubble completely out of sync with the Electorate.
Probably seeing as the Greens are really as Red as the Communists they are it’s not much of a step over to the Commieserveyourselves and their Marxist leader.
“In Chavez’s name, Nicolás Maduro is destroying socialism, is destroying Chavismo, is destroying progressive ideas in Latin America and around the world.” he said. “The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] themselves couldn’t have done a better job!”
“I’d say it’s an improvised, right-wing government, which is constantly moving closer to fascism.”
North Korea is busy building rockets, potentially nuclear missiles. Meanwhile the BBC News website has such junk as “Why are avocados and kale so popular?” and “The school saving lives with dance”
That’s Tunbridge Wells Borough Council debating the £90,000,000 vanity project for new, plush, council offices, some ‘useless business space’ and a ‘theatre’!
Poll tax revenues to be decided next year of course…
At 18.30 on Sky news there was a professor of conflict studies/terrorism from Bucks Uni sticking it (metaphorically only thank goodness) to the fugly representative of the Grauniad who often appears on the paper reviews/early morning chats.
She gave it the Flabbott line that Saj had killed this child and he stuck to the true Brit line about everything having been asserted (by a terrorist) andthat there was no proof that any child was hers and her Dutch husband’s.
Quote: “Say what you like about Isis but they’re not Islamophobic”
\\ I guess if the woke read this book (which I doubt), they will damn it as far-right propaganda
.. and not find it amusing, since dogmatism kills all sense of humour.
… its satire is a direct hit on the awful state of the left, in all its nihilism, narcissism and illogic,
… and its self-defeating, petty-minded thought policing. Woke is no joke. //
Sprinkled throughout the book are real quotes that demonstrate a worrying left-wing “truthiness”.
Such as the US congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:
… “I think there’s a lot of people more concerned about
.. being precisely factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.”
Or David Lammy MP on the referendum result
: “The government’s ‘will of the people’ mantra is bollocks.”
That’s what I like about those who proclaim solidarity with the downtrodden and marginalised, they’re so classy.
Sadly being a feminist in the eyes of many equates to just being coarse. It has to be said that those with breeding who utter the F word, say it in such a way that the vicar would just ask for more tea !
Given the risk of violence in communities with a muslim majority it can make sense for the women to wear anti-flash hoods, even if they’re not made to Royal Navy specification.
R4 Now in the Archive Hour
a clip where The Cambridge footlights mock Jonathon MIller for being “A Jew”
.. a sketch no new performers could do I guess
Prog topic is : the history of offensive comedy/censorship
They played a clip of Bernard Manning … It was funny*
.. Then 3 mins of a black British comedienne who works in the US “I I’m glad those days are over.
Note they didn’t bring a third voice on to condemn Russel Brand’s stunt
..but rather played a long clip of Brand’s own apology instead
* … “I was in Bradford the other day
………………… I felt like the white spot on a domino”
They played a Benny Hill clip , which was a “rape” joke
… it was coarse, but not fatal.
FFS a stuck record at the start of every new bulletin, hour after hour
“The government decision about Begum’s baby is being HEAVILY criticised”
#1 There was NO decision about the baby
\\ Begum herself had said she would not allow the baby to come to the UK without her.
Sky aired that interview numerous times.
She wouldn’t let the child come here. //
#2 Criticised by who
The jailing of Tommy was ” HEAVILY criticised”, just not by the metroLib establishment
The BBc is saying that metroLib establishment voices count and other don’t
It’s not just a TR thing … again and again the PUBLIC through opinion polls do “HEAVILY criticise” many government decisions
.. but no reports about that begin with similar phrases
I was thinking about how we could build an index of BBC weasel words and terms – such as ‘ heavily criticised ‘ and the many others with which friends on this site are well aware – some might say ..
I understand the terrorists’ father was interviewed by the BBC in Bangladesh . It woukd be ideal for the terrorist to join her father in the home country – she could take her ‘ husband’ terrorist with her and we could stop wasting words on something of no value .
With a bit of luck the last piece of real estate that ISIS controls will be flattened very soon – along with the terrorists occupying it .
The way that some people are blaming the British government for the death of the ISIS woman’s baby is the single most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
I disagree – the idea of Jeremy Corbyn being the leader of the Labour Party takes some beating .
However – the creatures coming out of the woodwork criticising a Muslim Home Secretary
Says a lot about Blighty – soubry – Diane Abbot – Philip Lee ( Tory MP) . Funny how these people can ignore what ISIS has done – and will do – to us
Off topic: my computer just froze for a moment and as a result I ended up accidentally clicking on the “report comment” button on this page. I don’t know which comment or user it was, but if they get a message about it, it was a mistake. Apologies to whoever it was.
Your ‘ reported’ came through to me in the biased BBC bunker – which is manned 25 hours a day – ready to repel trolls and people using Rudy words or otherwise being naughty .
Lightning round for Warren: Trump is a racist, she reads two books a week, slavery reparations are worth discussing, The Wire is her favorite show, @aoc hype is merited, Marijuana should be legalized.
That report describes 2 victims and 20 perpetrators… that’s nearly 10 perpetrators per victim…. we are talking here about massive child rape, not some filthy jihaddi bride..
So BBC, why is Shamima Begum who knowingly ran away to join a group beheading infidels… more important than yet another instance of child gang rape?
To put this in contest, in the UK There are estimated to be up to a million child gang rape victims:
Other recent court cases indicate 8 perpetrators per victim (55 perpetrators, 7 victims… and we routinely see 8-10 perpetrators per victim, and often over 100 rapes per victim)
A million victims would mean 10 million Islamic child rape perpetrators, and maybe 100 million rapes….
Even if the numbers are over inflated, and the real numbers are just 10% of this… we’d still be looking at a MILLION perpetrators and 10 MILLION rapes.
Yet we only have 1.5 million Muslim men in the country… can this really be a “minority” on Muslims?
The BBC makes me want to vomit, i truly feel sick… i’m pretty sure that 90% of teh British public could not give a toss if Shamima Begum was dead.
Decent normal people would be far more concerned about millions of instances of Islamic child rape, if only the filth at the BBC and in the rest of the degenerate filth in MSM would report it, properly and in context.
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet according to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Yet i have never heard of one report where a Muslim was the one who reported the child gang rape to police.. Muslims never tell on other Muslims.
“How does a museum remember a defeat?”
How Al Beeb likes to put GB down. It should be called the EBC service .
“Accurate” ? Not so, there were a ‘few’ Welshmen there with one or two bows.
So much for the historians mentioned in the article .
Remainers seem to be trying to rewrite the English language. Brexit supporters are "extremists", "hardliners", "ultras". Remainers are "centrists", "moderates". But actually there are just "democrats"- who want the referendum result implemented- and "anti-democrats", who do not.
— The People's Tim Dawson (@Tim_R_Dawson) March 9, 2019
Interesting how the BBC sits in this comparison.
And how the geniuses who do not like this are responding.
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Gerard Batten, UKIP leader, speaking in Durham a few days ago. I wonder if this caused Dancing Terry to visit the North East?
Mr Batten had a large audience for the meeting which, from a comment by him in his speech, also included Sargon of Akkad.
This video is about 49 minutes long. I’ve posted it here in the hope that some of the far-left bbc collective are lurking and are curious to know what Mr Batten had to say. In fact he repeats the UKIP policy that they will abolish the TV tax.
The subject of crowd numbers often comes up, especially as organisers and the BBC place great importance upon them when in lockstep, and the bbc no importance at all if they don’t like the organisers.
Slightly OT, but if any have 50’ free I’d love any thoughts on this dour lass and her manifesto and message.
It’s like Wolfie Smiff meets TK Maxx and would be funny if not ultimately dangerous.
Came across this charmer as her outfit had captured our local media recently. If you skip the initial selective eco excess in the first twenty minutes you will see why, and it is chilling.
Almost all she lays out indeed came to pass. Played the local press and BBC like a fiddle.
She had a council chamber rammed with truant kids and as a consequence swung a unanimous vote from a collection of councillors who, if not already activist loons, knew what was good for them.
Sorry I gave up when she had to look down at her notes when pronouncing her name
No worries. There are many who she relies upon not to look further, like our new ‘journalist profession’. She got uncritical media support to get a ton of kids to bunk off and scream from the balcony, to sway a council into knee jerk herd policy. Nothing to see there, carry on….
My kids would laugh at it, but I know some who took it seriously.
And in the spirit of Yaxley-Rise Up I am preparing a Fisk to send to pols, media and, if suddenly they go full censor, social media.
Anyone know a good, free, transcription app?
Annu, can you trust any scientist or expert that starts with the word ‘So’?
GW, only skimmed the intro but Eschatological Theologians might be puzzled or even have to stifle a smirk at the thought of The Messiah turning up here and finding no humans alive.
You are right. It is chilling to think that her views are gaining credence and ground in Western society.
It would appear that the Spirit of AntiChrist is working flat out on Planet Earth.
U2S. At least you tried.
It is so bad I would normally have persevered as far as you guys but this was on my doorstep, and all the Machiavellian dodges she drones out as if they were jam recipes have been borne out.
Just now our regional paper wrote a glowing review of how hundreds of school kids had swayed a small council into ignoring silly stuff like schools, roads and stuff, but needs to send representatives to the next climate conference.
I have decided to at least offer other thoughts. Parapet time!
GW “Parapet time!” Bravo, Sir, Bon Courage!
I would not trust her with anything.
The BBC make their top online story this morning Javid criticised as IS bride’s baby dies.
The first three rent-a-quotes in their article: a) Diane Abbott b) David Milliband and c) by chance a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent and friend of Ms Begum’s family. The latter said: “We’ve failed, as a country, to safeguard the child […] this was an entirely avoidable death of a British citizen.”
That former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent is Dal Babu, who resigned from the Met Police after being rejected for promotion to chief officer rank.
The Guardian calls him a prominent and eloquent spokesman for Muslim police officers. He has previously said the force’s counter-terrorism command was “virtually all white” and called the Prevent programme a “toxic brand”.
Was there anything like as much coverage from the BBC after the Manchester Arena bomb about the failure, as a country, to safeguard 23 dead people and 139 wounded?
Are these the same muslim police officers not fit for duty when on ramadam ?
Dear Bedfordshire Police,
During a police documentary called “Traffic Cops” shown at 3pm on 23 May 2016 on the W TV channel there featured a car chase where a youth decamped from a stolen vehicle and escaped.
A Muslim officer who seemed quite proactive was sick during the incident and he put this down to fasting during Ramadan which affected his performance.
Please provide an documents relating to any feedback following this incident and also any risk assessments concerning fasting Muslim officers on patrol during the month of Ramadan.
Yours faithfully,
On a (sort of) related note you made me think of….
One of the country’s most senior Muslim police officers has admitted gross misconduct after instructing a member of staff to pass topics to a candidate ahead of a promotion interview.
Naveed Malik, who is Assistant Chief Constable of Cambridgeshire Police, admitted gross misconduct by breaching the Standards of Professional Behaviour through Discreditable Conduct.
Mr Malik, whose father was one of the first Muslim police officers in the UK having been appointed as a constable in 1967, told a misconduct hearing at Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre in Wyboston, Bedfordshire, that he accepted the charge.
Following your request, searches were conducted at Bedfordshire Police for information relating to the series Traffic Cops that you have watched and requested further detail on.
Various enquiries have been made across the force to see what information is held, but we have been unable to find any recorded information. We would need to be able to identify the incidents involved in the series and then try to determine which ones relate to your request. However, we have been unable to find any record of this and as such we cannot provide the information you have requested.
The Act does not cover information that is in someone’s head and we are only obliged to provide information we already have in recorded form. We are unable to find any recorded information in relation to the information requested as the only way we would have of identifying the relevant information would be if someone within the force can remember which incidents the programme relates to.
Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of complaint.
They missed the TV in the corner then, or the f@cking camera in the back of the car as I saw it on natonal TV then youtube and all of a sudden it was deleted, investigation ability of a bilnd, deaf racist it seems God help us
“Diane Abbott fears she will be raped….”
Surely no-one could be that depraved.
It’s not rape if you are a party colleague. Apparently.
Just goes to show their sort-of thought processes. But by the way, by how many men? I would ask. ‘eightumtwelver’ came back the reply.
I’m looking forward to the current ineffective Londonistan police chief trumpeting about
‘Londonistan getting safer “ after the overwhelming success of “Operation Search White People for knives “ . . I wonder if they’ll plant one inTRs pocket just to add to the State suppression . ?
Not BBC (it never is!), but this is the gilets jaunes engaged in Paris, in Acte 17:
I wrote one of the most facetious comments on this web page
about Shamima Begum. BUT I expect I will be attacked with
vitriol over what I am about to write. The BABY , if it was at
all possible should of been protected by HMG.
I do hope that WE on this website do not despise Muslims
because they are Muslims. That baby was an innocent British Muslim baby who was given no support . Maybe it was impossible
to help him, and maybe it was. Now attack me, if you want to.I hope
I am wrong ,but I expect this will be my last comment.Because for
me the website is about noting BBC bias. Not condemning a
three week old BRITISH baby!
Foscari, point taken. Nobody can really believe that a baby is guilty of anything.
But why would that be your last comment? People disagree on various issues on this site, but nobody is banned simply because of an opinion.
The death of this baby is a subject for this site because the BBC has been leading with it throughout Saturday morning .
I admire your compassion but I’m afraid I’m too hard hearted about our enemies to care . The baby wasn’t British – as far as I’m concerned and as I said yesterday – it makes it easier for the 19 year old terrorist to go to somewhere which is not UK .
I care more about the suffering of victims of her and her husband and their “friends “ in the name of their perverted religion .
You have your view – I have mine – until it’s banned ..
While I agree with Foscari up to a point, I would add that I think – I certainly hope – that Sajid Javid is intelligent enough to ask his contacts at the F&CO and MoD about what would have been required & the risks to all involved to get Shamima Begum (9 months pregnant at the time) out of the camp. Same again after the baby was born.
IIRC, the Home Sec is on record on the BBC and in the House as stating it would have required putting the lives of diplomats, and I also assume military personnel PLUS the life of Shamima Begum and her newborn, at risk just to reach her, let alone get her out of the country.
Sajid Javid, again IIRC, stated he had reviewed the situation and refused to put other lives at risk.
Have we seen any actual evidence that any of these babies ever existed?
I will believe it when we have DNA evidence, not before.
If the baby does exist you may rely on the fact that it will remain innoncent for the minimum time possible.
Because it will be force fed Jihad etc 24/7.
You may also rely on the fact that Muslims despise you because you are not one.
This “loving thine enemy” and “turning the other cheek” whilst waiting for “the meek to inherit the earth” or even “divine intervention” is a strategy which will fail.
I would have had no problem with the baby, if it even existed, being sent back here without the mother. Provided it was not adopted into the same sort of community that allowed its mother to consider beheadings perfectly normal.
None of these was an option.
I don’t accept it’s a Muslim. Being Muslim is a belief, not a race and it would be far too young to have any belief.
However, I don’t believe there was ever a baby. Or two previous. We’re being taken for mugs, with the active connivance of the BBC and the rest of the MSM.
I have no doubt the silly b*tch will land up back here. In truth, what option do we have when by all accepted law she’s British? Why should we dump our problem on someone else? My real issue is that she won’t be dealt with properly on her return and will be treated as some sort of celebrity.
RD, good post in your first three paras.
Not sure about the rest. But if I was in Home Sec’s shoes I would be wanting all sorts of evidence plus the pathology report – examined by experts – in my hands before addressing the House on the matter.
Don’t go, man. I enjoy your posts. You are clearly a decent, humane person. Nobody is going to come down on you like a ton of bricks for having compassion for an innocent baby.
Shamima Begum’s child reminds me of a moral dilemma in the film “Gone Baby Gone”. Have you seen it? I think it is difficult to know what the right course of action is in some cases.
I accept your position and would agree that the baby is innocent and deserves protection from someone, certainly from the community that produced its mother.
But, I have something to add which brings us back to BBC Bias. 1. Was there a baby? Did it exist or was it fakery, part of our Government and the state media’s attempt to reduce the righteous anger regarding those killers who may have been carrying out the Government’s anti Assad policy?
2. If there was a baby, and she had lost two before that, then how close together were these pregnancies, and what chance did these close pregnancies have given the unhygienic shitholes these people inhabit?
Sadly, there are no journalists around who would care to investigate this story.
If flabbot was in government the “alleged” baby would be getting a state funeral and buried in westminster abbey
Was the baby called Aylan Kurdi by any chance?
The baby, if it existed, was a prop in a psyop by a jihadi who would kill you in the name of allah without a second thought.
If the baby could have been rescued, would its mother have been willing to part with it, or would she have insisted on accompanying it? Can you imagine the scenes on TV (because it would all have been filmed) of Special Forces snatching a baby from the arms of a muslim mother? Talk about a piece of agitprop for the jihadis.
In reality, the rescue of this baby (if it existed) was never on. No British politician could justify the risk to British life to rescue a traitor and her alleged child. I would never volunteer for such a mad mission, so I have no right to expect a British soldier to risk his life to help a traitor. She rejected our country, and pledged allegiance to the islamic state. So be it. She is welcome to stay there for the rest of her life, however short that may be.
This video is by Alan Craig, UKIP’s spokesman on the family, is well worth the 12 minutes to watch.
Put the GREAT back into Britain.
Vote and support UKIP.
A first class speech.
From our own correspondent watch
That awful beeboid Stephen Sakker went to Hungary to give the heroic Victor Orbsn a blast of snowflake BBC assassination .
Sakker got nowhere . No one would talk to him – he says he even got thrown out of a cafe in Mr Orbans ‘village when he started asking questions .
Hungarians are obviously ahead of their time because they refuse the BBC . Why talk to them ? Why interact ? There will only be one version reported and it won’t be the truth .
I’m sad that they let Sakker in the country at all as he turns up with that colonial attitude the BBC brings with its sneer to other countries it considers inferior .
Good to see that the BBC’s foul reputation has spread far and wide.
Be interesting if, on behalf of the nation for whom it speaks, the BBC does a hit job on an entire other nation it does not approve of because they don’t put up with their BS.
“Hungarians are obviously ahead of their time because they refuse the BBC . Why talk to them ? Why interact ? There will only be one version reported and it won’t be the truth .”
Earlier this week I watched a rerun of The Winslow Boy on Talking Pictures. Near the end there is a line that always makes me think of the BBC, even though the film is set in 1912.
The press are clamouring for a statement by Arthur Winslow and he asks Sir Robert Morton what he should say. Morton’s reply is: “Why I hardly think it matters, whatever you say will have very little bearing on what they write”.
So if MPs do not vote for Theresa the #1 Traitor’s non Brexit deal “We might never leave the EU”. So the choice is no Brexit or no Brexit.
Whatever happened to “”This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide.”?
My watch says it is five to mass collateral damage time.
BBC reporting that man has been charged with the murder of Jodie Chesney. The BBC (report below) fails to mention he is a Croation. Now why would they fail to mention that ????
A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of a 17-year-old girl who was stabbed to death in a park in east London.
Jodie Chesney was knifed in the back near a children’s playground in Harold Hill, Romford, last Friday.
Manuel Petrovic, 20, was remanded in custody after appearing at Barkingside Magistrates’ Court.
Mr Petrovic, of Highfield Road, Romford, will next appear at the Old Bailey on Monday.
Saw your comment on the sidebar here re the disappearing of the Panodrama comment from YouTube – so I went there and it’s indeed gone. Saw your comment reproducing the disappeared one.
Perhaps they deleted it because he called the BBC and Guardian “wankers.” (Or perhaps he deleted it himself, if possible.)
Dunno, there’s a lot worse all the time in YouTube comments
I can’t find your comment on this page or under my comment on page 2, so I’m responding here.
If you go to previous page, page 2 of this thread and click Ctrl-F to search for “viewing” you’ll find it.
but I’ve read your comment now.
OK, good.
In other news…
If only she could find an audience. Speaking of which..
Interestingly, in one of his recent selective duels on twitter, Mr. Burley was bragging about audience increases. Clearly why the TVL needed hiking.
Numbers really don’t matter when you are ‘unique’.
Mail online header: “Fury as Diane Abbott blames death of ISIS bride Shamima Begum’s baby on British government”
BBC online header: “Javid criticised as IS bride’s baby dies”.
Different takes. Blatant BBC bias.
Metrolibland vs real world
The Times Magazine gives 5 pages and the cover to Soubry’s Labour friend Jess Phillips
So Attorney General Geoffrey Cox has said that Tommy Robinson must stand retrial because its in the public interest:
Of course this is the same Geoffrey Cox MP who back in 2016 failed to declare £400,000 pounds of outside earnings… in that case of course a prosecution was not in the public interest… it was just an accident, because i’m sure you all know how it is for £400,000, to slip your mind.
And does the BBC question this guys integrity or outside interests??? Not on your friggin nelly!!!!
Of course if TR was of a different faith it would not be in the public for him to stand trial because his coreligionists would riot in most of our ( well they were ours once) cities. But we don’t that sort of thing.
I tried to look up who was paying Geoffrey Cox MP all this money…
But all i see is a bunch of solicitors… But who were the actual clients of these solicitors?, Is it Saudi islamo-oil interests? Big finance who escape prison even after bankrupting the country?, Big Business with their lustful desire for cheap labour?
Who’s interests does Mr Cox actually serve when over 80% of his income comes from unknown clients with unknown vested interests?
I’m glad someone else is looking at this dodgy QC AG MP .
I also looked up his PPS ‘bitch’ who watches his back when brexiters ask embarrassing questions .
From my limited viewing Cox doing his ‘booming voice ‘ routine – he is just another entitled Tory in a nice safe seat just waiting to dump sheep constituents and have a rest in the House of Lords with the rest of the wasters
Subject electricity smartmeters not BBC bias.
Update to my post recently.
This is about my supplier, NPower.
But I would not be surprised to discover other suppliers have the same policies.
I have contacted NPower, several times, to advise them I will never have a smartmeter.
Twice they emailed me confirming that I had been removed from their smart meter customer list.
Yet after a couple of months I get another email advising me of my appointment when they will fit my smartmeter!
This time I approached the problem from a different direction, one which works with most organisations, and with which I expect many of you are familiar.
I told them I was moving to another supplier, instant reaction.
Why do I want to move?
Because I am sick of being pestered and harassed about a smartmeter I have repeatedly told them I will not have fitted.
NPower will investigate and ‘phone me back shortly (heard this before).
NPower phone back promptly, as promised.
It’s the fault of the computer, every eight weeks it generates a list of customers who have not had a smartmeter fitted and sends them an email. Those British Computers with Norwegian names.
But this time NPower really, really, have permanently deleted me from the list, and will not contact me again about smartmeters.
In eight weeks I expect to receive another appointment.
I hope this is of some use to a BBBC user.
If it helps, there is an electricity supplier called Affect Energy and I am aware that they are not in a position to support smart meters at this time. Therefore they are not pushing them.
D Thanks, I will take a look at their website.
D Thanks, I will take a look at their website.
Apparently I will look twice.
Utility Point don’t support smart meters.
Times : Corbyn’s Labour gets a kicking in a double page spread
Corbyn advisor Andrew Murray
“She took advantage of the position she was in to give her side a bit of help in the international class struggle.”
Well not quite, she infiltrated into a position chosen specifically because it would enable the traitor to assist
the mass murdering Communist machine. Never showed any remorse.
This planned infiltration still occurs, as a mere glance at the numerous rotten institutions in the UK proves.
On our way out of the EU we need to carry out a lefty cull.
Coming to a community near you very soon!
Muslims Riot For 4th Night Running in Grenoble, France.
Can’t see it on the old beauty BBC
What a surprise.
And we have a few million of these happy souls
17 y/o “Aspiring Barrister” stabbed to death
Times :
by Times reporter named Fariha Karim
Oh dear. You know things are badly wrong when even The Times no longer bothers to do a spellcheck. The correct spelling is ‘barista’.
Out of interest, what is meant by the word aspiring? Is it used like the term far right to mean anything and nothing?
I mean, for example, was he studying law, had he shown an aptitude for the law, did his best mate tell him he should be a lawyer?
Or is it yet another example of MSM fakery?
I suppose we’re all aspiring to be something even fake news creators, working for the far-left bbc collective
Invoking Jo Cox to poison the well of Aaron Banks
‘yer know he sent an email the morning after Jo Cox died’
.. and that was supposed to a campaiging suspended day’
FFS…an email
Jo Cox, the world would be a much better place with 20,000,000ish fewer Cox types.
“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” – Joseph Stalin (allegedly)
The pause itself was of course in itself a campaign to remain , its what Jo would have wanted
Times half page TearFund charity ad
shows Headscarfed woman with child
… UK government will double your donation before May 17th”
“We are committed to the UK being a world leader in tackling child grooming and rape carried out by Pakistani men”
When Times shouts “Far right” the story will be BS
‘ Hungary : Far left and far right join to fight Orban ‘
No doubt financed by Soros et al.
The sooner he’s strung up the better!
Venezuela babies are dying
.. what’s Flabbot done ?
There was a fair radio programme on R4 today . I know it’s shocking . It was “the week in Westminster “ which was chaired by a journo from The Times
Briefly 2 former spads gave an analysis of the variations on Brexit in the week to come as we get closer to the wire .
Also on the programme was the lovely fragrant Stella Creasy and Ian Duncan Smith on knife crime in Londonistan .
I haven’t heard a ‘fair ‘ ‘balanced’ programme on the BBC for a very long time – back to normal next week with a beeboid presenter …
seems the leftist infection is widespread , quite why she didnt join the lib-dums though is anyones guess
Probably seeing as the Greens are really as Red as the Communists they are it’s not much of a step over to the Commieserveyourselves and their Marxist leader.
Just goes to show how evil and devious is our political elite. Read about Leave.UK’s deselection efforts –
an excellent “its not real socialism article”
“In Chavez’s name, Nicolás Maduro is destroying socialism, is destroying Chavismo, is destroying progressive ideas in Latin America and around the world.” he said. “The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] themselves couldn’t have done a better job!”
“I’d say it’s an improvised, right-wing government, which is constantly moving closer to fascism.”
North Korea is busy building rockets, potentially nuclear missiles. Meanwhile the BBC News website has such junk as “Why are avocados and kale so popular?” and “The school saving lives with dance”
She is correct. Muslim women have been dehumanised. By turning them into bin bags and pillar boxes.
Many have been by others. However the numbers voluntarily taking the step is not small.
Worst is the media who created an environment where it ever became a rational option.
The sisters in the BBC cubicle gardens have a lot to answer for.
ITTB and here have seen this in genesis.
Frankly cannot comprehend how senior BBC staff can look in mirrors. Unless there is no reflection.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Crufts breeders at Birmingham show share EU exit fears””
“”……overseas numbers have fallen – to 3,611 competing this year, compared with 3,623 in 2018.””
So, 3,623 last year. Only 3,611 this year. A drop of 12 entrants.
That’s a drop by a fraction of 1%.
Dear BBC, this is fake news to suit your constant anti-Brexit narrative.
Oh do the oki cokey …
That’s Tunbridge Wells Borough Council debating the £90,000,000 vanity project for new, plush, council offices, some ‘useless business space’ and a ‘theatre’!
Poll tax revenues to be decided next year of course…
Very entertaining but where’s the birds and the beer.
At 18.30 on Sky news there was a professor of conflict studies/terrorism from Bucks Uni sticking it (metaphorically only thank goodness) to the fugly representative of the Grauniad who often appears on the paper reviews/early morning chats.
She gave it the Flabbott line that Saj had killed this child and he stuck to the true Brit line about everything having been asserted (by a terrorist) andthat there was no proof that any child was hers and her Dutch husband’s.
He got quite heated but good for him!
It was @AnthonyGlees
..but the rest of the time he tweets obsessively against Brexit, against JRM etc.
LW, desperate publicity … ?
I think it’s a spoof, a bit like spinal tap.
Don’t believe everything you see.
It was a spoof, but it has been exposed for several days now…
He appeared (as himself) on the Sky paper review this very morning.
Quote: “Say what you like about Isis but they’re not Islamophobic”
\\ I guess if the woke read this book (which I doubt), they will damn it as far-right propaganda
.. and not find it amusing, since dogmatism kills all sense of humour.
… its satire is a direct hit on the awful state of the left, in all its nihilism, narcissism and illogic,
… and its self-defeating, petty-minded thought policing. Woke is no joke. //
screenshot Times full review
Top comments there
\\ Brilliant. We need more of this comedy, sad to say I doubt the BBC would ever allow it.//
\\ The BBC are the comedy, they just don’t know it. //
\\ I followed Owen Jones for a while.
… Took about 6 months until I realised it wasn’t a spoof account! //
That’s what I like about those who proclaim solidarity with the downtrodden and marginalised, they’re so classy.
Sadly being a feminist in the eyes of many equates to just being coarse. It has to be said that those with breeding who utter the F word, say it in such a way that the vicar would just ask for more tea !
Given the risk of violence in communities with a muslim majority it can make sense for the women to wear anti-flash hoods, even if they’re not made to Royal Navy specification.
R4 Now in the Archive Hour
a clip where The Cambridge footlights mock Jonathon MIller for being “A Jew”
.. a sketch no new performers could do I guess
Prog topic is : the history of offensive comedy/censorship
They played a clip of Bernard Manning … It was funny*
.. Then 3 mins of a black British comedienne who works in the US “I I’m glad those days are over.
Note they didn’t bring a third voice on to condemn Russel Brand’s stunt
..but rather played a long clip of Brand’s own apology instead
* … “I was in Bradford the other day
………………… I felt like the white spot on a domino”
They played a Benny Hill clip , which was a “rape” joke
… it was coarse, but not fatal.
FFS a stuck record at the start of every new bulletin, hour after hour
“The government decision about Begum’s baby is being HEAVILY criticised”
#1 There was NO decision about the baby
\\ Begum herself had said she would not allow the baby to come to the UK without her.
Sky aired that interview numerous times.
She wouldn’t let the child come here. //
#2 Criticised by who
The jailing of Tommy was ” HEAVILY criticised”, just not by the metroLib establishment
The BBc is saying that metroLib establishment voices count and other don’t
It’s not just a TR thing … again and again the PUBLIC through opinion polls do “HEAVILY criticise” many government decisions
.. but no reports about that begin with similar phrases
Petition : Ban all ISIS members from returning to the UK, remove their citizenship and passports
579,078 signatures
I was thinking about how we could build an index of BBC weasel words and terms – such as ‘ heavily criticised ‘ and the many others with which friends on this site are well aware – some might say ..
“To everyone, I am sorry about Shamima.”
Shamima Begum’s father apologises for her decision to join the Islamic State group, and asks the UK to take her back.
The bbc seems to have created its own soap,opera.
I understand the terrorists’ father was interviewed by the BBC in Bangladesh . It woukd be ideal for the terrorist to join her father in the home country – she could take her ‘ husband’ terrorist with her and we could stop wasting words on something of no value .
With a bit of luck the last piece of real estate that ISIS controls will be flattened very soon – along with the terrorists occupying it .
The way that some people are blaming the British government for the death of the ISIS woman’s baby is the single most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard in my life.
I disagree – the idea of Jeremy Corbyn being the leader of the Labour Party takes some beating .
However – the creatures coming out of the woodwork criticising a Muslim Home Secretary
Says a lot about Blighty – soubry – Diane Abbot – Philip Lee ( Tory MP) . Funny how these people can ignore what ISIS has done – and will do – to us
“alleged baby”
!0pm news ..clap hands
“the number of Yellow Vests in france has fallen to 29,000”
Off topic: my computer just froze for a moment and as a result I ended up accidentally clicking on the “report comment” button on this page. I don’t know which comment or user it was, but if they get a message about it, it was a mistake. Apologies to whoever it was.
Your ‘ reported’ came through to me in the biased BBC bunker – which is manned 25 hours a day – ready to repel trolls and people using Rudy words or otherwise being naughty .
I shouldn’t worry. Many of us fat-fingered posters have stabbed “report” instead of “reply”.
I say, it would be jolly useful if ‘reply’ was moved away from ‘report’, if this is technically feasible, what what?
Fred (Just back from dining in a Pugin house with a lord)
Anthony seems more than smitten.
But his heart does seem open to OCD too.
AOC will with the help of other make the demorats lose 2020 put money on it
ps she also supports the all new roper anti-semite in congress
Here’s hoping.
Sure Katty and Ko are on board, though Anthony may have concerns.
Each time I see mention of this woman, I automatically think of her as Miss Occasional-Corset. It makes no sense, I know.
The BBC gets its priorities straight giving front page reporting, telling us that yesterday:
“Shamima Begum: Sajid Javid criticised as baby dies”
Hidden away on the BBC website also news from yesterday, but far, far less important:
“Twenty arrested in Wakefield child sexual exploitation inquiry”
That report describes 2 victims and 20 perpetrators… that’s nearly 10 perpetrators per victim…. we are talking here about massive child rape, not some filthy jihaddi bride..
So BBC, why is Shamima Begum who knowingly ran away to join a group beheading infidels… more important than yet another instance of child gang rape?
To put this in contest, in the UK There are estimated to be up to a million child gang rape victims:
Other recent court cases indicate 8 perpetrators per victim (55 perpetrators, 7 victims… and we routinely see 8-10 perpetrators per victim, and often over 100 rapes per victim)
A million victims would mean 10 million Islamic child rape perpetrators, and maybe 100 million rapes….
Even if the numbers are over inflated, and the real numbers are just 10% of this… we’d still be looking at a MILLION perpetrators and 10 MILLION rapes.
Yet we only have 1.5 million Muslim men in the country… can this really be a “minority” on Muslims?
The BBC makes me want to vomit, i truly feel sick… i’m pretty sure that 90% of teh British public could not give a toss if Shamima Begum was dead.
Decent normal people would be far more concerned about millions of instances of Islamic child rape, if only the filth at the BBC and in the rest of the degenerate filth in MSM would report it, properly and in context.
whistle blowers = 0 how is that possible
According to the Jay Report… Rotherham has a population of 8000 Muslims, of these 50% are women and 30% are children, so there are about 2,800 muslim Men.
Yet according to police there are currently 420 Adult Muslim Males under investigation for serial gang child rape of infidel children. That is fully 15% of the Adult Male Muslim population in that town.
Yet i have never heard of one report where a Muslim was the one who reported the child gang rape to police.. Muslims never tell on other Muslims.
Government report:
Click to access independent_inquiry_cse_in_rotherham.pdf
NUmbers under active investigation:
“Muslims never tell on other Muslims”
Undoubtedly the bBC and most of the establishment pretend to themselves that this is a noble and honourable code.
I’m guessing that justifying the unjustifiable is something to do with cognitive dissonance.
“How does a museum remember a defeat?”
How Al Beeb likes to put GB down. It should be called the EBC service .
“Accurate” ? Not so, there were a ‘few’ Welshmen there with one or two bows.
So much for the historians mentioned in the article .
“No-deal Brexit threat to ‘billions of pounds’ of chemicals”
We just don’t believe you anymore.
“Public swinging behind no deal Brexit, as Tories and DUP urge May to invoke plan B”
Interesting how the BBC sits in this comparison.
And how the geniuses who do not like this are responding.