The ritualised assignment of Responsibility for the killings in NZ are naturally transferred to the UK.
Meanwhile Tommy Robinson – real name Tommy Robinson -continues to be on the receiving end of a hostile alien British State .
And then there was Brexit – or not .
And he mentioned Trump!!! President Trump that is. The media really are despicable.
Two firsts in a row?
Who did? Was there a post before first?
Roland – know there wasn’t another post – loobyloo is linking directly from the previous very long one I guess…
The NZ nutjob murderer
These creatures aren’t human, they are evil.
These creatures aren’t human, they are evil.
Did I hear the BBC News interview at 20:10 correctly?
Man with a beard being interviewed about the Christchurch attacker. He was saying the attackers’ manifest mentioned ramblings about immigration, “the sort of stuff where you might discuss immigration with friends at the pub….. and this is how it all starts”
There you go, the BBC have found someone to claim that anyone discussing immigration with a friend will probably turn into a right wing attacker.
Nothing like getting an agenda across rather than report the actual news.
I just wonder if this was another false flag event for some as yet unknown reason.
Interesting. This is how the ITV article looks on my Twitter feed.

New Zealand terror suspect Brenton Tarrant also admires China.
So we have it, Brenton Tarrant is an eco-loon, and not a Pres Trump supporter.
However it is possible that Pres Trump colluded with the Pres of China, who then colluded with Pres Putin/Russia, who then used algorithms on Facebook to influence Brenton Tarrant.
So its Pres Trump. Must be. See CNN headline here
sslf described Eco-fascist , thats a weird onr
\\ The guy in New Zealand was not a “right-wing extremist” either.
He was a self-proclaimed “eco-fascist” who ranted about worker’s rights, profit motives, and capitalism.
He said he was ok with socialism and that his ideal government was the *People’s Republic of China*.//
. After the treacherous behaviour of the ruling elites over Brexit, the failed coup in the USA, the police cover ups of Muslim crimes in the UK and Germany, the treatment of Greece, the brutal suppression of the yellow vests in France , it is clear that the ruling Globalist elite will sacrifice the truth, decency, democracy and people’s lives, to ensure their continued rule . But I baulk at the suggestion that they would kill forty or fifty people in order to provide a pretext to increase their repression of white people. But then I would never have believed that there would have been an attempted coup in the USA, but there was.
Well put Doublethinker, and what has happened in New Zealand is or rather is becoming indicative of reaction to the ideology of Islam throughout. Of course it was an appalling crime to commit, but is it any worse of the terrible crimes being committed by Muslims in the Middle East , Europe and in the United Kingdom. This affair is exactly what the BBC et al go overboard for. Of course their is Hate Crime, in all sections of society, its unavoidable, especially now.
In the month of February 2019 alone, there were 150 deadly Islamic terror attacks in 22 different countries. These resulted in 883 deaths and 547 people being injured.
This is just one month. This is just routine stuff for the Religion of Peace, not a 9/11.
Then the major jihadist attacks on New York and Washington, Bali, Madrid, Beslan, London, Mumbai; growing Muslim enclaves in Western cities, whose residents, to an alarming extent, maintained the primitive practices (forced marriage, honor killing, female genital mutilation) associated with their faith, despised the core values of their host cultures, refused to assimilate into them but did not hesitate to exploit their welfare systems, and raised sons who commit violent crimes against non-Muslims, including gay-bashing, the tormenting of Jews, and the mass rape of children. In one Western country after another, surveys of Muslims showed that a terrifying proportion of them wanted to see the countries in which they had settled—many of them as refugees from Islamic tyranny—subjected to sharia law, under which apostasy from Islam, homosexuality, adultery, and many other offenses against totalitarian Koranic strictures would be punishable by death.
Today, a Norwegian friend noted that while two of the country’s leading dailies, VG and Dagbladet, ignored two major jihadist attacks in recent weeks—one that took 20 lives in a cathedral in the Philippines, and another that took 32 lives in a church in Nigeria—those same newspapers are packed with stories about the events in New Zealand
The attempted coup is still ongoing. Mueller is just a fishing trip, and also to bury the illegal activities of the Obama administration in its final stages to derail the elected president ( FISA warrant based on a Democrat payed for dirt from an ex-MI6 agent) . The whole thing stinks.
Yes it isn’t fully played out
but it is now confined to the MSM as the key deep state players are now close to being fully exposed and probably, hopefully, held accountable. The new Attorney General seems to be of a mind to root out all the wrong doing at the FBI,CIA, DoJ , DoS etc. Some big names are in real jeopardy. Should be good to watch over the coming months but it has taken at least a year or 18 months longer to get to this stage than it ought to have done due to obstruction . Primarily by The previous AG , Sessions , playing on the other team. Was he a deep state plant in Trump’s cabinet or did they blackmail him over something? Certainly he didn’t do his job.
I hope you are right that the new AG is not a Swamp creature.
Some Inconvenient Truths About the Christchurch Massacre
Mar 16, 2019
The horrific shooting in Christchurch has left a nation numb, and has forced many people to ask plenty of questions. And lots of questions do indeed remain, although we are now learning much more about the main (sole?) gunman, Brenton Harrison Tarrant.
But so many predictable responses are already upon us. As usual, the lamestream media already stands condemned here. While the New Zealand attack was terrible in the extreme, every single day we have massacres of infidels by devout Muslims taking place.
Yet it is almost always crickets chirping from the media.
Don’t Exploit Christchurch
The New Zealand massacre was an act of pure evil, but it should not serve as an excuse to silence frank discussion about Islam and mass immigration.
The more discussion about the false religion is suppressed the more extreme the reaction will be .
Same with the likely response of the State – NZ – UK – others to any challenge to ISIS supporters and plod chasing nonsense ‘ hate’ crime to get promoted .
It’s bound to happen again and again …
”Thousands of school pupils worldwide have abandoned classrooms for a day of protest against climate change.
India, South Korea, Australia and the US are among the countries where teenagers are already on strike.”
kids on strike ? seriously
What does go on strike mean?
strike. A concerted refusal by employees in a particular business or industry to work. Its goal is usually to force employers to meet demands respecting wages and other working conditions.
The collectivist retards in charge of education haven’t thought this through; a day off from brainwashing might just enable one or two of the kids to start to think for themselves.
The mass selfie movement . Kids that have known plenty – too much of every thing – just losing the plot courtesy of air head teachers …
Teachers have lost control. They will be the first to retire when it comes back to bite them on the @*se .
The teachers are the bloomin’ instigators of this nonsense. I really does hope it bites them on the, er, posterior.
I am quite certain that any of those kids if at a fee paying school would most certainly not be there or it would be most unlikely that they would be there. Would the school or indeed the parent who is laying out thousands of punds from an earned income allow such a thing? No of course not.
This is how much these brats really care.
And what their teachers are indoctrinating them with.
As the camera turns to the right there is a girl holding a sign with red writing which simply says “FUCK YOU”.
I’m sure there is a clever or witty environmental message in there but I can’t see it.
Tabs – she is concerned about life on Earth becoming extinct and is therefore encouraging reproduction.
My experience is that most people’s , and certainly young people’s , commitment to the environment doesn’t stretch to their pockets , or even past mild inconvenience to themselves. A 15 year old relative of mine , in a rather too woke family for my taste,Guardian readers, was going on about the environment at length a couple of weeks ago. It later turned out that he, his sister and both parents had booked a week long break in New York. I asked how much fuel this would use, blank face. I suggested that the four of them flying would use about as much fuel as it took to heat their house over the winter. This was met with incredularity. I then decided to turn my guns on Smart Meters which are a big rip off from which someone is making a fortune. Oh no they said these were good things , they helped save electricity. I asked them exactly how they helped to save electricity. Long pause , ‘well when you go to bed you can check to see if you have left any appliances or lights running’. I patiently explained that unless you regularly left a cooker on or some such , the saving over a year would be very small and certainly less than the energy of making the meter and the travel of the installer etc and of course the cost of installing it could have been much better spent .I left them with the thought that wearing a pullover indoors and turning the heating down a couple of degrees would be much more effective.
What you are saying is ( TM – Cathy Newman)
‘well when you like, go to bed like, you can check to see if, like you have left any appliances, or like lights and stuff running.
Excellent post & approach, Dt.
Good decisions. They now have one day less of idiot education dished out by unqualified teachers.
In Britain, many maths and physics school teachers have no formal education in these subjects beyond year 11.
As Prof Peterson puts it, university graduates are totally ignorant of the complexity of life, but think that they can set the world to right.
These students should first tidy up their room, then the house, and then the garden, before they occupy they wave placards on the streets.
Eddy booth – Well, precisely. Strike? I thought when children don’t turn up for classes it’s called playing truant.
BBC Online News:
“”Anger and solidarity at UK gathering for New Zealand attack””
Deja vu?
I bet the cost of air tickets to NZ have gone through the roof with VIPs and journos going through the empty post terrorist attack rituals . Then the news moves on ….
I can’t remember much coverage of the Roman Catholic priest who had his throat cut during mass in France by a couple of Muslim ‘fighters ‘- but I suppose ‘body count’ is key .
No MSM for me for a while .
Don’t look back in anger.
dont look back in anger light a candle and get a kiwi tattoo
Are they lighting candles and projecting pretty colours on buildings? That usually works.
Is the media worrying about the backlash against white people?
Excellent point about the backlash. I’m currently nailing shut all our doors and windows and arming myself with the garden fork . We only live 40 miles from some very large concentrations of RoPers.
Cue teddy bears, candles, singing of Imagine , tears . Then the increased suppression of free speech will begin by popular acclaim.
But no solidarity for the hundreds of Christians killed in Muslim countries every week.
The Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, said an “attack on faith anywhere” was an “attack on faith everywhere”.
The people of the Islamic faith, the most devout of the Muslim faithful, are killing hundreds of Christians every week
What is wrong with that female bishop.
From the link
Yelda Mahmood, 28, who had travelled from the US to London, said: “Humanity as a whole needs to come together.
“It doesn’t matter what race you are or what religion you practice.
“How can someone go to someone’s house of worship and do something like that?
Muslims have been doing this every week for 1400 years.
Disgusting moment school kids chant ‘Theresa May f*****g wh*re’ at climate change march
A GROUP of protesting kids striking from school to march against climate change in London was filmed shouting “Theresa May’s a f*****g wh*re” as they walked outside Number 10.
Are they Brexiteers ?
Just repeating what their leftie teachers told them to say.
One cant blame the children. They have been brainwashed by their Marxist lefty teachers.
These teachers are ignorant of any real hard discipline like Physics, but are experts in manipulation of young minds.
Just take a look at them, if brains were dynamite they would not have enough to blow their little noses
\\The possibilities for a post-Brexit trade deal between Britain and the United States are “unlimited”, President Trump has said.//
Anything on Al Beeb ?
There was a very sneering Twitter from Sopel about how we won’t be getting chlorinated chicken – it appears quite a few beeboids are showing their true colours by making personal comments on line . Good permanent evidence of institutional left bias by that corrupt organisation .
Tap Water ?
All his tweets are sneering.
Right up the BBC’s street, this:
Birmingham Opera Company helps refugees in the city
Never mind the singing, just pack the stage with refugees and create a performance that nobody dare criticise in public. Most of it looks and sounds bloody awful. Award bait, pure and simple.
I wonder where the Musicians’ Union stands on this?
Interesting. I’ve just watched a feature on BBC (lets not forget: “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”) at a friends house. First time i have watched a live BBC broadcast for, oh, several months. I digress. What I watched focussed on the horror for child brides and how disgraceful it was as it is more widespread that most people think. Drumming in the horrors for the brides. Curiously, no mention whatever of the cult that promotes child brides. No mention whatever. Strange, why would that be I ask myself. What is being hidden?
Absolutely appalling the terrorist massacre in Christchurch. But
lets see how the BBC report the next massacre of Coptic Christians
in Egypt.
My advice to the Muslim community is something you shouldn’t
have to do , and you probably thought you would never have to. .
It’s to get the type of Fort Knox security that Synagogues and Jewish schools have in the UK.
Its terrible that there are white supremacists terrorists out there. But the
expression “you reap what you sow” comes to mind, however
nauseating this is. The God’s help us!
“It’s to get the type of Fort Knox security that Synagogues and Jewish schools have in the UK.”
Interesting you should mention that. The Sandys Row Synagogue in Spitalfields has grilles over the windows and CCTV. It’s a forbidding sight, but beautiful inside. Not far away, the Brick Lane Mosque has neither as far as I could see. Interesting area, but not always in a good way.
Not a very scientific survey, admittedly.
Postal address: 1357 Budapest, Pf. 6.
Kaiser – I think if the ReichEU drunks get even a whiff that a subjugated region like Hungary or Italy will object the A50 extension they’ll be threatening or bribing as they usually do .
There will be an A50 extension of 12 to 24 months during which there will be a remain based referendum to fix our place in the Reich EU
I hope we will be leaving on March 29 2019.
Meanwhile no thousands of young Hungarian girls raped by the RoP. No max security everywhere ,specially synagogues and churches.
How dare Orban deprive Hungarians the joy of Diversity – Islamic style.
Bless; Hugh has ‘general rules’…
… which appear to be things are bad unless the bbc does it, which makes them good.
Don’t be like Hugh. Hugh is a tool.
Al Beeb obsession. At least this time it’s female to male. Next step, get pregnant…and live as a gay man??
that strapadicktome is a very tricky operation
Is it classed as plastic surgery. Or rubber surgery?
Can we get , or should the question be ,can the Gramscian teachers and BBC get the kids to ” strike ” about something that is not liberal/ left progressive one world new order troughing ?
BBC false news (gets an apology)…
Its a fact: That the BBC has more (so called) Journalists than any major national UK NewspaperI and yet it falls-short on basic reporting. Much of the BBC news ‘tit-bits’ is actually NOT written by the BBC (at all) but ‘edited’ from ‘other’ web feeds that support a political sentiment or left wing cause. The BBC has 21,000 (so called) ‘journalists’ involved in such recycling or (editing) of all BBC News across TV and radio. BBC News often is badly researched but ‘edited’ for effect.The BBC is not entirely alone in such inaccurate reporting as news inaccuracies and apologies can often be seen in our daily UK newspapers with a very small section on yesterdays (or last weeks) Errors and Omissions. This is what ‘O&M’ stands for legally and it is obliged to do so and correct practice to report and new fact (or found inaccuracy) in the very next publication by law. However the BBC is above the law. it has no need for ‘Errors or Omissions’.
The BBC will not recognise ANY complaint (directly or under FOI) against one of its esteemed BBC ‘Journalists’. If you ask – it will always refer you to the BBC parliamentary Charter (protecting the journalistic integrity and everyone on ship) so that any factual inaccuracies are hardly ever disclosed (to anybody within the BBC). However If your persistent and also knowledgeable even the BBC directors can be forced to make an apology on a web page that nobody will ever read (or understand the original complaint to which it refers. The BBC call that an ‘apology’ but continues with another similar story from another inaccurate news feed. All follow a similar vein of reporting and editing.
Although an infrequent reader of The Times, whilst in a Cafe I noted this article. Dated: Friday 15th. i.e. today. Headline reads:
The BBC has admitted to a lapse of standards after it blamed the decline of African penguins on climate change. It appears that the BBC repeated this four times on BBC News on October 15th last year. It stated (and repeated the allegation) that ‘penguin numbers have fallen to tens of thousands due to climate change’ without investigation of any other factors. The BBC News has since been reported (by Paul Holmwood*) to its own BBC watchdog which found the BBC News guilty of ‘materially misleading’ statements. It failed to mention any ‘other’ factors such as rising tides and over fishing in the area of South Africa (not only by more expert conservationists but by climate Bloggers such as Paul Holmwood, who made the BBC complaint which was then upheld. The BBC ‘executive of complaints’ said;
“Journalist have been made aware of the need to carry out checks on the texts that is sent in by outside providers of news pictures to ensure that the facts support the claims that are made”. Quite! but the BBC have had similar notable ‘failures’ (also reported again – in the Times a few weeks earlier) of the BBC admitting purchasing ‘CLICK-BAIT’ (which is illegal for the BBC Charter)!
More info>
(which the BBC then claimed is ‘necessary’ to compete with NETFLIX and other broadcasters) Huh!.
1. The BBC have since apologised (only on a hidden BBC web page (for its noted failure of accurate Journalism). Full credit goes to Paul Holmwood for pressing his claim of factual inaccuratereporting. Although the main problem (as I see it) is that this apology should have been made in the same place it was reported as ‘fact’ by the BBC news TV or Radio. As it has to be in the free press. This is O&M.
When I read any national newspaper, I acknowledge that the PRESS sometimes get a fact or name wrong in the rush to publication. This is normal behaviour for the free press. But the BBC however does not do this. It prefers to only admit an ‘error’ if pushed legally or found by an outside agency (such as OFCOM) when challenged. The fact that this apology only appears on a ‘BBC web-site’ and not mainstream BBC TV and radio news speaks for itself. I learn also today ( The Daily Mail) The BBC have hired another 300 staff. Presumably more ‘journalists’ with the same standards or less.
* Paul Holmwood’s Climate Blog is: (WATTS UP WITH THAT) – but as yet I cannot find his mention of it, possibly as it was made in October last year). Even harder still is to find that BBC apology!! Probably removed to a more remote location by now.
Now here’s a thought .
The society – nay people – of 1950s Britian looked happy in the old black and white films .
Not everyone would be happy of course . There was homophobia , racism , jingoism , less wealth distribution , censorial attitudes to a single parent , difficulties for disabled people and a laughing attitude to mentally ill people .
It was an era the BBC sneers at in its programmes .
Has it been replaced by anything better ?
Would the great replacement be better ?
Nibor, I agree with the short list you made on the negative side of living here decades ago, but notwithstanding the list of positives would be much longer; and I would say as a result of the ‘less wealth distribution’ I remember we were all very much equal (aside from the aristocracy and very rich) and therefore much happier as a result, although ‘winning the Pools’ was very much the far off dream of most.
”There was homophobia ”
That made people happier, as it stop boderline homosexuals developing the condition and steered then away from a unhappy life.
really.. in a 100% indigenous society…
” jingoism”
But does loving their country made the people sad …
This self loathing that people have installed in them for being born British these days seems more negative
We seemed to start more wars too in modern times 1990s+?
”less wealth distribution ”
less than the the 1930’s and 1940s though ? which is all that people had to compare. And I bet housing costs and availability were not as terrible as today.
”censorial attitudes to a single parent”
Maybe thats a good thing, in a wa,y as it surely isnt an ideal sate
and theres almost a similar attitude to married parents these days ,meaning many women choose the state to support them rarther than bother with a man .
”difficulties for disabled people and a laughing attitude to mentally ill people .”
Agree, but maybe we are going full ciecle with the nasty DWP and Universal Credit.
”It was an era the BBC sneers at in its programmes .”
yes they simply hate all our history
apart from maybe the slave owning thugish Roman invasion
The benefits of being in the EU. Slavery in the UK is on the up.
Anything on the Al Beeb ?
Is that Romanian / Moldovian / Albanian sex slaves or irish gypsy and travellers slaves ?
We now have in our country a very vocal minority who are largely racist, antsemitic, hompphobic, sexist and who throw blind people with guide dogs out of their taxis, yet are the fiirst to accuse anyone else as racist who objects to these shortcomings
Bizarre moment Chelsea Clinton is berated by Muslim NYU students who blame HER for New Zealand mosques attack because she ‘incited an Islamophobic mob’ against Rep Ilhan Omar
One of the fallouts of NZ will be that any criticism of muslims or Islam, however mild, will be denounced as inciting far right terrorism. They will play the victim card to the hilt.
How amusing that it should happen to an uber-liberal Democrat.
I agree it’s amusing, but if they do that to the likes of her, how much worse will it be for us here?
“One victim threw himself in front of others to protect them when the gunman burst in, it is believed.”
BBC… ‘reporting’ is based on belief.
It may be true, and a heroic act, but maybe would have carried more impact if they had waited until confirmed.
Saying ‘Good Morning’ is apparantly ‘racist’ because there’s no such thing as ‘racsim’ and even the BBC doesn’t know what it is – and I have that in writing !
Listened to ‘Farming Today’ this morning. The presenter, Charlotte Smith, almost choked when 3 young farmers stated they were all in favour of a “no deal” Brexit. She quickly regained her composure and reminded the upstarts that their views were not held by the farming unions and that cheap imports would undercut their homegrown products.
So usually the bbc are so keen to draw attention to the plight of poor farmers from poor countries. But when it suits their agenda they go all nationalist and protectionist.
Top comment also refers.
It’s like the BBC has a line to take, and its well paid moppets know to tak it.
Heeeeeeer’s Katya….
Of course, in a no deal Brexit we can retain whatever level of tariff we like to protect our farmers who produce for the home market. And we farm far less than we eat, so there is no risk of impoverishing our farmers.
Toady watch
None – a gloriously BBC Free Day – except for the Footy .
And I’m proud to have done my bit for David mad Lammy yesterday by walking past the red nose mafia at Victoria Station .
Saw this post about BBC’s Comic Relief which I thought I’d share…
“Yet for every pound donated, two pence reaches its destination, remember that.”
For some reason, Lenny doesn’t slag off white people on this day, strange that.
I wonder how many slebs ask for their fees, then pay the tax on the thousands they get paid, then give back ‘comic’ relief the funds? After all, they’re getting a lot of publicity, which should come at a price!
No I thought not…
“Yet for every pound donated,…….”
An ideal question to put to the BBC Factcheckers?
I would really look forward to their exploratiions.
Listening to the news this morning I heard there’s been yet another fatal stabbing in Londonistan, bringing the total so far this year to a pretty impressive eighteen! Not bud, huh?
Meanwhile Mayor Khan is seen empathising with events that happened 16 thousand miles away, posing for the cameras and spouting his usual banal platitudes. If talking bollocks ever becomes an Olympic event London’s mayor is in with a real chance for gold medal. Mind you there’s some stiff competition…
Earlier this year London’s leader banned those dangerous advertisements depicting fast food, sweets, chocolates etc in public places. By and large I’m not in favour of banning things, but you can’t argue with his logic here.
The stat’s speak for themselves.
So far this year no one has been killed by a Kit Kat, Kentucky fried chicken or a Curly Wurly. Murder by Mars Bar and MacDonalds are also at an all time low. And I honestly can’t recall the last time I heard of a fatal assault by anyone attacked with a deep fried pepperoni pizza.
Come on, be fair to the man.
You can’t argue with statistics like these…
Toady at 8.25 interviewing the Latvian Foreign Minister. Having defeated WTO Brexit by broadcasting lies and supporting treacherous Remoaners and Leftoids, Al Beeb is now terrified that MV3 might fail and lead to an extended Article 50 extension. The question to the FM was would we need to take part in the EU elections if a long extension. Al Beeb know this would allow the people to register their outrage at the stitch up.
The “We are Bradford” thing going on all week has been a good illustration of the homogeneous diversity that the beeb do best. For a window into how the impartial BBC procure material for those ‘real life stories’ they love, here’s the launch vid. What it says: “Twelve members of the public discuss story ideas ahead of a week of special programming.“ What it is: twelve members of the public are forcefed story ideas ahead of a week of deep state programming. Think 6th-form newspaper meets A Clockwork Orange.
Sabbiyah Pervez and Kamal Ahmed are the concerned but gentle group facilitators, with standard issue quizzical eyebrows and concerned gentleness plastered all over their gentle and concerned faces.
Item 1: “How important is multiculturalism?”
Item 2: “Identity”
Item 3: “NHS”
It’s strange how a random sample group offered the chance to creatively brainstorm about their city all have those topics foremost in mind.
You have just summed up the BBC news website:
“Think 6th-form newspaper meets A Clockwork Orange.”
As a Christian, my response to the NZ shootings is unambiguous: murder is murder, and all murder has to be unequivocally condemned.
Reach out in Love? Absolutely.
But you have to have some discernment, and in that the West, having largely ditched its own Spiritual Imperative – Christianity, I find people have lost their ability to discern and even, to think rationally and in the most basic of fashions.
For example, in the Newspaper “The Australian”, Greg Sheridan proclaims: “We are all Muslims now”. No we are not. I understand that Sheridan wants to reach out to his “brothers and sisters”, and I understand that people in the media often think they’re so much wiser than anyone else, but I find his choice of words evidence of shallow thinking and zero discernment. I may have empathy for the victims,Mr Sheridan, but -please- speak for yourself only, as I remain as much a Christian as I was before this happened. (Whether a good one or a bad one, only God will decide.)
The mayor of Christchuch, like the NZ Prime Minister, a lady, says that when 9/11 happened, she was a govt minister, and rushed out to mosques to show her solidarity. Now, once again, she was inspired to do the same. This is actually very strange behaviour. Note, she did not proclaim ‘We are all New Yorkers now’, after 9/11! One wonders what it is that would have to happen to Christians, that would inspire her to reach out to them asa community?
It seems that in government, like in the media, shallow thinking and a lack of discernment is a prerequisite for office.
FNW — discrimination is forbidden now that we’re all humxns in the universe of Shared Being.
Obviously you still need to discriminate enough to go to work on time and meet the HMRC deadlines and vote for a progressive political party but it sounds as if you haven’t yet received your microchip implant from the Department of Oneness. Then you’ll see the good kind of discernment vs the bad
TM – I’m not sure whether we have a misunderstanding?
I was speaking of ‘discernment’, not discrimination.
Discerning the Spirit is somewhat different from discriminating in our secular society.
So, for instance, I may sympathize with Greg Sheridan’s objectives to reach out and show empathy for a fellow man who is suffering.
But I have discernment- which is a spiritual issue- so I disagree with two of Sheridan’s premises:
a) In the shallow but popular way we deal with these tragedies these days, he says “we are all Muslims now”. I say we are not. I certainly am not. I can reach out to people, but I don’t need to become what they are, in order to do it.
b) Sheridan wants to reach out to his “brothers and sisters”. The victims in NZ are not my brothers or sisters, in any spiritual sense.
In a Human sense, yes – and that is the sense in which I would reach out and help if I were in a position to so do. Most of us would. But in a spiritual sense, no; that would require me to become something quite different from what I am.
This is where the West seems to have great problems: thinking we have to become someone else to be empathetic and reach out to help.
Throw the baby out with the bathwater, and you will be left only with a dead baby.
fnw, you are right. a) That Greg Sheridan statement “We are all Muslims now”. might elicit sympathy from an Orthodox Jew for the victim/any victims but in personal application – same as for true-Bible believing Christians – would receive a firm “No, I am not Muslim.” b) We all share a common creature humanity, and inherit the sinful nature so evident in Christchurch, that differentiates us from animals, but a Muslim or anyone of another faith does not become a ‘brother or sister’ until they become Christians having accepted Christ’s atoning death for themselves.
The reason ‘the West’ (esp. our media) has a problem with this is because it has de-Christianised at an alarming pace in recent years. When you cease to believe in God, you will believe in anything … including warm fuzzy words that heal no wounds.
Great last line. Reminds me of a song: “A muvver woz bahffing ‘er byeby one night … “
FNW yes I think I’m coming from a similar place, I meant discrimination in the non-pejorative sense — making distinctions — which we all do e.g. between tables and chairs and buses and toasters.
The rush to claim we are unified (one world, one humanity) is very trendy these days (“We are Bradford” … “I am Mercedes”… “#jesuischarlie”…) but I agree with you that there’s something fishy about it. Are we fused on all levels… subatomic? Psychological? Religious? Dietary needs?
The current trend for identity politics and the ‘oneness’ movement are actually at odds with each other — and yet the progressive worldview wants to champion both. So “we’re all [x] now” contradicts the concept that [x] is a special interest group with specific challenges/obstacles. This is where it all comes unstuck, and no amount of political or social engineering will put it back together again because it’s a terrible foundation to build on.
So sorry that my reply was flippant because I think you’re spot on that the West has great problems with this!
Two major jihadist attacks in recent weeks—one that took 20 lives in a cathedral in the Philippines, and another that took 32 lives in a church in Nigeria.
The MSM – crickets chirping. Government ministers not to be seen
Church leaders, vicars or bishops – some anodyne stuff about “blood of the martyrs” etc.
NCBBC – “Church leaders, vicars or bishops” have been letting down Christians for a very long time, so the lack of solidarity with Christians in the Philippines and Nigeria comes as no surprise.
Many of the people you describe are self-professed atheists, who give themselves titles that may well sound vaguely biblical, but are part of unscriptural, man-made organizations and structures (usually fully paid and/or richly rewarded -neither of which are biblical precepts).
In the West, they have allowed moral relativism to become the dominant “spiritual” culture. So you can do anything you like, if current fashions permit. This moral relativism has spawned Political Correctness, and allowed it to dominate our society. And PC dictates, for starters, that Whites are more guilty when anything
bad that happens than anyone else. Presumably due to white ‘privilege’? Or could it be that, God having been declared to be ‘dead’ in the West, there is no absolution left for guilt? Only a ‘fairy in the sky?’
The MSM search for sensationalism to sell papers, will therefore stay PC (to serve their political masters?), and are happy to adopt moral reletavism, with its accompanying hypocracies. The politicians will equally make a lot of noise about what they think is PC, for the rest most of them won’t stick their necks out.
So Moslems dying in New Zealand call for much breast-beating and drum beating, but Christians dying in the Phillipines? Nothing to see there. Apparently the former are -in the eyes of our politicians and media- very much in fashion. The latter, alas, are not.
“… Whites are more guilty when anything bad that happens than anyone else. Presumably due to white ‘privilege’? Or could it be that, God having been declared to be ‘dead’ in the West, there is no absolution left for guilt? Only a ‘fairy in the sky?’”
Interesting idea. In a post-Nietzsche world, absolution now comes via frenetic social and political activism rather than divine grace? Compare / contrast with the eastern traditions (Buddhism, Hinduism) where there is also a basic reality of erring or “missing the mark”… but minus the personal shame, and absolution is less of a guilt trip.
Maybe a discussion for another day…
“Church leaders, vicars or bishops” have been letting down Christians for a very long time, so the lack of solidarity with Christians in the Philippines and Nigeria comes as no surprise.
Many of the people you describe are self-professed atheists, who give themselves titles that may well sound vaguely biblical, but are part of unscriptural, man-made organizations and structures (usually fully paid and/or richly rewarded -neither of which are biblical precepts).
Thank you. That explains so much.
Excellent post, fakenewswatcher.
Er, all of them actually but I was referring to the 9.15am one.
The bbc website makes a lot of comment from kids bunking off school.
I bet they’d not take a lot of notice if they were expected to ‘protest’, instead of going on their hols to Benidorm with mummy and possibly a daddy!
Shaddup beeb, do you really think that children give a hoot about what your opinions are, and are they reading your long and boring ‘report’? Maybe the Kai-Lee types may be interested in seeing their name in the ‘report’, but it’ll be forgotten by lunchtime, when all the twits have been circulated and a good session on bookface will take up the afternoon, talking rubbish!
If you poke a sleeping dog eventually it will bite you. It’s not the dog’s fault, it’s yours.
The people who should really be taking note of the New Zealand massacre are the traitors in the House of Commons.
There are consequences to actions.
Not the bbc, but the thick, screeching slapper Sky deployed seems ripe for poaching.
And of course, it seems the msm’s special ways with the edit kicks in.
Great man!
Lets hope we wont get fooled again.
Roger Daltrey!
We’ll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
The men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
The change it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fold that’s all
The world looks just the same
And history ain’t blamed
Cause the banners, they are flown in the last war
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
No, no!
We don’t get fooled again
I’ll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half alive
Get all my papers and smile at the sky
Though I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do ya?
There’s nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
The parting on the left
Is now parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
Don’t want to get fooled again
No, no!
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
I took a long time to learn this lesson. I love my country.
So, the state has won its latest battle with Tommy Robinson. It was reported in the Sun and Mail but only emphasising the negative aspects. I hope Tommy Robinson appeals the verdict not only for himself but for the rest of us.
The battle might have been won but the war is not over. In the end, the state has to lose if we don’t want to become completely enslaved.
£20,000 ordered to be paid within 14 days then reverting to over £40,000 if that deadline is not met.
I hope Tommy Robinson does not appeal the verdict. YOu seem to labouring under the misapprehension that the UK legal system is fair and impartial – odd when you are posting on a forum which recognises the state broadcaster which has a legal imperative to be fair and impartial clearly is no such thing – why do you think the courts are any different?
Tommy should have taken the out of court settlement which is as good as an admission of guilt in most peoples eyes.
No. Better. Thing. Than. Free. Publicity.
Even the BBC is crowing about the award.
Such an amount is chicken feed so those who do not feel Stuchberry is a god get to see the establishment shenanigans at play.
They make a big issue about judge’s comment saying, you are not as well known as you think, which seems to come from the fact that a police officer who has policed many EDL marches in the past claimed under oath in a court of law that he did not know who TR was…go figure
perhaps he would have recognised Yaxley Lennon
police loss of evidence is of course purely coincidental
BBC Online News:
“”Anger and solidarity at UK gathering for New Zealand attack””
“”Posters saying “no to Islamophobia” and “this will not divide us” were held up at the event in Whitechapel, as one speaker after another called for people to come together, across countries and religions.””
“”But there was also an obvious sense of anger from the Muslim community – not just at the attackers but also the media, politicians, and other public figures for “demonising” Muslims.””
“”Mohammed Mahmoud, an imam who was praised for his response to an attack outside a mosque in Finsbury Park, London, in 2017, said the security and peace of Muslims was under threat.””
“”He said people in power were partly responsible for “perpetuating the narrative of otherness of a group who are perceived as infiltrators, and the dehumanisation and the vilification of Muslims who, by and large, are peaceful, law-abiding, loving citizens”.””
“”Lawrence Lewis, 28, said the media “fuels the fire and makes the problem worse”.””
“””I feel like a lot of the time the Western narrative of the media is to demonise Islam, because they think that the laws and principles of Islam go against their ideology, and it doesn’t,” he said.””
“”Sheila McGregor, of the Tower Hamlets Stand Up To Racism group, said the “demonisation” of Muslims was a “global phenomenon” and had been carried out by politicians for “decades”.””
The message is clear from the BBC. Whatever Muslims do, Muslims are the victims and everyone else is an aggressor.
Quote from an Imam in the feature:
“”….Muslims who, by and large, are peaceful, law-abiding, loving citizens”.””
It’s the ‘by and large’ that is concerning.
Well the BBC are of course correct !
Take a look at the instruction manual Surah 9 Vs 122
“And the believers should not all go out to fight. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may gain sound knowledge in religion, and that they may warn their folk when they return to them, so that they may beware.”
Only a few are to go out to fight and the rest stay home – peaceloving and law abiding !
Sentry- There is a lot of confusion about.
I am a Christian, but not an ‘Islamophobe’.
And I hope that Muslims will not be Christianophobes.
I respect the right of everyone to worship whichever God they please, providing it is in a peaceful manner and respects the laws of the country.
My feelings about Muslims is that they have had the wrong Revelation: had God really given Mohammed a revelation, it would have needed to line up exactly with those of previous Prophets (and I understand Christ is looked on by Muslims as a prophet?). It did not do this, and so Islam is the path of error. Oh, I do not for one minute doubt their absolute sincerity, but – unfortunately -you can be sincerely wrong.
I say this without any sense of triumphalism whatsoever. I merely observe that the scriptures are all there. Follow their path back in time, and they are pretty clear.
Nor is it ever too late for anyone to see the error of their ways, and mend them.
The BBC should be the last source of credible evidence concerning the Christchurch shootings.
I cannot vouch for this source but it is worth considering. Consider the Brad Johnson video and suggestions of a Serbian connection.
In my opinion that BBC TV has a format in presenting programmes
which has been laid down by a BIG BROTHER probably from
the Diversity and Positive Discrimination Dept. I am surprised that BIG BROTHER allowed
the marriage sketch from Comic Relief from Four Weddings and
a Funeral. It was a piss take. Or was it? BIG BROTHER obviously
thought not. A Lesbian marriage between a white girl and an
ethnic friend. What could be more politically correct than that?
Just one further comment about the Four Weddings and
a Funeral. I don’t think the BBC would show any
repeats of ” It Ain’t Half Hot Mum.” Completely unpolitically
correct. BUT Rowan Atkinson’s vicar in Comic Relief last night
presented us with the same type of humour when marrying
the lesbian couple. It was funny. But Tunde Ogungbesan the
BIG BROTHER of the Diversity dept. Did you miss something here?
Or the fact that you have a BEAN in your name, let Rowan
Atkinson get away with his less than “diverse” humour?
Emily knows she is Teflon, but still hides behind the Graun…
Such eloquent use of the English language
Edgy, innit?
Mateless Jr. must think mum is soooo cool as he conducts polls on Brexit amongst his fellow students just back from Verbier after the climate strike.
Oh, and look.
Marina, daughter of Sir Alastair Edgcumbe James Dudley-Williams, is married to Kieran Clifton, £180- odd -thousand-a-year Director of bBBC Distribution and Business Development.
Ffs. “best yet”? Well, what are we judging it against here? I can only imagine as I care not one jot for either of their opinions on anything.
I totally agree with researching and making public the background of people who choose to talk at us from the TV or Radio .
I’d also include their wealth . And if they don’t like it there’ll always some one else willing to take their place
It’s a bit like millionaires lecturing non millionaires on giving hard earned money to dubious charities like those favoured by the BBC – a distasteful practice which people further in time will look on and say “how could they ?”
It’s really about the bubble they’re in, isn’t it?
As The Enemy, a seemingly right-of-centre indie-rock band from Coventry, put it in “You’re Not Alone”,
“You’re living in an incestuous world,
Where your conscience holds no weight”
Sums up the whole stinking swarm off them succinctly I think.
Rich – we arnt told anything about the people – beeboids and others who say stuff on the MSM . The reason is so obvious – they have to keep an information wall between them -the bubble -and us – the mugs .
Our only weapon is a bit of internet research for those with and and who care enough .
But how can one judge the view of any journo or politician without knowing a bit about them ? Particularly with they are wealthy and or ‘ connected ‘?
On the other issue of call me ‘nick ‘ boles . A case study in defective politics .
How can anybody – voting in the future – make an assessment of any would be MP – based on the foundation of their belief – The Manifesto ? When so many of all types have ignored what they stood on ?
Whatever one thinks of President Trump . He made promises in the election campaign and has kept or exceeded them . Yet this means nothing to the sneering smug BBC and stale hacks like Sopel , Katy and the like ….
Precedent gets set.
This lady makes a lot money out of ‘green’. All around the world.
And they say bbc comedy is dead.
Be interesting if Politics Live kisses his ring or asks some questions about the adults behind the children.
We must, right now, be a scintilla away from brainwashed children seeking ‘uman rights and the jurisdiction of the ECHR for lab mice.
Well done our far left cultural marxist State Broadcaster! See how far you’ve helped to manipulate the brains of the country’s children.
My wife is a mature student and animal lover. She is studying animal welfare as she understands what happens in the world of research and food production and is determined to be a driving force in making it as humane as possible by working with the industries involved on good practice. The BBC would not know how to handle a pragmatic environmentalist.
Just think of all those flights to and from Pakistan every day that we could have done without if we hadn’t let in people from Pakistan in the first place!
Ditto all those flights bringing in exotic fruits and vegetables, as promoted by our ever trustful BBC!
Jezza on Manchester and Christchurch
Jezza gives pond scum a bad name.
Just watching The Pledge this week.
Subject 1. Brexit. Afua Hirsch says “nobody wants no deal”
None of the panel pointed out that no deal was the preferred option by a big margin in many recent polls.
Subject 2. Knifecrime. Apparently it’s all to do with music, lack of youth clubs, social media, family breakdown and money.
No mention of mass uncontrolled immigration.
They should have a big poster made of all the victims and perpetrators hanging up in front of them all to see if they can spot anything they have in common.
You could add things like acid attacks and other imported joys of multiculturalism and the poster wouldn’t change, it would still look like a poster of (*insert any town such as Rotherham) child sex rapists and gangbangers.
Almost ready for subject 3 now.
The leaver on this weeks show is Michelle Dewberry.
BBC Online News:
“”Fulham fight: Fatal stabbing victim was ‘good guy’ “”
Is this the 20th black man to be murdered in London this year?
Is the Mayor strutting and posing to bring an end to this terror within his jurisdiction? Of course not. Not of the favoured religion for him.
What’s this? yet another ‘good moped riding guy’?
What a thoroughly unpleasant individual Nick Boles is.
Do the honourable thing? Aye right.
Rich – you can imagine the kind of woman mr boles would attract on one of those ‘dating ‘ sites – Anna Soubry –
Both of whom seem to treat views of voters as something to be ignored whilst they appear on yet another BBC propaganda show telling us what we should think .
i think you’ll find he is batting for the other side, claimed £600+ to learn hebrew so he could whisper sweet nothings in his boyfriends ear. He is now absolutely detested in Grantham and Sleaford area now as he has been batting for the other side on Brexit too. He is going to be deselected for sure.
Here’s the Roger Daltrey one again, for anyone, like me who who doesn’t want to jump the -accept our twitter cookies hoop.
How did the Beatles manage to play in Hamburg 1960 I wonder?
Trans news : so while drumming TRs family out of a pub is declared OK by one judge… transgender activist demand £2,500 for being called “sir” twice.
Interesting HYS response from a woman:
“”Honey, get a grip. I was born female but have a deep voice. I often get called sir. People are busy and don’t really “see” every single person. They hear a deep voice, take a glance and say “sir”, sometimes they take a second look and apologize, sometimes they don’t. Welcome to the world of being an older woman.””
am I now expected to give up my seat for “her” as well
Just because £2500 is asked for doesn’t mean it’s going to be given! Fewer than 2% of these cases succeed so I don’t really understand what your point is here ?
Article doesnt bother saying if the transvestite was dressed as Mrs doubtfire that day.
Nor if he is suing the NHS or whatever company, that spent 5 years and recieved taxpayer money , only to fail twice in 2 weeks.
Poor little Red Riding Hood found herself on the wrong end of £1,000,000 law suit, for the following politically incorrect comment
Granny, what big f**king hands you got!
Times : “Shot dead by police ” “Hooligan gang member”
OK police doing a raid do sometimes have need to shoot a suspect, but it’s strange to put a title like that
.. and then for the text to say he was an-EX-football hooligan
.. cos surely there should be some better info in the title
.. say “man shot, after he pulled gun on police” or something
The Times didn’t even mention the guy was black
The BBC just say “man shot by police”
Most media sources wringing hands about NZ murders. What can we do about the FAR RIGHT? What can we do about islamophobia? I had to turn off ‘Any Answers’.
No mention of the fact that this is a secondary effect of islamisation.
No mention of ‘islamophoba being a word made up by the Muslim Brotherhood to shut down criticism of islam and help it spread around the world.
Blatant contrast with the killings of Christians in Africa and the middle east, as many people here have pointed out?
Even before this, comments on articles about islam not allowed.
Doesn’t this idiot realise he has had the opposite effect to that presumably intended?
Have they got around for blaming Tommy Robinson for this?
Yes, they tried outside court in Peterborough Friday morning
Have they got around for blaming Tommy Robinson for this?
Yes, Unite Against Fascism, regularly cited by the BBC and supported by David Cameron, former PM, blame TR for Christchurch.
Unite Against Fascism
20 hrs ·
Good. Tommy Robinson loses court case against police. @uaf Stand Up To Racism
Adeil Hussain He is one of the reasons for 49 people dying today.
They should put him in solitary confinement for life
· Reply · 20h
Richard Dukes
I’m With Adiel on this one. Fascists can take collective blame for what happened in NZ
Vernicia Silva
Vernicia Silva 100%agree and if you can’t see why there is a link it’s because you don’t want to see it.
No but the US MSM and CAIR are blaming Trump
Melanie Phillips has been blamed.
I’m not going to add anymore platitudes to what has already been said about NZ. I do wonder though, about all the reports about ‘reaching out’ to Muslims at this time, and whether any female has tried to hug a Muslim. From my experience, my excellent Islamic surgeon who performed a hip replacement on me, refused to shake my hand in his consultancy office, so despite my horror at what has happened, I find it very hard to correlate the feelings of ‘reaching out’ with a culture that finds it inappropriate to shake a woman’s hand.
Reports this morning inform us that there was only ONE gunman. Which raises the question, how was he in two places at once ? and if he gunned down 7 people in one mosque and where assuming the alarm was raised and police were called, he then raced around to the other mosque in double quick time and slaughtered 50 people without a hint of any police around. On the premise of killing fewer people he could have visited every mosque in the city. This all beggars belief.
I’ve been wondering that too.
Sunday Birmingham
BBC asked to interview Noel Edmonds in Birmingham, but then retracted when they found out he was there to promote the bank injustice film.
Sorry to keep posting about this but I do find it rather alarming. It’s certainly overlooked by Western media waht’s going on inside Turkey. Are people still having holidays there? As if all is well?
Not burning the Stars and Stripes then? What’s gone wrong……
50 voluntary redundancies across BBC Radio
The Times blames James Purnell and his push for youth project
Stew, unfortunately labelling the Radio iPlayer ‘Sounds’ doesn’t amount to a bean, let alone a hill of them, when the technology is defective.
A bit of perspective, a lone gunman in NZ and …..