The ritualised assignment of Responsibility for the killings in NZ are naturally transferred to the UK.
Meanwhile Tommy Robinson – real name Tommy Robinson -continues to be on the receiving end of a hostile alien British State .
And then there was Brexit – or not .
Comic Relief: Bodyguard and Four Weddings reunion help raise £63m
Imagine my surprise when the wedding is between two women! Luvvie bubble world. I wonder how much they lost by having that plot. I thought the comic relief news was strangely low profile, but then there are bigger news stories. Anyway, helps to bury the fact that the total is about 10m down from last year and about 40m down from 2011.
March last year Gwent Police had great news that they had recruited a new BAME policewoman
… A year they’ve kicked her out, cis shed been scamming a lonely widower since 2015.
… I wonder if any crims will end up getting freed ?
Ah! memories. One expression my parents instilled in me was that, “An Englismans Word is His Bond”. I think I have pretty well lived by that to date. Problem is, that was a bygone age. Nowadays, you cannot afford to trust anyone in fact, more so a person born overseas – a foreigner. I include in, ‘foreigners’ those that believe they have become, ‘British’.
I see a radical views rabbi, has been banned from entering the UK
And yet if you are Muslim with a “how to beat your wife in accordance with Sharia” tour and you come with the promise of Saudi oil money the UK won’t see an issue.
Dunno how he became a rabbi. He’s an conspiracy-theory idiot with sick ideas. I’m not sure that he should be denied entry though. He’s not likely to kill anyone and even if he was, the authorities seem unconcerned about allowing Islamic terrorists and their supporters to enter Britain – so why not him?
Unless of course there’s a UK law against admitting conspiracy-theory idiots with sick ideas.
At least whilst the MSM have got a big story to go full jo cox on – the killings in a Londonistan continue . Apparently in Jo Dando Street Fulham – making it 20 black males stabbed to death in Londonistan in 2019 .
Not named yet but likely to be a ‘ local man’ – as in ‘ local to somewhere’ .
TT, Reform Rabbi? Liberal Rabbi? They seem to let anyone in.
Dunno what manner of rabbi he is. But I do know there are very odd religious Jews around – like the bunch who went to Iran to rub shoulders with the worst anti-Semites on the planet
One of Radio4’s pets, is in trouble.
They used her as a guest editor on R4Today at Christmas.
Now she says she’s not bothered about male suicide , that’s men’s problem
time of the month dear ?
Rotherham : where does the head of the victims service live ?
Ans in the same house as her taxi-driver father Jahangir Akhtar, who was heavily implicated, but not prosecuted, but rather deemed not fit to have a taxi licence.
Rotherham Rise that charity is paid by the council and she has full access to the victims database ..names/addresses etc.
The Times go on about the Akhtar Family : Jahangir was the big man, head of the Labour council and has losted anti-Semitic posts.
Avoiding the Far Left BBC but looking at The Guaurdian – a reprint of a press release by the “ charity “ Hate not Hope on lots of people looking at “extreme right wing “ websites .
Apparently this is bad . More and more restriction on freedom of comment and views is poisonous to a decent country and we seem to have arrived at a situation when a tax free ‘ charity’ wants to control what people view.
If it is not illegal then people must be allowed access – whether i agree with it or not – touch of the Voltaire s going on
I had never seen an ‘ extreme right wing ‘ website but because of that article I have now . Cant say I’m over impressed and don’t think I’ll be off to a tattooist to get a swastika on me bottom . Nor – a hammer and pedalcycle
“I had never seen an ‘ extreme right wing ‘ website”
Yes you had you are on one! You don’t get to say which ones are extreme right, they do, and they aren’t going to give you a definition of what they regard ‘extreme right’ to be.
Given the BBC believe 80% of the population are ‘far right’ and have invented a definition to prove this.
Strange – I don’t think I’ve read anything which I’d consider ‘extreme right wing ‘ – unless caring about ones country ticks that box . Perhaps that’s it then… I must be due for a call from the “prevent” Police Community Reassurance And Protection ( c.r.a.p.) team inviting me to one of their “re education “ camps at 4 a.m.
LOL, yes, these days one has to watch out for the C.R.A.P. team. Those guys are seriously full of it.
Fed, think I got into a bit of a debate on here once with some who I’d describe as ‘white supremacists’ (cannot remember who it was now) but the Beeb would label this site ‘Far Right’ because we generally don’t believe in the Licence Fee Fairy (at least not at present levels), Beeb impartiality and trustworthiness nor any or many or all of the liberal socialist ‘must haves’.
BBC TV. Rugby.
Just watched the Wales v Ireland game.
90% of the time when the camera focused on the crowd, they picked out women. However, they found the fit-chicks every time 😉
The only ethnic minority in the crowd was a Samoan, and the camera found him.
Watching ‘The Game’ at the pub today the shout from the customers was “Cymru am Byth” !
Taffman – don’t know what it means, but I watched the match and am very happy for you: Wales were great, to put it mildly.
And Swans leading Man City 2-0! Does it get any better?
Then again, when RS, diver extraordinaire, comes on, you know exactly what’s going to happen!
The Russia World Cup was great …the Russian TV picked out all the FIT CHICKS on every match!!…I loved it………(lol)
I seem to remember reading how the hand-wringers over here were complaining about the sexism. Meanwhile, the Russians continued to highlight the totty. Haha..loved it.
BBC Online News:
“”Christchurch shootings: ‘You can respond with fear or friendship’ “”
“”A man who stood outside a Manchester mosque after the shooting of 49 people at mosques in New Zealand said he wanted to “respond with friendship”.””
“”Andrew Graystone was pictured with a placard saying: “You are my friends. I will keep watch while you pray.” “”
“”He said Muslims at a Levenshulme mosque “beamed” when they saw his act.””
“”Mr Graystone, who runs a Christian charity and led London 2012’s multi-faith chaplaincy team….””
So. The population of Manchester is almost 3 million. One man who is a ‘social justice warrior’ stands outside a mosque with his placard.
The BBC puts this on their main page. How is this representative of anything?
Put simply, Andrew Graystone is a twat.
is that the mosque giving out hate leaflets as exposed on QT
This one of the BBC’s favourite tricks: run an article about a supposedly ‘ordinary member of the public’ whilst omiting to mention that the person is a BBC employee, partner of a BBC employee or otherwise linked to the BBC. This wouldn’t be the same Andrew Graystone who “joined the BBC in the Religion and Ethics department, then became Development Executive responsible for the commissioning of religious programmes across BBC radio and TV”, would it? Or the same Andrew Graystone who “appears regularly as a commentator on BBC Radio 5 Live and has written and presented countless short talks for BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2 and the World Service”, by any chance?
The BBC: far more of a problem than terrorists of any persuasion.
Did anyone else notice the New Zealand premier, Jacinda Ardern, in the mosque earlier today?
Look, I fully understand after such an horrendous act there’s a desperate desire to inculcate a sense of empathy and cultural cohesion, but why the headscarf?
There were other women in the room dressed quite sanely in regular western apparel, but not the PM. It’s all the more peculiar because she claims to be both a progressive and a feminist.
There seems to be something unhealthily regressive amongst the self styled “progressives” when it come to the religion of peace. Particularly “feminists.” We’ve all noticed this poisonous and politically correct disease take hold in Scandinavian countries where progressive feminists automatically don this absurd attire. Those that have shouted loudest about the patriarchy suddenly become grotesquely obsequious to an intolerant, misogynistic minority.
For the love of God she is the leader of this country and she’s behaving like a third world chattel.
I thought it looked fake and I thought she looked pathetic.
Dancing Terry is fond of wearing a headscarf when she prostrates herself before muslims. It must be a rule in the female prime minister handbook. Or do they take their lead from Mr Trudeau and his fondness for dressing up?
Jeff – Guess we’re lucky Justin Trudeau wasn’t there as well…
“Nick Boles: Tory MP quits local party over Brexit”
Did he jump before being pushed ? 61% of his constituency voted to get out of the European Dictatorship.
Will he be the first of many Conservative MPs?
I hope so . Vote and support UKIP and The Brexit Party.
Watching ‘The Game’ at the pub today the shout from the customers was “Cymru am Byth” !
thats ok taff such thoughts are only unavailable to the english
congrats well deserved
Thanks on behalf of Wales .
It simply means ‘Wales Forever’.
The badge of The Welsh Guards.
Try wearing the flag of St. George and shouting ‘England Forever’ in a crowded London pub on the other hand and you might well be talking to the C.R.A.P. about ‘hate speak’…. funny old world hey?
Well done to Wales, it was an outstanding performance.
remember “reporting non-crime hate”
this shit appears to travel the atlantic as if by magic or some unseen hand
I used to only take notice of american politics because the stupid ideas would sooner or later find their way here
normally we seemed to be behind the ball with “new politics” compared to the USA , but it seems we’ve nosed in front on some fronts
Has the far-left bbc collective reported on the new law, coming into force in Spring 2020, where everyone in England will be assumed to have opted into organ donation unless they have opted out:
There is a government website where you can opt out; I’ve registered to opt out but it’s unclear if I’ll have to repeat my decision next year when the law come into effect.
This is the thin end of the wedge, I believe sooner or later they’ll refuse you medical attention unless you’ve opted into their organ harvesting ritual.
It is never nice to lose your job.
To find out it was a non-job must be a bitter extra pill.
And as a licence fee payer, if so, you might wonder why these jobs were supported for so long.
Still, at least the BBC is going to be more ‘relevant’ to its dwindling audiences. Apparently.
To which the short answer is..?
Just watch this, because if it is true then there is no reason on earth why it can’t happen here – and maybe it is.
Love the title.
Less enamoured with the substance.
My ears pricked up at this ‘Green New Deal” section, given recent events around the Climate Strike here, too, which in the UK the BBC has thrown a lot behind. Greta and OCD come up.
Greta has Aspergers. Mr. Chakrabarti might too. That name seems oddly familiar. As does the clearly admitted strategic manifesto and campaigning techniques outlined.
To repeat, check the stuff here.
And the people behind it.
View at
Who the BBC provide total, uncritical support too.
block the “electric tram” vandalise a cenotaph
Thoughtful – I got to 13 minutes out of 23 but lost the will to live .
Who cares whether politicians are controlled behind the scenes .? The public doesn’t choose politicians anyway . Little groups do . Then they lie about the manifesto and breach them without blinking .
As I say – who cares ? After what has happened with brexit the remainers can get what they deserve – a McDonnell communist state until someone can maybe get elected to pretend to fix the mess.
Cortez is fun though don’t you think ? Especially when she goes off message and does her ‘yeah but not but – OMG ‘ thing – which after a few months in the job will disappear …..
Well, thankfully they are talking about the brains behind Cortez, because there are certainly no brains In Cortez.
Fran and Jimmy are confirmed as very expensive wastes of space.
In the month prior to the NZ attack, there were the following killings in the name of islam according to
Attacks 150
Killed 883
Injured 547
Suicide Blasts 10
Countries 22
Details here:
Tumbleweed on beebistan.
And now back to our host of intrepid reporters in Christchurch, specially flown in at (your) great expense, to cover ONE nutjob.
careful now
To be clear: I was in no way defending the Christchurch attack, which I unequivocally condemn. Merely comparing the beeb’s treatment of it with other terrorist attacks around the world.
just sayin vlad who knows what they deem “support” 😉
Just proves freedom of speech is a myth
hidden away-
Brexit ‘Leave Means Leave’ march sets off from Sunderland
A 14-day protest march organised against a perceived Brexit “betrayal” and led by Nigel Farage is under way.

Balanced article, ie plenty of coverage given to counter protesters
”Some counter protesters carried love hearts saying “we love workers’ rights” and “we love to have a say”, but were branded “EU money grabbers” by marchers.”
Got to laugh , where was the EU to protect us when zero hours contracts and no overtime rate, became the forced norm for low paid workers in UK, or when Universal Credit was dismantling the functioning welfare state for unemployed workers.?
don’t expext the BBC to ask
my local favourite cryptic crossword
Those, “men” again………..
BBC Online News:
“”In London, police have launched an investigation after a burning rag was found in a road near a mosque.””
Which was the offender? The rag or the road? We need to know.
Well said, Pugnacious.
I read somewhere recently that the lovely Mishal is favourite to take over from John Humphrys as Today’s head presenter. So we’ll be hearing a lot more of her biased views.
Desp. I won’t . I’m learning to live without the wise balances words of Toady presenters – along with thousands of others it seems .
I recently caught I tiny bit of the breakfast TV thing and it is truly awful …
Well, yes. Maybe all the more reason to switch off!
Northern Irish DUP edges toward backing UK PM’s Brexit deal: Spectator magazine
Hasn’t “The Deal” already been rejected though?
Im not sure any amount of money could buy the DUP off , I wouldnt put any money on them being the ones to break
I bet this has not been reported by the state broadcaster. Truck drivers threaten to block the roads if Brexit is delayed.
Quite clearly this must be a racist, bigoted, Islamophobic, far right Nazi plot.
I wonder if the Unions will provide buses for the Antifa boys and girls to oppose the blockade. Note, the unions have been providing transport for the anti EDL, anti Tommy Robinson, demos.
Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh on illegal immigrants and false asylum /benefits seekers .? And if the channel stays choppy the poor loves will be stranded in France – a cruel and unusual punishment ….
Lucy Pevensey
Poor Lauren had the treatment from the Sydney cops when she attempted to visit a no go zone.
I believe she is banned from visiting these locations of multicultural diversity paradise. From now on the peaceful perfect people will receive better treatment.
She can get one of those nice courtesy s35 notices TR got .
The poor old Aussie cops heart obviously wasn’t in it …
Thanks for posting that. Really interesting that an Aussie cop would be enforcing a Muslim no-go zone in the middle of a major Australian city.
I wouldn’t say “poor Lauren,” though. She’s quietly spoken but she’s got extraordinary guts and commitment in standing up for what’s right.
As she so succinctly put it, “I perfectly understand. As far as I’m concerned, you have Sharia law here.
It’s shameful that an Australian cop has to protect devotees of Islam from a beautiful young Western woman.
Also, I doubt Lauren Southern is tall, so that cop must be tiny. How would he deal with a violent criminal? Perhaps that’s why he’s so worried about Lauren causing a breach of the peace.
This is superb !!! Love it
Good on him!
The Who are one of the best groups I ever saw; joint equal with Thin Lizzy. For years I’ve blamed them for my tinnitus, but after seeing that all is forgiven.
“Do you want to be ruled by a fxxxing mafia?”
Fxxxing brilliant!
dont dis the Thin Lizzy Jeff best band in the universe ever
@Jeff and Kaiser
Dont beleive a word…………….
When Music was great!
Roisin Dubh was my favourite one of theirs.
When I say I love EU
EU says you better
EU better Eu better Eu bet.
Doobster 78, Thanks for that. Roger Daltrey with some straight and rough talking about the idiocy of the anti-Brexit crew.
And so is this song.
“Yellow vest protests: Violence returns to streets of Paris”
“The protests began over fuel tax rises but have since developed into a broader revolt against perceived elitism.”
Is there more to this “perceived elitism” than they are telling us ?
Again it’s only “perceived” in the eyes of the biased BBC
Of course they know better.
But it’s only perceived bias of course.
Strange, listening to R4’s news at midnight last night, the BBC told me that the yellow vest gatherings are in the final stages of the, ‘last gasp of life’ and numbers will lessen as the days wear on. Essentially, it’s finished.
Clearly our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster cannot even achieve consistency with its news content. Not that I would have expected anything different from, “The Worlds Radio Station” being that it is, “The most trusted”.
UK cops make an arrest over a social media post about Christchurch. OK we are aware that this is what our cops are trained for.
But the BBC article added that
‘Social media firms and some news outlets have been criticised for sharing livestream footage of the attack and failing to address far-right extremism on their platforms’.
Some people might say this is a bit one sided. Especially as the BBC reported this on the bomb which killed 20 people in a Philippine Catholic Church
The Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the attack on Jolo island, where jihadist groups are active…
A statement from IS said the attack was carried out by “two knights of martyrdom” against a “crusader temple”.
No failure to address far jihadist extremism on the BBC platform.
Meanwhile police in London are investigating the mystery of the burning rag in a road near a mosque.
“Meanwhile police in London are investigating the mystery of the burning rag in a road near a mosque.”
How about the police in London investigating and preventing the mass knife attacks ?
This report from James Higham at Orphans of Liberty comes as a shock but not a surprise. It seems to me that the EU thugs are beginning to flex their muscles:
WOW a thousand and one days to choose from WOW
I cannot vouch for this but I am sure it can be checked out with someone who works for a massive organization seeking the truth – like the BBC
Milo Yiannopoulos
54 mins ·
Facebook Creator
The Al Noor mosque in Christchurch targeted by Brenton Tarrant produced at least two terrorists, from a very small congregation: al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones, killed by a drone, and Christopher Havard. The parents of these boys say their sons were radicalized by extremist preachers at Al Noor. The boys were in Yemen with the guys who trained the Charlie Hebdo killers. A 2014 story at (now scrubbed from the internet) quotes a mosque attendee who says, “A visiting speaker from Indonesia talked about violent jihad and plenty shared his views.” Three questions: How many news reports have you read these details in? If you’d known that this mosque was a terrorist factory, would it have changed your feelings about the news at all? Finally, how does it make you feel to learn that the media has been not just ignoring these facts but deleting stories to hide them over the past 24 hours?
apart from the fact the daily mail has jumped the shark
its just re-invented/recycled debunked fake news
then in the same article defamed
a half jewish half greek self proclaimed dangerous faggot married to a black man, milo Y at the same time
Im saving a longer posting on this subject
but is this guy not somehow an absolutely perfect? openborders/anti-internet/access/anti-gun/anti-trump/anti-whites/anti-western/anti-nazi “liberals” wet dream with a script even jessie smollet could not dream up
jeez if he is even doing the meme lord in court he has to be taking the piss what next a frog mask
Apologies Kaiser, its late and I am tired which may explain why I cannot understand your comment. Does it confirm or repudiate the post by Milo Y? Thanks.
neither , it was just when the dm came up i couldnt resist seeing where the far left publication was going now
but it looks a bit like getting your retaliation in first
looks like the mail is now the wing of the guardian for people who admit they are stoopid
links disappearing as we speak
cant speak french dont really need to
note these are all old not fresh news
A story from 2014 about two Muslim ‘reverts’ radicalised in ‘a Christchurch mosque’, subsequently converted to carbon by a ‘drone’.
I remember this. It was in the news in NZ for a short while. It was then we learned that the Nz Government had been monitoring the mosque which was significant as they were unlikely to do that if there wasn’t substance as this is a most PC country.
What struck me at the time, was how two Imans connected with the mosque denied radicalizations had taken place. I thought it was odd that this attempt at deceit was not taken up by any journalist.
They didn’t really want to know.
So what’s this all about? The timing is impeccable.
29th March “no Brexit day”
30th March “Exercise Trojan Horse…..sorry Joint Warrior”
Red nose day loses 600,000 viewers.
Oh Dear, Never mind.
And why I use DuckDuckGo now.
It seems a worrying trend.
Very wrong need, GW and what I find particularly worrying is the increasing reliance upon technology. Amazon can disappear books. Internet publications can be altered or deleted. Physical books are becoming less popular. Facts are no longer recorded in physical form.
The youth of today can’t do anything without a smart phone or a calculator. Shop assistants can’t add up your change. The whole world is increasingly dependant upon technology.
What happens when it gets switched off?
“What happens when it gets switched off?”
Have you ever read The Machine Stops by EM Forster? It’s a cracking, dystopian yarn set in the distant future. People live in isolated cells, deep in the bowels of the earth and communicate through technology, only rarely making physical contact. The “Machine” runs their lives, controls their thoughts and as conventional religion has died worship of the machine has advanced. Anyone who shows any signs of rebellious thought or action is frowned upon and quickly disposed of.
Of course there are rebels; odd people who long to witness a sunrise or to look at the stars and who, against all the advice from the machine, have taken to living on the surface of the planet. They had been told that the atmosphere was so polluted they’d perish. “No one can breathe on the surface.”
It’s a short story and you could read it in an afternoon.
When I first read it at school back in the 70s we regarded it as a nightmare scenario and, to be frank, a little far fetched.
Now it seems more like an instruction manual…
“live in isolated cells, deep in the bowels of the earth and communicate through technology, only rarely making physical contact“
At a cubicle garden nearby…
“Communication is made via a kind of instant messaging/video conferencing machine with which people conduct their only activity: the sharing of ideas and what passes for knowledge.”
So, the bbc in a nutshell.
Jeff, thanks for the post. I Googled ‘The Machine Stops’ and it can be read free online here
airbrushing people from history
now what does that remind me of
I switched to Duck Duck Go myself a few weeks ago. The search results can be quite different. I’ve comparison tested it my self Vs Google. I’m liking it better.
Me, ditto. I changed over to DDG several months ago and since then, have been very happy with it.
Even for Sky, dire.
ccbgb classic understatement
Guest Who
Next , they will blame it on Brexit.
i think a couple on that thread tried lmfao
Its really all to do with working assiduously toward closing down any percieved dissent or anything that rings of violating the elite’s perception of, ‘the dim public’ and their attitude toward reality. Let’s face it, we are at war.
According to Tucker Carlson, this murderer was anti-conservative and very much pro-China according to his own manifesto.
So if you are on the left what do you call a man who hates conservatives and loves China? Answer = A compassionate, decent, caring fellow socialist.
And if you are on the left what do you call a man who hates conservatives, loves China and kills Muslims? Answer = An evil right-wing extremist.
Yes, he must have travelled the world getting radicalised by far-right groups.
Or, he might have stayed at home, watched the news and got very angry.
But the news is sanitised to avoid upsetting ordinary folks by telling them the truth. Imagine if the BBC reported truthfully .
“The left should be made to face facts and own their own part in the mess the world has become before they go lobbing asinine accusations at decent people”
It does seem to be a constant doesn’t it? Some ‘progressive’ action is taken which inevitably creates more problems that need more action which produces more problems etc. Every increasing entropy dressed up as ‘progress’.
Funny how the more togetherness as a directive is forced down our throats, the more episodes culminating in “they will never divide us” we end up facing.
It’s almost as if the whole thing isn’t thought through that well
“Tens of thousands of supporters of Catalan independence have rallied in Spain’s capital Madrid in protest at an ongoing trial of 12 separatist leaders.”
I don’t think the EU is very happy about this ?
IMHO, there’s that more than meets the eye to this story.
Many waved Catalan flags and had placards reading “Self-determination is not a crime”.
couldnt agree more
I’m off to set up the coffee machine for tomorrow. Half a bottle of Jamesons in the glass cup/collector/carafe of course.
800 years of democracy is unravelling before our very eyes: Distinguished historian DAVID STARKEY on how our self-satisfied politicians have launched a coup over Brexit
Don’t be deceived by the lack of violence or the comparative good manners of those now seizing control. This is a coup, and what is at stake is the nature and legitimacy of Parliament itself.
Ruled by comfortable, smug elites, Parliament is choosing to ignore the ordinary British people as they attempt to hold power to account.
It is no exaggeration to say that British democracy, which stands in direct line with Magna Carta, is now unravelling before us.
If today’s self-satisfied MPs and Ministers – I have already described them as a Parliament of Pygmies – have no time for the voters, they have little time for history, either.
First to fall was Labour, as the death of mass-production industry and a mass trade union movement left it a hollowed-out shell. As such, it was ripe for the Blairite coup as a tiny, unrepresentative faction took over a once-mighty movement.
The Blairites were contemptuous of the people they supposedly represented and, in particular, of their party membership, who were ritually humiliated by the abolition of Clause Four of the Labour Party’s constitution.
The Blairites were equally disparaging of history, traditional institutions and the nation itself. They believed in free markets, free love and unlimited immigration and they exhibited an ugly combination of self-righteousness and intolerance.
They were, pretty much to a man and a woman, on the make. And they loved, loved the EU. Finally they tried, and with a large measure of success, to forge a new governing class in their own image.
Where Blair led, David Cameron and his government were eager followers and disciples. Supposedly Conservatives, they hailed Blair as ‘The Master’ and gobbled up his memoirs as a model of how their own government should run.
Above all, Tory modernisation– which can be summarised most neatly as an attempt to make the Tories the party of choice for readers of The Guardian – turned the Conservative Party into a pale imitation of New Labour and rendered its MPs indistinguishable from their supposed opponents on the other side of the House.
The result is that, between them, Blair and Cameron contrived to turn two broad-church, national parties that commanded the allegiance of millions into a pair of narrow, elitist factions.
The true extent of that change had been masked by voters’ tribal loyalty and our first-past-the-post system, which delivers clear, decisive results in General Elections.
But the EU referendum tore apart the veil: it was now the People versus the Parliament.
The People voted 52 to 48 per cent to leave; an estimated 74 per cent of MPs voted to remain.
No representative assembly can sustain such a gulf. Either People or Parliament must give way.
And so it has proved as, in its profound lack of wisdom and in its disregard for the central thread of its own history, Parliament has decided it is the People who should change. Or, rather, be changed.
This is not the first time such a thing has happened. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Communist states were ruled by similarly pampered, out-of-touch and privileged elites who, against all the evidence, claimed to represent the People.
The People, shame on them, were ungrateful and in the habit of rebelling. After one such protest, the German poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht wrote one of the great poems of political dissent, including the satirical lines:
‘Wouldn’t it
Be simpler in that case if the government
Dissolved the people and
Elected another?’
BREXIT BLOCK: Lorry drivers threaten to CLOSE UK transport links if exit is delayed
TRUCK drivers are planning to stage UK-wide blockades on highways if the country does not leave the EU on March 29, which they would see as a “Brexit betrayal”.
Now there would be a real irony . Lorry Drivers preventing ports from importing from the EU because of ‘Remain’. Project Fear in reverse, Personally it would be great if they could show the self obsessed MP s what populism is but I don’t think we collectively have the will to carry such through – unlike the French …..
As for your comment about 800 years of democracy – that’s a myth . There never has been proper democracy because of the mafia like party system
Not my words its David Starkey in the article which I quoted, I agree with you nevertheless, should state “Westminster democracy”
I quote again:
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
It would be most effective if there was a blockade of the HoP. No food, no drink going in. No electricity, no gas, no water being supplied.
Let them bring in the army to restore supplies. I’m sure those green goddesses; those old and polluting vehicles; can be brought into use again.
And we can sit back, watch the discomfort of these swamp dwellers unfold, and have a good laugh at them.
HYS on the Brexit Block is 100% supportive.
Tried to find it using bbc’s dire search. Even DDG failed. Got the link.
In passing, the BBC homepage is frankly incredible. Totally explaining if nitvexcusing those thousands of drones in their cubicle gardens you see in panoramic shots of the ‘news’ floor.
It is a manure machine.
It seems that the British political elite are not frightened of the people.
It seems that needs to change or democracy will be gone.
Good luck (says I from a safe distance)
Afterthought = Just to be clear, in the light of recent events, I’m not advocating attacks on people. But I think civil disobedience is now an option that should no longer be off the table in a situation that now exists in the UK.
Agree. When democracy is dead and people’s votes proven worthless , what else can they do but be disobedient? Apart from accept the death of democracy and grudgingly accept the loss of any last vestige of power that they had. Which of course is exactly what the Remain elite expect to happen and no doubt have plans to enforce.
On the BBC news MPs who are hostile to the May sellout are called ‘rebels’. How does that work ? They are the ones trying to carry out the wishes of the Electorate . The PM is the rebel.
Any ‘crisis’ is caused by remainers and the Awful Speaker – a man who wanted to make the office more modern by not wearing the wig but has made his office offensive to democracy .
Maybe we should think about using good old fashioned siege techniques. Non-violent but prevent anything from going into or coming out of the far-left bbc collective hive.
Same as my idea regarding swamp central, the HoP.
In fact, that should be the next phase of the revolt in France by the yellow vests. Can someone suggest that to them? Blockade the Elysee palace.
You have to wonder if Jez, Orla, Quentin, John and the rest don’t sometimes sit back and wonder if perhaps they are not really journalists at all.
Of course they know they are not journalists, there are very few of those left. They preen themselves of being a key part of the Globalist elite charged with keeping the people quiet and accepting of the plan.
Sad indeed. But… maybe… a person dedicated to hunting down the next partner can be the teensiest bit offputting?
Not bbc, but a funny thread, for which #CCBGB was created.
Regarding Brexit
“But God …” This little phrase occurs forty-two times in my version of the Bible. God is a God of judgements, but He is also a God of mercy, forgiveness and deliverances. Remember Dunkirk, for example. Remember what happened on 23rd June 2016.
The battle is not yet over. Keep praying.
The World turns a blind eye:
“Iran Inches Closer to its Goal: “Wipe Israel off the Map””
“Iran has built, or is in the process of building, more than 10 military bases in Syria, some of which are near the Israeli border.”
All the signs are there. The POTUS is the only World leader that recognises the looming problem caused by, you guessed it! – islam, sorry, islam and the cults adherents.
Yes, the bloodthirsty mullahs are keen to get as close to Israel as possible through Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas.
But as soon as they are complicit in one attack , eg from Syria, Israel simply demolishes the base of the attack. Netanyahu has stated several times that Israel will not permit Iran to turn Israel’s neighbours into Iranian proxies from which to launch attacks on the Jewish state.