The ritualised assignment of Responsibility for the killings in NZ are naturally transferred to the UK.
Meanwhile Tommy Robinson – real name Tommy Robinson -continues to be on the receiving end of a hostile alien British State .
And then there was Brexit – or not .
Imagine Katty, Jon, Tony and Nick will be fully understanding.
Unless he threatens their best hope to deal with Don. Then Uncle Joe gets all barrels.
The list of half wit democrats is getting longer very quickly – there’s one called ‘ cato’ or similar who used to be a computer hacker .
A rather cruel irony is when the only people who honour their manifesto promises are the psychos and nut jobs NOT elected in politics. Yet.
As mindlessly promoted by the bbc.
I took on AQA over pure fiction in a geography text. It was like dealing with BBC complaints.
You may not know that one of the main reasons I watch BBC TV
is their coverage of women’s rugby. I am looking forward to
Match of the Day with Gary Lineker being replaced with a
Women’s rugby match of the day. I think we may be getting
somewhere towards it. It was great to see two women
out of three pundits on Match of the Day last night. Gary Linekers
days ARE numbered!
However my main reason for my contribution today is to ask
if anybody can translate for me what the lady sports presenter
with the strong Irish Republic brogue was saying about the
ladies rugby this morning on the breakfast programme.
The BBC North America works outing looks fun.
I see that the owner of Britains Political elites – and many others across the Western world has issued a set of instructions in the wake of Christchurch.
King Salman has said:
“The heinous massacre that targeted worshippers in the mosque in New Zealand is a terrorist act, and it reaffirms the responsibility of the international community in combating hate speech and terrorism that is not condoned by religions or the values of tolerance.”…
The Key here lies in
“combating hate speech and terrorism that is not condoned by religions ”
In other words if the religion condones what he calls hate speech and terrorism it is to be overlooked, and we all know which religion he is specifically referring to.
Now just watch the British government efficiently and ruthlessly double down on the poor people of Britain in order to get their hands on the filthy lucre they have been promised.
AMW points out the hypocrisy. 50 mins.
It’s rather odd that the king of Saudi Arabia objects to terrorism when the Saudis sent wagon loads of cash for decades to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers who slaughtered Israeli civilians.
I imagine they now support the newer Palestinian terrorism, which is mainly stabbing Israeli men, women and children, sending the occasional missile into Israeli civilian areas and digging tunnels to convey terrorists for the slaughter of Israeli civilians.
And Salman terrorises his own people under Sharia ‘law’ and benevolent royal acts like the torture and murder of journalist Khashoggi in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey.
‘Hypocrite’ doesn’t begin to describe this ‘king’.
The value of Muslim lives in NZ seems to be far higher than those of Christians slaughtered in and outside Churches is less ‘first world’ countries .
These slaughters almost pass without examination yet alone the full “ thoughts are with” rituals or “ never again” and” enough is enough . “
Extreme Right Wingism seems to be a description of another form of ‘dissent’ where others have differing views to what snowflakes believe and push for .
Don’t get me wrong – those idiots who deny the Nazi killing of 6 million Jews , Russian POWs and a long list of dissenters to the Nazi regime – are just ridiculous . But putting others sincere in their believes in the same basket as holocaust deniers is only a method used by the Far Left to neutralise valid views which deserve to be heard – but won’t be on the State Broadcaster .
A woman footballer is doing analysis on Match of the Day. You need to have played at the top level to do this well and by definition she has not. Plus the fantastic banter amongst men (superb in build up to Wolves game last night) is impossible with women involved: not only do they not have the shared history, but everyone is so petrified of being accused of sexism that they hold their tongues.
Does it really matter if we just have men on this programme? Will any little girls really lose sleep by not seeing a women doing analysis on Match of the Day?
They will not be satisfied until they have ruined everything.
“In this league you have to . . .” says Dion Dublin.
What can the lady footballer say in response?
“Well, when I was playing once in front of fifty people . . .”
I don’t often listen to sports commentaries. But sometimes I hear a woman on the radio who giggles a lot.
I know it’s sexist.
I know I’m a dinosaur, but…
I groan when they introduce the football pundits and there’s a pretty little thing sitting there.
Okay, so she’s played “girls football”. And for “her country” too…in front of 200 people, some of whom were still awake. Big bleedin’ deal. I’ve played (badly) in front of more people on Tooting Bec Common…and I understand the offside rule…sort of.
Old jug ears, Mr PC Lineker and his cohorts sit there, lapping up any dross she comes out with. I think it’s really patronising, but women just don’t see it.
I’m dying to hear one of the blokes say (it’ll never happen on the Beeb in a million years) “Stick a sock in it love and put the kettle on.”
Oh, in only…
“As a Muslim I struggle with the idea of homosexuality’” – well stop thinking about it, you pervert.
Message (within time), “You can no longer edit this comment”???
Anyway, I’ll post separately:
Good to know that someone is keeping a tally of the RoP’s ‘activities’ Worldwide.
So far into 2019 –
The virtue-signalling performance being played out by the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, carefully orchestrated in front of the camaras of the world, is self-serving and shameful.
I think you need to educate yourself on the Political leaning of the Fascists and the Nazis!
Have a watch of Diesh D’Souza’s the big lie where he calls out the Left for completely revisionising the history of Fascism so that no ordinary people can name a single policy in the manifesto, and most of them will eroneously answer something to do with race or anti Semitism.
Fascsism IS social justice, take a look at Mussolinis manifesto and you will be horrified by how closely todays Corbynutes are mirroring it. It’s hardly a surprise though because the son of the British leader of Fascists – himself a Labour minister prior to, financed in no small part Momentum which projected Corbyn to the leadership.
well done Thoughtful, you are very correct. Nazis and Fascists are far left indeed, there is no such thing as far right. When it comes to real politics everything is a form of leftism. It is their own description of being Wrong in life , whereas everyone else is Right.
perhaps a natural human reaction
muslims covered in union jacks after manchester?
no me neither
just prior to 9/11 me and a mate were on a project sited in a basement and had regular fag breaks in the sunshine
every day a pakistani(?) in a suit with a brief case passed us and passed pleasantries
on 9/11 we returned from fag break to find the american girl in the office in tears frantically trying to phone relatives a truly heartbreaking situation.
On the day when the minutes silence was observed , we went outside and during the silence the only thing moving was our pakistani(?) mate now in full ethnic dress walking jauntily down the street.
Instant red pill
now read that article again, have more Anglicised since any atrocity , not changed or become more islamiized
im afraid to say of the ones I know, none have become more Anglicised , but some have become …
For most sensible, switched-on and informed people, it’s in one ear, and straight out of the other.
I just see it as a turn off Goat, quite literally usually.
We’re there again – people whinging on about equality when what they really want is superiority and dominance.
Featured in of all things a R4 Xtra discussion on gardening hosted by Penelope Keith.
When those key words start being uttered,.. ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’….. ‘we are as one’………. ‘ we are proud of our diverse society’………’we will not be beaten’…..
My eyes start glazing over, and then I switch over when the linking arms appear. Same scenario – different date. Until peoples remain in their own ‘cultural’ country then there will always be racism in one way or another. But through technology and travel this will never happen, so ‘stamping out ‘ racism is a pipedream because each generation will have their own mindset, and nothing will change.
Certain minorities are very good at demanding minority rights until they become a majority, then minority rights go straight out the window.
That is so true.
I would also ask the question: “Minority where, exactly?”
To leave a region or country where you are in a majority, perhaps a very large majority, in order to move to a country which puts you in a minority, and then to claim minority rights or even persecution, is a bit rich I think.
People from an immigrant background generally have a native homeland to escape to if they wish, in spite of what they might claim. I don’t.
10:20am Portillo was on Farage’s LBC show
..He talked about the BBC,
… the way it is axing Politics this Week , when it is a very popular show considering it gets 1 million views, for a prog that finishes after midnight.
#2 He said the BBC is doing the wrong thing by trying t cling on the licence fee
.. He said the world has changed, the staff on the prog don’t each watch normal TV, they just use their laptops and watch a wider choice he implied the BBC has dinosaur thinking.
Ah cos it’s on Youtube you can wind back to 20 minutes in anyway
Farage said the seg will be on the LBC website soon
Youtube link
The Portillo 20 minute seg is now here
11:45pm LBC Talk about the Steele anti-Trump Dossier
Steele has now admitted in a legal disposition, that he prepared the dossier from internet searches, including claims made by random individuals.
11:45am of course
Trump’s tweets
Ah Daily Caller says
“To the disappointment of many observers, the full deposition was not unsealed in Thursday’s motion. Instead, portions of Steele’s interview, which he gave in London on July 13, 2018, were unsealed in separate court filings submitted in the lawsuit”
but it is clear in that part, that part of the dossier relied on posts random people had made to the CNN iNews page
And that one of the drivers behind the dossier was Kramer, “a longtime associate of late Arizona Sen. John McCain, was BuzzFeed’s source for the dossier. Kramer shared the dossier with at least 11 other reporters, including CNN’s Carl Bernstein.”
Just got yet another idiot post from those clowns at 38 Degrees who think because you keep track of them you agree with them…
GW vs. Trump
38 Degrees Logo
Dear GW,
It’s been a chaotic week for the government. [1] Rumours are flying around about what might happen next. But one thing is still true: 2019 could be the year our NHS changes forever. [2]
America is getting ready to sign trade deals with the UK. They want our government to sell of bits of our NHS so American companies can profit from us. [3]
Farage said
“Don’t call it Mrs May’s DEAL
.. as Barnier has said it’s a TREATY
.. and there is no mechanism for leaving it
.. so we are in a worse situation , cos at least we used to have the Article 50 mechanism for leaving”
“No Deal, is better than a bad TREATY
..and it was not invented by Mrs May
… it was handed to her by the EU it is Barnier’s Treaty“
Don’t call it “Mrs May’s Deal”
#1 It was not May’s, cos it was handed to her by the EU
#2 it has no exit clause, so it is a TREATY not a deal it is *Barnier’s Treaty*
And “No Deal, is better than a bad TREATY
And please don’t refer to it as a Deal when it’s a ‘sell out’
In which the bbc again tries to damage commercial businesses using its unique funding model
“BBC Newsbeat – McDonald’s Monopoly campaign starts again this week. But does it encourage more unhealthy eating?”
Linking to:
Meanwhile, speaking of monopolies…
The funniest thing about the Comic relief is the blowhard Tory MPs complaining about bias, yet doing absolutely nothing effective about it.
They really do sum up their party, full of sound and fury and incapable of taking any meaningful steps to do anything to change.
They probably haven’t even complained to Ofcom with Sharon White tasked by the marxist Theresa May to make the corporation as leftist as she possibly can.
Olivia “ever so ‘umble” Colman is turning up all over the place.
I’m always amused by that TV appeal she does – makeup removed, plain clothing, and hair carefully mussed to look as if she’s too genuine to bother with mere appearance.
So contrived. These people ……
“…sound and fury…”.
“Some people”, use the expression ‘pis* and wind’.
The new female soccer analysts are better then many of the ex-male soccer stars analysts.The females do their homework and take their job seriously.
The males often only get their jobs now through nepotism (note all the ex Arsenal & Liverpool players) or having been a star .They have little charismas, spout predictable clichés and once they have landed the job (often for life) they get lazy about homework.
Soccer analysts used to be chosen for their journalistic abilities with words (Stuart Hall).
Or ex-players who had genuine insights (Andy Gray etc).
Or ex-players who had genuine charisma George Best,Jimmy Greaves,Rodney Marsh etc and no fear about what they said.However that was been followed by overt nepotism and the current crop of male players who have no charisma and nothing to say of interest.
The next step for female anaylsts is to try to avoid cliches
7clubs – you put a full shift in with that comment and left it all on the park. Personally I miss Alan Hansen because he was just that bad .
The ex girl goalkeeper who apparently played for engerland is pretty enough but need blokes who have played the game at top level and won something . – and who doesn’t sell crisps …
“and who doesn’t sell crisps …”
Bit harsh, I thought the girl (who looks good on paper) gave 110% and after all its a game of two halves. Just waiting for the first “if that had gone in then it would have been a goal” and we’ll know the women have arrived and are just as useless as the blokes.
Guest – I think it might be better to do a review of Ofcom drones to see how many are connected directly or directly to the State Broadcaster … last time l looked there were a good few on BBC pensions .
This must disqualify them to achieve any level of confidence in any outcome .
I’d hope that OFCOM reads this blog as we deliver plenty of details evidence and anecdotes to show what a sad biased self serving outfit the State Broadcaster is .
I’m thinking of no longer referring to it as the BBC because the first B breaches the trades description act
“I’m afraid I’m going to claim the right to interpret what is in the best interest of the 100,000 people I represent and I’m not going to be bossed around by a very small number of people with very ideological views.”
What makes him think that he knows what’s best for us ?
Does he know better than his constituents?
The may not vote him in next time ?
Vote and support UKIP or The Brexit Party
By voting for UKIP or the Brexit Party you will do precisely what they want, split the vote and keep the status quo.
1 no longer care
2 by not voting for UKIP or the Brexit Party you will do precisely what they want and keep the status quo
Point taken Kaiser, the vote must be made – but to have any effect the two parties must forget their differences and combine, only then can we translate our outrage into a large enough number to make an impact.
“the two parties must forget their differences and combine”
That’s exactly what they need to do!
The priorities are to gain Freedom and Independence. Sort out the petty differences after.
I think a lot of us cannot understand how politicians can go against their constituencies by voting against Brexit when their constituencies have voted to leave.
Yvette (house full of asylum seekers by now?) balls springs to mind. 70% leave vote in her constituency.
You would think they would be ashamed or embarrassed.
I believe they enjoy this power they have over us little people.
It’s like a boss sacking an employee. It really turns some of them on. Control over others.
They are sociopaths where power over others is the big craving which fulfills their needs. They are self important. It’s their way, no ifs no buts, they do as they please.
They try to justify it by, for example, they say things like “when I go knocking on doors…..” or “the answer on the doorstep” but then go on to say what they want, all probably lies anyway.
I have never ever had a politician knock on my door.
I don’t know anybody at all throughout my life that has had a politician knock on their door.
It’s all lies as we have come to expect.
Anyone on here had a politician knock on their door for your views on anything?
The bottom line is, we can’t expect politicians to behave like normal reasonable people because they are not. They are selfish, lying, greedy, narcissistic, two faced, me me me sociopaths that don’t give a shit about you and me and all they think about is themselves.
It’s a pity we have to wait until 2022 before we can clear them out but it will be a pleasure voting along with 17.4 million others.
I too have never ever had a politician knock on my door.
the first one runs the risk of getting knocked on their backside
What about TV Licensing . They’re even rarer .
I’ve had many an argument when I’ve said that politicians are a separate type of mammal
Human being
Male / female
White / or not
Straight or not
Left or right
Remainer or not
Politicians can convince themselves of anything . Cooper-Balls has convinced herself that she has integrity despite as you say 70% and more of her constituency voted leave .
Obviously they are wrong because they are state educated – in her mind they can’t make decisions for themselves . Socialism . She knows they are thick because they voted for Labour . Probably one of those constituencies where they don’t count the labour votes they weight them .
When I watch the Commons and they refer to each other as ‘ honourable ‘ – I wonder if it’s some kind of ‘ in’ joke within the bubble
I just pray to God that there is an election sooner rather than later as the current lot – all of them do not deserve to be there .
Yes, and now Mrs McVey is letting the side down by announcing she’s going to vote for Mrs May’s treasonous treaty. The very thing she resigned from her government post for because she opposed it.
Where’s the logic?
I think Mrs May has managed to wear down the wet brexiters or bribed a few .
Labour can smell a General Election / second referendum and then second referendum which is what they really want with a diluted brexit where we are still subject to the ECJ – so the State Broadcaster will be giving the comrades an easy time in next week or so.
In the very unlikely event that Mr Corbyn was to drop his trousers and display a large, attached pair of testicles with VIVE LE BREXIT tattooed across them I think he could conceivably do very well in the next general election. Otherwise I feel he might be standing on rather soggy ground.
As a believer in democracy, whatever the result, I will respect it.
Couldn’t agree more mate. And woe betide any of the 17.4 million who feels that the only way the politicians will honour their vote is through violence. The majority have spoken. As Britain is, or used to be, a democracy, our elected representatives MUST obey the instruction they have been given. 29th March 2019 is still the legal deadline.
There is an intriguing aspect to the events in New Zealand – Jacinda Ardern.
Who the deleted voted her in? Has NZ become achingly PC? Has there been some sort of lib Guardianesque reaction to those awful coarse, down-to-earth Aussie types?
Just like Trudeau, Varadker and Macron, she seems so much at variance with what most would see as common sense electorates, the question of vote rigging on a truly massive, global scale has to be asked. Anyone?
Has she expressed any sympathy for all the Christians who were killed by muslims in the past few days in The Philippines and Nigeria?
Nah, that’s just Christians and everyone knows they don’t count.
Beltane. The Tory Party equivalent in NZ could have won the last election easily if they had been willing to cooperate with the more populist party NZ First. Instead three terms of government in a row had gone to it’s head. They actually campaigned to “cut out the middleman” primarily the NZ First party. When the vote came in they were the largest party but no “middleman” wanted form a coalition with them. Funny that! An unlikely coalition was cobbled together of Labour, Greens and NZ First. And the public were not too dismayed at having a smiling fresh face like Jacinda Ardern as PM.
It didn’t bother me much either because she wasn’t a loud mouth lefty and the Labour Party are nothing like Corbyn’s lot. However, they are a very politically correct party.
With this you have to take into consideration that this is a very isolated country. It is also very insular and inwards looking. World trends tend to reach here rather late. Very few people know what is happening in the world at the moment. Many think they do, but the media is so Pc that little real news gets through. The Pc ideology reigns at the moment. If National had won the election there would be only a small difference.As it is very like the UK Tory party, so willing to toe the globalist line.
Don’t look to NZ for inspiration at the moment. Expect more virtue signalling and increasing limitations on freedom of speech.
Oh, and forget about emigrating here if you want to run away from the PC mob. You’d be better off fighting for Britain.
Thanks. I’m in the UK and I’m going nowhere.
there are polls and there are trends
Katty seems shocked that the President should say anything nasty about someone after they died.
I have asked her what is shocking about reporting misdemeanours after death. My suggestion that the BBC attitude on this doesn’t appear to have changed since Jimmy Savile is likely to get a blocking, I suspect.
I suppose one could say that after so many years working for the far-left bbc collective, ratty katty still hasn’t got the hang of reporting the news impartially and truthfully.
what kind of journalist finds the non-news and misses the actually news
Protection strike again
“have been warned”
Its like living in Pakistan!
My grandad died in WW1 by being one of the few royal engineers who was the very first few to volunteer to dig the trenches/lay the underground landmines that devastated the enemy lines (in various low countries) and my late dad fought in WW2 for that shower in parliament….
I feel so ashamed to be called an Englishman today!
Likewise I have relatives who fought and died in world wars 1 and 2.
The swamp dwellers disgust me
This one’s for Dancing Terry:
This one’s for Dancing Terry:
I don’t know why it has posted twice, that wasn’t intentional. Posting it once is more than she deserves. It was this or ” Go Now” by the Moody Blues.
‘Whilst this investigation is still in its infancy, it has hallmarks of a terror event, inspired by the far-right, and therefore it has been declared a terrorism incident.’
Thats pretty quick to use the far right label, unlike the ever present “man” in any “other incidents”
Lone Wolf – mental issue -.move along …
To paraphrase a line from Orwell’s Animal Farm. Far left good – far right bad. The whole of the MSM pedal this line. I am not convinced.
Two people who are alleged to have referenced the Christchurch mosque shootings when threatening a taxi driver have been arrested.
A 33-year-old man and a 34-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences after Greater Manchester Police were called to Queensway, Rochdale.
a 38-year-old woman from Rochdale was taken into – and remains – in custody this morning after posting comments online about the mass shootings.
A 24-year-old man from Oldham was also arrested at 1.43pm on Saturday after posting messages on social media in support of the killings.
How about a few arrests of lefties who have been sending hurty hate stuff accusing conservatives of preparing the ground for the killings?
Sorry Sir. I’m afraid that your unworkable suggestion was taken off the menu a long time ago. As I’m sure you are probably unaware that, in the modern world, we now know, through the in depth research carried out by world renowned BBC experts that, believers in the Christian faith of white exterior appearance and of a Conservative bent are the premier cause of all the evil and chaos on the planet Earth and are to be exterminated whenever possible. The BBC have done their bit by playing mind games with their very gullible viewers via dodgy news bulletins, documentaries and soap operas and moving “The God Slot” from early evening each Sunday to just after the flock have scoffed their Sunday roast followed by a glass or two of French wine and thus fallen into a deep alcoholic coma. It is hoped this will soften them up for their coming holocaust.
Perhaps you could leave your name and address so we can add you to ze list. Ve vill be in touch.
Apparantly there has been an alleged ‘far right’ terrorist incident in Surrey in which a 19 year old male was stabbed.
It would appear some crazed loon was mouthing off some ‘race hate’ in the street before he was stabbed by someone else. Naturally beng white he was automatically guilty of so called ‘racism’ and yet another excuse was given to step up security around mosques.
Listening on sources other than the BBC it seems the secret Police used the term ‘terrorism’ so they could engage extra powers under the terrorism act, and not because they seriously believed this was a genuine act of terror.
Kind of puts me in mind of the way councils misused the laws on surveillance in order to catch people who were not in the catchment area for a school resulting in the RIPA restricting how they can use those powers. It seem the lessons have not been learned one bit.
Maybe that will be the new tactic . Reducing the threshold for ‘terrorism’ to something which was previously yobbery . That way the whole State Powers can be used with little restraint from the compliant judiciary and ‘independent ‘ prosecutors – as well as ‘defence ‘ lawyers whose own interests cross those of their client ….
“Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier”
True or Fake news ? Has Al Beeb mentioned it ?
If it is true it, does not reflect well on our intelligence services ?
went looking for foreign interference in elections and found it
The British State
\\Eurostar tells customers ‘don’t travel’//
“They also want more staff which they say will be needed after Brexit, to help process British citizens who will no longer have European Union passports.”
Is this true ? How long will the EU stand and do nothing when British tourists go elsewhere for their holidays?
BBC complicit in the knife murders in London by giving a platform on radio 4 to leftist extremists who claim that the Police are institutionaly racist because they are carrying out stop and search.
Appalling complacency and complicity in the murders brought about by moderate leftism which is a far greater threat to life than the mythical far right which is apparantly 80% of the British people !
“Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank in formal merger talks”
“The announcement caps months of speculation that the two struggling banks would attempt to combine.”
Things in the EU are not looking good . Would anyone vote to join the EU now ?
The EU needs our money. To the EU we are a ‘cash cow’ .
“Conservative MP Nick Boles says he isn’t ‘ready to give up’ on party”
The Tory Party is finished.
The Labour Party is finished .
The Liberal Party is dead .
Vote for the party that cares about the people of Great Britain.
MPs are confused about their status. Boles believes he is a representative not a delegate. Technically this is so but since suffrage is now universal and the internet age has changed everything it is no longer viable. I maintain they are delegates and must reflect their majority voters or face recall . Boles should resign .
Dave , Dave , MPs are not confused about their status . It’s just about self interest .
An ex MP once said – I think – the best view of his constituency was in the rear view mirror . It’s why they all want to be peers. They don’t want to engage with the fools who voted them .
It’s going to take a lot for me to vote for anyone in the foreseeable future . And if that means The Comrades get their opportunity to screw things up even further until they self destruct – so be it …
vote ukip
leave the EU
defund the BBC
Verhofstadt, probably the biggest twat alive , after Trudeau.
“Let’s create a single Euro-African economic area. It would have an enormous potential that remains untapped: 1.5 billion consumers, 20 trillion in value, able to rival with China.”
Translation, the EU will import 600 million low IQ Africans to Europe to outvote you.
Kill the EU, whatever the cost in Eurocrat lives, pull up the drawbridge and build the wall.
As ever lots of vegans are tweeting along to Countryfile
..calling on the BBC to be honest and show that these animals are destined for the abattoir.
hmmm … Surely in the light of the NZ attacks BBCcountryfile shouldn’t allow voices which spread meato-phobia
..We know there have been meat-ophobic terrorism
and meato-phobics spread hatred & division.
So it’s best all meato-phobics are removed from the BBC platform.
… That trumps free-speech concerns doesn’t it ?
Meanwhile there’s #EverydayHateySpeak from the Anti-Brexit Remainer people
EU Referendum
A recent poll undertaken by Farmers Weekly asked 577 farmers how they were going to vote on 23 June. This was self-selected to represent the profile of farming in the UK. 58% said they would vote to leave, 31% would vote to remain and 11% were undecided.
Within this poll, farmers in Scotland, the North West and Wales were less likely to want to leave and nowhere in these areas did those wanting to leave exceed 50%. These are the locations with more marginal farms where subsidies are so important to their business. This is evidenced by just 12% of English land qualifying for EU’s less favoured area subsidies compared to 78% in Wales and 84% in Scotland. No wonder those areas want to remain.”
Some interesting statistics. Every time I watch a BBC report on Brexit and farming, they always seem to have a farming representative from the NFU who consistently says Brexit will be a disaster for farmers. Oh, by the way….have you ever seen a farmer on a bike?!
Good old Tom Heap wanted to know how his beef farmer was going to cope after Brexit, so he gets an agronomist in to supply some ideas.
Except he started by saying the farm had been in the family for generations – so how did they manage for all those years without their vital EU ‘subsidies’? And why do Countryfile overlook the fact that the subsidies WE pay help keep vastly less efficient and unproductive French farms on the go, after a fashion.
Had to chuckle when watching the recent edition of This Farming Life, the presenter was Asian (her name escapes me), and the female farmer grabbed her by the hands and said they clearly weren’t farming hands ! and then proceeded to ask if she’d milked a cow before – priceless tv. Sorry but its laughable that the BBC send BAME presenters out into the field – literally, when there’s more chance of seeing a flamingo in the flesh in the countryside than a BAME.
You can’t beat a nice bit of British beef. Yum yum.
By the way. Any idea what planet these here Vegans come from?
Nobody is demanding that they should like a roast beef dinner but they shouldn’t object to my culinary preferences and if they do, I think they should return home to the planet Vega or where ever it is they come from and carry on eating grass.
Mind you, it seems quite a few of them have overdosed on “Grass.” Nudge nudge, wink wink . Know what I mean?
Not BBC, but channel 4. Skeletons of theMary Rose
It’s Just come on, and first thing is searching skeletons to find out if any are black.
Bet you they find one.
Yes. They have found one after5 minutes.
They think they have found an African one.
This will change everything we know they say……
He was probably rescued from Muslim slavers. Many of the black sailors in the Royal Navy were rescued this way. This also applied to numbers of white slaves held captive by Muslim slavers who also served in the Royal Navy.
BBC please note.
Excellent point, had seen the previews and thought, “here they go again!” Is there ANYTHING, they will not politicise? By the same token, tried to watch Midsomer Murders this evening, and the same effing thing has happened again; no honkies, only BMEs and Europeans about! It’s completely unrealistic and preposterous! The last episode I tried to watch, was the same fukcing way. This one, I simply refused to watch. I’m thinking, if they can do this to this show, ALL shows are fair game.
Well. It’s just finished and as expected the programme proves that Tudor England was a multicultural utopia.
Out of seven skeletons, three were English, one was a second or third generation ‘English born African. Two were European, Spanish and Italian, but the final one was probably a North African Moor. (Muslim)
How convenient….
Ticks every box. exactly how they want it to be now.
Black presenter goes on to add. “ If that is how it was in Henry’s navy. The whole of the Tudor country was likely to have been the same…
Thing is, what they seem to miss, (or ignore) the fact that anybody with any knowledge of Naval history is probably aware that in those times and up to the 18th century a large proportion of the navy was made from any waif or stray either kidnapped, shanghai’d, criminal or just escaping one miserable life for a roof and regular meals.
But why get the truth get in the way of another chance to fool the masses..
Exactly! The Royal Navy was a meritocracy. It was possible to rise through the ranks upon ability unlike the lot of the ‘landlubbers’ or the army.
The Royal Navy had an illustrious history fighting slavery, at the cost of many Royal Navy sailors. The Muslim slavers did not give up their African prisoners easily. The battles on the coast of west Africa with Muslim slavers should be more widely known today.
No other Navy was doing this.
BBC please note.
I see Saturday there’s : ‘Put It To The People March’
\\ to make the calls for a People’s Vote too loud to ignore.
On the 23rd of March, just six days before the Government hopes to take Britain out of the EU, *hundreds of thousands of people* will march on Parliament offering a solution to a crisis that threatens their living standards, businesses and jobs.
We demand a People’s Vote, and come 23 March, it could be a case of now or never. *
congregating from 12pm, high noon in Park Lane, and marching to Parliament Square to make our voices heard.
Our demand is a simple one: that any Brexit is put the people so that we can have the final say. //
Agree with the march
And lets have that vote on,,,
23 June 2016
”I pretend to be a man to work

The woman who dresses ‘like a boy’ to work as a barber
After Neha Sharma’s father became paralysed, she decided to continue his legacy of barbering to support her family. She says she started to dress ‘like a boy’ and cut her hair, so that no-one would harass her or object to her being a barber.
She says she’s managed to create a distinct identity for herself in the Kushinagar region of India’s Uttar Pradesh state.”
As opposed to the UK where to get many jobs, eg at the BBC, you have to pretend to love homos, immigrants, the EU, etc etc
Funny how the headline is ”man” but changes to ”boy” when you cllick on it
Thanks to the BBC, ‘her’ secret is now out.
Saw this also. On a different point, has anyone gone to If you think is bad, .com is complete propaganda.
Ref. The apparent and unexpected event in Christchurch, New Zealand, by one of the self styled 5eyes, this guy has some pertinent observations about islam and the West’s suppression of discussion about the cult of islam ( my words):
And this is interesting too. It’s about 15 minutes long and his through the Christchurch eventer manifesto:
And this is interesting too. It’s about 15 minutes long and goes through the Christchurch eventer manifesto in summary:
They are also not telling you that two native kiwis were radicalised a this mosque
Ofcom are investigating the BBC
\\ The current review is looking at the extent to which BBC news and current affairs output is seen to be relevant to audiences across the UK and trusted by them, as well as distinctive and high quality. //
That’s the reply BBCwatch
The Marxist leader of the Commieserveyourselves has told Sharon White to ensure the BBC is as far left as it’s possible to get it. This is just an exercise in making the BBC even more leftist in order to satisfy the cuckoo in the nest before she is consigned to yesterdays chip paper and collects her Saudi rewards for doing so.
When she says trusted what she really means is not that they should change to actually stop the fake news and broadcast the truth, she means that people need to believe the propaganda and lies.
It’s a sad situation, Britain needs a conservative party, and I see precious few of the spineless wonders who remain in that party who are conservative in their beliefs.
Channel 5 Doco most like an advert ever
“All Inclusive Holiday : Is it Worth it”
..He spent 40 minutes investigating this hotel in Torremolinos
… and concluded wow yes, you cannot beat all inclusive by trying to do it yourself.
In one scene he went to the bar to test if the spirits had been watered down ..and we saw him test about 10 , no spitting out ..and he said the drinks were great …
did he avoid the full English breakfast you know how much the beeb hates bacon
And London Transport.
ITTB : Chakrabarti on Marr
\\ Shall we mention Shami Chakrabarti now?
Andrew Marr completely forgot to mention antisemitism. It must have just slipped his mind.
At first Shami did that eyes-to-the-sky thing that Diane Abbott does //
they will never be smart enough to regulate the web/short of Chinese style fire-walling white white-listing
they would have to make vpn’s illegal ,
they would have to force ISP.s to comply
they would have to gain control of domain name registration
etc etc
would be simpler to unplug the bugger
Please do try and sign the petition- Stop the persecution of Tommy Robinson and his family on Change. It seems to have stalled at 15,000 signatures which seems suspect as Tommy can get 1,000s watching his live streams. Thankyou .
Well is Change .org the petition site founded by lefties , who then spam you about every lefty cause ?
\\ I think they do. I constantly receive emails from them, and 100% of them are advertising ideologies that could be described as “left”, “liberal”, or related to the Democratic Party.
Yes, this seems like a sparse answer, but I have not once seen a single right-leaning petition emailed to me by them //
\\ Change has a left wing bias through the political issues it supports. (D. Van Zandt 11/14/2016)//
\\ Although it has a reputation in the United States for featuring progressive causes including environmental activism, anti-foreclosure petitions, and trade union advocacy, claims to be non-ideological. //
So as the spineless torys fall in Line
Corbyn agrees to deal if it includes a remain vs may turd deal losers vote
I dont know if
Corbyn is sitting on an ever sharper fence
Corbyn is electioneering
Goading the ERG
Goading Mayhem
Corbyn knows he is a fight with the torys for the 16m people who might be bothered to vote
Im pretty sure he and mayhem have trapped themselves in a recursive logic trap
light a candle hug a white person dont look back in anger
Anyone doing the Farage’s March To Leave as it comes through your area ?
I’m thinking I might do the stage leaving Doncaster on Friday
and maybe camp out and do the next day as well.
But I guess Lonson people might be going down to TR’s trial that starts on Friday.
a leg in plaster kinda f00ked up my plans
can we sponsor you
Don’t forget to wear your Free Tommy badge, Stew. Nigel would appreciate that.
The Suffragettes were violent and sent letter bombs etc. The suffragists were more peaceful.
Should the Victorians have banned talk of women’s rights cos it fueled the violent Suffragettes ?
One day an objective impartial assessment of coverage by the bbc of heroism at home and abroad might be revealing. Along with armchair anchor involvement.
The bbc and its fellow delusionals probably can plaster over the leaks a while longer, but soon no amount of denial and censorship is going to save them.
let me follow this logic
we cant see muslims getting gunned down on the internet because it encourages others to gun down muslims
Its just coincidental I bring this up after years of ISIS broadcasting on the internet
but I can pretty much go on the tv and see jews being killed by nazis in droves on a daily basis and this is called a WARNING from history
hmmm im confused
The first thing she would get banned is the criticism of people who pronounced the Labour Party free of anti-Semitism when it was clearly still full of it.
High caste Indians come here, get non jobs and preach to us ..
”Chakrabarti Name Meaning
Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu (Brahman) name, cokroborti in Bengali, from Sanskrit cakravarti ‘emperor’. Cakravarti means literally ‘wheels rolling’; metaphorically, it denotes a ruler whose chariot wheels roll everywhere without obstruction (cakra ‘wheel’ + vart- ‘to roll or turn’).
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press”
Brexit: No new vote on May’s deal without DUP support – chancellor
When is Mrs Chamberlain going to go, Soon ? Because the Conservative party is finished.
the concern here is that the DUP will follow britain to hell , they will go down with the titanic
I think if I were them I might start agitating for Northern Irish total Independence