We will have to get used to Far Left BBC types being cheerful as the threat of Brexit is lifted.Brexiters will cease to be heard . Project Fear May be put on hold for a bit .
Thats one narrative . The other is that UK leaves the EU is 12 days .
over to you .
me First…. I know this isn’t BBC I’m ranting about but it’s about the same old cancerous lefty crap. On C4 was a documentary about the Mary Rose. the Chief Narrator Dr Alex Hildred was getting her knickers in a right twist because Scientists were using the latest technology to work out the race of seven of the Sailors. The pinnacle of her excitement was over one which “might have been Black”. For her the prospect of a Multi Culti Tudor England was sooo exciting. I always thought ships which sailed round the World would pick up people at every Port they visited. FFS
What is interesting, and not mentioned by the documentary, is that it didn’t seem that important to the chroniclers in Tudor times. I don’t see them quoting vast reams of text by the Tudor BBC on the subject maybe it has all been lost.
I understand Holbein got well sick of the Tudor BBC insisting on burkhas in every picture they commissioned and ran out of brown paint in the end
I thought it was common knowledge that all creeds and races crewed ships of all nations .Indeed I have history books over 40 years old telling me this . But one can see why the Left are pretending its a fresh revelation in their never ending quest to bend history to their narrative.
During my limited dealings with people serving in the RN it struck me that they often had surnames not usually found in other walks of life.
If I didn’t think it would be an excuse to push ‘the agenda’ it might be interesting to trace where these names originated.
Until the invention of railways it was often easier to sail around and between countries, so there was often an exchange of goods and ideas, (but not necessarily people, BBC), between them. The coastal regions around the North Sea, for instance, share a lot of words and the roof tiles of coastal Fife originated as ballast from ships from the Netherlands, (the tiles stayed, the people not so much).
Of course. I think most pirate ship were multi ethnic and most captains were English. Tells you something .
The film “Mary Queen of Scots” showed us how multiracial the English and Scottish courts were – there was even a black duke. So racial mixing had gone far beyond the occasional recruitment of a Moor into the navy.
I knew when I heard the programmes introduction, that it was going to be an attempt at rewriting history so didn’t watch it.
Well Mary 1st was black. I know that because I saw it in a play on the BBC.
There was a lot of stabbing going on in Tudor England, just saying…
Lot of hoodies hanging around the cloisters
You’ve started my day with a good chuckle Annu !
“Britain’s Brexit crisis is rooted in the power of our public schools
John Harris
Learning from this mess, we must cut the ties that bind the state and key professions to a tiny number of schools”
The problem, according to Harris, who looks like a recently converted jihadi, is Mogg and Eton.
All trace of excellence and independence must be culled.
Charitable status must end.
Harris does not have a solution to the mess caused by Government run schools in the West becoming centres of anti Western sentiment eagerly managed by globalist left wing fanatics whose historical models had oceans of blood on their hands.
No comments allowed.
Would you be good enough to point me towards the link for the numerous articles that Harris and his colleagues wrote saying that, after the numerous murderous attacks from Muslim terrorists, we need to cut all ties with faith-based schools and any preaching by Imams must be banned.
I’m struggling to find them in the Guardian’s huge database of left-wing, radical, hate speech.
Unfortunately I am unable to assist.
The huge Guardian hate speech database is also augmented daily by pro Islamic articles by anti Western writers with Islamic names, who do not recognise the convention that “facts are sacred”.
This may be confirmed, by inspection, every day of every week.
Of course you’re right, Last, but there is a way out of seeing all the Guardian Hate Speech Database…
…don’t ever read anything they write, that way you feel much better!
I did the same with the BBC tv news, as from September 2017, and see how happy and healthy I am!
It is a safe guess that the Guardian would have been entirely opposed to “faith” schools until this alternative and uncompromising faith took root.
The Daily Mail quotes our Home Secretary: Sajid Javid praises ‘kindness and compassion of Islam’ as he and Sadiq Khan visit London’s Regent’s Park mosque to mourn New Zealand terror victims
Pure Taqiyya. This is the man who could end up PM.
There are very few comments on this article ( just six so far), so many who dont agree are moderated out.
Every month, 255 Christians are killed; 104 are abducted; 180 Christian women are raped, sexually harassed, or forced into marriage; 66 churches are besieged; and 160 Christians are detained without trial and imprisoned.
Just last year, 3,066 Christians were murdered, while 1,252 were kidnapped, 1,020 were raped or otherwise sexually abused, and 793 churches attacked. This is on an ongoing basis.
Just last month, a Cathedral in the Phillipines was attacked, and churches and Christians in Nigeria . The death toll in the hundreds. BBC – crickets chirping.
Open Doors supplies the public with a “World Watch” list of 50 of the world’s most dangerous countries for Christians.
Eight out of ten of those countries are Islamic.
Rape is an especially common form of persecution for Christian women in Islamic lands—a fact that Open Doors substantiates via the testimony of several Christian females who have lived through it first-hand
This ongoing pogrom is deliberately not covered, just as the Holocaust was not publicized till it could no longer be hidden. Even Christian leaders do not speak up, including Justin Welby or John Sentamu. By not speaking about this ongoing holocaust, Christian leaders add fuel to the fire.
LCS wrote :left wing fanatics whose historical models had oceans of blood on their hands.
As far as left wing totalitarians are concerned, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and a whole host of socialist blood thirsty monsters were alt-Right.
Shamoon Hafez writes on the BBC website that there was no
minutes silence at football grounds in the UK for
those slaughtered in Christchurch by the white supremacist
I reiterate it was an abhorrent racist crime, and there was a
minutes silence for those 120 murdered in Paris by
the Islamist terrorists. However Shamoon Hafez there would
need to be a minutes silence for every football match in the
world for the foreseeable future as Islamic terrorists slaughter
infidels week after week , if not day after day.
May I suggest you stick to writing about the Arsenal Muslim midfield or the Richard Dawkins X1 atheist ,back four.
And did Mr Hafez write on the BBC website complain that there was no silence at football grounds for those who died in a house of prayer in Philadelphia?
As many on here have said, the murder of people in these circumstances is dreadful and wrong. What we are complaining about is the way the event is treated by the BBC in particular and the MSM in general compared to murders of Muslims by Muslims, Jews by Muslims and Christians by Muslims.
… and not forgetting the murders of thousands of Hindus by Muslims, Sikhs by Muslims, Yazidis by Muslims, Druze by Muslims, Buddhists by Muslims, and Atheists by… um… err… oh, Muslims as well?
Seems to be some kind of common theme there, but I’m not sure I can put my finger on it.
Foscari – Not enough minutes in all eternity…
How many moslems keep silence for the victims of massacres carried out in the furtherance of jihad in western cities?
Yes indeed it was a terrible crime committed in Christchurch NZ, however forgive me if I see a deal of hypocrisy in this over broadcast by the worlds media-consider the tens of thousdands slaughtered, the 120 Christians recently killed in Nigeria, here in the UK, Lee Riby murder most terrible, Manchester, Bradford, and much else besides. I fear as someone has said today that this event in NZ will be used as a platform by Islam to promote their claim to sympathy and as an influence against Christian cultures world wide-already Jahadista returning from the Middle East to Sweden creatiing hell on earth for the Swedes. I could not print here all I might want to say, however it will be Interesting to know your views.
They’ve created a powder-keg. You can’t stop a volcano from going off. The ones that vent small eruptions frequently are the least likely to go off. The ones that are clogged up are the most dangerous.
Yesterday I was shown by a Jewish friend how a group of “Palestinians” were celebrating their murder of Israelis. It’s commonplace for them. And yet “Palestinians” are the darlings of the leftist UN.
Now we have this “Great Replacement Conspiracy” story being circulated amongst libtards for ridicule. As if it’s only a theory. As if the fangs aren’t showing! We are being systematically eliminated and the left are outraged at those who refuse to keep quiet about it. I don’t believe in guns and violence. I don’t believe in smashing things up as a form of protest either. But I can’t speak for every person on the planet who feels marginalised and hated.
Now we are hearing calls to crack down on the internet I think I might be seeing Vesuvius on the horizon. The Left never learn from their mistakes. They just shout for more control.
You know the old saying – “the pen is mightier than the sword”
What happens though when the pen is taken away?
(or in modern terms the keyboard)
Thank you Lucy, very well summerised. I started to exam/study as much as i could about the teachings of Islam, and from that of course have understood, how over centuries the mostly Christian Westen Europeans inc UK, have been in a continual war with the Muslim and its dangerous, supressing, subjuagting ideology. Much of Europe at one stage was controlled by the Muslim values-the Otterman Empire for one, Spain was invaded and controlled for 600 yrs by Islam. The Gates of Vienna for example, that had it not been for the intervention of Poland in 1683, Vienna would have fallen to the Muslim hoards. Now very sadly those same gates have been opened to Islam and through the idiocy of A. Merkel neraly one million have entered Germany and run throughout Europe. The EU has been complicit in its support of the Muslim and responsible for the terrible terrorist acts since. No wonder as I have mentioned eventually there will be a reaction and that reaction may not be always controllable as seen in New Zealand. I have to ask as to why that small populated country allowed so many Muslims to enter its land and be allowed to build Mosques. In the town I lived in France for some years, would not allow a Mosque to be built instead the Mulims were obliged to use their own houses or one specifically.
Dangerous times are alluming.
tarien — what is interesting and disturbing to me is how the calls from some corners to regulate the internet and put pressure on digital publishers, ISPs and media outlets are ramping up. (I think has been a dormant plan for a long time.)
For decades the impetus has been on intelligence services to work behind the scenes rooting out potentially dangerous extremism. Now there’s a focus on ‘far-right’ extremism, somehow the existing arrangement isn’t good enough and policing will become a joint responsibility of the media and ISPs — and of course “all of us” — in the way that it never has applied to Islamic extremism.
(P.S. Lucy, just saw your similar point re: internet)
Agree Terminal Moraine, if you are in my age range (77) then the rapid movement of our once reasonably safe world/Country, has now been turned upsdie down by not only by treacherous politicians, or by controlled plutocracs sitting in Brussels for examole but also by the Elitist Bankers whose financial control they have sought to extend world wide carring little for what their intenions might produce-stimulated reactions.
Its only 8.40am and i am already sick of hearing from liberal bedwetters.
Radio 1 reports the knife incident in Surrey was classed as a “terror incident” all the hallmarks of the Far Right. Then we have Kevin Maguire on Good Morning Britain …this man sets the standard on how to be a wet blanket , Mr Soft off the mint adverts has more backbone than our Kevin. He was blaming Facebook and every social media platform going for allowing the FAR RIGHT to get their message out. He was wittering and bleating on like he’d clearly not had his Quorn smoothie today.
What he always fails to mention tho is that its EXACTLY the same for the FAR LEFT. Owen Jones is a case in point. How much FAR LEFT hatred does he spread each and every day, hour after hour on Twitter and Facebook !!! Yet he gets regular slots on the BBC and SKY. So yet again, its fine if its the FAR LEFT but completely abhorrent if its anything at all to the RIGHT.
But the left preach tolerance but quite clearly dont practise what they preach. Horrible, horrible bunch.
I wish he’d join his ‘heart’ and bugger off in person, that way, we can save several cubic metres of fetid hot air, emanating from a fetid old fart like Joe Corbiereyn!
I wonder who are responsible for Labour’s endemic anti-semitism?
And I’m heartily sick of Anglican bishops (highly paid and living in palaces) , weeping over the killed in the two NZ mosques.
But not a word from them on the ongoing massacres of Christians in Muslim countries. Ongoing for decades. Tens of thousands Christians, brutally tortured and murdered. But all they manage is ” the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”.
I find this tantamount to encouragement of Muslims to murder even more Christians. It also makes Christianity and Islam complementary, ie Muslims gains paradise by making Christian martyrs – the latter gain paradise as well.
Think about it, Bbc; think about it.
Why so many people leave London
It’s no secret that London has a very successful economy, not just compared with the rest of the UK but with other international cities too. Over the past decade its economy has expanded by a fifth. Ever more shops, restaurants and bars have opened to serve its residents.
As a result the population of London and the urban area surrounding it has grown significantly, increasing by 1.1 million between 2008 and 2017 to 10 million people.
Yet despite this success story, not everything is going its way. Many more people pack their bags and leave the capital for elsewhere in England and Wales than make the journey the other way.
Read full article >
Paul Swinney & Andrew C
Maybe folk with the means and opportunity do not want their kids enjoying all that part and parcel of living in Mayor Khan’s hypocritical third world shithole?
White Flight.
The White Flight actually began three or four decades ago. I had family who had lived in Chiswick and Isleworth since the end of WW2, – and then Hounslow and Southall happened. This ‘happening’ started to seep into other areas until Aunty and her immediate neighbours were the only ones left in her tree lined avenue. The family uprooted in the late 90’s for Cornwall.
Not just Whites but Asians too.
No votes for Con Lab or Lib from me.
Its UKIP all the way.
I’m certain you’re right, Guest!
I’ve bored everyone here several times about me never ever going there again, after a working life spent in the place – despite Livingstone wrecking the place at a time when he really should have known better.
I thought when the bbbc spent all the tv tax on plush offices in Salford, they’d start to relinquish their presence in London, but they still infest the place, and spend millions of first-class travel to Salford, so that’s another waste of time and space that we all have to pay for too!
I musn’t bore you again…
I have been on tvl strike for years.
And they can’t keep bumping up the fee to compo while creating ever more little overstuffed, unqualified kindergarten stocked empires like BBC Lies and Deceit Checker.
Did anybody else have their common sense and objective capacity abused by a Government Minister earlier on Toady? One Ben ‘54.2%’ Wallace, Minister of State for Security – http://democraticdashboard.com/constituency/wyre-and-preston-north/ – did that for me.
Our Mr Wallace told Robinson that he cherishes the free, unbiased and objective press we have in the UK when it comes to challenging, extreme ‘Far Right’ views. He included our far left cultural Marxist “another Beauty” in that accolade. He also implored Boris to get behind Treason May’s Withdrawal Agreement. Clearly, Ben ‘54.2%’ Wallace has no ability in the objectivity department.
These people daily reinforce the public’s view that they live in a parallel universe. We don’t know where that is. We don’t even know how to contact living in this place. This is really a serious matter because we really should not have a Minister for the country’s security who is living elsewhere and so out of touch with reality.
Daily we are remided of President Trumps expression: “Drain the Swamp”. Now that is an imperative.
I listened carefully to this interview. Still interesting to contemplate whether Wallace put forward his own convictions or allowed himself to be elbowed to be used as a Toady propagandist, and to which extent either of these applied…
Beeb will probably argue that allowing a brief appearance by John Redwood shows their balance. ‘Brief’ being the operative word, against a background of tales of how Tory MPs are ‘moving behind May’s deal’ – theme of the morning.
There was even a ‘subtle’ link made between security and support for May’s ‘deal’ in the Wallace interview. I think words like ‘collapse’ were bandied about.
#CCBGB Deservedly so. It is like they are willing it to happen, whilst busy erasing the past.
I am sure I will be able to despise the politico media establishment more, but this is a dire notch down.
But tell me Guest Who, who are those of the Far Right and those of the Far Left, and who is in the middle? Of course I agree with what you are saying but am heartly sick of the Media headed by the BBC using these nonsensical meanings.
BBC Radio , Still shamelessly flying a terrorist flag (Palestinian) on their header page. Has the ironic cheek to tweet about “the far right”
We keep on hearing that we are a ‘tolerant’ nation when it comes to the muslamickles and miscellaneous other immigrants.
Tolerant = grudgingly putting up with something you don’t want or like.
I hear that ‘our’ MPs are trying to approve this chain immigration thing to get more migrants in.
Trying their best to do something we don’t want at the same time as doing their utmost to stop something we do want.
How much more disconnected can they be from the U.K. population.
“Tolerant = grudgingly putting up with something you don’t want or like.”
That is sooo old-fashioned!
Tolerant: To enthusiastically embrace. (As used by those that are remarkably intolerant of the views of others).
Just saw this on my feed. Posting here in case OJ’s latest Pearl becomes viewable.
Ah, a semi straw man.
But yes, Owen has no clue. When is he next on the bbc?
Apart from spouting his ideology on tv channels and getting Sky employees the sack, AND getting a fee for this, does this Owen bloke have a properly paid day job ??
I don’t think he’s old enough to have an ‘idealogy’, Brissles!
Luckily, I never take any notice of anything he says, and don’t know anyone who does either! I did see him once on tv, by mistake, and he was wearing his shirt outside his trousers, which is a style much beloved by third-formers.
“I did see him once on tv, by mistake, and he was wearing his shirt outside his trousers, which is a style much beloved by third-formers.”
Might catch-on at the BBC then.
It’s a style he favours to save time.
He must love attending various Sinn Fein charities, and probably that’s where his shirt lap habit comes from:
“A law against Islamophobia is a terrible idea
Charles Moore”
This is a great article. My comment is mainly about MSM and the global elite in general in the aftermath of the NZ attack. Feeling very hopeless and worried about the looming acceleration of censorship and curbing of free-speech.
The stabbing in Surrey and the recent shooting in the Netherlands illustrate – as a concerned public, we are given almost no details (perhaps for fear of the internet?).
‘Sky’s Enda Brady says there have been no witness accounts of what happened on the tram.’
‘She went to the car, but would not detail the contents of the note. “I’ve read the last line, but I’d rather not say what it said.”‘
‘Nine others were injured in the incident, which police say appears to be a terrorist attack.’ – is he a far-right terrorist or a far-left one? I need to know!
Can’t find coverage of the stabbing in Surrey – treated as a far-right terrorist attack – on Al Beeb now…mentioned here on Sky, but buried away
‘A stabbing in Stanwell, Surrey, on Saturday night is being treated as a terrorist incident and a 50-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder’. No details given except I think in what I read earlier – a man shouting something about killing Muslims and white supremacy. It all sounds too contrived.
Very worrying times for law-abiding, free thinking citizens.
So, beeb, if the Far-Right ideology behind the Christchurch terror attack must be stamped out, I wonder what the ideology behind the plethora of other terror attacks is, and whether that too must be stamped out?
Why is everything bad at the moment a fault of the FAR RIGHT?
I’m not protecting or saying their IDEAS or VIEWS are my own,far far from it. I’m more of a Centerist / Right if anything.
why do we never hear the media blame anything on the LEFT or even the FAR LEFT?
The media is 95% left-wing and has been for about 30 years. Someone I know used to work at the BBC when Boris Johnson was first elected as mayor of London, and he said that he didn’t know anyone at the BBC who had supported him. They were all Labour, LD or Green supporters.
The last 17 days: Islamic handywork. (dead/injured)
2019.03.17 Israel Ariel Junction 1 2 A Palestinian terrorist shoots three Israelis, killing one.
2019.03.17 Syria Qabasin 1 0 A bomb left by ISIS kills a civilian.
2019.03.17 Mali Dioura 16 0 At least sixteen are killed when Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin attack a local army base.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 22 20 Twenty-two Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks on checkpoints.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Sar-i-Pul 4 3 Four local cops are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2019.03.16 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Four people are liquidated by Taliban shrapnel.
2019.03.16 Syria Sawanah 4 0 Four civlians are shot dead by Islamic State gunmen.
2019.03.16 India Shopian 1 0 A female police officer is gunned down outside her home by Muslim terrorists.
2019.03.16 Syria Suqaylabiyah 1 4 Militant Sunnis send missiles into a neighborhood, killing a resident.
2019.03.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 13 0 Thriteen villagers are hacked to death by Sharia proponents.
2019.03.15 Syria Baghouz 6 0 Three female suicide bombers strike families fleeing the caliphate, killing six members.
2019.03.15 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A TV journalist is shot to death in his car by suspected radicals.
2019.03.14 Cameroon Sandawadjiri 3 0 Three villagers are murdered in the middle of the night by Boko Haram.
2019.03.14 Afghanistan Sawki 1 13 Suspected Taliban clear out a bazaar with a deadly bomb blast.
2019.03.14 India Gulzarpora 1 0 A civilian is abducted and killed by Islamic militants.
2019.03.14 Niger Toumour 4 0 A Jihadist car bombing claims at least four lives.
2019.03.13 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A local official is murdered by suspected terrorists.
2019.03.13 Afghanistan Farah 10 0 The Taliban storm a checkpoint and massacre ten local security personnel.
2019.03.13 Somalia Gof-Gadud 8 40 al-Shabaab bombers murder eight patrons at a livestock market.
2019.03.13 India Pingleena 1 0 Islamic militants gun down a 25-year-old civilian.
2019.03.13 Iraq Qara Tapa 1 6 Women and children are among the casualties of an ISIS rocket attack.
2019.03.13 Iraq Rutba 1 0 A man collecting truffles is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2019.03.12 Syria Amour 4 2 Four people searching for mushrooms are aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2019.03.12 Mali Dialoube 6 0 Six local security personnel are killed by a landmine planted by extremists.
2019.03.12 Burkina Faso Banh 1 0 Suspected Jihadists murder a local constable.
2019.03.11 Afghanistan Uzbekparida 4 4 Four policemen are shot to death by the Taliban.
2019.03.11 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 16 13 The Taliban massacre sixteen local soldiers.
2019.03.11 Nigeria Anguwan Gamu 46 0 A pastor and his wife are among forty-six villagers massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2019.03.10 Syria Suwaiyah 1 1 Sunni shrapnel brings down a civilian.
2019.03.10 Nigeria Shuwa 0 1 A girl is injured when two suicide bombers detonate prematurely during an attempt to kill church-goers.
2019.03.09 Niger Gueskerou 7 0 A Boko Haram attack on a border patrol kills seven.
2019.03.09 Syria Arak 8 11 ISIS explosives claim the lives of eight civilians.
2019.03.09 Afghanistan Daman 1 0 A local farmer is disintegrated by an Islamist IED.
2019.03.09 Syria Najm al-Zuhour 2 0 Two children are sectionalized by an ISIS landmine.
2019.03.08 DRC Virunga 1 0 A park ranger is murdered by the ADF.
2019.03.08 Afghanistan Anar Dara 3 3 A Taliban attack on a security post leaves three dead.
2019.03.08 Iraq Mosul 2 10 A child is among two Iraqis picked off by Jihadi bombers.
2019.03.08 DRC Beni 6 0 At least one woman is among six civilians hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2019.03.07 Yemen Aden 1 5 Religious extremists open fire on a police patrol, killing one.
2019.03.07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 An al-Shabaab near a theater leaves two dead.
2019.03.07 India Jammu 2 32 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen throw a grenade into a bus station, killing a teenager and one other.
2019.03.07 Afghanistan Kabul 11 90 Sunni bombers strike a Shiite political gathering, killing eleven.
2019.03.07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 9 A group fighting for Sharia sets off a car bomb outside a restaurant, killing seven.
2019.03.06 Afghanistan Khewa 3 0 A schoolteacher is among three gunned down in cold blood by Islamic militants.
2019.03.06 Pakistan Abbottabad 1 0 A man is shot dead by extremists linked to an earlier honor killing.
2019.03.06 Afghanistan Jawzjan 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot an 8-year-old child to death.
2019.03.06 Iraq Makhmur 6 31 An attack by ISIS leaves six dead.
2019.03.06 Afghanistan Qala-e-Zal 10 12 The Taliban storm a government checkpost, killing ten.
2019.03.06 Afghanistan Jalalabad 16 10 Sixteen employees at a construction company are massacred by Fedayeen in a massive suicide assault.
2019.03.06 Syria Jourin 1 6 Sunnis send a rocket into a Shiite village, killing one.
2019.03.06 Iraq Tawakol 1 3 An ISIS bomb blast leaves one dead.
2019.03.06 Nigeria Addamari 5 20 Five farmers are blown to bits by a Boko Haram landmine.
2019.03.05 Syria Sha’afah 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives to an ISIS IED.
2019.03.05 France Normandy 0 2 A ‘radicalized’ inmate screams “Allah Albar” as he stabs two guards with a knife smuggled to him.
2019.03.04 Yemen Taiz 1 11 A bomb planted at a market kills one bystander.
2019.03.04 Yemen Hodeidah 3 6 Children are among three family members dispatched by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2019.03.04 Afghanistan Yangi Qala 3 7 The Taliban storm a market and kill three civilians.
2019.03.04 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 10 9 Ten people are killed when Islamic militants storm a security checkpoint.
2019.03.03 Syria Masasna 27 0 Ansar al-Tawhid Jihadists kill twenty-seven rivals in a brutal attack.
2019.03.03 Iraq Waqf 1 0 A farmer is shot to death in his grove by terrorists.
2019.03.02 Syria Karamah 3 12 A suicide bomber attacks a group of Religion of Peace rivals, killing three.
2019.03.01 Syria Bassirah 4 0 Four people at a water pump are murdered by ISIS gunmen.
2019.03.01 Syria Idlib 10 0 Ten perceived rivals are rounded up and excuted by Tahrir al-Sham
2019.03.01 Mali Boulkessy 9 0 al-Qaeda militants plant a landmine the kills nine peacekeepers.
2019.03.01 Iraq Rutba 5 0 Five people abducted while hunting for truffles are executed in cold blood.
2019.03.01 India Handwara 4 8 Lashkar-e-Toiba members open fire on police, killing four.
2019.03.01 Syria Idlib 9 18 A suicide bomber opens fire on a restaurant before denotating, killing nine.
2019.03.01 Somalia Mogadishu 29 80 Fundamentalists slaughter thirty civilians during an assault on a hotel.
2019.03.01 Afghanistan Shorab 23 15 A brutal attack by the Taliban on a local security base kills over two dozen.
I am grateful for the MSM and our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster for bringing these events to my attention.
G – now that’s what I CALL investigative journalism, well done.
Brissles, you might find this website interesting. I first went there when the total of muslim terror attacks was less than 13,000, well below the current 34,741 total.
We are all far-right now.
– Steven Pinker
This is how an opponent of capitalism in NZ can be ‘far-right’.
Yet another one stealing my ideas ! I’ve been saying this for years and if you check back on some of my posts here you will find the references.
Not that I mind though, very many of my ideas get used and I see them popping up sometimes a few hours after I posted them. If it’s amunition which helps defeat the Fascist Left then it’s all good.
Reality isn’t ‘an idea’, but one can always claim originality in describing reality.
I have described ‘the left’ as being like a castle with everyone else huddling up against its walls because they don’t want to be seen as ‘beyond the pale’ but can’t bring themselves to enter the castle, a step too far.
Left-Right isn’t a very good political model but it serves ‘the left’s’ purposes, ‘good guys’ versus the rest. Personally I don’t like the term ‘left’ either, ‘collectivist’ probably decribes them better.
But what words can we use nowadays? What do they mean anymore? I started by saying ‘reality’ but I saw after the ‘Covington Boys’ that there is a higher reality to the collectivist left. The Covington boys inconveniently aren’t racist, white supremicist, catholic bigots, but the higher reality is that they are because all good collectivists know that white, male, catholic labels make them so. Don’t let ‘the facts’ get in the way of ‘the truth’!
Right wing bad, left wing good. Repeat 100,000 times per day.
In which the Baghdad Blimp makes another BBC claim, and gets pwnd.
‘Climate change’/discussions on/debate are already part of the GCSE Science Curriculum…..Page 26….amazed that Simpson wouldnt just check that out.It is also in other Key Stages.
Nothing to teach, Mr. Simpson – the climate changes, has done for billennia, and will continue to do so. Now find something more useful to occupy your mind.
Guest Who, Luckyharry69,
The climate change indoctrination has been reinforced in schools in various ways. My son did several language courses at school – German, French, Spanish. In each course he was required to write a letter in the appropriate language to the local authority with a list of suggestions to combat climate change. It was assumed that there is no room for disagreement.
The one subject that should be compulsory in school is Latin. I have come to it late in life but I find it beautiful and extremely logical for a language. I disagree with John Simpson; the most important problem our planet faces is most people’s (including politicians’) preference for feelings and sentimental groupthink over reason and critical thinking. Mastering third declension noun endings trains your brain and prepares you for properly analysing any problem in the real world.
Yeah, and as an ex science teacher, the kids still think that ‘factories’ cause pollution, and they invariably can’t spell environment.
I bet they don’t teach that China releases the most CO2 by far.
And I wonder why this has never been reported on the BBC after one of the Rotherham rape victims was named in a BBC radio program and the woman is now being trolled and living in terror after the threats made against her.
Thank goodness that there are some people in MSM who are prepared to shine a light on what is going on at the Far left state Broadcaster, aka the BBC
Police fail to protect Rotherham victim from troll
Police have been accused of “abandoning” a victim of sexual abuse after a social media troll repeatedly posted her name on Facebook and Twitter.
“Elizabeth” was granted lifetime anonymity after helping to convict members of the Rotherham grooming gangs but a troll has posted “sinister” messages about her, along with her name, photograph and her father’s address.
South Yorkshire police were told about the illegal posts three months ago. Yet Elizabeth, 31, claims that they failed to act. Only when The Times intervened did officers say belatedly that they were on the verge of making an arrest and asked this newspaper to delay publication.
Elizabeth is terrified that she will be attacked or confronted in the street while out with her young daughter.
Details of the trolling emerged shortly after a BBC producer appeared in court in January because Elizabeth was named in a radio broadcast at the end of a grooming trial at Sheffield crown court. The journalist who read out her name was relieved of his reporting duties at the BBC within days of the broadcast in February last year.
She said that she had already found it harrowing to give evidence, and added: “To then have my name given out as a victim of rape on a BBC radio station was unbelievable and made me feel sick.”
Ashgar Bostan, 47, Elizabeth’s assailant, had just been jailed for nine years after being convicted of twice raping her when she was 14 or 15.
She said last night: “I’m guessing the person trolling me is a man, and that he knows it’s me who was named by the BBC.”
Elizabeth first reported her tormentor to police on December 5, and again on December 31. She made it clear she had been named online and that one tweet contained what she took to be a veiled threat to attack her home.
She was given a crime number and told that officers would be investigating, but three months later the abusive messages are still online and the troll has not been found.
Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham, wrote to Chief Superintendent Steve Chapman, the town’s district commander on February 5, saying Elizabeth felt abandoned.
By last night the force had yet to make an arrest. A spokesman said: “In December 2018, police in Rotherham received a report of malicious communications relating to social media. An investigation was launched and a number of inquiries have been carried out to identify those involved. The officers leading the enquiry have been in regular contact with the victim and the investigation remains ongoing.”
Ms Champion’s letter said: “Elizabeth was previously forced to move due to intimidation and South Yorkshire Police have been aware of threats to her security for several years. She is understandably concerned that these posts remain active and that her personal details continue to circulate online.
“Whilst I am of course aware that policing social media presents particular challenges and can be a lengthy process, these are extremely serious matters and I am concerned that my constituent has described feeling abandoned by SYP. I am also troubled that her personal information remains readily accessible and by the severe security threat this represents, not to mention the likely criminal nature of the postings.”
Ms Champion ended her letter with a request that Mr Chapman take “all necessary steps” to address Elizabeth’s security concerns “and to protect her anonymity without further delay”.
Elizabeth said: `I can’t believe that nothing is being done to protect me. I’m meant to have my identity protected by law, yet the police have done nothing about this for three months.
`I’m paranoid all the time – frightened for both me and my daughter. Surely the police should be prosecuting this guy!`
Following the intervention of The Times last week, senior officers asked Elizabeth and this newspaper to hold back on the publication of her complaint.
However they did so by ringing a rape campaigner rather than the victim. “To me that adds insult to injury,” Elizabeth said Elizabeth. “They’d given me a crime number and they had my address and phone number. Why not make contact direct?”
Mr Chapman claimed that he had made indirect contact so as “not to seek to influence” her decision on going public. In an email he further claimed it was “only in the last couple of weeks” that officers had identified “a credible suspect”. They were now “working with that”.
Officers have also disclosed to Elizabeth that they closed down the offending Twitter account a week or so ago. This has angered her since she claims it “gave him a clear warning” that they were about to move in.
To quote one of the comments:
“Please stop using the term “grooming gangs”. They are paedophile gangs and as usual, the victims are abandoned. Do not forget the politically correct Labour controlled councils and inept police turned a blind eye”
“If this was the far right threatening someone it would be headline news, D Abbott and the BBC would be demanding to know why this was not being pursued with the utmost vigour. What a sad and twisted place this PC country as become.”
And yet the actions of TR, supposedly upsetting for some ‘groomers’, led to his arrest, trial and imprisonment within in an hour.
“In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”.
You just got the colour wrong Enoch. (Claimed to be the words of a constituent, not his own).
A long read but worth it
Clearly the South Yorkshire Police culture of treating white rape victims as trash hasn’t gone away .
Why would anyone trust them . ? They’re probably too busy covering up than dealing with their failure to protect white kids from third world monsters
Who no doubt will be back out as quick as the State Prison Minister can get them out as they don’t want
‘Cell blockers ‘
The BBC are intrumental in pulling our world apart-a traiterous corporation-how sad from what it once was.
I don’t know if this has been covered before but I caught the second part of the most recent “Crosstalk” (repeated later this week) on RT about the EU’s Media Literacy “initiative”.
From the bit I saw, it appears to be an attempt to exclude from the media those people that the EU considers unqualified. I think we can probably guess what that might mean.
I did a bit of Googling and found the following:
“A high level of media literacy is a key factor to enable citizens to make informed decisions in the digital age. In this light, media literacy is a pre-requisite for a vibrant, modern democracy and an important topic in view of the upcoming European elections in May 2019. “
“Europeans evidently now need the further indispensable guidance of the European Commission to learn how properly to navigate, read and interpret the news, whether the source is traditional or digital.”
This is clearly being cynically promoted on the back of recent concerns about the power of organisations like Facebook.
Very sinister, IMO, but entirely inkeeping with the EU’s way of doing things. I believe there was discussion many years ago about the possibility of making criticism of the EU illegal. It was never acted upon. This might well amount to the same thing under the guise of a cause considered by some to be more worthy.
In the UK, anybody can call himself a journalist (eg TR). Can’t have that, can we?
No Toady Watch as I’ve largely cut it out
Anyway – a couple of weeks ago I casually mentioned to a friend how biased the State Broadcaster is . I got a kind of quizzical response.
Yesterday I got told “ yes you’re right – I’ve seen it now “ . It was as though the blinds had come off .
I write this because, perhaps , word of mouth has as powerful effect as the cases we lay out everyday .
I know there will always be’ Bias Deniers ‘ and the clever lefties who claim the State Broadcaster is exactly the opposite to reality – claiming it is ‘ anti left ‘ – but we gotta try .
If you notice the likes of lefty mouthpieces like the sad Owen Jones use the Soviet propaganda style of claiming right wing bias quite a lot .
In response the State smug Broadcaster does the “ well we’re being attacked from both sides so we must be ok “ lie .
( can I copyright “bias denier”?)
My entire team of 8 people, including a French national, believe the BBC is biased. I work in a good team :), The French National tells it like it is.
Surrey teenager stabbed in ‘far-Right terror attack’ amid spate of racist incidents after New Zealand massacre
Well that didn’t take long, did it? See, it was Whitey’s fault all along.
A “spate” !!! Really ….. some “hurty” words on twitter and a few insults to a taxi driver.
Maybe later we will hear all about the “spate” of rapes linked to uncontrolled immigration ???? Then again ………wont hold my breath.
Why is the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, wearing a Muslim headscarf? Has she converted already or does she think dressing like the victims somehow wins more virtue signalling points.
If a coach load of circus clowns went over a cliff and they all died I’m pretty sure a Prime Minister dressing up as a clown and meeting their families would be seen as some kind p!ss take.
“I’m pretty sure a Prime Minister dressing up as a clown ….. would be seen as some kind p!ss take”
Or in the UK, perhaps not so much.
I fear she’s already decided to do her bit for the environment and climate change by dressing as an endangered stick insect.
May has previous…
it’s not a laughing matter – but Tabs you win laugh of the day! Irony in one photo, the woman she was condoling with was not in a hijab.
BBC Online News:
“”Travelodge targets parents to fill post-Brexit staffing gap””
“”………… targeting parents who want to return to work to fill a POTENTIAL post-Brexit staffing gap IF EU worker numbers fall.””
“”But there are concerns that proposed regulations COULD dictate what type of workers are allowed to come to the UK after Brexit.””
BBC Project Fear alive and well.
Still waiting to hear something positive about Brexit from the BBC. Lord Hall back in 2016 said that we would.
TVLicensing saying they will be “visiting” my area .
It got me thinking . There are several types that are welcome in most areas of Britain . The milkman , Amazon couriers , Dominos pizzas , utilities repairmen etc
I’m not sure where to put double glazing salesmen and Jehovas Witnesses .
But we know there are types we don’t want in the neighbourhood ; Irish travellers , drug dealers , down and outs , beggars , yobs ~ and TVLicence goons .
“TVLicensing saying they will be “visiting” my area .”
Our house is right at the end of a long drive which carries on for miles until you reach a huge cliff/rubbish dump.
Now, the only thing stopping vehicles from driving past my house and crashing over the cliff and onto said Tip is one single street light!
Sadly I don’t have a good throwing arm.
So, what you’re saying is…your house is FAR RIGHT 😉
Right. Hee hee!
11 days to Brexit.
All credible legal advice tells us that the deal/treaty is rubbish.
An extension is unacceptable, but better than the deal/treaty.
The only possible explanation for this fiasco (in concert with all the others) must be that the establishment as a whole are actively encouraging civil disobedience, inevitably to be blamed on the ‘far right.’
the island,
“An extension is unacceptable, but better than the deal/treaty.”
Agreed wholeheartedly. Give our ‘side’ time to regroup and rearrange tactics. Who knows, by then, we may even see the EU disintegrating following elections in May. However, as the Brexit fiasco demonstrates, the EU is quite adept at altering the background to anything damaging. Bit like Treason May. I’m totally convinced she, supported by others, will seek to change the UK election procedures so as to preserve the cosy two-party see-saw.
Watched Portillo on the Farage show – this really is our darkest hour 2.0.
Botched Brexit and then twinned with Venezuela?
Racists and misogynists of the far far right are getting their evil message across. This morning I saw a billboard advertising a bank. It depicted a couple in bed with just their heads showing above the covers. One was a man and the other was a woman. But what is worse is that both were white. It made me shudder. I thought there was a law or a rule against white and white partnerships and that mixed was the only option in advertising.
I will have to report the matter to Titania McGrath.
Please don’t troll this site . There is no way that a white lady will partner up with a white man . Just watch a few DFS adverts for the truth . You are distributing false news … smiley thing in case anyone can’t read between my lines ….
‘Dutch tram shooting.’
The lack of description of the perpetrator suggests a ROPer. Will be interesting to contrast their coverage and language with that of the white, fat right (known for sure instantly – no ‘mental health problems) shooter in NZ.
Looks like one of those men again.
The “Fat right” ….. they are a bloody nightmare this splinter group !!! LOL.
“….suggests…”? Come now, you can speculate with far more accuracy than that.
Certainly defaulting to sentient lethal vehicles of psychosis tends to confirm this.
Mosques have been told to close the doors and have Police protection….meanwhile for everyone else it is business as usual.
Maybe they are trying to stop the perpetrator getting back to “base” for more ammo.
“The lack of description of the perpetrator suggests”
That BBC will NOT be sending their top TV news reporters over to Holland as most of them have yet to return from their 3 rd holiday (I mean field work in NZ)
CCBGB i think is the phase !!!
I think it would just be easier if they just had insincere ‘ minutes silence ‘ before every game ….
Same with the ‘ heart goes out ‘ ‘thoughts are with ‘ and ‘ never be forgotten ‘ terminology where politicians try to our sincere each other …
Don’t forget the tealights! Hate to think what the rise in global temperature has been due to all the tealights being lit.
Why should I stop talking for a minute?
I’ll talk when I damn well want to, not when some jumped up little official twonk tells me not to!
I will, however, always respect the two minutes silence for all the people who died trying to make my country safe. They’re spinning in the graves now, seeing the way the lefties hate their memory so much.
Strange yet not unexpected; BBC staff never say “our prayers” go out to them. Unless the boss collars one of the hundreds of BBC employees who are muslim, and can be seen 5 times a day blocking his office door or causing huge build ups in’t corridors on their magic carpet.
Question is. would the BBC ferals permit Christians or Religious Jews do likewise? Not as though Christians and Religious Jews spend ages on the floor during work time.
Stop Press: Far Right Norwegian with mental issues attacks tram in Utrecht, Holland. Eyewitnesses say: ‘He just went off the rails.’
You may have seen the smug, virtue-signalling chap outside a mosque in Manchester spinning the usual “all you need is love” line: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-47595582
He also appeared on BBC Breakfast yesterday (the interview was actually very interesting as he does imply that most of the Muslims ignored him coming into the mosque and only greeted him after being told to by the Imam): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-manchester-47603951/christchurch-shootings-man-sent-friendship-message-after-attacks
The BBC introduces him as running “a Christian charity and led London 2012’s multi-faith chaplaincy team”.
It transpires that is not all Andrew Graystone is.
Indeed, he is also a former BBC Producer in the Religion and Ethics department and a Development Executive “responsible for programmes across BBC radio and TV”. He still regularly appears as a commentator on BBC Radio 5 Live and leading BBC Radio 4’s Daily Service.
Typical biased BBC deception; presenting a BBC stooge as some random chap to push the diversity narrative.
I’ve stopped watching the bBC so am going by what Hammond said on Marr yesterday morning according to Guido. His mentioning of the upcoming spending review when asked if the DUP have been offered cash for votes is duplicitous and entirely an attempt to further discredit the DUP.
The DUP however have stated,
“Contrary to some reports we are not discussing cash”.
Now in light of such blatant bullshittery from Hammond why the hell would the DUP want to compromise any principles they may have to place their trust in such a conniving weasel or the untrustworthy ex-conservative party?
As a failed undertaker and retired Elim Baptist lay preacher, why would you expect anything other than bullshit from such a man? That centre parting speaks volumes.
Fascinating really . I wonder who watches MSM politics programmes now ? I suppose it must be just other bubble dwellers .
Now that we know that the adage about ‘ how do you know when a policitian is lieing – when their mouths are moving ‘ – is more than true – why woukd anyone not making a living out of it listen ?
JHB but an image up on her twitter breaking down the referendum outcome by numbers . That sums up the treacherous nature of the majority in Parliament against the majority voters .
It does seem, 45 minutes ago, BBC World News page which I open up all the time,
Had the lates attack on a tram in Utrecht, Netherlands as the lead story, now, they’ve switched back to New Zealand…..I’m not sure if they’ve also had reporting on a number of attacks in Nigeria….it sure isn’t the lead story.
I do realise that because nothing violent or like this happens in NZ, that’s part of why there is so much coverage but still.
For how many days/weeks will the BBC feature the NZ ‘incident’ (to copy Corbyn’s terminology for the Manchester bombing), as a headline?
Also a very nice destination for BBC teams to visit and stay again and again at our expense.
The Graun has reported it. Just the facts they know so far.
Unclear if football teams are clearing schedules as yet or Mayor Khan setting aside a budget to put walls round Mosques.
Irony has left the building.
You mean like in a ghetto? Surely not!
The BBC North America team ‘like’ stuff like this. Impartially, of course.
Beto O’Rourke (also known as Robert Francis O’Rourke).
Our state broadcaster was pretty quick out of the blocks yesterday when a teenager was stabbed in leafy Surrey. “Far right” “Nationalist” and “Terrorist” were all descriptions used. Well, perhaps… I did note though that there was none of the usual, knee jerk “lone wolf” claptrap, and there was none of that baloney that the knife-man had psychological issues or a drug habit.
This morning a gunman has opened fire on a tram in the city of Utrecht, Holland, killing one and injuring many others. Is it my imagination or are the Beeb just a tad less enthusiastic in labeling this latest atrocity as an act of terrorism? All I’ve heard them say is that there is “a possible terrorist motive.” Kind of waters it down, doesn’t it?
It will be a bit like that bloke who drove into cyclists at Westminster. For over a week the BBC kept referring to it as dangerous driving. Even the atrociously PC Sky News called it as an act of terrorism.
Now, if my suspicions prove correct and this latest nutter is eventually identified as one of our bearded friends what’s the betting the first things the authorities will worry about is an outbreak of “Islamophobia”?
Over to Mayor Khan…
New Zealand ?
Is it the 9/11 backlash the bbc had touted for years and years then?
Been a long time coming if it is.
Whatever happened to that bloke who drove into the cyclists? Court case hasn’t come up on Google.
“Our state broadcaster was pretty quick out of the blocks yesterday when a teenager was stabbed in leafy Surrey. “Far right” “Nationalist” and “Terrorist” were all descriptions used.”
A clear indication how much the Ferals at the BBC are now smarting.
Tim Martin vid from March 12th
Guessing Tim Martin won’t be getting a gong any time soon ….not there there s any honour in the honours system now .
( see David Steele ( Lord !) covering up for the Liberal Party answer to Jimmy Saville
Maybe Naz Shah and Owen Jones could get one for services to diversity
(“grooming should shut their mouths for the sake of diversity” – liked by Naz Shah)
Nice to feel a part of things common to us and our Western neighbours.
“Oslo: Nonwhites Responsible for 70% of all Violent Crime in Norwegian Capital”.
“The survey also found a rise in the use of knives by attackers in the capital. Oslo has recently seen a marked increase in knife-related incidents, TV2 reported.”………….. Say no more!
The Sein Fein IRA leader has been speaking on the State Broadcaster about the death of 3 kids in Ireland . I was surprised she hadn’t blamed the British Army and called for a 12 year Public Inquiry / lawyers ‘ jamboree …
They spoke to “local mum” Emma Heatherington as well Fed. Her two sons were at this venue. Fair enough.
They left out “best-selling chick-lit author and regular contributor to BBC and RTE” Emma Heatherington.
Why must the bBC insist on doing this?!?
How long before a Scarved Treezer, Sadiq and embedded Nihal AN crew descend on his community to feel their pain?
I blame the bbc and itv for the wrong results in the Six Nations on Saturday.
Of course, as usual Eddie Butler made the most mistakes – God knows how he ever played so well back in his younger days!
I have to accept though, that so many mistakes were made during the England Scotland reporting, that I had to turn off the set and read a good book, half an hour before the end!
The bias was appalling,and I went to bed feeling so badly let down by such awful commentating!
On awakening at 3:00am, I just had to listen to the one good BBC programme – Dotun and Jonathan, with a great show as always. When the news mentioned an eventual draw in The Calcutta Cup, Mrs O’Blene nearly woke up to find herself pregnant…
What I want to know, is why, with all that money they have, didn’t the bbc tell me the score?
(possibly, Scrobs, because the game was on ITV, they do things better there)…
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“Mosques in the UK are asking for government funding to increase their security”
And with this government they will get it.
worrywort March 18, 2019 at 5:22 am
Apologies for going back to the opening comment.
“….. On C4 was a documentary about the Mary Rose. the Chief Narrator Dr Alex Hildred was getting her knickers in a right twist because Scientists were using the latest technology to work out the race of seven of the Sailors. The pinnacle of her excitement was over one which “might have been Black”. For her the prospect of a Multi Culti Tudor England was sooo exciting. I always thought ships which sailed round the World would pick up people at every Port they visited. FFS ”
I was born and raised near the London docks in the 1950/60s. There were lots of nationalities, especially lascar sailors in the area, but extrapolating the ethnic mix of a group of sailors to the population as a whole (or even locally) is indeed ‘lefty crap’.
Why would C4 do a racist programme like that ?
Why not explore disability in the Royal Navy ? How the Navy discriminated against disabled people like … er Horatio Nelson ?
Have they found wheelchairs in the wreckage of the Mary Rose?
It said they used isotope and DNA technology. But came to the unusually unresolved questionable conclusion the one of them “might have been Black?”. This was 1545, English involvement in Black Slavery didn’t start until 1562. But its known that English privateers had been raiding Spanish possessions in the Caribbean. So I wonder if the vague statement “might have been Black” is based on isotopic evidence that he was brought up in the Caribbean. The doubts about him being Black indicate that he was more likely to have been a native Carib or even a white European of Spanish decent, born and brought up in the Caribbean.
Also I heard of complaints from Australian historians about left-wing historians in Britain rewriting the history of London. Apparently its well known in Australia that criminals who wrote accounts of their life in London and then arriving in Australia, write about seeing Black people for the first time after landing in Australia. So this implies that after living in London for at least a decade, they never made sight of any Black person.
This contrasts with present day dramas on the BBC, set around 1788, which would usually include the sight of a Black person within the first five minutes of scenes set in London.
Hello Spinning wreath. I watched the programme as I was very interested. I was annoyed they kept hyping up the idea of their warped philosophy, looking at every opportunity to inflate their twisted agenda. I could have said a lot more about it.
Richard. That was another thing. The Scientists were inconclusive about the results. The “Black Mans” skeleton was possibly of Moorish descent but tried to convince he was of African descent as in Negro.
Islam empowers women!
The ‘incident’ in Holland this morning resulted in at least one dead and several injured. There is as yet no motive or identified perpetrator on the MSM. But if , and at this stage it still is an If, it is a Muslim who did it we can watch how the MSM handle it. I fully expect that the narrative will be that the culprit was provoked by the NZ attack . It seems that the MSM liberals don’t see the issue that this narrative brings. They are simply confirming what most sensible people know and fear, that Muslims regard themselves as united by their religious ideology in a way that the West simply isn’t. They may fight against each other but the war against the infidel unites them . This is exactly why having them in your country always poses an issue, if there are hostilities anywhere in the world between Muslims and populations represented in a third country Muslims may well attack the third country in a show of solidarity with their co religionists involved in the conflict.
You can set you watch to the term “ Alan’s snack bar “ ( or not ) is revealed as the motivation ….
I also see that the narrative about the NZ perpetrator is that he isn’t a nutter. An interesting shift as previously all attacks on Muslims in the West were claimed to be the work of folks with mental issues.No doubt the change in narrative is designed to provide a new narrative that the West is full of hard right Islamophobic groups who are highly dangerous and so there must be a clamp down and these groups rooted out and their supply of recruits cut off. Cue further suppression of free speech and censorship of the internet and implementation of new laws designed to inhibit peaceful discussion and gatherings.
Indeed the hive mind lives and breaths as one entity.
NZ isn’t anywhere near The West is it? It couldn’t be further away and still be on the same globe. Speaking of globes, this NZ terrorist was quite the globetrotter it seems. He travelled all over the world for years taking advantage of all those wonderful open borders 😉
Another ‘improvement’ from Google (after the NZ incident being uploaded there ?) seems to be the switching off of proper functioning of all search filters on YouTube.
Like typing in a topic and use Filter, uploads for Today, This Week etc .
Unless I’m imagining it, it seems a convient way to bury small uploaders current opionons miles deep..
Write to Conservative Party Association Chairs of constituencies which voted to Leave, but have a Remain-backing MP. It is vital we, as Brexiteers, make our voice heard and those MPs who wish to betray the will of the British people are deselected this year- here. https://getbritainout.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Conservative-Association-Chairs-letter-March-2019.pdf
It is vital you send these letters out urgently so Remain MPs can be DESELECTED at their AGMs at the end of this month.
You can find a list of Remain MPs in Leave constituencies here along with the contact details of the local Conservative Associations.
Britain does most of its fast growing trade outside of the EU under WTO rules and with an annually growing surplus. On the other hand, our trade under the EU single market and customs union, generates a large annual trade deficit. We also save £39 Billion of taxpayers money which would have made British plebs £2,000 poorer, and all those EU Bureaucrats much richer.

Good article in the Daily Mail Sunday by DAVID STARKEY.
about how parliment doesnt reflect the leave /remain split of the people
”The People voted 52 to 48 per cent to leave; an estimated 74 per cent of MPs voted to remain.
No representative assembly can sustain such a gulf. Either People or Parliament must give way.
And so it has proved as, in its profound lack of wisdom and in its disregard for the central thread of its own history, Parliament has decided it is the People who should change. Or, rather, be changed.
This is not the first time such a thing has happened. Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Communist states were ruled by similarly pampered, out-of-touch and privileged elites who, against all the evidence, claimed to represent the People.
The People, shame on them, were ungrateful and in the habit of rebelling. After one such protest, the German poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht wrote one of the great poems of political dissent, including the satirical lines:
‘Wouldn’t it
Be simpler in that case if the government
Dissolved the people and
Elected another?”
You can find a list of Remain MPs in Leave constituencies here along with the contact details of the local Conservative Associations. https://getbritainout.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Association-details-and-Remain-MPs-in-Leave-seats-March-2019.pdf
what about if your constituency voted leave but your MP is a Labour Remainer?
“The entire purpose ……is to destroy Brexit”.
So says her close friend, confidant and supporter, George Soros…………..
Well, well, well, bbc tv news at 1.00pm happy to link Trump to the disgusting event in NZ. It was caused by hate speech, apparently. And guess who must therefore be responsible?
Of course, it wasn’t a comment from them directly, but ‘merely’ footage of someone being interviewed and indulging in wild speculation, with a bit of hate speech of their own. So they can’t be ‘blamed’.
Still, I would imagine quiet satisfaction and a pat on the back for someone at the beeb.
We know how ‘impartial’ they are about Trump. However, did up to now think that even they had their limits…
Dutch police are apparently looking for’ Gokman Tanis’ a Johnnie Turk in relation to the ‘ incident ‘ in Holland – source Twitter – Katie – with a nice picture of a tanned man with a beard on a bus … being linked to the PM of Turkey showing bits of the NZ shootings.
I don’t know how much of that is true … but if it is cans full or worms are opened and the ‘incident’ will be binned as soon as The State Broadcaster can do it .
My thoughts and prayers are for those who have ‘ thoughts and prayers ‘ .
Update – Guardian carrying name and picture but State Broadcaster bit slow on the detail —- but I can feel a lone wolf with ‘ mental issues’ on the way .
Then they’ll blame the victims for getting in the way of the bullets …
I might as well arrest myself for my thoughts/criticism of muslim gunman.
People heavily underrepresented on the BBC.
People who want the UK to leave the European Union – 52 per cent (Source: that referendum we had in 2016)
People who think Islam is not compatible with the British way of life – 56 per cent (ComRes poll, 2016)
People who disagree with the ‘right’ of gay people to adopt children – 52 per cent (British Social Attitudes Survey 2013)
People who think immigration levels to this country are too high – 63 per cent (YouGov poll, 2018)
People who think immigration in general has had a negative impact on the UK – 71 per cent (Sky poll for the think tank Demos, 2018)
Europeans who want to stop all immigration from Muslim majority countries – 55 per cent (Chatham House, 2017)
People who believe Britain is a Christian country – 55 per cent (YouGov poll, 2014)
People who think, rightly, that there are just two genders, male and female – 56 per cent (Fawcett Society, 2016)
People who do not identify as ‘feminist’ – 93 per cent (Fawcett Society, 2016)
People with PhD’s in Astronomy and Atmospheric Physics.
People with an above average IQ.
No, no – ALL BBC staff are fully trained in these fields of expertise. They must be, because they seem to know an awful lot about each of those disciplines. Shame they can’t discipline themselves, effectively.
Radio 4 today had the governments integrations tzar on, and I have to say that the Tories really are going for the Marxism angle when they appoint far leftists like her.
She saw faults in every white person alive, and no faults in Muslims, and she either didn’t understand the nature of Islam, or she just didn’t want to know.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more hate filled oppressive woman on the radio, and if this is the nature of the senior civil service, then we have some enormous problems aside from our elected politicians.
At first I thought this was funny but implausible as the EU is unlikely to still be around by then.
However, it struck me that Treezer will very likely remain as party leader and possibly PM as there is no one capable of shifting her and replacing her.
I don’t remember Communist party leaders being unwillingly removed from office either.