We will have to get used to Far Left BBC types being cheerful as the threat of Brexit is lifted.Brexiters will cease to be heard . Project Fear May be put on hold for a bit .
Thats one narrative . The other is that UK leaves the EU is 12 days .
over to you .
Teenager, 18, who has been accused of sharing a live-stream of the Christchurch massacre and writing ‘target acquired’ next to a photo of a mosque faces 14 years behind bars
NZ man, 18, accused of sharing livestream of Christchurch massacre denied bail
Face charges for sharing livestream and a posting photo of a mosque attacked
Police say the man was not involved in the attack in Christchurch which killed 50
Teen will reappear in court in April and faces up to 14 years behind bars
Seems a bit harsh.
Hope all who watched or shared events outside the Dallas Book Depository or the antics of Nguyễn Ngọc Loan are braced.
This reminds me of an old B/W movie I recently watched called: Freedom Radio. And in it shows the gestapo arresting a very old german women for playing a piece of classical music on some unknown radio station. Her evil neighbour reported her to the SS just because the old lady refused to give her her own share of lard for cooking. We never see her again.
This could be taking place today in many parts of merry olde England 2019, just for writing a letter of criticism of the Muslims to one’s own family if one of the many Muslim Post men should happen to rip it open and take it to the police. We laugh, yet its happening on TV/Radio news.
I think I remember that film. I’ve definitely seen ones similar.
TBH, I’m a bit worried by this now. To face 14 years in jail for making a distasteful joke and distributing a video when a quick search of YouTube for ISIS suicide bomber brings up equally, if not more disturbing content.
It could be that the authorities are being so heavy handed on the NZ shooter vid because they are worried that those that view the video might see an awful lots of reasons to suspect that the events of that incident are VERY different to what is being reported.
As I mentioned above, this is an incredibly pitiful subject and I am too scared to talk about it, but I bet the powers that be are concerned that the video might contain a high number of inconsistencies and factual inaccuracies concerning the discharge of weapons and the effect those have upon a human body.
“TBH, I’m a bit worried by this now. To face 14 years in jail for making a distasteful joke and distributing a video when a quick search of YouTube for ISIS suicide bomber brings up equally, if not more disturbing content.”
I fully agree with you. You expressed it better than I can.
I bet the Begum bitch did much worse
I notice this quietly slipping down the bbc’s news page. Doesn’t fit the current ‘far-right’ narrative/myth. ‘Motive unclear’ is also code for terror attack.
Dutch police are floating the idea that the Turkish terrorist’s motivation may have been that he had had a family row!! Well , it’s a new one but how pathetic. Everyone knows why he did it and the police, the establishment and the MSM who peddle stupid lies as explanations are just making ordinary folks ever more disbelieving of their narratives.
Come on now …. we’ve all done it !! Had a row with the missus, grabbed the guns and gone off to the local town to shoot dead a few people ….. lets not judge the lad , these things happen !!!
Maybe BBC should contact Lilly Allen to go over to counsel the poor Muslim mother of said killer.
With a camera crew of course!
Maybe the Aussie / NZ killer had a family row too?
Isn’t it wonderful to know our MPs have got their priorities right at this important time.
“Grime music is being ‘stifled’, MPs say”
Given promotion of antisocial language and acts is a no-no elsewhere, which toilet were these fruit loops locked in the last year?
And of course those absurd MPs and the even more absurd BBC manage to bring ‘waycism’ into it.
So it’s racist to object to vile, violent, misogynistic lyrics that glorify rape, drugs, knifings, and shootings?
Somehow ‘right wing’ speech leads directly to Christchurch, but black hate speech of an extreme kind that incites violence doesn’t contribute to the epidemic of street crime going on? They actually want to PROMOTE it?!
So vibrant and colourful, dahling, so urban, so ‘real’.
“L’s the nigga that crime follows/I’m hittin’ fine models and stabbin’ punks with broken wine bottles/I beat chumps til they head splits, then break em like bread sticks/I sex chicks, I’ll even fuck a dead bitch”…
“One 44, two 45’s/Three loaded clips, four niggas roll, one nigga drives/500 Benz, six reasons why this kid should die/We shooting every mothafucka outside/Pulled on his block, jumped out the car/Guns in our hand, at the same time everybody ran/There that nigga go, hiding in the crowd/Let the trigger blow, seven shots now he lying on the ground”
The problem is: if we have yet another general election, about 500 of these MPs are probably pretty much guaranteed to win their seats once again. Most people just keep on voting for the same party again and again. What did Einstein say about that sort of behaviour?
I used to be Conservative, but voted UKIP in 2010 and 2015. I will never vote Conservative again until we have FULLY left the EU. Even if it means Corbyn comes in and smashes the country (as Labour always do) I will feel no guilt as I would blame the Tory Remainers for losing the election.
If Farage goes against UKIP the leave vote will split. He must take his pride back and agree to work with them. It’s too important to ensure pressure can be applied to the government.
Most important that UKIP and the Brexit Party cooperate in contesting seats. Have they said anything about this?
If they know whats good for them they would .
They should form a coalition until we get Freedom and Independence.
According to the BBC this morning our UK water companies are fretting about future shortages due to the twin causes of “climate change” and a “growing population”
Of course one of these factors is now regarded as natural, inevitable and unavoidable through any feasible act of policy – the other is climate change.
It will be an opportunity to raise prices. Plus the negative Brexit impact and uncertainty.
Within a few minutes of that “report” Darren Betts came on with the forecast and stated that Northern Ireland had already beaten the March record for rainfall !
First out the blocks in response is BBC darling Femi. Anticipate him ironing a new T shirt for Fi’s benefit.
The BBC reports admiringly: ‘Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has vowed never to say the gunman’s name’
– yeah, yeah, I get it… oxygen of publicity and all that.
I wonder how long before the BBC employs an antipodian female impressionist to over-dub the missing words – like they did with Gerry Adams? But that was a different time, right?
Thatl learn im.
Cringe worthy stuff earlier from the resident Frank Sidebottom tribute act that is Steph McGovern on BBC Breakfast.
She took herself off to York to see how Brexit was affecting the Hospitality industry. As they rely on a lot of cheap labour , sorry, EU workers, they could be badly hit.
However, the boss of the Great Western Hotel was having none of it. He said the Right to Remain had been sorted and even the fee for the paperwork had been waived and at the moment it was basically business as usual even though they want a deal sorted asap for more clarity. Brexit was not negatively affecting the business or workers.
Steph was pushing and pushing for some negativity, but to be fair, he was wasn’t for playing. Well done that man. Unlucky Steph …. nice try. Sure there will be another attempt tomorrow.
Might be OT but I am keen on finding out what a senior bbc figure who blocks anyone who questions his output says.
As a few who are allowed to comment point out, not widely covered back at the ranch.
Looking forward to BBC Editorial explaining away this one…
…or, maybe, ignoring it?
Imagine if the US President had said something so ‘divisive’
How does one best travel from Oregon to Norway without bumping into Bri headed to a mountain or Martha on a Ski-Doo?
Should be called Catholic woman because it has some very odd views for a conservative tag, and if you take a look at most of the posters they are what are known as ‘old Catholics’ Even the site owners are committed Catholics, carrying the baggage of the religion before the current pope destroyed them all.
What views have you found there that you think are not conservative?
The BBC clearly has too many departments with too many staff with not enough to do.
Where was she staying, in a padded cell?
Can the New Zealand PM make herself look any more ridiculous?
After the horrific mass murder there was clearly a desperate need to bring the nation together and condemn the killer and all he stands for.
However, there wasn’t any requirement for her to don that bloody ridiculous headscarf. It just looks really odd, particularly being worn by a “progressive, feminist liberal” someone who has spent her career waffling about the sisterhood and the patriarchy. It’s an act and it reeks of insincerity.
Every time I see the daft, PC bint the bloomin’ headscarf seems to have got thicker and bigger. it wouldn’t surprise me if she turned up wearing the full hijab and telling us she’s converted to Islam.
It’s quite easy to display sympathy and empathy without emulating the people you’re interacting with. It looks patronising, condescending and fake to me.
I go to the Cenotaph every Remembrance Day but I don’t get dressed up in military uniform and wearing medals I’m not entitled to.
What she’s going to do next? Walk a couple of feet behind the menfolk…Start kneeling to Mecca…Saying “Peace be upon him”…
Maybe undergo FGM…
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the virtue signallers underwent FGM just to “feel closer to the victims”. A bit like getting a bee tattoo after the Manchester arena bombing.
Poor old beeb, sometimes you almost have to feel sorry for them — I said almost.
Just when they get a real ‘far-right’ white supremacist nutjob mass killer like they’ve been wet-dreaming about for years, that they can use to demonise the right for all eternity and further crack down on any criticism of their favourite religion… up pops a muslim killer in Utrecht, threatening to knock our NZ psycho off the front page.
And for a while he does.
But have no fear, they soon create some absurd confusion about his motives (“family reasons”?!) and begin to slide Utrecht nut-job off the front page, while keeping NZ nutjob firmly there with the new story that the NZ PM will un-person him to deny him the oxygen of publicity.
Underlying the whole tale of 2 cities, you can sense the vitriolic hate for NZ nutjob who is the epitome of evil, while bad-tempered family-man, meh, not so much, just doing what jihadis with family problems do these days.
And by the way, doesn’t our little Jacinda do the Mater Dolorosa number well? Born for the part.
She is way OTT with all this headscarf crap ……. found her a little creepy to be honest. Seems the sort who will now piss off the native population by somehow calling for more Muslims to come to New Zealand and offering all sorts of incentives and welcome packages to really up her virtue signalling status . Definately overkill !! (oops, bad phase).
Then there was Marine’s response to headscarves… thanks but no thanks.
At last, a woman with real balls.
She seems to be wearing a giant eggshell on her head.
It’s she the New Zealand version of Miss Occasional-Corset?
Not to mention the thick Turkish President erdogan threatening New Zealanders. Someone should tell this violent buffoon the event was carried out by an Australian.
But at least he’s given us some insight into his thought processes; he needs to be kept as far away as possible from normal people, and Turkey should be kicked out of NATO.
She didn’t have to wear this cloth, she could have worn a hat and still have covered her hair. Note that the photo is not full body because she was wearing a skirt with her legs showing which definitely doesn’t fir with the Muslim idea of how a woman ought to dress – how about the BBC showing her head to toe?
BBC only wants to highlight the submission. It’s their banner. Submit to Islam. (submission)
I say, I say! Why is the Queen’s head on our coinage? So that you can’t count-‘er-feet.
I don’t wish to know that, kindly leave the stage.
Radio 5 live this morning from York.
Female BBC reporter was given time to go and find 2 passer bys and lo and behold she collared one male polish guy (think he was anyway?) who worked at an hotel as washer up or similar who had no idea how to speak English (it s as if this BBC reporter was holding the Mic behind her back while waiting for this guy to speak). Boy, and when he did speak you couldn’t even understand what he said – poor chap? – Then she brought in a very well spoken female English business owner, and of course we could hear every word that this “remainer” said. She said something about “the few extremists in the country who wanted Brexit should be ignored while the few leave MPs should be ignored also.
Its as if the BBC woman had deliberately sought out this man cause he couldn’t speak English while no doubt the female remainer was obviously wined and dined last night to prepare fore her speech. In credible.
BBC news crews will taint your flesh if you speak to them .
A happier more honest State Broadcaster would be celebrating today . The unemployment figures are out and employment has increased by 35000 in the 2 months of December and jan .
32.7 million in work
Jobless rate of 3.9 – the lowest since 1975
The ReichEU average – that’s average is 6.5%. Spain is at 14% for January on EU figures . Italy is over 10%.
So 112000 more are working yoy – despite brexit .
No bunting from the state broadcaster – just a bit on their dumbed down website .
Who cares whether people of jobs when they can worry about snowflake trivia …
The burning question is, will the increase in income tax take be enough to cover all the newcomers to the UK who live on benefits?
Obviously not since such a high proportion it income tax National insurance is paid by higher earners .
I just hope that if we ever do get out of the ReichEU – and get a proper government – the country will be less ‘friendly’ to those coming here to exploit our softness … starting with benefits .
If there are reciprocal agreements with other countries – fine – but otherwise – not
Brendan Cox …say you shouldn’t hype up a terrorist event
..He should know the BBC Rules
… ‘Killer has a ROP name ..keep it quite don’t mention the name much
.. but if the killer is white emphasise that as much as possible’ ( repeating the Anglo name is part of that)
Is Brendan Cox still relevant ?
Poor choice of words Brendan.
He knows what gratuitous and unnecessary feeling is like.
Good post.
Brendon Cox – good grief man!
Pakistan revenge unreported ?
Wrong religion being victimised, and wrong religion doing the victimising.
Andrea Jenkyns
Bubbleworld Krishnan
“I’ve never met a pro-Brexit Child”
Good grief, I didn’t know that there are so few British children in the UK?.
All I can say to that then is they must all be recent arrivals to our shores.
When I look at Jacinda and her antics in NZ, I try to picture this:
It is the day after 9/11 in NY.
Over to the Saudi parliament:
The King, who is wearing a yarmulke and a Christian cross on a gold chain, has invited a Christian minister and a Jewish Rabbi to open with prayers.
The King opens parliament praising Jesus. Outside a crowd of Saudi kids are singing ‘Abide with me’ and ‘Amazing Grace’. This is followed by Jewish prayers for the dead.
You are wondering what all this is about? Why, solidarity, of course.
Did it happen? Not in a million years.
Naw, merely a little creative thinking about justice and reciprocity and stuff like that…
But I think Jacinda missed a trick.
Had it happened in Canada, Justin would have flown the green flag for a week, rather than the colonialist Maple Leaf.
Hush now, don’t go giving her ideas!
Revolting I know; but now the Christians are being thrown out of their own place of worship while Muslims sit in their own pews:
This poor Christian lady stood up and protested about why this allowed to take place – the Muslim hench-men kicked her out while their fellow muslims bowed down to their own IDOLS their magic carpets.
As it is she can fly some silly brown flag or one with a fern on it. Gosh, that country is turning wet.
Claire Fox
A rich seam of humour in response to that MSM punt.
Hopefully Mr. Javid not reassigning funds like the rest desperately assign genders to see more police of donophilia are plonked in front of a computer screen working on their first embolism.
I don’t know anything about Claire Fox except that I do like her defence of Brexit. She also wants-out.
She is a right-minded toughie.
BBC engages in conspiracy theory. The Alt Right are behind the Christchurch killings and are to be combatted.
‘The man accused of the Christchurch shootings left a trail of references to online culture and extremist alt-right ideology.
When he first appeared in court, Brenton Tarrant flashed an “OK” hand sign.
The gesture was described in some accounts as a white nationalist symbol, but perhaps more accurately could be called a trollish gesture. It is used by extremists, but also by a range of conservatives, far-right figures and the alt-right – a disparate group of activists who congregate on extreme message boards.
A document posted shortly before the shooting and widely credited to the suspect, indicates the author is steeped in the alt-right’s toxic culture.
Online, white nationalist ideology hides under layers of irony, often allowing its proponents to duck accusations of extremism while actively spreading hateful language and memes.’
So you can spot Alt Right extremists by their use of irony.
Shall we add irony to our laws against hurty hate speech?
M’lud, witnesses will testify that the defendant was using layers of irony on the internet.
or he could have been signalling that he thought the judge was wan***
I think the entire conspiracy theory/joke comes from here
<img src="https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/main-qimg-a095af25f38ff3b4911855fa82c6c6bd-c.jpg"
Good Morning (お早よう, Ohayō) is a 1959 comedy film by Japanese director Yasujirō Ozu.
So hardly unique to our culture ..
The ‘swamp’ is full of them!
Maybe they are all just trying to do a rabbit shadow puppet!
Have they linked him to Tommy Robinson (“whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”) yet? I bet they are trying.
Just when you thought muslims could sink no lower:
I saw this on the Vlad Tepes website.
I look at Ardern and Merkel and May, and I arrive at certain conclusions by which I have surprised myself.
They are not the same conclusions I arrived at when I looked at Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi or Benazir Bhutto.
So my conclusions have nothing to do with misogyny or discrimination.
My conclusion is that we, in the West, should have a break from female prime ministers. As well as ‘feminist’ male Prime Ministers. At this critical phase in history, they don’t seem to be able to act in the interests of their own people, promote democracy, or inspire confidence in their leadership.
My conclusion, FNW, would be that, all things considered, there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with female Prime Ministers at all, but there is something fundamentally wrong with electing Prime Ministers specifically because they are females (a term in which, in the interests of non-normative gender realignments and so forth, I would very definitely include any manginas).
It was amiss of me not to add the obvious local name to my list of Golda, Indira and Benazir, who all somehow impressed: Maggie
Big Brother: I think you’re right. When I consider my second list, I think the achievers were all elected in their own right…
I would have been happy with Esther McVey as pm until she said she would (even reluctantly) vote for Mays ‘deal’
I think we will lose about 400 of the current MPs in the next election as we leavers get our revenge. The House of Lords will not have enough places to fit in all those to be rewarded for going against democracy.
Emmanuel – The H.o.L. is an anti-democratic farce on a scale all of its own. It is absurd for their Lordships simply to be nominated at the whim of a party leader. Look at the bizarre size of the place!
It has become a dumping ground for PC appointments, who have achieved little or nothing in their own right.
They have not been elected by anyone. Media-pleasing rabble like, perhaps, Gina Miller wait in the wings to be nominated.
Democracy? No. A farce.
They should bring back the hereditary principle in the HoL, but like the Order of the Garter.
So no more ‘life’ peers until one of their numbers die. Set a limit on the total number.
Cut the Lords by two-thirds, and you’ll still have more than enough!
cut most of them in four quarters
You’d think so, yet polls still indicate that voters are wedded to the old, failed parties. Despite the noise here and on Twitter.
This is EU elections, but possibly even more alarming for the low UKIP vote. Perhaps the electorate really is too stupid to be entrusted with a vote.
Fiefdoms. “I am Utrecht; son of Utrecht…”
Blood eagles might perk up the hustings too.
opinion polls?
what like the ones that indicated a remain and clinton vote?
There is a passage in the NT that goes something like this: “they [already] have their reward”
Meaning. Things for this lot of traitors will be very different next time round. You can bet your Qur’an on it.
But they all demonstratively love islam. That’s a fact……….
Don’t forget Justine Trudeau and Emmanuelle Macron.
Prejudices against grime
lol seriously mp’s interested in grime music
we need to make sure we can export grime to europe without trade barriers
And I thought Gordon Brown’s ‘enthusiasm’ for the Arctic Monkeys was funny…
These MPs need to go out and find a real job. There is a lot of grime on pavements. Maybe street-sweeping would be the right profession?
Not to forget that it’s Tommy Robinson’s retrial this Friday.
Now adjourned until May.
Brexit Betrayal Demo, Round 2 on 29th March.
More on the Cambridge case.
Ah, thanks for the update.
The tactic of prolonging the punishment with the process.
I haven’t watched the bBC or any other “live” tv for a few weeks now, everything is being streamed through our smart tv or Firestick, and no-one in our family of 5 misses it at all.
So no bBC Views or Daily Bullshit, but I have been watching a bit of Skew News through YouTube.
I know most of us know this. It’s worse than the bBC. It really is effing awful. Boulton and Burley are not only genuinely loathsome individuals but are piss-poor journalists to boot and Dermot Murnaghan is just shockingly useless. The car-crash interest in this channel has already passed for me as it is truly, truly terrible tv.
It’s no surprise that the bBC hold themselves in such high, highly miss-guided, self esteem when they measure their performance against such low-level competition.
Couldn’t agree more Rich. Boulton is way too fat so has problems with his airways thus barely able to speak and its always the same questions anyway. Burley tries the abrupt manner approach to show she has ‘gravitas’, er no, she just looks like scary Chukkie with the loud laugh. Murnaghan is just rubbish whatever he does, and also has scary eyes, actually like most of the Sky presenters if you look carefully – must be a cv requirement.
RT – it is pretty rich when the best news service on our Sky Box is from Russia.
Murnaghan worked for BBC News for a while – they sent him back to sky. If the BBC won’t hire you you are in trouble.
“scary eyes” – well observed. There is something similar about Lib Dems: there is something queer about their nose/mouth/voice/breathing. I think they catch it at residential training sessions.
NZ Terrorist.
The NZ PM in an act of supreme virtue signalling and smugness has announced that she will never mention the Terrorist’s name.
Will she do the same for the names of Islamic Terrorists?
She will probably not be able to pronounce them.
Perhaps she could manage Christopher Havard and Daryl Jones, Al Qaeda operatives ‘radicalised’ in Christchurch?
That story from ABC, Australia’s BBC, so it must be true.
She will probably not be able to pronounce them.”
They never give their real names anyway.
Something about it depending on which Passport they have in their Taxi today. Honest lot you see. Its their “religion of peace” that does it.
Maybe she’s a big Harry Potter fan.
He Who Must Not Be Named
Lord Voldemort
“Will she do the same for the names of Islamist terrorists?”
Have a care please sir!
What you actually mean is the names of those with “family troubles” or “drug habits” perhaps “a long history of criminality” and even “lone wolves”…so absolutely NOTHING to do with a certain religion. Please repeat!
Think we just got away with it.
All the problematic old white men at the BBC are lauding the lovely young white boy they have hired.
He is the journalistic dead zone kindergartener that got a bit excited by all da yoof at the supposed
climate striketeeny trot march recently.EMPLOYMENT FIGURES ARE UP…..WHERES PROJECT FEAR? THEY’RE THE BEST SINCE 1971…when will our country wake up to having INDEPENDENCE!
BBC TV News have trashed the highest employment figures since 1971 by bringing on a commentator to say that those employed are not as productive as they used to be.
Might this be the same BBC that employs a veritable armada of journos yet has acquired something of a name for cut and paste ‘journalism’?
They really don’t do irony, do they?
Van Helsing,
Do try to keep up. Irony is extreme right wing.
What is the rate of employment in moslem districts in places like Luton? Very low, which is why the streets are always full of people hanging about.
Anyone notice that you can’t view the News Clips or Video clips on the Fox Internet Channel?
This started on Friday.
Just tried Fox News using the Edge Browser and could not play the videos even in a private browser window. I set up a VPN with a US proxy and the videos worked fine.
It jogged my interest. As a follow up I tried some different locations. Germany, France, Netherlands,Albania : no video
USA, Brazil, Singapore: Video
Seems like Europe-US or US-Europe is having “issues”.
Another domestic this time in London. Man with a gun or not with a gun.
I guess there will be quite a few domestics now the media have successfully sold the Utrecht killings as domestic.
Witnesses say
Local resident Sam Novell tweeted: ‘Anyone in and around Addiscombe stay away. Bloke with gun walking around. Police trying to find him. Mums locked in work!’
Another Twitter user wrote: ‘So my mum’s work in Addiscombe has been blocked off as a man with a gun is walking around the main road outside all cordoned off now by police! Wtf is wrong with people!’
Shall we forget they said anything?
Tragic. But given recent reports VD seems to have opted for reverse BBC diversity.
For some reason.
Plus some of the 5 yos turning up to Joey’s climate strike appear to have fallen afoul of the stabby stabby en route.
If you want to know why young people are seemingly oblivious to the many faults of Islam I implore you to take a look here: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/guides/zfnv87h/revision/4
The BBC and government working together to brainwash the next generation. Absolutely no mention of human rights, warmongering, taqiya, multiple wives, views on homosexuality, underage brides…
No wonder they want to censor the internet. God forbid anyone finds out the truth.
anon — that is quite an eye opener. Also compare / contrast from the ‘capital punishment’ sections:
—Muslims accept that the death penalty is a punishment established by God in the Qur’an […] This verse teaches that although murder is considered a sin, it is acceptable to use capital punishment when required by law.
—Some Christians argue that capital punishment helps to maintain order and protection in society. They would say this because [..] The Bible sets down the death penalty for some crimes, so it must be acceptable to God.
I believe 99% of left-wing liberals have never read a passage from the Quran or the Hadiths. They accept anything a Muslim tells them about Islam and never questions it – as that would appear racist of course.
Do you think a national newspaper would accept a full page advert which simply quotes passages from the Quran? No hatred, no judgement, just facts. Indisputable facts!
It could be a great way to start a national debate about the compatibility of Islam in this country. Bring Islam and it’s values out in to the mainstream. Poll after poll constantly shows that the views of the Muslim community are not aligned with Western values (gay rights, equality, marriage rights, etc).
I would happily contribute to a Go Fund Me campaign if this was to happen.
If you listen to the very amusing Robert Spencer Vs the Imam, you will find that even the Imams who are supposed be at least conversant with the Qur’an do not have the first clue about it. They trot out leftist tropes about cohesion and other assorted isms.
The problem is as I keep telling people Muslims only learn to recite the Qur’an in classical Arabic, which they cannot understand. Many believe translation is heretical and do not have any truck with it. Others like Anjem Choudary do learn what is in that book and readily communicate its contents to others.
The BBC will not listen to non Muslims telling it anything as it simply neither trusts them to tell the truth, and cannot believe or accept the content to be true.
Have a listen for yourself – it’s priceless to hear an Iman say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and the Qur’an is Robert Spencers field !
Great idea.
But I try not to discuss much religion on this website as it can be so annoying to others. Besides, this is about Bias BBC and not Judaism/Christianity/Islam.
However, I use this opportunity to ask our muslim readers the following questions:
1) When Islam celebrate the Eid al-Adha holiday, they will tell you that Abraham nearly killed his oldest son, Ishmael – but the truth is, the book of Genesis records that it was Abraham’s younger son, ISAAC, NOT Ishmael. (Genesis 22)
I told a muslim this once and he went away to check if I was lying – he came back gobsmacked, he couldn’t beleive it as explained here:
2) To suggest that Mohammed is the “prophet” foretold in Deuteronomy 18 contradicts the Qur’an, which declares that the “Prophethood and Revelation” was to come through the “progeny” of Isaac and Jacob — not Ishmael (Sura 29:27).
Here endeth the last lesson.
Just astounding how Muslims just get off playing victims ably assisted by Western MSM and politicians.
And on the bbc WS every other line lately is pointing up women’s equality issues. ‘Ooh a woman’s been appointed here or is doing this or that’ is definitely the bbc fad – at the moment. Still makes a change from the, gay, black, trans obsession. But then NONE of these bbc causes are in line with Islam – how queer?
R4 lunchtime news has firmly grasped the antidote to antisemitism in Labour: it has discovered ‘Islamophobia’ in the Tory party. Greatly assisted by unelected ‘Tory’, ‘baroness’ Warsi, who would fit seamlessly into Labour.
What a wonderful distraction for beeb; they can now do some solid batting for their beloved Labour party.
Maybe a change of term is way overdue.
A phobia is an irrational fear of something.
Islamo-pragmatism maybe.
A new term rather than Islamophobia?
How about Islamonausea.
(Hat tip to Pat Condell)
So. After telling the world throughout yesterday that the Turk shooter was having a “domestic” and buried it away. Move on, nothing to see here.
They now reluctantly report on the one o’clock news that the Dutch police have found no family connections and say it is a terrorist attack.
Again, move along, nothing to see….
And when they say, ‘terrorist’ they mean Islamist.
Come on dear bbc, tell it like it is.
In terms of blood soaked activities the Far Right are utterly inconsequential compared to the ROP cult – much to the fantasy narrative writers despair.
Well aint that a surprise !!! Well not to us on here or anyone with half a semblance of what is actually happening in the REAL world. A world in which the BBC luvvies do not reside. All those researchers on the case yesterday, trying desperately to find some relative, someone he called uncle 20 years ago, a family cat, dog anything family wise they could link it too ….. alas ,,,a days work wasted. He was just the usual plain old ISLAMIC TERRORIST. Oh dear.
But don’t you know that the real reason why the sordid BBC are cool with Islam is because there are so flipping many of them working (laugh) at the BBC scum workers ball. inc.
The identities of the people he killed must be due for release since they have dropped the lie about ‘domestic incident ‘ .
Maybe the ministry of propaganda was becoming aware that the ‘ lone wolf’ ‘ mental issues’ was getting a bit hackneyed .
The domestic motivation is pretty clever because it does encourage the collective shoulder shrug and move on … then leave it a couple of days before the Terrorism charges .
I wonder that they’ll use after ‘ domestic ‘? ‘ climate change ?’
My first ever complaint about BIAS sent to the BBC via their complaints process. I look forward to their response justifying the blatant bias and telling me I’m wrong:
There was a report by Tanya Arnold on the 18th March 2019 during the BBC Look North broadcast.
It was in regards to Harris Akbar winning a silver medal at the European Under 22 Boxing Championships in Russia.
Tanya said the following:
“It was so nearly a gold for the young man from Bradford, here in the red, who lost his final by a split decision yesterday 3 judges to 2. Unless I’m very much mistaken the chap he lost to was a Russian and they were in Russia… funny that”
The way it was said, along with her body movements came across as a not so subtle suggestion that the winner of the competition had won because of their nationality. It implied cheating on behalf of the competitor, the judges or both.
Tanya produced no evidence whatsoever to back up her claim. This came across as very unprofessional, particularly for an impartial broadcaster.
I’ve never heard a sports presenter infer the same thing about Lewis Hamilton and Silverstone, Andy Murray and Wimbledon, Venus Williams and the US Open. I’m sure it was just a co-incidence that the first time I’ve heard anything like this on the BBC is in relation to a Russian competitor.
For your information I will forward my complaint, your response to my complaint and a video of Tanya’s report to the European Boxing Confederation. I’m sure they will be interested to hear any evidence that Tanya may have to support her comments.
I look forward to your response.
BBC Response:
I understand you felt Tanya Arnold ‘claimed’ boxer Harris Akbar lost in Vladikavkaz as a result of cheating.
This was part of an unscripted exchange during the link back to the News team. This is often informal – we try to keep it light and topical. Harry asked her what she meant by the comment and she immediately added ‘absolutely nothing’. We follow local competitors from grassroots level up to Olympic standard and celebrate their successes.
Our Sports reports themselves are fair and accurate – this was an off-the-cuff handover. We don’t think viewers would infer any real comment here but have taken the opportunity to speak to the team again about striking the right tone.
Please be assured that your comments have been shared with the producers of BBC Look North, as well as senior management, on our daily feedback report.
Christchurch shootings: Ardern vows never to say gunman’s name

I hope she just stops talking full stop; the way she butchers the English language, especially the vowels, is painful,
And BBC, the last time I looked NZ wasn’t sat on the Asian continental plate ..
(Phonetically humour, btw).
“Wasn’t sat”? Talk about butchering the English language!
Wot !
Only 60% – Things are improving then?
I’ve often mused in what this and other excellent biased State Broadcaster websites would look like if their existence became more well known .
I’m sure that there would be more trolling and the kind of hair brained comments found on The Guardian site when they actually allow comment – but I reckon it’s for a greater good
– the reform or extinction of the State Broadcaster .
“The Guardian site ”
A few years ago when the Bradford/Yorkshire area child sex thing broke, I wrote in their forum:
In my opinion this is just the tip of the iceberg.
It was immediately deleted never to be seen again. I often wonder about that Guardian worker who deleted my post.
I don’t buy newspapers so rely on the like of the Guardian Website to see what the enemy is up to . Being a bit sad I enjoy looking at headlines and guessing whether they’ll allow comments . I read them but am not registered with that rag .
What you say is no surprise . The Guardian uses the same methods as the state broadcaster to suppress the truth which will make third world Muslim peasants who rape white English girls for a hobby look bad ….
It also enjoys describing any one who dissents from its view as “far Right ‘ without definition . It appears that the threshold for ‘being far right ‘ is rapidly reducing – a bit like the threshold for when some one becomes a ( right wing ) terrorist.
I guess The Guardian is kept afloat by public bodies such as the state broadcaster buying large numbers on the taxpayers ‘ ‘dime’ judging by the number of pop ups begging for cash .
I for one will have a little dance the day The Guardian fails …..
Good post.
“I for one will have a little dance the day The Guardian fails ”
I would advise you not do the Maori Hakka as this NZ PM might send her “All blacks” after you next time they play over here!
They put me on ‘moderation’ (or whatever they called it) a few times at the Guardian comment is free. I could still comment but the comment only appeared if it passed scrutiny by the Comrades. You had to keep to the straight and narrow and not upset them with inconvenient facts before the Comrades would lift the restriction and allow your comments to appear straight away on the page.
Eventually they banned me outright for objecting to the fact-free lefty hysteria over the police shooting of teenage criminal Michael Brown (white cop, black victim).
When I emailed to query the banning they replied that I was a “troll.”
The far left is petrified by any debate that challenges it’s ignorant assumptions.
I’m glad that the Guardian is struggling to survive and has to plea for donations with every article it’s ‘journalists’ write.
May it go from weakness to weakness.
“I’m glad that the Guardian is struggling to survive and has to plea for donations”
I can’t see this Newspaper lasting for much longer. Like the BBC its subscribers are falling drastically and going elsewhere. It will be a joy when that happens.
I would hazard a gues it would be more than 60%. I for one have not been asked. Have you?
This should read “60% of those asked….”
On behalf of the wonderful contributors to this site …
No Sh1t.Sherlock!!
Even if 100% of the people KNEW it was biased the useless Commieserveyourselves wouldn’t do anything about it because it’s too much like hard work !
The other 40 % are Remoaners who like the bias.
R5 Live doing a lot on male suicide… second time in 12 hours that I’ve heard male suicide is all our responsibilities. This morning the Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention on Emma Barnett’s show said “we all have a role to play.” Not denying suicide is a horrible thing for both victim and loved ones but are the causative factors really shared by everyone?
— The rise of the ‘far right’ is now the responsibility of certain media outlets and digital publishers
— After Christchurch the Guardian has a piece on why it’s unfair to expect Muslims to call out Muslim extremism
— Some say that in the event of job losses, Brexiteers should be first on the firing line as that’s what they voted for
— Stop and search unfairly targets black people as criminals
— The fate of Shemima Begum’s baby is the responsibility of the UK
In the new socialist super-state we’re all responsible for everything, unless we’re not. To help navigate the maze of identity politics I’d like to see a giant Venn diagram of individual, community and national rights and responsibilities so we all know how to respond in the state-approved way.
I think it would get quite messy.
The bbc is very much engaged in engendering suicidal thoughts.
To surreptitiously hasten, ‘clear out’ the old whiteys who voted Leave……
Its simple: if you are a white British indigenous (i.e. can trace your family tree in Britain back many generations), heterosexual male who wears mens clothing:
it is all your fault, everything
Damn, Annu.
I’ve always suspected I was a wrong ‘un, but now you’ve gone and confirmed it…
If that were your real name you might just get away with it, as a “stakeholder” in the UK
Annu it’s a bit tricky, I think one of my ancestors was an Anglo-Saxon who identified as a Roman Viking princess
Viking is OK they attacked christians and formed rape gangs but of course it was a culture thing, no more longships just taxis now
Kept the beards and the knives though
Well I’m of immigrant descent – Got Duputrens so background must be Viking?
G — my sympathies (although I had to look that up). Definitely worth adding into the flow chart… an exotic twist surely means it has to count as a minority need
Watching Owen Patterson against the remainers on politics live.
Emma Reynolds said the 16 million who voted remain should also have their voices heard.
Does this mean that in future elections, unless they stop them, whoever wins should scrap half their policies and take half the opposition policies because about half the people would have voted for the opposition and their voices should be heard? For instance, raise and lower income tax, legalise and criminalise drugs and so on.
Of course, we all know that policies and manifesto promises are completely worthless because all they do is lie to us.
What will be on the next election manifesto for liblabcon.
Would you believe them if it said they will leave the eu?
At least the libs (12 seats) and greens (1 seat) said they would leave, the hundreds of labcon MPs just lied and said they would leave and we fools voted believing they would.
Fool me once…..
A big change coming with about 400 MPs getting booted out.
We will have our day.
I listened to a tiny bit of the State Broadcaster today and it seems that what it approves of is a year A50 extension coupled with another referendum to confirm what ever the new sell out looks like .
Please God the Hungarians or Italians block the A50 at the Council of Ministers of Thursday ?
As a result how can a full brexit be stopped ?
Well they could veto but many bear traps litter the path. Such as dissolving Parliament and going for a GE and having lots more votes and things getting bogged down in the Lords or simply revoking Article 50.
I wish I felt more optimistic and if Farage was PM I would.
I’m guessing to get Parliament shut down the queen must approve it . And there’ll be a ‘don’t even ask ‘ message on the cabinet table ….
So the coming Friday will be another can kicking day as the outgoing PM comes back from Brussells again to tell the Commons what she has kindly been given by the EU drunks .
Apparently the MPs may have to ‘work ‘ through the weekend . Personally I’d tell them to go home and prepare to get a new job…
EG – I kinda understand Emma Reynolds’ point. Personally, I could make out a case to stay in the EU, based on certain trade and security factors (big old China, etc). But let’s not forget, NATO continues. UK membership of NATO continues. Interpol continues. UK membership of Interpol continues. So no muddying waters, please, re security.
Overwhelmingly, this has to do with self-government and therefore, sovereignty. That argument Trumps all. (I do love that verb). If you cannot make and enforce your own laws, you have nothing.
Self-government -and thus full independence from the EU- cannot be sub-divided. You’re either in the EU or you’re out. Emma should understand that: she cannot be a little bit pregnant; she is or she isn’t.
-in the Customs Union? If yes, you’re in the EU;
-in the Single Market? If yes, you’re in the EU;
– subject to any kind of European Court of whatever description? If yes, you’re in the EU;
British members sitting in the EU parliament? If yes, you’re in the EU.
Paying them money that cannot be traced back to legitimate pre-departure obligations? You may as well be in the EU.
You cannot leave with a ‘deal’. (You can have a FTA with the EU). Pre-birth, baby doesn’t make a deal about which part of it stays in the womb. And when it’s out, it’s out. Then the nature of the relationship between two separate persons starts taking shape.
When you leave, you leave. You don’t ‘crash out’ any more than you float out, roll out or whatever…This manipulation of language for political purposes has to stop; we need to return to plain English meanings.
Regrettably, UK sovereignty means there has to be a real border between NI and Eire; all the talk about half a border or a ‘soft’ border is illogical.
So, in this referendum you could only listen to either 16 million and take one route; or you can listen to 17.4 million and take the diametrically opposite. You can’t do a little of both.
Sovereignty, you are dead right! How on earth did we get into the position where we had to ask permission to leave this hellish organization? What a pathetic country we have become!
The 60% who think the bBC are biased on Brexit is surely nearer 70-75% in line with The make up of the current parliament – 75% remain. These ratios perfectly illustrate the Parliament are out of line with the electorate!
SKY News output is also up there.
You could easily conclude that the balance of 30%- 40% are the young, who wouldn’t know where to find a bBC channel.
Another vital question was missed on the poll……………”and therefore if the bBC cannot be trusted should the Licence Tax be scrapped.
The problem with the scrapping of the TV tax is that funding could be absorbed into general taxation and I still want to be able to do something to object – hence not paying … and not using their poisonous output.
I’m due a visit on the 28th of March from the enforcement department …. a geezer or girl geezer with a clipboard ….not opening the door, no requirement to speak ..no purpose in engaging them .
Good luck.
Trying to listen to Peter Bone being ’interviewed ‘ by 2 wimmin, Burley and Rigby, but somebody with mental issues is shouting when Bone is replying (or replyin’ as Rigby would say)
They producers seem to always have lots of eu flags waving in the background of their pictures and make sure any Brexiteer is drowned out or made difficult to hear by having a microphone on the pro eu mob bellowing outside.
If it is actually just picking up random yobs yelling during the broadcast you would think any competent broadcaster would have their microphones on those taking part in the interview.
I can’t recall hearing the raucous shouting when anyone pro eu is being interviewed, strange that!
Saw that. Agree with you. I couldn’t actually work out what the numbskull was actually saying so it was all a bit pointless really.