We will have to get used to Far Left BBC types being cheerful as the threat of Brexit is lifted.Brexiters will cease to be heard . Project Fear May be put on hold for a bit .
Thats one narrative . The other is that UK leaves the EU is 12 days .
over to you .
15:30pm Clean Air for Kids : Costing the Earth
\\ Clean air – the fightback: Tom Heap investigates the problems caused by air pollution, and asks how it affects children’s health. He visits schools in Manchester and London and finds out about new initiatives which hope to try to reduce pollution around school sites //
I don’t mind proper science
but instead of science this prog promises “Think of the children! ” #EmotionalBlackMail #PRnotNews
.. and gimmicks
I would just like to say one thing to the LibLabCon (but particularly the Con as we know they read this site) :
……………………………….(how you have betrayed us).
Which/whatever way you look at the antics of, “Parliament”, we’ve all been shafted.
“Parliament” will now hastily change the voting system to avoid becoming a bloodbath come next elections. Wait and see. Any bets?
British PM reduced to begging!
Beggars belief.
Yes, if May had been working to destroy the Tories – she couldn’t have done a better job.
Definitely UKIP/Farage for me from now on – wonder how many out there feel likewise and won’t it be fun to see the two main parties coming together to maintain the status quo and save their filthy skins.
John Bercow does not look at all well.
But then again, if my wife was a drunken slapper whom I’d caught having sex with my brother in the back of my car, it might make me look a bit peaky.
If his brother looks and acts anything like him no wonder she needs a few,
order, order : mines a double
The Surrey stabbing
The press say
\\ the suspect shouted “kill a Muslim” and “white supremacy” //
That second phrase seems an extremely unlikely thing for an attacker to say ..bet there is no recording.
Very similar to the Jo Cox “Britain first”. If I recall that phrase was never mentioned in the court case by any witness but it is now recorded in liberal history books as the exact words spoken.
Terrorist! OMG. From what I can make out from various news stories: some vehicles had been damaged by a group of ROP. The 50-year old chap approached them. They ROPers became aggressive (what a surprise) and the white chap stabbed one of them in the hand (possibly fearing for his own wellbeing). Of course, he shouldn’t have taken those weapons with him, but in today’s society when the police won’t even breath in the wrong direction of a ROPer, some sympathy can be given to this chap.
I remember that Peter Simple had demonstrators shouting, “Wilson! You will be thrown on the dustheap of history on a tit-for-tat basis”. Just the sort of phrasing that springs unbidden to the lips.
4pm R4
#1 asks whether new laws are needed to protect online and social media users from abuse?
#2 visits an immigration tribunal in central London.
Joshua Rozenberg meets applicants who want to stay in Britain and judges who need an encyclopaedic knowledge of world affairs to decide whether they can remain.
Her Majesty must be pretty concerned about events . Tricky since she loves her Commonwealth Club so much and am sure woukd be a lot happier having those countries closer again .
But she has to avoid and comment during the next 10? Days as politicians dealing with Brexit become more toxic each day and the long term ramifications of lies and deceit become apparent.
If we leave without an agreement- and the outcome for both the UK and EU appears ‘ unsatisfactory ‘ Blighty has positioned itself to be to blame – despite the responsibility being with the Brussels drunks and their UK traitors. ( i actually think we ll be fine )
Trouble with ‘clever’ people (elites) is they believe that everyone else (us) is stupid. Steep learning curve.
Within 25 years England will not have enough water to meet demand, the head of the Environment Agency is warning.
The impact of climate change, combined with population growth, means the country is facing an “existential threat”…
Now let me think climate change, ya well let’s give that top billing. Combined with population growth, hardly worth a mention.
Immensurable climate change or an extra xxx million baths which is the existential threat? Tough call that one.
Just more propaganda to get everyone on water meters .
They, like climate alarmists, make it up as they go along. When it doesn’t come to pass, they keep their rotten little heads down, and/or blame someone/something else.
Immigration ? The start of a trail of broken Tory promises ……………………
In ten years we shall all be drinking sewage. That’s the good news. The bad news is that there will not be enough of it.
In my opinion all religion is tyranny. If any members of any religion want to be tyrannised by their own beliefs then so be it, but they are not at liberty to tyrannise the rest of us. We have to have the freedom to question, and criticise, anything which clashes with our own beliefs, culture and traditions. This is not anti-religion or, to be more specific, Islamaphobic, it is simply common sense. We are a western, secular society in which many different religions are free to practise what they want, but they have to understand that they do so under our rules and not their own. If members of any religion are uncomfortable with this then they should find somewhere else to live which is more compatible with their views.
So true, we did not ask to be made to feel like strangers in our own country.
We did not ask to have our opinions to be made imprisonable.
Absolutely to the point
Well said.
Within 25 years England will not have enough water to meet demand ……..”
Stop immigration NOW
Attend to leaky pipework NOW
Build reservoirs not houses NOW
Shut up NOW
Spot on
Mark Steyn
\\ All jihad is local, but all “Islamophobia” is global.
So, if a Muslim of Afghan origin shoots up a gay nightclub in Florida and kills 49 people, that’s just one crazed loner and no broader lessons can be discerned from his act.
…. On the other hand, if a white guy shoots up two mosques in New Zealand and kills 50 people,
that indicts us all,
… and we need to impose worldwide restraints on free speech to make sure it doesn’t happen again.//
Monday : 11 Bradford Men Arrested Over Online Child Sexual Exploitation
bbc local paragraph on live page
Longer and earlier report from local commercial radio
Did ayone check the Hope not Hate printer ?
link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-47615063
The leaflet may be Neo Nazi or have racial hadred but the news reports show us no real evidence.
Wiki : the Creativity Movement elected James Costello of England as its “Pontifex Maximus”
(Twitter never mentions him)
and they have given out LEGAL leaflets in 2015 in similar area
Are they real or just made up by activists/police
That link is banned on this network
They do have a Twitter account but renounced Twitter 2 years ago
Our favourite Attorney General – you know – the one who thinks it’s a good idea to persecute TR – has had his London office occupied by protesters today . Not TR. Not Brexit – but about three kids killed. By a drunk driver .
The AG remembered about a ‘ tax issue’ regarding properties he ownes last week but appears not to have committed a crime . Funny that lawyers never forget about money when it comes to their legal bills .,
BBC’s Liz tweets about the Justic for Our Boys protest
So it’s not ‘part and parcel of living in a big city’ this time?
oops my error I meant to tweet the reply
\\ @ganais_anais
YOU REFUSED TO ENGAGE w/ a handful of ppl who waited outside City Hall to speak to YOU
@MayorofLondon @SadiqKhan
NO COMPASSION for a grieving mother asking for #Justice4OurBoys
Instead YOU sent more Police than protesters & 2 heavies from CityHall to stare down & intimidate! //
No-one has asked me to “stand shoulder to shoulder” with anyone, and I don’t want to.
No-one has asked me whether I want to be part of a multicultural society – and I don’t want to be.
No-one EVER should ASSUME anything, its a dangerous road to take. So I’m thoroughly pissed off at being included in ‘assumptions’ in ideologies that I don’t want to be a part of, by politicians who clearly do not represent those who have voted for them anymore.
Justice for our boys protest.
Dismissed as conspiracy theorists
Someone ought to give these parents a hearing. Not take the piss out of them like Guido did.
There are too many .examples where people accuse the police and authorities of cover ups.
Cox, Attorney General, is a political tool, not a servant of the law.
I don’t know the full facts, because the media are not looking for them.
Rawlings tweeted at 4:13pm
\\ They’ve left now. Here was the moment they walked out:
And here are the protestors singing about Brexit.
They covered a wide range of issues
(crime, the *BBC*, the police, the Mayor of London) while I was there. // video
That’s a lot of police to halt mother Tracey Blackwell
Surprised MSM didn’t declare it to be a terrorist attack – our thoughts and prayers ….
He was my MP, and during several personal contacts I formed a deeply unfavourable opinion of him. The great feather in his cap as a lawyer must have been that he got Van Hoogstraten off.
That figures – I suppose he has a fire proof majority …
If Bercow manages to engineer a full brexit next week I think they should put up a statue to the little … er …. person .
Shouldn’t take much brass, a bucket of old pennies should do it
I’ve half a bucket of lego upstairs, reckon that would do the job.
Theres a pile of horse sh@t in the field up the road, all it needs is a stupid multi coloured tie around the top, job done
a fat action man on a plinth
Meghan Markle signs a book of condolence at the New Zealand High Commission with the Maori word “Arohanui”. Shouldn’t her message have been in Urdu? Or even English? I doubt if any of the victims’ families speak Maori.
As night follows day, 38 Degrees, Compass and all the rest are lying through their teeth to capitalise….
Dear virtue signalling sucker,
We don’t have to imagine the consequences of the rise of the far-right. The man who murdered 50 people in a Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand was open about his politics: he was driven by far-right ideas, and praised Donald Trump as an inspiration. [1]
The attack on Muslim worshippers in Christchurch was horrific. But it wasn’t an isolated incident. It was part of a climate of rising Islamophobia and far-right politics. And we are not immune from it here in the UK. [2]
Will you please chip in to support organisations doing crucial work here in the UK to stamp out Islamophobia and the far-right?
The PM is apparently writing to the ReichEU begging for A50 to be extended to June or longer .
The brexit process has achieved so much
Shown the disconnect between voters and MPs and PMs
Shown the PM to be a liar
Shown the Speaker to be an anti democrat
Shown that whipping fails
Shown that the party system is shot
Shown that manifestos are toilet paper
Shown how biased the bubble is
Shown the BBC as an extension of the EU
Shown the civil service isn’t
I don’t know what the remedy is – whatever the actual outcome of Brexit is . I’m sure in many other countries – France Italy Spain – there woukd be serious civil unrest .
But here? Who knows ? I suppose a lot of people don’t care and that people forget quickly .
Who is in the next series of Strictly?
Zel. Markle is aiming for the world record at the number of staff who leave her employ, so give her enough rope…….. Her new (another) PR person from the States will be in post soon, and all bets are off as to her lasting 6 months. So Markle will carry on blundering along with that wimpy husband of hers.
I reckon Harry has the same kind of “look of the night” about him.
Princes Margaret had it as well.
My bet. The couple will end up living in the Hollywood hills till their kid (s) will have their own US TV talk show and of course tattoos around their neck.
I’m a bit cautious about using the word: kid (s) as the mother might claim her first born non-binary, demi-boy, ADULT?
If our immigrants do not wish to embrace our culture and obey our laws and respect our religion as night follows day there will be those who say this is a problem, if that is called far right so be it
True and none turn a hair when Westerners in foreign parts are required to put up and shut up or get clobbered.
If I went to Saudi, Pakistan, India I would have to defer to them.
They all bang on about equal treatment so OK so let’s have some otherwise it breeds resentment – quite simple really.
And similar goes for gays and all the rest we are now required to embrace while forgoing any beleifs or opinions we may have. So hence we find ourselves labelled, Islamophobes, xenophobes and homophobes etc and not fit to live.
gax-I have gay conservative friends whom have never required of me, or any other person, to forgo their beliefs or opinions. They go quietly about their lives without the need for identity politics, or to seek preferential treatment. I agree that by comparison there are unfair discrepancies, mainly orchestrated by an agenda driven MSM and vocal minority, but certainly not by all gays.
‘Fund to boost female and black physicists.’
Isn’t knife crime a more pressing issue!
They have a case study of a girl who says female friends dropped out of physics because the atmosphere was too ‘laddish.’ Surely a ‘laddish’ attitude in a few lessons would not dash your dream? It would only be about four hours a week leaving hundreds of spare hours to study outside the classroom. I can’t imagine Einstein deciding against working out his theory of relativity because he did not like the atmosphere at the patent office where he worked.
Physics students are so notoriously laddish! I remember the physics lads at university: always downing shots off naked women begging to hear shout their latest theorem. It took you weeks to get over a night out with those loose-living lunatics!
There were three in my boys’ classes who ended up at Oxbridge on account of being freaking geniuses.
Lovely chaps all, but shy to a fault and I doubt likely to be scoring well with the Big Bang Pennys from Social Studies and Drama.
So, nope.
Laddish physics students? The sit-com ‘The Big Bang Theory’ is based entirely on the opposite being true.
They cannot even be bothered to lie convincingly these days.
We should perhaps be boosting white knife criminals.
BBC Online News:
“”LGBT lessons row: More Birmingham schools stop classes””
“”Campaigner Amir Ahmed said some Muslims felt “victimised” but an LGBT group leader said No Outsiders helped pupils understand it is OK to be different.””
“”In a letter seen by the BBC, Leigh Trust said it was halting the lessons until after Ramadan in May.””
Muslims feel victimised because they are objecting to a teaching module.
Islam does not tolerate gays. Muslims object to a gay module and therefore Muslims feel victimised.
The BBC should be suggesting that gays are being victimised by Muslim actions.
But no. The BBC has an ideology clash here. The BBC support fervently both gays and Muslims. What are they to do??
a couple of guys walking up Bury Park road in Luton holding hands and watch the riot…
Birmingham council has announced that the teaching of homosexuality to young Muslim kids (some as young as 4) is to be halted. Personally I happen to agree with the Muslims that it is far too young and is part of the Frankfurt schools 11 point plan to destroy a society.
So will this now be extended to other schools where Muslim kids aren’t in the majority or in attendance? Probably not but if that is the case it amounts to discrimination on the grounds of race. This is an area which is well defined and any parents who object would have a great case against the leftist hate filled Birmingham Labour council.
Said earlier – the left lib agenda comes crashing off the rails in the face of Islam – tricky.
lA video first shows police trying to detain James Goddard outside parliament… then giving up and finally accept he is not banned from being in London today, cos he was on his way from solicitors to the court.
20,000 staff and £5,000,000,000 does not get you journalism like this…
OT, but the fast fading great Hispanic hope of Katty and Ko.
Plus funny.
I don’t know what’s worse – a pretty air head like her do her omg stuff or a british PM who has said “ we are leaving the EU on 29th March “ over 100 times ….
So today’s events
#1 “A court hearing for self styled yellow vest protester James Goddard had to be suspended after descending into chaos at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.”
#2 Yellow vest demonstrators stormed the Attorney General’s office in the latest stunt in a day of chaos in Westminster following protester James Goddard’s court appearance for allegedly abusing Anna Soubry MP.
Addressing judge Kenneth Grant from the dock, Mr Goddard said: “It’s not illegal to heckle an MP. All of this is wrong.”
Mr Grant rose and temporarily adjourned the case 15 minutes into the hearing after several members of the public gallery began shouting about Brexit, made derogatory comments about Anna Soubry, and chanted “Shame on you”.
\\ Supporters chanted “Soubry is a Nazi,” commented on the perceived severity of his bail conditions by telling the judge that Goddard “is not a terrorist, you know”, and said a police officer briefly present in court would be “better off fighting knife crime”. //
Protest! Don’t let the far right hijack ‘yellow vests’ movement
Public · Hosted by Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism
This is the slogan of the far left Government supporters in the UAF, denouncing the UK anti Soubry Yellow Vests as fascists.
Brexiteers are fascists. we are told.
Ah @GWF I get you
The London Yellow vests, stand for Brexit and #Justice4OurBoys
#1 The 2 lib-establishment front groups did an Anti march labelling the Yellow Vests “Fascist”
#2 James Goddard’s team retaliates by using the same slogan against Soubry … and the lib-establishment is triggered and treats Goddard as if he is some kind of terrorist.
Looking at Al Beeb’s ‘Politics’ website this evening and they are going out and out overdrive with their Anti-Brexit Propaganda.
O.T.T. Al Beeb , O.T.T.
So the Dutch authorities, with al beeb in tow, are grudgingly admitting that the Utrecht killing spree probably was terrorism after all, especially in the light of a letter found in the gunman’s getaway car. Duh!
Personally, although I’m not a highly trained and highly paid investigative journalist of the calibre employed by the world’s most trusted, I could have told them that if a Turkish muslim with associations to ISIS and who fought in Chechnya, shoots down random people days after a terror attack on a mosque, and hours after the Turkish President whips up hatred against western infidels, there was a good chance of it being terror-related.
It turns out the story of the ‘family row’ was fake news. I wonder who planted that story?
So we have the usual pattern after every Islamic terror attack by the authorities and al beeb: disinform, deny, disappear.
– Disinform with a welter of ‘fausses pistes’, red herrings, fake news, and downright lies (mental illness; Norwegian / French / German perpetrator called David; family feud; crime passionnel, etc).
– Deny it had anything to do with the religion of peace.
– Disappear from the front page asap.
By the time some true facts emerge, the public will (it is hoped) be confused, forgetful, and the news circus will have moved on.
Reminds me a bit of when the Russians shot down the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine. They got some spokesman to give an incredibly complicated press conference with military diagrams, charts, computer simulations, radar data and printouts, a blizzard of theories, fake facts and misinformation, with just one aim: to confuse viewers as much as possible, sow the seeds of doubt, and create plausible (or even implausible) deniability.
In the military they call it chaff, designed to confuse enemy radar.
And there we have it: the bbc as the ministry of disinformation.
Job done.
mrs K pissed me off this morning
so I will just get out my readily availabe AK47
and go and shoot up the local tram
familys are so difficult dont you agree
Half the county has been under water for days.
Meanwhile there are six Romanian car washes.
Go figure.
Yeah but it’s yorkshire right ? And that’s not on the Tube system so doesn’t count inside the metro bubble …
We have many immigrants in this country, Chinese, Hindu, Sikh, West Indian, African etc etc who come here and get along with our society, and I am sick to my bloody back teeth of hearing the whinges and whines and endless complaints from one particular minority who refuse to do so
Annu, um there was umpteen minorities at Grenfell !
Grenfell was a real eye-opener. Likely that all the other similar towers have similar configurations. This raises the question: has there been any immigration control at all? There seem to be no criteria for entry?
A certain Andrew Nether (spelling?) was a Labour insider who said that Blair had secretly let in 2-3 million ‘foreigners’ to ‘give the Tories one in the eye’. Maybe Grenfell is part of that tale.
Ms Merkel is therefore not the only one -it seems- who broke the law with gay abandon, abolishing borders, etc
I’m beginning to wonder whether criminal behaviour (i.e. breaking the law) isn’t a prerequisite for political leadership?
We look around us …
two particular sets victims of grenfell caught my eye
a young italian couple fresh from the EU yet in a council flat
a somailian ?? (ithink it was) single mother with two kid who couldnt speak english in a council flat
so sitting at home with my 18 year old I wonder what his chance would be of getting a council home (I dont need to wonder , he has f00k all chance)
the whole bleeding heart response is there to obscure the fact that 90%+ of people in there were non native and either shouldn’t of been here , have jumped the queue or were involved in some form of criminality, ie we are paying their benefits to sub-let a council house
the place had been subject to a £50k per flat free upgrade , up north thats half a fecking house.
an upgrade to voluntarily meet some EU regulations on energy loss or something.
“Brexit: Theresa May to formally ask for delay”
Why ? We have already had nearly Three Years with nowt to show for it ?
I see the HYS has suddenly flipped over the last week or two to Anti Brexit ?
We saw HYS once hijacked before by Remainers
probably the Beeboid gave them advanced warning to pile in.
I think they do the same with Climate panic stories, from the post timings .
london 29th Tommy holding some sort of event to celebrate or
Mrs May ignored advice from my father, and ultimately, a process that should have taken only a few short months has become a years-long stalemate, leaving the British people in limbo.
Because Mrs Chamberlain gets her orders from the EU Parliament .
And so Farage says, no Brexit for years – ho hum.
And MSM journos who spend their time harassing people and exploiting them have suddenly become snowflakes .
Goddard .. refused to give his address due to the “vultures” in court… complaining to the judge that he could not get a fair trial.
“If I was meant to have a fair and just trial, why were the media smearing me in the build-up to the trial. It isn’t a fair trial.”
One female journalist complained …Goddard identified her as a journalist who had covered the yellow vests protests, with court officials being told by his supporters not to let her into the hearing.
said she was called “vile” and “scum of the earth”, //
\\ Journalists* were met with a “hostile atmosphere” in the courtroom hearing of Yellow Vest activist James Goddard, said one who attended, with supporters joining him in the dock at one stage amid security failings.//
* plural or just one ?
\\ Goddard labelled the press “vultures” in court, according to PA. //
A trial is due to take place in July
It will be funny when, as will happen, the next time the BBC wheels OJ out, it emerges that he has blocked everyone on the panel and the studio.
And yet the bbc, which is immune from consequence, will continue to field him.
Original tweet
“Brexit: Theresa May to formally ask for delay”
Beware of ‘Mrs Chamberlain’s ‘Ides of March’
Will a “meaningful vote” be pulled out of the hat on 28 March?
In a stinging commentary at Le Figaro here, Dr. Laurent Alexandre,
asserts that teenage Nobel Prize nominee Greta Thunberg is being shamelessly exploited and “is playing into the hands of economic interests for whom climate protection is of little importance”.
If this was said by any other follower of any other religion the old bill would be at your front door and the bbc would milk it. Baking cakes, hotel rooms anyone?
Why is this ideology above criticism?
“Why is this ideology above criticism?”
Simple. The BBC are scared to death of an Islamic suicide bomber walking into their beloved-admired-by-all-BBC HQ.
Its that simple – fear.
Not just the BBC – the Government. It is why they are getting away with so much.
Newsnight , the pulse of the nation…not
Currently on R4: ‘The Crossing’. Find out about Dublin 3, Lord Dubbs and the stream into Britain.
No, not water. That we’re going to be short of.
Not on BBC:
“”‘We’re ready for a US-UK deal’: Trump adviser John Bolton says America wants to partner with Brexit Britain””
“”In a UK exclusive, the former US ambassador to the UN said: “We are ready to go, we are ready to go.” “”
Perhaps our elite are anti-American and prefer the EU?
You noticed!
Not on BBC:
“”No Brexit extension without a good reason, says EU’s chief negotiator””
Barnier said that “everyone should now finalise all preparations for a no-deal scenario”.
“”Barnier cautioned that delaying Brexit would mean more uncertainty and costs, and added it would not be approved “without a good reason”.””
Mays ‘deal’ is so bad the EU can afford to give ground
I think we just leave on paper, enter a transition period of 20 months – open to extend for another 24.
IF ONLY somebody would veto the delay, we might get WTO.
Interesting: on R4 at 6.00pm Evan Davis makes a big, enthusiastic push for a cross-party ‘soft Brexit’, with the UK staying in the customs union. Seems Labour MPs would go for it, possibly making up the numbers for the Tory MPs who won’t. N Zahawi gets blasted for disagreeing with him.
Was wondering what prompted Evan’s big push, cos he didn’t say…
See now ‘Die Welt’ reports that Barnier said today that there was still a way out of the crisis for Britain, if it went for a cross-party ‘soft Brexit’, staying in the customs union.
Now, I do wonder what Ms May is going to come up with. Surely not a cross-party soft Brexit, with the UK staying in the customs union?
Perhaps the May/Bercow Theatre Company could stage a little act for us, where this all takes place, flowing by seamlessly in front of our very eyes?
Zahawi is generally right about things, but oh dear, my eyes glaze over when he begins on one of his explanations.
The bubble avoids criticising any of these frauds – treasury – Bank of England – ifs, imf on their false projections for the UK economy after the brexit vote .
The same with alleged security reductions as databases won’t be shared after brexit – Evette cooper balls loves this one .
So we are secure now ? I would suggest not . At least we we get border control back there might be apolitical will one day to properly regulate who comes in and who leaves the country ….
Yes, border control, my Chinese wife married five years now has had her latest immigration stage (every 2 and a half years we have to re apply) , knocked back by a muslim in a hijab at the immigration office because we did not supply 6 months of letters to our address in her name and another set in my name, well we did but she decided they were not spavced out evenly enough over the six months,
The immigration office and border control are largely staffed by invaders. Inmates manning the gates and determining who gets in — guess.
I have noticed that whenever corrupt border control/immigration officers are found to be turning a blind eye to north Africans they are usually Nigerians-can-you-tell-me-your-account number-pleese.
I thought I would spell please in the same way many (go on then, tens of thousands) Nigerians usually spell that word whenever they send scams to elderly/frail British citizens.
Vlad, you are dead right. Why is that so rarely mentioned? The Civil Service and the police are heavily infiltrated.
My long term concern is that after we Leave the EU, May and the BBC will do their best to get us to rejoin the EU under various pretences and pretexts.
If the elite MPs decide that we should rejoin, we ‘little-people’ will have no choice. There won’t be a Referendum. No way will the elite risk that again 🙁
For the common good, you see.
Do you mean we shall crash in?
BBC4 doco about internet content moderators working in the Philippines
seemingly contractors working for Google
20 mins in and there has been only 3 mins of English in the prog, mostly Tugalog
OK of course child porn and jihadi violence needs to be kept off, but surely for English language sites you need people with some fluency in English language and customs
21:18 they had a 2 min item on a post mocking Donald Trump’s penis side
The moderator said that “denigrating of Trump personally was not allowed”
.. Really i see them allowing plenty of that
21:29 Now they are reviewing Alan’s Snackbar videos
..seem to be explaining that you can’t just delete and ban posters , cos you need to collect data.
We see the moderator on a night out at sexy girls show
“everyone loves them”
..and then it turns out the lead singer there is a major supporter of President Duterte..nd then seg with strong critic of her.
Next expert is saying that “after Trump, after Brexit, these companies need to step in more”
Talk of blockade of Holyhead Ferry on Saturday
and other blockades
\\ Mr Charlesworth said he has met with North Wales Police today in order to discuss their plans for the first go-slow protest on Friday at 6.30pm- instead of 7pm as originally planned.
The protest will run between Deeside Industrial Estate to St David’s Park in Ewloe and is likely to take around an hour, with several journeys between the two sites. A short rally will then take place on the industrial estate.
A second protest is to be held on Saturday evening (March 23) at around 10pm, where Holyhead Port could be blockaded. //
Been thinking.
I wish the UK lorry drivers who voted Brexit would block every main road, entrance to Parliament, airports, roundabouts, throughout the UK and stay there while being fed and watered by the locals in every location the blockages where. My opinion is that this would be catastrophic for this PM and Labour. The French strikes by their lorry drivers ALWAYS achieved (s) a total collapse in French politics, the pressure being so bad on their parliament that many leftist laws were trashed even before they got off the ground.
There is a tweet showing some footage of uniform police officers going to someone’s home and telling someone who put a non criminal comment on twitter and being told to “ mind how he goes “ . It ends with the idle threat that if his comments had been criminal the visit would have ended “differently “.
Hard to imagine this happening in Britain . We seem to have our very own starsi – complete with informants , being denounced and censored . I’m starting to worry about the existence of this website.
Is this website hosted in the USA?
Yes it appears so Dover but I don’t thing The State woukd have much trouble denying access.
The contingency plan for shutting down bits of the Internet if the politicians don’t like what they see after 29 March will be well laid out by now . After all we know whose side they are on and it’s not the democratic majority .
Was that police raid about a Mosque attack tweet
or transgender tweet ?
When you see something like that you thank god that their numbers have been cut . But I bet the ones remaining are doing nicely on the overtime .
TRnews : The Usual time wasting and postment tricks
TOMMY Robinson’s ‘contempt’ case at the Old Bailey that was due to take place on the 22nd March relating to contempt of court has been adjourned until at least May.
The activist, who was unlawfully jailed last year will have more charges brought against him in May after the British Government deemed it was ‘the public interest’ to do so.
The activist was set to face contempt of court proceedings AGAIN, for reporting on the case of a Muslim grooming gang in Leeds last year, in which he was unlawfully jailed behind a cloak of secretiveness and a media ban, which Politicalite broke to bring out the news of his jailing to the people
What BBC Vic Derbyshire reporting on pimping by Arabic speakers !
“The intelligence suggests they’re branded with a tattoo of their owner’s name in Arabic”.
That must surely mean that the, “owner’s” wish to conceal their true race by using Arabic to imply they are, Arabs. Any bets the “owner’s” will turn out to be elderly British white males?
They’ve always had a penchant for slavery, but of course never get flak for it, only whitie.
“A devout Catholic and mother of five has been asked to attend a police interview after being accused of using the wrong pronoun to describe a transgender girl.
Caroline Farrow, was contacted by officers from the Surrey force to inform her they were investigating an allegation that she had made transphobic comments on Twitter.”
Nice to know as stabbing, hit and runs etc., become commonplace the police are not being distracted from investigating serious criminality.
I self-identify as a schizophrenic and demand to be referred to as ‘they’.