We will have to get used to Far Left BBC types being cheerful as the threat of Brexit is lifted.Brexiters will cease to be heard . Project Fear May be put on hold for a bit .
Thats one narrative . The other is that UK leaves the EU is 12 days .
over to you .
These two seem nice.
Blair is as repulsive as usual . I wonder how much Soros pays this barrister ?
But I thought everyone had finally realised how replusive he is.
I’ve never heard anyone say I wish tony blair was back as PM
So how could it be imagined he could help a campaign?
These MPs, they’re a disgrace
This former PM is a war criminal, a traitor, a liar and a disgrace
fek orf blair you have done the world enough damage
He has helped the Leave campaign certainly.
What the entire bbc does not know, or wants to….
How do they count these things though?
What if someons does a few hours work a week, as millions do , and then get a shed load of welfare top-ups, (Tax credit- – child tax credit- housing benefit – universal credit etc )
are they counted as employed but not also as unemployed
even though that’s their main income ?
Just asking – not judging people just doing their best to survive .
part time , zero hours , millions of students doing shit courses
productivity ? GDP per head ?
WTF does highest employment mean with rapidly growing population
how many are permantently “disabled”
spin, smoke and mirrors
bliar taught his disciples well
10pm news on BBC 1 and floods (was it Mozambique?). I was so enraged about the gloating of Sophie Rayworth as she asked David Shukman if it could have been caused by climate change. Shukman responded by saying we couldn’t be certain (BBC twisting response to prove their impartiality) but the floods would have been made by the seas rising due to melting polar regions. (How much sea levels had been rising, had I thought been less than 5mm if at all) plus Shukman explained that water sodden land caused by climate change would make things worse. Sorry if the last bit is very vague, I didn’t think it worked as an argument using the science laws I was taught in school and my blood pressure was over the legal limit.
“David Shukman”
Oh this guy seen behind his fellow BBC reporter reporting on the very same incident at the very same time so we know how daring the BBC is in wasting the licence fee:
This was report was from South Africa I believe.
there is some strange graphs there
left right unidentified?
americans vs european right wing
no direct british right vs islamist
seperatist without defining if its left or right based/religious
no world left right jihadist
non of these can be overlaid in any comparative way
these are completely meaningless
interesting discussion on radio 4 this evening with an actual scientist
scientists come to different conclusions when looking at the SAME data set depending upon
where they started from
what they want to see
whether they have a personal interest
whether they have a preconceived bias
whether they have career interests
whether they have a FINANCIAL interests
shame it was about the downside/benefits of ecigs
settled science phaaa
credit to radio 4 for once though
As a scientist said, “The opinion of a scientist is not necessarily science”.
@Kaiser shush .. a producer will be in trouble if it gets out the BBC allowed “proper science on”
Actually that prog is one of the few that hasn’t been purged.
It’s great service the way that instead of just giving PR to a view, Dr Margaret is bright on to challenge it, and often debunks it.
Watched c4 state news for the first time in a long time . They are going full Grenfell on the New Zealand ‘incident ‘ and it looks like it’s going to run for days – and then start again when the trial starts .
Maybe someone will ask the NZ PM why semi automatic weapons could still be purchased in NZ ….
… also .. it looks like there is gonna be a whip round for the latest African storm …. I don’t know whether David Lammy MP will be objecting to such a post colonial insult because -mas we all know – Africans can do it for themselves ….
Sort of O?T but Climate Chege.
On R4 this morning the reporter said there were only 4 helicopters to deal with the latest African floods and then went on to describe how he and his camera crew used one of them to find out how bad it was. He even said they had landed in a stadium where 600 people told them that they had no food or water. What the hell is a reporter and film crew doing wasting life-saving resources like that? Surely it could have been helping?