Happy Equinox .
The political trial of Tommy Robinson has been put back to May .. So this is how to repress a dissenting individual .
Even the Far Left State Broadcaster is unable to keep Project Fear nonsense up as remainers make Parliament look absurd every day .
In view of all of this I would like to thank you for the restraint in your comments which is a testimony to the quality of our site .
Not sure if anyone else has pointed this out yet, but Kathy Clugston is to replace Eric Robson as chairman of Gardener’s Question Time.
Another senior male being replaced by a woman.
I have nothing against Kathy Clugston, although her voice is a bit ‘strangly’, but do all presenters now have to be female?
Speaking as a lady myself, I quite like the jocular avuncularity that old men bring to this type of thing.
Replacing Eric Robson on QT!
Oh my God, is nothing sacred?
It’s just about the only thing on Radio 4 I actually listen to.
I suppose I should be relieved it’s Kathy Clugston and not the ever present Clare Balding.
About the only prog’ she’s not doing…
President Manangagwa has gone to Mutare to see the storm devastation for himself. He probably knows all about devastation, having contributed to stuffing up the country more than any storm ever could.
The Manang. optimism has meanwhile vanished, as Zimbabweans realise, it’s more of the same. Mugabe 2.0
Down south, the Beeb favourite, ANC has stuffed the country up completely. Corruption, crime, debt, infrastructure collapse -all in full go. South Africa becoming 3rd world. Target? Why, Zimbabwe 2.0, of course. With a dash of Venezuela, perhaps?
If the Africans haven’t suffered enough with a storm , David Lammy speaking for them – now they’ve got Fergal £££ descending on them to do the eulogy job as always and talk about his kids again …. ugh
If anyone wants to witness a pure, unadulterated , left wing , anti government , BIAS BBC interview, then i suggest you look no further than the interview by Emily Maitliss with Damien Green on last nights Newsnight.
It was pure filth. Emily was in a blind rage, constantly referring to the PRIME MINISTER as SHE with the real anger of a clear remainer and labour supporter. It was actually disgusting. Our Emily clearly hates our Prime Minister with a passion which came out quite openly last night. I have asked Newswatch to take a look at it. It was that bad.
On another note, poor Raheem Sterling still banging on about the racist media …..tell me something tho, why the f**k would you get a tattoo of a gun on your leg (in this day and age and him being a supposed role model) and not expect some stick !!! He says its a nod to his father who was killed by a gun !!!
Now, my mate died in a car crash many years ago but iv’e never felt the need to have a tattoo of a upturned Nova SR in a field stuck on my arm to remember him !!!!
I hate our Prime Minister too, because she’s clearly a Marxist, and incapable of clear thinking, or any of the qualities one expects in a head of government.
Working quiety to instill Marxism in every corner of government, it is difficult to think of anything else the so called Tories have actually done since she came to power, other than banning scented candles of course which might explain Maitlesses fury if she now can’t burn her favoured frgrances !
Raheem S., diver extraordinaire, has been playing the race card in his own subtle fashion, much longer than most people imagine. Apparently he’s quite an achiever.
And Emily and her 2 mates have managed to wipe out the ‘patriarchy’ in the news department. Apparently she’s quite an achiever too…
how dare Emily mis-gender the prime minister
He probably went into a US gun shop while on his hols and it inspired him to behave on the pitch as his US gun-men behaves off it.! It made him feel more brothers-in-arms with his Liverpool gang friends
Lunchtime beeb news: Clive Mirey has a cosy get-together with NZ PM Ardern to slag off ‘white nationalism’ etc worldwide. She’s very proud of 160 languages being spoken in NZ. Apparently, this is a wonderful thing. Hasn’t heard of the Tower of Babel, I suspect. Wrong book.
Beeb will dine out on this for a long time to come.
Another country being stuffed up. Seems to be a trend ‘worldwide’.
A star is born.
And while Saint Jacinda Of The Veil gets top billing by drooling breboids, the muslim murders in Utrecht get airbrushed out of history. Stalin would have been proud.
Actually I want to know why I have contributed to the air fare and accommodation of Clive Mirey’s stay in NZ, for just a 2 minute (on air) interview with Jacinda wotsername.
We have received umpteen reports by very capable New Zealand journalists on the story out there, yet the BBC see fit to send a news anchor from here just to get an interview on a 4 day old story. Surely there are BBC people who report for the World Service based in NZ and Oz who could have done the job.
Clearly a nice little jollie for CM, I’m only surprised dinky Hew Edwards didn’t put his hand up and say “I’ll go,” “I’ll go”
Brissles, Dominic O’Connell, Beeb Business Correspondent for TOADY, was actually out there at the time. Christchurch is his home town or home city and I guess he was on holiday to visit family & friends.
“Clive Mirey”
Strange when he’s back in the UK he is so blooming quite about the ongoing black problem in the town of his birth – Bolton.
160 languages spoken in NZ? That must be about three people speaking each one.
So when decent Christians object to baking gay cakes or hosting gays in their B&Bs, they face prosecution. When religionists of homophobia object to lgbt lessons, the authorities buckle obsequiously.
Some religions are more equal than others, I guess.
And this is just the start, wait till the numbers grow to the next stage of the invasion.
Fine and dandy – no one wants hate speech from anyone. But when does someones opinion become ‘hate speech’ – how is that defined?
If I say, I don’t like gingers – is that ‘hate speech’ only if the ginger is gay?
Surely we should have had an explanatory leaflet through our doors by now ?
gaxvil – An opinion becomes ‘hate speech’ if it does not support our tolerant, open, diverse society, in which you can be whatever you want to be.
Oh, and don’t mention any traditional conservative values.
What’s that? another £nine million leaflet……….
Well ok then – where’s the informative website so that we may avoid inadvertently becoming speech criminals?
You can try here – always good for a laugh, and an opportunity to write what you REALLY think…
There are no safe words, that’s the point. Yesterday’s safe word is today’s hate speech, we have to keep ‘progressing’ towards the extreme.
We need free speech and the forum to use it otherwise there is no-one to provide the counterbalance.
BBC non hyperbolic as usual.
More crucially, did the table survive?
Why should anybody take anything May says seriously?
Now it’s ‘we will leave on 30 June’ but it’s said exactly the same as when she assured everybody 100 times ‘we will leave on 29 March’
Everything she says is a lie.
On June 20 we will start hearing ‘we will leave on …(insert next date we are told by the remainers wrecking brexit)’
Unless enough traitors go for her dreadful so called deal.
She says ‘it’s not worth us holding eu elections’
I wonder why?
Has she actually done anything she said she would?
I can’t wait until I get to vote against this worst of all parliaments ever.
‘Not worth us holding EU Elections’ – Maybe BUT legally obliged to none the less.
I suspect we will see something cooked up like MEPs appointed in relation to house of commons representation
con/lab/snp parties will be very happy as will the EU, BBC and the majority of the LamestreamMedia
BBC Scotland gave Gina Miller full 30 mins and podcast
Funny though how the bbc appear to back Islam and Corbyn.
Like Colosseum Christians cosseting the lions.
We can but hope
The White Obama continues to build his legacy.
With Paris aflame and the Police Chief sacked – he may consider an invasion of Russia as his reforms have not gone down exceedingly well – and they say we’re in crisis – Pah!
I hear he is saving the invasion of russia until november and then deploying his Algerian divisions as climate scientists have decided it will be incredibly mild and there will be no snow.
Ahah ! Guessed as much.
Micron will do his superiors tell him he is nothing more than a sock puppet of Merkle, Soros, and Junker he can not be considered a real leader.
He was placed in this position when the establishment realised Marine Le Penn was going to win and they needed a face to front the rigged election.
C’mon, Tim!
Er, … I mean C’mon Poland! C’mon Greece! C’mon Hungary! Give us some help for a fast exit a week on Friday.
Can any one point me at a list of treaties that have been ended by the vienna convention and the change of circumstances required?
Here’s the Chamberlain letter. Read it and weep.
(You have to zoom in)
paragraph 4 , as agreed with junker in secret documents the british public cant see
“Baseball star Mike Trout is reportedly set to agree the most lucrative deal in sport – a 12-year extension worth $430m (£324m) with the Los Angeles Angels”.
And to promote Baseball Softball UK on the sidebar the beeb really outdo themselves. (Hot dogs and beer probably not available any more at your local stadium)
PMQs and after – popcorn time . So the outgoing PM is writing to ask for a short extension to A50 . But really knows there will be no material change to the sell out .
So May goes to The EU council to ask tomorrow . And they say ‘no’ so we get what we voted for after all .
Watching parliament channel this afternoon the oxygen wasters are debating whether to have the Commons working over the weekend . Laugh out loud . Soubry milking her temporary fame for all its worth . I wonder who she thinks her constituency is now … ?
Fedup – You think they will say ‘no’?
‘President’ Juncker has said the extension can’t run to 30 June, only either to 23 May, or – for a very long time…
Wonder which one of these we will get?
What a wonderful Punch & Judy show being staged, all for our benefit.
Of course, if someone has managed to persuade Salvini or Orban to back up the ‘no’, we could be in business.
But will Merkel and Macron take that lying down?
We are not leaving . A last minute deal will be made for BRINO and the MPs will buy it.
If only there was a Brexiteer with the necessary moolah and nous to raise judicial review proceedings against HMG. After all, surely we have a legitimate expectation that we shall be leaving the EU (on terms that do NOT include a customs union, freedom of movement etc.) on March 29th.
Mind you, would anyone trust the judges to actually apply the law in this situation?
Fake it can only be up to the end of May ( both PM and Month and Erskine) .
The UK remainers are so up themselves that they don’t take into account the political situations in each of the 27 member statelets ….where brother populists are getting ready to give the EU a proper kicking due to having the third world dropped on them .
I reckon a couple will object to the extension unless the bribes or threats from ReichEU Central is sufficient ….
One version of me has been saying that the FrancoKraut pact really wants us out so they can continue to subjugate the little statelets into the proper 4th Reich wearing an EU badge this time round – unless some one comes up with a red flag , white circle and an emblem in the middle … again .
“Brexit: Theresa May vows not to delay departure beyond June”
Does anyone believe her anymore ?
taffman- “Theresa May vows…”
Is that not an oxymoron?
Saint Jacinda Of The Veil
could have prevented the Mosque massacre
She’s been PM for a while so could have banned automatic weapons.
…so her wailing today is partially distraction technique.
Stew- True, but how could she have conveyed that decision to ‘her people’, who speak 160 languages..?
The perp’ speaks Australian.
If we close all
mosquesmosks in the free world no one can shoot at them. Problem solved 😉Meeting adjourned.
I see the ECHR has supported islamic religious blasphemy and declined the request to re-hear the case:
“The European Court of Human Rights (the Court) has unfortunately refused to refer the E.S. v. Austria case to the Grand Chamber. The criminal conviction of Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff, for having compared the union of Mahomet (56 years) to Aisha (9 years) to pedophilia is final. This is a serious setback of freedom of expression. In fact, Mrs. Sabaditsch-Wolff was convicted for stating a disturbing truth.”
Islam must see the West as some sort of game of Skittles – ‘make em’ roll like nine-pins’. I wonder what’s next on their menu?
I know, lets introduce stoning to start.
IF I am getting this correctly
The reasoning for their decision seemed strange in the first place
it said something along the lines that she couldnt prove the attraction was due to the childs age it could have been something else mo found attractive
so if I want to be a pedo I can claim to be attracted to the childs mother, dog, pushbike ??? and im not a pedo anymore
is that what they are saying
can of worms …
Well by the same reasoning how can any hurty hatey “crimes” be proven? How can the hate be attributed to ones so called religion or gender for example, when it might just be that one doesn’t like hijabs or skirts in general?
Has the bBC or other leftish organ issued an “APB” yet for Alibaba-Brown?
Or is she the first victim of Brexit-Matosis!
C4 10pm tonight channel4 invites some mums to make ethical porn
3 part serial
no meat involved , hand driven cameras, recycled condoms
what the hell does that mean
So the delicious narrative of the head teacher cleaning toilets turns out to have been fake news – which was obvious from the start. Just like with a con if something seems to good to be true it probably is not. Alas with the vile Beeb all it matters are the dominant narratives (Trump bad, must have more funding for X etc); facts come later if at all. I bet Beeb staff had a collective orgasm when they heard this story.
The head teacher recently got a 10k rise and her cleaning budget was almost doubled! She is only cleaning toilets due to epic incompetence or to score petty political points. Does she not know how to delegate? Typically the BBC with its 20,000 staff somehow could not find time to mention this vital fact about the budget increases.
As for this constant whining for more money: it’s pointless if you do not understand the problem first. If you think you clean windows effectively by throwing shit at them an extra billion for more shit will not help – indeed, it may make things worse as so many liberal ideas do. Imagine if that billion pounds spent annually on the ‘equalities’ industry instead was spent providing everyone with a bike and buying breakfast for poor children? I bet if the shit-stirring ‘equalities’ Gestapo shut up shop completely relations between groups would actually improve dramatically
I wonder if she will be made to resign so that she can become a full time toilet cleaner …?
I attend events in a number of the new schools built in the last 20 years. They are lavish beyond belief. Compared with the schools I went to years ago. The expense must be colossal. I wonder how they compare with the schools in the developing world and in east Asia. Their children are leaving ours far behind. It is the quality of the teaching and their commitment of the pupils and parents that leads to a good standard of education in any nation. WE will have to learn this the hard way in he end.
Monday’s Times2 had a fawning 2 page photospread on her
… journalism ..ha !
“Self styled yellow vests” says the Times article about yesterday’s James Goddard trial
..same phrase that Telegraph uses
So I still think they are both cutNpasting PR material written by the Hatey No Hopers
Have I just heard correctly?…Tusk is saying they wont allow us an extension unless we agree Mays deal first?….that sounds like good news to me?
So its a NO DEAL BREXIT yippee!!!…..
(I know what you are all thinking…Parliament will vote for May’s deal ahead of a No Deal….I think that is the likely ‘stitch up’ scenario)
R4 4:30pm “I had the great honour of being on stage with Sadiq Khan”
Amol’s guest : Lydia Polgreen, HuffPost editor-in-chief discusses her strategy
“Trump and this Crazy man in Brazil”
“the growth of rightwing extremism”
She doesn’t seem to be into diversity and tolerance
Stew – Tsk, tsk. You forgot about Brexit. It was Trump, Brexit and this crazy man in Brazil.
And these 3 were evidence of ‘authoritarianism’, she said. You think to yourself: now how on earth is Brexit an example of authoritarianism?
But little Lydia, like all good ‘progressives’ does not live on this earth.
She is a typical resident of planet ‘liberalism’. A liberalism, however, which has absolutely nothing to do with freedom. Or even tolerance. Lydia’s TOLERANCE IS ACTUALLY SUPREMELY INTOLERANT.
The meaning of a word can now be diametrically opposed to what it sounds like. And if you do not live on her planet you have to be an extreme right/fascist/Nazi. (I doubt she would be able to explain any of these three political positions)
And the pseudo-diverse BBC put her on Newsnight as wellcos she’s a lib-elite bubbleworld person like them
Just saw Breaking News that Tusk is willing to allow a short extension.
I may be in a minority but I don’t believe we are leaving. A short extension can turn into a long one and a BRINO deal will be imposed.
May is safe, or rather the people who pull her strings are about to screw us down within the EU.
But can the short extension be vetoed ?
Parliament will not vote for the May EU Treaty.
So the May treaty or no Brexit. No surprise there.
yes what happened to 27 nations agreeing?
EU rules wot EU rules
Evan Davis talks about Podium day. Podium day? I can’t see May resigning. Do not forget the Merkel handbook. It tells May to hang in there, regardless. You stay in power. End of. It tells her that only being hoisted up and carried out physically, could be an indication of a small hitch somewhere…
…but not one to be taken too seriously. And if needs be, you simply sit down with whichever party it takes and hammer out some sort of a coalition.
But only if May’s deal is agreed first. Surely even the staunchest remainer can see that when they hold a gun to the head of the UK Parliament in this fashion, it’s not an organisation we want to be associated with?
TUSK could have said accept the deal or the EU army will be coming thru the channel tunnel at midnight and the remainiacs would be there with flags and flowers to greet them.
I dont think you have quite grasped their enthusiasm as yet
Times letters : Sir John Tusa writes of the BBC’s self loathing and it favouring youth over its core “middle class” audience.
Times hates Erdogan exploiting NZ attack
Migrant taxi just arrested in Italy
photos show 50 young men
Not women, nor children
That’s more like it … and sink it …
That first tweet is ironic cos on the topic od the Mediterranean Taxi Service
it literally shows a boat and a taxi marked “service”
“Brexit: EU says delay is possible if MPs back deal”
Mr Tusk is giving the orders to our Parliament now.
Is Mrs Chamberlain on her way? She is going to address the nation shortly – WTO?
She is toast.
If MP’s back the deal why would they need a delay? I thought the whole point of the delay was to get her so called deal through.
There’s so much wrong with the Kafkaesque nightmare of “Surrey Police investigation over ‘misgendering’ tweets” I wouldn’t know where to start, a real first world problem if ever there was one. It made me wonder about the sad cases in which only resorting to forensic science can identify an unknown body. You can probably see where this is going, science and logic? piffle. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, is it still a hate crime?
This whole issue is nothing to do with misgendering or any number of other imaginary crimes, its all about control. You either newspeak or stay silent, no debate, no dissent and no independent thought. How have we been reduced to this sorry state, where expressing your conscience can be a hate crime?
How did they know cheddar man was a MAN
It’s also an impossibility to police because the person concerned needs to prove it was intentional and not accidental.
It is unwise of the police to be seen as political police . That is the road to disaster. The police have lost much of the nation’s trust now and cannot afford to lose more. Whatever happened to old fashioned policing?
BBC/UN bollocks:
What a coincidence, the ‘happiest’ countries are also the most popular for people to migrate to..
they may have to close down that HYS it appears to have gone a little off script 🙂
Notice the shift in tone of highest rated comments?
compared to highest rated here
And the sheer number of comments in the first article, I follow the bbc site avidly, probably not for the reasons they would like, and this bucks the trend. Mailonline had similar issues a while back, I’m not saying the comments are rigged, but….
Actually, Looby, the best place to live is in the UK, where we have all the rights to ignore just about anything that Parliament chucks at us, and we just carry on as normal!
Mrs O’Blene and I certainly do, and while our pensions are taxed to pay for some ruffians in Africa, and the Kent County Council’s inability to ever do anything, our lives – in retirement – just tell the moaners, remainers, lefties, wasters, uglies, scroungers, elite, etc, to just Phuque Off!
I just enjoy taking not a blind bit of notice of why we have such an inept MP (Greg Clark), and concentrate on when I should be sowing my tomatoes now, because I’m a bit late due to a hand operation, and infection is not a good idea at 71 years of age.
Friday next week is a Prosecco day I think, followed by a couple of large Jack Daniels, and a gaze at my lovely wife, more in hope these days…
So, trust in the UK, it’ll all be OK by next weekend!
(Oh, and don’t take any notice of the pricks on the BBC, they’re toast)!
Italian driver hijacks and torches school bus full of children
“Italian driver”, ” Italian citizen”……. get to the 4th paragraph to find the critical bit of information “originally from Senegal”.
Makes a change from just saying he was a “man” I suppose.
\\ However the children, some of them tied up, were rescued through smashed windows at the back of the bus and no-one was badly hurt.
Fourteen people suffered smoke inhalation //
Interesting that the Sun has now removed “from Senegal” from its headline
but Telegraph says
Bus full of children in Italy set alight by angry driver ‘in retaliation’ for migrant drownings in Mediterranean
\\ An Italian bus driver of Senegalese descent was arrested on Wednesday after hijacking his own vehicle and setting it on fire, allegedly threatening to kill more than 50 children on board whose hands he had bound.
The 47-year-old man said he was acting in revenge for the thousands of migrants, many of them African, who have drowned in the Mediterranean in recent years while trying to reach Europe from Libya. //
Will the media do their normal false equivalence and call this deranged anger attack “terrorism” ?
… bet not this time .
I am sure this would be considered irrelevant but was he a moslem?
Followup on the BBC producer found INNOCENT after he allowed the broadcasting the name of a protected Rotherham victim.
That victim has faced more doxxing and trolling and the police failed to act.
Got to hand it to the Reich~eU – apparently victor orbans party in Hungary is not being allowed to go to the Eu council Thursday so there will be no veto of the A50 extension from there …. so maybe it will all be down to Italy unless an outsider does us the favour .
I’m watching twitter not the state broadcaster and it’s like an internet civil war – yet alone all this shallow nonsense about ‘hate crimes’.
Rusz seems like a Polish name
and from the comments Troy Lucas is just another pseudonym he uses
BBC invested in BBCsounds with the idea that commercial radio would jump onboard and share costs ..but nope
And stew – the state broadcaster spent something like
£85 000 000 ? On an East Enders E20 site which still isn’t finished …
Easy to pee away taxpayers cash isn’t it ?
As an aside the ‘boris bridge ‘ across the Thames cost £57 000 000 without a brick laid …
“EastEnders overrun set rebuild project criticised by MPs”
\\In December, the National Audit Office (NAO) revealed that the project had gone £27m over budget.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) said the BBC was “complacent” and the project “was flawed from the start”. //
Where your TV Telly tax goes ?
I am very surprised that they haven’t blamed it on Brexit ?
Taffman – thanks for the more accurate number – there was a news item on this today but when I went back to get the number it had disappeared ..
I’m assuming no one will be held to account for the waste of people’s money … it does not belong to the state or its broadcaster … no wonder I believe in smaller government ..
what are they reconstructing the entire East-End
the corrie set cost £10m
A total waste of money – other people’s money.
But not mine .
I think they should have made it ‘on location’ in Tower Hamletstan – the real East End – but not on Fridays …
Stabbings : black “engineering graduate” ie not working, just happened to get stabbed after midnight in Friday.
He was 6ft 7 and in in an argument with the assailants
Are you sure he’s not a Chruch of England vicar? Seems like the type.
Will Al Beeb broadcast this Good Brexit news ?
Over to you Al Beeb …………………….
“Jean-Claude Juncker has come under attack for dismissing concerns that controversial art storage facilities may be enabling money laundering. ”
Who is laundering the money ?
OUTGOING PM TO ADDRESS BLIGHTY 2015 London time – gotcha popcorn ready ….
Dellers encounters the magic that is Vile.
Bloody May can’t even manage to keep the deadlines of her own press conference – I watched live on you tube and the comments were truly hilarious while looking at a couple of plates on a wood panelled wall.
She finally did turn up with virtually everyone hoping she was going to resign, and she starts tryng to sell her rubbish deal to us even when we don’t have a say in the matter!
15 minutes to say nothing we didn’t already know – typical May, a waste of everyones time !
I agree – nearly half an hour late – then a load of bland glaze over . This time Thursday night I hope she is able to say that the A50 extension was vetoed and that the next few days will be used to finalise brexit arrangement ….
If only she had been as stubborn pushing our case in Brussels!
Now here is the sort of woman we need!
As per taffman earlier, the BBC have reported the Toyota news !!! However, not surprisingly they have put the most negative slant possible on it !!! You can tell how it’s worded they HATED this good news !!! It’s actually laughable….really is ……it must have hurt !!!!
Tommy Robinson’s trial for contempt of court delayed till May?
Justice delayed is justice denied.
There are perhaps a few pertinent questions here:
How is it that a person can be tried twice for the same alleged offence? Surely the higher court should have just declared a mistrial and exonerated Tommy completely – provided that can be done.
That kangaroo court judge who sentenced him to 13 months should be held in contempt of Tommy Robinson, though I doubt there is such a provision in law.
Wouldn’t it be great, though, if that judge could have the pants sued off him.
What does a judge have to do to be disbarred or is that not possible?
A lot of questions there!
You can be tried twice for a number of reasons, but technically in this case he has only been tried once because the original verdict was quashed.
It was the decision of the attourney general to declare a retrial, not the appeal judge.
There should indeed be an inquiry into the way the original case was handled especially as the higher court judge said that the decision went way beyond any simple mistake. We don’t know if this was malfeasance on behalf of the judge or others more highly placed in the establishment. Either way it appears May the Marxist doesn’t want the public knowing about the treatment of political prisoners.
Judges have crown immunity and can’t easily be sued.
A judge can be removed by the decision of the House of Lords – judgement by ones peers, however this has never happened as each judge so threatened has taken the ‘honourable’ route and resigned. Who would want to be remembered in history as being the first in 500 years or however long it is?
Thanks for that thoughtful response, Thoughtful.
I read the lengthy summation by the learned judges. They stated it was “in the public interest” for Tommy Robinson to be tried again on the contempt charge.
Before he was arrested for ‘breach of the peace,’ Tommy Robinson flung a few mocking comments at the ‘men’ who were arriving to hear their sentencing for raping children. I suspect that info travelled quickly up to the Muslim who sits next to Theresa May, who then pulled a few puppet strings, resulting in Tommy being tried, convicted and shoved into jail at the speed of lightning and then moved to a prison with a large number of Muslim inmates to drive home the point that you don’t mess with Muslims in today’s Britain, whatever they have done.
The ongoing persecution of Tommy Robinson is only in the “public interest” of those who are happy to see Islam dominate in the UK.
Emily’s elevation has clearly seen her impartiality soar.
now BBC4 prog about memes is so poncy.
..and they are not using the actual memes, cos of copyright.
and 13 minutes in we have got the ‘signature BBC bubbleworld sneer at Trump’ … oh another quick one 3 mins later.
…nasty people.
PM tells Brexit-weary public ‘I’m on your side’.
Twisty words, Mrs Chamberlain is blaming all but herself for the mess that our nation and her Tory Party is in.
Mrs Chamberlain, we voted to ‘leave’ with out any deals – W.T.O.
What part of Leave doesn’t Mrs Chamberlain understand ?
“Leave Means Leave”.
“Brexit means Brexit”
You are right of course. Except that Corbyn, ever the Marxist, plays even Brexit as a tactical ploy to oppose and undermine.
Create chaos and meltdown and hope that Communism rises out of the ashes. Brexit or no Brexit is a sort of minor inconvenience in the great political struggle.
The incoherence of Labour on the actual issue (where do Corbyn and Starmer agree in any meaningful way? ) has been one of the unmentioned travesties in the whole sorry business, which the BBC has carefully glossed over all the way through.
Labour is letting down the majority leave vote every bit as and more than the Tories in my opinion.
Vote UKIP.
Dancing Terry is a sneak sans pareil. She must be regularly reminded of the way she worked in secret with commie Robbins and EU apparatchiks to produce her horrendous draft agreement, all the while allowing the Brexit delivery team to continue working on what they thought they had been tasked to do – to produce a draft withdrawal agreement. In reality they were used as a decoy while the betrayal plan was hatched.
Surely Dancing Terry has to be investigated for her unpatriotic, if not treasonous, activities.
” ‘I’m on your side’.”
Yeah, we know – the remainers side.
Time for a repeat, and look who it is presenting, the monthly Strasbourg Brussels shuffle alone is reason enough to leave.
Monsieur Kir Royal himself, complaining about wasting money.
A bit like liquid lunches on expenses, some might say.
And what a slippery argument he makes in the final seconds.
So he’s not going to be sacked, then.
john in Cheshire,
That video isn’t post-Panodrama. It was put on YouTube nearly three years ago. Perhaps there is still a slight hope of Sweeney being sacked.
It’s an interesting video since it is evidence that the BBC can actually say one or two negative things about the EU – perhaps every ten years or so.