Long Weekend Open Thread 22 March 2019

We are about to witness a week of hysteria shovelled out by The Far Left BBC . It will be an ideal time to record the bias right here….

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628 Responses to Long Weekend Open Thread 22 March 2019

  1. taffman says:

    Well here we are again?
    Nearly three years on, still in the EU, and Al Beeb’s Tellygoons are still sending me begging letters.


    • Up2snuff says:

      taffman, two choices for you:
      – Ignore them, or
      – File two Cease and Desist notices with them under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. If they then harass you one more time you can put the matter in the hands of the Police and get a lawyer to threaten a lawsuit.


      • The General says:

        Best of luck with that !!!!!!

        Police and Judicial system are now well in the Left camp.


  2. Dystopian says:

    Almost as bad as the PM sending begging letters to Brussels


  3. Dover Sentry says:

    In a couple of threads time we’ll be out of the EU.

    Deep joy. Or even ‘Ode to Joy’. Can anyone sing?



    • taffman says:

      Will we share the same Independence Day as Jura ?


      • Van Helsing says:

        It’s got to be the least salubrious of all the Swiss cantons. It’s certainly the only one to have a public amenity ground that’s permanently covered in vomit, as you’ll no doubt remember from that Hollywood movie: Jura’s Sick Park…


    • Van Helsing says:

      Nope, but I’ll have a damn good shot at it if we do manage to leave on the 29th.


      • Up2snuff says:

        That will be a miracle resurrected, VH.

        I think it will be a miracle if we ever get out of the EU, on 12 April or 22 May.

        The PM’s existing deal doesn’t get the UK out and away. It remains to be seen how ‘tweaked’ it is now before a vote next week. Hopefully it will fail and 12 April will be ‘Out Day’. It is entirely in God’s hands.


    • tarien says:

      Dam well should be. It is has been quite obvious that, with the Far Left BBC’s forever scaremongering over what a disaster a NO BREXIT DEAL would be, from all I have read and observed, business in most cases will continue as usual, no one will fall of the edge; of what I have never quite understood, irrespective we shall all go about our daily lives with calm. As to those that presently sit in the Parliament of Westminster, well its anyone’s guess-can’t get them out as they certainly deserve (especially the remainers) to be unless through a General Election and quite frankly don’t think the voting public have a stomach for such a fiasco.


  4. Panda says:

    It’s never been so true that if voting changed anything they would abolish it. For some on the snowflake wing leaving the EU mafia is unthinkable and is akin to being in the throes of Stockholm syndrome. They just don’t get we don’t dislike Europe but the corrupt EU. For others, they simply have too many fingers in the pie. Don’t think we’ll ever leave i’m afraid.


    • taffman says:

      “It’s never been so true that if voting changed anything they would abolish it”.
      Not if UKIP get in.


      • G says:

        I know you are an ardent fan of UKIP and, presumably, ‘all things Farage’ but, he has to learn that being interviewed by Toady is always a disaster. I imaging the resident female muslim relishes her time interviewing Farage because, each time, without fail, she reduces him to a jellified mass of chortling, false chuckling. She derives so much obvious pleasure from the experience, she probaby volunteers for the ‘task’. Will Farage never learn that the modus of our far left cultural Marxists State Broadcaster ‘interviewing’ with Farage will always twist to focus on personal events or situations. They don’t want his opinion. They merely seek to lure him into personal stuff, like, today, questioning him on the leader of his new party having resigned.


      • NCBBC says:

        “They” would require a referendum for that. However they will get their lawyers to set the guidelines.



    • G.W.F. says:

      Looks like some kind of deal is in the making. Treezer will have to get a majority in the Commons, but that can be fixed.
      The European Council publishes a draft agreeing to delay Brexit until 22 May
      But the date could be moved to 7 May, or even later
      Any delay is on the condition that Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement agreed by Parliament first


      • The Sage says:

        Strange how Bercow was hell bent on stopping a third vote on the surrender document (sorry I mean WA) and yet next week’s third vote now seems a given by the BBC.


        • G says:

          A lesson for all, ‘non-believers’. A true example of the control the EU apparently has over the UK. Just ponder:
          An Act of Parliament is put in place by our Government with the support of the Commons and on a majority of voters. It is this Act of Parliament, so-say, sacrosanct in our legal system that tells us we will leave the EU on the 29th. But suddenly, in a hurried, short-notice evening meeting of the EU Heads of State and by their dictat, all that British pomp and ceremony in creating a sacrosanct Act is circumvented. What’s sacrosanct about this, nay any Act of the UK Parliament within the purview of the EU?
          Bercow’s 16th Century historical precedent is also swept away. And he will be told to accept the presentation of the same proposed legislation. Let’s see how he stands up to that.
          Best part about all this is, the EU will still be able to exercise that same power even when we have so-say, ‘Left’ the EU. Thanks to our own despotic ‘leader’, the now World famous, Treason May. Rejoice, rejoice?


  5. G.W.F. says:

    BBC find a hero who saved the children on the Italian bus who were intended to be burnt by an Italian bus driver.


    Any guesses whether he is a Roman Catholic, Member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or from the Religion of Peace.


    • tarien says:

      A driver from Senegal that follows the teachings of Islam-the present cause of all the world’s troubles. Western Europe has prostituted itself in its open arms attitude to the Muslim.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        Prostitution is exactly the term used in Biblical analogy to describe those who bow to a foreign god. It’s a common theme among all the prophets. A nation forsaking the real God for a false god and idolatry is then abandoned by God and left open to plunder by it’s enemies.

        Islam is the biggest system of idolatry ever known to mankind. 1.8 billion people. The majority of them bowing or being forced to bow in worship 5 times per day to a black stone in Saudi Arabia.

        Atheists can be very well-meaning but they have a blind spot where spiritual principles are concerned. The secularists thought that banishing the honour of the Judeo-Christian God from our public sphere was progress. In reality it was only a step. A clearing out of one god to make way for another.

        Man will have his gods. A spiritual essence is one of the few things which separates us from the animals. It’s going to take a God (The God) to fight this interloper Allah.
        (Rumours of his greatness have been tremendously exaggerated)


    • jip says:

      Well the Flying Spaghetti monster is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt.

      He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe at Khybar. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had the woman Asma-bint-Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems, and apostates killed when they fled after being made to drink camel urine…

      To get to heaven you need to copy Muhammad, so child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever, and death to critics and apostates all increase you chances of getting in to heaven… and they don’t want you to know that.

      So i’m guessing Flying Spaghetti monster???


  6. Burgsey says:

    Unfortunately I have had BBC News on this evening and the vast majority of commentary has been how bad a No Deal Brexit will be and how we should avoid it. The big guns have been rolled out yet again! Nigel did get about 3 minutes, but that was the only person who spoke up for No Deal, which is clearly what was voted for in the referendum. Meanwhile the BBC continue to plug the dubious petition to revoke Article 50 As well as using the “crash” word in almost every sentence.

    It woul be like lancing a boil if No Deal ACTUALLY happens next week. I promise to eat my own bodyweight in EU flags if it does!!


    • The General says:

      They don’t even bother to discuss it anymore. They just put it out that “All sides know that a ‘No Deal’ would be disastrous for both sides”
      not even an attempt to discuss the pros and cons. If you want a No Deal you are from the Far Right and a unintelligent, bigoted, racist.


  7. Dystopian says:

    I get the impression that the narrative seems to be that the powers that be are expecting Brexiteers will kick off big time if Brexit is stopped.
    Fair enough. But I think that’s nothing compared to the tantrums we will see if we leave on WTO terms with no deal.
    It’ll be the fascist anti fascist lefties spitting their dummies out and throwing their toys out the pram.


    • Burgsey says:

      Agree, there genuinely will be riots if we leave with No Deal. As the thick Gammon who are right wing racists, the expectation will be that it will be Brexiteers that will riot should Article 50 be revoked. Nope, we will simply brush ourselves down and wait for the next election….

      On the other hand remainers would turn rabid and cause havoc. This is a genuine worry of mine, should the miracle happen next week!


      • TheRebelUK says:

        Burgsey, Dont be worry about the hard left. If they do cause trouble then it shows to the world that the real fascists are these type of people. If they suposedly respect what democracy means they should accept the result. If they riot then they don’t respect democracy and can’t be called liberals anymore.
        Does the bbbc respect democracy? Does the bbbc report on brexit impartiality? Will it ever be a world class news organisation again? Probably not


      • Oldspeaker says:

        Could be a little trouble on the fringes but on the whole Brexiteers appear more stable than remainers. If however Article 50 is revoked and we end up embroiled in the financial troubles looming in the eu, it could be a different story in the future. I wonder if remainers really know what they voted for.


    • Deborah says:

      Expect after any Brexit the BBC to lead the News with any shop that has run out of anything to be a lead story. Pictures of an empty shelf will be the story for days,


    • Deborah says:

      Expect after any Brexit the BBC to lead the News with any shop that has run out of anything to be a lead story. Pictures of an empty shelf will be the story for days,


      • The General says:

        But will they show 300,000 Mercedes, 250,000 BMWs, 200,000 Audis,
        100,000 Peugeots all lined up at the docs with no where to go, And will they show the 100,000 German and French car workers collecting their cards and trudging despondently home ?


  8. mikehunt says:

    The BBC are trying very hard to justify mass murder.

    What that nasty man in New Zealand?

    No they are spinning the attempted mass murder of 51 children in Italy by an African Muslim immigrant as HARD as they can.


    Firstly they are not leading with ‘attempted mass murder by terrorist’ as they would if a bloke in Surrey shouted ‘f***ing Muslims’ but instead their ONLY front page link is to a story about

    “Italy bus attack thwarted by ‘hero’ teenager who contacted police”

    (Even if you check the BBC European news page


    the actual article about the terrorist is missing, there’s just ‘hero teenager’, the actual article is ONLY to be found as a footnote to the ‘hero teenager’ article)

    Naturally it’s emphasised as hard as possible that said ‘hero’ teenager is a Muslim illegal immigrant who the nasty Italian racists need to give citizenship to as soon as possible. [btw his act of heroism was calling his father on his phone to tell him the bus driver was trying to kill them.]

    “Italy’s Ansa news agency reports that Ramy made the call while pretending to pray in Arabic – but was in fact issuing a warning to his father.

    His father told Ansa that the family came from Egypt, and Ramy was born in 2005 in Italy – but has never been issued official citizenship documentation.

    “My son did his duty, it would be nice if he got Italian citizenship now,” he told the news agency. “We would love to stay in this country. ”

    [btw it’s worth noting here that like Senegal and Egypt, and indeed most of the world, if you are born in Italy to foreign parents, that does not grant Italian citizenship – such people should follow the naturalization law]

    Moving on, they explain the terrorist’s motivations.

    “During the hijacking, he reportedly told the captured schoolchildren he was prompted by the deaths of African migrants crossing the sea. A police spokesman also said that during the standoff, he had shouted “stop the deaths at sea, I’ll carry out a massacre”.

    And naturally the BBC don’t hesitate to rationalise this:

    “Italy’s government has taken a hard-line stance against migration from northern Africa, curtailing search and rescue operations – which humanitarian groups say endangers lives.”

    And then double down on suggesting the author of the ‘hard-line stance’ is racist, because he doesn’t accept that an immigrant rapist born overseas whose primary loyalties are to Africa should be referred to as ‘Italian’:

    ‘Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, a key architect of that policy, has referred to the suspect as “a Senegalese with Italian citizenship” rather than calling him an Italian.’

    The article ends with

    ‘Earlier this month, around 200,000 people attended an anti-racism march in Milan.’

    as if that somehow justified TRYING TO MURDER 51 CHILDREN.


    • Dystopian says:

      A total blatant disregard for the fact that Salvini’s policies have actually reduced the number of attempted crossings thereby no doubt saving hundreds of lives. But that doesn’t fit the narrative does it!


      • G says:

        Incidentally, is this the Salvini that Farage had spokent to and the former had agreed to vote against any extension of Art.50 yesterday evening?


    • Dover Sentry says:

      The BBC is an economic colossus thanks to our money stolen on threat of prison. All their workforce has to be politically harmonised with the far Left or they loose their jobs.

      No room for dissent unless you want to ruin your career.

      Journalists inhabit a small pool. Anyone who hopes to work for the feather-bed lined BBC has to show political compliance to the Left before he/she/it can be considered for cosy life-long remuneration.

      It’s political corruption on a grand scale and must be destroyed.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Italian lives don’t matter so much to the BBC Empire. Is anyone surprised? They’ve gone full evil and are asking to be dismantled.


  9. StewGreen says:

    Rigged Remain petition


    • cromwell says:

      I thought when you fill in petition you have to click box to say British subject and have to give postcode . So how do they fiddle it.


    • The General says:

      I hear they have got 3.7 million signatures from Tower Hamlets.


  10. Guest Who says:

    How do I put this? Comments could….


    • Kaiser says:

      how much does france owe us for 1066


    • Van Helsing says:

      How would this work?

      The ones who are deserving of compensation – i.e. those who were enslaved – are long gone. So does that mean that their families financially benefit from a wrong that was not committed against them? If so, that would seem to be akin to, say, be allowed to claim compensation for injuries that one’s great-great-grandfather suffered when working in the mines.

      But if compensation were to be paid then surely equity requires that it come from the coffers of those whose family wealth was acquired or substantially enhanced from transporting slaves or using them as forced labour. Moreover, such an arrangement has a nice symmetry about it: the families of those who benefited compensating the families of those who were enslaved.

      Somehow I can’t see the so-called ‘elites’ going for that one.

      Oh, and one further point. There’s a general lack of acknowledgement that a situation tantamount to slavery was the lot of many working class people during the industrial revolution. Indeed, I’d go so far as to suggest that the truck system operated by many employers was slavery by another name. It was a case of ‘accept my terms or starve’. Choice in those dark, Satanic mills existed in name only. Which leads me to this proposition: should not those whose families suffered from the brutality of economic slavery be entitled to compensation as well?


      • G says:

        We’ve been paying ‘reparations’ for decades to African States. It’s called ‘Aid’. What have the recipients of this ‘Aid’ done with it? Nothing beneficial as I see it.


    • Jeff says:

      Instead of financial reparations how about the opportunity for fully funded repatriation?
      It seems to be a win, win situation. Whinging blacks can piss off “home” ( sorry, I mean discontented African Americans can return to their homeland) crime stat’s in the USA plummet, social cohesion soars. Gangs and gun crime almost disappear. They also get rid of that ghastly rap music.
      What’s not to like?


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Repatriation of Blacks back to Africa was a policy of the anti-slave movement. Freetown Sierra Leone was set up for the repatriation of tens of thousands of former slaves of the British Empire. The Freetown for freed slaves is now twined with Hull, because of William Wilberforce, who was the white man who freed the slaves. But unlike Australians and Canadians emigrating back to Britain, Blacks in Britain don’t like emigrating back to Africa any more, because Africa is a s**t hole without the whites necessary for giving blacks jobs or benefits.

        Also, Liberia was set up for the repatriation of Black Americans, but today its not as popular for Black Americans, because like Sierra Leone, it is also an African s**t hole without the number of white people necessary to give the Blacks jobs or benefits.

        Its like BBC employees. They are dependent on the taxation of people who create wealth, but are not capable of creating wealth independently, due to only having the intellectual ability for the pursuit of Leisure activities. Although, Lenny Henry does occasional return to Africa to dig a hole in the ground, so that the locals can put a bucket into it, to get some water.


        • The General says:

          So are you saying that in time the BBC will become a s**t hole without the number of white people necessary to give the Blacks jobs or Benefits ?


    • tarien says:

      Certainly not Guess Who, if that were indeed a case then we in Britain could sue for slavery reparartions. Romans who put most of the then Britons into slavery, the Vikings/ Normans who certainly enslaved the then population for hundreds of years. The nations that the black people came from, enslaved by their own people, their Chief’s sold thousands to the Arab traders, long before the Muslims arrived to do the same and more. But as ever History is twisted by the left/socialist brats to present a bad picture to the uneducated or should say those made by successive Governments to be disineterested in their past. The greed of the future is best eaten off their plates without consideration for what is to come. Slavery to the Mohammedan’s will be our future if Western Europe does not attend to its garden, what is growing there is not at all palatable.


    • Thoughtful says:

      If Blacks in America should get reparations then so should white Europeans from the Muslim pirates who took over a million into slavery


  11. Kaiser says:

    just for a bit of fun those ever so safe electric vehicles

    MotoE organisers have confirmed the cause of the Jerez paddock fire which destroyed the majority of the bikes and equipment as a short circuit which ignited batteries.


    entie paddock destroyed


    • lojolondon says:

      Very interesting – I guess this didn’t make the ‘news’ because it raises questions about the safety of batteries…. the BBC’s answer to every transport question.
      A bit like the Richard Hammond accident – which certainly made me think twice!!


  12. Eddy Booth says:

    Donald Tusk
    EU27 responds to UK requests in a positive spirit and:
    ???? agrees to Art. 50 extension until 22 May if Withdrawal Agreement approved next week
    ???? if not agreed next week then extension until 12 April”

    Sadly as expected,
    Reset the biased bbc countdown clock..


  13. Fedup2 says:

    70 million people have now signed the petition to withdraw A50 – including Annie Lennox . I think they might all have been a bit to thick to understand what they were signing or were lied to .
    Speaker Bercow and Mrs Bercow have signed to twice to make sure .
    Just when I was out ,,, they draw me back in ….

    Whatever the outcome at least two ‘British institutions ‘ parliament and the State Broadcaster have shown themselves to be rotten….


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The implications are enormous. If the A50 is withdrawn, how will we drive from Warrington to Leicester? Not everybody wants to go on the motorway.


    • theisland says:

      When assorted half wits on the opposition benches stand up to tell the nation how many trillions of people have signed the petition (in the same way they inflated the losers’ march numbers), will it be refuted by serious members of the ERG?


    • tarien says:

      Sure you mean 70 million? That is about the total population of the UK inc children. Perhaps it should read 700, 000?


  14. Kaiser says:

    qt leaver clapping

    Bruce “I must point out it sounds loud but only a few people are clapping”

    she is learning quickly


    • Beltane says:

      I think she might have been implying that Leavers, being bigoted, ignorant racist manual labourers, have bigger hands.


  15. Kaiser says:

    QT crowd loony
    The reality of a no-deal brexit is Venezuela


  16. Tabs says:

    BBC1 Question Time at about 23:15pm had a young girl saying “first of all, those who clapped for no deal Brexit are stupid. What we need is a General Election blah blah Corbyn got me interested in polictics blah blah”

    Just one person clapped when she finished. Very refreshing to hear as usually the entire the audience is full of Momentum members clapping like trained seals.


  17. cromwell says:

    I thought when you fill in petition you have to click box to say British subject and have to give postcode . So how do they fiddle it.


    • Kaiser says:

      british postcode easily found and typed , but the source of the posting in the logs is identified by IP address


      • David R says:

        My IP address is assigned by dynamically my ISP. They are in Surrey but I live in South Wales about 25 miles due north of Cardiff, so if I ask for a restaurant “near me” I am recommended to establishments some 200+ miles away.


  18. Beltane says:

    Another predictable QT with predictably interminable arguments circling the problem – and yet again the one question no one asked or seemed interested in was: If the EU is so close to perfection, why did we vote to leave?
    The EU throughout has been presented to us as some sort of industrial and political nirvana, an organisation with humanity at its heart, struggling to teach us as gently as possible the error of our ways. The truth is fundamentally different.


  19. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    It seems now all the morons who claimed the country and economy was suffering massive damage due to all the ‘uncertainty’.

    They are now pushing for a delay to extend said uncertainty.


    • cromwell says:

      Yes I thought that they kept saying business didn’t like all the uncertainty all this time since vote is having, now they are happy to have long delay for a year if possible so how does that make things better for businesses. I think they have gone mad


  20. Payne by name says:

    I’ve watched the first couple of episodes of the Disappearance of Madeleine McCann and the contempt I have when they are interviewing the BBC journo that was on the scene is vivid.

    Having seen in the programme, the distance that the Tapas restaurant was from the apartment, to then see the BBC guy walking down a walkway pointing at the apartment and he then says ‘with the parents dining just on the other side of this hedge’ tells you all you need to know about these slimy creatures who arrogantly claim to be purveyors of factual news reporting.

    Yeah nice one on forgetting that it is the swimming pool that is actually on the other side of the hedge and that the restaurant is on the other side of that. You couldn’t even get the geography of the complex correct and had to deliberately falsify your story to make it more dramatic.

    To see these pompous asses then talking about journalistic integrity and how searching for the truth is ‘what they do’ makes me sick.

    Thank god that social media has allowed us to shine a light on how utterly despicable many of them are.


  21. Kaiser says:

    this week

    some poor old communist

    basic income, global warming, 90% tax rates the great AOC type

    getting battered by alan johnson, portillio, and neil

    jonhson points out the students strike is accompanied by the SWP
    portillo china is building coal fired stations like crazy

    shame this program is getting cancelled, I wonder why


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      Wasnt the guy on jeremy vine in the week spouting drivel?…I think I switched it off…..complete tosh………


  22. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Good news for US Yoonies.

    “WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order linking “free speech” efforts at public universities to federal grants in an effort to combat what he considers a clamp down on conservative students’ abilities to share their views.

    Under the order, the schools will themselves certify whether they are protecting students’ free speech rights, which are already guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

    The order requires that schools ensure they allow students to express themselves in order to receive funds from 12 federal agencies that help fund universities and colleges.

    Trump administration officials have suggested that the rights of speakers on college campuses have been trampled by student protesters, and that conservatives have been unfairly targeted.”



    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      “the schools will themselves certify whether they are protecting students’ free speech rights,”
      Self certification!
      Again, because it worked so well in the past. For example, well I have forgotten the example.
      It will be lefty “business as usual”.
      The BBC will be preparing the one case, which it will produce, like a lonely rabbit out of a hat, to demonstrate that free speech is alive and well under Ingsoc.


  23. Lucy Pevensey says:




  24. Lucy Pevensey says:


    • Synchronised says:

      Those of us who voted to leave knew what we were voting for and those of us who voted leave knew what the remainers were voting for, that’s why we voted to leave. All I ever hear from remainers is white noise and not a single piece of constructive argument on the reasons for staying in. Have any of these people ever taken the trouble to read books by the likes of Christopher Booker, Richard North, Bernard Connolly, Marta Andreasen etc. The Orwellian warnings are all in there but the train seems unstoppable.


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        From Heath onwards, in the UK, we have been lied to.
        The lies started much earlier in continental Europe.
        Since the referendum we have had 24/7 more Remainer lies, also known as “information”, which has persuaded some of the gullible.
        Propaganda paid for by some of our own contributions.
        The EU is not reforming, it will get worse when Tusk etc. have their own private army, dedicated to the supression of white Europeans.
        The remainers are traitors.
        We are leaving the EU, if necessary by violence.


  25. Doobster78 says:

    TV on 6.30am.

    06.30hrs – Charlie Stayt can’t hide his glee over the extension.

    06.31hrs – Coming up, we look at why toiletries are more expensive for women than men !!!! (Real cutting edge stuff)

    06.32hrs – UK counter terror police launch a investigation into some smashed windows. Counter terror police !!!! It’s a job for a PCSO. Pathetic over reacting far left.

    06.33hrs – TV off.


  26. Guest Who says:

    At least she did not go with ‘OMG’, as that’s (c) Katty, but still…

    Looks like it has resonated well with the peons.


    • Demon says:

      I thought every programme, even those that only concern men (e.g. football) have to have a minimum of 33% women presenters. How can Newsnight get away from not having at least 33% men? Blatant sexism is alive and well at the BBC (we knew that already).


    • AsISeeIt says:

      And if the experience of PC tampering with the casting of Doctor Who is anything to go by the audience for Newsnight will be 100% female – all three of them and their dog.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Please tell me Mantis isn’t what’s considered a beautiful woman these days.


      • Banania says:

        She is such a strange glossy yellowy-brown colour, a great contrast with other people who are with her in the studio.


  27. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Not BBC related.


    What do these websites have in common?
    “Vodafone age-restricted content controls”.
    Vodafone blocks access to these, and doubtless other sites of which I am currently unaware.
    Vodafone does this for the benefit of “younger customers”.
    However if a Vodafone user provides credit card details, or a photograph from a driving licence or a passport, access will be granted.
    Allegedly, Vodafone states that the blocking will cease, I have not attempted to verify this.

    While my keyboard is warm, Amazon UK filtered some mens clothing for me yesterday.
    22 photographs, a pair of shoes, a photograph which I cannot remember (except that it was not an male African)
    and 20 photographs of male Africans.


  28. Kaiser says:

    There is a gender price gap apparently the pink tax

    womens razors are more expensive than mens

    Parliament is going to legislate against it

    Stupid women prefer pink razors to white or blue ones

    I thought women were the smart ones that should run everything , but turns out they will buy something just because its pink.


    • LastChanceSaloon says:

      I am male.
      I have shaved with my female partner’s razors.
      Worked like a razor.
      Razors are unisex, unless you are a bit dim and buy overpriced girly razors.
      Girls, just buy razors sold for men, **** the marketing and advertising parasites.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      I think the really important issue is that there do not appear to be any razors specifically aimed at the transgender community. Nor are there any sanitary towels designed for them. The BBC should be investigating this, which experts have confirmed is the greatest problem facing mankind humankind after Extreme Right-Wing Terrorism and Global Warming.


      • Scroblene says:

        I suspect it’s something to do with the fact that quite a lot or murderers have long black beards, Ian!

        I’m old enough to remember a Giles cartoon, which showed a load of teddy boys fighting with electric razors…


  29. MoreHamHead says:

    Democracy has just about been proven to be dead in the UK. I think this “extension” is just a front for more political wrangling and meddling, time to arrange a few more brown envelopes to the right MPs to guarantee Treasonous May’s deal. I’ve just about given up on this piece of s**t country. Thank goodness my wife is a Swiss citizen.


  30. Roland Deschain says:


    I get the impression they’ve finally over reached themselves. I wonder what it was about that picture that got the BBC’s attention?


    • gaxvil says:

      I guess we have to appreciate that this is their greatest loss of life, on home ground, since forever so the novelty factor is playing a large part. As a small, rather insignificant country they see themselves as getting their big boy pants with this event.


      • Scroblene says:

        Colin Meads, a giant in NZ rugby, used to train by running up a hill with a sheep under each arm!

        I think we should all remember this…


  31. Kaiser says:

    BBC going full on fear for MP’s lives quoting 4 remainers so we know who they are pointing the finger at.

    pulling out the jo cox card for best effect

    Maybe they should reflect upon what it may be they might have done to make the BRITISH public so angry.

    Do they really expect to get away with what ever they want and the plebs will just sit at home and take it silently.


    • taffman says:

      Mrs Chamberlain has been trying to keep us in the EU . Look at the events that have let us to where we are now.
      She has got to go. There are a lot of worried Tory MPs starting to move her out.


      • vesnadog says:


        But that’s impossible. The no-confidence vote saw to that?

        She’s in it for the long haul now. A worry I know.


  32. thirdoption says:

    The Guardian has a headline “MPs advised to travel in groups to avoid abuse over Brexit”


    I think that’s a bit rich considering I was in a group of over 17.4 million when I travelled to the polling station and it hasn’t stopped MP’s from abusing me.


  33. AsISeeIt says:

    There’s to be no official commemoration of the anniversary of the Westminster Bridge terror attack – admits BBC London news. Relatives of the victims are in talks with Mayor Khan – good luck with that! Forgive and forget – as they used to say…

    Meanwhile national BBC news carries a full report of the marking of the one week anniversary of the New Zealand attack. Get used to it – we sense we’ve scarcely heard the beginning of the official reminders and policy repercusions of that incident.

    A little bit of balance might be in order?


  34. theisland says:

    Who arranged Corbyn’s betrayal ‘discussions’ with Barnier and Selmayr yesterday? Surely EU leaders would never seriously contemplate giving him a lucrative Commission position as a reward would they?

    Oh, I forgot, he was there with Starmer.


  35. AsISeeIt says:

    Our BBC girl Naga Munchetty expresses for us the heartfelt distress of MPs getting nasty messages on social media from disgruntled constituents this morning.

    As the Brexit deadline that was repeatedly promised by the PM is summarily shoved back in time with the willing acceptance of Brussels we scratch our heads as why it might be that the electorate is a tad pissed off with their MPs.


    • tarien says:

      Grow up Munchetty, that has to be expected when an MP, so live with it, all paid enough.


  36. AsISeeIt says:

    And finally – as they used to say at the end of the news…

    BBC London close their bulletin this morning with a fabulous news report that we can now take gym classes led by drag queens.

    Not that the BBC would admit to pushing the LGBTQ+ adgenda


  37. Doobster78 says:

    Caught the last half hour of a programme on ITV last night following the Police Fraud Team in London.

    Nabbed a team of Africans red handed carrying out fraud, hundreds of police man hours went into the case. I imagine huge expense to the taxpayer also. They scammed over ÂŁ300K off stolen credit cards in just over 3 months. Gucci everything, shoes, bags, you name it. A few were well known to the police.

    Judge gives the ringleader 3 years !! All others, SUSPENDED sentences !!!

    And they say crime doesn’t pay …. bollox !! They also wonder why these gangs of Eastern Europeans and Africans cant wait to get here and why normal folk like you and me have had a fu**in belly full if it !!!

    Immigration soft as sh*t and justice system even softer. But hey, i am just a far right thug for having those thoughts .


    • Lionheart says:

      I saw the ITV programme and was also taken aback at the lenient sentences for these serial offenders. I was also wondering why the hell they were in my country in the first place and certainly why they are allowed to remain here after multiple criminal convinctions. Of what benefit to my country are these people?


  38. Fedup2 says:

    I’m avoiding the state broadcaster but I understand the A50 exit date is now 12 April if the Commons voter for the sell out – a vote which Bercow won’t allow so we leave next Friday ? Am I right ?

    Ps – there is a wonderful twitter of a remainer’ breaking down ‘ as he realises it’s the last time he’ll fly as a citizen of the EU. The comments are laugh out loud.alex Deane put it up


    • Guest Who says:

      This the one posting his espresso and lardy cake (in Italian)?

      I thought it was Titania’s Pilates coach.


    • john in cheshire says:

      But isn’t it still the case that legally we still Leave next Friday? I don’t think that has changed.


  39. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile, to ‘balance’ out Newsnight’s four non blondes…



  40. AsISeeIt says:

    Women’s football hooliganism

    It might be dull on the pitch but on the terraces they’ll scratch yer eyes out!


    ‘Weapons, fireworks and drugs have been found on a coach carrying Paris St-Germain fans to a Women’s Champion’s League game against Chelsea’

    Football Max Factory…?

    The Intersectional Firm…?

    The Smart/Casuals…?

    Chelsea Head (and Shoulders) Hunters…?


    • Scroblene says:

      It’s a response to the age-old question; ‘Why did Elizabeth Arden’?

      ‘Because Max Factor’…

      (fluffy sequinned coat applied for…).


  41. Fedup2 says:

    I was musing on who the next leader of the Conservative party might be ? Apart from IDS who is disqualified because he’s already had a go – I can’t think of a single Tory MP worthy of the job . Even JRM is diminished these days .

    I know it’s academic because they’ve already lost the next election . Comrade Mcdonell skilfully keeping his head down until The Great Day when the Red Flag flutters over number 10. What a nightmare .


    • gaxvil says:

      I do hope Farage can step up and get some quality people who don’t fiddle, shop lift or send silly tweets.


    • theisland says:

      ” I can’t think of a single Tory MP worthy of the job”

      Very true, but @BillCashMP as caretaker until a suitable leader emerges. At least he could have a sensible conversation with HMQ.

      Not Gove or BoJo or Javid.


    • 7Clubs says:

      IDS was the idiot who positioned The Tory opposition during the Iraq War as even more hawkish then the Labour govt.
      Bet Tony Blair could not believe his luck.If the Iraq War had been a success Blair gets all the credit but if the Iraq War is a disaster the Tories under IDS could not profit from it.
      In terms of policy the backbencher Peter Davies MP for Skipton would be the best Tory leader and in terms of the Cabinet Liz Truss
      Liz Truss would probably


      • RJ says:

        “Liz Truss would probably”

        Are you sure that’s quite what you meant to say?


    • Demon says:

      Fedup2, yes, it’s a nightmare but I couldn’t vote for the Conservatives ever again until we get Brexit. We’ll just have to put up with Corbyn’s most intolerant government since Cromwell, but the Tory remainders are purely to blame. When the country goes tits up then we can blame Soubry and her band of fellow remainiacs for helping Corbyn and McDonnell to grab power.


    • David R says:

      Sir Christpher Chope?


  42. JamesG says:

    Fact check: James Naughtie on Today just said the two main parties are in “the low 60s” in the opinion polls. In fact in most polls they’re in the low 70s.


  43. Guest Who says:

    For the Lols.

    May not be her hour, but she is on the bbc every day.


    • john in cheshire says:

      Did anyone ask her to confirm she’s not a nazi?


    • Fedup2 says:

      She really isn’t right in the head and has some kind of desire for fame as well as having her life spiced up by ‘ death threats’ … maybe she can follow police advice and go about as a group with Evette cooper balls and the other anti democratic we – know – better – gals …


  44. gaxvil says:

    Do we admire her grit or pity her foolish optimism?
    Trying to shame or scare Parliament into voting for her ‘deal’ on this momentous subject with no new concessions is truly astounding.


  45. Fedup2 says:

    Does anyone actually watch Newsnight ? I guess the viewing figures are too low to measure . But at least we a guaranteed a girl presenter now as the state broadcaster is trumpeting the gender thing .

    No doubt the chaps in prison will be happy to have guaranteed female company at half ten at night .

    Many football pundits are now ‘ all black ‘ with varying degrees of ‘ expertise ‘ or ‘ experience ‘ .
    The state broadcaster seems very keen on engineering the demise of white men in broadcasting . So – such as the dimblys deserved it as I think nepotism is as vile as positive discrimination ( see the honourable Dan snow )
    But the people who tragically pay for their state TV deserve better . No?

    As an aside – has the record A50 petition hit the hundred million mark yet ?


  46. Guest Who says:

    Full marks to VD for laying out only what the BBC wants to hear:


    • MoreHamHead says:

      Few people there saying they voted remain and would now vote leave. Not going the way they expected, tweet deleted in 3…2…1…


  47. Foscari says:

    Jan Moir the Daily Mail columnist who’s accompanying
    catch phrase is “are you thinking what she’s thinking?” is NOT
    my favourite hack. But today in The Mail she writes about how
    women are taking over the BBC,in news presentation , reporting
    and other fields.
    There has been Women’s Hour on the radio since 1946. BBC TV
    has become more like Women’s 18 hours in regard to news
    programmes. The percentage of news presenters and reporters
    have now reached a seventy five percentage. At times its over
    White middle aged men are being dumped at an alarming rate.
    The proof of this is how Andrew Neil is being treated. He is by
    far the best political presenter on TV. But obviously not DIVERSE
    enough for the BBC and it’s paranoia with diversity.
    It’s got to the point where we have to listen to sports news
    given by a women with an Irish Republic brogue and continuity
    TV personal ,telling us whats coming up in patois. All in the name
    of diversity.
    I can imagine the Diversity department being in an orgasmic
    state yesterday when it was announced of the sponsorship
    given to Women’s football. The final bastion will be able to
    be breached. To get rid of Gary Lineker and replace him with a
    women to present Match of the Day. Featuring the women’s
    top matches. With a special feature on netball and women’s rugby!


    • Beltane says:

      Gary’s wise and obvious move will be to remove the Jimmy Hill goatee and identify as a woman. This should ensure protected earnings – although the term might be challenged if itemised on a value basis.


      • thirdoption says:

        Are you suggesting that woman are not allowed to sport a trendy goatee?

        Expect a visit from PC Plod when it’s finished applying it’s mascara and nail varnish.


    • Kaiser says:

      well as we have gabby logan the gymnast but learned about football from her dads dna

      so I suggest Tracey Neville after all her brothers were footballers and her dad a football agent and director

      so she should be an real expert


  48. Guest Who says:

    Did you spot them on bbc breakfast this morning?