We have a never ending leave date now.
Unless the eu get May’s awful, for us, deal (treaty) passed they will keep on extending the leave date until our honourable MPs find a way to remain in the eu.
They will grant extension after extension.
May 22 will arrive and we will find the eu will give us a years extension, a year later reasons will be found to extend it again and so on.
We have to keep faith until 2022 when we can get rid of 500 of these disgraceful chancers in the den of cessminster.
On the petition.
It appears that the whole world is signing it.
There are powerful forces at work against democracy.
There is a big BUT though – the EU wants the idea of leaving the EU off the headlines so that they {Germany) can concentrate on consolidating their power. And they really, really want shut of Farage.
Knowing the BBC’s predilection for any news story that has diversity, gays, women and black people, I’m distraught that the nation’s beloved broadcaster appears to have deliberately avoided reporting this story from Birmingham. Perhaps it’s been focusing on the battalions of Muslims who have taken a day off work to demonstrate outside their children’s school for three weeks because of the LGBT lessons, or perhaps it’s the nasty man with his anti-Muslim mallet putting in the windows of those wonderful peaceful mosques in the Second City?
The Birmingham Mail Headline – “Actress due to play bisexual role in Birmingham Hippodrome’s The Color Purple ‘axed for anti-gay post'”
For readers of a delicate disposition and who may not be bothered to read the article, here is the lady who wrote the anti-gay posts…
The lead actress of an upcoming production at Birmingham Hippodrome has been axed over alleged homophobic remarks. “Seyi Omooba was due to play bisexual lead Celie in The Color Purple, a story centered around two women falling in love.”
Anyway, must dash to The Bullring now, I’ve heard there’s a rush for halal pork pies and trotters starting because of the Brexit food shortages.
Who says that the Beeb is Anti-Brexit?
I found this little gem on the webpage…………
“Toyota will start manufacturing hybrid cars for Suzuki at one of its UK factories, it has been confirmed.”
“Based on the Corolla, the new car will have engines made in Wales and electrical components from Japan.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-47638644
Well, I must admit, I found it ‘hidden’ among the rubbish. Did anyone else see it ?
My next car will be a Toyota!
“It will not lead to extra jobs or investment but will make the factory more efficient, the firm said.
Now Nissan not making the new model didn’t lead to any job losses but that didn’t stop the BBC having hysterics over the news and making it headlines for days.
taffman- I’ve owned a Toyota, a very nice car. Can recommend.
I have always been partial to things Japanese. (Yes, I know what happened during the war.)
The Japs have not fallen for the ‘diversity’ obsession which is destroying the ‘West’. They have made an attempt to preserve their culture. (Diversity – at least, not so far; the virus could spread, though. But open borders has not been their fancy…)
And fortunately they are some distance from Brussels, so haven’t been tempted. Even without the distance, can’t see them submitting to the Merkels, Tusks, Junckers and Verhofstads of this world.
Toady gave Nigel Farage an incredibly hostile, aggressive and sneering interview, clearly trying to pin the ‘Islamophobia’ label on him. No sign or sound of Gerard Batten, of course. Clearly, splitting the two genuine Brexit parties and putting them into the ‘anti-Islam’ box is the foreseeable Toady strategy.
But Toady had lots of time for EU apparatchiks and Council reps.
Basically, the Toady push is for May’s soft ‘Brexit’, a cross-party soft ‘Brexit’ (they like N Boles/Y Cooper combination for this), or revocation of A 50 -i.e. no Brexit. If ‘no deal’ exit is mentioned at all, it is generally accompanied by a thumbs down and mention of ‘catastrophic consequences’.
Biggest mystery of all: How on earth did May ever get to be party leader? How on earth has she stayed put? She needs to quit, and quit quick. She has (deliberately) played into the hands of the EU, She has lied so often, so brazenly, it’s hard to believe. She has weakened the Tories beyond belief; and still they put up with her. She needs to go yesterday.
But I guess her next step is reaching out to Labour, as a survival strategy?
Brexit is over. We are stitched up. The BBC is pushing for the deal and inserting into each article a note abut the petition to stay. There will either be an acceptance of the deal – which is Brino – or, as I predict, another referendum, which will be fixed and will return a remain majority.
Meanwhile keep yer gobs shut about Merkel’s migrants, don’t expect the law to protect us from them
Brexit is only over if we, the people, allow it.
All of us need to take a leaf out of Bercow’s book.
Yes, he is a treacherous, anti-Brexit (probably Labour) mole.
But he is resolute. He is loud. He is ambitious. He is quick on his feet. He has an agile mind. He is erudite (crap and deceit as it may often be). He has oodles of determination. He can be smooth, if required. He is brazen. He will flatter (to deceive) if needs be. He adapts instantly and constantly, unlike May who holds on to lost causes.
But we are potentially BETTER than him. He speaks only for the 500 or so MPs, who want to undermine the referendum result. We speak for the 17.4 million majority. The great ‘petition’ the bbc is so excited about, will need another 15 million + to catch up.
We have democracy on our side. We have the Will of the People. We have the Truth. WE MUST NOT BE COWERED.
If the bbc have decided to be the enemy of democracy, the Truth, and the will of the people, let them take the consequences.
as much as I admire your optimism, all is still in play.
If the terrible WA doesn’t get the vote – which it will not, then the EU, in concert with May, will extend A50 until something more agreeable can be arranged. Mays assertion that she will resign if pressed for a further extension is another of her emperors clothes red lines. It doesn’t exist – in fact she already has this option in her back pocket for when her ‘deal’ dies the death it deserves.
It will need Leavers to get angry and take to the streets for our democratic vote to be taken account of. And, when this business is done with, we need to concentrate on the dissolution of that most vociferous of media activists, our state broadcaster.
And yet he probably can’t understand how it all happened despite having pushed so hard for it.
Leftism for these nutters is someone else suffering to salve their bleeding hearts, it’s only when it comes home to them and they suffer, that we see them bemoaning it whilst all the time still failing to understand it is of their own making!
I watched The week because Brillo was on it . Some poor Dutch snowflake got ripped apart by the 3 permanent members purely on the facts .
It’s awful when you feel sorry for a political enemy being ripped apart but then I thought this character will be a ‘Hero’ in his little social group ..
Fed — didn’t watch but was it this guy? He is on Twitter today with a scathing view of his BBC experience. The thread is worth a read from the beginning:
8. This was the worst experience I’ve had with UK media, but after quite a few interviews in different countries, I think I can say that, on average, British journalists are the least curious of all. So often, being ‘critical’ is just a pose.
He came across as a smug snowflake with all the answers . For instance he claimed that UK hasn’t done much about ‘climate warming’ to which portilo instantly responded including ‘shut all the pits’ – which those who believe in the climate change witchcraft must qualify .
He also thought he had invented the idea of a ‘universal minimum ‘wage’ which had been around stupidly for ages .
I thought he might be bitching about his treatment as Brillo and the other grownups ripped him ‘a new one ‘ as believe young people use as their ‘street speak’.
There are some real alt-lefties on that feed. Not one from the right or even centre. I only read the first 40 or so and their belief that the BBC is right-wing made all their other claims laughable too.
I couldn’t amend that comment, but what I also saw was that they believe Jeremy Corbyn is a middle-of-the-road, moderate social “democrat”. Proof that alt-left types are completely stupid and unaware.
Where do they find these people who are invited on, and why do they invite them? And why is there so often a “comedian” at the end? The political commentary is often excellent, especially from Portillo, Neil and (when she is there) Caroline Flint, but all the dressing up and cavorting about is a bit strained.
How does the BBC decide who it likes? (Now there’s a typical BBC headline!).
Now I, like most here I suspect, have a good old-fashioned idea of what makes comedy. I know this because my young relatives scowl when I start to make a joke, way before reaching the punch line. It is like living with party apparatchiks. I bet that the Jews on the way to the gas chambers made jokes, because they were human and that is what humans (used to) do.
But even I felt a little unease when I started to read this little BBC article. It’s just so ‘extreme right-wing’, people doing violence to other people and not emoting with each other. Yet clearly this is a full-on ‘puff-piece’ promoting the author’s work. Could it be because she is a woman? Would a man have been castigated if he drawn these cartoons instead?
“How a bookshop wolf handles awkward customers” – Is this really business news?
I’m surprised that the ReichEU has only extended the A50 to 12 April -but I suppose they didn’t want it to interfere with the ReichEUs founders ‘ birthday on the 20th April … Adolph….
bbc WS upcoming:- The Extreme Right, Who? where?, why? and how to tackle them?
Well, as for the where? Look to the European Dreamland where increasing numbers of people are voting for them.
We say to small children, ‘How do you know you don’t like it – you haven’t even tried it.’
And that is the attitude of all those who wish to revoke Brexit before it’s even happened.
But the bbc has done it’s utmost to work this up into an existential threat and for that alone I loath and detest them.
‘Die Welt’ reports that the EU is now determining British internal politics, noting that Corbyn had also visited.
One commentator suggests that that is the whole point of the EU: to destroy nations/sovereignty and take over their politics.
Another commentator says: ‘Wonderful theatre’: between them, the EU and the UK parliament are grinding/wearing down the British voter, preparing them for a second vote, in which they capitulate.
Neither of these comments, which are far more lengthy, is meant to be hostile. They are making observations…
Could the latter be right? The UK parliament hand in glove with the EU, staging a little act? The UK parliament already subconsciously or consciously doing the bidding of the EU? That would give Elite Theory, as a branch of the study of Politics, a new boost (Broadly speaking, elites co-operate in their own interest, against their ‘subjects’ regardless of context)
And I thought it was only Ms May…
A deadly duo of Brexit Thieves is doing the rounds to-day….no doubt be on Remain Politics Now on the bBC at lunch-time.
What a pair of apocalyptic horrors ………..Somebody O’grady ( no doubt dressed in green) and the CBI personage.
ps mentioned earlier about the, stage managed, organised clapping of a bBC QT audience
NO NO …not having it……..tune in to bBC Scotland – 1st Ministers Questions……here you will see extraordinary , synchronized SNP clapping seals of exceptional execution.
And the stage only cost £1 billion ….what value to the British Taxpayer.
On the bbc webshite Home page, their Newsbeat section is still solidly black.
Black Lives Matter more, and are a lot more exciting than hideously white lives, apparently.
An article on how an Australian shop, worker or something, has made a cartoon to ridicule it’s customers. even though they are the ones who support them.
No wonder the (rather annoying) BBC found affinity here.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-47526605
”We’ve all heard of the saying “the customer is always right” but when you work in service industries, what can you do to vent your frustration when the customer is rather annoying?
Vine today asks: “are you embarrassed to be British?”. What other state broadcaster would put such a question out there? Imagine the French doing it: “are you embarrassed to be French?”
It is relentless. The question might have been: “do you feel stitched up by our politicians” or “do you think the EU has stitched us up”, or “are you proud to be British in the face of a neoliberal, statist, undemocratic attack on this country?” but no, yet again it is our sense of nationhood, our sense of worth, that is under fire.
Ive sent a couple of not very nice texts to his show…cant stand the bloke.
Ive got to be very careful because I could easily get in to trouble…this is how far the BBC are pushing us……….I wish he could meet my ageing parents they would give him a piece of their minds…snivelling pathetic little man……….
I’m embarrassed that a once great institution like the BBC should have descended far below the plains of mediocrity and into the netherworld of unwitting and unremitting self-parody.
I’m sure we on this blog all condemn the Christchurch attack.
But it’s striking that a week later, it is still ‘front page’ news on al beeb, whereas the Utrecht attack was quickly dropped from the Home page and is now nowhere to be found.
Noteworthy also are the extremely emotive and detailed tributes to some of the victims (all saints, it would seem).
Does al beeb usually publish such tributes and follow-up stories about the much larger number of (hideously white) victims of islamic terror, let alone the thousands of anonymous victims in Africa, Asia and the Middle East? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news
I sense a Christchurch/Grenfell mashup single in the making now that We are the World (except the Copts, victims of Boko Haram, Dutch tram passengers etc)
Like Grenfell, al beeb are turning Christchurch into a cause célèbre and a campaign.
One could almost say a ‘Crusade’ given the missionary fervour, but the beeb wouldn’t like that word at all.
This may placate Lord Loon, and get the more rabid Remainers off Rob Burley’s timeline, but such a response looks pretty darn dire to any not enjoying BBC instant supplication.
Remember Jo Abbess?
BBC News hasn't ignored this story – we covered the rise of the petition on radio, TV & online yesterday. This morning it was part of Chris Mason’s report on BBC Breakfast & 5Live & is currently the 3rd most read story online, as well as featuring in the latest ep of Brexitcast. pic.twitter.com/8sfW84zjkf
The BBC & Cyclone Idai
I suspected something not quite right and so as usual, I delved a bit deeper than the BBC would want me to do..
Just As I suspected, it would appear that our impartial broadcaster has been fooling the masses with their reporting on Cycone Idai.
The first thing I researched. Has this size of Cyclone ever hit Africa before?
Answer. : Of course. And it is not a rare event.
Secondly. The reason why much more people are affected by this cyclone.
Perhaps it is to do with the huge population growth in Africa, social media etc..
Anyway that was my amateur research, then I looked at this and confirmed my doubts.. https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2019/03/21/the-bbc-cyclone-idai/
Think yourself lucky, me_allen_P – There was a petition to leave with no deal that got no coverage at all on the BBC ….. funny that ain it !!
Wonder where the latest signatures have come from ?? Lots of people from around the globe very concerned with Brexit it seems …. China, Mongolia, Alaska but most of the signatures seem to be coming from Cloud Cuckoo land where all these anti democratic parasites reside !!!
You did cover it yesterday but this story is growing every hour, and yet the coverage seems to be shrinking
Only have to look at the map, on the petition website, to show the location of the people signing.
All the hot spots are Bristol, Exeter, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton etc all the University towns. I’m pretty sure if you take away the votes from students doing Gender and Equality degrees the number would reduce from 3 million to about 200,000.
“from students doing Gender and Equality degrees ”
Or for that matter, all those teens/kidults who claim to have no gender at all/all genders/names of their pets/etc etc they can then use any number of different names but still use the same email. The numbers could be endless that way.
G, what this petition won’t get is massive MP endorsement nor will it get any MSM coverage at all. And we can see now what a huge influence non stop propaganda can have on a given issue.
If leave would have had just one right of centre media supporter, prepared to put out positive effects of independence, the whole flavour of debate would have been far different and would have created far less divisiveness.
And don’t for get most leave voters are mostly elderly quite old – if we believe what the MSM tell us – would have no idea about this ongoing online remain campaign, not to mention not having a PC to record their votes in the first place – which must be in the tens of millions.
And should a second referendum happen I can’t see all those elderly leave voters – not to mention most middle aged leave voters – would even bother turning out again to vote for something they have voted already yet their vote ended up being useless. Why bother?
All the incentive is with the remainers vote. They were dead and buried but now – because of MAYS and HAMMONDS deliberate tactics – have a fantastic chance of getting their way after all.
Al beeb are cock-a-hoop to report that many New Zealand women are donning the veil today.
I’m sure Jihadists all over the world will also be delighted that the caliphate is coming even quicker than they expected.
And no doubt the heroic women in Iran and elsewhere who are fighting and dying for the right NOT to wear the symbol of oppression will be equally delighted to see it being endorsed by Saint Jacinda of Perpetual Virtue Signalling.
Anyway, it’s good practice for when the veil becomes compulsory.
(But wait, their hair is showing, provoking overwhelming lust — shouldn’t they be stoned?)
These idiots remind me of the people in Independence Day who stand at the top of a skyscraper waving “Welcome ET” at the alien ships. Before being burnt to a crisp by the not-so-friendly invaders.
I find this headscarf wearing, quite shameful actually. Why didn’t Jacinda go the whole hog and wear the full Afghan burqa where there is just a grid covering the eyes ? No, that would be an Islamic step too far, yet all those smiley white woman doing the same thing believe they are showing solidarity. Mention FGM to them and see if they still want to wear a headscarf. Women are totally repressed under Islamic law, so if they want to stand shoulder to shoulder, let them live under the regime for a month, and see if they still want to wear a headscarf.
Quite frankly with all the terrorism that has taken place by Muslims in the name of Islam, its Ideology centuries away from the modern world and utterly alien to White Christian Societies such as New Zealand, that with still their apparant ignorance of what such tenuous support for the shades of Islam in following the lead of their misguided Prime Minister will do to their country. Gradually now the claws of Islamic integration will bring Sharia Law to that peaceful nation, thousands upon thousands of Muslims from Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan, and Indonesia will hammer on the NZ doors for entry now they can view how they will be received. Maybe a bit hard but having relations in New Zealand, consider the Prime Ministers reaction to the Mosque killings by enshrouding herself as a Muslim woman is not the best message to give to her white christian population. NZ must back away from this Multicultural attitude, Islam will never follow anything other than the Islamic ideology.
Saturday the state broadcaster will be doing one of those hysterical outside broadcasts covering the Remainer March – I’m guessing it will be like the London Marathon except that the psyched up beeboids will be desperation to find ‘ tinted ‘ face and photogenic tinted kids to show how multicultural the march is .
And there will be ‘ celebrities ‘ as well as over excited rants from Baroness Soubry and the likes .
Me? No state broadcaster for me for a bit . And Saturday it’s gardening as there’s no footy .
I think I’ll spend Saturday afternoon watching yellow vests RIP up Paris again like last week . Should be popcorn time for Macron. I watch on you tube live.
You don’t have to wait for Saturday.
Go to LeFigaro now and catch the main article: Restaurant Fouquet on the Champs Elysees aflame.
Hope Macron isn’t dining there…
I think I’ll spend Saturday afternoon watching yellow vests RIP up Paris again like last week . Should be popcorn time for Macron. I watch on you tube live.
The Paris traditional rioting will have the use of leathal force thrown in apparently .
Isn’t amazing how politicians who become ‘stars’ soon develop a smell – macron – troodo- soon – the ‘star ‘ Democrats .
There was soon truly painful footage of troodo trying to explain the latest lady resignation from his government with a load of fireman and other decent types stand behind -look like they’d rather be anywhere else .
Youtube has turned off the useful search filters,
excuse seems to be to stop live uploads from far right shooters,
So now you cannot serach for recent uploads for example :” yellow vests” in the last hour / 24 hours.
By the way, the police in Paris have banned demos on the Champs Elysees and around the triumphal arch tomorrow, and the army will be out and about…
So if Macron was taking Jeremy out for lunch, or some such thing, they’ll probably have to stick to the palace. (I don’t know that such a meeting is taking place, but merely imagining what could be going on behind the scenes of Brexit…)
An odd question, but as a native who would be worse, the Nazis or full EU?
Seems to me the EU have already invaded these fair lands without any real resistance. No Dad’s Army, just a red carpet. The Tweet from yesterday with that chap from the EU saying there will be no more vetos, no opt-outs, one law for all, one currency, one ring to rule them all! We already have a Vichy regime here. Who would have believed that a country once so great as to govern 1/3 of the world could fall on it’s knees in submission so quickly?
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
… no longer applies. We are slaves now. Slaves to immigrants, slaves to the EU.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of PC Keith Palmer – murdered at the gates of parliament by an evil Muslim . Makes you wonder whether he should have bothered ….
I am a bit worried that if democrats are sold out by the politicians that some might start taking ;extra legal action ‘ which is a bit more than marching .
Of course I may be out of focus as regards our RoP friends, but this video by Bill Still, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pecOyvDZP9Q, made me wonder how much influence is being exerted in this country on government, police and media to think only beautiful thoughts about the superior religion to all others.
The answer to that is : a lot :
they are all organised via email and other social media, one has only to peruse a site such as the “muslim council of Britain” to see how they encourage and advise all members to report hate crime at every opportunity, and yet OFSTED inspectors and proprieters of a gay sauna in Luton, and various teachers and Headmasters around the country and prosecuters and judges dealing with rape cases are regularly the victim of abuse from members of this minority with no action taken, this council are also running courses for their members in how to complain to the media…
Well I have always thought that the BBC and Sky were biased towards the remain camp but today they have really confirmed that view with wall to wall publicity for the “Revoke Article 50 Petition”. I am surprised that there is not a small window at the bottom of our tv screens giving live coverage of the number of petitioners. Strange how the “Leave without a Deal Petition” which had been signed by hundreds of thousands of Brexiteers received little or no coverage.
Every day we see remain after remain MP’s and members of the press put in front of the cameras to say what a catastrophic mess will be caused by Brexit and only a token Brexiteer is allowed to support what the majority of the people voted for.
Question Time continues to show bias towards representation from the remain camp and so called political experts from obscure think tanks never give brexit any credence.
All I know is that despite all this indoctrination by the majority of MP’s, most of the media and the rest of the Westminster elite my close family and friends feel even stronger that we should leave this god forsaken organisation as quickly as possible.
Reminds me of mould, it gets its tendrils in everywhere, and unless you remove all of it even a little bit will come back needs a complete attack of bleach
And whilst remainers are happy to blame anyone maybe have a look at our tabloids over the last 20 years and their endless regular “euromadness” stories, many a complete falsehood…..sausages and bananas etc.
The BBC have been happily publicizing one petition, that being to stop Article 50. I expected that, but not the Twitter feed of Gladstone, the cat of HM Treasury, being used to publicize the same petition. Another outrage within the supposedly neutral civil service. Update, Evie, the Cabinet Cat is being used to supply advice on who can sign the same petition, and is encouraging EU nationals resident in the UK to sign as well.
I apologise, but I have no idea how to copy a tweet onto here.
#MarchToLeave arrived in Worksop
.. lot of people waving
In one village a woman brought out choccy biscuits
… Walked past a school of toddlers , no one provoked the kids but a headmaster guy rushed out into the playground shout boo and both thumbs down
..a despicable but typical example of hyper-remainer behavior.
Nottingham guys..do come and walk with us from Linby thru city to Beeston
Police arrest ten ‘jihadists’ in Germany who were ‘plotting to use a car and guns to kill as many people as possible and had already hired a large vehicle’ as knives are seized in raid
The suspects were detained in the Frankfurt area in police raids earlier on Friday
They ranged in age from 20 to 42 but no details of their nationality were given
They are said to have contacted weapons dealers and hired a vehicle already
BBC news webisite ? hmm tumbleweed moment for our premier news site
The main suspects were a 21-year old man from Offenbach, a city near Frankfurt, and two 31-year brothers from Wiesbaden, who were associated with the Islamist Salafist community in the area, prosecutors said.
But, of course : “‘Pink tax’: Should personal care products for women cost more?” front page news
Lucky, its worse than you imagine.
Our tv channels are so dumbed down, that there is a programme listed on Channel 5 in the coming days titled “The Nation’s Favourite Crisps” !!! a whole bloody hour of whether we like cheese and onion or plain. I almost choked on my onion ring when I read it.
Jeeez Christ, we are governed by donkeys and ruled by kids as to what we shall view.
Brissles, I doubt if TV ever had any destiny other than the dumbed down trashy medium it has become. It has got to appeal to as many viewers as possible to survive, so lowest common denominator entertainment was always going to become its staple fare. Talent contests showcasing narcissistic proletarian wannabes and marathon productions with vacuous titles like your crisp programme predominate and can only appeal to dimwits. I rarely feel edified by anything I see on the box these days and the BBC, which should be the one exception to the rule, seems particularly remiss in its stated noble aim to educate, entertain and inform. I grew up with enormous respect for its output, especially for programmes like Tonight with Cliff Michelmore, Alan Whicker, Derek Hart, Fyfe Robertson, Kenneth Allsop and all those guys. That calibre of person or programme just isn’t there anymore.
Very well put Zelazek, couldn’t have put it better. Utterly shameful.. Multiculturalism its propagada sweeping its way across the world-god help New Zealand.
RE Hugh Fearnly, well if he steers clear of bacon he may get away with it, funny that is it not ? the number of media outlets picking on bacon rather than “processed meats” in general, and I also noticed the big story about a woman on a flight forced to “cover up” hmm call me paranoid but ……
We have had diversity forced fed to us by the BBC for a few
years by Tunde Ogungbesan the “BIG BROTHER” of the BBC
and lately on TV by Joyce Adeluwoye- Adams.
Now the BBC are telling us without reservation that there
is no way THEY will allow NO DEAL. Any pretence of being
neutral is over.
We all know on this website that the BBC is biased. They don’t
care anymore about us knowing about it.
Divine intervention: Knifeman chases priest around the altar during televised mass at Montreal church and slashes him twice in chest before his blade BREAKS and he is held in place by worshipers until police arrive
The man was arrested not long after the incident at Saint Joseph’s Oratory
He attacked Father Clause Grou, slashing him in the chest twice, before his knife broke
Other parishioners kept him there until police arrived to take the man into custody
Father Grou was ‘lightly’ injured and was taken to the hospital
The attack was captured on cameras that were filming the service for television
It was broadcast live on a Catholic TV channel and was also on a live stream on the church’s website https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6839323/Man-arrested-stabbing-priest-morning-mass-Montreal-church.html
It is genuinely frightening these regular attacks are ignored and one attack upon a mosque on the other side of the world receives so much coverage, I repeat this is genuinely frightening, with the censorship of our media
If these do not like our religion do not come here, if these do not like our culture, do not come here if these do not like our laws do not come here but, they keep comimg
Only time that this will get any better is when the lazy feckless bastards in Saudi Arabia run out of oil and have to find gainful empoyment and refrain from using their funds to stir the shit, and they will be reduced to a tent in the desert where they belong instead of sneaking off to Mayfair to gamble and whore
Absolutely, Lucy.
Just another bearded Norwegian with mental heath issues, provoked by Trump and Brexit, and whose story will disappear from all accessible media within 48 hours.
Do I detect some stirrings as we get close to the wire.
The 1922 Cte., have given May a severe kicking and her marching orders for amongst other things,
‘…. the humiliation of the British people’.
Nigel is ready to rock. Le Penne is polling way high. Holland’s Right Wing party is second. Barclay’s Chairman is chipper and bots are signing the Revoke Petition.
My frustration is how we can fix this. Today they are ramping up revoking Article 50!
Also surely May’s WA should not be heard again if there has not been “substantial changes” as per Bercow’s decree last week (although that was just to get her off the hook). No mention of this by the BBC in advance of the potential vote next week?
pug – The bbc may be many things, but impartial it is not.
Manipulative, arrogant, deceitful, biased, duplicitous, subversive, dangerous, thieving, puffed-up, malicious, racist, mind-damaging to the youth, perhaps…
But impartial?
And they like using insulting adjectives, despite claiming to be a ‘public service’. Some could do that for free!
Shame on them.
Well perhaps I’ve been wrong and we will leave and get our Brexit. But there will be plenty more twists and somersaults before the end and I still think we will have a Brino.
But it’s interesting to speculate how far in the event of a No Deal Brexit the Remainers will go to prove that they were right. They hold most of the levers of power and will they use them to purposely damage the UK ? Will their plan be to inflict damage covertly so that within a few years we are begging to be readmitted. Three years ago I would have dismissed this as a fanatasy but after the Remainer elites disinformation, deceptions , lies , and all manner of dubious manoeuvres , over the past two years I certainly fear that this is exactly what they will try to do. Use our votes to Get rid of as many Remain MPs as possible as quickly as possible is the only thing that we can do.
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Fedup2Mar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC says Zelenski has gone on X and grovelled like the b@tch he is ( after being told – no…
GreencoatMar 4, 17:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I see that the Guardian’s review of Ash Sarkar’s new book refers to the British working class as the ‘lower…
Fedup2Mar 4, 17:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news – Italy has said it won’t be sending Italian soldiers to die in Ukraine to keep Zelenski in…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 16:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A range of other topics were also discussed at the committee on Tuesday: Gregg Wallace – an external review into…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
We have a never ending leave date now.
Unless the eu get May’s awful, for us, deal (treaty) passed they will keep on extending the leave date until our honourable MPs find a way to remain in the eu.
They will grant extension after extension.
May 22 will arrive and we will find the eu will give us a years extension, a year later reasons will be found to extend it again and so on.
We have to keep faith until 2022 when we can get rid of 500 of these disgraceful chancers in the den of cessminster.
On the petition.
It appears that the whole world is signing it.
There are powerful forces at work against democracy.
There is a big BUT though – the EU wants the idea of leaving the EU off the headlines so that they {Germany) can concentrate on consolidating their power. And they really, really want shut of Farage.
Knowing the BBC’s predilection for any news story that has diversity, gays, women and black people, I’m distraught that the nation’s beloved broadcaster appears to have deliberately avoided reporting this story from Birmingham. Perhaps it’s been focusing on the battalions of Muslims who have taken a day off work to demonstrate outside their children’s school for three weeks because of the LGBT lessons, or perhaps it’s the nasty man with his anti-Muslim mallet putting in the windows of those wonderful peaceful mosques in the Second City?
The Birmingham Mail Headline – “Actress due to play bisexual role in Birmingham Hippodrome’s The Color Purple ‘axed for anti-gay post'”
For readers of a delicate disposition and who may not be bothered to read the article, here is the lady who wrote the anti-gay posts…
The lead actress of an upcoming production at Birmingham Hippodrome has been axed over alleged homophobic remarks. “Seyi Omooba was due to play bisexual lead Celie in The Color Purple, a story centered around two women falling in love.”
Anyway, must dash to The Bullring now, I’ve heard there’s a rush for halal pork pies and trotters starting because of the Brexit food shortages.
Who says that the Beeb is Anti-Brexit?
I found this little gem on the webpage…………
“Toyota will start manufacturing hybrid cars for Suzuki at one of its UK factories, it has been confirmed.”
“Based on the Corolla, the new car will have engines made in Wales and electrical components from Japan.”
Well, I must admit, I found it ‘hidden’ among the rubbish. Did anyone else see it ?
My next car will be a Toyota!
BBC as pains to point out tho
“It will not lead to extra jobs or investment but will make the factory more efficient, the firm said.
Now Nissan not making the new model didn’t lead to any job losses but that didn’t stop the BBC having hysterics over the news and making it headlines for days.
taffman- I’ve owned a Toyota, a very nice car. Can recommend.
I have always been partial to things Japanese. (Yes, I know what happened during the war.)
The Japs have not fallen for the ‘diversity’ obsession which is destroying the ‘West’. They have made an attempt to preserve their culture. (Diversity – at least, not so far; the virus could spread, though. But open borders has not been their fancy…)
And fortunately they are some distance from Brussels, so haven’t been tempted. Even without the distance, can’t see them submitting to the Merkels, Tusks, Junckers and Verhofstads of this world.
Toady gave Nigel Farage an incredibly hostile, aggressive and sneering interview, clearly trying to pin the ‘Islamophobia’ label on him. No sign or sound of Gerard Batten, of course. Clearly, splitting the two genuine Brexit parties and putting them into the ‘anti-Islam’ box is the foreseeable Toady strategy.
But Toady had lots of time for EU apparatchiks and Council reps.
Basically, the Toady push is for May’s soft ‘Brexit’, a cross-party soft ‘Brexit’ (they like N Boles/Y Cooper combination for this), or revocation of A 50 -i.e. no Brexit. If ‘no deal’ exit is mentioned at all, it is generally accompanied by a thumbs down and mention of ‘catastrophic consequences’.
Biggest mystery of all: How on earth did May ever get to be party leader? How on earth has she stayed put? She needs to quit, and quit quick. She has (deliberately) played into the hands of the EU, She has lied so often, so brazenly, it’s hard to believe. She has weakened the Tories beyond belief; and still they put up with her. She needs to go yesterday.
But I guess her next step is reaching out to Labour, as a survival strategy?
If Don is not on the Now Show soon there is no justice.
The BBC knows humour. Even if it needs to explain what is a joke.
Brexit is over. We are stitched up. The BBC is pushing for the deal and inserting into each article a note abut the petition to stay. There will either be an acceptance of the deal – which is Brino – or, as I predict, another referendum, which will be fixed and will return a remain majority.
Meanwhile keep yer gobs shut about Merkel’s migrants, don’t expect the law to protect us from them
Brexit is only over if we, the people, allow it.
All of us need to take a leaf out of Bercow’s book.
Yes, he is a treacherous, anti-Brexit (probably Labour) mole.
But he is resolute. He is loud. He is ambitious. He is quick on his feet. He has an agile mind. He is erudite (crap and deceit as it may often be). He has oodles of determination. He can be smooth, if required. He is brazen. He will flatter (to deceive) if needs be. He adapts instantly and constantly, unlike May who holds on to lost causes.
But we are potentially BETTER than him. He speaks only for the 500 or so MPs, who want to undermine the referendum result. We speak for the 17.4 million majority. The great ‘petition’ the bbc is so excited about, will need another 15 million + to catch up.
We have democracy on our side. We have the Will of the People. We have the Truth. WE MUST NOT BE COWERED.
If the bbc have decided to be the enemy of democracy, the Truth, and the will of the people, let them take the consequences.
as much as I admire your optimism, all is still in play.
If the terrible WA doesn’t get the vote – which it will not, then the EU, in concert with May, will extend A50 until something more agreeable can be arranged. Mays assertion that she will resign if pressed for a further extension is another of her emperors clothes red lines. It doesn’t exist – in fact she already has this option in her back pocket for when her ‘deal’ dies the death it deserves.
It will need Leavers to get angry and take to the streets for our democratic vote to be taken account of. And, when this business is done with, we need to concentrate on the dissolution of that most vociferous of media activists, our state broadcaster.
Whenever I hear Tusk, Barnier et al giving a speech in English, its like listening to an excerpt of ‘Allo, Allo’. “Ve ‘ave vays of making you tork”.
Or Unc in Delboy, asking a pregnant girl a question in German…
‘Vot is your name’!
Heartbreaking for this level one smug – poor bobby.
And yet he probably can’t understand how it all happened despite having pushed so hard for it.
Leftism for these nutters is someone else suffering to salve their bleeding hearts, it’s only when it comes home to them and they suffer, that we see them bemoaning it whilst all the time still failing to understand it is of their own making!
I watched The week because Brillo was on it . Some poor Dutch snowflake got ripped apart by the 3 permanent members purely on the facts .
It’s awful when you feel sorry for a political enemy being ripped apart but then I thought this character will be a ‘Hero’ in his little social group ..
Fed — didn’t watch but was it this guy? He is on Twitter today with a scathing view of his BBC experience. The thread is worth a read from the beginning:
He came across as a smug snowflake with all the answers . For instance he claimed that UK hasn’t done much about ‘climate warming’ to which portilo instantly responded including ‘shut all the pits’ – which those who believe in the climate change witchcraft must qualify .
He also thought he had invented the idea of a ‘universal minimum ‘wage’ which had been around stupidly for ages .
I thought he might be bitching about his treatment as Brillo and the other grownups ripped him ‘a new one ‘ as believe young people use as their ‘street speak’.
There are some real alt-lefties on that feed. Not one from the right or even centre. I only read the first 40 or so and their belief that the BBC is right-wing made all their other claims laughable too.
I couldn’t amend that comment, but what I also saw was that they believe Jeremy Corbyn is a middle-of-the-road, moderate social “democrat”. Proof that alt-left types are completely stupid and unaware.
Where do they find these people who are invited on, and why do they invite them? And why is there so often a “comedian” at the end? The political commentary is often excellent, especially from Portillo, Neil and (when she is there) Caroline Flint, but all the dressing up and cavorting about is a bit strained.
How does the BBC decide who it likes? (Now there’s a typical BBC headline!).
Now I, like most here I suspect, have a good old-fashioned idea of what makes comedy. I know this because my young relatives scowl when I start to make a joke, way before reaching the punch line. It is like living with party apparatchiks. I bet that the Jews on the way to the gas chambers made jokes, because they were human and that is what humans (used to) do.
But even I felt a little unease when I started to read this little BBC article. It’s just so ‘extreme right-wing’, people doing violence to other people and not emoting with each other. Yet clearly this is a full-on ‘puff-piece’ promoting the author’s work. Could it be because she is a woman? Would a man have been castigated if he drawn these cartoons instead?
“How a bookshop wolf handles awkward customers” – Is this really business news?
I’m not quite sure why the article describes the work as “humorous”. It’s not funny in the slightest.
The BBC on social media initially described Tusk’s latest olive branch speech as a ‘joke’ [audience laughs] but later decided it was a ‘warning’.
Zose Eufuhrers and zer leetle ‘jokes’ hein?
I’m surprised that the ReichEU has only extended the A50 to 12 April -but I suppose they didn’t want it to interfere with the ReichEUs founders ‘ birthday on the 20th April … Adolph….
bbc WS upcoming:- The Extreme Right, Who? where?, why? and how to tackle them?
Well, as for the where? Look to the European Dreamland where increasing numbers of people are voting for them.
We say to small children, ‘How do you know you don’t like it – you haven’t even tried it.’
And that is the attitude of all those who wish to revoke Brexit before it’s even happened.
But the bbc has done it’s utmost to work this up into an existential threat and for that alone I loath and detest them.
How goes it all.
Seeing a big revolt against media on twitter…in relation to proposed goslow operation for the 29th, day of Britain’s independence 🙂
‘Die Welt’ reports that the EU is now determining British internal politics, noting that Corbyn had also visited.
One commentator suggests that that is the whole point of the EU: to destroy nations/sovereignty and take over their politics.
Another commentator says: ‘Wonderful theatre’: between them, the EU and the UK parliament are grinding/wearing down the British voter, preparing them for a second vote, in which they capitulate.
Neither of these comments, which are far more lengthy, is meant to be hostile. They are making observations…
Could the latter be right? The UK parliament hand in glove with the EU, staging a little act? The UK parliament already subconsciously or consciously doing the bidding of the EU? That would give Elite Theory, as a branch of the study of Politics, a new boost (Broadly speaking, elites co-operate in their own interest, against their ‘subjects’ regardless of context)
And I thought it was only Ms May…
ground down or being made more obstinate
I have moved from just wanting brexit
to wanting the total destruction of the EU all of it including their pension funds and all signs of its previous existence.
A deadly duo of Brexit Thieves is doing the rounds to-day….no doubt be on Remain Politics Now on the bBC at lunch-time.
What a pair of apocalyptic horrors ………..Somebody O’grady ( no doubt dressed in green) and the CBI personage.
ps mentioned earlier about the, stage managed, organised clapping of a bBC QT audience
NO NO …not having it……..tune in to bBC Scotland – 1st Ministers Questions……here you will see extraordinary , synchronized SNP clapping seals of exceptional execution.
And the stage only cost £1 billion ….what value to the British Taxpayer.
On the bbc webshite Home page, their Newsbeat section is still solidly black.
Black Lives Matter more, and are a lot more exciting than hideously white lives, apparently.
It’s official
We are leaving the EU on the 12th of never
An article on how an Australian shop, worker or something, has made a cartoon to ridicule it’s customers. even though they are the ones who support them.
No wonder the (rather annoying) BBC found affinity here..
”We’ve all heard of the saying “the customer is always right” but when you work in service industries, what can you do to vent your frustration when the customer is rather annoying?
I did as cite this story earlier.
In what way is it business news and isn’t eating one’s customer a bit, well, violent?
And that, THAT, is somehow newsworthy? The bottom of the barrel was breached a long, long time ago.
Vine today asks: “are you embarrassed to be British?”. What other state broadcaster would put such a question out there? Imagine the French doing it: “are you embarrassed to be French?”
It is relentless. The question might have been: “do you feel stitched up by our politicians” or “do you think the EU has stitched us up”, or “are you proud to be British in the face of a neoliberal, statist, undemocratic attack on this country?” but no, yet again it is our sense of nationhood, our sense of worth, that is under fire.
Ive sent a couple of not very nice texts to his show…cant stand the bloke.
Ive got to be very careful because I could easily get in to trouble…this is how far the BBC are pushing us……….I wish he could meet my ageing parents they would give him a piece of their minds…snivelling pathetic little man……….
I’m embarrassed that a once great institution like the BBC should have descended far below the plains of mediocrity and into the netherworld of unwitting and unremitting self-parody.
I’m sure we on this blog all condemn the Christchurch attack.
But it’s striking that a week later, it is still ‘front page’ news on al beeb, whereas the Utrecht attack was quickly dropped from the Home page and is now nowhere to be found.
Noteworthy also are the extremely emotive and detailed tributes to some of the victims (all saints, it would seem).
Does al beeb usually publish such tributes and follow-up stories about the much larger number of (hideously white) victims of islamic terror, let alone the thousands of anonymous victims in Africa, Asia and the Middle East?
I sense a Christchurch/Grenfell mashup single in the making now that We are the World (except the Copts, victims of Boko Haram, Dutch tram passengers etc)
Like Grenfell, al beeb are turning Christchurch into a cause célèbre and a campaign.
One could almost say a ‘Crusade’ given the missionary fervour, but the beeb wouldn’t like that word at all.
So let’s say it: a Crusade.
This may placate Lord Loon, and get the more rabid Remainers off Rob Burley’s timeline, but such a response looks pretty darn dire to any not enjoying BBC instant supplication.
Remember Jo Abbess?
Any chance of the BBC giving it this treatment:
The petition to revoke Article 50, (Real name – the petition to revoke democracy) ..
But they had their vote – they lost.
Yup, and a Petition with heaven knows how many fake subscribers means less than nothing in comparison.
The BBC & Cyclone Idai
I suspected something not quite right and so as usual, I delved a bit deeper than the BBC would want me to do..
Just As I suspected, it would appear that our impartial broadcaster has been fooling the masses with their reporting on Cycone Idai.
The first thing I researched. Has this size of Cyclone ever hit Africa before?
Answer. : Of course. And it is not a rare event.
Secondly. The reason why much more people are affected by this cyclone.
Perhaps it is to do with the huge population growth in Africa, social media etc..
Anyway that was my amateur research, then I looked at this and confirmed my doubts..
Peter Beardsley has been charged by the FA for using racist and abusive language towards players while Newcastle Under-23 boss.
Am I imagining it or are ‘racism’ charges against people coming thick and fast since NZ?
Makes you wonder how he had such a fantastic partnership with John Barnes?….
A follow up about the case to stop any extension to Article 50 except by Act
Think yourself lucky, me_allen_P – There was a petition to leave with no deal that got no coverage at all on the BBC ….. funny that ain it !!
Wonder where the latest signatures have come from ?? Lots of people from around the globe very concerned with Brexit it seems …. China, Mongolia, Alaska but most of the signatures seem to be coming from Cloud Cuckoo land where all these anti democratic parasites reside !!!
They seem hurt by the replies.
Only have to look at the map, on the petition website, to show the location of the people signing.
All the hot spots are Bristol, Exeter, Oxford, Cambridge, Brighton etc all the University towns. I’m pretty sure if you take away the votes from students doing Gender and Equality degrees the number would reduce from 3 million to about 200,000.
map link
“from students doing Gender and Equality degrees ”
Or for that matter, all those teens/kidults who claim to have no gender at all/all genders/names of their pets/etc etc they can then use any number of different names but still use the same email. The numbers could be endless that way.
And CANTERBURY, a late arrival to the ranks of the bien-pensants.
Good question.
This is doing the rounds now:
G, what this petition won’t get is massive MP endorsement nor will it get any MSM coverage at all. And we can see now what a huge influence non stop propaganda can have on a given issue.
If leave would have had just one right of centre media supporter, prepared to put out positive effects of independence, the whole flavour of debate would have been far different and would have created far less divisiveness.
And don’t for get most leave voters are mostly elderly quite old – if we believe what the MSM tell us – would have no idea about this ongoing online remain campaign, not to mention not having a PC to record their votes in the first place – which must be in the tens of millions.
And should a second referendum happen I can’t see all those elderly leave voters – not to mention most middle aged leave voters – would even bother turning out again to vote for something they have voted already yet their vote ended up being useless. Why bother?
All the incentive is with the remainers vote. They were dead and buried but now – because of MAYS and HAMMONDS deliberate tactics – have a fantastic chance of getting their way after all.
Maybe it’s time for a mass yellow vest protest in this country if Brexit is frustrated.
Agree, absolutely.
Ah, feel that impartiality!
Jim looks like she’s been on the Bells a lot since retiring …I saw him walking through Green Park last summer – we even walks shifty …
Looks like the love-child of David Cameron and Danny diVito as The Penguin,
Al beeb are cock-a-hoop to report that many New Zealand women are donning the veil today.
I’m sure Jihadists all over the world will also be delighted that the caliphate is coming even quicker than they expected.
And no doubt the heroic women in Iran and elsewhere who are fighting and dying for the right NOT to wear the symbol of oppression will be equally delighted to see it being endorsed by Saint Jacinda of Perpetual Virtue Signalling.
Anyway, it’s good practice for when the veil becomes compulsory.
(But wait, their hair is showing, provoking overwhelming lust — shouldn’t they be stoned?)
These idiots remind me of the people in Independence Day who stand at the top of a skyscraper waving “Welcome ET” at the alien ships. Before being burnt to a crisp by the not-so-friendly invaders.
Roland, “migrants welcome”
That’s just far fetched – in real life it would be waterfall of third world extrament…
“Independence Day”
Not as good as Hammonds favourite movie “escape to victory”
“It’s a film, no, a book, er, no, no it’s a play! It’s a play!”
These headcoverings come in a variety of colours and two styles, Plain and More Virtuous (with patterned edging).
I attended a ‘Plastic Free’ meeting last night. Invited by a couple I met walking the dogs. Nice folk; down to earth.
Didn’t want to go but felt I owed it a hearing. And at least it was in a pub.
It was like out of central casting for a Ricky Gervais meets Legs Akimbo spoof of a Judean Popular Front meeting.
And the chairwo… person was a Kiwi. ‘Passionate’ about ridding this country of plastic… having seen the mess in… Indonesia.
i am only surprised she did not demand a minute’s silence for the fallen.
Plus side… Butty Bach, if perhaps not enough of it. I made my excuses after two, which did not take long.
Muslim women covering their hair supposedly do it as an act of modesty.
Whatever part Saint Jacinda is acing it certainly isn’t modesty.
Cultural appropriation anyone?
I find this headscarf wearing, quite shameful actually. Why didn’t Jacinda go the whole hog and wear the full Afghan burqa where there is just a grid covering the eyes ? No, that would be an Islamic step too far, yet all those smiley white woman doing the same thing believe they are showing solidarity. Mention FGM to them and see if they still want to wear a headscarf. Women are totally repressed under Islamic law, so if they want to stand shoulder to shoulder, let them live under the regime for a month, and see if they still want to wear a headscarf.
Quite frankly with all the terrorism that has taken place by Muslims in the name of Islam, its Ideology centuries away from the modern world and utterly alien to White Christian Societies such as New Zealand, that with still their apparant ignorance of what such tenuous support for the shades of Islam in following the lead of their misguided Prime Minister will do to their country. Gradually now the claws of Islamic integration will bring Sharia Law to that peaceful nation, thousands upon thousands of Muslims from Africa, the Middle East and Pakistan, and Indonesia will hammer on the NZ doors for entry now they can view how they will be received. Maybe a bit hard but having relations in New Zealand, consider the Prime Ministers reaction to the Mosque killings by enshrouding herself as a Muslim woman is not the best message to give to her white christian population. NZ must back away from this Multicultural attitude, Islam will never follow anything other than the Islamic ideology.
This prat’s website is powered by the e-commerce provider “Shopify”.
“”The Shopify support team is available 24/7 by email, live chat, and phone”.
Let them have it here:
Saturday the state broadcaster will be doing one of those hysterical outside broadcasts covering the Remainer March – I’m guessing it will be like the London Marathon except that the psyched up beeboids will be desperation to find ‘ tinted ‘ face and photogenic tinted kids to show how multicultural the march is .
And there will be ‘ celebrities ‘ as well as over excited rants from Baroness Soubry and the likes .
Me? No state broadcaster for me for a bit . And Saturday it’s gardening as there’s no footy .
I think I’ll spend Saturday afternoon watching yellow vests RIP up Paris again like last week . Should be popcorn time for Macron. I watch on you tube live.
You don’t have to wait for Saturday.
Go to LeFigaro now and catch the main article: Restaurant Fouquet on the Champs Elysees aflame.
Hope Macron isn’t dining there…
That was LAST Saturday…
Yup, but someone has been arrested, so the video is up now.
Rome (Paris) burns on a regular basis as Macron is telling us that the Brexit decision “was based on Fake News”. Talk about head in the sand.
I think I’ll spend Saturday afternoon watching yellow vests RIP up Paris again like last week . Should be popcorn time for Macron. I watch on you tube live.
Fake / Cromwell
The Paris traditional rioting will have the use of leathal force thrown in apparently .
Isn’t amazing how politicians who become ‘stars’ soon develop a smell – macron – troodo- soon – the ‘star ‘ Democrats .
There was soon truly painful footage of troodo trying to explain the latest lady resignation from his government with a load of fireman and other decent types stand behind -look like they’d rather be anywhere else .
Youtube has turned off the useful search filters,
excuse seems to be to stop live uploads from far right shooters,
So now you cannot serach for recent uploads for example :” yellow vests” in the last hour / 24 hours.
By the way, the police in Paris have banned demos on the Champs Elysees and around the triumphal arch tomorrow, and the army will be out and about…
So if Macron was taking Jeremy out for lunch, or some such thing, they’ll probably have to stick to the palace. (I don’t know that such a meeting is taking place, but merely imagining what could be going on behind the scenes of Brexit…)
I can’t see Paris yellow vests worrying about whats allowed and what’s not allowed. I watch RT ruptly.
the army out and about
Unfortunately that picture is in black and white. Are those people wearing yellow vests? I can’t make out.
An odd question, but as a native who would be worse, the Nazis or full EU?
Seems to me the EU have already invaded these fair lands without any real resistance. No Dad’s Army, just a red carpet. The Tweet from yesterday with that chap from the EU saying there will be no more vetos, no opt-outs, one law for all, one currency, one ring to rule them all! We already have a Vichy regime here. Who would have believed that a country once so great as to govern 1/3 of the world could fall on it’s knees in submission so quickly?
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
“Britons never will be slaves.”
… no longer applies. We are slaves now. Slaves to immigrants, slaves to the EU.
London march:
Bet NIKE and COCA COLA, and ADDIDAS will be there also. Oh, and VIRGIN AIRWAYS.
Today is the anniversary of the murder of PC Keith Palmer – murdered at the gates of parliament by an evil Muslim . Makes you wonder whether he should have bothered ….
I am a bit worried that if democrats are sold out by the politicians that some might start taking ;extra legal action ‘ which is a bit more than marching .
And where is our Primeminister wearing a bobbys helmet in tribute ??
Conspiracy Corner
Of course I may be out of focus as regards our RoP friends, but this video by Bill Still, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pecOyvDZP9Q, made me wonder how much influence is being exerted in this country on government, police and media to think only beautiful thoughts about the superior religion to all others.
Bill’s actual report begins at 3.38.
The answer to that is : a lot :
they are all organised via email and other social media, one has only to peruse a site such as the “muslim council of Britain” to see how they encourage and advise all members to report hate crime at every opportunity, and yet OFSTED inspectors and proprieters of a gay sauna in Luton, and various teachers and Headmasters around the country and prosecuters and judges dealing with rape cases are regularly the victim of abuse from members of this minority with no action taken, this council are also running courses for their members in how to complain to the media…
Well I have always thought that the BBC and Sky were biased towards the remain camp but today they have really confirmed that view with wall to wall publicity for the “Revoke Article 50 Petition”. I am surprised that there is not a small window at the bottom of our tv screens giving live coverage of the number of petitioners. Strange how the “Leave without a Deal Petition” which had been signed by hundreds of thousands of Brexiteers received little or no coverage.
Every day we see remain after remain MP’s and members of the press put in front of the cameras to say what a catastrophic mess will be caused by Brexit and only a token Brexiteer is allowed to support what the majority of the people voted for.
Question Time continues to show bias towards representation from the remain camp and so called political experts from obscure think tanks never give brexit any credence.
All I know is that despite all this indoctrination by the majority of MP’s, most of the media and the rest of the Westminster elite my close family and friends feel even stronger that we should leave this god forsaken organisation as quickly as possible.
When all is said and done if the Remainers succeed they will either have to withdraw A50 or agree a sell out where there is no real brexit .
Either one ends UK democracy and the legitimacy of the bubble in a formal sense – not just the day to day bias we see
“Strange how the “Leave without a Deal Petition” which had been signed by hundreds of thousands of Brexiteers received little or no coverage.”
Don’t worry – the 17 and one half million are watching very closely at all the anti-democratic attempts to overthrow their votes.
Reminds me of mould, it gets its tendrils in everywhere, and unless you remove all of it even a little bit will come back needs a complete attack of bleach
And whilst remainers are happy to blame anyone maybe have a look at our tabloids over the last 20 years and their endless regular “euromadness” stories, many a complete falsehood…..sausages and bananas etc.
The BBC have been happily publicizing one petition, that being to stop Article 50. I expected that, but not the Twitter feed of Gladstone, the cat of HM Treasury, being used to publicize the same petition. Another outrage within the supposedly neutral civil service. Update, Evie, the Cabinet Cat is being used to supply advice on who can sign the same petition, and is encouraging EU nationals resident in the UK to sign as well.
I apologise, but I have no idea how to copy a tweet onto here.
#MarchToLeave arrived in Worksop
.. lot of people waving
In one village a woman brought out choccy biscuits
… Walked past a school of toddlers , no one provoked the kids but a headmaster guy rushed out into the playground shout boo and both thumbs down
..a despicable but typical example of hyper-remainer behavior.
Nottingham guys..do come and walk with us from Linby thru city to Beeston
We leave voters who abide by the law don’t really need walks.
Police arrest ten ‘jihadists’ in Germany who were ‘plotting to use a car and guns to kill as many people as possible and had already hired a large vehicle’ as knives are seized in raid
The suspects were detained in the Frankfurt area in police raids earlier on Friday
They ranged in age from 20 to 42 but no details of their nationality were given
They are said to have contacted weapons dealers and hired a vehicle already
BBC news webisite ? hmm tumbleweed moment for our premier news site
The main suspects were a 21-year old man from Offenbach, a city near Frankfurt, and two 31-year brothers from Wiesbaden, who were associated with the Islamist Salafist community in the area, prosecutors said.
But, of course : “‘Pink tax’: Should personal care products for women cost more?” front page news
Im sure you have all seen the case of the guy who swallowed the goldfish down in Exeter?
He was actually taken to court and prosecuted for swallowing a goldfish and drinking a pint…….he was fined/community orders etc.
The RSPCA said that the “fish must have suffered pain”….
This is the state of our country in 2019!!……we have police lawyers and courts wasting money on stuff like this…..a guy eating a fish as a prank!!…..
Im losing the will to live honestly if this is where our authorities are taking us
I hope Hugh Fearnley Whitingstall is watching his back…….
Lucky, its worse than you imagine.
Our tv channels are so dumbed down, that there is a programme listed on Channel 5 in the coming days titled “The Nation’s Favourite Crisps” !!! a whole bloody hour of whether we like cheese and onion or plain. I almost choked on my onion ring when I read it.
Jeeez Christ, we are governed by donkeys and ruled by kids as to what we shall view.
Prawn Cocktail……
to be fair we have the ‘choice’ to switch off the TV…which I seem to be doing with regularity…….
And why can I only find Pickled Onion rarely, and only for a short time?
Brissles, I doubt if TV ever had any destiny other than the dumbed down trashy medium it has become. It has got to appeal to as many viewers as possible to survive, so lowest common denominator entertainment was always going to become its staple fare. Talent contests showcasing narcissistic proletarian wannabes and marathon productions with vacuous titles like your crisp programme predominate and can only appeal to dimwits. I rarely feel edified by anything I see on the box these days and the BBC, which should be the one exception to the rule, seems particularly remiss in its stated noble aim to educate, entertain and inform. I grew up with enormous respect for its output, especially for programmes like Tonight with Cliff Michelmore, Alan Whicker, Derek Hart, Fyfe Robertson, Kenneth Allsop and all those guys. That calibre of person or programme just isn’t there anymore.
Remember McDonald Hastings of BBC Newsnight fame.
He wrote some good books on Shotguns. I couldn’t put them down – books, that is.
To be honest, I don’t remember him very well. I can’t imagine anyone on Newsnight now owning a shotgun.
“To be honest, I don’t remember him very well”
He was very popular then. His son works (or used too) for the Telegraph. I’ve not seen him commenting on Brexit? I’m sure he’s still around.
Very well put Zelazek, couldn’t have put it better. Utterly shameful.. Multiculturalism its propagada sweeping its way across the world-god help New Zealand.
If he had said the right words as he swallowed would it have counted as halal slaughter, and therefore immune from prosecution?
It’s Friday, it’s almost 5 o’clock and it’s cracker….
And next…. at the nation’s creche…. heeeeere’s Nancy…
The Today Programme
If a three-year-old can understand Brexit… so can you ????????♀️
Dr Nancy has all the answers ????????????????
(Via BBC South)
RE Hugh Fearnly, well if he steers clear of bacon he may get away with it, funny that is it not ? the number of media outlets picking on bacon rather than “processed meats” in general, and I also noticed the big story about a woman on a flight forced to “cover up” hmm call me paranoid but ……
Thought the same… I wonder if the attendant who objected was Muslim?
We have had diversity forced fed to us by the BBC for a few
years by Tunde Ogungbesan the “BIG BROTHER” of the BBC
and lately on TV by Joyce Adeluwoye- Adams.
Now the BBC are telling us without reservation that there
is no way THEY will allow NO DEAL. Any pretence of being
neutral is over.
We all know on this website that the BBC is biased. They don’t
care anymore about us knowing about it.
Divine intervention: Knifeman chases priest around the altar during televised mass at Montreal church and slashes him twice in chest before his blade BREAKS and he is held in place by worshipers until police arrive
The man was arrested not long after the incident at Saint Joseph’s Oratory
He attacked Father Clause Grou, slashing him in the chest twice, before his knife broke
Other parishioners kept him there until police arrived to take the man into custody
Father Grou was ‘lightly’ injured and was taken to the hospital
The attack was captured on cameras that were filming the service for television
It was broadcast live on a Catholic TV channel and was also on a live stream on the church’s website
missing on the BBC, wrong religion obviously
and its a bearded …… mentally ill canadian passport holder
It is genuinely frightening these regular attacks are ignored and one attack upon a mosque on the other side of the world receives so much coverage, I repeat this is genuinely frightening, with the censorship of our media
If these do not like our religion do not come here, if these do not like our culture, do not come here if these do not like our laws do not come here but, they keep comimg
Only time that this will get any better is when the lazy feckless bastards in Saudi Arabia run out of oil and have to find gainful empoyment and refrain from using their funds to stir the shit, and they will be reduced to a tent in the desert where they belong instead of sneaking off to Mayfair to gamble and whore
Those church goers are clearly islamophopic right-wing extremists. Restraining that poor beardy man like that! Where’s my headbag ?
Absolutely, Lucy.
Just another bearded Norwegian with mental heath issues, provoked by Trump and Brexit, and whose story will disappear from all accessible media within 48 hours.
all those lovely remainers , just want love everybody in all the world
Adding to my earlier comment…
This prat’s website is powered by the e-commerce provider “Shopify”.
“”The Shopify support team is available 24/7 by email, live chat, and phone”.
Let them have it here:
and let him know your views here:
Do I detect some stirrings as we get close to the wire.
The 1922 Cte., have given May a severe kicking and her marching orders for amongst other things,
‘…. the humiliation of the British people’.
Nigel is ready to rock. Le Penne is polling way high. Holland’s Right Wing party is second. Barclay’s Chairman is chipper and bots are signing the Revoke Petition.
My frustration is how we can fix this. Today they are ramping up revoking Article 50!
Also surely May’s WA should not be heard again if there has not been “substantial changes” as per Bercow’s decree last week (although that was just to get her off the hook). No mention of this by the BBC in advance of the potential vote next week?
pug – The bbc may be many things, but impartial it is not.
Manipulative, arrogant, deceitful, biased, duplicitous, subversive, dangerous, thieving, puffed-up, malicious, racist, mind-damaging to the youth, perhaps…
But impartial?
And they like using insulting adjectives, despite claiming to be a ‘public service’. Some could do that for free!
Shame on them.
fnw: Why did you list only the relatively good things about the BBC?
David – Cos I’m fearful of a knock on the front door by the secret police, should I have got carried away with my language.
Well perhaps I’ve been wrong and we will leave and get our Brexit. But there will be plenty more twists and somersaults before the end and I still think we will have a Brino.
But it’s interesting to speculate how far in the event of a No Deal Brexit the Remainers will go to prove that they were right. They hold most of the levers of power and will they use them to purposely damage the UK ? Will their plan be to inflict damage covertly so that within a few years we are begging to be readmitted. Three years ago I would have dismissed this as a fanatasy but after the Remainer elites disinformation, deceptions , lies , and all manner of dubious manoeuvres , over the past two years I certainly fear that this is exactly what they will try to do. Use our votes to Get rid of as many Remain MPs as possible as quickly as possible is the only thing that we can do.