Al Beeb is running with the topic of…….. “Game of Thrones, hamsters and other things that didn’t last as long as Brexit”
They are a bunch of comedians although as you are all aware, they don’t or can’t do comedy.
But the true laughing house , ‘The House of Comedians’ and their top clown has let us down again . What part of democracy doesn’t it understand?
Time for a general election – vote UKIP to drain the swamp.
Finally ‘Hats off’ to all those that went to London show to the flag today!
Well done ! Ardderchog!
Oh yes, you’re right – Cardiff born, IIRC. (Some Welsh people consider that to be a disqualification, I understand, but I won’t dabble in that bit of local politics.) Never got to be PM, though, see below.
But only part Welsh, I think. BBC were always very keen to stress Michael Howard’s Romanian? and Jewish? heritage. It always struck me that the BBC ‘took against’ Howard (and Duncan-Smith) as leader.
Of course, we NOW can be pretty sure why. Both Howard and Duncan-Smith are on the EU-sceptic wing of the Conservative Party and the BBC are thoroughly pro-EU.
How is it that the government, the Conservative party and the HoC are all letting this one bloody woman do what she’s doing? Are the men so emasculated that they can’t put a stop to her destruction?
Or are the swamp rats all part of the conspiracy to destroy our country?
john in cheshire
Are they all lazy Europhiles ?
Has anyone noticed how useless Parliament has been in the last three years ? Yet our economy has trotted along nicely without our MPs .
Just what do they do for their inflated salaries and ‘expenses’ ?
Reminds me of Alan Clarke’s diaries. He said when he was at the DTI you could have eliminated that entire tier of Government and it wouldn’t have made a scrap of difference. He’s another we could do with being around at the moment.
I suspect the Civil Service’s mucky little fingerprints are all over the Brexit paperwork. It is pretty obvious that the PM has been poorly advised from the outset.
It has been a trend in UK governance for just over forty years for Ministers (including PMs) to duck and/or outsource responsibility for anything and everything. The rot really started with Thatcher who had the deceptive appearance of being principled, responsible, strong and decisive.
She could be at times, as in her famous ‘Triple No’ moment. But if you listen carefully to Yes, Minister you will discover that she was tweedling and shuffling stuff off and her Ministers & CSs were just the same.
You are not wrong. I always remember that when the Falklands were invaded, she asked the navy to send the Ark Royal, and had to be told the ship had been decommissioned four years before. It was a pretty major story when the last big carrier left service, how can she not have noticed?
The 500 remainers want the UK to be subsumed into the United States of Europe – irrespective of the wishes of their constituents .
So yes – they do want to destroy the country.
I think the tide is against them in a lot of ReichEU countries as the elections on 23 May will show as anti immigration parties get stronger .
Someone said that the EU is a 1945 construct for a 21st century world and I think that is right . Even the idea of moving between Brussels and Strasbourg is an anachronistic joke – yet along have robots like Tusk and Barnier calling the shots .
It would be something if we stay in the ReichEU only to bare the Burden of the coming ‘ squaring up’ to delivered by President Trump in his second term .
Taffman ,
Congratulations yet again. I thought I’d catch a few people out on the timing . At least someone has something to be ‘happy’ about on a sad day ….
I listed the livestreams in the last thread page5
The Sun had a great livestream but that has now been removed from Youtube entirely
Ruptly has been shut down to test screen
@Up2snuff I think that is you not me
I am not putting up any new special thing, just normal Youtube links
They work on all the PC’s and Android devices here.
.. dunno about Apple ..I’ve rarely seen an Apple device in my life
Sure, elderly PC, outdated OS that cannot use a bang up to date MS Windows browser. But I suspect most on here are in the same boat.
So I say, unless you convert the vids to an older HTML format, the links are wasted on us. Others have said that in the past. I’m just reinforcing and reminding you of their message.
Hopefully, someone on y-T will do it but by then the moment is passed and I – and I guess others – will forget to look.
I jut thought it should be a matter of record, of the heroes who voted against Mays stitch up today:
Adam Afriyie (Windsor)
Steve Baker (Wycombe)
John Baron (Basildon and Billericay)
Peter Bone (Wellingborough)
Suella Braverman (Fareham)
Andrew Bridgen (North West Leicestershire)
William Cash (Stone)
Christopher Chope (Christchurch)
James Duddridge (Rochford and Southend East)
Mark Francois (Rayleigh and Wickford)
Marcus Fysh (Yeovil)
Philip Hollobone (Kettering)
Adam Holloway (Gravesham)
Ranil Jayawardena (North East Hampshire)
Bernard Jenkin (Harwich and North Essex)
Andrea Jenkyns (Morley and Outwood)
David Jones (Clwyd West)
Julian Lewis (New Forest East)
Julia Lopez (Hornchurch and Upminster)
Craig Mackinlay (South Thanet)
Anne Marie Morris (Newton Abbot)
Priti Patel (Witham)
Owen Paterson (North Shropshire)
John Redwood (Wokingham)
Laurence Robertson (Tewkesbury)
Andrew Rosindell (Romford)
Lee Rowley (North East Derbyshire)
Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet)
Please note that the lying turncoat Rees Mogg who promised that he would only vote for the deal if the DUP approved it was proved to be a liar for whom the lure of his old school tie mate getting the top job was just too tempting.
Thank you for the list. Sadly IDS isn’t on it – he’s gone next election anyway . And Raab .
Watching a tiny bit of the State broadcasters – they seem to be adopting a “what happened over the last 2 years?” Approach as opposed being happy that they and their politician friends caused the current mess.
I can’t see how various ‘ factions ‘ in the commons could get a big enough vote to avoid the 12 April ultimatum .
And perhaps Hungary and Italy can prevent any A50. 1 or 2 year extension .
I am in Hungary from Sunday until the 14th picking up the keys to my new flat. Buying it is the best move I ever made given the state of affairs in western Europe.Things are going from bad to worse very quickly now. At least in Budapest I can say whatever I like about that despicable political ideology that is destroying Britain…and the rabble in the UK Duma have the cheek to call Hungary a dictatorship……
Good on you fella. Of all the countries in Europe, Hungary seems to be the only one that has got it’s shit together.
A president that wants to represent it’s people, a foreign minister that won’t take any crap from the BBC and a nation that wants to protect it’s culture.
I cant see Hungary doing that, they get too much EU (UK) dosh. Italy doesnt, but then without the UK they are likely to have to dig deeper in their pockets, so they wont either.
The most likely is Napoleon, as EU without the UK makes it easier to establish the 4th Reich/6th Republic
Possibly. On the other hand it could simply be the explanation he gave: that he felt the risk of losing Brexit altogether was too high. I don’t agree with him, I think being stuck in the deal is a greater risk, but it’s not going to be helpful if we turn on everyone who comes to a different decision to our own on a difficult matter.
I’d prefer J R-M as CoE but the PM does also need to have a sound grasp of economics as well, something that I suspect Theresa May lacks. Redwood qualifies well there, imv.
Sajid Javid, despite his degree and work background, is also hopeless on economics like his boss. I think he’s in exactly the right job at present. Hunt was resilient at Health but is yet to really star as Foreign Sec.
Redwood as Leader/PM? Now getting a bit old. After two women who have ended their time as PM as sad failures, how about Priti Patel? Has Ministerial experience. Third time lucky?
Gove is brainy enough but a former journalist …. ? Eeeek!
Reminds me that there’s another former journalist who wants the job. Eeeeek, double eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
In any future elections, all of the above should not have a brexit party or UKIP candidate standing against them.
They have earned the right to carry on as MPs so deserve our support and any help we can give them.
So would I. He remains calm, thinks for himself, and actually analyses the facts, which is a bit weird these days.
But weird? Unfortunately, and it shouldn’t matter but it does, he’s as dry as dust and looks more sinister than Christopher Lee, with a hangover, at midnight. Not TV material.
It must have hurt the BBBC to have put the number of people in the thousands.
What I have great issue with is the line,
“A counter-protest by the group Stand Up to Racism also took place in Westminster.”
It could only be classed as a counter protest if people supporting Brexit were racists.
It’s high time for the BBC to be stripped of its public funding and made to stand on its own two feet, just like other organisations and individuals in the real world. Removing the funding, in my view, would be far better than disbanding it altogether as it would keep all of the so-called journalists in one place where they can be better monitored and called out for their diabolical output.
That use of language is as subtle as the state broadcaster gets . I bet they don’t even realise ( anymore ) the implication of that ‘anti fascist ‘ ‘anti racist ‘ terminology – and the implication that their opposition is racist – is fascist ( whatever the hell is the definition of either term).
It’s a bit like the attempt to link brexit to the “right” – forgetting that the Labour Party had brexit on its manifesto too ( for what that was worth )…
“Build a wall around television center and don’t let them out.. throw some soggy chips over the barb wire once in a while so they don’t starve.”
And just to remind them what they are really missing most – just throw over that wall a plastic bag with one tiny piece of Caviar and a tiny drop of red wine at the price most MPs pay for in the commons these days, not less than £100.
But dear BBC why is Labour suddenly having these issues?, where is the analysis?, what were the comments made by these antisemites? who made them?… and what was their religion? is it the Islamic faction of Labour again BBC?… is they why you don’t mention names or details?
If the BBC bothered to investigate Islam for five minutes, they would find that there are four steps for the non Jihadi Muslim to get to heaven (Jenna):
1) After dying you go to “torment in the grave” – you remain conscious buried in the ground, rotting in torment.
2) Then before “Judgement day” the Muslims will kill all the Jews, helped by the rocks and the trees.
3) Jesus will then return, on “Judgement day” and Muslims will be judged based on their adherence to Allah.
4) Depending on the judgement outcome, Muslims will go from torment in the grave to heaven or hell.
This is what this famous quote is about:
“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
If you were a Muslim, what would you choose? expedite the death of the Jews, so “Judgement day” arrives and you can get to heaven when you die, or be lovely to Jews and rot in the ground for hundred’s of years until some other Muslims get around to killing the Jews so that judgement day eventually shows up?
Of course, if the wretched rotting corpse of the ideologically blinkerd BBC bothered to stop fantasizing about “far right fascism” and read the Koran, they would realize Islam is fascism… Even the famous lefty psychoanalyst Carl Jung who studied the psychology of the Nazis famously said:
“We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god.”
How is it that a slob sat on a couch with the internet like me can figure all this out and verify it, yet the BBC with its thousands of employees, and billions of pounds fail to find out this glaring fact, yet instead pander and weep about a Jihadi bride… who joined ISIS when then were busy chopping off peoples heads for being Jewish?
The truth however is that the BBC are a racist outfit that believe that brown people are unable to have their religion criticized in case they go into some kind of violent meltdown, and that people they view as “lower classes” are unable to make a rational assessment of the contents of the Koran without being racist… of course they are actually sniveling safe space cowards who like to steal money from people they consider inferior.
Finnish Deputy EU President woman on LBC, “Farage has been getting weaker and weaker. He will have no support in the European Elections.”
We shall see.
And I feel some sympathy for old Labour supporters and MPs who are sticking with a party that is their party in name only.
Maybe we’ve hit peak Grieve Taffman ?I think there is a deselection vote today (29th) – which is timely .
He ll be off to the TIG / ‘ change UK?’ Outfit if it goes against him. Being a QC £££££ he won’t have the personal honour to resign for a bi election . At least it will occupy some of his time before coming up with a remain scheme on Monday .
You might remember last night there was a stabbing and two murderers ran into the Regents Park Mosque, but that what happened afterwards has not been widely covered, and not at all by the BBC.
It would appears the two attackers entered the mosque and were instantly shielded by the ‘worshippers’. The washed their hands and were given a change of clothes, then were allowed to slip away out of the rear, and no one admits to seeing anything.
Other than to claim, possibly falsely they were white with long hair.
“It would appears the two attackers entered the mosque and were instantly shielded by the ‘worshippers’. The washed their hands and were given a change of clothes, then were allowed to slip away out of the rear, and no one admits to seeing anything.”
a) The report doesn’t say they were “shielded”.
b) The report doesn’t say they were “given a change of clothes”.
c) The report doesn’t say they were “allowed to slip away”.
d) The report has statements from people at the mosque describing what they saw.
Virtually every single thing you just said is complete fantasy; entirely made up in your own head.
Oh dear Maxicony you seem to have been bitten by the fake news industry as many others.
The London Evening Standard is not known for being either accurate or impartial, and it is not the only source of news. I posted one report and you have extrapolated from that the conclusions you wanted to find, which are far from the truth.
I suggest you do a lot more research before making your comment because you have just given the very reason for this sites existence, the fact that massive bias in the mainstream media does influence and affect people to reach incorrect conclusions.
Oh and BTW you didn’t address that fact the biased BBC havn’t even attempted to cover any of this.
“I posted one report and you have extrapolated from that the conclusions you wanted to find, which are far from the truth.”
Ok forgive me, if the report you posted which had eye witness reports from people at the mosque is not accurate; perhaps you can point me to your source of information that; “no one admits to seeing anything”?
Maxincony: We will have to wait and see what was censored by the BBC. Its usually the basics. But I have found that you can inadvertently prove to be a useful idiot when it comes to pointing towards sources to confirm what has been censored.
In todays world of a media which cannot be trusted, we have to read between the lines to get to the truth that they will not tell us.
Here are the facts as reported by the Mail.
The attack took place half a mile from the Mosque (so why would any non Muslim chose specifically to go there?)
Witnesses said they saw two young men in hoodies calmly walk away ; They are then said to have run into the nearby mosque
Make your mind up, they can’t run and walk calmly at the same time. – this is one of many contradictions which clearly indicate people are lying and that the story does not add up.
they calmly switched clothes and mingled with worshippers before fleeing;
Dr Ahmad Al-Dubayan said ‘They came inside, they changed their clothes then we think they left.’
No Dr Dubayan you are provably lying
A security guard at the complex said CCTV footage showed two men running in with a rucksack.
He said they changed from hoodies into shirts and trousers before washing their hands and feet among worshippers.
Your own CCTV has caught you out on this.
Consider this though, the people running the Mosque are clearly and proveably lying.
In the near aftermath of Christchurch when Muslims here are claiming they are very frightened of a similar attack happening in Britain, the security guard sees two armed men covered in blood running towards the Mosque, and he does nothing to stop them and nothing to alert the people inside the building.
This is simply not credible unless the two individuals were known to him and those at the Mosque – or that he is the worst security guard ever!
They enter the building again covered in blood wanting to wash themselves and the worshippers there are not in the least bit alarmed, and allow them to wash and to change their clothes, without hinderance.
They are then able to mingle with the congregation before fleeing.
another statement says:
It is thought they may have known it was a busy prayer time and they could easily hide among the crowds.
Of course they were known, there is no way that a couple of strangers could have done this.
It is crystal clear the Muslims are untrustworthy and are lying, in one of their witness statements they claimed the pair were white with long hair, they would have stood out like a sore thumb and been incapable of ‘mingling’, besides which I cannot imagine any Mosque allowing this pair covered in blood to even enter.
hmm….the MSM initially reported it hoping to use it to demonise the natives again. But then they quickly dropped it once they realised it was muslim on muslim crime once again…which just goes to show how deluded they are given that 99 percent of knivings in London are committed by blacks, muslims and immigrants. They never learn do they.
The Mail said “Witnesses in the mosque have said the assailants pretended to be members of the congregation arriving for prayers, but then changed clothes in a toilet and disappeared.”
\\ A security guard at the mosque said the men, who were both white with long hair, washed their faces and feet to appear as if they were arriving for prayers.
He told : ‘We saw in the camera them changing clothes in the toilet area, one of them had a backpack and one of them had a side bag.
‘They change from hoodies into shirts and trousers and throw the other clothes on the floor. The police have those.’ //
Lucy – I beg to differ – an average night ? Half a dozen ‘life changing knife injuries and a fatality or so… as well as the other lesser crimes like rape , robbery and the becoming more fashionably – house burglary …
It could be a choice of Full Brexit and a Far Left Government or neither . For popcorn purposes I’d take that because to me getting out of the ReichEU is far more important than having a Shambolic labour government led by Comrade McDonnell
… unless of course they tried to get us back in again ….
In Parliament today. ‘The Withdrawal Agreement represents a legally binding Treaty which will deny the British people & our Parliament of the sovereign right to choose our future & be in control of our destiny.’
I was watching some of the debate this morning and was disgusted to hear that horrible SNP JOanne Cherry refer the the mob outside the house.They are a miserable bunch of tw**s. I really detest the SNP. I have never seen anyone of them with a smile on their faces. How dare she refer to the public as a mob.
A story on the BBC website about the National Theatre. It’s taking a lot of flak for the six plays in its new season all being written by men and only one of them being directed by a female. It’s committed to 50/50 representation, see. Can’t help but laugh at all those po-faced, progressive zealots eating each other over this. Where is the BBC pundit to rip this representation codswallop to shreds? The whole establishment have bought into this notion that excellence isn’t paramount anymore; it’s all about workforces reflecting national demographics. Nobody is willing to say that this idea is fundamentally stupid. If 50% of plays at the NT are going to be written and directed by women, then the theatre is doomed. The vast majority of good plays have been written by men. In fact in my view there are only two masters of the theatre – Shakespeare and Chekhov. The theatre is doomed anyway because the posh lefties who run it think of plays as vehicles for progressive propaganda rather than as art.
At Christmas, we and extended family had among other things, a hugely enjoyable fun team game, men/boys v women/girls, whereby team members pass tissue paper snowmen to each other via straws. The boys won every time, due to various factors; less giggling, practical organisation of their team according to height etc etc.
At the end I said with a smirk, ‘Now you all know why there is a so-called gender pay gap!’ to which one of my nieces replied, ‘But we were all doing the same thing!’
‘Aha,’ said her father (my engineer brother), ‘But we were doing it well.’
For some reason, they segregate the sexes in sports and toilets. The BBC even has a “Woman’s Hour” but not a “Men’s Hour” because a “Men’s Hour” would be sexist. Also a Grimsby fisherman cannot become the local Labour MP because Male members of the Labour party are banned from becoming the Local MP, sexism being legal in Grimsby if its against Male members of the Labour Party.
Regarding the third so called “meaningful vote”
Isn’t this the vote that Gina Miller went to court for to allow A meaningful vote to take place-that’s one vote, not 3 or maybe 4.
What are the legalities of this? Can it be challenged?
Who would have thought that a handful of millionaires, armed only with the full support of the media, Parliament, both main political parties, big business, the willing support of a privileged middle class and a few select billionaires could have stopped Brexit. Top work.
— Guy Verhoftwat (Parody) (@GuyVerhoftwat) March 29, 2019
Of course the extreme leftist BBC want to revisionise out of history the attacks made on Journalists at the Tory party conference in Manchester by leftist Labour supporters:
I think Mr Bowen is being misquoted. He actually meant: “I’ve seen this kind of thuggish intimidation in nasty places around the world, where the so-called democratically elected parliament totally ignores the wishes of the people. Horrendous to see it in the UK.”
“I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.”
Does that prove that Jon Snow has ever been to Strasbourg? Its known that Strasbourg is far more hideously white than Brussels, and Brussels is far more hideously white than Londonistan. He must live in a very narrow isolated metropolitan bubble, thinking that nice black people belong in wonderful Europe and nasty white people belong in the horrible Commonwealth.
Jon f*ck the Tories Snow must have forgotten both that this is a White country, populated predominantly by White people, and that he is also White ( even if he self describes as metrosexual and/or non-white.
Jon Snow will continue to make comments like this, simply because he is married to a Zimbabwean – Precious Lunga. Would he make a similar remark about ‘never seeing so many black people in one place’ if he were to relocate back to his wife’s home town ? Clearly he is unable to make a living there.
It is amazing how easily they can say things like this without fear of censure but an MP can be pilloried by the Guardian in for using the term ‘cultural marxism…’ or saying coloured when referring to Ms Abbott
OFCOM complaint sent in…
In 2017, the UK recorded an overall trade deficit within the EU Customs Union of £67 billion. But the UK had a trade surplus of £41 billion on WTO rules. This plus using Australia as a proxy for a Britain that had never been a member of the EU proves that Britain’s membership of the European Union is very bad for the economy. This is because Britain pays billions and billions of pounds of taxpayers money for the privilege of trading freely on EU Customs Union rules, set by a foreign power. Anyone who thinks that’s good for the economy is either insane or a moron. Phillip Hammond is more likely to be insane & Jeremy is known to be the moron in that Corbyn family.
Peter Shore MP observed in mid-1975 that in two full years of UK’s EEC (EU) membership, our Trade Deficit, with the other eight members, had worsened by 50%.
That trading position was originally my prime reason for voting Leave in 2016.
I now have other reasons to Leave the EU some of which may move to the top of the list.
“That trading position was originally my prime reason for voting Leave in 2016.”
And the main reason why remainers voted the way they did perhaps; was because they fainted at the thought of upsetting their French/Spanish neighbours every summer hols. If you will – more loyal to their Spanish neighbours than they are to their UK neighbours.
Al Beeb…………………….. “Corbyn calls for May to go”
He thinks he could win the next GE? Well I have news for him, we aint gonna vote for him – it will be UKIP all the way.
There is a third party is on the way.
Re Radio 4 prog about Lucy Brown
.. Lucy made an answer back video, the BBC got it banned off YouTube ..(it has clips from the show)
but the Bitchute page is up
Brown said that her 3 hour bit was edited down to a smear about her wearing a pagan necklace, described as a “Nazi necklace”
“Brown said that her 3 hour bit was edited down to a smear about her wearing a pagan necklace, described as a ‘Nazi necklace’ ”
Key-Words; “Brown” and “said”.
Someone really should have a word with her to stop digging; because she really isn’t helping herself.
How is it “a smear” that she openly wears a necklace if there’s nothing wrong with it? Her attempted justification that it’s OK because her other friends in the “alt-right” also wear Nazi symbols; but it’s not a Nazi symbol – is cringe worthy.
Here’s another odd thing, Stew. A few days ago you quoted Lucy as saying (during the Radio 4 programme);
‘actually it’s a pagan symbol, I didn’t know it had been adopted by the Nazis until after I bought it’
‘I still like it, so I still wear it’
Except she never actually said that did she Stew? It was an entirely fictional quote you made-up in order to fit your argument.
Now might be an appropriate time for you to stop digging as well.
Maxi, for once you have made some valid points. It’s probably best that you don’t wear your hammer and sickle emblems and shirts depicting Che Guevara at the same time.
Maxi a quote uses quotation marks
You’ll note I did NOT use quotation marks; the single apostrophe shows that I am paraphrasing what she said over a number of sentences of back and forth with the presenter.
Listen again and you’ll find it’s accurate.
“So the ardent Brexiteers and the Labour Party have effectively voted to give control back to Brussels!”
“I was present in the 1922 Committee for her remarks, which were characteristically reflective of her sense of duty to this country.”
From an email to me from the MP of a constituency which has voted Conservative since the Big Bang. But voted to leave.
The reason we have not left the EU is the responsibility of those who voted to leave the EU and those MPS who attempted to bring about this, democratically approved, change.
Several days on from England’s win in Montenegro, where apparently one or two black millionaires had one or two insults shouted at them from the stands.
And of course, this is still the headline on bBBC’s Sports page.
Contrast this to events a couple of weeks earlier, where Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish was actually punched by a fan whilst on the pitch.
Physical assault is far more serious than being called a couple of rude names, but how long did bBBC keep the Grealish incident in a prominent place on their site? A couple of days, tops.
(Watching) football has always been about passion, rivalry, shouting abuse at the opposition players and fans.
The main story now on bBBC’s sports page talks about the possibility of black players simply walking off the pitch (or the game itself actually being abandoned) whenever they are called a naughty name.
I assume for the sake of consistency, that every time the crowd chant “You fat bast@rd” to a slightly overweight player, that he, too, has a right royal strop and leaves the pitch in a huff. And every time the crowd chant “The referee’s a w@nker” that he, too, will slowly close his notebook, stop his clock, put his cards in his pocket, and flounce off the pitch like a big baby.
I remember discussions going on whether matches need live crowds as they are a nuisance and can be replaced by ‘canned ‘ footage and sound .the income from fans being nowhere like TV rights .
Watch closely now and observe the Conservative Party wriggling. They’ll wriggle until they change the administrative process for the de selection of MP’s.
Well said Pug – what particularly gets up my nose about the traitorous BBC is the way they have spent the last two years interfering and totally rubbishing the democratic process and then all of a sudden they report the mess (that they have been partly responsible for creating) in a horrified and condescending tone.
Utter bastards – (sorry Fed for the swearing but I think it is justified)
At the end of their careers I am sure they will all have big pensions, a clutch of awards and maybe a gong or two to look forward to, but if this was a world where Common sense still counted for something the only reward they deserve is a once and for all “dance” dangling on a length of rope.
– no worry – being a pessimist – and trained to think forward – I wonder what the reaction will be when an MP is assaulted – or worse – by a so called ‘ brexit supporter ?’ ( obviously remainers are far too nice to do such a thing ).
I’m sure the bubble will go full Jo Cox . Tearful speeches by ‘friends ‘ , minute silence , “our thoughts are with “ and plenty of candles . And an excuse to blame what ever the “Far Right “ is that day .
They’ll even import the comedy PM of NZ to do a proper ‘ Princess Diana ‘ job.
As for the political effect – just another excuse to kill Brexit .
Please. I realise feelings are running high, but can we refrain from wishing death on politicians we disagree with? It doesn’t reflect well on the site, however despicable they may be.
Agree entirely. We should do what this country has always done best – mock, ridicule, satirise, joke, and laugh – especially when we are attacked. It’s powerful when done properly.
I particularly like the comment: “Theresa May fell on her sword, and missed”. (Don’t know who it was.)
It’s precisely what the opposition seems to be incapable of.
John Simpson reflecting on the stupid western attack on Serbia by NATO 20 years ago . He mentioned the Muslims as victims as usual but concentrated on Serbia who believed they were defending the West – but not why they did what they did . Someone in a Serbian hospital called Simpson ‘an enemy’ . Were they wrong ?
The Londonistan Evening Standard reports a bit more detail about the death of a ‘ refugee’ from Chechnya who was stabbed to death a couple of days ago.
There are two curious issues – a claim that he was being mugged for a £60000 Watch he was wearing
The killers ran into the mosque nearby where they were able to evade the police.
If the dead refugee had a very expensive watch there is no explanation of how he came by it .
As in – was he a drug dealer now dead ?
Won’t hear too much about that on the BBC .
Too busy going on about one of their own-Jill
Dando …
Hope they aren’t putting their hopes on the excellent MET POLICE. Useless bunch of Gameboy players.
Remember that case where the MET (forensic) officers searched that two bedroomed house in London where that poor young girls body was hidden in the attic. They searched that SMALL area above the living room THREE (3) times and missed it.
Yes, amongst other things, this is why we won’t see a conviction in the Madeleine McCann case. 14 million quid of tax payers money – for what?
Very wise . I lapsed and started listening but limited it . Fortunately I’m in a different time zone next week won’t have to suffer it – out of habit .
pug,a very good post. Everything in it obviously common-sense. In fact so sensible and true it’s no wonder the BBC hates those arguments.
I agree that the No votes weren’t taken into account when asked about remaining in the EU, and the same is true about the Scottish and Welsh devolution referenda. As a result we should declare that the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are illegal as the No voters were ignored and there wasn’t a second referendum because Yes voters didn’t know what they were voting for.
The Welsh Assembly vote was even closer than the Brexit one which is a third reason that the vote should be made invalid. My call for scrapping those votes (and therefore theiir assemblies) is in line with their arguments, not ours.
Both the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are constructs of the EU being preparatory in the ultimate larger scheme of things i.e. the United States of Europe and dispensing eventually with the HoP / HoL completely in exchange for these ‘Regional Administrative’ centres which would report to Brussels (or Berlin?).
Damn you’ve actually found something good about the EU, joking aside I feel that Brexit has opened many peoples eyes not only to the corruption of the EU but of our own Parliament and are delving more into politics and what it involves. It’s just tiresome that it’s taken this long.
If you had football team and one player had a broken leg, any discussion on team tactics regarding attack, defence, formation, set plays and so on would be fruitless unless you referred constantly to the player with the impedement. The player, in this case, is the Labour party. Five voted for the deal, two more than last time. If you presented a motion that two plus two was four, they would vote against it. They are indeed the player with the broken leg and the one thousand discussions I have seen and read from the bbbc regarding the tactics to be deployed never refer to this painfully obvious problem.
Apparently Dominic Grieve QC MP €€€ has been on LBC blaming the no confidence vote he lost last night on ‘ new members ‘
This from a man who uses procedure to frustrate democratic votes. So when it come to his own position he complains about legal procedures to get rid of the traitor .
Another traitor – the chairman of the Tory Party Brandon Lewis -was on Toady giving Grieve QC MP his full support .
Now that the prospect of a General Election has been raised -will labour do all it can to cause a full brexit on 12 April and a General Election ?
I reported a while ago that I had previously responded to the Leave campaign’s de-selection drive and become a member of my local Conservative Party. Now it appears, that campaign is starting to bear some fruit. It would be excellent if that particular scalp was taken. More to follow I suspect. Minor signs of what’s looming for our political elite come next election.
At his deselection Grieve claimed that ‘Leaving with no deal would be national suicide’ and he is entitled to his opinion, however that it all it is, and opinion.
Grieve is a lawyer, and to the best of my knowledge not a specialist in finance international trade, neogtiation etc and does not have the necessary insight to make these strong assertions without some evidence, none of which was provided.
When compared to Mervyn King his opinion is certainly wanting. This is the problem with the political elite – total arrogance and certainty they are right and everyone else is wrong, without any evidence to support their position nor expertise either.
Probably had an email from PM May during the night pushing him and many other leave MPs to support this “tricky one”.
I thought I would say “Phone” instead of an “email” but didn’t as I think a simple email would convince those leave MPs – a phone call usually works for those MPs who are really stubborn and need their eyes attacked.
Business had been preparing for the worse to occur starting yesterday. Treason May, again abusing the credulity of the Leavers, changed all that. If the day of “Catastrophe” or, “Doomsday” is now upon us despite the “Doomsday” being shifted to the 12th April, has anyone seen any early symptoms of the disaster yet which should manifest itself from today onwards? Any cleared shelves in Tesco’s to report?
I was in Sainsburys a few days ago looking at the wine shelves.
There were wines from France, Germany, Australia, America, Chile etc.
I couldn’t understand how they were all of a similar price and all readily available. The media keeps telling me that with a No deal and outside of the EU we won’t be able to trade with Europe, so how could I be able to purchase a bottle of wine from Chile or New Zealand that we don’t have a deal with and aren’t in Europe…?
It’s almost like the BS trotted out by the media and establishment isn’t real and doesn’t exist in the REAL world that the public sees everyday.
I heard 2 snowflakes on sky discussing the next days papers a few days ago discussing shortages. One said there will be shortages of toilet paper and dishwasher tablets so had gone out and done some bulk buying.
I’m so disappointed with the likes of JRM, IDS and David Davis in succumbing to voting for the May deal.
They’ve done great work on arguing for Brexit but capitulating now was foolhardy.
Can they not see that if May’s deal had gone through, the media would have swung into action claiming that we’d left the EU (when we clearly wouldn’t have) and the wind would have left the sails of the Brexit boat.
The public would have let themselves believe (persuaded by the media) that it was all done and dusted and we were out whilst the establishment would have known that we were still deceitfully in the EU and doing their bidding.
It would be harder to motivate a public that would have been battered by three years of endless negativity that we had been robbed at the finishing post and that to all extent we were still in the EU.
Surely they could see how the media would have reported it. Therefore it’s far better to rile up the public and stimulate our stubborn indignation that we still haven’t delivered Brexit rather than voting through a stitch up that would trick the public and permanently damage any chance of delivering a proper Brexit.
I’ve seen Davis, IDS and McVey talk at Leave debates and their capitulation on this fills me with deep unease and contempt.
They believe that, ‘No Deal’ is off the table for ever. That’s what May wants them to think and after all that’s what our 450 remainer MPs voted off the table (forever ?)
gax, there is still a whisper of straw to clutch at there (more like a small, very thin, dry blade of grass) but I’m getting ready to admit that I was wrong and Theresa May has never seen Star Wars nor does she really know the writings of St Paul very well either.
I think the timetable has got away from the PM. She was incredibly foolish to go to Brussels to ask for that extension. It was vital that her Deal was voted down as it was just before the 29th March.
Had I been in her shoes, after the second defeat I would have held a Press Conference and stated quite bluntly “The UK Parliament does not like the Withdrawal Agreement. M. Barnier and the EU need to come back to me with a revised deal, which I will consider and if acceptable put to Parliament again before 29th March. My door is open and will remain open to M.Barnier and any other senior leaders from the EU until the 27th March. It is now up to you, it is in your hands.”
Here’s hoping the EU, who wish to get on, Macron in particular sees himself as the 21st Century Napoleon, won’t want us hanging round for another two years.
Listening to our media and unsurprisingly people seem terribly ill informed. The media has worked so hard to convince folks that leaving is so very, very complicated.
Where would we be had we never joined and how do we trade with none EU countries at the moment? – Questions our media never asks.
I was thinking of emailing IDS – my MP – to wish him well in his next job because his majority has been shrinking as the socialist council have been putting more and more of ‘their people ‘ into his constituency – this deceit will be unexplainable and will push him out of his seat . Just another unprincipled politician – at least the likes of Bill Cash sticks to his guns …
It doesn’t matter if they think ‘no deal’ is off the table. If they rubber stamp this deal through we will never again be able to muster the support and outrage that Brexit hasn’t been delivered because the media will convince everyone that Brexit has gone through (when we all know that it hasn’t).
So it isn’t that we are stubborn in holding on for no deal but rather that if a bad deal goes through there won’t ne the public outrage to change it. And then the battle is truly lost – though to be fair I think it already has been lost.
The cabal of the media and the establishment and the treasonous May have put paid to Brexit and proper democracy.
“…Ken Clarke ably demonstrated the arrogant contempt that he and fellow Remainers hold the voters in…”.
Just an aside.
I’ll never forget passing KC on the steps outside Parliament. He was on the way out, I’m on the way in to a meeting. He looked at me in that passing, quizzically. Somehow as if I should recognise the Great Man and don some sort of expression accordingly. Sensing this, I casually ignored him and looked into the distance………..
Can’t help but feel utter contempt for those individuals now sitting in our Parliament-gutless in every respect and now the Prime Minister indicates that she will call a General Election if her so called deal is not accepted-outrageous, if it were possible I would drag her out of No 10 and make her tell Parliament that this United Kingdom with 17.4 million people who voted LEAVE, will now LEAVE with out a deal. Do these MP’s sitting in parliament not watch TV to see how many thousands of people were recently gathered in support of LEAVE the EU-it would appear they are blind, deaf and will become harijan-untouchables- as most likely they would lose their parliamentary seats in any General Election- best they now commit Hari Kiri, don’t you think?
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Just imagine one of the new parties shoving their manifesto under everyone’s nose right now and it contained all the juicy, practical, objective workmanlike stuff we crave for? I imagine there would be an overwhelming surge of support if, as is suggested, (“some say”) another election was pending. The desperation of the people is such that I would predict a landslide.
A small piece from a brilliant speech made by a
Dr Alice Weidel, head of the AfD opposition party in Germany, speaks up for Brexit
“Due to your negligence and your failure to help out the UK, our historically good relationship is being threatened.”
“And now we’re counting the cost. €15 billion euros will soon be missing from the EU budget as a result.”
“The UK is the second biggest economy in the EU, as big as 19 other countries combined. From an economic perspective, the EU is shrinking not to 27, but to 9 states.” She goes on to charge Merkel et al with disregard to Brexit, to others in Brussels that were supposedly dealing with Brexit. These words from this good Dr Weidel show the discontent with her own country’s handling of Bexit.
The BBC & other Trump haters have made much of Mueller not finding Trump completely innocent of obstructing justice in the examination of a non-crime, e.g. “His long-awaited report stopped short of exonerating Mr Trump of the charge of obstruction of justice.
Suggestions are that he is as guilty as sin but the stupid man has been somehow too clever to be found out.
But what clearance does the blessed NHS give me after my bowel cancer screening test? Your screening test is normal. A normal result does not guarantee that you do not have bowel cancer.
If I am to be happy with the best that the NHS can do, I’ll accept Mueller’s findings as more than adequate
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Week in Westminster Halfon ( remainer in a 68%leave constituency) Margaret Beckett – remainers- John Barron and Patrick o Flynn – the latter 2 brexiters …
The second time in 2 years that I can remotely witness a balanced panel on a Far Left BBC
Programme .
Obviously they just argued without value . Let’s hope the next 14 days are like that so we leave on the 12th without a deal and position the Royal Navy to seize illegal EU fishing vessels – just to send a message that we will have a ‘ special relationship ‘ with the drunks in Brussels …
Imagine the liberal left media and celebrity outrage if someone like Tommy Robinson for example said exactly the same but about black people. Guaranteed 24 hr rolling news coverage wanting him arrested for racism. Dianne Abbott wouldn’t be off our screens !!!!
However, it’s the far lefts jon snow, the media elites jon snow, the arch remainer jon snow , so all is forgiven. I detest the far left liberals with a passion. Say what the hell they like but don’t like it back at em !!!
The sense of entitlement of people like jon is just sickening
The Eurostar has been stopped because of a trespasser wearing the Cross of St George on a tee shirt
I wonder if this is the first example of ‘ civil disobedience ‘ being discussed in response to the Parliaments ‘ failure to obey the democratic vote of the majority ?
Sites such as this one will be on a ‘ watch list ‘ to measure the attitude of citizens to the ReichEU and British traitor politicians .
If it’s a trespasser wearing the Cross of St George on a tee shirt. That could mean that the illegal immigrant comes from either Northern Italy, especially Genoa, Catalonia, especially Barcelona, or Georgia.
We Brexiteers are often classed as Far Right… anyone else seen this on the BBC website? The unlikely similarities between the far right and IS…
Frank Gardner has form. I remember him from may years ago, during a discussion of a particular IS/AQ incident, throwing in the ‘far right’ , when it had 0 relevance to what was being said.
I had to blink, it was so utterly irrelevant to the discussion. Since then I took careful note of whatever he said, and it was always the same: if the discussion was of IS/AQ terror, the ‘far right’ had to be mentioned, somewhere.
So this goes way, way back…
As a small ‘c’ conservative, opposed to violence of any sort, I find his article offensive in the extreme. Yes, I do see Britain as an essentially white, essentially Christian nation. Is that a problem? I am more than happy to see Saudi as an essentially Arab, essentially Muslim nation. No problem. Japan as essentially Japanese, of Shinto and Buddhist persuasion. No problem.
It is Gardner who is the fanatic. That is the irony.
“Plenty of pressure on May from inside the Cabinet, according to reports, to go for a no-deal….not noticed by the BBC yet for some reason…”
You know what pug. I’m no longer sure about this? I believe that all this will she, won’t she was a plan conceived some 2 and one half years ago.
Look at the sudden surrender (laugh?/cry?) of MPs like JRM and Johnson. Clearly there is something afoot as the toxic bile that the MSM throw at voters is rarely rebuked by Leave MPs.
And all this “will she go or won’t she go” is nothing but pre-planned time wasting from the very start.
Jon Paleface Snow wherever he go are white faces.
Palefaces at Glastonbury some giving the raised arm salute. Snow was happy at Glastonbury 2017 with the white skins.
An interesting story put out by our illustrious rolling news channel. A family of Spaniards run a restaurant/bar business in N.London – there is also a small league Spanish football team involved.
The 30ish year old son is now worried about his status – and that of his family, and the mostly Spanish football team, once (and if ) we depart the European Union.
Here’s the rub. The son is of Spanish heritage, BUT was born here, had his education here, runs a business here, and his life is here, and is now ‘bewildered’ and cannot believe that he will have umpteen forms to complete, and be registered as a European national when the time comes. ALL BECAUSE HIS ONLY PASSPORT IS SPANISH !!!!
No-one asked the question, WHY ? if he was born here why not get a bloody British Passport. No, instead he weeps and wails about his potential rights. I’m sure he’s not the only one, but its their own sodding fault if they choose to be a citizen of another country and not get the paperwork in order. Same as the Windrush generation who are wingeing because they couldn’t be arsed or haven’t the intelligence to get their citizenship certified.
All children born in the UK to EU nationals get the citizenship of their parents, not the UK. This is the same in all EU countries, that is what was agreed in the EU treaties.
If he had lived here for ten years (which it sound like he has done), he’d be entitled to apply for permanent residency…. which would involve filling out some forms… big effing deal.
If he doesn’t like that system, he needs to vote for parties that can get the EU treaties changed. This of course is impossible, because the EU treaties operate as a set of rigid fixed unchangeable laws.
These treaties were never democratically voted on in the first place, and were never in any manifesto. This is just anther example of the EU making up rules that no-one asked for that have affected this Spanish fellow’s life.
The fact that these rules were never democratically debated or voted on, and cannot be changed by any democratic process… and yet impact peoples lives is the REASON we must leave the EU and return to a proper democracy.
All children born in the UK to EU nationals get the citizenship of their parents, not the UK. This is the same in all EU countries, that is what was agreed in the EU treaties.
If he had lived here for ten years (which it sound like he has done), he’d be entitled to apply for permanent residency…. which would involve filling out some forms… big effing deal.
If he doesn’t like that system, he needs to vote for parties that can get the EU treaties changed. This of course is impossible, because the EU treaties operate as a set of rigid fixed unchangeable laws.
These treaties were never democratically voted on in the first place, and were never in any manifesto. This is just anther example of the EU making up rules that no-one asked for that have affected this Spanish fellow’s life.
The fact that these rules were never democratically debated or voted on, and cannot be changed by any democratic process… and yet impact peoples lives is the REASON we must leave the EU and return to a proper democracy.
You said all that needs saying…I said it to my wife yesterday. I have a pile of Italian, Polish and German friends and they have all either already done the paperwork for citizenship or in the process…it’s not difficult – you can do this latest right to stay on a bloody phone…we have a barrel of whingers…
Having now seen the footage of Jon Snow making his ‘never seen so many white people in place ‘ remark I assume he will be resigning from state / public broadcasting because no one would want a racist like him giving his racist biased view .
More likely of course is that next time there is a Notting hill carnival he will go there and say ‘I’ve never seen so many black people in one place before ‘ …
If you see the footage you can see that he realised he’d let the racist cat out of the bag but couldn’t think of anything to say to put it right .
I suppose that since mr Snow is married to a black African -one Precious Lunga – he feels entitled to sneer such a thing . And perhaps if he is dismayed by the sight of large numbers of white faces he might like to relocate to Africa ….
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Al Beeb is running with the topic of…….. “Game of Thrones, hamsters and other things that didn’t last as long as Brexit”
They are a bunch of comedians although as you are all aware, they don’t or can’t do comedy.
But the true laughing house , ‘The House of Comedians’ and their top clown has let us down again . What part of democracy doesn’t it understand?
Time for a general election – vote UKIP to drain the swamp.
Finally ‘Hats off’ to all those that went to London show to the flag today!
Well done ! Ardderchog!
Errata ……..Finally ‘Hats off’ to all those that went to London to show the flag today!
I ran out of edit time.
taffman, that Nigel Evans is sure of what he believes. Have the Conservatives ever had a Welsh Leader and PM?
If not, maybe the time has come.
Michael Howard ?
Oh yes, you’re right – Cardiff born, IIRC. (Some Welsh people consider that to be a disqualification, I understand, but I won’t dabble in that bit of local politics.) Never got to be PM, though, see below.
But only part Welsh, I think. BBC were always very keen to stress Michael Howard’s Romanian? and Jewish? heritage. It always struck me that the BBC ‘took against’ Howard (and Duncan-Smith) as leader.
Of course, we NOW can be pretty sure why. Both Howard and Duncan-Smith are on the EU-sceptic wing of the Conservative Party and the BBC are thoroughly pro-EU.
How is it that the government, the Conservative party and the HoC are all letting this one bloody woman do what she’s doing? Are the men so emasculated that they can’t put a stop to her destruction?
Or are the swamp rats all part of the conspiracy to destroy our country?
john in cheshire
Are they all lazy Europhiles ?
Has anyone noticed how useless Parliament has been in the last three years ? Yet our economy has trotted along nicely without our MPs .
Just what do they do for their inflated salaries and ‘expenses’ ?
Reminds me of Alan Clarke’s diaries. He said when he was at the DTI you could have eliminated that entire tier of Government and it wouldn’t have made a scrap of difference. He’s another we could do with being around at the moment.
I suspect the Civil Service’s mucky little fingerprints are all over the Brexit paperwork. It is pretty obvious that the PM has been poorly advised from the outset.
It has been a trend in UK governance for just over forty years for Ministers (including PMs) to duck and/or outsource responsibility for anything and everything. The rot really started with Thatcher who had the deceptive appearance of being principled, responsible, strong and decisive.
She could be at times, as in her famous ‘Triple No’ moment. But if you listen carefully to Yes, Minister you will discover that she was tweedling and shuffling stuff off and her Ministers & CSs were just the same.
You are not wrong. I always remember that when the Falklands were invaded, she asked the navy to send the Ark Royal, and had to be told the ship had been decommissioned four years before. It was a pretty major story when the last big carrier left service, how can she not have noticed?
The 500 remainers want the UK to be subsumed into the United States of Europe – irrespective of the wishes of their constituents .
So yes – they do want to destroy the country.
I think the tide is against them in a lot of ReichEU countries as the elections on 23 May will show as anti immigration parties get stronger .
Someone said that the EU is a 1945 construct for a 21st century world and I think that is right . Even the idea of moving between Brussels and Strasbourg is an anachronistic joke – yet along have robots like Tusk and Barnier calling the shots .
It would be something if we stay in the ReichEU only to bare the Burden of the coming ‘ squaring up’ to delivered by President Trump in his second term .
Taffman ,
Congratulations yet again. I thought I’d catch a few people out on the timing . At least someone has something to be ‘happy’ about on a sad day ….
I listed the livestreams in the last thread page5
The Sun had a great livestream but that has now been removed from Youtube entirely
Ruptly has been shut down to test screen
Stew, it is no good putting up HTML5 videos and video stream links. Many browsers and OSs cannot handle that format.
@Up2snuff I think that is you not me
I am not putting up any new special thing, just normal Youtube links
They work on all the PC’s and Android devices here.
.. dunno about Apple ..I’ve rarely seen an Apple device in my life
Sure, elderly PC, outdated OS that cannot use a bang up to date MS Windows browser. But I suspect most on here are in the same boat.
So I say, unless you convert the vids to an older HTML format, the links are wasted on us. Others have said that in the past. I’m just reinforcing and reminding you of their message.
Hopefully, someone on y-T will do it but by then the moment is passed and I – and I guess others – will forget to look.
I jut thought it should be a matter of record, of the heroes who voted against Mays stitch up today:
Adam Afriyie (Windsor)
Steve Baker (Wycombe)
John Baron (Basildon and Billericay)
Peter Bone (Wellingborough)
Suella Braverman (Fareham)
Andrew Bridgen (North West Leicestershire)
William Cash (Stone)
Christopher Chope (Christchurch)
James Duddridge (Rochford and Southend East)
Mark Francois (Rayleigh and Wickford)
Marcus Fysh (Yeovil)
Philip Hollobone (Kettering)
Adam Holloway (Gravesham)
Ranil Jayawardena (North East Hampshire)
Bernard Jenkin (Harwich and North Essex)
Andrea Jenkyns (Morley and Outwood)
David Jones (Clwyd West)
Julian Lewis (New Forest East)
Julia Lopez (Hornchurch and Upminster)
Craig Mackinlay (South Thanet)
Anne Marie Morris (Newton Abbot)
Priti Patel (Witham)
Owen Paterson (North Shropshire)
John Redwood (Wokingham)
Laurence Robertson (Tewkesbury)
Andrew Rosindell (Romford)
Lee Rowley (North East Derbyshire)
Theresa Villiers (Chipping Barnet)
Please note that the lying turncoat Rees Mogg who promised that he would only vote for the deal if the DUP approved it was proved to be a liar for whom the lure of his old school tie mate getting the top job was just too tempting.
Thank you for the list. Sadly IDS isn’t on it – he’s gone next election anyway . And Raab .
Watching a tiny bit of the State broadcasters – they seem to be adopting a “what happened over the last 2 years?” Approach as opposed being happy that they and their politician friends caused the current mess.
I can’t see how various ‘ factions ‘ in the commons could get a big enough vote to avoid the 12 April ultimatum .
And perhaps Hungary and Italy can prevent any A50. 1 or 2 year extension .
I am in Hungary from Sunday until the 14th picking up the keys to my new flat. Buying it is the best move I ever made given the state of affairs in western Europe.Things are going from bad to worse very quickly now. At least in Budapest I can say whatever I like about that despicable political ideology that is destroying Britain…and the rabble in the UK Duma have the cheek to call Hungary a dictatorship……
Good on you fella. Of all the countries in Europe, Hungary seems to be the only one that has got it’s shit together.
A president that wants to represent it’s people, a foreign minister that won’t take any crap from the BBC and a nation that wants to protect it’s culture.
Good luck on your exodus.
Well, if the photos on Rightmove are an indication as to what you can get for your money in Budapest, then I think an exodus may well be underway !!
I cant see Hungary doing that, they get too much EU (UK) dosh. Italy doesnt, but then without the UK they are likely to have to dig deeper in their pockets, so they wont either.
The most likely is Napoleon, as EU without the UK makes it easier to establish the 4th Reich/6th Republic
Where’s David Davis ?
amongst the AYES
I suspect they have serious leverage or kompramat to get people like JRM to change their minds
Possibly. On the other hand it could simply be the explanation he gave: that he felt the risk of losing Brexit altogether was too high. I don’t agree with him, I think being stuck in the deal is a greater risk, but it’s not going to be helpful if we turn on everyone who comes to a different decision to our own on a difficult matter.
I’d prefer J R-M as CoE but the PM does also need to have a sound grasp of economics as well, something that I suspect Theresa May lacks. Redwood qualifies well there, imv.
Sajid Javid, despite his degree and work background, is also hopeless on economics like his boss. I think he’s in exactly the right job at present. Hunt was resilient at Health but is yet to really star as Foreign Sec.
Redwood as Leader/PM? Now getting a bit old. After two women who have ended their time as PM as sad failures, how about Priti Patel? Has Ministerial experience. Third time lucky?
Gove is brainy enough but a former journalist …. ? Eeeek!
Reminds me that there’s another former journalist who wants the job. Eeeeek, double eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
In any future elections, all of the above should not have a brexit party or UKIP candidate standing against them.
They have earned the right to carry on as MPs so deserve our support and any help we can give them.
Any PM material there?
I like Redwood for PM.
“I like Redwood for PM.”
So would I. He remains calm, thinks for himself, and actually analyses the facts, which is a bit weird these days.
But weird? Unfortunately, and it shouldn’t matter but it does, he’s as dry as dust and looks more sinister than Christopher Lee, with a hangover, at midnight. Not TV material.
Anyone would be better than the current incumbent, Cruella De Vil, aka Theresa May. Redwood for Chancellor, IMHO.
I’m waiting for the MSM to claim less brexiters turned out today than remainers last Saturday – not that either has democratic value …
It must have hurt the BBBC to have put the number of people in the thousands.
What I have great issue with is the line,
“A counter-protest by the group Stand Up to Racism also took place in Westminster.”
It could only be classed as a counter protest if people supporting Brexit were racists.
It’s high time for the BBC to be stripped of its public funding and made to stand on its own two feet, just like other organisations and individuals in the real world. Removing the funding, in my view, would be far better than disbanding it altogether as it would keep all of the so-called journalists in one place where they can be better monitored and called out for their diabolical output.
That use of language is as subtle as the state broadcaster gets . I bet they don’t even realise ( anymore ) the implication of that ‘anti fascist ‘ ‘anti racist ‘ terminology – and the implication that their opposition is racist – is fascist ( whatever the hell is the definition of either term).
It’s a bit like the attempt to link brexit to the “right” – forgetting that the Labour Party had brexit on its manifesto too ( for what that was worth )…
“as it would keep all of the so-called journalists in one place where they can be better monitored”
Build a wall around television center and don’t let them out.. throw some soggy chips over the barb wire once in a while so they don’t starve.
“Build a wall around television center and don’t let them out.. throw some soggy chips over the barb wire once in a while so they don’t starve.”
And just to remind them what they are really missing most – just throw over that wall a plastic bag with one tiny piece of Caviar and a tiny drop of red wine at the price most MPs pay for in the commons these days, not less than £100.
“Three arrested in Labour anti-Semitism probe” the BBC tells us:
But dear BBC why is Labour suddenly having these issues?, where is the analysis?, what were the comments made by these antisemites? who made them?… and what was their religion? is it the Islamic faction of Labour again BBC?… is they why you don’t mention names or details?
If the BBC bothered to investigate Islam for five minutes, they would find that there are four steps for the non Jihadi Muslim to get to heaven (Jenna):
1) After dying you go to “torment in the grave” – you remain conscious buried in the ground, rotting in torment.
2) Then before “Judgement day” the Muslims will kill all the Jews, helped by the rocks and the trees.
3) Jesus will then return, on “Judgement day” and Muslims will be judged based on their adherence to Allah.
4) Depending on the judgement outcome, Muslims will go from torment in the grave to heaven or hell.
This is what this famous quote is about:
“The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”
If you were a Muslim, what would you choose? expedite the death of the Jews, so “Judgement day” arrives and you can get to heaven when you die, or be lovely to Jews and rot in the ground for hundred’s of years until some other Muslims get around to killing the Jews so that judgement day eventually shows up?
Of course, if the wretched rotting corpse of the ideologically blinkerd BBC bothered to stop fantasizing about “far right fascism” and read the Koran, they would realize Islam is fascism… Even the famous lefty psychoanalyst Carl Jung who studied the psychology of the Nazis famously said:
“We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god.”
How is it that a slob sat on a couch with the internet like me can figure all this out and verify it, yet the BBC with its thousands of employees, and billions of pounds fail to find out this glaring fact, yet instead pander and weep about a Jihadi bride… who joined ISIS when then were busy chopping off peoples heads for being Jewish?
The truth however is that the BBC are a racist outfit that believe that brown people are unable to have their religion criticized in case they go into some kind of violent meltdown, and that people they view as “lower classes” are unable to make a rational assessment of the contents of the Koran without being racist… of course they are actually sniveling safe space cowards who like to steal money from people they consider inferior.
Finnish Deputy EU President woman on LBC, “Farage has been getting weaker and weaker. He will have no support in the European Elections.”
We shall see.
And I feel some sympathy for old Labour supporters and MPs who are sticking with a party that is their party in name only.
Finland – population 5.5 million – jeez – even less that Scotland – roughly a third of the population of London . And they deserve to be listened too?
Is Dominic Grieve on his way out ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet .
Maybe we’ve hit peak Grieve Taffman ?I think there is a deselection vote today (29th) – which is timely .
He ll be off to the TIG / ‘ change UK?’ Outfit if it goes against him. Being a QC £££££ he won’t have the personal honour to resign for a bi election . At least it will occupy some of his time before coming up with a remain scheme on Monday .
BBC covering up for the religions of peace again.
You might remember last night there was a stabbing and two murderers ran into the Regents Park Mosque, but that what happened afterwards has not been widely covered, and not at all by the BBC.
It would appears the two attackers entered the mosque and were instantly shielded by the ‘worshippers’. The washed their hands and were given a change of clothes, then were allowed to slip away out of the rear, and no one admits to seeing anything.
Other than to claim, possibly falsely they were white with long hair.
“It would appears the two attackers entered the mosque and were instantly shielded by the ‘worshippers’. The washed their hands and were given a change of clothes, then were allowed to slip away out of the rear, and no one admits to seeing anything.”
a) The report doesn’t say they were “shielded”.
b) The report doesn’t say they were “given a change of clothes”.
c) The report doesn’t say they were “allowed to slip away”.
d) The report has statements from people at the mosque describing what they saw.
Virtually every single thing you just said is complete fantasy; entirely made up in your own head.
Oh dear Maxicony you seem to have been bitten by the fake news industry as many others.
The London Evening Standard is not known for being either accurate or impartial, and it is not the only source of news. I posted one report and you have extrapolated from that the conclusions you wanted to find, which are far from the truth.
I suggest you do a lot more research before making your comment because you have just given the very reason for this sites existence, the fact that massive bias in the mainstream media does influence and affect people to reach incorrect conclusions.
Oh and BTW you didn’t address that fact the biased BBC havn’t even attempted to cover any of this.
“I posted one report and you have extrapolated from that the conclusions you wanted to find, which are far from the truth.”
Ok forgive me, if the report you posted which had eye witness reports from people at the mosque is not accurate; perhaps you can point me to your source of information that; “no one admits to seeing anything”?
Maxincony: We will have to wait and see what was censored by the BBC. Its usually the basics. But I have found that you can inadvertently prove to be a useful idiot when it comes to pointing towards sources to confirm what has been censored.
Richard Pinder,
“…I have found that you can inadvertently prove to be a useful idiot when it comes to pointing towards sources to confirm what has been censored.”
Yes, perhaps “Thoughtful” should keep her sources secret for fear of revealing herself to be a “useful idiot”.
A little more information today from the MSM and yet the BBC is still reporting absolutely nothing about this:
In todays world of a media which cannot be trusted, we have to read between the lines to get to the truth that they will not tell us.
Here are the facts as reported by the Mail.
The attack took place half a mile from the Mosque (so why would any non Muslim chose specifically to go there?)
Witnesses said they saw two young men in hoodies calmly walk away ; They are then said to have run into the nearby mosque
Make your mind up, they can’t run and walk calmly at the same time. – this is one of many contradictions which clearly indicate people are lying and that the story does not add up.
they calmly switched clothes and mingled with worshippers before fleeing;
Dr Ahmad Al-Dubayan said ‘They came inside, they changed their clothes then we think they left.’
No Dr Dubayan you are provably lying
A security guard at the complex said CCTV footage showed two men running in with a rucksack.
He said they changed from hoodies into shirts and trousers before washing their hands and feet among worshippers.
Your own CCTV has caught you out on this.
Consider this though, the people running the Mosque are clearly and proveably lying.
In the near aftermath of Christchurch when Muslims here are claiming they are very frightened of a similar attack happening in Britain, the security guard sees two armed men covered in blood running towards the Mosque, and he does nothing to stop them and nothing to alert the people inside the building.
This is simply not credible unless the two individuals were known to him and those at the Mosque – or that he is the worst security guard ever!
They enter the building again covered in blood wanting to wash themselves and the worshippers there are not in the least bit alarmed, and allow them to wash and to change their clothes, without hinderance.
They are then able to mingle with the congregation before fleeing.
another statement says:
It is thought they may have known it was a busy prayer time and they could easily hide among the crowds.
Of course they were known, there is no way that a couple of strangers could have done this.
It is crystal clear the Muslims are untrustworthy and are lying, in one of their witness statements they claimed the pair were white with long hair, they would have stood out like a sore thumb and been incapable of ‘mingling’, besides which I cannot imagine any Mosque allowing this pair covered in blood to even enter.
hmm….the MSM initially reported it hoping to use it to demonise the natives again. But then they quickly dropped it once they realised it was muslim on muslim crime once again…which just goes to show how deluded they are given that 99 percent of knivings in London are committed by blacks, muslims and immigrants. They never learn do they.
Respect to the parents of the 20 year old who died, no matter their ethnicity
The Mail said “Witnesses in the mosque have said the assailants pretended to be members of the congregation arriving for prayers, but then changed clothes in a toilet and disappeared.”
\\ A security guard at the mosque said the men, who were both white with long hair, washed their faces and feet to appear as if they were arriving for prayers.
He told : ‘We saw in the camera them changing clothes in the toilet area, one of them had a backpack and one of them had a side bag.
‘They change from hoodies into shirts and trousers and throw the other clothes on the floor. The police have those.’ //
The BBC did do a story 17 hours after the attack
Timestamp 11:36:36 Friday
5 arrests. Just what the msm were praying for. Breaking news my arse !!!!
First comment goes to smug far left remoaner !
2 for assault 2 for drunk and disorderly, and one for getting his penis out and waving it about !
Sounds like an average Friday night in London.
Lucy – I beg to differ – an average night ? Half a dozen ‘life changing knife injuries and a fatality or so… as well as the other lesser crimes like rape , robbery and the becoming more fashionably – house burglary …
A General Election please, with Treezer as leader of the Conservative Party.
Lets bury them.
Enough is enough.
It could be a choice of Full Brexit and a Far Left Government or neither . For popcorn purposes I’d take that because to me getting out of the ReichEU is far more important than having a Shambolic labour government led by Comrade McDonnell
… unless of course they tried to get us back in again ….
Just musing …
I was watching some of the debate this morning and was disgusted to hear that horrible SNP JOanne Cherry refer the the mob outside the house.They are a miserable bunch of tw**s. I really detest the SNP. I have never seen anyone of them with a smile on their faces. How dare she refer to the public as a mob.
The SNP it’s Nationalism, it’s Socialism, it’s National Socialism ! What could possibly go wrong ?
Pssssst….. I see no-one has replied to Maxi (yet), lets just leave it that way.
A story on the BBC website about the National Theatre. It’s taking a lot of flak for the six plays in its new season all being written by men and only one of them being directed by a female. It’s committed to 50/50 representation, see. Can’t help but laugh at all those po-faced, progressive zealots eating each other over this. Where is the BBC pundit to rip this representation codswallop to shreds? The whole establishment have bought into this notion that excellence isn’t paramount anymore; it’s all about workforces reflecting national demographics. Nobody is willing to say that this idea is fundamentally stupid. If 50% of plays at the NT are going to be written and directed by women, then the theatre is doomed. The vast majority of good plays have been written by men. In fact in my view there are only two masters of the theatre – Shakespeare and Chekhov. The theatre is doomed anyway because the posh lefties who run it think of plays as vehicles for progressive propaganda rather than as art.
A nice comment at Conservative Woman:
For some reason, they segregate the sexes in sports and toilets. The BBC even has a “Woman’s Hour” but not a “Men’s Hour” because a “Men’s Hour” would be sexist. Also a Grimsby fisherman cannot become the local Labour MP because Male members of the Labour party are banned from becoming the Local MP, sexism being legal in Grimsby if its against Male members of the Labour Party.
Regarding the third so called “meaningful vote”
Isn’t this the vote that Gina Miller went to court for to allow A meaningful vote to take place-that’s one vote, not 3 or maybe 4.
What are the legalities of this? Can it be challenged?
Well, that’s upsetting. 🙂
They obviously didn’t know what they were voting for. Surely there will have to be at least one more, meaningful, vote. Until they get it right.
Here’s the clip of Jon Snow
So many hideous white people! (shock horror)
Meanwhile, Mr Sopel is on his high horse.
Ably supported by…
Then Daniel pays some groundwork…
And Nick finds a pic he likes.
Perhaps Bowen should return to the peace loving charity which was his description o the Muslim Brotherhood.
Of course the extreme leftist BBC want to revisionise out of history the attacks made on Journalists at the Tory party conference in Manchester by leftist Labour supporters:
But never mind it’s not intimidation when the left do it is it Jeremy ?
I think Mr Bowen is being misquoted. He actually meant:
“I’ve seen this kind of thuggish intimidation in nasty places around the world, where the so-called democratically elected parliament totally ignores the wishes of the people. Horrendous to see it in the UK.”
Snow is right only white people were there
Snow must be colour blind.
“I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.”
Does that prove that Jon Snow has ever been to Strasbourg? Its known that Strasbourg is far more hideously white than Brussels, and Brussels is far more hideously white than Londonistan. He must live in a very narrow isolated metropolitan bubble, thinking that nice black people belong in wonderful Europe and nasty white people belong in the horrible Commonwealth.
“I’ve never seen so many white people in one place.”
And how many stabbings?
The mask slips.The old fool has been to Glastonbury . White people didn’t seem to be an issue then..
Jon f*ck the Tories Snow must have forgotten both that this is a White country, populated predominantly by White people, and that he is also White ( even if he self describes as metrosexual and/or non-white.
Jon Snow will continue to make comments like this, simply because he is married to a Zimbabwean – Precious Lunga. Would he make a similar remark about ‘never seeing so many black people in one place’ if he were to relocate back to his wife’s home town ? Clearly he is unable to make a living there.
It is amazing how easily they can say things like this without fear of censure but an MP can be pilloried by the Guardian in for using the term ‘cultural marxism…’ or saying coloured when referring to Ms Abbott
OFCOM complaint sent in…
In 2017, the UK recorded an overall trade deficit within the EU Customs Union of £67 billion. But the UK had a trade surplus of £41 billion on WTO rules. This plus using Australia as a proxy for a Britain that had never been a member of the EU proves that Britain’s membership of the European Union is very bad for the economy. This is because Britain pays billions and billions of pounds of taxpayers money for the privilege of trading freely on EU Customs Union rules, set by a foreign power. Anyone who thinks that’s good for the economy is either insane or a moron. Phillip Hammond is more likely to be insane & Jeremy is known to be the moron in that Corbyn family.
Quite correct, Richard.
Peter Shore MP observed in mid-1975 that in two full years of UK’s EEC (EU) membership, our Trade Deficit, with the other eight members, had worsened by 50%.
That trading position was originally my prime reason for voting Leave in 2016.
I now have other reasons to Leave the EU some of which may move to the top of the list.
“That trading position was originally my prime reason for voting Leave in 2016.”
And the main reason why remainers voted the way they did perhaps; was because they fainted at the thought of upsetting their French/Spanish neighbours every summer hols. If you will – more loyal to their Spanish neighbours than they are to their UK neighbours.
Al Beeb…………………….. “Corbyn calls for May to go”
He thinks he could win the next GE? Well I have news for him, we aint gonna vote for him – it will be UKIP all the way.
There is a third party is on the way.
Re Radio 4 prog about Lucy Brown
.. Lucy made an answer back video, the BBC got it banned off YouTube ..(it has clips from the show)
but the Bitchute page is up
Brown said that her 3 hour bit was edited down to a smear about her wearing a pagan necklace, described as a “Nazi necklace”
“Brown said that her 3 hour bit was edited down to a smear about her wearing a pagan necklace, described as a ‘Nazi necklace’ ”
Key-Words; “Brown” and “said”.
Someone really should have a word with her to stop digging; because she really isn’t helping herself.
How is it “a smear” that she openly wears a necklace if there’s nothing wrong with it? Her attempted justification that it’s OK because her other friends in the “alt-right” also wear Nazi symbols; but it’s not a Nazi symbol – is cringe worthy.
Here’s another odd thing, Stew. A few days ago you quoted Lucy as saying (during the Radio 4 programme);
‘actually it’s a pagan symbol, I didn’t know it had been adopted by the Nazis until after I bought it’
‘I still like it, so I still wear it’
Except she never actually said that did she Stew? It was an entirely fictional quote you made-up in order to fit your argument.
Now might be an appropriate time for you to stop digging as well.
Maxi, for once you have made some valid points. It’s probably best that you don’t wear your hammer and sickle emblems and shirts depicting Che Guevara at the same time.
Off to Brunei for the hols? You will enjoy it there, a bit of fisting, get stoned, right up your street.
Maxi a quote uses quotation marks
You’ll note I did NOT use quotation marks; the single apostrophe shows that I am paraphrasing what she said over a number of sentences of back and forth with the presenter.
Listen again and you’ll find it’s accurate.
maxi, do you ever stop to debate and play a part in this B-BBC Forum or do you only do ‘drive-by snipings’?
And do you behave like that on every other Internet discussion Forum that you are registered on?
Point of interest, I noticed that one of the people who commented was hippiepooter who was once a regular, and well-respected, commenter on this site.
R4 Listening figs
Dec 2016 : 133 million listener hours
Dec 2018 : 112
.. ..20% decline
15+ population rose by 1.5% in that time
“So the ardent Brexiteers and the Labour Party have effectively voted to give control back to Brussels!”
“I was present in the 1922 Committee for her remarks, which were characteristically reflective of her sense of duty to this country.”
From an email to me from the MP of a constituency which has voted Conservative since the Big Bang. But voted to leave.
The reason we have not left the EU is the responsibility of those who voted to leave the EU and those MPS who attempted to bring about this, democratically approved, change.
Several days on from England’s win in Montenegro, where apparently one or two black millionaires had one or two insults shouted at them from the stands.
And of course, this is still the headline on bBBC’s Sports page.
Contrast this to events a couple of weeks earlier, where Aston Villa’s Jack Grealish was actually punched by a fan whilst on the pitch.
Physical assault is far more serious than being called a couple of rude names, but how long did bBBC keep the Grealish incident in a prominent place on their site? A couple of days, tops.
(Watching) football has always been about passion, rivalry, shouting abuse at the opposition players and fans.
The main story now on bBBC’s sports page talks about the possibility of black players simply walking off the pitch (or the game itself actually being abandoned) whenever they are called a naughty name.
I assume for the sake of consistency, that every time the crowd chant “You fat bast@rd” to a slightly overweight player, that he, too, has a right royal strop and leaves the pitch in a huff. And every time the crowd chant “The referee’s a w@nker” that he, too, will slowly close his notebook, stop his clock, put his cards in his pocket, and flounce off the pitch like a big baby.
Just for the sake of consistency of course.
Non snowflake
I remember discussions going on whether matches need live crowds as they are a nuisance and can be replaced by ‘canned ‘ footage and sound .the income from fans being nowhere like TV rights .
Sky could then get games put on anytime .
Good News – Dominic Grieve QC MP was deselected Friday night following a vote of confidence vote by 182 / 131. It got a brief mention on Toady .
So if a ridiculous General Election is called won’t see him again . Soubry tweeted about being upset so that’s good .
The BBC calls the current situation a ‘ crisis ‘ but it’s only that because of 500 anti democratic traitors .
Excellent news 🙂
Means nowt if – they will – they ask him back next GE.
Are you sure? There’s been a vote of no confidence in him but I’m not sure that he’s actually been deselected.
The party will be concerned about damaging its image (as if it could be any worse).
Yes think you’re right – I was reading a tweet which wasn’t clear . And perhaps wishful thinking on my part .
I’m glad there are clever devious people in the Commons – but not those who treat a majority vote like a bad smell .
Watch closely now and observe the Conservative Party wriggling. They’ll wriggle until they change the administrative process for the de selection of MP’s.
Has Mrs Soubry confirmed she’s not a Nazi, yet?
Well said Pug – what particularly gets up my nose about the traitorous BBC is the way they have spent the last two years interfering and totally rubbishing the democratic process and then all of a sudden they report the mess (that they have been partly responsible for creating) in a horrified and condescending tone.
Utter bastards – (sorry Fed for the swearing but I think it is justified)
At the end of their careers I am sure they will all have big pensions, a clutch of awards and maybe a gong or two to look forward to, but if this was a world where Common sense still counted for something the only reward they deserve is a once and for all “dance” dangling on a length of rope.
– no worry – being a pessimist – and trained to think forward – I wonder what the reaction will be when an MP is assaulted – or worse – by a so called ‘ brexit supporter ?’ ( obviously remainers are far too nice to do such a thing ).
I’m sure the bubble will go full Jo Cox . Tearful speeches by ‘friends ‘ , minute silence , “our thoughts are with “ and plenty of candles . And an excuse to blame what ever the “Far Right “ is that day .
They’ll even import the comedy PM of NZ to do a proper ‘ Princess Diana ‘ job.
As for the political effect – just another excuse to kill Brexit .
Please. I realise feelings are running high, but can we refrain from wishing death on politicians we disagree with? It doesn’t reflect well on the site, however despicable they may be.
I concur. It’s far too good for them… 🙂
Agree entirely. We should do what this country has always done best – mock, ridicule, satirise, joke, and laugh – especially when we are attacked. It’s powerful when done properly.
I particularly like the comment: “Theresa May fell on her sword, and missed”. (Don’t know who it was.)
It’s precisely what the opposition seems to be incapable of.
Remember Brian Hanrahan:
“I counted them all going out….but I don’t expect to be counting them [remainer MPs] all coming in again”.
Toady watch
John Simpson reflecting on the stupid western attack on Serbia by NATO 20 years ago . He mentioned the Muslims as victims as usual but concentrated on Serbia who believed they were defending the West – but not why they did what they did . Someone in a Serbian hospital called Simpson ‘an enemy’ . Were they wrong ?
The Londonistan Evening Standard reports a bit more detail about the death of a ‘ refugee’ from Chechnya who was stabbed to death a couple of days ago.
There are two curious issues – a claim that he was being mugged for a £60000 Watch he was wearing
The killers ran into the mosque nearby where they were able to evade the police.
If the dead refugee had a very expensive watch there is no explanation of how he came by it .
As in – was he a drug dealer now dead ?
Won’t hear too much about that on the BBC .
Too busy going on about one of their own-Jill
Dando …
Hope they aren’t putting their hopes on the excellent MET POLICE. Useless bunch of Gameboy players.
Remember that case where the MET (forensic) officers searched that two bedroomed house in London where that poor young girls body was hidden in the attic. They searched that SMALL area above the living room THREE (3) times and missed it.
Yes, amongst other things, this is why we won’t see a conviction in the Madeleine McCann case. 14 million quid of tax payers money – for what?
Only Toady would put two remain MPs together and describe the way forward on brexit next week – not a brexiter in sight . Clear bias
For the record – Hillary benn and Nicki Morgan .
Just awful – but useful evidence of bbc : Tourette’s Robinson bias .
The electorate voted to leave and then voted in a ‘remain’ parliament who have so far have voted for nothing.
Top of the loser support pops: May/EU deal, Another Referendum, Customs Union (286, 268 & 264).
I had switched off by then, Fed. I’m following your example a lot more in recent weeks.
Very wise . I lapsed and started listening but limited it . Fortunately I’m in a different time zone next week won’t have to suffer it – out of habit .
pug,a very good post. Everything in it obviously common-sense. In fact so sensible and true it’s no wonder the BBC hates those arguments.
I agree that the No votes weren’t taken into account when asked about remaining in the EU, and the same is true about the Scottish and Welsh devolution referenda. As a result we should declare that the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are illegal as the No voters were ignored and there wasn’t a second referendum because Yes voters didn’t know what they were voting for.
The Welsh Assembly vote was even closer than the Brexit one which is a third reason that the vote should be made invalid. My call for scrapping those votes (and therefore theiir assemblies) is in line with their arguments, not ours.
Both the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly are constructs of the EU being preparatory in the ultimate larger scheme of things i.e. the United States of Europe and dispensing eventually with the HoP / HoL completely in exchange for these ‘Regional Administrative’ centres which would report to Brussels (or Berlin?).
Damn you’ve actually found something good about the EU, joking aside I feel that Brexit has opened many peoples eyes not only to the corruption of the EU but of our own Parliament and are delving more into politics and what it involves. It’s just tiresome that it’s taken this long.
If you had football team and one player had a broken leg, any discussion on team tactics regarding attack, defence, formation, set plays and so on would be fruitless unless you referred constantly to the player with the impedement. The player, in this case, is the Labour party. Five voted for the deal, two more than last time. If you presented a motion that two plus two was four, they would vote against it. They are indeed the player with the broken leg and the one thousand discussions I have seen and read from the bbbc regarding the tactics to be deployed never refer to this painfully obvious problem.
There was an election in 2017 so the electorate could choose who should lead negotiations with the EU.
Labour didn’t engage much on boring EU matters instead running on their best sellers. And now we are here.
Irony alert
Apparently Dominic Grieve QC MP €€€ has been on LBC blaming the no confidence vote he lost last night on ‘ new members ‘
This from a man who uses procedure to frustrate democratic votes. So when it come to his own position he complains about legal procedures to get rid of the traitor .
Another traitor – the chairman of the Tory Party Brandon Lewis -was on Toady giving Grieve QC MP his full support .
Now that the prospect of a General Election has been raised -will labour do all it can to cause a full brexit on 12 April and a General Election ?
Just wondering on that …
I reported a while ago that I had previously responded to the Leave campaign’s de-selection drive and become a member of my local Conservative Party. Now it appears, that campaign is starting to bear some fruit. It would be excellent if that particular scalp was taken. More to follow I suspect. Minor signs of what’s looming for our political elite come next election.
At his deselection Grieve claimed that ‘Leaving with no deal would be national suicide’ and he is entitled to his opinion, however that it all it is, and opinion.
Grieve is a lawyer, and to the best of my knowledge not a specialist in finance international trade, neogtiation etc and does not have the necessary insight to make these strong assertions without some evidence, none of which was provided.
When compared to Mervyn King his opinion is certainly wanting. This is the problem with the political elite – total arrogance and certainty they are right and everyone else is wrong, without any evidence to support their position nor expertise either.
“Brandon Lewis ”
As expected.
Probably had an email from PM May during the night pushing him and many other leave MPs to support this “tricky one”.
I thought I would say “Phone” instead of an “email” but didn’t as I think a simple email would convince those leave MPs – a phone call usually works for those MPs who are really stubborn and need their eyes attacked.
I did hear that bit, ves, before I switched off. Talk about feeble!!!
Business had been preparing for the worse to occur starting yesterday. Treason May, again abusing the credulity of the Leavers, changed all that. If the day of “Catastrophe” or, “Doomsday” is now upon us despite the “Doomsday” being shifted to the 12th April, has anyone seen any early symptoms of the disaster yet which should manifest itself from today onwards? Any cleared shelves in Tesco’s to report?
I was in Sainsburys a few days ago looking at the wine shelves.
There were wines from France, Germany, Australia, America, Chile etc.
I couldn’t understand how they were all of a similar price and all readily available. The media keeps telling me that with a No deal and outside of the EU we won’t be able to trade with Europe, so how could I be able to purchase a bottle of wine from Chile or New Zealand that we don’t have a deal with and aren’t in Europe…?
It’s almost like the BS trotted out by the media and establishment isn’t real and doesn’t exist in the REAL world that the public sees everyday.
I heard 2 snowflakes on sky discussing the next days papers a few days ago discussing shortages. One said there will be shortages of toilet paper and dishwasher tablets so had gone out and done some bulk buying.
I’m so disappointed with the likes of JRM, IDS and David Davis in succumbing to voting for the May deal.
They’ve done great work on arguing for Brexit but capitulating now was foolhardy.
Can they not see that if May’s deal had gone through, the media would have swung into action claiming that we’d left the EU (when we clearly wouldn’t have) and the wind would have left the sails of the Brexit boat.
The public would have let themselves believe (persuaded by the media) that it was all done and dusted and we were out whilst the establishment would have known that we were still deceitfully in the EU and doing their bidding.
It would be harder to motivate a public that would have been battered by three years of endless negativity that we had been robbed at the finishing post and that to all extent we were still in the EU.
Surely they could see how the media would have reported it. Therefore it’s far better to rile up the public and stimulate our stubborn indignation that we still haven’t delivered Brexit rather than voting through a stitch up that would trick the public and permanently damage any chance of delivering a proper Brexit.
I’ve seen Davis, IDS and McVey talk at Leave debates and their capitulation on this fills me with deep unease and contempt.
They believe that, ‘No Deal’ is off the table for ever. That’s what May wants them to think and after all that’s what our 450 remainer MPs voted off the table (forever ?)
gax, there is still a whisper of straw to clutch at there (more like a small, very thin, dry blade of grass) but I’m getting ready to admit that I was wrong and Theresa May has never seen Star Wars nor does she really know the writings of St Paul very well either.
I think the timetable has got away from the PM. She was incredibly foolish to go to Brussels to ask for that extension. It was vital that her Deal was voted down as it was just before the 29th March.
Had I been in her shoes, after the second defeat I would have held a Press Conference and stated quite bluntly “The UK Parliament does not like the Withdrawal Agreement. M. Barnier and the EU need to come back to me with a revised deal, which I will consider and if acceptable put to Parliament again before 29th March. My door is open and will remain open to M.Barnier and any other senior leaders from the EU until the 27th March. It is now up to you, it is in your hands.”
And I would have stayed put.
Here’s hoping the EU, who wish to get on, Macron in particular sees himself as the 21st Century Napoleon, won’t want us hanging round for another two years.
Listening to our media and unsurprisingly people seem terribly ill informed. The media has worked so hard to convince folks that leaving is so very, very complicated.
Where would we be had we never joined and how do we trade with none EU countries at the moment? – Questions our media never asks.
I was thinking of emailing IDS – my MP – to wish him well in his next job because his majority has been shrinking as the socialist council have been putting more and more of ‘their people ‘ into his constituency – this deceit will be unexplainable and will push him out of his seat . Just another unprincipled politician – at least the likes of Bill Cash sticks to his guns …
I agree, he should be told.
It doesn’t matter if they think ‘no deal’ is off the table. If they rubber stamp this deal through we will never again be able to muster the support and outrage that Brexit hasn’t been delivered because the media will convince everyone that Brexit has gone through (when we all know that it hasn’t).
So it isn’t that we are stubborn in holding on for no deal but rather that if a bad deal goes through there won’t ne the public outrage to change it. And then the battle is truly lost – though to be fair I think it already has been lost.
The cabal of the media and the establishment and the treasonous May have put paid to Brexit and proper democracy.
The Corbyn plan – popular with the EU so you know it stinks.
If we want crap deals we’ve got Theresa May so Corbyn, I’m afraid remains superfluous.
“…Ken Clarke ably demonstrated the arrogant contempt that he and fellow Remainers hold the voters in…”.
Just an aside.
I’ll never forget passing KC on the steps outside Parliament. He was on the way out, I’m on the way in to a meeting. He looked at me in that passing, quizzically. Somehow as if I should recognise the Great Man and don some sort of expression accordingly. Sensing this, I casually ignored him and looked into the distance………..
Comedy and satire have left the BBC. But enjoy its emergence by this satirist on Instagram
Time to join the Brexit Party.
Doing that will only split the vote between the Brexit party and UKIP.
Can’t help but feel utter contempt for those individuals now sitting in our Parliament-gutless in every respect and now the Prime Minister indicates that she will call a General Election if her so called deal is not accepted-outrageous, if it were possible I would drag her out of No 10 and make her tell Parliament that this United Kingdom with 17.4 million people who voted LEAVE, will now LEAVE with out a deal. Do these MP’s sitting in parliament not watch TV to see how many thousands of people were recently gathered in support of LEAVE the EU-it would appear they are blind, deaf and will become harijan-untouchables- as most likely they would lose their parliamentary seats in any General Election- best they now commit Hari Kiri, don’t you think?
May has really lost it – if she ever had it.
She mistakes stubbornness and obsession for courage and resolve.
As Tebbitt said she was concerned only with her perceived legacy although that now seems to be drifting towards self destruction.
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Just imagine one of the new parties shoving their manifesto under everyone’s nose right now and it contained all the juicy, practical, objective workmanlike stuff we crave for? I imagine there would be an overwhelming surge of support if, as is suggested, (“some say”) another election was pending. The desperation of the people is such that I would predict a landslide.
A small piece from a brilliant speech made by a
Dr Alice Weidel, head of the AfD opposition party in Germany, speaks up for Brexit
“Due to your negligence and your failure to help out the UK, our historically good relationship is being threatened.”
“And now we’re counting the cost. €15 billion euros will soon be missing from the EU budget as a result.”
“The UK is the second biggest economy in the EU, as big as 19 other countries combined. From an economic perspective, the EU is shrinking not to 27, but to 9 states.” She goes on to charge Merkel et al with disregard to Brexit, to others in Brussels that were supposedly dealing with Brexit. These words from this good Dr Weidel show the discontent with her own country’s handling of Bexit.
The BBC & other Trump haters have made much of Mueller not finding Trump completely innocent of obstructing justice in the examination of a non-crime, e.g. “His long-awaited report stopped short of exonerating Mr Trump of the charge of obstruction of justice.
Suggestions are that he is as guilty as sin but the stupid man has been somehow too clever to be found out.
But what clearance does the blessed NHS give me after my bowel cancer screening test?
Your screening test is normal. A normal result does not guarantee that you do not have bowel cancer.
If I am to be happy with the best that the NHS can do, I’ll accept Mueller’s findings as more than adequate
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Tarien I totally agree with you. They are absolutely disgusting,gutless deplorables. You can tell by their pompous speeches most of which is said for effect. They couldn’t give a sh*t for the people in their constituency or the British public. I’m afraid we have let into a once great bastion of British democracy a ragged bunch of 3rd rate chancers.
Week in Westminster Halfon ( remainer in a 68%leave constituency) Margaret Beckett – remainers- John Barron and Patrick o Flynn – the latter 2 brexiters …
The second time in 2 years that I can remotely witness a balanced panel on a Far Left BBC
Programme .
Obviously they just argued without value . Let’s hope the next 14 days are like that so we leave on the 12th without a deal and position the Royal Navy to seize illegal EU fishing vessels – just to send a message that we will have a ‘ special relationship ‘ with the drunks in Brussels …
Article here on Jon Snow’s racist comments. Some good tweets linked in.
Imagine the liberal left media and celebrity outrage if someone like Tommy Robinson for example said exactly the same but about black people. Guaranteed 24 hr rolling news coverage wanting him arrested for racism. Dianne Abbott wouldn’t be off our screens !!!!
However, it’s the far lefts jon snow, the media elites jon snow, the arch remainer jon snow , so all is forgiven. I detest the far left liberals with a passion. Say what the hell they like but don’t like it back at em !!!
The sense of entitlement of people like jon is just sickening
The Eurostar has been stopped because of a trespasser wearing the Cross of St George on a tee shirt
I wonder if this is the first example of ‘ civil disobedience ‘ being discussed in response to the Parliaments ‘ failure to obey the democratic vote of the majority ?
Sites such as this one will be on a ‘ watch list ‘ to measure the attitude of citizens to the ReichEU and British traitor politicians .
If it’s a trespasser wearing the Cross of St George on a tee shirt. That could mean that the illegal immigrant comes from either Northern Italy, especially Genoa, Catalonia, especially Barcelona, or Georgia.
Or via Malta or Cyprus, Richard. Knights of St John and all that. 😉
Handed a T-shirt by a generous Maltese or Greek helping the refugees.
Don’t worry there will be a time of reckoning.
Also for those gender-non-conforming-BBC Deviants.
Can’t wait.
We Brexiteers are often classed as Far Right… anyone else seen this on the BBC website? The unlikely similarities between the far right and IS…
Frank Gardner has form. I remember him from may years ago, during a discussion of a particular IS/AQ incident, throwing in the ‘far right’ , when it had 0 relevance to what was being said.
I had to blink, it was so utterly irrelevant to the discussion. Since then I took careful note of whatever he said, and it was always the same: if the discussion was of IS/AQ terror, the ‘far right’ had to be mentioned, somewhere.
So this goes way, way back…
As a small ‘c’ conservative, opposed to violence of any sort, I find his article offensive in the extreme. Yes, I do see Britain as an essentially white, essentially Christian nation. Is that a problem? I am more than happy to see Saudi as an essentially Arab, essentially Muslim nation. No problem. Japan as essentially Japanese, of Shinto and Buddhist persuasion. No problem.
It is Gardner who is the fanatic. That is the irony.
“Plenty of pressure on May from inside the Cabinet, according to reports, to go for a no-deal….not noticed by the BBC yet for some reason…”
You know what pug. I’m no longer sure about this? I believe that all this will she, won’t she was a plan conceived some 2 and one half years ago.
Look at the sudden surrender (laugh?/cry?) of MPs like JRM and Johnson. Clearly there is something afoot as the toxic bile that the MSM throw at voters is rarely rebuked by Leave MPs.
And all this “will she go or won’t she go” is nothing but pre-planned time wasting from the very start.
Jon Paleface Snow wherever he go are white faces.
Palefaces at Glastonbury some giving the raised arm salute. Snow was happy at Glastonbury 2017 with the white skins.
An interesting story put out by our illustrious rolling news channel. A family of Spaniards run a restaurant/bar business in N.London – there is also a small league Spanish football team involved.
The 30ish year old son is now worried about his status – and that of his family, and the mostly Spanish football team, once (and if ) we depart the European Union.
Here’s the rub. The son is of Spanish heritage, BUT was born here, had his education here, runs a business here, and his life is here, and is now ‘bewildered’ and cannot believe that he will have umpteen forms to complete, and be registered as a European national when the time comes. ALL BECAUSE HIS ONLY PASSPORT IS SPANISH !!!!
No-one asked the question, WHY ? if he was born here why not get a bloody British Passport. No, instead he weeps and wails about his potential rights. I’m sure he’s not the only one, but its their own sodding fault if they choose to be a citizen of another country and not get the paperwork in order. Same as the Windrush generation who are wingeing because they couldn’t be arsed or haven’t the intelligence to get their citizenship certified.
All children born in the UK to EU nationals get the citizenship of their parents, not the UK. This is the same in all EU countries, that is what was agreed in the EU treaties.
If he had lived here for ten years (which it sound like he has done), he’d be entitled to apply for permanent residency…. which would involve filling out some forms… big effing deal.
If he doesn’t like that system, he needs to vote for parties that can get the EU treaties changed. This of course is impossible, because the EU treaties operate as a set of rigid fixed unchangeable laws.
These treaties were never democratically voted on in the first place, and were never in any manifesto. This is just anther example of the EU making up rules that no-one asked for that have affected this Spanish fellow’s life.
The fact that these rules were never democratically debated or voted on, and cannot be changed by any democratic process… and yet impact peoples lives is the REASON we must leave the EU and return to a proper democracy.
All children born in the UK to EU nationals get the citizenship of their parents, not the UK. This is the same in all EU countries, that is what was agreed in the EU treaties.
If he had lived here for ten years (which it sound like he has done), he’d be entitled to apply for permanent residency…. which would involve filling out some forms… big effing deal.
If he doesn’t like that system, he needs to vote for parties that can get the EU treaties changed. This of course is impossible, because the EU treaties operate as a set of rigid fixed unchangeable laws.
These treaties were never democratically voted on in the first place, and were never in any manifesto. This is just anther example of the EU making up rules that no-one asked for that have affected this Spanish fellow’s life.
The fact that these rules were never democratically debated or voted on, and cannot be changed by any democratic process… and yet impact peoples lives is the REASON we must leave the EU and return to a proper democracy.
You said all that needs saying…I said it to my wife yesterday. I have a pile of Italian, Polish and German friends and they have all either already done the paperwork for citizenship or in the process…it’s not difficult – you can do this latest right to stay on a bloody phone…we have a barrel of whingers…
Having now seen the footage of Jon Snow making his ‘never seen so many white people in place ‘ remark I assume he will be resigning from state / public broadcasting because no one would want a racist like him giving his racist biased view .
More likely of course is that next time there is a Notting hill carnival he will go there and say ‘I’ve never seen so many black people in one place before ‘ …
If you see the footage you can see that he realised he’d let the racist cat out of the bag but couldn’t think of anything to say to put it right .
I suppose that since mr Snow is married to a black African -one Precious Lunga – he feels entitled to sneer such a thing . And perhaps if he is dismayed by the sight of large numbers of white faces he might like to relocate to Africa ….
I’d prefer him to utter, ‘never seen so many islamists in place’.
And live (literally) with the consequences……………
That’s a hell of a lot of Mo s … they must think they’ve taken over Blighty …..