I disagree about communicating with the TV police . Tell them nothing . Give no motivation to encourage them to pursue their ‘enquiries ‘ .it might give them grounds to apply for a warrant . Ignore them .
The letters I regularly receive are addressed to the ‘occupier ‘ I won’t give them a name to hook onto .
Isn’t it strange that Britain is considered to be a not very corrupt country . Nice to know Mr Mans has his knighthood – together with his convenient job with capita ..
Our favourite public broadcaster was in full biased mode on two programmes earlier today. On the first we were told that ‘scores’ of people were protesting yesterday outside Parliament and later it was updated to ‘hundreds and hundreds’. Actually biased BBC it was thousands upon thousands’ of true Brits peacefully demonstrating at the Leave Means Leave Campaign Rally in and outside Parliament Square who had come from all parts of the UK. I was there so BBC tell the truth for once.
Am currently travelling a million miles away in a different world and time zone with little or no phone coverage or WiFi and this site, when I can get enough WiFi to download is the best way to follow what’s happening. Thanks everyone and keep it going. I’m going to land back in the UK to the most awful mess that the HOC has ever managed to produce. I’m in despair.
Lovely interview w @bbclaurak, which correctly identifies how inscrutable her politics are and how utterly lacking in ego she is. She’s genuinely popular in our industry because she makes time for people that aren’t “important” & is a proper laughhttps://t.co/3yVMduh1MC
That’s exactly what I do when I’m happy – I put me best suit on, get the most uncomfortable chair in the house, get rid of all the furniture, take the curtains down, paint the walls black, then begin laughing at myself.
Because no one ever takes me seriously anymore. Sad in’t it
I expect that the BBC is still regarded by many on the continent as being the voice of the British people. something it lost the right to claim decades ago but it probably still has that reputation for many abroad. No doubt many Europeans believe that the Brits have changed their minds and that a majority now want to Remain.i only hope that the increasing number of Eurosceptics in countries such as Italy, Poland, Hungary, Holland, Austria, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden , AfD in Germany and RN in France , know the truth. That is that we are being sold down the river by an anti democratic elite. They must stay resolute and stop the Brussels juggernaut in its tracks.
I also hope that Junker, Tusk et al fully realise how foolish it would be to allow us to vote in May’s elections. Force us out , let us go, if we stay in we will try and cause you as much damage as we possibly can. We will be your worst nightmare for as long as we Remain.
They don’t want us to go and they can’t let us go because they are desperate for our money. We are a cash cow to the EU. They , the Germans cannot sustain all of Europe on their own.
That’s what Mrs Chamberlain fears – the collapse of Europe.
Our MPs ? – “Follow the money “.
You may be right but the ideal for Brussels would be the deal that they concocted with the full support of May, we pay , we take most of their rules but we can’t vote. I think that your analogy with Chamber,ain is wrong. He was trying to keep us out of a war that , at least in 1938/39 , was not in Britain’s interests to fight. ( it later turned out to have been a good thing for humanity but not for Britain) . Mrs May and the Remainer elite are knowingly selling us down the river , far far worse than Chamberlin.
I was thinking about the picture of the lone man on top of St Pancras blocking the Eurostar from running. It came to me what it reminded me of. The lone figure in Tiananmen Square standing in front of the tank. Same issue defiance against tyranny.
The difference would be the student in Tiananmen Square was a hero standing up for democracy while the racist thug at St.Pancras was simply bent on preventing noble remainers from enjoying their skiing holidays in the European paradise.
I think the fascination by the media with Miss Occasional-Corset is that she’s a freak. It’s human nature to be curious about the absurd and the unnatural. Hence they can’t get enough of this aberration of a person.
It’s the modern day equivalent of going to watch the bearded lady in the traveling Circus.
“Perhaps then we can ignore the 1975 referendum that took us into the EU…after all did anybody take the views of the ‘no’ voters into consideration back then? Perhaps they should actually have decided what to do and not the winners.”
We were already in the EEC when we had the 1975 referendum. We joined on 1st January 1973 after a vote in parliament. I believe it passed by just eight votes. That was all it took to get us in. Getting out, on the other hand…
Not the beeb but same mindset, Jon White-as-Snow’s sneering comments about ‘so many white people’ (a) betrays his view that being white is somehow shameful, and (b) is his dog-whistle way of implying Brexiteers are racists and xenophobes.
They’re slapping him on the back in the studio, whatever Channel 4 pretend.
Note their weasel words. A spokesman said: “We will assess any complaints we do receive before deciding whether or not to investigate.”
In other words, “we’ll only investigate if we really, really have to”.
Sadly, all our news broadcasters are of the same mould.
Carol Thatcher used the term Golliwog in the far-left bbc collective green room, when in conversation with Adrian Chiles and Jo Brand and that got her banned forever from their hive. Jon f*ck the Tories Snow, intentionally uses racist remarks but nothing happens to the smug git.
Out of interest, does he have a history of mental problems? By his words, he’s certainly not a Christian.
Dom knows things are different, and who is to blame.
There’s an anti news media sentiment building that makes many journalists feel unsafe. It’s influenced by online sharing and we’re not across it. When I and colleagues tried to find out why people came to Parly, most were decent and wanted to have their say. Some were hostile.
“”The unlikely similarities between the Far Right and IS””
By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent.
“”Far-right extremists in Britain have been accessing terrorism material published online by the Islamic State group, counter-terrorism experts have told the BBC.””
“”In the years immediately after the 9/11 attacks of 2001, al-Qaeda made constant use of the imagery of planes GOING INTO the Twin Towers.””
“”IS took this a stage further, shocking the world with its gruesome videos of hostages APPEARING to be beheaded on camera, as well as other atrocities such as men being thrown off high buildings after being “convicted” of homosexuality.””
“”Broadly speaking, jihadists are united in wanting to see their ultra-strict version of Sharia Islamic law forcibly imposed on everyone under their rule.””
“”…… in Britain, far-right groups that have mostly splintered off from the now-banned National Action show little sign of working together.””
DS – “journalistic”?
The last BBC journalist died c1965, it has been propaganda since.
Sack all the staff, no pensions, redundancies etc.
Life sentences for Lord Hall Hall and his ilk.
Gardner is a longstanding ‘far-rightophobe’, who has spent many years carefully cultivating his comparison of AQ/IS terror with ‘that of the far right’. He has long ago lost all sense of proportion. He has turned from virtue-signaller into a professional propagandist. Long gone, the days when he could be trusted to relay news, or make any reliable comment on security issues.
If anyone qualifies as a ‘fanatic’ it is he.
“A number of Conservative MPs have criticised the no confidence vote including Boris Johnson, who called him “a good man” in a post on Twitter.”
All of the above MPs can be deselected.
Boris now shown to be unsuitable for the PM job.
We need someone who will be merciless in culling the treasonous fake Conservatives MPs, who number several hundreds, before they can do any more damage.
Grieve absolutely epitomises the aloof arrogance of the remainer Tories. He complains of ‘an orchestrated campaign against him’ without having the wit to recognise that he created and drove the orchestration, and that the orchestra is composed of grassroots Tories – his constituency is Beaconsfield for God’s sake! What did he expect? That his immense wisdom and parliamentary skills would outweigh the loyalties and opinions of all those who first voted him into his position of deception and deceit?
On second thoughts, the polished prat transcends arrogance, he is a moron.
Again let us go to Wikipedia to find out about this august man of business and economics to find exactly what his qualifications and experience really are.
Of course he is another privately educated posh boy, thte son of another lawyer and Tory MP who inherited his seat by right – not necessarily by merit.
Of course he went to Oxford were he did a degree in ‘Modern History’ followed by a polytechnic to do his law degree.
His specialism in law is occupational safety and health law, in other words he hasn’t got a clue about international trade and treaties pertaining to that.
Having said that Grieve wasn’t all bad, and apart from Europe it’s a shame to lose him:
“On 22 November 2013, Grieve was reported as stating politicians need to “wake up” to the issue of corruption in some minority communities and that “corruption in parts of the Pakistani community is ‘endemic'”. Two days later he apologised and said he had not meant to suggest there was a “particular problem in the Pakistani community”. He was sacked by David Cameron in July 2014, and replaced by Jeremy Wright.
In October 2016, speaking at a fringe meeting of the Conservative party’s annual conference, Grieve warned that electoral fraud is found “where there are high levels of inhabitants from a community in which there is a tradition of electoral corruption in their home countries.” Although in the past he apologised for singling out the British Pakistani community, Grieve said it was not about any one group
I don’t know how many politicians are from a business background, but I suspect thanks to the crushingly low pay there aren’t very many capable ones. With the average Footsie 100 director now earning an average of £5.4 million, £70K just isn’t going to cut it.
“Conservative Party chairman Brandon Lewis said the vote – passed by 182 to 131 – had no formal standing under party rules.”
I predicted this a few days ago. No doubt the Brandon Lewis gang will now be frantically working on how to address and deter, the culling which will take place at the next election. “England is the mother of Parliaments” – John Bright 1865. Little support in the World for that assertion. Thanks Treason May and her, ‘team’.
Oh my word. Just made the mistake of switching on bbc 1.
What on Earth is this crap they try to pass off as entertainment!
“Altogether now”. A bunch of totally unqualified freaks giving their opinions on wanabee singers etc.
It’s almost laughable the amount of weirdos on the panel.
BBC constantly trying to normalise the abnormal.
Sorry but if these people are “normal” then I’m glad I’m different.
I think a lot of people like that kind of stuff – X factor , baking , dancing , singinging – , get me out of a jungle -it saves on thinking .
Never been good on popular culture – never seen those programmes thank God.
Unfortunately it’s those popular programmes that keep the beeb in business, and allow it to brainwash people, Matrix-style: keep them fast asleep on ‘entertainment’ then inject their dreams with propaganda.
“However I fear the rot is spreading..in my last job every bloke on the team (save me) was happily nattering away about something called ‘Love Island’.”
That’s how reading The Mail Online affects the mind (especially the stories (porn) down its right hand column
Don’t watch TV much but I have done a bit of performing in TV competitions with my dogs, celebrities, and a reality show for God’s sake. I can’t sing but was persuaded to join an international choir singing about ‘Love’ by a Grammy Award winning pianist. I joined with kids from Uganda, New Jersey Firefighters etc. and we hit a million views on You Tube raising money for underserved kids to have music lessons.
I’m not into popular culture but I do it for my dogs.
One of them pee’d in the doorway to the BBC Salford studios, which is , perhaps, my greatest contribution to the arts.
I was at the rally yesterday, everything I saw was relaxed and good natured. Some of the FLA were starting to get a bit lairy and looking like they might kick off as I was leaving, but that was an exception. (NB: I am more of a Douglas Murray tea-and-scones type than a Stephen Yaxley-Kronenbourg kind of guy so that might colour my view).
I noted Sadiq Khan on the radio earlier in the day warning of (hoping for) potential trouble but overwhelmingly it was very laid back.
Jon Snow’s comment was always going to be a Twitter storm in the making but was actually pretty accurate… a couple of BAMEs but almost entirely white.
So this is what the end of the free world looks like:
I’ve joined the Brexit Party and have provided a donation.
It’s the only political party that I would support at the moment. It’s still possible that we may leave without a Deal. If so, the support for this party will probably evaporate. UKIP would possibly then take up the slack.
This is the message from Farage:-
“”Dear Brexiteer
Yesterday, we should have left the European Union at 11.00 pm. It should have been a day of great celebration. Instead, it will go down in history as a day of betrayal. It is time to act.
I have taken over as leader of The Brexit Party and, as European Elections on 23rd May now look likely, intend to lead the party into those elections.
There is a huge amount to do in a very short time and I need your help.
We are looking to build a huge base of registered supporters, who for an annual subscription of £25, will help us establish an infrastructure, a candidates list and a campaign organisation. They will also receive regular email updates of our activities and invitations to events all over the country.
With enough support, we can mount an effective challenge to the establishment on 23rd May. We are the only party that can re-establish trust in British politics and the UK democratic system.
The country has been let down in the most appalling way, but with the public on our side, we can strike a blow for democracy.
Although I understand Farage’s reason for leaving UKIP (not able to lead it again) I wish he would bury the hatchet with UKIP and agree not to stand against one-another and so split the Brexit vote.
Whatever his views on Batten taking in Tommy Robinson (arguably the right thing to do but unarguably not the right time) to the UKIP fold, freedom from the EU is the most important thing. They need to agree to split the areas where they stand, and even support one another in each area.
From my own personal experience of UKIP prior to the 2015 election, they were all, locally, at one-anothers throats. I had never know dissent like this and it coloured my long term views of UKIP as a ‘responsible’ party.
Management policy comes from the top.
The Guardian reports that Tory MPs are engineering resistance to the PMs threat of a general election . She needs a 66% Commons majority but 200 Tory MPs will block it .
Then she will engineer a vote of no confidence again in her own government to bring it down . Does that sound like April Fools to You ?
Perhaps I was just unlucky to hear nothing but deranged Remoaners…they all agreed that the BBC was biased toward Brexit! If they heard just one pro-Brexit voice at any time, that proved their case.
The similarities of the far left and Invasive islam
Hate democracy , free speech and free thinking
Hate criticism of their respective religions- islam and political correctness
Run schools for indoctrination
Want to destroy and replace our libratarian society
Both have strong opioions on bent people/
The real difference between the far left and the far right, is the left have an unwritten pack with Muslims
They never critcise or attack each other despite being polar opposites on many things.
Ever hear of a gay shame parade getting attacked?
Guess when the truce finally breaks down, normal people will be caught in the middle
David Ike says they are Lizards. But it looks like most Tory MP’s are Vampires. 91% of Tory MP’s support Theresa May’s Deal, but only 12% outside that bubble support her Deal. I wonder if when Boris and Jacob went to Chequers, they were held down by Oily Robins, while Theresa May bit her fangs into their necks. It would explain the huge change in their personalities after leaving Chequers, and all that strange behaviour towards Theresa May in that 1922 committee room. Therefore if Theresa invites to Chequers the 28 Tory MP’s not yet infected, expect her to win on the fourth attempt.
Vampires following a narrative written by the Civil Service two years ago, producing a Brexit that they were certain would fool thick Brexiteers into thinking was real. But it all goes horribly wrong because only 12% are thick enough to fall for it. Ending up with only Tory MP’s believing in the Narrative written in the Daily Mail. Destroying the future of the Tory Party, with even the membership so angry that they would consider voting Labour as a way to stop the Vampires from destroying democracy.
The article claims to show the similarities between the Far Right and IS. It chooses not to highlight the key differences, such as:
IS had over a million active adherents (participants), the active support of several million more (financial contributors) and the passive support of tens of millions more (approval of the ideological/religious goals rather than the actual methods of implementation). It also received hundreds of millions of dollars of financial support from wealthy ‘interested parties’ in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
In contrast, the ‘Far Right’ in Britain consists of a few dozen nutcases and several hundred wanna-be Hitler fantasists. It has no widespread (or even narrow) support among the general population, no financial resources and no overseas backers. In so much as there are functioning organisations rather than lone actors, these are heavily infiltrated by the security services and largely impotent. The main claim to fame of National Action was its organisation of a ‘Miss Hitler’ beauty contest.
As an ‘expert’ on Islam and Islamism, Mr Gardner might want to explain to the readers why “During the IS self-declared caliphate between 2014 and 2019, its practice of enslaving Yazidi girls as young as nine for sex is known to have attracted paedophilic recruits from European countries.” It wouldn’t be anything to do with Mohammed having taken a child bride and then supposedly ‘consummated’ the marriage when she reached the age of nine, thereby setting the example that forms the basis of Sharia law in some Muslim countries, would it? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/9500484/Alarm-as-hundreds-of-children-under-age-of-10-married-in-Iran.html
It would appear that the Marxist leader of the Commieserveyourselves has managed to become even worse, and has slipped 5 points behind Labour in the polls.
This is a magnificent achievement, and I for one am going to laugh myself silly when Corbyn tells all these upper class twits they are going to lose their fortunes to a wealth tax.
They’ll probably blame Corbyn, but the fault is their own for letting clowns like Cameron & May run the party, and then supporting them through thick & thin even though it was obvious to anyone with any sense that she needed to be replaced. Now when it’s too late they realise what they should have done a few weeks earlier, but didn’t have the courage to do.
The BBC and MSM getting themselves in a lather that one of those nasty Central European countries, Slovakia, has elected their first women president. And she is Pro EU to boot. So they spin the narrative, that the populist tide has turned. But Ms Caputova is a populist, she has no political experience and beat the establishment candidate who happened to be an EU diplomat. Roll on the Euro elections.
If the ultimate aim of satire is to correct, it is rather sad that the absurd mindset that is made fun of here in 1979 has proliferated rather than melted away in shame.
Five Birmingham primary schools have suspended the “No Outsiders” programme after protests from parents. It involves teaching pupils about same sex relationships. @sunpoliticsmids takes a look at the dispute at 11am on BBC1 pic.twitter.com/XNLy2VUpHm
IS fighter from West London, Hamza Parvez, speaks to @BBCNews He’s the first Brit fighter to be interviewed after leaving the group’s last hold-out, Baghouz, Syria. Claims he regrets joining a group he served for 5 years. Watch #bbcnewsten for the full story. #isis#syria#iraqpic.twitter.com/qzBuHUn5AT
Their language is so casual, “Brit fighter”, so matter of fact and ‘cool’.
Humanize the fucker, give him a nickname and character, create a narrative for his supporters, legitimise them and him, an undeserved and oh-so-clever devils advocacy to ‘challenge’ the audience. They don’t care where this leads, it’s just journalism to people like Somerville and the bBC, an air of affected world-weariness as they revel in their exclusive, “first… to be interviewed”, and try to get as much mileage out of the suffering of others as possible.
Just listening to The Archer’s Omnibus Edition on Radio 4 at the moment where Shula is in the church pouring her heart out to the vicar:
Shula: I wish I could contribute something…a work of art…I wonder
if the Church would commission a garden like an ISLAMIC
PEACE GARDEN that Monty Don is keen on?
Perhaps I could give an alternative path to the script:
Shula: Oh look, vicar. Mr Mahmood has got a sharp knife to your
throat and wants me to video him cutting your throat like
what happened to that elderly priest in France.
“Shula: I wish I could contribute something…a work of art…I wonder
if the Church would commission a garden like an ISLAMIC
PEACE GARDEN that Monty Don is keen on?”
Cassandra, shouldn’t the transcript read “Islamic Piece Garden”? Although, not having listened to the programme, I’m not sure which pieces of the victims they were talking about.
Of course, when someone commits an atrocity while shreiking about Alan’s Snack bar, all those nice peaceful muslims go to their imams, wringing their hands and saying lets make an infidel peace garden.
I’m glad I stopped listening to the Archers about a year ago.
Why is the media trying to push the idea that islam/muslims ( I can’t separate them, as some do) owns the ‘peace’ card? Are people really becoming impressed with the outwards show of piety: all that praying, fasting, charity, so-called ‘religious dress’ to ‘show our faith’, ‘pure’ food, ‘pure’ finance. Get real – it’s a supremacist cult.
On gardening makeovers, gardens for muslims always have to be ‘Moghul’ gardens. Why? Don’t they know how many tens of millions were killed by the moghuls? I think they were intended to be ‘peaceful’ because they needed to recover after all the butchery. Monty Don should know better.
” Det Ch Insp Paul Healy said: “This was a vicious and targeted attack on a man inside his car in a busy area.”
The force is trying to track down three male suspects, “all of slim build”, who were seen leaving the area immediately after the attack at about 14:30 GMT, he added.”
Well that narrows it down. What, no other distinguishing characteristics? This is beyond parody.
“The force is trying to track down three male suspects, “all of slim build”, who were seen leaving the area immediately after the attack at about 14:30 GMT”
“Police described the suspect as a black man, approximately 6ft 3ins tall, of skinny build and wearing dark clothing, possibly a hooded top.”
Here’s the BBC News report in it’s entirety:
“Police are searching for a knifeman after four people were stabbed in a spate of “random” attacks in north London.
A woman and three men were all approached from behind and knifed in the back as they walked alone in Edmonton over the weekend.
Police said each victim appeared to “selected at random” for being “alone and vulnerable” in the potentially linked attacks.
Two are in a critical condition.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-47765914
The police say there’s no reason to suspect terrorism and that he is described as black, about 6ft 3ins tall, and of skinny build.
They also say “We are working on the hypothesis that the single male suspect is acting alone and mental health issues may be a factor.”
Anyone got any idea why it is that a black man who goes around stabbing people in the back is immediately diagnosed with mental health issues before he’s even been apprehended, but a white man who commits similar crimes is a far-right racist?
Blacks are diagnosed with schizoprenia “six times more likely” than white: from that fount of knowledge and truth, our own “Worlds Most Trusted” – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/807945.stm
Do the police know more than the medical profession? Perhaps their ‘hands-on’ (forgive the expression) experience contradicts the medical people and they see it as every black person? Maybe thats the reason they automatically resort to describing disorders as, “mental health issues”?
Can this explain why the police usually refer to Middle Eastern gentlemen as possessing “mental health issues” when first reporting terrorism, murder or rape?
“Genetic disorders are common in Arab countries and account for a substantial proportion of physical and mental handicap” – https://www.bmj.com/content/333/7573/831
Are you also able to point me in the right direction to find the research that links mental health issues in black people with a need to randomly start stabbing people?
My experience of evil, right-wing, brexit-voters has been that those afflicted with mental health issues have opted for the less headline-grabbing option of seeking medical help……less fashionable but eminently more sensible ????
If you drive a white van at a crowd it’s terrorism – but if you wander about randomly stabbing people it isn’t . I guess the BBC finds the use of a knife ok . If he had a gun and was wandering about killing would that be terrorism ? If I lived in Edmonton and hear this news I’d be ‘terrorised ‘ thus making it a terrorist incident .
The incident last week where a white chap had terrorist laws thrown at him in circumstances which were purposely blurred but still had the terrorist badge attached .
Al beeb thinks it can hold back community strife by using tricky language , omission and false news – but truth tends to come out with unknown consequences …
Tory David Gauke was on the BBC Andrew Marr show this morning.
Gauke was clear that he did not support ‘No Deal’. Marr asked him why and Gauke launched into Project Fear at length. Bad for business, bad for security etc. Not once did Marr challenge him.
If it had been Farage listing the benefits of No Deal, Marr would have interrupted him throughout.
Didn’t catch it. But I would assume that at a time of such polarisation, there was equal representation of guests between Leave and Remain, and that they were all challenged equally robustly?
Gauke was followed by Tom Watson, Labour’s Deputy Leader. I didn’t have the mental strength to listen to what would have been a free flowing biased monologue.
“Seriously how can you get a softer Brexit than Mays ‘deal’ ?”
As I understand it if the UK is prepared to give up any notion of striking new trade deals; an enduring Customs Union would continue to facilitate tariff free access to the EU in exchange.
In those circumstances I’d consider voting to keep the UK in the EU. We’d get to keep our higher specification cell.
Customs union means subject to ECJ law meaning we don’t leave .
The likes of JRM and `IDS seemed to have forgotten that after spending last week end at Chequers …
Dover, I don’t have to endure that programme. An advantage to the non-TV users of this world.
I saw a bunch of generalised complaints yesterday against the BBC for being pro-Brexit but they had a whiff of ‘methinks the lady doth protest too much’ about them. Almost artificially generated by the BBC themselves, one wonders, to achieve some balance against their obvious vulnerability to claims they are against Brexit?
On Radio 4, about which I can write with some authority, I have never heard a Remainer MP or Trade Body representative being challenged when they claim a No-Deal Brexit will be a disaster for the UK. Not once.
Come on, BBC. Break the habit of a lifetime! Well, it seems like a lifetime.
No wonder the BBC’s R4 Skripal and Glushkov coverage was so dire. They only have the guts for journalism when it fits the BBC agendas.
World At One or equivalent this Sunday Radio 4 1300 .
We’ve reached a golden age of comedy , the show ends with .
No , they are serious ( as Taffman says , BBC can’t do comedy now ) . They really think , like their Guardian guest , that the drivel they make now is superior to The Two Ronnies , Morcambe and Wise , Les Dawson etc , Lenny Henry in his funny days etc .
Well Beeboids , those comedians of old did comedy , not social justice awareness dressed up as comedy
Doreen Tipton, who has been blocked by Twitter. Democracy, she tells us, began in Athens, 2,500 years before Corbyn.
It means ‘Power to the people, not the bloody politicians’.
It’s quite extraordinary the convoluted machinations our state broadcaster goes through when reporting on knife crime.
They’ve been discussing this on the BBC News channel. A left-wing male presenter and, for balance, a left-wing female interviewee. She told us that stop and search alienated “the community” and that poverty was the over riding cause of knife crime. Oh yeh! Those poverty stricken Jarrow marchers were well known for their outbreaks of mindless violence. And don’t forget the slaughter caused the Depression and mass unemployment. Um, no…
They also do their usual trick of displaying a hand holding a knife…it’s always a white hand.
On Friday afternoon, not two hundred yards from where I used to work, three feral blacks stabbed a man to death.
It was a planned attack in the middle of a very busy thoroughfare. There would be mums out shopping, pensioners picking up their groceries, people enjoying an afternoon pint.
What I find so particularly shocking is just how brazen these killers were. The murderers just wandered off.
Generations of politicians have invited hoards of people from the most violent, crime riddled countries on God’s earth into our homeland. And now we’re reaping what they sowed.
I too live close to it as my past posts testify . A couple of miles away random stabbings in Edmonton . A kid shot in my boro last night .
I remember when CCTV was going to be the ‘ solution ‘ and provide ‘ public safety ‘ but that was nonsense.
Tomorrow the Home Secretary trying to make PM is re introducing stop and search . As if that will make a difference . The cops are busy chasing ‘ online ‘not nice ‘ ‘ crime . Or people being upset about nonsense .
The killings will carry on – generally third world diverse peasants killing other diverse third world peasants -not the sort an MP will interact with unless there’s a political advantage -like Lawrence and countless gangsters who had their ‘ human rights interfered with ‘
In the meantime MPs play disconnected chess games over brexit as the whole thing becomes a waste of effort and an affront to democracy .
I suppose the term “diverse third world peasant” is just about acceptable for now – until the maxis of this world ban it for being ‘ offensive ‘
They’ll work out away to ban thinking it sooner or later .
Mail on Sunday expose bbc bias in the Panorama reportage (that’s French for fiction) on Universal Credit, stuffed with fake news. The DWP have compiled a dossier itemising the lies, and that beeb speciality: half truths.
At last the government are waking up to the beeb and fighting back.
But when will they just scrap the tax?
Listen to this German woman, co leader of the Afd. Real common sense.
Why are OUR MPs not saying these things. Someone please show this to Terrissa May. A lesson from her in statesmanship. It takes a German woman to properly stand up for us.
Can’t find any reference to it on BBC.
And this from a lady who we are given to believe speaks on behalf of right wing extremists. Pull the other one Lib/Lab/Cons. It’s got bells on.
The General – 7 minutes of German well worth listening too . The Brussels mafia couldn’t make the normal insults to Britain via Farage – a lot of home truths delivered there . That lady would flatten the like of Soubry …
It’s funny really that the stats the lady uses would sound unfamiliar to the average britisher – but it’s something which constantly make me angry – we are the sending biggest economy and population in the EU yet behave like an economy the size of say – Malta or Eire – there is no self assurance or confidence and ‘arrogance ‘ or ‘pride ‘has been bred out of the British /English political mentality because they are all scared of being accused of being Nationalists …. except of course for the Scots welch and Irish where it is OK … even Irish nationalist terrorists are now ‘ok’ …have a ‘get out of jail free card ‘on us …
Most of their/her speeches are actually brilliantly written and factually sound (check out the YouTube comments). Note: ONLY AfD politicians clap for the AfD. And we think British politicians are bad?! They are, of course, but the German parliament is like a kindergarten. No one (except AfD) ever supports the AfD, no matter how brilliant / factual / eloquent the speech, or what the subject is. The other parties spend most of their time heckling (not much in this speech, I admit, maybe they are secretly thinking “oh, grief, she‘s right“?! :-O) and “Oooorrrderr” seems not to be called in Germany. They play with their mobiles or pretend to read papers (or even leave the room). It‘s pathetic. On 20 March (perhaps to test how far the other parties would go?) the AfD called on the Government to enforce (with the European Commission) the “Europe-wide protection of birds and the prohibition of illegal capture and killing methods” (to try and stop the Mediterranean countries eating all the song birds ;o) – the entire German Environment Committee (i.e. even the Greens!!) rejected it – and not a WORD about it in the German media (at least as bad as BBC). In a few weeks no doubt one of the other parties will put forward the same motion (maybe slightly reworded) and suddenly all the parties will support it (including AfD of course). I suppose that is one way to get your policies implemented, but it is frustrating, time-wasting and childish. Do NOT believe everything you hear in the (British) press about AfD: they are the only ones daring to speak out about the EU at the moment and getting all the flack from leftist media & Co. while they’re at it.
One of the BBC’s Chief Sneerleaders, Mark Mardell, has been travelling again at the Licence Fee payers’ expense but only as far as the PM’s constituency, Maidenhead.
In the EU Ref, the vote has been estimated* there at 55:45 for Remain. Mardell got his pom poms out and with a twirl or two, he managed to turn it for TWT into 75:25 Remain with his VoxPop.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god. https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1897058871908155401
Licence issues #1
I disagree about communicating with the TV police . Tell them nothing . Give no motivation to encourage them to pursue their ‘enquiries ‘ .it might give them grounds to apply for a warrant . Ignore them .
The letters I regularly receive are addressed to the ‘occupier ‘ I won’t give them a name to hook onto .
But it’s all about freedom to choose of course ….
Since it says the “occupier” I suggest sending it to the EU in Brussels.
Licence issues #2 Capita news
“Lieutenant General Sir Mark Mans, a former member of the Defence Infrastructure Board oversaw hiring when the “disastrous” £495m recruitment contract was signed with Capita…
… He left the army in December 2012.
Three months later he landed a job with Capita Defence Services as a non-executive director.”
Isn’t it strange that Britain is considered to be a not very corrupt country . Nice to know Mr Mans has his knighthood – together with his convenient job with capita ..
Soooooooooooo much disinformation out there – it’s utterly obscene.
Our favourite public broadcaster was in full biased mode on two programmes earlier today. On the first we were told that ‘scores’ of people were protesting yesterday outside Parliament and later it was updated to ‘hundreds and hundreds’. Actually biased BBC it was thousands upon thousands’ of true Brits peacefully demonstrating at the Leave Means Leave Campaign Rally in and outside Parliament Square who had come from all parts of the UK. I was there so BBC tell the truth for once.
They can’t do that – they have a notoriety to defend.
Am currently travelling a million miles away in a different world and time zone with little or no phone coverage or WiFi and this site, when I can get enough WiFi to download is the best way to follow what’s happening. Thanks everyone and keep it going. I’m going to land back in the UK to the most awful mess that the HOC has ever managed to produce. I’m in despair.
Seems The Times And HuffPo like Laura K.
That’s exactly what I do when I’m happy – I put me best suit on, get the most uncomfortable chair in the house, get rid of all the furniture, take the curtains down, paint the walls black, then begin laughing at myself.
Because no one ever takes me seriously anymore. Sad in’t it
I expect that the BBC is still regarded by many on the continent as being the voice of the British people. something it lost the right to claim decades ago but it probably still has that reputation for many abroad. No doubt many Europeans believe that the Brits have changed their minds and that a majority now want to Remain.i only hope that the increasing number of Eurosceptics in countries such as Italy, Poland, Hungary, Holland, Austria, Slovakia, The Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden , AfD in Germany and RN in France , know the truth. That is that we are being sold down the river by an anti democratic elite. They must stay resolute and stop the Brussels juggernaut in its tracks.
I also hope that Junker, Tusk et al fully realise how foolish it would be to allow us to vote in May’s elections. Force us out , let us go, if we stay in we will try and cause you as much damage as we possibly can. We will be your worst nightmare for as long as we Remain.
Sadly so. As the beeb attempts to be a global player in broadcasting, it becomes ever more global-ist and ever less British.
They don’t want us to go and they can’t let us go because they are desperate for our money. We are a cash cow to the EU. They , the Germans cannot sustain all of Europe on their own.
That’s what Mrs Chamberlain fears – the collapse of Europe.
Our MPs ? – “Follow the money “.
You may be right but the ideal for Brussels would be the deal that they concocted with the full support of May, we pay , we take most of their rules but we can’t vote. I think that your analogy with Chamber,ain is wrong. He was trying to keep us out of a war that , at least in 1938/39 , was not in Britain’s interests to fight. ( it later turned out to have been a good thing for humanity but not for Britain) . Mrs May and the Remainer elite are knowingly selling us down the river , far far worse than Chamberlin.
I was thinking about the picture of the lone man on top of St Pancras blocking the Eurostar from running. It came to me what it reminded me of. The lone figure in Tiananmen Square standing in front of the tank. Same issue defiance against tyranny.
The difference would be the student in Tiananmen Square was a hero standing up for democracy while the racist thug at St.Pancras was simply bent on preventing noble remainers from enjoying their skiing holidays in the European paradise.
Katty’s krush is not abating.
It’s like she and her Kru at BBC North America cannot grasp that looking pretty wears thin very quickly if that is all there is.
What? AOC Pretty?
Pretty stupid, the best gift from Santa for Trump and Co for years.
AOC is not pretty. Scary, bulging eyes. Bulgy, scary brain.
If you want a pretty Democrat politician, the only one I can think of is Tulsi Gabbard.
I think the fascination by the media with Miss Occasional-Corset is that she’s a freak. It’s human nature to be curious about the absurd and the unnatural. Hence they can’t get enough of this aberration of a person.
It’s the modern day equivalent of going to watch the bearded lady in the traveling Circus.
Me either.
The worrying thing with the third vote failing is that its failure was as celebrated by Brexiteers as Remainers. WTO here we come (fingers crossed)
Good one!
The ”lend me ten pounds and I’ll buy you a drink”
type loan
“Perhaps then we can ignore the 1975 referendum that took us into the EU…after all did anybody take the views of the ‘no’ voters into consideration back then? Perhaps they should actually have decided what to do and not the winners.”
We were already in the EEC when we had the 1975 referendum. We joined on 1st January 1973 after a vote in parliament. I believe it passed by just eight votes. That was all it took to get us in. Getting out, on the other hand…
Not even right twice a day.
Not the beeb but same mindset, Jon White-as-Snow’s sneering comments about ‘so many white people’ (a) betrays his view that being white is somehow shameful, and (b) is his dog-whistle way of implying Brexiteers are racists and xenophobes.
Not the beeb, but it could equally have been.
(Remember, this is Jon ‘F**k-the-Tories’ Snow.)
I see Channel 4 have apologised for Jon Snow’s remarks – but I somehow doubt the scrawny public school racist will face any serious personal censure.
They’re slapping him on the back in the studio, whatever Channel 4 pretend.
Note their weasel words. A spokesman said: “We will assess any complaints we do receive before deciding whether or not to investigate.”
In other words, “we’ll only investigate if we really, really have to”.
Sadly, all our news broadcasters are of the same mould.
Oh, for a Fox News UK.
Carol Thatcher used the term Golliwog in the far-left bbc collective green room, when in conversation with Adrian Chiles and Jo Brand and that got her banned forever from their hive. Jon f*ck the Tories Snow, intentionally uses racist remarks but nothing happens to the smug git.
Out of interest, does he have a history of mental problems? By his words, he’s certainly not a Christian.
Wasn’t his father the Bishop of Whitby?
Jon Snow’s sneering comments about white people has echoes of our favourite broadcaster’s ‘hideously white’.
Dom knows things are different, and who is to blame.
GW – Hostile?
Why would anyone be hostile to an outstanding, honest, hard working, patriotic, BBC journalist. No reason.
The lying traitors actually employed by the BBC deserve a lot worse than hostility. If there is any justice they will all be hanging next to MPs.
Dom is clearly on a roll.
Probably the anti news feeling should now move to the next stage, ignore everything they say, switch the buggers off.
BBC Online News:
“”The unlikely similarities between the Far Right and IS””
By Frank Gardner
BBC security correspondent.
“”Far-right extremists in Britain have been accessing terrorism material published online by the Islamic State group, counter-terrorism experts have told the BBC.””
“”In the years immediately after the 9/11 attacks of 2001, al-Qaeda made constant use of the imagery of planes GOING INTO the Twin Towers.””
“”IS took this a stage further, shocking the world with its gruesome videos of hostages APPEARING to be beheaded on camera, as well as other atrocities such as men being thrown off high buildings after being “convicted” of homosexuality.””
“”Broadly speaking, jihadists are united in wanting to see their ultra-strict version of Sharia Islamic law forcibly imposed on everyone under their rule.””
“”…… in Britain, far-right groups that have mostly splintered off from the now-banned National Action show little sign of working together.””
What a contradictory article? And with no evidence. Who is ‘Mr -Whitehall- Official- Says’ ?? Can we meet him? Does he exist?
So. Bash the far right in the headline and then fail to establish this with evidence. A long-standing BBC journalistic trick.
DS – “journalistic”?
The last BBC journalist died c1965, it has been propaganda since.
Sack all the staff, no pensions, redundancies etc.
Life sentences for Lord Hall Hall and his ilk.
Gardner is a longstanding ‘far-rightophobe’, who has spent many years carefully cultivating his comparison of AQ/IS terror with ‘that of the far right’. He has long ago lost all sense of proportion. He has turned from virtue-signaller into a professional propagandist. Long gone, the days when he could be trusted to relay news, or make any reliable comment on security issues.
If anyone qualifies as a ‘fanatic’ it is he.
He won’t let anyone stop his overseas adventures [work]:
Where’s the whip?
All part of al-beeb’s ongoing attempt to establish ‘equivalence’ between the far-right and islamic terrorism.
2019-03-30 18:30 BBC LOCAL NEWS ENGLAND
“Dominic Grieve criticises no-confidence vote”
“A number of Conservative MPs have criticised the no confidence vote including Boris Johnson, who called him “a good man” in a post on Twitter.”
All of the above MPs can be deselected.
Boris now shown to be unsuitable for the PM job.
We need someone who will be merciless in culling the treasonous fake Conservatives MPs, who number several hundreds, before they can do any more damage.
Reap what you sew Dominic !!!!! You traitorous little turd.
Grieve absolutely epitomises the aloof arrogance of the remainer Tories. He complains of ‘an orchestrated campaign against him’ without having the wit to recognise that he created and drove the orchestration, and that the orchestra is composed of grassroots Tories – his constituency is Beaconsfield for God’s sake! What did he expect? That his immense wisdom and parliamentary skills would outweigh the loyalties and opinions of all those who first voted him into his position of deception and deceit?
On second thoughts, the polished prat transcends arrogance, he is a moron.
Again let us go to Wikipedia to find out about this august man of business and economics to find exactly what his qualifications and experience really are.
Of course he is another privately educated posh boy, thte son of another lawyer and Tory MP who inherited his seat by right – not necessarily by merit.
Of course he went to Oxford were he did a degree in ‘Modern History’ followed by a polytechnic to do his law degree.
His specialism in law is occupational safety and health law, in other words he hasn’t got a clue about international trade and treaties pertaining to that.
Having said that Grieve wasn’t all bad, and apart from Europe it’s a shame to lose him:
“On 22 November 2013, Grieve was reported as stating politicians need to “wake up” to the issue of corruption in some minority communities and that “corruption in parts of the Pakistani community is ‘endemic'”. Two days later he apologised and said he had not meant to suggest there was a “particular problem in the Pakistani community”. He was sacked by David Cameron in July 2014, and replaced by Jeremy Wright.
In October 2016, speaking at a fringe meeting of the Conservative party’s annual conference, Grieve warned that electoral fraud is found “where there are high levels of inhabitants from a community in which there is a tradition of electoral corruption in their home countries.” Although in the past he apologised for singling out the British Pakistani community, Grieve said it was not about any one group
I don’t know how many politicians are from a business background, but I suspect thanks to the crushingly low pay there aren’t very many capable ones. With the average Footsie 100 director now earning an average of £5.4 million, £70K just isn’t going to cut it.
Be something if CCHQ deselects Grieves conservative association as is being discussed – they’ve got form -see the traitorous sell out .
“Conservative Party chairman Brandon Lewis said the vote – passed by 182 to 131 – had no formal standing under party rules.”
I predicted this a few days ago. No doubt the Brandon Lewis gang will now be frantically working on how to address and deter, the culling which will take place at the next election. “England is the mother of Parliaments” – John Bright 1865. Little support in the World for that assertion. Thanks Treason May and her, ‘team’.
Weirdly, Kate Hoey – at the moment- strikes me as more of a Conservative than Boris.
Oh my word. Just made the mistake of switching on bbc 1.
What on Earth is this crap they try to pass off as entertainment!
“Altogether now”. A bunch of totally unqualified freaks giving their opinions on wanabee singers etc.
It’s almost laughable the amount of weirdos on the panel.
BBC constantly trying to normalise the abnormal.
Sorry but if these people are “normal” then I’m glad I’m different.
I think a lot of people like that kind of stuff – X factor , baking , dancing , singinging – , get me out of a jungle -it saves on thinking .
Never been good on popular culture – never seen those programmes thank God.
Unfortunately it’s those popular programmes that keep the beeb in business, and allow it to brainwash people, Matrix-style: keep them fast asleep on ‘entertainment’ then inject their dreams with propaganda.
“Bread and Circuses”
Opium for the masses.
I always used to think that those ‘Strictly-celebs-baking-on-ice’ type programs were solely designed for women and gay men.
However I fear the rot is spreading..in my last job every bloke on the team (save me) was happily nattering away about something called ‘Love Island’.
I suppose it makes a change from going on about football and cars..but what’s the world coming to?
“However I fear the rot is spreading..in my last job every bloke on the team (save me) was happily nattering away about something called ‘Love Island’.”
That’s how reading The Mail Online affects the mind (especially the stories (porn) down its right hand column
Fedup2, Dyst,Vlad, Van Hesling
Don’t watch TV much but I have done a bit of performing in TV competitions with my dogs, celebrities, and a reality show for God’s sake. I can’t sing but was persuaded to join an international choir singing about ‘Love’ by a Grammy Award winning pianist. I joined with kids from Uganda, New Jersey Firefighters etc. and we hit a million views on You Tube raising money for underserved kids to have music lessons.
I’m not into popular culture but I do it for my dogs.
One of them pee’d in the doorway to the BBC Salford studios, which is , perhaps, my greatest contribution to the arts.
I was at the rally yesterday, everything I saw was relaxed and good natured. Some of the FLA were starting to get a bit lairy and looking like they might kick off as I was leaving, but that was an exception. (NB: I am more of a Douglas Murray tea-and-scones type than a Stephen Yaxley-Kronenbourg kind of guy so that might colour my view).
I noted Sadiq Khan on the radio earlier in the day warning of (hoping for) potential trouble but overwhelmingly it was very laid back.
Jon Snow’s comment was always going to be a Twitter storm in the making but was actually pretty accurate… a couple of BAMEs but almost entirely white.
So this is what the end of the free world looks like:
I’ve joined the Brexit Party and have provided a donation.
It’s the only political party that I would support at the moment. It’s still possible that we may leave without a Deal. If so, the support for this party will probably evaporate. UKIP would possibly then take up the slack.
This is the message from Farage:-
“”Dear Brexiteer
Yesterday, we should have left the European Union at 11.00 pm. It should have been a day of great celebration. Instead, it will go down in history as a day of betrayal. It is time to act.
I have taken over as leader of The Brexit Party and, as European Elections on 23rd May now look likely, intend to lead the party into those elections.
There is a huge amount to do in a very short time and I need your help.
We are looking to build a huge base of registered supporters, who for an annual subscription of £25, will help us establish an infrastructure, a candidates list and a campaign organisation. They will also receive regular email updates of our activities and invitations to events all over the country.
With enough support, we can mount an effective challenge to the establishment on 23rd May. We are the only party that can re-establish trust in British politics and the UK democratic system.
The country has been let down in the most appalling way, but with the public on our side, we can strike a blow for democracy.
Yours faithfully,
Nigel Farage
Party Leader””
Although I understand Farage’s reason for leaving UKIP (not able to lead it again) I wish he would bury the hatchet with UKIP and agree not to stand against one-another and so split the Brexit vote.
Whatever his views on Batten taking in Tommy Robinson (arguably the right thing to do but unarguably not the right time) to the UKIP fold, freedom from the EU is the most important thing. They need to agree to split the areas where they stand, and even support one another in each area.
From my own personal experience of UKIP prior to the 2015 election, they were all, locally, at one-anothers throats. I had never know dissent like this and it coloured my long term views of UKIP as a ‘responsible’ party.
Management policy comes from the top.
Each to their own but supporting the Brexit Party is just going to split the Brexit vote with UKIP and weaken the overall goal.
You’re just contributing to the Remainers wishes and not helping the cause.
Possible Good Brexit News ?
“BMW eyes Honda’s Swindon plant to boost UK production”
Nowt as yet on Al Beeb .
Not bbc
All knives put in the Avon and Somerset Police Sin bin – stolen ….
The Guardian reports that Tory MPs are engineering resistance to the PMs threat of a general election . She needs a 66% Commons majority but 200 Tory MPs will block it .
Then she will engineer a vote of no confidence again in her own government to bring it down . Does that sound like April Fools to You ?
To sabotage Brexit at all costs. That is what she was put there for.
An invitation.
The fact the EU flag is in front of ours , Tells me all i need to know.
I’ll pass
I listened to some of this… 🙁
Perhaps I was just unlucky to hear nothing but deranged Remoaners…they all agreed that the BBC was biased toward Brexit! If they heard just one pro-Brexit voice at any time, that proved their case.
BBC Online News:
“”Earth Hour: Switching off lights to highlight climate change””
Shouldn’t the BBC be criticising Pakistan for ignoring this?
King Canute would be proud!
oh, do they mean man made climate change,,,
The similarities of the far left and Invasive islam
Hate democracy , free speech and free thinking
Hate criticism of their respective religions- islam and political correctness
Run schools for indoctrination
Want to destroy and replace our libratarian society
Both have strong opioions on bent people/
The real difference between the far left and the far right, is the left have an unwritten pack with Muslims
They never critcise or attack each other despite being polar opposites on many things.
Ever hear of a gay shame parade getting attacked?
Guess when the truce finally breaks down, normal people will be caught in the middle
“Snake oil salesmen”………………….. ?
What say you maxi ?
David Ike says they are Lizards. But it looks like most Tory MP’s are Vampires. 91% of Tory MP’s support Theresa May’s Deal, but only 12% outside that bubble support her Deal. I wonder if when Boris and Jacob went to Chequers, they were held down by Oily Robins, while Theresa May bit her fangs into their necks. It would explain the huge change in their personalities after leaving Chequers, and all that strange behaviour towards Theresa May in that 1922 committee room. Therefore if Theresa invites to Chequers the 28 Tory MP’s not yet infected, expect her to win on the fourth attempt.
Vampires following a narrative written by the Civil Service two years ago, producing a Brexit that they were certain would fool thick Brexiteers into thinking was real. But it all goes horribly wrong because only 12% are thick enough to fall for it. Ending up with only Tory MP’s believing in the Narrative written in the Daily Mail. Destroying the future of the Tory Party, with even the membership so angry that they would consider voting Labour as a way to stop the Vampires from destroying democracy.
The article claims to show the similarities between the Far Right and IS. It chooses not to highlight the key differences, such as:
IS had over a million active adherents (participants), the active support of several million more (financial contributors) and the passive support of tens of millions more (approval of the ideological/religious goals rather than the actual methods of implementation). It also received hundreds of millions of dollars of financial support from wealthy ‘interested parties’ in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
In contrast, the ‘Far Right’ in Britain consists of a few dozen nutcases and several hundred wanna-be Hitler fantasists. It has no widespread (or even narrow) support among the general population, no financial resources and no overseas backers. In so much as there are functioning organisations rather than lone actors, these are heavily infiltrated by the security services and largely impotent. The main claim to fame of National Action was its organisation of a ‘Miss Hitler’ beauty contest.
As an ‘expert’ on Islam and Islamism, Mr Gardner might want to explain to the readers why “During the IS self-declared caliphate between 2014 and 2019, its practice of enslaving Yazidi girls as young as nine for sex is known to have attracted paedophilic recruits from European countries.” It wouldn’t be anything to do with Mohammed having taken a child bride and then supposedly ‘consummated’ the marriage when she reached the age of nine, thereby setting the example that forms the basis of Sharia law in some Muslim countries, would it?
It would appear that the Marxist leader of the Commieserveyourselves has managed to become even worse, and has slipped 5 points behind Labour in the polls.
This is a magnificent achievement, and I for one am going to laugh myself silly when Corbyn tells all these upper class twits they are going to lose their fortunes to a wealth tax.
They’ll probably blame Corbyn, but the fault is their own for letting clowns like Cameron & May run the party, and then supporting them through thick & thin even though it was obvious to anyone with any sense that she needed to be replaced. Now when it’s too late they realise what they should have done a few weeks earlier, but didn’t have the courage to do.
Bbc radio news this morning.
Several MPs have urged May to go for no deal Brexit.
I’ve heard the ‘several’ is 170
They have to mislead in every way they can to help their beloved eu.
This is the outfit that managed to describe 100 to one once as ‘views being split’.
The BBC and MSM getting themselves in a lather that one of those nasty Central European countries, Slovakia, has elected their first women president. And she is Pro EU to boot. So they spin the narrative, that the populist tide has turned. But Ms Caputova is a populist, she has no political experience and beat the establishment candidate who happened to be an EU diplomat. Roll on the Euro elections.
Zuzana Caputova becomes Slovakia’s first female president
To all you Mums… Happy Mother’s Day from the BBC:
It’s International Transgender Day of Visibility today. ????️????
But what does it mean to be Trans? Annabelle told us????????
#LGBT #Trans #TDOV
Now, did Annabelle get in touch with the BBC, or did the BBC go out and find Annabelle?
I think that when ugly old geezers decide they are trans, someone should have the heart to tell them: just don’t do it!
That’s so funny… 🙂
My apologies for a thought crime, I now realise that I should find this deeply offensive… 🙁
Given the state the nation finds itself in now, it’s hard to think of such comedy being allowed today, certainly no chance on the telly.
If the ultimate aim of satire is to correct, it is rather sad that the absurd mindset that is made fun of here in 1979 has proliferated rather than melted away in shame.
Interesting they drop the ‘bbc’ from their twitter name.
Happy Mother day…
Guest Who
So he is lined up for a job here taching our yoofs.
Their language is so casual, “Brit fighter”, so matter of fact and ‘cool’.
Humanize the fucker, give him a nickname and character, create a narrative for his supporters, legitimise them and him, an undeserved and oh-so-clever devils advocacy to ‘challenge’ the audience. They don’t care where this leads, it’s just journalism to people like Somerville and the bBC, an air of affected world-weariness as they revel in their exclusive, “first… to be interviewed”, and try to get as much mileage out of the suffering of others as possible.
I really do despise the bBC.
”leaving the group’s last hold-out”

as you do .
or was it more of a case of this –
because they were getting hammered
“Watch BBC News for the full story.”
I doubt that. I very much doubt that. But say it often enough….
Just listening to The Archer’s Omnibus Edition on Radio 4 at the moment where Shula is in the church pouring her heart out to the vicar:
Shula: I wish I could contribute something…a work of art…I wonder
if the Church would commission a garden like an ISLAMIC
PEACE GARDEN that Monty Don is keen on?
Listen here for the clip at 10:15
Perhaps I could give an alternative path to the script:
Shula: Oh look, vicar. Mr Mahmood has got a sharp knife to your
throat and wants me to video him cutting your throat like
what happened to that elderly priest in France.
“Shula: I wish I could contribute something…a work of art…I wonder
if the Church would commission a garden like an ISLAMIC
PEACE GARDEN that Monty Don is keen on?”
Cassandra, shouldn’t the transcript read “Islamic Piece Garden”? Although, not having listened to the programme, I’m not sure which pieces of the victims they were talking about.
Of course, when someone commits an atrocity while shreiking about Alan’s Snack bar, all those nice peaceful muslims go to their imams, wringing their hands and saying lets make an infidel peace garden.
I’m glad I stopped listening to the Archers about a year ago.
Why is the media trying to push the idea that islam/muslims ( I can’t separate them, as some do) owns the ‘peace’ card? Are people really becoming impressed with the outwards show of piety: all that praying, fasting, charity, so-called ‘religious dress’ to ‘show our faith’, ‘pure’ food, ‘pure’ finance. Get real – it’s a supremacist cult.
On gardening makeovers, gardens for muslims always have to be ‘Moghul’ gardens. Why? Don’t they know how many tens of millions were killed by the moghuls? I think they were intended to be ‘peaceful’ because they needed to recover after all the butchery. Monty Don should know better.
Panorama faking it yet again. How long before some kind of action has to be taken against this deliberate bias?
Murder in SW London. The BBC reports:
” Det Ch Insp Paul Healy said: “This was a vicious and targeted attack on a man inside his car in a busy area.”
The force is trying to track down three male suspects, “all of slim build”, who were seen leaving the area immediately after the attack at about 14:30 GMT, he added.”
Well that narrows it down. What, no other distinguishing characteristics? This is beyond parody.
“The force is trying to track down three male suspects, “all of slim build”, who were seen leaving the area immediately after the attack at about 14:30 GMT”
They didn’t by any chance have a magic carpet?
That way they avoid Passport check.
A manhunt is underway for a hooded knifeman after four people were stabbed from behind in a ‘random’ 12-hour rampage in north London.
“Police described the suspect as a black man, approximately 6ft 3ins tall, of skinny build and wearing dark clothing, possibly a hooded top.”
Here’s the BBC News report in it’s entirety:
“Police are searching for a knifeman after four people were stabbed in a spate of “random” attacks in north London.
A woman and three men were all approached from behind and knifed in the back as they walked alone in Edmonton over the weekend.
Police said each victim appeared to “selected at random” for being “alone and vulnerable” in the potentially linked attacks.
Two are in a critical condition.”
“selected at random”. Is this new code for the victims being white?
“Random” stabbings in north London linked by police – public warned
The police say there’s no reason to suspect terrorism and that he is described as black, about 6ft 3ins tall, and of skinny build.
They also say “We are working on the hypothesis that the single male suspect is acting alone and mental health issues may be a factor.”
Anyone got any idea why it is that a black man who goes around stabbing people in the back is immediately diagnosed with mental health issues before he’s even been apprehended, but a white man who commits similar crimes is a far-right racist?
And if they do catch him we’ll find out that he’s really a lovely lad and an ‘aspiring’ philosopher..or something.
After the trial we’ll eventually find out about his mental health issues but any religious/terrorism aspect to the case will be censored.
After 1 day the news story will disappear from the front pages to be expunged from memory.
Blacks are diagnosed with schizoprenia “six times more likely” than white: from that fount of knowledge and truth, our own “Worlds Most Trusted” – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/807945.stm
Do the police know more than the medical profession? Perhaps their ‘hands-on’ (forgive the expression) experience contradicts the medical people and they see it as every black person? Maybe thats the reason they automatically resort to describing disorders as, “mental health issues”?
Can this explain why the police usually refer to Middle Eastern gentlemen as possessing “mental health issues” when first reporting terrorism, murder or rape?
“Genetic disorders are common in Arab countries and account for a substantial proportion of physical and mental handicap” –
Thanks G,
Are you also able to point me in the right direction to find the research that links mental health issues in black people with a need to randomly start stabbing people?
My experience of evil, right-wing, brexit-voters has been that those afflicted with mental health issues have opted for the less headline-grabbing option of seeking medical help……less fashionable but eminently more sensible ????
It’s a mystery to me why we are importing so many foreign nutters and beggars when we can’t even care properly for our own.
How fortunate we have been to have had our Table of Kindred and Affinity.
How fortunate we are to have had our Table of Kindred and Affinity.
If you drive a white van at a crowd it’s terrorism – but if you wander about randomly stabbing people it isn’t . I guess the BBC finds the use of a knife ok . If he had a gun and was wandering about killing would that be terrorism ? If I lived in Edmonton and hear this news I’d be ‘terrorised ‘ thus making it a terrorist incident .
The incident last week where a white chap had terrorist laws thrown at him in circumstances which were purposely blurred but still had the terrorist badge attached .
Al beeb thinks it can hold back community strife by using tricky language , omission and false news – but truth tends to come out with unknown consequences …
Tory David Gauke was on the BBC Andrew Marr show this morning.
Gauke was clear that he did not support ‘No Deal’. Marr asked him why and Gauke launched into Project Fear at length. Bad for business, bad for security etc. Not once did Marr challenge him.
If it had been Farage listing the benefits of No Deal, Marr would have interrupted him throughout.
Didn’t catch it. But I would assume that at a time of such polarisation, there was equal representation of guests between Leave and Remain, and that they were all challenged equally robustly?
Gauke was followed by Tom Watson, Labour’s Deputy Leader. I didn’t have the mental strength to listen to what would have been a free flowing biased monologue.
”PM may have to accept soft Brexit if Commons backs it, says minister
David Gauke says May would have to ‘look closely’ at customs union if MPs voted for it”
Is the guardian report on it.
Which naturally gets placed at the top of Google news.
I guess to add to the lie that May actually wants Brexit,
Seriously how can you get a softer Brexit than Mays ‘deal’ ?
isn’t her’s just leave in name only and enter a never ending transition period.
“Seriously how can you get a softer Brexit than Mays ‘deal’ ?”
As I understand it if the UK is prepared to give up any notion of striking new trade deals; an enduring Customs Union would continue to facilitate tariff free access to the EU in exchange.
In those circumstances I’d consider voting to keep the UK in the EU. We’d get to keep our higher specification cell.
“We’d get to keep our higher specification cell.”
And the down-payment on the rent would be only £39billion.
Customs union means subject to ECJ law meaning we don’t leave .
The likes of JRM and `IDS seemed to have forgotten that after spending last week end at Chequers …
Dover, I don’t have to endure that programme. An advantage to the non-TV users of this world.
I saw a bunch of generalised complaints yesterday against the BBC for being pro-Brexit but they had a whiff of ‘methinks the lady doth protest too much’ about them. Almost artificially generated by the BBC themselves, one wonders, to achieve some balance against their obvious vulnerability to claims they are against Brexit?
On Radio 4, about which I can write with some authority, I have never heard a Remainer MP or Trade Body representative being challenged when they claim a No-Deal Brexit will be a disaster for the UK. Not once.
Come on, BBC. Break the habit of a lifetime! Well, it seems like a lifetime.
No wonder the BBC’s R4 Skripal and Glushkov coverage was so dire. They only have the guts for journalism when it fits the BBC agendas.
World At One or equivalent this Sunday Radio 4 1300 .
We’ve reached a golden age of comedy , the show ends with .
No , they are serious ( as Taffman says , BBC can’t do comedy now ) . They really think , like their Guardian guest , that the drivel they make now is superior to The Two Ronnies , Morcambe and Wise , Les Dawson etc , Lenny Henry in his funny days etc .
Well Beeboids , those comedians of old did comedy , not social justice awareness dressed up as comedy
Doreen Tipton, who has been blocked by Twitter. Democracy, she tells us, began in Athens, 2,500 years before Corbyn.
It means ‘Power to the people, not the bloody politicians’.
Cookie of course no longer at the bbc, who did run this as ‘news’..
I did see this was on the News front page. There was even a drawing in case anyone didn’t know what a butt was.
I also saw that the Met were looking for a man suspected of stabbing four. There wasn’t even a description (let alone drawing) beyond that of ‘man’.
It’s quite extraordinary the convoluted machinations our state broadcaster goes through when reporting on knife crime.
They’ve been discussing this on the BBC News channel. A left-wing male presenter and, for balance, a left-wing female interviewee. She told us that stop and search alienated “the community” and that poverty was the over riding cause of knife crime. Oh yeh! Those poverty stricken Jarrow marchers were well known for their outbreaks of mindless violence. And don’t forget the slaughter caused the Depression and mass unemployment. Um, no…
They also do their usual trick of displaying a hand holding a knife…it’s always a white hand.
On Friday afternoon, not two hundred yards from where I used to work, three feral blacks stabbed a man to death.
It was a planned attack in the middle of a very busy thoroughfare. There would be mums out shopping, pensioners picking up their groceries, people enjoying an afternoon pint.
What I find so particularly shocking is just how brazen these killers were. The murderers just wandered off.
Generations of politicians have invited hoards of people from the most violent, crime riddled countries on God’s earth into our homeland. And now we’re reaping what they sowed.
I too live close to it as my past posts testify . A couple of miles away random stabbings in Edmonton . A kid shot in my boro last night .
I remember when CCTV was going to be the ‘ solution ‘ and provide ‘ public safety ‘ but that was nonsense.
Tomorrow the Home Secretary trying to make PM is re introducing stop and search . As if that will make a difference . The cops are busy chasing ‘ online ‘not nice ‘ ‘ crime . Or people being upset about nonsense .
The killings will carry on – generally third world diverse peasants killing other diverse third world peasants -not the sort an MP will interact with unless there’s a political advantage -like Lawrence and countless gangsters who had their ‘ human rights interfered with ‘
In the meantime MPs play disconnected chess games over brexit as the whole thing becomes a waste of effort and an affront to democracy .
I suppose the term “diverse third world peasant” is just about acceptable for now – until the maxis of this world ban it for being ‘ offensive ‘
They’ll work out away to ban thinking it sooner or later .
Well, they’ve already banned thinking for themselves.
Mail on Sunday expose bbc bias in the Panorama reportage (that’s French for fiction) on Universal Credit, stuffed with fake news. The DWP have compiled a dossier itemising the lies, and that beeb speciality: half truths.
At last the government are waking up to the beeb and fighting back.
But when will they just scrap the tax?
You have to have sunk super low if the DWP are able to sieze the moral high ground over you ..
Listen to this German woman, co leader of the Afd. Real common sense.
Why are OUR MPs not saying these things. Someone please show this to Terrissa May. A lesson from her in statesmanship. It takes a German woman to properly stand up for us.
Can’t find any reference to it on BBC.
Smart, in every sense of the word.
And this from a lady who we are given to believe speaks on behalf of right wing extremists. Pull the other one Lib/Lab/Cons. It’s got bells on.
The General – 7 minutes of German well worth listening too . The Brussels mafia couldn’t make the normal insults to Britain via Farage – a lot of home truths delivered there . That lady would flatten the like of Soubry …
It’s funny really that the stats the lady uses would sound unfamiliar to the average britisher – but it’s something which constantly make me angry – we are the sending biggest economy and population in the EU yet behave like an economy the size of say – Malta or Eire – there is no self assurance or confidence and ‘arrogance ‘ or ‘pride ‘has been bred out of the British /English political mentality because they are all scared of being accused of being Nationalists …. except of course for the Scots welch and Irish where it is OK … even Irish nationalist terrorists are now ‘ok’ …have a ‘get out of jail free card ‘on us …
Most of their/her speeches are actually brilliantly written and factually sound (check out the YouTube comments). Note: ONLY AfD politicians clap for the AfD. And we think British politicians are bad?! They are, of course, but the German parliament is like a kindergarten. No one (except AfD) ever supports the AfD, no matter how brilliant / factual / eloquent the speech, or what the subject is. The other parties spend most of their time heckling (not much in this speech, I admit, maybe they are secretly thinking “oh, grief, she‘s right“?! :-O) and “Oooorrrderr” seems not to be called in Germany. They play with their mobiles or pretend to read papers (or even leave the room). It‘s pathetic. On 20 March (perhaps to test how far the other parties would go?) the AfD called on the Government to enforce (with the European Commission) the “Europe-wide protection of birds and the prohibition of illegal capture and killing methods” (to try and stop the Mediterranean countries eating all the song birds ;o) – the entire German Environment Committee (i.e. even the Greens!!) rejected it – and not a WORD about it in the German media (at least as bad as BBC). In a few weeks no doubt one of the other parties will put forward the same motion (maybe slightly reworded) and suddenly all the parties will support it (including AfD of course). I suppose that is one way to get your policies implemented, but it is frustrating, time-wasting and childish. Do NOT believe everything you hear in the (British) press about AfD: they are the only ones daring to speak out about the EU at the moment and getting all the flack from leftist media & Co. while they’re at it.
A European politician who clearly understands the Brexit arguments and reasons.
Bravo Lord Pearson. The question of our age-
“Can we talk about Islam without being accused of hate crime?”
Not if al-beeb has anything to do with it.
91-Year-Old Swede Convicted for Anti-Islam Hate Speech Online
“The Kristianstad district court convicted the man of hatred against an identifiable ethnic group, “
Ethnic group. They’ve made a lie into a law.
Excellent catchphrase: “They’ve made a lie into a law.”
One of the BBC’s Chief Sneerleaders, Mark Mardell, has been travelling again at the Licence Fee payers’ expense but only as far as the PM’s constituency, Maidenhead.
In the EU Ref, the vote has been estimated* there at 55:45 for Remain. Mardell got his pom poms out and with a twirl or two, he managed to turn it for TWT into 75:25 Remain with his VoxPop.
Shallow, BBC.
Very shallow and very obvious.
[* The EU Referendum count was national – as for a PR type GE, NOTE and be warned! – and the Constituency numbers are an estimate after work by a Dr Chris Hanretty. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum_by_constituency and please take note of the margin of error.]