Id concocted an Fools Day Joke that the Far Left BBC had ‘seen the light’ …but then I realised how far fetched that was.
I’be always been fond of ‘fools ‘ wheezes so any welcome .
Id concocted an Fools Day Joke that the Far Left BBC had ‘seen the light’ …but then I realised how far fetched that was.
I’be always been fond of ‘fools ‘ wheezes so any welcome .
Saw this BBC ‘news’ on their website:
Article 50: MPs debate six-million-signature petition
I read it with growing disbelief as they omitted to mention that it was a seriously fraudulent petition with people signing from all over the planet and many apparently signing several times.
BBC hacks are again inflicting their bias by omission of pertinent facts on a long-suffering public. I guess they don’t want to get rusty at it.
Are these ‘on line’ petitions a waste of time ?
I think so .
Could we be in D Day -10 ? I hope so.
Knife crime has nothing specifically to do with young black men. Let’s be quite clear about that. Anyone who says otherwise is a really awful person.
So what the hell is going on in Edmonton? The BBC have (as usual) demoted this curious story to the bottom of its regional page for London. Their report contains the line
“Residents in north London where four people were “randomly” stabbed within 10 hours have been told to be vigilant despite two arrests being made.”
So two arrests made, yet the residents are still being told to remain vigilant?? Methinks there’s a lot more to this, and we don’t have to spend too long trying to figure this one out.
Full report here –
Anything on Al Beeb about Nick Boles departure?
Did he jump before he was pushed?
2019-04-01 23:00 BBC Politics
“Boles resigns Conservative whip
Following the failure of his own motion to stay in the Single Market Nick Boles has resigned from the Conservative Party. Mr Boles said he tried to find a “compromise” for Brexit but said he had “failed”.”
Translation – Non Conservative infiltrates party with the intention of thwarting Brexit.
“Compromise” = Remain.
Still continuing to lie about this.
2017-02-17 PoliticsHome.
“Boles announced last autumn that doctors had discovered a cancerous tumour in his head”
A tumour called treason, endemic in some parts of the Home Counties. Transmitted via the anus.
Way over the top Last Chance. Catch yourself on.
Consider joining those on this this site who have divine intervention as the only solution to solve our problems.
Rich is correct. That was out of order, however justifiably angry you may be. It just gives ammunition to those who would bring this site down.
Agreed RD
Why present Ammo to those opposed to this forum? I know I’m being cheeky having only just joined.
Instead be thankful for a three vote defeat of the Customs Union and save us from zombie EU ‘membership’.
Come on Last, you’re an intelligent chap (well, I think you’re a chap) and we’re all frustrated, annoyed and down right bloody angry at Parliament’s prevarications. But…
However awful our politicians are…and they are! there’s no place for wishing someone dead! Imagine how you’d feel if some nutter actually did something awful.
Have a cup of tea, put on Classic FM, take the dog for a long walk…
Things will seem better.
The other thing is the way his fellow party members reacted – don’t go Nick, and I’m sure that this rotten corrupted party would welcome Sourberry back with open arms if she decided she wanted to re-join.
Until this party gets itself a sense of direction and values, and stops trying to be all things to all men, it will continue to drift and remain incoherent and disunited. The current Tory party proves the old Labour adage which they have now abandoned, United we stand Divided we fall or put another way with Unity we stand with Diversity we fall.
Just as a footnote – next time you hear the left talking about ‘divisive’ or divided, just remember those two words share the same root as ‘diversity’.
Latest ‘Media Master’
Richard Sambrook
Professor of Journalism, Cardiff University
Professor Richard Sambrook is director of the Centre for Journalism at Cardiff University. His first job at the BBC was in local radio. He then moved over to TV news as a producer and quickly rose through the ranks, securing a variety of roles including news editor, head of BBC Sport, director of news and finally head of the World Service. He also played a key role in the roll-out of 24-hour news, and the launch of Radio 5 Live. In this in-depth interview, Richard shares how he led the BBC’s response to the Hutton Inquiry over the so-called “sexed-up” Iraq war dossier, describes his role in lobbying for the safety of journalists worldwide as chair of the Frontline Club; and discusses his academic work, including a forensic analysis of the connection between fake news and press freedom.
The forensic nature of what he considers fake news will be interesting given his history.
I think we’ll see evidence that cultural marxism is being defeated when these people once again refer to themselves or are referred to as ‘ chairman ‘ and not an inanimate object.
“The forensic nature of what he considers fake news will be interesting given his history.”
This reminds me of that BBC “Movie Review” fellow. You know – the one with the strange quiff in his hair.
This BBC fellow’ personal choice of – what is a good film and what should be trashed is just that, his opinion. But on his say movies will/could be made or lost. If you will he’s a remain voter against the Leave voters and only his opinion matters therefore other opinions will never be heard.
P.S. I never watch BBC, its just my opinion re his earlier broadcasts
Not sure Ali helping with this one:
How long until Rob Burley is again posting like fury to reassure him they are doing their best to support Remain?
Having recently discovered this site and been relieved to find I am apparently not the only one who still thinks Britain would be better off leaving, I am concerned – having (stupidly) clicked on the Julia Hartley-Brewer tweet only to find the majority of responses claiming the absolute opposite to what I had assumed (hoped?) was maybe an underlying feeling amongst “the people”.
I’ve never followed twitter – so I assume this is just the way people behave / write nowadays? So all the abusive, downright rude behaviour of Parliament’s opposition bench just reflects a common and complete lack of respect in society? And with them all accusing everyone else of spreading misinformation …
Maybe it really is just the way we look at things? But if these people GENUINELY believe the media is pro-Brexit : “… A Remain media? Have you seen a newspaper recently? Have you listened to the Today programme? …“ How can ANYONE in their right mind say that Today is pro-Brexit?!?
They claim not to see one positive thing in us leaving. One writes: “Have you ever wondered why MPs, the speaker, the civil service and parts of the media – who know the facts – are largely in favour of remaining?“
The facts? What the … ?!?
A contemptuous “Largely remain media!! … Ha ha“ comment suffices for the plebs.
I’m beginning to lose hope that the pro-Brexiteers will be able to turn this whole thing round.
Give “the people” another vote and who knows what they’ll do with it?
Can they really be relied upon to do the right thing? ;o)
Saw this on Guido…
Spent Monday travelling far far away – so am duty bound to catch up and it’s all looking good for a full british brexit and or a general election .
Factionalism in the House of Commons and public showing its bottom . Which is about right .
I am psychologically flawed because I love listening to MPs doing their ‘victim’ act – Soubry is really good at it and Monday night she got stiff competition from a false Tory called ‘boles’
Who I thought was going to blub through this ‘goodbye ‘ speech .
I’d like to wish him well in his new job on the BBC after his political life ends –
Poor old Justin on Toady got put in his place by David Davis – who would be a good caretaker leader of the Tory party … although a bit too Left for me…
Some senior civil servant waiting for his retirement gong dusted off the old referendum Project Fear stuff of people starving to death, dying in the street , ( a useless Muslim London mayor (he got that right ) and the rest of the full on fear mongering – which has become stale now ).
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: No-deal more likely but can be avoided – Barnier””
“”Speaking on Tuesday morning, Mr Barnier said: “No deal was never our desire or intended scenario but the EU 27 is now prepared. It becomes day after day more likely.” “”
Laura Kuenssberg, BBC reporter states, “”That means that by the day, two things are becoming more likely. One, leaving the EU without a deal. And two, a general election, because we’re at an impasse.””
Day by day, it becomes more likely that the British people will get what they voted for three years ago. A ‘No Deal’.
And note the use of the loaded term ‘avoided’, as though it is some sort of bad thing…
Following on from warnings of starvation and riots I really don’t think the diverse communities of Londonistan will be up for rioting any time soon – however is brexit interupts the supply of illegal drugs there could be great cause for concern .
Drug dealers should be encouraged to make their product in Blighty for the sake of the ‘community ‘ ( I’m on series 4 0f the excellent ‘breaking bad ‘ at the moment – no tick box bbc diversity rubbish – no spoilers please )…
A government spokesman has confirmed that most imported Class A drugs originate from countries outside the EU, such as Colombia, Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan and are carefully managed by ‘local’ businessmen. As such, the trade should be unaffected by Brexit. He also cited that cannabis production in the UK has soared in recent years due to the benefits of immigration and diversity and hence also should not be impacted.
F2 – You did ask, so these from “Le Point”:-
Découverte de la première espèce intelligente qui s’est autodétruite.
Discovery of the first intelligent species which has self-destructed.
Pour échapper au Brexit, l’Angleterre veut fusionner avec le Portugal.
To escape the Brexit, Britain wants to merge with Portugal.
Today gets a quote it thinks it can use, but feels it best to hide behind a Cathy Newman question…
“Is ex-Brexit secretary David Davis to blame for the Brexit chaos?
“I blame myself for not persuading the PM to do the things which would’ve given a better outcome” but “we led the world and still will after Brexit”.”
Thanks for that link GW. There is a useful tool halfway down the page where one can enter their postcode and find out how their MP voted yesterday.
Employment law allows for an employer to sack an employee if, after a suitable length of time, it can be shown that the employee is incapable of carrying out the basic duties that the job entails.
We, the employer, have given MP’s, the employees, three years and they have been found to be totally incapable and unsuitable for the job.
Why are they exempt from the law?
third, good question.
Sad to see that my part of the world hasn’t grown up yet:
Police Scotland treat stabbing following Glasgow derby as attempted murder
“Three people were stabbed in a brawl believed to be between Celtic and Rangers fans on Blackfriars Street, Glasgow at around 5pm on Sunday.”
BBC not very interested. Probably not anti-English enough.
I think you’ll find that the current narrative is that Scotland doesn’t have knife crime and rubbish England has diverse knife crime in the capital all the time – because of brexit / police / budget cuts / snowflake politicians / unwillingness to cause upset.
It’s a bit like nasty shouting at football matches . Eastern European’s last week got under the skin of a player so it’s all kicking off in Britain again …
They are parrotting that some experiment in Weegieland 10 years ago by their beloved SNP reduced knife crime, and this means that all a Socialist muslim mayor needs to do is ask Krankie if he can copy it in London.
That’s right, deliberately ignoring the fact that the causes are entirely different to avoid having to bang up lots of black teenagers, and giving the “wrong” impression.
Glasgow has had a problem for around 100 years (razor gangs in the 1920s) with the toxic combination of religion, alcohol, a macho culture, short tempers and sharp objects. The problem in London and elsewhere is an imported one which people on the other side of the pond would recognise immediately.
(And before anyone points it out, I know about the Krays etc.)
We all understand that all muslims hate Jews. That simply stems from their ‘holy’ book, the quaran. In fact, we all know that equally, Israel is detested by our State Sponsor of Fake News, the BBC. The BBC go ‘all-out’ to condemn anything connected with the defensive actions of Israel.
The revulsion of Israel by the UN, being lined with arab muslim nations, know’s no bounds.
Here’s a breath of fresh air for you: “British Commander Silences Entire U.N. Assembly For Being ‘Instrument of Hamas Terrorism’”
What a terrific speech.
Just imagine if he were able to stand up in parliament and tell MP’s what he thought of their Brexit deceit.
Ah! we see not all Britons have lost their backbone and their ability to discern truth from lies. This is good for our nation as God can work with even the smallest seed. Perhaps our parliament is lost but our military isn’t?
Whenever I hear the UN assembly I am reminded of Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
Thanks for posting that video of Colonel Richard Kemp berating the anti-Israel jackals of the ‘Human Rights’ Council.
He has a long history of defending the IDF to the consternation, no doubt, of the alleged journalists at the BBC.
Wish I could have given 10.000 likes.
Parliament should be prorogued and @COLRICHARDKEMP and his colleagues at @VeteransBritain put in temporary charge.
They are right about most things, including the EU, the UN, so-called politicians, and the bBC.
In short they do not tolerate treason or the appeasement of terrorists.
I have long wished they could catch the ear of HMQ.
funny how they fret about rising food prices , but never anout the other necessity – accomodation – which has soared in price under the EU influx
Why is Barnier dictating to us that we may have a long Brexit delay?
Because in this field, Barnier is an ace negotiator and we have fielded a complete no mark,
Barnier can say and get what ever he wants thanks to Mays complete incompetence.
The EU negotiator never has to worry about answering to 650 puffed up individuals nor re-election. They answer to a council of two dozen which itself has only a couple of key players.
Who has the easier task the politician or the civil servant?
WE need somebody like the old USSR diplomats. Niet!
”Mays complete incompetence”’
she is a traitor not incompitant
I think she probably thought ‘I’ll play the nice Conservative Leader’ instead of the “No, no, NO!” rather more strident one but the problem was that Theresa May doesn’t speak EUese, pronounced User.
The only language that Barnier & Verhofstadt would understand in negotiations is the scraping of chair legs as they move away from the table.
Another stabbing in North London this morning.
Finally the News front page tells us “The police say the attacks have not yet been formally linked and they were looking for a tall, skinny black man.”
Yet every time knife crime is ‘investigated’ a white hand is depicted.
I also note the that they reported it was probably due to mental issues. We must have amazing law enforcement officers, when they can identify and diagnose the mental state of a perpetrator before they have actually established who he is.
The funeral parlours in the capital must be coining it in.
This summary by David Horowitz, an ex-communist, agnostic Jew, is about 8 minutes long. Mr Horowitz is always interesting and what he says rhymes with what the commies are doing here in the UK and in the EU. I’ve seen a longer speech by him on this subject, even though he is promoting his new book, he sets out in understandable ways just how destructive are the lefties in their relentless pursuit of destruction in Western countries.
‘My mission to make news less sad’
Some bollox about a girl making a colourful newspaper in some poor attempt to rewrite the actual news into some different news.
At 1m24s into the video you can see her first attempt at making the news less sad. First headline reads “Muslim worker hailed a hero after saving at least 6 people in Kosher store attack in Paris”.
She calls this “The Happy News”. This is right up the BBC street of ignoring the Muslim attacker and focus the “Muslim hero”. I’m pretty sure she will be working at the BBC very soon.
I guess happy news is another word for fake news.
“… if you’re listening, Mr Hammond, my fraternal message to you is, up yours!”
I wont be having any sleepless nights if we go down the road of a People’s Vote.
If Parliament cant decided on matters of crisis now, then they’ll never agree to the actual wording on a Ballot Paper. So that’ll be another 2 years then.
The House of Commons is nothing more than a nursery day care centre, and the House of Lords is just a day care centre for the elderly.
I’ve been pondering for a long time just exactly what would the question be if there were to be a ‘People’s Vote’. I think your estimate of 2 years to arrive at an agreement is far too optimistic!
There was a lady ‘referendum expert’ on TV a week or so ago and she reckoned that it should include a ‘transferrable vote’ :
(1) May’s Deal
(2) No Deal
(3) Remain
She thought that this was the only way that might be acceptable of not splitting the Leave vote…in other words all votes for (1) and (2) would eventually be counted together for the winner of the two.
It’s not perfect, but the best suggestion I’ve heard so far…if there HAS to be a ‘People’s Vote’… 🙁
It is a mad situation where they have voted to leave the EU but ever since have been doing their best not to have it happen .
Even if there is a general election the only way to stop the leaving is to withdraw A50 as May resigns .
The consequences for an election campaign will be brutal for everyone and the biased BBC will be ‘outed ‘ even more by the general public . Ten days to go…
I reckon Juncker, Barnier, Merkel, etc could not have imagined in their widest dreams the level of support that they would get in this process from the shite in this country.
why ? when they have May, their agent , running our ‘negociations’
And support for what? What is it they love about the EU or more exactly, what are they so afraid of ?
Ask them – they can’t tell you. It’s all vague fears and disinformation instilled by the media and politicians.
Like leaving home for college – if you say to your child, “you’ll be crashing out of this house and you’re going over a cliff edge. Your Mom won’t be washing your clothes or cooking you meals when you leave – you just won’t cope!”. That is the mindset of too many – just plain afraid and that was always the plan – to keep repeating the lies and instill FEAR, FEAR, FEAR.
Ten days left until we leave the EU. Barnier is saying there won’t be another extention, and who can blame him? He knows that if there is then EU elections would have to be held and the British contingent is likely going to be massively UKIP types who will cause trouble.
Here is my suggestion.
MPs can vote to revoke article 50 and defy the referendum, but if they do they have to resign and can never again stand for election to parliament or local government.
MPs can vote to leave with no deal, but they have to commit to stay and sort out any of the resulting problems – even if they aren’t re-elected.
This way we might finally sort the sheep from the goats and the people will be rid of the anti democratic types
Another life threatening stabbing in North London this morning and so, following, my definition of pro-EU ‘London liberals’…
…: useful idiots; those using their own ‘liberalism’ in order to destroy everything they have, as quickly as they are able, of their own free will, with their own hearty approval and free of any feeling of their own personal responsibility.
If ever something will encourage even more people to ‘tool up’ that will do it … particularly if it is a mad African refugee serial killer …..
With a bit of luck as the swamp gets deeper in the next 10 days these traitors in parliament will really tear each other apart .
Watching nick boles do his blubbing routine last night but not having the guts to cross the floor – just walked out to a round of applause from the awful Scots nats –
One really hoped the place self destructs . Bercow will do his best to prevent an election through a no confidence vote because he loves being the centre of attention . Toad of toad hall sitting as biased speaker ….
Thoughtful – what MP is ever going to resign from a party and give themselves a bi election ? Not one .
As I maintain – these creatures are politicians first , then human beings and then gender class and race and the rest ….and there is never a shortage of them wanting to do ‘public service ‘ lol
“Ten days left until we leave the EU”
Words that send rushing waves of Conservaphobia through the Remainer sheepfold.
This diverse chap in Edmonton really is bringing a new way of doing things: a staid little Englander like me never considered stabbing random people as a leisure activity.
Does he not know they the Met Police is now more diverse than ever? Was this not meant to magically gain the trust of minorities? The criminal mind has long been a source of fascination for academics; all the experts are unanimous in their opinion that the skin colour of local law enforcement is crucial in motivating offenders. If he could just see a black officer he would throw his knife away and sing Kumbaya. Indeed, rigorous studies have proven that Peter Sutcliffe would have gone on to murder a million women if local Police had had darker skin to him.
Has this maniac not listened to Radio 4 recently? Loads of minority presenters! Perhaps not quite enough have been chosen to read the iconic ‘Shipping Forecast’ which is why the gentleman has exploded with such fury. Once the BBC hits diversity targets in 2020 all crime will cease, we will all join hands and live forever in a multicultural paradise. Put that knife down – an Asian woman is discussing wage gap!! Hallelujah!
There was a school of thought that a coloured copper turns blue like everyone else after a few months of being exposed to the public- and becomes right wing .
That was an American study but because of the different ‘ associations ‘ of gays, blacks , Muslims , masons I suspect that doesn’t happen any more – and one watches what one does for fear of being ‘denounced ‘.
So the debates carry on with only remain-like option on the table. Actual Brexit is now coded as ‘no deal’. Hence if you want to know what almost any given parliamentarian thinks about Brexit, just substitute ‘no deal’ for ‘Brexit’. Brexit is off the table
Collectively, parliament has obfuscated, procrastinated, prevaricated and deceived endlessly over Brexit since the referendum. In a way the detail of who is to blame hardly matters. Their dishonest approach to the result is Orwellian Doublespeak (“Language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.”) come to life in the most perfect form.
MPs say one thing when they mean the opposite. They propose motions and then vote for the opposite. When they refer in horror to ‘no deal’ just substitute ‘Brexit’ and then it makes sense:
“Whatever happens we must avoid the catastrophe of no deal (Brexit).”
“Any deal is better than no deal (Brexit)”
“We will be voting tonight to rule no deal (Brexit) out”
“No deal (Brexit) must be taken off the table”
The reason that polls show that more of the people are more happy for ‘no deal’ than any other option is that they fortunately see through all the Doublespeak. They know that ‘no deal’ is simply code for Brexit.
Good post.
Putting a woman with well-known foibles and failings – utterly dogmatic and obtuse without a trace of perception, confidence or negotiating ability – in charge was the first move. This was followed by an unnecessary election engineered to lose a massive majority through an absurd, parroted manifesto and the most uncharismatic and stultifying series of public addresses in political history.
This ensured that the party in charge of Brexit would no longer be unassailable but, just as the EU demanded, sufficiently weak as to be subject to any and every whim they cared to subject us to.
So they got exactly what they wanted.
Just had a quick peek at the BBBC website.. Towards the bottom of the page is “Analysis by Laura Kuenssberg” including mugshot. At the bottom of her “analysis” the beeb have – “Hear more from Laura and the gang in Brexitcast”
“Laura and the gang”?..FFS!..
Bash Street kids anyone?..Top Cat??
give me strength.
Part-time probably thinks she IS the Top Cat now that she has appeared on the front page of The Times in killer heels.
Animal-wise myself, I looked at the picture and winced a bit. Lamb, Mutton & Dressed were the words flitting through my mind and extinguishing all thoughts of TC, Benny, ChooChoo and Brains.
On what actual planet does this stupid, walking gob of a woman live ? Loves dishing it out but cant take it back !!!!
Now, correct me if i am wrong … but hasn’t this been voted down twice in the recent parliamentary votes ??
But, yet again, the BBC love Sourface …..cant get enough of her ,,, wonder why ??
Ignored for 3 years !!!! Ignored …. really ….. jesus wept
Thats exactly what hapened in 1975, people voted to remain in the common market of 12 mostly rich countries, and ended up in a fereral Europe of 27, with ever increasing rules
Eddy, we also thought that although we were doing the thing back to front, because we had had a PM who signed us up without our say-so, that we should at least stay and try to play a part in making the thing work for a while.
Well, I did, anyway. That was what made me switch from being anti-EEC to saying Yes in 1975 whilst in the Polling Booth.
Mind you, I have held that (and a couple of other 1970-74 stupidities) against Ted Heath ever since and it was only Margaret Thatcher dangling the temptation of future right (economic) thinking in Government that got me voting Conservative in 1979.
>eddy..”a fereral Europe of 27″
is that a cross between federal and feral..fits dunnit?
brilliant if deliberate..still very droll if could catch on!
I’d love to hear from anyone who was represented by Soubry when she was a ‘ criminal barrister ‘
M.O. tell the judge and jury they were too stupid to come up with the wrong verdict and then cry a bit .
When she is thrown out of office she can get voice over jobs playing cat stranglers and other baddies – or be a GPS guide ‘ you’re wrong you’ve gone the wrong way dummy “ …
On bbc TV lunchtime news they revealed some nutter who was going to kill some MP, Rosie someone.
Obviously one cannot approve of murder, and Rosie came on to express her understandable outrage and indignation. She was rightly shocked at such behaviour.
But do MPs not conversely understand the outrage and indignation they cause when they treat with utter contempt the majority of the voters in the referendum? Are THEY not shocked at their own behaviour?
If they even had the courage to own up and admit they REFUSE to accept the outcome of the referendum and would vote against it, that would be one thing.
But they hide behind: “Oh, I accept the referendum outcome, but…” and then go on to propose another referendum, or a ‘compromise’ which invariably leaves the UK with the worst of all worlds. And THIS is where they show their contempt.
Not only were we apparently too stupid to know what we voted for, but NOW we are apparently also too stupid to see the two fingers they are shoving up at us voters, with all their little ‘options’ in the ‘indicative vote’. Complete CONTEMPT. Only 500 or so MPs count, not 17.4 million voters. A coup, indeed. Do THEY NOT SEE THAT?
Compliments to Mark Francois (?) who told – I think it was Hammond – “up yous” on R4 10.00pm news last night, for leading the plotting on the Tory side, thereby shocking little Ms Shah.
And the bbc generally back the contemptuous MPs, instead of the people.
On the home page for the last two days the BBC has reported the murder of an L.A. rap artist. ‘Nipsey Hussle’ rapped about shoot-outs and drug deals and said of his own gang history “It was like living in a war zone, where people die on these blocks and everybody is a little bit immune to it.” London’s getting there. At Hussle’s vigil yesterday there was a stabbing and a stampede with 19 people injured. The main suspect in the murder is Eric Holder, also known as ‘Shitty Cuz’ and ‘Fly Mac’.
To mark International Women’s Day earlier this month they lamented the fact that female grime artists aren’t getting the recognition their male counterparts are. Grime artists they chose to promote include Nadia Rose, sample lyrics below:
“Ring the alarms and ring off the sirens
Fuck all the fake dons, forget the drama
Bun all the pythons
Big up your bredrins, bring all the arms out
Bring all the violence
They’ll call the po-po, but fuck the five-O”
No connection between culture and street killings as we know from the photos it’s only white people who handle knives. And the beeb’s own home affairs correspondent says knife crime figures show that BAME “boys and men were disproportionately affected, as both victims and perpetrators”.
Accurate reporting would never state that violent criminals are ‘affected’ by their illegal activity like victims are, but such is their infatuation with BAME glamour-crime they can’t tell the difference any more at W1A.
The Obama appointee ‘Eric Holder’?
UK: Muslims steal $10,500,000,000 from taxpayers in fraud schemes to fund jihad terror
Shocking incomeptence and inaction again by pulic servants refusing to pass information to other departments for no good reason.
Just to put this into context it’s a quarter of the amount we have to pay the EU, and it’s all down to the lunacy of ‘diversity’ and not allowing peoples natural distrust and common sense to ring alarm bells.
Walk into any Government department in ‘Londonistan’ and realise why it has been labelled just that. A true representation. Point being, Government departments are majority staffed by foreigners, many asians. 2 + 2 = 4. Question? “….inaction again by pulic servants refusing to pass information to other departments…”. There you have it. You can’t tell me its not deliberate.
The BBC and other Remainers are beginning to realise that only ‘No Deal’ is available. There is no other option.
The alternative is to stop Brexit by cancelling Article 50. That would be too ‘hard-core’ even for the Remainers. They’ve been hoping to win over opinion with their treasonous Withdrawal Agreement.
Sentry – I wish I could share your optimism.
I don’t think revoking A 50 is too hardcore for Remainers. They don’t give a fig for referendums, democracy, or anything other than their objective.
I give you this one sentence, which you may soon hear:
“I support the outcome of the referendum, but -as there is no majority in parliament for anything, we must :
a) have a long long delay…or:
b) revoke A.50 totally
I’m sure I needn’t explain to you what they hope the long, long delay will achieve!
For them it is all about parliament. Forget the people.
Unless we get Brexit proper – they are finished. I reckon they’re finished anyway as after this politics will never be the same.
They have displayed, for all to see, the not fit for purpose and squalid motives of our politicians and the system they enjoy.
When MPs promise ‘Streets paved with gold’ BUT just won’t give straight answers ? (like Labour and “Have you gone back on your Freedom of Movement stance ?) They just MIGHT realise, in future, that we are not stupid, uneducated pleb’s and we do see them playing their silly, selfish games while coining it.
Good point on LBC – South Korea is very successful imports very little, it’s not in the EU and it’s politicians have degrees in mathematics, science and engineering NOT degrees in banking and BS.
Also, the EU won’t accept anything other than a full-blooded Withdrawal Agreement. Of course, the Withdrawal Agreement has been voted down twice now in Parliament.
‘No Deal’ it is, then 🙂
I’d love to see the faces of Juncker, Barnier et al. if the UK left without a deal and without making any further fiscal contribution to their bloated, undemocratic and dangerous coterie.
From Guido Fawkes today:
“63% Of Survey Favour No Deal”
“”New ComRes polling commissioned by Leave Means Leave yesterday has found a significant shift in favour of a No Deal Brexit, with voters agreeing with the statement “Theresa May should go back to her promise that No Deal is better than a bad deal and leave to trade on WTO rules” by 63% to 37%, excluding don’t knows. Including don’t knows, just 29% disagree with it…””
Ben Elton was on BBC Breakfast this morning, promoting his new book and giving us the benefit of his left-wing thoughts. Apparently, he is not on social media. Fair enough. Nor am I. But one of the reasons he gave was ‘right-wing sex trolls’. Notice the epithet. Nobody can be simply just ‘right wing’. There has to be some derogatory addition. He also stated that nobody knows what it means to be British anymore and everybody is afraid of saying something wrong. One of his examples was – wait for it – buying the wrong wine. I know how he feels. When I go for my fish and chips every Saturday evening it’s a constant worry what wine to choose as a suitable accompaniment for my battered cod. Will it be a Pinot Gris, a Chenin Blanc or a cheeky little Chablis?
I don’t have any strong feelings about Ben Elton but it did strike me that, despite his strong disapproval of all things British, he was, in fact, a quintessential, English socialist. As the much quoted Orwell wrote, in the 1940s: “In intention…the English intelligentsia are Europeanised……In the general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that there is a duty to snigger at every English institution…….” So, nothing has changed in eighty years but despite your protestations Mr. Elton, (and the fact you are partly Australian) you are as English and British as the rest of us.
Except that he isn’t.
Thanks to his and others lunacy Elton always has the option of escape to Israel which has pursued much more sensible immigration policies.
We the English do not have a homeland any longer, but people like Elton, Yentob, Soros et al always have somewhere to run to after they have wantonly wrecked that which did not belong to them.
I detest Ben Elton.
When Benny Hill died he said that he was nothing but a dirty old man.
Yet when he receives criticism it’s because of right-wing fanatics.
I’ve just had the kayburley show on for the last half hour and it’s remainer after remainer giving uninterrupted long moans about the usual (crashing out over a cliff edge into the catastrophe etc)
She is joined by bethrigby speakin’ outside number10
I’ve not heard any pro Brexit words, just the usual.
Ben ‘little bit Left Wing, little bit controversia ooh errl’ Elton ?
The return of the ‘Champagne Socialist’ ?
Ben, your time has passed.
Did someone fall over it, I wonder? Or did it leak from the bottle?
When you think the BBC have reached an all-time low, they seem capable of then plumbing new depths.
I thought spotting was a warning of imminent childbirth.
Anyone notice the Independents Group of MPs chatting on like they’re the party in power and have maybe won an election ?
Pure Fantasy Island, although May and Corbyn have similar delusions.
OT, except the BBC has been a willing tool* in realising their uncritical coverage ambitions across the board, especially with the woeful ‘climate strike’ that got the Robin to Michael Crick’s Batman, Joey so excited a few weeks ago, is the activities of this mob:
*They scored coverage yesterday of course by waving their saggy bits about in the HoC. At some stage Greta, da kids and maybe even a BBC editor might muster the intellect to note that none of them seem very young, or really too interested in the planet.
Katty and Ko will, of course, hang on every gem plopped from the ruby reds of towering mind OCD Stateside.
‘Last ditch attempt by cross party MPs to stop a No Deal’
A bugler playing the Last Post would seem appropriate.
And only one ‘People’s Vote’ on offer? Parliament has shown us that you can vote for the same thing, once, twice, three times, four times ……………………………………………………..
A cross-party group of MPs has put forward a bill to prevent a no-deal Brexit in 10 days’ time.
Posted by Rational
1 hour ago
As expected, the BBC restarts the main comments page if the ‘Highest Rated’ become too ‘Pro-Leave’.
Throughout this whole process, despite all of the BBC’s efforts and resources at their disposal they have utterly failed to influence public opinion except in losing all credibility and respect.
Dear Oh Dear…
As stated in my post above. As the BBC’s headline reads: “Brexit: MPs push to prevent no-deal in law” You can get the true meaning by simply substituting ‘no-deal’ with ‘Brexit’. Not content with lobbying against Brexit, remainer MPs are now trying to make it illegal: “MPs push to prevent no-deal [Brexit] in law”.
See that Mrs Cooper woman was in studio this aff comforting her public. She claims they (we know who) have found a new way to stop Brexit ever happening. Period.
It’s a pity that her constituents couldn’t have found a way to vote for someone else…
Then again, given her undemocratic stance towards Brexit perhaps she’d have turned up at the HoC and sat on the Labour benches even if she hadn’t been elected!
And she knows whereabouts the London bolts-holes are: HouseOfLords.
And she can wave too us from the Terrace-Of-Righteousness as she swings-to-and-fro with the rest of the girls (well, 3, I think)
I must confess I’ve not had any bbc news input since the 29th,.
but I have taken to LBC – lots of ordinary folks phoning in and fairly sane presenters for the most part there is balance.
The heroic CooperWoman will save them from ?
What exactly ?
Having to use order papers to wipe their bums ?
I must confess guys n gals that even the most fanatical remainers must be approaching terminal take off by now (its 17:46, tues) and will soon be elbowing each other in’t ribs thinking:
“It looks like they are getting away it with Ms Cooper – you’ve tried your best – so why bother pretending in front of BBC cameras; every body knows you’ve done it 19 times a day for 3 years”
I realise you and your hubby will meet each other soon in the Lords
Will ye never give up love?
If it really does turn into a full brexit they’ll need some Red Cross tents to treat remainers for shock and hysteria – as well as a helpline “if you’ve been affected by any of the issues in this joke” where the press hangs out …but somehow corrupt traitor politicians will breach the public trust – permanently ..
Hee, hee.
No doubt Panodrama will do one of their fearless investigative reports on this latest muslim scandal to emerge:
“Taxman kept quiet while £8bn fraud helped fund bin Laden
For years a UK gang infiltrated government agencies and funnelled cash to al-Qaeda. HMRC knew but kept MI5 in the dark”
Yeah, when halal bacon sandwiches fly.
Hey look! Can we get this done in the HOP car park?
Must call a Cobra Meeting in order to make a new:
“Minister for writing white letters on road surfaces ”
“Minister for Knives”
Have you heard anything as silly and reactionary.
Team point for the BBC. It tells us “An independent coffee chain said it has seen sales fall by £250,000 since it banned single use cups last summer.
Boston Tea Party (BTP) has called for major national and international brands to follow suit.
So bad news for the company reported straight by the BBC.
However this is how the tale is told in The Times, “Boston Tea Party, which has 21 branches across the country, says sales of takeaway coffee fell by a quarter since it introduced the ban last summer but the move was worth the cost to limit the number of cups going to landfill.
So how was a saving in landfill of any worth to the company? Both company & Times sounding like snowflakes.