May is going to speak to Corbyn, but she’s done this before & he has stormed out. She says she wants her treaty to be at the centre of talks, but I suspect she already knows this is never going to fly.
If this is some attempt at damage limitation by blaming Labour, then it’s very clumsy, and I don’t think she’s going to succeed.
The Tories are saying they don’t have enough money to fight an election, and given the damage May has done I doubt a donation of all Bill Gates’s wealth would be sufficient to turn public opinion. She’s determined to wreck her party, and then at the last minutes hand over the helm of the Titanic to some poor unortunate who doesn’t stand a chance – Boris perhaps?
I have already made up my mind for the next two election cycles.
Its not going to be any candidate from Conservative, Labour or Liberal. It may be harsh to those MPs who have fought for Brexit, but on this occasion, the innocent will have to suffer, along with those who sought to thwart the will of the people.
If an election is called, T, or at the next scheduled one in 2022 I will be in a dilemma.
My MP (Lab) has said “No-one votes to make themselves poorer.” (or words to that effect) but my MP is against a No Deal Brexit. My MP will have to vote on the latest Yvette Cooper MP (Lab) Bill tonight, unless it is pulled at the eleventh hour, which seeks to enshrine in Law that the UK cannot leave the EU without a deal, ie. in a No Deal situation.
My MP will thus have to choose between making the UK poorer by £39billion plus any future EU ‘subscription’ or voting against a Labour Party MP’s Bill, which may or may not be whipped.
If my MP votes for the Cooper Bill, then the UK is poorer and also partly trapped within the EU.
I cannot in good conscience vote for that MP at the next Election.
Do I then actively campaign for the Conservative Party who in bungling the aftermath of the third failure of the Withdrawal Agreement vote (the PM asking the EU for more time) led to this situation but who stand a chance of winning the seat?
Or do I vote and perhaps actively campaign for UKIP or the Brexit Party both of whom have little real chance of winning the seat?
Corbyn’s House of Commons cadaverous countenance lurks, waiting to haunt the unhappy Brexiteer.
I beg to differ on the statement Brexit Party have little chance of winning the seat. Ive signed up for the party and am willing to stand for election – since I’m so incensed by the betrayal going on. I was with the Leave Means Leave march last Friday & my views are echoed – there is a good chance of non-mainstream parties winning seats at a General Election & we need people like yourself to cast your vote in that direction. You will not be alone – & its the only way we can fight back against this betrayal of the referendum. We need all the support we can get
On a more serious note, the BBC has been laying out the catastrophe that awaits the UK if we leave the EU without a Deal.
Two things caught my attention.
1. Mark Carney, the well known predictor of economic outcomes, was wheeled out by the BBC. He is predicting a catastrophe for the UK if we leave without a deal, ( BBC speak is crash out of the EU). Food prices jumping up n% (30 I believe), uncertainty in the markets leading the £ to fall, and much else.
2. Britons studying in EU countries will be subjected to higher fees.
First, why we should take any notice of Mark Carney I have no idea, as he has been so “wildly” successful before.
The EU cannot match the UK in world ranking universities. Besides, students from around the world, including the EU, prefer the UK as a study destination, because they learn to speak good English, with the added carrot of a degree from a world ranking university. EU students will pay the higher fee regardless. Not so Britons studying in the EU.
It is really disconcerting that the state funded broadcaster runs down the nation at every opportunity..
Over 60% of the Parliamentary party voted for May, and as the only remain candidate Boles was probably one of them, he only has himself to blame now for supporting a ‘safe pair of hands’, not a leader.
I don’t understand Nick Boles, (I don’t understand Mrs may either!).
May’s ‘duty’ was to get the UK out of the EU. There can be no ‘compromise’ that satisfies ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’, we are either ‘in’ or ‘out’, one would have thought.
However our PM has tried to push ‘her’ Withdrawal Agreement on parliament, a ‘deal’ that is more ‘remain’ than ‘remain’! In what way does that appease the ‘far-right, extreme, fascist etc.’ ERG? The WA is the sort of thing that the beloved Soubry and Clarke could have cooked up.
What is Mrs May’s game? Has she been promised the fiefdom of Lower Saxony or something? She is certainly not working for the UK remainers , leavers or non-voters.
Could it be that Mrs May isn’t bothered about Brexit/Remain at all? She is after all the inventor of ‘the nasty party’ label, perhaps her aim is just to destroy her own party regardless of the price the UK will pay?
May is bought by multinationals. She is clinging on to make as much money as possible before she disappears into a career of seedy dinner talks a la Tony Blair. Her only mission is to keep the UK in a single market and customs union and she doesn’t care how. It is all the big multinationals care about.
I’m a PR consultant and right from the start ‘no deal’ should have been referred to as ‘an orderly exit under WTO reguations’. The right needs to take some lessons from the left who are brilliant at naming things that sound great and postive while disguising their Marxist agenda. eg Anti-Nazi League, Stop the War Coalition, Momentum etc etc
You can almost guarantee that when a group calls itself Anti-Something, it is trying to disguise the fact that its nature is essentially that Something itself.
For example, Antifa sends thugs onto the street who would not be out of place in the Brownshirts; the anti-racists always seem to be trying to damage white people (or redefine the term ‘racism’ to excuse such behaviour).
Not a new trick, of course, as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea demonstrates.
Even the BBC News ticker last evening referred to no deal as “crashing out”. And let’s not forget that May’s WA doesn’t offer a deal either just some wooly aspirations and a un-ending transition period.
Do not subscribe to the phrase ‘crashing out’, as now seems the BBC’s effort to shock us all-leaving without a deal is what we should be doing, with or without Parliaments agreement. Wishful thinking perhaps.
\\ Two “malicious” devices were left on railway tracks in a pro-Brexit sabotage attempt, police have said.
The items were left on lines near Netherfield, Nottinghamshire, and Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, in March.
One had a note saying “leave means leave”, with another saying it would “bring Britain to a standstill”.//
I agree. Even down to one of these things being found at Yaxley.
As soon as I heard that one was found at Yaxley, I thought “false flag”. However, actions such as this are increasingly inevitable.
I would once have criticised such action unreservedly. There’s no justification: you should campaign for what you want and if enough people agree, they’ll vote for it.
Except there’s now a wee problem with that argument. What happens when you’ve done that, but those in power call you stupid and racist and refuse to abide by your vote? Should you try again? What was that saying about the definition of madness?
“Corbyn’s fondness for an enduring Customs Union.”
That’s all to do with the Marxist Grand Plan. If the UK exits, that will make it more difficult to work toward a ‘united’ Marxist EU. Difficult timing for so-called, “Labour” since they were, pre-Referendum, well on their way toward that Marxist goal.
I think the remain MPs on the blue side of the arena should think for a minute what their next step is very carefully indeed.
Because these communist MPs who are trying to bring down the government and hope to hand our military/banks/laws/passport control over to the EU are REPUBLICANS!.
As every MSM commenter will agree – this is THE greatest hope for every republican in this country – a future without royalty.
And this would be a complete nightmare for the Queen and the rest of the royal household.
So what are you going to do about it Queen? Over to you!
Brexit: PM asks Corbyn to help break deadlock
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said it probably means the prime minister is likely to adopt a closer relationship with the EU – a softer Brexit – than she had agreed so far.
So how can it any softer than ‘her deal’ ?
I know Laura is on £200k but she must be working in her own time by now . every day we hear from her.
Last night I watched Vanessa Beeley’s video, The Veto, on YouTube. Now that’s what I call a real reporter, unlike the ersatz simulacrum of the likes of that kuentsberg woman.
Nibor, the thought occurred to me on waking, this a.m., could the UK taxpayer sue Yvette Cooper for £39billion? She is proposing costing the UK a lot of money now and tying us to the EU and having to subscribe more in future.
Laura Kuenssberg has said that UK politics will never be the same again and that was before May handed control to Corbyn. The Conservative Party is finished and Kuenssberg will be proved correct, but perhaps not in the way she thought, because out of the ashes something new will emerge
“But even its enemies must acknowledge that Corbyn’s Labour party has ground May’s project to dust by drawing on the one thing that outsiders to the labour movement can never quite understand: the discipline and solidarity that come from being vilified and ignored – something May could never rely on among the squabbling ranks of entitled Tory MPs.”
Mason is bonkers, vilified and ignored is a pefect description of the 17.4 million! Whatever happened to ‘power to the people’? Why were ‘hard’ lefties like Peter Shore and Wedgie-Benn (and Corbyn) so opposed to the EU? Mason, you have sold out to Coca-Cola and global capital!
“….Why were ‘hard’ lefties like Peter Shore and Wedgie-Benn (and Corbyn) so opposed to the EU? Mason…”
Ah! Those were the days! Days when Queen & Country were cherished. Days before the ‘brown-envelopes’ from the Globalists in support of World Domination became the norm.
Little Englander? It’s difficult to think of any more fitting epithet than ‘Little European’ – small minded politicians and their media lackeys who are blind to the trading possibilities offered by China, India, Russia, North America, Africa and the rest of the world. Advocates of 19th Century economics (customs unions) to address the political problems of the 20th Century (German-French conflict) whilst ignoring the realities of the 21st Century. Political Flat-Earthers and Rip Van Winkles in addition to ‘Little Europeans’.
Just imagine all those unwelcome politicians like Blair, Clarke, Soubry etc, standing for seats, and getting totally ravaged at the polls!
The BBC would have a field day, with that funny, peculiar man, dancing all over the Pink squares on election night (they’d have to be pinkos, cowards etc), and while sad old Joe Corrabin would be somewhere south of about twelve seats, a decent, New Party, with unstained political history could be the winner!
It’s sky – not BBC – the clip of mr Faisal Islam challenging a member of the public over the claim that the PM is a traitor continues to be shown on the MSM.
Both superficially and more deeply it gives us an insight into the mindset of the ‘bubble ‘ . Mr Islam chooses not to be a journalist but become a PM ( politician )supporter and not a representative of the public asking valid questions .
You’ll remember that Mr Islam was on the staff of the state funded Channel 4 and that its Anchor mr Jon Snow mentioned on air about ‘so many white faces ‘ in a demo last week
It points to the rot in the MSM . If brexit is lost I fear that certain parts of the MSM will be on the end of the same hostility which the politicians are only starting to experience .
I think is will come as a genuine shock to journalists who seem to think there is no dishonour in overturning democracy because the voters were thick and didn’t understand .
In fact they are so thick that they refuse to accept Project Fear and have their tiny minds changed and remain in the disgusting ReichEU
Sir Oliver Letwin – had a nice chat with Tourette’s Robinson .
Letwin sounds like one of the French aristocrats saying ‘let them eat cake ‘ – he being one of the traitors plotting to withdraw A50 with his new best friend Evette Cooper Balls today .
Letwin got a lovely easy ride from Robinson – but he would wouldn’t he ?
As for use of the word ‘traitor ‘ if anyone thinks it is ‘too strong ‘? Well I think it’s a very reasonable description under the circumstances.
I think mr Letwin has been in the Commons for a very long time – and it shows – . I’ve said it here before – if you spend your working life in that place it corrupts you .
I used to have
‘Jobs’ in there when it was not sitting so could wander around it and it’s false traditions are crushing .
I d close it down and move it further north
I’m seriously reconsidering whether ‘first past the post ‘ is of value and more and that maybe Proportional Representation might get more reflective representation than what we have now .
I d only vote now for non mainstream representation
Rather than spending billions making it into a workplace for 21st Century, I’d rather build a new fit-for-purpose Parliament in the middle of the UK. Exact geographical centre, IIRC, is close to Warwick & Coventry. That has been a seat of ‘power’ in the past and could be in future. The House of Lords could be slimmed down at the same time.
The old parliamentary estate could be turned into a hotel. Am sure it would be a big success with overseas tourists. A nice little earner for the UK.
The problem with PR is that it would place all the power in Party hierarchies. Those with a good understanding of history know that that is how the Hard Right (aka Hard Left) seize and keep power to the detriment of all.
I heard (segments of) two speeches or talks by two (female) political leaders in the UK back in 2009 or thereabouts. A shiver went down my spine listening to both.
I felt I had fallen back in time and was in a Nuremburg Rally in 1920s/1930s Germany.
There need to be primaries, as they are called in the USA, where constituencies vote for the candidates; I’d say vote for all the parties candidates; then come the general election, vote for whatever, whether it’s for party or individual. It’s way past time when a few people in the political parties decide who will stand for election. We could retain the first past the post system but make it a two stage process.
Being simple here: We didn’t vote for Brexit we voted to Leave the EU. That nice Mr Cameron was even kind enough to warn us of the consequences should we not listen to he and May.
Up2 – and anyone – if you want a cheer up – listen to the extract at about 0835 London time for JRM handing the work experience girl her backside too her .
Afterwards she has led out of the studio to sit in a darkened room with a box of tissues .
The ripping of a new one was followed by Robinson desperately trying to pretend it never happened .
Shame JRM didn’t go in harder but I think that might have led to ‘ technical problems’ the last refuge the BBC regularly uses .
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing that … JRM can certainly be very entertaining!
Unfortunately I left the programme running in the background and in almost the next article a Polish MEP from the Brexit Steering Group began with “I’d like to make a nasty comment” at which point I felt the need to switch off …
Well, at least I was cheered up for a few minutes!
The Mogg refusing to be shouted down by Far Left Al Beeb in this morning’s Toady at about 8.30. Kearney(?) brought up his retweeting an AfG tweet and he retorted with Numptie’s calling the ERG fascists.
Different subject – listening to a snowflake like David aaronovich talking about football stadiums . Lord god spare me .
Having been bred as a spurs supporter I think I could give people like aaronovich a dose of reality . The other person interviewed was a girl football commentator . How unrepresentative could the BBC get
But then again the BBC does employ a crisps salesman as a footy presenter …
Nick Ferrari, LBC, had Jack Dromey, on early this morning, to give us his views on the Brexit situation.
I wonder what qualifies him to speak, and not Gerard Batten? Could it be his wife, or the way he was selected as a labour candidate or his video preferences paid for by taxpayers?
I wonder if dromey and Hattie Harmon – dromey can still fiddle the residence tax parliamentary allowance like Evette cooper- balls did with the politically deceased Ed Balls ?
Nice to have politics as the family business isn’t it ? Benn , Kinnock , Cryer , milliband ….. et al
Our thoughts should be with our call me jack dromey for having such a wife at the difficult time
When the remainer politicians ably assisted by the beeb and sly news etc finally get their desperate wish and prevent brexit, do they really believe the little people will just accept it and go on our merry little way and that they can go back to their cosy little lives telling us how wonderful the EU is?
A big shock awaits these people as unfortunately for them, people DID know what they were voting for and they’ve plain and simply stole it from us. What goes around…..
I’m sure the state security services will be ‘ monitoring ‘ us . Their problem will be the mass of objection . For instance how would they deal with drone incursions into all UK airports over time ?
Or go slows on motor ways or at ports ? Or disruption of fuel supplies .
I’m sure the news would be censored to prevent the effect being made known in the same kind of way Muslim hostility is minimised on a daily basis by the BBC
Much as I’d like to think otherwise, it’ll pass largely unnoticed – no organised revolt, no riots – indeed, probably not a whimper from the proletariat.
The establishment can do what they want as Brexiteers, in the main, are normal people with jobs and responsibilities that can’t be threatened with taking time off work to protest or those jobs put at risk with anti social behaviour.
The country is doomed as democracy has been proven to be easily overturned.
Brexit has been delayed and effectively ignored and if the public were to vote in UKIP in record numbers, the establishment would simply do a Mueller/Democrat stitch up and claim it was the Russians and void the result.
Politics has all been crushed out by the media into empty tokenistic soundbites with no one really able to offer an alternative viewpoint. Social Media has allowed other opinions to flourish but we can all see the jackboot coming down on this as well.
Jeff Taylor reported on this a few days ago in his YouTube video. It seems the English Democrats have raised at least the £10,000 needed to lodge the legal challenge to Mrs May’s delay to us Leaving the EU. Apparently, it will cost at least £25,000 to proceed with the case. There is a crowd fund to cover the costs:
Sounds like Stephen Barclay MP (Brexit Secretary) is a casualty to Remain. He was soullessly waving the white flag on the programme this a.m. during the 8-8.30am segment.
Got to laugh at the ga ga Toynbee claiming that brexit is a Tory construct
No challenge — a certain Tory PM spent huge amount of taxpayers money trying to stop it and the Tories have presided over two years of frustrating it
Comrade Robinson left that lefty allegation go unchallenged as one might expect from the Far Left BBC
The BBC really has a love affair with Toynbee -I don’t get it. She’s old , inherited wealthy , champagne socialist and poisonous …. maybe that’s it . Or it’s a family thing in the swamp / bubble
I’m waiting for The Guardian to run a feature on this or similar sites with the aid of Maxi the in-house Troll
But any publicity for us will be good for the cause
Fedup — Emma Barnett yesterday had a guest on who was free to talk about the wave of hate crime after Brexit, and said it showed “it is a racial event.”
Maybe Jon Snow has a sociology book group after school they all go to
I guess Emma Barnet is on Radio 5 – which is not for me .
I take it the snowflake you mention was fairly young so limited in experience . Perhaps they should have asked the non white brexiters to comment- or perhaps the interviewer and interviewee are anti white racists ….
I know the Barnet beeboid is going to disappear into the vacuum of Newsnight with the other sistas…
Polly Toynbee (and Nick Robinson) cock-a-hoop! Brexit may never happen.
The happiness of the TOADY studio at the possibility of a BRexit In Name Only or it being postponed for years was obvious from the outset this morning. It leaked out of the speakers and created an ugly smell and even uglier stain on countertops, shelves, cabinets and carpets of the nation.
j-i-c, not quite – our Mishal is not in the same league as Cathy N., esp. with that smile when caught out by Peterson. Mind you, Mishal is easy on the eye and I’m sure can dazzle, but looks don’t really count on radio.
Theresa May.
Bad news from the word ‘go’.
Seems her party lacked the courage and insight to face up to this, even after the very personalized bungled election, in which people showed her they didn’t think she was ‘the greatest’ after all!
How comes it that she just doth continue and continue? Under her pillow the Merkel handbook entitled: ‘Sit tight!’ Sub-title: ‘…regardless of what people around you say or do’. Chapter one: ‘How to ignore the voters’. Chapter two: ‘How to ignore your party’. Final sentence: ‘Say nice things to them, but have those two fingers ready.’
And as for the bbc, well: they can dish it out, but they can’t take it, as JRM proved this morning on Toady. Well done, Sir.
“Well done, Sir”, Amen to that. She soon pulled the plug or was told to over her ear piece when JRM attacked (in his own decent way) and totally put her in her place. How long can R4 carry on this one sided “lefty ” as JRM stated bias.
RP – That most abrupt of endings told us how hostile the bbc/Toady really is to freedom of speech, even when it comes from an elected representative.
Hard to believe, but true.
I take the liberty (pardon me, Fed) for reposting, with apologies for a lengthy post, a couple of posts from the StW Thread & my reply:
Dave S – 8.59pm 2 April 2019
There is no need to be concerned. This betrayal was always going to happen. Think of it as act one in which a panicked establishment shows it’s hand .
They have nowhere to hide now and nowhere to run to. If we are forced to remain in the EU then what will the EU do with a nation that is not just indifferent but actively hostile to everything it stands for. Had we left on good terms this would have been avoided but given the nature of the EU that was never going to happen
Then there is the unavoidable fact that the Commons and it’s hangers on will have effectively set aside the majority vote of June 2016.
What a hostage to fortune that will prove to be.
Lying to the people who voted in good faith will end badly. I do not see civil unrest but a quiet determination to take back control of our destiny . Leaders will arise. They always do and this time they will find a people ready and willing to follow.
This means I am not concerned about the events over the next few days. In fact what is coming has been coming for a long time. We have been in a pre revolutionary state for some years . Once again this fine country of ours will lead the way in restoring freedom and genuine prosperity to Europe. The globalisers and their mechanistic
view of human beings is the past. They just do not know it yet.
True Too 9.16pm 2 April
That’s an inspiring comment, Dave S, and I hope it’s prophetic!
Up2snuff 8.28am 3 April 2019
Well said, Dave.
You are correct. I observed on here some time ago that had we left in good time, without a deal and without any payment to the EU, life may have been difficult for a while but in adversity the country would have united, despite grumbling by determined Remainers.
Instead, by a non-Brexit departure from the EU, an opposition – a Resistance Movement or Independence Movement – will be created that will go on and on until we truly leave the EU or the EU itself collapses. There is an additional problem for Remainers in the House of Commons, there is the likelihood of a new political Party arising to actually take seats and hold the balance of power at some time.
The problem for a Remainer Establishment is that that Resistance Movement will be formed from ‘nice’ people, largely ‘middle class’ whatever that is, certainly a high proportion of Christians and they will not be badly behaved. Many to start with will have memories of how to resist Communism and will use the same tactics. They will therefore not be visible. They will be very hard to detect, totally ‘under the radar’, very hard to identify and ‘watch’.
If that is not enough to put fear in Remainer MPs then they need to think on this: the putative Brexit Party will inevitably be in competition with Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party. Competition improves the breed. The likely trend is that any Brexit Party will only grow in strength.
And if all that is not bad enough, then the new anti-EU Party is likely to appeal very much to young people. There’s nothing quite like an anti-establishment cause when you are a teenager. 😉
Hysterical Climate debate on Radio Humberside now live
Prof Dan Parsons Uni of Hull is spouting masses of PR BS now
and tweeters are challenging him
cos the thin is the BBC never normally allow open debate on Global Warming religion
Climate change….how much does it concern you?
Julie in Anlaby contacted the Burnsy Show to say it's far more important to talk about than #Brexit
It’s laughable isn’t it? These people claim to be educated and educated enough to insist that we change everything about our society to hold off a threat that they have identified yet they aren’t clever enough to know that kids would ‘strike’ from school for literally any reason…
It was the normal Climate BS
The beeboid was out of his depth ..he introduced the guy as a Climate scientist
.. Then as soon as he started talking I realised he was a Climate Activist who happens to be a University Scientist .. not in Climate Science but rather ocean/river sediment movement
What he spouted was a million miles from proper science.
eg “99% of scientists say”
.. The beeboid was intimidated by the guys authoritative title, but shouldn’t have been .
Doesn’t matter who makes extraordinary claim a BBC prsenter should be able to say “Hey stop, where is this 99% number come from ?”
Then the prof tweeted me Mann’s 2008 Hockey Stick graph
and the BBC presenter retweeted that graph in a “Ya boo sucks ” way
.. Well except the graph is BS
…. the graph from Mann 2015 is way different
Brunei to start stoning gays. But lesbiens only get 40 lashes, which explains why many feminists back Islam.
I wonder what Owen Jones has to say?
Clooney and the Hollywood left are calling for a ban on hotels owned by Brunei. That’s me finished with the Dorchester. No more rent boys there.
Any criticism of Brunei gets you locked up for hate speech. Tories have to be silent, as there is enough Tory Islamophobia, ask Mrs Warsi..
The BBC report explains why Brunei has taken this extreme position. It actually acknowledges what many Islamophiles deny – that severe
homophobia is widespread among the moslem community world wide.
‘ Why is this being implemented now?
There are several theories, but Matthew Woolfe, founder of human rights group The Brunei Project, said it could be linked to Brunei’s weakening economy.
“One theory is that it is a way for the government to strengthen its hold on power in the face of a declining economy that could potentially lead to some unrest in future,” Mr Woolfe told the BBC.
“Connected to this is [Brunei’s] interest in attracting more investment from the Muslim world, along with more Islamic tourists… this could be seen as one way of appealing to this market.”
In other words Brunei want to be seen to fit in with the beliefs of the wider moslem community.
Brunei may be the issue that breaks the unholy alliance between Islam and the Left. But, as already pointed out by GWF, the fact that gays get death and lesbians only get 40 lashes could be spun as proof of Islam’s feminist credentials and its enlightened treatment of women.
Owen Jones is a fine journalist of the highest calibre, who makes frequent invaluable contributions on the bbc.
In recognition of the above I believe we should have a whip-round and send Mr Jones on a well-deserved holiday to somewhere warm.
I understand Brunei is very pleasant at this time of year.
“….gays should stand behind muslims….”.
Forgive me but is not that the way gays go about their business…….
Not sure about the muslim ‘connection’ in that regard though.
Just been asked to sign a stupid online petition to support the MP who wants to pass into law that we can’t leave the EU without a No Deal. It was framed about being for young people who’s future is being destroyed (yawn).
Signed it so that I could get this comment onto the petition.
“A ‘no deal’ exit is exactly what this country needs and anyone saying that we’ll be devastated and facing shortages if we had one is talking utter rubbish.
Take a look at the wine aisle in Sainsburys. You’ll find wines from all over the world – countries inside the EU and countries outside the EU – yet they all seem to be together and of a similar price. How is this possible when we don’t have a ‘deal’ with the USA, New Zealand, Australia, South American countries etc? It’s because business and trade finds a way and isn’t beholden to controlling political frameworks.
People spreading fear about No Deal are blinded, spineless imbeciles unable to step out from behind their mum’s apron and witness the great opportunities that exist for this country when we are free from the yoke of the EU and saving on our billion pound contributions.”
On first reading I thought, “that really is one sick turd”… and (I must admit) “he looks like Owen Jone’s, doppelganger”, BTW where is Owen Jones?
Anyway, something’s been nagging at me overnight since I first read it, and I went back to look for it on the BBC website again only to find it hidden away…?
What’s been bugging me about it is that it just seems ‘too good’ to be true, I mean from the perspective of ticking all the right (or should that be far right) boxes:
White (tick)
Male (tick)
English (tick)
Far Right (tick, tick, tick)
Former BNP supporter (tick)
Former EDL supporter (tick)
Member of the banned National Action (tick, tick, tick)
Racist (tick)
Islamophobe (tick)
Anti-Semite (tick)
Anti-immigration (tick)
Misogynist (tick)
Homophobic, closet homosexual who lives with his mum (tick, tick, tick)
Paedophile, grooming young boys (tick, tick, tick)
Expresses ‘pleasure’ over murder of Jo Cox (tick, tick, tick)
Owner of large knife (called a ‘gladius machete’ (sic) in article for some reason) (tick, tick, tick)
Expresses intent to use said large knife on female, Labour politician (tick, tick, tick, tick)
Expresses intent to then use said large knife on female detective who was ‘on his case’ (tick, tick, tick, tick)
Stopped in his tracks by ‘heroic’ member of Hope not Hate working undercover with support of Hope not Hate (tick, tick, tick, tick, tick,tick … running out of ticks)
Seems to me all that’s missing to complete that bingo card are the: Tommy Robinson video, Nigel Farage t-shirt, and evidence of cannibalism?
Maybe it is all for real? If so, he really is one sick little man and I’m glad he was caught and brought to justice, and if anyone thinks I’m in the ‘same class’ merely because: I don’t like the BBC, think we ought to control immigration, and voted Brexit… then they’re barking mad!
Our soldiers in Kabul shoot at targets of Corbyn. Could be the Parachute Regiment?
The MOD say:
“We are aware of a video circulating on social media, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and falls well below the high standards the army expects, a full investigation has been launched.”
Yes, hushed tones AND outrage!
Quick find your safe space and request counselling!
Gerald Scarfe drew cartoons of MPs run over by tanks and steam rollers but that was when satire and comment was allowed.
These soldiers did not actually shoot Corbyn but one of them may have considered it for a nano second so it is a THOUGHT CRIME!
15 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge wouldn’t you say.
The only reaction would be if they failed to refer to him as “Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”, as that would violate NUJ and BBC reporting guidelines.
Oh dear, despite giving Capita hundreds of millions to handle recruitment for the Army, they are still attracting ‘the wrong sorts’ rather than the snowflakes, cry babies, girlies and ethnics that will put the fear of God into Putin’s men.
Oh, I don’t know so much. A middle-aged white male heterosexual who supports leaving the EU without.a deal might be regarded as fair game by many. And on that note, I’m off to buy a flak jacket and steel helmet!
LBC and the Labour Leave bloke, Brendan Chiltern.
I swear I’ve not heard such a fair, balanced, impartial and clear summation of Brexit since we voted for it.
Labour extremists don’t like him – says a lot.
JACKPOT! Three protected characteristics in one super-human designated victim. Think how useful all that diversity will be in doing a very tough job! With Khan and Dick in charge of London crime has magically disappeared as criminals reform instantly when they know a homosexual and an Asian are in charge.
Black, female AND gay? You can almost hear the merciless gangsters of crime-ridden Chicago laying down their arms in response.
“Yo G, let’s go smoke some rivals.”
“Didn’t y’all hear? The new mayor is black AND gay.”
“Don’t tell me it’s a woman as well.”
“It is.”
Even as we speak, BBC hacks are preparing a special report: “Lori Lightfoot: Could she make it all the way to the White House in 2020?”
P.S. The future ‘First Lady’ looks a bit glum.
True and when it comes to any future appointment, political, business or public service, the cry will echo around the realm – ‘but why isn’t a black lesbian in post ?’
Do you think we can apply the following to our Political situation? • Our Prime Minister is not fit for purpose
• Most of our MPs are not fit for purpose
• The two main UK political parties are not fit for purpose
• Parliament itself is not fit for purpose
The problem isn’t Brexit. The problem is the Democratic Deficit Disorder1 which has spread like a malignant growth through our body politic.
“The Mother of Parliaments” was once an accolade used when talking of Westminster. Now it is more appropriate for this to be used in the pejorative sense, as in “the mother of all mess-ups”.
The United Kingdom has become a laughing stock on the world stage. The best that can be said is that our traditional friends are looking on in shock, bewilderment and sadness. The worst that can be said is that our once proud global reputation lies in tatters.
The saddest thing of all is that the British people as a whole haven’t actually changed that much.
Our tradition of quiet evolution – in contrast to bloody revolutions – in the recent history of our nation has turned from being a cause for quiet pride, into being a fatal flaw. Our reputation for not complaining is a weakness that has been exploited by an ever more arrogant Establishment class.
The Bonfire of the Political Vanities
The simple fact is that the reasons for the appalling mess in which we find ourselves are down to our politicians. The Conservative Parliamentary Party selected a hopeless Remainer as Prime Minister, despite her record of six years of kicking cans down the road as Home Secretary.
We must not get sucked into the ravages of the Labour party whose future is very uncertain. Quite simply, the UK does dreadfully out of the Customs Union. MPs can see, they EU, sell us far more, which means they are earning out of the arrangement. Germany alone made a net €41 BILLION out of the UK in 2018. What possible reason is there to want to stay in the Customs Union, or any variation thereof?
The Cooper-Letwin Bill (supported by Reversers and Rejoiners) is to be rammed through the Commons in defiance of established centuries old procedures in order to delay and reverse Brexit by Act of Parliament. It is outrageous.
I’m not a football follower so it is probably inaccurate but something along those lines needs to be chanted at every future protest meeting outside the HoP.
Correct John, there is……
You’re shit, and you know you are,
You’re shit, and you know you are,
repeat….(to the tune of ‘Go West’ by The Pet Shop Boys).
I’d prefer…
Sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning,
sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning.
(to the tune of Guantanamera)
Many of us couldn’t vote for UKIP even if we wanted to in 2017. They intentionally chose not to field candidates in many rural constituencies so as not to take votes away from the Tories.
Because any of the, ‘must haves’ and ‘can’t survive without’ add-ons to any arrangement just push the scales over to – we haven’t really left the EUROPEAN DREAM.
Fact is as it stands, the things on the table give all the bad bits but of the good bits of being in the EU – quite an achievement that.
Correction “Fact is as it stands, the things on the table give all the bad bits but NONE of the good bits of being in the EU – quite an achievement that.”
As you read this the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are sparring on points of detail in a pre-emptive party political broadcast. Brexit has yet to mentioned, but the ground is being prepared for a non-event when the two come head-to-head over the table in an attempt to pretend some sort of consensus. In other words, more prevarication, more time wasting, more playing a supine role with the EU.
Exactly. Her negotiation tactics have been proven to be utterly shit.
She’ll come back waving a piece of paper and saying that we have an agreement on Brexit with Labour…….and then quietly mutter that we’re also losing our nuclear deterrent and giving the Falklands to the Argentinians.
Watching the PM at PM lies – one almost feels sorry for her . She is obviously burnt out , spent and someone should put her out of her political misery .
I watch it on the Parliament channel overseas from Blighty . No licence . No biased BBC commentary …
Corbyn will meet the PM later today – I hope she washes her hands afterwards . – with a bit of luck Corbyn will walk out , do his ‘general election’ rant and we ll be another day closer to the full brexit …
We get 38 pence from every £ with the eu.
7 other Countries get less than they pay in but we are bottom, we get the least of all 28.
Luxembourg gets over £38 for each £.
Bulgaria’s gets £6.14 per £.
That’s just the contributions.
The eu gets about £80 billion more from us in trade than we get from them.
I believe they get vat from us as well.
They get most of our fish.
Our rebate reduction happened yet Blair’s CAP reform (the eu side of the deal) did not happen.
Every way you look at it we are getting screwed by the eu.
The reason remainers can only attack leavers is that they have nothing positive to say about the eu so can only argue by bad mouthing our democratic decision to leave the eu.
This is now demockeryacy because of the remainer pm, the remainer chancellor, remainer speaker, remainer nonservatives, remainer Parliament , remainer civil service, remainer MSM and remainer luvvies.
Against 17.4 million of the ordinary folk who voted out.
I can’t wait to use all my votes in future elections to vote against the liblabcon. I hope they get annihilated.
Why don’t the SNP simply ignore the Scottish independence referendum vote and declare independence.
That’s the same as ‘our’ government is doing to us.
How I hate them apart from a few exceptions such as Francois, Bridgen, Redwood, Hoey, Bone and the rest of the honest patriots.
The SNP; it would appear that they’d quite like to poison ‘Brexit’ for the UK before demanding another ‘once in a generation’ referendum just for Scotland. Cynical I know.
Actually that’s truly unkind as May has already done more damage with her moment of madness on the six o’ clock news.
‘You have to admire the BBC for making those facts and figures public knowledge, it can only enhance their valued and unbiased contribution to the whole Brexit argument’. Guardian leader comment.
No conviction for David Duckenfield – the police officer I charge at hillsborough 30 years ago. I bet the BBC had an hour hatchet job ready to go tonight with someone like John Kia Royale Sweeney shouting out from moral high ground .
They’ll probably run a trial by television anyway ….
The BBC must have organised this.
Guido has his usual PMQ list.
15 questions. 1 Conservative.
That is neutral, even handed, impartial, just like the Traitor currently pretending to be a Prime Minister.
A point of order was raised by a labour MP who apparently was the subject of a murder plot . The House of Commons was eager to talk about this being a threat to democracy .
But seems selective in what it considers ‘democracy ‘ .
I believe that the MP in question favours all MPs having personal protection officers – now there’s an even better way to shield the political class from the people who pay their wages .
I know damn well that if Corblimey gets elected I will start a campaign to have a “People’s General Election” because anybody voting Labour (or Conservative) didn’t know what they were voting for.
To be fair Gove has played an excellent part in clarifying minds and confirming the belief that politicians are duplicitous, self-serving minor non-entities for whom the word ‘principle’ is all too readily confused with ‘principal’.
BBC desperately attempting to smooth over the Sharia laws the Sultan of Brunei has recently passed on the executing of homosexuals, but don’t worry the BBC can make it right!
Because Brunei is a Shia country before the homosexuals can be punished the act has to be witnessed by 4 righteous men making it a virtual impossibility someone will ever be put to death.
So that’s all alright then!
They don’t mention that in Sunni Saudi mere suspicion of being Gay is enough to see you executed, nor do they mention the fact that the majority of Muslims in Britain find homosexuality unacceptable, and a majority want to see it made a criminal offence a substantial minority want to see the death penalty applied in Britain for being Gay.
The BBC protecting Muslims from the consequences of their own beliefs and religion.
Deliberately taking his replies out of context and conveniently failing to mention the reference to Jim Naughtie, which was imperative in understanding why he accused them of bias.
BTW has anyone seen a basic table of ‘for and against’ the EU ?
Seems a simple thing for an honest person to draw up.
And yes we have noticed us being referred to as, “Brexit fanatics” and “Brexit extremists”.
If only they could direct their vitriol to the real enemies of the Free World.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – All together now, let’s all bash the President of the USA UK general (sorry, name forgotten)…
Fedup2Mar 4, 19:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Van Thanks for responding . I do value it . Im particularly interested because in those moments after the nuclear…
Van HelsingMar 4, 19:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, The Russian economy is in a mess – the ruble’s value has plummeted, interest rates are high and (most…
First. Yippee.
This is too heady for me. I need to lie down.
Can’t cope, I bet you’re a bloke !
Backlinks : Page 4 of the Start the Week Thread
May is going to speak to Corbyn, but she’s done this before & he has stormed out. She says she wants her treaty to be at the centre of talks, but I suspect she already knows this is never going to fly.
If this is some attempt at damage limitation by blaming Labour, then it’s very clumsy, and I don’t think she’s going to succeed.
The Tories are saying they don’t have enough money to fight an election, and given the damage May has done I doubt a donation of all Bill Gates’s wealth would be sufficient to turn public opinion. She’s determined to wreck her party, and then at the last minutes hand over the helm of the Titanic to some poor unortunate who doesn’t stand a chance – Boris perhaps?
I have already made up my mind for the next two election cycles.
Its not going to be any candidate from Conservative, Labour or Liberal. It may be harsh to those MPs who have fought for Brexit, but on this occasion, the innocent will have to suffer, along with those who sought to thwart the will of the people.
If an election is called, T, or at the next scheduled one in 2022 I will be in a dilemma.
My MP (Lab) has said “No-one votes to make themselves poorer.” (or words to that effect) but my MP is against a No Deal Brexit. My MP will have to vote on the latest Yvette Cooper MP (Lab) Bill tonight, unless it is pulled at the eleventh hour, which seeks to enshrine in Law that the UK cannot leave the EU without a deal, ie. in a No Deal situation.
My MP will thus have to choose between making the UK poorer by £39billion plus any future EU ‘subscription’ or voting against a Labour Party MP’s Bill, which may or may not be whipped.
If my MP votes for the Cooper Bill, then the UK is poorer and also partly trapped within the EU.
I cannot in good conscience vote for that MP at the next Election.
Do I then actively campaign for the Conservative Party who in bungling the aftermath of the third failure of the Withdrawal Agreement vote (the PM asking the EU for more time) led to this situation but who stand a chance of winning the seat?
Or do I vote and perhaps actively campaign for UKIP or the Brexit Party both of whom have little real chance of winning the seat?
Corbyn’s House of Commons cadaverous countenance lurks, waiting to haunt the unhappy Brexiteer.
I beg to differ on the statement Brexit Party have little chance of winning the seat. Ive signed up for the party and am willing to stand for election – since I’m so incensed by the betrayal going on. I was with the Leave Means Leave march last Friday & my views are echoed – there is a good chance of non-mainstream parties winning seats at a General Election & we need people like yourself to cast your vote in that direction. You will not be alone – & its the only way we can fight back against this betrayal of the referendum. We need all the support we can get
No Brexit, no peace.
It looks bad. It looks as if we’ve been well and truly tucked up.
The truth is the opposite. We cannot lose, because Remainer traitors will get no peace until we get independence:
On a more serious note, the BBC has been laying out the catastrophe that awaits the UK if we leave the EU without a Deal.
Two things caught my attention.
1. Mark Carney, the well known predictor of economic outcomes, was wheeled out by the BBC. He is predicting a catastrophe for the UK if we leave without a deal, ( BBC speak is crash out of the EU). Food prices jumping up n% (30 I believe), uncertainty in the markets leading the £ to fall, and much else.
2. Britons studying in EU countries will be subjected to higher fees.
First, why we should take any notice of Mark Carney I have no idea, as he has been so “wildly” successful before.
The EU cannot match the UK in world ranking universities. Besides, students from around the world, including the EU, prefer the UK as a study destination, because they learn to speak good English, with the added carrot of a degree from a world ranking university. EU students will pay the higher fee regardless. Not so Britons studying in the EU.
It is really disconcerting that the state funded broadcaster runs down the nation at every opportunity..
Nick doesn’t agree with Hugh. Hilarity ensues.
Over 60% of the Parliamentary party voted for May, and as the only remain candidate Boles was probably one of them, he only has himself to blame now for supporting a ‘safe pair of hands’, not a leader.
I don’t understand Nick Boles, (I don’t understand Mrs may either!).
May’s ‘duty’ was to get the UK out of the EU. There can be no ‘compromise’ that satisfies ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’, we are either ‘in’ or ‘out’, one would have thought.
However our PM has tried to push ‘her’ Withdrawal Agreement on parliament, a ‘deal’ that is more ‘remain’ than ‘remain’! In what way does that appease the ‘far-right, extreme, fascist etc.’ ERG? The WA is the sort of thing that the beloved Soubry and Clarke could have cooked up.
What is Mrs May’s game? Has she been promised the fiefdom of Lower Saxony or something? She is certainly not working for the UK remainers , leavers or non-voters.
Could it be that Mrs May isn’t bothered about Brexit/Remain at all? She is after all the inventor of ‘the nasty party’ label, perhaps her aim is just to destroy her own party regardless of the price the UK will pay?
May campaigned to Remain.
Judge a politician by their deeds not their words.
May is bought by multinationals. She is clinging on to make as much money as possible before she disappears into a career of seedy dinner talks a la Tony Blair. Her only mission is to keep the UK in a single market and customs union and she doesn’t care how. It is all the big multinationals care about.
“….What is Mrs May’s game?”
Solidly behind the Globalist elite. That’s her future: sown up for the better no doubt.
Our economy is now outstripping that of Germany. France is in decline.
If the BBC wasn’t so anti-Brexit, it would be supporting ‘No Deal’.
The only logical option is ‘No Deal’.
Unfortunately, the term ‘No Deal’ sounds negative, which suits the BBC and other Remainers.
It should therefore be called ‘Best Deal’ 🙂
D S,
No Entanglement Brexit.
Full Freedom Brexit.
How bout “clean break”?
How bout “clean break”?
I’m a PR consultant and right from the start ‘no deal’ should have been referred to as ‘an orderly exit under WTO reguations’. The right needs to take some lessons from the left who are brilliant at naming things that sound great and postive while disguising their Marxist agenda. eg Anti-Nazi League, Stop the War Coalition, Momentum etc etc
It’s called “framing”, I believe.
You can almost guarantee that when a group calls itself Anti-Something, it is trying to disguise the fact that its nature is essentially that Something itself.
For example, Antifa sends thugs onto the street who would not be out of place in the Brownshirts; the anti-racists always seem to be trying to damage white people (or redefine the term ‘racism’ to excuse such behaviour).
Not a new trick, of course, as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea demonstrates.
Even the BBC News ticker last evening referred to no deal as “crashing out”. And let’s not forget that May’s WA doesn’t offer a deal either just some wooly aspirations and a un-ending transition period.
Do not subscribe to the phrase ‘crashing out’, as now seems the BBC’s effort to shock us all-leaving without a deal is what we should be doing, with or without Parliaments agreement. Wishful thinking perhaps.
I’m wondering – we’re due to leave (again) on May 22nd,.
What if we do not – can we then have our European Parliament Election ?
Exactly! The EU doesn’t want that because of the possible political consequences and neither does May for the same reason.
\\Two “malicious” devices were left on railway tracks in a pro-Brexit sabotage attempt, police have said.//
A “False flag” ?
\\ Two “malicious” devices were left on railway tracks in a pro-Brexit sabotage attempt, police have said.
The items were left on lines near Netherfield, Nottinghamshire, and Yaxley, Cambridgeshire, in March.
One had a note saying “leave means leave”, with another saying it would “bring Britain to a standstill”.//
As soon as I heard that one was found at Yaxley, I thought “false flag”. However, actions such as this are increasingly inevitable.
I would once have criticised such action unreservedly. There’s no justification: you should campaign for what you want and if enough people agree, they’ll vote for it.
Except there’s now a wee problem with that argument. What happens when you’ve done that, but those in power call you stupid and racist and refuse to abide by your vote? Should you try again? What was that saying about the definition of madness?
The madness is voting to leave in 2016, voting in a Remain Parliament in 2017 and still expecting to Leave.
Leave as in Corbyn/May promises to look more like release under licence given Corbyn’s fondness for an enduring Customs Union.
“Corbyn’s fondness for an enduring Customs Union.”
That’s all to do with the Marxist Grand Plan. If the UK exits, that will make it more difficult to work toward a ‘united’ Marxist EU. Difficult timing for so-called, “Labour” since they were, pre-Referendum, well on their way toward that Marxist goal.
“That’s all to do with the Marxist Grand Plan”
This has gone way past serious now.
I think the remain MPs on the blue side of the arena should think for a minute what their next step is very carefully indeed.
Because these communist MPs who are trying to bring down the government and hope to hand our military/banks/laws/passport control over to the EU are REPUBLICANS!.
As every MSM commenter will agree – this is THE greatest hope for every republican in this country – a future without royalty.
And this would be a complete nightmare for the Queen and the rest of the royal household.
So what are you going to do about it Queen? Over to you!
I think the malicious device was a single ticket between Bletchley and Milton Keynes ( 4 minutes ) which costs £3.90 off peak .
Brexit: PM asks Corbyn to help break deadlock
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said it probably means the prime minister is likely to adopt a closer relationship with the EU – a softer Brexit – than she had agreed so far.
So how can it any softer than ‘her deal’ ?
I know Laura is on £200k but she must be working in her own time by now . every day we hear from her.
And she doesn’t get any prettier.
Last night I watched Vanessa Beeley’s video, The Veto, on YouTube. Now that’s what I call a real reporter, unlike the ersatz simulacrum of the likes of that kuentsberg woman.
How to deal with the EU Trump style .
Sue them .
How to deal with TVLicensing any style.
Tell them you’ll see them in court , if they dare .
Funnily enough , cowards who know they’re in the wrong capitulate .
Nibor, the thought occurred to me on waking, this a.m., could the UK taxpayer sue Yvette Cooper for £39billion? She is proposing costing the UK a lot of money now and tying us to the EU and having to subscribe more in future.
Laura Kuenssberg has said that UK politics will never be the same again and that was before May handed control to Corbyn. The Conservative Party is finished and Kuenssberg will be proved correct, but perhaps not in the way she thought, because out of the ashes something new will emerge
Yes – UKIP & The Brexit Party.
Little English nationalist revolution is over?
Mrs Chamberlain to meet Cor-bin? Will they bring in the expert economist Dian Fatbot to advise ?
I think she wants to leave on KFC terms.
“But even its enemies must acknowledge that Corbyn’s Labour party has ground May’s project to dust by drawing on the one thing that outsiders to the labour movement can never quite understand: the discipline and solidarity that come from being vilified and ignored – something May could never rely on among the squabbling ranks of entitled Tory MPs.”
Mason is bonkers, vilified and ignored is a pefect description of the 17.4 million! Whatever happened to ‘power to the people’? Why were ‘hard’ lefties like Peter Shore and Wedgie-Benn (and Corbyn) so opposed to the EU? Mason, you have sold out to Coca-Cola and global capital!
“….Why were ‘hard’ lefties like Peter Shore and Wedgie-Benn (and Corbyn) so opposed to the EU? Mason…”
Ah! Those were the days! Days when Queen & Country were cherished. Days before the ‘brown-envelopes’ from the Globalists in support of World Domination became the norm.
Little Englander? It’s difficult to think of any more fitting epithet than ‘Little European’ – small minded politicians and their media lackeys who are blind to the trading possibilities offered by China, India, Russia, North America, Africa and the rest of the world. Advocates of 19th Century economics (customs unions) to address the political problems of the 20th Century (German-French conflict) whilst ignoring the realities of the 21st Century. Political Flat-Earthers and Rip Van Winkles in addition to ‘Little Europeans’.
How about an Elite party?
Just imagine all those unwelcome politicians like Blair, Clarke, Soubry etc, standing for seats, and getting totally ravaged at the polls!
The BBC would have a field day, with that funny, peculiar man, dancing all over the Pink squares on election night (they’d have to be pinkos, cowards etc), and while sad old Joe Corrabin would be somewhere south of about twelve seats, a decent, New Party, with unstained political history could be the winner!
Well, I can dream can’t I…
It’s sky – not BBC – the clip of mr Faisal Islam challenging a member of the public over the claim that the PM is a traitor continues to be shown on the MSM.
Both superficially and more deeply it gives us an insight into the mindset of the ‘bubble ‘ . Mr Islam chooses not to be a journalist but become a PM ( politician )supporter and not a representative of the public asking valid questions .
You’ll remember that Mr Islam was on the staff of the state funded Channel 4 and that its Anchor mr Jon Snow mentioned on air about ‘so many white faces ‘ in a demo last week
It points to the rot in the MSM . If brexit is lost I fear that certain parts of the MSM will be on the end of the same hostility which the politicians are only starting to experience .
I think is will come as a genuine shock to journalists who seem to think there is no dishonour in overturning democracy because the voters were thick and didn’t understand .
In fact they are so thick that they refuse to accept Project Fear and have their tiny minds changed and remain in the disgusting ReichEU
“I fear that certain parts of the MSM will be on the end of the same hostility which the politicians are only starting to experience .”
They already are. Remember the treatment of Channel 4 journalists at last Friday’s march? To much righteous indignation from the likes of Sopel.
Toady watch
Sir Oliver Letwin – had a nice chat with Tourette’s Robinson .
Letwin sounds like one of the French aristocrats saying ‘let them eat cake ‘ – he being one of the traitors plotting to withdraw A50 with his new best friend Evette Cooper Balls today .
Letwin got a lovely easy ride from Robinson – but he would wouldn’t he ?
As for use of the word ‘traitor ‘ if anyone thinks it is ‘too strong ‘? Well I think it’s a very reasonable description under the circumstances.
Funny, Fed, funny I thought listening to Letwin, am I hearing the voice of a Deceiver I thought?
I think mr Letwin has been in the Commons for a very long time – and it shows – . I’ve said it here before – if you spend your working life in that place it corrupts you .
I used to have
‘Jobs’ in there when it was not sitting so could wander around it and it’s false traditions are crushing .
I d close it down and move it further north
I’m seriously reconsidering whether ‘first past the post ‘ is of value and more and that maybe Proportional Representation might get more reflective representation than what we have now .
I d only vote now for non mainstream representation
Agree, Fed.
Rather than spending billions making it into a workplace for 21st Century, I’d rather build a new fit-for-purpose Parliament in the middle of the UK. Exact geographical centre, IIRC, is close to Warwick & Coventry. That has been a seat of ‘power’ in the past and could be in future. The House of Lords could be slimmed down at the same time.
The old parliamentary estate could be turned into a hotel. Am sure it would be a big success with overseas tourists. A nice little earner for the UK.
The problem with PR is that it would place all the power in Party hierarchies. Those with a good understanding of history know that that is how the Hard Right (aka Hard Left) seize and keep power to the detriment of all.
I heard (segments of) two speeches or talks by two (female) political leaders in the UK back in 2009 or thereabouts. A shiver went down my spine listening to both.
I felt I had fallen back in time and was in a Nuremburg Rally in 1920s/1930s Germany.
That’s fair . I don’t know enough about PR but- God – there must be something better than paying 500 MPs not to do the will of the people .
There need to be primaries, as they are called in the USA, where constituencies vote for the candidates; I’d say vote for all the parties candidates; then come the general election, vote for whatever, whether it’s for party or individual. It’s way past time when a few people in the political parties decide who will stand for election. We could retain the first past the post system but make it a two stage process.
If this makes sense.
The geographical centre of the UK is not in the English Midlands!
Isn’t it Warrington?
I’d have liked to have included some of the responses to this, but, well, you know.
The farce is strong in this one…
Trying to turn ‘Brexit means Brexit’ into Yoda difficult is.
Being simple here: We didn’t vote for Brexit we voted to Leave the EU. That nice Mr Cameron was even kind enough to warn us of the consequences should we not listen to he and May.
“She is in effect a tape recording in a bomb-proof casing”
How on Earth have systems evolved over centuries been unable to deal with this?
Another from the leader of the ‘gang’.
OT. The bbc house journal speaks in the real issue of concern.
I’m worried about a pesto or sun dried tomato shortage .
Other such lefty foods that might be in short supply:
And maybe:
Obrageens too !
Mebbe its cuz dey aynt blek?
Didn’t they watch the adverts these last few years?
TOADY Watch #1
Whoo hoooo !
Mishal Husain 0 : 3 Jacob Rees-Mogg
Up2 – and anyone – if you want a cheer up – listen to the extract at about 0835 London time for JRM handing the work experience girl her backside too her .
Afterwards she has led out of the studio to sit in a darkened room with a box of tissues .
The ripping of a new one was followed by Robinson desperately trying to pretend it never happened .
Shame JRM didn’t go in harder but I think that might have led to ‘ technical problems’ the last refuge the BBC regularly uses .
And KGM and Norm rush to her defence.
The comrades in the MSM do stick together .
Wonder if the guru still gets£5000 for his after dinner chats -goes through his production company –
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing that … JRM can certainly be very entertaining!
Unfortunately I left the programme running in the background and in almost the next article a Polish MEP from the Brexit Steering Group began with “I’d like to make a nasty comment” at which point I felt the need to switch off …
Well, at least I was cheered up for a few minutes!
The Mogg refusing to be shouted down by Far Left Al Beeb in this morning’s Toady at about 8.30. Kearney(?) brought up his retweeting an AfG tweet and he retorted with Numptie’s calling the ERG fascists.
Mogg won hands down!
I fear we may hear less from JRM for the next few days on the Far Left BBC
Different subject – listening to a snowflake like David aaronovich talking about football stadiums . Lord god spare me .
Having been bred as a spurs supporter I think I could give people like aaronovich a dose of reality . The other person interviewed was a girl football commentator . How unrepresentative could the BBC get
But then again the BBC does employ a crisps salesman as a footy presenter …
Nick Ferrari, LBC, had Jack Dromey, on early this morning, to give us his views on the Brexit situation.
I wonder what qualifies him to speak, and not Gerard Batten? Could it be his wife, or the way he was selected as a labour candidate or his video preferences paid for by taxpayers?
I wonder if dromey and Hattie Harmon – dromey can still fiddle the residence tax parliamentary allowance like Evette cooper- balls did with the politically deceased Ed Balls ?
Nice to have politics as the family business isn’t it ? Benn , Kinnock , Cryer , milliband ….. et al
Our thoughts should be with our call me jack dromey for having such a wife at the difficult time
By the way jack dromey s real name is
John Eugene Dromey .
I suppose some one told him that being called ‘ jack’ made him sound more Labour .
Bit like that other cloud ‘ jack ‘ Straw .
When the remainer politicians ably assisted by the beeb and sly news etc finally get their desperate wish and prevent brexit, do they really believe the little people will just accept it and go on our merry little way and that they can go back to their cosy little lives telling us how wonderful the EU is?
A big shock awaits these people as unfortunately for them, people DID know what they were voting for and they’ve plain and simply stole it from us. What goes around…..
I’m sure the state security services will be ‘ monitoring ‘ us . Their problem will be the mass of objection . For instance how would they deal with drone incursions into all UK airports over time ?
Or go slows on motor ways or at ports ? Or disruption of fuel supplies .
I’m sure the news would be censored to prevent the effect being made known in the same kind of way Muslim hostility is minimised on a daily basis by the BBC
We ll see …
Much as I’d like to think otherwise, it’ll pass largely unnoticed – no organised revolt, no riots – indeed, probably not a whimper from the proletariat.
Goat – sadly I agree -they’ll put a new series of ‘ strictly bake off factor ‘ on and all will be well .
The establishment can do what they want as Brexiteers, in the main, are normal people with jobs and responsibilities that can’t be threatened with taking time off work to protest or those jobs put at risk with anti social behaviour.
The country is doomed as democracy has been proven to be easily overturned.
Brexit has been delayed and effectively ignored and if the public were to vote in UKIP in record numbers, the establishment would simply do a Mueller/Democrat stitch up and claim it was the Russians and void the result.
Politics has all been crushed out by the media into empty tokenistic soundbites with no one really able to offer an alternative viewpoint. Social Media has allowed other opinions to flourish but we can all see the jackboot coming down on this as well.
Jeff Taylor reported on this a few days ago in his YouTube video. It seems the English Democrats have raised at least the £10,000 needed to lodge the legal challenge to Mrs May’s delay to us Leaving the EU. Apparently, it will cost at least £25,000 to proceed with the case. There is a crowd fund to cover the costs:
Just come across this compilation of all the Opinion Polls on whether we should Leave or Remain. Very, very, interesting.
You can see why, ‘Our Dave’ thought ‘Remain’ would prevail. Those pesky late term changes……………..
That would be the initial Application for Judicial Review. A mere ‘nod’ for all the factors being in place for a JR proper. Likely to be many months later…………
See this Public/Constituional Law academic view:
Might shatter a few illusions and help save money.
TOADY Watch #2
Sounds like Stephen Barclay MP (Brexit Secretary) is a casualty to Remain. He was soullessly waving the white flag on the programme this a.m. during the 8-8.30am segment.
Toady 2
Got to laugh at the ga ga Toynbee claiming that brexit is a Tory construct
No challenge — a certain Tory PM spent huge amount of taxpayers money trying to stop it and the Tories have presided over two years of frustrating it
Comrade Robinson left that lefty allegation go unchallenged as one might expect from the Far Left BBC
The BBC really has a love affair with Toynbee -I don’t get it. She’s old , inherited wealthy , champagne socialist and poisonous …. maybe that’s it . Or it’s a family thing in the swamp / bubble
I’m waiting for The Guardian to run a feature on this or similar sites with the aid of Maxi the in-house Troll
But any publicity for us will be good for the cause
Fedup — Emma Barnett yesterday had a guest on who was free to talk about the wave of hate crime after Brexit, and said it showed “it is a racial event.”
Maybe Jon Snow has a sociology book group after school they all go to
I guess Emma Barnet is on Radio 5 – which is not for me .
I take it the snowflake you mention was fairly young so limited in experience . Perhaps they should have asked the non white brexiters to comment- or perhaps the interviewer and interviewee are anti white racists ….
I know the Barnet beeboid is going to disappear into the vacuum of Newsnight with the other sistas…
TOADY Watch #3
Polly Toynbee (and Nick Robinson) cock-a-hoop! Brexit may never happen.
The happiness of the TOADY studio at the possibility of a BRexit In Name Only or it being postponed for years was obvious from the outset this morning. It leaked out of the speakers and created an ugly smell and even uglier stain on countertops, shelves, cabinets and carpets of the nation.
Lord! Save us!
I’m still laughing at Mishal being skewered by JRM.
Rarely can I remember an interviewer making such a fool of themselves ????
Was it on a par with Cathy Newman and Jordan Peterson?
Has the far-left bbc collective fired John Sweeney yet?
I forgot about Cathy Newman. But then again, she’s not a real journalist, she’s employed by C4.
j-i-c, not quite – our Mishal is not in the same league as Cathy N., esp. with that smile when caught out by Peterson. Mind you, Mishal is easy on the eye and I’m sure can dazzle, but looks don’t really count on radio.
It needs brains.
Oh, and also integrity.
Theresa May.
Bad news from the word ‘go’.
Seems her party lacked the courage and insight to face up to this, even after the very personalized bungled election, in which people showed her they didn’t think she was ‘the greatest’ after all!
How comes it that she just doth continue and continue? Under her pillow the Merkel handbook entitled: ‘Sit tight!’ Sub-title: ‘…regardless of what people around you say or do’. Chapter one: ‘How to ignore the voters’. Chapter two: ‘How to ignore your party’. Final sentence: ‘Say nice things to them, but have those two fingers ready.’
And as for the bbc, well: they can dish it out, but they can’t take it, as JRM proved this morning on Toady. Well done, Sir.
“Well done, Sir”, Amen to that. She soon pulled the plug or was told to over her ear piece when JRM attacked (in his own decent way) and totally put her in her place. How long can R4 carry on this one sided “lefty ” as JRM stated bias.
RP – That most abrupt of endings told us how hostile the bbc/Toady really is to freedom of speech, even when it comes from an elected representative.
Hard to believe, but true.
Speccie goes sniffy. Comments suggest they are as in touch as the CUKs.
I take the liberty (pardon me, Fed) for reposting, with apologies for a lengthy post, a couple of posts from the StW Thread & my reply:
Dave S – 8.59pm 2 April 2019
There is no need to be concerned. This betrayal was always going to happen. Think of it as act one in which a panicked establishment shows it’s hand .
They have nowhere to hide now and nowhere to run to. If we are forced to remain in the EU then what will the EU do with a nation that is not just indifferent but actively hostile to everything it stands for. Had we left on good terms this would have been avoided but given the nature of the EU that was never going to happen
Then there is the unavoidable fact that the Commons and it’s hangers on will have effectively set aside the majority vote of June 2016.
What a hostage to fortune that will prove to be.
Lying to the people who voted in good faith will end badly. I do not see civil unrest but a quiet determination to take back control of our destiny . Leaders will arise. They always do and this time they will find a people ready and willing to follow.
This means I am not concerned about the events over the next few days. In fact what is coming has been coming for a long time. We have been in a pre revolutionary state for some years . Once again this fine country of ours will lead the way in restoring freedom and genuine prosperity to Europe. The globalisers and their mechanistic
view of human beings is the past. They just do not know it yet.
True Too 9.16pm 2 April
That’s an inspiring comment, Dave S, and I hope it’s prophetic!
Up2snuff 8.28am 3 April 2019
Well said, Dave.
You are correct. I observed on here some time ago that had we left in good time, without a deal and without any payment to the EU, life may have been difficult for a while but in adversity the country would have united, despite grumbling by determined Remainers.
Instead, by a non-Brexit departure from the EU, an opposition – a Resistance Movement or Independence Movement – will be created that will go on and on until we truly leave the EU or the EU itself collapses. There is an additional problem for Remainers in the House of Commons, there is the likelihood of a new political Party arising to actually take seats and hold the balance of power at some time.
The problem for a Remainer Establishment is that that Resistance Movement will be formed from ‘nice’ people, largely ‘middle class’ whatever that is, certainly a high proportion of Christians and they will not be badly behaved. Many to start with will have memories of how to resist Communism and will use the same tactics. They will therefore not be visible. They will be very hard to detect, totally ‘under the radar’, very hard to identify and ‘watch’.
If that is not enough to put fear in Remainer MPs then they need to think on this: the putative Brexit Party will inevitably be in competition with Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party. Competition improves the breed. The likely trend is that any Brexit Party will only grow in strength.
And if all that is not bad enough, then the new anti-EU Party is likely to appeal very much to young people. There’s nothing quite like an anti-establishment cause when you are a teenager. 😉
Hysterical Climate debate on Radio Humberside now live
Prof Dan Parsons Uni of Hull is spouting masses of PR BS now
and tweeters are challenging him
cos the thin is the BBC never normally allow open debate on Global Warming religion
Prof just tweeted his support for kids twagging school
A Prof, eh? ER member by chance? How long before the undergrads at UoH are treated to lectures from Todger Dan?
It’s laughable isn’t it? These people claim to be educated and educated enough to insist that we change everything about our society to hold off a threat that they have identified yet they aren’t clever enough to know that kids would ‘strike’ from school for literally any reason…
It was the normal Climate BS
The beeboid was out of his depth ..he introduced the guy as a Climate scientist
.. Then as soon as he started talking I realised he was a Climate Activist who happens to be a University Scientist .. not in Climate Science but rather ocean/river sediment movement
What he spouted was a million miles from proper science.
eg “99% of scientists say”
.. The beeboid was intimidated by the guys authoritative title, but shouldn’t have been .
Doesn’t matter who makes extraordinary claim a BBC prsenter should be able to say “Hey stop, where is this 99% number come from ?”
Then the prof tweeted me Mann’s 2008 Hockey Stick graph
and the BBC presenter retweeted that graph in a “Ya boo sucks ” way
.. Well except the graph is BS
…. the graph from Mann 2015 is way different
Brunei to start stoning gays. But lesbiens only get 40 lashes, which explains why many feminists back Islam.
I wonder what Owen Jones has to say?
Clooney and the Hollywood left are calling for a ban on hotels owned by Brunei. That’s me finished with the Dorchester. No more rent boys there.
Any criticism of Brunei gets you locked up for hate speech. Tories have to be silent, as there is enough Tory Islamophobia, ask Mrs Warsi..
Perhaps Brunei are not a real moslem country.
“That’s me finished with the Dorchester. No more rent boys there.”
I wonder if Keith Vaz got the memo?
I suppose he could go to Appliances On-line for his laundry equipment?
And get the party started (sniff).
Damn, I shall miss my afternoon teas at The Dorchester.
‘Gays should stand behind Muslims’ – is Owen waiting for them to bend over?
The BBC report explains why Brunei has taken this extreme position. It actually acknowledges what many Islamophiles deny – that severe
homophobia is widespread among the moslem community world wide.
‘ Why is this being implemented now?
There are several theories, but Matthew Woolfe, founder of human rights group The Brunei Project, said it could be linked to Brunei’s weakening economy.
“One theory is that it is a way for the government to strengthen its hold on power in the face of a declining economy that could potentially lead to some unrest in future,” Mr Woolfe told the BBC.
“Connected to this is [Brunei’s] interest in attracting more investment from the Muslim world, along with more Islamic tourists… this could be seen as one way of appealing to this market.”
In other words Brunei want to be seen to fit in with the beliefs of the wider moslem community.
Brunei may be the issue that breaks the unholy alliance between Islam and the Left. But, as already pointed out by GWF, the fact that gays get death and lesbians only get 40 lashes could be spun as proof of Islam’s feminist credentials and its enlightened treatment of women.
Male gays could transgender and re-identify as women, therefore getting only 40 lashes as lesbians.
Owen Jones is a fine journalist of the highest calibre, who makes frequent invaluable contributions on the bbc.
In recognition of the above I believe we should have a whip-round and send Mr Jones on a well-deserved holiday to somewhere warm.
I understand Brunei is very pleasant at this time of year.
“….gays should stand behind muslims….”.
Forgive me but is not that the way gays go about their business…….
Not sure about the muslim ‘connection’ in that regard though.
Owen who?
Just been asked to sign a stupid online petition to support the MP who wants to pass into law that we can’t leave the EU without a No Deal. It was framed about being for young people who’s future is being destroyed (yawn).
Signed it so that I could get this comment onto the petition.
“A ‘no deal’ exit is exactly what this country needs and anyone saying that we’ll be devastated and facing shortages if we had one is talking utter rubbish.
Take a look at the wine aisle in Sainsburys. You’ll find wines from all over the world – countries inside the EU and countries outside the EU – yet they all seem to be together and of a similar price. How is this possible when we don’t have a ‘deal’ with the USA, New Zealand, Australia, South American countries etc? It’s because business and trade finds a way and isn’t beholden to controlling political frameworks.
People spreading fear about No Deal are blinded, spineless imbeciles unable to step out from behind their mum’s apron and witness the great opportunities that exist for this country when we are free from the yoke of the EU and saving on our billion pound contributions.”
Am I just being overly cynical, or does this seem ‘too good to be true’?
The neo-Nazi paedophile who plotted to kill
On first reading I thought, “that really is one sick turd”… and (I must admit) “he looks like Owen Jone’s, doppelganger”, BTW where is Owen Jones?
Anyway, something’s been nagging at me overnight since I first read it, and I went back to look for it on the BBC website again only to find it hidden away…?
What’s been bugging me about it is that it just seems ‘too good’ to be true, I mean from the perspective of ticking all the right (or should that be far right) boxes:
White (tick)
Male (tick)
English (tick)
Far Right (tick, tick, tick)
Former BNP supporter (tick)
Former EDL supporter (tick)
Member of the banned National Action (tick, tick, tick)
Racist (tick)
Islamophobe (tick)
Anti-Semite (tick)
Anti-immigration (tick)
Misogynist (tick)
Homophobic, closet homosexual who lives with his mum (tick, tick, tick)
Paedophile, grooming young boys (tick, tick, tick)
Expresses ‘pleasure’ over murder of Jo Cox (tick, tick, tick)
Owner of large knife (called a ‘gladius machete’ (sic) in article for some reason) (tick, tick, tick)
Expresses intent to use said large knife on female, Labour politician (tick, tick, tick, tick)
Expresses intent to then use said large knife on female detective who was ‘on his case’ (tick, tick, tick, tick)
Stopped in his tracks by ‘heroic’ member of Hope not Hate working undercover with support of Hope not Hate (tick, tick, tick, tick, tick,tick … running out of ticks)
Seems to me all that’s missing to complete that bingo card are the: Tommy Robinson video, Nigel Farage t-shirt, and evidence of cannibalism?
Maybe it is all for real? If so, he really is one sick little man and I’m glad he was caught and brought to justice, and if anyone thinks I’m in the ‘same class’ merely because: I don’t like the BBC, think we ought to control immigration, and voted Brexit… then they’re barking mad!
The major omission from the list was the Scottish Nationalist flag, bravely fluttering behind the little lad on the platform. (tick, toch-aye)
+ still eats meat
Our soldiers in Kabul shoot at targets of Corbyn. Could be the Parachute Regiment?
The MOD say:
“We are aware of a video circulating on social media, this behaviour is totally unacceptable and falls well below the high standards the army expects, a full investigation has been launched.”
Yes, hushed tones AND outrage!
Quick find your safe space and request counselling!
Gerald Scarfe drew cartoons of MPs run over by tanks and steam rollers but that was when satire and comment was allowed.
These soldiers did not actually shoot Corbyn but one of them may have considered it for a nano second so it is a THOUGHT CRIME!
15 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge wouldn’t you say.
Would there be this reaction of it had been Tommy Robinson on the target?
No but then it seems in order to be defended these days you must be some kind of scum that wishes to harm the country and consort with it’s enemies.
The only reaction would be if they failed to refer to him as “Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon”, as that would violate NUJ and BBC reporting guidelines.
Oh dear, despite giving Capita hundreds of millions to handle recruitment for the Army, they are still attracting ‘the wrong sorts’ rather than the snowflakes, cry babies, girlies and ethnics that will put the fear of God into Putin’s men.
The BBC are now swarming over this video. It’s second place on their news website. And they’ve squeezed BREXIT into it!
BBC Online News:
“”Army investigating ‘Jeremy Corbyn target practice’ film””
“”The emergence of the video comes at a time of heightened alarm about the safety of MPs as tensions rise over Brexit.””
“”Labour MP Jess Phillips tweeted: “This is absolutely hideous and irresponsible under this or any climate.” “”
Tricky to think of a politically correct target to shoot bullets at .
Oh, I don’t know so much. A middle-aged white male heterosexual who supports leaving the EU without.a deal might be regarded as fair game by many. And on that note, I’m off to buy a flak jacket and steel helmet!
IIRC the BBC News studio once had a picture of Mrs. T with darts in it.
Seems like something they’d do.
“”Labour MP Jess Phillips tweeted: “This is absolutely hideous and irresponsible under this or any climate.” “”
I think the Labour party will change its view on this if Corbyn accepts May’s invitation of a walk-on part in Brexit as Ramsay MacDonald.
Which way the BBC will jump is more difficult to predict.
“Absolutely hideous” Just like her then.
Deleted. Duplicate comment.
Golly gosh what’s this ? A Labour MP critical of his leader.
Army top brass are understood to be incandescent with rage.. about the appalling lack of marksmanship displayed by the squaddies…
Was sickened to see Nick Bowles walking out of Parliament being clapped by the SNP.
Usually they call him ‘Tory Scum’ or ‘Filth’
Fine now though.
LBC and the Labour Leave bloke, Brendan Chiltern.
I swear I’ve not heard such a fair, balanced, impartial and clear summation of Brexit since we voted for it.
Labour extremists don’t like him – says a lot.
“Chicago elects black gay woman as mayor.”
The most BBC headline ever?
JACKPOT! Three protected characteristics in one super-human designated victim. Think how useful all that diversity will be in doing a very tough job! With Khan and Dick in charge of London crime has magically disappeared as criminals reform instantly when they know a homosexual and an Asian are in charge.
Black, female AND gay? You can almost hear the merciless gangsters of crime-ridden Chicago laying down their arms in response.
“Yo G, let’s go smoke some rivals.”
“Didn’t y’all hear? The new mayor is black AND gay.”
“Don’t tell me it’s a woman as well.”
“It is.”
Even as we speak, BBC hacks are preparing a special report: “Lori Lightfoot: Could she make it all the way to the White House in 2020?”
P.S. The future ‘First Lady’ looks a bit glum.
Equality now means “every child out there can become major”. Abbottian maths?
True and when it comes to any future appointment, political, business or public service, the cry will echo around the realm – ‘but why isn’t a black lesbian in post ?’
Let’s hope she comes up to par with Obama.
Oh, no! Not another golfer?
Did I read this somewhere or was it in a dream or maybe it’s something spouted by dangerous far right sorts?
“In a democracy the will of the people, expressed through universal suffrage, is paramount.”
Do you think we can apply the following to our Political situation? • Our Prime Minister is not fit for purpose
• Most of our MPs are not fit for purpose
• The two main UK political parties are not fit for purpose
• Parliament itself is not fit for purpose
The problem isn’t Brexit. The problem is the Democratic Deficit Disorder1 which has spread like a malignant growth through our body politic.
“The Mother of Parliaments” was once an accolade used when talking of Westminster. Now it is more appropriate for this to be used in the pejorative sense, as in “the mother of all mess-ups”.
The United Kingdom has become a laughing stock on the world stage. The best that can be said is that our traditional friends are looking on in shock, bewilderment and sadness. The worst that can be said is that our once proud global reputation lies in tatters.
The saddest thing of all is that the British people as a whole haven’t actually changed that much.
Our tradition of quiet evolution – in contrast to bloody revolutions – in the recent history of our nation has turned from being a cause for quiet pride, into being a fatal flaw. Our reputation for not complaining is a weakness that has been exploited by an ever more arrogant Establishment class.
The Bonfire of the Political Vanities
The simple fact is that the reasons for the appalling mess in which we find ourselves are down to our politicians. The Conservative Parliamentary Party selected a hopeless Remainer as Prime Minister, despite her record of six years of kicking cans down the road as Home Secretary.
We must not get sucked into the ravages of the Labour party whose future is very uncertain. Quite simply, the UK does dreadfully out of the Customs Union. MPs can see, they EU, sell us far more, which means they are earning out of the arrangement. Germany alone made a net €41 BILLION out of the UK in 2018. What possible reason is there to want to stay in the Customs Union, or any variation thereof?
MPs choose to ignore the facts because they are either chasing even bigger EU pensions or are mentally unstable (or both).
“Most of our MPs are not fit for purpose”
I’m glad it’s not ‘all’. Of course we put them all there.
There’s an old expression – we get the politicians we deserve. If we really wanted to leave the EU run back to 2017 and vote UKIP.
I go with, ‘Garbage in, garbage out’ and a heck of a lot of garbage went in but when your choice is to pick the least worst it is to be expected.
“Of course we put them all there.”
Isn’t there a football chant:
You’re sh*t and you know it.
I’m not a football follower so it is probably inaccurate but something along those lines needs to be chanted at every future protest meeting outside the HoP.
Correct John, there is……
You’re shit, and you know you are,
You’re shit, and you know you are,
repeat….(to the tune of ‘Go West’ by The Pet Shop Boys).
I’d prefer…
Sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning,
sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning.
(to the tune of Guantanamera)
Many of us couldn’t vote for UKIP even if we wanted to in 2017. They intentionally chose not to field candidates in many rural constituencies so as not to take votes away from the Tories.
Because any of the, ‘must haves’ and ‘can’t survive without’ add-ons to any arrangement just push the scales over to – we haven’t really left the EUROPEAN DREAM.
Fact is as it stands, the things on the table give all the bad bits but of the good bits of being in the EU – quite an achievement that.
Correction “Fact is as it stands, the things on the table give all the bad bits but NONE of the good bits of being in the EU – quite an achievement that.”
good bits???
As you read this the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition are sparring on points of detail in a pre-emptive party political broadcast. Brexit has yet to mentioned, but the ground is being prepared for a non-event when the two come head-to-head over the table in an attempt to pretend some sort of consensus. In other words, more prevarication, more time wasting, more playing a supine role with the EU.
Negotiations between the two will be tough…before May agrees to everything Corbyn wants… 🙁
Exactly. Her negotiation tactics have been proven to be utterly shit.
She’ll come back waving a piece of paper and saying that we have an agreement on Brexit with Labour…….and then quietly mutter that we’re also losing our nuclear deterrent and giving the Falklands to the Argentinians.
Watching the PM at PM lies – one almost feels sorry for her . She is obviously burnt out , spent and someone should put her out of her political misery .
I watch it on the Parliament channel overseas from Blighty . No licence . No biased BBC commentary …
Corbyn will meet the PM later today – I hope she washes her hands afterwards . – with a bit of luck Corbyn will walk out , do his ‘general election’ rant and we ll be another day closer to the full brexit …
Fed up2, save your sympathy for those who deserve it. May would most certainly not be a worthy recipient of it.
She’d probably throw it back in your face as she did to President Trump when he tried to befriend her.
I’ll bet she was the class sneak at school.
We get 38 pence from every £ with the eu.
7 other Countries get less than they pay in but we are bottom, we get the least of all 28.
Luxembourg gets over £38 for each £.
Bulgaria’s gets £6.14 per £.
That’s just the contributions.
The eu gets about £80 billion more from us in trade than we get from them.
I believe they get vat from us as well.
They get most of our fish.
Our rebate reduction happened yet Blair’s CAP reform (the eu side of the deal) did not happen.
Every way you look at it we are getting screwed by the eu.
The reason remainers can only attack leavers is that they have nothing positive to say about the eu so can only argue by bad mouthing our democratic decision to leave the eu.
This is now demockeryacy because of the remainer pm, the remainer chancellor, remainer speaker, remainer nonservatives, remainer Parliament , remainer civil service, remainer MSM and remainer luvvies.
Against 17.4 million of the ordinary folk who voted out.
I can’t wait to use all my votes in future elections to vote against the liblabcon. I hope they get annihilated.
Why don’t the SNP simply ignore the Scottish independence referendum vote and declare independence.
That’s the same as ‘our’ government is doing to us.
How I hate them apart from a few exceptions such as Francois, Bridgen, Redwood, Hoey, Bone and the rest of the honest patriots.
I feel impotent now but our day will come.
The SNP; it would appear that they’d quite like to poison ‘Brexit’ for the UK before demanding another ‘once in a generation’ referendum just for Scotland. Cynical I know.
Actually that’s truly unkind as May has already done more damage with her moment of madness on the six o’ clock news.
‘You have to admire the BBC for making those facts and figures public knowledge, it can only enhance their valued and unbiased contribution to the whole Brexit argument’. Guardian leader comment.
No conviction for David Duckenfield – the police officer I charge at hillsborough 30 years ago. I bet the BBC had an hour hatchet job ready to go tonight with someone like John Kia Royale Sweeney shouting out from moral high ground .
They’ll probably run a trial by television anyway ….
The BBC must have organised this.
Guido has his usual PMQ list.
15 questions. 1 Conservative.
That is neutral, even handed, impartial, just like the Traitor currently pretending to be a Prime Minister.
We will need a massive miracle to survive the Cooper Bill or May’s political meddling with Corbyn.
Miracles do happen.
But it sure is a bit tense in the Snuffy tummy right now
“The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!”.
A point of order was raised by a labour MP who apparently was the subject of a murder plot . The House of Commons was eager to talk about this being a threat to democracy .
But seems selective in what it considers ‘democracy ‘ .
I believe that the MP in question favours all MPs having personal protection officers – now there’s an even better way to shield the political class from the people who pay their wages .
“I believe that the MP in question favours all MPs having personal protection officers”
I thought that was why the police element of my council tax bill had gone up by double figures. Although I haven’t seen that explained on the BBC
I know damn well that if Corblimey gets elected I will start a campaign to have a “People’s General Election” because anybody voting Labour (or Conservative) didn’t know what they were voting for.
1000 likes Demon
Fantastic idea!
What precedent do they set by saying a vote can be ignored if some people do not like the result?
any party that doesnt get 53% of a record turnout will have no mandate
If Gove hadn’t put the boot in we would be better off with Boris ?
We couldn’t be in a worse place.
Saw Gove on Celebrity UC when he was a journo – he knew nothing.
To be fair Gove has played an excellent part in clarifying minds and confirming the belief that politicians are duplicitous, self-serving minor non-entities for whom the word ‘principle’ is all too readily confused with ‘principal’.
BBC desperately attempting to smooth over the Sharia laws the Sultan of Brunei has recently passed on the executing of homosexuals, but don’t worry the BBC can make it right!
Because Brunei is a Shia country before the homosexuals can be punished the act has to be witnessed by 4 righteous men making it a virtual impossibility someone will ever be put to death.
So that’s all alright then!
They don’t mention that in Sunni Saudi mere suspicion of being Gay is enough to see you executed, nor do they mention the fact that the majority of Muslims in Britain find homosexuality unacceptable, and a majority want to see it made a criminal offence a substantial minority want to see the death penalty applied in Britain for being Gay.
The BBC protecting Muslims from the consequences of their own beliefs and religion.
The MSM constantly complain that accusations against them of promoting fake news are unfair and come from right-wing, Brexit supporting fanatics.
Here is the headline from the Independent – “Mogg ‘loses it’ in live interview”
Deliberately taking his replies out of context and conveniently failing to mention the reference to Jim Naughtie, which was imperative in understanding why he accused them of bias.
Blatant fake news.
The whole interview should be listened to for the whole story of the interview. It only lasts a few minutes.
The link is a classic example of why we should all consider mugging up on critical reading or be treated as mugs.
BTW has anyone seen a basic table of ‘for and against’ the EU ?
Seems a simple thing for an honest person to draw up.
And yes we have noticed us being referred to as, “Brexit fanatics” and “Brexit extremists”.
If only they could direct their vitriol to the real enemies of the Free World.