Watching politics live I’m hearing that anything May and Corbyn come up with will be a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ and can be ignored by her successor.
We need the likes of Boris, JRM and other leavers to say they will disregard anything the pair come up with when a Brexiteer takes over from May thus scuppering this latest betrayal attempt by our ‘honourables’
If you are hearing it on main stream media , it’s probably a lie,
Mays deal had plenty of small print, stopping future changes, no reason any other arrangement should be different
Once again the bbbc fails to highlight the duplicity of the swamp dwellers. Mrs Chamberlain was manipulated into position as PM by establishment sleight of hand and has proceeded, with the assistance of the “wets” (now there’s a word that was once often used but is never heard on the bbbc these days) in her party, to deliberately thwart the will of the electorate. Those who oppose her are labelled as “hard-liners” and “bigots” (and everything in between) and the bbbc does nothing to equalise that narrative.
We now have the spectacle of a PM who would rather consult the opinion of a Marxist than that of her own party and DUP partners. This is either a deliberate ploy to shaft us all (as I and many others on here have observed many time previously) or just rank stupidity.
I’ve been watching her behaviour and mannerisms closely recently and, when added to the observations of commentators and other MPs about her coldness, lack of emotional intelligence and inability to communicate with others, it really wouldn’t surprise me if she is somewhere on the spectrum. The general lack of any kind of spark in her eyes, the squirmingly embarrassing “dancing queen” entrance at the last conference, her seeming inability to choose her advisors wisely and the complete absence of any kind of political or human instinct for filtering out the obviously piss poor advice she keeps getting would seem to bear that out.
Either way, I think the time has come for the ERG and DUP to go to Corbyn and offer their support in a vote of no-confidence. I expect that, after last night’s developments, the line has been crossed for a great many rank and file conservative members. The boil needs to be lanced and lanced quickly before she can do any more damage to the country and her party.
Maybe a leadership contest would be seen by the EU as something significant to allow a delay in the exit date – if not then who cares? We “crash out” over the “cliff edge” on 22 May.
Either way, the conservative party has forever lost the support of this once loyal supporter. I am 52 years old and have never voted for anything other than the conservative candidate but will never do so again. I suspect there are millions like me.
People are incredibly angry and if a General Election can be engineered within the next few months I suspect that both main parties will get decimated – provided always that UKIP and the Brexit party can find a way of not splitting the Brexit vote.
I dislike May as much as anyone , but you have to hand it to her and whoever pulls her strings – as we are still in the EU today..
Though that wasn’t hard to forsee, the week after brexit vote countries were queuing up to sign trade deals, for when we left the EU, all were totally ignored.
Though, at least that saved our embarassment at having to cancel all those deals 2 years later..
I’m sure those involved were more than relieved to be able to say: ‘Absolutely love to old boy, but for now our hands are tied. Let’s get out of the EU and then we can talk business…..won’t be long. The people have spoken. And we’ve got a real dynamo at the wheel now…..’
”VIENNA (Sputnik) – Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday that there was no reason for another delay in the Brexit deadline”
I hate to say it , but I doubt Austria will veto when the time comes
Julia later made clear that the attack had nothing to do with the Algerian community but was carried out by ignorant people, regardless of their origin or religion.
Transport police then intervened and led the victim to safety. However, French group Stop Homophobie said the transport officers had called her “Monsieur” and told her “not to dress like that”.
So the muslim attackers are fine but how dare those bigoted police call him/her monsieur. The outrage!
I beginning to think that being from the left is a mental illness.
I wonder how the transvestite voted on immigration, bet he was all for it .
What probably happened:
Julia (sic) saw there was a certain crowd, put his best Mrs Doubtfire outfit on and mingled ;
expecting a good groping…
Then got angry when he was simply jeeered and laughed at .
The increasing number of conflicts between LGBT and the Muslims really does brighten my day. Of course, I don’t condone the actions of those Algerians, quite the opposite. And neither should the trans man have charged into them – so 50/50 really.
I’m going out on a limb here, but I suspect that the attackers were not wearing striped jerseys, berets, carrying baguettes and bags of onions, smoking Gauloises cigarettes and saying “Sacre bleu!” and “Mon Dieu!”? Just a lucky guess.
I fear the voice of leavers is now totally ignored, where are the mass demonstrations, who will lead us out of this mess. Unfortunately, i don’t think any of our current crop of politicians have the spine to stand up for us, if the ERG were serious they would have all resigned by now and Boris & Farage are both turning out to be a windbags like the rest of the so call political elite.
First off, Farage is recruiting to the Brexit Party. Second off, he’s waiting to see if we have the EU election.
And Farage is just one man and not even an MP.
G.W.F., J R-M patiently explained this a.m. – in between interruptions – on the TOADY Prog why he voted in favour of the WA last time and that he will possibly/probably not again.
He is a thinking, tactical politician and maybe – like Michael Gove – his brains and unfailing politeness stop people warming to him.
You have to admit, the BBC have tried to tar and feather him, as well.
Doughboy, Bojo was a busted flush before the last GE and no better since. At least he turned up to campaign on radio about as much as Hammond, which wasn’t much but was a lot more than most of the then Cabinet.
Am afraid, as we now know, Bojo’s mind was more on his trousers and ‘er indoors but not that one indoors, another one indoors.
Also, BoJo was Foreign Secretary when the odious Alan Duncan was surreptitiously signing us up to assorted EU Defence initiatives post-referendum.
Jeremy Hunt is equally clueless.
Time for a change in the Calendar.
January, February, March, April, Traitor, June, July.
the Battle of France is over … the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian
civilisation. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire.
The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island
or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.
But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for,
will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth[e] last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”
Time for us to attack our enemies, not with the keyboard.
Enemies who are more dangerous than Hitler, who wanted an alliance with Britain.
Tommy Robinson receives insufficient praise on this site as almost everywhere.
Tommy is worth more than all the keyboard warriors in the UK.
I have cancelled my Council tax direct debit.
Car tax will not be renewed when due.
Now where can I park my car to thwart the plans of as many traitors as possible?
To be fair, Churchill was only facing Hitler and the might of Nazi Germany. If he’d been up against Juncker, Tusk and Verhofstadt he’d have folded immediately.
Indeed, Rob. And there was me thinking that even FRANK Spencer Churchill would have kicked Juncker and co. into touch without stopping to admire the arcs they described as they left his boot…
According to the Indie – almost as bad as the Grauniad/beeb – JRM completely ‘lost it’ during an interview on R4.
The clip I saw showed him as his usual calm and polite self.
Fake news?
JRM was interviewed by Mishal Husain this morning, it got a bit ‘testy’. Towards the end, after repeated interruptions, JRM uttered the words ‘typical of the Today programme’s lefty approach’ while trying to point out their bias towards his views.
Interview starts at 2.31.06 and ends at 2.37.06. Not sure if my attempt to link will work! at
Man masturbates in front of Bradford MP Naz Shah on bus *Who thinks she should keep her mouth shut for the good of Diversity??? **????
— Morrighan Red ????Fightsback #BuyBritish #WTO (@LadyMercia) April 3, 2019
I think I might be a victim of the Windrush nonsense – which is about third worlders coming to the UK but being too thick or lazy to get UK citizenship
I’m entitled to some of the £200 million in taxpayers money being allocated as ‘ compensation ‘ . That will buy a nice place back in the Islands for me to use as a ‘ flog’ or ‘ crib’ as it’s known
I have might have a slight problem as I am rather non coloured – or ‘ white’ as some might say but since the government of various incompetence threw the records away I stand a good chance of a ‘ppi’ type payout …
1) Do an Elizabeth Warren-style DNA heritage test, hoping to find a 1 millionth part black ancestry. As we all descend from Africans, allegedly, that should work.
2) If not, just self define as black. For extra victim points, a black woman.
This report on the Vlad Tepes blog has a short video of an Australian Senator telling one of his colleagues how wicked he is for exercising his right to free speech.
What the imbecile fails to recognise is that he is allowing himself the right of free speech to traduce someone else for doing so. Just another substandard politico; it seems to be a requirement of the job:
The chaos continues as yet another government minister quits May's administration.
@CHHCallling: "We should have honoured the result of the referendum and left on [March 29]. Every time we seek an extension we diminish faith in our political system."
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – “The European Union will not grant Britain another short delay to Brexit if UK lawmakers fail to ratify the stalled divorce agreement by April 12, the head of the bloc’s executive European Commission,
Jean-Claude Juncker, said on Wednesday.”
That will be just fine, you hateful sot. And boy do I hate him.
Brexit is our priority, but what thse EU ****s are trying to do to us, they have already done to other states.
They cheat and lie, as our “negotiations” to date, testify.
There is great concern, allegedly, for the well being of EU citizens in the UK.
Which I do not share, anyone who believes they are a citizen of the EU should leave before we throw them out.
People who believe they are Polish first, European second and hate the EU are, however, welcome.
Ditto other sovereign European states.
Having left the EU, the UK could start a Common Market.
You are aware that Nigel Farage actually asked Junker to refuse to give an extension? It’s the best outcome any Brexiteer could hope for.
Don’t blame Barnier for being an ace at negotiations, and getting a great deal for his side, instead blame Marxist May and her no mark federalist Olly Robbins who failed to negotiate properly.
As Farage noted the EU have prepared themselves in a very professional manner for a WTO Brexit, Mays excuse of a government has done what they do best – nothing.
I do not agree that the EU are so good.
The EU wrote the agreements.
The EU was informed in advance of all eventualities.
Easy to look to in these circumstances.
When we start shooting at them we will see how good they are.
Here’s the thing: Barnier ISN’T an ace negotiator; he only looks like one because May and Robbins have been so woefully inept. Anyone determined to see Brexit come to pass on the best possible terms for the UK would have done far, far better than the dull duo.
Thoughtful, those clever negotiators at the EU offered David Cameron next to nothing and when Britain voted Leave, they wrung their hands and said “Oh, we didn’t want you to leave.”
Those clever negotiators at the EU enforced an unfavourable deal on our PM and when it fell three times when it came before Parliament, they wrung their hands and said “It’s the best we can do. It’s your fault, there’s a special place in hell for MPs who had not negotiated the deal but merely voted on it.”
That all strikes me as the EU being dumb and dumber.
Clever doesn’t come into it.
Yet another reason why we should Leave with No Deal a.s.a.p., no later than a week on Friday.
May is a mere ventriloquist dummy . The question that needs answering is , who is the ventriloquist? Clearly he or she , or more likely, they , have decided that the Tory party is worth less to them than is the EU. Unmasking the oligarchs, secret rulers of Britain , is key to our future.
Who is the ventriloquist?
The cabal of Globalists and the EU. Everything is worthless if it impedes the goal. Good question: who are they?
Most live in the US; their active EU Representative is Soros to start with. The rest?
It is without doubt Olly Robbins who replaced the two advisors she lost when she lost the election. May is very secretive but sources say she has become very reliant on Communist Stalin apologist Olly Robbins for advice.
I have intended to make this point before, but I kept forgetting.
Every time May, Robbins, Davis or whoever, need to do some “negotiating” they go to Europe.
**** the EU and **** the Eurocrats. They are definitely inferior to us.
If they want something from the UK they can book an appointment.
I would have every meeting with HM present, Merkel and Co will then have to bow and curtsey.
If they do not like it, they can get back on the plane.
This report tells the story of Sally Smith, a slave who for some reason stayed on the plantation for over 70 years after slavery was abolished.
But this is the BBC, so
Line 1 states
“Sally Smith was kidnapped from West Africa by slave traders and lived until 1937 in Alabama, staying for more than 70 years on the plantation where she had been enslaved.”
The impression is American slave traders ventured into West Africa and kidnapped the girl.
Again, line 5 virtually repeats the same thing
“The woman, who was named Sally Smith in the US but had originally been called Redoshi, was kidnapped by slave traders in 1860 from a village in what is now Benin.”
OK, we get it. You repeated the same line twice just in case I missed the first time.
It goes on for quite some time, then 3rd line from the bottom
“Redoshi’s stories recorded living a peaceful life before being seized by members of another local tribe and brought to slave traders.”
So, other West Africans kidnapped her, and sold her to slave traders. She wasn’t kidnapped FROM West Africa by slave traders as stated in line 1, she was kidnapped IN West Africa by West African slave traders.
Being anti-western & anti-white makes it nigh on impossible for the BBC to fulfill it’s requirements to be objective, educational, etc.
Wouldn’t it be great if the ‘higher truth’ ** was that she was kidnapped by Obama’s grandfather?
** Higher Truth: When the Covington School boys were found not to have abused the non-Vietnam War non-hero some comentators argued that facts were a right-wing trick that covered up the ‘higher truth’ that ‘MAGA’ hat-wearing white boys ARE racist bigots even if they aren’t. Must not let the facts get in the way.
Apparently the Turkish Government harasses journalists who don’t toe the state line .
Doesn’t happen in Blighty does it?
No cancelling of Facebook accounts
PayPal accounts
Or limiting YouTube access
Or sending to prison illegally
Or exposing to Muslim prisoners trying to kill
Or re running trials to raise stress and expense
Or smearing in the MSM regularly
Globals Network are HUGE…they have loads of stations (Classic FM Heart I think….) and millions in turnover…they arent ‘small’ at all…….check out the stations they run……….a cynic/conspiracy theorist would suggest they are all in on the scam including Julia?……
Just watch the blonde harriden who starts this clip in a debate with Nigel Farrage, note the sheer hate and revulsion in her, similar to the Fascist left in the US against Donald Trump.
Her name is Barbara Want and I’m sure it will come as no surprise to learn that she is ex BBC. In fact she was a producer of Panorama married to Nick Clarke, another BBC apparatchik who sadly died of cancer at their Kensington home (they’re so badly paid!).
Check out the comments as to what people feel about her though as well as listening.
What a silly bitch! Useless at listening, hopeless at making real statements to aid debate, body language of a sloppy barmaid, intent on doing very little!
That’s the way thick bbbc types try and make the headlines, they’re pretty damn hopeless at their failing usage of air-time!
And what about her soubry-bulldog-licking-p***-off-a nettle face! Pathetic and not up to being seen in public!
Hi all, not sure why I do it, but I do watch BBC and listen to Radio 4 / 5 purely to identify the bias they show, therefore missing out on other things in life! I have just spent two hours listening to 5 Live who have interviewed many individuals / MPs and NOT one was from the Leave / Brexit side of the debate (not forgetting the 52/48 split of the referendum result). Indeed the establishment and media as well as Parliament keep pushing further away from Brexit, it seems to be getting harder and harder to get any Brexit dialogue to be heard. it would be extremely entertaining if it wasn’t so serious!
Just listening the BBC being sympathetic towards MPs who are now stressed by it all; bloody hell, what about the 17.4m who are stressed to hell by the process!
Any suggestions as what can be done, as this seems to have gone well beyond bias and is now the mainstream.
I’ve just poured myself a large G and T and found that we haven’t got any lemons anywhere!
I’ll just have to do with a tiny slice of cucumber, and a squish of lime cordial now!
Honestly, these things are really sent to try us these days are’nt they!
(Just to be on the safe side of staying on topic, I see from an online rag that a lttle grey chappie in a rather fetching black nightie has said that there’s no more debate allowed)!
Beltane, you’re right, it will of course cause melt-down in the house of expenses too!
OMG, if my MP Greg Clark hears about this, I’ll be the first to crawl over two hundred yards of broken glass, stark-bollock naked, just to buy the last lemon in England, to deliver to his ‘surgery’ before I bleed to death…
It’ll be worth it of course; the knowledge that my MP can look down at my blooded torso, and tell me that I was right to vote for him, and that 17.4m people were wrong!
A throwaway line in today’s DM article about Hitler’s last moments:
“The pilot added: ‘I tried to persuade Hitler that there were still planes available, and that I could get him away to Japan or the Argentine, or to one of the Sheiks, who were all very friendly to him on account of his attitude to the Jews.”
But as I get all my news and views from al beeb, I don’t understand.
Why would muslim Sheikhs approve of Hitler’s mass extermination of Jews?
Al beeb never ceases to tell me that islam is a religion of peace and in no-way anti-Semitic (despite an abundance of koranic verses to the contrary, some calling them apes and pigs).
Or if, very occasionally, muslims are a teeny-weeny bit unfriendly to Jews, it’s all because of Israel’s policies in Palestine – see?
But when Hitler’s pilot spoke those words in 1945, there was as yet no State of Israel, yet the muslim Sheikhs already approved of his ‘attitude’.
Namely mass extermination, which was already widely known about by the end of the war.
There was at that time plenty of talk about the establishment of the State of Israel.
Check out Haj Amin Al Husseini Hitlers Islamic mentor – Hitler might even have converted to Islam, but Al Husseini was the go between of the Arabs / Nazi state and recruited over 50 000 Muslims to the SS. That’s not the ordinary army it’s the most fanatical anti semitic group. The Nazi’s even produced Halal ration packs for them.
These were the most brutal killers of the Holocaust.
The Ustasha of Yugoslavia was a Muslim-Catholic alliance of Nazi killers so beastly that even Nazi officials in Berlin were horrified. The Ustasha and three related crack divisions of Arab-Nazi Waffen SS comprised of tens of thousands of Muslim volunteers and terrorized people of all faiths in Yugoslavia.
In large measure, these murder machines emerged through the efforts of the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.
The grand mufti was on a mission to accelerate the extermination of all Jews everywhere. His partner was Adolf Hitler. The epic story of this alliance is one that began in Jerusalem, traveled to Baghdad, culminated in the Balkans, and ultimately spread across all Europe
And at least until last year they let these terrorists march through London demanding they be given control of Jerusalem. But nevermind any of that because Tommy Robinson’s original name was Yaxley-Lennon and that’s the real NAZI problem we should focus on
Great line in the Spectator: ‘….journalism dies when journalists stop caring about what is true.’
The theme was the Mueller investigation, but it covers a whole lot more cans of worms than that, doesn’t it BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent? Well, you name it and it will qualify.
“Brexit: Theresa May meets Jeremy Corbyn to tackle deadlock”
Democracy has been kicked in the balls.
Time to kick the House of Comedians back in the balls.
Have Remainer MPs been offered ‘something’ if the get deselected as a result of their stance ?
Like Burgsey, I try every now and then to listen to R4 (Toady etc.) and World Service radio (just to keep an “ear” on the rubbish and lies they are spreading) but over and over again find myself turning off in disgust (rather than chucking my PC out of the window).
To make my own mind up about what the MPs are saying, I’ve started having Parliament Live on in the background and this afternoon I heard some quite interesting speeches damning the next hastily passed, constitutionally completely irregular Letwin bill (? which is to be voted on tonight, I think) and some incredibly awful moaning and groaning from the Remainers / SNP & Co. going on about us falling off a cliff and wrecking the future of everone in business etc.
I have just received an email from Reignite for a (further?) petition to demand a „No Deal Brexit NOW!“:
„Over 200,000 people have already signed demanding a No Deal Brexit.
Theresa May is tapping up Jeremy Corbyn to help her push through a SOFT Brexit.
Meanwhile the FAKE NEWS media is peddling the myth that Brexit is losing support.
We know that isn’t true – but they continue to report fake figures on the People’s Vote march and Revoke Article 50 petition.
We need to fight back and ensure our voices are being heard.
The more people that add their name, the louder our voice.“
At the risk of repeating myself, for which I apologise, Mrs May is only the first among equals in the cabinet. So, if it’s true that the majority of these fellow equals think we should just Leave the EU on WTO terms, why on earth don’t they exercise the power which we have vested in them, tell her to shut up and do as she is. told or just sideline her and run their little club by force of the majority.
But they won’t put their soft little heads above the parapet for fear of it being lopped off.
Just one man from that nest of swamp rats brave enough to state the bleeding obvious to her would strip her of her power because all the sheep would then follow him ( to mix metaphors or something ).
The swamp rats have voted in favour of the letwin/ cooper-balls proposal that we will be prohibited from leaving the EU without this thing called a deal. Which appears to mean that Dancing Terry will once more be scheduled to appear for another encore in Brussels.
currently being debated – according to BBBc:
“At the committee stage of a bill, MPs are allowed to table and debate amendments to it.
Here is a brief rundown of the amendments that have been tabled to tonight’s bill:
13 & 14 – tabled by Labour’s Yvette Cooper: This is a simple re-drafting of parts of the bill
20 – tabled by Tory MP George Eustice: Limits the extension to 30 June
21 – tabled by Tory MP George Eustice: Takes out the requirement for the prime minister to put the EU’s chosen extension date to MPs
22 – tabled by Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay: Ensures that nothing in this bill rules out the government extending Article 50 in a different way
1 – tabled by Tory MP Anne Main: Limits the government to a 22 May extension
6 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Ensures the extension is subject to approval by the devolved bodies
New Clause 4 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Prevents amendments to standing orders during these extension motions – standing orders are the rules that govern the proceedings of Parliament
New Clause 5 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Limits an extension to 22 May
New Clause 7 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Ensures that an extension would not result in the UK taking part in elections to the European Parliament
New Clause 13 – tabled by Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay: Amends the EU Withdrawal Act to make it easier to change the exit date in UK law”
Not strictly biased BBC , so my apologies but watching Politicslive today i noticed over the shoulder of Jim Cunningham one Keith Vaz !! In December 2017 the investigation into him was halted due to ‘ medical reasons ‘ how on earth can he be sitting there without a care in the world?? MPs really are above the law!
I was lost for words when the post arrived today…… A polling card dated 2nd May??? What election is this for???
Taking into account that `postal votes` usually have a seperate criteria IE: Postal voters become active prior to the standard rules which have to be done on the actual day of elections, does this in fact mean that prior to the application for an article 50 extension the decision to hold `elections` had already been taken?? Or am i reading too much into this???
Constantly I hear from remainers, ‘A SECOND VOTE NOW WE KNOW WHAT BREXIT IS LIKE’.
No, we can’t know what Brexit is like because it hasn’t happened.
And they call us the stupid ?
I cannot see the current incumbent Labour party MP for grimsby having a job after the next General Election… You only need to look at the Docks… Once home to the largest fishing fleet in the world but now bereft of any ships at all…… I mean how can any MP explain the benefits of being in the EU to the people of Grimsby??
Just want to add … in 1973 there were around 1500 registered fishing vessels in Grimsby prior to joining the Common Fisheries Policy….. The Deep Sea Fleet numbers dwindled due to loss of access to Icelandic Waters and are a completely seperate issue…. One last thing it is estimated that for every fisherman who went to sea approx. 8/10 workers were employed onshore in the associated industries of fishing….. each boat on average employed a skipper, engineer/mate and two deckies…. add their number to the onshore workers and you have a fair idea of just how many people lost their livliehoods due to the CAP….
A tweet from the Czech/Swedish journo who was suspended from Facebook for writing about TR
I think it more likely to do with her anti-open borders campaigning.
"The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory"
MPs pass bill to rule out no-deal by majority of 5 at second reading – Ayes: 315, Noes: 310.
The ayes have 50.4% of the vote and this has legitimacy!!!!!!!!!
And yet, our historic democratic vote of only 52% lacked said legitimacy as it needed a much larger consensus to be truly reflective.
These fools are seriously deranged and their continued selfishness and anti democratic prancing will bring about the destruction of our democracy and our society and make reconciliation impossible.
The EU do not need to do anything, the fifth column is destroying us from within.
I have not felt such anger in a very long time.
Dover, am afraid not.That was last week and Monday of this week.
If the Cooper Bill gets a third reading tonight and gets through, does it not become Law? The lawyers will pick over it to see if it has any flaws (Anne Main MP thinks so) and may try for a High Court application but it means effectively Brexit is lost. We all become £40bn poorer in May or whenever whatever deal gets through Parliament for a BRINO.
It will be interesting if Labour MPs voted for it after telling us so often that “No-one voted to become poorer.”
As I understand it, Article 50 would have to be withdrawn to prevent No Deal.
Voting against No Deal would not withdraw Article 50. Also, Primary Legislation is a lengthy process which would go far, far beyond the timescales available and particularly so if challenged.
I smell a rat. Or, to be more precise, 315 of them.
Can anyone remember the last time that a Private Member’s Bill proceeded through Parliament at this sort of pace? Is it yet more evidence of the human detritus that sits in the HoP colluding to defeat the democratically expressed will of the people?
Bah! Watched about 5 minutes of the BBC4 programme about Guy Burgess before we were told the usual lie, “Homosexuality was illegal in those days”. The BBC always want to overstate the beastliness of the pre-Jenkins era. It was not illegal to be a homosexual. Homosexual acts carried out in private were not prosecuted, the police didn’t break down people’s doors on the suspicion of homosexual acts taking place. It as only homosexual acts occurring in public that were prosecuted, as were heterosexual acts (though perhaps they had to be more explicit). The BBC just has to pander to gays as victims.
This Cooper bill that is being debated really is a disgrace. What country do we live in where some money grabbing, self serving, deceitful demagogues can cast into law the removal of a fundamental part of a negotiation – i.e. that of the ability to walk away.
What next, every MP can never be sacked or deselected or voted. You just have to wait for them to resign. It’s utter madness.
These disgusting cretins need to be stripped of their roles before they elect themselves jobs for life. They make me sick and furious to my core.
But what am I saying, laws passed in parliament mean jack shit because we’ve already sailed past one that was voted through two years ago and no one gives a flying **** about that.
This exercise has been an utter disgrace and literally incenses me. My contempt and pure unbridled hatred for these democracy ignoring, lying, fear spreading arrogant windbags is beyond compare.
Apathy is surely now the only protection against an anger fuelled heart attack.
Reverting to my natural state of being a political anorak – watching the procedures of the House of Commons – instead of the corrupted ‘ Christian Fraser ‘ whose lefty biases affiliations are well evidenced – it shows how much fight is still in the House of Commons with a week left until the A50 extension runs out
I think not enough attention is being given by the state broadcaster to the reaction of the Reich EU .,
I think they really want shot of UK . However the commons procedures pan out they will know there is a serious resistance to all things EU if we remain
Elections for the ReichEU parliament will also be a huge opportunity for brexiters to give Brussels a nose bleed
If May and Corbyn decide to get into bed together ( what a thought ) and after coupling decide that a Customs Union is the outcome then it is ‘ good bye conservative and unionist party ‘ – hello something properly Right Wing and happy to be called ‘ the very nasty party ‘ – I d vote for them . .
As an aside – it’s a pity Lyndsey Hoyle – ( labour ) wasn’t made Full Speaker – he doesn’t have that needy ‘ centre of everything act’ the Berkow exhibits .
It is an odd thing to do; to throw away a trump card. And now, thanks to May trying out her negotiation skills nearer to home, we are looking at a pig in the poke.
Spiked : The BBC is institutionally Remainist
Working-class, pro-Leave voices are becoming ever-more rare.
\\ White, provincial Britain is deemed stupid, ignorant, racist and lazy (‘Aren’t those Polish plumbers wonderful!’).
This is why we need a second Brexit referendum, so that the better-off and better-informed should have their say and have their way. //
It is truly momentous – not Brexit no, that’s not happened and it may never happen but if they thought people were distrustful of and disengaged from politicians before this really takes it up way over the red line and that is truly momentous.
Anyhow, suppose the EU refuses a further extension and says go with no deal ? What then since Parliament have decreed we cannot leave on no deal so we would have to beg to stay.
But the EU don’t want Farage in the European Elections.
After all the blood and treasure we sacrificed to free Europe – the very least they could do is free us.
Evette Coopers bill went through by ONE VOTE – that of a criminal -as well as Keith Vaz . So that’s how the constitution works – a 4 hour debate .
Day by day the House of Commons shows how corrupt it is .
As an aside Dr Caroline Johnson ( Tory ) is coming forward as a good Conservative MP.
Berkow was as deceitful and disgraceful as always …
So.. a convicted criminal – who is still wearing a security bracelet – released from prison before the expiry of the trial, judges’ sentence – is allowed to vote on the future of the UK and could decide our future with the EU
Ladies and Gentlemen – if there was ever an advert for the level of corruption in British politics that is it- irrespective of her party,gender , colour or class . That situation just cannot be..
Surely the percentage of that vote is less than the Referendum in which case we can just claim that it’s too close to call and that some that voted for the bill ‘didn’t know what they were voting for’.
The Commons has chosen sides. It has made it’s bed and now it must lie on it. To take up arms (metaphorically ) against the majority vote of the people is to break that compact that exists between the governed and those that govern. They broke it not us and have failed the nation. The Commons is not the nation. It thinks it is but it is not. We are .
100% agree Dave S. One vote apparantly has determined that a No Deal Brexit is off the table. I feel that now this nation will be sucked back into the EU one way or another-the Prime Minister has completely lost the plot, lost her way and appears not to want to listen to the will of the people who put her there in the first place. How traiterous can Parliament be ?
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Watching politics live I’m hearing that anything May and Corbyn come up with will be a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ and can be ignored by her successor.
We need the likes of Boris, JRM and other leavers to say they will disregard anything the pair come up with when a Brexiteer takes over from May thus scuppering this latest betrayal attempt by our ‘honourables’
If you are hearing it on main stream media , it’s probably a lie,
Mays deal had plenty of small print, stopping future changes, no reason any other arrangement should be different
If Corbyn doesn’t agree with May this afternoon will she take his mobile phone off him and make him walk home.
Once again the bbbc fails to highlight the duplicity of the swamp dwellers. Mrs Chamberlain was manipulated into position as PM by establishment sleight of hand and has proceeded, with the assistance of the “wets” (now there’s a word that was once often used but is never heard on the bbbc these days) in her party, to deliberately thwart the will of the electorate. Those who oppose her are labelled as “hard-liners” and “bigots” (and everything in between) and the bbbc does nothing to equalise that narrative.
We now have the spectacle of a PM who would rather consult the opinion of a Marxist than that of her own party and DUP partners. This is either a deliberate ploy to shaft us all (as I and many others on here have observed many time previously) or just rank stupidity.
I’ve been watching her behaviour and mannerisms closely recently and, when added to the observations of commentators and other MPs about her coldness, lack of emotional intelligence and inability to communicate with others, it really wouldn’t surprise me if she is somewhere on the spectrum. The general lack of any kind of spark in her eyes, the squirmingly embarrassing “dancing queen” entrance at the last conference, her seeming inability to choose her advisors wisely and the complete absence of any kind of political or human instinct for filtering out the obviously piss poor advice she keeps getting would seem to bear that out.
Either way, I think the time has come for the ERG and DUP to go to Corbyn and offer their support in a vote of no-confidence. I expect that, after last night’s developments, the line has been crossed for a great many rank and file conservative members. The boil needs to be lanced and lanced quickly before she can do any more damage to the country and her party.
Maybe a leadership contest would be seen by the EU as something significant to allow a delay in the exit date – if not then who cares? We “crash out” over the “cliff edge” on 22 May.
Either way, the conservative party has forever lost the support of this once loyal supporter. I am 52 years old and have never voted for anything other than the conservative candidate but will never do so again. I suspect there are millions like me.
People are incredibly angry and if a General Election can be engineered within the next few months I suspect that both main parties will get decimated – provided always that UKIP and the Brexit party can find a way of not splitting the Brexit vote.
I dislike May as much as anyone , but you have to hand it to her and whoever pulls her strings – as we are still in the EU today..
Though that wasn’t hard to forsee, the week after brexit vote countries were queuing up to sign trade deals, for when we left the EU, all were totally ignored.
Though, at least that saved our embarassment at having to cancel all those deals 2 years later..
I’m sure those involved were more than relieved to be able to say: ‘Absolutely love to old boy, but for now our hands are tied. Let’s get out of the EU and then we can talk business…..won’t be long. The people have spoken. And we’ve got a real dynamo at the wheel now…..’
I wonder what happened to Liam Fox – a rarity – a real conservative – sent around the world to broker trade deals after we left
He looks like a naive fool if he really believed brexit means brexit .- a vacuous line dreamt up be a drunk
Absolutely spot on post Andy ! Couldn’t disagree with anything you say. 1000 upticks my friend.
1) May says if we’re still in at the 28th we’ll have EU Elections.
2) Austria says ‘no’ to further extension.
”VIENNA (Sputnik) – Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Wednesday that there was no reason for another delay in the Brexit deadline”
I hate to say it , but I doubt Austria will veto when the time comes
Eddy, perhaps Poland will stand up for Brexit.
After all, the UK has stood up for them in the past.
And turned a deaf ear during the ghetto uprising.
Anyhow Poland gets mucho wonga via the EU.
‘Transgender woman humiliated in Paris attack’
Can you guess who the attackers were?
Here are a couple of snippets;
Julia later made clear that the attack had nothing to do with the Algerian community but was carried out by ignorant people, regardless of their origin or religion.
Transport police then intervened and led the victim to safety. However, French group Stop Homophobie said the transport officers had called her “Monsieur” and told her “not to dress like that”.
So the muslim attackers are fine but how dare those bigoted police call him/her monsieur. The outrage!
I beginning to think that being from the left is a mental illness.
I wonder how the transvestite voted on immigration, bet he was all for it .
What probably happened:

Julia (sic) saw there was a certain crowd, put his best Mrs Doubtfire outfit on and mingled ;
expecting a good groping…
Then got angry when he was simply jeeered and laughed at .
The increasing number of conflicts between LGBT and the Muslims really does brighten my day. Of course, I don’t condone the actions of those Algerians, quite the opposite. And neither should the trans man have charged into them – so 50/50 really.
The ”my enemy’s enemy is my friend” pack seems to be breaking down.
Maybe soon a gay shame parade, won’t be the safest place in the country anymore
I’m going out on a limb here, but I suspect that the attackers were not wearing striped jerseys, berets, carrying baguettes and bags of onions, smoking Gauloises cigarettes and saying “Sacre bleu!” and “Mon Dieu!”? Just a lucky guess.
I fear the voice of leavers is now totally ignored, where are the mass demonstrations, who will lead us out of this mess. Unfortunately, i don’t think any of our current crop of politicians have the spine to stand up for us, if the ERG were serious they would have all resigned by now and Boris & Farage are both turning out to be a windbags like the rest of the so call political elite.
What, precisely, is Farage supposed to be doing right now?
The electorate, in its infinite wisdom, gave May just enough votes to hang on. They had been warned !
First off, Farage is recruiting to the Brexit Party. Second off, he’s waiting to see if we have the EU election.
And Farage is just one man and not even an MP.
Nigel is telling the EU they would best avoid the chaos of more years of Brexit by vetoing the extension.
Verhofstadt compares him to COWARDLY Blackadder character
cut to Farages nice reply – 6 minuets
So disappointed in Boris and Mogg, especially Mogg
Much as I love to hear Mogg speak, I feel to him, it’s like a game of croquet or cricket on the lawn. Important in the moment but not that important.
G.W.F., J R-M patiently explained this a.m. – in between interruptions – on the TOADY Prog why he voted in favour of the WA last time and that he will possibly/probably not again.
He is a thinking, tactical politician and maybe – like Michael Gove – his brains and unfailing politeness stop people warming to him.
You have to admit, the BBC have tried to tar and feather him, as well.
Doughboy, Bojo was a busted flush before the last GE and no better since. At least he turned up to campaign on radio about as much as Hammond, which wasn’t much but was a lot more than most of the then Cabinet.
Am afraid, as we now know, Bojo’s mind was more on his trousers and ‘er indoors but not that one indoors, another one indoors.
Also, BoJo was Foreign Secretary when the odious Alan Duncan was surreptitiously signing us up to assorted EU Defence initiatives post-referendum.
Jeremy Hunt is equally clueless.
After May’s meeting with Corbyn, I trust the Paras in the Afghan loft will update their picture.
Time for a change in the Calendar.
January, February, March, April, Traitor, June, July.
the Battle of France is over … the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian
civilisation. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire.
The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island
or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.
But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for,
will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth[e] last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”
Time for us to attack our enemies, not with the keyboard.
Enemies who are more dangerous than Hitler, who wanted an alliance with Britain.
Tommy Robinson receives insufficient praise on this site as almost everywhere.
Tommy is worth more than all the keyboard warriors in the UK.
I have cancelled my Council tax direct debit.
Car tax will not be renewed when due.
Now where can I park my car to thwart the plans of as many traitors as possible?
To be fair, Churchill was only facing Hitler and the might of Nazi Germany. If he’d been up against Juncker, Tusk and Verhofstadt he’d have folded immediately.
Indeed, Rob. And there was me thinking that even FRANK Spencer Churchill would have kicked Juncker and co. into touch without stopping to admire the arcs they described as they left his boot…
JRM on sky has just schooled kay burley
Doubtless the MSM circular wagon train will claim she tore him to shreds.
Look forward to making my own mind up.
Many likely will have seen this, but i just stumbled across it.
I don’t know who compiles such things but Brexit and BBC N. America (Obama and Trump eras) will add a few pages.
A picture is worth 1000 words they say. This one is worth 10,000
Not bad Lucy but a dead duck would be more apt.
The wonderful Albert Watson (?) photo of Alfred Hitchcock comes to mind, with the film director holding a dead goose.
According to the Indie – almost as bad as the Grauniad/beeb – JRM completely ‘lost it’ during an interview on R4.
The clip I saw showed him as his usual calm and polite self.
Fake news?
JRM was interviewed by Mishal Husain this morning, it got a bit ‘testy’. Towards the end, after repeated interruptions, JRM uttered the words ‘typical of the Today programme’s lefty approach’ while trying to point out their bias towards his views.
Interview starts at 2.31.06 and ends at 2.37.06. Not sure if my attempt to link will work! at
Could be a version of – hairdresser attacks male customer for masturbating under sheet.
At which point the cloak fell, to reveal that the customer was merely cleaning his glasses. .
She’s scared of a general erection.
Lucy Eddy Lurkio
Thank you for your comments . It comes as light relief in current times .
But I’m afraid there is enough abuse going around without adding the ‘ self ‘ version to the mix ….????????
reported that by mistake
‘’You have the right to free speech
As long as
You’re not dumb enough to actually try it’’
A Clash song
I think I might be a victim of the Windrush nonsense – which is about third worlders coming to the UK but being too thick or lazy to get UK citizenship
I’m entitled to some of the £200 million in taxpayers money being allocated as ‘ compensation ‘ . That will buy a nice place back in the Islands for me to use as a ‘ flog’ or ‘ crib’ as it’s known
I have might have a slight problem as I am rather non coloured – or ‘ white’ as some might say but since the government of various incompetence threw the records away I stand a good chance of a ‘ppi’ type payout …
You have 2 options:
1) Do an Elizabeth Warren-style DNA heritage test, hoping to find a 1 millionth part black ancestry. As we all descend from Africans, allegedly, that should work.
2) If not, just self define as black. For extra victim points, a black woman.
Other Clash songs:
“Who needs the Parliament?
Sitting making laws all day
They’re all fat and old
Queuing for the House of Lords
Repression, gonna start on Tuesday…”
“Kick over the wall ’cause government’s to fall
How can you refuse it?
Let fury have the hour, anger can be power
D’you know that you can use it?”
This report on the Vlad Tepes blog has a short video of an Australian Senator telling one of his colleagues how wicked he is for exercising his right to free speech.
What the imbecile fails to recognise is that he is allowing himself the right of free speech to traduce someone else for doing so. Just another substandard politico; it seems to be a requirement of the job:
Know Your Rights
I wish
Excellent Media Show comparing state funded international broadcasters
The chap from al beeb got offended by being compared to TRT – the Johnny Turk State Broadcaster now going international
Apparently there is a big difference because Turkey persecuted journos whereas UK doesn’t –
Just don’t ask TR that
Or anyone who doesn’t conform to the bubble mindset
Think might get fairer coverage from Turkey or China rather than the covertly biased anti British BBC
Any one undermining the BBC can only be a good thing – even crazy RT
The useful idiot from the BBC also thinks that the BBC doesn’t self censor unlike other countries – strong whiff of xenophobia from the BBC .
Perhaps the BBC should look at some of our posts .
Maybe some of these country state broadcasters could look here to damage the historic BBC aunty brand which will only be a good thing
They should stick a revolving door in The brexit Department
By Gabriela Baczynska and Jan Strupczewski
Reuters•April 03, 2019
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – “The European Union will not grant Britain another short delay to Brexit if UK lawmakers fail to ratify the stalled divorce agreement by April 12, the head of the bloc’s executive European Commission,
Jean-Claude Juncker, said on Wednesday.”
That will be just fine, you hateful sot. And boy do I hate him.
Brexit is our priority, but what thse EU ****s are trying to do to us, they have already done to other states.
They cheat and lie, as our “negotiations” to date, testify.
There is great concern, allegedly, for the well being of EU citizens in the UK.
Which I do not share, anyone who believes they are a citizen of the EU should leave before we throw them out.
People who believe they are Polish first, European second and hate the EU are, however, welcome.
Ditto other sovereign European states.
Having left the EU, the UK could start a Common Market.
You are aware that Nigel Farage actually asked Junker to refuse to give an extension? It’s the best outcome any Brexiteer could hope for.
Don’t blame Barnier for being an ace at negotiations, and getting a great deal for his side, instead blame Marxist May and her no mark federalist Olly Robbins who failed to negotiate properly.
As Farage noted the EU have prepared themselves in a very professional manner for a WTO Brexit, Mays excuse of a government has done what they do best – nothing.
I do not agree that the EU are so good.
The EU wrote the agreements.
The EU was informed in advance of all eventualities.
Easy to look to in these circumstances.
When we start shooting at them we will see how good they are.
Here’s the thing: Barnier ISN’T an ace negotiator; he only looks like one because May and Robbins have been so woefully inept. Anyone determined to see Brexit come to pass on the best possible terms for the UK would have done far, far better than the dull duo.
Never been too clear on why there needs to be all this ‘negotiation’.
We leave, we stop paying.
Maybe a bit of stuff on what we have paid for, own and what the EU can take a bit of before handing us back what they owe.
They don’t want to sell us their gear, fine. They don’t want to buy ours, also fine.
It’s a big world. I can live without a stabbing tour of Marseilles or only taking a taxi around Germany.
Thoughtful, those clever negotiators at the EU offered David Cameron next to nothing and when Britain voted Leave, they wrung their hands and said “Oh, we didn’t want you to leave.”
Those clever negotiators at the EU enforced an unfavourable deal on our PM and when it fell three times when it came before Parliament, they wrung their hands and said “It’s the best we can do. It’s your fault, there’s a special place in hell for MPs who had not negotiated the deal but merely voted on it.”
That all strikes me as the EU being dumb and dumber.
Clever doesn’t come into it.
Yet another reason why we should Leave with No Deal a.s.a.p., no later than a week on Friday.
May is a mere ventriloquist dummy . The question that needs answering is , who is the ventriloquist? Clearly he or she , or more likely, they , have decided that the Tory party is worth less to them than is the EU. Unmasking the oligarchs, secret rulers of Britain , is key to our future.
Who is the ventriloquist?
The cabal of Globalists and the EU. Everything is worthless if it impedes the goal. Good question: who are they?
Most live in the US; their active EU Representative is Soros to start with. The rest?
It is without doubt Olly Robbins who replaced the two advisors she lost when she lost the election. May is very secretive but sources say she has become very reliant on Communist Stalin apologist Olly Robbins for advice.
I have intended to make this point before, but I kept forgetting.
Every time May, Robbins, Davis or whoever, need to do some “negotiating” they go to Europe.
**** the EU and **** the Eurocrats. They are definitely inferior to us.
If they want something from the UK they can book an appointment.
I would have every meeting with HM present, Merkel and Co will then have to bow and curtsey.
If they do not like it, they can get back on the plane.
The global slave trade of old was pretty disturbing.
“Last survivor of US slave ships discovered”
This report tells the story of Sally Smith, a slave who for some reason stayed on the plantation for over 70 years after slavery was abolished.
But this is the BBC, so
Line 1 states
“Sally Smith was kidnapped from West Africa by slave traders and lived until 1937 in Alabama, staying for more than 70 years on the plantation where she had been enslaved.”
The impression is American slave traders ventured into West Africa and kidnapped the girl.
Again, line 5 virtually repeats the same thing
“The woman, who was named Sally Smith in the US but had originally been called Redoshi, was kidnapped by slave traders in 1860 from a village in what is now Benin.”
OK, we get it. You repeated the same line twice just in case I missed the first time.
It goes on for quite some time, then 3rd line from the bottom
“Redoshi’s stories recorded living a peaceful life before being seized by members of another local tribe and brought to slave traders.”
So, other West Africans kidnapped her, and sold her to slave traders. She wasn’t kidnapped FROM West Africa by slave traders as stated in line 1, she was kidnapped IN West Africa by West African slave traders.
Being anti-western & anti-white makes it nigh on impossible for the BBC to fulfill it’s requirements to be objective, educational, etc.
There has got to be a way to blame Trump for this. I can only assume they are still working on it.
Wouldn’t it be great if the ‘higher truth’ ** was that she was kidnapped by Obama’s grandfather?
** Higher Truth: When the Covington School boys were found not to have abused the non-Vietnam War non-hero some comentators argued that facts were a right-wing trick that covered up the ‘higher truth’ that ‘MAGA’ hat-wearing white boys ARE racist bigots even if they aren’t. Must not let the facts get in the way.
The media show 2
Apparently the Turkish Government harasses journalists who don’t toe the state line .
Doesn’t happen in Blighty does it?
No cancelling of Facebook accounts
PayPal accounts
Or limiting YouTube access
Or sending to prison illegally
Or exposing to Muslim prisoners trying to kill
Or re running trials to raise stress and expense
Or smearing in the MSM regularly
That doesn’t happen does it ?
On the one hand, you have the 20,000 strong, £5B national disgrace.
On the other, a lady working for a small radio station.
Who speaks for the nation better? And who tries to confuse and distract for all it isn’t worth?
Globals Network are HUGE…they have loads of stations (Classic FM Heart I think….) and millions in turnover…they arent ‘small’ at all…….check out the stations they run……….a cynic/conspiracy theorist would suggest they are all in on the scam including Julia?……
Just watch the blonde harriden who starts this clip in a debate with Nigel Farrage, note the sheer hate and revulsion in her, similar to the Fascist left in the US against Donald Trump.
Her name is Barbara Want and I’m sure it will come as no surprise to learn that she is ex BBC. In fact she was a producer of Panorama married to Nick Clarke, another BBC apparatchik who sadly died of cancer at their Kensington home (they’re so badly paid!).
Check out the comments as to what people feel about her though as well as listening.
Ha ha ha!
What a silly bitch! Useless at listening, hopeless at making real statements to aid debate, body language of a sloppy barmaid, intent on doing very little!
That’s the way thick bbbc types try and make the headlines, they’re pretty damn hopeless at their failing usage of air-time!
And what about her soubry-bulldog-licking-p***-off-a nettle face! Pathetic and not up to being seen in public!
‘Want’ is one letter short of a rude anagram.
Hi all, not sure why I do it, but I do watch BBC and listen to Radio 4 / 5 purely to identify the bias they show, therefore missing out on other things in life! I have just spent two hours listening to 5 Live who have interviewed many individuals / MPs and NOT one was from the Leave / Brexit side of the debate (not forgetting the 52/48 split of the referendum result). Indeed the establishment and media as well as Parliament keep pushing further away from Brexit, it seems to be getting harder and harder to get any Brexit dialogue to be heard. it would be extremely entertaining if it wasn’t so serious!
Just listening the BBC being sympathetic towards MPs who are now stressed by it all; bloody hell, what about the 17.4m who are stressed to hell by the process!
Any suggestions as what can be done, as this seems to have gone well beyond bias and is now the mainstream.
It could be much worse, Burgsey!
I’ve just poured myself a large G and T and found that we haven’t got any lemons anywhere!
I’ll just have to do with a tiny slice of cucumber, and a squish of lime cordial now!
Honestly, these things are really sent to try us these days are’nt they!
(Just to be on the safe side of staying on topic, I see from an online rag that a lttle grey chappie in a rather fetching black nightie has said that there’s no more debate allowed)!
What the hell is he wibbling about?
No lemons? Oh god, it’s all true then. It’ll be rationing next…..
Beltane, you’re right, it will of course cause melt-down in the house of expenses too!
OMG, if my MP Greg Clark hears about this, I’ll be the first to crawl over two hundred yards of broken glass, stark-bollock naked, just to buy the last lemon in England, to deliver to his ‘surgery’ before I bleed to death…
It’ll be worth it of course; the knowledge that my MP can look down at my blooded torso, and tell me that I was right to vote for him, and that 17.4m people were wrong!
Thank God I’m a Brit!
A throwaway line in today’s DM article about Hitler’s last moments:
“The pilot added: ‘I tried to persuade Hitler that there were still planes available, and that I could get him away to Japan or the Argentine, or to one of the Sheiks, who were all very friendly to him on account of his attitude to the Jews.”
But as I get all my news and views from al beeb, I don’t understand.
Why would muslim Sheikhs approve of Hitler’s mass extermination of Jews?
Al beeb never ceases to tell me that islam is a religion of peace and in no-way anti-Semitic (despite an abundance of koranic verses to the contrary, some calling them apes and pigs).
Or if, very occasionally, muslims are a teeny-weeny bit unfriendly to Jews, it’s all because of Israel’s policies in Palestine – see?
But when Hitler’s pilot spoke those words in 1945, there was as yet no State of Israel, yet the muslim Sheikhs already approved of his ‘attitude’.
Namely mass extermination, which was already widely known about by the end of the war.
Isn’t history baffling?
There was at that time plenty of talk about the establishment of the State of Israel.
Check out Haj Amin Al Husseini Hitlers Islamic mentor – Hitler might even have converted to Islam, but Al Husseini was the go between of the Arabs / Nazi state and recruited over 50 000 Muslims to the SS. That’s not the ordinary army it’s the most fanatical anti semitic group. The Nazi’s even produced Halal ration packs for them.

“Muslim SS”
Members of the Waffen SS 13th Division at prayer during their training at Neuhammer in November 1943.
Careful, it’s a crime to publish those photos in Austria, and we still have the European Arrest Warrant!
History is baffling. The Waffen SS at prayer, tackling the far far right and opposing waaycism
These were the most brutal killers of the Holocaust.
The Ustasha of Yugoslavia was a Muslim-Catholic alliance of Nazi killers so beastly that even Nazi officials in Berlin were horrified. The Ustasha and three related crack divisions of Arab-Nazi Waffen SS comprised of tens of thousands of Muslim volunteers and terrorized people of all faiths in Yugoslavia.
In large measure, these murder machines emerged through the efforts of the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.
The grand mufti was on a mission to accelerate the extermination of all Jews everywhere. His partner was Adolf Hitler. The epic story of this alliance is one that began in Jerusalem, traveled to Baghdad, culminated in the Balkans, and ultimately spread across all Europe
Same crap, different decade.


And at least until last year they let these terrorists march through London demanding they be given control of Jerusalem. But nevermind any of that because Tommy Robinson’s original name was Yaxley-Lennon and that’s the real NAZI problem we should focus on
Great line in the Spectator: ‘….journalism dies when journalists stop caring about what is true.’
The theme was the Mueller investigation, but it covers a whole lot more cans of worms than that, doesn’t it BBC, Sky, Guardian, Independent? Well, you name it and it will qualify.
In interview with JRM this morning was Mishal Husain (Toady) lying when she claimed Naughtie was quoting someone else when he stated that ERG was like Front National?
This clip from Guido would suggest she was, it sounds very much like his opinion.
“Brexit: Theresa May meets Jeremy Corbyn to tackle deadlock”
Democracy has been kicked in the balls.
Time to kick the House of Comedians back in the balls.
Have Remainer MPs been offered ‘something’ if the get deselected as a result of their stance ?
Like Burgsey, I try every now and then to listen to R4 (Toady etc.) and World Service radio (just to keep an “ear” on the rubbish and lies they are spreading) but over and over again find myself turning off in disgust (rather than chucking my PC out of the window).
To make my own mind up about what the MPs are saying, I’ve started having Parliament Live on in the background and this afternoon I heard some quite interesting speeches damning the next hastily passed, constitutionally completely irregular Letwin bill (? which is to be voted on tonight, I think) and some incredibly awful moaning and groaning from the Remainers / SNP & Co. going on about us falling off a cliff and wrecking the future of everone in business etc.
I have just received an email from Reignite for a (further?) petition to demand a „No Deal Brexit NOW!“:
„Over 200,000 people have already signed demanding a No Deal Brexit.
Theresa May is tapping up Jeremy Corbyn to help her push through a SOFT Brexit.
Meanwhile the FAKE NEWS media is peddling the myth that Brexit is losing support.
We know that isn’t true – but they continue to report fake figures on the People’s Vote march and Revoke Article 50 petition.
We need to fight back and ensure our voices are being heard.
The more people that add their name, the louder our voice.“
Don’t know if anyone would be interested in signing it so I’ll put the link here (if that is allowed?)
It’s rather sad isn’t it, when a PM has to seek help from the Opposition because her own Party won’t help.
At the risk of repeating myself, for which I apologise, Mrs May is only the first among equals in the cabinet. So, if it’s true that the majority of these fellow equals think we should just Leave the EU on WTO terms, why on earth don’t they exercise the power which we have vested in them, tell her to shut up and do as she is. told or just sideline her and run their little club by force of the majority.
But they won’t put their soft little heads above the parapet for fear of it being lopped off.
Just one man from that nest of swamp rats brave enough to state the bleeding obvious to her would strip her of her power because all the sheep would then follow him ( to mix metaphors or something ).
The swamp rats have voted in favour of the letwin/ cooper-balls proposal that we will be prohibited from leaving the EU without this thing called a deal. Which appears to mean that Dancing Terry will once more be scheduled to appear for another encore in Brussels.
currently being debated – according to BBBc:
“At the committee stage of a bill, MPs are allowed to table and debate amendments to it.
Here is a brief rundown of the amendments that have been tabled to tonight’s bill:
13 & 14 – tabled by Labour’s Yvette Cooper: This is a simple re-drafting of parts of the bill
20 – tabled by Tory MP George Eustice: Limits the extension to 30 June
21 – tabled by Tory MP George Eustice: Takes out the requirement for the prime minister to put the EU’s chosen extension date to MPs
22 – tabled by Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay: Ensures that nothing in this bill rules out the government extending Article 50 in a different way
1 – tabled by Tory MP Anne Main: Limits the government to a 22 May extension
6 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Ensures the extension is subject to approval by the devolved bodies
New Clause 4 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Prevents amendments to standing orders during these extension motions – standing orders are the rules that govern the proceedings of Parliament
New Clause 5 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Limits an extension to 22 May
New Clause 7 – tabled by Tory MP Sir Bill Cash: Ensures that an extension would not result in the UK taking part in elections to the European Parliament
New Clause 13 – tabled by Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay: Amends the EU Withdrawal Act to make it easier to change the exit date in UK law”
Not strictly biased BBC , so my apologies but watching Politicslive today i noticed over the shoulder of Jim Cunningham one Keith Vaz !! In December 2017 the investigation into him was halted due to ‘ medical reasons ‘ how on earth can he be sitting there without a care in the world?? MPs really are above the law!
I noticed the washing machine salesman too. Must have had a miraculous recovery.
I was lost for words when the post arrived today…… A polling card dated 2nd May??? What election is this for???
Taking into account that `postal votes` usually have a seperate criteria IE: Postal voters become active prior to the standard rules which have to be done on the actual day of elections, does this in fact mean that prior to the application for an article 50 extension the decision to hold `elections` had already been taken?? Or am i reading too much into this???
JC ,
I’ve had poll cards since last week. Mine are for local council elections.
Constantly I hear from remainers, ‘A SECOND VOTE NOW WE KNOW WHAT BREXIT IS LIKE’.
No, we can’t know what Brexit is like because it hasn’t happened.
And they call us the stupid ?
Predictably our MPs from both sides are huddling together like sheep in a field where we, the people, are the mad dogs.
like people telling farage he had no plan
he never had a chance to help with the plan, sidelined out of spite like all the other brexiteers
I cannot see the current incumbent Labour party MP for grimsby having a job after the next General Election… You only need to look at the Docks… Once home to the largest fishing fleet in the world but now bereft of any ships at all…… I mean how can any MP explain the benefits of being in the EU to the people of Grimsby??
I intend to begin posting realtime factual evidence during any local elections in my area using such websites as this one…..
Just want to add … in 1973 there were around 1500 registered fishing vessels in Grimsby prior to joining the Common Fisheries Policy….. The Deep Sea Fleet numbers dwindled due to loss of access to Icelandic Waters and are a completely seperate issue…. One last thing it is estimated that for every fisherman who went to sea approx. 8/10 workers were employed onshore in the associated industries of fishing….. each boat on average employed a skipper, engineer/mate and two deckies…. add their number to the onshore workers and you have a fair idea of just how many people lost their livliehoods due to the CAP….
But they were saying with Brexit our car workers would suffer?
They trot out all sorts of absolute tripe and it just goes unchallenged.
A tweet from the Czech/Swedish journo who was suspended from Facebook for writing about TR
I think it more likely to do with her anti-open borders campaigning.
Janouch spoke at this event
MPs pass bill to rule out no-deal by majority of 5 at second reading – Ayes: 315, Noes: 310.
The ayes have 50.4% of the vote and this has legitimacy!!!!!!!!!
And yet, our historic democratic vote of only 52% lacked said legitimacy as it needed a much larger consensus to be truly reflective.
These fools are seriously deranged and their continued selfishness and anti democratic prancing will bring about the destruction of our democracy and our society and make reconciliation impossible.
The EU do not need to do anything, the fifth column is destroying us from within.
I have not felt such anger in a very long time.
The BBC and other Remainers seem to think that if May and Corbyn can reach agreement, that will be good enough.
No it won’t.
The EU decides what is good enough. They won’t accept anything other than May’s traitorous ‘Withdrawal Agreement’.
We leave. No Deal.
And this also applies to Parliamentary votes. These votes are only advisory.
Dover, am afraid not.That was last week and Monday of this week.
If the Cooper Bill gets a third reading tonight and gets through, does it not become Law? The lawyers will pick over it to see if it has any flaws (Anne Main MP thinks so) and may try for a High Court application but it means effectively Brexit is lost. We all become £40bn poorer in May or whenever whatever deal gets through Parliament for a BRINO.
It will be interesting if Labour MPs voted for it after telling us so often that “No-one voted to become poorer.”
As I understand it, Article 50 would have to be withdrawn to prevent No Deal.
Voting against No Deal would not withdraw Article 50. Also, Primary Legislation is a lengthy process which would go far, far beyond the timescales available and particularly so if challenged.
That’s my view 🙂
I smell a rat. Or, to be more precise, 315 of them.
Can anyone remember the last time that a Private Member’s Bill proceeded through Parliament at this sort of pace? Is it yet more evidence of the human detritus that sits in the HoP colluding to defeat the democratically expressed will of the people?
Yesterday there were violent protests in Italy ?
Is it starting to kick off ?
Poland, Hungary, France, Germany, UK, Sweden, Italy…
We’re mad as hell and we’re not gonna take it anymore…
Bah! Watched about 5 minutes of the BBC4 programme about Guy Burgess before we were told the usual lie, “Homosexuality was illegal in those days”. The BBC always want to overstate the beastliness of the pre-Jenkins era. It was not illegal to be a homosexual. Homosexual acts carried out in private were not prosecuted, the police didn’t break down people’s doors on the suspicion of homosexual acts taking place. It as only homosexual acts occurring in public that were prosecuted, as were heterosexual acts (though perhaps they had to be more explicit). The BBC just has to pander to gays as victims.
This Cooper bill that is being debated really is a disgrace. What country do we live in where some money grabbing, self serving, deceitful demagogues can cast into law the removal of a fundamental part of a negotiation – i.e. that of the ability to walk away.
What next, every MP can never be sacked or deselected or voted. You just have to wait for them to resign. It’s utter madness.
These disgusting cretins need to be stripped of their roles before they elect themselves jobs for life. They make me sick and furious to my core.
But what am I saying, laws passed in parliament mean jack shit because we’ve already sailed past one that was voted through two years ago and no one gives a flying **** about that.
This exercise has been an utter disgrace and literally incenses me. My contempt and pure unbridled hatred for these democracy ignoring, lying, fear spreading arrogant windbags is beyond compare.
Apathy is surely now the only protection against an anger fuelled heart attack.
Reverting to my natural state of being a political anorak – watching the procedures of the House of Commons – instead of the corrupted ‘ Christian Fraser ‘ whose lefty biases affiliations are well evidenced – it shows how much fight is still in the House of Commons with a week left until the A50 extension runs out
I think not enough attention is being given by the state broadcaster to the reaction of the Reich EU .,
I think they really want shot of UK . However the commons procedures pan out they will know there is a serious resistance to all things EU if we remain
Elections for the ReichEU parliament will also be a huge opportunity for brexiters to give Brussels a nose bleed
If May and Corbyn decide to get into bed together ( what a thought ) and after coupling decide that a Customs Union is the outcome then it is ‘ good bye conservative and unionist party ‘ – hello something properly Right Wing and happy to be called ‘ the very nasty party ‘ – I d vote for them . .
As an aside – it’s a pity Lyndsey Hoyle – ( labour ) wasn’t made Full Speaker – he doesn’t have that needy ‘ centre of everything act’ the Berkow exhibits .
It is an odd thing to do; to throw away a trump card. And now, thanks to May trying out her negotiation skills nearer to home, we are looking at a pig in the poke.
‘the Brexit people voted for’
Spiked : The BBC is institutionally Remainist
Working-class, pro-Leave voices are becoming ever-more rare.
\\ White, provincial Britain is deemed stupid, ignorant, racist and lazy (‘Aren’t those Polish plumbers wonderful!’).
This is why we need a second Brexit referendum, so that the better-off and better-informed should have their say and have their way. //
It is truly momentous – not Brexit no, that’s not happened and it may never happen but if they thought people were distrustful of and disengaged from politicians before this really takes it up way over the red line and that is truly momentous.
Anyhow, suppose the EU refuses a further extension and says go with no deal ? What then since Parliament have decreed we cannot leave on no deal so we would have to beg to stay.
But the EU don’t want Farage in the European Elections.
After all the blood and treasure we sacrificed to free Europe – the very least they could do is free us.
Evette Coopers bill went through by ONE VOTE – that of a criminal -as well as Keith Vaz . So that’s how the constitution works – a 4 hour debate .
Day by day the House of Commons shows how corrupt it is .
As an aside Dr Caroline Johnson ( Tory ) is coming forward as a good Conservative MP.
Berkow was as deceitful and disgraceful as always …
So.. a convicted criminal – who is still wearing a security bracelet – released from prison before the expiry of the trial, judges’ sentence – is allowed to vote on the future of the UK and could decide our future with the EU
Ladies and Gentlemen – if there was ever an advert for the level of corruption in British politics that is it- irrespective of her party,gender , colour or class . That situation just cannot be..
Surely the percentage of that vote is less than the Referendum in which case we can just claim that it’s too close to call and that some that voted for the bill ‘didn’t know what they were voting for’.
The Corbyn ploy, the Cooper bill farce – just more nails in their collective coffin.
There can be no going back from this point ever and it’s not even over yet.
The Commons has chosen sides. It has made it’s bed and now it must lie on it. To take up arms (metaphorically ) against the majority vote of the people is to break that compact that exists between the governed and those that govern. They broke it not us and have failed the nation. The Commons is not the nation. It thinks it is but it is not. We are .
100% agree Dave S. One vote apparantly has determined that a No Deal Brexit is off the table. I feel that now this nation will be sucked back into the EU one way or another-the Prime Minister has completely lost the plot, lost her way and appears not to want to listen to the will of the people who put her there in the first place. How traiterous can Parliament be ?