Radio 4 is discussing a groundhog subject (neo-Nazis and empowered women) so I switched to radio 5 which is discussing racism. How I wish we could once hear a positive story above race relations (there must be millions every day) but it never happens.
I have switched to LBC. The non-player character meme is so spot-on: they just spout the same few lines over and over and over. It is so boring and such a waste of the vast budget and wherewithal the BBC has. No memes, fun or playfulness: all deadly serious, about as much fun as root canal surgery.
Im the same as you, even BBC Radio is boring nowadays…but LBC isnt a lot different?
Its ‘Equality Diversity and Inclusion’ right across the media….the same headlines across ALL the stations every day…it is being dictated to us (Ofcom).
After the Charter review, Lord Hall of the BBC and the Arts, especially Opera. Has declared that he finds White Men talking about science geography and history, boring.
Lord Hall and people like him are far more interested in Identity Politics. Therefore Intellectual programs are to be replaced by Black people talking about Black people, Women talking about Women, Gay people talking about Gay people and Muslims talking about Islam.
Like Channel 4, many new freak shows will appear on BBC television, were freaks talk about what it feels like to be stared at. Sex change surgery will replace programs about Biology, and due to Brexit, a new BBC documentary “Was Henry VIII, Black” will probably replace the out of date BBC documentary “The Reformation, with David Starkey“.
The fact that the BiasedBBC is up to it’s neck in identity politics is proof of it’s leftist ideology. I believe that this started in the 1970’s and is driven by first and second generation ‘baby boomers’. The latter people have reached their peak of influence and when they go the BBC will be under new management. Those who take over that role will I believe not be similarly obsessed with the sort of programming we are currently being bombarded with.
Bruce Newsome is a British-American Professor of International Relations at Berkeley, ex RAND Organisation and Defence Academy of the UK, and does not miss May and hit the wall here. No skelfs in his arse.
Britain’s knife crime problem gets worse, today Theresa May stabbed 17.4m people in the back.
Henry Smith MP:
Theresa May represents a monumental failure of British leadership, a betrayal of the majority who voted to leave the EU and Conservative Party membership. I called for her to go last year, incredibly she has descended further still. I cannot countenance her Corbyn/Brexit process.
Cllr Molly Giles:
A translation of May’s speech: I cannot obtain the consent and approval of my own colleagues for my way forward, so rather than accepting with good grace that I have failed I will attempt to overturn my manifesto and oral promises & turn to the opposition. Unprecedented?
Marcus Fysh MP:
Oliver Letwin on @BBCr4today shows he does not have the first understanding that a customs union with the EU would not be frictionless, and that such would give EU complete control of our trading conditions. Not fit to be an MP, let alone one destroying our constitution.
Theresa May looks as if she is possessed by a tormented evil sole. So I did a bit of research into how this could have come about.
It looks like she was possessed at birth by the sole of someone who was murdered by the serial killer Dr John Bodkin Adams. Dr Adams was the Harold Shipman of his day, he had his elderly patients put him in their wills and would then ‘bump them off’ by giving them an injection and then state in their death certificates, that they died of natural causes. Over 165 deaths have been associated with Dr John Bodkin Adams, who worked at All Saints Hospital in Eastbourne. In 1953, Reverend Hubert Brasier became chaplain of All Saints Hospital, and on October 1st 1956, his daughter, Theresa Brasier, was born at the Hospital. Hubert Brasier would have given ‘last rights’ to many of Bodkin’s patients. Some have even speculated that Bodkin may have confessed his crimes to Hubert, as when he was quizzed about stealing from old women he said ‘I have made my peace with God over that’. In 1957 Dr John Bodkin Adams was charged and prosecuted for his crimes.
They have won. The BBC has won our political class has betrayed us. This day will go into history as the day that finally saw the demise of the United Kingdom as a world power. Make no bones about it the left have an open door now expect to see a Labour government soon and further immigration on a an unparraled scale. But we only have ourselves to blame we sat back and TRUSTED our politicians to deliver on the back of a referendum the democratic mandate of the people. That TRUST has been betrayed to such an extent that to all intent the person reading this will probably never vote again. So there we have it we have let the left in, the country will now enter into a spiral of decline. We will have government by political correctness crimes and trends and causes will be overlooked in case they bring a reaction from “communitys” . London has given us a taste of things to come. I’m getting too old to bother now I can’t be arsed with worrying or getting upset I’ll just shut my door and lock myself away from all this madness. These idiots don’t realise that we are in prosperous times no matter what they wish you to believe and when the downturn comes as it will people will turn to extreme alternatives. That alternative will promise order and the removal of the cause of the demise by means other than the ballot box an alternative I’m glad I won’t be around to see.
They even called a snap election after May took over, didn’t both
main parties campaign to deliver brexit ?
She did that to lose her comfortable majority.
So this mess would happen.
Was in danger of winning comfortably again, so for no other reason than to lose votes, started talking about removing the pensioners tripple lock etc,
Sad thing isn’t, for me so much that the politicians betrayed us, I half expected that, but that the winners- the remain population and the media — feel so untroubled by it . Not realizing or caring it will be their vote and wishes getting overturned soon by these dictators, in the EU/house of commons
I feel the same, Halifax. Have been trying my upmost to remain positive over the last couple of years but Brexit really was the last stand for the white man of these isles.
I’m not sure we should blame ourselves – few would have predicted quite the level of betrayal from the Conservatives.
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking of leaving the UK for good. The 9 years that I have been back here have been horrid.
I’m not a doomer, but the sheer amount of doublethinking required to survive a day in London is just ridiculous. I am also not a sore loser – even though we did win – and must say the EU has done a fantastic job of teaching people that Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
I rather enjoy life in France profonde – generally insulated from the various shades of lunacy, life goes quietly on – idyllic, if a little more expensive each month…
Not me, Halifax. I will vote again and again and again until democracy is replaced by Dictatorship.
If we stop voting, the anti-Democrats and Dictators win immediately.
Our democracy has been seriously injured by Yvette Cooper. It is incredible to think that a Labour MP wishes to damage the UK’s democracy and make the nation substantially poorer but that is, in effect, what she did with her Bill. She must now face her Electorate with that on her record, as must every MP who voted for her Bill.
If ‘we’ give up on voting, Yvette Cooper will not be held to account at the Ballot Box.
It really is that simple.
It is why talk of giving up on our democracy is extremely foolish.
It suffered a mortal injury yesterday. We must now heal it and nurse it carefully back to robust health.
I’m with Up, we MUST vote, and keep on voting, and do our best to convince anyone with any sense at all to keep doing the same!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men* do nothing”.
*In order to comply with impending gender neutral directives I had better specify that when the good preacher said ‘men’, he obviously meant ‘persons of no particular gender’.
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.”
..and while I’m on a roll:
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”.
Just how I feel looking at our HOC, and HOL, and ‘news providers’, and in the street…
Up2. I think we are all a bit fed up at the moment and looking at ways of kicking out. As you rightly say not using a vote totally undermines our society. But and it’s a big but will anyone ever and I mean ever feel that thier vote actually means anything……
This is OT but may provide a smile this dismal morning, 10 years ago this summer Mr Kitty and myself gave up smoking to add pennies to our retirement dream of moving here to the South of France. Going to the NHS we were prescribed a drug called Champex to help us quit, one of the side effects was VIVID DREAMS ( understatement). After one such night I told Mr Kitty I’d dreamt of being a female hit woman for the government 007 type, we joke every now and then how someone should be on my hit list. At the moment I couldn’t manage it it’s too long and would need to blow both houses up. Trying to be optimistic but the only thing I can manage is that at least the wine is cheaper here to drown our sorrows.
At least in rural France, you have some insulation against the EU. The local Mayor receives a piece of paper with an edict from the Regional Government which has received it in turn from Paris who received it direct from Brussels.
The local Mayor thinks “Will this harm or help my re-election chances?”. He then shrugs and puts the piece of paper in a desk drawer for ‘a while’.
I am left in a quandary. My MP is a Brexiteer and has stuck with the right votes on most of these divisions, including this one. However, I feel that I do not want to vote Conservative ever again until we get full Brexit (i.e. WTO deal). But, if I don’t vote for him at the forthcoming GE will we then get a Labour/Liberal Remainiac extremist?
I will vote for UKIP or the Brexit Party (I wish they would talk and not split our vote) at the forthcoming Euro elections (I voted UKIP in those for a very long time now) and even at local council elections despite our city’s UKIP cvouncillor not fulfilling his duties. But do I vote for my Conservative Brexiteer MP? I hope it will be a clearer choice by then.
Parliament has insisted that an extension is sought and that it must approve the date. But as I see it, there’s nothing that can force the EU to agree so unless we revoke Article 50 we’d be out by default. And all Theresa May has to do is offer the EU nothing so they’re forced to turn down the request.
But she won’t.
The bill hasn’t passed yet. It has to get through the House of Lords. Not that there’s a chance they’d refuse, but it can perhaps be talked out.
And the nuclear option of the Queen refusing to sign Royal Assent. Though I can’t see her wanting to be embroiled in this.
Unfortunately, the Bill* – if approved in the House of Lords – does rule out a No Deal departure. That means we have to hand over £39bn(+?) for a Deal of some sort as well as seeking an extension to agree a Deal that will pass in Parliament. A Deal means we leave on 22 May or later, not next week.
The EU have said they are not willing to compromise further on the PM’s Deal -OR- grant a further extension to the process of negotiation of that first stage unless they can be assured it is for a worthwhile purpose.
As RD hints, now might be a good time to petition Her Majesty. Get those letters in, folks. We need something to save the UK either her Peers, the Monarch herself or the good Lord above.
Our democracy is being stolen from the United Kingdom from within and handed overseas.
Unfortunately there is no way the Queen could involve herself in this. She would never be trusted again and the monarchy would be brought down by the next Labour Government. It would just be the excuse to turn our country into the Marxist dictatorship that Corbyn wants. The Queen must stay neutral in this or we’re completely sunk.
Corbyn is NOT a Marxist ! Please people I understand it’s difficult given all the disinformation and revisionism but do some research and learn about the ideology of Fascism and you will learn that there is a difference.
May IS a Marxist and does follow that doctrine.
It should be as scary as hell to people to realise we are in the same position as Spain in the 1930s.
Momentum which carried Corbyn to power was financed in no small part by the son of the British Union of Fascist leader Max Moseley, it should come as no surprise to find Corbyn has adopted that doctrine as a result. Oswald Moseley was a minister in the Labour government before forming the BUF.
Today thanks to complete revisionism, if you ask people what policies were in the Fascist Manifesto they cannot name a single one.
How about these:
Minimum wage
Lowering the voting age
workers on the boards of companies
Limiting profits of companies supplying the public sector
Nationalisation of the railways
All of them instantly recognisable as Labour policy.
I agree, Demon, it would make the Queen vulnerable to Republican dissent. Things need to be carefully judged and even more carefully timed.
I may be clutching at straws but I suspect there is a hardening in the country in favour of leaving the EU completely, lock, stock & barrel, without a deal and as soon as possible. I think business, despite the small highly influential Remain quotient represented by Fairbairn and some large overseas companies and supported & publicised by the BBC, is starting to swing behind leaving a.s.a.p. and taking what comes with it with a measure of flexibility, adaptability and stoicism.
Her Majesty is incredibly well-informed and experienced in political matters. Our Queen, of all people, is best equipped to call the Prime Minister in to visit and share concerns and then reach a decision on whether to prorogue Parliament for ten days or until after Easter. If the Monarch has a pile of petitions from her subjects begging for the result of 23 June 2016 to be respected and acted on without delay, it lends her an extra authority, does it not?
Up2snuff, I totally agree with your middle paragraph, but our political masters in Westminster and their overlords in Brussels don’t care. They wouldn’t care if it was 90% in favour of WTO they would find a way to block it.
I still believe that, no matter how just the cause or how many letters, the Queen cannot involve herself on one side in any political argument. Yes, she can call the PM to a meeting to discuss the situation but she cannot be seen to interfere or the monarchy is over.
I have to disagree Up2 but May certainly seems to be taking her orders from an evil and corrupt empire. Anyway, I saw this response to a BBC Politics tweet which you might find amusing…
Well Cassie, I am forced to agree with you by the PM’s behaviour and/or incredibly bad political nous and political timing.
Not sure you read my post thoroughly or fully understood it. The PM was ‘meant’ to be – as in her word, her Party manifesto, her red lines – as well as in her Christian understanding. (The original Star Wars saga has certain Biblical parallels due to George Lucas’ upbringing.)
It does appear that she has been more of a Darth Vader, starting out as a Jedi Knight but being turned by, and to, the Dark Side.
However, I repeat the BBC-based pun ‘I don’t think Theresa May has ever seen Star Wars’. And I am sadly forced to conclude that I am not sure how much of a Christian she is. Am not seeing much evidence but fortunately that is not for me to judge.
What I do think is incredibly sad is that three women in political leadership – two as Prime Minister and one as a former Cabinet Minister – have done immense damage to their nation as well as their gender.
Guest, did you notice how an unelected Peer got very confused about political processes because she basically failed to accept the result of a political (and highly democratic) process in June 2016?
On the BBC News home page right now is:
‘The diets cutting one in five lives short every year’ illustrated with a photo of 3 Muslim women in hajibs. The descriptive text starts with ‘Israel has the best diet….”.
Also on the homepage ‘Don’t inflame Brexit tensions, police warn’ illustrated with a photo of a black policeman.
Is there any type of news where the BBC don’t force their agenda on us?
No Tabs, from The Now Show, Countryfile, Panorama, kids shows on CBBC, The Archers and Today et al, the BBC saturates its viewers and listeners of all ages with its toxic agenda. A typical Radio 4 show now consists of this type of content. Funny in this particular example that the BBC is promoting the genre of music that encourages violence and murder amongst young feral black people under the guise of feminism and gender politics.
Yet another shallow myopic lobsided viewpoint from a so called journalist attempting to answer a question nobody bothered to ask….. Perhaps it is due to a lack of depth perception when looking at the problem with that lazy eye of hers which is to blame……
‘Liked’ by Hugh Sykes, which of course does not mean endorsement.
They have precisely the same fan base. They both enjoy the support of Steve Bannon. They both promote fascistic outfits like the AfD. They both benefit from chaos, hatred & division. They are on the same side, one in a top hat, the other in Stone Island. Start calling it out.
I don’t listen to BBBC at all these days hence no review of their spite and bile from me. Instead, I spread through the airwaves seeking balance and impartiality, mostly in vain. I often drop into JoB’s show as leavers do sometimes make the mistake of calling in. He is, without question one of the most atrociously smug and arrogant activists still allowed to peddle his unrestrained hatred of all who voted to leave the EU and those that disagree with him. If we had have left the EU, he would clearly have suffered an immediate and total meltdown. He’s almost there as it is. Nasty ignorant snob. Should join labour, he’ll fit right in.
NB – ITV on Mon/Tue/Wed is worth a watch as Piers Morgan (a Remainer) calls out the bullshit better than most.
I think it’s time to come out – not as gay, quite the opposite in fact.
I want to come out as, ‘Unamused’. I want rights, recognition and an, ‘Unamused Annoyed March, badge and flag’.
I think there will have to be various off shoots such as, ‘Aggrieved, Betrayed, Incandescent and Not at all Happy.’
We are officially the silent majority. Silent because our rights and democratically arrived at victory during the 2016 referendum are not represented anywhere on the airwaves. Labours policy of feeding May sufficient rope has paid of enormously and all you see are chest puffed preening labourites selling the obviously expected outcome of a further referendum or election – which due to Mays suicidal strategy they expect to walk.
We still have skin in the game, if the tory patriots, and there are still a number of them get rid of the jonah dragging the party to oblivion and push for a GE with ONLY honouring the referendum result as their manifesto. There is a huge population of angry Leavers (and remainers) out there who are embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament. They see this as the beginning of the end of the democratic institutions and the trust in them in this country. They, the people, are still the majority – and – WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.
So BBC Humberside what agenda are you spitting in my face today ?
Diversity again ? or NHS ?
Ah both
So NHS welcomes diversity
.. funny how on Tuesday’s Hull Look North they had an item about the Lincolnshire midwife who giving up her fight to stay in her job , after they ordered her not to have the scarlet dyed hair that she had when they recuited her.
Seriously, what I’d like to know is – where are our champions? We were 17.4m (17,400,000) during our referendum victory. Many remainers are respecting of the democratic result. Every day seems a step backward, further into the mire of stifling socialism. Is there no one to speak out at the injustice, the unfairness, the betrayal????
Is the simmering anger within our society going to be left to build up until unsustainable, until it explodes, is this what the elite want?
Jacob, Boris, anyone – put an end to this and call no confidence in the sick one. Put her out of her, and our misery, please.
Our champions should be the media but it doesn’t seem to worry the BBC, and other news outlets, that the will of the people is being overturned by the criminal complicity of our pro EU parliament. The media should be rigorously holding MPs to account for their failure. Isn’t that the point of a free press? Instead they have done nothing but collude with the establishment to thwart democracy.
They say, fortune favors the bold.
All this does give a greater understanding of our Civil War but then when the Puritans won the people were screwed over (surprise!) and went back to the old ways as soon as. I reckon we could be due to repeat history – minus the bloodshed of course.
” Is there no one to speak out at the injustice, the unfairness, the betrayal????”
They are there. Whether the MSM and our State Sponsored cultural Marxist BBC care to broadcast their, ‘speaking out’ is another matter.
Children, we can’t even be trusted with the knowledge of the ongoing saga of French Riots and other highly relevant news of what’s going on in ‘Our’ EU. News stiflers and distortionists all of them. All for the Globalist good you understand.
I wonder what the inhabitants of two large Houses would think if a large, spontaneous crowd (a flashmob in NewSpeak) gathered outside on the patch of mud opposite one of them and started to sing together the National Anthem?
And the Tories have no fear of a General Election and Cabinet MPs don’t have to resign because they know we won’t vote Corbyn and without PR the smaller parties are stuffed.
The speed at which parliament acted on the Cooper/Letwin bill is indicative of the whole, sorry Brexit affair. Nearly three years on from the referendum, and a majority of over a million, and we are still no nearer leaving the EU. Four hours in parliament, and a majority of one, and MPs seize the opportunity to scupper the whole thing. Unbelievable.
The final thousandth cut.
No more, ‘No Deal’ possibilities.
All other fates now, are irrelevant as any one would mean Remaining in one form or another. Hand foot and finger we will continue to serve the EU Empire.
The “Sir David Attenborough” bit suffices to tell me that facts will be in short supply, as will sane discussion. I shan’t be watching. I rarely watch the BBC, anyway.
> 45 minutes on the telephone to PayPal about an account apparently set up in 2014 in my name but never since used.
If I was asked by a visitor from outer space to give an example of Globalism at work, I would refer them to PayPal. It has to be vying for the title of the ‘High Priestess’ of Globalism.
Our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster’s George Orwell would smile, wryly.
LCS, show me a democratic/ballot box solution and I will rip your hand off. I fear there is none. As was always the case, the disenfranchised will have to find a different, less palatable route back to democratic norms.
“Hello and welcome to Cooper Car dealership, how may I help you?”
“Yeah, I’m looking to buy a red Ford Fiesta with a budget of £5k”
“Umm, I’ve got a blue Volvo for £10k, when do you want to come in and pick it up”
“Yeah, er, that’s not what I asked for. Forget it.”
“I’m sorry sir, but at Cooper Car dealership we’ve removed the option of No Deal from all negotiations, so I’m afraid you are legally bound to buy this particular car. We hope you understand the need to remove uncertainty and possible job losses from all of our interactions. When can you come in…”
Yes, I certainly feel “Aggrieved, Betrayed, … and Not at all Happy“ and agree with those who think it is extremely important to vote: MPS must be held to account for their behaviour.
If only we could rely on people, as honestus suggests, being so “angry, embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament” that, if it really did come to a People’s Vote, there would in fact be a more decisive Leave majority? (Whether the politicians would actually honour the result?)
As amusing as Farage’s “debate” with Barbara Want was on yesterday’s Jeremy Vine programme (in Thoughtful’s link of April 3, 2019 at 5:54 pm) no one really picked her up on her (sickening) claim that over a million Leavers had died since the Referendum and been replaced by over a million young people who would “of course” vote for Remain.
I wonder where she got her statistics? I always remember Humphrey in Yes Minister saying: “Statistics? You can prove anything with statistics”.
Surely it’s also a bit condescending to assume that a) all young people are necessarily “stupid” enough to vote remain and b) to ignore the possibility that a certain number of “young” people will have had 3 years to grow up and lose their rose-tinted view of the EU?
I suppose, it will of course all depend on how they actually phrase the question on the ballot paper? :-\
Let’s hope they do end up calling an election so the “silent majority” will be given the opportunity to voice their discontent.
“honestus April 4, 2019 at 9:55 am
We are officially the silent majority. Silent because our rights and democratically arrived at victory during the 2016 referendum are not represented anywhere on the airwaves. Labours policy of feeding May sufficient rope has paid of enormously and all you see are chest puffed preening labourites selling the obviously expected outcome of a further referendum or election – which due to Mays suicidal strategy they expect to walk.
We still have skin in the game, if the tory patriots, and there are still a number of them get rid of the jonah dragging the party to oblivion and push for a GE with ONLY honouring the referendum result as their manifesto. There is a huge population of angry Leavers (and remainers) out there who are embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament. They see this as the beginning of the end of the democratic institutions and the trust in them in this country. They, the people, are still the majority – and – WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.”
Said often – this Nation is slow to anger and generally law abiding.
Were this France or Italy we’d be on the barricades.
Having said that thousands of police are on standby, “In case of ‘problems’ caused by Brexit”.
There will be no protests or civil disobedience. The media have worn virtually everyone down into a state of apathy to the point that few if any care about the endless votes in the HoP.
May will come out onto the steps of Downing Street and proclaim that we are staying in the EU (obviously she’s praying for a huge natural disaster to occur so that she can coincide it), the media will bury the story and people will be like “oh, we aren’t leaving then, okay”
The English are very good at moaning but when push comes to shove we will, probably, just shrug our shoulders and go and moan about something else. We have always had a low opinion of our MPs so when they don’t deliver, as with Brexit, our response will be, “Well, what did you expect?” They are simply just fulfilling our very low expectations of them. I wish, like the French, we had a history of direct action but, alas, we don’t. Our vote is still the only thing we can use against these people. The next election should be an interesting one.
Unless the Tories undergo radical reform I fear you are correct.
They do say, you get the Government you deserve and a Corbyn one would be well deserved by the lefty liberal globalist romantics.
How utterly astonishing that this could be happening in the UK with its ‘mother of parliaments’!
Police on standby to enforce the undemocratic, losing alternative.
The first place they should go to for a bit of action against lawbreaking, is parliament.
Watching a thing on Burgess last night . And Philby, McLean, Blunt.
They would have been happy! With what’s happening in England.
A little less happy about Russia, where we know from the beeb, that the bad guys are in charge.
And what would they have made of the US, where we know from the beeb that a ‘bad guy’ is in charge?
I’ve always been struck by the parallels of the anti Trump, anti Brexit schemes.
The Guardian is pushing Brexit as a Right Wing / Nazi conspiracy because of some adverts on Facebook.
The EU really is, ‘Hotel California’ and Germany did actually win World War Two and France won at Waterloo despite what you may believe.
Did anyone else just hear in Parliament Live: (from the Shadow Leader of the House?) if we leave without a deal we will have “no more lettuce, tomatoes and soft fruit”?? [as we are unable to grow them ourselves]. Someone yesterday was out of lemons … it seems the people of Britain are to starve?! :-O
At least we won’t be hearing that constant facile lie uttered by members of “Our House of Representatives”, that, “there is no stomach in the country for a No-Deal”.
That’s one less reason for the current and ubiquitous elevations in blood pressure.
The economic argument should be largely discounted. If money (for this is the real remain issue) was the overriding precedent for government , we’d hardly ever spend anything. In other words, everything costs and sometimes some things cost an eye watering amount but we absorb the hit and get on with it. Which government would ever consider not defending its borders on economic grounds? The Iraq war (putting aside the moral issue) cost the USA $1.1trillion plus obviously the loss in personnel.
The point being, sometimes doing the right thing costs and doing the right thing in the long term could be far cheaper than not.
I now acknowledge that there is an irreconcilable difference between me and a large number of anti democratic remain voters.
I believe in the validity of fair and open ballots, polls referendi, call them what you will, and will and always have abided by the final result – even if it was not to my liking.
A large contingent of our parliament, Media and population however do not believe in these things. They believe that they should have their way irrespective of the opinions or votes of others and their way must ultimately prevail.
I therefore look down on my fellow voters, the fraternity of democrat deniers with absolute contempt and scorn and soon, I fear, hate, for depriving me of what was rightfully mine.
I have held to the democratic compact. They have not. I despise them.
I also despise them with a vengeance. The disgraceful MPs Not bothered by our having to pay the 40 billion, easy come easy go but just wait until they start moaning again about extra money needed for the usual culprits eg. Police,schools,NHS, social security payments housing, etc. I hope some Tory will have the guts to tell them that we could have had all that money for those things but the fact the decision was to donate that money to the EU pension fund we don’t have any left.
Well said. I always now assume that every complaint on question time about needing more money for schools, NHS, infrastructure etc can all be met with a “well £39 billion would have helped with that”.
BBC trying to report on mixed martial arts, the UFCs star Connors Twitter spat with his rival Khabib- who happens to be a Muslim.
Any chance of BBC seeing it as , banter , free speech, fighter trash talk to goad him into another fight?
Nah, everthing BBC is about hate.
”Conor McGregor says he wants to “move forward” after aiming an Islamophobic insult at Khabib Nurmagomedov’s wife in a Twitter exchange which has been labelled “unacceptable” by the UFC.”
BBC cannot even report it properly .
And they don’t even repeat the tweet.
Nor Does BBC include khabis reponse
“Rapist, you are Rapist,” Nurmagomedov tweeted.
or his managers threats:
“You’re gonna get yourself f****** up, your whole team f***** up, your security f***** up,” Abdelaziz says.
“Get your s*** together, boy, before you get everybody f**** up. But, we don’t want violence. We don’t promote violence. We are promoting peace. Enough with the hate.”
Why dont BBC ask why the groom is dressed in a western suit/
Ah but there is a glimmer we can take maybe a small bit of comfort from.
In the forthcoming Euro Elections:-
> Right-wing Eurosceptics are set to dominate the polls in France and Italy.
> Nigel Farage could return to Brussels and fight to become Jean-Claude Juncker’s successor.
> A growing list of potential disasters await the upcoming European elections.
> Matteo Salvini’s League are set to return the largest number of seats in Italy.
> Marine Le Pen’s National Rally will battle to win the top spot from Emmanuel Macron’s party.
> Mr Salvini is already manoeuvring to position himself as the unofficial leader of a populist bloc when the EU
Parliament’s new MEPs first convene in July.
> Not to be forgotten also are Poland and Hungary.
As a reader posted in the Times today, rather than accept any variation on a soft Brexit we Leavers should insist on either fully out or fully in, with full retention of our voting rights. We can then vote in plenty of militant populists to join those of Salvini et al and deliver what I think almost everyone wants , a cooperative, friendly, peaceful Europe of nation states which puts retention of culture , identity and our European way of life at the top of its list of policies.
Some of you may know the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement presented by the Prime Minister, but the following I found on FACTS4U Brexit, was concise enough.
Withdrawal Agreement is an abomination
1/On exit the UK would be under the de facto jurisdiction of a group of 27 foreign powers, with no ability to veto laws or procedures affecting our country and its citizens
2/The EU27 can make decisions in Council behind closed doors, with no published minutes, which would profoundly affect British businesses, citizens, and the economy
3/The EU27 could even impose new taxes on the UK, and Parliament could do nothing about it
4/The EU27 could cripple the vitally important UK financial sector, with new taxes
and regulations
5/A major part of the Agreement (the Northern Irish Protocol) locks the UK into a permanent customs union with the EU, with no unilateral right of the UK to terminate
6/The Northern Ireland Protocol requires the Province to obey existing and
new Single Market rules, with no say over them, and effectively splits off Northern Ireland into being a colony of the EU and the Republic, thereby breaking the United Kingdom in two
7/The UK will have no right to do international free trade deals a key economic benefit of Brexit because
it must stick to protectionist EU tariffs. The British public cannot benefit from an independent trade policy resulting in much cheaper imported goods, nor can our exporters thrive
8/.Any new EU trade agreements would require the UK to match the new lower tariffs, but the countries
involved would not be required to reciprocate in respect of the UK
9/The UK would remain under the jurisdiction of the ECJ until at least the end of 2020 and the agreement makes provision to extend this until 2022
10/ In some parts of the law, British courts would have to obey the ECJ for over 100 years the lifetimes of as yet unborn children
11/The UK would not be a truly sovereign nation in the lifetimes of all reading this
12/The Agreement means the UK paying at least £39 billion, despite there being no legal obligation to pay anything like that amount, and with no new UK-EU trade deal guaranteed in return
13/The final amount taken from British taxpayers would be decided by the EU, and the UK would have no say because the ECJ would rule on this
14/.Other aspects of the Agreement and Political Declaration would adversely affect the UK’s autonomy in fishing, defense, foreign policy, competition law, state aid and many other areas of life.
15/The Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration together lock the UK into a continuing and subservient relationship with the EU, agreeing to match and “build upon” current arrangements, giving away money, sovereignty, laws, and even decisions on the very composition of the United Kingdom itself.
CLECAT is the European Association For Forwarding, Transport, Logistics And Customs Services Based in Brussels it represents more than 19,000 companies employing in excess of 1 million staff in logistics, freight forwarding and customs services. Here is what they say about Brexit:
“Being outside of the Customs Union and the Single Market does not mean that trade will become impossible and is also not a new situation.
“Modern Customs legislation and technology provides for numerous simplifications and facilitations through which goods can move across borders unhindered, while at the same time Customs and other border inspection services can ensure safety and security and proper tax and duty collection.
“Therefore, all the ingredients to ensure an orderly exit process of the UK from the EU are already
This non issue has always been an absurd diversion over a tiny matter which would have been resolved a year ago by the respective customs authorities of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, if the EU and the Irish government hadn’t stopped them talking last year
The WTO represents 98% of world trade
The EU will not agree a trade deal until we’ve left so the WTO exit was always the default position. Delivering Brexit means leaving the EU and trading like the rest of the World. A simple departure on 12 April 2019 with some sensible side agreements
Currently the UK will leave the EU fully on 12 April without any ‘deal’. That’s the legal position. Let’s all get behind this simple method of exiting the EU and make it great. As the boss of JCB, the UK’s largest manufacturer of construction equipment
said: “There is nothing to fear from trading on World Trade Organisation
Not sure how it’s relevant anymore as the withdrawal treaty isn’t an option now. The bigger problem is that what ever is agreed can only be worse thanks to ‘I’ve never had a real job’ Yvette Cooper.
Whenever you see something these goons do or say take a look at their back ground on Wikipedia, you’ll be surprised how many of them have very strong opinions about complex issues they know nothing about, and worse know nothing about the surrounding issues either.
You sure? I understood the EU was only extending Article 50 past April 12th if the Withdrawal Agreement was passed by Parliament. The rest is arrangements after withdrawal, and not legally binding.
But I could be wrong. You hear so many versions from various sources.
Reading this the mystery is that anybody should be fooled into thinking these various Brinos are any good at all. Are most of the MPs genuinely idiots?
And why does our media not constantly lay on us the words of the bosses of, JCB, Dyson, Weatherspoons, of Mervyn King and the Chairman of Barclays and so on and so on.
Are the considered to be feckless idiots ?
The Irish are cock-a-hoop.Here are some of the latest headlines.
“Merkel vows to ‘fight until the last hour’ to avoid no-deal Brexit ahead of Varadkar meeting”
“Conservatives finally crack in Varadkar’s game of chicken”
Off I am just hoping they are so inept we actually ‘crash out’ without them realising..Anybody with a quarter of a brain (most MPs) can see how the whole process is being stitched up
I have been weaning myself off BBC for blood pressure sake but today switch on R4 – to hear a discussion about western ‘men’ being paedophiles in Nepal. Narrated by a woman – who slips in from time to time that a lot of the abuse is by Nepalese family members but focusses on western men saying she now looks at all western men in Nepal with suspicion. No statistics but it seems a small number are involved – now turn it around and talk about the issue with Muslim gangs and girls in the UK. What would the BBC say if I said I look at all Muslim men with suspicion? I think we all know..funny one law for one group another for another – like not much about gay stoning in’s a muslim country but the BBC hardly mentioned the fact that it is based on Sharia law..
Then a programme on the lack of black females in ballet…why do they make everything about colour? The opportunity is there, maybe they don’t want to do it – I don’t notice them banging on about the lack of white males or females in 100 metre sprinters as a percentage of population – maybe there is a reason, just like ballet – but the BBC make it about colour and prejudice.
Why not go on about the lack of black dwarves in basket ball?
The likes of the BBC are promoting differences not removing them…
I wonder when our supremely biased national broadcaster will go to Ms Cooper-Balls constituency to ask those who voted for her whether she is reflecting the views of the 70% who voted to leave, just wondering !
In a slightly tired and emotional state after watching the spurs win a their new stadium I watched the parliamentary vote ( see entry from last night ) what I didn’t mention was the look on Evette cooper balls face when her motion passed through with just one vote majority – that of a convicted criminal on release from prison
The look Evette had was stronger than surprise and in the area of ‘oh excrement ‘. As Alex Deane observes on twitter today -the future of Britain may have Been decided by a civil servant in the prison service licensing department … and as for Keith Vaz -no more to say .
I’m limiting news now for mental health sake . People overseas must be looking at Britain and just say ‘who did that happen’ – I don’t care what foreigners think of us because – well – they are foreigners
I’ve emailed my MP to advise him of my feelings but IDS is far the sinner that the rest of them are .
I really Fear about civil disorder now . For various reasons I cannot indulge but there will be plenty of people with less restraint who will be willing to engage the enemy . And it won’t be just by trolling or internet exchanges I fear .
Truetoo put up a post counselling restraint and I repeat that as our website must primarily witness the BBC MSM subverting democracy .
I hope the reader does not get fedup with me repeating the sentiment .
Yes, how is the two-year-long inquiry into Keith Vas’ washing machine salesman part-time job coming along? In fact, why is it taking so long? Perhaps we should be told.
I appreciate the counsel and in normal times I think it would be quite reasonable but these are not normal times and things posted here do reflect media bias from all sources, oh my word yes.
I don’t know if this has been pointed out already, but there will be local elections in May this year and the Tories should be concerned. But, even better from the Leave standpoint, many of the areas that voted Remain will NOT be holding local elections in 2019 at all:
Might I respectfully suggest the map colour should not be blue. Those of a nervous disposition are sure to see this as the re-defined UK after climate changes to sea levels, the Scots paranoia will add significantly to their NHS costs while Eire will appeal to the ECHR.
bbc tv 13h00: ‘”Passions have been inflamed”, the police say. “So mind what you say”.
So far nothing from the Staatssicherheitsdienst. (Just for those of us who feel as if we are living in the pre-1989 GDR, in which the Stasi were still fully operative. Incidentally, to those asking HOW does May get so much power -her cabinet appears not to count, etc.: I lived in West Germany when the Berlin wall came down, and I can say in all sincerity that Erich Honecker -in those final days, seemed to have LESS power than May. He needed to check with quite a few x, y and z, in the Politburo and elsewhere, before he could do anything of consequence. Now that’s a sobering thought.)
Back to the police statement, even now, Project Fear operates: “Supply chains will NOT be protected”.
Ingredients are being stockpiled. Report on chocolate-making.
vladMar 5, 04:18 Midweek 5th March 2025 Prime Minister marks Ramadan at ‘difficult time for Muslims in the UK’ FFS !
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Radio 4 is discussing a groundhog subject (neo-Nazis and empowered women) so I switched to radio 5 which is discussing racism. How I wish we could once hear a positive story above race relations (there must be millions every day) but it never happens.
I have switched to LBC. The non-player character meme is so spot-on: they just spout the same few lines over and over and over. It is so boring and such a waste of the vast budget and wherewithal the BBC has. No memes, fun or playfulness: all deadly serious, about as much fun as root canal surgery.
Im the same as you, even BBC Radio is boring nowadays…but LBC isnt a lot different?
Its ‘Equality Diversity and Inclusion’ right across the media….the same headlines across ALL the stations every day…it is being dictated to us (Ofcom).
Equalities Act 2010…Diversity…Theresa May/EU
After the Charter review, Lord Hall of the BBC and the Arts, especially Opera. Has declared that he finds White Men talking about science geography and history, boring.
Lord Hall and people like him are far more interested in Identity Politics. Therefore Intellectual programs are to be replaced by Black people talking about Black people, Women talking about Women, Gay people talking about Gay people and Muslims talking about Islam.
Like Channel 4, many new freak shows will appear on BBC television, were freaks talk about what it feels like to be stared at. Sex change surgery will replace programs about Biology, and due to Brexit, a new BBC documentary “Was Henry VIII, Black” will probably replace the out of date BBC documentary “The Reformation, with David Starkey“.
The fact that the BiasedBBC is up to it’s neck in identity politics is proof of it’s leftist ideology. I believe that this started in the 1970’s and is driven by first and second generation ‘baby boomers’. The latter people have reached their peak of influence and when they go the BBC will be under new management. Those who take over that role will I believe not be similarly obsessed with the sort of programming we are currently being bombarded with.
Wishful thinking perhaps…
Has the cooper bill just royally killed the prospect of no deal and giving all leverage to the EU tonight ? ????
Why are those who complained about the damage being done to businesses due to the ‘uncertainty’ of Brexit, are pushing for more uncertainty?
Twitter blocks French government with its own fake news law.
“Brexit: MPs back delay bill by one vote”
The Tory Party is finished . Mrs Chamberlain has done them in .
Vote UKIP.
The vote of a convicted criminal outweighs the votes of 17.4 million.
I’m thinking some pretty unpleasant thoughts right now, truth be told, so will get off the internet before I type something I regret.
Yes and when it’s 17.4 million votes to 16 million it’s too close to call and we’re told we should vote again!
Apparently 313 to 312 is fine.
Sums up the calibre of politician we have now. I wonder if convicted criminal and MP Fiona Onasanya got back home before her curfew commenced?
Not the bBBC but well worth a read.
Bruce Newsome is a British-American Professor of International Relations at Berkeley, ex RAND Organisation and Defence Academy of the UK, and does not miss May and hit the wall here. No skelfs in his arse.
I think it was the Cabinet that done it for not stopping the hand that led Corbyn to the tiller.
Cabinet government or an abdication of duty?
From someone called Mark:
Britain’s knife crime problem gets worse, today Theresa May stabbed 17.4m people in the back.
Henry Smith MP:
Theresa May represents a monumental failure of British leadership, a betrayal of the majority who voted to leave the EU and Conservative Party membership. I called for her to go last year, incredibly she has descended further still. I cannot countenance her Corbyn/Brexit process.
Cllr Molly Giles:
A translation of May’s speech: I cannot obtain the consent and approval of my own colleagues for my way forward, so rather than accepting with good grace that I have failed I will attempt to overturn my manifesto and oral promises & turn to the opposition. Unprecedented?
Marcus Fysh MP:
Oliver Letwin on @BBCr4today shows he does not have the first understanding that a customs union with the EU would not be frictionless, and that such would give EU complete control of our trading conditions. Not fit to be an MP, let alone one destroying our constitution.
That looks frighteningly similar to Richard Branson!
Theresa May looks as if she is possessed by a tormented evil sole. So I did a bit of research into how this could have come about.
It looks like she was possessed at birth by the sole of someone who was murdered by the serial killer Dr John Bodkin Adams. Dr Adams was the Harold Shipman of his day, he had his elderly patients put him in their wills and would then ‘bump them off’ by giving them an injection and then state in their death certificates, that they died of natural causes. Over 165 deaths have been associated with Dr John Bodkin Adams, who worked at All Saints Hospital in Eastbourne. In 1953, Reverend Hubert Brasier became chaplain of All Saints Hospital, and on October 1st 1956, his daughter, Theresa Brasier, was born at the Hospital. Hubert Brasier would have given ‘last rights’ to many of Bodkin’s patients. Some have even speculated that Bodkin may have confessed his crimes to Hubert, as when he was quizzed about stealing from old women he said ‘I have made my peace with God over that’. In 1957 Dr John Bodkin Adams was charged and prosecuted for his crimes.
RP, have your ‘gumshoe’ friends in ‘Five’ and ‘Six’ been on the case, supplying your information?
[ You may need to sack your Proofreader. 😉 ]
Would that be the sole of a shoe or the sole as in a flat fish and how do either of them possess someone ?
Thoughtful, I am minded what the sole of a shoe, especially the whole shoe, represents in some parts of the world ….. 😉 ….
… and I wonder how the Brexiteers sitting to the PM’s left and right at Cabinet may sit in their chairs in future?
Implying guilt by sly and slippery use of language worthy of the BBC itself.
They have won. The BBC has won our political class has betrayed us. This day will go into history as the day that finally saw the demise of the United Kingdom as a world power. Make no bones about it the left have an open door now expect to see a Labour government soon and further immigration on a an unparraled scale. But we only have ourselves to blame we sat back and TRUSTED our politicians to deliver on the back of a referendum the democratic mandate of the people. That TRUST has been betrayed to such an extent that to all intent the person reading this will probably never vote again. So there we have it we have let the left in, the country will now enter into a spiral of decline. We will have government by political correctness crimes and trends and causes will be overlooked in case they bring a reaction from “communitys” . London has given us a taste of things to come. I’m getting too old to bother now I can’t be arsed with worrying or getting upset I’ll just shut my door and lock myself away from all this madness. These idiots don’t realise that we are in prosperous times no matter what they wish you to believe and when the downturn comes as it will people will turn to extreme alternatives. That alternative will promise order and the removal of the cause of the demise by means other than the ballot box an alternative I’m glad I won’t be around to see.
They even called a snap election after May took over, didn’t both
main parties campaign to deliver brexit ?
She did that to lose her comfortable majority.
So this mess would happen.
Was in danger of winning comfortably again, so for no other reason than to lose votes, started talking about removing the pensioners tripple lock etc,
Sad thing isn’t, for me so much that the politicians betrayed us, I half expected that, but that the winners- the remain population and the media — feel so untroubled by it . Not realizing or caring it will be their vote and wishes getting overturned soon by these dictators, in the EU/house of commons
I feel the same, Halifax. Have been trying my upmost to remain positive over the last couple of years but Brexit really was the last stand for the white man of these isles.
I’m not sure we should blame ourselves – few would have predicted quite the level of betrayal from the Conservatives.
I don’t think I’m alone in thinking of leaving the UK for good. The 9 years that I have been back here have been horrid.
I’m not a doomer, but the sheer amount of doublethinking required to survive a day in London is just ridiculous. I am also not a sore loser – even though we did win – and must say the EU has done a fantastic job of teaching people that Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
Where would you go? The cancer that is eating UK democracy has infected all the Western world.
I rather enjoy life in France profonde – generally insulated from the various shades of lunacy, life goes quietly on – idyllic, if a little more expensive each month…
I often think of where I could possibly relocate to.
US rust belt states or Eastern Europe probably the only uninfected places left.
Although it’s in the EU, Hungary seems to be a country that has it’s s*** together.
Don’t despair. It’s not over til the fat lady sings.
Cue Dianne Abbott….
(Fingers I’m ears!).
That was meant to read “fingers in ears”!
Not me, Halifax. I will vote again and again and again until democracy is replaced by Dictatorship.
If we stop voting, the anti-Democrats and Dictators win immediately.
Our democracy has been seriously injured by Yvette Cooper. It is incredible to think that a Labour MP wishes to damage the UK’s democracy and make the nation substantially poorer but that is, in effect, what she did with her Bill. She must now face her Electorate with that on her record, as must every MP who voted for her Bill.
If ‘we’ give up on voting, Yvette Cooper will not be held to account at the Ballot Box.
It really is that simple.
It is why talk of giving up on our democracy is extremely foolish.
It suffered a mortal injury yesterday. We must now heal it and nurse it carefully back to robust health.
I’m with Up, we MUST vote, and keep on voting, and do our best to convince anyone with any sense at all to keep doing the same!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men* do nothing”.
*In order to comply with impending gender neutral directives I had better specify that when the good preacher said ‘men’, he obviously meant ‘persons of no particular gender’.
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.”
..and while I’m on a roll:
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which”.
Just how I feel looking at our HOC, and HOL, and ‘news providers’, and in the street…
Up2. I think we are all a bit fed up at the moment and looking at ways of kicking out. As you rightly say not using a vote totally undermines our society. But and it’s a big but will anyone ever and I mean ever feel that thier vote actually means anything……
This is OT but may provide a smile this dismal morning, 10 years ago this summer Mr Kitty and myself gave up smoking to add pennies to our retirement dream of moving here to the South of France. Going to the NHS we were prescribed a drug called Champex to help us quit, one of the side effects was VIVID DREAMS ( understatement). After one such night I told Mr Kitty I’d dreamt of being a female hit woman for the government 007 type, we joke every now and then how someone should be on my hit list. At the moment I couldn’t manage it it’s too long and would need to blow both houses up. Trying to be optimistic but the only thing I can manage is that at least the wine is cheaper here to drown our sorrows.
Aaah bonne chance, Madame Kitteeee.
At least in rural France, you have some insulation against the EU. The local Mayor receives a piece of paper with an edict from the Regional Government which has received it in turn from Paris who received it direct from Brussels.
The local Mayor thinks “Will this harm or help my re-election chances?”. He then shrugs and puts the piece of paper in a desk drawer for ‘a while’.
How they all voted.
Difficult to find the words.
Is it time for that military coup yet?
I am left in a quandary. My MP is a Brexiteer and has stuck with the right votes on most of these divisions, including this one. However, I feel that I do not want to vote Conservative ever again until we get full Brexit (i.e. WTO deal). But, if I don’t vote for him at the forthcoming GE will we then get a Labour/Liberal Remainiac extremist?
I will vote for UKIP or the Brexit Party (I wish they would talk and not split our vote) at the forthcoming Euro elections (I voted UKIP in those for a very long time now) and even at local council elections despite our city’s UKIP cvouncillor not fulfilling his duties. But do I vote for my Conservative Brexiteer MP? I hope it will be a clearer choice by then.
Sky News:
“”MPs rule out 12 April no-deal Brexit after backing delay bill by a single vote””
“”MPs have narrowly approved a bill which compels Theresa May to seek a further extension on Article 50 to prevent a no-deal Brexit on 12 April.””
From this, it appears that ‘No Deal’ has not been blocked. And it’s up to the EU anyway to agree to a delay.
Am I reading this correctly?
Parliament has insisted that an extension is sought and that it must approve the date. But as I see it, there’s nothing that can force the EU to agree so unless we revoke Article 50 we’d be out by default. And all Theresa May has to do is offer the EU nothing so they’re forced to turn down the request.
But she won’t.
The bill hasn’t passed yet. It has to get through the House of Lords. Not that there’s a chance they’d refuse, but it can perhaps be talked out.
And the nuclear option of the Queen refusing to sign Royal Assent. Though I can’t see her wanting to be embroiled in this.
Unfortunately, the Bill* – if approved in the House of Lords – does rule out a No Deal departure. That means we have to hand over £39bn(+?) for a Deal of some sort as well as seeking an extension to agree a Deal that will pass in Parliament. A Deal means we leave on 22 May or later, not next week.
The EU have said they are not willing to compromise further on the PM’s Deal -OR- grant a further extension to the process of negotiation of that first stage unless they can be assured it is for a worthwhile purpose.
As RD hints, now might be a good time to petition Her Majesty. Get those letters in, folks. We need something to save the UK either her Peers, the Monarch herself or the good Lord above.
Our democracy is being stolen from the United Kingdom from within and handed overseas.
(*unless there is some flaw in its wording)
Unfortunately there is no way the Queen could involve herself in this. She would never be trusted again and the monarchy would be brought down by the next Labour Government. It would just be the excuse to turn our country into the Marxist dictatorship that Corbyn wants. The Queen must stay neutral in this or we’re completely sunk.
Corbyn is NOT a Marxist ! Please people I understand it’s difficult given all the disinformation and revisionism but do some research and learn about the ideology of Fascism and you will learn that there is a difference.
May IS a Marxist and does follow that doctrine.
It should be as scary as hell to people to realise we are in the same position as Spain in the 1930s.
Momentum which carried Corbyn to power was financed in no small part by the son of the British Union of Fascist leader Max Moseley, it should come as no surprise to find Corbyn has adopted that doctrine as a result. Oswald Moseley was a minister in the Labour government before forming the BUF.
Today thanks to complete revisionism, if you ask people what policies were in the Fascist Manifesto they cannot name a single one.
How about these:
Minimum wage
Lowering the voting age
workers on the boards of companies
Limiting profits of companies supplying the public sector
Nationalisation of the railways
All of them instantly recognisable as Labour policy.
Fascist or Marxist not a fag paper between then
Fascists were better dressed , therefore Corbyns a Marxist
I agree, Demon, it would make the Queen vulnerable to Republican dissent. Things need to be carefully judged and even more carefully timed.
I may be clutching at straws but I suspect there is a hardening in the country in favour of leaving the EU completely, lock, stock & barrel, without a deal and as soon as possible. I think business, despite the small highly influential Remain quotient represented by Fairbairn and some large overseas companies and supported & publicised by the BBC, is starting to swing behind leaving a.s.a.p. and taking what comes with it with a measure of flexibility, adaptability and stoicism.
Her Majesty is incredibly well-informed and experienced in political matters. Our Queen, of all people, is best equipped to call the Prime Minister in to visit and share concerns and then reach a decision on whether to prorogue Parliament for ten days or until after Easter. If the Monarch has a pile of petitions from her subjects begging for the result of 23 June 2016 to be respected and acted on without delay, it lends her an extra authority, does it not?
Up2snuff, I totally agree with your middle paragraph, but our political masters in Westminster and their overlords in Brussels don’t care. They wouldn’t care if it was 90% in favour of WTO they would find a way to block it.
I still believe that, no matter how just the cause or how many letters, the Queen cannot involve herself on one side in any political argument. Yes, she can call the PM to a meeting to discuss the situation but she cannot be seen to interfere or the monarchy is over.
Can’t we just ignore the bill, like I dunno, the one that the HoP passed two years ago that we were leaving regardless on 29th March.
The PM was meant to be an Obi Wan Kenobe.
Unfortunately, there is a good probability that Theresa May has never seen Star Wars.
I have to disagree Up2 but May certainly seems to be taking her orders from an evil and corrupt empire. Anyway, I saw this response to a BBC Politics tweet which you might find amusing…
Well Cassie, I am forced to agree with you by the PM’s behaviour and/or incredibly bad political nous and political timing.
Not sure you read my post thoroughly or fully understood it. The PM was ‘meant’ to be – as in her word, her Party manifesto, her red lines – as well as in her Christian understanding. (The original Star Wars saga has certain Biblical parallels due to George Lucas’ upbringing.)
It does appear that she has been more of a Darth Vader, starting out as a Jedi Knight but being turned by, and to, the Dark Side.
However, I repeat the BBC-based pun ‘I don’t think Theresa May has ever seen Star Wars’. And I am sadly forced to conclude that I am not sure how much of a Christian she is. Am not seeing much evidence but fortunately that is not for me to judge.
What I do think is incredibly sad is that three women in political leadership – two as Prime Minister and one as a former Cabinet Minister – have done immense damage to their nation as well as their gender.
Sadly Up2, I have to agree with everything you have said.
The Today Programme seems clear on who has the solution.
“A people’s vote is “the only legitimate way” of breaking the Brexit deadlock – Labour MP Jess Phillips.”
“A public vote on Brexit would be only to “break a deadlock” says Labour’s Shami Chakrabarti”
In the space of twenty minutes.
All we need is Labour’s Yvette and Labour’s lag with a tag to complete the set.
Guest, did you notice how an unelected Peer got very confused about political processes because she basically failed to accept the result of a political (and highly democratic) process in June 2016?
I did. I also notice this:
In which #CCBGB
Not seen much of Abbott lately. Has she transgendered into Lammy?
She’s out there with the Trots and UAF fighting racism and the fash, as they say in the yoonies
She really is stupid isn’t she? Even put her ‘heart’ label on the wrong side.
Poor old Charles Moore into the Lions’ Den again! Wasn’t he a minority voice on Any Questions last week or the week before?
On the BBC News home page right now is:
‘The diets cutting one in five lives short every year’ illustrated with a photo of 3 Muslim women in hajibs. The descriptive text starts with ‘Israel has the best diet….”.
Also on the homepage ‘Don’t inflame Brexit tensions, police warn’ illustrated with a photo of a black policeman.
Is there any type of news where the BBC don’t force their agenda on us?
No Tabs, from The Now Show, Countryfile, Panorama, kids shows on CBBC, The Archers and Today et al, the BBC saturates its viewers and listeners of all ages with its toxic agenda. A typical Radio 4 show now consists of this type of content. Funny in this particular example that the BBC is promoting the genre of music that encourages violence and murder amongst young feral black people under the guise of feminism and gender politics.
Yet another shallow myopic lobsided viewpoint from a so called journalist attempting to answer a question nobody bothered to ask….. Perhaps it is due to a lack of depth perception when looking at the problem with that lazy eye of hers which is to blame……
It gets worse… they now have a homepage link to ‘The pilot who changed gender at 58’. The article is written by India Pollock – is that a joke name?!?
The BBC is worse than Heat magazine for articles that noone wants to read.
Oh…………..Grime………..I misread. Was about to give many examples starting with an MP.
Just how can we ever get proportional representation while we have a two party state which just gives us the illusion we can change things ?
‘Liked’ by Hugh Sykes, which of course does not mean endorsement.
James O’Brien, the voice of love.
I don’t listen to BBBC at all these days hence no review of their spite and bile from me. Instead, I spread through the airwaves seeking balance and impartiality, mostly in vain. I often drop into JoB’s show as leavers do sometimes make the mistake of calling in. He is, without question one of the most atrociously smug and arrogant activists still allowed to peddle his unrestrained hatred of all who voted to leave the EU and those that disagree with him. If we had have left the EU, he would clearly have suffered an immediate and total meltdown. He’s almost there as it is. Nasty ignorant snob. Should join labour, he’ll fit right in.
NB – ITV on Mon/Tue/Wed is worth a watch as Piers Morgan (a Remainer) calls out the bullshit better than most.
I am mercifully blocked by James O’Gob and have few opportunities to be assailed by his sanctimonious cant.
sanctimonious cant you say! from London mate?
LBC caller now
“.. This just goes to show the stupidity of Remain
…blah blah
..I mean the stupidity of Leave”~
FFS the woman is throwing the word “stupid” around and yet she is mixed up between Remain and Leave
I think it’s time to come out – not as gay, quite the opposite in fact.
I want to come out as, ‘Unamused’. I want rights, recognition and an, ‘Unamused Annoyed March, badge and flag’.
I think there will have to be various off shoots such as, ‘Aggrieved, Betrayed, Incandescent and Not at all Happy.’
We are officially the silent majority. Silent because our rights and democratically arrived at victory during the 2016 referendum are not represented anywhere on the airwaves. Labours policy of feeding May sufficient rope has paid of enormously and all you see are chest puffed preening labourites selling the obviously expected outcome of a further referendum or election – which due to Mays suicidal strategy they expect to walk.
We still have skin in the game, if the tory patriots, and there are still a number of them get rid of the jonah dragging the party to oblivion and push for a GE with ONLY honouring the referendum result as their manifesto. There is a huge population of angry Leavers (and remainers) out there who are embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament. They see this as the beginning of the end of the democratic institutions and the trust in them in this country. They, the people, are still the majority – and – WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.
The BBC might need to swap Charles Moore for him.
I thought a confirmation referendum a good idea to stop politicians settling for a bad deal. The trouble is they want Remain to be the alternative.
That said this should have been made plain before the Leave/Remain vote of 2016 instead of being a rabbit drawn three years after the event.
btw I don’t think agreeing to an enduring Customs Union equates to leaving the EU.
From the Archive : DM story from August 2018
So BBC Humberside what agenda are you spitting in my face today ?
Diversity again ? or NHS ?
Ah both
So NHS welcomes diversity
.. funny how on Tuesday’s Hull Look North they had an item about the Lincolnshire midwife who giving up her fight to stay in her job , after they ordered her not to have the scarlet dyed hair that she had when they recuited her.
But at least we see a white face, hands and arms unlike the shots of the BBC’s ‘white’ knife criminals………………
Seriously, what I’d like to know is – where are our champions? We were 17.4m (17,400,000) during our referendum victory. Many remainers are respecting of the democratic result. Every day seems a step backward, further into the mire of stifling socialism. Is there no one to speak out at the injustice, the unfairness, the betrayal????
Is the simmering anger within our society going to be left to build up until unsustainable, until it explodes, is this what the elite want?
Jacob, Boris, anyone – put an end to this and call no confidence in the sick one. Put her out of her, and our misery, please.
Our champions should be the media but it doesn’t seem to worry the BBC, and other news outlets, that the will of the people is being overturned by the criminal complicity of our pro EU parliament. The media should be rigorously holding MPs to account for their failure. Isn’t that the point of a free press? Instead they have done nothing but collude with the establishment to thwart democracy.
They say, fortune favors the bold.
All this does give a greater understanding of our Civil War but then when the Puritans won the people were screwed over (surprise!) and went back to the old ways as soon as. I reckon we could be due to repeat history – minus the bloodshed of course.
honestus, don’t forget to add the voice of the 13m who did not vote in the EU Ref and have to be assumed to be ‘contents’.
It is a small rump of Remainers who from 25th June 2016 decided not to accept UK democracy who are causing all this trouble.
” Is there no one to speak out at the injustice, the unfairness, the betrayal????”
They are there. Whether the MSM and our State Sponsored cultural Marxist BBC care to broadcast their, ‘speaking out’ is another matter.
Children, we can’t even be trusted with the knowledge of the ongoing saga of French Riots and other highly relevant news of what’s going on in ‘Our’ EU. News stiflers and distortionists all of them. All for the Globalist good you understand.
I wonder what the inhabitants of two large Houses would think if a large, spontaneous crowd (a flashmob in NewSpeak) gathered outside on the patch of mud opposite one of them and started to sing together the National Anthem?
Would it start to put the fear of God into them?
Jus’ askin’ ….
Of course not – this is Britain in the 21st Century – many don’t do God, and even fewer will spontaneously arrive and burst into song.
OG, aah but yes but, no but …..
Isn’t singing good for health and mental stability and all that?
And didn’t our most distrusted have a programme series called ‘The Choir’ and champion group singing?
And the Tories have no fear of a General Election and Cabinet MPs don’t have to resign because they know we won’t vote Corbyn and without PR the smaller parties are stuffed.
I wont be putting my money on a Tory GE victory
The speed at which parliament acted on the Cooper/Letwin bill is indicative of the whole, sorry Brexit affair. Nearly three years on from the referendum, and a majority of over a million, and we are still no nearer leaving the EU. Four hours in parliament, and a majority of one, and MPs seize the opportunity to scupper the whole thing. Unbelievable.
The final thousandth cut.
No more, ‘No Deal’ possibilities.
All other fates now, are irrelevant as any one would mean Remaining in one form or another. Hand foot and finger we will continue to serve the EU Empire.
Oh Look A BBC1 Global Warming special
… BBC redefining the word “fact”
The “Sir David Attenborough” bit suffices to tell me that facts will be in short supply, as will sane discussion. I shan’t be watching. I rarely watch the BBC, anyway.
Well that should boost the Netflix subscription numbers.
The BBC accidentally moved the hyphen in the headline.
It should read: “Climate — Change The facts.”
> 45 minutes on the telephone to PayPal about an account apparently set up in 2014 in my name but never since used.
If I was asked by a visitor from outer space to give an example of Globalism at work, I would refer them to PayPal. It has to be vying for the title of the ‘High Priestess’ of Globalism.
Our far left cultural Marxist State Broadcaster’s George Orwell would smile, wryly.
So, Guy fears that Boris or Mikey will be the ‘keys of the EU’s future’ if they get their way !
Blimey he really is worried.
EU not as robust and all conquering as we are told then ?
..and I agree with ASB – you don’t tell us who our PM should be. Teresa may be shi*, but she’s (er) our shi*.
Sieg Heil, they’ve done away with ‘No-Deal’…………………..
This is what a totalitarian society looks like.
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
Truth means Lies.
Leave means Remain.
Violent Revolution required now.
Please direct me to where I can join the Freedom of Britain Army.
LCS, show me a democratic/ballot box solution and I will rip your hand off. I fear there is none. As was always the case, the disenfranchised will have to find a different, less palatable route back to democratic norms.
The far left BBC are already warning against any form of violence inducing speech that might inflame a ‘reaction’.
So it’s-EU/Euro/EU Army/Police-Stasi all the way then…..
By this rationale, it’s only lefties and remainers that will riot as it’s in the event of no deal?
Confirms what we all know.
“Hello and welcome to Cooper Car dealership, how may I help you?”
“Yeah, I’m looking to buy a red Ford Fiesta with a budget of £5k”
“Umm, I’ve got a blue Volvo for £10k, when do you want to come in and pick it up”
“Yeah, er, that’s not what I asked for. Forget it.”
“I’m sorry sir, but at Cooper Car dealership we’ve removed the option of No Deal from all negotiations, so I’m afraid you are legally bound to buy this particular car. We hope you understand the need to remove uncertainty and possible job losses from all of our interactions. When can you come in…”
Yes, I certainly feel “Aggrieved, Betrayed, … and Not at all Happy“ and agree with those who think it is extremely important to vote: MPS must be held to account for their behaviour.
If only we could rely on people, as honestus suggests, being so “angry, embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament” that, if it really did come to a People’s Vote, there would in fact be a more decisive Leave majority? (Whether the politicians would actually honour the result?)
As amusing as Farage’s “debate” with Barbara Want was on yesterday’s Jeremy Vine programme (in Thoughtful’s link of April 3, 2019 at 5:54 pm) no one really picked her up on her (sickening) claim that over a million Leavers had died since the Referendum and been replaced by over a million young people who would “of course” vote for Remain.
I wonder where she got her statistics? I always remember Humphrey in Yes Minister saying: “Statistics? You can prove anything with statistics”.
Surely it’s also a bit condescending to assume that a) all young people are necessarily “stupid” enough to vote remain and b) to ignore the possibility that a certain number of “young” people will have had 3 years to grow up and lose their rose-tinted view of the EU?
I suppose, it will of course all depend on how they actually phrase the question on the ballot paper? :-\
Let’s hope they do end up calling an election so the “silent majority” will be given the opportunity to voice their discontent.
“silent majority”
Not so much silent as muted and gagged.
I was quoting honestus! :o)
“honestus April 4, 2019 at 9:55 am
We are officially the silent majority. Silent because our rights and democratically arrived at victory during the 2016 referendum are not represented anywhere on the airwaves. Labours policy of feeding May sufficient rope has paid of enormously and all you see are chest puffed preening labourites selling the obviously expected outcome of a further referendum or election – which due to Mays suicidal strategy they expect to walk.
We still have skin in the game, if the tory patriots, and there are still a number of them get rid of the jonah dragging the party to oblivion and push for a GE with ONLY honouring the referendum result as their manifesto. There is a huge population of angry Leavers (and remainers) out there who are embarrassed and ashamed of the behaviour of our parliament. They see this as the beginning of the end of the democratic institutions and the trust in them in this country. They, the people, are still the majority – and – WE HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE.”
But I agree with you too :o)
Said often – this Nation is slow to anger and generally law abiding.
Were this France or Italy we’d be on the barricades.
Having said that thousands of police are on standby, “In case of ‘problems’ caused by Brexit”.
There will be no protests or civil disobedience. The media have worn virtually everyone down into a state of apathy to the point that few if any care about the endless votes in the HoP.
May will come out onto the steps of Downing Street and proclaim that we are staying in the EU (obviously she’s praying for a huge natural disaster to occur so that she can coincide it), the media will bury the story and people will be like “oh, we aren’t leaving then, okay”
The English are very good at moaning but when push comes to shove we will, probably, just shrug our shoulders and go and moan about something else. We have always had a low opinion of our MPs so when they don’t deliver, as with Brexit, our response will be, “Well, what did you expect?” They are simply just fulfilling our very low expectations of them. I wish, like the French, we had a history of direct action but, alas, we don’t. Our vote is still the only thing we can use against these people. The next election should be an interesting one.
I fear that the next election will be like all the rest, and you’ll end up with a Commie Corbyn government.
Unless the Tories undergo radical reform I fear you are correct.
They do say, you get the Government you deserve and a Corbyn one would be well deserved by the lefty liberal globalist romantics.
How utterly astonishing that this could be happening in the UK with its ‘mother of parliaments’!
Police on standby to enforce the undemocratic, losing alternative.
The first place they should go to for a bit of action against lawbreaking, is parliament.
Watching a thing on Burgess last night . And Philby, McLean, Blunt.
They would have been happy! With what’s happening in England.
A little less happy about Russia, where we know from the beeb, that the bad guys are in charge.
And what would they have made of the US, where we know from the beeb that a ‘bad guy’ is in charge?
I’ve always been struck by the parallels of the anti Trump, anti Brexit schemes.
The Guardian is pushing Brexit as a Right Wing / Nazi conspiracy because of some adverts on Facebook.
The EU really is, ‘Hotel California’ and Germany did actually win World War Two and France won at Waterloo despite what you may believe.
@Gaxvil – Lack of journalistic integrity and the Guardian know just as the BBC do that general Joe public lap it up.
I have no idea how we are going to move forward from under the REGIME that is MEDIA GIANTS.
Did anyone else just hear in Parliament Live: (from the Shadow Leader of the House?) if we leave without a deal we will have “no more lettuce, tomatoes and soft fruit”?? [as we are unable to grow them ourselves]. Someone yesterday was out of lemons … it seems the people of Britain are to starve?! :-O
At least we won’t be hearing that constant facile lie uttered by members of “Our House of Representatives”, that, “there is no stomach in the country for a No-Deal”.
That’s one less reason for the current and ubiquitous elevations in blood pressure.
The economic argument should be largely discounted. If money (for this is the real remain issue) was the overriding precedent for government , we’d hardly ever spend anything. In other words, everything costs and sometimes some things cost an eye watering amount but we absorb the hit and get on with it. Which government would ever consider not defending its borders on economic grounds? The Iraq war (putting aside the moral issue) cost the USA $1.1trillion plus obviously the loss in personnel.
The point being, sometimes doing the right thing costs and doing the right thing in the long term could be far cheaper than not.
I now acknowledge that there is an irreconcilable difference between me and a large number of anti democratic remain voters.
I believe in the validity of fair and open ballots, polls referendi, call them what you will, and will and always have abided by the final result – even if it was not to my liking.
A large contingent of our parliament, Media and population however do not believe in these things. They believe that they should have their way irrespective of the opinions or votes of others and their way must ultimately prevail.
I therefore look down on my fellow voters, the fraternity of democrat deniers with absolute contempt and scorn and soon, I fear, hate, for depriving me of what was rightfully mine.
I have held to the democratic compact. They have not. I despise them.
I also despise them with a vengeance. The disgraceful MPs Not bothered by our having to pay the 40 billion, easy come easy go but just wait until they start moaning again about extra money needed for the usual culprits eg. Police,schools,NHS, social security payments housing, etc. I hope some Tory will have the guts to tell them that we could have had all that money for those things but the fact the decision was to donate that money to the EU pension fund we don’t have any left.
Well said. I always now assume that every complaint on question time about needing more money for schools, NHS, infrastructure etc can all be met with a “well £39 billion would have helped with that”.
BBC trying to report on mixed martial arts, the UFCs star Connors Twitter spat with his rival Khabib- who happens to be a Muslim.
Any chance of BBC seeing it as , banter , free speech, fighter trash talk to goad him into another fight?
Nah, everthing BBC is about hate.
”Conor McGregor says he wants to “move forward” after aiming an Islamophobic insult at Khabib Nurmagomedov’s wife in a Twitter exchange which has been labelled “unacceptable” by the UFC.”
BBC cannot even report it properly .
And they don’t even repeat the tweet.
Here it it from TMZ
Nor Does BBC include khabis reponse
“Rapist, you are Rapist,” Nurmagomedov tweeted.
or his managers threats:
“You’re gonna get yourself f****** up, your whole team f***** up, your security f***** up,” Abdelaziz says.
“Get your s*** together, boy, before you get everybody f**** up. But, we don’t want violence. We don’t promote violence. We are promoting peace. Enough with the hate.”
Why dont BBC ask why the groom is dressed in a western suit/
Ah but there is a glimmer we can take maybe a small bit of comfort from.
In the forthcoming Euro Elections:-
> Right-wing Eurosceptics are set to dominate the polls in France and Italy.
> Nigel Farage could return to Brussels and fight to become Jean-Claude Juncker’s successor.
> A growing list of potential disasters await the upcoming European elections.
> Matteo Salvini’s League are set to return the largest number of seats in Italy.
> Marine Le Pen’s National Rally will battle to win the top spot from Emmanuel Macron’s party.
> Mr Salvini is already manoeuvring to position himself as the unofficial leader of a populist bloc when the EU
Parliament’s new MEPs first convene in July.
> Not to be forgotten also are Poland and Hungary.
As a reader posted in the Times today, rather than accept any variation on a soft Brexit we Leavers should insist on either fully out or fully in, with full retention of our voting rights. We can then vote in plenty of militant populists to join those of Salvini et al and deliver what I think almost everyone wants , a cooperative, friendly, peaceful Europe of nation states which puts retention of culture , identity and our European way of life at the top of its list of policies.
Some of you may know the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement presented by the Prime Minister, but the following I found on FACTS4U Brexit, was concise enough.
Withdrawal Agreement is an abomination
1/On exit the UK would be under the de facto jurisdiction of a group of 27 foreign powers, with no ability to veto laws or procedures affecting our country and its citizens
2/The EU27 can make decisions in Council behind closed doors, with no published minutes, which would profoundly affect British businesses, citizens, and the economy
3/The EU27 could even impose new taxes on the UK, and Parliament could do nothing about it
4/The EU27 could cripple the vitally important UK financial sector, with new taxes
and regulations
5/A major part of the Agreement (the Northern Irish Protocol) locks the UK into a permanent customs union with the EU, with no unilateral right of the UK to terminate
6/The Northern Ireland Protocol requires the Province to obey existing and
new Single Market rules, with no say over them, and effectively splits off Northern Ireland into being a colony of the EU and the Republic, thereby breaking the United Kingdom in two
7/The UK will have no right to do international free trade deals a key economic benefit of Brexit because
it must stick to protectionist EU tariffs. The British public cannot benefit from an independent trade policy resulting in much cheaper imported goods, nor can our exporters thrive
8/.Any new EU trade agreements would require the UK to match the new lower tariffs, but the countries
involved would not be required to reciprocate in respect of the UK
9/The UK would remain under the jurisdiction of the ECJ until at least the end of 2020 and the agreement makes provision to extend this until 2022
10/ In some parts of the law, British courts would have to obey the ECJ for over 100 years the lifetimes of as yet unborn children
11/The UK would not be a truly sovereign nation in the lifetimes of all reading this
12/The Agreement means the UK paying at least £39 billion, despite there being no legal obligation to pay anything like that amount, and with no new UK-EU trade deal guaranteed in return
13/The final amount taken from British taxpayers would be decided by the EU, and the UK would have no say because the ECJ would rule on this
14/.Other aspects of the Agreement and Political Declaration would adversely affect the UK’s autonomy in fishing, defense, foreign policy, competition law, state aid and many other areas of life.
15/The Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration together lock the UK into a continuing and subservient relationship with the EU, agreeing to match and “build upon” current arrangements, giving away money, sovereignty, laws, and even decisions on the very composition of the United Kingdom itself.
CLECAT is the European Association For Forwarding, Transport, Logistics And Customs Services Based in Brussels it represents more than 19,000 companies employing in excess of 1 million staff in logistics, freight forwarding and customs services. Here is what they say about Brexit:
“Being outside of the Customs Union and the Single Market does not mean that trade will become impossible and is also not a new situation.
“Modern Customs legislation and technology provides for numerous simplifications and facilitations through which goods can move across borders unhindered, while at the same time Customs and other border inspection services can ensure safety and security and proper tax and duty collection.
“Therefore, all the ingredients to ensure an orderly exit process of the UK from the EU are already
This non issue has always been an absurd diversion over a tiny matter which would have been resolved a year ago by the respective customs authorities of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, if the EU and the Irish government hadn’t stopped them talking last year
The WTO represents 98% of world trade
The EU will not agree a trade deal until we’ve left so the WTO exit was always the default position. Delivering Brexit means leaving the EU and trading like the rest of the World. A simple departure on 12 April 2019 with some sensible side agreements
Currently the UK will leave the EU fully on 12 April without any ‘deal’. That’s the legal position. Let’s all get behind this simple method of exiting the EU and make it great. As the boss of JCB, the UK’s largest manufacturer of construction equipment
said: “There is nothing to fear from trading on World Trade Organisation
Not sure how it’s relevant anymore as the withdrawal treaty isn’t an option now. The bigger problem is that what ever is agreed can only be worse thanks to ‘I’ve never had a real job’ Yvette Cooper.
Whenever you see something these goons do or say take a look at their back ground on Wikipedia, you’ll be surprised how many of them have very strong opinions about complex issues they know nothing about, and worse know nothing about the surrounding issues either.
You sure? I understood the EU was only extending Article 50 past April 12th if the Withdrawal Agreement was passed by Parliament. The rest is arrangements after withdrawal, and not legally binding.
But I could be wrong. You hear so many versions from various sources.
Reading this the mystery is that anybody should be fooled into thinking these various Brinos are any good at all. Are most of the MPs genuinely idiots?
And why does our media not constantly lay on us the words of the bosses of, JCB, Dyson, Weatherspoons, of Mervyn King and the Chairman of Barclays and so on and so on.
Are the considered to be feckless idiots ?
The Irish are cock-a-hoop.Here are some of the latest headlines.
“Merkel vows to ‘fight until the last hour’ to avoid no-deal Brexit ahead of Varadkar meeting”
“Conservatives finally crack in Varadkar’s game of chicken”
This will be Merkel’s Finest Hour.
BBC Online News:
“”Civil servants offered counselling for no-deal Brexit stress””
“”The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) spent £40,000 on counselling services in London, York and Bristol.””
“”The surgeries were primarily for those working on “emergency preparedness in case of a no deal scenario”. “”
“”The government said the well-being of its staff was “always a priority”. “”
Off I am just hoping they are so inept we actually ‘crash out’ without them realising..Anybody with a quarter of a brain (most MPs) can see how the whole process is being stitched up
I have been weaning myself off BBC for blood pressure sake but today switch on R4 – to hear a discussion about western ‘men’ being paedophiles in Nepal. Narrated by a woman – who slips in from time to time that a lot of the abuse is by Nepalese family members but focusses on western men saying she now looks at all western men in Nepal with suspicion. No statistics but it seems a small number are involved – now turn it around and talk about the issue with Muslim gangs and girls in the UK. What would the BBC say if I said I look at all Muslim men with suspicion? I think we all know..funny one law for one group another for another – like not much about gay stoning in’s a muslim country but the BBC hardly mentioned the fact that it is based on Sharia law..
Then a programme on the lack of black females in ballet…why do they make everything about colour? The opportunity is there, maybe they don’t want to do it – I don’t notice them banging on about the lack of white males or females in 100 metre sprinters as a percentage of population – maybe there is a reason, just like ballet – but the BBC make it about colour and prejudice.
Why not go on about the lack of black dwarves in basket ball?
The likes of the BBC are promoting differences not removing them…
That 11:30am R4 show : Why are there no black ballerinas.
and today there is a Guardian story to go with it ..Quelle surpris
BTW the 11:00am show ended ‘Not all the white people in this Nepali street are paedophiles’ ..classy
Right now at 3:30pm black actor Ben Okri makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of sending books to Africa.
I wonder when our supremely biased national broadcaster will go to Ms Cooper-Balls constituency to ask those who voted for her whether she is reflecting the views of the 70% who voted to leave, just wondering !
They’d only broadcast those who stuck to the narrative.
In a slightly tired and emotional state after watching the spurs win a their new stadium I watched the parliamentary vote ( see entry from last night ) what I didn’t mention was the look on Evette cooper balls face when her motion passed through with just one vote majority – that of a convicted criminal on release from prison
The look Evette had was stronger than surprise and in the area of ‘oh excrement ‘. As Alex Deane observes on twitter today -the future of Britain may have Been decided by a civil servant in the prison service licensing department … and as for Keith Vaz -no more to say .
I’m limiting news now for mental health sake . People overseas must be looking at Britain and just say ‘who did that happen’ – I don’t care what foreigners think of us because – well – they are foreigners
I’ve emailed my MP to advise him of my feelings but IDS is far the sinner that the rest of them are .
I really Fear about civil disorder now . For various reasons I cannot indulge but there will be plenty of people with less restraint who will be willing to engage the enemy . And it won’t be just by trolling or internet exchanges I fear .
Truetoo put up a post counselling restraint and I repeat that as our website must primarily witness the BBC MSM subverting democracy .
I hope the reader does not get fedup with me repeating the sentiment .
Signed – Fedup2 – volunteer moderator
Yes, how is the two-year-long inquiry into Keith Vas’ washing machine salesman part-time job coming along? In fact, why is it taking so long? Perhaps we should be told.
The financial markets are so relieved that Brexit has been sabotaged that they’ve risen massively today……………………oh no, sorry, they’ve fallen.
Mark Carney you’re a liar and you’re sacked.
I appreciate the counsel and in normal times I think it would be quite reasonable but these are not normal times and things posted here do reflect media bias from all sources, oh my word yes.
Yes – if the MSM wasn’t in bed with the remain politicians I think civil order might have been seriously upset by now .
And there is that large element of people who would say EU ? We’ve left that haven’t we?
I don’t know if this has been pointed out already, but there will be local elections in May this year and the Tories should be concerned. But, even better from the Leave standpoint, many of the areas that voted Remain will NOT be holding local elections in 2019 at all:
(Areas holding elections in cyan.)
And this is “Leave Land”:
Might I respectfully suggest the map colour should not be blue. Those of a nervous disposition are sure to see this as the re-defined UK after climate changes to sea levels, the Scots paranoia will add significantly to their NHS costs while Eire will appeal to the ECHR.
I like to see it as the Southern Uplands Fault undergoing a massive shift and dumping Scotland on the Canadian coast.
I know that’s not very loyal of me but so much about Scotland pi**es me off these days.
bbc tv 13h00: ‘”Passions have been inflamed”, the police say. “So mind what you say”.
So far nothing from the Staatssicherheitsdienst. (Just for those of us who feel as if we are living in the pre-1989 GDR, in which the Stasi were still fully operative. Incidentally, to those asking HOW does May get so much power -her cabinet appears not to count, etc.: I lived in West Germany when the Berlin wall came down, and I can say in all sincerity that Erich Honecker -in those final days, seemed to have LESS power than May. He needed to check with quite a few x, y and z, in the Politburo and elsewhere, before he could do anything of consequence. Now that’s a sobering thought.)
Back to the police statement, even now, Project Fear operates: “Supply chains will NOT be protected”.
Ingredients are being stockpiled. Report on chocolate-making.