Agree. This is the reality that Farage recognises.
I think TR is worth listening to and, if his accent and delivery had more in common with, say, Douglas Murray, he would be considered far more acceptable. Hypocritical class prejudice certainly, but that’s just the way it is.
Furthermore, as everyone knows, criminal convictions are not acceptable under any circumstances in British politics, are they?
I’ve supported UKIP in the past but recently made a donation to the Brexit Party because I think that Farage has a track record as a fighter. Don’t know if it will do any good in view of the ruthlessness of the opposition. Time will tell.
AH…. But there are a couple of factors which i believe and hope will count in favour of Farages` position…..
1. Farage has financial heavyweights ready to back him to the hilt.. He was introduced to various leaders of industry, political representives and corporate financiers by Donald trump and his close allies…
2. Donald Trump is the son of a British Mother. He prefers to trade directly with the British as he respects us and he has also personally invested huge amounts of his wealth here personally. He has made assurances that he is willing to open trade talks as soon as we leave the EU….
I trust his word, whatever people say about the man and his adminstation, in less than 18 months he has created more than 1.5 million new jobs with more on the way in the USA… The economy is now booming and the Trump support has actually grown and his approval ratings are off the charts, why?? Simply becouse he tells the truth, warts and all, he doesn`t `politik` …. The EU however does exactly the opposite and its global market is dwindling due to its` mismanagement and lack of accountability and accounts data for over fourteen f**king years!!!
A great shame that -from the word ‘go’, genuine Brexiteers appear to be split, and conservatives looking for a new political home, will come away with negative impressions. Division does not suggest strength.
The media will be cock-a-hoop that the ‘far-right’ (as they like to label anyone who supports the concept of ‘national sovereignty’ and opposes uncontrolled mass immigration) can’t get their house in order. (I can hear the bbc already).
And this at a time when, for the first time in years, many, many Tory and Labour members/voters ARE looking for a new political home.
One would like to see Nigel and Gerard teaming up, but that doesn’t look likely, with two such strong conviction politicians? With the wisdom of hindsight, UKIP under Nigel should have stayed in full-fight mode
until the UK had actually left the EU and made sure UKIP had a range of plocies on all issues, post-Brexit.
The minute a Remainer became the leader of the ‘Conservative’ Party, alarm bells should have been ringing, very loudly indeed.
Or is there a way, now to get Nigel and Gerard to put their heads together?
Farage is making the same disastrous mistake he made last time. It’s OK to have a one policy party, but once that policy is reached the party is dead in the water, leaving its supporters nowhere to go save to the nearest of the mainstream big two. This is exactly what happened to UKIP when the Brexit vote was won.
The party should have carried on as a right of centre successor to the left of centre Tories with a set of conservative principles, however that was made impossible by the single policy, and the departure of its charismatic leader.
He left the party directionless, and without a clear successor, it could have gone on to hold the Tories feet to the fire and force them to vote Brexit through by threatening those Tory seats with remainers who voted the wrong way.
The Brexit Party is NOT a party, it is a one policy pressure group which will evaporate like the morning mist when its goal is acheived. A pity because the UK deserved better than this.
The Japanese won the battle at Pearl Harbour – how did that turn out for them?
Plenty of examples of battles won and wars lost Brexit is another one, and one of the myriad of reasons is the weakness of a single issue party which cannot keep the pressure on.
UKIP were jettisoned by the electorate before mission accomplished. The result is today’s fake leave or ‘the Brexit the public voted for’ to borrow Mrs May’s language.
From memory UKIP didn’t help their cause by hitting ‘self destruct’.
We also don’t know how badly UKIP were infiltrated by loonies and Fifth Columnists. We know of at least one, who tried to get that Margate Councillor into trouble and almost succeeded. Turned out they were a Labour Party plant.
Then there was the guy, whose name I forget, who was economic spokesman for a while, appointed by Nigel Farage. He was barking mad and wanted to slash the minimum wage in half and do some other daft things to advantage rich businessmen. When researched, you discovered he was …
Farage is one man ….. More of a figurehead……. But he has backing not from within the establishment here, but from outside the EU and from business leaders here in the Uk as well as the Commonwealth… Farage decided to step down prior to the Referendum result, he was not the cause of UKIPs downfall, UKIP itself was the cause of that and still is…. Once we leave the EU and we will, things will be remarkably different… Political Parties will either re-align or cease to exist, and I expect at least one new party wiil appear based around trade, traditional values and most of all honesty and it will value the people and the pound sterling each one of us has the potential to contribute to making stronger than it was before the EU started stealing from our pockets….
One man yes, but he has leadership and determination that is what is needed now…. Churchill and Cromwell didn`t achieve thier aims on their own and neither will Farage, the istakes of UKIP will not happen again I have faith, I have to as it`s the only thing I cannot be robbed of now ….
gaxvil, if Nigel Farage has started vetting new candidates more thoroughly than last time, checking for skeletons in cupboards, examining on-line material & histories, etc., then a clean start for a new Brexit Party could be advantageous.
Other policies can be developed as electoral impact is made.
What people will need now is a democratic means to show their displeasure at Labour and Conservative and all the other Parties’ MP’s for sabotaging Brexit and costing us a lot of money.
The big hurdle to overcome is the natural tendency for voters to fall into traditional Labour and Conservative camps and vote for them “because we always vote Labour” or “I could never vote Conservative.” or “My parents always voted Conservative, so I do too.”
You could say Farage fell for the same trick the Normans worked on Harold at Hastings, thinking they had the Normans on the run only to be slaughtered.
The Brexit party should set itself up as an umbrella group comprising Brexit Conservatives, Brexit Labour and Brexit LibDems (I doubt this one would have many members lol). They would then stand in any constituency with a sitting Remainer of the appropriate party on a manifesto pledging to support the relevant party manifesto LESS any part of remaining in the EU. The constituency then gets the choice of supporting their favourite policies BUT also leaving the EU. Other Leaver parties could obviously do the same but agreeing to share challenged constituencies
No doubt this ex-member of the Tory Party will be one amongst 100s of thousands like him resigning since our nations betrayal by a gang of political/indecent thugs.
Politics to-day – caught back end of this where Brillo was interrogating Ken Clarke.
He exposed the old adage that there is no fool like an old fool.
Clarke’s arrogance was exemplified by exposing his naivety around future trade deals if ( as he argued) we added a full Customs Union
to TM Withdrawal Treaty.
He was arguing that even though we would be out of the EU we would still be consulted on e.g.. an EU/USA future trade deal.
He badly needs to be added to the deselection hit list or ordered into the Brexit Museum as an exhibit….
The “Upper House” are sounding much less prepared to speedily rubber stamp it without discussion than I had actually expected from what Letwin was saying yesterday. … Lord Forsyth and Lord Owen have been speaking very well and firmly against it and Baronness Hayter’s condescending and arrogant words!
In case anyone is interested:
“12:08:04 Lord Owen (Independent Social Democrat)
11:44:50 Motion: As an amendment to the above motion, to leave out from “move” to the end and to insert “that the Standing Orders of the House relating to public business shall apply to all proceedings on the European Union (Withdrawal) (No.5) Bill
Lord Forsyth of Drumlean (Conservative)”
Good grief – 4 hours later and they are still at it (yawn …)
Motion: To move, as an amendment to the motion in the name of Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town, to leave out from first “that” to the end and to insert “the attempt to accelerate procedures on the European Union (Withdrawal) (No.5) Bill is not in accordance with normal practice in either House of Parliament and the provisions of Standing Order 46 (No two stages of a Bill to be taken on one day) should be dispensed with only to the extent necessary to allow the First and Second Readings of the Bill to be taken on one day, the Committee stage on a subsequent day, and the Report and Third Reading to be taken on the same day subsequently”
Not sure that actually makes grammatical sense??
And the debate continues … Very pointed comments by Viscount Ridley and Trenchard (standing up against “a despotic majority” and suggesting HoP is just out to prevent “no deal”).
First time I’ve ever listened to HoL (considerably politer than in HoP). Don’t think I can bear much more of it though … very boring and I’m not sure it’s actually going anywhere.
OK, recap – I’ve kept checking back and 3 hours later and yet more “pointless” amendments. I have now realised the Conservatives (?) were just time-wasting to avoid actually debating the Cooper/Letwin bill “quickly” and setting a precedent.
The (numerous!) “Leave” Lords were genuinely impressive and definitely trying to stand up for “what the people voted for”, but they don’t stand a chance: The “opposition” have made it clear they’ll pass it immediately and are simply not interested in why we would be better off leaving. One (about 90 year old?) Leftie even dared to aggressively bring up the “so many Leavers have already died” line [so we don’t need to be bound by the last referendum] – you’d really think he wouldn‘t go there? :-\
So, having spent all day “filibustering”, the first reading will now take place in 20 mins and the second on Monday … in time for May to be able to go to Europe “with an answer” on Wednesday …
I correct myself – again, sorry! – this is the second reading!
(Didn’t think they’d actually got round to reading it this morning :-\ … )
So now it’s Labour’s turn “to debate the national emergency happening next week”, according to Lord Rooker.
“The house and country are divided but noone wants to leave without a deal and that is why it is essential to debate this bill so we can get an extension .” Yes, well, that is maybe a matter of opinion.
As Lord Howard is now defending the referendum and saying we should still leave, if necessary without a deal (so he will NOT be supporting the bill … Though he has just ruined that claim as, when questioned by Labour, he said of course he will support it in the second reading as he is obliged to as “that is how the House works”. Hmmm …).
And the factually incorrect “Baronness Ludford” is now going on about us falling off a cliff, not having enough medicines and our GDP falling continuously because of Brexit. All “reputable economists say we will be worse off without the EU.” And “We cannot rely on the will of the people being the same as in 2016.” What utter *****
I will stop the running commentary – this is going to go on all night and bearing in mind that we are meant to refrain from using expletives, I will stop now. ;o)
And in non-Brexit no Brexit news, the BBC have allowed their opposition to President Trump to blind themselves into overlooking some serious facts of life.
When Fiona Onasanya was convicted and sent to prison there were calls from both sides of the political spectrum for her to immediately lose her job as an MP and be removed from the House of Commons.
Unfortunately, that was not possible, we were told, there was due process that needed to take place and it would take several months and an expensive and involved petition was required from her constituents. The process is still ongoing today.
Yet, strangely, the same MP’s that are protected from being removed from office by this “due process” are able to overturn the votes of 17.4 million people by concocting a bill and forcing it through the commons in the space of six hours.
The fact that Onasanya was the deciding vote in ensuring it’s passage highlights perfectly how corrupt and self-serving MP’s are.
£350 a day just for signing in, comfy lives, nice pensions and Farage said he’d abolish them hmm tricky.
There are some in there with moral fibre and integrity but whether there’s enough these days ?
£350 a day sounds a lot but imagine you live away from London, travel expenses are included accommodation is not, a decent hotel in London will set you back more than £350 a night, and that doesn’t even include meals and drinks.
Great if you are wealthy enough or live close enough to travel in every day, but if not then it’s a pittance and only conducive to the londoncentric bubble.
Thoughtful. Night in Premier Inn in Luton ( it has an airport) about £35. Cheap day return to London £16.80. Zone 1 day pass £ 4.80. The alternative is to get the Coastels back, and moor them on the Thames. Cabins for 4, catering by the armed forces ( excellent training opportunity) , and money saved.
What possible reason could you have for thinking that the DG of the BBC, Tony Hall (Baron Hall of Birkenhead to all those license-paying little people) would vote against Brexit?
He assures us daily that both he, and the BBC, are politically neutral.
As clearly evidenced by all staff…. producers, researchers, editors, presenters… so clearly leaving their politics at the door of the £5,000,000,000 PR machine he runs, with what topics they choose, or do not, who they invite on, or do not, what they opine upon or push, or avoid going near, and edit in, or out.
What was I thinking? And so, tonight, there is a QT at a crucial moment that illustrates this neutrality so well.
This Fiona story is a shocking business, third adoption, by my reckoning she should still be in the jug. The rest of it: you couldn’t make it up?
‘That place’ is beginning to look like it would be quite at home in somewhere like Brazzaville! (Although I shouldn’t insult the Congolese, without a little more research.)
Anyway, the truth is always stranger than fiction, and here’s a plot for a novel…
“Criminal leaves jail early to nullify 17.4 million votes and hijack fate of large economic power.”
And on matters Congolese, I see the bbc (R4) has latched on to the latest ‘white guilt’ – ‘true confessions’ story. This time the miscreant is Belgium, and boy, are they getting it in the neck! Oh dear, this should roll on and on….
By the way, I should add that we are talking about Kinshasa Congo, rather than Brazzaville Congo. Got a feeling the colonial background there is French, but better go and do that research now…
R4 8pm Metroliberal sneerer David Aaronovitch and his guests \\ ask how deep is that division and what it would take to unify the country?
How divided are we?
As the Brexit negotiations rumble on Britain appears more divided than ever.
Professor Sara Hobolt, London School of Economics
Professor Sir John Curtice, University of Strathclyde
Margaret MacMillan, emeritus Professor of International History at Oxford University
Deborah Mattinson, Founder, BritainThinks
Paula Surridge, Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol //
… A panel of metro-liberal Remain voters, I guess
I’m sure that The QT will be heavily edited before broadcast – but why any one would bother with it I don’t know …. just get the twitter extracts on Friday . No licence needed ..
Don’t you find it extraordinary how people of the same species, similar upbringing and so on can look at the same thing and come to totally opposing conclusions even with facts before them ?
I imagine Galileo had the same thought and look what happened to him.
Stew – McMillan was interesting. She wondered about the possibility of a coalition. I started wondering about that after May fluffed the election she called. It is the Merkel recipe for staying in power when you lack the numbers, and it works.
The DUP made that unecessary. But, of course, if the DUP stops playing ball at any time…
I watch with interest: will we see a ‘Conservative’ PM in Britain overcome her aversion to Socialism, in the same way a German ‘PM’ overcame her aversion to Socialism, in order to stay in power? (Assuming such an aversion actually exists)
All that is needed is to sweet-talk the person you were slagging off only last week, discovering that Socialism really isn’t so bad, that ‘unity’ is a good thing, etc.
Some time later, you find a common enemy, that serves to cement the alliance: call it fascism, call it the Far-right, call it Neo-Nazi.
Anything will do.
The German parliament today showed how it’s done. It chose to go against the Constitution by excluding the AfD candidate from a position as ‘Vize’ -which she was entitled to. All the big parties dealt Democracy another blow, by marginalising the only real opposition.
Prince Charles spend Wednesday praising the British Muslim Heritage Centre
…. OK he will king to British ethnic-Muslims as well
so yes he could visit a mosque one day and a synagogue the next… but his sycophancy does not help national unity.
Cheerful Charles! Prince shares a joke with schoolchildren as he pays a visit to the British Muslim Heritage Centre
Manchester Arena is just over 3 miles from the British Muslim Heritage Centre. The Arndale Centre is also in the vicinity, where the IRA detonated the largest bomb in the British Isles since WWII (200 injuries, fortunately no fatalities). Perhaps his majesty also found time to visit them during his trip?
“OK he will king to British ethnic-Muslims as well”
If a certain PM Corbyn and his uneducated cohorts wins the next GE; and they will. Then Charles should be very uneasy indeed as he and his mum must know that PM Corbyn is a republican and every one knows that Corbyn’s party equals: Anti-Monarchy.
So if I was Charles I would have a very serious talk with his mum as she would be the reason why he would lose all his mansions/shooting/hunting lodges etc etc etc. because she was found to be derelict in her duties by not supporting the law abiding subjects under her. You choose Charles, the rest of the upholders of UK democratic law needs you.
UKIP still have their ban on former members of very patriotic parties.
I tried to make a donation today.
A donation can be made via card or Paypal.
Except that this under the aegis of Paypal!
Paypal which I will not use, period.
Earlier I discovered that The Brexit Party has exactly the same payment restrictions!
So no membership or donation either.
I did not find, on either website, a list of local branches where I could join or make a donation.
Hull : a solicitor who fiddled NHS expenses has has had his punishment increased to being struck off
eg he billed £37K in an NHS negligence case and that was judged to really be a charge of £3.3K
Disgraced solicitor Andrew Good struck off for overcharging NHS in 'utter disbelief'
I thought (South) Asians had their own specialist BBC Network, which would be the place to discuss Muslim religious affairs
… but that’s not enough so today’s BBC Radio Leeds phone-in was about traveling to the Hajj
It’s a requirement for Baal worshippers Mohammedans to do the Hajj to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. One of the “Five pillars of Islam”.
The black stone (Baal) takes away their sins if they can touch it
And numerous folks are still talking ‘No Deal’. Have they not heard it’s been banned ?
“Aston Martin has increased the UK-based content of its cars to beyond 55% in case the UK is trading under World Trade Organisation rules after Brexit. We are absolutely behind the principles of free trade all over the world but in terms of ‘are we ready for a no-deal Brexit’? I think we’re as ready as one can be.”
And if it lands on its side we stay only in the Single Market, Customs Union, and under all EU court jurisdictions. We also continue the privilege of paying in monthly to the EU budget.
And Varadkar gets a piece of Lancashire cos of all the inconvenience we caused him. So sorry, Leo..
(Ms M. has jetted in to see him, and it’s just the sort of decision she would make. Wonder if the other Ms M. will agree to let it go. Maybe in return for letting her ‘deal’ through? Nothing surprises anymore…)
Komrads on the left have been slow to step in. Although the infamous doorsteppers of the Mogg family are proposing a demo outside the London Dorchester, but as rabid Islamophiles they are turning it into a demonstration in support of the Transgender community. As their foul mouthed poster points out TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. That group of feminists that claims that trans women aren’t really women), are not wanted at the demonstration against stoning gays.
See how the left works. Never attack Islam .
Note comment bottom right hand side.
How many over here applauding the Sultans decision as this is what they want over here too, maybe some of those on the classic BBC wesite today, another group w@nk into their lattes as we have two separate pics of mu@@ies in headscarfs representing the UK population
It’s just an excuse to attack the people wealthy enough to stay there.
I read with blank amusement the piers morgan piece in the mail which managed to blame the Sultan without ever mentioning the true motivation, Islam, or Muslims once.
As I recall Piers tacitly approved the killing of Gays when he told Tommy Robinson to stop waving a copy of the Qur’an about and have some ‘damn respect for it’ That’s the book of rules piers that you wanted respect for, the rules the Sultan is now putting into law.
That language seems a bit harsh, although the position of the TERFs seems rather odd. Surely any man who… dresses in female attire; has undergone surgery and hormonal treatment to remove male characteristics and acquire female ones; had all his chromosomes altered from XY to XX; grown a uterus and ovaries; begun ovulating and menstruating… is as much a woman as the next man? Er, next woman? And therefore every bit as entitled as any other feminist not to have tea at the Dorchester?
Protesters betrayed , so they try to storm Parliament
… in Albania ..against leftwing government
Albanian opposition protesters clash with police as they try to enter the country's parliament by force, demanding the government's resignation
R4 5pm news says 8 ‘migrants’ made it to Dover Beach this morning.
We shall have to update Matthew Arnold’s famous poem of that name:
“…Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain
We are here, as on a darkling plain,
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night.”
Of course, Dover Beach isn’t the only place where confusion and ignorance reign.
If that Guardian article mentioned is right, looks like there’s some internal trouble brewing over the Birmingham schools issue at W1A which would surely be long overdue. I laughed at the Guardian referring to the protesters as “mainly conservative Muslims.”
Not to be confused with that other community, the progressive Muslims. Or the rarely conservative Conservatives
Things are getting tough ……………………………
“Civil servants offered counselling for no-deal Brexit stress”
‘Ultimate Project Fear’.
You could not make it up !
Recent stories gleaned from biased BBC et al to depress us all…
Bubble Snow amazed by number of white people!
Treason May and Citizen Corbyn hold ‘constructive’ talks!
Par-liar-ment supports Pixie Cooper’s delay bill and blocks ‘no deal’ Brexit!
Police warning to watch language!
Riot police ready to be deployed!
Nearly three years since the EU membership referendum, and the cowardly politicians have failed to deliver the promised result. Instead they do deliver treachery, abetted by the LibLabCon and a steady drip, drip, drip – or more precisely a torrent – of poisonous propganda from the mainstream media, typified by a sanctimonious BBC charging for the privilege.
Troubling times.
Can this be democracy?
It’s more like the start of the 1981 movie ‘Excalibur’ …
“The Dark Ages
The Land Was Divided And
Without A King …”
But I fear we won’t find any King Arthur emerging from the ranks of May or Corbyn!
The BBC news had dropped brexit news to number two and is leading with a couple of aircrashes involving foreigners . They spent 8 long minutes on it.
So it’s the ‘ look away nothing to see ‘ technique as the rubbish occupying the Westminster bubble betray the 17 million plus voters .
No doubt some politician will be called names again – like Soubry – and run off the the disgraceful speaker and get a ‘ there there’ with the now ‘ traditional applause ‘ which seems to be acceptable in the commons now .
2019-04-01 Parliament debated a petition.
“Parliament must honour the Referendum result. Leave deal or no deal 29/03/19”
Currently 176,908 signatures.
2019-04-04 Today, the response is printed.
“The Government stands by its commitment to uphold the result of the 2016 referendum and to deliver the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.”
In 2016, this Government stated that it would honour the result of the referendum, whatever the outcome.
During the 2016 referendum campaign, this Government wrote to every UK household to promise that it would implement the result of the referendum.
With that commitment in mind, 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union, providing the biggest democratic mandate for any course of action ever directed at a UK Government.
The British people voted once again in the General Election of 2017, with over 80% of those who voted, voting for parties, including the Opposition, who committed to respecting and implementing the result of the referendum.
The British people have made their view clear. It is now our responsibility to uphold the result of the referendum.
The Government’s policy was to deliver Brexit on the 29th of March. The Government has agreed a short extension with the EU, and continues to try and find consensus that will ensure the UK leaves in a smooth and orderly way.
However, in the event that the House does not pass the meaningful vote, the legal default remains that the UK will leave the EU on the 12th of April without a negotiated agreement.
Whilst the Government has conducted extensive preparations to ensure that the UK is prepared for all scenarios, the best outcome remains for the UK to leave the EU in an orderly fashion with a deal; this is the best way to secure certainty for businesses and citizens in the UK and the EU.
Department for Exiting the European Union.
I don’t watch the bbc tv news much any more but saw it today .
I’m astonished that the Reich feuher s visit to Eire today didn’t get a mention
Perhaps the tactic of the state broadcaster is to encourage us sheep to think about something else and leave it all to our betters in the bubble
Curiously – too- since the BBC has a fixation with male American politicians attitude to the sistas there is no coverage of touchy feely smoking joe Biden -the Democrats great white hope for 2020. .
Seems salt is number one culprit
”Too much salt raises blood pressure and that in turn raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes.”
I can feel an illustrative photo coming from the BBC
Wonder what they are going to show, a Donner kebab? a Mac Donalds ? a Tikka masala curry?
No! this is the British hating BBC
so cue
” Salt is popular with fish and chips ”
Funny how we were thinner as a nation when we only had chippies for take away..
Then a global map of salt related deaths
The winners?
Fish and chip eating China..
Rather similar when the BBC, who for once in their sad, racist lives, are suddenly unable to locate a picture of a black man when a knife crime story is on their website, unless it is a victim of course, white hands only all of a sudden holding knives, despite the overwhelming majority of knifers being black, then, next story black man white wife etc etc business as usual and typical picture of the british are women in headscarfs and at least 50% black etc. etc
They keep banging on about a divided nation and with 85% of the white british heterosexual and christian population largely and actively and deliberately ingnored and misrepresented or not represented at all, small wonder that a very disaffected population is growing.
Apart from the obvious inner city ghettos, a trip around this country would lead one to believe that the BBC and others are in a different country
The BBC have altered the lead picture used to illustrate the food story. For most of the day it consisted of the smiling Muslim women in headscarves, with no obvious connection to the storyline. They have now replaced it with something more appropriate, in line with the findings that diet-related deaths are very high in China and parts of South-East Asia. Many of the HYS comments relate to the initial picture. Given the possibility that the BBC may decide to remove all the comments ‘because they are not going well’, here’s a selection of what’s been posted:
“The researcher who selected that image of people eating needs to go back to the BBC ministry of re-education for reprogramming
Females ✔
Asian origin✔
African origin✔
Male free✔
Caucasian free✔
Wheres the LGBT+ ?
Wheres the person with a disability?
“I really don’t understand the top photograph that goes with this article. Why is there a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab when the article states the most healthy eating country is Israel? Can someone from the BBC please explain?”
“BBC picture editing needs calling out.
Non distinct articles such as this are almost always accompanied by pictures of ethnic minorities, portrayed in a positive way. Utterly disproportional and also deliberately placed.”
Seriously – why put a fake picture of fish and chips on this site ? What is that yellow thing with it ? Is it meant to be one of your 5 pieces of fruit a day ? That don’t have that in my local chip shop which is one of the best in Londonistan – and won’t be featuring in any posh Sunday supplements ….
I looked at the bar graph, bottom left and then around the map, thinking per 1000.
Then I looked up top at line two. What?!
The BBC is making something of a major case over this and, IIRC, it is statistically* (and medically*) insignificant at those rates per 100,000. Relatively high salt levels are essential for good health in hot climates.
(* Feel free to correct me if my memory is faulty on that.)
The English takeaway wasn’t bad enough so they state that people ‘could’ add salt to fish and chips. Now they can avoid showing kebabs and curries and reinforce the viewpoint that the English and our culture are awful.
A quick Google found this:
“But the survey found pizzas had the highest salt content with an average of 9.45 grams. Chinese had an average of 8.1 grams, followed by kebabs with 6.2 grams, Indian with 4.7 grams and English with 2.2 grams.”
Aha! Goodbye ‘Peoples Vote’ – thing of the past and anyway who cares about the people.
Enter the ‘ Confirmatory Vote’ with a choice of a hybrid May/Corbyn Deal and Remain.
Anyone spot the catch? Maybe 17.4 million might.
Looks like a normal BBC article pushing a certain agenda. Basically meat = bad.
But.. look at some of the comments in the comments thread (sort by highest rating):
“Israel has the best diet in the world. So the BBC accompanies the article with its daily photo of smiling Muslims. Boring! What next – an article about the moon or the Arctic accompanied by a photo of smiling Muslims? It’s all deeply patronising”
“I really don’t understand the top photograph that goes with this article. Why is there a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab when the article states the most healthy eating country is Israel? Can someone from the BBC please explain?”
“The researcher who selected that image of people eating needs to go back to the BBC ministry of re-education for reprogramming
Females ✔
Asian origin✔
African origin✔
Male free✔
Caucasian free✔
Wheres the LGBT+ ?
Wheres the person with a disability?”
All these comments were initially posted around 7 hours ago. When I view the article right now there is no longer a Muslim in a Hijab as the leading photo (eating salad – eg, a non negative photo)
It’s an Asian (oriental) lady, which makes sense as people in that region are most likely to die from high salt intake, who looks like she is eating something unhealthy.
Has the BBC done some stealth editing after the public rightfully called them out??
You then follow the click into Messenger and click OK again
and it’s starts firing BS at you with it’s Climate-BRAINWASHING-bot
Hello! Nice to meet you, I’m the BBC News climate bot ????
Climate change and its effects may be the biggest issue facing humans
(funny polar bear pic)
I’m here to help explain the facts. But I don’t want to do all the talking.
So tell me about you!
Do you feel confident that you understand enough about climate change?
That’s great ????
Lots of people feel worried about climate change – and there’s so much to know.
Do you feel it gets enough attention in the news?
Yes (way too damn much)
That’s good to hear.
Over the next six weeks, I’m here to help you feel up to date on climate change.
???? Attention: it’s not a lecture ????
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An Irish ‘international humans rights lawyer’ jailed for 6 months for drunk on a plane and spitting at crew . And doing a ‘racial’
She represented alleged refugees / illegals for a living . She got 6 months prison time . Judging by the treatment of other ‘professionals’- such as MPs – she’ll be out in a couple of weeks
Not much coverage of that on on the State Broadcaster
Check out the po-faced responses from BBC US journos to Trump's hilarious tweet. Humourless Democrat-supporting robots.
Trumps tweet is an actual Joe Biden video where he explains he likes to put his hands on men and women’s shoulders whilst he talks to them
.. But superimposed on him are creepy hands that come up from behind and massage his shoulders
An African cardinal has branded mass migration a ‘new form of slavery’.
Cardinal Robert Sarah, touted by many to succeed Pope Francis as the next pontiff, said in a new interview with French publication Valeurs Actuelles that the Church should oppose migration.
‘It is a false exegesis to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts,’ Cardinal Robert Sarah said.
‘All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity…This is what the Church wants?’ he asked.
‘The Church can not cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration.’
Sarah, from Guinea, who serves as the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office, added that he believed ‘Islam will invade the world’ if migration is not controlled.
The Cardinal is right. What about what happens to illegal migrants and genuine refugees en route? That should be the real concern of the Church.
Instead, ‘supposed Christians’ (Mutti, for example) have created a thriving industry for traffickers, pimps and drug traders to exploit to further their aims.
‘Islam will invade the world if migration is not controlled.’
He should tell his imbecilic boss, who never misses an opportunity to prostrate himself before the invaders and beg his flock to let in MORE!!
Incidentally, is it me or does il papa look like Woody Allen?
Have the 2 ever been seen together? I rest my case.
(Not sure which is the greater clown.)
Is it really 20 years ago that NATO bombed the crap out of the Former Yugoslavia, under the guise of a ‘humanitarian intervention’, and created the state of Kosovo? Among the prime movers, it seems, were the peace-loving German Greens.
My, how time flies!
Joshka Fisher (Greens) was German Foreign Minister at the time, in the Socialist-Green coalition.
I heard a rumour that, when two weeks of bombardment of the Serbs by NATO didn’t do the trick, a delegation was sent to Belgrade to convey the threat that the city would be levelled with the ground, if the Serbians didn’t comply.
This was apparently conveyed by the peace-loving Finn, Mahti Ahtesaari.
It was then quite interesting to do a little research into the recent history of similar interventions, who really benefitted from them all, and what light this throws on other, apparently unrelated events.
BBC news staff have been warned of sanctions if they take political stances on Twitter, after reporters publicly said Question Time should not be debating whether it is it right to teach primary school children about tolerance for LGBT people.
Vlad I think you’re thinking like a normal person.
Collectivists have no problem holding contradictory views and the non-muslim species will happily do so right up to the time when the muslim species separates them from their heads.
Maybe they should be debating how many of our immigrants support Brunei and actively break our laws regarding this, and whether they should never have been given a british passport while holding these views
TR has been saying this for years and look what has happened to him…
Tommy Robinson has now been kicked off YouTube, for no good reason other than former fat Tom Watson wrote to Google and demanded they ban Tommy Robinson.
Trudeau has competition for the title “biggest **** alive”.
The non Irish, non heterosexual, Eire PM, makes a play for the #1 spot.
“Dear Kylie,
Just wanted to drop you a short note in advance of the concert in Dublin,
I am really looking forward to it. Am a huge fan!
I understand you are staying in the Merrion Hotel which is just across the street from my office in Government Buildings. If you like, I’d love to welcome you to Ireland personally.
Leo Varadkar REJECTS House of Commons Brexit plot – ‘We don’t negotiate with YOU!’
Leo Varadkar has rejected efforts from the House of Commons to come up with a Brexit plan this week, insisting EU leaders will not negotiate with the UK’s MPs.
In that vein, give Keith Richards a bottle of Jack Daniels and send him over
Richards seems to have a bit of an aversion to authority of any kind. He has said things like:
If you’re going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.
I don’t have a problem with drugs, I have a problem with policemen.
I just thought the connection between Geldof and the Labour Party was just too tight, and I don’t see debt reduction as being like – it’s not going to feed the babies down there. I mean, who’s this gratifying and where are the Africans? Where was their say?”10
Forget all those bad things we say about you – and the fact that you love terrorists who murder British soldiers and police – but we’d love to meet you to talk about selling out the British voters
Yours for ever
Teresa ( outgoing UK PM – worst in living memory )
We forget that May campaigned for Remain. As politicians should be judged by their actions not their words, and we appear to be manoeuvring towards Remain (all be it dressed up as Leave), that’s a result no?
Not such a bad outcome for a Remain politician when considering that the electorate voted Leave.
Saint Margaret of Grantham.
God bless her.
Worth more than all other Prime Ministers since 1970 rolled together.
Maggie would conquer the EU in a weekend, alone, armed with only a handbag.
Let’s not get too depressed, it seems some are still fighting our corner.
“What we have going on in the House of Commons, and your Lordships are being suborned to assist in it, is the people who this country didn’t choose, trying to use the procedures of both Houses to deny the people what they actually did choose, which was to leave the EU” Lord True
Their news bulletins are reporting the Bezos’ divorce settlement. They should not be reporting celebrity gossip like this – it ought to be beneath them. They read their Tweets out as if we do not all have smart phones.
With the BBC there is no incentive to do a good job because they get paid regardless due to their ‘unique method of funding.’ The sensible thing is for them to play it safe which is why celebrity gossip is becoming so much more common in their ‘news.’ I hate it – so lazy and utterly anti-intellectual. Plus websites like TMZ do celebrity gossip much better than the BBC if you are into that sort of thing.
“This is a most appalling day. I’ve served in Parliament for 45yrs; there’s never been an instance of constitutional vandalism of this scale
“I’m deeply concerned at the growing rift between Parliament and the People with the refusal to accept the people's judgement” Lord Lawson
An interesting comment from the Nigel Lawson which countered the shallow tired justification for the House of Lords that it ‘guards the constitution ‘
It is also ‘full of experts ‘
If it was dominated by leavers the bbc and other remainers would be saying they will all be dead soon
Like wise with the ‘joke vote ‘ of the black criminal woman . If the vote went the other way because of her illegal vote we’d never hear the end of it . But all is quiet – but not forgotten.
The man is getting on, clearly less strong than he used to be, possibly in poor health – but infinitely more honourable than the dross in the HoC.
It’s a serious warning, people should listen.
It seems clear to me that May and the EU will obfuscate, lie, and massage any rule, law or precedent to ensure that Brexit does not happen. I think May came to some tawdry agreement over two years ago to “find a way” of sabotaging Brexit provided the EU allowed her to present the illusion to UK voters of “doing her best”, perhaps with the promise of a second lucrative career on the Brussels gravy train when her UK political career ends.
JohnCMar 5, 02:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Putin is a pragmatist. He sees what needs to be done and he does it without flinching or caring much…
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Moraymint, again.
I note that he is now throwing his lot in with the Brexit party, and not with UKIP…
UKIP’s association with Tommy Robinson is, like it or not, playing badly for them, even amongst Brexit voters.
Agree. This is the reality that Farage recognises.
I think TR is worth listening to and, if his accent and delivery had more in common with, say, Douglas Murray, he would be considered far more acceptable. Hypocritical class prejudice certainly, but that’s just the way it is.
Furthermore, as everyone knows, criminal convictions are not acceptable under any circumstances in British politics, are they?
I’ve supported UKIP in the past but recently made a donation to the Brexit Party because I think that Farage has a track record as a fighter. Don’t know if it will do any good in view of the ruthlessness of the opposition. Time will tell.
AH…. But there are a couple of factors which i believe and hope will count in favour of Farages` position…..
1. Farage has financial heavyweights ready to back him to the hilt.. He was introduced to various leaders of industry, political representives and corporate financiers by Donald trump and his close allies…
2. Donald Trump is the son of a British Mother. He prefers to trade directly with the British as he respects us and he has also personally invested huge amounts of his wealth here personally. He has made assurances that he is willing to open trade talks as soon as we leave the EU….
I trust his word, whatever people say about the man and his adminstation, in less than 18 months he has created more than 1.5 million new jobs with more on the way in the USA… The economy is now booming and the Trump support has actually grown and his approval ratings are off the charts, why?? Simply becouse he tells the truth, warts and all, he doesn`t `politik` …. The EU however does exactly the opposite and its global market is dwindling due to its` mismanagement and lack of accountability and accounts data for over fourteen f**king years!!!
A great shame that -from the word ‘go’, genuine Brexiteers appear to be split, and conservatives looking for a new political home, will come away with negative impressions. Division does not suggest strength.
The media will be cock-a-hoop that the ‘far-right’ (as they like to label anyone who supports the concept of ‘national sovereignty’ and opposes uncontrolled mass immigration) can’t get their house in order. (I can hear the bbc already).
And this at a time when, for the first time in years, many, many Tory and Labour members/voters ARE looking for a new political home.
One would like to see Nigel and Gerard teaming up, but that doesn’t look likely, with two such strong conviction politicians? With the wisdom of hindsight, UKIP under Nigel should have stayed in full-fight mode
until the UK had actually left the EU and made sure UKIP had a range of plocies on all issues, post-Brexit.
The minute a Remainer became the leader of the ‘Conservative’ Party, alarm bells should have been ringing, very loudly indeed.
Or is there a way, now to get Nigel and Gerard to put their heads together?
Farage is making the same disastrous mistake he made last time. It’s OK to have a one policy party, but once that policy is reached the party is dead in the water, leaving its supporters nowhere to go save to the nearest of the mainstream big two. This is exactly what happened to UKIP when the Brexit vote was won.
The party should have carried on as a right of centre successor to the left of centre Tories with a set of conservative principles, however that was made impossible by the single policy, and the departure of its charismatic leader.
He left the party directionless, and without a clear successor, it could have gone on to hold the Tories feet to the fire and force them to vote Brexit through by threatening those Tory seats with remainers who voted the wrong way.
The Brexit Party is NOT a party, it is a one policy pressure group which will evaporate like the morning mist when its goal is acheived. A pity because the UK deserved better than this.
“The Brexit Party is NOT a party, it is a one policy pressure group which will evaporate like the morning mist when its goal is acheived.”
That would be a very worthwhile result, IMO.
One battle at a time.
The Japanese won the battle at Pearl Harbour – how did that turn out for them?
Plenty of examples of battles won and wars lost Brexit is another one, and one of the myriad of reasons is the weakness of a single issue party which cannot keep the pressure on.
UKIP were jettisoned by the electorate before mission accomplished. The result is today’s fake leave or ‘the Brexit the public voted for’ to borrow Mrs May’s language.
From memory UKIP didn’t help their cause by hitting ‘self destruct’.
We also don’t know how badly UKIP were infiltrated by loonies and Fifth Columnists. We know of at least one, who tried to get that Margate Councillor into trouble and almost succeeded. Turned out they were a Labour Party plant.
Then there was the guy, whose name I forget, who was economic spokesman for a while, appointed by Nigel Farage. He was barking mad and wanted to slash the minimum wage in half and do some other daft things to advantage rich businessmen. When researched, you discovered he was …
…. a rich businessman.
Again – Farage is one man.
Farage is one man ….. More of a figurehead……. But he has backing not from within the establishment here, but from outside the EU and from business leaders here in the Uk as well as the Commonwealth… Farage decided to step down prior to the Referendum result, he was not the cause of UKIPs downfall, UKIP itself was the cause of that and still is…. Once we leave the EU and we will, things will be remarkably different… Political Parties will either re-align or cease to exist, and I expect at least one new party wiil appear based around trade, traditional values and most of all honesty and it will value the people and the pound sterling each one of us has the potential to contribute to making stronger than it was before the EU started stealing from our pockets….
One man yes, but he has leadership and determination that is what is needed now…. Churchill and Cromwell didn`t achieve thier aims on their own and neither will Farage, the istakes of UKIP will not happen again I have faith, I have to as it`s the only thing I cannot be robbed of now ….
gaxvil, if Nigel Farage has started vetting new candidates more thoroughly than last time, checking for skeletons in cupboards, examining on-line material & histories, etc., then a clean start for a new Brexit Party could be advantageous.
Other policies can be developed as electoral impact is made.
What people will need now is a democratic means to show their displeasure at Labour and Conservative and all the other Parties’ MP’s for sabotaging Brexit and costing us a lot of money.
The big hurdle to overcome is the natural tendency for voters to fall into traditional Labour and Conservative camps and vote for them “because we always vote Labour” or “I could never vote Conservative.” or “My parents always voted Conservative, so I do too.”
Wake up people! Hit them in the ballots!!!
You could say Farage fell for the same trick the Normans worked on Harold at Hastings, thinking they had the Normans on the run only to be slaughtered.
The Brexit party should set itself up as an umbrella group comprising Brexit Conservatives, Brexit Labour and Brexit LibDems (I doubt this one would have many members lol). They would then stand in any constituency with a sitting Remainer of the appropriate party on a manifesto pledging to support the relevant party manifesto LESS any part of remaining in the EU. The constituency then gets the choice of supporting their favourite policies BUT also leaving the EU. Other Leaver parties could obviously do the same but agreeing to share challenged constituencies
What A great website.
No doubt this ex-member of the Tory Party will be one amongst 100s of thousands like him resigning since our nations betrayal by a gang of political/indecent thugs.
Politics to-day – caught back end of this where Brillo was interrogating Ken Clarke.
He exposed the old adage that there is no fool like an old fool.
Clarke’s arrogance was exemplified by exposing his naivety around future trade deals if ( as he argued) we added a full Customs Union
to TM Withdrawal Treaty.
He was arguing that even though we would be out of the EU we would still be consulted on e.g.. an EU/USA future trade deal.
He badly needs to be added to the deselection hit list or ordered into the Brexit Museum as an exhibit….
Ken Clarke – he’s such a toff – we get that.
Ken Clarke – you’re such a toff – we get that Ken. Oh my, we get that.
Would anyone outside the bubble listen the the so called “upper house “ rubber stamping the cooper balls bill in one day – today … ?
The “Upper House” are sounding much less prepared to speedily rubber stamp it without discussion than I had actually expected from what Letwin was saying yesterday. … Lord Forsyth and Lord Owen have been speaking very well and firmly against it and Baronness Hayter’s condescending and arrogant words!
In case anyone is interested:
“12:08:04 Lord Owen (Independent Social Democrat)
11:44:50 Motion: As an amendment to the above motion, to leave out from “move” to the end and to insert “that the Standing Orders of the House relating to public business shall apply to all proceedings on the European Union (Withdrawal) (No.5) Bill
Lord Forsyth of Drumlean (Conservative)”
Good grief – 4 hours later and they are still at it (yawn …)
Motion: To move, as an amendment to the motion in the name of Baroness Hayter of Kentish Town, to leave out from first “that” to the end and to insert “the attempt to accelerate procedures on the European Union (Withdrawal) (No.5) Bill is not in accordance with normal practice in either House of Parliament and the provisions of Standing Order 46 (No two stages of a Bill to be taken on one day) should be dispensed with only to the extent necessary to allow the First and Second Readings of the Bill to be taken on one day, the Committee stage on a subsequent day, and the Report and Third Reading to be taken on the same day subsequently”
Not sure that actually makes grammatical sense??
And the debate continues … Very pointed comments by Viscount Ridley and Trenchard (standing up against “a despotic majority” and suggesting HoP is just out to prevent “no deal”).
First time I’ve ever listened to HoL (considerably politer than in HoP). Don’t think I can bear much more of it though … very boring and I’m not sure it’s actually going anywhere.
OK, recap – I’ve kept checking back and 3 hours later and yet more “pointless” amendments. I have now realised the Conservatives (?) were just time-wasting to avoid actually debating the Cooper/Letwin bill “quickly” and setting a precedent.
The (numerous!) “Leave” Lords were genuinely impressive and definitely trying to stand up for “what the people voted for”, but they don’t stand a chance: The “opposition” have made it clear they’ll pass it immediately and are simply not interested in why we would be better off leaving. One (about 90 year old?) Leftie even dared to aggressively bring up the “so many Leavers have already died” line [so we don’t need to be bound by the last referendum] – you’d really think he wouldn‘t go there? :-\
So, having spent all day “filibustering”, the first reading will now take place in 20 mins and the second on Monday … in time for May to be able to go to Europe “with an answer” on Wednesday …
They meant well, but was it worth it? :o(
I correct myself – again, sorry! – this is the second reading!
(Didn’t think they’d actually got round to reading it this morning :-\ … )
So now it’s Labour’s turn “to debate the national emergency happening next week”, according to Lord Rooker.
“The house and country are divided but noone wants to leave without a deal and that is why it is essential to debate this bill so we can get an extension .” Yes, well, that is maybe a matter of opinion.
As Lord Howard is now defending the referendum and saying we should still leave, if necessary without a deal (so he will NOT be supporting the bill … Though he has just ruined that claim as, when questioned by Labour, he said of course he will support it in the second reading as he is obliged to as “that is how the House works”. Hmmm …).
And the factually incorrect “Baronness Ludford” is now going on about us falling off a cliff, not having enough medicines and our GDP falling continuously because of Brexit. All “reputable economists say we will be worse off without the EU.” And “We cannot rely on the will of the people being the same as in 2016.” What utter *****
I will stop the running commentary – this is going to go on all night and bearing in mind that we are meant to refrain from using expletives, I will stop now. ;o)
A good question F2…………… if the Lords get this abomination through it goes for Royal Assent.
It would be a good time for HMQ to ask them………….for the second time……..”What is it that is good for us about the EU”?
HMQ might also be advised about the vote from the convicted criminal which spun it in favour of Pixie Balls……famous for” my home is yours, Syrians”
The 70th anniversary of the foundation of NATO – during which America and Britain paid for and maintained the safety of Europe .
I’m thinking we wasted our time effort and money .
They still don’t pay their way …
And in non-Brexit no Brexit news, the BBC have allowed their opposition to President Trump to blind themselves into overlooking some serious facts of life.
BBC, there is a clue in the name. It is in the word ‘butterfly’ and ‘butterflies’. Got it now?
When Fiona Onasanya was convicted and sent to prison there were calls from both sides of the political spectrum for her to immediately lose her job as an MP and be removed from the House of Commons.
Unfortunately, that was not possible, we were told, there was due process that needed to take place and it would take several months and an expensive and involved petition was required from her constituents. The process is still ongoing today.
Yet, strangely, the same MP’s that are protected from being removed from office by this “due process” are able to overturn the votes of 17.4 million people by concocting a bill and forcing it through the commons in the space of six hours.
The fact that Onasanya was the deciding vote in ensuring it’s passage highlights perfectly how corrupt and self-serving MP’s are.
third, we really need that bunch of unelected Peers to stand up for the people of the UK.
I wonder if they will?
£350 a day just for signing in, comfy lives, nice pensions and Farage said he’d abolish them hmm tricky.
There are some in there with moral fibre and integrity but whether there’s enough these days ?
£350 a day sounds a lot but imagine you live away from London, travel expenses are included accommodation is not, a decent hotel in London will set you back more than £350 a night, and that doesn’t even include meals and drinks.
Great if you are wealthy enough or live close enough to travel in every day, but if not then it’s a pittance and only conducive to the londoncentric bubble.
Thoughtful. Night in Premier Inn in Luton ( it has an airport) about £35. Cheap day return to London £16.80. Zone 1 day pass £ 4.80. The alternative is to get the Coastels back, and moor them on the Thames. Cabins for 4, catering by the armed forces ( excellent training opportunity) , and money saved.
I fear that it won’t really matter what they do. Am I right in saying that the HoC could invoke the Parliament Act to ensure the bill passes?
No. It can only be invoked after a set time period (a year, if I recall correctly).
Thanks Roland
Let’s see.
Adonis, Chakrabarti, Hall, Mandelson… and then all the ones May bought off.
Not promising.
What possible reason could you have for thinking that the DG of the BBC, Tony Hall (Baron Hall of Birkenhead to all those license-paying little people) would vote against Brexit?
He assures us daily that both he, and the BBC, are politically neutral.
As clearly evidenced by all staff…. producers, researchers, editors, presenters… so clearly leaving their politics at the door of the £5,000,000,000 PR machine he runs, with what topics they choose, or do not, who they invite on, or do not, what they opine upon or push, or avoid going near, and edit in, or out.
What was I thinking? And so, tonight, there is a QT at a crucial moment that illustrates this neutrality so well.
I hang my head.
This Fiona story is a shocking business, third adoption, by my reckoning she should still be in the jug. The rest of it: you couldn’t make it up?
‘That place’ is beginning to look like it would be quite at home in somewhere like Brazzaville! (Although I shouldn’t insult the Congolese, without a little more research.)
Anyway, the truth is always stranger than fiction, and here’s a plot for a novel…
“Criminal leaves jail early to nullify 17.4 million votes and hijack fate of large economic power.”
And on matters Congolese, I see the bbc (R4) has latched on to the latest ‘white guilt’ – ‘true confessions’ story. This time the miscreant is Belgium, and boy, are they getting it in the neck! Oh dear, this should roll on and on….
By the way, I should add that we are talking about Kinshasa Congo, rather than Brazzaville Congo. Got a feeling the colonial background there is French, but better go and do that research now…
House of Commons suspended as sewage comes through their ceiling – quality civil disobedience – some might say ?
Guido Fawkes lives ?
Now I believe in God.
Maybe the Thames is protesting the stinking filth and corruption with an attempt to wash it away?
Lucy, gonna need a bigger Thames.
Now you REALLY couldn’t make it up.
Remember: Chief warns 10.000 police officers are on standby.
Maybe they should use their helmets to bail out Parliament ?
what a shower
R4 8pm Metroliberal sneerer David Aaronovitch and his guests \\ ask how deep is that division and what it would take to unify the country?
How divided are we?
As the Brexit negotiations rumble on Britain appears more divided than ever.
Professor Sara Hobolt, London School of Economics
Professor Sir John Curtice, University of Strathclyde
Margaret MacMillan, emeritus Professor of International History at Oxford University
Deborah Mattinson, Founder, BritainThinks
Paula Surridge, Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol //
… A panel of metro-liberal Remain voters, I guess
I’m really sorry I won’t be listening to it because I need to watch the tap on the kitchen drip …
It would be a good one to play B.S. bingo too though . See how many times the chair mentions spurs as evidence of his ‘ common ‘ touch .
I’m sure that The QT will be heavily edited before broadcast – but why any one would bother with it I don’t know …. just get the twitter extracts on Friday . No licence needed ..
Don’t you find it extraordinary how people of the same species, similar upbringing and so on can look at the same thing and come to totally opposing conclusions even with facts before them ?
I imagine Galileo had the same thought and look what happened to him.
I think the key difference is motivation – particularly when it comes to politicians –
And they are not of the same species …
Stew – McMillan was interesting. She wondered about the possibility of a coalition. I started wondering about that after May fluffed the election she called. It is the Merkel recipe for staying in power when you lack the numbers, and it works.
The DUP made that unecessary. But, of course, if the DUP stops playing ball at any time…
I watch with interest: will we see a ‘Conservative’ PM in Britain overcome her aversion to Socialism, in the same way a German ‘PM’ overcame her aversion to Socialism, in order to stay in power? (Assuming such an aversion actually exists)
All that is needed is to sweet-talk the person you were slagging off only last week, discovering that Socialism really isn’t so bad, that ‘unity’ is a good thing, etc.
Some time later, you find a common enemy, that serves to cement the alliance: call it fascism, call it the Far-right, call it Neo-Nazi.
Anything will do.
The German parliament today showed how it’s done. It chose to go against the Constitution by excluding the AfD candidate from a position as ‘Vize’ -which she was entitled to. All the big parties dealt Democracy another blow, by marginalising the only real opposition.
Prince Charles spend Wednesday praising the British Muslim Heritage Centre
…. OK he will king to British ethnic-Muslims as well
so yes he could visit a mosque one day and a synagogue the next… but his sycophancy does not help national unity.
Further tweets/videos seem to show that Muslim girls are on one side of the road whilst the other side is mostly males.
Manchester Arena is just over 3 miles from the British Muslim Heritage Centre. The Arndale Centre is also in the vicinity, where the IRA detonated the largest bomb in the British Isles since WWII (200 injuries, fortunately no fatalities). Perhaps his majesty also found time to visit them during his trip?
“OK he will king to British ethnic-Muslims as well”
If a certain PM Corbyn and his uneducated cohorts wins the next GE; and they will. Then Charles should be very uneasy indeed as he and his mum must know that PM Corbyn is a republican and every one knows that Corbyn’s party equals: Anti-Monarchy.
So if I was Charles I would have a very serious talk with his mum as she would be the reason why he would lose all his mansions/shooting/hunting lodges etc etc etc. because she was found to be derelict in her duties by not supporting the law abiding subjects under her. You choose Charles, the rest of the upholders of UK democratic law needs you.
UKIP still have their ban on former members of very patriotic parties.
I tried to make a donation today.
A donation can be made via card or Paypal.
Except that this under the aegis of Paypal!
Paypal which I will not use, period.
Earlier I discovered that The Brexit Party has exactly the same payment restrictions!
So no membership or donation either.
I did not find, on either website, a list of local branches where I could join or make a donation.
All information welcomed.
How much truth is in this
I’ve heard rumour that the application has been made but I think it will fail. It is asking the Court to turn back time.
Hull : a solicitor who fiddled NHS expenses has has had his punishment increased to being struck off
eg he billed £37K in an NHS negligence case and that was judged to really be a charge of £3.3K
I thought (South) Asians had their own specialist BBC Network, which would be the place to discuss Muslim religious affairs
… but that’s not enough so today’s BBC Radio Leeds phone-in was about traveling to the Hajj
Hajj pilgrimage; why don’t our imported followers of the ‘Religion of peace’ scuttle down to their local Musque…
It’s only a ‘stones throw’ from the local Muslim enclave.
Lettuce, Ginger, Bacon and Tomato people however will not be welcome for some reason.
They can’t throw stones at Satan in Leeds.
Well, I suppose they could but she’s in Parliament this week and will be hiding in her country pad behind security at her front gate.
It’s a requirement for
Baal worshippersMohammedans to do the Hajj to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. One of the “Five pillars of Islam”.The black stone (Baal) takes away their sins if they can touch it
Seawatch the migrant taxi service , have got another 64 passengers and say Malta or Italy must open a port.
And numerous folks are still talking ‘No Deal’. Have they not heard it’s been banned ?
“Aston Martin has increased the UK-based content of its cars to beyond 55% in case the UK is trading under World Trade Organisation rules after Brexit. We are absolutely behind the principles of free trade all over the world but in terms of ‘are we ready for a no-deal Brexit’? I think we’re as ready as one can be.”
i smell another Tory EU referendum on the way …………
This time the choice will be ‘Heads’, we vote to remain and ‘Tails’, we don’t leave.
And if it lands on its side we stay only in the Single Market, Customs Union, and under all EU court jurisdictions. We also continue the privilege of paying in monthly to the EU budget.
And Varadkar gets a piece of Lancashire cos of all the inconvenience we caused him. So sorry, Leo..
(Ms M. has jetted in to see him, and it’s just the sort of decision she would make. Wonder if the other Ms M. will agree to let it go. Maybe in return for letting her ‘deal’ through? Nothing surprises anymore…)
BBC doubts whether Clooney’s boycott of the Dorchester Hotels will work. Despite Sir Relton boycotting.
Komrads on the left have been slow to step in. Although the infamous doorsteppers of the Mogg family are proposing a demo outside the London Dorchester, but as rabid Islamophiles they are turning it into a demonstration in support of the Transgender community. As their foul mouthed poster points out TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. That group of feminists that claims that trans women aren’t really women), are not wanted at the demonstration against stoning gays.
See how the left works. Never attack Islam .
Note comment bottom right hand side.
How many over here applauding the Sultans decision as this is what they want over here too, maybe some of those on the classic BBC wesite today, another group w@nk into their lattes as we have two separate pics of mu@@ies in headscarfs representing the UK population
It’s just an excuse to attack the people wealthy enough to stay there.
I read with blank amusement the piers morgan piece in the mail which managed to blame the Sultan without ever mentioning the true motivation, Islam, or Muslims once.
As I recall Piers tacitly approved the killing of Gays when he told Tommy Robinson to stop waving a copy of the Qur’an about and have some ‘damn respect for it’ That’s the book of rules piers that you wanted respect for, the rules the Sultan is now putting into law.
That language seems a bit harsh, although the position of the TERFs seems rather odd. Surely any man who… dresses in female attire; has undergone surgery and hormonal treatment to remove male characteristics and acquire female ones; had all his chromosomes altered from XY to XX; grown a uterus and ovaries; begun ovulating and menstruating… is as much a woman as the next man? Er, next woman? And therefore every bit as entitled as any other feminist not to have tea at the Dorchester?
Protesters betrayed , so they try to storm Parliament
… in Albania ..against leftwing government
R4 5pm news says 8 ‘migrants’ made it to Dover Beach this morning.
We shall have to update Matthew Arnold’s famous poem of that name:
“…Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain
We are here, as on a darkling plain,
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight
Where ignorant armies clash by night.”
Of course, Dover Beach isn’t the only place where confusion and ignorance reign.
“BBC News
The allegations against the former US vice president are in a grey area that the #MeToo movement has not figured out how to address.”
Or the BBC; hence the one degree of operation buck pass.
And, just like the HoP, after all the talk, no promises will be kept.
Guest Who
The image of Unsworth in the link reminds me of Rosa Klebb in the Bond Film ‘From Russia with Love’.
If that Guardian article mentioned is right, looks like there’s some internal trouble brewing over the Birmingham schools issue at W1A which would surely be long overdue. I laughed at the Guardian referring to the protesters as “mainly conservative Muslims.”
Not to be confused with that other community, the progressive Muslims. Or the rarely conservative Conservatives
taffman – You’re so right, I can actually hear the click of the knife…
Things are getting tough ……………………………
“Civil servants offered counselling for no-deal Brexit stress”
‘Ultimate Project Fear’.
You could not make it up !
Recent stories gleaned from biased BBC et al to depress us all…
Bubble Snow amazed by number of white people!
Treason May and Citizen Corbyn hold ‘constructive’ talks!
Par-liar-ment supports Pixie Cooper’s delay bill and blocks ‘no deal’ Brexit!
Police warning to watch language!
Riot police ready to be deployed!
Nearly three years since the EU membership referendum, and the cowardly politicians have failed to deliver the promised result. Instead they do deliver treachery, abetted by the LibLabCon and a steady drip, drip, drip – or more precisely a torrent – of poisonous propganda from the mainstream media, typified by a sanctimonious BBC charging for the privilege.
Troubling times.
Can this be democracy?
It’s more like the start of the 1981 movie ‘Excalibur’ …
“The Dark Ages
The Land Was Divided And
Without A King …”
But I fear we won’t find any King Arthur emerging from the ranks of May or Corbyn!
The BBC news had dropped brexit news to number two and is leading with a couple of aircrashes involving foreigners . They spent 8 long minutes on it.
So it’s the ‘ look away nothing to see ‘ technique as the rubbish occupying the Westminster bubble betray the 17 million plus voters .
No doubt some politician will be called names again – like Soubry – and run off the the disgraceful speaker and get a ‘ there there’ with the now ‘ traditional applause ‘ which seems to be acceptable in the commons now .
Happened on the Brexit hating Mail too who are running a header of some dampened tarts at Aintree
Otherwise known as Tory MPs !
2019-04-01 Parliament debated a petition.
“Parliament must honour the Referendum result. Leave deal or no deal 29/03/19”
Currently 176,908 signatures.
2019-04-04 Today, the response is printed.
“The Government stands by its commitment to uphold the result of the 2016 referendum and to deliver the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.”
In 2016, this Government stated that it would honour the result of the referendum, whatever the outcome.
During the 2016 referendum campaign, this Government wrote to every UK household to promise that it would implement the result of the referendum.
With that commitment in mind, 17.4 million people voted to leave the European Union, providing the biggest democratic mandate for any course of action ever directed at a UK Government.
The British people voted once again in the General Election of 2017, with over 80% of those who voted, voting for parties, including the Opposition, who committed to respecting and implementing the result of the referendum.
The British people have made their view clear. It is now our responsibility to uphold the result of the referendum.
The Government’s policy was to deliver Brexit on the 29th of March. The Government has agreed a short extension with the EU, and continues to try and find consensus that will ensure the UK leaves in a smooth and orderly way.
However, in the event that the House does not pass the meaningful vote, the legal default remains that the UK will leave the EU on the 12th of April without a negotiated agreement.
Whilst the Government has conducted extensive preparations to ensure that the UK is prepared for all scenarios, the best outcome remains for the UK to leave the EU in an orderly fashion with a deal; this is the best way to secure certainty for businesses and citizens in the UK and the EU.
Department for Exiting the European Union.
Hanging is too good for them.
I don’t watch the bbc tv news much any more but saw it today .
I’m astonished that the Reich feuher s visit to Eire today didn’t get a mention
Perhaps the tactic of the state broadcaster is to encourage us sheep to think about something else and leave it all to our betters in the bubble
Curiously – too- since the BBC has a fixation with male American politicians attitude to the sistas there is no coverage of touchy feely smoking joe Biden -the Democrats great white hope for 2020. .
Stoning is becoming popular ?
”The diets cutting one in five lives short every year”
Seems salt is number one culprit
”Too much salt raises blood pressure and that in turn raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes.”
I can feel an illustrative photo coming from the BBC

Wonder what they are going to show, a Donner kebab? a Mac Donalds ? a Tikka masala curry?
No! this is the British hating BBC
so cue
” Salt is popular with fish and chips ”
Funny how we were thinner as a nation when we only had chippies for take away..
Then a global map of salt related deaths
The winners?
Fish and chip eating China..
The highest rated comments on the HYS are class.
Rather similar when the BBC, who for once in their sad, racist lives, are suddenly unable to locate a picture of a black man when a knife crime story is on their website, unless it is a victim of course, white hands only all of a sudden holding knives, despite the overwhelming majority of knifers being black, then, next story black man white wife etc etc business as usual and typical picture of the british are women in headscarfs and at least 50% black etc. etc
They keep banging on about a divided nation and with 85% of the white british heterosexual and christian population largely and actively and deliberately ingnored and misrepresented or not represented at all, small wonder that a very disaffected population is growing.
Apart from the obvious inner city ghettos, a trip around this country would lead one to believe that the BBC and others are in a different country
The BBC have altered the lead picture used to illustrate the food story. For most of the day it consisted of the smiling Muslim women in headscarves, with no obvious connection to the storyline. They have now replaced it with something more appropriate, in line with the findings that diet-related deaths are very high in China and parts of South-East Asia. Many of the HYS comments relate to the initial picture. Given the possibility that the BBC may decide to remove all the comments ‘because they are not going well’, here’s a selection of what’s been posted:
“The researcher who selected that image of people eating needs to go back to the BBC ministry of re-education for reprogramming
Females ✔
Asian origin✔
African origin✔
Male free✔
Caucasian free✔
Wheres the LGBT+ ?
Wheres the person with a disability?
“I really don’t understand the top photograph that goes with this article. Why is there a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab when the article states the most healthy eating country is Israel? Can someone from the BBC please explain?”
“BBC picture editing needs calling out.
Non distinct articles such as this are almost always accompanied by pictures of ethnic minorities, portrayed in a positive way. Utterly disproportional and also deliberately placed.”
Seriously – why put a fake picture of fish and chips on this site ? What is that yellow thing with it ? Is it meant to be one of your 5 pieces of fruit a day ? That don’t have that in my local chip shop which is one of the best in Londonistan – and won’t be featuring in any posh Sunday supplements ….
I looked at the bar graph, bottom left and then around the map, thinking per 1000.
Then I looked up top at line two. What?!
The BBC is making something of a major case over this and, IIRC, it is statistically* (and medically*) insignificant at those rates per 100,000. Relatively high salt levels are essential for good health in hot climates.
(* Feel free to correct me if my memory is faulty on that.)
The English takeaway wasn’t bad enough so they state that people ‘could’ add salt to fish and chips. Now they can avoid showing kebabs and curries and reinforce the viewpoint that the English and our culture are awful.
A quick Google found this:
“But the survey found pizzas had the highest salt content with an average of 9.45 grams. Chinese had an average of 8.1 grams, followed by kebabs with 6.2 grams, Indian with 4.7 grams and English with 2.2 grams.”
You must really have to hate the British to work at the BBC.
Apparently the tagged criminal labour woman whose vote caused the tie was out beyond her curfew period without licence it is being reported elsewhere.
Iss not her faul’ she din have a yoof club to go to wen she was yunga cos of guvvermen’ innit… an dat juj was well racist
Aha! Goodbye ‘Peoples Vote’ – thing of the past and anyway who cares about the people.
Enter the ‘ Confirmatory Vote’ with a choice of a hybrid May/Corbyn Deal and Remain.
Anyone spot the catch? Maybe 17.4 million might.
*** EDIT: Apologies, I see this has already been highlighted above ***
The BBC has been called out about their agenda.
See this article:
Looks like a normal BBC article pushing a certain agenda. Basically meat = bad.
But.. look at some of the comments in the comments thread (sort by highest rating):
“Israel has the best diet in the world. So the BBC accompanies the article with its daily photo of smiling Muslims. Boring! What next – an article about the moon or the Arctic accompanied by a photo of smiling Muslims? It’s all deeply patronising”
“I really don’t understand the top photograph that goes with this article. Why is there a photo of a Muslim woman wearing a Hijab when the article states the most healthy eating country is Israel? Can someone from the BBC please explain?”
“The researcher who selected that image of people eating needs to go back to the BBC ministry of re-education for reprogramming
Females ✔
Asian origin✔
African origin✔
Male free✔
Caucasian free✔
Wheres the LGBT+ ?
Wheres the person with a disability?”
All these comments were initially posted around 7 hours ago. When I view the article right now there is no longer a Muslim in a Hijab as the leading photo (eating salad – eg, a non negative photo)
It’s an Asian (oriental) lady, which makes sense as people in that region are most likely to die from high salt intake, who looks like she is eating something unhealthy.
Has the BBC done some stealth editing after the public rightfully called them out??
Confused by climate change? Worrying about our world?
Our new Facebook Messenger bot may help you find the answers.
Sign up for a weekly climate change chat about the latest news and research ????
A bbc bot? Couldn’t be any worse.
Facebook link
You then follow the click into Messenger and click OK again
and it’s starts firing BS at you with it’s Climate-BRAINWASHING-bot
Yes (way too damn much)
No, I am not interested in BBC Global Warming propaganda
An Irish ‘international humans rights lawyer’ jailed for 6 months for drunk on a plane and spitting at crew . And doing a ‘racial’
She represented alleged refugees / illegals for a living . She got 6 months prison time . Judging by the treatment of other ‘professionals’- such as MPs – she’ll be out in a couple of weeks
Not much coverage of that on on the State Broadcaster
Not moi fal dat juj jus dont loik noisy drunk leprauchans das damroit racist dat iz
They really are up themselves.
Trumps tweet is an actual Joe Biden video where he explains he likes to put his hands on men and women’s shoulders whilst he talks to them
.. But superimposed on him are creepy hands that come up from behind and massage his shoulders
An African cardinal has branded mass migration a ‘new form of slavery’.
Cardinal Robert Sarah, touted by many to succeed Pope Francis as the next pontiff, said in a new interview with French publication Valeurs Actuelles that the Church should oppose migration.
‘It is a false exegesis to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts,’ Cardinal Robert Sarah said.
‘All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity…This is what the Church wants?’ he asked.
‘The Church can not cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration.’
Sarah, from Guinea, who serves as the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office, added that he believed ‘Islam will invade the world’ if migration is not controlled.
The Cardinal is right. What about what happens to illegal migrants and genuine refugees en route? That should be the real concern of the Church.
Instead, ‘supposed Christians’ (Mutti, for example) have created a thriving industry for traffickers, pimps and drug traders to exploit to further their aims.
Says it all that if that was a white cardinal I would posit: God help them in the media witch hunt and twitter trial to come
‘Islam will invade the world if migration is not controlled.’
He should tell his imbecilic boss, who never misses an opportunity to prostrate himself before the invaders and beg his flock to let in MORE!!
Incidentally, is it me or does il papa look like Woody Allen?
Have the 2 ever been seen together? I rest my case.
(Not sure which is the greater clown.)
The Pope’s funnier….
Is it really 20 years ago that NATO bombed the crap out of the Former Yugoslavia, under the guise of a ‘humanitarian intervention’, and created the state of Kosovo? Among the prime movers, it seems, were the peace-loving German Greens.
My, how time flies!
Joshka Fisher (Greens) was German Foreign Minister at the time, in the Socialist-Green coalition.
I heard a rumour that, when two weeks of bombardment of the Serbs by NATO didn’t do the trick, a delegation was sent to Belgrade to convey the threat that the city would be levelled with the ground, if the Serbians didn’t comply.
This was apparently conveyed by the peace-loving Finn, Mahti Ahtesaari.
It was then quite interesting to do a little research into the recent history of similar interventions, who really benefitted from them all, and what light this throws on other, apparently unrelated events.
Hopefully Al beeb will tear itself apart over whether homophilia trumps islamophilia or even paedophilia.
Oops… it’s just the gift that keeps on giving. In the left corner… the middle-class, and in the right corner… the immigrants.
Who to cheer for? Hope for a double knockout as the cheering crowd of working class enjoy their popcorn.
double post
Vlad I think you’re thinking like a normal person.
Collectivists have no problem holding contradictory views and the non-muslim species will happily do so right up to the time when the muslim species separates them from their heads.
‘There is no real distinction between personal and official social media accounts.”
That would apply to Gary lineker et al then?
about Fran Unsworth’s order
I don’t think the current low calibre beeboids can contain themselves when it comes to declaring themselves on The Twitter –
Maybe they should be debating how many of our immigrants support Brunei and actively break our laws regarding this, and whether they should never have been given a british passport while holding these views
TR has been saying this for years and look what has happened to him…
We do worse; we hand over vulnerable children to gay ‘couples’ to adopt. I wonder what Brunei people think of our experimenting on kids.
Tommy Robinson has now been kicked off YouTube, for no good reason other than former fat Tom Watson wrote to Google and demanded they ban Tommy Robinson.
Sargon of Akkad, on You tube, has produced a really good piece on this titled ‘ This is how they will Erase you ‘.
Sargon Akkad This is how they will Erase you
Trudeau has competition for the title “biggest **** alive”.
The non Irish, non heterosexual, Eire PM, makes a play for the #1 spot.
“Dear Kylie,
Just wanted to drop you a short note in advance of the concert in Dublin,
I am really looking forward to it. Am a huge fan!
I understand you are staying in the Merrion Hotel which is just across the street from my office in Government Buildings. If you like, I’d love to welcome you to Ireland personally.
Leo Varadkar
Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister)”
Leo Varadkar REJECTS House of Commons Brexit plot – ‘We don’t negotiate with YOU!’
Leo Varadkar has rejected efforts from the House of Commons to come up with a Brexit plan this week, insisting EU leaders will not negotiate with the UK’s MPs.
Can’t we send Elton John to negotiate with him?
In that vein, give Keith Richards a bottle of Jack Daniels and send him over
Richards seems to have a bit of an aversion to authority of any kind. He has said things like:
If you’re going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet.
I don’t have a problem with drugs, I have a problem with policemen.
I just thought the connection between Geldof and the Labour Party was just too tight, and I don’t see debt reduction as being like – it’s not going to feed the babies down there. I mean, who’s this gratifying and where are the Africans? Where was their say?”10
It’s better that
Dear Jeremy
Forget all those bad things we say about you – and the fact that you love terrorists who murder British soldiers and police – but we’d love to meet you to talk about selling out the British voters
Yours for ever
Teresa ( outgoing UK PM – worst in living memory )
…worst in living memory?
We forget that May campaigned for Remain. As politicians should be judged by their actions not their words, and we appear to be manoeuvring towards Remain (all be it dressed up as Leave), that’s a result no?
Not such a bad outcome for a Remain politician when considering that the electorate voted Leave.
Retirement beckons.
RE Treason May, Thatcher never seemed to have a problem controlling her cabinet
In French, ‘cabinet’ means toilet. Just saying.
Saint Margaret of Grantham.
God bless her.
Worth more than all other Prime Ministers since 1970 rolled together.
Maggie would conquer the EU in a weekend, alone, armed with only a handbag.
Let’s not get too depressed, it seems some are still fighting our corner.
Their news bulletins are reporting the Bezos’ divorce settlement. They should not be reporting celebrity gossip like this – it ought to be beneath them. They read their Tweets out as if we do not all have smart phones.
With the BBC there is no incentive to do a good job because they get paid regardless due to their ‘unique method of funding.’ The sensible thing is for them to play it safe which is why celebrity gossip is becoming so much more common in their ‘news.’ I hate it – so lazy and utterly anti-intellectual. Plus websites like TMZ do celebrity gossip much better than the BBC if you are into that sort of thing.
“constitutional vandalism”
This guy ROCKS! 🙂
Lucy, I think the swamp rats are behaving like this because they have been given over to a reprobate mind:
The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked.
These reprobates will never stop until someone stops them.
Good call
An interesting comment from the Nigel Lawson which countered the shallow tired justification for the House of Lords that it ‘guards the constitution ‘
It is also ‘full of experts ‘
If it was dominated by leavers the bbc and other remainers would be saying they will all be dead soon
Like wise with the ‘joke vote ‘ of the black criminal woman . If the vote went the other way because of her illegal vote we’d never hear the end of it . But all is quiet – but not forgotten.
The man is getting on, clearly less strong than he used to be, possibly in poor health – but infinitely more honourable than the dross in the HoC.
It’s a serious warning, people should listen.
It seems clear to me that May and the EU will obfuscate, lie, and massage any rule, law or precedent to ensure that Brexit does not happen. I think May came to some tawdry agreement over two years ago to “find a way” of sabotaging Brexit provided the EU allowed her to present the illusion to UK voters of “doing her best”, perhaps with the promise of a second lucrative career on the Brussels gravy train when her UK political career ends.