Thanks for asking Up2!
I think I’m as good now as I’m likely to be – still got a lack of sensation in my left side but I’m getting used to it. I can still give a nasty nip, though, when the need arises!
Have they considered all the genders. The last count is 57 (Heinz 57). Unless all genders are considered, I dont see how one can do a proper analysis.
It may well be that the White male heterosexual ( if it can be found) is the least well paid and victimized when normalised to the fact that all real innovative work was done by this gender.
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
The Leave side is in need of a cunning, ruthless bastard with cojones of steel.
I always thought cometh the hour, cometh the man was a truism but it seems I’m wrong yet again.
What on earth is Corbyn thinking about; by sending that blond headed woman with specs on and who seems to be Starmers second in command?
What on earth does this ex-council estate tenant know about siting down with and combatting brilliantly minded men who oppose her leader and party in the hope of retaining their strangle hold on the UKs Independence/banking/Laws/Military?
Lambs verses Wolves. Who would win the conversations?
Excuse me! I was brought up on a council estate. One of the worst in fact. I reserve the right to be offended. I also respect your right to offend though. Now, where’s that number for the hatey hate police?… 😉
Me too – and my family has never been ‘well off ‘ …and as a kid starting up in work my first job was making tea for a lot of people …
I don’t despise politicians who use their ‘lowly ‘ background as some kind of sign of integrity …
“Excuse me! I was brought up on a council estate. One of the worst in fact.”
I meant no disrespect D. And I’ll tell you why.
I was born on a council estate (in Bolton) and on our council estate the name of our family was well known. Well known because me and my two other brothers and one sister, mam and dad was known in those early years as:
“The poorest family in the district”
I could describe why the schools and neighbours described our family in this way but any one else on here who has also lived in poverty will know exactly what I mean.
Most people are not aware that every German government – when first elected – must have their audience with the Pope before everything else. And that goes for most EU nations leaders.
8:30pm Joe Lycett has a new consumer prankster show
\\ my guest is @KathyBurke and we try to help a NatWest customer and victim of ID spoofing using a choir,
*a phone call to Nigel Farage* //
..What’s Farage got towith consumer rights ? I suspect metrolib sneering
When are they going to remove that woman from office?
She is doing all this as if Britain is her private property.
Who did she ask before she went groveling to the EU for more time to surrender?
I’m sorry my emotions are running quite high at the moment, perhaps I’m going OTT but it looks to me like this woman has become a dictator! There must be a legal method to remover her.
Lucy – Who did she ask?
Why, she asked the woman who has been acting for many years as if Germany is HER private property. Long is the list of laws she broke to do this. And long will be the list of promises May breaks as a result of following her example. And a few laws here and there?
Apparently the Germans couldn’t find a legal method to remove Merkel either! Which proves that when the Executive carries out a ‘State Capture’, as the South Africans call it, it CAPTURES THE JUDICIARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AS WELL.
And -note well- both ‘captures’ were possible because the publicly-funded state broadcasters, as well as much print media, offered their full support all the way through! In Germany even much, much more so than in England. (The bigger THE GUILT to exploit, the easier the take over.)
In all of this the German Greens play a big role as well, and that is a story I am busy telling on this site elsewhere.
You may have hit the nail on the heat. The USA just managed to evade STATE capture by a Hillary. The unlikely Amazon killer was Donald The Trump.
The STATE though has not given up yet. The Donald has to slay a few more dragons.
So let's get this straight @jeremycorbyn goes on a trip & it is:
*To honor terrorists who castrated then murdered Jews *Funded by a Hamas organisation *He faked the figures to try and hide it *Then concealed the cost from PSC
QUESTION: ‘Why don’t we just leave now?’ asks Mark Francois MP on bbc tv1 news.
Why not, indeed?
There is nothing to stop us, as there wasn’t on March 29, or back in ’17 or ’18, if we had been decisive and made preparations. All that time wasted. THE EU WON’T LET YOU GO OF ITS OWN ACCORD!! You stop paying big money, and you set A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT for an organisation sitting on a powder keg.
ANSWER: Because May, Hammond, Bercow, Grieve, Soubry, Letwin, etc know this only too well, and have deliberately made it complicated, elaborate, a theatre of self-imposed hurdles. They know perfectly well that -if they can enmesh us ever more deeply in the EU ‘leaving process’, the chances of actually leaving get ever slimmer. Why don’t they just admit, they DO NOT ACCEPT the result people’s vote of 2016 and intend remaining, even if it is as a vassal state?
Extension after extension, vote after meaningless vote in parliament. Now we could even be in the EU elections and wait another year. The beeb likes the idea.
By holding Britain captive to the whims of a Remainer woman and a few of her lackeys, the EU must know that this will only make the British electorate mad enough to burn the whole EU project.
Its not in the interest of the EU to have a bolshy member which has powerful allies all over the world.
We keep hearing that historians will be debating this in a hundred years. I don’t think so because it is becoming crystal clear that parliament never intended to abide by the referendum. May’s agreement with the EU is disingenuous in nature and designed to create the present situation which will force us to remain.
Does anyone know what the body count is in Brunei yet? According to the BBC, a television presenter called Ellen DeGeneres, who is spearheading the campaign along with coffee salesman George Clooney, shared the following tweet:
Tomorrow, the country of #Brunei will start stoning gay people to death. We need to do something now. Please boycott these hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei. Raise your voices now. Spread the word. Rise up.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 2, 2019
As three days have now passed, there must have been several deaths at this point.
Whilst the punishment of death for confessed or groupwatch-confirmed homosexual acts is deplorable and barbaric, the reality is that not one person has been or ever will be executed for this in Brunei. The sultan is simply playing to the crowds of a certain section of the Islamic world. He says one thing, but has no intention of carrying it through.
A bit like the Houses of Parliament and Brexit, then.
Given that they make a living by pretending to be other people and speaking words written for them by others, there’s a strong case to say that their opinions are worth less than those of the general public.
This guy and all “Hollywood Clowns” are just actors; and we know that these kind of people try to never reveal their true selves as they don’t know in the first place if they are in “the real world” or simply “acting the part”.
In the medical world (real world) these kind of symptoms could be recognised as delusional.
It was said of Peter Sellers that he could play any role in the world except that of Peter Sellers, as he had no idea who “he” was.
Even in supposedly straight interviews, he was always slipping into different character voices.
I think these actors take up political positions to try to counteract the silliness of their pretend lives, and in order to preen before an audience, of course.
Nice one Rachel …. nicely put to yet another know it all Remoaner. Staggering how every single Remoaner can predict the effect of Brexit on the economy with such utter certainty !!!
Just like Mr Osbourne was bang on with his “instant recession” if we dared just to vote leave, not actually leave, just vote to leave. Not to mention his 30% house price drop (increased) and stock market collapse (up to record levels since vote).
But these people present themselves as fonts of all knowledge and they MUST be listened too, and if not, they we are thick.
It's actually not, but you just keep telling yourself that.
Lucy: Yes and no to being annexed by a foreign power.
Earlier on I responded to your question as to whose permission May had asked, and I explained to you what happens when the Executive (usually guided by ONE strong but devious person) takes over the judiciary and law enforcement, with the connivance of the media.
GERMANY IS NOTHE ENEMY. Green Socialism, in various ostensibly conservative disguises, IS THE REAL ENEMY.
Merkel is not Germany. She just thinks she is.
And Green Socialism I shall be explaining. for the moment, think equality and no borders!
If you don’t understand that, you won’t understand much else that’s going on either…
PS There are frequently people at the top who don’t mind the odd war, cos they don’t get killed. I’m still trying to find the time to explain how Green Socialism went to war with gusto in 1999, very nearly causing WW3.
Few people realize how close we came to all being ‘goners’ at that point.
Had Yeltsin decided to fully back Milosevic then, it would have happened. But that is another story. Just to repeat: Germany is no more the enemy now, than Yugoslavia was the enemy then!
I’m listening. I’ve never believed Yugoslavia was the enemy.
Perhaps this isn’t the place for such discussion because this is meant to be about the BBC? Can you direct me to another site or article?
I fear I’m ranting because I’m frustrated. We should have been enjoying spring now not witnessing our country being stolen from us. 🙁
Lucy- sorry if I’ve confused you.
I posted on here yesterday how NATO bombed the former Yugoslavia for two solid weeks in 1999,long before 9/11 or Iraq, then threatened a ground offensive which would ‘flatten’ Belgrade.
The unstated objective was to create the state of Kosovo (previously Yugoslavia). It was home to largely Muslim ethnic Albanians and Eastern Orthodox Serbs. This caused a lot of tension. In 1998 an Albanian-led secession started the conflict.
NATO responded by bombing the Serbs, illegally- ‘for humanitarian purposes’, and Germany went to war for the first time since WW2. This was possible because the German Green Party Foreign Minister at the time, Joshka Fisher, declared Milosevic to be a new Hitler and that NATO had to fight ‘Fascism’.
The whole Antifascist thing started up here.
Obviously the BBC was not directly involved. But the Fishers of this world have the support of state media.
I didn’t see your post yesterday but I’m aware of the West’s betrayal of the Serbians. I remember it happening. It was a time I was just becoming aware of media bias (CNN).
There is an organisation called the Belgrade Forum. They commemorate. They have just awarded Lucy -Austrian journalist, Peter Handke a medal (or something, I’ll check) for his services in telling the truth about this war, that couldn’t be told (and wouldn’t be told) by the MSM.
I shall do a little research on what the BBc was up to, at the time.
There is a small irony here: the criminal clans that dominate organised crime in Germany are said to come primarily from Albanian Kosovo. I cannot verify this, but it is information that has been published in various papers.
I see on their Facebook page they have sent an open letter of invitation to to Merkel to attend a commemoration. Also of Serbian children who were victims of the war. Wonder if she will accept?
fnw, there were rumours that in the time of Pantsdown doing his heroics with the UN, that that same organisation turned a blind eye to trafficking, sex slavery, drug & counterfeit cigarette running in order to not end up on top of one of Slobbo’s explosives.
snuff – never discount a rumour if it is in any way connected to the UN…
as for Slobbo, I bet he chucked a few of those around – mildly put, no one came out of that mess with clean hands.
But, did he jump, or was he pushed?
Check out the Saudi involvement in this war, because they were agitating the Muslims there for quite some time. If Fisher was supporting there’s a pretty good chance some nice amounts were passed his way.
Same situation was going to happen in USA. They even tried to mount a coup against a duly elected president by capturing the departments of Justice, FBI, CIA and NSA, when their plot to capture an election failed. FISA warrants and all.
NCBBC – Thanks for that. Not familiar with Dobbs/Fitton up till now, but have been following with interest, the efforts to overthrow/impeach the President from the very day of his inauguration! (Usually with Bill Still and Hannity of Fox News.)
Elsewhere on this site I’ve been saying a little about Green Socialism, and we see that in the US in Ocasio-Cortez. I was talking about the Green Party in Germany. Like OC, the German Greens like to trash their own country and openly call it garbage.
We need to understand that Socialism is now big in the West, and WHERE ITS NOT EXPLICIT like with OC, it’s hidden under a conservative guise! This is vital. Merkel has hijacked the German state by outflanking the Greens on the environment and the Socialists and Greens on ‘Migration’. On paper, she’s a Christian Democrat. Here is the real danger.
What makes it so dangerous is the support given by the broadcast media. The German ZDF, for instance, push Merkel unreservedly, as do all the chat show hosts. Which brings us to you know who…
My other point is that ‘Green’ need not only refer to a political party. There are other green issues.
And hey presto, we find ourselves in Yugoslavia in 1999, and NATO are coming in to bomb the Serbs.
Unfortunately it’s complicated. Yet very simple, if you research, listen, learn.
Why the constant attacks on the ‘Far Right’ by people who wouldn’t even be able to explain where the terms ‘right’ and ‘left’ in politics come from. Listen and learn.
it’s really pushing the project Fear number errr 99? Finds people who are willing to say what they want and lets them drone on – no real questioning…drops anyone who doesn’t…not sure how they can fill the air space when all they do is ask BBC people who don’t seem to know any more (and often less) than we do.. just suggestion, opinions, guesses…. shite…
Couldn’t agree more. I just tuned in to give them “another chance”. One really does wonder where they find all these doom and gloom interviewees?
Do they call companies / stop people on the street and ask “Remain or Leave?” Those who answer Leave are wished a nice day / allowed to go on their way and the interview is then done with the Remainer?
A couple of weeks ago I happened to hear a live phone-in (not sure which station but one of the Beebs) and I would say about 90% of the callers were pro-Brexit and basically telling the “journalist” to stop making up and reporting all the fear rubbish.
Companies were reporting positive experiences and talking about the preparations they were making. Because it was live they couldn’t simply shut these people up – just made the call as short as possible because “there are lots of other people waiting on the line”.
It was very refreshing and encouraging!! (… It was of course before the shenanigans of the last 2 weeks :o(((
I’ve now switched TWATO off and having scanned their Highlights for this afternoon, I doubt if I will bother tuning in again, though I might risk “Gardener’s Question Time” – I don’t THINK they can get their otherwise obligatory topics in there?! ;o)
Of course Frustrated, Garders Question Time is just the thing for so many SJW issues, there is climate change, organic week killers, the joys of FYM (farm yard manure for the uninitiated but I prefer clean manufactured fertiliser on my potatoes, there is even the pleasure of buying other insects to graze on those pesky pests, there is genetic breeding and fracking, the list goes on. Far better to go to an allotment and ask someone tending their plants.
Oh well, I suppose we’ll now have to hope for another armageddon-style economic implosion to occur to deal the EU a death blow. For now, they can relax knowing that our billions will continue keeping them in the style they’re accustomed to.
The thing is, once the whole pantomime of pretend leaving is finally over – why on earth would we still need 650 MPs. They all seem rather pointless now.
We might as well have a French or German governor-general appointed by the Commission to oversee things.
I think we all get it now, vote Tory or Labour – get Vichy.
I wonder if this point is lost on Corbyn as he appears to want to farm out trade policy and ‘worker protection’ to the EU? More fool May for her choice of best friend.
If we had the same number MPs pro rata to the US house of representatives, then we would have just 90, however they would be paid three times the pittance they currently receive.
Thoughtful – you must be very well paid if you think £80k basic isn’t enough
I think you’ll find they are overpaid and many hopefully off to quangos and ‘ public sector advisor ‘ roles at £200k I’m shocked you show any sympathy for them . Even the brexiters got out manoeuvred – if they really cared .
Ps – there’s never a shortage of people who want to be MPs so they must be above market rate .
And there is always the corruption they feel entitled to ..
Yesterday’s bBBC Question Time was supposed to have been held in Bolton. At the last minute it was switched to London.
On today’s 1.30 NorthWest News they gave the bBBC excuse “We couldn’t get away from London”.
So that means all QT will be from Remain locations ?
The BBC thinks it can keep a lid on what ordinary decent non snowflakes believe about being shafted .
The PM seems to think perpetual can kicking will work – but all she is doing is stoking up the hate which sooner or later will be felt by the bubble .
There’s a old saying and I find it very appropriate for PM Traitor:
“If you know its wrong you can never be happy”.
And this includes “for the remaining days of your life” which Almighty God chooses to give us. i,e. way past the time when one retires from the house of Lords till one rests on ones death bed.
Did anyone else notice that F Bruce asked the Russian woman where she was from, as she had an accent. Coincidentally, she was also pro No-deal, and said she didn’t want to be in a union – she knew what that was like (Soviet). Strangely, the first question was asked by a guy with an accent – no comment from Fiona. Commenters from an Asian background, and Jamaican background (very awkward silence while folks waited a long time for him to express his thoughts, badly) both with thick accents weren’t asked where they were from.
Also made me wonder if they pre-choose who is going to comment, or am I just super naive and it’s always been that way? Would explain why there is such a ridiculous number who say the same thing…’We were lied to, people didn’t know what they were voting for, we should have a People’s Vote’….commence piped cheering…
Same location, Election results for 2017:
Turnout: 67.6%; Votes: 64,399.
The dim voter does not understand that simply not turning out to vote means nothing will change but just the numbers of votes per candidate drops. All the rest? Virtually the same. Same parties just less votes to go round but the proportions remain pro rata, the same.
If this is reflected in any likely General election, only the turnout will change. All else will remain the same. No groundswell of anger prompting change. Simply ‘musical chairs’ with the volume turned down.
I’m with you, G.
Nevertheless interesting to see (If my arithmetic doesn’t let me down) that the Tories and UKIP together would have kicked Labour out…
…in what should be a safe-as-houses Labour seat.
Doubt beeb will be highlighting that for ‘the dim’…
Voter turnout: the politicians won’t mind, as long as they get elected.
The problem is that the laws being imposed are making it difficult to express views yet alone anger
The public did their bit but the bubble refused to do what was required . Look what happened to someone who had a go a Soubry – and he didn’t even hit her .
Quite agree, G. If ever there was a perfect example of how not voting achieves nothing, that was it. Does Jeremy Corbyn care that only 37% voted? No, of course he doesn’t, the winner never does.
If people want Brexit they’re going to have to fight for it. And that means voting for the person to achieve it even if, as was no doubt the case with Neil Hamilton, you have reservations about other aspects of the candidate. If voters had held their noses and voted for him, the effect could have been seismic. The main parties would have seen clearly what will happen and realised they could not avoid delivering Brexit. Instead, they probably take heart that the anger on social media and phone-ins is bluster. I have grave fears they’re right.
This is something the Brexit parties need to get across, but they’d be wasting their time unless they first call a truce and stop splitting the vote.
I have just been listening to a recording of “Round the Horne”. It would have been aired circa 1970 on the BBC. It was broadcast at 1.00pm on Saturdays and I never missed an episode. It was an era when the BBC could make our bellys wobble with laughter. Most of it wouldn’t be allowed on the airways today as it would be considered too offensive too certain types. One part of the program which I can still remember is when Kenneth Horne was voted “Woman of the Year”. He said that he was not eligible for this title as he was “Woman of the Year” the previous year. Kenneth Horne beat Bruce Jenner to the title by 50 years. Another first for Britain!
Skronker-At the end of the programme they would tell us who
would be on the following week. For example ” Hans Hass and
Lotte Hasn’t) ( Underwater explorers ) THE MOSCOW YOUNG CONSERVATIVES!! We could soon be having Moscow’s old Marxist
Jeremy Corbyn. By the way do you think that the two murdering IRA
murdering bastards responsible for the death of the 21 souls in
the Birmingham Pub blast, who are still alive , are interested in
the BACK STOP arrangements? Mind you their sorts have the likes
of the BBC behind them.
A minority of Remainers, some prominent in ‘public life’, together with some media companies immediately refused to accept the democratic result of the Referendum and started stirring up the public, holding demonstrations, marches, etc..
A PM dithered.
A PM resigned.
The leadership election had to take place. Theresa May ‘won’ in slightly dubious consequences. On the subject of UK departing the EU ….
… she dithered.
The EU became impatient.
The PM acted.
Late in 2016, a legal challenge ensued that Parliament should have a say. The challenge was upheld on appeal by the Supreme Court who did not dither.
A Bill was brought before Parliament to approve the filing of Article 50. Parliament agreed. Outside the House, some MPs former MPs, now Peers, & PMs did not dither, they continued to try to disrupt and damage Brexit.
The PM started negotiations and was told how they would go by the EU.
Instead of walking away, the PM dithered.
The PM had previously said she would not call an early General Election. She did not dither and called an early General Election. The Labour Party got what they wanted, they ‘won’ the Election except they did not win enough seats to form a Government. The Labour Leader did not resign but dithered.
Grenfell Tower caught fire.
The PM dithered.
The Labour Leader stopped dithering and, with help, milked the tragedy for all he was worth.
Back at Brussels the PM continued negotiating herself after some of her team, who were not ditherers, felt they were getting nowhere or were being undermined. They resigned.
With various deadlines approaching, the PM brought forward the agreement she did grovellingly manage to extract from the EU Negotiator and put it before her full Cabinet. They observed that it broke some of the PM’s own Red Lines; it was a Bad Deal. Some couldn’t handle that and resigned on the spot without any dithering.
The PM in response dithered.
The PM decided a vote on her Withdrawal Agreement would take place in Parliament, thus fulfilling the Supreme Court judgement in re Miller in full, in mid-December 2018.
In the meantime, the Labour Leader dithered over whether to try to help lead the UK out of the EU or to create even more Red Line breaches.
The PM was informed she would lose having informed the decisive Democratic Unionist Party of the WA contents. Brexiteers, including the public, who had read the WA or a synopsis were also decided: it is a Bad Deal and breached some of the red lines.
The PM dithered.
The PM stopped dithering and pulled the vote. It was re-scheduled for 15 January 2019, weeks before the A.50 Notice expired.
Don’t know what the PM did for Christmas & New Year but I expect some decisiveness in the kitchen was matched by some dithering over political matters.
In January 2019 Parliament rejected the WA.
The PM dithered.
Then the PM was decisive. She claimed an amendment and brought the WA back to the House. They rejected it again less decisively than before because some MPs dithered.
The PM dithered. Some of the dithering appeared to some Brexiteers (ie. including me) as delaying tactics running down the clock so that Brexit could not be sabotaged. 🙂
The PM became decisive – in a way, or you could say she merely dithered some more – and went to Brussels to beg for more time. She was granted a little more time to get the WA through the House or longer still if it was defeated. The EU have now joined in the dithering. How delightful!
The WA fell for the third time of asking.
The PM dithered. The PM (rightly) slagged off Parliament but for the wrong reason: she claimed they were merely defying the will of the people. Much of Parliament was out to sabotage Brexit altogether. The PM was also obviously oblivious to the fact that the people do not like her WA either.
The PM dithered
Parliament did not dither. Parliament rebelled. Stuffed full of Remainer MPs they hi-jacked the Brexit process and ran their own votes. They indecisively dithered.
Parliament had another series of votes and guess what? They decided to dither some more.
In the meantime, while the Labour leader has been dithering – hard to believe this, almost as much as the PM – he is invited to talks on the Brexit negotiations. His Party – now the Party of Remain – take charge of him and potentially sabotage Brexit altogether while ensuring the people of the UK pay £39billion bill for their decisiveness, thus ensuring more austerity in future for their already poor constituents who are fed up with both the EU and dithering.
Note: This probably breaks some sort of a record: a Far Left/Hard Socialist ‘government in waiting’ (note the small ‘g’) actually costing the taxpayer billions while not actually being in power. Venezuela & Maduro – eat your heart out!
The Labour Party, especially its arch-Remainers: Adonis, Benn, Cooper and Starmer, have been complaining about the uncertainty for business by the Conservatives’ handling of Brexit. They have thus created more uncertainty for business plus the likelihood of a VAT increase that will suck spending power out of the UK economy. Stellar! More dithering this time at the behest of Remainers!
The PM, meanwhile has decided rather than No Deal departure on 12th April to dither some more and ask Brussels for a further delay. At the time of writing, the EU appears to be determined to join in the dithering again.
Oh joy!
Have I missed anything out?
Have I set a record for the longest ever post on Biased BBC?
Snuff – I dont think Theresas “dithering” was incompetence, I think she was just waiting for the Fat Frau to write her out a full set of instructions for each situation.
Oak, didn’t say it was. Did you note, the PM is not the only one dithering?
I think I read Merkel, like the PM, wrong. One of the only ways I could rationalise Merkel’s breaking of an EU fundamental (national leaders do not take major EU-affecting decisions alone) was that Mutti was out to break the EU.
Today’s statements by Mutti & Varadkhar both seem to indicate the EU is deliberately mis-using the border between NI & IFS and the Good Friday Agreement to prevent Brexit. Unless, of course, Mutti was lying through her teeth but then the Irish PM was doing the same.
Highly unlikely both would. The unity was telling.
Mutti is now demob happy. She is handing over to Macron who will take things on further. So, in that respect, maybe the meeting between Mutti & May (the M&Ms!) was to sort out the overall game plan to frustrate Brexit.
Not BBC related.
I am searching for Brexit Direct Action.
Without success.
The BNP turns up regularly near the top of the search, with what may be useful information.
Brexit: Urgent Action Now! – British National Party
So I follow the link.
Or rather I don’t.
Windows IE – This page can’t be displayed.
Windows IE – This page can’t be displayed (Second Computer).
Windows Opera – This page can’t be displayed.
Fire Android – This site can’t be reached.
Android DuckDuckGo – Web page not available.
Android Samsung – This site can’t be reached.
#1 that links works for me ..your block was at your provider level, nothing to do with browser or O/S
#2 Search for Brexit protests on Facebook and you’ll find that there is a group for the National April 6th protests
eg the Drive slow protest in Grimsby
After a general election a government is formed immediately , whether it’s the existing party in power or a new one . There’s no wait for years or even months ; the people’s choice is enacted . So it should be for a referendum too .
Get out , then have another one in a few years time .
Yes, a fact for the Remainers:- There is no reason not to have a referendum every 6 years say. So why don’t they just just give LEAVE a try, it was after all what the majority voted for AND they know the EU would have us back at the drop of a few £ billions.
I and a few million others think it a most reasonable suggestion at this time.
That’s my point too – and if there’s a vote to rejoin its euro time unified taxes , children sent to the Reich for forced labour / hostages -usual thing
There are two types of referendum. The first type is consultative, designed to gauge the opinion of the public. The second type is binding, in which legislation has to follow. The EU referendum was merely advisory and did not impose any legal requirement on the government to act; specifically, it did not commit the government to invoke Article 50. This required Parliament – which is supreme in such matters – to first pass the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 in February 2017 before Article 50 could actually be invoked.
Switzerland and California use referenda regularly and they are invariably binding ones, resulting in legislation (e.g. banning new mosques in the former, allowing cannabis sales in the latter). However, the implementation is usually done through an amendment to the constitution, thereby ensuring the representatives/parliamentarians cannot block it.
Britain does not have a written constitution. It is still possible to have a binding referendum – the United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum in 2011 was such and tied into legislation. However, the Brexit referendum was simply consultative and, as we have seen, probably not worth the paper it was written on.
All true Ian
but then both parties (or HoP) passed a binding resolution (A50) under the European treaty saying we were leaving, as I remember ….but I stand to be corrected…
In addition, the Government of the Day (note) committed itself on paper (note) AND verbally (note) to enact the advisory will of the whole UK. If my very distant in time Law Classes are remembered correctly, that is something on which suit may be brought to enforce or seek damages in reparation.
That is neither here nor there: it’s out of date thanks to subsequent events.
As pointed out, once A.50 was filed, the clock to departure starts running. However, the blank spaces around the A.50 provision in the Lisbon Treaty were helpfully filled in by the European Court of Justice just before, IIRC, the first WA vote. Now, there’s a thing!
Another overseas body, just like the claimed ‘Russian’ and actual American (Obama) influencing of the EU Referendum & UK Parliamentary processes, and the BBC says almost nothing. Certainly nothing by way of complaint, unlike the so-called ‘Russian meddling’.
The key question is whether or not it, combined with the repeated assertions of both HMG and the Opposition quoad the implementation of the result of the Referendum, gave the public a legitimate expectation that the outcome of the Referendum would be honoured. And in my submission, it did just that. The absence of a written constitution can bite both ways…
VH, but there was at least an implied contract, both written and verbal, that HMG would act upon the decision of the people.
That is all past. HMG did act on the will of the people by filing A.50.
I forgot to add in my 8.51pm post above that the ECJ ruling is that A.50 can unilaterally be cancelled. Shame that doesn’t apply to ‘the Backstop’. One EU rule for some, but ….
Fact that it can be rescinded just like that rather makes a mockery of the law. I wouldn’t mind testing that one out, too, in the Lawyers for Britain chambers: is Parliament entitled to multiple votes under SC re Miller & others 2017 and is a unilateral rescinding of A.50, even if agreed by the EU, an act of Contempt of Court?
If it was, that would mean the arrest and incarceration of rather a lot of MPs.
“Through my legal work defending journalists I have seen first-hand the ways in which reporters are being targeted and imprisoned in an effort to silence them and prevent a free media,”
I assume then she will defend TR against against her new bosses!
True to form a single isolated racist incident (in another country) sparks weeks of coverage from the BBC. Now Danny Rose has chipped in about how terrible it all is and his word is taken as gospel.
Always narrative over facts. A player may have said something but people say lots of things. They don’t do rigorous research and see if his claims have weight; just turn the emotion up to eleven and do some vox pops with people who will support your narrative. No intellectual rigour and so lazy. How hard is it to just chat to people about their hurt feelings rather than do some proper journalism and research?
Surely the vast majority of black players see football as the ultimate blessing, beyond their wildest dreams? Paid an absolute fortune to work two hours a day and be a hero. If racism is such a problem why are black players so massively over-represented in teams? Not enough black newsreaders etc is a crime against humanity but when the boot is on the other foot (pun intended) the SJWs STILL play the race card in favour of the over-represented minorities! Incredible.
If Danny Rose wants to quit a dream job because his feelings are hurt by a few moronic supporters then he is an idiot. Why should we take his word as gospel truth just because it supports the BBC’s agenda? Racism is bad – WE GET IT! We all got over that decades ago. Do they have to bang on about it every waking moment and act as if we are living in 1930s Germany or something?
Race relations are incredibly positive overall but there is an army of over-paid race pimps who must exaggerate the problem to stay in a job. Get made redundant as a race relations officer and what else are you going to do? A computer does not fix itself through someone shouting ‘hate speech!’ at it over and over.
Do you ever hear a single positive story about race relations? The really hateful thing is the suggestion that this country is awash with hateful bigots when of course nothing could be further from the truth. If it were so bad nobody would risk life and limb to come here in the first place.
28 years old, pro footie player on £60,000 a week, wishing the 5 years to his retirement would quickly pass.
I sobbed my heart out for the poor man.
No, not really – I played ‘Abide with Me’ on me banjo – seemed apt.
Most jobs involve getting some form of abuse; not literal most of the time but an almighty amount of immensely infuriating stuff. He plays at most 90 minutes a week when the ‘abuse’ occurs and gets 80k a week for it. If your job only makes you really angry for 90 minutes a week you are doing very well indeed.
Yes I heard that but the BBC played it out as he had said – It makes me want to leave football – well there’s nothing stopping him – and in 5/6 years he can retire on his nice pension – so it’s not that bad that he really will leave football now – just more vacuous words from empty heads
BB – “True to form…” Spot on. A gift for the bbc. Are they ever going to dine out on this!
(And there I was, thinking only the diver extraordinaire was a card player.)
If they could use the lone wolf ‘ ‘ mental issues ‘ excuse the state broadcaster would.
I remember the amount of IRA propaganda the BBC passed onto the British government to undermine police and soldiers trying to apply law and order to a Republican war .
Well, on the six o’clock news tonight the BBC gleefully agreeing that it was a ‘BOTCHED’ warning from the IRA that caused the deaths of the 21 people..
I thought it might have been the bomb..
Someone called Lisa Nandos – a socialist MP is bitching in the Londonistan Evening Standard that Wimmin MPs are being targeted for comment near parliament . This is clearly wrong . There should be no room for sexism with regard to the treatment of MP traitors .
I guess a lot of MPs go into their parliament by secret tunnels to avoid people who put them there .
Unless you are Melanie Onn – a remainer labour MP in another leave constituency .( source wiki) Bet she drives really fast and keeps the central locking on .
Dear beeb, there is no point in continuing with project fear, you know, crash out, cliff edge, catastrophe, army on the streets etc as we know brexit has been stolen by you and your ilk and it’ll have to wait for another day ( next election perhaps).
So can you please leave it out now. Your mission is complete.
Martin Whitfield, Labour, East Lothian, is on Channel bbc channel 232 telling us why revoking Art 50 is good for Democracy, “so that we can have a discussion”, followed by Sarah Wollaston, saying how good it is to keep changing your mind.
Well, there you go…
Whitfield says kids wanted to vote but were too young, so we must have another vote. Imagine. As kids grow up we need to keep asking them, in case the younger ones missed out!
Sounds like the Swiss system, where referenda are held on a regular basis.
I hope Labour Central doesn’t hear that.
Wollaston says people were misinformed. Seems like Dave’s nine million quid propaganda pamphlet didn’t do it for her. I guess she’s already forgotten about it.
Sarah says you don’t counter the ‘far right’ by appeasing them. She was shouted at. Wonder where she got her evidence, a medical person..?
Mogg making an ass of himself again in reports on Radio 4. Aside from the threat of vetoing various bit of EU legislation Mogg bemoaned the fact he wasn’t able to get his Eton chums from the rotten School into the EU council and that detestable oiks like Tommy Robinson, and Nigel Farage – both lumped together as ‘extremists’.
Mogg opined that the election of either one of them would be bad for British democracy.
What an idiot! What an arrogant s*** to suggest, yet again that we the British people should not be allowed to elect who we please in case we get it wrong and elect people who don’t wear the old school tie.
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” So yes I suppose TR is an “extremist” as telling the truth is not somthing the current Government, establishment and MSM seem to approve of.
I am afraid that JRM has shown that he is nothing more than a MSM acceptable opposition to the disgusting theft of our democracy by the pro globalist traitor class.
I like Mogg but I agree with Thoughtful – He may not like Mr Robinson but to paint anyone in UKIP or associated with Nigel F as far right extremists was the tone of his message. Nigel has done more tha anyone to push us to Brexit..but he was wise enough to say after the referendum – we have won the battle but not the war…
Personally I voted for UKIP in the past but would not now if they were up against the Brexit party (I hope these two decide to work together and not split the vote if we get MEP elections)
Mogg is occasionally entertaining but at heart he’s a self-serving elitist. And as for British democracy, his ex-Oxbridge colleagues are the ones who’ve holed it below the waterline, not TR or Farage.
Make no mistake and like it or not, Mogg and Boris for that matter are from the elite sector of society and at the end of the day they have oodles of wonga and advantageous connections to ease their passage through this life.
Evening All. New poster but have followed for a long time now. Sick to death of the Beeb its bias and the downward direction this Country is heading.
I have many angry views on Treason May and main stream politicians in general but I won’t demean this erstwhile site with them now, only to say that Mogg is part of the problem and not the answer.
Shocking proposition by an anonymous Civil Servant. “Could it be that the Prime Minister is going to ratify a ‘final’ Withdrawal Agreement…using executive powers and then claim that Parliament has no option but to pass the ratifying primary legislation?”
She enforced the current Article 50 extension, obtained using executive powers, by claiming that international law trumped domestic legislation setting Exit Day, and therefore the extension applied regardless of any provision to the contrary in UK law.
So could it be that the Prime Minister is going to ratify a ‘final’ Withdrawal Agreement (as opposed to the ‘draft’ issued in November) in Brussels on April 10th using executive powers, and then claim that Parliament has no option but to pass the ratifying primary legislation because the agreement with the EU is made under international law and international law is supreme over UK law?
This is no idle speculation. Members of Parliament who still respect our democratic system need to act – ACT DECISIVELY – and fast.
So where have the Judges and legal bods been all this time ?
(Other than the Gina Miller thing.)
So many laws and rules trumping other laws and rules ???
The DM informs us that, far from being curtailed as promised, spending on overseas ‘aid’ has increased like there’s no tomorrow.
“Foreign aid surges by £500m in just one year to a record £14.5bn…
Each UK household now pays an average of £535 a year for overseas aid.”
The beeb are quite nonchalant about it – they ignore the story completely. No surprise there: like all socialists, they approve of spending other people’s money, especially on wasteful projects to corrupt regimes – or wealthy countries like China.
Who actually made a promise to curtail the overseas aid budget I wonder…… Not a politician by any chance? I can’t believe they wouldn’t keep to their word. Right Honourable and all that.
Let’s just be grateful we live in a country where: nobody is hungry; nobody is waiting for medical treatment; no-one is homeless or living in sub-standard accommodation; no old pensioners are dying of hypothermia because they can’t afford heating; no kid attends an over-crowded school; nobody is at risk of street crime because of insufficient policing. I mean, all those problems must have been solved, right? No government would spend £14.5 billion a year of its citizen’s money on Foreign Aid if it had those sort of problems at home, would it? After all, that would be criminal, wouldn’t it?
Don’t underestimate the Scots. We don’t all support the SNP and Remain. Indeed, the majority of Scots not of Irish descent are not at all enamoured of La Sturgeon and her acolytes.
Yes I’d never underestimate Scots . I recall that the figures for the Referendum was 1.6 million remainers and a million brexiters . A fact buried by the MSM which portrays the SNP as the ‘voice of Scotland ‘ – with the awful Ian Blackford doing his Alex Salmond tribute Act …(minus the alleged girls )
6:30pm Look North opens
“Police have appealed for calm in Brexit debate and warned people not to let their comments drift into hate crime”
..Yes too right Twitter is full of masses of hatey comments from a proportion of REMAINERS.
..Yet the item opened with Hull Labour Remainer MP Diana Johnson saying she’s been called a traitor … and had a couple of death threats
( hang on thats false equivalence : of course death threats are wrong, but that is magnitudes differey from being called a traitor)
Next clip was Bercow saying “None of you MPs are traitors”
– Then a vox pop fishing for comments saying Brexit makes more hate crime
… Thankfully they did include a clip a Polish woman saying ‘ No, hate crime has nothing to do with Brexit’
‘drift into hate crime’. But no mention of, Thought Crime – yet.
I’m sure the Police would be far more pro active in our case than when dealing with our venerable ‘hate preachers’ of the lamb that belongs to the man followers.
Stew: “Twitter is full of masses of hatey comments from a proportion of REMAINERS.”
Too right, Stew, there was some obnoxious bloke on a Twitter Thread that, I think, someone here linked to or was linked to the Leave EU w/s and I clicked on for enlightenment.
Should not have done. All I got to read for first comment was 140 chars (or whatever it is now) of foul-mouthed abuse. That, in my experience, is what you tend to get from Remainers because they do not understand stuff about their precious EU.
He talks a little bit about the Muslim patrols that take place in Whitechapel, which I’ve seen myself. Stray away from Spitalfields and Brick Lane and you take your life in your own hands if you are a scantily clad lass, or openly gay.
The woman singing Alan’s Snack bar in the video sent a shiver down my spine – literally. These crazy hags are promoting female repression and in all honestly, part of me wants to see the Muslims win and to see these women subjugated to the dark ages.
I have started to make plans to leave the UK and Europe – it’s just too depressing here now. Sometimes I think I’ve turned into Alf Garnett.
It’s funny how nearly all of the protesters are white middle class – and they stand there with signs saying destroy white supremacy? Are these people stupid?
So the BBC tells us, about the moral minded Islamo-Labour party who claim to be in favour of protecting LGBT people, in the article “Labour urges action over new Brunei anti-LGBT laws”, where gay people are to be stoned to death :
Yet the sniveling Dhimmi BBC, fails again to call-out these shallow self serving lies by Labour. In fact Labour just adopted the following definition of “Islamaphobia”:
“Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet, what could be more of an “expressions of Muslimness” than an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded:
“If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
“Lot” of course being famous for the Sodomy/ Homosexuality. The command thus directing people who engage in homosexual behavior to be killed. So the Labour Party is now “Islamophobic” by their own definition.
But are the feeble minded traitors at the BBC capable of exposing this contradiction with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds stolen from the pockets of the working class who they despise so much?
Of course not… the BBC are a disgrace and a national embarrassment.
Lisa Nando’s MP and Rachel Reeve MP have written to the Comrade in Charge of the State broadcaster moaning about the Question Time which was moved from Bolton to Dulwich College at last minute .
Maybe it would be best if they save money and just keep repeating the same episode fixed with all remainers . Would anyone notice ?
C4 State News – the guru Murphy one sounded drugged up shouting at the very reasoned John Redwood and called him a liar by citing a comrez public opinion poll issue on 4 April .
So I spent 30 seconds getting the poll and it supports what JohnRedwood says and makes the guru Murphy out as a wholly biased liar – standard fare for the MSM .
After that one of the scatty TIG MPs had a nice chat be even when asked about what polling she was citing the stupid tart couldn’t remember – Heidi Allen MP being the name – there is footage of her promising to carry through brexit at her election – now she will stop it.
I watched that too. Guru Murphy was extremely unprofessional, to put it mildly. He did not really want an answer (he correctly got Com Res), he wanted a fight to display how tough he was against Redwood.
Heidi Allen got a relatively free ride. “Off the top of her head” she couldn’t think of anything, but she was sure she was right.
I had just been watching ‘Open all Hours’ on One. David Jason was handing out pills that put lead in your pencil to the silly gullibles to control/ dominate their partners. I think Guru Murphy was there and got one. I could even see him in that silly hat, one of the two fools wears as a prop. My, was he tough!
There followed an abusive interview with UKIP’s Hamilton in Newport, in which all the oh so predictable about you know who, was churned out.
BBC News channel tonight, about 7:10pm, Martine Croxall was interviewing UKIP leader Gerard Batten.
Martine thinks she is getting a lefty one over Gerard by accusing him of hiring Tommy Robinson “who says offensive things”. When pushed Martine couldn’t answer what exactly has Tommy said that is offensive. She just said “they are so offensive I cannot repeat them”. Gerard was ripping her a new one and her classic reply was “Tommy’s real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon!” as if this somehow proves she is right.
Gerard went on to accuse the BBC of being a Remain organisation. Her reply was “b..b…b..but…some….some people….errrr……some say….. the BBC is Leave, so we annoy everyone”. Gerard’s face was a picture when he didn’t have to say a word.
Hmm I looked on Twitter not many watchers maybe about 30
and 20 praised her , and 10 him
I guess most reasonable people don’t watch BBC News , it’s a channel for pseudo-libs
You can see that ms croxall isn’t the sharpest knife in the beeboid box – hence being a full time autocue reader – out of her comfort zone asking questions while the producer is screaming in her ear to move onto the weather with dumbed down pictures of rain/sun with tamas the shafaknacker
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:20 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed, There won’t be a nuclear war, and certainly not one that Russia starts. Why? Well, one reason (there are…
First! And loving it!
2nd again! Story of my life …. always the bridesmaid …….
Sorry Lobster – maybe we ll re run the thread to get the ‘ right’ outcome next time . It’s all the rage …
Hey Lobbie! How’s things? How’s the recovery? Are you back to par or are you only swinging claws and not golf clubs? 🙂
Thanks for asking Up2!
I think I’m as good now as I’m likely to be – still got a lack of sensation in my left side but I’m getting used to it. I can still give a nasty nip, though, when the need arises!
So your are a bit over par then.
Gender pay gap: Five things to bear in mind.
BBC story basically saying all the garbage they’ve been banging on about relentlessly is a non story.
Backlinks to previous thread
Friday’s posts started near to the top of page 5
..with 6 posts on page 6 as well.
Thanks as always Stew – a lot on the previous thread not to be missed ..
Have they considered all the genders. The last count is 57 (Heinz 57). Unless all genders are considered, I dont see how one can do a proper analysis.
It may well be that the White male heterosexual ( if it can be found) is the least well paid and victimized when normalised to the fact that all real innovative work was done by this gender.
Oliver Cromwell !
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
Cromwell ofcourse backed it up with pointy stuffs which might now be illegal to even think of. Pointy stuff also is bad for safe places.
You/we might even be guilty of a Thought Crime. Making fun of Thought Crime is itself a Thought Crime.
About right !!!
Next to watch:
Lidington plus Starmer ‘negotiations’.
Just saying.
DUP plus ERG (anyone?) must act now.
The Leave side is in need of a cunning, ruthless bastard with cojones of steel.
I always thought cometh the hour, cometh the man was a truism but it seems I’m wrong yet again.
Cometh the man? Sounds genderist to me.
Report to the nearest PC.
“Lidington plus Starmer ‘negotiations’.”
What on earth is Corbyn thinking about; by sending that blond headed woman with specs on and who seems to be Starmers second in command?
What on earth does this ex-council estate tenant know about siting down with and combatting brilliantly minded men who oppose her leader and party in the hope of retaining their strangle hold on the UKs Independence/banking/Laws/Military?
Lambs verses Wolves. Who would win the conversations?
Good grief!
Becky wrong daily – someone’s got to make the tea .
But like no molem did during the Good Friday sell out to terrorists
Oh, is that the young woman’s name.
Thanks Fed.
Excuse me! I was brought up on a council estate. One of the worst in fact. I reserve the right to be offended. I also respect your right to offend though. Now, where’s that number for the hatey hate police?… 😉
Me too – and my family has never been ‘well off ‘ …and as a kid starting up in work my first job was making tea for a lot of people …
I don’t despise politicians who use their ‘lowly ‘ background as some kind of sign of integrity …
“Excuse me! I was brought up on a council estate. One of the worst in fact.”
I meant no disrespect D. And I’ll tell you why.
I was born on a council estate (in Bolton) and on our council estate the name of our family was well known. Well known because me and my two other brothers and one sister, mam and dad was known in those early years as:
“The poorest family in the district”
I could describe why the schools and neighbours described our family in this way but any one else on here who has also lived in poverty will know exactly what I mean.
“Now, where’s that number for the hatey hate police?… ????”
Hee, hee.
Is this Withdrawal stuff sanctioned by the Vatican?
If Adolf Hitler had been able to do the deal that May wants to do, he would not have needed to go to the trouble to try bomb us into submission.
I think your not wrong.
Most people are not aware that every German government – when first elected – must have their audience with the Pope before everything else. And that goes for most EU nations leaders.
They’re probably terrified of being bumped off by the Jesuits if they don’t kiss his ring.
Though for some reason recently, the pope pulled his hand away each time a visitor tried to kiss it. Strange times in which we are living.
8:30pm Joe Lycett has a new consumer prankster show
\\ my guest is @KathyBurke and we try to help a NatWest customer and victim of ID spoofing using a choir,
*a phone call to Nigel Farage* //
..What’s Farage got towith consumer rights ? I suspect metrolib sneering
When are they going to remove that woman from office?
She is doing all this as if Britain is her private property.
Who did she ask before she went groveling to the EU for more time to surrender?
I’m sorry my emotions are running quite high at the moment, perhaps I’m going OTT but it looks to me like this woman has become a dictator! There must be a legal method to remover her.
Lucy – Who did she ask?
Why, she asked the woman who has been acting for many years as if Germany is HER private property. Long is the list of laws she broke to do this. And long will be the list of promises May breaks as a result of following her example. And a few laws here and there?
Apparently the Germans couldn’t find a legal method to remove Merkel either! Which proves that when the Executive carries out a ‘State Capture’, as the South Africans call it, it CAPTURES THE JUDICIARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AS WELL.
And -note well- both ‘captures’ were possible because the publicly-funded state broadcasters, as well as much print media, offered their full support all the way through! In Germany even much, much more so than in England. (The bigger THE GUILT to exploit, the easier the take over.)
In all of this the German Greens play a big role as well, and that is a story I am busy telling on this site elsewhere.
You may have hit the nail on the heat. The USA just managed to evade STATE capture by a Hillary. The unlikely Amazon killer was Donald The Trump.
The STATE though has not given up yet. The Donald has to slay a few more dragons.
Then there’s this guy
QUESTION: ‘Why don’t we just leave now?’ asks Mark Francois MP on bbc tv1 news.
Why not, indeed?
There is nothing to stop us, as there wasn’t on March 29, or back in ’17 or ’18, if we had been decisive and made preparations. All that time wasted. THE EU WON’T LET YOU GO OF ITS OWN ACCORD!! You stop paying big money, and you set A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT for an organisation sitting on a powder keg.
ANSWER: Because May, Hammond, Bercow, Grieve, Soubry, Letwin, etc know this only too well, and have deliberately made it complicated, elaborate, a theatre of self-imposed hurdles. They know perfectly well that -if they can enmesh us ever more deeply in the EU ‘leaving process’, the chances of actually leaving get ever slimmer. Why don’t they just admit, they DO NOT ACCEPT the result people’s vote of 2016 and intend remaining, even if it is as a vassal state?
Extension after extension, vote after meaningless vote in parliament. Now we could even be in the EU elections and wait another year. The beeb likes the idea.
By holding Britain captive to the whims of a Remainer woman and a few of her lackeys, the EU must know that this will only make the British electorate mad enough to burn the whole EU project.
Its not in the interest of the EU to have a bolshy member which has powerful allies all over the world.
We keep hearing that historians will be debating this in a hundred years. I don’t think so because it is becoming crystal clear that parliament never intended to abide by the referendum. May’s agreement with the EU is disingenuous in nature and designed to create the present situation which will force us to remain.
She’ll probably still be trying to push her sorry excuse for a deal through in a hundred years!
Does anyone know what the body count is in Brunei yet? According to the BBC, a television presenter called Ellen DeGeneres, who is spearheading the campaign along with coffee salesman George Clooney, shared the following tweet:
Tomorrow, the country of #Brunei will start stoning gay people to death. We need to do something now. Please boycott these hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei. Raise your voices now. Spread the word. Rise up.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 2, 2019
As three days have now passed, there must have been several deaths at this point.
Whilst the punishment of death for confessed or groupwatch-confirmed homosexual acts is deplorable and barbaric, the reality is that not one person has been or ever will be executed for this in Brunei. The sultan is simply playing to the crowds of a certain section of the Islamic world. He says one thing, but has no intention of carrying it through.
A bit like the Houses of Parliament and Brexit, then.
I dont see why actors and such have any business interfering in the deeply held religious beliefs of others.
What next – beheadings in SA and Iran for “unsafe” sex.
Given that they make a living by pretending to be other people and speaking words written for them by others, there’s a strong case to say that their opinions are worth less than those of the general public.
…..there’s a strong case to say that their opinions are worth less than those of the general public. ”
Can someone tell that to Harry & Meghan then ? They are rapidly becoming the pariahs of the state.
This guy and all “Hollywood Clowns” are just actors; and we know that these kind of people try to never reveal their true selves as they don’t know in the first place if they are in “the real world” or simply “acting the part”.
In the medical world (real world) these kind of symptoms could be recognised as delusional.
It was said of Peter Sellers that he could play any role in the world except that of Peter Sellers, as he had no idea who “he” was.
Even in supposedly straight interviews, he was always slipping into different character voices.
I think these actors take up political positions to try to counteract the silliness of their pretend lives, and in order to preen before an audience, of course.
Nice one Rachel …. nicely put to yet another know it all Remoaner. Staggering how every single Remoaner can predict the effect of Brexit on the economy with such utter certainty !!!
Just like Mr Osbourne was bang on with his “instant recession” if we dared just to vote leave, not actually leave, just vote to leave. Not to mention his 30% house price drop (increased) and stock market collapse (up to record levels since vote).
But these people present themselves as fonts of all knowledge and they MUST be listened too, and if not, they we are thick.
I have just read these words in the Independent.
“The chancellor of Germany has pledged to prevent no deal “to the very last hour”
So too does her Maybot puppet judging by her behaviour.
We are in effect being annexed by a foreign power.
It looks like war to me.
Lucy: Yes and no to being annexed by a foreign power.
Earlier on I responded to your question as to whose permission May had asked, and I explained to you what happens when the Executive (usually guided by ONE strong but devious person) takes over the judiciary and law enforcement, with the connivance of the media.
GERMANY IS NOTHE ENEMY. Green Socialism, in various ostensibly conservative disguises, IS THE REAL ENEMY.
Merkel is not Germany. She just thinks she is.
And Green Socialism I shall be explaining. for the moment, think equality and no borders!
If you don’t understand that, you won’t understand much else that’s going on either…
PS There are frequently people at the top who don’t mind the odd war, cos they don’t get killed. I’m still trying to find the time to explain how Green Socialism went to war with gusto in 1999, very nearly causing WW3.
Few people realize how close we came to all being ‘goners’ at that point.
Had Yeltsin decided to fully back Milosevic then, it would have happened. But that is another story. Just to repeat: Germany is no more the enemy now, than Yugoslavia was the enemy then!
I’m listening. I’ve never believed Yugoslavia was the enemy.
Perhaps this isn’t the place for such discussion because this is meant to be about the BBC? Can you direct me to another site or article?
I fear I’m ranting because I’m frustrated. We should have been enjoying spring now not witnessing our country being stolen from us. 🙁
Lucy- sorry if I’ve confused you.
I posted on here yesterday how NATO bombed the former Yugoslavia for two solid weeks in 1999,long before 9/11 or Iraq, then threatened a ground offensive which would ‘flatten’ Belgrade.
The unstated objective was to create the state of Kosovo (previously Yugoslavia). It was home to largely Muslim ethnic Albanians and Eastern Orthodox Serbs. This caused a lot of tension. In 1998 an Albanian-led secession started the conflict.
NATO responded by bombing the Serbs, illegally- ‘for humanitarian purposes’, and Germany went to war for the first time since WW2. This was possible because the German Green Party Foreign Minister at the time, Joshka Fisher, declared Milosevic to be a new Hitler and that NATO had to fight ‘Fascism’.
The whole Antifascist thing started up here.
Obviously the BBC was not directly involved. But the Fishers of this world have the support of state media.
I didn’t see your post yesterday but I’m aware of the West’s betrayal of the Serbians. I remember it happening. It was a time I was just becoming aware of media bias (CNN).
There is an organisation called the Belgrade Forum. They commemorate. They have just awarded Lucy -Austrian journalist, Peter Handke a medal (or something, I’ll check) for his services in telling the truth about this war, that couldn’t be told (and wouldn’t be told) by the MSM.
I shall do a little research on what the BBc was up to, at the time.
There is a small irony here: the criminal clans that dominate organised crime in Germany are said to come primarily from Albanian Kosovo. I cannot verify this, but it is information that has been published in various papers.
I see on their Facebook page they have sent an open letter of invitation to to Merkel to attend a commemoration. Also of Serbian children who were victims of the war. Wonder if she will accept?
Sorry, Lucy, I put your name at the start and it somehow ended up in the text! Then I ran out of editing time!
fnw, there were rumours that in the time of Pantsdown doing his heroics with the UN, that that same organisation turned a blind eye to trafficking, sex slavery, drug & counterfeit cigarette running in order to not end up on top of one of Slobbo’s explosives.
snuff – never discount a rumour if it is in any way connected to the UN…
as for Slobbo, I bet he chucked a few of those around – mildly put, no one came out of that mess with clean hands.
But, did he jump, or was he pushed?
Check out the Saudi involvement in this war, because they were agitating the Muslims there for quite some time. If Fisher was supporting there’s a pretty good chance some nice amounts were passed his way.
Same situation was going to happen in USA. They even tried to mount a coup against a duly elected president by capturing the departments of Justice, FBI, CIA and NSA, when their plot to capture an election failed. FISA warrants and all.
DJT has to bring these people to justice.
Worth taking a look.
NCBBC – Thanks for that. Not familiar with Dobbs/Fitton up till now, but have been following with interest, the efforts to overthrow/impeach the President from the very day of his inauguration! (Usually with Bill Still and Hannity of Fox News.)
Elsewhere on this site I’ve been saying a little about Green Socialism, and we see that in the US in Ocasio-Cortez. I was talking about the Green Party in Germany. Like OC, the German Greens like to trash their own country and openly call it garbage.
We need to understand that Socialism is now big in the West, and WHERE ITS NOT EXPLICIT like with OC, it’s hidden under a conservative guise! This is vital. Merkel has hijacked the German state by outflanking the Greens on the environment and the Socialists and Greens on ‘Migration’. On paper, she’s a Christian Democrat. Here is the real danger.
What makes it so dangerous is the support given by the broadcast media. The German ZDF, for instance, push Merkel unreservedly, as do all the chat show hosts. Which brings us to you know who…
My other point is that ‘Green’ need not only refer to a political party. There are other green issues.
And hey presto, we find ourselves in Yugoslavia in 1999, and NATO are coming in to bomb the Serbs.
Unfortunately it’s complicated. Yet very simple, if you research, listen, learn.
Why the constant attacks on the ‘Far Right’ by people who wouldn’t even be able to explain where the terms ‘right’ and ‘left’ in politics come from. Listen and learn.
Thanks. I’ve joined as ‘Dover. They wouldn’t allow the ‘Sentry’ bit.
Sounds a bit Sentryist to me…
Dover- I was hoping you were keeping a watch on Dover Beach…?
it’s really pushing the project Fear number errr 99? Finds people who are willing to say what they want and lets them drone on – no real questioning…drops anyone who doesn’t…not sure how they can fill the air space when all they do is ask BBC people who don’t seem to know any more (and often less) than we do.. just suggestion, opinions, guesses…. shite…
Couldn’t agree more. I just tuned in to give them “another chance”. One really does wonder where they find all these doom and gloom interviewees?
Do they call companies / stop people on the street and ask “Remain or Leave?” Those who answer Leave are wished a nice day / allowed to go on their way and the interview is then done with the Remainer?
A couple of weeks ago I happened to hear a live phone-in (not sure which station but one of the Beebs) and I would say about 90% of the callers were pro-Brexit and basically telling the “journalist” to stop making up and reporting all the fear rubbish.
Companies were reporting positive experiences and talking about the preparations they were making. Because it was live they couldn’t simply shut these people up – just made the call as short as possible because “there are lots of other people waiting on the line”.
It was very refreshing and encouraging!! (… It was of course before the shenanigans of the last 2 weeks :o(((
I’ve now switched TWATO off and having scanned their Highlights for this afternoon, I doubt if I will bother tuning in again, though I might risk “Gardener’s Question Time” – I don’t THINK they can get their otherwise obligatory topics in there?! ;o)
Of course Frustrated, Garders Question Time is just the thing for so many SJW issues, there is climate change, organic week killers, the joys of FYM (farm yard manure for the uninitiated but I prefer clean manufactured fertiliser on my potatoes, there is even the pleasure of buying other insects to graze on those pesky pests, there is genetic breeding and fracking, the list goes on. Far better to go to an allotment and ask someone tending their plants.
Oh well, I suppose we’ll now have to hope for another armageddon-style economic implosion to occur to deal the EU a death blow. For now, they can relax knowing that our billions will continue keeping them in the style they’re accustomed to.
The thing is, once the whole pantomime of pretend leaving is finally over – why on earth would we still need 650 MPs. They all seem rather pointless now.
We might as well have a French or German governor-general appointed by the Commission to oversee things.
I think we all get it now, vote Tory or Labour – get Vichy.
“why on earth would we still need 650 MPs”
I wonder if this point is lost on Corbyn as he appears to want to farm out trade policy and ‘worker protection’ to the EU? More fool May for her choice of best friend.
If we had the same number MPs pro rata to the US house of representatives, then we would have just 90, however they would be paid three times the pittance they currently receive.
Why three times?
Thoughtful – you must be very well paid if you think £80k basic isn’t enough
I think you’ll find they are overpaid and many hopefully off to quangos and ‘ public sector advisor ‘ roles at £200k I’m shocked you show any sympathy for them . Even the brexiters got out manoeuvred – if they really cared .
Ps – there’s never a shortage of people who want to be MPs so they must be above market rate .
And there is always the corruption they feel entitled to ..
Not forgetting that the felon MP who rushed from a Court appearance to vote wearing an anklet is still collecting her bloody salary !!!
Yesterday’s bBBC Question Time was supposed to have been held in Bolton. At the last minute it was switched to London.
On today’s 1.30 NorthWest News they gave the bBBC excuse “We couldn’t get away from London”.
So that means all QT will be from Remain locations ?
The BBC thinks it can keep a lid on what ordinary decent non snowflakes believe about being shafted .
The PM seems to think perpetual can kicking will work – but all she is doing is stoking up the hate which sooner or later will be felt by the bubble .
I agree.
There’s a old saying and I find it very appropriate for PM Traitor:
“If you know its wrong you can never be happy”.
And this includes “for the remaining days of your life” which Almighty God chooses to give us. i,e. way past the time when one retires from the house of Lords till one rests on ones death bed.
Something about ones conscience.
Kicking a can of worms is in general a bad policy. When the can breaks, one never know what worms will break out.
Did anyone else notice that F Bruce asked the Russian woman where she was from, as she had an accent. Coincidentally, she was also pro No-deal, and said she didn’t want to be in a union – she knew what that was like (Soviet). Strangely, the first question was asked by a guy with an accent – no comment from Fiona. Commenters from an Asian background, and Jamaican background (very awkward silence while folks waited a long time for him to express his thoughts, badly) both with thick accents weren’t asked where they were from.
Also made me wonder if they pre-choose who is going to comment, or am I just super naive and it’s always been that way? Would explain why there is such a ridiculous number who say the same thing…’We were lied to, people didn’t know what they were voting for, we should have a People’s Vote’….commence piped cheering…
The BBC were rather proud of snagging a Russkie spy and spread it across social media.
Did not go well. Especially, as noted, she was singled out.
So, audience application tip: Spik viz very guttural accent, da?
When it comes to Russians, BBC are SO XENOPHOBIC!
They are simply following orders from the Foreign Office.
Ian-Either that or Russia is too ‘far right’ for them?
Newport, Gwent by-election. All the results:
Turnout: 37.1%; Votes: 23,615.
Same location, Election results for 2017:
Turnout: 67.6%; Votes: 64,399.
The dim voter does not understand that simply not turning out to vote means nothing will change but just the numbers of votes per candidate drops. All the rest? Virtually the same. Same parties just less votes to go round but the proportions remain pro rata, the same.
If this is reflected in any likely General election, only the turnout will change. All else will remain the same. No groundswell of anger prompting change. Simply ‘musical chairs’ with the volume turned down.
I’m with you, G.
Nevertheless interesting to see (If my arithmetic doesn’t let me down) that the Tories and UKIP together would have kicked Labour out…
…in what should be a safe-as-houses Labour seat.
Doubt beeb will be highlighting that for ‘the dim’…
Voter turnout: the politicians won’t mind, as long as they get elected.
The public and their apathy have let this country down
..It’s not all the fault of the liberal-establishment.
I disagree
When they got the chance people voted
The problem is that the laws being imposed are making it difficult to express views yet alone anger
The public did their bit but the bubble refused to do what was required . Look what happened to someone who had a go a Soubry – and he didn’t even hit her .
“When they got the chance people voted”
No they didn’t
Turnout was 37%
Stew – was referring to the Referundum – not some backwater welsh labour seat where there is no change and no new thought .
Whatever guys and gals, the ‘system’ has us all ‘boxed in’ tightly. That’s a fact whichever way you look at it.
Quite agree, G. If ever there was a perfect example of how not voting achieves nothing, that was it. Does Jeremy Corbyn care that only 37% voted? No, of course he doesn’t, the winner never does.
If people want Brexit they’re going to have to fight for it. And that means voting for the person to achieve it even if, as was no doubt the case with Neil Hamilton, you have reservations about other aspects of the candidate. If voters had held their noses and voted for him, the effect could have been seismic. The main parties would have seen clearly what will happen and realised they could not avoid delivering Brexit. Instead, they probably take heart that the anger on social media and phone-ins is bluster. I have grave fears they’re right.
This is something the Brexit parties need to get across, but they’d be wasting their time unless they first call a truce and stop splitting the vote.
I’m voting UKIP or nearest for the next few “meaningful” elections.
This has the advantage that I do not need to pay any attention to the various manifestos and promises of the 3 major con parties.
G, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: if you don’t vote ‘they’ win.
It is possible vote an MP out of a safe seat. I have done it.
I have just been listening to a recording of “Round the Horne”. It would have been aired circa 1970 on the BBC. It was broadcast at 1.00pm on Saturdays and I never missed an episode. It was an era when the BBC could make our bellys wobble with laughter. Most of it wouldn’t be allowed on the airways today as it would be considered too offensive too certain types. One part of the program which I can still remember is when Kenneth Horne was voted “Woman of the Year”. He said that he was not eligible for this title as he was “Woman of the Year” the previous year. Kenneth Horne beat Bruce Jenner to the title by 50 years. Another first for Britain!
Loved that programme – always on at Saturday lunchtime.
Skronker-At the end of the programme they would tell us who
would be on the following week. For example ” Hans Hass and
Lotte Hasn’t) ( Underwater explorers ) THE MOSCOW YOUNG CONSERVATIVES!! We could soon be having Moscow’s old Marxist
Jeremy Corbyn. By the way do you think that the two murdering IRA
murdering bastards responsible for the death of the 21 souls in
the Birmingham Pub blast, who are still alive , are interested in
the BACK STOP arrangements? Mind you their sorts have the likes
of the BBC behind them.
can you see the beebs slight omission
Minimum 18 years – what a waste of taxpayers money . So much to be said for the death penalty .
It’s depressing. The UK is lost.
The story so far …..
June 2016: The nation voted to leave the EU.
A minority of Remainers, some prominent in ‘public life’, together with some media companies immediately refused to accept the democratic result of the Referendum and started stirring up the public, holding demonstrations, marches, etc..
A PM dithered.
A PM resigned.
The leadership election had to take place. Theresa May ‘won’ in slightly dubious consequences. On the subject of UK departing the EU ….
… she dithered.
The EU became impatient.
The PM acted.
Late in 2016, a legal challenge ensued that Parliament should have a say. The challenge was upheld on appeal by the Supreme Court who did not dither.
A Bill was brought before Parliament to approve the filing of Article 50. Parliament agreed. Outside the House, some MPs former MPs, now Peers, & PMs did not dither, they continued to try to disrupt and damage Brexit.
The PM started negotiations and was told how they would go by the EU.
Instead of walking away, the PM dithered.
The PM had previously said she would not call an early General Election. She did not dither and called an early General Election. The Labour Party got what they wanted, they ‘won’ the Election except they did not win enough seats to form a Government. The Labour Leader did not resign but dithered.
Grenfell Tower caught fire.
The PM dithered.
The Labour Leader stopped dithering and, with help, milked the tragedy for all he was worth.
Back at Brussels the PM continued negotiating herself after some of her team, who were not ditherers, felt they were getting nowhere or were being undermined. They resigned.
With various deadlines approaching, the PM brought forward the agreement she did grovellingly manage to extract from the EU Negotiator and put it before her full Cabinet. They observed that it broke some of the PM’s own Red Lines; it was a Bad Deal. Some couldn’t handle that and resigned on the spot without any dithering.
The PM in response dithered.
The PM decided a vote on her Withdrawal Agreement would take place in Parliament, thus fulfilling the Supreme Court judgement in re Miller in full, in mid-December 2018.
In the meantime, the Labour Leader dithered over whether to try to help lead the UK out of the EU or to create even more Red Line breaches.
The PM was informed she would lose having informed the decisive Democratic Unionist Party of the WA contents. Brexiteers, including the public, who had read the WA or a synopsis were also decided: it is a Bad Deal and breached some of the red lines.
The PM dithered.
The PM stopped dithering and pulled the vote. It was re-scheduled for 15 January 2019, weeks before the A.50 Notice expired.
Don’t know what the PM did for Christmas & New Year but I expect some decisiveness in the kitchen was matched by some dithering over political matters.
In January 2019 Parliament rejected the WA.
The PM dithered.
Then the PM was decisive. She claimed an amendment and brought the WA back to the House. They rejected it again less decisively than before because some MPs dithered.
The PM dithered. Some of the dithering appeared to some Brexiteers (ie. including me) as delaying tactics running down the clock so that Brexit could not be sabotaged. 🙂
The PM became decisive – in a way, or you could say she merely dithered some more – and went to Brussels to beg for more time. She was granted a little more time to get the WA through the House or longer still if it was defeated. The EU have now joined in the dithering. How delightful!
The WA fell for the third time of asking.
The PM dithered. The PM (rightly) slagged off Parliament but for the wrong reason: she claimed they were merely defying the will of the people. Much of Parliament was out to sabotage Brexit altogether. The PM was also obviously oblivious to the fact that the people do not like her WA either.
The PM dithered
Parliament did not dither. Parliament rebelled. Stuffed full of Remainer MPs they hi-jacked the Brexit process and ran their own votes. They indecisively dithered.
Parliament had another series of votes and guess what? They decided to dither some more.
In the meantime, while the Labour leader has been dithering – hard to believe this, almost as much as the PM – he is invited to talks on the Brexit negotiations. His Party – now the Party of Remain – take charge of him and potentially sabotage Brexit altogether while ensuring the people of the UK pay £39billion bill for their decisiveness, thus ensuring more austerity in future for their already poor constituents who are fed up with both the EU and dithering.
Note: This probably breaks some sort of a record: a Far Left/Hard Socialist ‘government in waiting’ (note the small ‘g’) actually costing the taxpayer billions while not actually being in power. Venezuela & Maduro – eat your heart out!
The Labour Party, especially its arch-Remainers: Adonis, Benn, Cooper and Starmer, have been complaining about the uncertainty for business by the Conservatives’ handling of Brexit. They have thus created more uncertainty for business plus the likelihood of a VAT increase that will suck spending power out of the UK economy. Stellar! More dithering this time at the behest of Remainers!
The PM, meanwhile has decided rather than No Deal departure on 12th April to dither some more and ask Brussels for a further delay. At the time of writing, the EU appears to be determined to join in the dithering again.
Oh joy!
Have I missed anything out?
Have I set a record for the longest ever post on Biased BBC?
Ughh. Just realised I missed out the Vote of No Confidence in the PM.
The result of that was decisive for a change. She won but carried on dithering anyway.
Snuff – I dont think Theresas “dithering” was incompetence, I think she was just waiting for the Fat Frau to write her out a full set of instructions for each situation.
Oak, didn’t say it was. Did you note, the PM is not the only one dithering?
I think I read Merkel, like the PM, wrong. One of the only ways I could rationalise Merkel’s breaking of an EU fundamental (national leaders do not take major EU-affecting decisions alone) was that Mutti was out to break the EU.
Today’s statements by Mutti & Varadkhar both seem to indicate the EU is deliberately mis-using the border between NI & IFS and the Good Friday Agreement to prevent Brexit. Unless, of course, Mutti was lying through her teeth but then the Irish PM was doing the same.
Highly unlikely both would. The unity was telling.
Mutti is now demob happy. She is handing over to Macron who will take things on further. So, in that respect, maybe the meeting between Mutti & May (the M&Ms!) was to sort out the overall game plan to frustrate Brexit.
Not BBC related.
I am searching for Brexit Direct Action.
Without success.
The BNP turns up regularly near the top of the search, with what may be useful information.
Brexit: Urgent Action Now! – British National Party
So I follow the link.
Or rather I don’t.
Windows IE – This page can’t be displayed.
Windows IE – This page can’t be displayed (Second Computer).
Windows Opera – This page can’t be displayed.
Fire Android – This site can’t be reached.
Android DuckDuckGo – Web page not available.
Android Samsung – This site can’t be reached.
works for me windows chrome
And clear your cookies -cache
#1 that links works for me ..your block was at your provider level, nothing to do with browser or O/S
#2 Search for Brexit protests on Facebook and you’ll find that there is a group for the National April 6th protests
eg the Drive slow protest in Grimsby
I’ve signed up.
How soon before it’s declared a banned organization ?
Here’s another Petition to HMG worth signing:
Be good if it could zoom to over 100K over this weekend.
After a general election a government is formed immediately , whether it’s the existing party in power or a new one . There’s no wait for years or even months ; the people’s choice is enacted . So it should be for a referendum too .
Get out , then have another one in a few years time .
Yes, a fact for the Remainers:- There is no reason not to have a referendum every 6 years say. So why don’t they just just give LEAVE a try, it was after all what the majority voted for AND they know the EU would have us back at the drop of a few £ billions.
I and a few million others think it a most reasonable suggestion at this time.
That’s my point too – and if there’s a vote to rejoin its euro time unified taxes , children sent to the Reich for forced labour / hostages -usual thing
There are two types of referendum. The first type is consultative, designed to gauge the opinion of the public. The second type is binding, in which legislation has to follow. The EU referendum was merely advisory and did not impose any legal requirement on the government to act; specifically, it did not commit the government to invoke Article 50. This required Parliament – which is supreme in such matters – to first pass the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 in February 2017 before Article 50 could actually be invoked.
Switzerland and California use referenda regularly and they are invariably binding ones, resulting in legislation (e.g. banning new mosques in the former, allowing cannabis sales in the latter). However, the implementation is usually done through an amendment to the constitution, thereby ensuring the representatives/parliamentarians cannot block it.
Britain does not have a written constitution. It is still possible to have a binding referendum – the United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum in 2011 was such and tied into legislation. However, the Brexit referendum was simply consultative and, as we have seen, probably not worth the paper it was written on.
All true Ian
but then both parties (or HoP) passed a binding resolution (A50) under the European treaty saying we were leaving, as I remember ….but I stand to be corrected…
In addition, the Government of the Day (note) committed itself on paper (note) AND verbally (note) to enact the advisory will of the whole UK. If my very distant in time Law Classes are remembered correctly, that is something on which suit may be brought to enforce or seek damages in reparation.
That is neither here nor there: it’s out of date thanks to subsequent events.
As pointed out, once A.50 was filed, the clock to departure starts running. However, the blank spaces around the A.50 provision in the Lisbon Treaty were helpfully filled in by the European Court of Justice just before, IIRC, the first WA vote. Now, there’s a thing!
Another overseas body, just like the claimed ‘Russian’ and actual American (Obama) influencing of the EU Referendum & UK Parliamentary processes, and the BBC says almost nothing. Certainly nothing by way of complaint, unlike the so-called ‘Russian meddling’.
Ian – Are you telling us Cameron (of £9 million fame) was lying, when he said the referendum result would definitely be implemented immediately?
The key question is whether or not it, combined with the repeated assertions of both HMG and the Opposition quoad the implementation of the result of the Referendum, gave the public a legitimate expectation that the outcome of the Referendum would be honoured. And in my submission, it did just that. The absence of a written constitution can bite both ways…
VH, but there was at least an implied contract, both written and verbal, that HMG would act upon the decision of the people.
That is all past. HMG did act on the will of the people by filing A.50.
I forgot to add in my 8.51pm post above that the ECJ ruling is that A.50 can unilaterally be cancelled. Shame that doesn’t apply to ‘the Backstop’. One EU rule for some, but ….
Fact that it can be rescinded just like that rather makes a mockery of the law. I wouldn’t mind testing that one out, too, in the Lawyers for Britain chambers: is Parliament entitled to multiple votes under SC re Miller & others 2017 and is a unilateral rescinding of A.50, even if agreed by the EU, an act of Contempt of Court?
If it was, that would mean the arrest and incarceration of rather a lot of MPs.
Should concentrate some minds, that one.
A little respite from Brexit
The most useless government in history has decided to compensate with some massive virtue signalling
Amal Clooney appointed Foreign Office special envoy
“Through my legal work defending journalists I have seen first-hand the ways in which reporters are being targeted and imprisoned in an effort to silence them and prevent a free media,”
I assume then she will defend TR against against her new bosses!
Oh fer gawd’s sake! The cult (I think that’s the right spelling, not sure if it’s got an ‘n’ or not) of celebrity grows apace.
True to form a single isolated racist incident (in another country) sparks weeks of coverage from the BBC. Now Danny Rose has chipped in about how terrible it all is and his word is taken as gospel.
Always narrative over facts. A player may have said something but people say lots of things. They don’t do rigorous research and see if his claims have weight; just turn the emotion up to eleven and do some vox pops with people who will support your narrative. No intellectual rigour and so lazy. How hard is it to just chat to people about their hurt feelings rather than do some proper journalism and research?
Surely the vast majority of black players see football as the ultimate blessing, beyond their wildest dreams? Paid an absolute fortune to work two hours a day and be a hero. If racism is such a problem why are black players so massively over-represented in teams? Not enough black newsreaders etc is a crime against humanity but when the boot is on the other foot (pun intended) the SJWs STILL play the race card in favour of the over-represented minorities! Incredible.
If Danny Rose wants to quit a dream job because his feelings are hurt by a few moronic supporters then he is an idiot. Why should we take his word as gospel truth just because it supports the BBC’s agenda? Racism is bad – WE GET IT! We all got over that decades ago. Do they have to bang on about it every waking moment and act as if we are living in 1930s Germany or something?
Race relations are incredibly positive overall but there is an army of over-paid race pimps who must exaggerate the problem to stay in a job. Get made redundant as a race relations officer and what else are you going to do? A computer does not fix itself through someone shouting ‘hate speech!’ at it over and over.
Do you ever hear a single positive story about race relations? The really hateful thing is the suggestion that this country is awash with hateful bigots when of course nothing could be further from the truth. If it were so bad nobody would risk life and limb to come here in the first place.
28 years old, pro footie player on £60,000 a week, wishing the 5 years to his retirement would quickly pass.
I sobbed my heart out for the poor man.
No, not really – I played ‘Abide with Me’ on me banjo – seemed apt.
I think he knows he’s heading for real English football in the Championship …and trying to get a job with the state broadcaster
Most jobs involve getting some form of abuse; not literal most of the time but an almighty amount of immensely infuriating stuff. He plays at most 90 minutes a week when the ‘abuse’ occurs and gets 80k a week for it. If your job only makes you really angry for 90 minutes a week you are doing very well indeed.
Yes I heard that but the BBC played it out as he had said – It makes me want to leave football – well there’s nothing stopping him – and in 5/6 years he can retire on his nice pension – so it’s not that bad that he really will leave football now – just more vacuous words from empty heads
BB – “True to form…” Spot on. A gift for the bbc. Are they ever going to dine out on this!
(And there I was, thinking only the diver extraordinaire was a card player.)
BBC headlines about IRA bombing in Birmingham in the 70’s fails to mention the word “terrorist” or “terrorism”……meanwhile in the southern equator.
If they could use the lone wolf ‘ ‘ mental issues ‘ excuse the state broadcaster would.
I remember the amount of IRA propaganda the BBC passed onto the British government to undermine police and soldiers trying to apply law and order to a Republican war .
Well, on the six o’clock news tonight the BBC gleefully agreeing that it was a ‘BOTCHED’ warning from the IRA that caused the deaths of the 21 people..
I thought it might have been the bomb..
A botched warning, eh? Oh, well, no harm done and presumably the IRA issued a statement saying lessons have been learned.
Someone called Lisa Nandos – a socialist MP is bitching in the Londonistan Evening Standard that Wimmin MPs are being targeted for comment near parliament . This is clearly wrong . There should be no room for sexism with regard to the treatment of MP traitors .
I guess a lot of MPs go into their parliament by secret tunnels to avoid people who put them there .
Standby for a state broadcaster documentary …
Unless you are Melanie Onn – a remainer labour MP in another leave constituency .( source wiki) Bet she drives really fast and keeps the central locking on .
Lammy’s extortionate expenses ?
No wonder the roads round here are so crap.
Dear beeb, there is no point in continuing with project fear, you know, crash out, cliff edge, catastrophe, army on the streets etc as we know brexit has been stolen by you and your ilk and it’ll have to wait for another day ( next election perhaps).
So can you please leave it out now. Your mission is complete.
Panda, I reckon they’ll be busy devoting their time to rubbishing Farage and UKIP yet again in a re-run of 2016.
Groundhog Day once more.
Answers to that final question to be left at the door to the studio…
Martin Whitfield, Labour, East Lothian, is on Channel bbc channel 232 telling us why revoking Art 50 is good for Democracy, “so that we can have a discussion”, followed by Sarah Wollaston, saying how good it is to keep changing your mind.
Well, there you go…
Whitfield says kids wanted to vote but were too young, so we must have another vote. Imagine. As kids grow up we need to keep asking them, in case the younger ones missed out!
Sounds like the Swiss system, where referenda are held on a regular basis.
I hope Labour Central doesn’t hear that.
Wollaston says people were misinformed. Seems like Dave’s nine million quid propaganda pamphlet didn’t do it for her. I guess she’s already forgotten about it.
Sarah says you don’t counter the ‘far right’ by appeasing them. She was shouted at. Wonder where she got her evidence, a medical person..?
I believe that the figure for a reactivation after revoking article 50 is 10 years before it can be triggered again, that’s an awful long discussion.
But surely 4 year olds deserve a vote because they’ll live 10 years longer than 14 year olds. Right ?
Got to hand to James Cleverly – a Leave Tory MP who has taken a job as a brexit minister . ( “wot another one ?”)
Must be like the need for ‘fresh blood ‘ as the new captain of the Titanic after it hurt the innocent iceberg .
Mogg making an ass of himself again in reports on Radio 4. Aside from the threat of vetoing various bit of EU legislation Mogg bemoaned the fact he wasn’t able to get his Eton chums from the rotten School into the EU council and that detestable oiks like Tommy Robinson, and Nigel Farage – both lumped together as ‘extremists’.
Mogg opined that the election of either one of them would be bad for British democracy.
What an idiot! What an arrogant s*** to suggest, yet again that we the British people should not be allowed to elect who we please in case we get it wrong and elect people who don’t wear the old school tie.
Think you are misunderstanding or misrepresenting both JRM and his comments.
Difficult to misunderstand when someone is calling another an extremist – unless the BBC are not accurately reporting his words
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” So yes I suppose TR is an “extremist” as telling the truth is not somthing the current Government, establishment and MSM seem to approve of.
I am afraid that JRM has shown that he is nothing more than a MSM acceptable opposition to the disgusting theft of our democracy by the pro globalist traitor class.
I like Mogg but I agree with Thoughtful – He may not like Mr Robinson but to paint anyone in UKIP or associated with Nigel F as far right extremists was the tone of his message. Nigel has done more tha anyone to push us to Brexit..but he was wise enough to say after the referendum – we have won the battle but not the war…
Personally I voted for UKIP in the past but would not now if they were up against the Brexit party (I hope these two decide to work together and not split the vote if we get MEP elections)
Mogg is occasionally entertaining but at heart he’s a self-serving elitist. And as for British democracy, his ex-Oxbridge colleagues are the ones who’ve holed it below the waterline, not TR or Farage.
Make no mistake and like it or not, Mogg and Boris for that matter are from the elite sector of society and at the end of the day they have oodles of wonga and advantageous connections to ease their passage through this life.
I’d choose Tommy Robinson and Gerard Batten and Ann Marie Waters over messrs Mogg and Johnson every time.
Evening All. New poster but have followed for a long time now. Sick to death of the Beeb its bias and the downward direction this Country is heading.
I have many angry views on Treason May and main stream politicians in general but I won’t demean this erstwhile site with them now, only to say that Mogg is part of the problem and not the answer.
I think I have to agree with your opinion of Mogg – he is very much a hobby politician.
Welcome aboard – The West – great time to choose!
Thank you and thanks for the role you play on this site.
She enforced the current Article 50 extension, obtained using executive powers, by claiming that international law trumped domestic legislation setting Exit Day, and therefore the extension applied regardless of any provision to the contrary in UK law.
So could it be that the Prime Minister is going to ratify a ‘final’ Withdrawal Agreement (as opposed to the ‘draft’ issued in November) in Brussels on April 10th using executive powers, and then claim that Parliament has no option but to pass the ratifying primary legislation because the agreement with the EU is made under international law and international law is supreme over UK law?
This is no idle speculation. Members of Parliament who still respect our democratic system need to act – ACT DECISIVELY – and fast.
So where have the Judges and legal bods been all this time ?
(Other than the Gina Miller thing.)
So many laws and rules trumping other laws and rules ???
The DM informs us that, far from being curtailed as promised, spending on overseas ‘aid’ has increased like there’s no tomorrow.
“Foreign aid surges by £500m in just one year to a record £14.5bn…
Each UK household now pays an average of £535 a year for overseas aid.”
The beeb are quite nonchalant about it – they ignore the story completely. No surprise there: like all socialists, they approve of spending other people’s money, especially on wasteful projects to corrupt regimes – or wealthy countries like China.
Who actually made a promise to curtail the overseas aid budget I wonder…… Not a politician by any chance? I can’t believe they wouldn’t keep to their word. Right Honourable and all that.
Let’s just be grateful we live in a country where: nobody is hungry; nobody is waiting for medical treatment; no-one is homeless or living in sub-standard accommodation; no old pensioners are dying of hypothermia because they can’t afford heating; no kid attends an over-crowded school; nobody is at risk of street crime because of insufficient policing. I mean, all those problems must have been solved, right? No government would spend £14.5 billion a year of its citizen’s money on Foreign Aid if it had those sort of problems at home, would it? After all, that would be criminal, wouldn’t it?
Tommy Robinson to Brussels as an MEP would be good fun.
He would have a lot to say, more than Nigel, about the aims of the EU.
At last…. balance…
Actually, are any from Leave?
There are 4 good reasons not to listen the 5th being it is on BBC.
Project fear will unfold via another avenue..what a crock
Ha ha not one !
I suppose it will be done in a socialist remainer heaven in Scotland
Don’t underestimate the Scots. We don’t all support the SNP and Remain. Indeed, the majority of Scots not of Irish descent are not at all enamoured of La Sturgeon and her acolytes.
Yes I’d never underestimate Scots . I recall that the figures for the Referendum was 1.6 million remainers and a million brexiters . A fact buried by the MSM which portrays the SNP as the ‘voice of Scotland ‘ – with the awful Ian Blackford doing his Alex Salmond tribute Act …(minus the alleged girls )
6:30pm Look North opens
“Police have appealed for calm in Brexit debate and warned people not to let their comments drift into hate crime”
..Yes too right Twitter is full of masses of hatey comments from a proportion of REMAINERS.
..Yet the item opened with Hull Labour Remainer MP Diana Johnson saying she’s been called a traitor … and had a couple of death threats
( hang on thats false equivalence : of course death threats are wrong, but that is magnitudes differey from being called a traitor)
Next clip was Bercow saying “None of you MPs are traitors”
– Then a vox pop fishing for comments saying Brexit makes more hate crime
… Thankfully they did include a clip a Polish woman saying ‘ No, hate crime has nothing to do with Brexit’
‘drift into hate crime’. But no mention of, Thought Crime – yet.
I’m sure the Police would be far more pro active in our case than when dealing with our venerable ‘hate preachers’ of the lamb that belongs to the man followers.
Stew: “Twitter is full of masses of hatey comments from a proportion of REMAINERS.”
Too right, Stew, there was some obnoxious bloke on a Twitter Thread that, I think, someone here linked to or was linked to the Leave EU w/s and I clicked on for enlightenment.
Should not have done. All I got to read for first comment was 140 chars (or whatever it is now) of foul-mouthed abuse. That, in my experience, is what you tend to get from Remainers because they do not understand stuff about their precious EU.
Facts are out. Myths are in.
A few days old but…
He talks a little bit about the Muslim patrols that take place in Whitechapel, which I’ve seen myself. Stray away from Spitalfields and Brick Lane and you take your life in your own hands if you are a scantily clad lass, or openly gay.
The woman singing Alan’s Snack bar in the video sent a shiver down my spine – literally. These crazy hags are promoting female repression and in all honestly, part of me wants to see the Muslims win and to see these women subjugated to the dark ages.
I have started to make plans to leave the UK and Europe – it’s just too depressing here now. Sometimes I think I’ve turned into Alf Garnett.
It’s funny how nearly all of the protesters are white middle class – and they stand there with signs saying destroy white supremacy? Are these people stupid?
Like turkeys voting for Xmas
So the BBC tells us, about the moral minded Islamo-Labour party who claim to be in favour of protecting LGBT people, in the article “Labour urges action over new Brunei anti-LGBT laws”, where gay people are to be stoned to death :
Yet the sniveling Dhimmi BBC, fails again to call-out these shallow self serving lies by Labour. In fact Labour just adopted the following definition of “Islamaphobia”:
“Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet, what could be more of an “expressions of Muslimness” than an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded:
“If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
“Lot” of course being famous for the Sodomy/ Homosexuality. The command thus directing people who engage in homosexual behavior to be killed. So the Labour Party is now “Islamophobic” by their own definition.
But are the feeble minded traitors at the BBC capable of exposing this contradiction with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds stolen from the pockets of the working class who they despise so much?
Of course not… the BBC are a disgrace and a national embarrassment.
Hi, Chaps and Ladies.
I don’t know if anyone has linked to this story?:
“Ex-BBC journalist: ‘Corporation has eroded Christian culture’
“Hi, Chaps and Ladies.”
Hey what about the othe 55 genders!
Hee hee.
A new one to add to Beebspeek: ‘Mixed Apology’.
Lisa Nando’s MP and Rachel Reeve MP have written to the Comrade in Charge of the State broadcaster moaning about the Question Time which was moved from Bolton to Dulwich College at last minute .
Maybe it would be best if they save money and just keep repeating the same episode fixed with all remainers . Would anyone notice ?
Mogg on LBC – he is entertaining though.
Urging us not to stop voting Tory or TR might get voted in ???
C4 State News – the guru Murphy one sounded drugged up shouting at the very reasoned John Redwood and called him a liar by citing a comrez public opinion poll issue on 4 April .
So I spent 30 seconds getting the poll and it supports what JohnRedwood says and makes the guru Murphy out as a wholly biased liar – standard fare for the MSM .
After that one of the scatty TIG MPs had a nice chat be even when asked about what polling she was citing the stupid tart couldn’t remember – Heidi Allen MP being the name – there is footage of her promising to carry through brexit at her election – now she will stop it.
I watched that too. Guru Murphy was extremely unprofessional, to put it mildly. He did not really want an answer (he correctly got Com Res), he wanted a fight to display how tough he was against Redwood.
Heidi Allen got a relatively free ride. “Off the top of her head” she couldn’t think of anything, but she was sure she was right.
I had just been watching ‘Open all Hours’ on One. David Jason was handing out pills that put lead in your pencil to the silly gullibles to control/ dominate their partners. I think Guru Murphy was there and got one. I could even see him in that silly hat, one of the two fools wears as a prop. My, was he tough!
There followed an abusive interview with UKIP’s Hamilton in Newport, in which all the oh so predictable about you know who, was churned out.
“So I spent 30 seconds getting the poll and it supports what JohnRedwood says…”
John Redwood said; “Most of the public [want a no deal]”.
After spending 30 seconds getting the poll, can you quote the part that confirms his statement?
Hey Maxi is out from under his bridge! No Billy goats crossing tonight.
He’s an idiot.
And I watched him lose his line of thought in one interview, very unprofessional. Can’t find it on YouTube.
He’s like an unfunny Alan Partridge
BBC News channel tonight, about 7:10pm, Martine Croxall was interviewing UKIP leader Gerard Batten.
Martine thinks she is getting a lefty one over Gerard by accusing him of hiring Tommy Robinson “who says offensive things”. When pushed Martine couldn’t answer what exactly has Tommy said that is offensive. She just said “they are so offensive I cannot repeat them”. Gerard was ripping her a new one and her classic reply was “Tommy’s real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon!” as if this somehow proves she is right.
Gerard went on to accuse the BBC of being a Remain organisation. Her reply was “b..b…b..but…some….some people….errrr……some say….. the BBC is Leave, so we annoy everyone”. Gerard’s face was a picture when he didn’t have to say a word.
Well worth catching on iPlayer.
Hmm I looked on Twitter not many watchers maybe about 30
and 20 praised her , and 10 him
I guess most reasonable people don’t watch BBC News , it’s a channel for pseudo-libs
You can see that ms croxall isn’t the sharpest knife in the beeboid box – hence being a full time autocue reader – out of her comfort zone asking questions while the producer is screaming in her ear to move onto the weather with dumbed down pictures of rain/sun with tamas the shafaknacker