Berlin_104s said:
The game’s afoot! The current Mrs Berlin_104s is a polling clerk and today she received a letter from the Returning Officer wanting her to confirm (or not) her availability for 23 May 19.
Berlin_104s said:
The game’s afoot! The current Mrs Berlin_104s is a polling clerk and today she received a letter from the Returning Officer wanting her to confirm (or not) her availability for 23 May 19.
Got to admit the plod calling for calm is a good joke . I know this is repetitive but in the last week in my London borough a 66 year old man was beaten to death at 7 in the morning in the street , in neighbouring boroughs a triple acid attack and today a 4pm stabbing . Notice I didn’t mention the Edmonton serial stabbings .certainly makes North East London vibrant ….
That’s the stuff making the media.
And they are calling for calm over Brexit
Last month, two stabbings within a mile in my own neighbourhood. 1 ‘man’ murdered by three or four other ‘men’ after he was run down by a car and 1 woman stabbed by another ‘man’ on a sunny afternoon outside a local high street supermarket.
You don’t have to live near London to experience vibrant diversity. It’s our country’s strength, you know.
I expected the biased BBC’s “Have I got news for you” hosted by Dimbleby to be a rather tedious lefty Brexit bashing unfunny propaganda fest. I was right.
I think a further delay to Brexit may actually work in Brexiteers favour.
I suspect that business, apart from hardened Remainiac types as evidenced on TWatO today, are wanting increasingly to be OUT so that they can just get on with everyday life and adjust as necessary.
Decent, democracy-respecting Remainers may be increasingly expanding their understanding of what the EU is REALLY LIKE and deciding that maybe after all, they’d quite like to Leave, albeit a little bit reluctantly, just to get away from Tusk, Juncker, Verhofstadt and Barnier.
The bad news for decent, democracy-respecting Remainers like that, as well as the rest of us, is that there are another set of EU top dogs, big cheeses, grande fromages in those posts on the way to help expand the ever-increasing EU Pensions bill for taxpayers.
Even those who take little interest in current matters can see the stitch up going on in full view of the voters. This is a very bad thing for our democracy and those that have bought it about ( they know who they are ) should be ashamed.
People do not like being taken for fools and this is what May and the Commons are doing. No wonder they are appealing for calm . Typical deflection behaviour as there will be a calm indifference to anything the elite now does.
I suggest that if we have to vote in the Eu charade we make sure we do and put in MPs who will refuse to attend and refuse to take any money or part. More than one way to skin a cat as they say.
Take any legitimacy away as they have taken away our legitimate vote to leave.
they aren’t interested at all in the response to Mays’ mendacious machinations from the leader of the largest political party in Northern Ireland and once again leave it to the Belfast Telegraph, Remainer rag though it is, to at least have a go at some balanced journalism.
Rich- I like the “disorganized and slapdash” part, although that too, is extremely polite and understated.
I think it would be nice if Arlene and Theresa could swap jobs, the job would get done…
(Many apologies to the people of NI)
I favour some kind of escalating Brexit protests
#1 Perhaps start building a church/memorial to Brexit delay
#2 Every day have a service, but the congregation members each bring a stone
People could see a pile getting bigger
..maybe a field of crosses to broken promises
I think you have a huge amount of inverted racism BBC Radio4
Hair. It’s incredibly important for a lot of women. It can give a sense of self or identity, be a political symbol or a sign of rebellion. But what about wigs? @BBCWomansHour speaks to seven women about why they wear them and what their wig means to them.
This week’s Radio 4 Appeal is on behalf of the charity Book Aid International (@Book_Aid), which sends brand new books to countries where they are needed most. The appeal is made by Booker Prize-winning author Ben Okri. Find out more, and donate, here:
We've teamed up with @OpenUniversity, @UniofExeter and @BristolUni for something special. Take part in the 10-minute Forest 404 experiment and help us understand how people respond to the sounds of the natural world. ????
The food we eat is putting 11 million of us into an early grave each year, an influential study shows. (hint: eat less salt, and more whole grains, fruit, vegetables and nuts and seeds.)
Other specialist progs this week on R4
– Black Music in Europe
– Where are the all the black women in grime ?
– Where are the Black ballerinas ?
– Black Women and wigs (Tues WH)
– Laurie Taylor on Wednesday : “how branded clothing is promoting far right ideology”
Thanks for the intel Stew. Zero percent of that content you have supplied from the State Propaganda Broadcaster interests, appeals or represents me as a white English middle aged, tax paying male. Therefore I conclude that as the licence fee is a tax then I am quite within my rights to have cancelled my direct debit for it. No taxation without representation as someone once said. Council Tax next and letter to MP (committed brexiter) for what it’s worth.
Our fine impartial state broadcaster is really scraping the bottom of the Remoaner barrel.
How about this?
Someone is ‘truly appalled’ that the words European Union have been removed from new British pssports.
Pass the hankies.
Take a bow, Susan Hindle Barone.
Where DO they get them from?
The BBC. World class in shit-stirring.
My Great Granddads brother was said to have been one of the founders of the Irish Free State Navy. So if I was a Remoaner traitor, I could ask for an EU passport. But my grandmother was an English Protestant Tory who forced her nominally Irish Catholic Remoaner husband to convert into an English Protestant Brexit family. So it would be treasonous towards my mothers family if I did.
It’s amazing. All across the country people are truly appalled with the total disregard for democratic process, yet al beeb dig up some no-mark to complain about the removal of words from her passport.
I was appalled when the words were added first time around, but hey that’s all part and parcel of living in a democracy….
I have noticed a remarkable similarity to events in 1659. History repeats itself. In both cases the people wanted to restore sovereignty to the Monarch, while Parliament did not. The only difference is that in 1659, Parliament wanted Sovereignty for itself, while in 2019, Parliament wants Sovereignty to reside with a foreign power.
(1) 1649 & 1973: The Monarchy loses its Sovereignty
(2) 1658 & 2016: The death of Oliver Cromwell = The death of Remain
(3) 1659 & 2019: Richard Cromwell loses power to the Speaker William Lenthall = Theresa May loses power to the Speaker John Bercow
(4) Speaker Lenthall loses power to Bulstrode Whitelock = Speaker Bercow loses power to Oliver Letwin
(5) Bulstrode Whitelock loses power to Charles Fleetwood = Oliver Letwin loses power to Yvette Cooper
(6) Charles Fleetwood loses power to Speaker Lenthall = Yvette Cooper loses power to Speaker Bercow
(8) Speaker Lenthall loses power to Arthur Annesley = Speaker Bercow loses power to Jeremy Corbyn
(9) NOW from this point we can predict next week
(10) Arthur Annesley loses power to Harbottle Grimston who restores sovereignty to the Monarch = Jeremy Corbyn loses power to David Davis who restores sovereignty to the Monarch
“Have I Got News For You” Apart from Hislop, the rest seemed ignorant of anything factual in the News other than (1) Brexit is confusing (2) Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson are liars, so I will go to live with a German living in England if they become Prime Minister (3) We lost the Referendum, so I don’t know if we support a People vote, or not (4) There are no Brexiteers on the panel because this is the BBC (5) A Remainer planted into the audience says to David Dimbleby “Stop Brexit and go into the second round” (6) Trump cheats at Golf (7) Dimbleby says rude things about Donald Trump (8) Fake news about Orchids (9) The program ends and David Dimleby predicts that next weeks “Have I Got News For You” is cancelled due to the nation going to Hell and Hades on April 12th.
The above is actually a true summing up of what happened. The BBC really did plant a Remainer into the HIGNFY audience. Dimbleby really did go into the second round as ordered by the Man planted by the BBC.
Thank you for the summary as I don’t watch it anymore and I understand it lost any humour when the useful idiot from the sad Private Eye . Wonder if any one still reads that ? Or has it gone ?
If the EU tells the UK to p*ss off, stop wasting time and leave on WTO rules, I will be genuinely uncertain whether to then consider Barnier/Verhofstadt/etc a bunch of corrupt wazzoks or political heroes to be held in high regard. Cartoon on this week’s development:
State Broadcaster crows about illegal immigrants being classified as adults when they claim to be children . Good old bleeding heart stuff .
The story after that is the Parsons Green bomb where an 18-year-old Iraqi ‘refugee ‘-Ahmed Hassan trued to blow up a tube train .
Someone brave is getting a gong . The biased omission by the BBC is that neither the name of the bomber or his motivation – to kill for his false Muslim prophet /god – are mentioned .
“Dorchester hotel loses string of high-profile bookings including TV Choice awards after Brunei ruler who owns it passed Sharia law that will see gays stoned to death
TV Choice Awards, the English National Ballet have cancelled events at the hotel
The Sultan of Brunei said the punishment for gay sex will be death by stoning
George Clooney and Elton John have called boycotts of the Sultan’s hotels”
When are we going to start boycotting corner shops in Luton, Birmingham etc. ?
I don’t think I can reduce my use of the Dorchester any lower than it already is . Are they moaning because the stones they are using arnt organic and ‘sun dried ‘?
demo Grimsby #GoSlowForBrexit
… Wow the actual #BiasedBBC radio mentioning a Pro-Brexit demo in its news, before the event
Got anything hatey to say about that Remainer-bots ?
Interesting, StewG. The Labour MP for Grimsby is a Remainer.
“”Melanie Onn campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, despite her constituency ultimately voting to leave by one of the largest margins in the country””
Yes – mentioned her Friday – she is actually a local girl so her future in Grimsby might be challenging . However she’ll probably become a ‘political refugee ‘ and move to Islington ( if it ain’t already happened ).
“”Melanie Onn campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, despite her constituency ultimately voting to leave by one of the largest margins in the country””
She had better put her London pad up for sale. This girls on the dole next time.
Humberside police were busy warning @HarryTheOwl cos he liked a tweet with a Limerick about trans .
Yet now their own staff member has been convicted of child sex grooming.
Humberside police worker jailed for grooming and rape. Guess Humberside police were too busy policing limericks and thoughts on Twitter to spot the predator in their work place…..
Bet he ain’t the only one – nice to have the resources of the humberside police to carry out his activities – and they can do important things like ‘visit’ people who write on twitter and tell them to ‘mind what they write’.
A new financial year: the State Pension has gone up; employers and the government are contributing more to pensions; the minimum wage has risen; the threshold for paying income tax has risen. All moves which benefit the less well off in society. The comrades at the BBC are furious… How will the workers support Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party if their lot is improving all the time (particularly given as they don’t seem to be onboard with the identity politics that are in vogue with the champagne swilling socialists in Broadcasting House)?
Their ire is demonstrated in the following article on their website ( Oh, the facts are there and there are even third party endorsements of the changes, but nevertheless the BBC chooses to run with a negative headline: “Ten million people face higher pension payments”. Ignore the fact that employers and the government are contributing more (note: governments don’t actually have money, they simply recycle yours). Rather, the BBC is outraged that people will have to put aside a bit more of their earnings to help make provision for their own futures: disgusting!
Given that this is an attempt to misrepresent a good news story, the BBC decides to play the Gender Card (alas, they couldn’t find the Race Card this morning). Yep, women will be unduly impacted by these changes as “Women are more likely to work part-time, and typically earn less – a so-called motherhood penalty.” Any such impact affects part-time workers regardless of gender, in much the same way as rain makes all people wet, even if it happens that there are more women walking outside than men at the time of the shower. It is, of course, an allusion to the gender gap illusion. And a curious reference to the ‘motherhood penalty’. What: even those who aren’t mothers? Do part-time male workers suffer from the ‘motherhood penalty’, too? Perhaps the BBC is getting confused over their women’s football coverage.
Pensions have needed reforming for decades. For most of that time the system benefited women, who were able to retire at 60, whereas men had to wait until 65. The retirement ages are now equalizing (largely as a result of EU rulings, does the BBC consider that women are losing out?). But contributions need to increase across the board to cover this, plus address the fundamental financial problems that have always been inherent in the State Pension scheme. An additional consideration is that long term tax revenues are likely to decline: those millions of foreign workers brought in to work on the minimum wage for big business will not make up the shortfall, whilst the said big businesses are becoming increasingly adept at paying little or no tax themselves.
Ian, unfortunately the pensioners, low and mid-paid are far worse off from today. They are gradually being squeezed out of political representation by paying less Income Tax but by paying more indirect taxes and increases in those indirect taxes.
To be fair to the BBC, they did point out how many tax rises are going through today (yes, they got the date wrong in some cases by covering it on 1 April – but hey! that’s the BBC for you) but they did also include the TV Licence Fee.
And it does hit part-time workers and freelancers without the guarantee of regular work hardest. Women probably do make up the bulk of that portion of the work force, either through marriage breakdown or caring roles. That group lose out on the pension benefits accorded to others in full employment, as well as the long-term pension benefit at the end. The proportion of women in freelancing roles in the workplace is, I think declining, largely due to more of the male workforce taking up self-employment.
The BBC on TOADY used the term ‘free money’ from employers in relation to the compulsory pension changes. Typical Socialists!
There is no such thing as free money. Those Employer contributions will come from increased prices or costs (or increased unemployment) and those increases fall hardest on the existing pensioner and the lowest and mid-paid.
Some good points, Uppy.
Globalist groups such as the IMF and the OECD have been advocating to the government that state pensions should be ‘means tested’, such that people with assets over a certain level would receive a reduced pension or possibly none at all. The following article from the Daily Express is specious and it would be political suicide right now, but there are people in both the Labour and Conservative parties who are seriously interested in doing this. Of course, it won’t affect them personally…
I think you’ve identified another word which the bbc uses for its propaganda output
‘Ten million people FACE…..’
In my context’ millions over voters face being betrayed by traitor MPs’
As for pensions – perish the thought that people should be made responsible for themselves , their families and their future – surely that is the job of the almighty State under the leadership of our great Comrade Corbyn/McDonnell- whilst we plebs are informed and entertained by the beloved State Broadcaster
Nadhim Zahawi, Childrens’ Minister, was on TOADY this a.m. warning that the failure of the WA to advance through Parliament and get the UK ‘out’ of the EU (a.k.a. ‘still in’ the EU) might lead to the rise of Hard Left and Hard Right political Parties in the UK.
I think what we need is an honest Hard Centre Party in UK politics. Let’s have an end to the toffs and get some real toffees – and toughies – into Parliament. No more weak, lily livered Hard Left Socialists (as in Labour, SNP & Plaid) and feeble Liberal Socialists (as in Conservatives, Lib Dems and TIG/Change).
Let’s get that dark chocolate and milk chocolate and white chocolate out and coat some real tough centrists to chew over the political affairs of the day and most of all – spit the EU and its ever increasing debt out of our lives!
snuff- yes, and didn’t he sound weak and helpless? Like some poor NGO bewailing its inability to get anything done, and the dire consequences?
Now that they’ve gone begging to Jeremy, you’re obviously allowed to say ‘hard left’ as well as ‘hard right’ – Project Fear x 2!
What a wimp! But then, if I were a minister in a May cabinet, I’d be tempted to jump off a high bridge. Or get things done! Someone (Labour?) suggested a trio of Ministers, including Zahawi and Prisons’ Stewart, had the perfect opportunity, while the top was engrossed in Brexit.
And as for Ms May, doesn’t she look old and worn? Her health can’t be getting any benefits from all this jetting around. I think she should retire, I do, quite sincerely.
And if the Centre is going to rule, UKIP and Nigel will have to team up fast and stop squabbling while Rome burns. We need numbers. And we need the media to be more balanced (ha ha) and overcome their prejudices, do proper interviews with real questions, to which they want to hear the answers, and actually listen. Last night’s performance between GuruMurphy and Redwood was a classic in how it’s not done.
No1 problem is that they mostly don’t ask to hear; they want to posture and virtue signal. Snow comes to mind. And Kuensberg. And Chris Mason. And Norman Smith. One or two decent presenters excluded.
fnw, yes weak and helpless but I suspect that was down to the BBC line (NZ was on the ‘phone, IIRC) which they tend to use as a weapon against Brexiteers. [ I did rejoice t’other day – Friday? Thursday? – when it caught out a Remainer, too. 🙂 ]
Nadhim Zahawi did say that ruling out No Deal Brexit by law was a stupid thing to do. That was the only tough line he came out with.
Wandering across the twitter today – there are plenty of comments by prospective local councillors going ‘door to door ‘canvassing and being on the full receiving end of outraged joe public over what the Bubble is doing ….
It can only be a matter of time before the flowers and candles come out again – and it s not Party based .
With the BBC over representing black people in it’s television and radio output, I decided to look into Cassie’s Crystal Ball to see the direction state broadcasting in this country is heading. I’m sure the puppet masters in the BBC are watching this sort of broadcasting with great interest. The clip you are about to watch, if you dare, was first broadcast on Fox News. Please ensure that your mouth does not contain tea, cornflakes etc as I do not want to be accused in a court of law of being responsible for any incidents of death by choking.
You have been warned.
Is there anyone out there who is as old as me and remembers Top of the Form on BBC in the 1960s and 1970s?
The three woman line up will bring joy to Danny Cohen’s heart, but make Greg Dyke’s head explode.
‘They don’t deserve having their pictures splashed across national newspapers for having a good time’
@CathMurphy_@LivEchonews has written to the Daily Mail asking them to stop publishing embarrassing photos of women at Aintree.
Then maybe don’t plaster yourselves in bright orange FAKE tan, don’t start on the prosecco at 8am, don’t wear skirts that barely cover your arses and try not flashing your tits when you have had a few !!! Just a thought !!!!
Then again, I actually enjoy those photos every year !! I am after all a red blooded, white , leave voting 40 yr old man working man !!! Or as the BBC like to define me, a perv and a racist !!!!
BBC has a report about Sir David Attenborough of the Planet.
Grovelling coverage includes
‘Sir David is emphatic and uncompromising in his assessment of the state of the natural world.
We have ruined it, basically.
Our rapaciousness aligned to industrial-scale destruction and over-population has put us on the brink of an ecological disaster from which there will be no return.
“What we do in the next 20 years will determine the future for all life on Earth”, he warns.’
Oh Sir David, tell us what to do.
Time this useless fart was debunked. Credit for his photography, but the story lines of his programmes and predator porn for excitement adds nothing to our knowledge of the animal world.
Take a look at this video of the Siberian Tiger. You know it will end with some creature ripped apart. Beautiful lethal killer. Yummy yummy. His concept of aesthetics has to be geared to the glorious kill. And we learn buggerall else about the animals.
This video is about Siberian Tigers. They are amazing animals and, like it or not, if they are to survive, they have to live in welfare enhanced captivity, which means they have to interact with us, and their telos has to be modified.. Or we can let them die out.
In my post retirement life I have responsibilities for the teaching and welfare of a few Siberian Tigers, and there is much to learn about them other than their killing ability.
Many years ago I happened to be in the same restaurant as David Attenborough. He had a retinue of hangers-on and was holding court in that condescending wheezy tone, almost as if he were with a bunch of chimps in one of his TV shows.
I get the impression he’s more of a recent convert to Climate Hysteria, after years of warning us about over-population.
I agree over-population is something to worry about, seeing as it’s probably the western world that will eventually have to feed and house everybody who can get here.
But as ‘Sir’ David is a self confessed ‘boring left-wing liberal’ and has endorsed Green loony Caroline Lucas – I wonder which demographic of the population he would most like to see reduced?
I can’t see why not – the schools keep brainwashing the poor pupils that evolution is natural.
I suspect that we (humans) are part of the biggest lie in history so why can’t man be the stronger thereby letting the Tigers go extinct? No where in nature do evolving species feed and protect other species?
I love the caption that the BBC have provided: “Unforgettable TV”. A more appropriate one might be “Instantly forgettable TV”. The WWF (not the Worldwide Wrestling Federation, the other lot that promote Globalism and Water Melon Environmentalism) are heavily involved, so expect some propaganda. But, for those who didn’t reach peak Attenborough 30 years ago and want to watch, it is on Netflix, meaning that no TV licence is required! And you can always watch it with the sound turned down 🙂
The Times has advertorial story from Attenborough’s WWF Our Planet series
… Apparently it will feature Giant Walruses jumping from high cliffs to their deaths due to climate Change.
Some good news in the Telegraph is that May’s Marxism is forcing an existential threat to the Tory party, and she has been told if she delays Brexit to the European elections the party is likely to be wiped out.
The spineless toadies were incapable of making the clearly difficult decision to rid themselves of her and so now she is free for at least 12 months to wreck the party to her hearts content.
It is clear her strings are now being pulled by Olly Robbins, and why the hell party insiders are not taking steps to seperate the two as they did with her previous advisors is beyond me.
The Media are quite content to watch this train wreck unfold as the Tory party implodes in much the way people like Peter Hitchens predicted it would.
The main problem now is that there is not a party to take it’s place, and again this comes down to the door of Nigel Farages one trick pony party which should have been so much more. Who on the right of the collapsing Tory party would leave to join a party with only one policy?
UKIPs association with Tommy Robinson means that it is no longer a vehicle which fleeing Tories could even consider as viable.
The only realistic way is for May to wait another week out and allow the UK to leave the EU without a deal which is best for her party and the country, apparantly she has been told this in a ‘furious’ meeting with senior party officials, but is refusing to listen to any advice given.
Stiff competition from ‘guests ‘ in Blighty over violence but I found a contender buried in the local Southampton news of a certain
Nabil Errouam
Who tool a knife to a park and went on a rampage stabbing a teenager girl and stabbing a blind man who was with his guide dog .
It’s okay though – he didn’t stab the guide dog
It’s on the BBC website. Although they kind of forgot to mention that he was Algerian-born and will be deported (allegedly) upon completion of sentence.
A bit like the tall man story. An identifier not worthy of mention. I’d have thought it a talking point given that the generic knife crime photo always depicts a white hand.
Ian – ‘allegedly’. You will be pleased to know that the Austrians will no longer take ‘migrants’, expelled from Germany into their country, if they have been in prison. Not even allowed to cross to elsewhere.
Small but significant move under Chancellor Kurz. Austria and Hungary give one hope. Who knows, maybe even the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be restored. Joke.
Meanwhile the stupid German CDU/CSU/SPD Zombies who run government, have agreed to take 64 migrants from the NGO rescue ship, Alan Kurdi, because Italy and Malta won’t take them. (Operation run by ‘Sea-Eye’.) Added to the hundreds still streaming in to Germany daily, many of whom will cause mayhem.
The Greens will be pleased.
I should mention ‘Pro-Asyl’, who have a new strategy to hide criminal deportees in private homes, to prevent their removal.
“I should mention ‘Pro-Asyl’, who have a new strategy to hide criminal deportees in private homes, to prevent their removal.”
I’ve got an awful feeling that ‘aint gonna end well for some Geman women……………………. But there, who am I to ponder openly?
If you want a good laugh or you wish to become even more annoyed at ‘foreign interference’ in UK & EU political matters and the Fear Campaigns of the EU and Hard Remainers, try this:
Foreign Interference and control?
That is the question really, over and above any touchy feely aspirations of One World with one President and lions playing with lambs.
And that should be the question on a prophesied second / third / final vote ie: Do I want my country run by an un-elected foreign body that will not, by it’s very nature, have my best interests at heart ?
If the answer is ‘no’ then the second question arises: Do I wish to leave this organization and take back control of my country?
And finally the question is: Do I wish to leave the EU ?
But hey, haven’t we done that one already?
Well, yes we have and the reason it’s got stuck is because we are in that above mention organization and are therefore not free of foreign interference.
Matthew Parris is rarely flavour of the month on this esteemed website but he does occasionally put his finger on something.
In today’s Times he describes an awards ceremony for journalists he attended.
The headline and sub-headline are as follows…
‘Double standards of the smug liberal left. An awards night for those fighting censorship was a funny time for a comedian to trash the principle of free speech’.
One might apply these thoughts to much of the output of a certain national broadcaster often referenced on this site, the review of HIGNFY above by Mr Pinder at 0138 being an immediate case in point……..
Well he did grow up in Rhodesia and imbibed enough of it to still give him moments of lucidity and truthfulness. Well worth reading some of his memoirs of his time in Southern Africa.
\\ Nish Kumar opted to make the centrepiece of his schtick the fact that (he told us) the Daily Mail had been among the contributors to the evening’s costs. These include bringing some of the nominees to Britain for the event.
But Kumar’s riff was to go for the laughs he gets easily among the audience he presumably targets. His attack was less than cerebral.
He called the paper a “shit-rag” and railed barely coherently at its editorial stance on, for instance, Brexit.
In an intellectually flimsy attempt to relate this diatribe to what the evening was actually about, he tried to suggest that calling politicians or judges with whom you disagree “enemies of the people” was an attempt to stifle free speech. //
Ironic cos since that comment on Gina Miller judges the Mail has changed to become a Mays-Deal Guardian-Lite Paper
..just another metroLiberal mediabubbleworld voice.
\\ Well pointed out Matthew.
Mr Kumar is the classic double whammy.
… A so called liberal who is intolerant
… and a so called comedian who isn’t funny.//
The bbc subbed this out to a kid from the Huff Post . He spent the first 15 minutes interviewing the awful Nicki Morgan and Patrick McFadden -both of whom are hard core Remainer traitors but managed not to say they were . So I looked it up to make sure
Then he wasted time discussing how difficult it is for the traitor PM to talk to a Terrorist Supporting Marxist .
No mention of the criminal turning up wearing a tag to decide a vote on brexit . That isn’t important is it ?
The huff kid is so out of touch that he was seriously talking about a snap election ?
The bubble really doesn’t get how upset people are …
GW – I notice ‘Hope not Hate’ now say Islamophobia has become the main driving force behind the ‘far Right’, rather than immigration.
Beeb sources impeccable, as always.
You think the Lefties HATE Trump?
‘Agit-Rossija’ have been erecting memorials in Russia to ‘the late’ President Putin. The latest one in front of the Isaac Cathedral in St Petersburg is a black marble stone, bearing his picture.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this gimmick catches on in the ole USA, where the Shumers, Pelosis, Schiffs and Orcasio-Cortez’s (to mention but a few- I think St Obama- who most certainly has a finger in the overthrow/impeach Trump pie- was appearing in Cologne yesterday, where he allegedly drew a crowd of 15,000) of this world are only to keen to bury America.
It should also appeal to the gimmick-loving, Trump-hating Antifa crowd in the US.
Can we not start a petition that lobbies parliament to certify anyone who repeats the idea that those who were 16 at the time of the Brexit referendum aren’t being represented by the result? This low iq statement should have been ignored but keeps getting touted.
However, since we are dealing with people as thick as a whale omelette may I potentially add my name to the list? On the mobile version of this site, by the time the fourth or fifth reply to a post is displayed on my screen, it’s a long vertical line of single letters. I don’t know if it is a function of my cheapo phone, a fault on the site or some weird setting I have or havent addressed. Any ideas?
You are not alone with the ‘single letter issue ‘
I get that sometimes too but it seems to happen when I’m being to quick in trying to get to the bit I want to read as I scroll down .
Coming to the site and leaving it a bit seems to help a bit but I’ll do a bit of research .
I just wonder if we are underestimating ” Mother Theresa” and
she is getting nearer to what she really wants, for the UK to
REMAIN in the EU !!
Could we be seeing the greatest piece of Machiavellian cunning
since Niccolo did his mischief in Florence over 400 years ago.
Did Theresa agree to the EU terms because she knew all asunder
would turn it down for different reasons? Then gradually get
towards what she really wanted all along to keep us in the EU ?
Because it beginning to look like that’s whats going to happen.
BRAVO Theresa May. If Joe Green was alive today he would of
written an opera about it. Many would say that the story would
be as daft as Il Trovatore. But what melodrama. I reckon a Mezzo
soprano for the role Theresa , just like Lady Macbeth. The BBC
could premier it!
I do have a knee-jerk reaction, however, to seeing “underestimate” and “Mother Theresa” in the same sentence, although I take your point. She’s tried to model herself on Margaret Thatcher, not grasping the difference between a strong, intelligent woman who can hold her own in any debate, and pure pig-headed stubbornness. She can’t think on her feet, or in any other position I can think of.
She must be desperate to salvage any reputation which remains – hence the disasterous decision to talk to the comrades .
The only upspin I am hoping for is that she’ll drag out the talks for another couple of days and then it will be too late to prevent Blighty from leaving .
And any a50 extension will only be granted on the basis of an assurance that UK will recant and stay in the ReichEU .
True and the EU are getting a bit twitchy. They don’t want us around and they certainly don’t want Farage around. It was said that if we are in the the Euro Elections and the leave it will invalidate the voting and have to be run all over again.
The bbc continues with it’s ‘leaving the odd word out of reports style in order to change the sense completely’ – they have become very proficient at it.
We really have few definite facts to go on regarding the complete s**tshow of the Government supposedly trying to leave the EU, but meanwhile desperately trying to stay in (on worse terms than if remain had won).
It’s tiresome all this speculation, but what the hell, I might as well join the club and speculate anyway..
1. Only a tiny handful of MPs excepting DUP are serious leavers. We can see that from the all the gits who have ‘reluctantly’ given support to the PM’s awful WA. In this Remain will eventually have the numbers on their side.
2. The WA was given to Theresa May by the Commission as a ‘take it or leave it’ option, and (probably foolishly) believed she could get it through Parliament without too much hassle.
They did this on the basis that she cravenly gave in to all their demands, and had assurances from her she could keep us in as a slave member but also keep the money flowing. The EU couldn’t believe their luck. Drinks all round for Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstat and co.
3. The Commission, now realising that there is something seriously wrong with our PM is actually in a bind as they don’t want any amendments on an optimum deal for them. Meanwhile some of the other EU countries are muttering..worried about not getting our contribution..or thinking it’s time to cut us loose with all the hassle we’ve given them in the past.
4. Theresa May appears to be in some kind of mental illness loop where she keeps trying the same thing over and over and erroring. She’s had the EU’s input to get the deal passed and that’s what she’s determined to do. No matter the cost, no matter the constitutional wreckage, no matter that no one will vote Tory again, and no matter the national humiliation.
So if my little speculative story is right, we may have a slim chance of getting out if the clock is run down (before whatever the next deadline is). Or, what is more likely is that EU will agree to some last minute adjustments to the deal with another prominent government Remainer.. while quietly advising us to cart Theresa May off to the looney bin.
Any number of Tory cabinet ministers would have sold us out equally as badly, it was just blind chance that the job fell to ‘a bloody difficult woman’ and caused all the tiresome delay in the treachery.
Ousman Umar spent 5 years reaching Spain from Ghana then qualified from Esade.
He runs a charity @NascoFeedingMinds for children in his country.
In his new book, he says migrants should say at home
“I want my story to give a voice to all the migrants who died [trying] to cross the seas, who suffered beatings like me in Libyan prisons, so that people in Africa do not try to do what I did,” he said.
“The answer is make a better life in your own home.
I am a rare success story but I wish I had never done this.
The emotional toll is too much.”
No disagree, cos there is a massive problem
… even though they’ve failed most migrants are afraid
so they make up stories of success to send back home
.. so the truth never gets through.
With fanatics like Snow and Guru-Murphy in their ranks, I’m not surprised.
Channel 4 : Toxic. In so many ways, even beyond politics.
To them, waycists are people who support the sovereignty of national states, want their borders properly controlled, work for a living, don’t care for the unaccountable and corrupt EU government (no problems with Europe), vote in referenda, but give the ‘wrong’ answer, and could even conceivably be Christians. Got it.
I’ll give the money to Hope not Hate instead. Not.
Just goes to prove the point: that sort of thinking and that sort of person can only get their way through threats, implied in this case. Surely, the message is, only foreigners and their friends, the Marxists, can turn to violence to get their way. Islam at work?
Not directly BBC but if you “ game” the way forward and the traitor parliament gets a 12 month A50 extension – how will that play out ?
The complexion of the EU Parliament might be more populist after May and – perhaps – a more hostile complexion to the United States of Europe dream of the MSM political bubble .
But maybe we ll get lucky and the EU will let us go this coming week after trying to squeeze more cash out of us .
Zahawi says participating in the EU elections could be suicide for the Tories, and lead to the implosion of the party.
Where’s the problem?
May has been working hard to achieve that, since even before the last GE, which was her special baby. Suddenly, he has a problem?
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
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tomoMar 10, 15:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Let’s not forget – The Liberals relied on Jagmeet Singh / New Democratic Party (NDP)to stay in in Canada. Not…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think that is close to the truth. The modern Labour Party looks down its nose at white working class…
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Rob in CheshireMar 10, 15:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are brainwashed into believing in diversity and net zero from their first day at school. That’s all I can…
from another interesting website:
Berlin_104s said:
The game’s afoot! The current Mrs Berlin_104s is a polling clerk and today she received a letter from the Returning Officer wanting her to confirm (or not) her availability for 23 May 19.
from another interesting website:
Berlin_104s said:
The game’s afoot! The current Mrs Berlin_104s is a polling clerk and today she received a letter from the Returning Officer wanting her to confirm (or not) her availability for 23 May 19.
Thanks for the reminder – not been on arrse for a while – more of a prune type ….
but the MCAS thing is so depressing ..if it’s a Boeing..I ain’t going..that PPrune Fedup?
Yes that’s right thanks pert
Got to admit the plod calling for calm is a good joke . I know this is repetitive but in the last week in my London borough a 66 year old man was beaten to death at 7 in the morning in the street , in neighbouring boroughs a triple acid attack and today a 4pm stabbing . Notice I didn’t mention the Edmonton serial stabbings .certainly makes North East London vibrant ….
That’s the stuff making the media.
And they are calling for calm over Brexit
Last month, two stabbings within a mile in my own neighbourhood. 1 ‘man’ murdered by three or four other ‘men’ after he was run down by a car and 1 woman stabbed by another ‘man’ on a sunny afternoon outside a local high street supermarket.
You don’t have to live near London to experience vibrant diversity. It’s our country’s strength, you know.
I expected the biased BBC’s “Have I got news for you” hosted by Dimbleby to be a rather tedious lefty Brexit bashing unfunny propaganda fest. I was right.
It will be a meeting of 5 production companies all avoiding PAYE .
I think a further delay to Brexit may actually work in Brexiteers favour.
I suspect that business, apart from hardened Remainiac types as evidenced on TWatO today, are wanting increasingly to be OUT so that they can just get on with everyday life and adjust as necessary.
Decent, democracy-respecting Remainers may be increasingly expanding their understanding of what the EU is REALLY LIKE and deciding that maybe after all, they’d quite like to Leave, albeit a little bit reluctantly, just to get away from Tusk, Juncker, Verhofstadt and Barnier.
The bad news for decent, democracy-respecting Remainers like that, as well as the rest of us, is that there are another set of EU top dogs, big cheeses, grande fromages in those posts on the way to help expand the ever-increasing EU Pensions bill for taxpayers.
Even those who take little interest in current matters can see the stitch up going on in full view of the voters. This is a very bad thing for our democracy and those that have bought it about ( they know who they are ) should be ashamed.
People do not like being taken for fools and this is what May and the Commons are doing. No wonder they are appealing for calm . Typical deflection behaviour as there will be a calm indifference to anything the elite now does.
I suggest that if we have to vote in the Eu charade we make sure we do and put in MPs who will refuse to attend and refuse to take any money or part. More than one way to skin a cat as they say.
Take any legitimacy away as they have taken away our legitimate vote to leave.
“Countess of Chester Hospital says no to Wales’ patients”
Would they say NO to health tourists from outside the UK ?
Whilst the bBC are happy to use the NI page of their webshite to highlight this,
they aren’t interested at all in the response to Mays’ mendacious machinations from the leader of the largest political party in Northern Ireland and once again leave it to the Belfast Telegraph, Remainer rag though it is, to at least have a go at some balanced journalism.
As Arlene Foster clearly spells it out, rather generously in my opinion,
“Exiting the EU has become chaotic because of intransigence in Brussels and ineffectiveness in London”… and bias in W1A.
Rich- I like the “disorganized and slapdash” part, although that too, is extremely polite and understated.
I think it would be nice if Arlene and Theresa could swap jobs, the job would get done…
(Many apologies to the people of NI)
I favour some kind of escalating Brexit protests
#1 Perhaps start building a church/memorial to Brexit delay
#2 Every day have a service, but the congregation members each bring a stone
People could see a pile getting bigger
..maybe a field of crosses to broken promises
I can’t recall a more worthy cause for strike action.
No violence
No Buses
No Trains
No Tubes
No Post
@Thoughtful mentioned this on the MIdweek thread
London Uber : “The guy dropped his passenger off and turned the car around and said ‘I don’t take Jews’ and sped off.”
“Brunei hotels withdraw from social media amid anti-LGBT law backlash” because they are going to start stoning Gay people to death…
But the BBC don’t explain that in Islam that Muhammad commanded Muslims to put gay people to death… so here is a nice explanation:
I think you have a huge amount of inverted racism BBC Radio4
This Weeks charity appeal
This weeks new podcast only show
This weeks news on diet
Today’s 2:15pm drama
This weeks 12pm book is the life of two Muslim sisters
Other specialist progs this week on R4
– Black Music in Europe
– Where are the all the black women in grime ?
– Where are the Black ballerinas ?
– Black Women and wigs (Tues WH)
– Laurie Taylor on Wednesday : “how branded clothing is promoting far right ideology”
Also the Tuesday Art ptog
Wednesday’s Women’s Hour
Thanks for the intel Stew. Zero percent of that content you have supplied from the State Propaganda Broadcaster interests, appeals or represents me as a white English middle aged, tax paying male. Therefore I conclude that as the licence fee is a tax then I am quite within my rights to have cancelled my direct debit for it. No taxation without representation as someone once said. Council Tax next and letter to MP (committed brexiter) for what it’s worth.
Our fine impartial state broadcaster is really scraping the bottom of the Remoaner barrel.
How about this?
Someone is ‘truly appalled’ that the words European Union have been removed from new British pssports.
Pass the hankies.
Take a bow, Susan Hindle Barone.
Where DO they get them from?
The BBC. World class in shit-stirring.
My Great Granddads brother was said to have been one of the founders of the Irish Free State Navy. So if I was a Remoaner traitor, I could ask for an EU passport. But my grandmother was an English Protestant Tory who forced her nominally Irish Catholic Remoaner husband to convert into an English Protestant Brexit family. So it would be treasonous towards my mothers family if I did.
It’s amazing. All across the country people are truly appalled with the total disregard for democratic process, yet al beeb dig up some no-mark to complain about the removal of words from her passport.
I was appalled when the words were added first time around, but hey that’s all part and parcel of living in a democracy….
I have noticed a remarkable similarity to events in 1659. History repeats itself. In both cases the people wanted to restore sovereignty to the Monarch, while Parliament did not. The only difference is that in 1659, Parliament wanted Sovereignty for itself, while in 2019, Parliament wants Sovereignty to reside with a foreign power.
(1) 1649 & 1973: The Monarchy loses its Sovereignty
(2) 1658 & 2016: The death of Oliver Cromwell = The death of Remain
(3) 1659 & 2019: Richard Cromwell loses power to the Speaker William Lenthall = Theresa May loses power to the Speaker John Bercow
(4) Speaker Lenthall loses power to Bulstrode Whitelock = Speaker Bercow loses power to Oliver Letwin
(5) Bulstrode Whitelock loses power to Charles Fleetwood = Oliver Letwin loses power to Yvette Cooper
(6) Charles Fleetwood loses power to Speaker Lenthall = Yvette Cooper loses power to Speaker Bercow
(8) Speaker Lenthall loses power to Arthur Annesley = Speaker Bercow loses power to Jeremy Corbyn
(9) NOW from this point we can predict next week
(10) Arthur Annesley loses power to Harbottle Grimston who restores sovereignty to the Monarch = Jeremy Corbyn loses power to David Davis who restores sovereignty to the Monarch
Richard ,
You left out the bit about the Town Cryer shouting out fake news
And telling the proles they got it all wrong…
“Have I Got News For You” Apart from Hislop, the rest seemed ignorant of anything factual in the News other than (1) Brexit is confusing (2) Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson are liars, so I will go to live with a German living in England if they become Prime Minister (3) We lost the Referendum, so I don’t know if we support a People vote, or not (4) There are no Brexiteers on the panel because this is the BBC (5) A Remainer planted into the audience says to David Dimbleby “Stop Brexit and go into the second round” (6) Trump cheats at Golf (7) Dimbleby says rude things about Donald Trump (8) Fake news about Orchids (9) The program ends and David Dimleby predicts that next weeks “Have I Got News For You” is cancelled due to the nation going to Hell and Hades on April 12th.
The above is actually a true summing up of what happened. The BBC really did plant a Remainer into the HIGNFY audience. Dimbleby really did go into the second round as ordered by the Man planted by the BBC.
Thank you for the summary as I don’t watch it anymore and I understand it lost any humour when the useful idiot from the sad Private Eye . Wonder if any one still reads that ? Or has it gone ?
If the EU tells the UK to p*ss off, stop wasting time and leave on WTO rules, I will be genuinely uncertain whether to then consider Barnier/Verhofstadt/etc a bunch of corrupt wazzoks or political heroes to be held in high regard. Cartoon on this week’s development:
State Broadcaster crows about illegal immigrants being classified as adults when they claim to be children . Good old bleeding heart stuff .
The story after that is the Parsons Green bomb where an 18-year-old Iraqi ‘refugee ‘-Ahmed Hassan trued to blow up a tube train .
Someone brave is getting a gong . The biased omission by the BBC is that neither the name of the bomber or his motivation – to kill for his false Muslim prophet /god – are mentioned .
Standard pro Islam BBC bias
Indeed. If the bomber had been a far-right fanatic, the BBC would have mentioned it a few or more times. Particularly in the head line.
“Standard pro Islam BBC bias”
Don’t forget:
“He overthrows the words of the traitor” Proverbs 22:12.
In other words: it will all be ok in the end as truth always wins.
“Dorchester hotel loses string of high-profile bookings including TV Choice awards after Brunei ruler who owns it passed Sharia law that will see gays stoned to death
TV Choice Awards, the English National Ballet have cancelled events at the hotel
The Sultan of Brunei said the punishment for gay sex will be death by stoning
George Clooney and Elton John have called boycotts of the Sultan’s hotels”
When are we going to start boycotting corner shops in Luton, Birmingham etc. ?
I don’t think I can reduce my use of the Dorchester any lower than it already is . Are they moaning because the stones they are using arnt organic and ‘sun dried ‘?
demo Grimsby #GoSlowForBrexit
… Wow the actual #BiasedBBC radio mentioning a Pro-Brexit demo in its news, before the event
Got anything hatey to say about that Remainer-bots ?
Interesting, StewG. The Labour MP for Grimsby is a Remainer.
“”Melanie Onn campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, despite her constituency ultimately voting to leave by one of the largest margins in the country””
Yes – mentioned her Friday – she is actually a local girl so her future in Grimsby might be challenging . However she’ll probably become a ‘political refugee ‘ and move to Islington ( if it ain’t already happened ).
“”Melanie Onn campaigned for Britain to remain in the European Union, despite her constituency ultimately voting to leave by one of the largest margins in the country””
She had better put her London pad up for sale. This girls on the dole next time.
Humberside police were busy warning @HarryTheOwl cos he liked a tweet with a Limerick about trans .
Yet now their own staff member has been convicted of child sex grooming.
Bet he ain’t the only one – nice to have the resources of the humberside police to carry out his activities – and they can do important things like ‘visit’ people who write on twitter and tell them to ‘mind what they write’.
His nickname was ‘groomer ‘ ( false news )
Another fascinating Craig transcript.
With even more interesting comments to follow, some unresolved.
Like Olly Robbins and Martin Selmyer on Brexit, the real level pullers operate in the shadows and beyond even view, let alone accountability.
A new financial year: the State Pension has gone up; employers and the government are contributing more to pensions; the minimum wage has risen; the threshold for paying income tax has risen. All moves which benefit the less well off in society. The comrades at the BBC are furious… How will the workers support Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party if their lot is improving all the time (particularly given as they don’t seem to be onboard with the identity politics that are in vogue with the champagne swilling socialists in Broadcasting House)?
Their ire is demonstrated in the following article on their website ( Oh, the facts are there and there are even third party endorsements of the changes, but nevertheless the BBC chooses to run with a negative headline: “Ten million people face higher pension payments”. Ignore the fact that employers and the government are contributing more (note: governments don’t actually have money, they simply recycle yours). Rather, the BBC is outraged that people will have to put aside a bit more of their earnings to help make provision for their own futures: disgusting!
Given that this is an attempt to misrepresent a good news story, the BBC decides to play the Gender Card (alas, they couldn’t find the Race Card this morning). Yep, women will be unduly impacted by these changes as “Women are more likely to work part-time, and typically earn less – a so-called motherhood penalty.” Any such impact affects part-time workers regardless of gender, in much the same way as rain makes all people wet, even if it happens that there are more women walking outside than men at the time of the shower. It is, of course, an allusion to the gender gap illusion. And a curious reference to the ‘motherhood penalty’. What: even those who aren’t mothers? Do part-time male workers suffer from the ‘motherhood penalty’, too? Perhaps the BBC is getting confused over their women’s football coverage.
Pensions have needed reforming for decades. For most of that time the system benefited women, who were able to retire at 60, whereas men had to wait until 65. The retirement ages are now equalizing (largely as a result of EU rulings, does the BBC consider that women are losing out?). But contributions need to increase across the board to cover this, plus address the fundamental financial problems that have always been inherent in the State Pension scheme. An additional consideration is that long term tax revenues are likely to decline: those millions of foreign workers brought in to work on the minimum wage for big business will not make up the shortfall, whilst the said big businesses are becoming increasingly adept at paying little or no tax themselves.
Ian, unfortunately the pensioners, low and mid-paid are far worse off from today. They are gradually being squeezed out of political representation by paying less Income Tax but by paying more indirect taxes and increases in those indirect taxes.
To be fair to the BBC, they did point out how many tax rises are going through today (yes, they got the date wrong in some cases by covering it on 1 April – but hey! that’s the BBC for you) but they did also include the TV Licence Fee.
And it does hit part-time workers and freelancers without the guarantee of regular work hardest. Women probably do make up the bulk of that portion of the work force, either through marriage breakdown or caring roles. That group lose out on the pension benefits accorded to others in full employment, as well as the long-term pension benefit at the end. The proportion of women in freelancing roles in the workplace is, I think declining, largely due to more of the male workforce taking up self-employment.
The BBC on TOADY used the term ‘free money’ from employers in relation to the compulsory pension changes. Typical Socialists!
There is no such thing as free money. Those Employer contributions will come from increased prices or costs (or increased unemployment) and those increases fall hardest on the existing pensioner and the lowest and mid-paid.
Some good points, Uppy.
Globalist groups such as the IMF and the OECD have been advocating to the government that state pensions should be ‘means tested’, such that people with assets over a certain level would receive a reduced pension or possibly none at all. The following article from the Daily Express is specious and it would be political suicide right now, but there are people in both the Labour and Conservative parties who are seriously interested in doing this. Of course, it won’t affect them personally…
I think you’ve identified another word which the bbc uses for its propaganda output
‘Ten million people FACE…..’
In my context’ millions over voters face being betrayed by traitor MPs’
As for pensions – perish the thought that people should be made responsible for themselves , their families and their future – surely that is the job of the almighty State under the leadership of our great Comrade Corbyn/McDonnell- whilst we plebs are informed and entertained by the beloved State Broadcaster
Nadhim Zahawi, Childrens’ Minister, was on TOADY this a.m. warning that the failure of the WA to advance through Parliament and get the UK ‘out’ of the EU (a.k.a. ‘still in’ the EU) might lead to the rise of Hard Left and Hard Right political Parties in the UK.
I think what we need is an honest Hard Centre Party in UK politics. Let’s have an end to the toffs and get some real toffees – and toughies – into Parliament. No more weak, lily livered Hard Left Socialists (as in Labour, SNP & Plaid) and feeble Liberal Socialists (as in Conservatives, Lib Dems and TIG/Change).
Let’s get that dark chocolate and milk chocolate and white chocolate out and coat some real tough centrists to chew over the political affairs of the day and most of all – spit the EU and its ever increasing debt out of our lives!
The centre rules, OK!
snuff- yes, and didn’t he sound weak and helpless? Like some poor NGO bewailing its inability to get anything done, and the dire consequences?
Now that they’ve gone begging to Jeremy, you’re obviously allowed to say ‘hard left’ as well as ‘hard right’ – Project Fear x 2!
What a wimp! But then, if I were a minister in a May cabinet, I’d be tempted to jump off a high bridge. Or get things done! Someone (Labour?) suggested a trio of Ministers, including Zahawi and Prisons’ Stewart, had the perfect opportunity, while the top was engrossed in Brexit.
And as for Ms May, doesn’t she look old and worn? Her health can’t be getting any benefits from all this jetting around. I think she should retire, I do, quite sincerely.
And if the Centre is going to rule, UKIP and Nigel will have to team up fast and stop squabbling while Rome burns. We need numbers. And we need the media to be more balanced (ha ha) and overcome their prejudices, do proper interviews with real questions, to which they want to hear the answers, and actually listen. Last night’s performance between GuruMurphy and Redwood was a classic in how it’s not done.
No1 problem is that they mostly don’t ask to hear; they want to posture and virtue signal. Snow comes to mind. And Kuensberg. And Chris Mason. And Norman Smith. One or two decent presenters excluded.
fnw, yes weak and helpless but I suspect that was down to the BBC line (NZ was on the ‘phone, IIRC) which they tend to use as a weapon against Brexiteers. [ I did rejoice t’other day – Friday? Thursday? – when it caught out a Remainer, too. 🙂 ]
Nadhim Zahawi did say that ruling out No Deal Brexit by law was a stupid thing to do. That was the only tough line he came out with.
The Beeboid interviewer ignored that.
Errrrrrrr no.
The problem is the defintion of terms, and what the media calls ‘the centre’ is somewhat to the left of an already Marxist Tory party.
With 80 – 90% of the British public now defined by the media as ‘far right’, then it’s clear the centre is not the place to be.
Wandering across the twitter today – there are plenty of comments by prospective local councillors going ‘door to door ‘canvassing and being on the full receiving end of outraged joe public over what the Bubble is doing ….
It can only be a matter of time before the flowers and candles come out again – and it s not Party based .
With the BBC over representing black people in it’s television and radio output, I decided to look into Cassie’s Crystal Ball to see the direction state broadcasting in this country is heading. I’m sure the puppet masters in the BBC are watching this sort of broadcasting with great interest. The clip you are about to watch, if you dare, was first broadcast on Fox News. Please ensure that your mouth does not contain tea, cornflakes etc as I do not want to be accused in a court of law of being responsible for any incidents of death by choking.
You have been warned.
Is there anyone out there who is as old as me and remembers Top of the Form on BBC in the 1960s and 1970s?
Thank you for the clip cass
I’m guessing it was a full moon, too much fried chicken or Diane Abbot is their role model innit blood ?
Funny how black peoples can use the N word without comment ?
Good grief! :-O
The three woman line up will bring joy to Danny Cohen’s heart, but make Greg Dyke’s head explode.
Then maybe don’t plaster yourselves in bright orange FAKE tan, don’t start on the prosecco at 8am, don’t wear skirts that barely cover your arses and try not flashing your tits when you have had a few !!! Just a thought !!!!
Then again, I actually enjoy those photos every year !! I am after all a red blooded, white , leave voting 40 yr old man working man !!! Or as the BBC like to define me, a perv and a racist !!!!
They ‘re only there to pick up one of the many Liverpool football players as their future husband. The Blonde colour does it for most black players.
BBC has a report about Sir David Attenborough of the Planet.
Grovelling coverage includes
‘Sir David is emphatic and uncompromising in his assessment of the state of the natural world.
We have ruined it, basically.
Our rapaciousness aligned to industrial-scale destruction and over-population has put us on the brink of an ecological disaster from which there will be no return.
“What we do in the next 20 years will determine the future for all life on Earth”, he warns.’
Oh Sir David, tell us what to do.
Time this useless fart was debunked. Credit for his photography, but the story lines of his programmes and predator porn for excitement adds nothing to our knowledge of the animal world.
Take a look at this video of the Siberian Tiger. You know it will end with some creature ripped apart. Beautiful lethal killer. Yummy yummy. His concept of aesthetics has to be geared to the glorious kill. And we learn buggerall else about the animals.
This video is about Siberian Tigers. They are amazing animals and, like it or not, if they are to survive, they have to live in welfare enhanced captivity, which means they have to interact with us, and their telos has to be modified.. Or we can let them die out.
In my post retirement life I have responsibilities for the teaching and welfare of a few Siberian Tigers, and there is much to learn about them other than their killing ability.
Photo I took of one of my Tigers who does not work for the BBC
Many years ago I happened to be in the same restaurant as David Attenborough. He had a retinue of hangers-on and was holding court in that condescending wheezy tone, almost as if he were with a bunch of chimps in one of his TV shows.
I get the impression he’s more of a recent convert to Climate Hysteria, after years of warning us about over-population.
I agree over-population is something to worry about, seeing as it’s probably the western world that will eventually have to feed and house everybody who can get here.
But as ‘Sir’ David is a self confessed ‘boring left-wing liberal’ and has endorsed Green loony Caroline Lucas – I wonder which demographic of the population he would most like to see reduced?
“Or we can let them die out. ”
I can’t see why not – the schools keep brainwashing the poor pupils that evolution is natural.
I suspect that we (humans) are part of the biggest lie in history so why can’t man be the stronger thereby letting the Tigers go extinct? No where in nature do evolving species feed and protect other species?
I love the caption that the BBC have provided: “Unforgettable TV”. A more appropriate one might be “Instantly forgettable TV”. The WWF (not the Worldwide Wrestling Federation, the other lot that promote Globalism and Water Melon Environmentalism) are heavily involved, so expect some propaganda. But, for those who didn’t reach peak Attenborough 30 years ago and want to watch, it is on Netflix, meaning that no TV licence is required! And you can always watch it with the sound turned down 🙂
The Times has advertorial story from Attenborough’s WWF Our Planet series
… Apparently it will feature Giant Walruses jumping from high cliffs to their deaths due to climate Change.
Some good news in the Telegraph is that May’s Marxism is forcing an existential threat to the Tory party, and she has been told if she delays Brexit to the European elections the party is likely to be wiped out.
The spineless toadies were incapable of making the clearly difficult decision to rid themselves of her and so now she is free for at least 12 months to wreck the party to her hearts content.
It is clear her strings are now being pulled by Olly Robbins, and why the hell party insiders are not taking steps to seperate the two as they did with her previous advisors is beyond me.
The Media are quite content to watch this train wreck unfold as the Tory party implodes in much the way people like Peter Hitchens predicted it would.
The main problem now is that there is not a party to take it’s place, and again this comes down to the door of Nigel Farages one trick pony party which should have been so much more. Who on the right of the collapsing Tory party would leave to join a party with only one policy?
UKIPs association with Tommy Robinson means that it is no longer a vehicle which fleeing Tories could even consider as viable.
The only realistic way is for May to wait another week out and allow the UK to leave the EU without a deal which is best for her party and the country, apparantly she has been told this in a ‘furious’ meeting with senior party officials, but is refusing to listen to any advice given.
She may not be allowed to listen to their advice. I cannot believe this woman exercises any of her own beliefs.
Stiff competition from ‘guests ‘ in Blighty over violence but I found a contender buried in the local Southampton news of a certain
Nabil Errouam
Who tool a knife to a park and went on a rampage stabbing a teenager girl and stabbing a blind man who was with his guide dog .
It’s okay though – he didn’t stab the guide dog
It’s on the BBC website. Although they kind of forgot to mention that he was Algerian-born and will be deported (allegedly) upon completion of sentence.
A bit like the tall man story. An identifier not worthy of mention. I’d have thought it a talking point given that the generic knife crime photo always depicts a white hand.
Ian – ‘allegedly’. You will be pleased to know that the Austrians will no longer take ‘migrants’, expelled from Germany into their country, if they have been in prison. Not even allowed to cross to elsewhere.
Small but significant move under Chancellor Kurz. Austria and Hungary give one hope. Who knows, maybe even the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be restored. Joke.
Meanwhile the stupid German CDU/CSU/SPD Zombies who run government, have agreed to take 64 migrants from the NGO rescue ship, Alan Kurdi, because Italy and Malta won’t take them. (Operation run by ‘Sea-Eye’.) Added to the hundreds still streaming in to Germany daily, many of whom will cause mayhem.
The Greens will be pleased.
I should mention ‘Pro-Asyl’, who have a new strategy to hide criminal deportees in private homes, to prevent their removal.
“I should mention ‘Pro-Asyl’, who have a new strategy to hide criminal deportees in private homes, to prevent their removal.”
I’ve got an awful feeling that ‘aint gonna end well for some Geman women……………………. But there, who am I to ponder openly?
Climate : hen the BBC suddenly do a news story and aren’t alarmist, it’s worth writing about
They love to campaign. I wish they’d just report facts (without omission).
Gollies : talk about CCBGB
Remember the row when the Queen’s shop sold gollies
To see the hundreds of comments on that Look North video you have to click the Facebook logo on the bottom corner or click this link
If you want a good laugh or you wish to become even more annoyed at ‘foreign interference’ in UK & EU political matters and the Fear Campaigns of the EU and Hard Remainers, try this:
Foreign Interference and control?
That is the question really, over and above any touchy feely aspirations of One World with one President and lions playing with lambs.
And that should be the question on a prophesied second / third / final vote ie: Do I want my country run by an un-elected foreign body that will not, by it’s very nature, have my best interests at heart ?
If the answer is ‘no’ then the second question arises: Do I wish to leave this organization and take back control of my country?
And finally the question is: Do I wish to leave the EU ?
But hey, haven’t we done that one already?
Well, yes we have and the reason it’s got stuck is because we are in that above mention organization and are therefore not free of foreign interference.
Reporting news where the bbc might see their special ‘editorial integrity’ kicking in.
Matthew Parris is rarely flavour of the month on this esteemed website but he does occasionally put his finger on something.
In today’s Times he describes an awards ceremony for journalists he attended.
The headline and sub-headline are as follows…
‘Double standards of the smug liberal left. An awards night for those fighting censorship was a funny time for a comedian to trash the principle of free speech’.
One might apply these thoughts to much of the output of a certain national broadcaster often referenced on this site, the review of HIGNFY above by Mr Pinder at 0138 being an immediate case in point……..
Well he did grow up in Rhodesia and imbibed enough of it to still give him moments of lucidity and truthfulness. Well worth reading some of his memoirs of his time in Southern Africa.
\\ Nish Kumar opted to make the centrepiece of his schtick the fact that (he told us) the Daily Mail had been among the contributors to the evening’s costs. These include bringing some of the nominees to Britain for the event.
But Kumar’s riff was to go for the laughs he gets easily among the audience he presumably targets. His attack was less than cerebral.
He called the paper a “shit-rag” and railed barely coherently at its editorial stance on, for instance, Brexit.
In an intellectually flimsy attempt to relate this diatribe to what the evening was actually about, he tried to suggest that calling politicians or judges with whom you disagree “enemies of the people” was an attempt to stifle free speech. //
Ironic cos since that comment on Gina Miller judges the Mail has changed to become a Mays-Deal Guardian-Lite Paper
..just another metroLiberal mediabubbleworld voice.
\\ Well pointed out Matthew.
Mr Kumar is the classic double whammy.
… A so called liberal who is intolerant
… and a so called comedian who isn’t funny.//
screenshot of entire article
Week in Westminster
The bbc subbed this out to a kid from the Huff Post . He spent the first 15 minutes interviewing the awful Nicki Morgan and Patrick McFadden -both of whom are hard core Remainer traitors but managed not to say they were . So I looked it up to make sure
Then he wasted time discussing how difficult it is for the traitor PM to talk to a Terrorist Supporting Marxist .
No mention of the criminal turning up wearing a tag to decide a vote on brexit . That isn’t important is it ?
The huff kid is so out of touch that he was seriously talking about a snap election ?
The bubble really doesn’t get how upset people are …
The traitor PM is the Marxist the Terrorist supporting Labour leader is in reality a Fascist.
Look up Mussolinis manifesto, you will find it almost identical.
Bbc weekend subbing is the best.
The Today Programme
“If I’m a Muslim and I say I’m going to blow myself up, you can’t look at me and say Islam teaches this.”
These trainee imams are in London tackling Islamophobia – [Tap to expand]
Not in his hearing range, anyway.
GW – I notice ‘Hope not Hate’ now say Islamophobia has become the main driving force behind the ‘far Right’, rather than immigration.
Beeb sources impeccable, as always.
You think the Lefties HATE Trump?
‘Agit-Rossija’ have been erecting memorials in Russia to ‘the late’ President Putin. The latest one in front of the Isaac Cathedral in St Petersburg is a black marble stone, bearing his picture.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this gimmick catches on in the ole USA, where the Shumers, Pelosis, Schiffs and Orcasio-Cortez’s (to mention but a few- I think St Obama- who most certainly has a finger in the overthrow/impeach Trump pie- was appearing in Cologne yesterday, where he allegedly drew a crowd of 15,000) of this world are only to keen to bury America.
It should also appeal to the gimmick-loving, Trump-hating Antifa crowd in the US.
Can we not start a petition that lobbies parliament to certify anyone who repeats the idea that those who were 16 at the time of the Brexit referendum aren’t being represented by the result? This low iq statement should have been ignored but keeps getting touted.
However, since we are dealing with people as thick as a whale omelette may I potentially add my name to the list? On the mobile version of this site, by the time the fourth or fifth reply to a post is displayed on my screen, it’s a long vertical line of single letters. I don’t know if it is a function of my cheapo phone, a fault on the site or some weird setting I have or havent addressed. Any ideas?
You are not alone with the ‘single letter issue ‘
I get that sometimes too but it seems to happen when I’m being to quick in trying to get to the bit I want to read as I scroll down .
Coming to the site and leaving it a bit seems to help a bit but I’ll do a bit of research .
Thank you!
I just wonder if we are underestimating ” Mother Theresa” and
she is getting nearer to what she really wants, for the UK to
REMAIN in the EU !!
Could we be seeing the greatest piece of Machiavellian cunning
since Niccolo did his mischief in Florence over 400 years ago.
Did Theresa agree to the EU terms because she knew all asunder
would turn it down for different reasons? Then gradually get
towards what she really wanted all along to keep us in the EU ?
Because it beginning to look like that’s whats going to happen.
BRAVO Theresa May. If Joe Green was alive today he would of
written an opera about it. Many would say that the story would
be as daft as Il Trovatore. But what melodrama. I reckon a Mezzo
soprano for the role Theresa , just like Lady Macbeth. The BBC
could premier it!
I have little doubt about it.
I do have a knee-jerk reaction, however, to seeing “underestimate” and “Mother Theresa” in the same sentence, although I take your point. She’s tried to model herself on Margaret Thatcher, not grasping the difference between a strong, intelligent woman who can hold her own in any debate, and pure pig-headed stubbornness. She can’t think on her feet, or in any other position I can think of.
She must be desperate to salvage any reputation which remains – hence the disasterous decision to talk to the comrades .
The only upspin I am hoping for is that she’ll drag out the talks for another couple of days and then it will be too late to prevent Blighty from leaving .
And any a50 extension will only be granted on the basis of an assurance that UK will recant and stay in the ReichEU .
True and the EU are getting a bit twitchy. They don’t want us around and they certainly don’t want Farage around. It was said that if we are in the the Euro Elections and the leave it will invalidate the voting and have to be run all over again.
The bbc continues with it’s ‘leaving the odd word out of reports style in order to change the sense completely’ – they have become very proficient at it.
We really have few definite facts to go on regarding the complete s**tshow of the Government supposedly trying to leave the EU, but meanwhile desperately trying to stay in (on worse terms than if remain had won).
It’s tiresome all this speculation, but what the hell, I might as well join the club and speculate anyway..
1. Only a tiny handful of MPs excepting DUP are serious leavers. We can see that from the all the gits who have ‘reluctantly’ given support to the PM’s awful WA. In this Remain will eventually have the numbers on their side.
2. The WA was given to Theresa May by the Commission as a ‘take it or leave it’ option, and (probably foolishly) believed she could get it through Parliament without too much hassle.
They did this on the basis that she cravenly gave in to all their demands, and had assurances from her she could keep us in as a slave member but also keep the money flowing. The EU couldn’t believe their luck. Drinks all round for Juncker, Barnier, Verhofstat and co.
3. The Commission, now realising that there is something seriously wrong with our PM is actually in a bind as they don’t want any amendments on an optimum deal for them. Meanwhile some of the other EU countries are muttering..worried about not getting our contribution..or thinking it’s time to cut us loose with all the hassle we’ve given them in the past.
4. Theresa May appears to be in some kind of mental illness loop where she keeps trying the same thing over and over and erroring. She’s had the EU’s input to get the deal passed and that’s what she’s determined to do. No matter the cost, no matter the constitutional wreckage, no matter that no one will vote Tory again, and no matter the national humiliation.
So if my little speculative story is right, we may have a slim chance of getting out if the clock is run down (before whatever the next deadline is). Or, what is more likely is that EU will agree to some last minute adjustments to the deal with another prominent government Remainer.. while quietly advising us to cart Theresa May off to the looney bin.
Any number of Tory cabinet ministers would have sold us out equally as badly, it was just blind chance that the job fell to ‘a bloody difficult woman’ and caused all the tiresome delay in the treachery.
Mostly things labeled, Conspiracy turn out to be, Cock-up.
Ousman Umar spent 5 years reaching Spain from Ghana then qualified from Esade.
He runs a charity @NascoFeedingMinds for children in his country.
In his new book, he says migrants should say at home
“I want my story to give a voice to all the migrants who died [trying] to cross the seas, who suffered beatings like me in Libyan prisons, so that people in Africa do not try to do what I did,” he said.
“The answer is make a better life in your own home.
I am a rare success story but I wish I had never done this.
The emotional toll is too much.”
Stew isn’t there a term for that like pulling up the draw bridge after you’ve used it – or similar .
Send him back too
No disagree, cos there is a massive problem
… even though they’ve failed most migrants are afraid
so they make up stories of success to send back home
.. so the truth never gets through.
“The comments on this article are premoderated and so may be delayed”
Apologies, not BBC but Channel 4 pointing out that Brexiteers are working class racists who have to be dealt with by good people.
Again direct link to Facebook comments
Top with 4,000 Likes “This is the most BS propaganda ever”
With fanatics like Snow and Guru-Murphy in their ranks, I’m not surprised.
Channel 4 : Toxic. In so many ways, even beyond politics.
To them, waycists are people who support the sovereignty of national states, want their borders properly controlled, work for a living, don’t care for the unaccountable and corrupt EU government (no problems with Europe), vote in referenda, but give the ‘wrong’ answer, and could even conceivably be Christians. Got it.
I’ll give the money to Hope not Hate instead. Not.
Just goes to prove the point: that sort of thinking and that sort of person can only get their way through threats, implied in this case. Surely, the message is, only foreigners and their friends, the Marxists, can turn to violence to get their way. Islam at work?
Acte vingt et un, a Paris, if anyone’s interested…
Old Goat
Apart from the French having a country more spacious than ours, I do feel jealous of their resolve.
Hot news from CNN – “In 2016 the Conservative Party was taken over by Right Wing Populists”.
fix your typo
Any Questions…. 4 / 4 remainers . ?
Not directly BBC but if you “ game” the way forward and the traitor parliament gets a 12 month A50 extension – how will that play out ?
The complexion of the EU Parliament might be more populist after May and – perhaps – a more hostile complexion to the United States of Europe dream of the MSM political bubble .
But maybe we ll get lucky and the EU will let us go this coming week after trying to squeeze more cash out of us .
Then May can go on a long walking holiday …
Zahawi says participating in the EU elections could be suicide for the Tories, and lead to the implosion of the party.
Where’s the problem?
May has been working hard to achieve that, since even before the last GE, which was her special baby. Suddenly, he has a problem?
The storm clouds are gathering and the longer she draws it out the worse will be the outcome.
It’s the triumph of clever over wise.