So FT do you have the public pulse
.. Or are you medialandbubbleworld like the rest ?
Have you listened yet? On the latest episode of our Everything Else podcast comedian Nish Kumar provides catharsis on the never-ending Brexit chaos, while Gris and Al choose their best movie goodbyes
Bizarre! The Welsh voters were predominantly pro-Brexit to the tune of 53%. Just goes to show the outright arrogance of Mr Owen Smith and those that are of the same view.
“A related colloquialism is the verb to welsh/welch (‘to renege’) as in ‘to Welsh/welch on a deal or bet’, which may be derived from an age-old ‘English’ stereotype of the Welsh/Celtic peoples as unreliable oath-breakers, though that etymology remains conjectural.”
@SupportOurLefty’s thread covers BBC anti-Brexit bias in Question Time, Comedy and Nish Kumar
If anyone still seriously doubts that #bbcqt is not blatantly biased against Brexiters, they should read @joelrwrites' excellent thread.
In it, he forensically analyses the make-up of QT panels from 2017 to today, and finds that Remainers have outnumbered Leavers by over 2 to 1.
— Sir Lefty Farr-Wright QC (@SupportOurLefty) April 5, 2019
The Hatey No Hopers doing PR in the Times claiming to be a crack undercover investigators
No mention that they are a Labour Party front group who actually spread hate and cause violence.
Just when you thought the Tories couldn’t get any worse they have managed to do the unbelievable and appointed well known far leftist indentity mongerer Anal C-Loony as their special envoy on media freedom !
I wonder how long it will be before her husband George is addressing the Socialists at the Tory party conference on the evils of the Sulatn of Brunei which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam ?
Re legality of Onasanya’s voting
@Tomo wrote to the HoC and got a reply from the House of Commons Information Department
\\ .Fiona Onasanya is still an MP and will remain so unless and until the recall petition that is currently underway in Peterborough is successful.
This is because, once elected, MPs can only be removed from office (apart from at the next general election) by disqualification or through the recall process.
Ms Onasanya’s sentence was not of sufficient length to disqualify her as an MP.
So far as the House of Commons is concerned, then, Fiona Onasanya’s vote on Wednesday night is valid.
Any other question would be a matter for the criminal justice system to determine and not for the House itself to investigate //
Remember Tory MP Davies who pled guilty to rather minor expenses procedure cheating is awaiting sentencing
..but I doubt he’ll get a custodial one.
And they didn’t answer my questions…. I asked if an MP could vote if they were allowed out and returned to prison and what disqualifies an MP from voting….
Full page government advert in the Times uses this same graphic
..nowhere near reflects the UK workforce which is overwhelmingly white skinned
Not just one in 5
Prepare your workforce for the UK leaving the EU. Find out the latest guidance and steps you can take: I’m an EU citizen living in the UK – how will leading the EU affect me?
Nice to see whites as the ethnic minority eh ? How to give away a country in 3 decades .
(Yeah but we needed third worlders to do the jobs whites wouldn’t do nonsense ).
I used to enjoy the odd 45min drama on R4 at 2.15/2.30.
There was a chance of it being a Sherlock Holmes or even a love triangle. Lie back, relax, forget politics etc.
Now I give up. Switch on, and it’s invariably a vehicle for propaganda for some or the other ‘minority’ or interest group, disguised as a drama.
Just a moment ago I had to push the ‘off’ button again. I caught something about Strindberg and, for a millisecond thought: ‘A bit heavy, but OK. At least no propaganda’.
Then I heard the shootings at Ferguson came into it. Didn’t figure Strindberg was concerned with them, so ‘off’ was pushed.
Maybe I missed something good. But my wager is that beeb’s absolute favourite topic came into it- waycism. Hideously white Whitey bad. Supremacist. Privilege. Got all that. Ad Nauseum.
Sick of it. Sick to the teeth.
Oh fake ,
I remember I time when R4 put out 90 minute plays where there was no question of ticking the dumbed down PC buttons .
The snowflakes commissioning stuff now must have a tick box chart and if you don’t hit those boxes – no commission .
As an aside – that cancer has spread to TV drama -which leads to bland rubbish with the exception being lauded morning noon and night .
Example being ‘flea bite ‘ – a snowflake metro girly drama which which ran out of steam after 6 episodes but got a second per poor series as a ‘hit’.
It was a nice piece of feminist propaganda but not missed …
Surely the Remain machine will throw everything at the EU elections aided by media.
– Remainers will get all their voters out including their dog
…. and some ex-leaver voters will fall for the brainwashing and vote for them
– Leavers will be apathetic
Remain will declare that the result is equivalent to a Second Referendum
.. And that therefore Brexit is officially cancelled.
And if they don’t like the result – they can question it’s validity, blame Facebook, blame Russia, blame the voters and just ignore it OR ask for a re-vote and a re-vote and a re- vote and a ………………………..
Greece ,: false rumours about borders to Macedonia opening up cause migrants to gather for march on border.
''Refugees'' Live television broadcasts showed crowds of women leading the protests. In one case a woman used a child apparently as a battering ram, pushing her into the police line in a bid to break the cordon.
Stew – There is going to be a lot of this, we need to brace ourselves.
Nothing will be sacred, not even your own child. And it’s exactly what the MSM will be looking for, a nice photo op.
We are in a propaganda war I could never have envisaged, and -if we don’t adapt- we will be in a ‘hot’ war, in which we get steamrolled, having been thoroughly brainwashed. Propaganda has become a fierce weapon in its context – the effectiveness? – forget Pershing missiles, obsolete by comparison.
The rule book, if there ever was one, has been dumped in the bin.
Still looking for the first paper to wonder whether there is actually an invasion taking place, by ‘refugees’. Or is the word ‘invasion’ streng verboten?
I ask, as language is at the heart of the propaganda war.
Fakenewswatcher, we have been part of an EU Multiculturalism Propaganda exercise for many years, supported so vehemently as it would appear by the 26 nations of the European Union, and the media headed of course by the BBC. Just consider how many coloured people are now shown on every TV channel, most advertisements, especially in connection with womens clothing and cosmetics. I live in a small market town in north Staffs, and the Pharmacist has recently employed/introduced a Black woman amongst its staff, she is I might add most helpful-I asked her how long she had been working there, she said just two months and was due to go back to college for training in this area of work. I cannot believe that there was not a white woman or man available and who would not be happy to have such employment. That situation confirms the push throughout for multiculturalism and will encourage the flood of immigration to the UK. That is why the UK needs to be able to control immigration and that is why 17.4 million of us voted LEAVE-the Withdrawal Agreement would scupper any ideas Britian may have of controlling immigration. Goodness only knows where we are going now!
tarien- regrettably that’s only the good news. Look at demographics in Africa and the Middle East, and you’ll know the bad news.
Coming back to Stew’s photo of Greece, instead of preparing to defend, if necessary, we are being softened up by the powers-that-be and the media and actually encouraging our own downfall.
Re the immigration, Hungary is the only country I am aware of that has used Common Sense (now in very short supply) and taken measures to encourage its own population to reproduce instead of looking to immigration. Along with proper education and training, and a bit of planning, this is the way to go.
But it’s not a discussion you’ll hear on beeb, I absolutely guarantee it.
Finally, let me throw a little firework into this site: I am also a leaver, voted to do so, dismayed by the subversion of this vote, but wondering whether -if we should leave- the same (or worse) would not happen.
And if you want, I’ll explain to you exactly how that will be justified. But -if you look at the level of non-EU immigration into the UK, you will surely work it out for yourself.
Oh yes I have looked at the demographics in Afric, Middle East, Pakistan & East Asia, and know that Europe is in great danger of losing its 2000 yr history to be reshaped by those followers of the teachings of Islam.
Very sorry for Greece, the suffering that country has had to endure as a result of the Chancellor of Germany’s misguided, delusional decision to allow so many peoples to be welcomed into Europe. Hard to say but Greece should deport the lot back into Turkey, a country far more appropriate in respect to their Islamic ideology.
tarien – don’t know if you missed it, but Merkel paid Erdogan/Turkey 6 billion Euro to halt the flow of ‘refugees’ across the Balkan route.
He frequently threatens to ‘let them loose’ if he doesn’t get what he wants from the EU.
I reckon the Germans could have done quite a bit to secure their own borders, instead, with that money.
Trump can’t get the money to secure his border, Merkel has it but lacks the will/intention to protect hers (and is willing to break any law to not do so),
In view of the insufferable, delusionist, and the very duplicitous behaviour of the cabinet, and most of the Members of Parliament, I propose that the following statement is certainly appropriate.
‘Never have so few decided so much for so many.’
Any hear that earth shattering impact ?
It was the Left Liberal train smashing headlong into the Muslim Express.
Who’d be a bbc propagandist these days ?
Right across the West the law is broken with impunity by those on the Globalist side but is used to repress those on the anti Globalist side. The law has been captured by the Globalist left who have weaponised it.
In the US there has been clear evidence of extreme wrong doing by Clinton , Comey, Lynch etc etc but it has gone unpunished for over two years . Yet the president is hounded on a daily basis from pillar to post with no evidence ever produced.In the UK 300 year old Parliamentary convention is flouted on a daily basis opposite Brexit denial.
We have seen in Greece and Spain that mass unemployment , and the ruined lives that go with it , means nothing to the ruling elite, who are going to push forward with their EU project no matter what the cost for ordinary folks.
In 2016 the referendum result and the election of President Trump signalled that the Globalists were being democratically challenged for the first time. Their reaction to that challenge has been extreme , illegal , undemocratic and contemptuous of ordinary folks. It has proved that democracy alone is unable to wrest power from them . But there is no doubt in my mind that if there are any serious protests about the denial of Brexit the protesters will be dealt with harshly and all signs of dissent suppressed. We live in very dangerous times where democracy is at an end and rule of law has gone the same way as freedom of speech.
Great column by Matthew Parris in today’s Times. At a plush awards comic genius Nish Kumar was the MC and did some wonderfully original material about the Daily Mail. Parris is absolutely scathing and I must confess an unhealthy buzz of schadenfreude. It’s well worth a read.
What a cruel, insane world where this chump gets his own prime time show. I wonder if in some private moments any Beeb cultists wonder at how sensible this diversity first quality second religion is? I see so many brilliant stand-ups every year at Edinburgh and Kumar is not fit to lick their boots.
Doublethinker – you are quite right.
The war we have been losing big time on a daily basis is -as discussed above- the propaganda war.
However, times have changed.
After the war (WW2) a Brit – Lord Haw Haw- was hanged for conducting propaganda against his own country, on the airwaves.
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
And please don’t be under the illusion that we are not at war…
I see Man City are playing Brighton in the FA cup semi-final.
City should clinch it easily.
They have a very strong team.
And they have the diver extraordinaire and card-playing ace, right in from the start. No chances, this time; it so nearly went wrong in the last leg.
In the quarters they only just saved it (unfairly-no VAR) by bringing him on near the end. I knew immediately what would happen.
And it did.
He tried it on within the first 5 mins for England, and it didn’t work. Then he found it was actually unecessary- just play the game….
So will we be seeing something extraordinary this avo?
What’s all this rubbish about this treasonous government giving away huge amounts of our money to black immigrants?
As Earthling Carl says, where’s the money for the tens of thousands of young English girls and boys who have been raped, kidnapped tortured and murdered by muslims?
The whining by the immigrant in this clip from LBC, Nick Ferrari, is infuriating. The ingrate should have been told to sod off.
They talk of a compromise. Don’t get it – one side wants leave, the other wants to remain (the Referendum result carries zero weight in all this) so the only compromise is to half leave and half remain.
Dare say one of our illustrious betters will be explaining how that works to us thickos in the coming weeks.
So the BBC tells us, about the moral minded Islamo-Labour party who claim to be in favour of protecting LGBT people, in the article “Labour urges action over new Brunei anti-LGBT laws”, where gay people are to be stoned to death :
Yet the sniveling Dhimmi BBC, fails again to call-out these shallow self serving lies by Labour. In fact Labour just adopted the following definition of “Islamaphobia”:
“Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet, what could be more of an “expressions of Muslimness” than an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded (which is why they brought in the stoning laws):
“If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
“Lot” of course being famous for the Sodomy/ Homosexuality. The command thus directing people who engage in homosexual behavior to be killed. So the Labour Party is now “Islamophobic” by their own definition.
But are the feeble minded traitors at the BBC capable of exposing this contradiction with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds stolen from the pockets of the working class who they despise so much?
Of course not… the BBC are a disgrace and a national embarrassment.
There was a query on the previous page about replies to replies on smart phones. The same thing happens on my phone – the body of the text narrows until by the fourth or fifth reply to a reply it’s a single line of letters, hard to read.
I believe that if there is a reply to that single-line reply, it does not appear at all – though I’m not sure about that.
Mine is not that smart a phone so I guess it’s possible that a more sophisticated phone will not have the problem.
Thanks for that. I’ll give it a shot. If all I have to do is turn the phone to the horizontal, it will be the simplest solution to any problem I’ve ever encountered while struggling with IT!
BBC Question Time panellist Charles Moore interrupted the programme last night to complain of pro-Remain bias on the panel. Is Question Time biased against Brexit?
In response to the point made by @CharlesHMoore about our panels – we’d point out that since 2016 there’s been a range of competing and different positions on Brexit which #bbcqt has reflected both on the panel and from our audience.
— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) April 4, 2019
“there’s been a range of competing and different positions on Brexit which #bbcqt has reflected both on the panel and from our audience.”
But in the last year or so we’ve upped the bias in favour of those who voted for the Traitors and we sent all the good news to the furnace in the BBC boiler house.
Look at the difference in the BBC headline to the Stoke Sentinel one
“Life sentence for deported sex-shame husband who sneaked back into UK to murder Stoke-on-Trent mum after she converted to Christianity”
\\ Judge Michael Chambers QC said this was a ‘planned and premeditated murder’.
“It was motivated by you seeking retribution for her failure to support your immigration appeal against deportation as a failed asylum seeker.”
“She had dishonoured you by converting to Christianity. She formed a relationship with someone else.” //
It’s unbelievable that the BBC calls him “A failed asylum seeker ”
Jihadi watch claims \\ he previously threatened to kill his wife because she “dishonored” him by converting to Christianity, authorities said. //
They’ve slightly edited that Stoke murder story newsSniffer
principally it added at the bottom
“Other motives for the murder included Ms Najmadeen “starting a new relationship and converting to Christianity”
, Det Ch Insp Downing said.
I didn’t see that edit before although it’s marked April 4th
When the BBC interview a prospective employee, I wonder how they assess his/her/its political views? Their views obviously have to be of the Left.
If the candidate wanted the job, would they have to demonstrate animosity to Trump, Israel, Brexit, Robinson, Farage etc during the selection process? Are they expected to continue with this once in employment?
By selecting only those of the Left, BBC Bias will continue.
And who would want to bite the hand that feeds them and their pension?
Of note. In the past, their job vacancies were only advertised in the Guardian.
Perhaps you might do better to see the university graduates output? Only Lefties actually appear to pass the course, and I for one don’t know of a single right of centre young journalist up and coming now.
The BBC offers candidates a job for life and an excellent pension. This must influence Sky employees who know that the BBC is the career life-boat to swim for.
Are Sky employees/journalists influenced by the prospect of the BBC life-boat and the need therefore to conform to a Left stance?
The BBC’s poison pollutes far beyond the shores of their biased broadcasts.
Why doesn’t the BBC do some research into punishment for homosexuality around the Middle East and Islamic Africa. It could really open some eyes to the problem. It could help Labour and activist Tatchell to boot. (Shhh Palestine).
Lefty darling Clooney has also waded in, boycotting hotels owned by Brunei.
The BBC could provide some context to gorgeous george’s protest regarding whole continents of the world in line with Brunei.
So Thornbelly thinks Brunei shout be chucked out of the commonwealth, Jeremy Hunt expresses ‘deep opposition’ to the new laws, and activist Tatchell says
“What the sultan has done has introduced punishments the same as Isis implemented in Iraq and Syria during it’s so-called caliphate, including brutal stoning to death of people convicted of homosexuality”
But back to Tatchell, claiming Brunei implementing laws as brutal as ISIS did in Iraq and Syria.
He clearly isn’t aware that the death sentence for homosexuality is implemented in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Yemen, Nigeria, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Somalialand, and finally Afghanistan.
And life sentences are available in Ethiopia, Gambia, Myamar, Tanzania, Uganda, and Pakistan. Or that lengthy sentences of up to 20 years for homosexuality are available in Egypt(17yrs), Zambia(14) , Kenya(14), South Sudan(10), Palestine(10), Bangladesh(10), qatar(7), botswana(7)….
and many,many more (54 countries punish homosexuality with at least prison).
In Chechnya you are kidnapped and sent to a concentration camp. In Saudia Arabia, they castrate, torture, whip, execute, etc
Returning to Hunt, he appears not to mind if execution and life/long sentences for homosexual acts were available prior to this week in the countries mentioned above.
What are they doing? Why pick on Brunie?
For no more reason than Virtual Signalling to the LGBT activists. Nothing more than rank hypocrisy. Acting as though extreme punishment is not endemic in the Islamic world is worse than picking on one Islamic country for implementing it.
I would love to hear Corbyn(Palestine) speak about it.
What were his views on the US Christian Bakery refusing to bake a cake promoting gay marriage. Did he apply context? Does his brain point out the insanity of fighting for cake rights versus execution?
“That is why any reforms we might painfully exact from our rulers would only be fragile and vulnerable; that is why we, along with the women’s movement, must fight for something more than reform. We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there.”
A rather disquieting extract from the Gay Liberation Front Manifesto.
Many thanks to the 30 odd readers who thus far have liked my earlier post on the shit stirrers at the BBC dredging up someone who was annoyed their new UK passport did not have the words ‘European Union’ on the front.
I described this story as scraping the bottom of the Remoaner barrel. It is of course utterly, totally trivial yet gets a prime spot on the bBBC website.
But clearly, for the BBC the story didn’t go far enough !!!!! Oh, no.
So I now give you….
‘ Brexit, UK couple issued different passport versions’.
Different versions! My god. The end of the world must be nigh. Better go and crouch down in my nuclear bunker.
I looked at the front on my 8 year old passport and noticed for the first time in had ‘European Union’ written at the top. Surely that’s newsworthy enough for the BBC. Like the couple above, my first thought was to contact the BBC! The couple didn’t go ‘oh yeah. funny that’ and get on with their lives like weirdos, so why should I. The batteries in my remote control need changing. Is that newsworthy?
‘Brexit, UK man notices EU on passport cover’
Can I still call myself a man. Is it not racist or something.
This story is pathetic. The BBC is so pathetic. I really hate them. But of course “hate” is now a crime. I expect to be arrested like many others as the sniveling cowards at the BBC sneer and snatch my money under force of law for their pathetic propaganda.
Judging by the way the traitors are stitching up the UK the passports without EU on them will be collectors items for people who believed that a 1.2 million majority vote actually meant something ….
I must admit, the idea that now the words ‘European Union’ have been taken off the front of passports I can’t enter EU countries, horrifying. And that my sick great grandma who lives in Spain or something, who now can’t return to the UK to get life saving medical treatment, truly shocking. I cry every day. I need to tell my story. Who would be interested in utter nonsense like that?
Anyway, the fights over now. EU has been taken off the passports, so we can relax.
Spain and UK agreed a bilateral agreement about 2 weeks ago . It didn’t receive much coverage by the BBC . Other countries have competed bilaterals as well – irrespective of Brexit .
But that was before we took ‘European Union’ off the passports. What will happen once they notice. I’m terrified of the reaction.
And what of the ‘remote chance’ we end up fully remaining in the EU, but my passport doesn’t say ‘European Union’ on the front. I’ve had sleepless nights worrying about this since I found out 2 hours ago.
I know most if not all EU countries have agreed on bilateral travel, but i’m ‘shaking with fear’, i told the BBC reporter
ray – hang in there buddy, in those rough waters: deep in your heart, you know that you shall overcome someday; we’re all thinking of you…
PS for sleepless nights, Rachmaninov is good.
\\ Why do people not accept the referendum result,
stating it was a close call
and yet motions in parliament can win by one vote and be accepted without any calls for a second vote on the same motion,
is the U.K. a two tier democracy? //
The BBC has decided to distract people from the brexit betrayal by going after the British Army . 3 Para using Comrade Corbyn s face for target practice – which in relation to his support for Irish republicanism is fair ( I remember ) and now some incident where blokes got drunk and allegedly assaulted a girl soldier .
They led with the latter and included Corbyn in the report .
A friend of mine as school lost his brother – who was in the paras – to IRA murder in Northern Ireland in the 1970s . The effect was awful and all his friends – including me – felt the pain .
Corbyn was there all the time undermining the army in Northern Ireland . I was surprised the likes of he and Livingstone survived the 1970s because of that .The BBC was there along side him undermining efforts to destroy republican terrorists – example – Gibraltar . Yet they got away with it .easy to use the ‘forgive And forget ‘ line – by people not affected personally by it .
16 years ago today, during the Iraq invasion, a US plane dropped a 1000-lb bomb on the US & Kurdish soldiers my team was filming. 18 people died inc my translator Kamaran. The bomb fell only 12 paces from us & we were all injured. It was as careless as the invasion itself.
She thought she had, but then realised she had ‘mis-spoken’ about it. But there again, later she (and the entire MSM) mis-believed she was about to become president.
Van – no – it just gave him a lot of cred with comrade beeboids and has been dining out on it ever since . If he ever me the American pilot who dropped one on his position I bet he’d give him a huge hug for the amount of money he has made out of that incident …
I saw this & although I suspect the motivations of the BBC for posting it, we are not the Fascist Left and facts remain facts. If it is proven this was the case then that’s a fact and we have to accept it as such. No doubt though we shall never hear the end of it, which is not that Pulaski would have wanted at all.
Is this something to do with Sopel being quiet since the Mueller report, lying down in a darkened room and trying to come up with the next criticism of President Trump ?
Or just another attempt by the BBC to encourage sexual perversion ?
Is a public vote the same as the old Union votes to strike? Where the decision was made in public by a show of hands and people were intimidated to raise their hands for actions that adversely affected them and their families?
They would all welcome that. The turnout would doubtless be minimal as most would treat any likely Tom Watson, ‘Public Vote’ i.e. Referendum as a waste of time.
They would all get their way, riding on the back of assured apathy: diminished numbers but crucially, those voting the ‘Right EU Way’. That’s the assured factor following the Newport (West) by-election last week.
I hearing on the news May tells us it’s either leave with (her remain) deal or there will be no Brexit.
How can a massive leave vote end up being a choice of staying in the eu or brino.
It reminds me of the old witch ducking stool test, the two outcomes being if she drowns she was innocent and if she survives she is guilty and is then put to death.
I suppose the good thing with what she is saying is that EVERYTHING she has so far promised she has failed to deliver so if she carries on then Brexit is assured.
Our ‘honourables’ are disgusting.
Do they really think we will all just shrug our shoulders and say “never mind” and nothing will come from their disgraceful treachery?
Again read between the lines. Who is she saying this to? Certainly not us the people because we don’t have any choice in the matter, and we have no decision making powers at all.
My belief is that she’s probably saying this to the Labour party after talks broke down in the hope the people are going to blame them. It isn’t going to work though, because people can see the presentation of a deal rejected so many time and unchanged is entirely the fault of Theresa May’s hopeless negotiation. As one commentator noted, her stubborness is legendary, she just doesn’t know when to stop banging her head against a wall and find a different path through.
JUst this morning I was reflecting on the stupidity of the 60% of Tory MPs who voted for her in the leadership contest, and then when it was obvious she was failing, still voted for her. They are as guilty as she is, and we can only hope this rotten party collapses into the dust where it belongs, and a new party rises from the ashes. Alas thanks to Nigel Farage it won’t be either the Brexit party or UKIP.
I think she’s telling the remainers that it’s her deal or Brexit and the leavers it’s her deal or no Brexit.
Just like Corbyn, in the north labour policy is leave and in the south labour policy is remain.
All voted in on a leave promise, all doing their utmost to remain.
If only they could see themselves through our eyes.
To the BBC “news” includes looking out for a Muslim that has done something positive
..writing it up as a news-story and sticking it within “news”
To me it looks like an advert to promote ethnic Muslims
Since I don’t see them do the same with the ethnic White British it is a form of racism
.. and Orwellian #MoreThanEqual practice.
OK I get it, the BBC is trying to grab popularity by copying the Daily Mail formats
: a bit of news and a bit of human interest stories
but look : In reality 15% of British people are non-white
Look at the linked videos 50% are are non-white
100% are female
I ‘ve been studying it for over fifty years, and Socialism has finally reached its Zenith!
But, no -it wasn’t the ‘withering away of the state’, as envisaged by Marxism-Leninism.
It was in the exhuming of graves in Venezuela-and the looting of corpses, and ‘rolling ‘blackouts’ and food shortages. (Reported on R4, no less!)
I have friends in South Africa, where they have ‘rolling blackouts’, disguised as ‘load shedding’. And about three farm attacks a day, along with dozens of assaults on ATMs, vans in transit etc. -not to mention many many murders, and even more rapes.
The socialism there is disguised as the NDR – National Democratic Revolution, and led by old friends of the bbc, the ANC/SACP alliance.
And Socialism, having failed in Russia and temporarily ditched in China, is ON THE MARCH IN THE WEST!
Mostly in disguise.
Will we wake up in time?
So far no grave plundering. Only rapid decay…
I haven’t watch BBC Countryfile for over a year now (because of the anti-Brexit bias) but I was flicking through the channels this morning and Countryfile was on doing a bit about Brexit.
Within the 2 minutes I watched they interviewed a lady farmer who voted for Brexit (her father voted Remain). She said, “I thought it would make us more patriotic but now I’m worried. None of us had the full facts before we voted…. blah blah regret etc”.
I’ve just re-read the Government Referendum leaflet. Totally pro-remain and scaremongering about leave. Yet we STILL voted leave. Why do Remainers keep on saying we didn’t know what we voted for?
To think that once Britain stood alone facing the terror of the German army in 1939/40, fought ourselves to almost a standstill, saving thousands of people running from the Nazi terror many of them Jews, to the safety of our shores and later in 1944 managed with the eventual help from the USA to defeat the German Nazi military, and later with our allies rebuilt Germany and other parts of Europe. BUT now what do we witness, that May woman, going cap in hand to the very people we saved and begging their help-yes begging, because that is what we have become, a weak, self centered, self congratulatary, self opinionated, multicultuarl shambles of a once proud nation. Can you honestly believe that this political parliamentary cabnet seems unable to accept that this nation through a democratic referendum voted to LEAVE the Socialist European Union? NO you can’t nor can I. The whole of Westminster should be cleared out, every single MP out, and we start again with the introduction for no more than 4 years of a Benevolent Dictator! I vote for Boris Johnson, who might with his common sense and love for Britain pull us back out from the brink of the abyss.
Tarien, Britain practically bankrupted itself by continuing to resist Nazi Germany in 1940 after the other western European countries had been subjugated. But for Britain’s stand, the entire map of Europe would look rather different: Hitler might well have invaded the Russia in early April 1941 and might well have taken Moscow, his bombers might have come within range of the Russian factories and power stations beyond the Urals and the war in Europe might have ended with a German victory. Alternatively, the Russians would have won a battle of attrition and then taken control continental Europe for themselves. Either way, Europe would have been controlled by one or other extremist ideology for whom brutality was their stock-in-trade. Europe owes Britain more than the likes of Junker, Verhofstadt and Barnier can imagine. [In writing the above, I’m not ignoring the massive contribution made by our Commonwealth cousins and, certainly from the advent of Lend-Lease onwards, the USA. But in 1940 the decision to fight or seek terms, which might have been reasonable given Hitler’s admiration for Britain, was Britain’s and Britain’s alone.]
Van – the irony is during the war Russia was Socialist (Communist) and Germany was Socialist (Nationalist). Had either taken over Europe, it would have been a victory for Socialism.
Luckily, Socialists like fighting each other. This will be controversial, but I think Britain should have kept well out of it in WW2- as it should have done in WW1. It was, in fact, all ONE war, with a brief interlude of peace!
Cos, Socialism is rampant now from Germany to the United States (Democrats), Venezuela to South Africa.
I see only the much-maligned Trump, Orban, Salvini, Putin and one or two others, standing up to it. Much hated for their resistance, which is why they are all ‘Far Right’.
My two granddads fought in WWI and both sustained lifelong injuries…some of their brothers were killed. My dad and his brothers were fighting overseas 1940-45 in WWII.
If I could go back in time, I would sadly have to tell them that their effort and sacrifice would be wasted…don’t do it!!! Perhaps it’s arguable, but that’s how I feel right now… 🙁
We were bankrupted by WW1 pursing a similar goal with even less justification, WW2 merely continued the process.
But hey, we mustn’t bring that old chestnut up, Afua told us that only this morning. What would we do without Mr Marr’s panels to help keep things in perspective?
National Socialism was a curious beast. Born of opportunism and political expediency, it certainly wasn’t full-blown socialism as we understand it.
There are times when I’m tempted to think that Britain should have stayed out of WW2, having missed the boat to put paid to Hitler when a militarily weak Germany occupied the Rhineland in 1936. That said, I believe that we were right to stand up to Nazi Germany. If we only had shown as much resolve and determination in times of peace we’d all be far better off.
We should have stayed out of WW1, Van, or better still sided with Germany against France and Russia. That would have been the logical alliance based on previous treaties enacted since Waterloo. It was only the spurious ‘Entente Cordiale’ engineered by an unprincipled old goat to ease access to his Parisien mistresses and deliberately annoy Kaiser Wilhelm – Victoria’s favourite grandson. Spoiled and jealous Teddy hated the fact and made every effort to demean and antagonise a man who, thanks to his savage upbringing – strapped into an iron corset to correct polio – was unbalanced anyway. Edward just added salt, but the end result was an immense loss of lives for no purpose whatsoever.
With an altered outcome to WW1 there would have been no WW2, and what a very different world we might live in today.
Well Van Helsing, I am very glad we did make the decision to fight on. My father was on the Dunkirk Beaches and managed by superhuman effort to swim out to a boat still with his rifle and also helped another fellow soldier to get rescued. Later he fought on. Members of my family 2 brave young men, were killed in Africa, and in Italy. We shall not forget them but duplictous politicans would like us to. Indeed the face of Europe would have been very different today had Hitler succeeded. Although I have lived and worked in France, and visited other European nations and met many lovely folk, I have never felt European, and never considered Britain as part of Europe as 21 miles seperates us. How strange and somewhat formidable our position with Europe now is.
So what are your priorities Daniel Rosney ?
( @DanielRosney @BBCNews reporter on @BBCR1 & @1Xtra @BBCNewsbeat )
Praising his colleagues for Political Correctness
.. and it’s tosh “It doesn’t mention the name of her husband once. ”
FFS “Clooney” is the second word
and is used in the article eight times. my tweet with screenshots
“Massive Yellow Vests protests against @EmmanuelMacron continue in the French capital for the 21st consecutive week.”
Massive Yellow Vests protests against @EmmanuelMacron continue in the French capital for the 21st consecutive week. The tide is turning across the continent, the peoples of Europe are fed up, and EU puppets like Macron are on the way out! ????????
Oh, to have the bravery and love for their nation as those poor Ukrainian protesters had who died and likewise those brave citizens who risked life and limb just to bring the dead bodies of their fellow countrymen while Commie snipers tried to murder them.
Sadly there is something deep within the British that always plays the game and usually prefers sympathy towards those who would threaten to overwhelm their nation while those who would seek and destroy everything British perhaps even sends emails of thanksgiving to every MP who voted to be overruled by a foreign power.
Don’t throw away your Grand National tickets if you lost. There will be another rerun of the race on Monday, until you get the result that you like, or you can start a petition if you like.
If you backed the winner, you had no idea what you bet on.
WINO – Winner In Name Only.
Peter Hitchens column in the Mail shows just how far to the left May truly is. For a long time I’ve been saying she is a Marxist slowly destroying conservative values, and been howled down by Tory loons who haven’t got a clue what either conservatism or Marxism is, but support the party out of some kind of Hyacinth Bucjet type of social climbing mentality
Thoughtful: It was always on the cards, for both are allied to THE ruling ideology of the day: Political Correctness. With its emphasis on (blind) EQUALITY, it is actually a disguised Socialist system.
In the West it is most frequently disguised as ‘Liberalism’, which really is a system concerned with freedom (including freedom of expression), NOT equality.
Race quickly comes into the mix: ‘White privilege’ and ‘White Supremacy’ have been couched in Socialist terms, as this makes ‘the enemy’ of equality more easily identifiable. After that, you need to turn to more sophisticated strategies against the enemy. So, for instance, you need to DECOLONISE, even within the boundaries of the UK.
‘Migrants’ are needed to prove that your equality knows no boundaries. That is where Ms Merkel comes in.
She very quickly made a coalition with the SPD (Socialist) in Germany and got rid of borders. She even outflanked the Greens.
So May and Corbyn are merely following suite. Quiet harmless…
We’re all familiar with May’s catchphrases:
Brexit means Brexit.
Boris is Boris.
No deal is better than a bad deal.
All meaningless as we all know.
Has she come out with a new catchphrase for the latest bit of betrayal yet.
How about:
No Brino means no Brexit.
No WA means no Brexit.
She’s certainly came a long way where her biggest crime was running through wheat fields.
Fields of blood seem more likely now the way she’s carrying on with her madness.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
So FT do you have the public pulse
.. Or are you medialandbubbleworld like the rest ?
” If we stay in the EU, we can work with other socialist parties to build a fairer and more democratic Europe”
• Owen Smith is Labour MP for Pontypridd
The term to, Welsh on a deal, springs to mind.
Bizarre! The Welsh voters were predominantly pro-Brexit to the tune of 53%. Just goes to show the outright arrogance of Mr Owen Smith and those that are of the same view.
I’m sure you know this but just in case, so far as I’m aware it’s to Welch on a deal not Welsh.
“A related colloquialism is the verb to welsh/welch (‘to renege’) as in ‘to Welsh/welch on a deal or bet’, which may be derived from an age-old ‘English’ stereotype of the Welsh/Celtic peoples as unreliable oath-breakers, though that etymology remains conjectural.”
It’s the same word.
@SupportOurLefty’s thread covers BBC anti-Brexit bias in Question Time, Comedy and Nish Kumar
The Hatey No Hopers doing PR in the Times claiming to be a crack undercover investigators
No mention that they are a Labour Party front group who actually spread hate and cause violence.
Just when you thought the Tories couldn’t get any worse they have managed to do the unbelievable and appointed well known far leftist indentity mongerer Anal C-Loony as their special envoy on media freedom !
I wonder how long it will be before her husband George is addressing the Socialists at the Tory party conference on the evils of the Sulatn of Brunei which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam ?
There is absolutely nothing independent about ‘The Independent’.
Re legality of Onasanya’s voting
@Tomo wrote to the HoC and got a reply from the House of Commons Information Department
\\ .Fiona Onasanya is still an MP and will remain so unless and until the recall petition that is currently underway in Peterborough is successful.
This is because, once elected, MPs can only be removed from office (apart from at the next general election) by disqualification or through the recall process.
Ms Onasanya’s sentence was not of sufficient length to disqualify her as an MP.
So far as the House of Commons is concerned, then, Fiona Onasanya’s vote on Wednesday night is valid.
Any other question would be a matter for the criminal justice system to determine and not for the House itself to investigate //
Remember Tory MP Davies who pled guilty to rather minor expenses procedure cheating is awaiting sentencing
..but I doubt he’ll get a custodial one.
I did….
but I didn’t mention the fragrant Fi.
And they didn’t answer my questions…. I asked if an MP could vote if they were allowed out and returned to prison and what disqualifies an MP from voting….
Rather too quick to brush it away imho.
Full page government advert in the Times uses this same graphic
..nowhere near reflects the UK workforce which is overwhelmingly white skinned
Not just one in 5
Nice to see whites as the ethnic minority eh ? How to give away a country in 3 decades .
(Yeah but we needed third worlders to do the jobs whites wouldn’t do nonsense ).
Unless they meant that only one white person in 5 of the above intend to leave the UK the other 4 being coloured persons.
Works for me.
I used to enjoy the odd 45min drama on R4 at 2.15/2.30.
There was a chance of it being a Sherlock Holmes or even a love triangle. Lie back, relax, forget politics etc.
Now I give up. Switch on, and it’s invariably a vehicle for propaganda for some or the other ‘minority’ or interest group, disguised as a drama.
Just a moment ago I had to push the ‘off’ button again. I caught something about Strindberg and, for a millisecond thought: ‘A bit heavy, but OK. At least no propaganda’.
Then I heard the shootings at Ferguson came into it. Didn’t figure Strindberg was concerned with them, so ‘off’ was pushed.
Maybe I missed something good. But my wager is that beeb’s absolute favourite topic came into it- waycism. Hideously white Whitey bad. Supremacist. Privilege. Got all that. Ad Nauseum.
Sick of it. Sick to the teeth.
Oh fake ,
I remember I time when R4 put out 90 minute plays where there was no question of ticking the dumbed down PC buttons .
The snowflakes commissioning stuff now must have a tick box chart and if you don’t hit those boxes – no commission .
As an aside – that cancer has spread to TV drama -which leads to bland rubbish with the exception being lauded morning noon and night .
Example being ‘flea bite ‘ – a snowflake metro girly drama which which ran out of steam after 6 episodes but got a second per poor series as a ‘hit’.
It was a nice piece of feminist propaganda but not missed …
today’s play was written by Libland favourite Bonny Greer
or hawking victimhood porn with a broody dischordant musical score.
Surely the Remain machine will throw everything at the EU elections aided by media.
– Remainers will get all their voters out including their dog
…. and some ex-leaver voters will fall for the brainwashing and vote for them
– Leavers will be apathetic
Remain will declare that the result is equivalent to a Second Referendum
.. And that therefore Brexit is officially cancelled.
And if they don’t like the result – they can question it’s validity, blame Facebook, blame Russia, blame the voters and just ignore it OR ask for a re-vote and a re-vote and a re- vote and a ………………………..
Greece ,: false rumours about borders to Macedonia opening up cause migrants to gather for march on border.
Stew – There is going to be a lot of this, we need to brace ourselves.
Nothing will be sacred, not even your own child. And it’s exactly what the MSM will be looking for, a nice photo op.
We are in a propaganda war I could never have envisaged, and -if we don’t adapt- we will be in a ‘hot’ war, in which we get steamrolled, having been thoroughly brainwashed. Propaganda has become a fierce weapon in its context – the effectiveness? – forget Pershing missiles, obsolete by comparison.
The rule book, if there ever was one, has been dumped in the bin.
Still looking for the first paper to wonder whether there is actually an invasion taking place, by ‘refugees’. Or is the word ‘invasion’ streng verboten?
I ask, as language is at the heart of the propaganda war.
Fakenewswatcher, we have been part of an EU Multiculturalism Propaganda exercise for many years, supported so vehemently as it would appear by the 26 nations of the European Union, and the media headed of course by the BBC. Just consider how many coloured people are now shown on every TV channel, most advertisements, especially in connection with womens clothing and cosmetics. I live in a small market town in north Staffs, and the Pharmacist has recently employed/introduced a Black woman amongst its staff, she is I might add most helpful-I asked her how long she had been working there, she said just two months and was due to go back to college for training in this area of work. I cannot believe that there was not a white woman or man available and who would not be happy to have such employment. That situation confirms the push throughout for multiculturalism and will encourage the flood of immigration to the UK. That is why the UK needs to be able to control immigration and that is why 17.4 million of us voted LEAVE-the Withdrawal Agreement would scupper any ideas Britian may have of controlling immigration. Goodness only knows where we are going now!
tarien- regrettably that’s only the good news. Look at demographics in Africa and the Middle East, and you’ll know the bad news.
Coming back to Stew’s photo of Greece, instead of preparing to defend, if necessary, we are being softened up by the powers-that-be and the media and actually encouraging our own downfall.
Re the immigration, Hungary is the only country I am aware of that has used Common Sense (now in very short supply) and taken measures to encourage its own population to reproduce instead of looking to immigration. Along with proper education and training, and a bit of planning, this is the way to go.
But it’s not a discussion you’ll hear on beeb, I absolutely guarantee it.
Finally, let me throw a little firework into this site: I am also a leaver, voted to do so, dismayed by the subversion of this vote, but wondering whether -if we should leave- the same (or worse) would not happen.
And if you want, I’ll explain to you exactly how that will be justified. But -if you look at the level of non-EU immigration into the UK, you will surely work it out for yourself.
Oh yes I have looked at the demographics in Afric, Middle East, Pakistan & East Asia, and know that Europe is in great danger of losing its 2000 yr history to be reshaped by those followers of the teachings of Islam.
Very sorry for Greece, the suffering that country has had to endure as a result of the Chancellor of Germany’s misguided, delusional decision to allow so many peoples to be welcomed into Europe. Hard to say but Greece should deport the lot back into Turkey, a country far more appropriate in respect to their Islamic ideology.
What Merkle did was illegal under EU law, but have you ever heard mention of the fact the EU turned a blind eye?
I bet you have heard of the laws the EU made requiring other eu countries to take the migrants which Merkle insanely allowed in though.
Proof that the EU is headed by a single individual whose will cannot be countered.
tarien – don’t know if you missed it, but Merkel paid Erdogan/Turkey 6 billion Euro to halt the flow of ‘refugees’ across the Balkan route.
He frequently threatens to ‘let them loose’ if he doesn’t get what he wants from the EU.
I reckon the Germans could have done quite a bit to secure their own borders, instead, with that money.
Trump can’t get the money to secure his border, Merkel has it but lacks the will/intention to protect hers (and is willing to break any law to not do so),
In view of the insufferable, delusionist, and the very duplicitous behaviour of the cabinet, and most of the Members of Parliament, I propose that the following statement is certainly appropriate.
‘Never have so few decided so much for so many.’
Any hear that earth shattering impact ?
It was the Left Liberal train smashing headlong into the Muslim Express.
Any hear that earth shattering impact ?
It was the Left Liberal train smashing headlong into the Muslim Express.
Who’d be a bbc propagandist these days ?
Labour anti-Semitist activists Roy Smart and Sheerin-Richman were actually arrested last week
I didn’t notice much reporting
I think we all deserve a titter.
Right across the West the law is broken with impunity by those on the Globalist side but is used to repress those on the anti Globalist side. The law has been captured by the Globalist left who have weaponised it.
In the US there has been clear evidence of extreme wrong doing by Clinton , Comey, Lynch etc etc but it has gone unpunished for over two years . Yet the president is hounded on a daily basis from pillar to post with no evidence ever produced.In the UK 300 year old Parliamentary convention is flouted on a daily basis opposite Brexit denial.
We have seen in Greece and Spain that mass unemployment , and the ruined lives that go with it , means nothing to the ruling elite, who are going to push forward with their EU project no matter what the cost for ordinary folks.
In 2016 the referendum result and the election of President Trump signalled that the Globalists were being democratically challenged for the first time. Their reaction to that challenge has been extreme , illegal , undemocratic and contemptuous of ordinary folks. It has proved that democracy alone is unable to wrest power from them . But there is no doubt in my mind that if there are any serious protests about the denial of Brexit the protesters will be dealt with harshly and all signs of dissent suppressed. We live in very dangerous times where democracy is at an end and rule of law has gone the same way as freedom of speech.
‘Double standards of the smug liberal left.’
Great column by Matthew Parris in today’s Times. At a plush awards comic genius Nish Kumar was the MC and did some wonderfully original material about the Daily Mail. Parris is absolutely scathing and I must confess an unhealthy buzz of schadenfreude. It’s well worth a read.
What a cruel, insane world where this chump gets his own prime time show. I wonder if in some private moments any Beeb cultists wonder at how sensible this diversity first quality second religion is? I see so many brilliant stand-ups every year at Edinburgh and Kumar is not fit to lick their boots.
I see Hammond is telling PM Traitor to listen to Corbyn.
I thought I was misreading this remark by another cabinet traitor but no, he said it!
“listen to Corbyn” a Tory telling his boss to take advice from a communist republican.
Good grief, what’s happening to this country?
“Good grief, what’s happening to this country?”
It’s already happened.
Doublethinker – you are quite right.
The war we have been losing big time on a daily basis is -as discussed above- the propaganda war.
However, times have changed.
After the war (WW2) a Brit – Lord Haw Haw- was hanged for conducting propaganda against his own country, on the airwaves.
Makes you think, doesn’t it?
And please don’t be under the illusion that we are not at war…
BBC Online News:
“”Coronation Street: CBeebies star Ryan Russell is part of show’s first black family, the Baileys””
Not even a BBC show, but the BBC rejoices.
And they’l be the most perfectly behaved family in the world. Yet subject to constant racism plus police harassment.
The plots will write themselves.
And one of them ‘comes out’ as a homosexual footballer in an upcoming episode. Just need the wheelchair and we can all shout ‘Bingo!’.
Although don’t expect to see much shootin’ and a stabin’ in da ‘hood.
I bet Ena Sharples will be choking on her Mackie Stout !
If you live in the area, or you know someone who does then get down there, they only need just short of 7000 signatures to remove her.
I see Man City are playing Brighton in the FA cup semi-final.
City should clinch it easily.
They have a very strong team.
And they have the diver extraordinaire and card-playing ace, right in from the start. No chances, this time; it so nearly went wrong in the last leg.
In the quarters they only just saved it (unfairly-no VAR) by bringing him on near the end. I knew immediately what would happen.
And it did.
He tried it on within the first 5 mins for England, and it didn’t work. Then he found it was actually unecessary- just play the game….
So will we be seeing something extraordinary this avo?
Only 1-0 at HT
They will need something extraordinaire to get it in the bag!
What’s all this rubbish about this treasonous government giving away huge amounts of our money to black immigrants?
As Earthling Carl says, where’s the money for the tens of thousands of young English girls and boys who have been raped, kidnapped tortured and murdered by muslims?
The whining by the immigrant in this clip from LBC, Nick Ferrari, is infuriating. The ingrate should have been told to sod off.
£200m? We could probably buy a couple of offshore patrol vessels for that. But sadly they would more likely be used to ferry more migrants in.
They talk of a compromise. Don’t get it – one side wants leave, the other wants to remain (the Referendum result carries zero weight in all this) so the only compromise is to half leave and half remain.
Dare say one of our illustrious betters will be explaining how that works to us thickos in the coming weeks.
Interesting interview with Raheem Kassam
Raheem claiming UKIP is a damaged brand
.. believes more in the Brexit Party but won’t get involved.
“The 3* parties won’t cooperate cos of egos”
* (he includes For Britain)
So the BBC tells us, about the moral minded Islamo-Labour party who claim to be in favour of protecting LGBT people, in the article “Labour urges action over new Brunei anti-LGBT laws”, where gay people are to be stoned to death :
Yet the sniveling Dhimmi BBC, fails again to call-out these shallow self serving lies by Labour. In fact Labour just adopted the following definition of “Islamaphobia”:
“Islamaphobia is rooted in racism, and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”
Yet, what could be more of an “expressions of Muslimness” than an instruction from Muhammad himself who commanded (which is why they brought in the stoning laws):
“If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done”
“Lot” of course being famous for the Sodomy/ Homosexuality. The command thus directing people who engage in homosexual behavior to be killed. So the Labour Party is now “Islamophobic” by their own definition.
But are the feeble minded traitors at the BBC capable of exposing this contradiction with their thousands of employees and billions of pounds stolen from the pockets of the working class who they despise so much?
Of course not… the BBC are a disgrace and a national embarrassment.
There was a query on the previous page about replies to replies on smart phones. The same thing happens on my phone – the body of the text narrows until by the fourth or fifth reply to a reply it’s a single line of letters, hard to read.
I believe that if there is a reply to that single-line reply, it does not appear at all – though I’m not sure about that.
Mine is not that smart a phone so I guess it’s possible that a more sophisticated phone will not have the problem.
My iPhone does. Solution: turn it on its side so it goes into landscape mode!
Roland Deschain,
Thanks for that. I’ll give it a shot. If all I have to do is turn the phone to the horizontal, it will be the simplest solution to any problem I’ve ever encountered while struggling with IT!
Brilliant! Thanks for posting. And Bruce tried to use one example to counteract all the other instances of bias against Leave.
Is there a Swamp-Drainer available for hire?
Yeah sure.
And if you believe that then they’ll doubt be happy to flog you some Enron shares and/or Tower Bridge…
The answer to her point is here
“there’s been a range of competing and different positions on Brexit which #bbcqt has reflected both on the panel and from our audience.”
But in the last year or so we’ve upped the bias in favour of those who voted for the Traitors and we sent all the good news to the furnace in the BBC boiler house.
Hidden away on the regional page ’cause you don’t really need to know anything about this:
UK: Muslim migrant murders his wife for converting to Christianity
Or as the BBC lie about it:
Man jailed for life for murdering wife in immigration row
Look at the difference in the BBC headline to the Stoke Sentinel one
“Life sentence for deported sex-shame husband who sneaked back into UK to murder Stoke-on-Trent mum after she converted to Christianity”
\\ Judge Michael Chambers QC said this was a ‘planned and premeditated murder’.
“It was motivated by you seeking retribution for her failure to support your immigration appeal against deportation as a failed asylum seeker.”
“She had dishonoured you by converting to Christianity. She formed a relationship with someone else.” //
It’s unbelievable that the BBC calls him “A failed asylum seeker ”
Jihadi watch claims \\ he previously threatened to kill his wife because she “dishonored” him by converting to Christianity, authorities said. //
They’ve slightly edited that Stoke murder story
principally it added at the bottom
“Other motives for the murder included Ms Najmadeen “starting a new relationship and converting to Christianity”
, Det Ch Insp Downing said.
I didn’t see that edit before although it’s marked April 4th
When the BBC interview a prospective employee, I wonder how they assess his/her/its political views? Their views obviously have to be of the Left.
If the candidate wanted the job, would they have to demonstrate animosity to Trump, Israel, Brexit, Robinson, Farage etc during the selection process? Are they expected to continue with this once in employment?
By selecting only those of the Left, BBC Bias will continue.
And who would want to bite the hand that feeds them and their pension?
Of note. In the past, their job vacancies were only advertised in the Guardian.
Perhaps you might do better to see the university graduates output? Only Lefties actually appear to pass the course, and I for one don’t know of a single right of centre young journalist up and coming now.
True. But there must be a few non-Left leaning graduates? Where do they go?
The BBC offers candidates a job for life and an excellent pension. This must influence Sky employees who know that the BBC is the career life-boat to swim for.
Are Sky employees/journalists influenced by the prospect of the BBC life-boat and the need therefore to conform to a Left stance?
The BBC’s poison pollutes far beyond the shores of their biased broadcasts.
“, Israel, Brexit, ”
Especially the hatred that the BBC has towards these two very fond friends of the United Kingdom.
BBC is so anti-Semitic these days that one wonders if there are any ex-Nazi war criminals hidden away somewhere in the bowels of BBC HQ.
Labour urges action over new Brunei anti-LGBT laws
Why doesn’t the BBC do some research into punishment for homosexuality around the Middle East and Islamic Africa. It could really open some eyes to the problem. It could help Labour and activist Tatchell to boot. (Shhh Palestine).
Lefty darling Clooney has also waded in, boycotting hotels owned by Brunei.
The BBC could provide some context to gorgeous george’s protest regarding whole continents of the world in line with Brunei.
So Thornbelly thinks Brunei shout be chucked out of the commonwealth, Jeremy Hunt expresses ‘deep opposition’ to the new laws, and activist Tatchell says
“What the sultan has done has introduced punishments the same as Isis implemented in Iraq and Syria during it’s so-called caliphate, including brutal stoning to death of people convicted of homosexuality”
I don’t even need to mention Palestine’s 10 year prison sentences for homosexuality (d’oh) , or the fact Hamas shot one of their main commanders because he was gay. Somehow overlooked by the BBC
But back to Tatchell, claiming Brunei implementing laws as brutal as ISIS did in Iraq and Syria.
He clearly isn’t aware that the death sentence for homosexuality is implemented in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Yemen, Nigeria, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Somalialand, and finally Afghanistan.
And life sentences are available in Ethiopia, Gambia, Myamar, Tanzania, Uganda, and Pakistan. Or that lengthy sentences of up to 20 years for homosexuality are available in Egypt(17yrs), Zambia(14) , Kenya(14), South Sudan(10), Palestine(10), Bangladesh(10), qatar(7), botswana(7)….
and many,many more (54 countries punish homosexuality with at least prison).
In Chechnya you are kidnapped and sent to a concentration camp. In Saudia Arabia, they castrate, torture, whip, execute, etc
Returning to Thornbelly, she has said Brunei should be excluded from the Commonwealth unless they revoke their anti-LGBT laws.
Death and life sentences are available in many Commonwealth countries already.
Returning to Hunt, he appears not to mind if execution and life/long sentences for homosexual acts were available prior to this week in the countries mentioned above.
What are they doing? Why pick on Brunie?
For no more reason than Virtual Signalling to the LGBT activists. Nothing more than rank hypocrisy. Acting as though extreme punishment is not endemic in the Islamic world is worse than picking on one Islamic country for implementing it.
I would love to hear Corbyn(Palestine) speak about it.
Edit: 72 countries punish homosexuality according to the Guardian. Of which Brunei is just 1.
Tatchell is a patron of Tell Mama which seeks to suppress any criticism or objections to Islam.
What were his views on the US Christian Bakery refusing to bake a cake promoting gay marriage. Did he apply context? Does his brain point out the insanity of fighting for cake rights versus execution?
“That is why any reforms we might painfully exact from our rulers would only be fragile and vulnerable; that is why we, along with the women’s movement, must fight for something more than reform. We must aim at the abolition of the family, so that the sexist, male supremacist system can no longer be nurtured there.”
A rather disquieting extract from the Gay Liberation Front Manifesto.
Tim Burton has suffered at the hands of Tell Mama and did time in jail as a consequence, thanks to a corrupt judicial system.
And he’s still fighting to clear his name and overturn the court case against him. Despite the whole of the state machinery working against him.
Many thanks to the 30 odd readers who thus far have liked my earlier post on the shit stirrers at the BBC dredging up someone who was annoyed their new UK passport did not have the words ‘European Union’ on the front.
I described this story as scraping the bottom of the Remoaner barrel. It is of course utterly, totally trivial yet gets a prime spot on the bBBC website.
But clearly, for the BBC the story didn’t go far enough !!!!! Oh, no.
So I now give you….
‘ Brexit, UK couple issued different passport versions’.
Different versions! My god. The end of the world must be nigh. Better go and crouch down in my nuclear bunker.
You absolutely cannot make up this total crap.
I looked at the front on my 8 year old passport and noticed for the first time in had ‘European Union’ written at the top. Surely that’s newsworthy enough for the BBC. Like the couple above, my first thought was to contact the BBC! The couple didn’t go ‘oh yeah. funny that’ and get on with their lives like weirdos, so why should I. The batteries in my remote control need changing. Is that newsworthy?
‘Brexit, UK man notices EU on passport cover’
Can I still call myself a man. Is it not racist or something.
This story is pathetic. The BBC is so pathetic. I really hate them. But of course “hate” is now a crime. I expect to be arrested like many others as the sniveling cowards at the BBC sneer and snatch my money under force of law for their pathetic propaganda.
Sluff – And here I am, looking forward to receiving a large, blue, embossed, ancient-looking, British passport.
Is there something wrong with me..?
Judging by the way the traitors are stitching up the UK the passports without EU on them will be collectors items for people who believed that a 1.2 million majority vote actually meant something ….
I must admit, the idea that now the words ‘European Union’ have been taken off the front of passports I can’t enter EU countries, horrifying. And that my sick great grandma who lives in Spain or something, who now can’t return to the UK to get life saving medical treatment, truly shocking. I cry every day. I need to tell my story. Who would be interested in utter nonsense like that?
Anyway, the fights over now. EU has been taken off the passports, so we can relax.
Spain and UK agreed a bilateral agreement about 2 weeks ago . It didn’t receive much coverage by the BBC . Other countries have competed bilaterals as well – irrespective of Brexit .
But that was before we took ‘European Union’ off the passports. What will happen once they notice. I’m terrified of the reaction.
And what of the ‘remote chance’ we end up fully remaining in the EU, but my passport doesn’t say ‘European Union’ on the front. I’ve had sleepless nights worrying about this since I found out 2 hours ago.
I know most if not all EU countries have agreed on bilateral travel, but i’m ‘shaking with fear’, i told the BBC reporter
ray – hang in there buddy, in those rough waters: deep in your heart, you know that you shall overcome someday; we’re all thinking of you…
PS for sleepless nights, Rachmaninov is good.
“PS for sleepless nights, Rachmaninov is good.”
Is that the single malt, or the blended version, Fakers?
You can listen to it with either, I find.
That pee take is so dry that I nearly fell for it and thought you were trolling . But I see what you did there …
\\ Why do people not accept the referendum result,
stating it was a close call
and yet motions in parliament can win by one vote and be accepted without any calls for a second vote on the same motion,
is the U.K. a two tier democracy? //
The BBC has decided to distract people from the brexit betrayal by going after the British Army . 3 Para using Comrade Corbyn s face for target practice – which in relation to his support for Irish republicanism is fair ( I remember ) and now some incident where blokes got drunk and allegedly assaulted a girl soldier .
They led with the latter and included Corbyn in the report .
A friend of mine as school lost his brother – who was in the paras – to IRA murder in Northern Ireland in the 1970s . The effect was awful and all his friends – including me – felt the pain .
Corbyn was there all the time undermining the army in Northern Ireland . I was surprised the likes of he and Livingstone survived the 1970s because of that .The BBC was there along side him undermining efforts to destroy republican terrorists – example – Gibraltar . Yet they got away with it .easy to use the ‘forgive And forget ‘ line – by people not affected personally by it .
Beeb reporting on big demo in Berlin against spiralling rent prices in recent years.
Mmm, I wonder what recent demographic changes could be fueling the demand for accommodation, there as here.
Ultra-Remainers make hatey placards as usual

as used in the-i paper today
Another one
I did not know until now that Simpo had undergone the same experience as Bowen. It must have been traumatic.
Just 12 paces away from a 1000lb bomb blast.
Guest – he had footage of it and is still dining out on it as we see … it’s called war .. even beeboids like him can get killed by it .
Seems he was lucky.
Click to access policy-6-002-bomb-threat-stand-off-chart-a.pdf
Either that or there was a foot of armour plate between him and the bomb.
I don’t believe him at all. BBC war footage is done in the studios with make up, extras posing as doctors and children covered in flour.
Wasn’t Hiterly Clinton involved in some similar kind of incident ?
She thought she had, but then realised she had ‘mis-spoken’ about it. But there again, later she (and the entire MSM) mis-believed she was about to become president.
One of my all time favorite Hillaryisms, although startling found footage actually supports her ripping yarn.
12 paces and he lived? Did the bomb land in quicksand?
Van – no – it just gave him a lot of cred with comrade beeboids and has been dining out on it ever since . If he ever me the American pilot who dropped one on his position I bet he’d give him a huge hug for the amount of money he has made out of that incident …
Their guess is as good as news.
I saw this & although I suspect the motivations of the BBC for posting it, we are not the Fascist Left and facts remain facts. If it is proven this was the case then that’s a fact and we have to accept it as such. No doubt though we shall never hear the end of it, which is not that Pulaski would have wanted at all.
Is this something to do with Sopel being quiet since the Mueller report, lying down in a darkened room and trying to come up with the next criticism of President Trump ?
Or just another attempt by the BBC to encourage sexual perversion ?
Tom Watson – “We need a Public vote”.
Not a Peoples vote or a Confirmatory vote but now a Public vote ?
Now is that just the one vote or would that be all three ? Maybe followed by an Undecided voters vote – just to be democratic.
Is a public vote the same as the old Union votes to strike? Where the decision was made in public by a show of hands and people were intimidated to raise their hands for actions that adversely affected them and their families?
They would all welcome that. The turnout would doubtless be minimal as most would treat any likely Tom Watson, ‘Public Vote’ i.e. Referendum as a waste of time.
They would all get their way, riding on the back of assured apathy: diminished numbers but crucially, those voting the ‘Right EU Way’. That’s the assured factor following the Newport (West) by-election last week.
What’s that got to do with Trump?
I’ll bid a laydee Pope
I hearing on the news May tells us it’s either leave with (her remain) deal or there will be no Brexit.
How can a massive leave vote end up being a choice of staying in the eu or brino.
It reminds me of the old witch ducking stool test, the two outcomes being if she drowns she was innocent and if she survives she is guilty and is then put to death.
I suppose the good thing with what she is saying is that EVERYTHING she has so far promised she has failed to deliver so if she carries on then Brexit is assured.
Our ‘honourables’ are disgusting.
Do they really think we will all just shrug our shoulders and say “never mind” and nothing will come from their disgraceful treachery?
Again read between the lines. Who is she saying this to? Certainly not us the people because we don’t have any choice in the matter, and we have no decision making powers at all.
My belief is that she’s probably saying this to the Labour party after talks broke down in the hope the people are going to blame them. It isn’t going to work though, because people can see the presentation of a deal rejected so many time and unchanged is entirely the fault of Theresa May’s hopeless negotiation. As one commentator noted, her stubborness is legendary, she just doesn’t know when to stop banging her head against a wall and find a different path through.
JUst this morning I was reflecting on the stupidity of the 60% of Tory MPs who voted for her in the leadership contest, and then when it was obvious she was failing, still voted for her. They are as guilty as she is, and we can only hope this rotten party collapses into the dust where it belongs, and a new party rises from the ashes. Alas thanks to Nigel Farage it won’t be either the Brexit party or UKIP.
I think she’s telling the remainers that it’s her deal or Brexit and the leavers it’s her deal or no Brexit.
Just like Corbyn, in the north labour policy is leave and in the south labour policy is remain.
All voted in on a leave promise, all doing their utmost to remain.
If only they could see themselves through our eyes.
“…Do they really think we will all just shrug our shoulders and say “never mind” and nothing will come from their disgraceful treachery?…”
I’m sure they do, and in most cases, unfortunately, they are probably correct in thinking that.
The ultra-Remain bulliesare holding our heads down the toilet
and shouting we give in to them
The ultra-Remain bullies are holding our heads down the toilet
and shouting until we give in to them.
To the BBC “news” includes looking out for a Muslim that has done something positive
..writing it up as a news-story and sticking it within “news”
To me it looks like an advert to promote ethnic Muslims
Since I don’t see them do the same with the ethnic White British it is a form of racism
.. and Orwellian #MoreThanEqual practice.
OK I get it, the BBC is trying to grab popularity by copying the Daily Mail formats

: a bit of news and a bit of human interest stories
but look : In reality 15% of British people are non-white
Look at the linked videos 50% are are non-white
100% are female
I ‘ve been studying it for over fifty years, and Socialism has finally reached its Zenith!
But, no -it wasn’t the ‘withering away of the state’, as envisaged by Marxism-Leninism.
It was in the exhuming of graves in Venezuela-and the looting of corpses, and ‘rolling ‘blackouts’ and food shortages. (Reported on R4, no less!)
I have friends in South Africa, where they have ‘rolling blackouts’, disguised as ‘load shedding’. And about three farm attacks a day, along with dozens of assaults on ATMs, vans in transit etc. -not to mention many many murders, and even more rapes.
The socialism there is disguised as the NDR – National Democratic Revolution, and led by old friends of the bbc, the ANC/SACP alliance.
And Socialism, having failed in Russia and temporarily ditched in China, is ON THE MARCH IN THE WEST!
Mostly in disguise.
Will we wake up in time?
So far no grave plundering. Only rapid decay…
I haven’t watch BBC Countryfile for over a year now (because of the anti-Brexit bias) but I was flicking through the channels this morning and Countryfile was on doing a bit about Brexit.
Within the 2 minutes I watched they interviewed a lady farmer who voted for Brexit (her father voted Remain). She said, “I thought it would make us more patriotic but now I’m worried. None of us had the full facts before we voted…. blah blah regret etc”.
The BBC is like a dripping tap!
I’ve just re-read the Government Referendum leaflet. Totally pro-remain and scaremongering about leave. Yet we STILL voted leave. Why do Remainers keep on saying we didn’t know what we voted for?
popeye – that is the 9 million quid question.
To think that once Britain stood alone facing the terror of the German army in 1939/40, fought ourselves to almost a standstill, saving thousands of people running from the Nazi terror many of them Jews, to the safety of our shores and later in 1944 managed with the eventual help from the USA to defeat the German Nazi military, and later with our allies rebuilt Germany and other parts of Europe. BUT now what do we witness, that May woman, going cap in hand to the very people we saved and begging their help-yes begging, because that is what we have become, a weak, self centered, self congratulatary, self opinionated, multicultuarl shambles of a once proud nation. Can you honestly believe that this political parliamentary cabnet seems unable to accept that this nation through a democratic referendum voted to LEAVE the Socialist European Union? NO you can’t nor can I. The whole of Westminster should be cleared out, every single MP out, and we start again with the introduction for no more than 4 years of a Benevolent Dictator! I vote for Boris Johnson, who might with his common sense and love for Britain pull us back out from the brink of the abyss.
Tarien, Britain practically bankrupted itself by continuing to resist Nazi Germany in 1940 after the other western European countries had been subjugated. But for Britain’s stand, the entire map of Europe would look rather different: Hitler might well have invaded the Russia in early April 1941 and might well have taken Moscow, his bombers might have come within range of the Russian factories and power stations beyond the Urals and the war in Europe might have ended with a German victory. Alternatively, the Russians would have won a battle of attrition and then taken control continental Europe for themselves. Either way, Europe would have been controlled by one or other extremist ideology for whom brutality was their stock-in-trade. Europe owes Britain more than the likes of Junker, Verhofstadt and Barnier can imagine. [In writing the above, I’m not ignoring the massive contribution made by our Commonwealth cousins and, certainly from the advent of Lend-Lease onwards, the USA. But in 1940 the decision to fight or seek terms, which might have been reasonable given Hitler’s admiration for Britain, was Britain’s and Britain’s alone.]
Van – the irony is during the war Russia was Socialist (Communist) and Germany was Socialist (Nationalist). Had either taken over Europe, it would have been a victory for Socialism.
Luckily, Socialists like fighting each other. This will be controversial, but I think Britain should have kept well out of it in WW2- as it should have done in WW1. It was, in fact, all ONE war, with a brief interlude of peace!
Cos, Socialism is rampant now from Germany to the United States (Democrats), Venezuela to South Africa.
I see only the much-maligned Trump, Orban, Salvini, Putin and one or two others, standing up to it. Much hated for their resistance, which is why they are all ‘Far Right’.
My two granddads fought in WWI and both sustained lifelong injuries…some of their brothers were killed. My dad and his brothers were fighting overseas 1940-45 in WWII.
If I could go back in time, I would sadly have to tell them that their effort and sacrifice would be wasted…don’t do it!!! Perhaps it’s arguable, but that’s how I feel right now… 🙁
We were bankrupted by WW1 pursing a similar goal with even less justification, WW2 merely continued the process.
But hey, we mustn’t bring that old chestnut up, Afua told us that only this morning. What would we do without Mr Marr’s panels to help keep things in perspective?
National Socialism was a curious beast. Born of opportunism and political expediency, it certainly wasn’t full-blown socialism as we understand it.
There are times when I’m tempted to think that Britain should have stayed out of WW2, having missed the boat to put paid to Hitler when a militarily weak Germany occupied the Rhineland in 1936. That said, I believe that we were right to stand up to Nazi Germany. If we only had shown as much resolve and determination in times of peace we’d all be far better off.
We should have stayed out of WW1, Van, or better still sided with Germany against France and Russia. That would have been the logical alliance based on previous treaties enacted since Waterloo. It was only the spurious ‘Entente Cordiale’ engineered by an unprincipled old goat to ease access to his Parisien mistresses and deliberately annoy Kaiser Wilhelm – Victoria’s favourite grandson. Spoiled and jealous Teddy hated the fact and made every effort to demean and antagonise a man who, thanks to his savage upbringing – strapped into an iron corset to correct polio – was unbalanced anyway. Edward just added salt, but the end result was an immense loss of lives for no purpose whatsoever.
With an altered outcome to WW1 there would have been no WW2, and what a very different world we might live in today.
Van: you don’t have to have ‘full blown socialism’. You need only the socialist mindset.
Well Van Helsing, I am very glad we did make the decision to fight on. My father was on the Dunkirk Beaches and managed by superhuman effort to swim out to a boat still with his rifle and also helped another fellow soldier to get rescued. Later he fought on. Members of my family 2 brave young men, were killed in Africa, and in Italy. We shall not forget them but duplictous politicans would like us to. Indeed the face of Europe would have been very different today had Hitler succeeded. Although I have lived and worked in France, and visited other European nations and met many lovely folk, I have never felt European, and never considered Britain as part of Europe as 21 miles seperates us. How strange and somewhat formidable our position with Europe now is.
So what are your priorities Daniel Rosney ?
( @DanielRosney @BBCNews reporter on @BBCR1 & @1Xtra @BBCNewsbeat )
Praising his colleagues for Political Correctness
.. and it’s tosh “It doesn’t mention the name of her husband once. ”
FFS “Clooney” is the second word
and is used in the article eight times.
my tweet with screenshots
screenshot with the word Clooney highlighted
Better start by clearing out the BBC.
“Massive Yellow Vests protests against @EmmanuelMacron continue in the French capital for the 21st consecutive week.”
Oh, to have the bravery and love for their nation as those poor Ukrainian protesters had who died and likewise those brave citizens who risked life and limb just to bring the dead bodies of their fellow countrymen while Commie snipers tried to murder them.
Sadly there is something deep within the British that always plays the game and usually prefers sympathy towards those who would threaten to overwhelm their nation while those who would seek and destroy everything British perhaps even sends emails of thanksgiving to every MP who voted to be overruled by a foreign power.
Don’t throw away your Grand National tickets if you lost. There will be another rerun of the race on Monday, until you get the result that you like, or you can start a petition if you like.
If you backed the winner, you had no idea what you bet on.
WINO – Winner In Name Only.
Peter Hitchens column in the Mail shows just how far to the left May truly is. For a long time I’ve been saying she is a Marxist slowly destroying conservative values, and been howled down by Tory loons who haven’t got a clue what either conservatism or Marxism is, but support the party out of some kind of Hyacinth Bucjet type of social climbing mentality
Thoughtful: It was always on the cards, for both are allied to THE ruling ideology of the day: Political Correctness. With its emphasis on (blind) EQUALITY, it is actually a disguised Socialist system.
In the West it is most frequently disguised as ‘Liberalism’, which really is a system concerned with freedom (including freedom of expression), NOT equality.
Race quickly comes into the mix: ‘White privilege’ and ‘White Supremacy’ have been couched in Socialist terms, as this makes ‘the enemy’ of equality more easily identifiable. After that, you need to turn to more sophisticated strategies against the enemy. So, for instance, you need to DECOLONISE, even within the boundaries of the UK.
‘Migrants’ are needed to prove that your equality knows no boundaries. That is where Ms Merkel comes in.
She very quickly made a coalition with the SPD (Socialist) in Germany and got rid of borders. She even outflanked the Greens.
So May and Corbyn are merely following suite. Quiet harmless…
We’re all familiar with May’s catchphrases:
Brexit means Brexit.
Boris is Boris.
No deal is better than a bad deal.
All meaningless as we all know.
Has she come out with a new catchphrase for the latest bit of betrayal yet.
How about:
No Brino means no Brexit.
No WA means no Brexit.
She’s certainly came a long way where her biggest crime was running through wheat fields.
Fields of blood seem more likely now the way she’s carrying on with her madness.