The Marr paper review barely mentions today’s Sunday Times splash: “Labour’s hate files expose Corbyn’s anti-Semite army”.
No discussion allowed about this important exposure of Labour’s attempt to whitewash its rampant anti-semitism, just a brief passing reference as Marr talks about the article reflecting a “growing fear in Fleet Street” about a possible Corbyn government.
Instead, the panel swiftly moves on to attacking various statements by Jacob Rees-Mogg, Dominic Raab and the ERG – there is talk of “abuse”, dialling down the rhetoric and so on. You get the gist. These are the real concerns in BBC land.
\\ Afua Hirsch on #Marr dismisses the Sunday Times front page
as – I paraphrase : ‘THEY fear Corbyn’s imminent power so make up stuff about him.’
All that evidence from @Gabriel_Pogrund, brushed away
– & Marr moved on to Brexit.
No one there minds the extremity of Lab Anti-Semitism ? //
BBC Newsbeat documentaries.
Sunday morning
Report about different lives of five groups of 17 year olds from around the world.
Ghana, Uganda, Lebanon, Thailand, Russia.
They were all Christian, except the girl from Thailand who was Buddha.
All of the kids enjoyed a western life style in different ways, with most of them having a whale of a time with mixed groups of boys and girls. The girl from Uganda had a young baby so her life was particularly hard, but most young single mothers don’t have it easy in any country.
The Christian Lebanese were having a particularly good time with one in the group saying. “We are very western. We are very open minded”
However one group of kids was totally unrepresented.
Yes. Strangely there were no Muslims.
Once again BBC…. bias by omission…
Perhaps it may have been difficult to find a mixed group from a Muslim country actually having fun together….
Has the far-left bbc collective reported anything about Melanie Shaw now being incarcerated in Rampton – asylum for the insane? I suppose that’s where she’ll spend the rest of her life; sedated and kept in communicado; for doing nothing more than trying to alert the country about her sexual abuse and those who were involved. She was kept in solitary confinement for at least 18 months before being sent there. We saw the deleterious effect solitary confinement had on Tommy Robinson after about 6 or 7 weeks so it’s probably little wonder if this poor woman has been driven insane.
I believe it’s against international law to hold someone in solitary confinement for more than, I think, a couple of weeks. But our state apparatus cares little for laws when they have someone in their sights.
The more I have read of this case , obviously not on msm, the more frightened I get for the people who tell the truth in this country. Attacked , shut down , unpersoned , imprisoned and vilified by the establishment. Who will be next ?
“The USSR used to lock up its dissidents in mental hospitals”
Britain has no vast wastelands to send their insane ones; so maybe we could send them to that stinking vast wasteland in London known as the UK Parliament as they would show more loyalty to their country than any of the “Usual Suspects” camped out on the terrace.
That Guardian article is a good demonstration of why it continues to spiral downwards, reduced to begging for funding from the public.
The ‘writer’ is apparently one of these insufferable agitators who thinks she is qualified to pass pop psychology judgements on others.
And the comments are even worse. There’s so much anti-Brexit anger being spewed there, one would think the remoaners are the ones on the verge of being betrayed by Treason May.
That little Guardian effort is so disgusting it even makes the BBC seem reasonable.
Thanks for linking that LastChance … I absolutely agree – really nasty …
I dared to scan the comments and, as TrueToo says, they are even worse !
After these two (the rest are similarly “charming”) I gave up:
“weightheevidence MissMadrigal / 23h ago / 258259
I’m sick – projectile vomit level – of every last Brexiter. They are an utter, utter disgrace and have brought shame and ridicule on our country. When the Public Inquiry comes, as it will, these bastards will not escape being held to account for their vile treachery, mendacity and nastiness. Brexit, as I say on almost every post now, is a malignancy.
Hey – news media – stop giving these pathological liars and sh1t-stirrers air time unless you have someone sane and erudite on simultaneously to expose their insulting mendacity.
tuppence_worth weightheevidence / 23h ago / 3637
In some sense I think it’s fine that these people have these views, they were John majors “bastards” – then they were treated as being a bit of an odd ball squad – the term “swivel eyed lunes” was used.
What seems to have changed is the way they are feted by the media, my theory on that is that the media itself is more right wing, so happy to push these views.
The impact of this is that there are now millions of trade experts that seem to think trading on WTO rules is a good idea, no other country does this.”
Such eloquence … The Guardian – and it’s readers – are literally “pitiful”.
But, once again, I ask – how on earth can these people really see the media as right wing??? :-O
Actually…. as an exemplar of projection Barbara Ellen’s article is outstanding – she’s probably comfortable as a LibDem – they seem to have an appetite for name calling and identity politics.
I’m watching ‘Walks for Life’ now on BBC 1 at the moment. It’s about Dartmoor and is presented by a young black man. I have to say in several decades of walking in the countryside, I have never encountered a black rambler.
I was surprised to find out thanks to Countryfile that there is a active Pakistani walking group in the north of England. Walking friends who live in this part of the world say they have never seen them. Maybe it’s just me, it’s not as if the BBC have an agenda is it?
And especially if he insists on bringing his holy book with him. By doing that I hear that he would get an extra silver star and a permanent seat on any of the many BBC talk shows (Friday nights), “have I got news for you Abdul” (any night of the weeks fine by him….and on every other TV Add.
(delete that – those spots are reserved for the Black man and white blond woman couples)
Back in the nineties, there was a concentrated effort to encourage non-white persons to visit the countryside. Even then, it was fairly obvious that they weren’t interested in the countryside, and never appeared.
On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl on who said she is always the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.
If she wants to see lots more black people on the beach I suggest she goes down to the south coast where there are lots of them running up the beaches every day.
“On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl on who said she is always the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.”
Take two: “On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl [with binoculars] on who said she is always [ goes down to the beach every morning to see if her family; in their dingy paid for out of my benefits ] have arrived [as I’m sure last night I saw three dingys on the horizon] by the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.”
Academics have proven that black folk avoid the countryside because of trees. They trigger off post slavery syndrome attacks cos they were hung from trees.
‘Alcee Hastings, an impeached judge, and a coalition of minority groups is demanding increased “inclusiveness” at national parks. High on their list is the claim that, “African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots.
.. Joy DeGruy Leary who invented a Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome that she claims black people suffer from. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces.” According to Finney, the tree is a racist symbol to black people.’
…black people were lynched on the trees. The tree became a big symbol.” Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike.
Cass, I have a friend who is a regular mountain climber/hill walker all over Britain, and this topic has often been discussed. In his mid 60’s and has yet to see anyone enjoying this pursuit who is of an ethnic minority. So this rather blows all the media rhetoric out of the water where our ethnic friends are concerned, who are more inclined to stay within the confines of the cities and towns.
Your walks in the countryside bear some of the characteristics of the Grand National. Twenty five runners and riders listed. All white. Apart from the five horses trained by women and the two horses ridden by women it was all men.
Social injustice I call it and it’s high time the BBC did something about it. Better still, the EU could pass a law to make such unfairness illegal and fine the UK if it doesn’t sort it out.
Your walks in the countryside bear some of the characteristics of the Grand National. Twenty five runners and riders listed. All white. Apart from the five horses trained by women and the two horses ridden by women it was all men.
Social injustice I call it and it’s high time the BBC did something about it. Better still, the EU could pass a law to make such unfairness illegal and fine the UK if it doesn’t sort it out.
Well, yesterday’s Telegraph (Editorial) finally called on May to leave, ‘if we want progress’.
That has long been obvious.
In the first paragraph, they also declared what was equally obvious: that by tying her ‘resignation’ to the passing of the WA, which ain’t gonna happen, she “will never have to resign”.
I’ve been droning on for months, no years, that May has been learning from Merkel, and actually has the manual, no doubt, boring readers stiff?
Merkel long ago turned out to be the master (sorry, gender crime) of staying put, regardless. The only real difference I can spot, is that Merkel kept back in the shadows most of the time, letting others do the dirty work. Brexit has forced May into the limelight. Which she quite relishes.
Merkel has been masterful, if not to say (black) magical in devising strategies to stay in power, when to all around her she seemed lost.
Again and again she came out on top. If this lot don’t want to be in the coalition, why not a coalition with that lot? Her own party only got about 30% in the last GE, so she had looong talks with the Greens and the liberal FDP (Jamaica version so -called: black-yellow-green) No go, so loooong talks with the socialists, who had said no, no , no , no. Guess what? THey were persuaded.
May leaving isn’t, on its own, enough. It needs someone in her place prepared to take Brexit by the scruff of the neck and actually carry it out, as they promised to do during the referendum. I fear that the current MPs will not allow that to happen, led on by the Siren voice of the BBC.
I don’t think I’m alone in having to fight back an urge to lash out at them all. If I’m feeling like that I fear there are many who will fall prey to that urge and give our rulers the excuse they’re looking for to crack down on dissent, whilst labelling as far right those with the quaint notion that promises by Parliamentarians to abide by the referendum result should be honoured.
Roland – You have seen through them. Forget Brexit.
The big task will be to combat the forces of the ‘far right’.
They are everywhere, from Trump to Putin. Orban to Salvini.
And don’t even talk about Brazil! There are democratically elected ‘fascists’ there too.
Here we have the danger of Nigel and Gerard. And we have to be very careful, not to let the Socialist project be derailed by the likes of them!
But we can’t be too obvious by waving the red flag.
Or even the green one.
For the moment, blue with yellow stars will do.
(I’m sure after the offered year they will offer us another. And another. Now, let’s see, how much is that to pay in?)
Germany, with its faltering economy, can’t afford for us to leave. And France is desperately hoping to latch onto German funds. (Ever closer and deeper Union) So they will be in two minds. That will call for a real Janus. Oh wait…
I have exceeded myself
I went to have a listen to fatty Mardell on the World at One and had switched off even before the newsreader got going . It sounds like it will be vintage anti brexit bias from Mardell but I won’t be suffering it .
I get @Fedup you were saving yourself for the 1:30pm repeat
“How to Be a Muslim Woman
Sayeeda Warsi explores how to be a Muslim woman in 21st-century Britain. “
“Prince William works with security agencies on attachment”
Someone posted earlier, that they would cast their beady eye over this site. I don’t think so.
I think that they would be more likely to be investigating the treason going on now in Great Britain’s democracy .
Democracy is at stake because we are fast becoming a banana republic and the rest of the world watches on .
In voting for the WA last time out, he has blotted his copybook, so-to-speak. Hence, his more outspoken demeanour in the last few days. My MP bottled it in the same fashion and for the same reasons. I sent him a tweet, suggesting that he get his CV updated in preparation for his likely unemployment after the next GE.
What on earth does this mean? How on earth can she account for her actions?
That’s simply not good enough!.
I always thought that JRM was a spy in our camp and at the correct time for the remainers – he owns up to it – by simply saying: She will be held to account”
That’s enough to scare a lion to death.
No doubt PM May will joyfully accept “account for her lies” as by then her remain-vote counted unlike the leave votes consigned to the history bin.
Once again, I ask the question: why on earth is the Queen not being asked to intervene? Or are all the MPs cowards or too content with life that they can’t be fussed?
Nice idea but it’s too late to obstruct EU defence integration. Theresa May gave the EU all the political authority it needed in 2017. Her exit deal would seal complete UK involvement in perpetuity.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) April 5, 2019
“Brexit: I had no choice but to approach Labour – May”
If the Torys can jump in bed with Labour it should be very easy for UKIP to jump in bed with The Brexit Party tget us our freedom and independence .
17.5 Million votes, guaranteed!
It is vital that UKIP and BP get over their differences and present a united front that can be voted for en-masse. Without this the rotten establishment will prevail, like it or not.
As Shakespeare wrote in The Tempest: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows”. The principle has to be “No enemies on the Right”. For the sake of the nation UKIP, BP, any remaining true Conservatives and others have to work together, and sensible individuals like Douglas Murray, Peter Hitchens, Melanie Phillips and others need to lend their support to the cause. The key objective is to get Britain out of the EU, then establish a government of national unity, including any patriotic and principed members of the Labour Party (and there certainly are some). And as Marcus Aurelius put it nearly two millenia ago: “The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.”
Do you not think it would be better for populists to get behind one party and stick with it? Who would want to split the vote now? Apart from Nigel Farage the great egoitst (he’s met Trump doncha know?).
As a party leader Farage is a failure who thinks he is a messiah who left Ukip because it was too democratic for him and made up and keeps repeating stories that it has been taken over by the far right.
That is truth about Farage and we should face up to it. It hurts me to say so.
Gerard Batten may not have the performing ability of Nigel but then very few politicians have. But Gerard does have a much more rounded view on life, is devastatingly clever, and understands political party dynamics. He saved Ukip after Farage gave up on it.
I’m sure a lot of people will vote for the new Farage party as it has shallow superficial attraction. That’s what the msm like.
When the people of populist persuasion realize that forming new parties all the time, especially under the antiquated first past the post voting system, is not the way to break the stifling two party system that is denying the country Brexit.
And remember Ukip is the only party that will put an end to the vile BBC. Perhaps Farage’s latest fancy say they might, but even if they did they won’t stay around long enough to do it.
Taffman: Don’t forget one thing: we will have the beeb and much of the media against us. You will see a ‘Far Right’ threat feast like you’ve never seen before.
And May, ever more clearly now, a Merkel clone, will get into full swing to make sure she is the ONE to lead the coalition!
There remains one VERY SMall possibility. She’s a poker player supreme, who will let things get to a ‘no deal’ exit.
A hero to 17.4 mil.
But that is very, very unlikely.
Sorry to disappoint, fnw, I used to think and hope that.
Re-reading Steve Baker’s statement (mentioned & linked in my post below at 4.54pm) today has convinced me that May was out to compromise from the beginning. In addition, I thought from the middle or end of last year that the PM was tweedling around, trying to gain Party advantage over Labour, possibly out of guilt for the colossal General Election failure in 2017.
Problem is that she has but it may not benefit the Tories one iota if they lose MPs to UKIP or the Brexit Party. They will lose votes inevitably.
Trouble is, we are left with a £39bn + bill for this failure of organisation/party games on the part of the PM unless a very large miracle occurs tomorrow in the House of Lords or later in the week.
Will Labour be damaged by becoming the Party of Remain? Maybe. But I think many of their voters will just not be able to stomach voting for anyone else.
snuff – If May is indeed a Merkel clone, waiting to ‘see which way the wind blows’ on a daily basis is key m.o.
May looks more chaotic, cos Merkel didn’t have Brexit to cope with.
Both are perfectly willing to do ‘whatever it takes’ to stay in power.
Neither has any core values or political philosophy.
You make up as you go along. Say whatever.
This is why I liked RP’s film reference so much. If you saw the movie you’ll know.
This makes predictions very difficult.
There is another article on these pages, showing how the entire socio-political system has been moved to the left in the UK. Germany is surprisingly similar. As are these two women.
Taffman: Don’t forget one thing: we will have the beeb and much of the media against us. You will see a ‘Far Right’ threat feast like you’ve never seen before.
And May, ever more clearly now, a Merkel clone, will get into full swing to make sure she is the ONE to lead the coalition!
Taffman, not the BBC, but I listened to Matt Frei interview Gerard Batten on LBC radio. I use the term ‘interview’ very loosely as Frei had no intention of allowing a civil discourse get in the way of his hysterical, ad hominem attack. Frei’s narcissistic, sanctimonious drivel immediately convinced me to join and vote for UKIP. After seeing how the bubble chimp, Frei, treated Batten I’m guessing that I won’t be the only new member.
Flak- one doesn’t need to listen to Frei interviewing Batten to know what is coming. One knows.
Frei is a colleague of Snow and Guru Murphy. You would have enjoyed Guru Murphy ‘interviewing’ J Redwood.
None of these interviews is about getting information, interviewee opinions, comments etc.
It is about savaging the ‘far right’ and virtue signalling.
But why am I telling you something you already know as well as I do..?
vesnadog- ‘far right’ is a meaningless term, as a political descriptor.
It is designed to elicit an immediate gut response – a little like Pavlov’s dog.
That is why it has become almost interchangeable with ‘Fascism’ and ‘neo-Nazism’, which it is meant to suggest.
Because the whole system has moved to the left, you can be a ‘teeny bit right’ and still be a very bad dog…
To be in the camp of the ‘good’, you need to talk PC, a language that has developed a life of its own, just as PC has become an ideology all of its own. (PC is unique: for the moment, it contains 3 or 4 separate ideologies, united by a common enemy…with time, it will explode due to those inner contradictions (sorry to sound a wee bit Marxist there).
This is another subject. You need to know about one-dimensional language designed for one-dimensional man. Or woman. (Nearly got it wrong!)
After all, Frei did work for Al Beeb didn’t he ? Who writes his questions for him, because he was reading from them most of the time ? Gerard handed Frei’s backside to him on a plate.
Cumon you lot, come and join us , Your Country Needs You.
Wales voted out of the EU, but we are smaller than London in population. A substantial number of Londoner’s are from foreign descent and have no affiliation to Great Britain.
Wales needs England’s help to get us out of the EU .
Vote UKIP.
If you read carefully, you discover they do not really know much at all.
I thought funny, funny I thought.
The BBC are so certain that Leaving the EU without a deal will be a disaster. The BBC are so certain that old people voted Leave and they are all uneducated racists and xenophobes. The BBC are so certain that the people should have a second Referendum because the politicians do not KNOW what THEY want.
BBC become so Daily Mail these days with all their pop celebrity stuff
..whereas the Daily Mail politicslly has become the Guardian-lite : Pro BRINO, always pseudo-green camapaigning etc.
ALL the alternatives to No Deal are deliberately designed to be a disaster so that it eases the way back in (with all the extras – Euro, loss of rebate, loss of veto etc) which is the cunning plan of Remainers. They fear that No Deal will be a success – and no reason why it shouldn’t be but they don’t want the plebs to know that – and we will vote to stay out with MPs actually having to do some work and start earning their salaries
This week’s 6 Radio4 Woman’s Hour progs
Do you spot pattern in the faces they choose for the preview pics ?
And ..How it looked a couple of weeks ago
Stopped listening when it became, ‘Not in Front of the Children’.
Sure I read in the Charter something about, ‘reflecting ALL sectors of the population’.
There seems to a media wide disparity nowadays.
Fact: The average British person is not gay, BAME, Muslim or Left Liberal Globalist.
gaxvil- apologies, but if you believe the beeb’s charter, you’ll believe anything…
Your Fact is 100% correct, but it stands in the way of the Great Green and PC Socialist project, and that is not bothered about so trivial a thing as a fact.
It has a multi-faceted revolution to conduct: the overthrow of ‘patriarchy’, whitey, real conservatives of colour-who are just as bad as whitey in their eyes, capitalism (excluding some real big actors), and opponents of LGBTQetc., and values that are not ‘modern’.
The overthrow of God is a given in this, since he had the audacity to manifest himself as a man (in the natural but NOT the spiritual world–obviously). Then again, this part of the job is not really necessary since Nietzshe has already told us that God is dead.
Well yes, I know. Is it a recent thing – these charters, statutes, rules and laws that we can choose to ignore?
WM Police have decided not to apply the laws on cannabis use for example.
Is Theresa May very stupid OR is Theresa May very clever ?
Is she capable of rational thought or is she just casting around in a blind panic?
We know she plays her cards close and will not take advice, neither are good traits for a democratic leader.
We know she is stubborn but that is not the same as resolve moderated by wisdom.
She now says that due to Labour we may not get a Brexit.
Is that her plan cancel Brexit and blame Labour?
Roll on the EU Elections which curiously she is in favor of.
A middle-aged and simple-minded gardener called Theresa obtains all her knowledge entirely from what she sees on television. Theresa wanders aimlessly, when Philip May meets her, he takes Theresa for an upper-class, highly educated businesswoman who has fallen on hard times. Philip admires her, finding her direct, wise and insightful. In a discussion about the economy, Theresa takes her cue from the words “stimulate growth” and talks about the changing seasons of the garden. Philip May introduces Theresa to the Conservative Party and eventually she rises to national public prominence, attends important dinners, develops a close connection with the European Union and appears on a television talk show. During the latter, Theresa goes into detail about what a serious gardener should do and is misunderstood as giving her opinion about what would be her Prime Ministerial policy, given the chance. Though she has now risen to the top of the Tory Party, David Cameron’s Doctor became increasingly suspicious that Theresa is not a wise political expert. Then the Doctor suddenly dies in a car accident. David resigns, and Theresa becomes Prime Minister after all the other candidates drop out. Theresa May proves to be the most disastrously incompetent Prime Minister in British history. Theresa then wanders off through Chequers wintry estate, she straightens out a pine sapling flattened by a fallen branch and then walks off across the surface of a lake. She pauses, dips her umbrella deep into the water under her feet, then continues on, saying “Life is a state of mind”
Yes, I think she wants to cancel our exit from the EU and yes I think she wants to blame someone else.
I also think she is a psychopath, a sociopath and a narcissist. I see no empathy, no compassion and no forgiveness in her; she appears to be devoid of normal human emotions.
Nonetheless I think we should pray for her that she begins to do the right thing and takes us out of the EU.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel – continued.
Watching BBC coverage of the Boat Race (excellent for a post-prandial snooze)
There is of course almost no actual action.
So among other things to fill in space for 30 seconds we have the bizarre sight of Carole Kirkwood presenting the weather forecast whilst stood in the Thames waist-high in water, wearing waders.
Anyone would think the BBC is totally overfunded and awash with cash.
Oh, wait a minute………
Hideously white event. Spectators, competitors, interviewers, expert opinions, all very white and all very non working class. Surprised the BBC still cover it.
I did spot a black person on the far side of the river in a car. Does that count for BBC diversity?
Well in the 4 teams Men/womens first/reserves only 1 non-white rower
“Dara Alizadeh (Cambridge)
25yrs • 194cm • 91kg
Nationality Bermudian/British/ American/Iranian
– The Womens’s first/reserves are all white except Cambridge uses a half Japanese man as cox
The Telegraph is reporting that the Conservative Party is starting to understand the extinction it will achieve if it doesn’t get UK out of EU.
They seem so out of touch with people and how they are feeling that they do not deserve to exist . The cost will be a Corbyn Government which will self destruct fairly quickly .
Apparently the Rebecca Wrong Daily has said that Labour would revoke A50 rather than go for a full British brexit . She’s not that sharp either .,
Fed, touted as potential Corbyn successor on news before Sunday (R4 7.00-7.10am today) that Rebecca Long-Bailey was.
BTW, I just tried to tidy up my post below and that funny ‘You can no longer edit this post’ thing happened to me again. I was in the first minute of the 15m editing time. Just wanted to tidy up the third para but I guess most people will make sense of it as is.
(Interesting, just tried another fifteenth minute edit here and it was OK.)
Up2 – maybe the software is creaking a bit – or the State is fiddling with it . In the coming days I wouldnt be surprised to have’ technical problems ‘
As for Rebecca Long Bailey as a Labour Party Leader ? I wish . After that politicians have put the people through in the last 3 years the whole system needs changing as it Doesn’t even remotely represent the majority ..
Ironically it is more important than leaving the EU
Fed, my thought is that it might be the position at which my post finds itself on the page. Some of you on here are coders. Is that possible?
The other thought its that starting an edit in the fifteenth (first) minute allowed but taking several minutes to get to the point of hitting ‘Save’ may cause a glitch.
Software problems? Just wait until the referendum and see the problems with counting the votes, missing ballot papers, locked voting halls, and disappearing vans.
Noticed of late less and less notice is being taken of the bbc etc..
They’ve done it to themselves by only serving the bubble. Our pre-teens just don’t watch TV and the bbc means less than zero to them.
We know they are irrevocably biased so it’s akin to asking Iran for a view on America – really so predictable it’s just not worth the effort to inquire.
The CT it H&I is an interesting web-site and it deals with topical and political issues as well as Christian ones beyond the borders of the Highlands & Islands in Scotland and beyond.
From ITTB comment
\ \I wonder too when it was decreed that every mention of TR should be accompanied by ‘whose real name is’, they are deliberately identifying him as a fraud.
… Did they say with Tony Benn, ‘who was Viscount Stansgate’? //
Oliver Cromwell, Member of Parliament for Cambridge
1653: “You have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of god, go!”
Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett Amery, Member of Parliament for Birmingham Sparkbrook
1940: “What is our liberty for, if not to govern ourselves?”
Steven John Baker, Member of Parliament for Wycombe
2019: “I am consumed with a ferocious rage after that pantomime. What is our liberty for if not to govern ourselves? Like all of you, I have wrestled with my conscience about what to do. But I could tear this place down and bulldoze it into the river. Those fools and knaves and cowards are voting on things they don’t even understand. We’ve been put in this place by people whose addiction to power without responsibility has led them to put the choice of No-Brexit or This-Deal. I may yet resign the whip than be part of this”
Sky enjoys indulging in the occasional severe censorship . It has said it won’t use Mr Gordon Strackan as a football pundit again because he asked a question whether a convicted sex offender – footballer called Adam Johnson – who might receive abuse from footy crowds – should be treated in the same way as racial abuse . ?
And for that he is banned .
Now I don’t pay for sky and I’ve no interest in Mr Strakan’s view – but it seems opinions can be dangerous …
On the twitter David Vance describes the PM as the undertaker for her political party . I’d say killer of it too .
The local elections are 2 May I think – even if democracy wins and we leave the EU I still think the Tories will get seriously kicked even if it’s meant to be local issues .
And they are talking of the next leader – the Boris – Rudd alliance.
Deck chairs – Titanic. I guess they’re relying on voters doing the Pavlov’s dog thing.
The next Conservative leader needs to be someone who voted against May’s third attempt to get approval for the Withdrawal Agreement. Those who voted against it the first and second times showed that their heart was in the right place, but only those who voted against the third time proved that they have spine enough to be the PM who can deliver independence.
The BBC will do everything it can to destroy them.
There has been a fashion for a while to employ “live” lawyers to divine if political rectitude is being upheld in broadcast streams – I’m not joking – I saw this last summer on a number of programs…..
“There has been a fashion for a while to employ “live” lawyers to divine if political rectitude is being upheld in broadcast streams – I’m not joking – I saw this last summer on a number of programs…..”
Not BBC but I’m sure she will be sending her defence reporter there very soon: Australia.
Warning – please put your coffee or tea cup down as its gone beyond barmy:
Pilots must consider feminist theory before dropping bombs.
In my life the only thing that compares to all this is the Poll Tax and the destruction of Coal Mining. Then, of course there was the three day week and the Winter of discontent, the loss of our car industry and the stripping and selling off of our assets, a bloke who fell in the sea and one in a donkey jacket.
Hmm maybe our governors have always been a shower ?
Prisons – Yesterdays i-paper reprinted an Economist article
Why are Northern Ireland’s jails so empty?
Northern Ireland’s incarceration rate is closer to that of Norway and Sweden than it is to the rest of the UK
– You’d think demographics would be a factor
but no that is not mentioned, just a range of factors eg that the probation service was never privatised.
.. BTW another report says that NI has the highest rate of lifers in Europe.
They should investigate as to why May is trying to keep us in the EU with a betrayal document. This foul document is also a poor attempt to deceive the British people and cheat them of their democratic right.
Plenty of material for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to get it’s gums into, don’t you think? 🙁
Now, if Remain had won the Referendum and May was now trying to exit the EU, can you imagine the BBC outrage??
”.. well I’m taking lots of coin to NOT deliver Brexit, all the while acting like a weak hapless retard.
It’s amazing this isn’t crystal clear by now and I’m having to explain it !
Ok one last time: Brexit means Brexit and I’m gonna get net immigration down to 100 k.
Har har .”
Countryfile : National Park Special
… in the sad section they told us the NPs are being damaged by too many tourists.
.. Well stop organising mass walks you idiots
..That is hardly the peace & quiet of the countryside.
“Uber bans London driver who told customers he had a ‘no Jews’ policy as he cancelled their booking having seen they were wearing kippahs
Two men were refused a ride by a London Uber driver who said ‘I don’t take Jews’
The man, who called himself Ahmad, has now been banned from using the app
Uber apologised to the two men for the incident, but offered no compensation
Antisemitic incidents in the UK rose by 16 per cent last year – an all-time high ”
Far right ? not quite but close, one of our charming intolerant racist immigrant population who are always complaining about racism, funny that
This interview with Gerard Batten is about 14 minutes long.
In it he explains very concisely UKIP’s plans and preparations for the local and probably EU elections. He also gives his forthright views about Mr Farage and his non-party.
It’s interesting, informative and amusing. Worth a look:
Bradford water workers get threats (25th March)
Are the BBC hiding some info from their story ? dated March 27th
\\ Very similar to the incidents involving attacks on firemen around Bonfire night in the usual suspect areas of BD8 & Bowling etc.
#BBCWeAreBradford hashtage never used for such negative stories //
BBC News – Jaguar Land Rover to start Brexit shutdown
At a glance seems they are stopping for maintenance one week longer than usual.
And this extra week was arranged with the unions way back in January.
Good old (international) Socialism. You just can’t keep it down. Too many fools and thieves around…
Noticed how in Munich the word ‘expropriation’ is causing controversy. Are we in Germany? Yup.
Ms Merkel, who kicked the whole thing off, by opening borders, is very quiet- as is typical. May could -even now- still learn a thing or two.
The Socialists and the Greens are in the forefront of the grabbing intentions. Not enough social housing (wonder why?) which local gov has to pay for, so the red/green revolutionaries have come up with something, probably imported from….
…South Africa, where expropriation without compensation (ie grabbing somebody else’s property) is a hugely fashionable election topic!
Are we seeing the German MSM moaning about ‘populists’ in the EU? Yes, we are.
NO, not over us poor old wanting to leave Brits! Not even about the AfD in Germany itself.
Reinhard Veser says in the latest Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that the good results for EKRE in last week’s election, are a danger for the EU. They are partly right-wing extremist/racists, he claims. Why? Cos they are worried about immigration, is the answer.
Such a small country? Wouldn’t take many migrants. But dear Reinhard thinks Estonia should be worried about big bear Russia right next door. The prospective (female) PM says coalition yes, but not including EKRE. Strange! Just like Merkel: coalition yes, but not including the AfD.
Why does all of this stuff sound vaguely familiar? Russia-Danger. Migrants-Nothing to see.
Hello, hello. Are you there, Robert Mueller?
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
The bbc can’t help themselves.
Or those they think they are helping.
And none of them are self-made, all inherited or were granted the vast majority of their wealth.
Not sure the bBC thought this one through or what the message here is.
The Marr paper review barely mentions today’s Sunday Times splash: “Labour’s hate files expose Corbyn’s anti-Semite army”.
No discussion allowed about this important exposure of Labour’s attempt to whitewash its rampant anti-semitism, just a brief passing reference as Marr talks about the article reflecting a “growing fear in Fleet Street” about a possible Corbyn government.
Instead, the panel swiftly moves on to attacking various statements by Jacob Rees-Mogg, Dominic Raab and the ERG – there is talk of “abuse”, dialling down the rhetoric and so on. You get the gist. These are the real concerns in BBC land.
\\ Afua Hirsch on #Marr dismisses the Sunday Times front page
as – I paraphrase : ‘THEY fear Corbyn’s imminent power so make up stuff about him.’
All that evidence from @Gabriel_Pogrund, brushed away
– & Marr moved on to Brexit.
No one there minds the extremity of Lab Anti-Semitism ? //
BBC Newsbeat documentaries.
Sunday morning
Report about different lives of five groups of 17 year olds from around the world.
Ghana, Uganda, Lebanon, Thailand, Russia.
They were all Christian, except the girl from Thailand who was Buddha.
All of the kids enjoyed a western life style in different ways, with most of them having a whale of a time with mixed groups of boys and girls. The girl from Uganda had a young baby so her life was particularly hard, but most young single mothers don’t have it easy in any country.
The Christian Lebanese were having a particularly good time with one in the group saying. “We are very western. We are very open minded”
However one group of kids was totally unrepresented.
Yes. Strangely there were no Muslims.
Once again BBC…. bias by omission…
Perhaps it may have been difficult to find a mixed group from a Muslim country actually having fun together….
Has the far-left bbc collective reported anything about Melanie Shaw now being incarcerated in Rampton – asylum for the insane? I suppose that’s where she’ll spend the rest of her life; sedated and kept in communicado; for doing nothing more than trying to alert the country about her sexual abuse and those who were involved. She was kept in solitary confinement for at least 18 months before being sent there. We saw the deleterious effect solitary confinement had on Tommy Robinson after about 6 or 7 weeks so it’s probably little wonder if this poor woman has been driven insane.
I believe it’s against international law to hold someone in solitary confinement for more than, I think, a couple of weeks. But our state apparatus cares little for laws when they have someone in their sights.
The more I have read of this case , obviously not on msm, the more frightened I get for the people who tell the truth in this country. Attacked , shut down , unpersoned , imprisoned and vilified by the establishment. Who will be next ?
The USSR used to lock up its dissidents in mental hospitals; it seems our oppressors have taken this method into their armoury too.
“The USSR used to lock up its dissidents in mental hospitals”
Britain has no vast wastelands to send their insane ones; so maybe we could send them to that stinking vast wasteland in London known as the UK Parliament as they would show more loyalty to their country than any of the “Usual Suspects” camped out on the terrace.
The nastiest article, followed by the nastiest comments, by the BBC loving, gloating traitors, that I have ever read.
These people are our deadly enemies.
They are favour of destroying our country and our people.
Better off without any of them, however accomplished.
That Guardian article is a good demonstration of why it continues to spiral downwards, reduced to begging for funding from the public.
The ‘writer’ is apparently one of these insufferable agitators who thinks she is qualified to pass pop psychology judgements on others.
And the comments are even worse. There’s so much anti-Brexit anger being spewed there, one would think the remoaners are the ones on the verge of being betrayed by Treason May.
That little Guardian effort is so disgusting it even makes the BBC seem reasonable.
Thanks for linking that LastChance … I absolutely agree – really nasty …
I dared to scan the comments and, as TrueToo says, they are even worse !
After these two (the rest are similarly “charming”) I gave up:
“weightheevidence MissMadrigal / 23h ago / 258259
I’m sick – projectile vomit level – of every last Brexiter. They are an utter, utter disgrace and have brought shame and ridicule on our country. When the Public Inquiry comes, as it will, these bastards will not escape being held to account for their vile treachery, mendacity and nastiness. Brexit, as I say on almost every post now, is a malignancy.
Hey – news media – stop giving these pathological liars and sh1t-stirrers air time unless you have someone sane and erudite on simultaneously to expose their insulting mendacity.
tuppence_worth weightheevidence / 23h ago / 3637
In some sense I think it’s fine that these people have these views, they were John majors “bastards” – then they were treated as being a bit of an odd ball squad – the term “swivel eyed lunes” was used.
What seems to have changed is the way they are feted by the media, my theory on that is that the media itself is more right wing, so happy to push these views.
The impact of this is that there are now millions of trade experts that seem to think trading on WTO rules is a good idea, no other country does this.”
Such eloquence … The Guardian – and it’s readers – are literally “pitiful”.
But, once again, I ask – how on earth can these people really see the media as right wing??? :-O
Actually…. as an exemplar of projection Barbara Ellen’s article is outstanding – she’s probably comfortable as a LibDem – they seem to have an appetite for name calling and identity politics.
I’m watching ‘Walks for Life’ now on BBC 1 at the moment. It’s about Dartmoor and is presented by a young black man. I have to say in several decades of walking in the countryside, I have never encountered a black rambler.
I was surprised to find out thanks to Countryfile that there is a active Pakistani walking group in the north of England. Walking friends who live in this part of the world say they have never seen them. Maybe it’s just me, it’s not as if the BBC have an agenda is it?
Cassie – look on the bright side, he could have been in a wheelchair and wearing a hijab as well!
And especially if he insists on bringing his holy book with him. By doing that I hear that he would get an extra silver star and a permanent seat on any of the many BBC talk shows (Friday nights), “have I got news for you Abdul” (any night of the weeks fine by him….and on every other TV Add.
(delete that – those spots are reserved for the Black man and white blond woman couples)
Back in the nineties, there was a concentrated effort to encourage non-white persons to visit the countryside. Even then, it was fairly obvious that they weren’t interested in the countryside, and never appeared.
On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl on who said she is always the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.
If she wants to see lots more black people on the beach I suggest she goes down to the south coast where there are lots of them running up the beaches every day.
Pardon me E.
“On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl on who said she is always the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.”
Take two: “On bbc Newcastle this morning they had a black girl [with binoculars] on who said she is always [ goes down to the beach every morning to see if her family; in their dingy paid for out of my benefits ] have arrived [as I’m sure last night I saw three dingys on the horizon] by the only black girl there when she goes to the beach.”
Academics have proven that black folk avoid the countryside because of trees. They trigger off post slavery syndrome attacks cos they were hung from trees.
‘Alcee Hastings, an impeached judge, and a coalition of minority groups is demanding increased “inclusiveness” at national parks. High on their list is the claim that, “African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots.
.. Joy DeGruy Leary who invented a Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome that she claims black people suffer from. Affected by PTSS, black people experience “fear and mistrust of forests and other green spaces.” According to Finney, the tree is a racist symbol to black people.’
…black people were lynched on the trees. The tree became a big symbol.” Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. You can’t expect them to go to on a hike.
“Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks.”
GWF, does this mean that politicians are traumatised by the sight of a lamp-post?
Cass, I have a friend who is a regular mountain climber/hill walker all over Britain, and this topic has often been discussed. In his mid 60’s and has yet to see anyone enjoying this pursuit who is of an ethnic minority. So this rather blows all the media rhetoric out of the water where our ethnic friends are concerned, who are more inclined to stay within the confines of the cities and towns.
Your walks in the countryside bear some of the characteristics of the Grand National. Twenty five runners and riders listed. All white. Apart from the five horses trained by women and the two horses ridden by women it was all men.
Social injustice I call it and it’s high time the BBC did something about it. Better still, the EU could pass a law to make such unfairness illegal and fine the UK if it doesn’t sort it out.
Your walks in the countryside bear some of the characteristics of the Grand National. Twenty five runners and riders listed. All white. Apart from the five horses trained by women and the two horses ridden by women it was all men.
Social injustice I call it and it’s high time the BBC did something about it. Better still, the EU could pass a law to make such unfairness illegal and fine the UK if it doesn’t sort it out.
The BBC’s idea of “real life” looking more and more like a cross between Viz and the National Enquirer
“US mum gives birth to own grand-daughter for her gay son”
And to think that I used to think that the farther one goes back in history the more wicked and Godless they were.
Well, we Christians have been praying for God to judge this nation – he is, if we reject Him He will reject us and makes us know all about it.
The Religious Jews/Christians have always believed this.
At least Viz is humourous, unlike the BBC…
And the National Enquirer more factual than the BBC…
Well, yesterday’s Telegraph (Editorial) finally called on May to leave, ‘if we want progress’.
That has long been obvious.
In the first paragraph, they also declared what was equally obvious: that by tying her ‘resignation’ to the passing of the WA, which ain’t gonna happen, she “will never have to resign”.
I’ve been droning on for months, no years, that May has been learning from Merkel, and actually has the manual, no doubt, boring readers stiff?
Merkel long ago turned out to be the master (sorry, gender crime) of staying put, regardless. The only real difference I can spot, is that Merkel kept back in the shadows most of the time, letting others do the dirty work. Brexit has forced May into the limelight. Which she quite relishes.
Merkel has been masterful, if not to say (black) magical in devising strategies to stay in power, when to all around her she seemed lost.
Again and again she came out on top. If this lot don’t want to be in the coalition, why not a coalition with that lot? Her own party only got about 30% in the last GE, so she had looong talks with the Greens and the liberal FDP (Jamaica version so -called: black-yellow-green) No go, so loooong talks with the socialists, who had said no, no , no , no. Guess what? THey were persuaded.
May leaving isn’t, on its own, enough. It needs someone in her place prepared to take Brexit by the scruff of the neck and actually carry it out, as they promised to do during the referendum. I fear that the current MPs will not allow that to happen, led on by the Siren voice of the BBC.
I don’t think I’m alone in having to fight back an urge to lash out at them all. If I’m feeling like that I fear there are many who will fall prey to that urge and give our rulers the excuse they’re looking for to crack down on dissent, whilst labelling as far right those with the quaint notion that promises by Parliamentarians to abide by the referendum result should be honoured.
Roland – You have seen through them. Forget Brexit.
The big task will be to combat the forces of the ‘far right’.
They are everywhere, from Trump to Putin. Orban to Salvini.
And don’t even talk about Brazil! There are democratically elected ‘fascists’ there too.
Here we have the danger of Nigel and Gerard. And we have to be very careful, not to let the Socialist project be derailed by the likes of them!
But we can’t be too obvious by waving the red flag.
Or even the green one.
For the moment, blue with yellow stars will do.
(I’m sure after the offered year they will offer us another. And another. Now, let’s see, how much is that to pay in?)
Germany, with its faltering economy, can’t afford for us to leave. And France is desperately hoping to latch onto German funds. (Ever closer and deeper Union) So they will be in two minds. That will call for a real Janus. Oh wait…
I have exceeded myself
I went to have a listen to fatty Mardell on the World at One and had switched off even before the newsreader got going . It sounds like it will be vintage anti brexit bias from Mardell but I won’t be suffering it .
I get @Fedup you were saving yourself for the 1:30pm repeat
“How to Be a Muslim Woman
Sayeeda Warsi explores how to be a Muslim woman in 21st-century Britain. “
Stew – you gotta be kidding . Shows I don’t even look to see what’s on any more
Catching the boat race but there doesn’t seem to be a tranny one or LGBTXYzed one ?
And … where are all the darky rowers and tanned chaps with beards ?
“Keep your mouth shut and you whole body concealed.” That just about covers it….
“Prince William works with security agencies on attachment”
Someone posted earlier, that they would cast their beady eye over this site. I don’t think so.
I think that they would be more likely to be investigating the treason going on now in Great Britain’s democracy .
Democracy is at stake because we are fast becoming a banana republic and the rest of the world watches on .
I see Mogg is desperately pushing the old school tie, which along with utter expediency is the hall mark of the rotten school they both attended.
Rees-Mogg still has a little time to redeem himself.
In voting for the WA last time out, he has blotted his copybook, so-to-speak. Hence, his more outspoken demeanour in the last few days. My MP bottled it in the same fashion and for the same reasons. I sent him a tweet, suggesting that he get his CV updated in preparation for his likely unemployment after the next GE.
Don’t think so.
Remember his ““held to account” excuse.
What on earth does this mean? How on earth can she account for her actions?
That’s simply not good enough!.
I always thought that JRM was a spy in our camp and at the correct time for the remainers – he owns up to it – by simply saying: She will be held to account”
That’s enough to scare a lion to death.
No doubt PM May will joyfully accept “account for her lies” as by then her remain-vote counted unlike the leave votes consigned to the history bin.
Once again, I ask the question: why on earth is the Queen not being asked to intervene? Or are all the MPs cowards or too content with life that they can’t be fussed?
“Brexit: I had no choice but to approach Labour – May”
If the Torys can jump in bed with Labour it should be very easy for UKIP to jump in bed with The Brexit Party tget us our freedom and independence .
17.5 Million votes, guaranteed!
It is vital that UKIP and BP get over their differences and present a united front that can be voted for en-masse. Without this the rotten establishment will prevail, like it or not.
As Shakespeare wrote in The Tempest: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows”. The principle has to be “No enemies on the Right”. For the sake of the nation UKIP, BP, any remaining true Conservatives and others have to work together, and sensible individuals like Douglas Murray, Peter Hitchens, Melanie Phillips and others need to lend their support to the cause. The key objective is to get Britain out of the EU, then establish a government of national unity, including any patriotic and principed members of the Labour Party (and there certainly are some). And as Marcus Aurelius put it nearly two millenia ago: “The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.”
IR, Beltane, Taffman.
Do you not think it would be better for populists to get behind one party and stick with it? Who would want to split the vote now? Apart from Nigel Farage the great egoitst (he’s met Trump doncha know?).
As a party leader Farage is a failure who thinks he is a messiah who left Ukip because it was too democratic for him and made up and keeps repeating stories that it has been taken over by the far right.
That is truth about Farage and we should face up to it. It hurts me to say so.
Gerard Batten may not have the performing ability of Nigel but then very few politicians have. But Gerard does have a much more rounded view on life, is devastatingly clever, and understands political party dynamics. He saved Ukip after Farage gave up on it.
I’m sure a lot of people will vote for the new Farage party as it has shallow superficial attraction. That’s what the msm like.
When the people of populist persuasion realize that forming new parties all the time, especially under the antiquated first past the post voting system, is not the way to break the stifling two party system that is denying the country Brexit.
And remember Ukip is the only party that will put an end to the vile BBC. Perhaps Farage’s latest fancy say they might, but even if they did they won’t stay around long enough to do it.
Taffman: Don’t forget one thing: we will have the beeb and much of the media against us. You will see a ‘Far Right’ threat feast like you’ve never seen before.
And May, ever more clearly now, a Merkel clone, will get into full swing to make sure she is the ONE to lead the coalition!
There remains one VERY SMall possibility. She’s a poker player supreme, who will let things get to a ‘no deal’ exit.
A hero to 17.4 mil.
But that is very, very unlikely.
Sorry to disappoint, fnw, I used to think and hope that.
Re-reading Steve Baker’s statement (mentioned & linked in my post below at 4.54pm) today has convinced me that May was out to compromise from the beginning. In addition, I thought from the middle or end of last year that the PM was tweedling around, trying to gain Party advantage over Labour, possibly out of guilt for the colossal General Election failure in 2017.
Problem is that she has but it may not benefit the Tories one iota if they lose MPs to UKIP or the Brexit Party. They will lose votes inevitably.
Trouble is, we are left with a £39bn + bill for this failure of organisation/party games on the part of the PM unless a very large miracle occurs tomorrow in the House of Lords or later in the week.
Will Labour be damaged by becoming the Party of Remain? Maybe. But I think many of their voters will just not be able to stomach voting for anyone else.
snuff – If May is indeed a Merkel clone, waiting to ‘see which way the wind blows’ on a daily basis is key m.o.
May looks more chaotic, cos Merkel didn’t have Brexit to cope with.
Both are perfectly willing to do ‘whatever it takes’ to stay in power.
Neither has any core values or political philosophy.
You make up as you go along. Say whatever.
This is why I liked RP’s film reference so much. If you saw the movie you’ll know.
This makes predictions very difficult.
There is another article on these pages, showing how the entire socio-political system has been moved to the left in the UK. Germany is surprisingly similar. As are these two women.
Taffman: Don’t forget one thing: we will have the beeb and much of the media against us. You will see a ‘Far Right’ threat feast like you’ve never seen before.
And May, ever more clearly now, a Merkel clone, will get into full swing to make sure she is the ONE to lead the coalition!
Taffman, not the BBC, but I listened to Matt Frei interview Gerard Batten on LBC radio. I use the term ‘interview’ very loosely as Frei had no intention of allowing a civil discourse get in the way of his hysterical, ad hominem attack. Frei’s narcissistic, sanctimonious drivel immediately convinced me to join and vote for UKIP. After seeing how the bubble chimp, Frei, treated Batten I’m guessing that I won’t be the only new member.
Flak- one doesn’t need to listen to Frei interviewing Batten to know what is coming. One knows.
Frei is a colleague of Snow and Guru Murphy. You would have enjoyed Guru Murphy ‘interviewing’ J Redwood.
None of these interviews is about getting information, interviewee opinions, comments etc.
It is about savaging the ‘far right’ and virtue signalling.
But why am I telling you something you already know as well as I do..?
Not even the “far right” …”a teeny bit right”
vesnadog- ‘far right’ is a meaningless term, as a political descriptor.
It is designed to elicit an immediate gut response – a little like Pavlov’s dog.
That is why it has become almost interchangeable with ‘Fascism’ and ‘neo-Nazism’, which it is meant to suggest.
Because the whole system has moved to the left, you can be a ‘teeny bit right’ and still be a very bad dog…
To be in the camp of the ‘good’, you need to talk PC, a language that has developed a life of its own, just as PC has become an ideology all of its own. (PC is unique: for the moment, it contains 3 or 4 separate ideologies, united by a common enemy…with time, it will explode due to those inner contradictions (sorry to sound a wee bit Marxist there).
This is another subject. You need to know about one-dimensional language designed for one-dimensional man. Or woman. (Nearly got it wrong!)
I get ya!
After all, Frei did work for Al Beeb didn’t he ? Who writes his questions for him, because he was reading from them most of the time ? Gerard handed Frei’s backside to him on a plate.
Cumon you lot, come and join us , Your Country Needs You.
Wales voted out of the EU, but we are smaller than London in population. A substantial number of Londoner’s are from foreign descent and have no affiliation to Great Britain.
Wales needs England’s help to get us out of the EU .
Vote UKIP.
Frei was born in Germany , went to the university of Europe ( if I recall ) and as is seen cannot be termed ‘unbiased’.
Mr Batten uses ‘treason ‘ and ‘traitor ‘ correctly . I am happy to use those too.
It is Starmer, not Steptoe, who No. 10 is having ongoing talks with.
Completely different personal agenda.
The man who would be king…
“The man who would be king”
A good Michael Caine film.
Another one who combs his hair against the “grain”
The BBC are keen to tell us what they know:
If you read carefully, you discover they do not really know much at all.
I thought funny, funny I thought.
The BBC are so certain that Leaving the EU without a deal will be a disaster. The BBC are so certain that old people voted Leave and they are all uneducated racists and xenophobes. The BBC are so certain that the people should have a second Referendum because the politicians do not KNOW what THEY want.
Maybe they know nuffink about anyfink?
BBC become so Daily Mail these days with all their pop celebrity stuff
..whereas the Daily Mail politicslly has become the Guardian-lite : Pro BRINO, always pseudo-green camapaigning etc.
ALL the alternatives to No Deal are deliberately designed to be a disaster so that it eases the way back in (with all the extras – Euro, loss of rebate, loss of veto etc) which is the cunning plan of Remainers. They fear that No Deal will be a success – and no reason why it shouldn’t be but they don’t want the plebs to know that – and we will vote to stay out with MPs actually having to do some work and start earning their salaries
This week’s 6 Radio4 Woman’s Hour progs

Do you spot pattern in the faces they choose for the preview pics ?
And ..How it looked a couple of weeks ago
Stopped listening when it became, ‘Not in Front of the Children’.
Sure I read in the Charter something about, ‘reflecting ALL sectors of the population’.
There seems to a media wide disparity nowadays.
Fact: The average British person is not gay, BAME, Muslim or Left Liberal Globalist.
gaxvil- apologies, but if you believe the beeb’s charter, you’ll believe anything…
Your Fact is 100% correct, but it stands in the way of the Great Green and PC Socialist project, and that is not bothered about so trivial a thing as a fact.
It has a multi-faceted revolution to conduct: the overthrow of ‘patriarchy’, whitey, real conservatives of colour-who are just as bad as whitey in their eyes, capitalism (excluding some real big actors), and opponents of LGBTQetc., and values that are not ‘modern’.
The overthrow of God is a given in this, since he had the audacity to manifest himself as a man (in the natural but NOT the spiritual world–obviously). Then again, this part of the job is not really necessary since Nietzshe has already told us that God is dead.
Well yes, I know. Is it a recent thing – these charters, statutes, rules and laws that we can choose to ignore?
WM Police have decided not to apply the laws on cannabis use for example.
Still at the point of asking,:-
Is Theresa May very stupid OR is Theresa May very clever ?
Is she capable of rational thought or is she just casting around in a blind panic?
We know she plays her cards close and will not take advice, neither are good traits for a democratic leader.
We know she is stubborn but that is not the same as resolve moderated by wisdom.
She now says that due to Labour we may not get a Brexit.
Is that her plan cancel Brexit and blame Labour?
Roll on the EU Elections which curiously she is in favor of.
She reminds me of the film “Being There”
A middle-aged and simple-minded gardener called Theresa obtains all her knowledge entirely from what she sees on television. Theresa wanders aimlessly, when Philip May meets her, he takes Theresa for an upper-class, highly educated businesswoman who has fallen on hard times. Philip admires her, finding her direct, wise and insightful. In a discussion about the economy, Theresa takes her cue from the words “stimulate growth” and talks about the changing seasons of the garden. Philip May introduces Theresa to the Conservative Party and eventually she rises to national public prominence, attends important dinners, develops a close connection with the European Union and appears on a television talk show. During the latter, Theresa goes into detail about what a serious gardener should do and is misunderstood as giving her opinion about what would be her Prime Ministerial policy, given the chance. Though she has now risen to the top of the Tory Party, David Cameron’s Doctor became increasingly suspicious that Theresa is not a wise political expert. Then the Doctor suddenly dies in a car accident. David resigns, and Theresa becomes Prime Minister after all the other candidates drop out. Theresa May proves to be the most disastrously incompetent Prime Minister in British history. Theresa then wanders off through Chequers wintry estate, she straightens out a pine sapling flattened by a fallen branch and then walks off across the surface of a lake. She pauses, dips her umbrella deep into the water under her feet, then continues on, saying “Life is a state of mind”
Richard – brilliant! Now I remember where I’ve seen her before.
Yes, I think she wants to cancel our exit from the EU and yes I think she wants to blame someone else.
I also think she is a psychopath, a sociopath and a narcissist. I see no empathy, no compassion and no forgiveness in her; she appears to be devoid of normal human emotions.
Nonetheless I think we should pray for her that she begins to do the right thing and takes us out of the EU.
Neither stupid nor clever. Treezer is like a trained dog, obeys commands, which is why she cannot explain her policies.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel – continued.
Watching BBC coverage of the Boat Race (excellent for a post-prandial snooze)
There is of course almost no actual action.
So among other things to fill in space for 30 seconds we have the bizarre sight of Carole Kirkwood presenting the weather forecast whilst stood in the Thames waist-high in water, wearing waders.
Anyone would think the BBC is totally overfunded and awash with cash.
Oh, wait a minute………
Hideously white event. Spectators, competitors, interviewers, expert opinions, all very white and all very non working class. Surprised the BBC still cover it.
I did spot a black person on the far side of the river in a car. Does that count for BBC diversity?
Was the car stolen? 😉
Well in the 4 teams Men/womens first/reserves only 1 non-white rower

“Dara Alizadeh (Cambridge)
25yrs • 194cm • 91kg
Nationality Bermudian/British/ American/Iranian
– The Womens’s first/reserves are all white except Cambridge uses a half Japanese man as cox
Sluff, did they mention periods or tampons or gender issues at all?
The Beeb must be having an off day ….
The Telegraph is reporting that the Conservative Party is starting to understand the extinction it will achieve if it doesn’t get UK out of EU.
They seem so out of touch with people and how they are feeling that they do not deserve to exist . The cost will be a Corbyn Government which will self destruct fairly quickly .
Apparently the Rebecca Wrong Daily has said that Labour would revoke A50 rather than go for a full British brexit . She’s not that sharp either .,
Good article.
Fed, touted as potential Corbyn successor on news before Sunday (R4 7.00-7.10am today) that Rebecca Long-Bailey was.
BTW, I just tried to tidy up my post below and that funny ‘You can no longer edit this post’ thing happened to me again. I was in the first minute of the 15m editing time. Just wanted to tidy up the third para but I guess most people will make sense of it as is.
(Interesting, just tried another fifteenth minute edit here and it was OK.)
Up2 – maybe the software is creaking a bit – or the State is fiddling with it . In the coming days I wouldnt be surprised to have’ technical problems ‘
As for Rebecca Long Bailey as a Labour Party Leader ? I wish . After that politicians have put the people through in the last 3 years the whole system needs changing as it Doesn’t even remotely represent the majority ..
Ironically it is more important than leaving the EU
Fed, my thought is that it might be the position at which my post finds itself on the page. Some of you on here are coders. Is that possible?
The other thought its that starting an edit in the fifteenth (first) minute allowed but taking several minutes to get to the point of hitting ‘Save’ may cause a glitch.
Software problems? Just wait until the referendum and see the problems with counting the votes, missing ballot papers, locked voting halls, and disappearing vans.
Rebecca for PM and Diane for Chancellor…my dream team! 🙂
countryblues- that’s gonna work well! I can picture it now…
cb, Ray Ellington deep-voiced character from The Goon Show…
” Cor! Blimey! I’m offff! “
Noticed of late less and less notice is being taken of the bbc etc..
They’ve done it to themselves by only serving the bubble. Our pre-teens just don’t watch TV and the bbc means less than zero to them.
We know they are irrevocably biased so it’s akin to asking Iran for a view on America – really so predictable it’s just not worth the effort to inquire.
This may be of interest to people on here, a statement that comes from Steve Baker MP (or purports to – it’s being checked – can’t be too careful these days):
It is very revealing.
The CT it H&I is an interesting web-site and it deals with topical and political issues as well as Christian ones beyond the borders of the Highlands & Islands in Scotland and beyond.
I know many on here, including those who are atheists, agnostics or of other faiths, take an interest in Israel and its place in the world. You may be interested to read this from the same Christians Together w/s:
From ITTB comment
\ \I wonder too when it was decreed that every mention of TR should be accompanied by ‘whose real name is’, they are deliberately identifying him as a fraud.
… Did they say with Tony Benn, ‘who was Viscount Stansgate’? //
What’s ITTB Stew?
oops ITBB
Or Reg Dwight?
Or Harry Webb?
Oliver Cromwell, Member of Parliament for Cambridge
1653: “You have been sat to long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of god, go!”
Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett Amery, Member of Parliament for Birmingham Sparkbrook
1940: “What is our liberty for, if not to govern ourselves?”
Steven John Baker, Member of Parliament for Wycombe
2019: “I am consumed with a ferocious rage after that pantomime. What is our liberty for if not to govern ourselves? Like all of you, I have wrestled with my conscience about what to do. But I could tear this place down and bulldoze it into the river. Those fools and knaves and cowards are voting on things they don’t even understand. We’ve been put in this place by people whose addiction to power without responsibility has led them to put the choice of No-Brexit or This-Deal. I may yet resign the whip than be part of this”
Sky enjoys indulging in the occasional severe censorship . It has said it won’t use Mr Gordon Strackan as a football pundit again because he asked a question whether a convicted sex offender – footballer called Adam Johnson – who might receive abuse from footy crowds – should be treated in the same way as racial abuse . ?
And for that he is banned .
Now I don’t pay for sky and I’ve no interest in Mr Strakan’s view – but it seems opinions can be dangerous …
Life for those in the media and/or public eye is set to only get more and more difficult unless reading from a vetted auto cue script.
On the twitter David Vance describes the PM as the undertaker for her political party . I’d say killer of it too .
The local elections are 2 May I think – even if democracy wins and we leave the EU I still think the Tories will get seriously kicked even if it’s meant to be local issues .
And they are talking of the next leader – the Boris – Rudd alliance.
Deck chairs – Titanic. I guess they’re relying on voters doing the Pavlov’s dog thing.
Her response when asked by reporter: will you resign? A) Yes if my cabinet friends keep “the no deal option” on the table.
So we see May has satisfied her demands and Hammonds demands.
vesnadog- we could end up rudderless..
oh sorry, already there.
Good point, but all the spare parts for dingys have been sold to some Government Dept in France!? Try, Spain.
The next Conservative leader needs to be someone who voted against May’s third attempt to get approval for the Withdrawal Agreement. Those who voted against it the first and second times showed that their heart was in the right place, but only those who voted against the third time proved that they have spine enough to be the PM who can deliver independence.
The BBC will do everything it can to destroy them.
There has been a fashion for a while to employ “live” lawyers to divine if political rectitude is being upheld in broadcast streams – I’m not joking – I saw this last summer on a number of programs…..
“There has been a fashion for a while to employ “live” lawyers to divine if political rectitude is being upheld in broadcast streams – I’m not joking – I saw this last summer on a number of programs…..”
Not BBC but I’m sure she will be sending her defence reporter there very soon: Australia.
Warning – please put your coffee or tea cup down as its gone beyond barmy:
Pilots must consider feminist theory before dropping bombs.
In my life the only thing that compares to all this is the Poll Tax and the destruction of Coal Mining. Then, of course there was the three day week and the Winter of discontent, the loss of our car industry and the stripping and selling off of our assets, a bloke who fell in the sea and one in a donkey jacket.
Hmm maybe our governors have always been a shower ?
Prisons – Yesterdays i-paper reprinted an Economist article
Why are Northern Ireland’s jails so empty?
Northern Ireland’s incarceration rate is closer to that of Norway and Sweden than it is to the rest of the UK
– You’d think demographics would be a factor
but no that is not mentioned, just a range of factors eg that the probation service was never privatised.
.. BTW another report says that NI has the highest rate of lifers in Europe.
Probably because Tony B Liar gave them all a get out of jail free card, as opposed to the British which the Left HATE so much !
BBC Panorama.
They should investigate as to why May is trying to keep us in the EU with a betrayal document. This foul document is also a poor attempt to deceive the British people and cheat them of their democratic right.
Plenty of material for the BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation to get it’s gums into, don’t you think? 🙁
Now, if Remain had won the Referendum and May was now trying to exit the EU, can you imagine the BBC outrage??
Yes, it always brings us back to the question, who really holds the power in this country.
The EU.
That’s why its time for independence.
Perhaps someone at the bBC could explain this
“Let me explain what’s happening with Brexit.”
I would, frankly, prefer that she take a long hike off a short plank.
I too am thinking, social psychopath with maybe a touch of Asperger’s so she can’t help it – poor dear.
So the ‘Boris Lock’ she’s offered Corbyn to write their deal into law for perpetuity.
Can she sink any lower?
”.. well I’m taking lots of coin to NOT deliver Brexit, all the while acting like a weak hapless retard.
It’s amazing this isn’t crystal clear by now and I’m having to explain it !
Ok one last time: Brexit means Brexit and I’m gonna get net immigration down to 100 k.
Har har .”
island – simple formula:
motherhood and apple pie.
it were them wot did it.
cake and eat it.
She really hasn’t got a clue. Well, either that or she thinks we haven’t (which, funnily enough, also establishes that she hasn’t got a clue…)
She really hasn’t got a clue. Well, either that or she thinks we haven’t (which, funnily enough, also shows that she hasn’t got a clue…)
These are the correct subtitles.
Just watching a Dunkirk prog and they played Churchill, “……. we shall never surrender …….”.
Countryfile : National Park Special
… in the sad section they told us the NPs are being damaged by too many tourists.
.. Well stop organising mass walks you idiots
..That is hardly the peace & quiet of the countryside.
1 minute before the end Virtue was Signalled, with a 30 second interview with Black Man Walking group.
And if you want to see the 85% indigenous population never acknowldged or represented by the BBC until the licence bill comes, go on a country walk
Of course the BBC countryside is full of black people and muslims, la la land indeed
“Uber bans London driver who told customers he had a ‘no Jews’ policy as he cancelled their booking having seen they were wearing kippahs
Two men were refused a ride by a London Uber driver who said ‘I don’t take Jews’
The man, who called himself Ahmad, has now been banned from using the app
Uber apologised to the two men for the incident, but offered no compensation
Antisemitic incidents in the UK rose by 16 per cent last year – an all-time high ”
Far right ? not quite but close, one of our charming intolerant racist immigrant population who are always complaining about racism, funny that
This interview with Gerard Batten is about 14 minutes long.
In it he explains very concisely UKIP’s plans and preparations for the local and probably EU elections. He also gives his forthright views about Mr Farage and his non-party.
It’s interesting, informative and amusing. Worth a look:
Bradford water workers get threats (25th March)
Are the BBC hiding some info from their story ? dated March 27th
\\ Very similar to the incidents involving attacks on firemen around Bonfire night in the usual suspect areas of BD8 & Bowling etc.
#BBCWeAreBradford hashtage never used for such negative stories //
The local paper has a story dated March 27th
but little info and no comments allowed. Area is BD3
h/t ITBB open comment thread
BBC News – Jaguar Land Rover to start Brexit shutdown
At a glance seems they are stopping for maintenance one week longer than usual.
And this extra week was arranged with the unions way back in January.
Good old (international) Socialism. You just can’t keep it down. Too many fools and thieves around…
Noticed how in Munich the word ‘expropriation’ is causing controversy. Are we in Germany? Yup.
Ms Merkel, who kicked the whole thing off, by opening borders, is very quiet- as is typical. May could -even now- still learn a thing or two.
The Socialists and the Greens are in the forefront of the grabbing intentions. Not enough social housing (wonder why?) which local gov has to pay for, so the red/green revolutionaries have come up with something, probably imported from….
…South Africa, where expropriation without compensation (ie grabbing somebody else’s property) is a hugely fashionable election topic!
Are we seeing the German MSM moaning about ‘populists’ in the EU? Yes, we are.
NO, not over us poor old wanting to leave Brits! Not even about the AfD in Germany itself.
Reinhard Veser says in the latest Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that the good results for EKRE in last week’s election, are a danger for the EU. They are partly right-wing extremist/racists, he claims. Why? Cos they are worried about immigration, is the answer.
Such a small country? Wouldn’t take many migrants. But dear Reinhard thinks Estonia should be worried about big bear Russia right next door. The prospective (female) PM says coalition yes, but not including EKRE. Strange! Just like Merkel: coalition yes, but not including the AfD.
Why does all of this stuff sound vaguely familiar? Russia-Danger. Migrants-Nothing to see.
Hello, hello. Are you there, Robert Mueller?