The Biased Far Left BBC is trying to relegate Brexit to the ‘3rd headline ‘ . Some might say the State has realised that there are over 17 million voters who are angry because they can’t understand how democracy was subverted without a shot being fired .
Weekend Open Thread 13 April 2019
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Don’t want people to know you’re doing the censoring, eh? Don’t blame you.
I suspect this individual may be a couple of minarets short of a mosque
I am posting on this site that your trolling comments and offensive comments are being either edited or being deleted .
I am a volunteer here and am more concerned about issues around the activities of the state broadcaster than your views about Christianity . I won’t be discussing this with you further .
Any further comments by you will also be deleted and if necessary arrange for your account to be deleted . A first for me but you are looking worthy of it . So please consider that sensibly .
Do you have any Al Beeb bias to point out to us ?
No, because I don’t watch that shite. Neither should you, you’ll find your quality of life increases exponentially.
Ham Head
I don’t watch it either.
Stop griping and do something about it , first by pointing out its bias and then by signing here………….
“More Ham Head”? Seriously? Are you deliberately mocking the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). That is not a very clever thing to do.
I doubt it, if a certain minority in our country cannot dominate the agenda despite being a small minority through continual complaints and whinges and running courses in how to do so through the MCB thn they just resort to attacks QED as above
I suspect he’s an employee of the traitor broadcasting council of mosques. Most BBC employees are anti-Semitic and as per usual ( what’s in must some time come out). And when the story involves the Jewish people, it sure comes out – in a very nasty way.
Ham Head
Support this petition and help to advertise it……………………
Never paid the licence tax and don’t intend to.
Its free to Al Beeboids.
No harm in signing here then ………………….
The BBC doesn’t have enough progs campaigning on Climate Change !
What you reckon ?
FFS the BBC acts just like some televangelist….except with fewer scruples.
8pm Tonight a repeat of Friday’s Radio4 Feedback prog
“Is the BBC doing enough to cover climate change?”
A trailer started the prog
“Since we have only 12 years left, the BBC should be doing more to save the planet ?”
Then at 16 mins the actual item
what incredible chutzpah
Alex Cull did a transcript
I can’t believe anyone still takes this rubbish seriously. We truly live in the Age of Stupidity, and it’s continuation is guaranteed by the output from universities, and other “education” establishments.
It’s no longer science, common sense, and decency – it’s bullying and enforced indoctrination in support of a global one-world new order.
Most of us are bright enough to see what’s happening, but powerless to resist the flood of bias and misinformation aimed at the proles, who won’t know what’s hit them, as they strive to conform.
You just described religion. Well done!
Have you seen this bunch of charmers?
Seems like they have dedicated a large portion of their lives to a rigorous study of climate change and science based peer reviewed studies, no wonder they need a fag break
I did a Twitter thread and post on BH log of BBC Climate bias on the 14 times on Friday I bumped into the BBC pushing GreenDream issues at me .
I added points today as I realised that the BBC has just started 3 actual Climate campaign projects
#1 The Facebook Chatbot Climate CAMPAIGN
#2 Forest 404 an “eco-thriller” podcast Climate CAMPAIGN
#3 the Attenborough’s 18th 90 min special Climate CAMPAIGN … which I gave its own BH thread
That BBC Climate Change Facebook chat-bot
that is an actual campaign rather than just journalism
Tweet of BBC webstory dated Friday 12th April
#2 Forest 404 an “eco-thriller” podcast
“In the 24th century Pan finds a recording of a rainforest. But she has no idea what it is.
Because forests no longer exist. Find out more about .”
Wow it’s not just a podcast it’s an effing Eco-campaign
as well as drama the project has 2 more parts
ii The Experiment
“This podcast has been produced alongside The Forest 404 Experiment, a survey built in collaboration with Exeter University and the Open University.
The aim of the experiment is to assess the effects that different natural sounds have on mental health and well-being. The survey will be drawing on many of the natural sounds featured in the podcast.
You can take part in the 10-minute experiment and help us understand how people respond to the sounds of the natural world.”
iii. The Talks (9 x Episodes)
Each drama episode has an accompanying talk which looks at the issues and questions around the themes, with a *diverse range* of speakers: musicians, bio-futurists, anthropologists and tree-climbers.
* “Diverse” usually means un-diverse ie people who CONFORM to the metroliberal bubbleworld
There’s more Cos on Friday the Beyond Today podcast also covered eco-campaigning
Are Extinction Rebellion the new Suffragettes?
– “We also spoke to Phil Jones, who edits the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2. Phil told us about the climate change phone-in that angered the nation and a mix-up that ended with Extinction Rebellion members being hauled from the Radio 2 studio by police.”
Ben Pile’s tweet about the prog part of his 20 tweet threat about politicians , media being in bed with the SR public relations people who are exploiting children
Naked Eco loons and aggressive children on the BBC talking about Climate Science. On the Mensa members forum its Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers who talk about Climate science. The latest debate on the Mensa members forum is “Is our Prime Minister mad?” It should also ask the question “Is the BBC going mad” or are the “Cultural Marxists going mad”
Corrected first link ..probably missed a quotation mark
Also, never to be seen on the far left state broadcastrer:
Muslim charities have been promoting links to websites that endorse marital rape and support the death penalty for gay people and apostates.
A community charity in Yorkshire, IslamBradford, linked to guidance that said a wife who refused a husband’s “legitimate sexual advances . . . would be committing a monstrous sin”.
The charity, which runs a mosque and a madrasah, also linked on its website to advice that justified the killing of apostates and criticised those who “bleat about personal freedom and freedom of belief”.
It is one of three charities cited in a dossier submitted to the Charity Commission by the National Secular Society, which campaigns for an end to advancement of religion as a charitable purpose.
Bolton Central Islamic Society, which also runs a mosque and madrasah, linked to advice stating: “If a man calls his wife to bed, let her respond, even if she is riding on the back of a camel.”
Imam Masood of IslamBradford said: “We do not endorse or teach any extremist views.” He said it had been “unaware of the presence of content which could raise serious concerns”. It removed the web link.
Bolton Central Islamic Society did not respond to requests for comment.
Stephen Evans, executive director of the National Secular Society, said: “It’s alarming that registered charities that are supposed to be providing a public benefit are so brazenly promoting extremist views.”
The Charity Commission said: “The public would rightly be concerned about views that are shared or expressed by a charity that promote violence or hatred.”
Things must be getting desperate at Al Beeb.
We now have two of their Trolls trying to disrupt and obfuscate the site’s threads .
Must be wonderful living in your fantasy world, where everyone who disagrees with you is an agent of the BBC.
…and it’s goodbye from him…
A pity, was enjoying watching his desperate attempts to justify his medieval “religion” but this is also why Luton today stopped its comments pages when that lot started ranting
Do you honestly think I’m a Muslim with a name like MoreHAMHead?
Christ almighty. Oops, Allah almighty even!
Islam may be medieval, Christianity is downright ancient, so not sure what you’re trying to prove there!
I never said you were not also stupid, go figure
Sorry, I speak English, (I live in England and it is our language) would you care to translate ? thank you
Its not Welsh either ?
Do you honestly think I’m a Muslim with a name like MoreHAMHead?
Oh yes you are. You are engaged in Taqiyya , lying to protect your faith.
According to Google translator your name in Arabic is أكثر لحم الخنزير بدلا
That proves it.
Peace be upon you
Thou shalt not lie hmm or gang rape or bomb, or cut peoples heads off etc, etc and they think they are going to heaven LOL
Ham Head, Scotty & maxincony
Then support this petition and help to advertise it……………………
If the license fee ended and they had to rely on adverts I suspect it would be out of the frying pan into the fire of their la la land when they set their acceptable advert policy, where white women are obliged to have black husbands and the BBC view of the UK consists of muslims, west indians and africans and the only white males are either gay, in a wheelchair or dressed in skirts and six inch stilettos
It would be fun if they went fully subscription and had to compete against Sky etc, I reckon they’d last about a month.
Market lead with an 85% indigenous population would be interesting but many of the indigenous population do not bother to demand where is their representation, , like I do, to notice insidious adverts like maltesers who have repeatedly shown a UK office situation with no white males in the workplace only black men, disabled and white females, and so make a commitment to never buy their products
“Man involved in Ukrainian embassy incident sectioned”.
One of those ‘Men’ again?
“UKIP: Gerard Batten says Nigel Farage trying to ‘discredit’ party”
This is their plan to stop Brexit………….
Stage one – split the opposition Brexiteers.
Stage two – split the votes.
Stage three – Project fear ‘ultimus’, Frighten Tory dissidents with the possibility that Cor Bin will be the next PM if they vote elsewhere.
I sometimes think it will take comrad Corbyn as Primeminister to finally wake people up to positive action rather than just anger, BBC is very quiet about a practical street revolution in France now for 22 weeks proving the importance of persistence
I do find it surprising that ‘leave EU ‘thinks the Tory party will only lose 59 seats if an election is held in the reasonably near future .
I think I’d double that just for people not being bothered to vote for partys with meaningless Manifestos and a PM who regularly lied to Parliament .
Biggest liar was Cameron see below
More bad news for the Commieserveyourselves
The internet won’t forget Cameron’s lies, and neither will the British people
If you delete all the speeches and programmes where you promised a better, fairer country from your archives and attempt to prevent anyone from accessing them without somebody noticing and asking why, the people serving you dinner are not going to pretend
Laurie Penny
Follow @@pennyred
The throne was golden and the lectern was golden and the speech was very clear: austerity will not be temporary policy in Tory Britain. It will last forever. Addressing a roomful of diplomats and business leaders who had just dined lavishly at the Lord Mayor’s banquet, the Prime Minister this week promised a “leaner, more efficient state”. “We need to do more with less,” said David Cameron, looking comfy in his white tie and tails. “Not just now, but permanently.”
But he hadn’t counted on Ruth Hardy, a journalism student, who was working as a waitress that night. “The contrast of the two worlds was striking; someone said it was like a scene from Downton Abbey,” wrote Hardy in a viral piece for the Guardian. “Maybe Cameron didn’t see the irony; perhaps he forgot about the army of waiting staff, cleaners, chefs and porters who were also present at the banquet. Perhaps he thought he was in a room of similarly rich people, who understood the necessity for austerity. Perhaps it didn’t occur to him that this message might not be as easily comprehended by those who hadn’t just enjoyed a four-course meal. Perhaps he forgot about those of us, disabled or unemployed or on the minimum wage, for whom austerity has had a catastrophic and wounding effect.”
The decimation of higher education funding was one of the first cuts the coalition imposed, in direct violation of their election promises, after taking office in 2010. Undergraduates are now facing tens of thousands of pounds of debt, and it is likely that the Prime Minister will find many more disgruntled students serving him dinner before he leaves office. Of the many kinds of revenge angry waiting staff can take, a Guardian article strikes me as amongst the most considerate.
We are no longer living in an era where power is permitted to speak only to itself without pushback. It is significant that the speech in which Cameron chose to announce permanent austerity – a clear contradiction of his earlier position that his party “didn’t come into politics to make cuts” – was delivered not to parliament, or to a press conference, but to the guests at the Lord Mayor’s banquet. Business leaders, captains of industry and diplomats – unelected power and privilege at its most scoffingly self-congratulatory.
The Lord Mayor’s banquet is the date in the calendar of the City of London when the Prime Minister is invited to tell the well-fed business community how wonderful they are. The press and public are allowed to know what goes on, but we’re expected to show proper British deference. Cameron really shines at this. There are many points on which the former PR man falls down but when it comes to stuffing a tailcoat and telling big business what it wants to hear, Call Me Dave really comes into his own.
The next day, the world found out that the Cameron government hasn’t just lied for years about its true intentions- it has attempted to delete the evidence of those lies from the internet. Ten years of speeches and press releases about how the new Tories were all about modernising conservatism, how they cared about the environment, the NHS, the poor. All gone. Not just from the Conservatives’ website and YouTube page, but from the Internet Archive, the world’s digital library. As Mark Ballard commented at Computer Weekly:
Conservatives posted a robot blocker on their website, which told search engines and the Internet Archive they were no longer permitted to keep a record of the Conservative Party web archive…The erasure had the effect of hiding Conservative speeches in a secretive corner of the internet like those that shelter the military, secret services, gangsters and paedophiles.
I’ve just seen the Gerard Batten interview with Andrew Marr. Another great interview Gerard. Such a calm and capable leader.
I do laugh when the BBC starts quoting Nigel Farage in his description of UKIP, as if his words are the gospel truth, yet doesn’t seem to apply the same level of reverence when he is talking about the biased BBC or the corrupt EU.
It’s almost as if they are quoting him only because it suits their particular agenda….
“as if his words are the gospel truth, yet doesn’t seem to apply the same level of reverence when he is talking about the biased BBC or the corrupt EU”
I think the point here is that the messenger controls the truth. A well healed messenger across TV, radio & the internet.
Countryfile starts and they are straight into “no-tillage method leaves soil magically good”
..whole series of claims made
.. There is a reason why business farming DOESN’T use such methods
Now it’s ” our woods are in trouble, many are not managed”
In the late 1970s British farmers carried out direct drilling. I was taught at university never to chase a bus, a woman (or my case a man) or a new agricultural idea, because there will be another one along in a minute. Well U.K. farmers pretty quickly stopped direct drilling. I think they found that they couldn’t control the weeds and yields plummeted. Countryfile didn’t mention yield but of course really U.K. farmers are only there to make a pretty countryside.
Whether you chase a bus or not is largely irrelevent, as a farmer should know what works and what does not work, other wise do not be a farmer, it is a generational thing my grandfather had two plough horses and a farm, I do not
Make a complaint, why do you think the continual rape gangs only warrant 1 hour on their website before they are disappeared ? there is a reason, the Muslim Council of Britain are running courses in how their thousands of members can influence the media why do you think we have muzzies endlessly on the BBC ? despite the hundreds and thousands of Chinese and othe Asian cultures, Sikhs and Hindus and jews in this country ignored ?
Everyone is sick to their back teeth of apologists for this brood yet they continue to get away with it even the Begum bitch has those holding a UK passport on phone ins all over the country running to defend her all called Mohamed it is time to wake up and realise this minority whos endlessy whingeing and whining gobs have no interest in our culture other than raping it literally and metaphorically .
They will happily present themselves as victims yet bite the hand that feeds them, they depise us yet smile in our faces, for one reason : they are cowards that stand no chance against us in warfare man to man
“Muslim prayers sessions in Hyde Park”
Don’t worry; “they have their reward”:
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.”
Matthew 6:5.
Taken over by Muslims and anyone else should fear for their lives.
Review of Speakers’ Corner
Reviewed 14 March 2018
Crowds of 200 or so Muslims praying en masse while protected by police. They will not protect you. They are instructed to remove anyone who might be annoying or critical of the Muslims on any one day. Jay Smith is a Christian who goes there to debate Muslims and has been attacked many times. This is not a place to be wearing a Yamulke or a gay pride tee shirt….
Date of experience: February 2018
I can’t be arsed anymore, really what’s the point?
I understand how do they get away with it, but having background of science I can say that if enough complain they will respond, just a pity that our country is filled with those who do not wish to do so and change things, until their country is changed enough that they no longer recogise it and then it will be too late….
And we have an 10& minority that dominate the BBC because they always whinge and whine and complain (whilst exerciising Nazi inolerance to all)
Says it all, as the UK seeks to increase its censorship of anyone who dares speak out against the Marxists:
Well the next muzzie visiting here I expect wife to be in a mini skirt to respect our culture ?
I am not usually subject to conspracy theories but, having lived for many years in a generally tolerant country, am very disturbed by our governemts weakness in protecting us from our immigrants and their intoleran agenda
Maybe the muslim inner city vote is what is at work here, if so then a revolution is in order we are still the 85% majority despite what the BBC makes one want to believe
“It is the first responsibility of government in a democratic society to protect and safeguard the lives of its citizens. That is where the public interest lies. It is essential to the preservation of democracy, and it is the duty of the court to do all it can to respect and uphold that principle
All our polical elite and those in the West are in the oil rich Middle Eastern Sunni Muslim pockets, if you think this is a conspiracy theory you only need look at the prima facie evidence which is plentiful
These are not stupid people, they clover their tracks and hide the source of their income, trying to make it legitimate, and their allies in the media assist them in this.
Do some research, it’s not hard and you will begin to uncover the truth of what is really going ont.
I suggest you look at Hilary Clinton and the Petra news agency, and the 9/11 cover up which is still on going to find out.
I am quite aware of the Saudi hypocrite muzzies whoring and drugging their way around Europe and then going home and cutting peoples heads off, just goes to show they are all less than animals, despite relgion there is also something fundementally wrong in their brains to allow such hideous behaviour, this is also dispalyed whenever a muzzies becomes in control RE Sadam, ISIS and anywhere else you wish to look so watch out they are all over here and just watching and waiting …..
Erm I think you have the wrong end of the stick here. The oil rich Sunnis are bribing Western politicians to promote and protect their vicious religion, a couple of hundred million to a corrupt politico like BLiar is nothing to a royal family with a wealth estimated at $1.4 trillion
The right end of the stick the muslim hipocrisy is displayed daily through media promotion of thei medieval aganda and regular racist attacks on jews, homosexuals, 14 year old white schoolgirls, and anyone displaying homosexual inclinations
The BBC celebrate gay marches well why not a gay march through Bury Park Luton ? I will tell you there is a ghetto minority in this county that ignores our laws and attack jews and homosexuals, yet are the first to use our laws if they feel they are a victim wake up FFS
Thoughtful- I well remember the person you refer to. A very small consolation: I think I noticed a haunted look in his eyes, despite his persistent cocky demeanour. Seems all that money isn’t doing the trick. He has an inkling of what lies ahead…
He also ‘joined’ the Catholic Church, if memory serves. Bit of a setback for someone who had hopes of becoming President of Europe, as rumour had it?
” am very disturbed by our governemts weakness in protecting us from our immigrants ”
Oh, I do wish I still had my ,308. my .270 ruger, my 10/22 ruger, my cooey, 12 bore, my 3 side-by-sides, my 410.
Peter Allis has just said about Tiger’s victory, “He must be the happiest man in Christendom!” This is nothing short of a hate crime, what about the followers of the religion of peace.
I am offended.
Peter Alliss is my hero…dont care what anybody says.Hes spent all afternoon trying to be UNpolitically correct for which I thank him.He dosent like Woods thats obvious which is fine…I dont either and not because of his skin colour.
Peter Alliss is still the best commentator on TV and he makes me laugh out loud at times…not many commentators do that today in this non offensive ‘safe space’ ‘trigger warnings’ world we have created
I too like Peter Allies LH but this is what he said verbatim. Just out of interest, what has PA said to give you the impression he does not like Woods?
Fill your boots ladies and gentlemen.
Read the reviews to cheer yourself up.
Ha! That looks like a well coordinated hit, given how recent all the posts are. Good stunt, whoever organised it, but I doubt it will stay up long.
The new ones seen coordinated
Of 133 pages of 1 star reviews
122 pages date to only last 10 days
but some go back to 2011
So I don’t think the page will get deleted
I think trustpilot must a way forward. The non reporting of the military protest smacks of political pressure or standard bias against anything British and not ‘diverse’ .
I’m guessing the only mention the BBC made was about ‘traffic reports of tailbacks in the Westminster area’.
Monday some of the anti capitalist climate mob are apparently due to disrupt central London so that will get blanket coverage – unlike the ongoing demonstrations in France …..
The editorial bias is now so obvious that it’s embarrassing for the BBC to even claim to be ‘fair ‘ . The sooner its’ nonsense ‘soft power’ overseas residual reputation is destroyed the quicker it will be bought down at home .
Fortunately decent drama / films /comedy – is made by the independent American outfits like HBO and BBC successes ( apart from animal shows ) are so few and far between that they over hype them to embarrassment . Example being the shocking ‘fleabag ‘where a screwed up metro snowflake spends 12 episodes looking at the camera – an Islington bubble favourite a guess.
The chattering classes seem to heaping copious amounts of praise on Fleabag, just as they did with that gawd-awful Bodyguard rubbish last year. And that tells me all I need to know about it.
There is skill, there is art , there is scientific advancement, there is sport, none has come from the muzzie world yet thy are happy to infest our culture and attack it
The BBC American Editor demonstrates his impartiality once more. If not his ability to spot a bit of dubbing.
If we all clubbed together, d’you think we might be able to buy Jon a life?
Someone at the centre of the State broadcaster must look at Sopel and say ‘you need a transfer – how does liberated Iraq grab ya?’then they can send a diverse teenage girl to be the Washington correspondent instead of commentating on Wimmins’ footy ( never seen it ) .
Excellent ‘development opportunity ‘ as HR weasels like to say when someone is getting stuffed ….
Jon may not have a race card to play, but he most certainly has a Trump card…
Okay, okay, I’ll get me coat…
A thread that shows the hate death threats that American pseudo-liberals tweet out
just click the tweet words and the whole thread of twenty will open up
I bought a book from Amazon today called “Tiger Wood’s 18 greatest holes”….
I was so excited when I got it home and started to read it……but imagine my disappointment……
It was all about GOLF!!!……..(bum bum….)
the media have a desperation to celbrate black talent and so many times it has resullted in rape, sexual assualt and more rape going back to Chuck Berry and forwards, what is their defense of this ? slavery maybe ? 900 AD 30& of MY country was enslaved by the vikings so what ? where is MY compensation ?Do I go out and rape and sexually assualt because of this ?
Our black immigrants are curently knifing eachother although the MSM ignores their colour and prefers to use a white hand whenever they use a picture,
The statistics for black single mother families reling on benefits tells all but will NEVER be acknowledged by the MSM all those lack husbands who happen to like a few “white bitches ” until they get pregnant and then off to the next one
Noticed a guest earlier on, who didn’t like ‘religion’. That’s fine: if he/she doesn’t feel the need to seek, he/she doesn’t feel the need. If YOU feel a need to seek, then seek. If there’s a Deep calling, there will be a Deep out there to answer. It’s not ‘religion’.
The Message of Christ is a different story. That comes from a long, long way back. Long before the physical appearance of Christ, himself. Long before Abraham. Long before anything called ‘religion’.
Others follow. Take Luther. He seemed to come up with something ‘new’, Justification by Faith, but it lined up perfectly with that original message. Yet he was ‘only’ a reformer, not a prophet.
Various prophets claim to have received a message. Something ‘new’. It has to be judged on whether it lines up with what comes from a long way back. Some claim to follow Abraham, or recognize Christ as a prophet, but by their deeds you will know them.
I don’t doubt the sincerity of various devoted believers. However, you can be sincerely wrong. We all have to live and die with what we believe or don’t believe. Our physical lives are the shortest of blips in eternity. It’s the eternity that matters.
This was always going to be an age of wealth and concern with ‘justice of the people’ -socialism- in accordance with prophecy. As far as ‘religion’ goes, great efforts to ‘unite all’, to be expected. Laodecia.
Everything recorded by John on Patmos, long, long before other “prophets”, not in line with that original, popped up to deceive. And even he, only wrote down what he was told to write.
Does the hollow clunk of the beeb feature in any of this? Only insofar as it conforms to the ‘spirit of the age’. And a few ‘diverse lusts’.
one can look back as far as one wants and find something that fits with ones belief but the books you talk about are “witness” and are held sacred by many and there seems no one willing to defend and, it seems, more imprtantly to feel”offended” like our muzzies do all the time it is about time our Christian society turned around and started reporting atCKS ON THEM AS HATE CRIMES
Annunaki – Absolutely. If you feel offended, I think you have every right -in accordance with the law- to report the offence, especially if you are ‘attacked’. As I understand it, the CPS would have to act.
It would be interesting , if quite a number of people did that, to see what happens. Looking at your further comment below, perhaps I live a sheltered life -in a ‘hideously white’ area. I would certainly have taken a few snaps of that incident, and submitted them to the press (various).
If the incident ‘offended’ you- as it obviously did, you may even have the right to follow up with the police. Don’t know for sure,so I’ll have to dig…sounds to me, as a layman, from your own point of view, like a breach of the peace, at the very least. Any lawyers around here?
I had a wonderful afternoon watching one of our immigrants dragging his white bitch down the road by her hair because she did not want sex with him,he had a few other white bitches and went fom one to the other, we called the police and it took three and a dog, diversity in action
Listen you muggles
..accept a Smart Meter or the polar bears get it !
#ThinkOfTheChildren #EmotionalBlackMail
#PR #ThinkOfBillHicks
Poor Maxine Peake must be short of dosh
.. cos .she did the Labour Party PP broadcast the other day for free ?
Catching up with Feedback this evening I was intrigued to hear Roger Bolton ask what the programme was about, complete with a blurb from when the programme first started.
Well the question was never really answered and instead the programme continued in the way it has been going on for some years now, basically feedforward as the BBC tells the listener how hard life is for it and pushes its agenda.
Most of the programme was taken up by the departing controller of Radio 4 going on about cuts and the need to make changes. We had a promotion for the ‘non-binary’ podcast with selected listeners telling us how good it was. And some criticism!
No not really! It was the climate change lobby bleating about how putting climate change into virtually every programme that the BBC does wasn’t enough, it now had to be worked into every news item. Well the BBC was very sorry, they did try really hard but their job wasn’t promotion(!). Supposedly they challenge all these climate change scientists, (since when?), as to ‘deniers’, well if a genuine ‘published’ scientist was to come up with something that went against the religion then they might, just might, cover it if they thought it worthwhile.
The good news was that this was the last of the series, so plenty of time to get those Archers fan mail essays written to be read out in the Autumn!
Climate Change – The Facts.
Saint Attenborough Will Reveal All on April 18th
and Deniers Shall Repent.
Posted on 14 Apr 19 by JAIME JESSOP
Podcast from months back
\\ Piers Corbyn is a socialist and has a complete disdain for the ‘fools’ that are ER:
\\ To any #ExtinctionRebellion (#XR) followers we advise you to quit that FakeProtest Tool** of ExxonMobil-BigOil, 5G-oligarchs and WallStreet Super Corporations pushing climate lies, FuelPoverty + SocialCleansing. Stop being a tool.
He’s also said ER are anti-democratic & work to enable super corporations and UN-EU DIKTATS to plunder us and destroy our rights and living standards.
Here he is speaking on them a few months ago //
Op-ed in Yorkshire Post
by the Yorkshire Party’s former leader, Stewart Arnold, setting out why, on Brexit, he has shifted from reluctant leaver to a remainer
and in Rotherham police have spent £2K on 2 ebikes for PCSOs
OK faster than normal bike, but
that seems expensive
R4 climate….talking to somebody from Extinction Rebellion – dumb idiots..
I am not a climate change denier but as a scientist I still remain unconvinced by the climate change arguments..Pollution of all types needs tackling but all this zero net carbon.. No real facts and blaming government…they need to start protesting in India and China not the UK…we contribute 0.5% to global pollution
But the BBC love it..and they no longer invite climate change deniers on – they have moved past that ( a quote from BBC feedback)
Oh damn I shouldn’t have switched on R4..earlier we had a discussion on Easter which involved LGBT and diversity and now moaning that Classical music is overwhelmingly white male dominated – so let’s focus on a females of minority types….switch off….it’s so depressing..