Over to You – it’s Holy Week for Christians so the BBC will be making a special effort to come up with anti Christian ‘stories ‘ as there are some religions of which they approve and others not so much . The Godless can go on in their own happy way …
Start the Week Open Thread April 15 2019
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Knife crime out of control ..but lets the get the Virtue Signalling tally up !!! What a waste of Police resources. Quite pathetic.
I’m worried now about old photos I uploaded – of myself begging on the street for pennies, then tossing an effergy of a bloke called Guy on a fire..
Brexit Central email today:
“… since the last extension of the Article 50 period, the Government has changed the way to extend the ‘exit date’ in law from requiring a vote in the House of Commons to a way which does not require a vote (using a Statutory Instrument subject to the negative procedure, to use the technical term). At the risk of losing readers to arcane parliamentary procedure, the only way for Brexiteers to stop the change now is to “pray” against it. A prayer is a parliamentary procedure which, if passed, would put the latest Brexit extension to a vote in the House of Commons. 41 eurosceptic Tories have tabled a prayer, and therefore are currently “praying” against the change in the law, but it is unlikely that the Government will grant them time to hold a vote. The last time a change in the law was annulled in this way in the House of Commons was 1979.”
Here is the “prayer”
Er, I thought the Supreme Court Ruling in re Miller & others (2017) specifically ruled out the use of a SI in relation to Brexit?
I have no idea. So many questions. Who to trust?
And how many Officers will be Policing the pollution protesters this week. Priorities lads, priorities !
Apparently we have 10,000 officers on standby for No Deal unrest….. might as well send them in to deal with the climate change yobs.
Lammy, his face and voice filled with hate, says in his Marr interview there has been a rise in hate and ‘we must call it out’…
I therefore call on him to set a good example, and resign.
Far left BBC wanting to make sure pressure is put on the Council for no reason what so ever !! These people have refused perfectly suitable accommodation and the Council have done their full duty. They should not have to defend themselves against the liberal mob again.
Only 2 comments but you can see where they are going.
He made no eye contact whatsoever, eyes always looking down 100% of the time, if you are into body language this is a bad sign.
The council have helped 180 households, from a tower block that had only 120 flats! Obviously there are still a few scammers working the system.
It is half term, not a coincidence, the half educated, just bung an essay in taken off the internet and pop off to London to shout about something your Corbyn obsessed teacher has told you, I would think that bearing in mind the financial burden on tutorial fees, students maybe best served spending their holidays studying ?
Probably will spend the rest of their lives whining about debt which I have some sympathy with if they have a degree in anything that matters
The human brain is not matured until at least the age of 25… no further comment
Just had a Labour flier asking me to vote for the local Muslim Councillor. And they wonder about the disconnect with politics.
It would be worth asking how he stands on policies of gay rights, (which is protected by law in OUR country) any muslim councillor who came to my door the first question would be where were you on 11 November at the last remembrance parade ? as a someone who wishes to represent their local community did you lay a wreath ? on behalf of whom ?
Indeed and then some. I asked the woman delivering the fliers to not litter my mailbox – her reply was a, most eloquent and well argued, two finger salute.
Really, it’s the same morality that seeks to make child soldiers and suicide bombers. Get ’em while they’re young because our arguments are so infantile.
Then do not argue, just state facts they are well addressed at weasel words and ad hominem attacks, but when faced with facts like the Begum bitch tend to disappear as above last evening
Reminder of how Farage’s new party suffered under its own PolticalCorrectness rules
March 20 \\ Leader of Farage-backed Brexit Party resigns after anti-Muslim tweets are revealed where she says Islam is ‘incompatible with democracy’
Catherine Blaiklock had said the Islamic faith was ‘a threat to most of society’
She admitted that the comments were ‘unacceptable in tone and content’
The former Ukip economics spokeswoman has since removed the tweets //
The truth is unacceptable, what a sh@t society this country has become, we can look at islamic attacks on schools, homosexuals, jews and women showing their faces and to state this is unacceptalble ?
I had the unfortunate experience of running a class in a primary school in Luton a few years ago and they were asked to form teams and the first thing was to give themselves a team name, they were all muslims and these 7 year olds were all demanding to be called Al Qauda where did they get that idea ? ask yourselfs whAT GOES ON IN OUR IMMIGRANTS HOMES THAT GIVES A CHILD THE IDEA THAT A TERRORIST ORGANISATION SHOULD BE PROMOTED AND ADMIRED IN AN ENGLISH SCHOOL ?
just 10 o’clock and we are on page 2 already !
@Annunaki ..what’s wrong with your reading ?
look at the first post on page 2
it’s headed “fakenewswatcher April 15, 2019 at **10:03 am** “
So BBC Sandford what do you think of TR >
sorry about caps lock I am left handed always goes on so a witch, burn the witch
anyone who wants to be associated with an organisation that has “lads” in their title……I see your issue Tommy
Our minority are well versed in weasel words and our “lads” will be lost despite their heart being in the right place their efforts will only serve to take you down
Fellas, chaps, lads etc you want to enter the top political arena ? it is not just who you speak for, although that matters, it is defining what you stand for, many politicians who represented many people have made a short career, but few have had the ability to stand up and talk to people and change the world through their simple words
11:30am News the Humber UKIP MEP Jane Collins has switched to Farage
claiming Batten was wrong to stand by South West MEP candidate Carl Benjamin (Sargon Akkad) after offence-archaeologists dug through hundreds of hours of his videos to highlight a 2016 comment from him to Jess Phillips in 2016 in which he said ‘It’s terrible that people send you rape threats’ “I wouldn’t even rape you”.
Previously Ukip stood with Jane Collins over her Rotherham defamation case – Ukip paid full costs for three Labour MPs she “defamed “.
Of course you need to see full context
Jess said we need to close down this free speech, I get so much offence
..people say they are going to rape me
Sargon “I think that is terrible, Jess well I wouldn’t even rape you”
That is not a rape tweet that is a wouldn’t-rape statement
..not “a rape tweet” that the headlines say
Begum back on News page one and yes they are lawyered.
Granting her Legal Aid has just cost the Conservatives another million votes.
Did they also mention she is a kalashnikov toting brutal sharia enforcer, and likes to sew up suicide vests in her spare time
the mails article
is a bit more in depth
rules have been bypassed
and 2 law firms have took it into their own hands to apply for free money
Lot’s of money out there – enough to mend our cratered roads?
That’s fine, Begum comes back – she gets prison and I don’t mean six months reduced to one.
It’s like a magician pulling things out of a hat – you think this Government can’t pull out anything else and then, Abracadabra! here’s another piece of nonsense.
An interesting excerpt from a political party challenging the fact that the UK should have left the European Union on 29th March 2019.
Now, we live in a civilised country England, which has rules and procedures, (Law) everyone has to follow the Law, which evolves (changes), via Acts of Parliament.
Some Acts of Parliament allow flexibility or discretion, in the Act of Parliament by Gov Ministers including the Prime Minister… basically acting on behalf of our Queen … this is called “Crown Prerogative” or “Henry Vlll rules”.
Now you may recall a Remainer lady called Geni Miller making a big fuss about the Brexit Legislation, via the High Court, and then the UK Supreme Court … she won her case, and although the UK Gov were going to originally use Crown Prerogative Powers, to negotiate us out of the EU, Gina Miller insisted it had to be Parliament, the Courts agreed …. The Supreme Court found that ….The Prerogative power of the conduct of foreign relations could not be exercised to notify the EU of the UKs withdrawal …. from the EU.
So Theresa May, was forced to ratify the EU withdrawal Law, and any withdrawal Laws via Parliament in the official manner.
Parliament and the Queen passes the EU Article 50 Law, which basically said that the UK was leaving the EU on 29 March 2019, or earlier if agreement was reached. In this Law, it gave no Prerogative for the Prime Minister to go past this date. The only way she could have extended the date past the 29 March 2019, was by formally in Law, amending the Law via both houses of parliament and the Queen, to another date, or to give herself the power for her, using Crown Prerogative, to decide the date. She did not do this, and random votes in the House of Commons do not count as these are opinions, not Laws……
Prime Minister had no lawful authority to ask the EU Council to extend the period before the UK leaves the EU, or to agree to any extension proposed by the EU Council in response; and that her purported acceptance of the EU Councils offer to extend the Article 50 period was accordingly, void. So, as a matter of domestic, international and EU law, the United Kingdom withdrew from the EU at 11pm on 29 Match 2019, since when the EU Treaties ceased to apply.
The argument put forward is that this is EU law, and that over rides UK law, hence negating what you have said.
This however only served to pour more fuel on the fire because it illustrated just how much control the EU has over the UK.
Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats) case.
Anyone know if still ongoing?
God bless Cher. She has managed to encompass left wing idiocy in just a couple of tweets.
As a leftist, of course she supports open borders…in the abstract. But she also has just enough self-awareness to realise that LA has its own problems, and just cannot take any more immigrants. So they will just have to go somewhere else. Maybe a state full of deplorables who voted for Trump, that should do it.
This is how leftism always goes. Leftists love leftism in the abstract, but the problems it always brings are somebody else’s problem to deal with. Certainly not Cher’s. Goodness me no.
Radical PC Leftism always eats itself, because it is a fundamental contradiction.
Watch Martina Navratilova, an icon of female sporting achievement, and of lesbianism, no less, get thrown under the bus because she opposes the new orthodoxy that blokes who have decided they want to be women are allowed to invade female sports under the ‘transgender’ label.
Why, as one Brazilian female volleyball star noted, should she be available for random testing at any time of any day to ensure she is not ingesting testosterone, when people who have been flooded with testosterone for 30 years are being invited to walk into her sport if they buy a pair of breasts and put on some lippy?
I think this will be one of the big issues going forward; women’s sport has made unbelievable strides in the past 50 years, and that is all being threatened by the ‘transgender’ invasion.
The PC Left is in a bind on this one, because of the fundamental contradictions of the Victim/Oppressor narrative.
I hope it turns out badly for them.
“The Corbomite Maneuver” ..what’s that ?
That’s the Star Trek episode @Maxi was quoting with his weird picture the other day
The Alien commander Balok (pictured) of the First Federation has captured the Enterprise in his tractor beam, but Kirk plays a poker trick
..and gets away
Kirk is pretty sure the aliens are not bad, but peaceful, so when in turn Balok’s ship gives a distress call he decides to board the ship in a rescue attempt to prove to the aliens that they are peaceful.
He takes McCoy and Baily. Upon arriving they discover that Balok is just a puppet and that and that the real Balok resembles a small Earth child. Balok tells them that this whole scenario was a test to prove their true intentions. Kirk agrees to opening relations with the First Federation and Baily volunteers to stay to be the first emissary.
(yeh weird American spelling)
Repost of David Vance vid
‘You don’t get much more hatey than bearing false witness
.. and smearing people who are NOT Nazis, with the label NAZI
.. that is not fine
and that is one of the reasons why Labour have become a rancid lost cause”
The chap who burnt a model of the Grenfell Tower on Guy Fawkes night and posted the video on the internet has been charged with sending grossly offensive material .
I wonder what the limits of ‘ grossly offensive material ‘ might’ve be ? . Perhaps the Lammy crossed the line on the BBC yesterday – Sunday and both he and the interviewer are to be charged with the criminal offence ?
The judicial system being the way it is / there will be a show trial , a conviction and a prison sentence in that TR style .
I’ll be happy to be wrong . And I bet there won’t be a bus load of lawyers queueing up to represent the chap or the Legal Aid muppets signing off the fees .
Equal treatment under the law seems a thing of the past in Blighty – same with ‘ free speech ‘.
If it’s a criminal offence to try humour but fail to be funny, the BBC Comedy department won’t be sleeping easy in their beds.
Google : “Bill Hicks” “is there anyone who works in advertising or marketing”
…is that offensive ..about death ?
..context matters ..he was in a comedy club and people had paid to see him.
Where I disagree with the otherwise excellent presentation is to refer to Lammy as ‘stupid’ referencing the illegal immigration amnesty.
He’s not stupid, he’s clear-sighted and pursuing the left’s chosen strategy.
Which is to deliberately champion mass immigration in the knowledge that such immigrants will become natural Labour voters.
Remember, citizens of Commonwealth countries get immediate voting rights in local council elections. They may have contributed nothing, they may be unable to speak English or understand English. But that doesn’t stop them voting for the Lammys of the world (or in some cases allowing their relatives and community elders to vote on their behalf)
I’ve just spent an enjoyable few minutes completing my postal vote.
Putting the X in the UKIP box.
It’s only a small step but it’s the first opportunity I’ve had to show my feelings about the betrayal going on in Cessminster.
On another subject.
Game of Thrones is getting lots of airtime.
I think May would be a character that would fit well into the story.
Every decision she makes is the wrong one.
Out of touch with the population and working against them.
Hated by the majority.
Lies about everything.
Nothing she says she will do ever happens.
Surrounding herself with sycophants.
In place because of political scheming, not because she deserves to be there.
A typical GofT ‘baddie’
Aaaaaaaaargh! No spoilers!
At least you have UKIP – We alas have just four clowns.
Really stuck – Lab, Con, SDP or Green ?
Any ideas? Other than not bother?
gaxvil, maybe this is the only option for you if you want to register a protest. Some of the locations I have seen only have LIBLABCON. Such a choice, a lying idiot, a Chairman Mao lookalike and a nonentity as leaders.
The quote from Churchill on the site seems very apt for today.
“‘No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
But there is the broad feeling in our country that the people should rule, continuously rule, and that public opinion, expressed by all constitutional means, should shape, guide, and control the actions of Ministers who are their servants and not their masters.”
My choice is Con, Con, Con, Lab, Green.
Why is there “none” next to Ukip ?
Why vote ‘none’ ?
UKIP got us the Freedom and Independence Referendum . Voting ‘none’ will allow the Anti-democrats to win .
Time to Drain the swamp.
I’d vote for someone – even raving loony to stop them losing their deposit . I see UKIP is on that ballot paper so it would be them I guess.
Never mainstream parties – which will be a first for me
Maybe there’s a ‘ drain the swamp ‘ party?
There is but in the US.
FYI the photo of the ballot is just an example from a past election. It isn’t mine. It’s from the website I linked. I only posted it to show an example of the suggested way to protest vote.
I thought I clearly stated. My ONLY choices on my current ballot for the next election are: Three Conservative candidates. One Labour candidate and one Green Party candidate. There is no UKIP candidate running in my area for the upcoming local election. If only!
Then the choice would be obvious and easy wouldn’t it?
Spoil the paper. Not ideal, but all that’s left to you and better than simply not bothering because they can live with and ignore your apathy.
WTF..R4 cultural appropriation..Gordon Ramsay knocked by critic for calling his ‘Asian’ restaurant authentic…
For god’s sake how much longer do we have to respond to these ‘faux’ offensive feelings? and why does the BBC give it the air to breathe
I saw a black singer with blonde hair – is that cultural appropriation?
No apparently only when a white girl has dreadlocks or an afro (even if her natural hair is like that)..
We are doomed until we can overcome this lib shite
Cultural appropriation is another one of the lefts anti white race hate vehicles I’m afraid.
Only whites can be guilty which actually means it contravenes the equalities act, on the grounds of discrimination on the grounds of race.
It’s a mere one form of the cultural Marxism we are increasingly exposed to.
I love such a lot about America. We do get many good things from them BUT we also get so many wussy, pussy, attitudes and piddling pathetic, garbage also.
I too like much about America, but yes sadly trends, good and bad, seem to spread and embed 🙁
EU’s worse polluters

why would the BBC only shout about Ryanair ?
Paul has more.
Thank God Poland is helping to keep life going, and reducing the likelihood of an early Ice Age.
co2 is not pollution
it’s plant food
I gave up watching the ‘soaps’ hundreds of years ago, but apparently someone is now squawking that Eastenders is not black enough……..
I don’t know about anyone else, but with the exception of a few really good black/Asian actors, most of them couldn’t act their way out of a paper bag. America’s afro American community have spawned wonderful actors – Octavia Spencer is a sublime actress, and British born David Harewood gets to play the President or head of the CIA in his films. But sadly we rarely get black actors of calibre to fulfil many tv roles.
But if true to reality East Enders ought to be 90% POC s with just an occasional whitey who either came back for an hour long nostalgia tour in the streets they grew up in before taking the white flight express out , or because their sat nav sent them there not being programmed to distinguish no go areas because that would be racist.
Australia : ABC like BBC employ a load of mathematically illiterate art students as reporters
So when one of them writes that a time waste to energy plant can power a third of the state .none of their fact checking machine notices.
A viewer had to complain that they were out by a magnitude of 400
To quote the now long gone Kenny Everett (iirc) –
“All done in the best possible taste”
– another world class public broadcaster –
I wonder if they’ve got a little BBC-like campaign of “Why you can trust the ABC” going?
oops my typo
time waste – tiny waste energy plant
Finland, Climate sceptics come a narrow second in the parliament election
No obvious new government coalition. ie need 101 out of 200 seats
#2 39 Finns
#1 40 the Social Democrats
#3 38 the center-right National Coalition Party
31 The Center Party
20 Greens party
LEFT 16, SPP 9, CD 5, BLUE 0, OTHERS 2
XR : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-6922371/DOMINIC-LAWSON-Deluded-middle-class-climate-warriors-real-danger-bright-idea.html
Poor little Shamima Begum seems to be somewhat accident prone. First she accidentally took the wrong bus and ended up in Syria of all places.
There she accidentally became an ‘enforcer’ of the sinister ‘morality police’ (goodness knows what grizzly deeds that entailed), and accidentally stitched some explosive vests onto suicide bombers who might have been tempted to change their minds.
But at least she’s now getting legal aid so she can come back to these shores, where hopefully she won’t accidentally kill any infidels.
Let’s hope she doesn’t accidentally step on a mine in the meanwhile.
All three female UKIP MEPs defect to the Brexit Party.
No mention on BBC.
Today I can’t see the tree for the woods… 🙁
Excellent programme on BBC4 last night about Dame Janet Baker – with no agenda other that to highlight the excellence of her singing and tell her story in her own words. However Mr D in a rage this morning as he had read in the paper about some female in a high place (BBC? Albert Hall?) was on about how female composers in the past and people of non-British ethnicity were not given enough prominence. In the 1970s Jessye Norman used to sing at the proms and was adored by the prommers and nobody gave a flying fig what colour she was. Mr D pointed out that these demanding arias were written for women – so the composers of their time were giving priority to women.
Who knows if women from other parts of the world who produced excellent music but written for their own culture are given prominence by their own counties or not. Europe produce Mozart, Bach, Wagner and whoever else. But what the BBC and its like cannot do is find (invent?) female or black musicians from 200 years ago of the same calibre – these people driven by equality drive me mad.
14th of April – hereafter known as ‘ Tiger Woods Day by the BBC – they can link it to other anniversaries /Hillsborough – you can even make them up .
The BBC has some kind of Anniversary Fetish . Once upon a time it was important things – like the end of wars . Now it can be the anniversary of an record album coming out .
I know this may be a side effect of desperate 24 hour ‘ news’ but boy is it wearing . Even the simplest dip into news to see how screwed up central London is gives you stuff about someone called ‘tiger ‘ .
Apart from the ‘ black thing ‘ how many people know who he is or care about Golf ? They even reported that Golf was diminishing leading to the likes of President Trump losing money on it.
Clara Schumann, Fanny Mendelssohn?
Opera Winfrey? 🙂
Dame Janet Baker was also included in the four part series: “Pappano’s Classical Voices”, which was broadcast a few years ago. Highly recommended, but no longer available officially as far as I know. You might be able to find it on YouTube if you missed it.
No shortage of other females in the series: Giulietta Simionato, Kathleen Ferrier, Marian Anderson, Shirley Verrett, Cecilia Bartoli, Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Christa Ludwig, Joyce DiDonato, Felicity Palmer and Sarah Connolly.
If the BBC wanted black musicians/songwriters of any gender to be included, they should do their homework. A few clicks of the mouse brought me to this site…….
Turn of the century black artists were not well known, and only made ground in the music industry from the early 20th Century.
Ive tried texting the BBC to complain today twice…..seems I have been ‘blocked’?…..(I did use the word Bulls**t the other day to be fair)
I cant access the HYS either on the website?…..
anybody else had that?
They have a computer database which displays all the previous interactions from your phone number
… manager told me
“I S teen gets legal aid for citizenship case”
Which political leader got rid of the ‘Act of Treason’ law?
Which political leader is arguing for her to have the right apply for Legal Aid ?
Vote UKIP to drain the swamp.
Just listened to two bulletins on R5 Live in the last hour, they went a) to Labour, and b) to Labour for commentary. Looks like someone didn’t get the memo though:
a) Corbyn says it’s not for any of us judge Begum — that’s a matter for the courts
b) Abbott: “she’s clearly been groomed…”
“Ex-soldier to be charged with 1972 murder”.
On the other hand many IRA terrorists get an Amnesty ?
The lunatics have certainly taken over the asylum.
So much for the ‘ covenant ‘ that Cameron bumbled on about – as empty as Brexit promises .
Can only imagine what effect this is having on morale ?
SinnFeinIRA must be laughing their bits off
The bloody fight in South Africa did not result in prosecutions and trials for murder but pardons on BOTH sides leading to reconciliation.
“Extinction Rebellion: Climate protesters block roads”
Anyone here think that these ‘members of the Un employed’ should head over to Europe, China, India and the US where the real polluters are?
The perpetual left wing students in the BBC newsroom are creaming themselves with delight at the road blockages in London today.
Coverage asking questions such as ‘why are the police not keeping the roads open so ordinary people can go about their normal business’ unencumbered’ seem strangely absent from the BBC news bulletins.
Good point – plenty of pictures of boys and non boys relaxing in their riot buses whilst the snowflakes do what they want
Bet the Mayor is on the case – but awkward for him to say much about the Notre Dame Fire – he might try the ‘ all in it together ‘ lie .
“Anyone here think that these ‘members of the Un employed’ should head over to Europe, China, India and the US where the real polluters are?”
I like the idea but the London teens only went into London on the promise by their parents that they would drop them off on the outskirts of London in their Range Rovers and Jags and mercs etc.
Can you see those same parents flying those same teens to India then drop them off on the outskirts of Mumbai for their teen s to foot-it into the center of said cities.?
Climate Change: The Facts. It looks like the BBC is to bring back the Hockey Stick on Thursday. What is now called “Zombie Science”. Fraudulent science preserved using court actions.
The Hockey Stick has been contradicted by over one hundred scientific papers. Michael Mann has been proven to be a fraudster because Isotopic evidence in tree rings showed that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings. Climategate emails, hacked or leaked by an insider, verified that the tree ring data would not show the upturn in temperature after 1960. In fact, they showed a decline. So the contrivers said, “hide the decline” by replacing it with grafted on thermometer measurements. Also, the reason that the temperature does not determine the width of tree rings is that sometimes the tree rings are thin because of hot droughts, as well as the assumed cold used in the Hockey stick. Isotopic evidence showed that many of Mann’s assumptions for tree rings were wrong, and therefore constitute evidence for fraud. But it looks as if David Attenborough will introduce Michael Mann as the worlds most esteemed Climate scientist.
Also it looks like the “Worlds top Climate Scientists” for the program are all environmental activists. Again, like that “Climate Change Seminar”. none of them will be Causational Climate Scientists.

I’ve always thought that the term “climate scientist” is an oxymoron. If they were real scientists they would be atmospheric physicists. Of couse, then they wouldn’t get any BBC bookings.
Floor 3 at W1A probably wrote the book.
As I wrote in the prologue to this Thread I mentioned it’s Holy Week – and Notra Dame Cathedral is torched . Accident ? Islamic Terrorism ? Link it to Brexit ? Will a UK church be a target ?
We ll see . The Cathedral is a wonder and its’ loss is tragic . I just hope we don’t land up having to pay to rebuild it .
I thought for a bit – at the start of C4 news that the Rev Comrade Snow was gonna Blubb – but he’s Godless – and will link it to the EU …
“fire started up in the scaffolding where the renovation work was going on”
Yes saw that bit .
We ll see if Macron can out blub the NZ PM to get a bit of public support back .
Maybe Panorama will do a special on this instead . Very sad .
Holy smoke!
Ian Dale LBC – First caller refers to torched French churches of late and downplaying by authorities.
Dale cut him off, then later apologised to anyone who was offended by that caller ?
Who would the ‘anyone’ be I wonder ?
Ken Follett on BBC News 24 said the speed it all went up suggest something else was involved. I’m not entirely sure of his qualifications to comment are, so take from that what you wish.
It seems most of the cathedral is destroyed, which is very sad to hear.
And somewhat symbolic.
Ian Dale does seem to have a rosy view of islam/muslims doesn’t he?I wonder why?
He should read this and comment on it on air.
“What can we learn from ancient Greeks about love and gender? ”
It was a great life if you were a slave owner, but not so good if you were a slave. Im wonder how much context the BBC is prepared to disclose?
Don’t they ever get tired of feeding their diminishing audience a diet of high-cholesterol cobblers? And, yes, that is a rhetorical question…
Ah yes, ‘Greek Love’… grown men grooming, exploiting, and anally abusing prepubescent boys. Don’t think there is anything I want to learn about that, the thought of it makes me sick.
Didn’t the BBC learn their lesson after Jimmy Savile?!
Ah no, it’s about Sappho, the lesbian poet (should have guessed), or was she really a transexual? transgender? transformer? What is the correct term this week? I’m quite sure she must have been, haven’t heard anything about those for at least a week now and they must be desperate for attention.
There really is something seriously weird and frightening about the BBC’s current output regarding ‘gender fluidity and sexuality’… and I’m no prude (or homophobe – surely a phrase that means ‘fear of things like yourself’?).
Op-ed in Yorkshire Post
by the Yorkshire Party’s former leader, Stewart Arnold, setting out why, on Brexit, he has shifted from reluctant leaver to a remainer.
and in Rotherham police have spent £2K on 2 ebikes for PCSOs
OK faster than normal bike, but
that seems expensive
“It would be better to remain and reform from within”
no leaver thinks this possible,
“zero tarriffs would hurt farmers”
but not consumers, thats even assuming we decide to hang our own goods out to dry
of course there is no mention of yorkshires fishing industry at all, so im inclined to suggest this reluctant leaver is more likely a lickle fibber
Panorama tonight : is it about TR ?
Nope it’s about Gatwick drones.
Brilliant. Best spoof I’ve seen in years.
Been in the garage doing a few jobs. I come out to hear the Earth will be dead in 12 months / 12 years / the end of the Century ?
Water rationing this Summer and food shortages in 5 years.
And we must achieve zero CO2 emissions yesterday or die horribly very, very soon.
It is looking likely that we will have a drought this summer, due to a lack of rain which the water companies promised would fall over Autumn Winter and Spring, but didn’t.
They could now be issuing some gentle warnings to save water – last time a hosepipe ban seemed Imminent one of the Muslims on my street pressure washed the road ! I’m not joking here, he pressure washed his half of the road – not the pavement although he did that too, but the part cars go up and down, just at the time people were being urged to save water.
Bear this in mind though. Under the terms water companies were privatised their profits are fixed to a return on capital investment model. Fixing pipes etc does not increase the capital invested, but building new reservoirs does. If they can get the government to allow them to build more large scale civil engineering projects their profits will be allowed to be much higher, and that is going to come from you and me in the form of higher bills.
Be aware of this in the coming weeks when the water companies are trying to leverage climate change as a reason.
There are far too many leaks (Not the Wiki ones).
Speaking of Tommy Robinson and Panorama, silence from the BBC is deafening.
They should do a Panorama about themselves. They could call it ‘Tommy took down Panorama’. There’s abundant rich material for it, starting with Sweeney’s humiliation at the hands of Mr Robinson with the able assistance of Lucy Brown.
Problem is the BBC has never been into introspection. It’s incapable of going any deeper than admiring itself in the mirror.
Well the MSM has got its story to distract us from the Brexit sellout – a burning cathedral .
The eco idiots might as well go home because their protest ain’t gonna beat that story .
I know as I type this that some people will think I’ve become paranoid, but…
It’s Holy week. The beautiful Notre Dame cathedral is ablaze.
I first visted this splendid building over 40 years ago. Paris was beautiful, safe and romantic. It’s a very different place today.
Some people are suggesting it could be an electrical problem due to renovations. Okay, it could be…
These days Paris is choc full of malcontented Muzzies.
Is it just me, or does this look suspicious?
I do hope that the barriers put up to stop vehicle terrorism didn’t stop the fire service doing thier job. ….BBC got 2 women anchorladies talking about it…and now a women witness from UK talking about it…..absolutely shit.
It sounds like the bell towers are now under threat . Is it an omen that Macron is on his way out of office? Expect yellow vests out on the weekend.
If it were to really be that cause I think it would be suppressed and written up as the normal ‘ builder with gas torch’ .
As I mentioned earlier a second fire might not be a ‘ coincidence ‘ .
I’ve read that in a single week 12 churches in France have been vandalised. This seems to be far beyond the usual antisocial behaviour one expects with louts.
Perhaps I’m making 2 plus 2 equal 5.
However, these days I just don’t trust the bloody media to bring us the truth.
They were removing statues from the spire, the first time they have been seen up close for hundreds of years. There was no electrical or gas work ongoing. Unless the cranes or lighting spontaneously combusted, there is no other reason for the fire than arson.
The fact that it happened at 6:50 pm (CET) when any normal French worker would be in the cafe. The fact that the scaffolding is easy to climb, or that the way it is easy to acsess if you just nod to your fellow Muslim security guard.
Even if the Muzzies didn’t do it, they will be mighty pleased that it has happened. Bl**dy allah’s will and all that.
If I sound hateful, well, I am very sad and angry about this.
David Lammy will make some kind of dumb twitter coming to upset the RCs amongst us
Over the Great Fire of Notre Dame .
I think it’s too early to say it’s suspicious, but I find it impossible not to wonder at the moment. Even if it were the usual suspects, we will never be told.
I suspect you’re right, Roland, unless whomever is responsible for the arson (assuming for present purposes that it was arson) admits responsibility.
Whatever the cause, it’s a sad, sad sight to see such a beautiful building ablaze.
A visual representation of the true state of Paris as a whole.
There is no way that the “establishment” are going to tell us how
the fire started.
Whatever ‘they’ tell us about the cause of this fire. I suspect the actual truth will be a polar opposite.
Now who’s got form for this kind of thing ?????????

Notre Dame fire: Will tourists be able to visit Paris cathedral over Easter after blaze?
”NOTRE Dame cathedral in Paris has been engulfed in an enormous fire causing the spire on the medieval building to collapse in the shocking blaze. The fire is believed to have been started by accident, but will tourists visiting on Easter holidays still be able to visit?
That’s a hard one to answer..
BBC will be headhunting that journalist.
Avoiding BBC News Coverage of the Paris Fire because the the guaranteed Editorial spin – I thought I’d watch the Sky coverage .The presenter is repeatedly saying that Norte Dame ‘survived the blitz’ .
Maybe she should contact D Lammy and learn a bit about the Second World War – or whoever it is that tells her what to say .
When I take people around London I often say if you see an empty space it may well have been made courtesy of the Luftwaffe or the Vee weapons ….
One of the BiasedBBC ‘tricks’ is to stage debates which allows activists to get their propaganda across. They picked a right one here in George Monibot (who of course writes for The Guardian) –
I don’t do social mejia for a number of reasons. What is a ‘Monbiot’? Has it ever done a days real work? Paid taxes, had to get up at 5am on a January morning? Or is it just a bug eyed loon as depicted in the image above preaching to me and the great unwashed masses as to how we should behave according to his leftish beliefs?
Bug eyed loon… is the phrase copyrighted, or can I pinch it?
One glance at those mad, rolling eyes, with most of the whites showing, the aggressive, out thrust lower jaw, the threatening posture and clenched fists, is enough to know the man is a grade A psycho and bully. There’s no way you could have a rational conversation with him, I wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Reminds me of those photos of chimps making threat displays.