Over to You – it’s Holy Week for Christians so the BBC will be making a special effort to come up with anti Christian ‘stories ‘ as there are some religions of which they approve and others not so much . The Godless can go on in their own happy way …
Start the Week Open Thread April 15 2019
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Natasha Mylius
View From Notre Dame
I do hope the hunchback got out in time.
Does the BBC reflect its audience as it states in it’s charter it should ?
DAVE GARDNER Made some excellent points .. in his long post
I’ll summarise
The BBC deliberately focuses on certain groups to the expense of others
#1 BAME It bends over backwards to fit with this 13%
#2 Green sceptics : surveys show this to be 20% of the UK public
.. yet the BBC treats them as if they are 0.01%
(Survey 20% thought the Green movement was a “Force for Ill” and 57% a “Force for Good”)
What’s going on ?
“the BBC is much more conscious of trying to represent
the diversity of opinion within Parliament than within the general public.
..cos MPs hold the purse strings the BBC is much keener on ingratiating itself with MPs than with the license fee payers.
Hence we know half public are strong for Brexit
yet the BBC knows that of 650 MPs , 500 are pro Remain
Thats 3.5 to 1
so it chooses to represent them .. making panels 3 to 1 for Remain
Public Survey : 47% thought it was a “Force for Good”. and 30% a “Force for Ill”
Amongst MPs I can’t think of one who has spoken up against multiculturalism
Hence BBC’s coverage of multiculturalism is pretty much that nobody in the UK is against it, which might be in tune with parliamentary opinion, but not with public opinion.
The BBC seems to have lost its mission & purpose
.. cos when I search for the five ‘public purposes’ of the The BBC Charter I get
: https://www.bbc.co.uk/corporate2/insidethebbc/whoweare/publicpurposes
“Site not found”
: https://www.bbc.com/aboutthebbc/insidethebbc/whoweare/mission_and_values/
“Error 404 – Page not found”
I had to go to the Ofcom site
From the 5 BBC Public Purposes stated in its new charter
“Muslims laugh, celebrate as blaze destroys Notre Dame cathedral during Holy Week –
A whole lot of people with Arab names are finding the historic Notre Dame ablaze very funny.
Twitter user Damien Rieu posted a video showing the amount of people responding to a video of the Paris church with a “laughing” face emoji. ”
No can see
maybe my EE network has that censored
Sept 2016 : 3 jihadi women arrested after trying to blow up a car containing six gas cylinders in front of #NotreDame.
One will be tried for that in Sept 2019.
Friday, *April 12, 2019*, the same person was sentenced to 8 years prison for inciting jihadi acts in France.
Monday April 15, 2019 Notre Dame burns down
Andrew Neil seemed to allow Paul Weston to get more than a few words in on the subject of the Religion of Peace.
Perhaps Neil was playing devil’s advocate, but his heart didn’t seem in it.
Can’t link now, but it can be found by Googling ‘Paul Weston speaking truth to BBC power YouTube’.
It’s from August last year.
Islam is one of Neil’s blind spots. Tommy Robinson is another.
Newsnight leading on “the threat from far-right extremism”.
Yes of course /sarc
Patrick Howse ex-beeboid
Name of Saint Jo Cox invoked
Interesting top line considering past claims by the establishment.
Emily Weightless always has that expression of someone trying very hard NOT to understand the bleeding obvious, when it’s an uncomfortable truth.
I have been watching from time to time the Canadian debate on secularism in government as it appears to Facebook users.
There is a strong faction that pushes the ‘refugees welcome’ and ‘why do you hate the other?’ lines. Funnily enough some of these same ultra-tolerant posters show extreme, verging on the irrational, hatred of ‘Trump’. (I say irrational because they criticise him for doing the same as Saint Obama did).
“this week”
actually there were 3 attacks over a 2 week period
the last and fatal one was on April 30 in the Admiral Duncan gay pub
ironically killing a pregnant woman, 2 gay men
and injuring 70 so most sources say.
I was in South America , so I’ve never heard of the attack.
People suggest there have been frequent largely unreported arson attacks on churches in France
So do a Twitter advanced search setting the date to before last Friday and search – arson France churches –
after I hit Latest to show them in date order I do see a lot of accusations
march 30
March 22 \\ In France, 1063 acts against churches were perpetrated in 2018.
The fire of Saint-Sulpice, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris last Sunday, launches the debate around “Christianophobia” //
proper news site : largest French newspaper in Switzerland.
Hey it could be an accident
but you are not allowed to mention previous arson ?
The bias is no longer subtle in the slightest. It is blatant, transparent and with zero in the way of governance, as said, the bbc is rogue.
They are preaching only to the converted who will never question, never criticise.
They behave like a fringe forum not the free, fair, impartial Worldwide news purveyor they pretend to be.
So, an increasing number of arson attacks on churches across France (not to mention the odd priest murdered), and now Notre Dame.
I can’t help wondering who exactly was working on the ‘restoration’?
vlad. I must admit the same thought crossed my mind.
Oh no. looks like the democrats have a new openly bent Presidential candidate.
[Edit by TrueToo: Sorry, I had to delete this bit. Oppose him on his dumb policies, fine, but what you wrote was just too personally denigrating.]
I’ve got a feeling we are going to get blanket coverage of him from the BBC, right up untill Trump wins again.
”Setting out his vision to “re-imagine our future”, he promised a “totally different” politics from Mr Trump.”
Well no kidding, as he is not a Republican…
‘In a veiled attack on the Trump administration, he railed against the “myth being sold” by those who sought to “stop the clock and turn it back”. ‘
Doesn’t sound veilied, sounds like he is plain calling Trump an old fashioned racist,
So what’s he selling?
‘Tougher action on climate change, including the so-called “Green New Deal” proposals
Gun control reform, namely universal background checks
A wealth tax to fund government spending
The withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan
Passing the Federal Equality Act, legislation that would give federal non-discrimination protections to LGBT people’
Who gets legal aid?
By Reality Check team (sic)
Is it white criminals ?
”What claims do you want BBC Reality Check to investigate? Get in touch”
So exactly which claim are you investigating here ?
Only thing I can extrapolate is less and less people are getting helped every year,,
[Edit, TrueToo: Sorry, had to delete that. Disparaging, didn’t add anything to the debate.]
Thanks – I was going to get to it ….
No problem. I’m encouraged that people are mostly walking the straight and narrow here. Less hassle for us and less editing so we can concentrate on the purpose of this site.
“Who gets legal aid?”
Like the knifers, white people only. They are responsible for everything. I mean ‘everything’.
This image is tagged “woman in handcuffs”.
Just for fun I used this as a search term on Google Images. Most of the early results look more kinky than kriminal, and they are all white.
Around image 40 a pale Chinese asian makes an appearance, by 90 a black face, but not actually in handcuffs, to see that I had to reach image 134!
Google, what are you playing at! BAMEs are seriously unrepresented here you racists! Ninety-six percent hideously white! Is Google a ‘white supremacist’ organisation?
(Obviously not – ask Google for ‘white couples’ and see what you get!)
To make it more obvious:
Go onto Google and click Images.
Search on Black couples.
Then search on Asian couples.
Then try searching on Indian couples.
Right, now search on White couples.
See what they did there?
The ‘explanation’ is that most (?) people are searching for black and white couples and that Google is picking up ‘white couples’ as part of that and expanding that to what it ‘thinks’ you really want. So try Caucasian couples instead. Nope, that doesn’t do it. European couples? Slightly better. Finally try British couples, which will produce something more representative.
Similar results with Bing, Yandex and Duckduckgo.
Modern day version of what went on Nazi Germany: “Fritz! We need a picture of a man for an article in Völkischer Beobachter – what do you suggest?” “How about a chap who is 6’4″ with blond hair and blue eyes?” “No, the man is a criminal” “Okay, how about this one of a small fat guy with a big nose, swarthy skin, beady eyes, dressed in funny clothes and holding a bag stuffed with money with foreign writing on the outside?” “That’s the one!”
Sargon of Akkad vs Jess Phillips
Direct link to the part of his 2016 video
where he explains that Jess Philips plays on people’s emotions to claim victimhood over people she doesn’t like, so even a specific claim of none-rape is counted as a threat of rape, if you are someone not on her side.
And then he says I then demonstrated this by sending her a tweet.
Philippe Karsenty, French media analyst and the founder of Media-Ratings, a company monitoring the French media for bias, said about the routine Islamic attacks against churches throughout France “for the past year we’ve had churches desecrated each and every week in France. All over France. Of course you will hear the stories about the political correctness which will tell you that it’s probably an accident“.
The notion that the Notre Dame blaze could have been started by arsonists was first reported by local cathedral workers “A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in Notre Dame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set” reported the, Time columnist, Christopher J. Hale.
More intriguing is something which seems to have been banned in Europe.
Three days ago, Ines Madani, involved in a foiled plot to blow up a car packed with six gas canisters near the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was sentenced to eight years in prison by a French court. Madani was recruited by Oumar Diaw, also known as Abou Barrou, an influential jihadist of the Islamic State group. She used different pseudonyms on social networks, pretending for example to be Abu Souleymane, a jihadist returned from Raqa to carry out attacks in France.
So the fire could be revenge for the Madani sentence.
Arson is being ruled out by the French authorities.
Just like terrorism is always ruled out until it turns out to have been… terrorism.
Notre Dame is a symbol of France, of Christianity, and of Western civilisation, and as such would be a prime target for terror – so how can they rule out arson / terror so quickly, before the flames have even died down?
A little more detail on the attacks on churchs leading up to yesterday
It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to believe that it was an accident and if it wasn’t the most likely suspect springs instantly to mind.
As much as I daily try to give benefit of the doubt to the BBC and MSM (thinking perhaps that I am being overly cynical) the absence of even a short paragraph in their reporting of the string of recent attacks is too obvious by its omission.
I have not sympathy for the French. In fact, I laughed, particularly when those mostly white people sang hymns whilst it burned. It really was Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned.
Sometimes RT says things the beeb would never dare:
“Notre Dame fire follows months of arson, vandalism & desecration of French Catholic churches”
Grenfell Tower fire 14th June 2017. There was immediate speculation as to what caused it. The DMail reported on the 15th June 2017 –
“Grenfell Tower fire is believed to have started shortly before 1am when a fridge on the seventh floor exploded”
Notre Dame? No speculation in the reporting of our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster’s news. Why’s that I wonder.
We know what to expect when our “World’s Most Trusted” aka, “another Beauty” declines to mention an important aspect or point. We know the old ‘gal too well not to smell an omission of such importance.
I’m no reporter but I offer the following suggestion all here, including me, will happily speculate upon with some accuracy: Couldn’t be down to islam could it?
As if on cue, Gatestone reported this yesterday –
Well, fancy that…………….
That’s right – there have been at least eleven serious fires in churches, recently.
Brainwashing for the Extinction Rebellion..
Presumably these are lefties who can do no wrong? Apparently a thuggish mob breaking windows, vandalising a building & intimidating people isn’t violence! Imagine if a right leaning group did the same thing.
Not just the bbc giving them all they could hope for.
I don’t see this lot giving up as novelty wanes in editorial.
Eventually these old ponytailed Wolfies will persuade some young idiot to grab the weeks of fame that cynical media love to provide if the stunt is inflammatory enough.
Toady watch
Had to listen to the bias spin the BBC would put on Notre Dame . If you recall – the standard response ( eg Grenfell ) is for the ‘blame’ issue to be raised immediately . Not today . The BBC obviously loves Macron and France . You can tell that be the way it fails to report the weekly protests
And the editorial approach here is – ‘don’t talk about blame because we don’t want to speculate on cause leading to possible arson leading to Muslims torching it – don’t mention previous attempts and don’t mention regular attacks of RC churches in France .
So we get
Hero firemen
Macron trying to do Tony Blair sincerity
It will be rebuilt
The French will get other country’s money to do it
Maybe the narrative will shift later to blame and why the fire started and why the fire brigade looked incompetent trying to put the fire out .
The Eurostar will be full of snowflake journos looking forward to a few days looking sophisticated in Paris ( with a dash of pro EU propaganda thrown in ).
Meanwhile – of course – no one is talking Brexit and politicians expect the anger to dissipate – business as usual …
Macron’s “repair money” will come from higher taxes, plus a little extra for the “environment”, which will be carefully hidden.
He may swear to rebuild it, but he’ll be long out office before a stone gets laid. Cunning Jupiter…
Macron gone? Soon? Do tell, OG.
He’s only 41y.o.. He could be around for years. And when the French fall out of love with him, I suspect he may be welcomed by Brussels with open arms and a cushy job in the EU.
Eat your heart out, Tony Blair.
The authorities did a nice landscaping job on the defensive perimeter though.
Sums up coverage.
On NickFerrari LBC this morning an ex policeman who was at the demonstrations yesterday insisted that the climate demonstration was “jovial and good natured unlike the right wing demonstrations recently”!! Strange as I recall the only violence recently came from the extreme left wing ‘protesters’and Owen Jones . Even the police admitted later that the violence had come from Antifa and not the peaceful protest from TR supporters!
Two videos to watch on Youtube:
Paul Weston – Leftist Pygmies Take Down Roger Scruton
The Media: Where Evil Meets Stupidity
(The second one by AMW)
I’m sorry. I’ve only just come out of the bathroom having been made seriously ill over the bBBC’s glorification of Tiger Woods. Did the French light a bonfire to celebrate his victory or something?
Chancy – what a genius link between Mr Woods and a Cathedral fire . Now just link it to Brexit traitors and Islamic paedophiles and it is ‘bingo’.
What day would be complete without….?
The Today Programme
Does Donald Trump have the traits and flaws of a classical tragic hero? Listen to the full interview with Dr Victor Davis Hanson in our podcast ????????
Not bias just stupidity on the Today programme. I don’t suppose the assessors or architects have had chance to go into Norte Dame but Justin knows the building will be saved and will take up to 10 years to be repaired.
I’d have to say – it’s bad enough with the state broadcaster throwing out snowflake anti british propaganda morning noon and night (or that awful 24/7 as the hip say ) but to actually go looking for a BBC podcast ? Ugh @
They find me. A lot. I merely share.
If anti-British propaganda is your bag, looks like Newsnight is the go to place.
This is something that I have been following for the past few months. It appears to be a massive victory for climate sceptics.
“VICTORY: Climate skeptic scientist Peter Ridd wins big!”
Dr Peter Ridd, a professor of physics at JCU, was sacked by the university for misconduct for questioning in the IPA’s publication Climate Change: The Facts 2017 the climate change science around the Great Barrier Reef and for public statements made on the Jones & Co Sky News program.
No doubt it will be ignored by the MSN and the BBC.
Meanwhile, bbc ‘stars’ are chipping in…
This thread has generated a superb contribution from another media eco influencer.
Davy – that s me on the far right …
Not sure that Packham is talking about climate change, but the rain forests in the Amazon and Indonesia being destroyed for the benefit of globalist horrors like Mondelez who buy cheap palm oil to adulterate once great brands like Cadbury.
Aroun 150 000 Orang Utans have been killed since 1999 all so globalist companies can make even greater profits. I have been boycotting all the modelez products for some time now, along with Walkers crisps, it would be great if others did the same.
Packham then stop jetting around the World and do not eat live tadpoles as is your won’t. Oh and take some creative writing lessons you sanctimonious nut.
The interview with the Israeli politician on the future of the region came to an abrubt end when she reminded Hussain what hamas did when they took over Gaza.
I noticed that too – I looked at my watch when it happened and could see no reason. – although I don’t think that beeboid has much of an attention span and cannot listen carefully enough to what interviewees are saying – but that’s what quotas bring ya .
The girl’s got previous when it comes to Israel, she has her agenda which coincidently is very similar to the bbbc.
I can’t be the only one who finds themselves incredibly irritated by these pretentious climate change protesters, can I? Or the way it’s being covered come to that…
I’ve seen the disruption as working people attempt to go about their daily business, while a bunch of well heeled Harriets and Tarquins do cartwheels at Marble Arch and Oxford Circus.
Ordinary, decent folk are trying to get to work or trying to get home from work or perhaps driving through London’s clogged arteries is their work, and they’re stuck in traffic while a group of middle class, workshy numpties pirouette and dance.
And of course the BBC are there to act as their cheerleaders.
You know, I’ve not heard a single negative report. Even when they were telling us how many had been arrested it was always made clear that these precious pillocks were only involved in minor “public order offences”.
Last summer I attended the two “Free Tommy Robinson” demos in Whitehall. Neither received any publicity prior to the event from our state broadcaster and were only mentioned afterwards when a tiny minority became involved in scuffles with the police. Then the cameras were there en mass. The terms always used to describe the protesters were “far right” “racist” and “thug”. No empathy or sympathy for us at all. No attempt to discover the injustice behind the protest.
If any of us were filmed it was always the bloke with the tattoos, shaven head and swigging from a can of lager…and no that wasn’t me!
It’s little wonder that so many of us are turning away from the MSM.
We don’t trust them. We know that what gets beamed into our homes is a distortion of the truth, like one those old fairground hall of mirrors.
And the BBC is the worst of the lot!
A friend who works in London saw the Oxford Circus demo and as she doesn’t listen to the BBC didn’t know the predictions for 30,000 demonstrators. She said there were about 100 people and she hadn’t known what it was about.
I noticed in the photos and video clips all the masks, the stupid outfits made out of polyester , the nylon tents. All this garbage which need not have been used and some of the world’s resources that should not have been wasted.
Easy to see posh youngish lady with time on her hands midweek has a cosy chat with the BBC. BBC does not have in so many to the studio about how they cannot get to work because they are now still trying to make up. Other topics came up too, less climate related. For some reason. Job done. https://twitter.com/bbcr4today/status/1118053748025319424?s=21
Yes Deborah, its Glastonbury this year, so I wonder how many ‘climate change’ beardies will be attending, and how many will remain after the event to help clear up the thousands of discarded tents, which are not conducive in helping to save the planet.
I’m heartily sick of these preaching twats, who have not been so ‘green’ minded whilst swigging from their plastic water bottles. How many I wonder have their milk delivered in glass bottles – or just nip out to buy a plastic carton. Utter prats the lot of them.
Clearly treading carefully, The Today Programme is back to posing questions:
Does Israel still support a sovereign Palestinian state?
Israeli MP Sharren Haskel says peace talks have failed for 25 years so Benjamin Netanyahu is “thinking outside the box”.
You may think that Stonehenge was built by Ancient Britons but no, the BBC and ‘experts’ know better: it was built by ‘people of colour’, unusually dark-skinned Meditterrean types. And to emphasise the message, a picture of Whitewalk woman, a coloured ancient Brit (sic) is included. Remarkably, this woman is stated to be 5,600 years old (as opposed to have lived 5,600 years ago). We also get a rehashed picture of Cheddar Man – the 21st Century version of Piltdown Man. And the claim that “as with other Mesolithic hunter-gatherers, DNA results suggest he had dark skin and blue or green eyes”.
The evidence for this nonsense is rarely discussed, as though the mere reference to ‘DNA results’ settles it conclusively. The reality is that the amount of genetic material from ancient peoples is vanishingly small. It is akin to a civilisation in the far future discovering a small scrap of newspaper that briefly mentions a writer called Shakespeare, from which the futurists then decide they can accurately recreate the entire works of Shakespeare, along with those of Milton, Goethe, Aristole and Julius Caesar to boot. But then, as with Global Warming, the BBC simply isn’t interested in science – just crude propaganda.
Brilliant post. The image of bug eyed aliens pouring over the word ‘Shakespeare’ haha.
In the words of Eddie Cochran………C’mon Everybody
Just add on the pile !
Yes – and no mention of the cathedral being treated as a ‘ crime scene’ ….
As an aside The Guardian has a piece about the fire without mentioning
Roman Catholicism
The Cross
I think that Satan might have written it …
Probably just a bearded tourist with a box of matches in his pocket.
Roland — interesting indeed, thanks.
Further down that thread someone’s posted hi-res footage which is worth a look. It would be good to get more info on the cause, but it’s not reassuring if the authorities have already shut up shop on any criminal investigations.
Just to ensure that we share France’s agony, the strangled vowels of Lyse Doucet fill the 1 o’clock news – and no doubt again at 6 and 10. An interesting if unpleasant use of the human voice, but not one to lend itself to commentary perhaps? Who could explain why?
Last night it was Fergal Keane, flown back at breakneck speed from another site of African or Middle Eastern tragedy, to add his funereal tones.
Thank goodness funds are always so readily available for such experts in humanity to keep us informed.
And guess what ? The UK is sending France money for the rebuild.
Excellent – 39 billion from one third world country to another
Have I missed something?
Peaceful protest is allowed provided you get permission from the Police but nowhere is it written that roads and bridges may be closed with the ensuing disruption of normal life and especially the access of emergency services.
I have always thought that blocking the highway was never permitted unless agreed. Seems like the police must have agreed . Not exactly a surprise in London.
Diane Abbot using her amazing maths again.
David Vance has put up a twitter of a Labour Shadow Cabinet Minister telling lies on the BBC .
The segment is about 2 minutes long and I woukd ask someone to repost it here – for entertainment purposes if nothing else –
The MSM won’t follow this up because it concerns ‘ Zionism’ . I’m not sure if the MP in question has committed one of those ‘ free speech ‘ criminal offences but he can’t be far off …enjoy
Q: When will the BBC and other MSM outlets no-platform him and the rest of the anti-Semitic terrorist supporting Labour party?
A: Never, expect to see him on Question Time shortly
Guest ,
Thank you – I’m sure MSM will ignore this .
If a fella gets done for burning a Grenfell model I’m sure this MP will be prosecuted for hate crime ….. right ?
I talk about this not because of the details of the subject but equality under the law – and some might say -( beeb Speak) that MPs are meant to be held to an even higher standards than the riff raff who elect them to make laws ….
I know this subject is troll bait but so be it .
FFS Richard Burgon no only lied
.. but he lied super emphatically
..and then The Muslim capped men walk in the background and you realise he must be in a Muslim meeting hall slagging of Israel and zionism.
And this is an important vid as well
Not a surprise that BBC version shows no Muslims
The last six Tory Justice Secretaries are nothing to write home about either.
Think that might have been doctored.
Thoughtful – why ? I’ve watched it a couple of times and I can’t see the ‘fix’ – just the Great Big Labour sized Lie ….
( I assume we’re talking about the MP?)
The one with the tweet from Diane Abbott not Burgon. Too few people have picked up on the tweet and it isn’t on her page either.
According to Le Monde (sort-of French Guardian) investigations into the Notre Dame arso… sorry, accident, will be long and complex, and there is little hope of finding hard evidence of how the fire started.
Also, the public prosecutor excluded a criminal motive ‘a priori’.
(“excluant a priori le motif criminel”)
I’d like to know how they could exclude such a motive when a) investigations will be long and complex, b) no comnclusive evidence is likely to be found, c) the fire was still raging when they decided there was no criminality?
And that ‘a priori’ is a bit concerning – doesn’t exactly suggest an open-minded investigation.
Joyeuses Pâques!
Generally speaking, do they thing we’re stupid ?
No, not all of us.
Do they think we can do anything about anything ?
No they do not.
O’Brian on LBC – ‘People moaning about the disruption to NHS services but here, I’m talking to a nurse who’s taken two weeks off to protest’. She’s a University lecturer James you disingenuous tit.
The Occupy Wall Street types who are amongst the protesters, damaging trains and smashing things up, would have it that the mega corporations and billionaire oligarchs do not care about the ‘little people’ ? The people trying to get to work or attend a hospital appointment, the pregnant woman having to walk or the ones who’ll have to clean the mess up. Are they not the ‘little people ?
How could they exclude such a motive? Easy. To avoid awkward answers.
It won’t stop others asking, though. Quite the reverse, I suspect.
Personally speaking, I retain an open mind on the matter. Fires during renovation work are well known to happen. Look at the Glasgow School of Art. Well, you can’t any more. But actively not looking for criminal acts suggests the authorities have their suspicions too.
The give away is that within a few hours, fire investigators, could state that it was not arson and they may never know the cause of that particular fire.
That’s really the finest, gold plated, diamond encrusted bullcrap.
Lionel Nation on the subject. Always worth a look:
A Pakistani chap is being tried for an arson attack on St Sulpice in Paris. I was very surprised that he was even charged. There have been a lot of other recent attacks on churches in France, usually described as ‘vandalism’ but, apart from the Pakistani , no one has been charged. I suspect that the StSulpice trial is an exception and that there is no chance of the French authorities admitting that this high profile fire at Norte Dame was the work of a Muslim arsonist.
But for the authorities the chickens are coming home to roost because people know they will be lied to if the authorities feel it to be necessary, so they very reasonably suspect that they are not being told the truth about incidents such as this and so seek news from other, non establishment sources. The response of the Globalist authorities is to claim all news but that they approve of is fake and then to seek to suppress it by censoring the internet. Democracy hangs by a thread right across the West.
We can safely make one prediction regarding the fire. Moslems will be the victims. If a Moslem group did it we will have BBC interviews with others facing the backlash. If they did not do it we will have interviews with them recounting their experience of being wrongly blamed.
I was thinking about the current ‘outrage’ regarding Trump’s response to Rep. Omar’s comments about 9/11. Imagine if at a right wing gathering, someone said ‘ some guy did something in New Zealand, and now all right wingers are in danger of losing our freedom of speech – civil liberties!’
Imagine the press outrage and ensuing arrests and character assassinations. Where’s the outrage that she referred to ‘some people did something’…I’ve heard the context and it doesn’t excuse her words. Suck it up and accept responsibility for what your co-religionists do!
One definition of madness ;
Doing the same actions over and over again but expecting a different outcome .
The BBC via TVLicensing send me a threat every month over a period of years . Same outcome every time ; I don’t buy a TV licence .
The BBC : mad .
Now are they biased because they’re mad , or mad because they’re biased ?
But they do use different coloured envelopes, with and without windows, different messages and sometimes addressed to ‘occupier’ and sometimes by name!
I’m afraid I too lack any originality in my (non) response!
Can’t wait for the entire BBC machine being devoted to this one.
It may well have been an accident but EVERY investigator worth their salt knows the importance of reaching a conclusion by following the evidence rather than interpreting (or, in some cases, tailoring) the evidence so as to either make it a fit a preferred hypothesis or rule out an unwanted one.
Moreover, it’s hard to find a more obvious example of jumping the gun than to say at this very early stage that it’s unlikely that any conclusive evidence will be found.
Walrus suicides
This 2010 video , doesn’t mention Global Warming or ice
“Its bizarre natural behaviour that leads to the deaths of 120 of the 200,000 walruses on the beach.”
They considered a number of ideas
Concluded that
‘ it’s just a natural process best left to itself.
Walrus numbers get so high that there isn’t enough space on the beach,
.. they’ve made a path going up, but are not good at coming down.’
I think there is a shock & bait PR trick
.. You show people a shocking emotion stirring scene, you bait them with a simple magic answer like “It’s climate change”, or “he’s a sexist”
.. they believe you and are ready to donate to your charity/cause.
And won’t consider more full colour complex stuff.
Lemmings? Do they know something we don’t ?
A programme that the BBC should have made!
Cry God for Nigel, England and St George.
See now, if we’d left on the 29th on WTO rules ……………………..
To anyone who thinks the NHS waste money.
Trusts have invented a Directorate to throw money at:-
“A message from the Director of People and Culture
Hello everyone,
We’re now halfway through April and halfway through Stress Awareness Month which is marked every year to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures of stress.”
Wow, just wow.
And in my experience, these ‘initiatives’ were generally discussed by about 15 managers on an away day from the hospital, at a manor house or hotel, with a substantial lunch provided. THAT is where the NHS money is going.
Had me with, Human Resources, then Manpower Services. These departments with, Director circa £75,000 the Deputy Director, and then an Assistant Director, on and on down. They take office space and of course require budgets, in order to create bureaucracy which requires time and effort and distracts from those at the sharp end.
When I started in the 1970s the HR or Personnel Department consisted of two Officers and typist – how did we ever manage?
Bigger budgets mean more managers which need bigger budgets ……
More managers mean more change which needs more managers …..
The only thing that changes is the rate of change .
Add that to no organisational memory of inducement to use it and you’ve got …
A local council / hospital
Sad but unerringly true.
When I started, in the 60s, there was no such thing as HR, just a swearbox.
A belated TWatO Watch #1
It is interesting that the BBC can mention the so-called ‘Climate Protests’ but not the extra CO2, NOX and other extra pollution caused by the demonstrators disrupting traffic flow.
The blind leading the blind, then the blind reporting on the blind being stupid. This will not end well.
Where are all these brainwashed collectivists going when they need to use the toilet? Are they all bringing a pooper scooper and taking it home with them?
The Jon & Katty tag team congratulate each other on wilfully misconstruing a turn of phrase.
Each other is about the only positive audience they have.
I just follow for the lolz, of which there are many, often, in their ‘reporting’.
I don’t read it that way at all.
But then again, I’m not a lefty cnut.
Then we have Jon Sopel and Katty Kay.
Oh bu**er, I’ve just ‘come out’ as a Beeboid!
What a pair of utter, total and irremediable idiots. And what’s worse is that WE pay their salaries.
Van Helsing
“And what’s worse is that WE pay their salaries.”
I don’t, why do you?
I don’t, Taffman. Not since a member of my household lost their sight.
I meant ‘we’ in the sense of the poor sods (in whose ranks I once stood and with whom I greatly empathise) who are expected to pay through the nose for the BBC’s biased, selective, factually challenged and just plain rubbish output.
Van Helsing
“They Rob from Poor to give to the Rich.”
I have been getting ‘love letters’ from them ever since I cut them off from my financial support . The more the merrier !
Lincoln cathedral : sudden news the female dean
and the male chancellor are both suddenly stepping down
“the two things are not connected”
Perhaps they might have been, at one time…
Can’t help but contrast the coverage on the beeb website of the Climate Protesters in London despite the “naughty” damage. Quoting nice “cosy” explanatory chats with very nice polite participants and lots of links to explainers”. Don’t remember any of this sort of thing being attempted during the TR demonstrations against a much more realistic and proven threat.
What odds will you give me on one or more of the organisers being ex-BBC or partner(s) of current BBC staff? Invariably the case when troublemakers are given the gentle treatment.
Hint: the odds would be quite short.
I searched that article in vain for the terms “lie” or “liar”. It seems there is no sanction these days for politicians who lie (hello Theresa, hello Yvette) but an un-PC phrase is a career-ender.
As ever I like to look at who these dingbat MPs actually are and yet again we find another doozy in Richard Burgon.
“Burgon studied English Literature at St John’s College, Cambridge, where he was chair of Cambridge University Labour Club. After working as a trade union lawyer, he was elected as the MP for Leeds East at the 2015 general election. He was appointed as Shadow Economic Secretary to the Treasury (City Minister) in September 2015 by new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Burgon was promoted to Shadow Justice Secretary in June 2016 following the organised mass resignations in protest against the leadership of Corbyn. ”
So he studies English Literature and then works as a lawyer without any other training? That simply doesn’t work, and I think he might have been a little ‘creative’ with his job description here, although we later learn that he did qualify as a solicitor in 2006, but there is no information as to where this was.
Although he stood as PPC in 2005 he was not elected until 2015, in a seat which would have elected Pol Pot if he’d stood for Labour.
Burgon was promoted very quickly and was shadow Economic Secretary to the Treasury, athough after a month in post he admitted he was still yet to meet anyone from the city of London’s finance and banking industry, nor could he predict the UK budget deficit for 2015.
Seems a duffer of Abbottesque proportions.
Nice research – thanks . I recall that this character was the type the Labour Party threw onto biased BBC politics programmes – a bit like the Labour version of the half wit Tory “gauke”.
Anyway – in normal times an MP – shadow front bencher – caught lieing this badly over such a subject – should / would be ‘toast’ as I think they say .
But look at the moral reference points of the political class . They are happy for a convicted criminal wearing a tracker to swing a vote of constitutional level and let it go .
So this dishonoured MP will carry on regardless and make an excellent Foreign Secretary in the new Communist Government.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.
On the BBC red button thingy…
“Unemployment across the UK shows slight fall”
“Unemployment fell by 27,000 in the three months to February.”
“The number of people in work was also virtually unchanged at a record high of 32.7 million with a jump of 179,000.”
-27,000 “slight”!
+179,000 “virtually unchanged”!
How good do things have to be before the Beeb acknowledges it?
Another channel said it’s the lowest unemployment numbers since they started to write them on tablets of stone .
With a fair number of full time too
Not good news for the BBC and ironically no benefit to the soon to be extinct Tory Party .
“Unemployment across UK shows slight fall”
Brexit gets a mention.
Note the Getty image they use to represent the majority of the people in the UK.
How hard is it to get a true representative photograph of the UK people?
There is a HYS running . Worth a peep.
Tusk says “all options remain on the table” – sounds familiar, I wonder who he has been speaking with.
If we ‘ crash in ‘ I wonder how long it will be before those remainer youngsters have to do ‘EU service ‘ in another EU region for a couple of years to speeds up ‘ integration ‘ . ?
How many remainer youngsters will be forced to do EU Military Service if we remain in the EU ?
“There will be trouble ahead” ……………”let’s face the music and dance”