Over to You – it’s Holy Week for Christians so the BBC will be making a special effort to come up with anti Christian ‘stories ‘ as there are some religions of which they approve and others not so much . The Godless can go on in their own happy way …
Start the Week Open Thread April 15 2019
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Maybe the guy in charge of the NYT has previous?
“Change UK party approved for European elections” Wunderbar!
How many Conservative MPs have been deselected yet ?
The Tory Party has failed the UK miserably and become The Useless Party .
All the more to vote for UKIP.
I have a feeling that the swamp rats are expecting us to burn out our anger on the EU elections and we’ll then docilely allow ourselves to be shepherded into slavery, either with Mrs Merkel’s withdrawal agreement or revoking article 50.
And Dancing Terry will be all over the MSM, especially the far-left bbc collective, interviews telling us she’s done what we wanted her to do.
So, the question is will she/ they manage to pull it off? And who will be there helping her to do so?
taffman, I checked t’other day to see what the field was in my Ward for the LA Elections on 2 May. No UKIP and obviously no Brexit Party.
I will express my views possibly/probably with a ‘None of these – I want a No Deal Brexit!’
I think the PM will try her hardest to force through her bad Deal before the deadline is reached for the EU Elections. Both Brexit and UKIP may have candidates available to me. If the PM’s Deal falls again in the House, we will be asked to vote again in mid-late October.
May and Corbyn are stuck in each of their very own ‘catch 22’ binds.
Both are holding metaphorical guns which they alternately point at each other then themselves.
The Soros Project Fear Grid is continuing to turn over –
Yesterday it was “ dangerous goods without EU protection “
Today it’s “Nancy pelosi says ‘no’
MSM will try to use the Notre Dame Fire for some kind of Anti Brexit pro French thing when in fact the French are often our enemies – remember the drive to steal jobs from London to Paris recently .
No Sell Out – No Deal .
As an aside
Watching Macron trying to be Blair – and it looks like he “doesn’t do God” either – as Blair’s mentally disturbed mouthpiece once said ….
And Blair being a convert to RC – we ll be seeing him in Paris soon . Betcha .
As I understand it, in France, the state has responsibility for the upkeep of churches. So it would appear French taxpayers will have to foot the bill, although it seems donations are flooding in from citizens in other countries.
Now, Pope Francis has got in on the act, naturally, but I haven’t yet heard him offer to contribute towards the cost of restoration. So, he can’t be that concerned, which is a shame because the Vatican could probably afford to pay the full cost of the work. But I think the Vatican loves money too much to give it away, even for a Roman Catholic cathedral.
Fed, as you probably realise I am no fan of ‘the Roman Church’ and could see it being very much in league with the EU as part of Daniel Chapter 7 and the Fourth Beast. Controversial stuff. Learned scholars hold that view, including Tony Pearce who I think I mentioned or linked to a week or two back.
In view of Brexit & the sad fire at Notre Dame, I cannot help wondering whether God was having a bit of a say, a quiet word as it were, on the state of both Macron and the EU.
Just a little warning with some warming. Reminds me of an old spiritual ‘God gave Noah …’
Funny thing, fire is mentioned in Daniel 7.
Yes I recall your view about the RC . I’m fascinated about the MSM have a fixation on the building but not on what it represents .
The BBC is going full Grenfell on it but thank ‘ god’ no mention of Cladding . And as I wrote earlier in this thread they are ( unusually ) not talking about Blame – which is the usual BBC stance .
My memory was jogged by my own parish church which was burnt down some 25 years ago . I watched it burn I received most of the sacraments there and was attached to the local school .
Two kids were arrested for the arson . Islam was not an ingredient then as now . They could t prove the arson and the church had been rebuilt . It’s like a fireproof modern bunker now .
Fed, was that in Walthamstow? Wood Lane?
Yes that’s about right …
Fed, ahah! Have been inside there since the restoration. Interesting that it now has a baptistry that permits baptism by full immersion. Very non-conformist. 😉
Listened to Cardinal Vincent Nichols in interview on R4. Thought maybe he’s ‘been converted’. He mentioned Jesus a lot and the Holy Spirit, too.
People can be changed by God. God has His people in the RC church, too.
I like this guy.
Extinction Rebellion, the far-left have a knack of inventing protest movements. And they have an impressive talent for giving them a catchy name. Until only a few weeks ago I’d never heard of this lot and now they’re all over the MSM. They must be populated by the usual collectivist suspects, who always have time on their hands and nothing better to do than cause trouble to normal people, peacefully going about their lives.
The swamp rats in the MSM never expose these far-left troublemakers for who and what they are but rather they give them lots of publicity thereby helping to give them some degree of legitimacy.
Nice to see the BBC is staying scrupulously impartial, as ever.
“Police have cleared off, @BBCNews did a live broadcast”
London sounds nice.
What do Islamics have to say about Climate Change?
I’ve yet to see their support. Perhaps they don’t believe in it?
They’ll be hating gays next…
Dover Sentry
‘They’ll be hating gays next’.
Oh no they won’t. Islamics and LBGT’s should stand together and fight their oppressors, says Grand Mufti Owen Jones..
They used to say there’s an app for that, but now – there’s a fatwah for that !
Muslims have decided that the world was created by Allah and he will take care of it regardless of what they do, which is why none of them takes any notice of any eco nonsense, nor unfortunately do they bother to recycle.
Oh my, you gotta hand it to Corbyn – Vote for me and I’ll ban all Primary schools testing.
Brilliant! It butters up the dear teachers (who recently suggested having Friday afternoons off) AND makes it hard to see how literacy and numeracy further bombs under a Labour Government.
Of course he’s thinking of the poor children who get stressed but mainly the Teachers who get even more stressed. Yes, maybe the inner city schools where they have to cope with a dozen native languages.
Sorry, if this were nurses, home care workers, police etc., I might have some sympathy.
Announced today. Inward investment in the UK tops America for the first time. Plus the lowest unemployment since records began.
Will this disastrous fall-out from Brexit never end ?
gaxvil, yes the Beeb keep trotting that one out: ‘the lowest unemployment since records began.’.
Unfortunately it is completely untrue.
The UK had unemployment records going way back. IIRC, they were lower than at present – currently best since mid-70s – in the mid-1960s.
Ah I found where the BBC moved its five public purposes statement to
So the BBC still does ‘comedy ‘ then – ? What a joke ….
BBC have done an advert news story for the TIG Super-Traitors Party
Open comments as well
FFS we asked for a big CHANGE ..they do everything to stop this CHANGE
..and what do they call their party ? ? CHANGE
Typical libmob tactic of ambush-naming
How come that page has HYS
yet it’s not listed on the BBC HYS page ?
BTW there’s a BBC Scotland HYS : Is there time for another Brexit vote?
I followed Blackford’s advice – the right honourable member for Greggs stated that if I didn’t vote SNP, then I would get a ‘hard tory brexit’
Last time I believe that cnut.
Easy to see why she is a BBC go-to gal.
I need to go to sleep, but after laughing so hard it may take a while.
via Andrew Bolt
\\ There is no doubt that a mob mentality has taken hold in much of the West,
and among the most pronounced of the mobs are illiberal liberals who are roaming the landscape in the seemingly endless,
insatiable quest for indignation and umbrage.
It is vituperation* as virtue. //
* bitter and abusive language
I liked his comment:
“So here we are on the cusp of truly extraordinary developments in artificial intelligence and yet, collectively, our shared level of emotional intelligence is plumbing the depths.”
I feel this, too and really see this as mankind’s last attempt before AI takes over completely.
The Left shouting down free speech is so commonplace now as to normally receive little attention. This case might change things a little. I’m intrigued that even Guido’s sidebar contains a link to Watts Up about it.
WATCH: Gideon Rozner on the unfair dismissal case Marine Scientist Professor Peter Ridd has just won against James Cook University. On the Bolt Report, Sky News Australia.
Conspiracy theories like this are not helpful. This is clearly a man wearing a white hard hat and a hi vis jacket. We know that there were people inspecting the roof for fire after alarms were triggered and we know that the fire spread very quickly.
What does it matter who it is? Is there some suggestion that this man set Notre Dame on fire? If so it’s a pretty crackpot theory. It’s not the first time negligent builders working on a roof have set a building on fire, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Perhaps it might be better to take a look at the young lad the French gave the contract to?
Send your activist story in to the BBC
and they will cutNpaste it as a newsstory
Surrey earthquakes: Is oil drilling causing tremors?
By William McLennan 15 April 2019
\\ the “Surrey earthquakes” story on the BBC, you beat me to it. It’s part of an organised campaign by protestors, though they’re getting clever at it, and the MSM is aiding and abetting.
I googled Lynette von Kaufmann,
“who lives less than a mile from the source of the tremors in Newdigate” and loads of articles come up in pretty much the same language as the BBC piece – so as usual this is not a news story, but a PR press release has been uncritically taken up by the media.
The same stories have appeared on the internet going back at least until last July, and the same names keep appearing. //
Missing from the Beeb a story from the Express re a recent new citizen in Italy who tried to burn a coach load of schoolchildren to death.
Unbelievable that an official stated “no-one was killed and no kids were tied!
What does it take?