Can someone tell Jon Snow at that other impartial news organisation, Channel 4, that i’ve never seen so many white faces in one place as outside Notre dam cathedral last night.
They going to call to my home unannounced Morning or Evening ?
“An officer will interview me under caution in accordance with national criminal law .”
“Anything I say to the Officer may be used as evidence in court . ”
Book em Danno !
Today watch and it isn’t even 7.30 on Wednesday. Justin had an item about how wonderful Macron is reacting to the Norte Dame fire, how he even cancelled his broadcast where he was going to outline his response to the gilets jaune. Had the BBC not been in love with Macron they would have said he was using the crisis for his own agenda.
After a couple of minutes of this adoration of Macron, I switched off.
Jon swallows the Ecuadorian president’s tale whole.
I spoke to Ecuadorian President @Lenin Moreno about why they revoked the asylum of #JulianAssange. The president gave pretty shocking details about how the #WikiLeaks leader exhausted their tolerance…
PJW focuses on the role of Buzzfeed, a leading supplier of fake news to the likes of the BBC and CNN. The BBC and Buzzfeed have co-operated together on numerous occasions (e.g. In 2014, a report by Howard Stringer (Merton College Oxford, non-executive director at the BBC, personal wealth estimated at $90 million) recommended that ‘the BBC should be more like Buzzfeed’, which they enthusiastically lapped up (see The tragic consequences can be seen every day on the front page of the BBC ‘news’ website.
Social media platforms ‘failed to counter Notre Dame fire conspiracies’
Algorithms did not prevent spread of misinformation about fire, say critics
… misinformation about the fire from raging on the video-sharing site and elsewhere. One video of the flames, with 36,000 views, has had the audio edited to suggest that Islamic observers were crying “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”), in celebration. Another zooms in on a figure apparently wearing a hi-vis vest and hard hat, captioning it as a “Muslim at Notre Dame”.
I know. Sorry.
This Frenchman summarises what is happening to Christians and Christian churches in France and just as in England, where it’s also happening, it goes under-reported if not unreported:
j-i-c, I agree. Think I’ve only been inside Notre Dame on the one occasion, perhaps two, but I have always thought that it was a spiritually gloomy place, even from outside. Inside, even more so.
Sacre Coeur obviously has a geographical advantage, on a hill, but the stone colour and the play of light outside and inside, gave it a whole different spiritual resonance as far as I was concerned.
Once in Sacre Coeur on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. I am not a Christian but was perhaps one of the most spiritual and memorable moments in my life, although nothing to make me change my faith.
Deborah, yes, I understand how you felt. I’m not catholic, but I remember many years ago being overcome with emotion when I walked up an ordinary street to be met with the sight of the Vatican before me. Just one of life’s defining moments we never forget.
In the days of her affliction and wandering
Jerusalem remembers all the treasures
that were hers in days of old.
When her people fell into enemy hands,
there was no one to help her.
Her enemies looked at her
and laughed at her destruction.
A campaigner against Light Pollution (CPRE) came on to say that people around Britain were having trouble seeing stars. The Humph (I think) came up with a helpful leading question (Rumpole would not approve) that “Of course it is impossible in London?”.
The campaigner agreed.
That is an untrue statement. You can see a whole panoply of stars in London, even with all the street and other lighting, but it does require a clear sky. In December 2002, I remember being brought to a complete halt during a walk to the supermarket. I was on a bridge over a railway line and could see not just stars but galaxies as well.
It was a near 360° horizontal view, trees permitting. Breathtaking.
I guess that the cold winter air (cannot remember if it had also been ‘cleaned’ by rain) was insufficient to drive the usual London dust up into the sky to impair the view. It’s not unknown in summer but, I guess, less common.
Not BBC but sadly from the same PC public sector loving swamp.
The Youth Hostels Association in the last 2-3 years have introduced photo ID checks for residents. In my thirty years membership I’ve never actually heard or seen instances of harrassment, grooming or active paedos but I imagine some jobsworth at HQ decided there was a faint possibility and uttered the word ‘safeguarding’, so we are all now presumed potential offenders.
The point I want to make is the discriminatory nature of the acceptable ID.
Passports, driving licences, even bus passes (irony), well OK.
But what is also accepted is a string of ID from public sector institutions. Police, Fire, Ambulance, NHS, or University student identity card.
Nothing from the private sector is allowed. And ironically entry can be refused if no ID is shown. So in the interests of ‘safeguarding’ you can be thrown out onto the street with nowhere to sleep without warning if you don’t bring acceptable ID (the rules for which are hidden deep down in the terms and conditions).
Public sector and charities. Where self preservation is more important than service to the public and where the words ‘Common Sense’ have no meaning.
I tuned into Toady about 0807 this morning to arrive midway in a discussion over Notre Dame. John Humphrys was (c/w his cynical tone) interviewing some foreign Archbishop. It was a two-sided interview in that the Archibish didn’t (or couldn’t) understand the BBC’s agenda on the issue and he, the Archibish, went on to reply as honestly as he could. I distinctly heard Humphrys articulate his ‘Thought Crime’. Viz.
He asked the Archibish in the context of the amount of money likely to be spent on rebuilding, “Surely you dont need an expensive building within which to pray?” Wow! A wider question worthy of being directed to a Grand Iman and the Saudi Government. (Ha, ha)
You need at least a superficial understanding of BBC language to fully appreciate Humphrys’ ‘crime’. It starts with a ‘Cathy Newman’: ‘What John was actually saying is’, western religions don’t need expensive buildings within which to pray whereas, islam does. Hence the very expensive and elaborate mosques continually appearing throughout Europe and a Nick Robinson: “Some people say”, financed by foreign governments whose aims are not benign.
I suppose Archibish could have replied: ‘Mosques are different in that the congregation remove their shoes and without a building would otherwise get cold feet’.
Here’s hoping that some islamic zealot tuned into Toady took offence at Humphrys articulated implied ‘Thought Crime’ and reports the BBC to the muslim council…………
I’ve avoided Toady during the Notre Dame days as I knew I’d get upset sooner or later by the Godless just concentrating on the ‘historic building ‘.
A beeboid would be bound to ask why waste billion euros on an old building when you can waste it on other things like state TV channels ..
As well as the ‘why arnt we doing more to help ?’ Routine …… let the French pay for their national monument and if they want to buy help from the UK they can pay for it.
The BBC will distract from Brexit as much and as long as possible – like the stages of Grief – and get to “acceptance( of remaining ) “ as quick as they can .
Plenty of anti UKIP /Farage stories on the way …..
Smoking, using mobile phones, vandalizing, hurting their fellow man and enjoying ALL the things our modern Western (polluting) society offers.
Way to go – reckon not.
I work right there so I can tell you that in between the yellow and green banners there were a lot of them in sleeping bags on the road. One of them woke up and popped her head out of her sleeping bag just as I was negotiating the crossing at 07:00 this morning. A strange bunch, it’s almost like anarchy done by the WI.
OT, but having attracted a media who love a protest and especially an eco one, they seem to have sent the one under 50yo to speak for them.
Campaign coordinator for Extinction Rebellion Robin Boardman tells @adamboultonSKY air travel should only be used in emergencies in order to become carbon zero by 2025
Stick a suit and tie on a loon and he is still a loon .- but doing the green thing is probably a good way of getting a girl/boy friend …. ( naughty fedup2 )..
Maybe this zero carbon nonsense will initiate the much heralded food shortages “due to Brexit”? What do they class as an emergency? Their own travel needs?
Must remind those warm earth people that that friendsahip bangle on his left wrist and the millions of similar bangels which the “mother earth” worshipers have a fetish for wearing half way up to their flippin shoulders (even Sopel wears them these days) must be terrible scar on “mother earths” landscape?!
Ignorance and anti-Catholic bias at the BBC: a former employee writes
“The rot at the BBC, in respect of the way in which it reports stories which have to do with the Christian faith, set in, I think, many years ago. It matters because it has now reached the stage where even the slaughter and persecution of Christians worldwide, from Nigeria to China, goes woefully under-reported.”
What do you expect with children of wealthy parents who have just arrived from daddy’s shoot/estate/horse ranch etc etc must have really exhausting for the poor dears therefor must sleep all day then only when darkness falls (of, course, after going to the ATM – using daddys/mummys cash to buy themselves their 3 times a day weed addiction.
I have heard that weed can make one believe that “mother earth” is calling them to go to the ATM machine again.
‘The Airbus A380 “superjumbo” operated by Emirates landed safely at Glasgow Airport on Tuesday evening.
Hundreds of spectators turned up to watch the giant aircraft arrive.
More than £8m has been spent to prepare Glasgow for the arrival of the jet.’
Arrived ‘safely’? This isn’t the Wright brothers landing an aircraft made from a sixpence and a piece of string! But worse, check out the language on the expenditure. It’s not £8 million spent to facilitate the regular service but for the ‘arrival’ of the aircraft. Almost as if it was a comment on a one-off.
Ah, the A380: a commercial failure, whose $25 billion investment will never be recovered. In a WTO ruling last year, was found to have benefited from improper subsidies worth billions. Already discontinued, with production due to end in 2021. The very best of European co-operation.
If this had been one of the maiden flights in 2005, the event might have been newsworthy. But in 2019, looks like some sort of agenda.
It’s quite possible that the fire at Notre Dame was indeed an accident.
But a few things strike me as odd, and – accident or arson – are indicative of the attitudes of the msm, the beeb, and the ‘authorities’.
1) The speed with which the French authorities declared the fire to be an accident (while it was still blazing and clearly much too early to identify the causes.)
2) Their assertion that there were no workers on site. (The first reports were around 6pm, the fire could have been smouldering for quite some time undetected before then, when there would have been workers on site. Furthermore a huge building site of that magnitude would be full of contractors and sun-contractors, builders, scaffolders, supervisors, surveyors, etc. How could they be so sure so quickly that none were on site?)
3) An early report in Le Monde made reference to the multitude of other acts of arson, vandalism, desecration and – sorry of you’re eating – defecation in French churches in recent months. This was quickly removed. (Phone call to the editor from above?)
4) No reference in the msm to the above mentioned arson and terror attacks against French (and German) churches in recent months – including an arson attack on Saint Sulpice, another iconic church in Paris, barely a month ago.
5) An early tweet from an American journo (Time) that he had inside information that it was a deliberate attack. This too was quickly removed (Another phone call from above?)
It’s almost as if the authorities, and the msm, starting with al beeb, were determined to clamp down on any off-messgae speculation, or uncomfortable questions.
This is nowhere truer than our very own dearly be-hated beeb.
Normally a big story like this would have lots of links to other similar stories. So a big fire in perhaps the most important and iconic church in France could be expected to link to other recent fires in churches. Yet in this case, not a single one.
One of the problems, vlad, where there is work like this going on is modern materials and electric tools. IIRC, electric sanders – esp. those with little vacuum bags that collect dust – now carry warnings when used with composite boards, esp. MDF. In an enclosed space, IIRC, it is possible for MDF dust concentration to explode, perhaps with help of an overheated sander or drill nearby.
Breakfast News featured a discussion about faithfully using the same construction in the restoration. I wasn’t mentioned if this quest for authenticity were to extend to power tools.
Believe it or not studio then commented on the nice helmet the OB reporter was wearing. I thought this perfectly summed up what to expect from Breakfast News.
Nationwide used to do this thing where regional input had to be entertaining like a man jumping on an egg.
I don’t know where people are getting these bullshit conspiracy theories from and why they are so desperate to believe them.
“It comes as it was reported officials attending the Notre Dame blaze initially couldn’t find any sign of fire despite the alarm being raised 23 minutes before the structure went up in flames.
Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the world-famous cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire after a fire alarm was triggered.
But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.
Firefighters remained inside Notre Dame until a second alarm went off at 6.43pm and eventually discovered a fire in the network of wooden beams under the cathedral’s roof – but were unable to put it out.”
Sorry but the assertion that this might have been a Jihadist attack does you no favours at all, and destroys any credibility those on the right might have. It’s not the first time that negligent workers on restoration projects have ignited ancient buildings and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
A fire that the authorites are aware of but cannot find is clearly not the work of an arsonist. Professional fire officers were on the scene well before the fire became obvious. If they couldn’t find it then how could an arsonist have set it?
Or maybe the latest bullshit whackjob conspiracy theory is Islamic Jihadist Pompiers and Sappeurs ?
I think it valid to ask questions when folk pre judge and broadcast ahead of weeks of forensic examination.
I suppose ‘they’ didn’t want damaging speculation. Best if ‘they’ shut up. I realise Social Media will do its own thing. This doesn’t mean the State (taxpayer) funded flagship broadcaster has to follow ‘likes’.
There are situations where all the events leading up to an incident are known and there isn’t any need for further investigation.
Unless the crackpots are suggesting the RoPpers have discovered hidden fire which is undetectable until it suddenly takes hold then it isn’t them – because it can’t possibly be.
It is essential to question and speculate upon the narrative being pushed by MSM.
There isn’t a conspiracy theory, rather an alternative narrative that has been constructed which chooses to include an essential piece of evidence: that hundreds of similar attacks have happened in France recently.
If this were a murder case and your main suspect has a recent history of attacks against the victim as well as a documented desire to murder the victim, it would be foolish to assume an accidental death.
The latest ‘bullshit whackjob conspiracy theory’ is that the BBC are biased in their filtered reporting of the fire. Here’s some more:
– Could have been done by the French themselves
– Could have been done by a Muslim who was caught but hasn’t been announced
– Could of been an accident
– Could of been some other unknown party.
“Sorry but the assertion that this might have been a Jihadist attack does you no favours at all, and destroys any credibility those on the right might have.”
Credibility with whom?
We are dealing with an enemy whose only standards are double.
Who has abandoned logic and reason for blind hatred.
Who doesn’t give a damn how erudite, fair-minded or truthful we are.
We must stop worrying about how we appear to an enemy who has an opposite moral code to our own.
One who wants only our destruction.
Credibility with the devil is nothing to aspire to. There is no sense in trying to win arguments or claim moral high ground anymore. We will be dismissed no matter how good, honest or brilliant we are. We are in a type of war whether we want to be or not.
You are talking about the leftists here? Because all they will do is dismiss you as a 9/11 conspiracy nut, and the next time when there is a genuine case they will remind people of this and no one will believe you.
Aside from ‘enemies’ you appear to have forgotten there’s a whole world out there of middle ground people wanting to know, and allowing the BBC and MSM to supply false information to them. They need it in quick easy to understand soundbite. What you are doing here is supplying the enemy the amunition to defeat you.
Win the battle and lose the war is never a good strategy in my opinion, and in this case I believe negligence is the case and absolutely no other can be credible.
Thoughtful, did I not hear on BBC R4 a priest who was holding a service (Vespers? Evensong? if there is such a thing in RC church) in ND at around 6-6.30pm. They heard the first alarm but the check was made. They started the service but then realised something was wrong as the alarm sounded for the second time.
As to cause, a competent Inspector should be able to ascertain it. Am happy to wait for the report.
The French pompiers (fire brigade) had responded but could not find the cause and probably assumed it was a false alarm, they were still in attendance when it tripped a second alarm and they then found the fire but were unable to extinguish it.
Although I believe Muslims can and do attack churches, and can and do commit arson, this screams that it was not an arson attack.
1) There are renovations taking place and these kind of negligent fires are far more common than they should be.
2) The fire started around an hour after work finished ( or at least became apparant then.
3) The delay time between a detector being triggered and the fire taking hold is too long for an arson attack which always use an accelerant of some kind.
4) People were all over that building all day, the chances of an intruder getting on the roof are pretty slim.
5) Fire detectors can be incredibly sensitive to infra red smoke, and various gasses which are not visible to the naked eye.
6) have you seen the kid in charge of this operation? Julien Le Bras (32) Various officials have suggested the fire could have been linked to the renovation work.
Oh dear….you sound like a demented lefist. Clearly it takes weeks to determine whether it was arson or not. The fact the authorities declared it to be an accident so quickly is a clear indication they are willing to cover this up. Just as any jihadi who randomly attacks someone is automatically deemed to be mentally ill. Of course when Joe Cox was killled there is never any indication the killer was mentally ill, he was just a far-right Brexiteer. You scum sicken me.
I agree that it is certainly possible that this was arson and if so the culprits are very likely to be RoPers. I certainly have zero trust in anything the French, German or British governments and MSM say. But one point is beginning to make me think that it isn’t an Islamic attack and that is I’m sure that they would have been claiming this spectacular on the internet and the governments wouldn’t be able to suppress the news. Mind you as far as I know none of the other attacks on churches have been claimed even the one on StSulpice which is the second church in a Paris and as such would have warranted a claim. We know this was an Islamic attack because a Pakistani is being tried for it. So perhaps the authorities are even better at censoring the net than we thought.
Either the May-Corbyn Coalition is beavering away on the QT or since they’re all so exhausted they’ve just let it go.
As they say governments simply get tired, stale and have a finite life. By natural processes we are about due for a change of party and Corbyn thinks he just has to bide his time. To now they’ve enjoyed such a cosy relationship – Tories a couple of terms, Labour a couple of terms, Tories a couple of terms and so on.
Either the May-Corbyn Coalition is beavering away on the QT or since they’re all so exhausted they’ve just let it go.
As they say governments simply get tired, stale and have a finite life. By natural processes we are about due for a change of party and Corbyn thinks he just has to bide his time. To now they’ve enjoyed such a cosy relationship – Tories a couple of terms, Labour a couple of terms, Tories a couple of terms and so on.
Today we are being told that “even just two rashers of bacon can lead to bowel cancer.”
Apparently there is an increased risk even when only eating a small amount (within NHS guidelines even) of bacon, ham or red meat. I note the emphasis in the headlines was on bacon.
Is this a genuine concern for my health or is it agenda driven?
Who are the so called “scientists” pushing the pig alarmism?
It’s the dumbasses at Oxford University. Rather than educate students, they prefer to waste their time on studying how they can inconvenience and frighten us, and impose bans on everything we get pleasure from. Having done that, another sutdy will tell us that it is all OK, after all.
Scaremongering. They want us all to become vegans.
I listen to Classic FM, and at the moment it is choc full of eco-greenie based rubbish – the news, then the incessant advert for “smart” meters, now being preached at us with the voices of children, who of course know all about climate change, and how we can save the planet.
The planet only needs saving from the eco-lunacy we’re stuck with, at the moment.
Regarding the “smart” meters. I was reading something on an energy supplier website which stated that these “could” save you money by helping you to use energy at “cheaper times”.
As far as I was aware most properties no longer have the old economy 7 white meters and most supplier tariffs are based on a single rate. So my take on this is that it confirms my long held suspicions that “smart meters” are just another way for the energy companies to rob us blind. It is clearly their intention, once every household has a “smart meter”, to increase tariffs at peak times, because let’s face it, they are not going to reduce tariffs for off peak times such as night times. In any case I can’t imagine my neighbours being very please we’re I to do my laundry on a night whilst they were trying to sleep!
In which case you may be interested to see a reply I got when I challenged an advert which appeared on my Twitter timeline.
installed will soon be enrolled into the new secure smart data network 'over the air' without needing a visit from an installer. This process is due to start in summer of this year.These smart meters will then be able to deliver all the benefits of smart, with any supplier. (2/2)
Retire and tint your hair like your grand daughters hair then your an ex-hippy; even though you still have no idea what “Woodstock” or the “Vietnam war” was about.
Fall away from the Christian faith then you can automatically out-think God Himself.
They failed to say how much the risk increased
and the normal background level.
and the severity.
When you dig ..”a burger per day , increases your risk by 20%”
so a person who got it would still have got it 80% of the time even if they’d given up bacon.
International call for architects to design a new Notre Dame Spire.
The word ‘International’ gives it away. They are planning an Islamic design so that it can represent interfaithness, which means Islam.
If I were a conspiracy theorist I would suggest the fire was caused to provide an opportunity for a new symbol to represent the state of Eurabia – Inshallah
Here’s a typical example of what to expect for the new Notre Dame tower.
Beef is bad because cows fart, now bacon is bad because it gives you cancer.
Lamb, do I hear lamb, anyone ?
A very good reason then for taking back our fishing – argue that one if you can.
And so no cow milk, we switch to soya milk? Takes an awful lot of water to grow soya …………….err ?
We can have a couple of farm animals in zoos and the fields can be covered with massive factories producing Quorn – brilliant !
Lamb is halal if it comes from New Zealand who authorized all their meat production to halal in order to meet Moslem requirements. This has been enforced since the 1970s.
I do notice that younger people (which in my case means quite a lot of people) seem to have difficulty processing any music which departs from the usual solo-singer-with-backing-group format. They seem to find it disturbing in some strange way to the extent that they can barely be in the same room with it, especially if it is more than three minutes long and appears even moderately complex. With so little instrumental music in the pop field these days, and the obsession with celebrity/image above virtually anything else, I suppose this is not surprising.
Film music seems to fare slightly better, perhaps because it gives them a context to place the music in.
At school they no longer do, Peter and the Wolf, the Planets, Carnival of the Animals etc.. They do, Chinese music, African drumming and weird efnik stuff.
An MEP who attacked the prospect of Brexit in the run up to the referendum and has since vowed to push for a “soft” exit and Single Market membership has apparently been selected as a lead candidate for the party.
Sajjid Karim has today claimed that he will be the number one candidate on the Conservative list for the North West of England in the European Elections.
“Farage’s Brexit Party Set To Smash Euro Elections” (You Gov Poll).
“Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is polling on 27%, nearly double the vote share of the Conservative Party. The 12% jump is sending a shockwave around Westminster…”
IF Brexit & UKIP could clean up at the EU Elections it might – just – see off the threat of a second referendum. The country and the rEU would then have five months to make sure a No Deal Brexit went as smoothly as possible and the Conservative Party could get themselves a new leader.
All the ‘experts’ and career politicians clearly could not conceive of such an event. Stupid, arrogant or bbc believers which would make them stupid and arrogant.
If Mrs Chamberlain can jump into bed with Cor Bin, I am pretty sure that The Brexit Party can coalesce with UKIP to achieve the ‘End Game’ . It will rock Al Beeb and the establishment of undemocratic tricksters – The House of Comedians
In Europe things are heating up with the likes of Le Penn and Salvini.
Germany has to hold onto it’s empire though so look out.
For them D-Day has happened and the Russians are advancing.
But the BBC is ‘getting it just about right’ so it must be the viewers that are wrong.
Rather like our MPs are ‘getting it just about right’ so it must be the voters that are wrong.
Time to replace the viewers and voters. Somehow I think the preferred replacements will be even less keen on the programmes and policies than the old and stale lot that they hold in such distain.
“House price growth at six-year low”
\\The Bank of England has said that economic outlook would continue to depend “significantly on the nature and timing of EU withdrawal”.//
Does anyone believe The Bank of England any more, ever since it has been run by Tommy Cooper ?
Low house prices will enable the kids to afford to buy one .
The European elections are nearly upon us. I am certainly voting for a pro Brexit Eurosceptic party but which one? Nigel’s Brexit Party or Gerald’s UKIP? Both will make a good fist of disrupting the European Parliament and I’m looking for advice as to which to choose.
I note that Nigel has moved himself and his new party onto a platform of fighting for democracy, draining the swamp, making parliament deliver on manifesto policies , quite a Trumpian ring. Except he makes little or no mention of immigration. Previously he has said repeatedly that we should control migration and only accept the migrants that we need but that also that we ought to be open to the world . Can’t help thinking that we will get more third worlders as a result. Personally , if we really do need migrants I would be much happier with Europeans than third worlders. Probably a UKIP win in this issue.
Gerald makes no bones about his concern re Islamification, a concern I certainly share. But I expect that this will be used against UKIP and cost them a lot of votes but this doesn’t matter so much in PR elections. So in terms of giving the Remainers a bloody nose Nigel will land the heavier blow by virtue of winning more votes and more seats.
Will Nigel’s party sit with those of the likes of Salvini and Le Penn ? I suspect not which is a great pity because if Brussels is going to be stopped in its United States of Europe mission its those two who are going to do it. Batten certainly will sit with them and this may lead to proper control of Europe’s borders. So UKIP win on that issue.
Anyone care to post their thoughts.
The momentum for the Euro’s looks to be with TBP, many voters have been brain-washed into thinking UKIP is far right and wont vote for them. Personally I would choose to swing behind the candidate most likely to win; at this point Brexit is the only issue and both parties are ok for that.
Doublethinker i have been thinking about this the same as you and have come to the conclusion that the Brexit party is more electable. In my heart I would vote for UKIP but I’m afraid the party cannot withstand all the flak thrown at it by MSM and Joe public takes this in whether we like it or not.
In the last election in Yorkshire. UKIP got three MEP’s with 31%, Labour got two MEP’s with 29% and the Tories got one MEP with 19%.
The Brexit Party are on 27% and UKIP are on 7%. So UKIP have less than half that needed to get one MEP in Yorkshire. The Green Party got 8% and no MEP’s in Yorkshire, with the minimum threshold being 10%. So I will be voting for the Brexit Party, hoping they will get at least three MEP’s.
For me UKIP is a political party with a range of policies while the Brexit Party is a single issue campaign group totally dependent on the campaigning expertise of one man. In addition, many of the problems UKIP has faced seem to have been the result of Nigel’s lack of planning while he was leading it. If I was looking to make a protest vote at the European election I’d go with the Brexit Party, but I’m wanting a lot more than that, so I favour UKIP.
And for those of us who have had enough of BBC bias UKIP campaigns for the abolition of the TV tax.
I would never vote for Farage after his outrageous comments about Tommy Robinson and his followers. He has constantly failed to stand up to Islam. This is the biggest threat to the UK. May’s illegitimate government signed up to the Global pact for the immediate Islamisation of Britain in December 2018 and there was barely a word about the ramifications. Farage has remained silent on the issue. He is controlled opposition and he will split the centre right vote ensuring we get a marxist government next time around.
But it’s one thing to get most votes in the PR European elections but quite another to win lots of Westminster seats under FPTP. UKIP exemplified this brilliantly last time round. Unfortunately getting us out of the EU will be aWestminster operation in which both TBP and UKIP will, I’m afraid, not have enough seats to out vote Remain Lib Lab Con. So I think that we aren’t leaving anytime soon. Therefore better to make common cause with other eurosceptics and try to roll the eu back to being a free trade area of independent sovereign states.
Farage has an open invitation to the Le Penn, Salvini, Poland, Hungary group. UKIP has been rather accident prone since he left and you just know the Lefty media will tear UKIP a new one.
And then consider that Italy is bankrupt, the EU has massive unemployment and immigration issues so they ‘re not going to let cash cow UK go without a fight. Reckon maybe Germany might wish it’d built it’s army up like in say, 1939.
BTW I do like, “undemocratic tricksters” – concise and not profane.
Online MSM rags, Express, Mail, Telegraph and Independent, all plugging Mr Farage and his Brexit party.
Not a word about Mr Batten and UKIP.
I smell a rat.
From what I can see the Brexit Party is not built to last. It is a one man band and that one man seems to swing between brilliance and disaster. Farage has foot in mouth disease and while he may campaign well the closer it gets to election day he tends to go off the rails. As the Euro elections are so near he should be able to manage it this time.
I’ll expect a good many vote for him next month but after that?
Should the Brexit Party continue beyond gimmick stage how will it deal with the unfolding scenario? It’s going to need a proper structure with members voting for policies! Not quite what Nigel likes. And he doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes.
Ukip is better structured and much more likely to be around in a years time. It is in much better shape than when Farage had finished with it.
And of course the ongoing problem of mass immigration has to be tackled. The fact that the Brexit Party is avoiding it now may prove to be a good tactic for the time being but can a party of hand chosen celebrities coalesce into a functioning force? I very much doubt it.
Times : Open Sewers and rats discovered at illegal schools
.. what you mean Green Schools, Ukip schools ?
Digs deep into article
“faith schools” ..ah you mean Chrisian or Jewish schools etc ?
digs further “case study : Al-Istiqamah Learning Centre”, Southall
The most vulnerable children are being packed off to illegal schools with shoddy teaching standards and appalling conditions. Make no mistake. We are failing these kids and stealing their futures.
IET Young Woman Engineer of Year Award advertising, 25% white, 25% black, 25% East European(?), 25% covered up in black.
Wot no ‘transgendered’? How many are Christian, how many Jews? The RoP has certainly managed to get the unbelievers to pick up on their branding, no need to promote when your competitors are doing it for you.
I’ve just stumbled upon the Government’s booklet distributed just before the Referendum in 2016. Interesting to read its contents post-Referendum. It talks of, “….we control our own borders which gives us the right to check everyone, including EU nationals,…….”. Well yes, “check” but no more than that……..’down to the tens of thousands……’. I see where George Osborne’s threat of increased cost of goods and, “…damage to living standards…..’ came from. And that’s just, “If the UK voted to leave the EU”. Well well. Perhaps the best one of the items of deceit is, “Voting to leave the EU would create years of uncertainty …..this would reduce investment and cost jobs” and, “The Government judges it could result in 10 years or more of uncertainty……”. Well, we are certainly heading that way, thanks only to our MP’s so, 3.5 years down, 6.5 years to go eh Treason May et al?
And Man City will still be top of the Prem.
but on the upside – only 12 years of not paying the TV Licence Tax …
And technically Brexiters will have won ….
Much sanctimonious finger wagging at the slightest hint of questioning the official version that Notre Dame was an accident. And of course calls for social media to censor politically incorrect questions and comments. Even on this blog there has been outrage by some that anyone would dare to think it could have been anything but an accident.
But let’s do a little thought experiment: Imagine a mosque had mysteriously caught fire in an area of persistent and violent islamophobia. An area where there had been frequent attacks on muslims and mosques, shootings, knifings, imam beheadings, car-rammings, lorry rammings, desecrations and arson attacks etc etc.
A sort of Christchurch multiplied by x100. By a X1,000.
Then imagine a major mosque caught fire, just weeks after another arson on another mosque nearby.
Do you think there wouldn’t be a huge amount of speculation and questions as to whether this might be another arson? Do you think the beeb wouldn’t send their best journos out to shove their mics in the faces of officials and scream: was this another case of islamophobia? Of course they would, and they’d be applauded for it by the same people wringing their hands in anguish over Notre Dame speculation.
And btw, the smiley face reactions to the fire on Twitter by all those Muhammed’s and Ali’s is NOT fake news.
What does that mean?
What is the relevance to the destruction of Notre Dame
Are you suggesting that because there was a fire in a mosque guard house then the cathedral fire was an ‘ accident ‘?
No doubt there is a list of RC churches and priests attacked in France .
Remaining open minded about the cause of that fire is not a conspiracy theory – and with islamists track record – and the unfortunate survival of Isis vermin – it is possible that it was a revenge attack – as promised .
“Imagine a mosque had mysteriously caught fire in an area of persistent and violent islamophobia. An area where there had been frequent attacks on muslims and mosques, shootings, knifings, imam beheadings, car-rammings, lorry rammings, desecrations and arson attacks etc etc.”
Is what you typed.
There have been several mosque fires and the Al Aqsa area has been exactly as you describe, in fact it might be described at times as a battleground, and there have been several fires in the past.
“Do you think there wouldn’t be a huge amount of speculation and questions as to whether this might be another arson?”
Seems to have been hardly reported on let alone any speculation, nor have any other fire at the place.
Wouldn’t surprise me if some hard line nutcases did try to burn it down either to inflame tensions worldwide, or because the inscriptions around the ceilings which are allegedly from the Qur’an do not appear in modern copies, proving the modern version is different to the original.
Mad guess on my part – the MSM wouldn’t mention a fire in a mosque because they are desperate to have no linkage between medieval Islam and the burnt Notre Dame – where there are conspiracy theories or not …..
Not only was the fire a small one that caused no damage to people or property, but it was not even in the Al Aqsa Mosque. The fire was actually in the the Marwani Mosque which the Waqf (the Jordanian body that administers the site) constructed in 1996 by illegally bulldozing a protected archaeological site beneath the Temple Mount. Archaeologists believe the bulldozed soil to have been filled with ancient Jewish artifacts dating back as far as 3,000 years. See Honestreporting .com
We’ve got enough problems with bad white people already
before we open the borders to more crooks.
Child rapist who tricked judge and psychiatrist into believing he was disabled jailed: George Stephenson, 60, pretended he could not speak, made unintelligible noises during consultations
Melanie criticises thecHateyNoHopers
“Lumping reasonable people together with racists and other bigots is in danger of turning anti-hate groups into a veritable hate industry themselves”
\\ Hope not Hate claims anti-jihadists create anti-Muslim bigotry. It says this has become increasingly normalised by the “narrative pushed by the counter-jihad movement” which conflates Muslims’ “cultural incompatibility and global threat”.
It includes in its canon of “hate” both Ukip and Nigel Farage, as well as men’s rights activists protesting against ultra-feminism.
Look yes mass shooters can be enraged about things after they have been made aware of truths by “alternative media”
… but the establishment’s lack of action is one primary motivation.
Likewise when Jo Cox pleads for open borders and “migrant” rescues …. that itself leads to thousands of Africans drowning.
Also HnH and libmob claim to “hate” the political ideologies so call them out
.. thats not dissimilar to others who find ideologies like Islam horrible
I note how libmob HATE Donald Trump and go to great lengths to march against him in London
.. when in fact , the uncriminal democratically elected head of another country should not be their affair.
I can name a left-wing Labour MP and the left-wing brother of the Labour leader who both think that “humans aren’t the primary source for the warming of the planet”.
Both are scientists who think that the Sun is the primary source for the warming of the planet. But I don’t know any scientifically unqualified left-wing people who are sceptics. They seem to be all morons who appear on the BBC, and think carbon dioxide poisons the plants and Polar Bears eat ice for food.
“”The German Government has released an updated growth forecast for 2019, and it’s pretty damning.””
“”Forecast growth for 2019 has been slashed to 0.5%, less than a quarter of the 2.1% predicted a year ago and a level not seen since the height of the Eurozone crisis.””
“”It’s also less than half of the UK’s expected growth this year. While Remainer commentators drone on about the UK, the EU’s powerhouse economy is barely keeping its head above water…””
Having survived the tube and central London today – I get home – switch on TV and – before find a decent Channel – I’m exposed to a swivel eyed beeboid at Oxford Circus doing a PR job for the climate disrupters . Then he had a chat with a couple as I switched off .
Screwing up London is the ideal way to alienate the ordinary Joe . Must burn more hydrocarbons …..
Did BBC report this Sunday Times story ?
-“Muslim charities push links to sites defending marital rape.
\\ Bolton Central Islamic Society linked site
says “If a man calls his wife to bed, let her respond even if she is riding on the back of a camel.” //
The National Secular Society also complained about two similar charities.
IslamBradford, a charity that runs a mosque and madrasah (Islamic supplementary school), linked to a website called ‘Islam Question & Answer’ on its ‘ Resources’ page.
“\\ Bolton Central Islamic Society linked site
says “If a man calls his wife to bed, let her respond even if she is riding on the back of a camel.” //”
And the “Horwich plains” are a very testing place for Arabs – too hot. So any tourist will be bitterly disappointed to know that there are no Mosques in that town. Or are there?
The Tories rejecting the people re Brexit, may be a turning point.
The Brexit Party are are now soaring above the Tories and Labour in the polls.
There could be a mass culling of both Labour and Conservatives, not just in the EU elections next month, but also at the next General Election.
May will go down in history as the worst PM ever. And I was a Conservative voter.
Such is her reward for thinking that Brexit voters would be too unintelligent to grasp that her deceitful Brexit document was to achieve nothing more than for us to Remain in the EU. This was what she wanted. And also be required to pay £38 billion to the EU. That’s a lot of hospitals and police officers.
The most feeble con-trick in history by the worst PM in history.
I admit to being puzzled. This was predictable the moment the Commons and May started to misbehave. Surely they realised this. If not then they are as dumb as they look,
There were very few hearts truly in the ‘leave ‘ fight and these were swept aside by the various remainer traitor pacts with a power made speaker facilitating it …
May will go down in history as the worst PM ever. And I was a Conservative voter.
She has a lot of competition in the current worst Lord North who lost the UK the colony of ‘America’ ! His inept handling of the war added greatly to our defeat.
Then there’s Edward Heath who was truely dire and remember he took us into Europe in the first place by lying omitting the ‘ever closer union’ clause.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
Can someone tell Jon Snow at that other impartial news organisation, Channel 4, that i’ve never seen so many white faces in one place as outside Notre dam cathedral last night.
A new page and we are still in the EU?
Al Beeb are still sending me ‘Pay up’ letters. This time it’s red ones.
Inda bin.
Same here Taff . Perhaps it’s the Easter colour .
They going to call to my home unannounced Morning or Evening ?
“An officer will interview me under caution in accordance with national criminal law .”
“Anything I say to the Officer may be used as evidence in court . ”
Book em Danno !
Today watch and it isn’t even 7.30 on Wednesday. Justin had an item about how wonderful Macron is reacting to the Norte Dame fire, how he even cancelled his broadcast where he was going to outline his response to the gilets jaune. Had the BBC not been in love with Macron they would have said he was using the crisis for his own agenda.
After a couple of minutes of this adoration of Macron, I switched off.
I can understand that, Deborah. After a while the Beeb blether now becomes unbearable.
Gilet jaunes are woke enough not to swallow Jupiter’s crap…
Have they checked him ( Macron) for matches !!!!!!
Experts can sift through a devastating fire and pinpoint the cause. Yet before there was time to do that the ‘authorities’ had ruled out arson.
Strange how the destruction of a great cathedral just happens to coincide with the supremacist aims of the Religion of Peace.
Jon swallows the Ecuadorian president’s tale whole.
The exceptional Paul Joseph Watson cut through fake news claims that there was no celebration by Muslims as the fire was consuming Note Dame.
The media has become a joke. But it’s a very unfunny one.
Thanks for that, dazzer. I can’t link at the moment.
I well remember ‘Twin Towers’ lighters being on sale in Cairo.
Who says hate can’t inovate?
PJW focuses on the role of Buzzfeed, a leading supplier of fake news to the likes of the BBC and CNN. The BBC and Buzzfeed have co-operated together on numerous occasions (e.g. In 2014, a report by Howard Stringer (Merton College Oxford, non-executive director at the BBC, personal wealth estimated at $90 million) recommended that ‘the BBC should be more like Buzzfeed’, which they enthusiastically lapped up (see The tragic consequences can be seen every day on the front page of the BBC ‘news’ website.
Ian Rushlow,
Didn’t know that about the link between BuzzFeed and the BBC.
I guess that’s the BBC’s way of trying to stay cool and relevant – and in the process just becoming more and more uncool and irrelevant.
Social media platforms ‘failed to counter Notre Dame fire conspiracies’
Algorithms did not prevent spread of misinformation about fire, say critics
… misinformation about the fire from raging on the video-sharing site and elsewhere. One video of the flames, with 36,000 views, has had the audio edited to suggest that Islamic observers were crying “Allahu Akbar” (“God is great”), in celebration. Another zooms in on a figure apparently wearing a hi-vis vest and hard hat, captioning it as a “Muslim at Notre Dame”.
Nice try.
For what it’s worth, I’ve always thought Sacre Coeur church in Paris is more beautiful than Notre Dame.
I know. Sorry.
This Frenchman summarises what is happening to Christians and Christian churches in France and just as in England, where it’s also happening, it goes under-reported if not unreported:
Sainte-Chapelle has always done it for me.
j-i-c, I agree. Think I’ve only been inside Notre Dame on the one occasion, perhaps two, but I have always thought that it was a spiritually gloomy place, even from outside. Inside, even more so.
Sacre Coeur obviously has a geographical advantage, on a hill, but the stone colour and the play of light outside and inside, gave it a whole different spiritual resonance as far as I was concerned.
Once in Sacre Coeur on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. I am not a Christian but was perhaps one of the most spiritual and memorable moments in my life, although nothing to make me change my faith.
Deborah, yes, I understand how you felt. I’m not catholic, but I remember many years ago being overcome with emotion when I walked up an ordinary street to be met with the sight of the Vatican before me. Just one of life’s defining moments we never forget.
Probably next on the Ropers list……………
Yes Sacre Coeur is superb but unfortunately it is situated in Montmatre
and what has that become ?
In the days of her affliction and wandering
Jerusalem remembers all the treasures
that were hers in days of old.
When her people fell into enemy hands,
there was no one to help her.
Her enemies looked at her
and laughed at her destruction.
Lamentations 1:7
TOADY Watch #1
A campaigner against Light Pollution (CPRE) came on to say that people around Britain were having trouble seeing stars. The Humph (I think) came up with a helpful leading question (Rumpole would not approve) that “Of course it is impossible in London?”.
The campaigner agreed.
That is an untrue statement. You can see a whole panoply of stars in London, even with all the street and other lighting, but it does require a clear sky. In December 2002, I remember being brought to a complete halt during a walk to the supermarket. I was on a bridge over a railway line and could see not just stars but galaxies as well.
It was a near 360° horizontal view, trees permitting. Breathtaking.
I guess that the cold winter air (cannot remember if it had also been ‘cleaned’ by rain) was insufficient to drive the usual London dust up into the sky to impair the view. It’s not unknown in summer but, I guess, less common.
Streetlamps – no stars, and muggings
No street lamps, stars and muggings.
Take your pick.
Happily, where I am, the stars are brilliant every clear night, no street lamps, no muggings, just glorious peace and quiet.
On Breakfast News
A discussion about the leather skirt one of the presenters was wearing which somehow highlighted how far we’ve come in a hundred years.
Imagine TOADY doing this back in the day. Bread and Circuses.
Not BBC but sadly from the same PC public sector loving swamp.
The Youth Hostels Association in the last 2-3 years have introduced photo ID checks for residents. In my thirty years membership I’ve never actually heard or seen instances of harrassment, grooming or active paedos but I imagine some jobsworth at HQ decided there was a faint possibility and uttered the word ‘safeguarding’, so we are all now presumed potential offenders.
The point I want to make is the discriminatory nature of the acceptable ID.
Passports, driving licences, even bus passes (irony), well OK.
But what is also accepted is a string of ID from public sector institutions. Police, Fire, Ambulance, NHS, or University student identity card.
Nothing from the private sector is allowed. And ironically entry can be refused if no ID is shown. So in the interests of ‘safeguarding’ you can be thrown out onto the street with nowhere to sleep without warning if you don’t bring acceptable ID (the rules for which are hidden deep down in the terms and conditions).
Public sector and charities. Where self preservation is more important than service to the public and where the words ‘Common Sense’ have no meaning.
“where the words ‘Common Sense’ have no meaning.”
…but the words ‘Common Purpose’ are full of meaning.
‘Common sense’ – an individual thing;
‘Common purpose’ – a collective thing and when applied, is applied following the rules of Cultural Marxism.
I tuned into Toady about 0807 this morning to arrive midway in a discussion over Notre Dame. John Humphrys was (c/w his cynical tone) interviewing some foreign Archbishop. It was a two-sided interview in that the Archibish didn’t (or couldn’t) understand the BBC’s agenda on the issue and he, the Archibish, went on to reply as honestly as he could. I distinctly heard Humphrys articulate his ‘Thought Crime’. Viz.
He asked the Archibish in the context of the amount of money likely to be spent on rebuilding, “Surely you dont need an expensive building within which to pray?” Wow! A wider question worthy of being directed to a Grand Iman and the Saudi Government. (Ha, ha)
You need at least a superficial understanding of BBC language to fully appreciate Humphrys’ ‘crime’. It starts with a ‘Cathy Newman’: ‘What John was actually saying is’, western religions don’t need expensive buildings within which to pray whereas, islam does. Hence the very expensive and elaborate mosques continually appearing throughout Europe and a Nick Robinson: “Some people say”, financed by foreign governments whose aims are not benign.
I suppose Archibish could have replied: ‘Mosques are different in that the congregation remove their shoes and without a building would otherwise get cold feet’.
Here’s hoping that some islamic zealot tuned into Toady took offence at Humphrys articulated implied ‘Thought Crime’ and reports the BBC to the muslim council…………
Surprising they’re not pinning it on the Far Right.
Not yet anyway.
“Surely you don’t need an expensive building within which to pray?”
Imagine if he were interviewing an Imam, not in a million years would he have asked such a sneering question.
As usual on al-beeb, Christianity is fair game for insulting.
It shouldn’t need saying, but of course Notre Dame is not only a place of prayer, it’s an icon of Western culture and history.
You know, the hideously white civilisation that al-beeb love to denigrate at every opportunity.
Surely you don’t need a six-figure salary to read an autocue?
I’ve avoided Toady during the Notre Dame days as I knew I’d get upset sooner or later by the Godless just concentrating on the ‘historic building ‘.
A beeboid would be bound to ask why waste billion euros on an old building when you can waste it on other things like state TV channels ..
As well as the ‘why arnt we doing more to help ?’ Routine …… let the French pay for their national monument and if they want to buy help from the UK they can pay for it.
The BBC will distract from Brexit as much and as long as possible – like the stages of Grief – and get to “acceptance( of remaining ) “ as quick as they can .
Plenty of anti UKIP /Farage stories on the way …..
Media blackout re the English Democrats High Court case (Case No. CO/1322/2019) attempting to prove we left the European Union on the 29th March
Talking of blackouts – apparently some 22,000 bikers rode through London to protest the Soldier F case.
This Friday a protest on foot is planned.
Likely not a bbc interview by Chris Packham.
Smoking, using mobile phones, vandalizing, hurting their fellow man and enjoying ALL the things our modern Western (polluting) society offers.
Way to go – reckon not.
Joey is up early for a youngster. And about the only one.
I work right there so I can tell you that in between the yellow and green banners there were a lot of them in sleeping bags on the road. One of them woke up and popped her head out of her sleeping bag just as I was negotiating the crossing at 07:00 this morning. A strange bunch, it’s almost like anarchy done by the WI.
OT, but having attracted a media who love a protest and especially an eco one, they seem to have sent the one under 50yo to speak for them.
Despite Bolt-on asking a series of idiot questions, he still manages to crash and burn with every opening of his mouth.
Apols are in order. I had not seen the full interview.
Stick a suit and tie on a loon and he is still a loon .- but doing the green thing is probably a good way of getting a girl/boy friend …. ( naughty fedup2 )..
Maybe this zero carbon nonsense will initiate the much heralded food shortages “due to Brexit”? What do they class as an emergency? Their own travel needs?
Must remind those warm earth people that that friendsahip bangle on his left wrist and the millions of similar bangels which the “mother earth” worshipers have a fetish for wearing half way up to their flippin shoulders (even Sopel wears them these days) must be terrible scar on “mother earths” landscape?!
Ignorance and anti-Catholic bias at the BBC: a former employee writes
“The rot at the BBC, in respect of the way in which it reports stories which have to do with the Christian faith, set in, I think, many years ago. It matters because it has now reached the stage where even the slaughter and persecution of Christians worldwide, from Nigeria to China, goes woefully under-reported.”
… and the protestors seemed overwhelmingly white middle class folk, too!
What do you expect with children of wealthy parents who have just arrived from daddy’s shoot/estate/horse ranch etc etc must have really exhausting for the poor dears therefor must sleep all day then only when darkness falls (of, course, after going to the ATM – using daddys/mummys cash to buy themselves their 3 times a day weed addiction.
I have heard that weed can make one believe that “mother earth” is calling them to go to the ATM machine again.
This is only two minutes long but as Homer Simpson would say, it’s funny because it’s true:
‘The Airbus A380 “superjumbo” operated by Emirates landed safely at Glasgow Airport on Tuesday evening.
Hundreds of spectators turned up to watch the giant aircraft arrive.
More than £8m has been spent to prepare Glasgow for the arrival of the jet.’
Arrived ‘safely’? This isn’t the Wright brothers landing an aircraft made from a sixpence and a piece of string! But worse, check out the language on the expenditure. It’s not £8 million spent to facilitate the regular service but for the ‘arrival’ of the aircraft. Almost as if it was a comment on a one-off.
Ah, the A380: a commercial failure, whose $25 billion investment will never be recovered. In a WTO ruling last year, was found to have benefited from improper subsidies worth billions. Already discontinued, with production due to end in 2021. The very best of European co-operation.
If this had been one of the maiden flights in 2005, the event might have been newsworthy. But in 2019, looks like some sort of agenda.
Is it cause he is black?
Perhaps everyone’s too active in talking to one another about it rather than complaing to the police.
It’s quite possible that the fire at Notre Dame was indeed an accident.
But a few things strike me as odd, and – accident or arson – are indicative of the attitudes of the msm, the beeb, and the ‘authorities’.
1) The speed with which the French authorities declared the fire to be an accident (while it was still blazing and clearly much too early to identify the causes.)
2) Their assertion that there were no workers on site. (The first reports were around 6pm, the fire could have been smouldering for quite some time undetected before then, when there would have been workers on site. Furthermore a huge building site of that magnitude would be full of contractors and sun-contractors, builders, scaffolders, supervisors, surveyors, etc. How could they be so sure so quickly that none were on site?)
3) An early report in Le Monde made reference to the multitude of other acts of arson, vandalism, desecration and – sorry of you’re eating – defecation in French churches in recent months. This was quickly removed. (Phone call to the editor from above?)
4) No reference in the msm to the above mentioned arson and terror attacks against French (and German) churches in recent months – including an arson attack on Saint Sulpice, another iconic church in Paris, barely a month ago.
5) An early tweet from an American journo (Time) that he had inside information that it was a deliberate attack. This too was quickly removed (Another phone call from above?)
It’s almost as if the authorities, and the msm, starting with al beeb, were determined to clamp down on any off-messgae speculation, or uncomfortable questions.
This is nowhere truer than our very own dearly be-hated beeb.
Normally a big story like this would have lots of links to other similar stories. So a big fire in perhaps the most important and iconic church in France could be expected to link to other recent fires in churches. Yet in this case, not a single one.
One of the problems, vlad, where there is work like this going on is modern materials and electric tools. IIRC, electric sanders – esp. those with little vacuum bags that collect dust – now carry warnings when used with composite boards, esp. MDF. In an enclosed space, IIRC, it is possible for MDF dust concentration to explode, perhaps with help of an overheated sander or drill nearby.
Breakfast News featured a discussion about faithfully using the same construction in the restoration. I wasn’t mentioned if this quest for authenticity were to extend to power tools.
Believe it or not studio then commented on the nice helmet the OB reporter was wearing. I thought this perfectly summed up what to expect from Breakfast News.
Nationwide used to do this thing where regional input had to be entertaining like a man jumping on an egg.
So funny red hat it is.
I thought Donald Trump had cornered the funny red hat market.
Act of God?
I don’t know where people are getting these bullshit conspiracy theories from and why they are so desperate to believe them.
“It comes as it was reported officials attending the Notre Dame blaze initially couldn’t find any sign of fire despite the alarm being raised 23 minutes before the structure went up in flames.
Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that firefighters were called to the world-famous cathedral at 6.20pm CET, almost half an hour before the roof caught fire after a fire alarm was triggered.
But after an initial inspection they said they were unable to find any evidence of fire.
Firefighters remained inside Notre Dame until a second alarm went off at 6.43pm and eventually discovered a fire in the network of wooden beams under the cathedral’s roof – but were unable to put it out.”
Sorry but the assertion that this might have been a Jihadist attack does you no favours at all, and destroys any credibility those on the right might have. It’s not the first time that negligent workers on restoration projects have ignited ancient buildings and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
A fire that the authorites are aware of but cannot find is clearly not the work of an arsonist. Professional fire officers were on the scene well before the fire became obvious. If they couldn’t find it then how could an arsonist have set it?
Or maybe the latest bullshit whackjob conspiracy theory is Islamic Jihadist Pompiers and Sappeurs ?
I think it valid to ask questions when folk pre judge and broadcast ahead of weeks of forensic examination.
I suppose ‘they’ didn’t want damaging speculation. Best if ‘they’ shut up. I realise Social Media will do its own thing. This doesn’t mean the State (taxpayer) funded flagship broadcaster has to follow ‘likes’.
There are situations where all the events leading up to an incident are known and there isn’t any need for further investigation.
Unless the crackpots are suggesting the RoPpers have discovered hidden fire which is undetectable until it suddenly takes hold then it isn’t them – because it can’t possibly be.
It is essential to question and speculate upon the narrative being pushed by MSM.
There isn’t a conspiracy theory, rather an alternative narrative that has been constructed which chooses to include an essential piece of evidence: that hundreds of similar attacks have happened in France recently.
If this were a murder case and your main suspect has a recent history of attacks against the victim as well as a documented desire to murder the victim, it would be foolish to assume an accidental death.
The latest ‘bullshit whackjob conspiracy theory’ is that the BBC are biased in their filtered reporting of the fire. Here’s some more:
– Could have been done by the French themselves
– Could have been done by a Muslim who was caught but hasn’t been announced
– Could of been an accident
– Could of been some other unknown party.
“Sorry but the assertion that this might have been a Jihadist attack does you no favours at all, and destroys any credibility those on the right might have.”
Credibility with whom?
We are dealing with an enemy whose only standards are double.
Who has abandoned logic and reason for blind hatred.
Who doesn’t give a damn how erudite, fair-minded or truthful we are.
We must stop worrying about how we appear to an enemy who has an opposite moral code to our own.
One who wants only our destruction.
Credibility with the devil is nothing to aspire to. There is no sense in trying to win arguments or claim moral high ground anymore. We will be dismissed no matter how good, honest or brilliant we are. We are in a type of war whether we want to be or not.
You are talking about the leftists here? Because all they will do is dismiss you as a 9/11 conspiracy nut, and the next time when there is a genuine case they will remind people of this and no one will believe you.
Aside from ‘enemies’ you appear to have forgotten there’s a whole world out there of middle ground people wanting to know, and allowing the BBC and MSM to supply false information to them. They need it in quick easy to understand soundbite. What you are doing here is supplying the enemy the amunition to defeat you.
Win the battle and lose the war is never a good strategy in my opinion, and in this case I believe negligence is the case and absolutely no other can be credible.
Thoughtful, did I not hear on BBC R4 a priest who was holding a service (Vespers? Evensong? if there is such a thing in RC church) in ND at around 6-6.30pm. They heard the first alarm but the check was made. They started the service but then realised something was wrong as the alarm sounded for the second time.
As to cause, a competent Inspector should be able to ascertain it. Am happy to wait for the report.
The French pompiers (fire brigade) had responded but could not find the cause and probably assumed it was a false alarm, they were still in attendance when it tripped a second alarm and they then found the fire but were unable to extinguish it.
Although I believe Muslims can and do attack churches, and can and do commit arson, this screams that it was not an arson attack.
1) There are renovations taking place and these kind of negligent fires are far more common than they should be.
2) The fire started around an hour after work finished ( or at least became apparant then.
3) The delay time between a detector being triggered and the fire taking hold is too long for an arson attack which always use an accelerant of some kind.
4) People were all over that building all day, the chances of an intruder getting on the roof are pretty slim.
5) Fire detectors can be incredibly sensitive to infra red smoke, and various gasses which are not visible to the naked eye.
6) have you seen the kid in charge of this operation? Julien Le Bras (32) Various officials have suggested the fire could have been linked to the renovation work.
Oh dear….you sound like a demented lefist. Clearly it takes weeks to determine whether it was arson or not. The fact the authorities declared it to be an accident so quickly is a clear indication they are willing to cover this up. Just as any jihadi who randomly attacks someone is automatically deemed to be mentally ill. Of course when Joe Cox was killled there is never any indication the killer was mentally ill, he was just a far-right Brexiteer. You scum sicken me.
I agree that it is certainly possible that this was arson and if so the culprits are very likely to be RoPers. I certainly have zero trust in anything the French, German or British governments and MSM say. But one point is beginning to make me think that it isn’t an Islamic attack and that is I’m sure that they would have been claiming this spectacular on the internet and the governments wouldn’t be able to suppress the news. Mind you as far as I know none of the other attacks on churches have been claimed even the one on StSulpice which is the second church in a Paris and as such would have warranted a claim. We know this was an Islamic attack because a Pakistani is being tried for it. So perhaps the authorities are even better at censoring the net than we thought.
TOADY Watch #2
Not heard in the Business News segment: the oil price is up 7%+ in less than a month.
Because they haven’t worked out how to blame it on Brexit – though they will surely find a way…
Either the May-Corbyn Coalition is beavering away on the QT or since they’re all so exhausted they’ve just let it go.
As they say governments simply get tired, stale and have a finite life. By natural processes we are about due for a change of party and Corbyn thinks he just has to bide his time. To now they’ve enjoyed such a cosy relationship – Tories a couple of terms, Labour a couple of terms, Tories a couple of terms and so on.
Either the May-Corbyn Coalition is beavering away on the QT or since they’re all so exhausted they’ve just let it go.
As they say governments simply get tired, stale and have a finite life. By natural processes we are about due for a change of party and Corbyn thinks he just has to bide his time. To now they’ve enjoyed such a cosy relationship – Tories a couple of terms, Labour a couple of terms, Tories a couple of terms and so on.
Today we are being told that “even just two rashers of bacon can lead to bowel cancer.”
Apparently there is an increased risk even when only eating a small amount (within NHS guidelines even) of bacon, ham or red meat. I note the emphasis in the headlines was on bacon.
Is this a genuine concern for my health or is it agenda driven?
Who are the so called “scientists” pushing the pig alarmism?
It’s the dumbasses at Oxford University. Rather than educate students, they prefer to waste their time on studying how they can inconvenience and frighten us, and impose bans on everything we get pleasure from. Having done that, another sutdy will tell us that it is all OK, after all.
Scaremongering. They want us all to become vegans.
I listen to Classic FM, and at the moment it is choc full of eco-greenie based rubbish – the news, then the incessant advert for “smart” meters, now being preached at us with the voices of children, who of course know all about climate change, and how we can save the planet.
The planet only needs saving from the eco-lunacy we’re stuck with, at the moment.
Regarding the “smart” meters. I was reading something on an energy supplier website which stated that these “could” save you money by helping you to use energy at “cheaper times”.
As far as I was aware most properties no longer have the old economy 7 white meters and most supplier tariffs are based on a single rate. So my take on this is that it confirms my long held suspicions that “smart meters” are just another way for the energy companies to rob us blind. It is clearly their intention, once every household has a “smart meter”, to increase tariffs at peak times, because let’s face it, they are not going to reduce tariffs for off peak times such as night times. In any case I can’t imagine my neighbours being very please we’re I to do my laundry on a night whilst they were trying to sleep!
As with the ER protests, they are nothing about AGW mitigation.
I was initially interested, but discovered that each supplier has their own version, and if you change so must the meter.
It is a planet-damaging scam.
In which case you may be interested to see a reply I got when I challenged an advert which appeared on my Twitter timeline.
No, I didn’t believe them either. My current supplier says they aren’t compatible with smart meters.
“The planet only needs saving from the eco-lunacy we’re stuck with, at the moment.”
There’s too much of telling me what to think. State TV does not exist to act like an official opposition to the population it’s supposed to serve.
Grow a beard then overnight your an hippy!
Retire and tint your hair like your grand daughters hair then your an ex-hippy; even though you still have no idea what “Woodstock” or the “Vietnam war” was about.
Fall away from the Christian faith then you can automatically out-think God Himself.
They failed to say how much the risk increased
and the normal background level.
and the severity.
When you dig ..”a burger per day , increases your risk by 20%”
so a person who got it would still have got it 80% of the time even if they’d given up bacon.
I didn’t spot the other 2 details yet.
Two rashers of Bacon on a Mosque’s doorstep can get you killed within a year….cancer is the least of your worries.
BBC reports of an International call to architects to design a new spire for Notre Dame
International call for architects to design a new Notre Dame Spire.
The word ‘International’ gives it away. They are planning an Islamic design so that it can represent interfaithness, which means Islam.
If I were a conspiracy theorist I would suggest the fire was caused to provide an opportunity for a new symbol to represent the state of Eurabia – Inshallah
Here’s a typical example of what to expect for the new Notre Dame tower.
G.W.F., bit too much like Sacre Coeur I think. 😉
Or perhaps an innovative double steeple?
Beef is bad because cows fart, now bacon is bad because it gives you cancer.
Lamb, do I hear lamb, anyone ?
A very good reason then for taking back our fishing – argue that one if you can.
And so no cow milk, we switch to soya milk? Takes an awful lot of water to grow soya …………….err ?
We can have a couple of farm animals in zoos and the fields can be covered with massive factories producing Quorn – brilliant !
I think we’ll be moving into the age of Soylent Green before too long.
Lamb is halal if it comes from New Zealand who authorized all their meat production to halal in order to meet Moslem requirements. This has been enforced since the 1970s.
What is the World coming to ?
My ten year old told me to turn my music down – his ears are hurting.
Interesting you should mention that.
I do notice that younger people (which in my case means quite a lot of people) seem to have difficulty processing any music which departs from the usual solo-singer-with-backing-group format. They seem to find it disturbing in some strange way to the extent that they can barely be in the same room with it, especially if it is more than three minutes long and appears even moderately complex. With so little instrumental music in the pop field these days, and the obsession with celebrity/image above virtually anything else, I suppose this is not surprising.
Film music seems to fare slightly better, perhaps because it gives them a context to place the music in.
At school they no longer do, Peter and the Wolf, the Planets, Carnival of the Animals etc.. They do, Chinese music, African drumming and weird efnik stuff.
They really don’t care.
An MEP who attacked the prospect of Brexit in the run up to the referendum and has since vowed to push for a “soft” exit and Single Market membership has apparently been selected as a lead candidate for the party.
Sajjid Karim has today claimed that he will be the number one candidate on the Conservative list for the North West of England in the European Elections.
North West eh?
Should do well there – not.
“Farage’s Brexit Party Set To Smash Euro Elections” (You Gov Poll).
“Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is polling on 27%, nearly double the vote share of the Conservative Party. The 12% jump is sending a shockwave around Westminster…”
Deepest joy….
Dover, ooh I hope so! I hope so!
IF Brexit & UKIP could clean up at the EU Elections it might – just – see off the threat of a second referendum. The country and the rEU would then have five months to make sure a No Deal Brexit went as smoothly as possible and the Conservative Party could get themselves a new leader.
Exactly !
Farage has thrown the cats among the rats 😉
All the ‘experts’ and career politicians clearly could not conceive of such an event. Stupid, arrogant or bbc believers which would make them stupid and arrogant.
If Mrs Chamberlain can jump into bed with Cor Bin, I am pretty sure that The Brexit Party can coalesce with UKIP to achieve the ‘End Game’ . It will rock Al Beeb and the establishment of undemocratic tricksters – The House of Comedians
In Europe things are heating up with the likes of Le Penn and Salvini.
Germany has to hold onto it’s empire though so look out.
For them D-Day has happened and the Russians are advancing.
May has acted as the head of a fascist junta by reversing the democratic wish of the people.
She will regret this.
Best of luck to the Brexit party.
Dover Sentry
So there won’t be any EU elections. Wait and see,
Well just maybe – that’ll mean so many more votes for the Brexit parties in the General Election.
Yes, of course. Looking forward to it.
I got an email from my council the in Londonistan saying my EU voting card is on its way … today .
I make of it that the majority of this country is not, gay, trans, black, Asian, Muslim, Left Wing, Feminist or one vote short of a majority.
But the BBC is ‘getting it just about right’ so it must be the viewers that are wrong.
Rather like our MPs are ‘getting it just about right’ so it must be the voters that are wrong.
Time to replace the viewers and voters. Somehow I think the preferred replacements will be even less keen on the programmes and policies than the old and stale lot that they hold in such distain.
“House price growth at six-year low”
\\The Bank of England has said that economic outlook would continue to depend “significantly on the nature and timing of EU withdrawal”.//
Does anyone believe The Bank of England any more, ever since it has been run by Tommy Cooper ?
Low house prices will enable the kids to afford to buy one .
The European elections are nearly upon us. I am certainly voting for a pro Brexit Eurosceptic party but which one? Nigel’s Brexit Party or Gerald’s UKIP? Both will make a good fist of disrupting the European Parliament and I’m looking for advice as to which to choose.
I note that Nigel has moved himself and his new party onto a platform of fighting for democracy, draining the swamp, making parliament deliver on manifesto policies , quite a Trumpian ring. Except he makes little or no mention of immigration. Previously he has said repeatedly that we should control migration and only accept the migrants that we need but that also that we ought to be open to the world . Can’t help thinking that we will get more third worlders as a result. Personally , if we really do need migrants I would be much happier with Europeans than third worlders. Probably a UKIP win in this issue.
Gerald makes no bones about his concern re Islamification, a concern I certainly share. But I expect that this will be used against UKIP and cost them a lot of votes but this doesn’t matter so much in PR elections. So in terms of giving the Remainers a bloody nose Nigel will land the heavier blow by virtue of winning more votes and more seats.
Will Nigel’s party sit with those of the likes of Salvini and Le Penn ? I suspect not which is a great pity because if Brussels is going to be stopped in its United States of Europe mission its those two who are going to do it. Batten certainly will sit with them and this may lead to proper control of Europe’s borders. So UKIP win on that issue.
Anyone care to post their thoughts.
The momentum for the Euro’s looks to be with TBP, many voters have been brain-washed into thinking UKIP is far right and wont vote for them. Personally I would choose to swing behind the candidate most likely to win; at this point Brexit is the only issue and both parties are ok for that.
Doublethinker i have been thinking about this the same as you and have come to the conclusion that the Brexit party is more electable. In my heart I would vote for UKIP but I’m afraid the party cannot withstand all the flak thrown at it by MSM and Joe public takes this in whether we like it or not.
In the last election in Yorkshire. UKIP got three MEP’s with 31%, Labour got two MEP’s with 29% and the Tories got one MEP with 19%.
The Brexit Party are on 27% and UKIP are on 7%. So UKIP have less than half that needed to get one MEP in Yorkshire. The Green Party got 8% and no MEP’s in Yorkshire, with the minimum threshold being 10%. So I will be voting for the Brexit Party, hoping they will get at least three MEP’s.
For me UKIP is a political party with a range of policies while the Brexit Party is a single issue campaign group totally dependent on the campaigning expertise of one man. In addition, many of the problems UKIP has faced seem to have been the result of Nigel’s lack of planning while he was leading it. If I was looking to make a protest vote at the European election I’d go with the Brexit Party, but I’m wanting a lot more than that, so I favour UKIP.
And for those of us who have had enough of BBC bias UKIP campaigns for the abolition of the TV tax.
I would never vote for Farage after his outrageous comments about Tommy Robinson and his followers. He has constantly failed to stand up to Islam. This is the biggest threat to the UK. May’s illegitimate government signed up to the Global pact for the immediate Islamisation of Britain in December 2018 and there was barely a word about the ramifications. Farage has remained silent on the issue. He is controlled opposition and he will split the centre right vote ensuring we get a marxist government next time around.
The Brexit Party are more ‘electable’. That is what is needed at the moment.
If a No-Deal occurs, I suspect that both parties may merge.
The priorities are to :
1. Obtain No-deal
2. Destroy politically both Conservatives and Labour.
Not too much to ask? 😉
But it’s one thing to get most votes in the PR European elections but quite another to win lots of Westminster seats under FPTP. UKIP exemplified this brilliantly last time round. Unfortunately getting us out of the EU will be aWestminster operation in which both TBP and UKIP will, I’m afraid, not have enough seats to out vote Remain Lib Lab Con. So I think that we aren’t leaving anytime soon. Therefore better to make common cause with other eurosceptics and try to roll the eu back to being a free trade area of independent sovereign states.
Farage has an open invitation to the Le Penn, Salvini, Poland, Hungary group. UKIP has been rather accident prone since he left and you just know the Lefty media will tear UKIP a new one.
And then consider that Italy is bankrupt, the EU has massive unemployment and immigration issues so they ‘re not going to let cash cow UK go without a fight. Reckon maybe Germany might wish it’d built it’s army up like in say, 1939.
BTW I do like, “undemocratic tricksters” – concise and not profane.
Online MSM rags, Express, Mail, Telegraph and Independent, all plugging Mr Farage and his Brexit party.
Not a word about Mr Batten and UKIP.
I smell a rat.
From what I can see the Brexit Party is not built to last. It is a one man band and that one man seems to swing between brilliance and disaster. Farage has foot in mouth disease and while he may campaign well the closer it gets to election day he tends to go off the rails. As the Euro elections are so near he should be able to manage it this time.
I’ll expect a good many vote for him next month but after that?
Should the Brexit Party continue beyond gimmick stage how will it deal with the unfolding scenario? It’s going to need a proper structure with members voting for policies! Not quite what Nigel likes. And he doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes.
Ukip is better structured and much more likely to be around in a years time. It is in much better shape than when Farage had finished with it.
And of course the ongoing problem of mass immigration has to be tackled. The fact that the Brexit Party is avoiding it now may prove to be a good tactic for the time being but can a party of hand chosen celebrities coalesce into a functioning force? I very much doubt it.
Times : Open Sewers and rats discovered at illegal schools
.. what you mean Green Schools, Ukip schools ?
Digs deep into article
“faith schools” ..ah you mean Chrisian or Jewish schools etc ?
digs further “case study : Al-Istiqamah Learning Centre”, Southall
Showing only a whitey for effect, naturally.
Good point, failing school = white pupils
I like Lammy’s comment “we are failing these kids” No Mr Lammy the parents are doing that.
Pardon but, ‘illegal schools’ – how?
As usual, they half see the problem, but don’t dare spell it out.
A bit like when little Owen Jones tried to make out the attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando was a problem with homophobia.
Not sweetie, it was a problem with islam.
And btw, al beeb insisted on calling the killer Omar Mateen, forgetting to add: real name, Omar Mir Seddique.
IET Young Woman Engineer of Year Award advertising, 25% white, 25% black, 25% East European(?), 25% covered up in black.
Wot no ‘transgendered’? How many are Christian, how many Jews? The RoP has certainly managed to get the unbelievers to pick up on their branding, no need to promote when your competitors are doing it for you.
I’ve just stumbled upon the Government’s booklet distributed just before the Referendum in 2016. Interesting to read its contents post-Referendum. It talks of, “….we control our own borders which gives us the right to check everyone, including EU nationals,…….”. Well yes, “check” but no more than that……..’down to the tens of thousands……’. I see where George Osborne’s threat of increased cost of goods and, “…damage to living standards…..’ came from. And that’s just, “If the UK voted to leave the EU”. Well well. Perhaps the best one of the items of deceit is, “Voting to leave the EU would create years of uncertainty …..this would reduce investment and cost jobs” and, “The Government judges it could result in 10 years or more of uncertainty……”. Well, we are certainly heading that way, thanks only to our MP’s so, 3.5 years down, 6.5 years to go eh Treason May et al?
If the world is gonna end in 12 yrs then at least we won’t have to share it anymore, with the socks and sandal brigade and the despicable remoaners
And Man City will still be top of the Prem.
but on the upside – only 12 years of not paying the TV Licence Tax …
And technically Brexiters will have won ….
Much sanctimonious finger wagging at the slightest hint of questioning the official version that Notre Dame was an accident. And of course calls for social media to censor politically incorrect questions and comments. Even on this blog there has been outrage by some that anyone would dare to think it could have been anything but an accident.
But let’s do a little thought experiment: Imagine a mosque had mysteriously caught fire in an area of persistent and violent islamophobia. An area where there had been frequent attacks on muslims and mosques, shootings, knifings, imam beheadings, car-rammings, lorry rammings, desecrations and arson attacks etc etc.
A sort of Christchurch multiplied by x100. By a X1,000.
Then imagine a major mosque caught fire, just weeks after another arson on another mosque nearby.
Do you think there wouldn’t be a huge amount of speculation and questions as to whether this might be another arson? Do you think the beeb wouldn’t send their best journos out to shove their mics in the faces of officials and scream: was this another case of islamophobia? Of course they would, and they’d be applauded for it by the same people wringing their hands in anguish over Notre Dame speculation.
And btw, the smiley face reactions to the fire on Twitter by all those Muhammed’s and Ali’s is NOT fake news.
You do know that at the same time Notre Dame was on fire so was the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jeruslam, Islams third holiest site ?
What does that mean?
What is the relevance to the destruction of Notre Dame
Are you suggesting that because there was a fire in a mosque guard house then the cathedral fire was an ‘ accident ‘?
No doubt there is a list of RC churches and priests attacked in France .
Remaining open minded about the cause of that fire is not a conspiracy theory – and with islamists track record – and the unfortunate survival of Isis vermin – it is possible that it was a revenge attack – as promised .
“Imagine a mosque had mysteriously caught fire in an area of persistent and violent islamophobia. An area where there had been frequent attacks on muslims and mosques, shootings, knifings, imam beheadings, car-rammings, lorry rammings, desecrations and arson attacks etc etc.”
Is what you typed.
There have been several mosque fires and the Al Aqsa area has been exactly as you describe, in fact it might be described at times as a battleground, and there have been several fires in the past.
“Do you think there wouldn’t be a huge amount of speculation and questions as to whether this might be another arson?”
Seems to have been hardly reported on let alone any speculation, nor have any other fire at the place.
Wouldn’t surprise me if some hard line nutcases did try to burn it down either to inflame tensions worldwide, or because the inscriptions around the ceilings which are allegedly from the Qur’an do not appear in modern copies, proving the modern version is different to the original.
Mad guess on my part – the MSM wouldn’t mention a fire in a mosque because they are desperate to have no linkage between medieval Islam and the burnt Notre Dame – where there are conspiracy theories or not …..
Not only was the fire a small one that caused no damage to people or property, but it was not even in the Al Aqsa Mosque. The fire was actually in the the Marwani Mosque which the Waqf (the Jordanian body that administers the site) constructed in 1996 by illegally bulldozing a protected archaeological site beneath the Temple Mount. Archaeologists believe the bulldozed soil to have been filled with ancient Jewish artifacts dating back as far as 3,000 years. See Honestreporting .com
#OpenBorders : Another migrant making Britain richer
Asad Malik : The airport parking , muddy field man.
We’ve got enough problems with bad white people already
before we open the borders to more crooks.
The BBC does not do itself any favours.
Can’t rid myself of an image from years back. A woman ‘reclaiming her body’ and combing her lush leg hair.
It’s a pity she didn’t reclaim her brain instead.
Melanie criticises thecHateyNoHopers
“Lumping reasonable people together with racists and other bigots is in danger of turning anti-hate groups into a veritable hate industry themselves”
\\ Hope not Hate claims anti-jihadists create anti-Muslim bigotry. It says this has become increasingly normalised by the “narrative pushed by the counter-jihad movement” which conflates Muslims’ “cultural incompatibility and global threat”.
It includes in its canon of “hate” both Ukip and Nigel Farage, as well as men’s rights activists protesting against ultra-feminism.
It also cites as far-right conspiracy theories views such as
: “humans aren’t the primary source for the warming of the planet”
: “the BBC distorts the news to fit its left-wing agenda”.
You BiasedBBC readers have “far-right conspiracy theories” then
Look yes mass shooters can be enraged about things after they have been made aware of truths by “alternative media”
… but the establishment’s lack of action is one primary motivation.
Likewise when Jo Cox pleads for open borders and “migrant” rescues …. that itself leads to thousands of Africans drowning.
Also HnH and libmob claim to “hate” the political ideologies so call them out
.. thats not dissimilar to others who find ideologies like Islam horrible
I note how libmob HATE Donald Trump and go to great lengths to march against him in London
.. when in fact , the uncriminal democratically elected head of another country should not be their affair.
I can name a left-wing Labour MP and the left-wing brother of the Labour leader who both think that “humans aren’t the primary source for the warming of the planet”.
Both are scientists who think that the Sun is the primary source for the warming of the planet. But I don’t know any scientifically unqualified left-wing people who are sceptics. They seem to be all morons who appear on the BBC, and think carbon dioxide poisons the plants and Polar Bears eat ice for food.
German Economy Downturn:
“”The German Government has released an updated growth forecast for 2019, and it’s pretty damning.””
“”Forecast growth for 2019 has been slashed to 0.5%, less than a quarter of the 2.1% predicted a year ago and a level not seen since the height of the Eurozone crisis.””
“”It’s also less than half of the UK’s expected growth this year. While Remainer commentators drone on about the UK, the EU’s powerhouse economy is barely keeping its head above water…””
Oh dear. What’s the German word for schadenfreude? 😉
German word for schadenfreude: Brexit
Delingpole “XR are economic terrorists”
..yep their attitude is “do what we say or we’ll harm the economy”
I was just about to point this out pug, but there is something you missed:
Change UK party approved for European elections
The BBC promoting hard line remain group of dissaffected moaners.
Having survived the tube and central London today – I get home – switch on TV and – before find a decent Channel – I’m exposed to a swivel eyed beeboid at Oxford Circus doing a PR job for the climate disrupters . Then he had a chat with a couple as I switched off .
Screwing up London is the ideal way to alienate the ordinary Joe . Must burn more hydrocarbons …..
Did BBC report this Sunday Times story ?
-“Muslim charities push links to sites defending marital rape.
\\ Bolton Central Islamic Society linked site
says “If a man calls his wife to bed, let her respond even if she is riding on the back of a camel.” //
The National Secular Society also complained about two similar charities.
IslamBradford, a charity that runs a mosque and madrasah (Islamic supplementary school), linked to a website called ‘Islam Question & Answer’ on its ‘ Resources’ page.
The latter website says men who have sex with other men are “to be executed” and calls homosexuality “a great and abhorrent evil” which is “off-putting to those of sound human nature”.
a lot more here
“\\ Bolton Central Islamic Society linked site
says “If a man calls his wife to bed, let her respond even if she is riding on the back of a camel.” //”
Is there a lot of camel riding in Bolton?
I do believe “Winter Hill” is quite a climb.
And the “Horwich plains” are a very testing place for Arabs – too hot. So any tourist will be bitterly disappointed to know that there are no Mosques in that town. Or are there?
The Tories rejecting the people re Brexit, may be a turning point.
The Brexit Party are are now soaring above the Tories and Labour in the polls.
There could be a mass culling of both Labour and Conservatives, not just in the EU elections next month, but also at the next General Election.
May will go down in history as the worst PM ever. And I was a Conservative voter.
Such is her reward for thinking that Brexit voters would be too unintelligent to grasp that her deceitful Brexit document was to achieve nothing more than for us to Remain in the EU. This was what she wanted. And also be required to pay £38 billion to the EU. That’s a lot of hospitals and police officers.
The most feeble con-trick in history by the worst PM in history.
I admit to being puzzled. This was predictable the moment the Commons and May started to misbehave. Surely they realised this. If not then they are as dumb as they look,
There were very few hearts truly in the ‘leave ‘ fight and these were swept aside by the various remainer traitor pacts with a power made speaker facilitating it …
May will go down in history as the worst PM ever. And I was a Conservative voter.
She has a lot of competition in the current worst Lord North who lost the UK the colony of ‘America’ ! His inept handling of the war added greatly to our defeat.
Then there’s Edward Heath who was truely dire and remember he took us into Europe in the first place by lying omitting the ‘ever closer union’ clause.
“His inept handling of the war added greatly to our defeat.”
Maybe he had a very poor mobile phone signal, so could not keep up with events?
The six remainer parties are all TOXIC BRANDS
Ooh, Stew!
That’s BBC language.
Filthy beast. Go wash your ‘mouth’ out.