Actually the 1pm news on R4 must have been terrible PR for the
so called rebellion. The first youth was an obvious plant as nobody could be that lacking in self awareness or parody a drippy hippy as well as he did. . An idiot first class. Then a GP epitomising the nice middle class nature of the protesters. The last was the one. A woman who declared herself impartial but assumed the police had no right to enforce the law and to clear the streets which actually belong to all of us.She appointed herself judge and jury of police behaviour. For once well done BBC for showing us the self absorbed and entitled nature of the middle classes busily engaged in exactly what I ask?
“This morning’s interview on the Today programme with Extinction Rebellion activist Farhana Yamin was a case in point of the softness with which this group is being treated. Yamin, it turns out, has also been an IPCC lead author. An obvious line of questioning would have been: is it really appropriate for a lead author of IPCC reports – which are supposed to be an independent body giving dispassionate advice to world governments – to be involving herself in street protests? But no, she was allowed a free run to ramble on without anyone challenging her. “
Shame really because if the climate bods wanted to campaign on anything it would be that Blighty is self sufficient in energy and that we ll have enough electricity to run the country in the foreseeable future .
Who is going to dictate to China and other countries expanding their quality of life and personal aspiration – thus adding to economic activity and more carbon dioxide emission and general pollution ?
And what right would anyone have anyway ?
Give em some pity; they’ve probably never seen a concrete road afore as its very likely that mummy and daddy live in the green belt area of Berkshire or – similar dump – where the single track lanes are all dirt where no townie can venture or you’ll see what its like having a horse-whip wrapped around the collar of your leather jacket. Then the hounds will be let loose on ya.
Tis strange how the numbers who support live fox hunting are usually country dwellers – on other words, parents who financially support their own wayward children to travel the globe to “find themselves”
But isn’t it strange how most teenagers as the species seen above
hate “finding themselves” early Monday mornings waiting in line at their local job centre and “find a job”
“…..the middle classes busily engaged in exactly what I ask?”
Simples: Cultural Marxism (although they probably don’t realise how they are being exploited)
So they are now getting at Sargon. His crime really is that he has associated himself with Ukip.
So what we are seeing is the politicalisation of the police and the
whole justice system.
The establishment now believe they can take down people they don’t like with impunity. Whatever one thinks of Tommy Robinson it should be alarming how they have proceeded against him. They have made him a non-person in 1984 or Brave New World style.
Who is going to be next? And more importantly who will stand by or speak up these people. Not Nigel Farage that’s for sure.
I’ve had them round to my house for similar, but they went away with a flea in their ear and in certain knowledge they were operating illegally.
This is however just another manifestation of the anti white race hate of our government. They can manage to call round at a white guys house over a tweet from three years ago which said he wouldn’t rape someone, and yet they couldn’t manage to actually do anything at all about the Muslim rape gangs operating in several of our big cities
Nor can they manage to nitpick any of the ‘enrichment’ from foreigners who tweet in different languages because they are only trained how to oppress white people speaking English. So if someone uses a race hate word in Urdu or even French, the secret Police are not going to be able to pick it up because they are only interested in persecuting white people.
In one particularly egregious example the Gestapo in Avon & Somerset unbelievably prosecuted a white rape victim because they claimed she had been ‘racist’.
Just put into Google ‘politicised police’ and you will find the results it gives are a ‘secret police’ and names like Stasi Cheka, and Gestapo come up, for that is what our ‘Police’ have now become.
What’s with this going back in time and trying to prosecute for so called crimes that occurred before they were even considered crimes? This is a very dangerous precedent when they can outlaw anything they disagree with and then retrospectively drag you off to prison and throw away the key!
Have any of you seen the BBCs latest attempt at comedy, Don’t Forget The Driver?
If you haven’t then I really wouldn’t bother. It stars Toby Jones and I have a feeling, though I’m not certain, he may have helped in the writing. This bloody thing is so “woke” it could have been penned by Owen Jones!
It’s a collection of painfully predictable and unpleasant cliches, one after another. It could have been commissioned by The Guardian.
Toby’s character is a coach driver in Bognor and a thoroughly decent chap he is too. He’s divorced (I think) and his daughter is mixed race…who would have guessed that? His depot is home to at least one asylum seeker and he picked up another Muslim girl last week. Yesterday he saw the poor lass being abused by a nasty working class racist. This isn’t a comedy, it’s a bloody lecture!
There seems to be no particular story line, it’s just a cobbled together series of events depicting working class whites as really horrible scum.
His daughter, who’s a vegan, got a job in a roadside burger bar and was abused by a nasty working class racist.
The bloke referred to her as “a mongrel.” I’m a working class bloke and I’ve honestly never heard the phrase used in this way.
This pathetic garbage is choc full of putrid bile directed towards the very people who fund it.
It’s vile racist crap and I wouldn’t watch it again if you paid me.
It will probably win an award…
The first time I saw it I thought there might be a glimmer of something in this, but then on the You Tube video it tell you that it was taken 2 hours before the fire took hold, and I’ve never heard of a delayed action incendiary IED.
Scaffolders were known to be errectiing the scaffold, and if you’ve ever seen the way the French disregard the smoking ban in cafes and restaurants, then it certainly wouldn’t surprise me to find a workman lighting up if he thought he wouldn’t be seen, and then discarding or accidentally dropping the lit fag into the timbers.
Check out the lyrics to ‘Where’s the revolution’ written by Martin L Gore of In my view the best group ever, Depeche Mode who are still performing and still relevant. Finished an epic World Tour last year including playing to almost 70,000 at the Olympic stadium a couple years ago. I don’t know if they are far left, far right dead centre or have any political views tbh and I don’t really care. I enjoy their output and find the track mentioned above strangely apt for the times.
What is alarming about the current behaviour of our middle class is that is beginning to look and feel irrational. They really do seem to have been bodysnatched . The hysteria over brexit is exactly that. Step back and you can see that what we are arguing about is a system of governance nothing else. But our remainers have endowed it with a mythic contest between good and evil.
Then on climate change the same thing. Hysteria which is actually counter productive and if we really want to change the way we live then gluing yourself to a train is absurd. It will achieve nothing at all.
The justification seems to be that the end justifies the means which is the same justification of all zealots and crazies throughout history.
Why the middle class? The supposedly educated class? Beats me.
The Gods must be amused at the chaos they are willing into being . Makes as much sense .
I don’t think it’s just about a system of governance .
It’s about an outlook on the nation state – indeed -whether it should exist at all – as well as the dissolution of national identity -another longer term intent of the perverted ReichEU.
Me? I’m British and European but not a member of the ReichEU . We left a couple of weeks ago …
Author Sharna Jackson complains that “white characters are the default in children’s books”.
In Britain, yes. But that is not the case in books in Nigeria or Somalia or India or Bangladesh. Hmmmm, now can anyone think of a reason why that might be…?
An interesting chart appears in the article, showing that the black population of England and Wales is 3.4%, or about 1 in 30. In which case, if ethnic representation is so important, why do they make up around 35% of the photographs on the BBC News website each day – an over-representation by a factor of 10?
When you have a look at the accompanying tweets, a bloke called Nathan Bryon, a “writer/actor/producer” seemingly and a firm bBC favourite, uses the opportunity to promote his new book for children, “Rocket Says Look Up!” .
I’m surprised no-one picked up on the fact that Bryon and his illustrator, Dapo Adeola, are apparently daughter-less millennial males who had to write a book about a pre-pubescent female to get published, her gender as much of a reason for their success as their and her colour I’m sure.
A few months ago my 10 year old daughter told me that the boys in her class constantly complained that the chosen and set texts they were given to read were all about girls or about boys who “were like girls”. She agreed with them.
I wonder how long it will be before one of Sharna’s sisterhood decide that gender trumps race in the old virtue/ victim chart and these oh-so-achingly awake artistes have to crow a little less.
Female contributor, self-confessed ” left-leaning ‘gob on a stick’ “, Natasha Devon, says something really sensible about children’s mental health: “We need to find out what is causing the decline in childrens’ mental health.”
Another female is quite unable to join the dots to the Extinction Rebellion protest and the climate of fear that they are helping to stoke up in the UK over the future of the planet.
BBC is really bigging up the ‘brave firefighters’ who helped to save Notre Dame.
Except…….what are firefighters for ?
Is the job description only to play cards and drink cups of tea while waiting for the bell to ring ?
Or are they paid commensurately to take proportionate risks as required?
Fishermen. On a deaths per 100,000 basis, they are the truily brave workers, yet. How often does the BBC mention this?
But then, fishermen are private sector. So they are of limited interest to statist media institutions.
I often think along the same lines about the “Ruperts” who have served in the forces and then join the Conservative Party, MPs like Tom Tugenhadt, Rory Stewart, Johnny Mercer and Tobias Ellwood.
I think that an undue deference is often given to these men who chose to join the forces, it’s probably my subconscious default, but I believe that for many of them it really is a calculated career choice rather than because of any heightened sense of duty or patriotism. I also believe that those I’ve mentioned have especially and consistently shown that having worn a uniform may have proven to them the often futile nature of war but it does not automatically grant you either empathy or enlightenment, principles or probity.
The eternal students at BBC London news are still having a blast over the Extinction Rebellion demonstrators/ anarchists/ socialist workers / students on Easter vacation.
Oh joy. The pink boat is still in Oxford Circus after three days, despite the fact the junction is needed for 23 bus routes, among other users.
Errr, why are the police not removing them? Why the tolerance? What about the rights of ordinary people to go about their business?
The conclusion is collusion. The Mayor, TfL, the Police, don’t seem that bothered. The irony that the eco-anarchists are stopping public transport is not lost on me.
Compare and contrast with the treatment of Tommy Robinson. Who last time I looked, did not bring transport in London to a standstill for days on end. The police are not so slow then, are they?
Sluff – please don’t hold the mayor of Londonistan responsible for what is going on in his caliphate . He is busy counting the bodies of stabbings – the number hit @ 36 to day which is @ one every 2 days . Let’s give the ex human rights lawyer son of a bus driver a little slack . Nothing is his fault .
Besides he’s probably on the Eurostar to Paree by now to express solidarity with his kaffir colleagues and blame someone for something as per usual .
Of course it’s collusion. Just imagine a pro Brexit demonstration being allowed to get away with so much. You can’t, because we all know it simply wouldn’t happen.
Nor would demonstrators receive such purring interviews from the BBC, whose reports ooze with approving tones.
Apparently, according to something said on Talk Radio this morning, the police are worried because the eco loons have considerable legal representation!
BBC1 News this evening has an item about Porn providers on the internet having to verify their users age. The BBC media correspondent interviewed Drew Wyllie a 23 year old porn user. I wondered why any young man would be willing to appear under these circumstances. Googling Drew came up with the answer very quickly. His Twitter account describes him as a BBC3 producer with a programme on there about porn.
I’m intrigued how they are going to enforce the “porn pass”. I’d assume a good few of those sort of sites are based abroad, in which case why would they take any notice of UK laws?
Even if they did, VPN would bypass it easily. Something we may all wish to start using in the near future for very different reasons.
well, they will block sites that don’t comply with UK law – however, a VPN can solve relatively quickly and cheap.
my biggest worry is when fraudsters start creating fake sites with fake age verification that somehow also requests user bank details – people unwittingly give over details etc or potential blackmail with people’s employers – I for one don’t care though about the blackmail side – id love someone to take my porn history to my employer – id actually help them do it LOL
Something similar should be adopted for news websites: you click on a BBC/Guardian/Sly News article and it asks you to verify that you have a mental age of less than 10 before you can continue.
Actually no, I have thought for over a year, perhaps nearly three, that there was something just a little sinister – not funny – about how the BBC were using BBC 3.
The Police could be well advised to try and get an Officer in there undercover.
I wonder how many of the eco anarchists currently being allowed by the supine authorities to bring London to a standstill will, after the demo, go, using propelled transport relying on an energy source, back to their gas centrally heated homes ?
Having eaten and drunk courtesy of a logistic chain powered by errrr. crude oil and gas.
PS can’t help noticing a distinct lack of HYS on this topic on the bBBC webshite.
And the Guardian closed it’s leader thread pretty fast. This is backfiring badly and when we really need a discussion on how we organise our complex energy using society we get this nonsense.
Isn’t it amazing that — for the first time ever — the media are actually talking up Nigel Farage and his party, simply because they’re desperate for Gerard Batten’s UKIP party to do badly. And it’s working too, because a poll today put Farage’s party on 27% and UKIP on just 7%. Previously, the two parties were getting about the same share of the vote in the opinion polls.
It is about three hundred years since the South Sea Bubble. The Brexit Party is the political equivalent of that. Everybody is buying into it at the moment, and in the short term it may deliver some goods. But where will it be in a years time? What happens when it’s members realize they have no say in direction and that Farage will just make policy on the hoof and call his members deplorables?
And if Ukip are safely out the way the MSM, the disgusting liberal cartel that are effectively controlling thought and combining to deplatform freedom of speech, will refocus their attention on him and his adherents.
I am not criticizing anybody on this site who supports the Brexit Party , let’s be clear. I am just saying that it is a bubble and it will burst.
Then who ya gonna call?
I am afraid that Nigel resides on the edge of the political class and therefore presents much less of a threat to the swamp than UKIP. Hence why our progressive media are pushing him at the moment. He is a spoiler nothing more and once he has split the brexit vote, all the exposure he is getting will evaporate and he will be marginalised in just the same way they marginalised UKIP.
I look at it this way. When the MSM tell me something is good (or bad) there is a reason for it. That’s what they want me to think. There is a hidden agenda here. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if deals have been done behind closed doors and Nigel has a mission to split the leave vote. The way they are trumpeting the Brexit Party makes me suspicious.
Call me cynical, but I think, because they have established that there is no policy on Islam, Nigel is the lesser of two evils in their minds.
As Lenin (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) said: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” This doesn’t necessary imply that The Brexit Party is explicitly controlled, but in effect it is a permitted or licensed opposition. Even if it wins all the British seats in the European Duma Parliament, it’s effect on European or domestic politics is likely to be neglible. It simply acts as a safety valve for the public to get matters off their chest, but otherwise it will be business as usual. And I wish I was wrong about this.
Before heading home this morning I had a peep at Al Beeb’s front news page and ask , do we have a Prime Minister any more?
This country needs leadership , it needs a new government .
Vote UKIP.
I wonder if it was drug related but true to form BBC not telling the whole story. Surely if it was they should be using it as an example to the kids of what not to do.
Not on Al Beeb yet , lowest unemployment since 1975, food prices low, and economy doing well despite Brexit .
Get rid of the rubbish broadcaster, get rid of the EU.
JHB on Talk Radio this morning giving a proper interview to some fella from the Green Party. Challenging his view that these eco loons have justification for what they are doing.
Not the sort of interview you will hear on the biased bbc that’s for sure. Worth a listen if anyone can find a link to the discussion. It took place at around 7:15am
No, you’re not likely to hear any challenging voices concerning the actions of our trendy eco loons. In fact on the Beeb this morning they followed their very sympathetic coverage of the demonstrations in London with a piece from the sainted David Attenborough. One minute I was watching a bunch of well heeled, very privileged, spoiled brats having a tantrum, sitting at Oxford Circus playing flutes and doing cartwheels and the next we’ve cut to Sir David intoning sagely about the devastation of climate change.
No, cheerleaders!
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC, should congratulate itself for its role in the massive increase in young children thinking themselves to be members of the opposite sex, or even more…….
After all, the BBC has been promoting its commitment to the Global Cultural Marxist movement with this issue to children as young as three on its CBBC Channel.
Question though: can we blame the BBC for the contemporaneous rise in child suicide as a result of their clearly ‘debilitating’ “Gender dysphoria” as promoted by the BBC?
Pelosi after the American Irish vote I see – as thankfully they’ve run out of amoral Kennedys for a while .
Today the Mueller report is published in a redacted form . I ll say a little prayer for the mental health of Sopel – the fag,( big tobacco ) Katty – the whatever -,and the rest of the Biased beeboids desperate for any other scrap to bring a populist non politician down –
And it gives more excuse for the State Broadcaster to distract us from Brexit ..
i seldom look or listen to the EU and the Oirish, and now seemingly the “real” Americans talk about Ireland, “the people of Ireland”, “the island of Ireland”, because as someone from the community who are still the majority within Northern Ireland, I really do believe that they like to think of me as an irrelevance in my own country, that we will remain bystanders in their plot to shape our future and erase our culture.
The Unionist majority in Northern Ireland are being dangerously ignored and purposefully overlooked by gobshites like Varadkar, Coveney, Verhofstadt and now Pelosi.Whilst they overplay the impact of “the Troubles” on the citizens of Eire and their subsequent love for and understanding of the GFA and falsely inflate their part in achieving and maintaining “peace”, their sense of entitlement and arrogant superiority just becomes more and more obvious.
Their pompous vacuity and lack of intellect insults me, but it is empty rhetoric, as fake as their characters and Pelosi’s teeth. I am reassured that the cheerleading media, especially the bBC, will ultimately rue getting into bed with these opportunistic hypocrites and Sinn Fein as they simply do not understand the innate Britishness of most of our population.
It really will come as a surprise to them when they discover that most of the people here really don’t give a shit what they say, what their opinion is or how many Fenian farmers they speak to. They just do not seem to understand that the border/ bandit country bedfellows whose company and opinion the media and politicians so reliably seem to seek do not represent the views of those of us a little further North whose cultural, familial and economic ties lie across the Irish Sea and whose roots are firmly planted in a Northern Ireland that is part of the United Kingdom.
I am very pleased to note the great increase in support for the Brexit party.
Disappointed in the UKIP poll ratings.
I hope that Farage has learned a lesson from the post referendum treason.
The Brexit Party need to become mainstream, hopefully the only Party widely supported by British people.
No more one policy party.
Beyond Brexit. After Brexit.
Whatever it is called, it needs to be designed, and publicised, now.
The Brexit Party needs to beat the traitors and punish them individually.
Corbyn and May, not a lot to beat, is there?
I’m not sure – maybe a single issue party is better – simpler for people to understand than UKIP pretending to be ‘nice ‘ and trying to make itself acceptable to snowflakes – which can never happen because snowflakes don’t even like the UK…
Come now those who say, the Brexit Party is a one trick pony.
The party only formed in January – they’ve not got party badges yet.
And at this time ‘Remain’ is the clear and present danger.
This is a turn up. The person tipped to replace Carney:-
“Raghuram Rajan, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, crushed Project Fear as he threw his support behind Brexit and expressed his concerns the EU referendum had not gone far enough. He said: “People are saying ‘we want to take back control .”
Yet another non British person.
Like Lagarde?
No credibility, non trustworthy, will say anything to get the BoE job, then the anti UK activity would start.
He is well-regarded and, having been governor of the Reserve Bank of India, has the right experience. But it doesn’t matter if he is the best economist in the world: the governor of the Bank of England should be the best British person available. This position and other top positions in state and national organisations should only be open to British-born citizens. And no, people like Mark “What-passport-shall-I-use-today” Carney do not qualify. Outside of Clown World and in most other countries, this wouldn’t even be debatable.
We have always been able to employ suitably qualified people from other parts of the Commonwealth. Interchangeability is a Commonwealth principle, applying in the armed forces, academic life, and so on. In the case of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it still sounds odd to refer to their inhabitants as positively non-British.
If one flies regularly -as I do – the airline website helpfully shows the number of miles travelled .
That gives me enormous satisfaction knowing I have a huge carbon bootprint and would so wind up the BBC greeny types .
I just see it as another way to screw my cash from me and give Attenborough and other wasters an ego trip .
Mr. Gove admits “we are not doing enough to tackle climate change”, as a few hundred herberts, who really don’t know what they’re talking about, tell him so.
I would like to know, Mr. Gove, how you intend to alter the course of 4.5 billion years of changing climate, at the behest of a bunch of hippies. And more importantly, why.
Gove is up against it to be the last leader of the soon to be extinct Party . But it truly is shocking for the likes of Hippy Rudd and the Muzzie Home Secretary et al to think being Tory leader matters st all…
Britain will be left in charge of the EU over Easter — three weeks after Brexit was meant to happen.
The UK’s commissioner Sir Julian King will take the reins as the most senior Brussels boss on duty.
… The ironic decision to roster him was made at the end of last year – suggesting EU chiefs knew Britain would never leave on March 29.
I seem to remember just after May took over, UK was due to take our turn at having the EU chair or something (anyone remember? ) and May said as we were leaving it would not be appropriate so we passed our turn.
The competition for the design to rebuild the spire of Norte Dame is open. My entry , which if future proofed, and very unlikely to attract arsonists, is for a minaret . I can’t see the point of building something that has a Christian theme to it because within a few generation all the Christians will be gone and the building converted to a mosque just like Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Unless something dramatic happens this will very likely be true by the end of this century.u
As predicted – you can’t fit a thin sheet of paper between Tory and Labour as they unite to defeat the common foe.
Beckett urges Labour to back Remain as Tories put up Remainers as MEPs. Sad, sad, all very sad.
Tony Benn will be laughing his ethereal socks off.
I’m not usually a stickler for spelling or grammar in other people’s writings. However, lately, I have seen so many instances of the use of ‘could of’ and ‘would of’ etc, here and elsewhere, that I want to plead for everyone to think before they use this. I wouldn’t like it to become usual usage through laziness.
Yes, that’s another annoying one.
It’s quite recent too. I’m sure people weren’t adding ‘so’ to the beginning of every statement last year. Funny how these things creep into existence.
It is. It’s been going on for a while, too – certainly since before I stopped listening to Radio 4, which was about nine years ago.
Another Americanism, I think. They also have a habit of beginning sentences with “OK”, as well. Not to mention the use of the word “like” as if it was a punctuation.
The rise in intonation at the end of every sentence, turning it into an implied question, is Australian in origin, I think.
And as for qualifying the word “unique” with “very”, “quite”, “rather”, etc., the English language has gone to hell in a hand cart.
For a long time, every answer to a question was prefaced with the word ‘ well ‘.
I think it’s another example of collectivist conformity. The hive leader must have decided it was time for a new word. It is probably their method of separating the ‘ progressives ‘ from the ‘ reactionaries ‘.
the one that pisses me off..first seen/heard from Aussie cricketers when I was in Oz several years ago..seems to have jumped the divide to UK cricketers this year – start every answer with “Look….” – your legacy.. Michael Clarke!
I have nothing to do with Twitter, Facebook, or the like, but excerpts of comments from these social media sites that I have seen, make me cringe with embarrassment. What has our language become?
Grab a hankey, because your tears will start flowing with the horror of this BBC tear-jerker. The BBC after sobbing over extremist jihadi brides is now wailing about MEP’s “Brexit limbo: Hotels, packing boxes and plans on hold for the MEPs”
I personally wept as i read about their hotels and how they were coping: “Their offices are full of boxes, they’re living in hotels and don’t ask them when they’re having their leaving drinks. How have the UK’s MEPs been coping with the ever-changing Brexit situation?”
Even worse MEP’s are being driven to extremism because their situation is so unstable and far beyond anything they ever had to deal with… it sounds worse that mass Islamic child rape gangs in Rotherham:
“But many of them feel recent months have taken an already unstable situation to extremes. Catherine Bearder, Liberal Democrat MEP, says: “Life is never certain as a politician, but this is beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Lets hope these extremist MEP’s don’t end up arrested because the word “extremism” was used… although many should certainly be arrested for treason.
The underlying message of the BBC here, is that the Brexit vote has so inconvenienced these little gems that we should reverse Brexit and remain in the EU so they can go back to the certainty of being well paid for something the British people voted to end.
In what soviet style dystopia does this article qualify as “News”?
The BBC are rancid filthy propagandists, eagerly playing their part in war-monger Blair’s “post-democratic” vision and nothing more.
Didn’t the MEPs believe the referendum result in 2016? That should have given them three years to line up a new job! Who normally gets that much notice?
If you’re near a telly tonight I can guarantee an evening of delight on the BBC.
First we’ll have endless sympathetic coverage of those privileged children loitering about Hyde Park Corner holding up hard working people trying to earn a crust. We’ll witness lots of adolescent Eloi dancing, doing handstands and looking unbearably smug. At no point will anyone approach one of them and say, “For fxxxs sake why don’t you fxxx off and grow up?” Unfortunately…
At 9 O’Clock on BBC 1 They’re giving us Climate Change The Facts, hosted by Sir David Attenborough. I’ve got a feeling this ain’t going to be a bundle of laughs. I’m imagining lots of scenes of disappearing icebergs, tidal waves, general climactic mayhem and Sir David whispering to us in his most serious voice.
Later, at 10 pm on BBC 4, just in case the message hasn’t entered our thick skulls, there’s a nice film just before bedtime. A sort of dystopian lullaby to waft us off to sleep. It’s called The Age of Stupid, set in the year 2055 and it shows a man looking back on the mess we’ve made of the planet. I’m really looking forward to that…
And if you’re not able to sleep, at 11.25 there’s an Horizon special, Antarctica Ice Station Rescue.
I wonder what that will be about…
The Age of Stupid – they got that right. If there’s to be any realism, our man in 2055 will be
1) Shivering in the dark on a cold winter’s night with no power (cos the wind’s not blowing and the sun ain’t shining)
2) Trying to cook a vegan sausage (meat is now illegal) over a candle.
3) Checking the forecast to see when the temps will next rise above zero (because the natural climate cycle continues)
4) And wondering WTF the previous generation was thinking listening to those dumb f@@ks resulting in unreliable and hellishly expensive electricity!!!
Noble dole scroungers, nobs and Uni’ Lecturers won’t be loosing any pay.
The Met Police have become the Keytstone Cops.
Get some zombie pig brains – put them in charge.
From my past subjective experience once people ( the BBC) really get ‘ into ‘ the environment it signals the end of the mini boom the UK has been going through ( yes I know – not for everyone ) .
So when the crash comes we won’t be hearing from half term students disrupting central London .
It will be replaced by ‘ why didn’t the government plan for a recession ‘?
You are a NOBODY Jon !!! You don’t have a divine right to see anything !!!
What a farcical exercise this will be. The #MuellerReport, the most consequential report in decades, and the Attorney General #BillBarr will answer our questions on a report we won’t have seen. So how will we know what to ask? We won’t. Doesn’t smack of confidence does it?
Well, when the EU look dispassionately at this country run by loons, goons and buffoons – they may be happy for us to leave and drown in the degenerate soup we have created.
”Given the nature of Labour’s Euro-fanatic candidates list and the crucial juncture we have reached in the fight for the full implementation of the #Brexit referendum result and for one-time only I will be supporting @Nigel_Farage in next months elections. @TheBrexitPartly”
George Galloway
A double, it could also be the one and only time, recently, I support George .
Ashame more politicians don’t support democracy over their own views.
“But the one sentence of the report that was released in the attorney general’s summary is far more tantalising”
“And on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are never more than a few yards from a microphone, they’re in recess.
It’s no accident that the Justice Department is releasing the Mueller report today”
the so called BBC’s conspiracy theories just keep on expanding
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AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
Good point.
Actually the 1pm news on R4 must have been terrible PR for the
so called rebellion. The first youth was an obvious plant as nobody could be that lacking in self awareness or parody a drippy hippy as well as he did. . An idiot first class. Then a GP epitomising the nice middle class nature of the protesters. The last was the one. A woman who declared herself impartial but assumed the police had no right to enforce the law and to clear the streets which actually belong to all of us.She appointed herself judge and jury of police behaviour. For once well done BBC for showing us the self absorbed and entitled nature of the middle classes busily engaged in exactly what I ask?
“This morning’s interview on the Today programme with Extinction Rebellion activist Farhana Yamin was a case in point of the softness with which this group is being treated. Yamin, it turns out, has also been an IPCC lead author. An obvious line of questioning would have been: is it really appropriate for a lead author of IPCC reports – which are supposed to be an independent body giving dispassionate advice to world governments – to be involving herself in street protests? But no, she was allowed a free run to ramble on without anyone challenging her. “
The BBc’s Paul Mason Anger and Protest Editor in Training, Joey, nails it… if perhaps unintentionally.
Shame really because if the climate bods wanted to campaign on anything it would be that Blighty is self sufficient in energy and that we ll have enough electricity to run the country in the foreseeable future .
Who is going to dictate to China and other countries expanding their quality of life and personal aspiration – thus adding to economic activity and more carbon dioxide emission and general pollution ?
And what right would anyone have anyway ?
Hideously ‘white’…
If the homeless pitch tents like that they soon be moved
“So surreal. Like Glastonbury,”
Give em some pity; they’ve probably never seen a concrete road afore as its very likely that mummy and daddy live in the green belt area of Berkshire or – similar dump – where the single track lanes are all dirt where no townie can venture or you’ll see what its like having a horse-whip wrapped around the collar of your leather jacket. Then the hounds will be let loose on ya.
Tis strange how the numbers who support live fox hunting are usually country dwellers – on other words, parents who financially support their own wayward children to travel the globe to “find themselves”
But isn’t it strange how most teenagers as the species seen above
hate “finding themselves” early Monday mornings waiting in line at their local job centre and “find a job”
Are you saying that these rebellion people come from families who approve of hunting? If so, you need to investigate a little more.
“…..the middle classes busily engaged in exactly what I ask?”
Simples: Cultural Marxism (although they probably don’t realise how they are being exploited)
police investigate 3 year old tweet
the incessant UKIP bashing and targeting is getting rather tedious and obvious
So they are now getting at Sargon. His crime really is that he has associated himself with Ukip.
So what we are seeing is the politicalisation of the police and the
whole justice system.
The establishment now believe they can take down people they don’t like with impunity. Whatever one thinks of Tommy Robinson it should be alarming how they have proceeded against him. They have made him a non-person in 1984 or Brave New World style.
Who is going to be next? And more importantly who will stand by or speak up these people. Not Nigel Farage that’s for sure.
They have learned from Clinton and the batshit crazy Democrats in the US……….politicize Police, CPS, Local Authorities, etc.
I’ve had them round to my house for similar, but they went away with a flea in their ear and in certain knowledge they were operating illegally.
This is however just another manifestation of the anti white race hate of our government. They can manage to call round at a white guys house over a tweet from three years ago which said he wouldn’t rape someone, and yet they couldn’t manage to actually do anything at all about the Muslim rape gangs operating in several of our big cities
Nor can they manage to nitpick any of the ‘enrichment’ from foreigners who tweet in different languages because they are only trained how to oppress white people speaking English. So if someone uses a race hate word in Urdu or even French, the secret Police are not going to be able to pick it up because they are only interested in persecuting white people.
In one particularly egregious example the Gestapo in Avon & Somerset unbelievably prosecuted a white rape victim because they claimed she had been ‘racist’.
Just put into Google ‘politicised police’ and you will find the results it gives are a ‘secret police’ and names like Stasi Cheka, and Gestapo come up, for that is what our ‘Police’ have now become.
What’s with this going back in time and trying to prosecute for so called crimes that occurred before they were even considered crimes? This is a very dangerous precedent when they can outlaw anything they disagree with and then retrospectively drag you off to prison and throw away the key!
Have any of you seen the BBCs latest attempt at comedy, Don’t Forget The Driver?
If you haven’t then I really wouldn’t bother. It stars Toby Jones and I have a feeling, though I’m not certain, he may have helped in the writing. This bloody thing is so “woke” it could have been penned by Owen Jones!
It’s a collection of painfully predictable and unpleasant cliches, one after another. It could have been commissioned by The Guardian.
Toby’s character is a coach driver in Bognor and a thoroughly decent chap he is too. He’s divorced (I think) and his daughter is mixed race…who would have guessed that? His depot is home to at least one asylum seeker and he picked up another Muslim girl last week. Yesterday he saw the poor lass being abused by a nasty working class racist. This isn’t a comedy, it’s a bloody lecture!
There seems to be no particular story line, it’s just a cobbled together series of events depicting working class whites as really horrible scum.
His daughter, who’s a vegan, got a job in a roadside burger bar and was abused by a nasty working class racist.
The bloke referred to her as “a mongrel.” I’m a working class bloke and I’ve honestly never heard the phrase used in this way.
This pathetic garbage is choc full of putrid bile directed towards the very people who fund it.
It’s vile racist crap and I wouldn’t watch it again if you paid me.
It will probably win an award…
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
“Al Beeb don’t do comedy.”
What about the joke letters they keep sending you Taffman!
Well I have a sense of humor, but do they expect me to recycle their ‘junk mail’ for them ? That really takes the biscuit. 😀
Chris has, thankfully, now made it, impartially, to the festival….
Newsnight is actually worth every penny I don’t fund uniquely.
Wonder how they are going to cover this when the verdict rolls in.
A member of the House of Lords will go on trial in December charged with historical sexual offences against children.
Lord Ahmed of Rotherham appeared for a brief hearing before a judge at Sheffield Crown Court.
He is charged with a serious sexual assault and indecent assault against a boy under the age of 11.
The 61-year-old is also charged with two counts of attempting to rape a girl who was under the age of 16.
The charges relate to dates between 1971 and 1974.
The peer, of East Bawtry Road, Rotherham, appeared under his name Nazir Ahmed along with two of his brothers.
Mohammed Farouq, 68, of Worrygoose Lane, Rotherham, is charged with four counts of indecent assault against a boy.
One of these counts relates to when the boy was under eight, in the late 1960s.
Mohammed Tariq, 63, of Gerard Road, Rotherham, is charged with two counts of indecent assault against a boy under 11.
The peer, who resigned from the Labour Party in 2013, spoke only to confirm his name, date of birth and nationality.
Yes, 2 flashes are clearly seen.
But I’m sure al beeb will tell us it was just a French ouvrier having a Gauloise.
And he was called Dupont.
Merde alors.
The first time I saw it I thought there might be a glimmer of something in this, but then on the You Tube video it tell you that it was taken 2 hours before the fire took hold, and I’ve never heard of a delayed action incendiary IED.
Scaffolders were known to be errectiing the scaffold, and if you’ve ever seen the way the French disregard the smoking ban in cafes and restaurants, then it certainly wouldn’t surprise me to find a workman lighting up if he thought he wouldn’t be seen, and then discarding or accidentally dropping the lit fag into the timbers.
Much of the msm are surprised by the Brexit Party poll putting it in the lead. The Indie calls it a ‘shock’ poll.
Perhaps I’m missing something, but why the surprise?
17,410,742 voted for Brexit, which all the main parties have lamentably failed to deliver. So they turn to Farage and a genuinely Brexit party.
Personally I’m only shocked that the msm are shocked, and it goes to show that they still really don’t get it.
Check out the lyrics to ‘Where’s the revolution’ written by Martin L Gore of In my view the best group ever, Depeche Mode who are still performing and still relevant. Finished an epic World Tour last year including playing to almost 70,000 at the Olympic stadium a couple years ago. I don’t know if they are far left, far right dead centre or have any political views tbh and I don’t really care. I enjoy their output and find the track mentioned above strangely apt for the times.
What is alarming about the current behaviour of our middle class is that is beginning to look and feel irrational. They really do seem to have been bodysnatched . The hysteria over brexit is exactly that. Step back and you can see that what we are arguing about is a system of governance nothing else. But our remainers have endowed it with a mythic contest between good and evil.
Then on climate change the same thing. Hysteria which is actually counter productive and if we really want to change the way we live then gluing yourself to a train is absurd. It will achieve nothing at all.
The justification seems to be that the end justifies the means which is the same justification of all zealots and crazies throughout history.
Why the middle class? The supposedly educated class? Beats me.
The Gods must be amused at the chaos they are willing into being . Makes as much sense .
I don’t think it’s just about a system of governance .
It’s about an outlook on the nation state – indeed -whether it should exist at all – as well as the dissolution of national identity -another longer term intent of the perverted ReichEU.
Me? I’m British and European but not a member of the ReichEU . We left a couple of weeks ago …
The smug look on the faces of the train top climate protesters doesn’t endear them much either. They must be living perfect blameless lives indeed.
The misapprehensions / lies just keep coming.
Dangerous goods will flood the UK err … like Chinese tat with a meaningless CE mark.
A Dutch bloke, ‘You are our friends and we will miss our trade with you.’ Who will stop Holland trading with us ?
I can assure you – our Swedish and French suppliers are shitting themselves about losing UK accounts.
They all are – rich and poor alike.
The Thousand Year 2.0 one looks in trouble.
BBC Online News:
“”Author Sharna Jackson: Bringing diversity into children’s books””
“”When I read, the default in my head was ‘white’. Unless the character was black, it wouldn’t be stated.””
BBC young-kids TV is about 50% black (CBBC)
Kids’ Books are about 30% black.
The BBC knows this but pushes the grievance angle.
What else would we expect from the Biased BBC?
Enoch’s “whip hand” made flesh – good way to put back race relations eh?
An interesting chart appears in the article, showing that the black population of England and Wales is 3.4%, or about 1 in 30. In which case, if ethnic representation is so important, why do they make up around 35% of the photographs on the BBC News website each day – an over-representation by a factor of 10?
When you have a look at the accompanying tweets, a bloke called Nathan Bryon, a “writer/actor/producer” seemingly and a firm bBC favourite, uses the opportunity to promote his new book for children, “Rocket Says Look Up!” .
I’m surprised no-one picked up on the fact that Bryon and his illustrator, Dapo Adeola, are apparently daughter-less millennial males who had to write a book about a pre-pubescent female to get published, her gender as much of a reason for their success as their and her colour I’m sure.
A few months ago my 10 year old daughter told me that the boys in her class constantly complained that the chosen and set texts they were given to read were all about girls or about boys who “were like girls”. She agreed with them.
I wonder how long it will be before one of Sharna’s sisterhood decide that gender trumps race in the old virtue/ victim chart and these oh-so-achingly awake artistes have to crow a little less.
Author Sharna Jackson complains that “white characters are the default in children’s books”.
Yes and white kids used to be the default in white countries.
Just like black kids are the default in black countries.
So why is it assumed it takes a BAME author to have multiracial children characters ?
belated TWatO Watch #1
Female contributor, self-confessed ” left-leaning ‘gob on a stick’ “, Natasha Devon, says something really sensible about children’s mental health: “We need to find out what is causing the decline in childrens’ mental health.”
Another female is quite unable to join the dots to the Extinction Rebellion protest and the climate of fear that they are helping to stoke up in the UK over the future of the planet.
BBC is really bigging up the ‘brave firefighters’ who helped to save Notre Dame.
Except…….what are firefighters for ?
Is the job description only to play cards and drink cups of tea while waiting for the bell to ring ?
Or are they paid commensurately to take proportionate risks as required?
Fishermen. On a deaths per 100,000 basis, they are the truily brave workers, yet. How often does the BBC mention this?
But then, fishermen are private sector. So they are of limited interest to statist media institutions.
I often think along the same lines about the “Ruperts” who have served in the forces and then join the Conservative Party, MPs like Tom Tugenhadt, Rory Stewart, Johnny Mercer and Tobias Ellwood.
I think that an undue deference is often given to these men who chose to join the forces, it’s probably my subconscious default, but I believe that for many of them it really is a calculated career choice rather than because of any heightened sense of duty or patriotism. I also believe that those I’ve mentioned have especially and consistently shown that having worn a uniform may have proven to them the often futile nature of war but it does not automatically grant you either empathy or enlightenment, principles or probity.
The eternal students at BBC London news are still having a blast over the Extinction Rebellion demonstrators/ anarchists/ socialist workers / students on Easter vacation.
Oh joy. The pink boat is still in Oxford Circus after three days, despite the fact the junction is needed for 23 bus routes, among other users.
Errr, why are the police not removing them? Why the tolerance? What about the rights of ordinary people to go about their business?
The conclusion is collusion. The Mayor, TfL, the Police, don’t seem that bothered. The irony that the eco-anarchists are stopping public transport is not lost on me.
Compare and contrast with the treatment of Tommy Robinson. Who last time I looked, did not bring transport in London to a standstill for days on end. The police are not so slow then, are they?
Absolutely pathetic.
Sluff – please don’t hold the mayor of Londonistan responsible for what is going on in his caliphate . He is busy counting the bodies of stabbings – the number hit @ 36 to day which is @ one every 2 days . Let’s give the ex human rights lawyer son of a bus driver a little slack . Nothing is his fault .
Besides he’s probably on the Eurostar to Paree by now to express solidarity with his kaffir colleagues and blame someone for something as per usual .
It looks like collusion or incompetence. Either one is a failure to enable civil society. We have a Home Secretary . Allegedly.
Of course it’s collusion. Just imagine a pro Brexit demonstration being allowed to get away with so much. You can’t, because we all know it simply wouldn’t happen.
Nor would demonstrators receive such purring interviews from the BBC, whose reports ooze with approving tones.
455 bbc staff sent to Rio 2016, by balloon obviously.
Apparently, according to something said on Talk Radio this morning, the police are worried because the eco loons have considerable legal representation!
BBC1 News this evening has an item about Porn providers on the internet having to verify their users age. The BBC media correspondent interviewed Drew Wyllie a 23 year old porn user. I wondered why any young man would be willing to appear under these circumstances. Googling Drew came up with the answer very quickly. His Twitter account describes him as a BBC3 producer with a programme on there about porn.
I’m intrigued how they are going to enforce the “porn pass”. I’d assume a good few of those sort of sites are based abroad, in which case why would they take any notice of UK laws?
Even if they did, VPN would bypass it easily. Something we may all wish to start using in the near future for very different reasons.
Already do.
well, they will block sites that don’t comply with UK law – however, a VPN can solve relatively quickly and cheap.
my biggest worry is when fraudsters start creating fake sites with fake age verification that somehow also requests user bank details – people unwittingly give over details etc or potential blackmail with people’s employers – I for one don’t care though about the blackmail side – id love someone to take my porn history to my employer – id actually help them do it LOL
Something similar should be adopted for news websites: you click on a BBC/Guardian/Sly News article and it asks you to verify that you have a mental age of less than 10 before you can continue.
Deborah, I thought – funny. Funny, I thought.
Actually no, I have thought for over a year, perhaps nearly three, that there was something just a little sinister – not funny – about how the BBC were using BBC 3.
The Police could be well advised to try and get an Officer in there undercover.
I don’t recall this being reported on al-beeb: “Foreign Secretary announces global review into persecution of Christians.”
No doubt because they hate Christians and also because it might shed an embarrassing light on just who is doing the persecuting.
Here’s a clue: it’s not the Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Jews, Zoroastrians, Rastafarians, Sikhs, Bahais, Mormons, Shintoists, Confucians, Taoists, Wiccans, Aboriginals, Pagans or Shamans, Humanists or Atheists.
Go on, take a wild guess.
I wonder how many of the eco anarchists currently being allowed by the supine authorities to bring London to a standstill will, after the demo, go, using propelled transport relying on an energy source, back to their gas centrally heated homes ?
Having eaten and drunk courtesy of a logistic chain powered by errrr. crude oil and gas.
PS can’t help noticing a distinct lack of HYS on this topic on the bBBC webshite.
And the Guardian closed it’s leader thread pretty fast. This is backfiring badly and when we really need a discussion on how we organise our complex energy using society we get this nonsense.
Isn’t it amazing that — for the first time ever — the media are actually talking up Nigel Farage and his party, simply because they’re desperate for Gerard Batten’s UKIP party to do badly. And it’s working too, because a poll today put Farage’s party on 27% and UKIP on just 7%. Previously, the two parties were getting about the same share of the vote in the opinion polls.
4 million votes for UKIP in 2014 – Result zero.
It is about three hundred years since the South Sea Bubble. The Brexit Party is the political equivalent of that. Everybody is buying into it at the moment, and in the short term it may deliver some goods. But where will it be in a years time? What happens when it’s members realize they have no say in direction and that Farage will just make policy on the hoof and call his members deplorables?
And if Ukip are safely out the way the MSM, the disgusting liberal cartel that are effectively controlling thought and combining to deplatform freedom of speech, will refocus their attention on him and his adherents.
I am not criticizing anybody on this site who supports the Brexit Party , let’s be clear. I am just saying that it is a bubble and it will burst.
Then who ya gonna call?
I am afraid that Nigel resides on the edge of the political class and therefore presents much less of a threat to the swamp than UKIP. Hence why our progressive media are pushing him at the moment. He is a spoiler nothing more and once he has split the brexit vote, all the exposure he is getting will evaporate and he will be marginalised in just the same way they marginalised UKIP.
I look at it this way. When the MSM tell me something is good (or bad) there is a reason for it. That’s what they want me to think. There is a hidden agenda here. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if deals have been done behind closed doors and Nigel has a mission to split the leave vote. The way they are trumpeting the Brexit Party makes me suspicious.
Call me cynical, but I think, because they have established that there is no policy on Islam, Nigel is the lesser of two evils in their minds.
Yes, but at least in any European elections we have STV so we can choose all the pro-Brexit candidates
As Lenin (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) said: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” This doesn’t necessary imply that The Brexit Party is explicitly controlled, but in effect it is a permitted or licensed opposition. Even if it wins all the British seats in the European
DumaParliament, it’s effect on European or domestic politics is likely to be neglible. It simply acts as a safety valve for the public to get matters off their chest, but otherwise it will be business as usual. And I wish I was wrong about this.Before heading home this morning I had a peep at Al Beeb’s front news page and ask , do we have a Prime Minister any more?
This country needs leadership , it needs a new government .
Vote UKIP.
According to Wikipedia, this girl died on 7th April and the cause of death is unknown. Why? Apparently she collapsed.
I wonder if it was drug related but true to form BBC not telling the whole story. Surely if it was they should be using it as an example to the kids of what not to do.
Not on Al Beeb yet , lowest unemployment since 1975, food prices low, and economy doing well despite Brexit .
Get rid of the rubbish broadcaster, get rid of the EU.
JHB on Talk Radio this morning giving a proper interview to some fella from the Green Party. Challenging his view that these eco loons have justification for what they are doing.
Not the sort of interview you will hear on the biased bbc that’s for sure. Worth a listen if anyone can find a link to the discussion. It took place at around 7:15am
No, you’re not likely to hear any challenging voices concerning the actions of our trendy eco loons. In fact on the Beeb this morning they followed their very sympathetic coverage of the demonstrations in London with a piece from the sainted David Attenborough. One minute I was watching a bunch of well heeled, very privileged, spoiled brats having a tantrum, sitting at Oxford Circus playing flutes and doing cartwheels and the next we’ve cut to Sir David intoning sagely about the devastation of climate change.
No, cheerleaders!
I like Rod Liddle…
“And does the BBC really think that “hip-hop” is modern?
Or music?
Our far left Cultural Marxist State Broadcaster, the BBC, should congratulate itself for its role in the massive increase in young children thinking themselves to be members of the opposite sex, or even more…….
After all, the BBC has been promoting its commitment to the Global Cultural Marxist movement with this issue to children as young as three on its CBBC Channel.
Question though: can we blame the BBC for the contemporaneous rise in child suicide as a result of their clearly ‘debilitating’ “Gender dysphoria” as promoted by the BBC?
The Democrats interfere (again).
Whatever will the bBC say?
Pelosi after the American Irish vote I see – as thankfully they’ve run out of amoral Kennedys for a while .
Today the Mueller report is published in a redacted form . I ll say a little prayer for the mental health of Sopel – the fag,( big tobacco ) Katty – the whatever -,and the rest of the Biased beeboids desperate for any other scrap to bring a populist non politician down –
And it gives more excuse for the State Broadcaster to distract us from Brexit ..
i seldom look or listen to the EU and the Oirish, and now seemingly the “real” Americans talk about Ireland, “the people of Ireland”, “the island of Ireland”, because as someone from the community who are still the majority within Northern Ireland, I really do believe that they like to think of me as an irrelevance in my own country, that we will remain bystanders in their plot to shape our future and erase our culture.
The Unionist majority in Northern Ireland are being dangerously ignored and purposefully overlooked by gobshites like Varadkar, Coveney, Verhofstadt and now Pelosi.Whilst they overplay the impact of “the Troubles” on the citizens of Eire and their subsequent love for and understanding of the GFA and falsely inflate their part in achieving and maintaining “peace”, their sense of entitlement and arrogant superiority just becomes more and more obvious.
Their pompous vacuity and lack of intellect insults me, but it is empty rhetoric, as fake as their characters and Pelosi’s teeth. I am reassured that the cheerleading media, especially the bBC, will ultimately rue getting into bed with these opportunistic hypocrites and Sinn Fein as they simply do not understand the innate Britishness of most of our population.
It really will come as a surprise to them when they discover that most of the people here really don’t give a shit what they say, what their opinion is or how many Fenian farmers they speak to. They just do not seem to understand that the border/ bandit country bedfellows whose company and opinion the media and politicians so reliably seem to seek do not represent the views of those of us a little further North whose cultural, familial and economic ties lie across the Irish Sea and whose roots are firmly planted in a Northern Ireland that is part of the United Kingdom.
I am very pleased to note the great increase in support for the Brexit party.
Disappointed in the UKIP poll ratings.
I hope that Farage has learned a lesson from the post referendum treason.
The Brexit Party need to become mainstream, hopefully the only Party widely supported by British people.
No more one policy party.
Beyond Brexit. After Brexit.
Whatever it is called, it needs to be designed, and publicised, now.
The Brexit Party needs to beat the traitors and punish them individually.
Corbyn and May, not a lot to beat, is there?
Last chance
I’m not sure – maybe a single issue party is better – simpler for people to understand than UKIP pretending to be ‘nice ‘ and trying to make itself acceptable to snowflakes – which can never happen because snowflakes don’t even like the UK…
Come now those who say, the Brexit Party is a one trick pony.
The party only formed in January – they’ve not got party badges yet.
And at this time ‘Remain’ is the clear and present danger.
Does anyone think the idiot climate fools’ emblem looks like a swastika ?
I wonder if that young chap on Sky was sporting Hugo Boss?
I’ll try and refind on my pc to get the link, but Today has:
“If democracy is not being honoured, then people have the right to mass disruption.”
“Extinction Rebellion co-founder Gail Bradbrook calls on people to “take time of work and join us… have fun rebelling”.
First word in the edit… Brexit.
This lady from the ER website, before it ‘evolved’:
28.00 Grief Pause
31.19 WW2-style mobilisation. All technologically and economically possible in a short space of time.
33.15 Rising Up. Looking for up standers
34.21 CC is not a political issue, it is one of morality
34.48 Rebellion is justified once the establishment fails
35.30 Act as if the information presented is real
35.56 Conventional protest is no longer appropriate
36.30 Disruption of cities… is just unfortunate
37.10 So much in humanity is about emotion; it is not about what you say or how you persuade people with arguments.
38.34 ER planning an uprising against the British Government
40.30 Overton window – needs 50-100 people to go to jail
40.36 Been told by a major publication that 50 people in jail gets you a front cover
40.45 You only need 1-3% of the population to be mobilised to bring about massive social change
42.15 Not everyone has to go to jail, but that is useful
42.40 RISING up! ‘We’?
47.27 Really different when you break the law; especially when you get away with it. Really good fun
48.00 PhD who knows how to screw over his own institution, Quite funny.
From this group:
Get the impression that the 20,000 strong, £5,000,000,000 BBC are not very good at their jobs.
Official announcement from the office of the Mayor and Home Secretary with the invaluable assistance of the BBC:-
09:00 April 18th., 2019 The lunatics are now running the asylum.
Probably raised here already, I have been absent.
In which John Redwood destroys the argument for remaining in the EU.
Did Geoffrey Cox ever publish that element of his advice which was withheld by the so-called Government?
This is a turn up. The person tipped to replace Carney:-
“Raghuram Rajan, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, crushed Project Fear as he threw his support behind Brexit and expressed his concerns the EU referendum had not gone far enough. He said: “People are saying ‘we want to take back control .”
Yet another non British person.
Like Lagarde?
No credibility, non trustworthy, will say anything to get the BoE job, then the anti UK activity would start.
Does he have any connections with Goldman Sachs?
Why can’t we have white, Christian Englishmen in these positions for a change? Is it a prerequisite to be a Satanist, by any chance?
Afraid not – you know we have positive discrimination these days.
ie: Female / BAME / gay / trans / psycho killer / glove puppet /white person.
He is well-regarded and, having been governor of the Reserve Bank of India, has the right experience. But it doesn’t matter if he is the best economist in the world: the governor of the Bank of England should be the best British person available. This position and other top positions in state and national organisations should only be open to British-born citizens. And no, people like Mark “What-passport-shall-I-use-today” Carney do not qualify. Outside of Clown World and in most other countries, this wouldn’t even be debatable.
We have always been able to employ suitably qualified people from other parts of the Commonwealth. Interchangeability is a Commonwealth principle, applying in the armed forces, academic life, and so on. In the case of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, it still sounds odd to refer to their inhabitants as positively non-British.
They may not answer any that do not suit, mind.
Bbc SOP.
Climate expert on radio – caller asks, should we ban bonfires and fireworks?
Expert replies, “I’m not an expert on bonfires.”
So essentially, with experts of such caliber, we are truly doomed.
I’d ask:
What’s your Carbon footprint mike ?
How many total air miles / car miles etc
If one flies regularly -as I do – the airline website helpfully shows the number of miles travelled .
That gives me enormous satisfaction knowing I have a huge carbon bootprint and would so wind up the BBC greeny types .
I just see it as another way to screw my cash from me and give Attenborough and other wasters an ego trip .
Mr. Gove admits “we are not doing enough to tackle climate change”, as a few hundred herberts, who really don’t know what they’re talking about, tell him so.
I would like to know, Mr. Gove, how you intend to alter the course of 4.5 billion years of changing climate, at the behest of a bunch of hippies. And more importantly, why.
Gove is up against it to be the last leader of the soon to be extinct Party . But it truly is shocking for the likes of Hippy Rudd and the Muzzie Home Secretary et al to think being Tory leader matters st all…
Meanwhile, London police enjoy the carnival atmosphere, in the happy knowledge that their mayor has endorsed the hippie goings on…
Cops dancing at Notting Hill, Cops dancing at Pride, Cops dancing with Eco Protesters – I guess Cops like dancing. Sure beats working.
They like skateboarding, too…
Their posts on social media get a few likes, forwards or comments. Even ER official.
The replies to the one above are mainly from idiot media producers looking for a skateboarding turtle moment. Using a p…policeprat.
just got to look at lads other twitter posts to guess at the size of his brain – the usual full monty of pro homosexual , Anti Brexit .
Going to be a shock if anyone can be bothered to riot in N17 again …
Britain will be left in charge of the EU over Easter — three weeks after Brexit was meant to happen.
The UK’s commissioner Sir Julian King will take the reins as the most senior Brussels boss on duty.
The ironic decision to roster him was made at the end of last year – suggesting EU chiefs knew Britain would never leave on March 29.
I seem to remember just after May took over, UK was due to take our turn at having the EU chair or something (anyone remember? ) and May said as we were leaving it would not be appropriate so we passed our turn.
Not the beeb but same bias… and same tactics.
In a recent article the Indie post a pic of Corbyn looking avuncular and even professorial.
And what pic do they choose of Farage?
The competition for the design to rebuild the spire of Norte Dame is open. My entry , which if future proofed, and very unlikely to attract arsonists, is for a minaret . I can’t see the point of building something that has a Christian theme to it because within a few generation all the Christians will be gone and the building converted to a mosque just like Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Unless something dramatic happens this will very likely be true by the end of this century.u
You say minaret, it will be rainbow striped of course ?
And of course, if a mosque catches fire, it will have it’s minaret replaced with a steeple and crucifix.
End of the century? Well before then on current demographic trends.
New York police arrest man with petrol in St Patrick’s Cathedral
A man has been arrested after walking into New York’s St Patrick’s Cathedral carrying two full petrol cans, lighter fluid and lighters, police say.
They say guards confronted the 37-year-old as he entered the Manhattan church on Wednesday evening.
He spilt gasoline on the ground and officers took him into custody.
No description of race – cant be white as that would of made the headline.
Probably there to top up the gennies on the roof that run the pink spotlights.
“A man”, eh? We know what that means.
As predicted – you can’t fit a thin sheet of paper between Tory and Labour as they unite to defeat the common foe.
Beckett urges Labour to back Remain as Tories put up Remainers as MEPs. Sad, sad, all very sad.
Tony Benn will be laughing his ethereal socks off.
I’m not usually a stickler for spelling or grammar in other people’s writings. However, lately, I have seen so many instances of the use of ‘could of’ and ‘would of’ etc, here and elsewhere, that I want to plead for everyone to think before they use this. I wouldn’t like it to become usual usage through laziness.
could’ve = could have; would’ve = would have
So Desp
So Try spotting the number of people using the word ‘ so’ at the start of a sentence .so – it’s so –
Annoying …
And I so agree and one should not begin a sentence with, And.
So what you’re saying is ….
No, it’s sort of, kinda like this thing, ya know.
Yes, that’s another annoying one.
It’s quite recent too. I’m sure people weren’t adding ‘so’ to the beginning of every statement last year. Funny how these things creep into existence.
But ‘should of’ doesn’t even mean anything.
Totally original
6.a.m . in the morning
Ever more hyperbole
A classic
Gone viral
Mystery surrounds
It is. It’s been going on for a while, too – certainly since before I stopped listening to Radio 4, which was about nine years ago.
Another Americanism, I think. They also have a habit of beginning sentences with “OK”, as well. Not to mention the use of the word “like” as if it was a punctuation.
The rise in intonation at the end of every sentence, turning it into an implied question, is Australian in origin, I think.
And as for qualifying the word “unique” with “very”, “quite”, “rather”, etc., the English language has gone to hell in a hand cart.
That bastion of the English language, The Times, is at it as well. 5 down in today’s crossword, answer – “innit”
Fed, especially when they are ‘experts’ brought on to contribute ….
…. to a BBC News & Current Affairs programme.
For a long time, every answer to a question was prefaced with the word ‘ well ‘.
I think it’s another example of collectivist conformity. The hive leader must have decided it was time for a new word. It is probably their method of separating the ‘ progressives ‘ from the ‘ reactionaries ‘.
the one that pisses me off..first seen/heard from Aussie cricketers when I was in Oz several years ago..seems to have jumped the divide to UK cricketers this year – start every answer with “Look….” – your legacy.. Michael Clarke!
I have nothing to do with Twitter, Facebook, or the like, but excerpts of comments from these social media sites that I have seen, make me cringe with embarrassment. What has our language become?
While on the subject of grammar, the possessive adjective is “its”, not it’s. No apostrophe.
As in: The cathedral had ITS steeple destroyed by a completely accidental fire and anyone who thinks otherwise will be arrested.
(It’s is the contraction of it is, or it has.)
P. Dantic
“I want to plead for everyone to think before they use this.” The people who use it do not think, when it comes to choosing words
Grab a hankey, because your tears will start flowing with the horror of this BBC tear-jerker. The BBC after sobbing over extremist jihadi brides is now wailing about MEP’s “Brexit limbo: Hotels, packing boxes and plans on hold for the MEPs”
I personally wept as i read about their hotels and how they were coping: “Their offices are full of boxes, they’re living in hotels and don’t ask them when they’re having their leaving drinks. How have the UK’s MEPs been coping with the ever-changing Brexit situation?”
Even worse MEP’s are being driven to extremism because their situation is so unstable and far beyond anything they ever had to deal with… it sounds worse that mass Islamic child rape gangs in Rotherham:
“But many of them feel recent months have taken an already unstable situation to extremes. Catherine Bearder, Liberal Democrat MEP, says: “Life is never certain as a politician, but this is beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.”
Lets hope these extremist MEP’s don’t end up arrested because the word “extremism” was used… although many should certainly be arrested for treason.
The underlying message of the BBC here, is that the Brexit vote has so inconvenienced these little gems that we should reverse Brexit and remain in the EU so they can go back to the certainty of being well paid for something the British people voted to end.
In what soviet style dystopia does this article qualify as “News”?
The BBC are rancid filthy propagandists, eagerly playing their part in war-monger Blair’s “post-democratic” vision and nothing more.
Didn’t the MEPs believe the referendum result in 2016? That should have given them three years to line up a new job! Who normally gets that much notice?
and what made them think they might be automatically reselected anyway
If you’re near a telly tonight I can guarantee an evening of delight on the BBC.
First we’ll have endless sympathetic coverage of those privileged children loitering about Hyde Park Corner holding up hard working people trying to earn a crust. We’ll witness lots of adolescent Eloi dancing, doing handstands and looking unbearably smug. At no point will anyone approach one of them and say, “For fxxxs sake why don’t you fxxx off and grow up?” Unfortunately…
At 9 O’Clock on BBC 1 They’re giving us Climate Change The Facts, hosted by Sir David Attenborough. I’ve got a feeling this ain’t going to be a bundle of laughs. I’m imagining lots of scenes of disappearing icebergs, tidal waves, general climactic mayhem and Sir David whispering to us in his most serious voice.
Later, at 10 pm on BBC 4, just in case the message hasn’t entered our thick skulls, there’s a nice film just before bedtime. A sort of dystopian lullaby to waft us off to sleep. It’s called The Age of Stupid, set in the year 2055 and it shows a man looking back on the mess we’ve made of the planet. I’m really looking forward to that…
And if you’re not able to sleep, at 11.25 there’s an Horizon special, Antarctica Ice Station Rescue.
I wonder what that will be about…
The Age of Stupid – they got that right. If there’s to be any realism, our man in 2055 will be
1) Shivering in the dark on a cold winter’s night with no power (cos the wind’s not blowing and the sun ain’t shining)
2) Trying to cook a vegan sausage (meat is now illegal) over a candle.
3) Checking the forecast to see when the temps will next rise above zero (because the natural climate cycle continues)
4) And wondering WTF the previous generation was thinking listening to those dumb f@@ks resulting in unreliable and hellishly expensive electricity!!!
Noble dole scroungers, nobs and Uni’ Lecturers won’t be loosing any pay.
The Met Police have become the Keytstone Cops.
Get some zombie pig brains – put them in charge.
From my past subjective experience once people ( the BBC) really get ‘ into ‘ the environment it signals the end of the mini boom the UK has been going through ( yes I know – not for everyone ) .
So when the crash comes we won’t be hearing from half term students disrupting central London .
It will be replaced by ‘ why didn’t the government plan for a recession ‘?
Nothing stays the same .
But why are they not banning Owen Jones, David Lammy, they spread even more hate ?? Oh yeah, the are Far Left ….so that’s fine !! Silly me.
Looks like the BBC’s no platforming of Nick Griffens / BNP is over ?
Ms Cooper said the measures were a “necessary first step”
meanwhile guilt by association
You are a NOBODY Jon !!! You don’t have a divine right to see anything !!!
Why make it easy for the swamp ?
Why talk to them at all?
They’re like cops – they only ask Questions to get evidence against you .
President Trump will have to win the 2020 election with an even more vengeful media against him . But his results will speak for themselves .
What a farcical journalist he is.
Well, when the EU look dispassionately at this country run by loons, goons and buffoons – they may be happy for us to leave and drown in the degenerate soup we have created.
”Given the nature of Labour’s Euro-fanatic candidates list and the crucial juncture we have reached in the fight for the full implementation of the #Brexit referendum result and for one-time only I will be supporting @Nigel_Farage in next months elections. @TheBrexitPartly”

George Galloway
A double, it could also be the one and only time, recently, I support George .
Ashame more politicians don’t support democracy over their own views.
“But the one sentence of the report that was released in the attorney general’s summary is far more tantalising”
“And on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers are never more than a few yards from a microphone, they’re in recess.
It’s no accident that the Justice Department is releasing the Mueller report today”
the so called BBC’s conspiracy theories just keep on expanding