Poor Jacob Rees Mogg pushed into a corner by Sarah Montague trying to dissociate himself from the Jacob Rees Mogg supporter’s group that are saying horrid things about islam in his name. Part of the reporting on the banning of far right groups by Facebook – or is it from everywhere?
JRM was waxing lyrical about the virtues of muslims and islam. I wonder if he really means it or is it just that no politician dare say anything else for fear of career suicide?
If there was true justice in the world, islam and it’s horrible book would be banned. It’s as far right as any of the so called far right groups being banned.
There really is no hope or support for people who feel dismay at the creeping islamic takeover is there?
Yes, you are right, I think J R-M chooses his words carefully for maximum impact and clarity and always seeks to be kind and unfailingly polite. Three cheers for him.
Then contrast with Vince Cable, Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry. Plus any number of Beeboids.
It might be a good moment to observe that we users & posters on this site do have a duty of care & responsibility to David Vance and the others who own and work on it.
Dear Mr. Putin there has never been a better time to roll your tanks into London.
The Police won’t intervene if your tanks are coloured green with rainbow flags.
Extinction Rebellion – “Your website says that the puffin population has plummeted to just 570 individuals but apparently there are hundreds of thousands and increasing. Are the rest of your claims as accurate?” asked no BBC journalist ever
Context : XR like most political greens are not very good at maths
..they are also not very good at reading.
So when RSPB said that in a Nationwide puffin survey in 2018 only 570 puffins were found in Shetland whereas in 2000 there were 33,000..
They misread that as nationwide they found only 570 puffns
Actually it means in the Shetland part of the survey they only found 570
, in other places they found loads .
Secondly there is a flaw in the sample process, what they do is sample 20 sites. That is fine if the puffins never move from year to year but they do.
Of course you don’t find as many puffins in the 20 sample sections, cos many puffns have moved to different parts of the islands which are not in the sample sections… so you get a low count.
At the same time as local observers were seeing thousands in Shetland.
Now the situation nationally is quite fluid
in 2000 there was a peak in Shetland now in 2019 it’s Skomsr in Wales that is having a peak and it has tens of thousands of puffins https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/tag/extinction-rebellion/
exactly the idea that numbers
“fell nationwide from 33K to 570”
should make anyone say that is too wow to be true
… but #GreenDreamSupremacist cult members
…those gullible fools will believe almost anything that supports narrative.
— Environmental activism with two women guests; conscious consuming… Catholic contraception population problem… educating girls properly
— Facebook banning the ‘far right’; host and guest pat each other’s backs as they both make the obligatory name correction to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
— Now interviewing author John Boyne, who has previously written about his experiences of sexual abuse in the church in Ireland, and has a new book: ‘My Brother’s Name is Jessica’. “Absolutely nothing is different about Jessica, apart from the fact that she has a different name, and a different gender identity…”
I recently saw a clip of Extinction Rebellion (maybe a previous demo) — one protestor was sat down for a long shift at a building; the approaching plod ever so politely asked if she had glued herself to the door. In best home counties English she replied yes, yes she had, and I half expected them to share a cucumber sandwich and have a natter about what day to put the bins out.
It reminded me of Michael Palin in Life of Brian: “Crucifixion? Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.”
A New Jersey man arrested after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying cans of gasoline and lighter fluid has been identified as philosophy professor Marc Lamparello
Negligible mention on bbc of, our inward investment topping America’s, of the EU Euro crisis, of the crisis in the German economy, of the slump in manufacturing across the EU. Of the 25% unemployment with 50% youth unemployment in Europe.
The bit of paper must have slipped off the desk or been mis-filed
Well over two years of hard work by Sopel, desperate to do his little bit towards a Trump impeachment. And boy, was it little….
Whichever way you look at it though, over time, that’s a lot of hot air, Jon.
Never mind.
Poor on analysis.
Big on salary.
You can’t lose at the biased, coercively-funded bbc.
Wonder when they’re going to have a look at Hillary?
Lots there Jon, if you want to have a go at an honest day’s work.
But that lovely salary would be in jeopardy.
Can’t have that.
So, let’s see. Surely there must be something else on Trump somewhere?
Holy Week for some – so when I turn on the TV and see the BBC news celebrating the 40th anniversary of ‘ Life of Brian ‘ .
I’ve been so ‘ groomed’ now that I know what an evil outfit the BBC is – that I instantly thought
“ how would the BBC celebrate a spoof of Islam ? “.
We know what the answer is ….
As an aside – Retail sales up in March 6% year on year -.brexit not mentioned . Weather was . The BBC made it sound like bad news in only the way it could ….
A Top 30 glossary of phrases and terms in relation to Brexit.
(from the Wolverhampton Express & Star by Toby Neal)
1. “Up yours!” Harmless Tory party banter, as used by MP Mark Francois in regard to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, ideally accompanied by reversed Churchillian fingers.
2. “Brexit secretary.” A Cabinet minister who is about to resign.
3. “Shadow Brexit secretary.” A Shadow Cabinet minister who wants Britain to remain in the European Union. See also: chairman of the Exiting the European Union Select Committee.
4. “Take back control.” Assertion of UK sovereignty by cementing Parliament as the nation’s supreme decision-making body.
5. “Irony.” See above.
6. “Lie.” A political promise. See also: manifesto.
7. “A load of/bunch of… (insert appropriate word),” as in a collective description of MPs. This is totally banned, as offensive and upsetting to our Members of Parliament. Equally any protests involving eggs will result in an immediate jail sentence.
8.“Guy Fawkes.” Only to be used with additional commentary to express disdain and disapproval of the terrorist Mr Fawkes and what he was getting up to.
9. “Betrayal/traitors.” Make sure you have your toothbrush packed and ready if you slip into such language, which is an abusive and offensive mischaracterisation of our patriotic politicians as they do what is best for us all, and with the national interest at their heart, as they vote in accord with deeply held personal views or, failing that, the way their whips order them to.
10. “We didn’t know what we were voting for.” They didn’t know what they were voting for.
Brexit – pick your own definition
11. “Brexit” (noun). A place or destination in British mythology.
12. “Brexit” (verb). To display signs of confusion, division, and uncertainty.
13. “London.” A remote island capital north west of Brussels, cut off from mainstream thinking by the M25.
14. “Britain.” A place formerly known as Great Britain, now best referred to as the UK, pronounced as in “yuk.”
15. “Westminster.” A specially sealed environment within London to protect a group of people who display collective signs of hysteria, pathological contrariness, and lack of proportion.
16. “Danny Scene Conversion.” The act of supporting the ERG and then changing your mind and not supporting them.
17. “To Lammy.” To compare political opponents to the Nazis.
18. “Double Lammy.” To be compared both to Hitler personally and the Nazis generally.
19.“£350 million.” Approximate gross weekly British contribution (net £156 million) to the European Union which would be saved if we left.
20.“£39 billion.” Cost of Britain leaving the EU.
21. “Cliff edge”/”crash out.” Leaving the EU without a formal deal.
22. “ITN News.” ITN editorialising.
23. “Article 50.” Something which seemed a good idea at the time. Something to be overturned.
24. “Theresa May’s deal.” Michel Barnier’s deal with the UK on behalf of the EU.
25. “North.” Non-London areas of the UK which did not vote Remain (as coined by Tottenham MP David Lammy).
26. “Driven by nostalgia, where passports were blue, faces were white, and the map was coloured imperial pink.” Brexit voters, as described by Sir Vince Cable.
27. “Hard line.” Standard BBC prefix for Tory MPs who support Brexit.
28. “Ardent.” As in “ardent Remainer.” Occasional BBC prefix for any MP who supports Britain remaining in the EU.
29. “We must be careful with our language.” You must be careful with your language. Something MPs say about other MPs who say things they don’t agree with and who they want to shut up.
30. “Referendum.” A non-binding public vote, to be repeated as necessary.
@Fedup put some asterisks in
LCS might be frustrated and trying to be provocative
..but he/she is over the line and is on the way to getting this site banned at the library etc.
Stew –
It’s done thanks for saying . I dip into the site when I can and frankly I’m surprised at that terminology which in such circumstance is crude .
Jumping in – What’s noticeable is disrupted London commuters aren’t being given a voice? Why is the State broadcaster not interested? It’s as if they can only promote one cause at a time and lack the capacity to look a step beyond lest risk changing their narrative.
I am delighted to read – and the bbc is even more delighted to inform me – that Facebook is to ban far-right groups.
And now I eagerly await for it to ban far-left groups, and far-supremacist sects that advocate intolerance, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, paedophilia, xenophobia, bigotry, the death penalty, stoning, maiming, and worldwide conquest and subjugation of infidels.
Experiments conducted some years back and featured in the bbc programme, ‘Inside the Bubble’ illustrated that Right leaning sites were being ‘filtered’ away from feeds.
US Attorney General says Mueller report entirely CLEARS Trump of Russian collusion and says president did not obstruct justice but was ‘understandably angry’ at undermining of his presidency
Contrast with the BBC bleating acknowledgement only of what it has to.
Trump Russia investigation: Attorney General Barr backs Trump
Is there anyone more disappointed at the bbc than Sopel?
Evan Davis could be one. “Barr was spinning for the President” he says.
bbc news at 5.00 on R4
Got himself a buddy called Paul Wood, who says Congress will now go after the President. (Maybe. But they’re going to struggle with the Senate doing anything like that! So Davis and Wood will need to come up with something better..)
Boy, are these two trying very, very hard…
Evan will be bringing on Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. Has Evan managed to drag on Ocasio-Cortez at any stage? If not, I’m sure he’s working on it.
As I said, trying very, very hard.
You’ve got to hand it to beeb: impartial.
Evan on R4 has found a Republican and a Democrat. That’s impartial, isn’t it?
But what is this? Little problem re impartiality: the Republican is anti-Trump.
Pelosi jnr thinks the Russians were “hacking into election systems”
But what is this? Evan is egging Pelosi on, she’s not extreme enough for him. Coax, coax, coax. Evan has to work really hard, she’s sounding much to sober for his liking. He wants Trump-bashing, not political analysis.
But fate is not kind to Evan: the line to the anti-Trump Republican won’t work.
Poor Evan. Loser all the way…
Competition potential: is Evan Davis the most amateurish, manipulative and blatantly biased ‘interviewer’ with the beeb?
That would be saying quite something.
So Trump cleared of Russkie involvement so apologies all round from the Beeb? Nope the front page headline they managed to come up with.
“Mueller Report: Trump ”tried to get special counsel fired’ I smell desperation! The absolute weasels! I guess the only other angle they have now is to try to find out if he ever cheated at golf.
But he did not fire Mueller. He knew the investigation was a waste of time, money and was nothing more than a plot to unseat him.
I expect a bbc special, ‘The Mueller Plot – How Did it go so Wrong ?’
Something tells me that Al Beeb don’t like President Trump? I don’t think they like Brexit either.
I know that I don’t like Al Beeb because they keep on sending me demands of money for the load of trash they purvey.
Yes, for all their faults I cant see the Americans referring to her Majesty as just ‘Elizabeth’. And is it me, but I’ve noticed that Americans in general are far more eloquent in their vocabulary , whilst we, as a nation, have become very ‘oik’ in our enunciation.
I see on TV news at 6pm on beeb, that Leicester University has a Professor of Hate Studies.
Wow, that must be a pretty demanding job.
Sort of halfway between Brain surgeon and Rocket scientist?
Wonder whether he’s given to political bias..?
Off-screen, the BBC’s most deadly political interviewer pushes his pro-Brexit line unchallenged. He has had a remarkable media career, yet around him there lingers an air of disappointed expectation. @WilbyPeter asks, what does Andrew Neil really want? https://t.co/H4KLi0dg9Y
All I know is that the local tags are running anti Benjamin hit pieces with unheard of numbers of lefty loons commenting – so much so that I really wondered if GCHQ have got some AI bots on the job.
Well that’s your Friday nights sorted out from now on
John Prescott on Channel5
Have you ever wondered how our Soreen Malt Loaf is made? Tune in to ‘British Made with John Prescott’, Channel 5 @ 8pm Friday 19th April where we’ll be going behind the scenes to reveal some of the secrets behind the UK’s favourite Malt Loaf. pic.twitter.com/tMj5aiRbnd
Send your activist story in to the BBC
and they will cutNpaste it as a newsstory
Surrey earthquakes: Is oil drilling causing tremors?
By William McLennan 15 April 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-47816810
\\ the “Surrey earthquakes” story on the BBC, you beat me to it. It’s part of an organised campaign by protestors, though they’re getting clever at it, and the MSM is aiding and abetting.
I googled Lynette von Kaufmann,
“who lives less than a mile from the source of the tremors in Newdigate” and loads of articles come up in pretty much the same language as the BBC piece – so as usual this is not a news story, but a PR press release has been uncritically taken up by the media.
The same stories have appeared on the internet going back at least until last July, and the same names keep appearing. //
Seems to me the end of the Earth will come even earlier than expected.
.. The prog pre-publicity said it would be a 90 minute special
..Yet now it’s only 60 mins long
.. So some bits have been cut out ? https://twitter.com/Martin_Durkin/status/1118852532846174208
As people get to the end of their lives, they tend to become apocalyptic. Surely the world must end now that I am about to leave it, they think. No. None of us are that important, even David Attenborough. In the end, despite our egotism and narcissism, we are all insignificant, the Earth has its own ways of regulating itself and the planet will continue to exist for millions of years after we are all long dead and forgotten.
Just perusing the TV schedules for tonight, usual crap including a whole hour of doom, gloom and bollocks with Sir Lord David Attenborough, but at 10.35 in the QT time slot ‘The Truth About Alcohol’ and it could only happen on the BBC – presented by a Muslim..
But just not any, Javid Abdelmoneim just happens to have worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (doctors without borders) and is known for his research his research into gender conditioning in school-age children and the program No More Boys and Girls…
I don’t think I’ll allow myself to be patronised and lied to, but the alternative on BBC2 is ‘Stephen: The Murder That Changed a Nation’ Some choice eh?
And yet not (and never) a word about Kriss Donald, a 15 year old white Scottish lad who was abducted in Glasgow and held in a car for hours. Eventually, he was taken to the side of a canal, where he was repeatedly stabbed then doused in petrol and set alight. His assailants were several male muslims. Kriss had done nothing wrong. He was not involved in any illegal activity and was not known to his attackers. His ‘crime’ was simply to be a young, white male walking down a street on his own, and as such easy prey for the utter filth who took his life.
Poor old beeb, you can feel their angst over this story. On the one hand it involves the sexual abuse, then murder by burning alive, of a young woman, which should qualify it for full Home page treatment.
On the other hand the abuser was a muslim, and not just any old muslim but the headmaster of a madrassa. And the murderers probably students there.
Oh dear, what’s a good libtard to do? Does feminism trump islamophilia or vice versa?
In this case the decision seems to have been to tuck it away as a fairly small story under Asia.
P.S. There’s an expose’ waiting to be made of what goes on behind those madrassa doors – occasionally a video or a story leaks out, and it ain’t pretty.
I wonder if Panodrama will make it?
Nusrat Jahan Rafi: Burned to death for reporting sexual harassment
Sky reporter Kate McCann , tried to do a Gotcha ..Sargon stung back well
Sargon has added a comment beneath that video
“Sargon of Akkad : I simply will not apologise to the artifically offended.”
Sky’s own MISREPRESENTATIVE edited video no comments are allowed
..so we used GabDissenter to comment instead
“It’s not okay to misrepresent and then disable the comments.”
Cos saying “i wouldn’t even rape you” in one context could be an insult
However in the context he used it it wasn’t
However for them , it was a bigger priority to get on the outage bus rather than check context.
RAZZIA Iqbal, on R4 News at 10pm has 2 interviewing styles (having more than one shows how ‘impartial’ she is):
-unsurprisingly, a Democrat Congressman is allowed to speak uninterrupted, as he outlines what a bad boy President Trump is; meek and mild Razzia has only a few prompts, to edge along her narrative;
-for one of President Trump’s former team, Razzia becomes a shrieking, howling banshee, constantly interrupting, trying to refute everything the speaker says, almost immediately, whining and complaining etc
Of course, she has kicked off with her own narrative, that the President tried to obstruct justice. Like Evan Davies at 6, her interviewees are really just props, to make the whole thing sound like an actual interview; it’s all about the interviewer’s (biased) narrative. She differs from Davis only in her incessant shouting and loud arguing.
Once upon a time, I listened to r4 to get accurate, quality reporting. Now the channel, with its third-rate interviewers, is full of sound and fury -signifying nothing.
According to a relative who is not political – he was shocked to hear a BBC News Reader on BBC1 News at Ten (broadcast nationwide) say “Donald Tweeted” … “I’m fucked”. When they showed the actual tweet which the BBC claimed was from Donald Trump – it read “… I’m f*****d … ” – so the BBC News Reader filled in the blanks according to their own wishes.
It never said “Fucked” it said “f*****d”. This is clear example of misreporting on the most open of stages (if true).
It seems to me that the BBC’s main reaction to the Mueller report has been to deflect at all costs from the fact they have spent two years peddling fake news about Russian collusion. Jon and Katty have been furiously retweeting any tittle-tattle in the report that they think shows Trump in a bad light while ignoring the actual issue.
Hi Roland (or anybody else) if you are able to capture the full sets of (re)tweets from Jon and Katty – that would be helpful for later analysis. (Or provide the links). I do a print webpage to a pdf file – but often the printing isn’t perfect (I am not on twitter).
Well. I managed to endure Attenborough’s swan song without shouting, swearing or throwing the remote through the screen.
1 hour of nauseating unchallenged claims and proof that climate change is already upon us. No doubt taken in, hook line and sinker by the gullible.
The only problem is that claim after claim can be quite easily dismissed if a little bit digging is done.
Extreme weather. Err no. Though there is evidence both for and against the existence of a detectable anthropogenic signal in the tropical cyclone climate record to date, no firm conclusion can be made on this point.
Wildfires. Err no. While the number of wildfires and the total acres burned both declined in 2018 the average size continued to increase. The number of wildfires has been trending down since at least 1985
Louisiana sea level rising. Err no. It would appear that Louisiana is actually sinking.
Corral reef bleaching. Err no. Hasn’t Dr Peter Ridd just won his landmark court case against the James Cook University.
I was expecting polar bears. Walruses and puffins to be summoned to the witness box, but they were conveniently left out.
It ended with an emotional plea from the sock puppet Greta Thunberg encouraging all of the children to go on strike..
Davylars, thanks for taking that one for the team – you deserve a medal. I spent several hours in my car today shouting at the radio as they went all medieval on AGW. So I just didn’t have the strength to watch St David this evening. But it’s as you say, most of all the claims made can be refuted with 5 mins on google.
Well done for suffering it . I chose to watch my kitchen taps drip .
I wonder – seriously – if the metro green types really did go back to the stone age to have zero carbon emissions . Give them 8 months of Autumn Winter of self sufficiency with no cell phone signal .
Methinks they might soften their absolutist view . Or maybe more drastically stop their lives completely to reduce resource depletion . They’d certainly be doing Londoners a favour .
There should be some kind of scheme to place these poorly educated children with families in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for a month or two so they can be told by families who lived through communism what it is really like.
One of my nephews was a vacuous lefty. Then he had a Polish girlfriend. He visited her family and when he came home one of the first things he said to me was, to the effect, he had never believed what I had been telling him but now, having listened to his girlfriend’s parents, he understood and had changed his views.
Well done you. Mrs D insisted on watching it, because it was Attenborough. Which is what the BBC relies on.
I donned the headphones and watched an episode of Westworld on the iPad instead. So I have no idea what happened, though I suppose I can have a good guess. Other than catching out the corner of my eye the Swedish wunderkind, thus confirming my suspicions it would be a propaganda piece.
Why watch scheduled propaganda when you can stream what you want when you want?
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Not even an option in my dwelling. Spent a pleasant eveing cutting the grass with a motor mower. Then tidied the garage by electric light, consumed a cider watching the bats fly around the neighbour hood and finally prepared the bar b q for a busy weekend ahead.
Off later to the shop in my 2.o litre diesel to pick up some carbonised wood for bar b q and other things to pollute the environment.
Just looked out the window, more Blue Tits and Hedge Sparrows than I can recall in a long while patrolling the front hedge for insects.
“UKIP’s Carl Benjamin not sorry for MP rape comments”
I see that Al Beeb is beginning its campaign to try to destroy UKIP. This may blow up in their face ? The public are turning against Al Beeb, so join them and stop paying your telly tax .
They can’t chase all of us, Crapita are not up to it.
Police chief recently asked the media to calm their language re Brexit and not create a febrile atmosphere
So then the metroliberal machines dredges up a 3 year old line from Sargon , strips off the context and surrounds it with inflammatory language.
Does #TheSun's language "thug" "sicko" "raping MPs" comply ?#NPCC Police chief Martin Hewitt, on #Brexit “There’s a responsibility on those individuals that have a platform or voice to communicate in a way that is *temperate & not in any way going to inflame* people’s views.” pic.twitter.com/VOLR0JzlW4
Used the mellow sounds of R3 to wake from my slumbers. All ok until the 7am Al-Beeb ‘news’ bulletin.
More trump bashing. The demon rats are still pushing their ( and Al-Beebs) view that the great orange man did something bad, apparently.
Met Police leave cancelled because of middle class climate change twits in the Islamic city of Londonistan. Apparently the rozzers are not being allowed to focus on real crimes (hate crimes)?
Virtual signalling x2. They managed to mention the NZ mosque attack in two separate articles. The first in an Easter message from the jug eared heir to the throne, the second in a government fund providing money for security improvements at religious places.
Off button punched before the weather updates as I would be confident that climate change, global warming, dead puffins or something similar that ticks the agenda box would be shoehorned in.
On Toady earlier, The Bee Keeper interviewed the US Democrat Professor Stiglitz in relation to the Cultural Marxist subject of ‘Inequality’. Needless to say, egregious assertions made by the latter went unchallenged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stiglitz
More of a Marxist than Democrat, particularly in his academic role. His bias showed when he referred negatively to President Trump as, “….Saying one thing and doing another….”. Personally, avidly following US news from reliable sources, it is impossible to levy that criticism of the Potus on his successful history to date. So, yet another economist who cannot be trusted. Remember the name.
“You sense that Our Planet was unfortunately timed for the BBC. In Climate Change: The Facts, the gloves are now not so much off as thrown to the floor in a certain rage.”
When bbc editorial integrity is given control over the ‘facts’, you sense that propaganda has become the norm.
I watched the Attenborough ‘Facts’ programme last night, neatly scheduled around the Extinction Rebellion anarchy in London.
There were hardly any actual facts but a lot of doom and gloom and lots of conjecture (…..’this could happen in as little as 20 years’). Can Trading Standards look into this?
What gets no mention at all is that even if the UK reduced its carbon footprint to zero the effect on global production would be negligible.
Unless China, America, and China play ball, the only effects of hair shirt policies in the UK will be self-flagellation and a feelgood factor for the puritanical LeftMob.
‘We’ve got to act now’ never defines ‘we’.
And the in-depth investigative reporting by the BBC somehow never manages to address this.
Today, as most of us probably know, is Good Friday. This week is what is known as Holy Week.
Notre Dame cathedral burns but not a mention as far as I have seen and read about either Christianity or Jesus Christ.
The collectivist troublemakers claim to be speaking on behalf of humanity but not one mention by any of them of the only man who can save humanity – Jesus Christ.
These godless collectivists, including or perhaps especially Mr Attenborough, are always preaching about their love of humanity but by their actions they demonstrate their godlessness and their hatred of ordinary, individual people; you and me.
[good name ]. Completely agree – bbc making easter / Passover
A God free zone …
I wasn’t going to write because it is Good Friday and the RC church has the ‘tridium of masses’ but reading about the environmental stuff I did a quick wiki on the number of coal powered fire stations being built /planned .
The answer was 1,600 in 62 countries . If I recall – it’s a 45% global increase in coal powered stations Warms the heart . [ don’t treat this As Gospel though ….]
I was going to walk to church today – think I’ll use the Diesel car the government encouraged me to get instead …
President McCrone says Notre Dame will be rebuilt in a form that is in keeping with modern France. Oh dear! Of course, that did happen once before when it became the Temple of Reason after the Revolution.
In that case it needs to have a section that can be set alight once a week, such as goes on in Paris each Saturday. Plus an attached barracks for soldiers, given that more than half the French army is now permanently on duty throughout the country to try and maintain law and order. A couple of minarets will be needed, too. Oh, and a large rainbow flag on top as well. Charles Martel… where are you now when France and Europe need you again?
Nancy Pelosi yesterday shook the hands of Sinn Fein representatives, political allies and personal friends of Jeremy Corbyn, who not only know who pulled the trigger, but where they got the gun. Pelosi herself might well know those who paid for it.
The fact is that to drive the ‘climate change’ agenda, the so-called ‘Facts’ have to be conveyed as ‘Truth’ via a publicly trusted luminary. Take Treason May, for example…………..
“”Mueller report: A president saved from himself””
“”Well my friends, the Mueller report really is a page turner, full of juicy revelations and intriguing titbits of palace intrigue.””
“”Its portrayal of life inside the West Wing a couple of years back is riveting. It is a place teetering out of control, with a succession of top advisers choosing to ignore the wishes of an increasingly angry president. There are so many fantastic vignettes.””
Distraction, distraction, distraction. The BBC, like the Democrats has been complicit in peddling the Russian collusion lie and is throwing muck around in the hope no one will notice. And, little by little, trashes its reputation more each time.
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/palestine-action-allianz-protest-gracechurch-street-occupation-b1215699.html No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://youtu.be/KpByW1LaP_o A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
Radio 4 1pm news (TWATO?)
Poor Jacob Rees Mogg pushed into a corner by Sarah Montague trying to dissociate himself from the Jacob Rees Mogg supporter’s group that are saying horrid things about islam in his name. Part of the reporting on the banning of far right groups by Facebook – or is it from everywhere?
JRM was waxing lyrical about the virtues of muslims and islam. I wonder if he really means it or is it just that no politician dare say anything else for fear of career suicide?
If there was true justice in the world, islam and it’s horrible book would be banned. It’s as far right as any of the so called far right groups being banned.
There really is no hope or support for people who feel dismay at the creeping islamic takeover is there?
Yes, you are right, I think J R-M chooses his words carefully for maximum impact and clarity and always seeks to be kind and unfailingly polite. Three cheers for him.
Then contrast with Vince Cable, Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry. Plus any number of Beeboids.
It might be a good moment to observe that we users & posters on this site do have a duty of care & responsibility to David Vance and the others who own and work on it.
Dear Mr. Putin there has never been a better time to roll your tanks into London.
The Police won’t intervene if your tanks are coloured green with rainbow flags.
Extinction Rebellion – “Your website says that the puffin population has plummeted to just 570 individuals but apparently there are hundreds of thousands and increasing. Are the rest of your claims as accurate?” asked no BBC journalist ever
Any truths from ER are truly accidental.
In my native language – they’m, saft, tapped and yampy.
Are the rest of your claims as accurate?
Yes we verified all of them with Diane Abbott first !
Context : XR like most political greens are not very good at maths
..they are also not very good at reading.
So when RSPB said that in a Nationwide puffin survey in 2018 only 570 puffins were found in Shetland whereas in 2000 there were 33,000..
They misread that as nationwide they found only 570 puffns
Actually it means in the Shetland part of the survey they only found 570
, in other places they found loads .
Secondly there is a flaw in the sample process, what they do is sample 20 sites. That is fine if the puffins never move from year to year but they do.
Of course you don’t find as many puffins in the 20 sample sections, cos many puffns have moved to different parts of the islands which are not in the sample sections… so you get a low count.
At the same time as local observers were seeing thousands in Shetland.
Now the situation nationally is quite fluid
in 2000 there was a peak in Shetland now in 2019 it’s Skomsr in Wales that is having a peak and it has tens of thousands of puffins
570 puffins? There are probably as many as that at Flamborough Head alone.
exactly the idea that numbers
“fell nationwide from 33K to 570”
should make anyone say that is too wow to be true
… but #GreenDreamSupremacist cult members
…those gullible fools will believe almost anything that supports narrative.
I found this
R5 Live now with Nihal Arthanayake discussing:
— Environmental activism with two women guests; conscious consuming… Catholic contraception population problem… educating girls properly
— Facebook banning the ‘far right’; host and guest pat each other’s backs as they both make the obligatory name correction to Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
— Now interviewing author John Boyne, who has previously written about his experiences of sexual abuse in the church in Ireland, and has a new book: ‘My Brother’s Name is Jessica’. “Absolutely nothing is different about Jessica, apart from the fact that she has a different name, and a different gender identity…”
Bubble? Wot bubble?
I recently saw a clip of Extinction Rebellion (maybe a previous demo) — one protestor was sat down for a long shift at a building; the approaching plod ever so politely asked if she had glued herself to the door. In best home counties English she replied yes, yes she had, and I half expected them to share a cucumber sandwich and have a natter about what day to put the bins out.
It reminded me of Michael Palin in Life of Brian: “Crucifixion? Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.”
Meanwhile in Darwen, Lancs (third highest Muslim population in England and Wales) a ‘man’ threw ammonia at police investigating a domestic incident. One officer is seriously ill.
If I was in the police I know where I’d rather be on duty this week.
Assuming it was a muslim throwing ammonia, only one of the parties you mention has special, special protection from our Stazi.
A New Jersey man arrested after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying cans of gasoline and lighter fluid has been identified as philosophy professor Marc Lamparello
A hideously white demo?
Negligible mention on bbc of, our inward investment topping America’s, of the EU Euro crisis, of the crisis in the German economy, of the slump in manufacturing across the EU. Of the 25% unemployment with 50% youth unemployment in Europe.
The bit of paper must have slipped off the desk or been mis-filed
Is he projecting? That’s standard for BBC journalists when an interviewee on the other end of the line states awkward truths.
Jon’s whole Twitter feed this afternoon reeks of frustration that they haven’t managed to get Trump.
Meanwhile, Trump trolls them all again.
5 minutes ago President Sopel was calling everyone his opposition “conspiracy theorists”
Well over two years of hard work by Sopel, desperate to do his little bit towards a Trump impeachment. And boy, was it little….
Whichever way you look at it though, over time, that’s a lot of hot air, Jon.
Never mind.
Poor on analysis.
Big on salary.
You can’t lose at the biased, coercively-funded bbc.
Wonder when they’re going to have a look at Hillary?
Lots there Jon, if you want to have a go at an honest day’s work.
But that lovely salary would be in jeopardy.
Can’t have that.
So, let’s see. Surely there must be something else on Trump somewhere?
Holy Week for some – so when I turn on the TV and see the BBC news celebrating the 40th anniversary of ‘ Life of Brian ‘ .
I’ve been so ‘ groomed’ now that I know what an evil outfit the BBC is – that I instantly thought
“ how would the BBC celebrate a spoof of Islam ? “.
We know what the answer is ….
As an aside – Retail sales up in March 6% year on year -.brexit not mentioned . Weather was . The BBC made it sound like bad news in only the way it could ….
A Top 30 glossary of phrases and terms in relation to Brexit.
(from the Wolverhampton Express & Star by Toby Neal)
1. “Up yours!” Harmless Tory party banter, as used by MP Mark Francois in regard to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, ideally accompanied by reversed Churchillian fingers.
2. “Brexit secretary.” A Cabinet minister who is about to resign.
3. “Shadow Brexit secretary.” A Shadow Cabinet minister who wants Britain to remain in the European Union. See also: chairman of the Exiting the European Union Select Committee.
4. “Take back control.” Assertion of UK sovereignty by cementing Parliament as the nation’s supreme decision-making body.
5. “Irony.” See above.
6. “Lie.” A political promise. See also: manifesto.
7. “A load of/bunch of… (insert appropriate word),” as in a collective description of MPs. This is totally banned, as offensive and upsetting to our Members of Parliament. Equally any protests involving eggs will result in an immediate jail sentence.
8.“Guy Fawkes.” Only to be used with additional commentary to express disdain and disapproval of the terrorist Mr Fawkes and what he was getting up to.
9. “Betrayal/traitors.” Make sure you have your toothbrush packed and ready if you slip into such language, which is an abusive and offensive mischaracterisation of our patriotic politicians as they do what is best for us all, and with the national interest at their heart, as they vote in accord with deeply held personal views or, failing that, the way their whips order them to.
10. “We didn’t know what we were voting for.” They didn’t know what they were voting for.
Brexit – pick your own definition
11. “Brexit” (noun). A place or destination in British mythology.
12. “Brexit” (verb). To display signs of confusion, division, and uncertainty.
13. “London.” A remote island capital north west of Brussels, cut off from mainstream thinking by the M25.
14. “Britain.” A place formerly known as Great Britain, now best referred to as the UK, pronounced as in “yuk.”
15. “Westminster.” A specially sealed environment within London to protect a group of people who display collective signs of hysteria, pathological contrariness, and lack of proportion.
16. “Danny Scene Conversion.” The act of supporting the ERG and then changing your mind and not supporting them.
17. “To Lammy.” To compare political opponents to the Nazis.
18. “Double Lammy.” To be compared both to Hitler personally and the Nazis generally.
19.“£350 million.” Approximate gross weekly British contribution (net £156 million) to the European Union which would be saved if we left.
20.“£39 billion.” Cost of Britain leaving the EU.
21. “Cliff edge”/”crash out.” Leaving the EU without a formal deal.
22. “ITN News.” ITN editorialising.
23. “Article 50.” Something which seemed a good idea at the time. Something to be overturned.
24. “Theresa May’s deal.” Michel Barnier’s deal with the UK on behalf of the EU.
25. “North.” Non-London areas of the UK which did not vote Remain (as coined by Tottenham MP David Lammy).
26. “Driven by nostalgia, where passports were blue, faces were white, and the map was coloured imperial pink.” Brexit voters, as described by Sir Vince Cable.
27. “Hard line.” Standard BBC prefix for Tory MPs who support Brexit.
28. “Ardent.” As in “ardent Remainer.” Occasional BBC prefix for any MP who supports Britain remaining in the EU.
29. “We must be careful with our language.” You must be careful with your language. Something MPs say about other MPs who say things they don’t agree with and who they want to shut up.
30. “Referendum.” A non-binding public vote, to be repeated as necessary.
How about “meaningful” ? Which when used, isn’t really meaningful at all.
take that labour supporting brexiteers
Yes and ‘back stop’ – something to cause us to back out a stop us from leaving.
Not BBC related except insofar as they are all at it.
Amazon UK
Men’s Fashion
Mid Season Sale
9 pictures of models.
Last line deleted to prevent offence – Fedup2
@Fedup put some asterisks in
LCS might be frustrated and trying to be provocative
..but he/she is over the line and is on the way to getting this site banned at the library etc.
Stew –
It’s done thanks for saying . I dip into the site when I can and frankly I’m surprised at that terminology which in such circumstance is crude .
Thanks Stew and Fedup. I saw the last line and winced but forgot about the ‘report’ button.
News Front Page
Jumping in – What’s noticeable is disrupted London commuters aren’t being given a voice? Why is the State broadcaster not interested? It’s as if they can only promote one cause at a time and lack the capacity to look a step beyond lest risk changing their narrative.
If the disruption were caused by flood or snow or Brexit oh my, would the bbc be laying it on thick.
I am delighted to read – and the bbc is even more delighted to inform me – that Facebook is to ban far-right groups.
And now I eagerly await for it to ban far-left groups, and far-supremacist sects that advocate intolerance, antisemitism, homophobia, misogyny, paedophilia, xenophobia, bigotry, the death penalty, stoning, maiming, and worldwide conquest and subjugation of infidels.
Experiments conducted some years back and featured in the bbc programme, ‘Inside the Bubble’ illustrated that Right leaning sites were being ‘filtered’ away from feeds.
Daily Mail headline:
US Attorney General says Mueller report entirely CLEARS Trump of Russian collusion and says president did not obstruct justice but was ‘understandably angry’ at undermining of his presidency
Contrast with the BBC bleating acknowledgement only of what it has to.
Trump Russia investigation: Attorney General Barr backs Trump
Is there anyone more disappointed at the bbc than Sopel?
Evan Davis could be one. “Barr was spinning for the President” he says.
bbc news at 5.00 on R4
Got himself a buddy called Paul Wood, who says Congress will now go after the President. (Maybe. But they’re going to struggle with the Senate doing anything like that! So Davis and Wood will need to come up with something better..)
Boy, are these two trying very, very hard…
Evan will be bringing on Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. Has Evan managed to drag on Ocasio-Cortez at any stage? If not, I’m sure he’s working on it.
As I said, trying very, very hard.
The failure list for the Emir of the Islamic Repubkic of Londonistan is getting longer .
Knife murders
Cross rail
Eco intimidation
A joke police force .
And that’s only the high profile stuff . Image the corrupt inside City Hall
Obviously in BBC terms he can do no wrong
Free pass.
It’s as if nothing that goes bad in London has anything to do with the elected Mayor.
He complains a lot as if that’s point 1. on the JD.
All ‘par for the course’ ………..In Karachi.
Sopel !
Will you stop meddling in US politics !
And every time they mention Barr’s name they add – who was appointed by the president in an attempt to sully his words.
Heathrow is where half of W1A pops over to the second home for long weekends from isn’t it?
You’ve got to hand it to beeb: impartial.
Evan on R4 has found a Republican and a Democrat. That’s impartial, isn’t it?
But what is this? Little problem re impartiality: the Republican is anti-Trump.
Pelosi jnr thinks the Russians were “hacking into election systems”
But what is this? Evan is egging Pelosi on, she’s not extreme enough for him. Coax, coax, coax. Evan has to work really hard, she’s sounding much to sober for his liking. He wants Trump-bashing, not political analysis.
But fate is not kind to Evan: the line to the anti-Trump Republican won’t work.
Poor Evan. Loser all the way…
Competition potential: is Evan Davis the most amateurish, manipulative and blatantly biased ‘interviewer’ with the beeb?
That would be saying quite something.
So Trump cleared of Russkie involvement so apologies all round from the Beeb? Nope the front page headline they managed to come up with.
“Mueller Report: Trump ”tried to get special counsel fired’ I smell desperation! The absolute weasels! I guess the only other angle they have now is to try to find out if he ever cheated at golf.
But he did not fire Mueller. He knew the investigation was a waste of time, money and was nothing more than a plot to unseat him.
I expect a bbc special, ‘The Mueller Plot – How Did it go so Wrong ?’
PS, they still can’t get themselves to say PRESIDENT Trump can they?
Perhaps they hope that if they keep it up he might wake up one day and forget he is the PRESIDENT!
Something tells me that Al Beeb don’t like President Trump? I don’t think they like Brexit either.
I know that I don’t like Al Beeb because they keep on sending me demands of money for the load of trash they purvey.
Yes, for all their faults I cant see the Americans referring to her Majesty as just ‘Elizabeth’. And is it me, but I’ve noticed that Americans in general are far more eloquent in their vocabulary , whilst we, as a nation, have become very ‘oik’ in our enunciation.
I see on TV news at 6pm on beeb, that Leicester University has a Professor of Hate Studies.
Wow, that must be a pretty demanding job.
Sort of halfway between Brain surgeon and Rocket scientist?
Wonder whether he’s given to political bias..?
I hate treading in dog poo. Can I do a PhD with him on this topic?
Try Meeja Studies, its the same course but much easier.
Another impartial bbc gob chips in…
A few posts on he claims he is ‘just reporting a conversation’.
They seem… bitter…
@CarlUKIP doing a good job of upsetting the media and the fragrant Jess.
Sargon is great UKIP asset. I hope he becomes an MEP and then an MP.
All I know is that the local tags are running anti Benjamin hit pieces with unheard of numbers of lefty loons commenting – so much so that I really wondered if GCHQ have got some AI bots on the job.
Well that’s your Friday nights sorted out from now on
John Prescott on Channel5
John will be Jon.
The website leads with the positive take home of the findings
“Mueller report: Trump ‘tried to get special counsel fired’
Poor old Beeb and the rest of the MSM going into melt down.
Mr Sweeney, while Tommy Robinson’s video, Panodrama, does not conclude you committed a crime, it does not exonerate you.
Oh, and hasn’t your employer sacked you yet?
Send your activist story in to the BBC
and they will cutNpaste it as a newsstory
Surrey earthquakes: Is oil drilling causing tremors?
By William McLennan 15 April 2019
\\ the “Surrey earthquakes” story on the BBC, you beat me to it. It’s part of an organised campaign by protestors, though they’re getting clever at it, and the MSM is aiding and abetting.
I googled Lynette von Kaufmann,
“who lives less than a mile from the source of the tremors in Newdigate” and loads of articles come up in pretty much the same language as the BBC piece – so as usual this is not a news story, but a PR press release has been uncritically taken up by the media.
The same stories have appeared on the internet going back at least until last July, and the same names keep appearing. //
Attenbollocks : Andrew Montford has opened a new thread in his blog
in honour of the 9pm BBC1 Special : Climate Change The Facts
Seems to me the end of the Earth will come even earlier than expected.
.. The prog pre-publicity said it would be a 90 minute special
..Yet now it’s only 60 mins long
.. So some bits have been cut out ?
AOC told me it was 12
The UN agrees its 10 years
and have done since 1989
As people get to the end of their lives, they tend to become apocalyptic. Surely the world must end now that I am about to leave it, they think. No. None of us are that important, even David Attenborough. In the end, despite our egotism and narcissism, we are all insignificant, the Earth has its own ways of regulating itself and the planet will continue to exist for millions of years after we are all long dead and forgotten.
Perhaps they could all agree to collective suicide in 2029 and we’d have no more of their shite
I remember in my youth there were men who would walk the streets wearing a sandwich board declaring ” The End Is Nigh “.
Why hasn’t Boaty McBoatface Attenborough tried that; he might have more success in converting us plebs to his Chicken Licken hysteria.
Just perusing the TV schedules for tonight, usual crap including a whole hour of doom, gloom and bollocks with Sir Lord David Attenborough, but at 10.35 in the QT time slot ‘The Truth About Alcohol’ and it could only happen on the BBC – presented by a Muslim..
But just not any, Javid Abdelmoneim just happens to have worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (doctors without borders) and is known for his research his research into gender conditioning in school-age children and the program No More Boys and Girls…
I don’t think I’ll allow myself to be patronised and lied to, but the alternative on BBC2 is ‘Stephen: The Murder That Changed a Nation’ Some choice eh?
And yet not (and never) a word about Kriss Donald, a 15 year old white Scottish lad who was abducted in Glasgow and held in a car for hours. Eventually, he was taken to the side of a canal, where he was repeatedly stabbed then doused in petrol and set alight. His assailants were several male muslims. Kriss had done nothing wrong. He was not involved in any illegal activity and was not known to his attackers. His ‘crime’ was simply to be a young, white male walking down a street on his own, and as such easy prey for the utter filth who took his life.
White Lives Don’t Matter at al beeb.
Indeed. I’ll pull my chair up in front of some wet paint..
Poor old beeb, you can feel their angst over this story. On the one hand it involves the sexual abuse, then murder by burning alive, of a young woman, which should qualify it for full Home page treatment.
On the other hand the abuser was a muslim, and not just any old muslim but the headmaster of a madrassa. And the murderers probably students there.
Oh dear, what’s a good libtard to do? Does feminism trump islamophilia or vice versa?
In this case the decision seems to have been to tuck it away as a fairly small story under Asia.
P.S. There’s an expose’ waiting to be made of what goes on behind those madrassa doors – occasionally a video or a story leaks out, and it ain’t pretty.
I wonder if Panodrama will make it?
Nusrat Jahan Rafi: Burned to death for reporting sexual harassment
Sky’s Kate McCann vs Sargon of Akkad at IKIP press conference
video to follow
Note the Sky journo tries to put Sargon of Akkad’s Twitter name in her tweet
.. she gets the wrong one.
Sky reporter Kate McCann , tried to do a Gotcha ..Sargon stung back well
Sargon has added a comment beneath that video
“Sargon of Akkad : I simply will not apologise to the artifically offended.”
Sky’s own MISREPRESENTATIVE edited video no comments are allowed
..so we used GabDissenter to comment instead
“It’s not okay to misrepresent and then disable the comments.”
2 hours ago
Why is it a problem that you dont want to rape a woman?
Cos saying “i wouldn’t even rape you” in one context could be an insult
However in the context he used it it wasn’t
However for them , it was a bigger priority to get on the outage bus rather than check context.
Channel 4 youtube vid left comments open
Note it has 1.K views
vs the above clip that has 14K
‘The final battle’, Great British humor and satire versus snowflake, Political Correctness.
“Context here is key and once again you removed it”
Every one knows that “the Lamestream Media” get it wrong. Especially the “lame streams” at the BBC.
RAZZIA Iqbal, on R4 News at 10pm has 2 interviewing styles (having more than one shows how ‘impartial’ she is):
-unsurprisingly, a Democrat Congressman is allowed to speak uninterrupted, as he outlines what a bad boy President Trump is; meek and mild Razzia has only a few prompts, to edge along her narrative;
-for one of President Trump’s former team, Razzia becomes a shrieking, howling banshee, constantly interrupting, trying to refute everything the speaker says, almost immediately, whining and complaining etc
Of course, she has kicked off with her own narrative, that the President tried to obstruct justice. Like Evan Davies at 6, her interviewees are really just props, to make the whole thing sound like an actual interview; it’s all about the interviewer’s (biased) narrative. She differs from Davis only in her incessant shouting and loud arguing.
Once upon a time, I listened to r4 to get accurate, quality reporting. Now the channel, with its third-rate interviewers, is full of sound and fury -signifying nothing.
According to a relative who is not political – he was shocked to hear a BBC News Reader on BBC1 News at Ten (broadcast nationwide) say “Donald Tweeted” … “I’m fucked”. When they showed the actual tweet which the BBC claimed was from Donald Trump – it read “… I’m f*****d … ” – so the BBC News Reader filled in the blanks according to their own wishes.
It never said “Fucked” it said “f*****d”. This is clear example of misreporting on the most open of stages (if true).
Can anyone please confirm. Thank you.
Confirmation from a blue tick
It seems to me that the BBC’s main reaction to the Mueller report has been to deflect at all costs from the fact they have spent two years peddling fake news about Russian collusion. Jon and Katty have been furiously retweeting any tittle-tattle in the report that they think shows Trump in a bad light while ignoring the actual issue.
Hi Roland (or anybody else) if you are able to capture the full sets of (re)tweets from Jon and Katty – that would be helpful for later analysis. (Or provide the links). I do a print webpage to a pdf file – but often the printing isn’t perfect (I am not on twitter).
Katty should just transfer to CNN
Well. I managed to endure Attenborough’s swan song without shouting, swearing or throwing the remote through the screen.
1 hour of nauseating unchallenged claims and proof that climate change is already upon us. No doubt taken in, hook line and sinker by the gullible.
The only problem is that claim after claim can be quite easily dismissed if a little bit digging is done.
Extreme weather. Err no. Though there is evidence both for and against the existence of a detectable anthropogenic signal in the tropical cyclone climate record to date, no firm conclusion can be made on this point.
Wildfires. Err no. While the number of wildfires and the total acres burned both declined in 2018 the average size continued to increase. The number of wildfires has been trending down since at least 1985
Louisiana sea level rising. Err no. It would appear that Louisiana is actually sinking.
Corral reef bleaching. Err no. Hasn’t Dr Peter Ridd just won his landmark court case against the James Cook University.
I was expecting polar bears. Walruses and puffins to be summoned to the witness box, but they were conveniently left out.
It ended with an emotional plea from the sock puppet Greta Thunberg encouraging all of the children to go on strike..
Davylars, thanks for taking that one for the team – you deserve a medal. I spent several hours in my car today shouting at the radio as they went all medieval on AGW. So I just didn’t have the strength to watch St David this evening. But it’s as you say, most of all the claims made can be refuted with 5 mins on google.
Well done for suffering it . I chose to watch my kitchen taps drip .
I wonder – seriously – if the metro green types really did go back to the stone age to have zero carbon emissions . Give them 8 months of Autumn Winter of self sufficiency with no cell phone signal .
Methinks they might soften their absolutist view . Or maybe more drastically stop their lives completely to reduce resource depletion . They’d certainly be doing Londoners a favour .
There should be some kind of scheme to place these poorly educated children with families in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for a month or two so they can be told by families who lived through communism what it is really like.
One of my nephews was a vacuous lefty. Then he had a Polish girlfriend. He visited her family and when he came home one of the first things he said to me was, to the effect, he had never believed what I had been telling him but now, having listened to his girlfriend’s parents, he understood and had changed his views.
Well done you. Mrs D insisted on watching it, because it was Attenborough. Which is what the BBC relies on.
I donned the headphones and watched an episode of Westworld on the iPad instead. So I have no idea what happened, though I suppose I can have a good guess. Other than catching out the corner of my eye the Swedish wunderkind, thus confirming my suspicions it would be a propaganda piece.
Why watch scheduled propaganda when you can stream what you want when you want?
stewgreen’s been saying that 30 mins was snipped off some advertised run times for this – anybody know ?
I’m wondering at the size of Greta’s entourage / team – I’d wager that it’s not her and her mum …
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Davylars, you were brave even to watch the Attenborough rubbish. Notalotofpeopleknowthat have now had the chance to quote the facts etc to show the distortions.
Not even an option in my dwelling. Spent a pleasant eveing cutting the grass with a motor mower. Then tidied the garage by electric light, consumed a cider watching the bats fly around the neighbour hood and finally prepared the bar b q for a busy weekend ahead.
Off later to the shop in my 2.o litre diesel to pick up some carbonised wood for bar b q and other things to pollute the environment.
Just looked out the window, more Blue Tits and Hedge Sparrows than I can recall in a long while patrolling the front hedge for insects.
Happy days.
“1 hour of nauseating unchallenged claims and proof that climate change is already upon us. No doubt taken in, hook line and sinker by the gullible.”
I didn’t watch it as I usually have to order a new remote every time I hear his condescending voice. If on the radio a new plug.
Tis the same with any scientific claim – get a load of these “facts” that the MSM will never ever publish.
I realise not BBC but Attenborough would surely be angry at us telling the public: don’t believe every thing that science teachers tell ya.
“UKIP’s Carl Benjamin not sorry for MP rape comments”
I see that Al Beeb is beginning its campaign to try to destroy UKIP. This may blow up in their face ? The public are turning against Al Beeb, so join them and stop paying your telly tax .
They can’t chase all of us, Crapita are not up to it.
Police chief recently asked the media to calm their language re Brexit and not create a febrile atmosphere
So then the metroliberal machines dredges up a 3 year old line from Sargon , strips off the context and surrounds it with inflammatory language.
“Brexit: No deal means hard Irish border, says Selmayr”
Is it me, or do Al Beeb have their HYS “Highs” and “Lows” mixed up?
Used the mellow sounds of R3 to wake from my slumbers. All ok until the 7am Al-Beeb ‘news’ bulletin.
More trump bashing. The demon rats are still pushing their ( and Al-Beebs) view that the great orange man did something bad, apparently.
Met Police leave cancelled because of middle class climate change twits in the Islamic city of Londonistan. Apparently the rozzers are not being allowed to focus on real crimes (hate crimes)?
Virtual signalling x2. They managed to mention the NZ mosque attack in two separate articles. The first in an Easter message from the jug eared heir to the throne, the second in a government fund providing money for security improvements at religious places.
Off button punched before the weather updates as I would be confident that climate change, global warming, dead puffins or something similar that ticks the agenda box would be shoehorned in.
Fake News as someone once said.
Cancelled your Telly Tax Direct Debit? I have.
As Sir Boaty, Greta, Emma Thompson and the BBC come into planetary alignment, a thought struck me.
How will they all be getting there?
Asked. Answered.
Nice to see an ‘accused of’ boomerang back.
Bets on her first Breakfast sofa chat?
From the BBC website, one might infer report that Dame Emma had just popped down from West Hampstead.
On Toady earlier, The Bee Keeper interviewed the US Democrat Professor Stiglitz in relation to the Cultural Marxist subject of ‘Inequality’. Needless to say, egregious assertions made by the latter went unchallenged.
More of a Marxist than Democrat, particularly in his academic role. His bias showed when he referred negatively to President Trump as, “….Saying one thing and doing another….”. Personally, avidly following US news from reliable sources, it is impossible to levy that criticism of the Potus on his successful history to date. So, yet another economist who cannot be trusted. Remember the name.
“New bulletins are leading on global warming and the BBC is shedding some of its ‘balance’”
Like the ‘quotes’.
The bbc certainly seems prepared to throw themselves behind this bunch. Not sure that is wise, given some easily checked background facts.
“You sense that Our Planet was unfortunately timed for the BBC. In Climate Change: The Facts, the gloves are now not so much off as thrown to the floor in a certain rage.”
When bbc editorial integrity is given control over the ‘facts’, you sense that propaganda has become the norm.
I watched the Attenborough ‘Facts’ programme last night, neatly scheduled around the Extinction Rebellion anarchy in London.
There were hardly any actual facts but a lot of doom and gloom and lots of conjecture (…..’this could happen in as little as 20 years’). Can Trading Standards look into this?
What gets no mention at all is that even if the UK reduced its carbon footprint to zero the effect on global production would be negligible.
Unless China, America, and China play ball, the only effects of hair shirt policies in the UK will be self-flagellation and a feelgood factor for the puritanical LeftMob.
‘We’ve got to act now’ never defines ‘we’.
And the in-depth investigative reporting by the BBC somehow never manages to address this.
Today, as most of us probably know, is Good Friday. This week is what is known as Holy Week.
Notre Dame cathedral burns but not a mention as far as I have seen and read about either Christianity or Jesus Christ.
The collectivist troublemakers claim to be speaking on behalf of humanity but not one mention by any of them of the only man who can save humanity – Jesus Christ.
These godless collectivists, including or perhaps especially Mr Attenborough, are always preaching about their love of humanity but by their actions they demonstrate their godlessness and their hatred of ordinary, individual people; you and me.
[good name ]. Completely agree – bbc making easter / Passover
A God free zone …
I wasn’t going to write because it is Good Friday and the RC church has the ‘tridium of masses’ but reading about the environmental stuff I did a quick wiki on the number of coal powered fire stations being built /planned .
The answer was 1,600 in 62 countries . If I recall – it’s a 45% global increase in coal powered stations Warms the heart . [ don’t treat this As Gospel though ….]
I was going to walk to church today – think I’ll use the Diesel car the government encouraged me to get instead …
Notice the next time how the BBC will say: “our thoughts and our hopes” are with those suffering.
You will rarely hear a BBC News presenter include: “our Prayers”
They simply hate the thought that someone would remind them to include Christianity.
I’ve noticed that when they have to use the term ‘prayers’ it’s generally accompanied with ‘Friday’
And not ‘Good’ for this particular day of the year.
President McCrone says Notre Dame will be rebuilt in a form that is in keeping with modern France. Oh dear! Of course, that did happen once before when it became the Temple of Reason after the Revolution.
In that case it needs to have a section that can be set alight once a week, such as goes on in Paris each Saturday. Plus an attached barracks for soldiers, given that more than half the French army is now permanently on duty throughout the country to try and maintain law and order. A couple of minarets will be needed, too. Oh, and a large rainbow flag on top as well. Charles Martel… where are you now when France and Europe need you again?
And they say that Brexit is a threat to “peace” in ” Ireland”?
What a tragic death, my heart goes out to this poor girl and her family.
Nancy Pelosi yesterday shook the hands of Sinn Fein representatives, political allies and personal friends of Jeremy Corbyn, who not only know who pulled the trigger, but where they got the gun. Pelosi herself might well know those who paid for it.
They used pictures, surprisingly. Is this not a hate crime? Or something.
Discussions about last night’s Attenbollocks prog
1) “Climate Change – The BBC Myths”
PH’s thorough analysis
3) BH has 37 comments already
Ben Pile live tweeted it in about 40 tweets
Just click the tweet text and the thread will open in a separate tab
Part 1
Part 2
The fact is that to drive the ‘climate change’ agenda, the so-called ‘Facts’ have to be conveyed as ‘Truth’ via a publicly trusted luminary. Take Treason May, for example…………..
BBC Online News:
by Jon Sopel
“”Mueller report: A president saved from himself””
“”Well my friends, the Mueller report really is a page turner, full of juicy revelations and intriguing titbits of palace intrigue.””
“”Its portrayal of life inside the West Wing a couple of years back is riveting. It is a place teetering out of control, with a succession of top advisers choosing to ignore the wishes of an increasingly angry president. There are so many fantastic vignettes.””
M’Lud…another example of BBC Bias. I rest my case.
Sopel really is beside himself. I wonder he’s not had a stroke or cardiac arrest by now, the beauty gets so worked up over it all.
Lefty so called ‘journalists’ across the globe suffering from TDS.
It’s great to see.
Distraction, distraction, distraction. The BBC, like the Democrats has been complicit in peddling the Russian collusion lie and is throwing muck around in the hope no one will notice. And, little by little, trashes its reputation more each time.
Given what is happening in Khan’s London, is this ironic or tongue in cheek?
The Today Programme
Are councils misusing powers to ban anti social behaviour for trivial things?
Hillingdon councillor David Simmonds “makes no apology” for taking action against public nuisances.
Lawyer Rosie Brighouse says powers to stop such behaviour are too broad and misused. https://bbc.in/2ZmAx7K
Brave. I’ll give them that. So far, #CCBGB.