#Skripal #ducks #novichok #Salisbury
Steve McIntyre says this is big news
” CIA provided the President with fake photos” ?
suggest official documents
Surely its Russian disinfo isn’t it ?
"It is obvious that a direct fabrication has taken place. The CIA provided the President with fake photos, either manufactured in the US, or received from Britain. We call upon the British authorities to urgently clarify the matter." Russian Embassy @ https://t.co/BXkp4uCOj2pic.twitter.com/RscGfBcBXJ
Just saw the last bit of Attenborough’s documentary about the facts of climate change. It ended with emotional appeals from adults and children for people to play their part and protest. Just what was needed at a time of anarchy in Central London. Well done BBC!
The poor black people can’t afford to be vegan; and to see a pretty girl who looks as if she is straight from an add agency pushing it down their throats makes me more of a meat eater than ever.
Derrrr ……. Yes we know. Maybe it’s hot news to the bbc ?
He often talked about closing down Mueller.
He even said it in front of many, many people, on TV and on video.
Dear me bbc, Sopel not been on the case ?
Trump has been very forgiving toward Clinton, Comey, the dossier etc..
He wants to move on and there are many out there who should pray
he retains that mindset.
Now that the ‘democrats’ cannot prove any collusion or connection with the Russians and the last election they are now saying he cannot prove that he DID NOT have anything to do with them.
That’s plain crazy.
You could say The Queen, Gareth Southgate and Paul McCartney also cannot prove that they DID NOT have anything to do with the American election.
The Donald is winning every way against these ‘democrats’ and their MSM pets like the bbc.
Why is over population never mentioned in all this global warming/cooling (whichever it is this week)
One person in their lifetime consumes or uses huge amounts of resources and foodstuffs.
About 50,000 litres of fuel for a few cars. Maybe 500 chickens.
How much plastic/cleaning stuff/water/heating and thousands of other resources does one person use in a lifetime.
Then, the offspring using it all again and more.
Over Population is the greatest danger to life on Earth but, as with most things the pc MSM and looney left protest about, they ignore the elephants and virtue signal about the latest fashionable cause.
By the way, I bet it stinks where they are protesting. I wonder if they all have bio degradable doggy poo bags with them or are they leaving it for someone else to clean up after them.
One of the protesters this week was complaining that the UK was one of the most food dependent countries. It would appear prudent to adapt policy to nudge population to a slightly downward trajectory?
Yet though they spoke like they’d been rehearsing for years this point was never addressed. Class 1 hypocrisy imv. There’s more than one way to reduce food dependency. That’s glaringly obvious.
Can you imagine the numbers of infants in a single year are lawfully murdered in and out of mothers womb would have survived if certain doctors/finance companies/anti-life groups-BBC didn’t put “life” before “costs” and “inconvieneancies”
Good job that Planned Parenthood is the largest supplier of abortons in the USA, then. Annual revenues of $1.3 billion, including $530 million in government funding. And it’s a tax free corporation. Reduce the population and earn some serious money: win-win for liberals.
Emmanuel -What you say about overpopulation is very true. So why is this, the No1 issue, not an issue for the protestors?
Subconsciously, the ‘climate protestors’ have registered that it’s taking place largely in Africa and Asia/ Middle East.
Were Europe the source of overpopulation, you may well be hearing quite a bit about it.
But, like this, it may raise uncomfortable issues / connotations of ‘racism’ or ‘colonialism’, if comments about either of those two continents are made.
I’m even wondering if the profusion of African and Asian faces we are seeing in our stories and advertisements, is not an early surrender notice to the relatively ‘poor young billions’ waiting out there?
We, the ‘rich, old, millions’ await your arrival, since we are incapable of replacing our own dying, with Europeans.
Could it be that all these border elimination issues, all the ‘sanctuary cities’ and the ‘welcoming’ of refugees overlies the dynamics of population growth?
So, instead of celebrating our own communities, we’re going to celebrate ‘diversity’, and act very sharply against anyone who dissents from this line? We could call them ‘far right’, for example, and marginalize and demonize them. Bring witchhunts back to Europe. Turn on our own…
For many Europeans, raising a family these days sounds too much like hard work, so we’ll get a dog instead? I merely pose the question. I may be wrong? It may be governments who are at fault. After all, the Hungarians have decided that they are going to replace their own people with their own people…
So it can’t be too difficult.
Stronger then expected UK & US retail sales numbers out today. I'm bemused… Weren't we assured that voting for Brexit & Trump would prove disastrous to the economy?
Impartiality is not about giving equal time to opposing points of view. It's about fair as opposed to biased reporting. The BBC has got this very wrong with regard to #Brexit. And, even today, we see this with the #bbcqt panelists. https://t.co/xNfRBz3lqD
— Derek James ????????#RejoinEU #Resist the #ToryBrexit (@derekjames150) April 19, 2019
Context : the article is OLD from July 2018
+ Raymond Snoddy is a well known Remainiac
The article is very often tweeted by Remainiac robot army
“hardline” is a boo-word label, an ad hom that is used to poison the wells and render someone as toxic
…. It shouldn’t be used in a Radio Times article like that if it wants to have any claim to be impartial.
Journos have such metrolib groupthink that no other journo dared to call out that Radio Times appalling propaganda
It was left to Daily Mail commenters
Click on the “show best” button
All you see on two Google pages that I spot audited is the same text and details of Producer, Editor and Senior Producer. I could not actually get the video to play, so I have no idea what the young lady was actually subjected to, what her testimony is. What may be a distortion of truth is now available on umpteen Internet News sites globally.
That may be the case for millions of others, an unwatchable video but they have received the message via the title and ‘the sub-text’.
Seems to be a non-story. The lady felt that her neighbours were no longer quite so friendly, plus wanted to pursue a singing career in Poland. No particular incident. Comes back to the UK every couple of months so her daughter can see her father. Thinks she’ll come back herself for good eventually.
Note to BBC: she did not move back to Poland after Brexit. Brexit hasn’t taken place yet. You probably mean the referendum. Get some new work experience people in.
“”Mueller report: Eight things we only just learned””
“”Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation paints a decidedly mixed picture of President Donald Trump’s conduct, that provides ample AMMUNITION for either side of the political divide.””
He’s nothing but the chief spokesperson for the NIMBY fanatics.
This guy is only saying what his grand children tell him; and the kids are only repeating what their village school master brain washes them with, and the head masters are simply repeating what their scientist friends tell them in the pub; and they are only repeating what they hear from Attenborough on the Pub TV.
Sorry, missed that! Must have been added since I was there.
I’ll add this from Delingpole:
Even by the BBC’s abysmal standards, this programme was a disgrace: an insult to the intelligence, a betrayal of the Reithian principles on which the BBC was founded, and a shameless piece of propaganda on behalf of the watermelons who would destroy our civilisation.
As for Sir David Attenborough, it’s time this whispery voiced, gorilla hugging, walrus scaring Malthusian was recognised for what he is: not as a national treasure but as a national embarrassment long, long past his sell-by date.
Since 92 year old beeboid David Attenborough has ‘a call to arms ‘ I was worried in case he is paying higher level income tax on all those fees from the BBC
I needed not to worry – a quick check shows ‘David Attenborough ( productions ) limited has existed since before 1991 so he can be ‘tax efficient ‘
In awarding himself dividends ….
On the UK pollution / climate thing.
A few people on the media and phone-ins of late, have dared mention immigration into our overcrowded island as being relevant.
They have been shut down immediately.
Any genuine or principled or at least sentient environmentalist / Green politician would be totally opposed to immigration. The carbon footprint of people in the developing world is a lot less than in the West; when you transfer people from there to here they have a far higher environmental impact – far better for the planet if they remain in their original country. There is also the question of diet. On the BBC website is a ‘Climate change food calculator’ to calculate the carbon footprint of diet (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46459714). This reveals that Western staples such as potatoes, bread and oatmeal have a far lower environmental impact than rice, with potatoes producing less than 1/6th the amount of greenhouse gases relative to rice. There is currently a BBC-supported UN initiative to discourage the consumption of meat in the West, promote vegetarianism, the eating of insects and so on. When can we see articles and programmes on the BBC urging people in the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia to stop eating rice and switch to eating more bread and potatoes instead? As around three billion people live in that part of the world it would make a huge difference.
In truth, I’m now visiting the BBC less and less. I cannot remember when I last tuned in to a radio or TV channel, I mostly visit the website to get sports results and, in those brief terrifying moments, I sometimes unfortunately skim-read some vomit-inducing headlines such as ‘I wanted my sexuality to…’ or ‘Love Island made me …’ or, Is it ok to take a selfie when..’ or ‘LGBT community..’ or ‘Wrong to treat women as…’ and so on. To be honest, I’ve started using this site as a buffer and am letting others stand on the front line. It’s much easier that way although a bit cowardly, I admit. I think I’m suffering from bbctle fatigue.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
#Skripal #ducks #novichok #Salisbury
Steve McIntyre says this is big news
” CIA provided the President with fake photos” ?
suggest official documents
Surely its Russian disinfo isn’t it ?
This is going to be a tricky one chez W1A.
Indeed. Islam has no interest in Climate Change.
Doubtless Fran And Lord Tone have a well crafted response handy.
Next salvo.
I have never seen so many white people gathered together…
The poor black people can’t afford to be vegan; and to see a pretty girl who looks as if she is straight from an add agency pushing it down their throats makes me more of a meat eater than ever.
And the winner of the BBC Women’s Footballer of the Year 2019, with 38 votes is…
David Vance tweets
Derrrr ……. Yes we know. Maybe it’s hot news to the bbc ?
He often talked about closing down Mueller.
He even said it in front of many, many people, on TV and on video.
Dear me bbc, Sopel not been on the case ?
Trump has been very forgiving toward Clinton, Comey, the dossier etc..
He wants to move on and there are many out there who should pray
he retains that mindset.
PS: Grass is green.
This Trump/Russia business.
Do I understand it right.
Now that the ‘democrats’ cannot prove any collusion or connection with the Russians and the last election they are now saying he cannot prove that he DID NOT have anything to do with them.
That’s plain crazy.
You could say The Queen, Gareth Southgate and Paul McCartney also cannot prove that they DID NOT have anything to do with the American election.
The Donald is winning every way against these ‘democrats’ and their MSM pets like the bbc.
Why is over population never mentioned in all this global warming/cooling (whichever it is this week)
One person in their lifetime consumes or uses huge amounts of resources and foodstuffs.
About 50,000 litres of fuel for a few cars. Maybe 500 chickens.
How much plastic/cleaning stuff/water/heating and thousands of other resources does one person use in a lifetime.
Then, the offspring using it all again and more.
Over Population is the greatest danger to life on Earth but, as with most things the pc MSM and looney left protest about, they ignore the elephants and virtue signal about the latest fashionable cause.
By the way, I bet it stinks where they are protesting. I wonder if they all have bio degradable doggy poo bags with them or are they leaving it for someone else to clean up after them.
“Over Population is the greatest danger”
One of the protesters this week was complaining that the UK was one of the most food dependent countries. It would appear prudent to adapt policy to nudge population to a slightly downward trajectory?
Yet though they spoke like they’d been rehearsing for years this point was never addressed. Class 1 hypocrisy imv. There’s more than one way to reduce food dependency. That’s glaringly obvious.
““Over Population is the greatest danger”
Says Planned Parenthood.com.
Can you imagine the numbers of infants in a single year are lawfully murdered in and out of mothers womb would have survived if certain doctors/finance companies/anti-life groups-BBC didn’t put “life” before “costs” and “inconvieneancies”
Good job that Planned Parenthood is the largest supplier of abortons in the USA, then. Annual revenues of $1.3 billion, including $530 million in government funding. And it’s a tax free corporation. Reduce the population and earn some serious money: win-win for liberals.
Emmanuel -What you say about overpopulation is very true. So why is this, the No1 issue, not an issue for the protestors?
Subconsciously, the ‘climate protestors’ have registered that it’s taking place largely in Africa and Asia/ Middle East.
Were Europe the source of overpopulation, you may well be hearing quite a bit about it.
But, like this, it may raise uncomfortable issues / connotations of ‘racism’ or ‘colonialism’, if comments about either of those two continents are made.
I’m even wondering if the profusion of African and Asian faces we are seeing in our stories and advertisements, is not an early surrender notice to the relatively ‘poor young billions’ waiting out there?
We, the ‘rich, old, millions’ await your arrival, since we are incapable of replacing our own dying, with Europeans.
Could it be that all these border elimination issues, all the ‘sanctuary cities’ and the ‘welcoming’ of refugees overlies the dynamics of population growth?
So, instead of celebrating our own communities, we’re going to celebrate ‘diversity’, and act very sharply against anyone who dissents from this line? We could call them ‘far right’, for example, and marginalize and demonize them. Bring witchhunts back to Europe. Turn on our own…
For many Europeans, raising a family these days sounds too much like hard work, so we’ll get a dog instead? I merely pose the question. I may be wrong? It may be governments who are at fault. After all, the Hungarians have decided that they are going to replace their own people with their own people…
So it can’t be too difficult.
Been linked to before, usually by me, never seen it debated mainstream.
Oldspeaker, what date is that video?
Indeed. That’s why it’s called a Witch hunt.
Float = witch.
Sink = witch.
What do you reckon Piers Morgan ?
Seems the real problem is….
Context : the article is OLD from July 2018
+ Raymond Snoddy is a well known Remainiac
The article is very often tweeted by Remainiac robot army
“hardline” is a boo-word label, an ad hom that is used to poison the wells and render someone as toxic
…. It shouldn’t be used in a Radio Times article like that if it wants to have any claim to be impartial.
I agree the emotive language is loaded yet at the end of the day the majority voted ‘leave’. This was a while ago now.
Quite how the majority can truthfully be labelled ‘hardline’ by professional journalists is open to question. How do they keep a straight face?
Journos have such metrolib groupthink that no other journo dared to call out that Radio Times appalling propaganda
It was left to Daily Mail commenters
Click on the “show best” button
This, apparently,
has gone around the world.
All you see on two Google pages that I spot audited is the same text and details of Producer, Editor and Senior Producer. I could not actually get the video to play, so I have no idea what the young lady was actually subjected to, what her testimony is. What may be a distortion of truth is now available on umpteen Internet News sites globally.
That may be the case for millions of others, an unwatchable video but they have received the message via the title and ‘the sub-text’.
Seems to be a non-story. The lady felt that her neighbours were no longer quite so friendly, plus wanted to pursue a singing career in Poland. No particular incident. Comes back to the UK every couple of months so her daughter can see her father. Thinks she’ll come back herself for good eventually.
Note to BBC: she did not move back to Poland after Brexit. Brexit hasn’t taken place yet. You probably mean the referendum. Get some new work experience people in.
Attenb*llocks cartoon from Josh
Boaty McBoatface Attenborough’s face seems to have collapsed. Is this a sign that he’s facing extinction? Is he going to rebel against it?
“Hysteria TV that really is worse than you thought.”
“And there’s [still] no snow in Africa” B. Geldof.
And “there are no rains in Africa”
However, Africa has more water than most continents on earth.
Over to you Bob?
BBC Online News:
“”Mueller report: Eight things we only just learned””
“”Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation paints a decidedly mixed picture of President Donald Trump’s conduct, that provides ample AMMUNITION for either side of the political divide.””
Ammunition and Evidence are not the same thing.
Why allow facts to get in the way of the BBC’s Bias and Distortion?
Feel free to pile in, folks.
A ‘call to arms’ ??
Sounds like an incitement to violence to me.
Far more than talk of “putting the fear of God into MPs”, at least.
Climate Doom prediction record

Re the background in Attenborough’s lies.
He’s nothing but the chief spokesperson for the NIMBY fanatics.
This guy is only saying what his grand children tell him; and the kids are only repeating what their village school master brain washes them with, and the head masters are simply repeating what their scientist friends tell them in the pub; and they are only repeating what they hear from Attenborough on the Pub TV.
“…….moves to cancel illegal immigrants’ public housing access”.
US Government. Bravo!, but don’t stop there.
Links to reviews on Not A Lot of People Know That.
Attenborough’s Climate Change–The Facts Part 1
Climate Change- The Facts Part II
And Delingpole’s take:
Delingpole: ‘Climate Change: The Facts’ Was the BBC’s Biggest Lie Ever
Roland see my list on previous page of this thread
from around 11am
Sorry, missed that! Must have been added since I was there.
I’ll add this from Delingpole:
Since 92 year old beeboid David Attenborough has ‘a call to arms ‘ I was worried in case he is paying higher level income tax on all those fees from the BBC
I needed not to worry – a quick check shows ‘David Attenborough ( productions ) limited has existed since before 1991 so he can be ‘tax efficient ‘
In awarding himself dividends ….
On the UK pollution / climate thing.
A few people on the media and phone-ins of late, have dared mention immigration into our overcrowded island as being relevant.
They have been shut down immediately.
Any genuine or principled or at least sentient environmentalist / Green politician would be totally opposed to immigration. The carbon footprint of people in the developing world is a lot less than in the West; when you transfer people from there to here they have a far higher environmental impact – far better for the planet if they remain in their original country. There is also the question of diet. On the BBC website is a ‘Climate change food calculator’ to calculate the carbon footprint of diet (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46459714). This reveals that Western staples such as potatoes, bread and oatmeal have a far lower environmental impact than rice, with potatoes producing less than 1/6th the amount of greenhouse gases relative to rice. There is currently a BBC-supported UN initiative to discourage the consumption of meat in the West, promote vegetarianism, the eating of insects and so on. When can we see articles and programmes on the BBC urging people in the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia to stop eating rice and switch to eating more bread and potatoes instead? As around three billion people live in that part of the world it would make a huge difference.
In truth, I’m now visiting the BBC less and less. I cannot remember when I last tuned in to a radio or TV channel, I mostly visit the website to get sports results and, in those brief terrifying moments, I sometimes unfortunately skim-read some vomit-inducing headlines such as ‘I wanted my sexuality to…’ or ‘Love Island made me …’ or, Is it ok to take a selfie when..’ or ‘LGBT community..’ or ‘Wrong to treat women as…’ and so on. To be honest, I’ve started using this site as a buffer and am letting others stand on the front line. It’s much easier that way although a bit cowardly, I admit. I think I’m suffering from bbctle fatigue.
Are you still funding it ?
Al Beeb robs from the poor to give to the rich.
Why arn’t you posting on the weekend thread ?