I was going to call it the Easter Open Thread but this site is primarily about bearing witness to the bias of the Far Left BBC as opposed to specific religions [or none ]. Any way – there is a new line of attack for us . The BBC has whole heartedly swallowed all the human- activity-changing- climate stuff . You may agree or not .
But the point is – if the BBC wants to cut its ‘carbon fingerprint ‘ – is it doing it ? How many beeboids are sent to stand in front of events to talk at the camera when they’d do the same job sitting in a studio ? How much carbon is used and taxpayers’ cash spent ?
‘Does this evil organisation practice what it now preaches ? Perhaps every programme should have its carbon footprint published – the number of air miles and car miles – and programme cost -for starters .
Happy Easter .
I hear it’s wrong to refer to snowflakes as snowflakes – a term coined in the USA I think.
It’s provocative, discriminatory and divisive ?
And yet the term describes a person with a set of increasingly common characteristics.
We used to call them, drips – which is still a good word.
Whilst this site is labelled as dealing with BBC bias, it has now become apparent that Sky are just as bad.
This morning they have a headline about Diane Abbott drinking on the London Overground, stating that she is sorry but saying that the frontbencher received supportive messages in reply to her apology with one person writing: “I’ve never felt more represented”.
Sky have a banner on their website claiming you can trust Sky news and yet, here they are with a blatant example of why you can’t trust Sky news.
Diane Abbott broke the law, it is illegal to drink on the London Overgound train on which she was travelling, no ifs, no buts, no exceptions.
A responsible, honest news organisation, one that you can actually trust, would have had a headline “Diane Abbott breaks the law by illegally drinking on TfL trains” but instead they manipulate the news to attempt to lesson the crime by saying that she apologised and has support instead of leading with the fact that she broke the law and overwhelmingly has no support whatsoever.
Why isn’t she being prosecuted for swigging alcohol out of a tin, in broad daylight, contrary to the law of the land? What sort of example is this for a shadow Home Secretary to set?
The MSM are actively engaging in fake news by omission and bias and nothing is being done about it.
If Farage or Batten had done this….
I’m guessing the headline would be along the lines of “Leader and former-leader of the far-right UKIP party show their fascist colours by openly breaking the law and thinking they are above prosecution” with a byline, “Diane Abbott tweets her disgust and calls for the police to act immediately”
Private education for the masses.
I’ve probably spilt more than she’s drunk over the years but I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to drink alcohol while travelling alone on public transport at one o’clock in the afternoon. Well, if I have, I can’t remember it.
I know it’s not Special Brew or Buckfast but old Flabbott might have an issue here, apart from the obvious ones, that could well explain some of her behaviour in interviews and her frequent absenteeism. And why she slept with Jeremy Corbyn.
Haven’t a clue what his excuse could be though, there’s no drink strong enough.
“……….I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to drink alcohol while travelling alone on public transport at one o’clock in the afternoon. Well, if I have, I can’t remember it.”
Excellent ????
“Why isn’t she being prosecuted for swigging alcohol out of a tin, in broad daylight,”
May I suggest “The future Home Secretary” so’s best not to upset her just in case she threatens the train companies CEOs of lowering of ticket prices same week she sits in her new Gulag.
So. I won’t be flying anymore
According to the noble eco warrior Emma Thompson.
Being 60 is far to old to fly economy class.
That applies to you also Fedup.
I know I’m going over old ground but I’ve got to get it off my chest…
I’ve grown heartily sick of watching groups of privileged spoiled brats having temper tantrums in the middle of London. And what’s really cheesed me off has been the reaction from the authorities. Instead of hosing them off the streets they’ve been indulging them.
Our inept mayor, as expected, has been utterly useless. Instead of condemning the impact these posing pillocks have had on commerce, he’s openly encouraged them.
The police have been even more feeble, piss balling about on skateboards and dancing. Clearly they’ve been ordered to take a softly, softly approach, but it’s just not good enough.
The media coverage has been extraordinarily sympathetic to these pretentious phonies. There have been far too few people willing to ask tough questions and I’m sick of looking at their adolescent smirking faces and listening to their ill informed, banal arguments.
And yesterday, just to get my already dangerously high blood pressure up to explosive levels, up pops the endlessly irritating, uber pain in the arse, Emma Thompson. There she is, daft bint, teetering atop the pink boat, having traveled God knows how many thousands of miles by car, plane, train and helicopter, to lecture us about the perils of global warming!
Just when we needed a bleedin’ water cannon…
You speak for many people.
In LeftMob land, ordinary people just going about their lives don’t count for anything.
The Human Rights Act repeatedly shows that the rights of individual troublemakers and criminals, invariably associated with the left, are more important than the incremental aggregate of the loss of life quality their actions have on the rest of us.
As with the protestors, so with Shamima Begun.
Here’s an amusing thought.
The eco lot demand that Britain does more to tackle pollution.
Quite how they think that what we do in this titchy country can actually make a difference in the outside world and to the planet is unclear.
They demand that Britain lead or (somehow) force / cajole / encourage the World to do likewise.
If only we could exert that kind control.
If only we still had an Empire.
If only we still had politicians worthy of our trust…
If only we had, Police, scientists and teachers worthy of our trust.
Please forgive the Capitals. I’m not shouting just trying to get my own attention otherwise I’ll probably go mad. I doubt that the following “quite” capitals makes sense to others but it makes me feel better to get it off my chest
Am I making sense?
AFAIK molecules have weight and are therefore subject to gravity
and therefore do move
There isn’t some magic line between the earth and the air the whole lot moves.
But the clouds like a kicked football are subject to wind
So if there is a wind they will move relative to the ground in whichever way the wind sends them.
I bow to your knowledge of this kind of science and things..
What I should have said is not clouds but air which the UK makes “clean”.
As I recall my Metrological studies, it’s the, ‘Coriolis Effect’.
ves, you have unfortunately forgotten/left out stuff like atmospherics, altitude, land types (plains/lowlands/foothills/hills/mountains), temperatures and prevailing winds, weather-types, climates, etc. And I have probably omitted one or more factors influencing such things in that list already. It is very complicated and brings together lots of ‘sciences’ or aspects of science.
PS: add in jet streams! and laminar flow theory!! and ocean sizes & their prevailing & varying temperatures!!!
PPS: there are probably more …. add estuarine outflows such as El Niño and La Niña
PPPS: Albido effect. Aauughhhh – too many to think of!
Now this edit is working for me down to the fifth minute…. very strange, why not that one yesterday? Four minutes 30 seconds I give up.
While I’m no fan of Abbott I think it’s a bit over the top all this drinking from a can business.
The real worry is that if Harry Perkins gets into number 10 she will be Home Secretary.
It’s not OTT in the slightest. Abbott is the Shadow Home Secretary. She broke the law and deserves to be treated just like any other law breaker. Indeed, there’s a good case for saying that she should be treated more harshly than Joe Public simply because she should be setting an example.
Sky don’t come out of this well. No surprise there, though.
Imagine her in prison, counting the days.
I take it the splif she had was just ‘cultural ‘ ( ok – false news )
Don’t be too surprised if many of the great and good latch on to Janet Street-Porter’s observation in the Independent that ‘…Brexit wasn’t the biggest democratic exercise in modern politics, more voted in the 1992 election.’
This could well become the next Remainer soundbite, it has all the correct ticks, but what our favourite towering intellect fails to grasp is that rather more than two options were on offer in 92, and very probably in a great many other general elections.
Perhaps Janet should stick to giving Lyse Doucet elocution lessons, there’s obviously more work needed there.
Had the turnout been 10% the result would still be implemented. Unless it was the wrong result. Cameron was crystal on this point.
Inspired final sentence!
Caroline Lucas ? People vote for her ?
Britain can somehow single handedly halt Climate Warming ?
‘The Government with Citizens’ Assemblies (and money from the magic pixies ?) can achieve zero emissions in six years. We don’t know what we might achieve, like if we were at war.’
That’s no gas utility, no gas power stations, no IC vehicles, no aircraft, no industry, massive infrastructure works, limited food production and a bankrupt economy.
Caroline Lucas, Spit the Dog, Gordon the Gopher, Flat Eric, Gizmo the Gremlin ……………………………….
Can Britain collectively decide (a bit like when we chose to leave the EU) rather than just leave it Lucas lobbying parliament with her friends?
Actually can this be spelt out like gaxvil does “no gas utility, no gas power stations, No IC vehicles, no aircraft, no industry, no food production, no economy”
Today’s State broadcaster “flavour of the week” seems a bit more of a thing than leaving a club of countries.
“Actually can this be spelt out like gaxvil does “no gas utility, no gas power stations, No IC vehicles, no aircraft, no industry, no food production, no economy”
‘No life’? Well, not as we know it, Jim.
Should we speak up if White Supremacism cult had taken over the BBC
..and our streets ?
.. Well it certainly seems like the #GreenDreamSupremacism Cult has taken over the BBC and our streets
.. therefore we are right to speak up.
As soon as I switch on the radio today, the BBC agenda pushing starts
6:25am Radio Humberside : The Paul Hudson Weather show is basically a GreenDream Religion show
Radio4 was supposed to be talking a place in the countryside
but no, they shoehorned in agenda, by choosing a place which is a memorial to the Amritsar massacre
\\ presenter Anita Anand has grown up knowing about this tragic event //
#GreenDream Supremacism
6:30am the Radio4 4 Farming prog comes on
topic “Farming and Climate Change : Agriculture is responsible for 10 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions – Charlotte Smith finds out what has been done to change that.”
So I switch to Radio5 where they report the death of Lyra McKee : Are the deaths/abuse of other treated equally ?
No first cos she is a journalist and one of media’s own
and secondly cos she in a lesbian marriage with a child she gets much higher victimhood status from the Radio5 presenters than us normal people would.
etc. etc.
The cult are of course pseudoGreens rather than proper maths greens
cos many of the things they do are very ungreen
Then at 9am agenda pushing continues with #NonWhitesAreSpecial
It’s as if the BBC producers scared about not having enough non-whites in their schedule run a project to seek out and air non-whites
In today’s Saturday Live came across as “Look aren’t immigrants doing well”
..#1 They started with Patti Boulaye OBE, 1970’s singer (Nigerian mother and Ghanian father) who fled to UK cos Biafra war when she was a child.
Interesting to hear that she got a part in a musical even tho the audition note said “whites only”
.. I guess the missing context is that auditions for Othello or Porgy and Bess characters were probably marked “blacks only”
cos producers saw certain characters as white/black
#2 Then the next guest was Yami Lofvenberg another black dance artist this time, who was adopted by Swedes ..and cos “I felt that that (Swedish) culture was not me” immigrated to London
(The next 2 guests were white)
Then at 6:15pm on Loose Ends there’ll be another edition of #NonWhitesAreSpecial in Loose Ends , cos it always has a totally disproportionate number

.. but that is partially cos they always have 1 or 2 performers from America
Today’s guests
– Samson Kayo
+ Scottee “working class fag” (Green demo supporter) photo
+ Deborah Frances-White (Australian Feminist comedian beeboid)
+ Danielle de Niese (opera singer)(Australian-born, American singer with roots in Sri Lanka )
+ Prue Leith,
Phew no straight white male guests then, but 3 sets of black male guests (1 American)
And only 1 white woman born in Britain
I believe Prue Leith was born in S Africa….
I believe Prue Leith was born in S Africa….
Ah yes born & grew-up in South Africa
\\ She persuaded her parents to allow her to attend the Sorbonne (formally, the University of Paris), ostensibly to better learn French while studying the Cours de Civilisation Française. While in Paris, she finally realised she wanted a career in the premium food industry.
In 1960, Leith moved to London to attend the Cordon Bleu Cookery School and then began a business supplying high quality business lunches. //
“Yami Lofvenberg”
What she lacks in talent she makes up for it with creased shirts and silly pagan “Friendship Bangels” ( wouldn’t even get a job interview in my day with a shirt like that and I was a self employed lion tamer ; – )
Notre Dame News :
I saw and heard the man responsible for the renovation work state that they were still completing the scaffolding and that there was strictly no electrical equipment/wiring of any sort allowed.
Later, it was reported, that the cause of the fire was probably a short-circuit… 🙁
While the fire was still raging, it was already declared an accident, with arson ruled out.
Later it was a short circuit (?)
Then a computer glitch(??)
Then a temporary elevator (???).
Then an official said it would be months before we knew the cause, if ever.
In other words they haven’t a clue.
So the early statement that it was an accident was a political decision not based on any evidence.
And the suppression of comments about tweets with smiley faces from Islamic names likewise.
If there’d been smiley tweets after Christchurch the beeb and authorities would have been all over the story, not suppressing it.
In the early reporting they said it was probably a ‘stray flame’… 🙁
Chinese lantern?
“In the early reporting they said it was probably a ‘stray flame’…”
Seeing that its Paris bet there were loads of “old flames” erm, I mean, “stray flames” AWOL from England.
cb & vlad, that news releasing and reporting ‘sounds’ peculiarly Skripal like to my ‘ears’.
Speaking of the Skripal production/ Street play, this half hour video by the Duran will amuse and entertain you. I won’t spoil it by revealing the plot line:
j-i-c, am only at 10 mins in to this video. Alexander is a very peculiar guy to have to watch. Compelling & repelling. Wish he would sit further away from his laptop camera!
Once again I have to point out that ‘Novichok’ is a generic term. I find this misuse of it as a specific label very interesting.
The next thing I find interesting is the supposed potency of the version of a Novichok ‘used’ by ‘the spies’. Ineffective in the case of the Skripals, rather more so in the case of the police sergeant who went to their aid and then, some considerable time later, deadly – despite water – for Dawn Sturgess but much less effective, without any dilution or washing for Charlie Rowley. “That does not compute, Captain.” as the pointy eared one would have said if it was an episode of Star Trek. Add in the supposed dead pets at the Skripal home and Spock’s eyebrows would have been travelling upwards at warp speed.
I’ll catch the rest of it later.
But if the CIA were deceiving Trump (think/remember instant use of high energy explosives on an Assad airfield in response to staged photos) and the Veterans for Britain video about the deceit of Parliament by the PM, then I guess that these days, anything goes.
Discernment is becoming a very rare commodity indeed.
From what I have heard, the story could be this.
Although Muslims are banned from working in the Vatican, French laws against discrimination mean that it would be illegal to ban Muslims from working on the restoration of Notre Dame. So a Muslem worker, working on the restoration of Notra Dame, decides to take revenge for the imprisonment of Ines Madani, involved in a foiled plot to blow up a car packed with six gas canisters near the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The worker probably knows Oumar Diaw, also known as Abou Barrou, an influential jihadist of the Islamic State group. He plans to dab odourless accelerant all over the place at work, then makes sure he is the last person to leave the site down the lift. He prepares the fire in the lift while travelling downwards at 6pm.
Even if true – would the French State ever release the details . I suppose they might kill those involved to prevent them boasting of their works when time has moved on a bit ….
RP, why would the accelerant have to be odourless and is there in fact any such accelerant that exists? Pardon me just being a thorough journalist, rather distant in years from his education in chemistry.
The smell of petrol, paraffin or kerosene or other unfamiliar smells associated with dangerous substances would cause suspicion. Odourless kerosene is transparent and widely available. He could bring it onto site in an old Zam Zam water bottle from Mecca, dabbing it all over the site during the day, while going thirsty.
RP, thanks for the info about odourless kerosene. Added to my knowledge. Take the point about smell although at that height it would take some time to reach lower levels and then clergy, staff & tourists would not necessarily react & initiate alarms, would they? They might think it innocent, a spillage of some kind or to even be outside.
However, if the workman was the last to leave, “He plans to dab odourless accelerant all over the place at work, then makes sure he is the last person to leave the site down the lift. He prepares the fire in the lift while travelling downwards at 6pm.” why would it need to be odourless anyway?
Sorry but just being ‘investigative’.
Like the BBC journos used to be.
Many, many years ago.
In Glasgow there is a dinosaur ‘competition’ as two museums are featuring respectively a Diplodocus and a T Rex.
It was pointed out that the Diplodocus thrived in a climate which was ‘much warmer than it is today’.
I’ll leave readers to mull over that one as the ecoloon students continue with their Easter vacation in central London.
Seems like a huge marketing opportunity for dinosaur harness coming soon – within 12 years anyway. Ditch the Tesla and ride to work in state, with an eye out for Tyrano-wardens.
I noted a firefighter was seriously injured tackling the Notre-Dame blaze. Looking for an update on the beeb website but nothing that i can see. Hang on though they are reporting that some Bees are safe and well. I despair.
Seems like the media ‘silly season’ has come early – and I fear it’s here to stay.
The teacher unions are reporting a poll that one in four teachers suffers a physical attack every week.
Leaving aside whether this very high figure is a true reflection and instead consider where these attacks take place.
That’s right. In all those bog standard comprehensives that the left have told us for years are the nirvana solution to education.
Those hated Grammar Schools seem not to have the same problem……….
Time to bring back the cane, most kids only got it once and those who did get repeat beatings oft times ended up in prison!
Sorry Thoughtful, although I agree with bringing back the ‘character building’ cane, I would arguably disagree that repeat beatings oft times ended up in prison. My bog standard comprehensive dished out the lashes with fervour, and for the merest indiscretion. I, nor any of my old school pals, strayed to the dark side because of it. The one teacher we all feared the most was our deputy head, strapping 6ft scottish man and semi pro golfer. Boy, could he swing a one wood.
If state teachers act like kidults the kids will smell the weakness and exploit it … as will feral ‘parents ‘.
I don’t think there’d be many imams assaulted in those madrasas
BBC have now run with the Abbott ‘banned-booze-on-a-train’ story.
“”Diane Abbott ‘sorry’ for drinking on train””
“”Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has apologised after a photo emerged of her SIPPING a can of M&S mojito on a London Overground train.””
“”Ms Abbott, who previously campaigned to end the sale of cheap alcohol, received several supportive messages in reply to her tweet.””
“”One Twitter user wrote: “I’m sincerely sorry you feel the need to say sorry Dianne and i hope you really enjoyed the drink it’s no one’s business but yours.” Another said: “Put it in a water bottle next time.” “”
“”Within the first five months of the ban being enforced, a BBC investigation found that British Transport Police spoke to 35 people who had been seen drinking alcohol on the Tube.
However, none of those incidents was recorded as a criminal offence.””
“”The alcohol ban was introduced by the then Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, in an attempt to tackle unruly behaviour on the TfL network.
It was described by union leaders as “half-baked”.””
BBC damage control for their favoured party.
Or as my left-leaning neighbour just put it: “They shouldn’t be bothering with this trivia when journalists are being murdered on the streets of Britain simply because of their sexuality”.
Selective policing 2
I suppose the response to your neighbour could be:
Tell that to Tommy Robinson, Tim Burton, Kevin Crehan, Paul Golding, Jayda Fransen and all the others who are being persecuted by the state for trivia.
I take it the Shadow Home Secretary has resigned for breaking such an important law ….but then again ….some laws are more important than others …..
Keep drinking Ms Abbot …. I hope it doesn’t upset the ‘condition ‘ you have which makes you unable to do numbers …
“Keep drinking Ms Abbot ”
Said a fellow passenger (M. Portillo ) sat next to her.
“It was described by union leaders as “half-baked”.”””
Said the “half sloshed” union leader/soon to be new labour MP.
Sad to hear that Ms Abbot has a drinking problem – and explains a lot
Thwackety thwack in smoky Paree…
Beeboidwomen are VICTIMS runs the narrative
.. One PR trick used is to state the base BBC salary without adding that other income comes in from public speaking, book deals and image rights
and sure enough here in the Times mag there is a fawning 6 page advertorial for Mary Harper’s new book ..She is World Services Africa editor
tweet link #1 The Times : @HurstPublishers ..@mary_harper
, author of #EverythingYouHaveToldMeIsTrue
tweet link #2 Mirror : “Read @mary_harper’s exclusive first interview in today’s issue of
@DailyMailUK #EverythingYouHaveToldMeIsTrue is out on 25th Apri”
Still it’s not so common to see a new book out from a beeboid woman.
…oh hang on there is another one in today’s Times
Maitliss.. reviewed by her media chum Melanie Reid
..These media people are up their own ar$es
“. on, the causes of “
Sadiq and Sajid working wonders between them on precedent.
News Quiz mentioned how the area smelled of marijuana
…. so much for caring about clean air.
The first sneer at Trump didn’t come until 5 mins into the prog
‘ ..oh he said they should use water bombing planes’
Times cartoons are always nasty, and 95% of the time that’s towards people on the right
Today Brookes does Emma
“They are like Jesus” says priest
\\ The Rev Canon Giles Goddard, vicar of St John’s at Waterloo, who likens the protesters to Jesus in their willingness to be arrested to achieve “necessary change”, agreed three weeks ago to provide vital support to the group.
He has allowed them to sleep in the crypt between shifts manning the blockade, use toilets, showers and kitchens and charge mobile phones used to co-ordinate the illegal protest. //
The Times also has a double page spread on the XR boss woman..plus photo of Chris autistic Packham
I don’t think Jesus ever threatened to tax anyone.
And he had a job, a useful one.
Em churches/religions have historically been quite big on taxing & spending the money on giant follies
BTW Catholic churches are closing cos the can’t get priests
.. they try to import foreign ones, but many of them fail the visa English test.
.. says the Times.
Jesus was dead by then.
This is not a joke it is genuine truth.
One of my neighbours daughter – a complete snowflake had female Pakistani Muslim friend who had been employed testing others for the English citizenship test, but the problem was that her English was so poor she would not have – to anyone reasonable have come anywhere near passing the test. Friends daughter had to help her get through the job training, but I have to say this. Is it any wonder Catholic priests are failing the visa test when Pakistani Muslims who cannot speak adequate English themselves are administering the tests ?
About the same as going into the council housing department and seeing that Nigerians are running it… corruption ? Nah
Moslem security woman wearing a hijab ordered my car to be searched at Portsmouth docks.
“The Rev Canon Giles Goddard, vicar of St John’s at Waterloo, who likens the protesters to Jesus in their willingness to be arrested to achieve “necessary change”, agreed three weeks ago to provide vital support to the group.”
Has he offered to nail them to a peace of wood to prove their commitment?
I wonder if the Police are leaving themselves open to one of those clever HRA actions -?
1 for failing to ensure people can go about their business
2 when the next demo takes place which they choose not to ‘like ‘ and resort to batons and ‘Kettering ‘ or whatever it’s called .
They really have shamed themselves on this . Compare it with the treatment the fellas got for shouting at Soubry – disgraceful bail conditions and remand after remand to screw their lives up .
Equality under the law . Joke . And as a result plod is losing /lost those who would normally support them .
Selective policing 1
The ridiculously soft line taken with the eco festival goers street party can only have come from the top and been sanctioned by the Mayor.
At some point someone ‘up there’ must have decided it was no way to carry on but unfortunately precedence has been set.
They we have, ‘Policing by consent’ but who was doing the consenting?
Could be that one of their ex-cop buddies are now employees of “Injury lawyers RU” and after a brief word with Citizen Khan he thought it best to leave the poor dears on the cold pavement.
Yorkshire : Another serial sex attacker
Essential Reading
If my analysis is right, an understanding the BBC’s ‘deep state’ helps to explain certain obvious biases in its news coverage; why it is, for instance, that the Corporation is so nakedly hostile to Donald Trump’s presidency and Viktor Orbán’s ascendancy in Hungary. Also, why the theories that drive radical feminism are never challenged and why the difficult subject of Islam in the West is consistently soft-pedalled. Most importantly, and overarchingly, this book explains how it is that the BBC has become so deeply hostile to social conservatism – that way of thinking, shared by tens of millions of us, which values a traditional moral code that emphasises virtues like patriotism, self-restraint and decency. Social conservatives are at odds with a media culture which is obsessed with identity politics; they mistrust the campaigns of self-declared victimised minorities – whether defined by sexual orientation, gender.
The BBC has come to the point where it now, seemingly automatically, takes the side of the identitarians in every debate. It has become an unthinking champion of a set of values sometimes called ‘liberal’ (but in no way distinguished by the tolerance once thought integral to a liberal mindset), which has profoundly changed British society over the past half-century. The culture we inhabit – much of it trashy, tawdry and shallow – is in large measure the creation of our media. Individually, we have not willed this culture into existence, it is the work of many hands, but it has arrived nevertheless because there has been no apparent way to stop it, nor any concerted attempt to do so. The first step in reversing the process is for us to collectively understand it, which is precisely what this book sets out to achieve.
Aitken, Robin. The Noble Liar . Biteback Publishing. Kindle Edition.
So what is the remedy to the multicultural irresponsible mess ?
A good start to remedying the mess would be to take away the moral authority the BBC thinks it has by privatising it…
Where does moral authority spring from?
I’m not saying the State broadcaster doesn’t exude it in spades.
I think the BBC claim to ‘ moral authority ‘ comes from its past – you know – broadcasting to the Reich in WW2 and recording hardships people experienced decades ago -for instance – whilst the USSR existed .
It lives on that reputation -in the same way the Police claim legitimacy by being ‘ fair’ ( not now ) or indeed the British State in its now false claim to Democracy .
Sadly I fear that the reputation of the BBC is stronger overseas than in the country which is forced to pay for the Ugly Evil self serving organisation .
You can find a Video interview of Robin Aitkin that I watched some time ago when the book came out. The video interview about that book can be see here:
I think the trouble is; is that we DO understand how the BBC works on this site anyway. It has a plan, an objective and a solution. In a nutshell, ban conservative opinion, promote European federalism and suggest Corbyn has all the right answers (as Trotsky once had). And the EU is a perfect example to us all.
Global Warming ?
Tragic deaths in Aberdeen cos women thought the sea was warmer than it was
Mum-of-two, 36, and student friend, 22, drown at Aberdeen beach after late night swim
Friday’s Times put this as a frontpage story
“Norwegian airlines flight attendants are required to wear high heels”
Strange, Stew. Logic suggests that as cabin crew are also key safety personnel that female flight attendants would be encouraged to low or no heel footwear.
““Norwegian airlines flight attendants are required to wear high heels””
However, for the Muslim flight attendants they are fine as they wear their smock to the floor so passengers can’t tell what they wear on their feet.
Come to think of it, she could very easily be an he!
Times on Friday: Another media story written by the Hatey No Hopers
Yes Facebook has just banned “far-right” people
but Tommy Robinson was not one of them
They banned him weeks ago
They didn’t mention that that was cos he’s supposed to be far right
So why put his face on the online (not print) story ?
The article repeats the false claims that he called for people “to behead and make war” on Muslims
‘This week a counterterrorism expert told Panorama on BBC1 that far-right extremism, including neo-Nazism, was the biggest threat to northern England’.
\\ Seriously? Someone needs to update Wikipedia which states that ‘Since 2001, there have been almost 100 terrorist-related deaths in Great Britain, the vast majority linked to Islamic jihad and religious extremism’.//
Turn the page and you get a UKIP photo montage in one of the 4 photos is a UKIP guy with an eye patch

The headline runs
“Purple patch truly over for Batten’s batty band” by Patrick Kidd
… If there was nothing wrong with that, why are they using a different headline online ?
Another photo of John Whitby
” ‘liberal’ (but in no way distinguished by the tolerance once thought integral to a liberal mindset) ”
Selectively liberal. Completely authoritarian. Nanny has a new name.
It’s funny how important labels have become
Progressive – Good
Liberal – Good
Conservative – Bad
Far Right – Beyond the pale.
British Nationalist – Bad
Scottish Nationalist – Good.
It’s all a matter of perspective (and no the labels are not the ones the subjects would necessarily have chosen for themselves).
English Nationalist – ?
English Nationalist aka Far Right Knuckle Dragger should be thrown in prison without trial preferably for life for just existing.
Proud knuckle dragger here who flies the St George’s Cross flag ( was mistaken for the Georgeon country flag on French campsite)
London based charity gives Erdogan’s wife an award
Jack Straw presents
Has it been forgotten what the Turks did to us in the WW1, what they did as the Otterman Empire, what that Frau woman had arranged with the EU to pay E6 billion euro’s to pursuade Erdogan not to let anymore Muslims to come into Europe-AND they in Brussels still imagine the European Union is on track-on track for what I dare not think. When Britain has at last departed the EU, they will most likely crumble in a pile of poo, of course many will run away with £ millions, that is par for the course.
I must say that hearing the politicians of the FN in France, AfD in Germany , Salvini in Italy Orban , Kurtz etc, does cheer me up no end. I’m sure that we must refuse May’s awful deal, which is in effect staying with no voting rights,, and hence little power to help those above who want root and branch reform of the EU . Either we leave cleanly or we stay , join forces with Salvini et al and help dismantle the EU from inside and take it back to a free trade block of independent sovereign states.
Court ruled it was OK for Labour MSP to send offensive tweet about homosexuality
“I wish his dad had embraced his homosexuality earlier”
Stew, I think it was a pro Scottish independence blogger who said that, and the Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale who called him homophobic for saying it. The court ruled that he wasn’t.
Cheers @Roland my error
it was a complex story that I scanned too quickly
– He said it
– She sounded the HATE klaxon & called him homophobic
– The BBC said she won and didn’t have to pay him damages
– However the court ruled he isn’t homophobic
– BUT she has free speech so she can say it
Campbell said: “It is completely perplexing that the sheriff could find that Kezia Dugdale’s remarks were defamatory yet that she was not guilty of defamation.”
Previous commenters have covered the Abbott drink furore. But I really do think that the BBC report could not be more sympathetic to the potential Home Secretary. Not only does the BBC report tweets from her supporters, but it also suggests that the alcohol ban is unnecessary/ineffective/ a matter of no consequence/a Tory law.
“I’m sincerely sorry you feel the need to say sorry Dianne and i hope you really enjoyed the drink it’s no one’s business but yours.”
“Put it in a water bottle next time.”
The alcohol ban was introduced by the then Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, in an attempt to tackle unruly behaviour on the TfL network.
It was described by union leaders as “half-baked”.
Within the first five months of the ban being enforced, a BBC investigation found that British Transport Police spoke to 35 people who had been seen drinking alcohol on the Tube.
However, none of those incidents was recorded as a criminal offence.
I could not care less about the ban & I consider the Tories as bad or worse than Labour when it comes to introducing restrictions on personal behaviour. However this BBC report has really covered all angles to trivialise the illegal behaviour of the next person to propose such laws.
Jon seems smitten by a limerick:
I’m sure all you Edward Lears out there can do better than my attempt.
Jon Soapy being unbiased as usual.
That ‘another beauty’ seems to have really stung.
Copied that and posted it on Going Postal crediting you, Roland…
You’re most welcome!
@OldGoat where did you put it on GP ?
I can never find anything there.
GP discussions via disqus
Page 15 of the May edition of the Mensa magazine asks “Should the BBC be publicly funded?
The answers are “One obvious injustice here is that all viewers are forced to pay a licence fee to the Corporation so that those who watch all or mostly commercial channels are actually subsidising BBC output which they do not want” and “its output can be biased by a clique promulgating group think” and “I would now argue that the BBC should earn its revenue on a pay to view basis”
“its output can be biased by a clique promulgating group think”
Not satisfied that the UK will not break the 1949 record for the warmest April day (29c), the BBC are now pushing it ‘could’ be the hottest Easter Sunday on record.
Firstly, this is totally irrelevant as there has been warmer 21st April’s on record, whereas many Easter Sundays fall much earlier, ffs many are in March.
And secondly, if the contrived record isn’t broken, they won’t mention that it hasn’t happened. And they accuse others of fake news.
Desperate or what!
“The Met Office has confirmed Saturday as the hottest day of the year, with 25.5C recorded in Gosport, Hampshire.”
Every year is going to have its “hottest day”, and at least one town in the UK will have a record temp. They are stating the bleeding obvious!
It would be the same whatever the temp, cold or hot.
Another point , are there more sample points around the UK than there were in earlier times ?
Propaganda, unadulterated propaganda .
Was it not the hottest day since records began? I think those records began yesterday, mind.
On the other hand it could be tomorrow depending on the temp. ?
Meanwhile, things are certainly hotting up in Paris……………………
“Yellow vest protests: Paris police fear tear gas at demonstrators”
Hey Taff, great news for me that global warming has finally arrived in Gosport, I only live a couple of miles up the road. Time to launch my little fishing boat in the Solent, must be all kinds of new tropical species just waiting to be landed.
Are the EU allowing you to fish off the UK now ?
Probably not. A spot of covert night fishing it is then. That will be until the EUReich graciously issue a legal permit that allows me to fish in their territorial waters.
The Extinction Rebellion arrests have now passed 750 and it seems more than likely that, due to the sheer numbers involved, only warnings will be issued rather then actual, meaningful prosecutions.
It gives a good indication of the what would happen if everyone simply decided to stop paying the BBC television tax – absolutely nothing apart from complete shock from the Liberal elite.
Just got my local election postal vote: But only a choice between three Labour, three Libdem and three Tory candidates. So I signed and posted it back with lots of Union Jack “Get Britain Out: Time to leave the EU” stickers all over it.
Any outfit trying to do accurate polls of voting intentions must just be guessing – I can only think that a non – turn out of brexiters if only Remain parties are on offer could lead to strange outcomes .
It’s a shame the brexit Party wasn’t on offer to you
Or indeed any decent party’s – just the rubbish .
If they don’t honor the result of the referendum , how do we expect them to honor the results of the EU elections?
IMHO, I would not put it passed them to fix the results if it goes against their plans for an European Super State ?
Our MPs have let this once Great Britain down – they are Disgrace to democracy we should not be wasting billions on this charade, we should have left long ago .
Vote UKIP.
Three guesses who the bbc will have in charge of the first ‘Citizens’ Assembly’?
Seems she’s been given Owen’s green room too.
Don’t feel like reading 400+ pages of the Mueller report? We’ve boiled it down to 60 seconds bbc.in/2ZiEEBQ
BBC editorial integrity.
Try 3 minute version ..of how the media misreported it
From Corbett Report
Here in 5 mins Mark Levin rips in to Mueller
BLACK-BLANK-BLACK-BLANK. Harm to ongoing matter regarding the use of the “Steele Dossier” produced by the British for the Clinton campaign and its use by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign.
I wonder how many offspring of those belonging to Extinction Rebellion, and those participating, will be amongst the number at Glasto this year.
And I wonder if any journalist and photographer who will be reporting on the detritus left behind, will make the obvious link with this bunch of protestors and the environment, and the amount of tents discarded by the middle classes and hooray henrys after the event.
The beardies and ‘not so attractive’ women of this movement should look closer to home, before chastising everyone around them. Clearly its their generation of manufacturers who are responsible for the explosion of single use plastic. Its also the generation who are unable to walk more than a few yards without having to swig water or slurp coffee from plastic containers – both of which were evident amongst the belongings of the protestors. WHY ?? God only knows, is it not possible to fill up on liquid before leaving home ?? Forget cannabis and cocaine, the nation’s workers are addicted to coffee, and have to have a ‘fix’ before getting to work. Pathetic.
I’m like Jeff, I get enraged by what I see on my tv and the hypocrisy by two-bit do gooders.
An idea for a Brexit demo might be to protest in front of Glasto and block the entrance
.. you’d need big numbers though.
Stew, now that should get some Guardian/BBC/C4/Sky plus WP/NYT/CNN coverage.
All of it unfavourable ….
… of course.
There would be hundreds of their reporters there.
It would be more amusing to wait until they are all inside the venue and then prevent them from leaving.
Then wait for the howls of protest about needing to get back to their local government jobs, teaching jobs, school and university courses and such. All those unnecessary things these types spend their lives doing, to stroke their own egos.
Then see whether they are actually missed. I suspect the country would continue to function just as well without them.
\\Not led by any union or political party, the “yellow vest” protests have unleashed the worst civil disorder Paris has seen for decades.//
Does anyone know the main reasons for the protest ?
The Wayne Hennessey defence: Adolph who? Nazi salute what? A SECOND World War? You mean there’s been another one after the first?
No one tells us anything out in the Valleys, and I’ve never seen a war film or a documentary or read a newspaper in my entire life.
Just wait till I tell the other lads in the squad, they’ll want to know all about it.
I was just trying to call a waiter.
“Wayne Hennessey ‘desperate’ to learn about Nazis”
They forgot to mention that today is Hitler’s 130th birthday, as celebrated by all Brexiteers, Trump supporters, UKIP voters, people whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Climate Change deniers…drone…zzz. Missed a trick there, BBC.
Don’t go giving them ideas.
Sargon of Akkad “You dirty dirty smear merchants, just go away”
“BBC, ITV have you seen your ratings on TrustPilot ?
BBC : 84% give you just 1 star”
“You guys are severely mismanaging the country.
Your numbers are going down every day
and our numbers are going up.
I don’t care what you say. I’m not apologising for anything – you dirty, dirty smear merchants.”
Stew, mistype from Sargon? ‘mismanaging the country’
Country? Or company, more correctly corporation in the case of the BBC.
‘200 people’ turned up to an 18th birthday party at an Airbnb – it turned into a ‘riot’, they trashed the joint and attacked cops.
The beeb show you a rather boring picture of a sedate street in Manchester.
Other news sources are less coy and show a positively vibrant pic, below.
Those Mancunians – they just love to party, eh?
The mail report uses those pictures
as does MSM and the Metro
Are those red things used in England to drink beer from? I have only seen them in American films.
Good , I hope they trashed the place.
Those Airbnb are the latest ruse for greedy, buy to let, type landlords, to make more money out of normal housing stock than
plain renting
People in many different circumstances rent for many different reasons.
Nasty, mean minded little comment.
Lots of people rent out their own houses on Air BnB. The system depends on trust.
I reckon recent events have proved that there are things far, far worse than Brexit. Satisfying the demands and desires expressed over the climate does make leaving the EU seem so very sensible and simple.
The level of climate misinformation and downright lunacy trumps that of Brexit and that is quite an achievement.
Talking of which – how utterly predictable, unhelpful and quite inane, as an MP and LBC presenter link the shooting of the journalist by the IRA with Brexit.
Still waiting for the link between pollution and Brexit – won’t be long you can bet on that.
Nicked from @AñoNuevo on Going Postal
\\ Gilets Jaunes not worthy of attention by the MSM.
Veterans Parade not worthy of attention by the MSM.
Situation in Libya not worthy of attention by the MSM.
President Trumps innocence not worthy of attention by the MSM.
Instead they have a w@nkfest over Notre Dame, Extinction Rebellion and a shot lesbian.
……………. Just when are they going to realise that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time! //
Pics of Corbyn’s brother’s counter protest
Jeremy Corbyn’s brother calls climate protesters ‘deranged’ as he holds a counter demonstration on Waterloo Bridge
“So good luck expecting Magic Grandpa Corbyn to do anything about climate when his brother is an active denier
– oh no another flaw in the Dear Leader ”
Real science proves CO2 levels are effect not cause: Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or only a maximum of 16ppm of the increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. So if you use facts instead of assumptions, then only a maximum of 16 percent of the increase in CO2 was man-made. This is not a surprise if you realise that ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans and that the Oceans dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is dependent upon the heat in the Oceans. So even 84ppm of the 100ppm of CO2 in the Atmosphere attributed to man made emissions is proven to be a hoax, let alone the assumption that CO2 is causing any Global Warming, being a hoax.
This lesbian – the BBC keep describing her as a journalist, but omit to mention any outlets she worked with / for apart from
”This is her last tweet, sent from the scene of the unrest.”
so does Tweeting class you aa a journo these days?
at least for the left wing.
‘ One reporter who was at the scene said a gunman “came round the corner and fired shots indiscriminately towards police vehicles”. ‘
Sounds discriminately enough to me .
What did they expect him to do, spend 5 minuets settimg up and aligning a tripod for his gun or something…
Farage in Nottingham Today (Not mentioned by the BBC):
Jeremy Corbyn’s brother calls climate protesters ‘deranged’ as he holds a counter demonstration on Waterloo Bridge
“So good luck expecting Magic Grandpa Corbyn to do anything about climate when his brother is an active denier
– oh no another flaw in the Dear Leader ”
Our Lefty says “Drain The Swamp”
a top thread